Not A Babysitter (F/M, F+/M)

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Not A Babysitter (F/M, F+/M)

Post by bw7098 »

“I don’t need a babysitter mom! I’m fuckin 20 years old”

“For the last time Aiden, she’s housesitting, not babysitting! She’s just here to water the plants and clean the house while I’m gone”

“I can do all that stuff!”

Aiden’s mom Anne, wearing a white mock neck tank top and matching white jeans, fixes him with a skeptical look as she rests one hand on her cocked hip and purses lips. “Oh really? And when was the last time you cleaned anything?”


“Well, uh, there was that time… Well I’ve been away at college most of the year so…”

“Hmm, that’s what I thought.” Anne takes a smug sip of her post-dinner coffee. The two are both standing in the kitchen with Anne’s bags near the door, ready to leave once the house sitter gets here.

“Fine I just hope she knows she’s not the boss of me.”

“Please just be polite Aiden,” Anne sighs. “She’s a very nice woman, and she’s doing us a big favor. Plus I think she has a son close to your age too so you too will probably get along great.”

“Whatever, I’ll just be in my room all weekend.”

Anne starts to respond when the doorbell rings.

“Oh there she is!” Anne speedwalks over and opens the door.

“Heyyyy chica” Aiden hears a voice with a slight Puerto Rican accent speak through the door.

“Hi Elena! Thank you so much for doing this!” Anne and Elena share a hug before they both walk back inside into the living room.

Aiden tries to sneak back up into his room but is stopped by his mother’s voice.

“Ahh, ahh, Aiden, please say hello to our guest. Elena this is Aiden”

Elena is a head shorter than Anne, making her probably two heads shorter than Aiden, yet she still struck an imposing figure. She wore form fitting jeans and a tight black tank top which hugged her curves and her slight cleavage hinted at the large breasts compressed into her top. Her naturally tanned body was in very good shape for her age, which Aiden estimated to be around early 40s. He noticed her tight tummy would occasionally be exposed by the short tank top if she moved a certain way.


“Hi Aideeeen!” Before Aiden could snap out of his trance she already closed the distance between them and gives him an almost spine snapping hug, further showing off her strength. “Your mom has told me so much about you! I’ve heard you’re quite the troublemaker. I’ll have to keep a close eye on you!” Elena looks up at him and smiles sweetly as she cocks her head.

Aiden is taken aback at her comment and the confidence she said it with. He tries to get out a retort but Anne interrupts him.

“Now Elena,” Anne starts with a hint of sarcasm. “Aiden wants to make it very clear that you’re not his babysitter, you’re the house sitter.”

“Aww of course not!” Elena pouts with fake shock. “I know Aiden’s a big boy, aren’t you chico?”

Aiden slightly nods his head, getting the impression he’s being made fun of.

“Ok I’ve got to go.” Anne rushes to the door and gathers up her bags. “Thank you so much again Elena”.

“No problema chica!” Elena gives Anne a hug.

Anne turns to give her son a hug as well only to find he has successfully retreated to his room.

“Ahhh, that boy” Anne sighs. “See you in two days Elena! Have a fun weekend!”

“Adiossss!” Elena calls out as the door shuts and she smiles mischievously. She planned on having a very fun weekend indeed.


A few hours after Anne left for the airport Aiden receives a knock on his door.

“Aiden, mi amor” Elena calls through the closed door. “Can I come in?”

“Nooo” Aiden calls back lazily.

Elena sighs. “Ok well I’m going to bed.”



“Yeah” Aiden rolls his eyes as he hears her footsteps walk away. Now was the time. Aiden was already in his going out clothes, a nice button down shirt and khakis, he even had a tie which he thought would make him seem older. Him and his friends plotted weeks ago, when Aiden found out his mom would be away to finally use their fake IDs to get into the local bar. Aiden looks down to see a text from his friend reading “We’re in the car outside.” Aiden smiles to himself and ever so quietly opens his door and sneaks down the pitch black hall and down the stairs towards the front door. It’s only maybe 10 feet from the door when he thinks he makes out a figure standing in front of it.

Suddenly the lights flick on and Aiden is briefly blinded.

“Hola chico” Elena is leaning against the front door, her shoulder length black hair now in a messy bun. She wore a silk black robe which was loosely tied around her waist allowing Aiden a generous view of the inner half of each of her breasts.


“Elena!” Aiden was shocked, partially to see her but also to see her in such little clothing.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She crosses her arms and cants her hips.

“I well… I was…”

“Going out with friends?” She smiles sweetly.

“How… how did you know?”

“It’s funny I was just about to go to sleep when I saw a car park right out on the street. Friends of yours?”

Aiden looks away turning red.

“You really need smarter friends cariño. Trust me, I get it, I used to sneak out to bars all the time in my day, but you always park down the street, not right outside.”

“Ok, fine we’ll remember that next time thanks for the tip” Aiden walks towards the door but Elena steps forward to intercept his path.

“Uhh, uhh uh” Elena wags her finger in Aiden’s face. “I can’t let you go out tonight. It’s past your bedtime”

Aiden steps back, shocked by her denial. “Well you’re not my babysitter, you’re just the house sitter so you have no control over me! My mom said so herself!”

“Truuue. But if you get busted for underage drinking and the cops come to the house, that wouldn’t be good for the house which would be a problem for me, the house sitter.”

