The Housekeeper: Roleplay vs Reality. (MFff/Fff,) Part 4 posted

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The Housekeeper: Roleplay vs Reality. (MFff/Fff,) Part 4 posted

Post by chaos846 »

Part 1: Old Enemies

About a month and a half had passed since the best Christmas Maddy has ever had, and it was time to start a new year with her new life. Now in the middle of February, tax season had begun, and Maddy found herself rather busy. Mr. Harn had more visitors than usual during this time. Lots of Accountants, Lawyers, and a few Brokers.

It also got Maddy wondering about how she'd file her own taxes. She was not a regular hourly employee. She was what Mr. Harn told her was A Contracted Employee. She didn't know the first thing about filing taxes, but took comfort in the fact that she wouldn't be doing it alone. Tony and Mrs. Harn would be helping her with it in due time. That matter was no longer a problem. The problem she was facing was: “What happens now?”

She had finally stabilized her life, but what happens now? How does she improve her future? She had lost so many years that should have been spent in school learning how to take care of herself, and those years were taken from her. Her generation left her so far in the dust, she couldn't help but ask: “How do I catch up?”

Maddy pondered this as she ate alone in the kitchen. Tony was at a Bowling Alley with some friends, and Beth was visiting Fiona's again, so that left her alone with the Mr. and the Mrs. of the house. Maddy took another spoonful of soup, and turned to face the kitchen door when she heard it open. In walked Mrs. Harn. Mrs. smiled at her, and opened the fridge to find something to have for lunch herself. She couldn't help but notice that Maddy's usually perky domineer was missing.

“Something wrong, Maddy?” Mrs. Harn asked her, as they were stopped at a red light. Maddy sighed, and nodded.

“Now that I've finally stabilized my life, I just don't know where I go from here,” She stated. “I just feel like i'm...” she then trailed off.

“Like you're stuck?” Mrs. Harn asked. Maddy then nodded.

“I'm so far behind where I should be on education, and...well, everything really,” She said.

“Yeah, I know you were robbed of a lot of important years, but don't let that bother you,” Mrs. Harn told her, as she began to make herself a sandwich. “You're at a point in your life where the world is basically your oyster,” She then said.

“Beg your pardon?” Maddy asked. Mrs. Harn held up her finger to indicate that she was almost done with what she was doing, and a moment or two later, she sat down at the island with her sandwich.

“What interests do you have with your future?” Mrs. Harn asked her.

“I dunno,” Maddy answered. “I was hoping that maybe i'd find something along the way, but it all feels so daunting now,” She then explained.

“Well, I think you're a talented cook,” Mrs. Harn stated, which finally made Maddy smile. “There's no reason why you can't put your focus into becoming a Chef,” She then told the Young Maid. Mrs. Harn was a little surprised to see Maddy chuckle a bit at this.

“You don't believe me?” Mrs. Harn asked.

“No no, it's just that my first ever job here in this country was as a waitress,” Maddy answered.

“Really?” Mrs. Harn asked. Maddy just nodded.

“I lasted for about a month until the restaurant was shut down by the police due to drug smuggling,” She then explained.

“Oh dear, well, at least it put enough money in your pocket to make your way here,” Mrs. Harn stated, upon hearing this. Maddy just nodded.

“I guess maybe it is a sign,” Maddy said. It made sense. She always had a fascination with the kitchen and cooking. Maybe this was something to go after. Mrs. Harn nodded in agreement, and finished her lunch.

“Um, Maddy, I'm heading out for a bit of Valentines Day shopping,” Mrs. Harn stated, to which Maddy nodded. “Would you like to join me, and get out of the house for a little while?” She then asked.

“I think I would,” Maddy answered. Mrs. smiled at her.

“Well, I think you better get changed out of your Pjs first,” She pointed out.

“I suppose so,” Maddy agreed. Given that it was Saturday, Maddy had been wearing her pajamas so far. These would not do for going out.

After she was done with her lunch, she rinsed out the dishes, and loaded them into the dishwasher. She then headed back up to her room to put on something a bit more appropriate for going out. She started with her favorite pair of black tights... ... SY445_.jpg
She then went to her closet, and next to her uniform dresses was a cute floral mini dress. ... SY550_.jpg
Even though this was a summer dress, Maddy decided to pull it out, and lay it on the bed. She needed something else to go with it. She took a page from Beth's book, and pulled out a long sleeve navy button up shirt to wear under the dress. ... SY550_.jpg

With her outfit on, Maddy combed out her hair, and put it into her favorite half-up style. She smiled, and left her room. As she made her way downstairs, she saw Mrs. Harn waiting for her who blinked for a second.

“I almost mistook you for Beth for a second,” She stated. Maddy chuckled a bit.

“I thought a nice outfit might help me feel better,” Maddy explained.

“Does it?” Mrs. Harn asked.

“A little,” Maddy answered, as she got a hooded zip jacket out from the coat closet.

* * * *

It felt to get out of the house for a while, and just experience being outside again. The drive down the hillside felt wonderful, and it took a fair while for the car to reach a good section of town.

Mrs. Harn pulled up to a small building, and Maddy was rather taken aback by this odd looking ,as well as oddly named place. The logo featured a ship anchor with a bottle cork stuck to one end, and under this was writen: “The Marine Corks”

“What in the-” Maddy started, but stopped when she heard Mrs. Harn laughing.

“Jimmy, The Owner, used to serve in the Marines, and he couldn't resist the play on words,” Mrs. Harn explained.

“That's brilliant,” Maddy chirped, as Mrs. Harn parked the car. “Wait, am I allowed in here?” Maddy then asked, now realizing there was a slight discrepancy with her current age.

“Just stay close to me,” Mrs. Harn answered with a reassuring tone.

Inside the store was a large assortment of fine wines, spirits, and many other beverages. Maddy also noticed a few food items that were laced in some of these beverages as well. She didn't get very far when the nearby clerk approached the two of them.

“Excuse me, but is she underage?” He asked. Maddy knew this was going to happen, and she also knew he was right to ask such a question.

“Yes, but She's my house maid,” Mrs. Harn answered. The Clerk blinked a bit, and then shrugged.

“Close enough,” He said, and then allowed them to continue. Maddy knew it was best to just let Mrs. Harn do her thing, so she just kept her hands behind her back, as they walked through the store.

“Maddy, Aren't you Brits allowed to drink alcohol at an earlier age in England?” Mrs. Harn asked.

“Not that much earlier,” Maddy answered. “Only Eighteen,” She then stated.

“Oh, so you'd only now be eligible,” Mrs. Harn pointed out. Maddy just shrugged and nodded. Maddy heard the door to the store open again, and she felt her blood run cold. In walked that same man from the meeting. The one who had berated her, spilled the tea on himself, blamed her for it, and then slapped her.

“Oh god,” Maddy said, in a worried tone.

“What?” Mrs. Harn asked.

“It's him,” Maddy said, trying not to look at him in hopes that he wouldn't see her. Mrs. Harn looked at her. “That horrid man from the meeting last month