Aiden rolls his eyes when he hears his phone vibrating and quickly pulls it out of his pocket to answer it. At that moment Elena strikes, she grabs Aiden’s wrist causing him to drop his phone.

“What the hell!”

She twists it causing Aiden to scream in pain. Not even a moment later Elena sweeps his legs causing him to crash to the ground, landing hard on his back. Elena pounces on the stunned young man, straddling his chest and pinning his arms to his sides between her muscular thighs.

“Get off of me you stupid chmmmmph!”

Aiden’s insult was cut short when Elena clamps one powerful hand across his mouth which causes him to thrash wildly, which jostles Elena slightly but makes no real progress in attaining freedom.

“Shhhh” Elena puts the index finger from her free hand to her mouth. “I have to take this call.” Elena reaches to the still vibrating phone on the ground and answers it in.

“Holaaa, quien esta?”

“Uhh hello? Is uh Aiden there?”

Elena looks down at the panicked, muffled Aiden and winks. “Ohh, I’m so sorry Aiden’s really not feeling well” She pouts.

“Well can we talk to him? We were supposed to um, hang out”

Aiden, barely able to make out what his friend was saying, screams as loud as he can into Elena’s hand to try and notify him that something was wrong. It didn’t work.

“Oh no! Well let me see if he’s up.” Elena brings the phone away from her ear and yells “Aiden, Aiiiideeeeen” of course getting no response besides increased struggles from the man she was currently straddling. “Lo siento, I think he’s gone to bed.”

“Oh, ok”

“Yeah he’s really sick, so maybe don’t call again for a few days and give him some time to recover. Ok adiooooos” Elena hangs up before the person on the other end can even respond and after a few moments she sees through the window the headlights of the car disappear as it drives away. “He seems like a good friend, you’ll see him again, but for now it’s bedtime for you chico.”

This starts Aiden off with renewed muffled screams and weak struggles. This only causes Elena to laugh as she loosens and plays with his tie. “Aye dios mio! Did you wear this because you thought it would make you look older? Silly boy.” She laughs as Aiden turns red from embarrassment.

She then unties the tie from around his neck and in one motion releases the grip from his mouth and flips him onto his stomach. Before Aiden could even process this shift let alone consider an escape, she straddles him again and wrenches his arms behind his back causing a cry of pain from Aiden. Within seconds Aiden’s hands are tied tightly together with his own neck tie.

Aiden grunts in pain as the tie is finished and Elena stands up to admire her work. “What the fuck are you doing. Wait until my mom hears about this!”

“Calmate, calmate.” Elena lifts Aiden up by his bound wrists first to his knees and then to his feet. “So cranky. You need to rest” Elena starts marching Aiden back up the stairs as he thrashes trying to break her grasp. He curses and screams at her all the way to his room where he is unceremoniously thrown onto his bed face down. “Cool room” Elena says with a smile, surveying her surroundings.

“Oww! Let me go you fucking psycho!”

She scans Aiden’s closet “Now what can I use here…” Ignoring Aiden as she thinks to herself. “Ah, perfecta!” She reaches into the closet.

Aiden hears a number of items fall softly onto the bed. He turns to see a handful of neckties which Elena pulled out of his closet.

“What the hell are you ghhhhing!” Aiden is once again cut short as one of his own ties is shoved between his teeth and tied around the back of his head forming and impromptu cleave gag.

“Tranquilo, tranquilo” soothes Elena, petting the back of Adrien’s hair as he gags and jerks about. Next Elena removes his shoes and ties his ankles together with one necktie, another goes around his elbows, Elena uses a black leather belt she found to secure his thighs together since a necktie wouldn’t wrap all the way around. Finally one more neck tie goes from his wrist tie to his ankle tie, locking him in a strict hogtie. With each new tie Aiden gets angrier and angrier and screams into his gag with more and more fury. After her work is done Elena pushes her captive onto his side with his head resting on a pillow.

Elena steps back with her hands on her hips to survey her work. “There we are! Finalmente!” She giggles as she stares into his rage filled eyes. She then yawns and gives an exaggerated stretch, exposing her midriff through her robe. “I am sleeeepy! You’ll be sleeping like this tonight.”

“Ghhhhhh mmmmmuh gggpphhhh!” Aiden flops like a fish on his bed.

“Mmmmm mmmmmm!” Elena mocks back. “Feel free to waste your voice and energy all you want, you’re not getting out.

Aiden settles down, rage still filling his eyes.

“There we go. Buenas noches chico” Elena shuts off the lights and turns back as she exits the room. “We can discuss untying you tomorrow morning.” She then blows him a kiss he is unable to catch and closes the door leaving him in complete darkness.
Last edited by bw7098 2 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Great start, looking forward to what the “babysitter” has planned for Aiden.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story so far! Looking forward to part two.
I hope that Elena humiliates him thoroughly. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by houdinincfm »

Great start - love it!
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Ya, this is going to be good!!!!
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Hopefully, there is a continuation.
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Post by Simo »

He definitely needs to be taught a further lesson in the morning, maybe being kept in some sort of bondage and gagged until his mother comes home ;)
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

loving this
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Post by bw7098 »

Part II

It was perhaps the longest night of Aiden’s life. He tried struggling and picking at the knots which held him hogtied on his bed, but after an hour or so he was resigned to the fact that Elena had tied his bond too tight and he was in fact stuck like this for the night. The next hour was Aiden stewing in hatred for his captor. He imagined his revenge and all the ways he could achieve it. He dreamed of breaking free of his bonds with his incredible male strength, then attacking her in her sleep, returning the favor and hogtying her so she couldn’t escape. He gets aroused thinking of her writhing around in bondage with sad, defeated eyes while he laughed at her for a change. He imagines presenting her bound form to his mother when she returns as definitive proof that he was finally the man of the house, a conquering hero of old.

He snaps out of his delusion when he realizes that he is no hero. He is the conquered. Overpowered and taken prisoner by a woman twice his age, left bound, frustrated and humiliated as his captor slept soundly mere meters away. This sad fact left Aiden praying for sleep, at least he could escape his humiliation in his dreams. Unfortunately for him, sleep was scarce, he would slip in and out but his numb hands, raised legs and slightly arched back made it near impossible to relax in any sense. It was a relief to see the sun suddenly rise and beam through his window. He eventually hears steps creak across the hallway. Finally she was going to release him! But then instead of entering his room he hears her enter another. Then he hears the sound of the shower running.

“Hmm! Hmmmm!” he calls out through his gag. Aiden couldn’t believe it, she was taking a shower while he was still tied up! Plus there was a whole bathroom attached to the bedroom she was sleeping in, meaning she purposefully went to this bathroom to agonize him even more. He even heard loud latin music playing from the shower and her singing along! This woman was truly evil. Eventually the music and the shower noises died down and he heard her walk back to her room.

A few minutes later she strutted down the hallway again Aiden’s eyes were fixed on the door praying for her to enter but she didn't. Instead she walked down the stairs and Aiden smelt and heard breakfast being made. The thought of Elena having a relaxing breakfast while he lay bound in his own room made his blood boil. “Hmmmmmm! Hmmmmm! Hmmmmmm!” he screams into his gag and thrashes around, still wholly futile, but it helped get the rage out.

When he hears Elena ascend the stairs and pass his room, he screams as loud as he possibly could into his gag. Elena’s footsteps stop outside his room and finally the door opens.

“Buenas dias cariño, how did you sleep?” Elena flashes an infuriating smile as she leans against Aiden’s bedroom door. She’s wearing grey sweatpants and a matching grey t-shirt that leaves a small part of her midriff exposed.


“Nrh grrn!” Aiden replies. “Rmh mm gr!”

“Oh honey, I can’t understand you” Elena closes the distance and sits on the edge of Aiden’s bed and strokes his face. He tries to pull away but physically can’t. “Look at you, muchacho macho. Don’t feel so strong now do you? Letting yourself be tied by an older woman.” She ruffles his hair causing a fresh bout of enraged muffled screams and struggles from her captive which elicits her giggles. “Look I know I said we’d talk about releasing you today, but I think you’re better off like this!”

“NRRRR! NRRRRR! RMH MM GR MRR CRRHM HNHCH!!!” Aiden thrashes around helplessly.

“Oooh, feisty.” She pats him on the head and giggles. “I have big plans for you today, and they work better if you’re tied up.”


“Well I know you were upset about not being able to hang out with your friends last night, so I invited a few of my own over to have una pequeña fiesta, and you’re going to be our guest of honor! Now doesn’t that sound fun!”

“Nrrrrr, rnhm mm mrr!!!!” Aiden rolls around, unable to move his appendages in any meaningful fashion.

“Aww, someone is excited!”

“NRRRR!” Aiden bounces up and down on his stomach.

Elena chuckles to herself. “Wow, I really outdid myself huh chico?” She plucks at his binds. “You’ve been tied for nearly 10 hours and they’ve barely loosened! You need to work out more.” She laughs as she squeezes his flabby biceps. “In fact that’s going to be your first activity for the day, you’re going to join me for my morning workout!”

Aiden groans in annoyance. How is he supposed to workout while tied up? The answer was worse than he ever thought.


“97, 98. Keep going! You’re almost at 100!”

Aiden was hyperventilating which was made difficult by the two strips of duct tape which covered his mouth. He completes his next sit up.

“99” Counts Elena. “Vamos perezoso! You’re not done until you hit 100!”

Somehow through his burning legs and abdomen Aiden is able to finish his last sit up and collapses onto his back.

“Good job!” Cheers Elena. “I mean that was definitely a lot more challenging than it should have been for someone your age. I mean I completed my sit ups like 10 minutes ago.”

Aiden was too exhausted to even acknowledge the taunt with a grunt. He lay on his back, forcibly stripped to his underwear, hyperventilating through his duct tape gag with his wrists taped behind his back and his ankles taped together. Aiden was at first glad that Elena switched out his neck tie binds for slightly more comfortable duct tape, but after an hour of a grueling workout session, he wished she had just left him hogtied in his room. She stands over the exhausted man, hands on hips with a devilish smile. She was now wearing a black sports bra and dark red workout shorts which revealed her incredibly toned body in all of its glory. Judging by her workout regiment which Aiden was struggling through, it was obvious how she achieved and maintained this body.


“Ok, next workout! Wall sitting!”

“Nr mrrm hrmrhm!” Aiden pleads as Elena lifts him up and drags him to the wall.

“Oh don’t be a bitch, we’re almost done. Now back against the wall and legs together.” Elena gives a small chuckle, knowing that he had no choice but to keep his legs together. “If you can hold this position for 30 seconds then we can be done for the day. If not, you’re doing cardio. Starting now!”

Aiden shuts his eyes and strains as he tries to maintain the sitting position against the wall. It was made slightly harder due to the fact that his bound arms were sandwiched between his back and the wall.

“10” Elena counts

He tried to tune everything out, Elena’s counting, the deep bass of Elena’s pump up playlist, even his own anguished grunts.

“20” she continues.

Aiden opens his eyes, he sees Elena has moved directly in front of him, staring deep into his eyes and smiling. She then steps forward and takes a seat right on Aiden, straddling his suspended lap.

“Mhhhhhh” Aiden’s eyes go wide partially out of shock but mostly due to the strain of the added weight.

“5.” Elena smiles in his face.


“4.” Elena grabs the back of his head.


“3.” Elena pulls Aiden’s head down, stopping a hair’s length from her compressed buxom.

Aiden’s legs started wobbling and he knew it was over.

“2.” Elena puffs out her chest pressing Aiden’s face into it ever so slightly which was all the distraction and shock he needed to lose his last bit of will and he collapses to the ground, still straddled by the smiling Elena.

“Oh nooooo!” Elena slowly stands up, hip checking Aiden’s head into the wall on the way up. “You were so close!”

“Hrcch mrr! Mhm nnn mrr nr hhrh! Hrcchnng rmh mm gr!” Aiden yells back, twisting his torso as he struggles against the duct tape.

“Hey, don’t blame me. You’re the one who hasn’t been to the gym in 2 years.” Elena bends down and lifts Aiden up by his bound arms. “Someone has some running to do!”

“Rrnnnng?” Aiden asks in confusion as he’s led to the treadmill and forced onto it.

“Well, more like hopping I guess” Elena turns the machine on with a grin and the platform starts moving. “Get going little conejito!” She giggles as she pantomimes a rabbit hopping.

“Nrrr! Hhrh nh! Mrmnrrrr!” Aiden protests but is still forced to hop along the treadmill with his two bound feet. It starts slow but Elena quickly ups the speed forcing him to hop with more urgency, causing ripples down his slightly flabby body.

Elena laughs and pulls out her phone which was lodged between her hip and her tight short shorts. “This is too good!” She starts recording Aiden’s humiliation, slowly walking around the treadmill to get all the angles. “Go conejito go!” she taunts.

Aiden wants to scream at her through his gag but he’s too focused on not falling, looking down at his bound feet, making sure they land square.

Elena halts in front of the treadmill and stops recording, looking up at the panic man. “Well, I think I’m done for the day, but don’t let that stop you, I think we finally found something you’re good at!”


Elena takes a gym towel from a nearby bench and wipes sweat from her breasts. “I’m going to go take a dip in the pool, I’ll come check on you in a little bit.”

“Nrrrrrrr! Nrnh rmrhm mm rnchm hhnh!”

“Ciao!” Elena gives a flirty finger wave and struts off leaving Aiden imprisoned on the treadmill.
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Very nice! This story is so good. Can't wait for more!
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine continuation! I hope Elena keeps Aiden in strict bondage the entire weekend, makes him do all of the cleaning while bound, and finds more ways to utterly humiliate him. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

wow, love to hear more & more...incredible
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Post by bw7098 »

Part III

Elena gracefully glides through the water with a gentle freestyle stroke. It was a scorching hot day and the sun was bearing down so the chilled pool water was just what she needed to cool off. She reaches the end of the pool and stands up and gives a curt wave to the figure watching her from the side.

“Hola chico! Como estas?”

Aiden gives no answer of course. He’s right where Elena left him after being brought outside after his workout. Elena doesn’t know for how long he was able to stay on the treadmill, but when she went back in to check on him he was laying on the ground in pain having obviously messed up one of his hops. Now he lay on a cushioned blue lounge chair, his feet and hands still wrapped in duct tape, but his mouth was now stuffed and wrapped with a plush beach towel, which made a comically large gag which covered a good part of his face and forced his jaw wide open. He stared back at her with intense hatred which unfortunately for him she couldn’t see as before going into the pool she placed her reflective sunglasses on his face which he has been trying to shake off but to no avail.

“The water is so nice! Wish you could join me!” Elena smiles as she twists her torso, running her hands through the almost waist deep water. The bright sun’s reflection is beaming off her metallic blue bikini and glistening wet skin, which despite Aiden’s hatred, he just couldn’t look away from.


“Aww don’t worry, I’ll keep you company.” Elena starts up the pool ladder. Aiden swears she exits the pool in slow motion like it was a demented episode of Baywatch. With a devious hair flip and smile she struts over to Aiden’s bound form and takes the sunglasses from his eyes and puts them over hers.

“Thanks for holding them for me!” She gives him a smooch on the cheek and lays down on the lounge chair next to him. She grabs a bottle of suntan lotion and hypnotically lathers her entire body with it. Starting with her smooth legs, working up to her tight stomach, then her toned arms and finishing with a healthy spread between her bikini cups and over her breasts. She notices Aiden staring.

“Oh, you want some?” She asks, shaking the bottle in her hand.

Despite that not being the reason he was staring, Aiden nods his head yes and he was already feeling his skin burning.

Elena giggles and puts the bottle down “I don’t think so honey, you’re so pale. A tan will do you good.

“Nnnnnnnmph” Aiden groans and twists slightly. He curses himself for thinking Elena would actually be nice enough to help him.

“Deep breaths chico. Just let the rays wash over you.” She lays down on the lounge chair, heads behind her head, biceps flexing in the process. She relaxed in various sunbathing positions while Aiden baked and burnt right next to her.

At one point she went to take her top off, but noticed Aiden staring in anticipation. “Uh, uh, uh” She smirked at him and grabbed a towel to wrap over his eyes to the sounds of annoyed grunting. She then removed her bikini top and dropped it on Aiden’s burnt chest with a giggle. This may have been a blessing in disguise as Aiden, still exhausted from his sleepless night, was thankfully able to sleep with the blindfold blocking out the sun.

“Buenos dias!” Aiden suddenly wakes up to Elena, with her top back on, removing his blindfold. “How was your nap?”

He didn’t know how long he was out, but it must have been a while as the sun looked close to setting and his skin was a bright red and peeling from intense sunburn. He tries to shift around but is met with a burning pain from his skin. “Nmmmm” he groans in pain.

“Wow, looks like you were left in the oven a bit too long.” A devious grin crosses her mouth. “Wait, let me try something.” She suddenly gives Aiden’s stomach a powerful flat handed slap which causes him to cry out in muffled pain.

“Ha ha, look!”

Aiden looks down to see a bring white hand print left in his burning red skin that lingers for quite a while. Aiden rolls his eyes in annoyance as the pain starts to fade.

“Ok, let’s get you back inside. My friends should be over soon for the fiestaaa!” She shimmy’s her bikini wrapped chest with the last word and pulls Aiden to his bound feet causing him to grunt with pain. “Hop hop!” Elena gives him a firm spank on the rear and holds his arm as he slowly and painfully hops back to the house.
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Wow! I wonder if she's going to stash him away to keep him her little secret.........
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Post by Scottstud94 »

It was a brilliant and cruel move to intentionally give him sunburn.
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Post by bw7098 »

Part IV

“Hola chicaaaaas!” Elena cries out hands above her head.

She’s met with a chorus of high pitched girly screams and woos from her four invited party guests. Elena is swarmed in a group hug and many cheek kisses as the women stream into the house.

“Ooh you lookin sexy Mamí!” Says Lucia, one of the guests.

“Not as sexy as you guapa!” Responds Elena, giving her friend a small bump with her hip.

Neither women were lying or over exaggerating. Elena wore a tight red halter dress with a very low neckline, showing off not only her ample cleavage, but also her incredibly strong back and arm muscles.


Lucia, shorter and less in shape than Elena, wore a sparkly silver sequined mini dress that contained her much larger breasts and just barely so.


“So what’s the big surprise you’ve been talking about all day?” asks Simone a towering and muscular Dominican woman wearing a tight black 2 piece mini dress.


“Yeah, and who’s house is this?” Asks Lucia

“Siéntate, sit down ladies. All will be explained”

Her friends, eager to find out the secret, follow her command and sit in the living room while Elena remains standing.

“Ok, un memento!” Elena quickly rushes out of the room leaving the dolled up latinas looking around to each other confused. They hear a rolling and Elena struts around the corner rolling an object covered with a white bed sheet and stopping it in the living room in front of the women. The women looked confused as Elena smiled widely like a game show model to the side of the white sheet, which seemed to be shifting slightly.

“Ladies,” Elena starts. Then with a flourish yanks the sheet off revealing Aiden in all his humiliation. His wrists were duct taped to the armrests of a rolling swivel chair and his ankles were similarly wrapped and pulled back with more duct tape which connected to the chair base. His mouth was covered with two strips of duct tape making an “X” shape across his mouth.

The ladies gasp and then laugh in amusement at seeing Elena’s surprise.

“Say hola to Aiden!” Elena continues over the giggles.

“Hola Aiden” they all say in unison as they rise from the couch to get a closer look.

Aiden’s eyes are wide with horror and his face turns red, well a deeper red than his already sunburnt face. He’s immediately embarrassed sitting bound and gagged in only his underwear and a bowtie which Elena added for further humiliation right before the guest showed up. Aiden tried to turn his head and shift his weight to back away from the approaching women but Elena held him steady.

“Aww, look he’s scared” Says Brianna sweetly bending down with her hands on her knees. She was a bubbly, busty latina with curly brown hair wearing a blue dress with a cutout for her cleavage which was currently squished together by her inner arms not too far from his face. “Don’t worry baby, we don’t bite.” She caresses his face softly.


“Speak for yourself Bri” The muscular Simone pushes her out of the way and snaps her teeth in Aiden’s face with a smile drawing laughs from the rest of the group.

“Well thank you for inviting us into your home!” says Lola sarcastically, extending the laughs. Lola looked slightly older than the rest of the women and was dressed the most elegant, but just as sexy. She wore a glittering gold cocktail dress extended from her heavy breasts and stopped right above her knee, making her look like a goddess of old.


“Oh it’s not his.” interjects Elena. “It’s his mom’s. She asked me to babysit little Aiden here.” Elena places a hand on his shoulder.

“Hrhmhnhhm?!?!” Asks Aiden angrily.

“Ooops, that was supposed to be a secret” Elena fake winces. “Aiden’s mommy didn’t trust him to be all alone so she asked me to babysit and told him I was just housesitting.” The women laugh as Aiden thrashes in his bonds. “And she was right, I caught him trying to sneak out to a bar through the front door!” The women tut and shake their heads at the thought of his pathetic attempt.

“Not too smart are you chico?” Lucia jokes, ruffling his hair.

“Not too strong either apparently.” comments Simone squeezing his flabby bicep.

“Aww be nice to him!” Pouts Brianna taking a seat on Aiden’s lap kissing him on the cheek despite his attempt to pull away.

“Ooh, someone likes you Aiden” coos Elena.

“Be careful” warns Lola in his ear. “She might seem sweet, but she’s el diablo.” Aiden looks over and Brianna winks at him confirming the warning.

“Well since he wasn’t able to go out with his friends, I said he could party with mine. So let’s get this party going chicas!” Shouts Elena turning on latin dance music.

“Wooooo!” the ladies respond, raising their arms.

“Let’s do shoooots!” suggests Lucia to another round of “Woooos!”

Lola starts pouring everyone shots of tequila and Brianna exits Aiden’s lap as the ladies make a circle around him.

“Salud!” Elena cheers. “A toast to our gracious host and her not so gracious son” The surrounding women laugh before downing their shots.

“Another!” Lucia cheers. More Woooos!

“To women!” Cheers Lola ruffling Aiden’s head as they all laugh before taking another shot.

“I feel bad” Says Brianna. “He’s not taking any shots.”

“Is he even 21 yet?” asks Simone.

“Close enough” answers Elena.

“Motorboat shots!” Cries Lucia to a chorus of Woos.

“Mrhrrhrrh hhrhh?”

Before Aiden could realize what was happening, he feels his head yanked back by Lucia and the back of the chair leans with him so that he’s facing the ceiling. She then rips the duct tape off of his lips.

“Ahhhhh! What the heghhhh”. Aiden’s outburst was interrupted by a flow of tequila poured down his throat by Lucia which lasted merely a second. When it stopped she bends over from Aiden’s side, tilts his head and pulls it deep into her cleavage. While Aiden’s head is trapped inside the sandwich of soft flesh, she violently shakes both her breasts and his head around, causing almost painful collisions with his cheeks. After she pulls him out she gives him a quick slap to the face and forcefully spins his chair leaving him disoriented.

His spinning stopped abruptly. He was barely able to make out Lola gold wrapped breasts above him before she forced his mouth open and poured more tequila down his throat. She then followed suit and shoved Aiden’s head into her breasts and slapping him around with them leaving Aiden sputtering. She then slapped him for real and spun him once more. He now knew what a Motorboat Shot was.

Next was Simone who’s muscular chest had the least padding to bounce off of and who by far slapped the hardest. Then was Brianna who clenched him more lovingly to her chest but left him there longer than the others and who’s light slap drew groans from the assembly. Finally Elena, who decided to straddle Aiden and bounce up and down on his lap as she poured and forcibly motorboated him. With her last slap the ladies cheered. Aiden on the other hand was too stunned and disoriented to think. The world was spinning, due in part to the actual spinning along with all the alcohol he just drank.

“Pbleasee, nmmore.” Aiden barely articulates. His begging elicits laughs.

“Sounds like he wants moreeee!” Cheers Lucia.

“Noo, pblease” Is all Aiden is able to make out before his head is pulled back, this time roughly by Simone and the whole ordeal starts over again in a new order. Aiden only perceives the intense spinning , the violence of the women’s cleavage and the intense sting of their slaps. The alcohol being forced down his throat doesn’t even register to him anymore.

The rest of the night is a blur to Aiden. He remembers snippets and fragments, most of them humiliating. Such as being regagged, but this time having his mouth stuffed with the five panties of the five women on the request of the seemingly sweet Brianna. Or the elegantly sensual striptease and lap dance by Lola which left a mess in his underwear that did not go unnoticed or unmocked. He even remembers being untied from the chair so Simone could carry him around on her shoulder, proving to the others how strong she was.

He mostly remembers his anger. Anger at the beautiful women shaking their hips to the music looking down on him with mocking smiles, bumping into his chair as he slid around the dance floor sandwiched between the hot press of their bodies. Anger at his mom for thinking he couldn’t handle himself. He imagined her walking into the party, telling him “I told you so” and then joining in on the party. He was of course most angry at Elena, the vile temptress who trapped and humiliated him. Watching her smiling brightly, swinging her arms and hips round in her tight red dress, he swore revenge no matter the cost.
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Brilliant continuation👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 maybe in the next part have 1 or 2 of the women be wearing leather pants🖤 & have the mother showing up & she ties up 1 or 2 of her son's friends. 😈😁❤️‍🔥
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

incredible, look forward to more
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Post by Escapee4520 »

I wonder if she will keep him tied up and gagged while she sleeps. Just to make sure he doesn't get away.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Escapee4520 wrote: 2 months ago I wonder if she will keep him tied up and gagged while she sleeps. Just to make sure he doesn't get away.
I’d have him in chains, tied down to the bed. Can’t have him getting away, but I’m sure there’s not a chance he’s escaping these chicas
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Post by bw7098 »

Part V

Aiden wakes with a terrible headache. It takes a minute or two to get his bearings but he finds that he is laying on the carpeted floor of his living room. He feels his wrists and ankles wrapped in duct tape, but it feels that the intense partying done to him actually loosened the bonds quite a bit. He feels the five pairs of panties still packed tightly into his mouth soaking up all his remaining saliva.

He looks around to see the entire room is a mess. Broken vases, stains on the wall, damaged furniture. It looked like a tornado came through. He sees no sign of her guests but he does spot Elena. Being on the ground he doesn’t have a good view but she seems to be passed out on the couch. This was his chance to escape!

He starts to quietly twist the duct tape around his wrists, slowly expanding his bonds. It takes a good twenty minutes but eventually he’s able to slip one wrist out and uses this hand to free his other. His first act as a partially free man is to peel off the duct tape which he tries to do quietly and painlessly but fails. He looks over at Elena who seemed undisturbed by the sticky peeling sound. He then spits out the five sopping wet panties from his mouth and wipes his tongue with his hand to try and get rid of the taste. Next he removes the stupid bowtie that was still around his bare neck.

Once he unwraps his ankles he raises himself quietly, eyes fixed on his sleeping prey. He creeps over to her, grabbing the roll of duct tape from the coffee table on the way. He stands over her sleeping body. She was no longer in her dress, but now in matching black silk bra and panties. Her arms were resting behind her head showing off her impressive arm and abs muscles. Looking at her powerful body Aiden knew this was his only chance at revenge. If she woke up Aiden would be hogtied on the ground in mere minutes.


Knowing this he slowly unwraps the tape to avoid making a sound and slowly starts wrapping it around her ankles, careful not to apply too much pressure as to wake her. After a few wraps with the duct tape he slowly tears it and stands up, praying she won’t wake up. To his relief she remains unconscious as her slowly creeps behind the couch to reach her wrists which were luckily for him, together behind her head in a perfect spot for him to slowly wrap them in tape. When he finishes she starts to stir.

“Ayye, mi cabeza” Elena tries to put her hand to her face but finds her wrists taped together. “Que coño?”

“Surprise bitch!” Aiden says with a crazed laugh as he violently pulls the duct tape around her mouth and wraps the whole roll around her head creating a secure gag. Elena violently tries to swing her bound arms behind her to try and hit Aiden but he pushes them in front of her and wraps duct tape around her upper body right below her breasts, successfully restraining her arms as well as pushing up her breasts.


Aiden hops over the couch and takes a seat next Elena, a crazed look in his eyes. “Doesn’t feel so good does it slut?” Elena wiggles around sending jiggles into her breasts, Aiden assesses her bonds and sees that despite her rippling muscles, they should hold for now.

“And my mom thought I needed you to look after me? I’m a fucking man! I can do whatever the fuck I want and neither you or my fucking mom can fucking stop me!” Aiden notices she had turned her head away and he violently yanks her chin to look up at him. “Look at me when I’m talking to you skank!”

To Aiden’s surprise there was no fear in her eyes, instead amusement and she was giggling softly and gave him a coy wink, which confused Aiden for the next split second until…


He turns around in horror to see his mother standing 10 feet behind him. Her arms were crossed over a plunging white sweater and she looked angrier than Aiden had ever seen her.


Aiden shoots up from the couch. “Wait mom, I can explain! I…”

“Shut up! I heard the whole thing!” She closes the distance.

“No you don’t understand! She…”

“Oh I understand completely. Now shut up and sit down. I swear you make another sound and I’m calling the cops!”

Aiden opens his mouth to speak but thinks better of it and quietly sits down next to the bound Elena who has resumed her show of a panicked and innocent victim, crying out to Anne through her gag.

“Oh Elena, I’m so sorry! One second!” She quickly retrieves a pair of scissors and returns to cut off the tape surrounding Elena. Occasionally she would glare at Aiden with unbridled rage which sent a shiver up his spine.

“Oh gracias, gracias!” Elena cries at Anne when she’s finally freed, giving her a hug. “He had me like this all of yesterday. He said he was a man, and didn’t need a babysitter, and and…” She sounded like she was on the verge of tears,

“Oh it’s ok honey, I heard his entire speech. You’re safe now, he won’t be hurting anyone else anymore.”

“And then he invited his friends over for a party and they totally trashed the place. I’m so sorry I failed you!” Continues Elena dramatically.

“That’s not true!” Aiden rebuts.

“I said shut up!” Screams Anne. “I can’t believe you would do this! I know you’ve gotten into trouble before, but this is another level. It’s time you start seeing consequences for your actions.”

“Please…” Aiden pleads.

“On the ground now! Face down! Hands behind your back!”

“Please just let me explain!” Aiden cries back, tears welling up in his eyes.

Anne back hands Aiden across his cheek and drags him by his hair to the ground as he cries out in pain.

“There is no excuse for this behavior!” She straddles his bare back, facing his feet with her butt planted between his shoulder blades. She violently yanks his wrists together and starts wrapping them in duct tape.

“Nooooo! Pleaseeee!” Aiden wails kicking his legs up and down.

Anne gives him a hard slap on the rear “Shut up and be still!”

Through his tears Aiden sees Elena drop her victim act behind Anne’s back. She silently rubs her fists below her eyes, mocking Aiden’s crying and then turns around and twerks her ass at Aiden with a smile.

“Elena honey” Anne turns around and Elena returns to her act immediately. “Could you help me with his legs, there’s some more tape over there.”

“Ok, whatever I can do to help.” She says with false meekness and retrieves the tape, taking a seat on Aiden’s legs, pinning them to the ground and starting to wrap up his ankles.

With his wrists securely fastened, Anne reverses her positioning on Aiden and now faces forward.

“It’s not what you think! She’s the one thamppppph!” Aiden is cut short as Anne starts wrapping his head in duct tape.

“Finally some quiet.” Anne remarks. “Elena, how are you doing back there?”

“Bien. I think? I've never done this before” Elena lies.

Anne finishes up Aiden’s gag and then wraps his bare upper body in the tape as well, leaving him partially mummified. She takes a look at Aiden’s legs to see them messily wrapped with duct tape from his ankles almost to his knees.

“Looks secure enough. Here help me lift him.” The two ladies each take an arm and lift him with relative ease back on to the couch where he is propped up.

“Hrmrhmmmmmm” Aiden protests.

Anne looks down on him with intense disappointment shaking her head. “I just don’t know what to do with him Elena. If you want to press charges I’ll call the cops and they can haul his pathetic ass to jail.”

“No, no. I know what he did was wrong, but he’s just a troubled kid and I don’t want to ruin his life.”

“You are so kind, Elena. But he still needs some punishment” Anne looks down at her son and back to Elena. “Since you are the victim, I think you should also be his judge. It’s up to you to decide his sentence.”

“Ohhh, very wise” Elena starts to regain her natural power, cocking her hips and looking down at Aiden. Still in her black bra and panties, she places both hands on her hips and shifts her hips from side to side with a devious grin.


Aiden watches her nervously, awaiting the verdict. She then puffs her chest out striking a regal pose. “I, Judge Elena,” She turns to Anne and both ladies smile. “Hereby sentence you to six months house arrest.”

“hnch mrnhhh!” Aiden cries out through his gag

“Order in the court!” Elena continues. “And due to the defendant’s obvious rage issue, for the safety of the warden, he will serve this time in 24/7 strict bondage.”


“Such a wise judge” Anne remarks and claps sarcastically. “I think separating him from the outside world will do him some good.” She returns her gaze to Aiden. “I shall inform your college that you’ll be taking a gap semester.”

Aiden was fully in tears now thinking of what the next six months of his life would be like blubbering through his gag.

“I’m so sorry Elena, you’re still in your underwear!” Anne notices after the commotion dies down.

“Oh it’s ok, I have some clothes in the guest room upstairs, could you get them for me?”

“Of course! Please keep an eye on the inmate while I’m gone.” She exits the room to go upstairs.

Elena twists around and sashays towards the weeping prisoner and takes a seat next to him cradling his head.

“Awww, big strong man” she pouts. “You really thought you had me didn’t you? Don’t you think it was a little weird that your tape was loose, and I was asleep, and was in the perfect position for you to tie me up?”

It dawns on Aiden that this was a trap the whole time. He screams into his gag and flops around.

“Shhh, shhh. Calmate. You see if your mom came home and saw you tied up, then you’d be the victim. But if she were to somehow find me tied up by you, well then… this would happen.” Elena giggles and pinches his cheek. “Seems I’m both stronger and smarter than you huh?”

Aiden continues to weep.

“Hey don’t be sad. Say you turn 21 in a few months, why don’t we have a party! I can invite my friends over, it’ll be so much fun! I mean fun for us at least, you’ll still be bound up at that point. Damn, not a great way to spend your birthday is it?”

Aiden’s weeping continues as Elena laughs.

“Do you still think you’re a man, Aiden? Do men get spanked by their mommies? Do men get grounded? Do men cry when things don’t go their way?”

Aiden shakes his head no through his sobs.

“Good boy,” she smiles, stroking his hair.

Anne returns with clothes for Elena.

“Oh gracias!” says Elena

“No, I should be thanking you.” Responds Anne. “Thank you for babysitting him while I was gone. I’m sorry it turned out this way.”

“No problema.”

“You know with work and being on the road, I won’t have time to look after him all day” Says Anne. “How would you feel about becoming his permanent babysitter for the next 6 months? You can even live here and stay in Aiden’s room, he can just sleep in the basement.”

“Oh wow, I would love to, but only if Aiden was also ok with it.”

“Any objections honey?” Says Anne as both ladies turn to the distressed boy screaming into his gag and shaking his head no. “Sounds like he’s very excited about it, you’re hired!”

“Mucho gracias!” She cheers and hugs Anne before turning to Aiden grinning like a demon. “You and I are going to get to know each other a lot better!” Aiden sobs to hear this.

Last edited by bw7098 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Fantastic story 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 maybe part 6 can be his 21st birthday.
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Post by milagros317 »

Fabulous final chapter! :D
Maybe a sequel could detail Aiden's treatment during his six month sentence. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Yes would love to have a sequel. Aiden is getting exactly what he deserves.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Overall was a good story of femdom, Adien was a major pain and needed to be taught a lesson, though he has a right to call the cops himself on these women when he can for a lot of the over the abuse they did to him,, ( the Sitter the friends, his mom,) which I imagine he'll probably do after his sentence , but again overall love a good story of women tying and teasing guys!
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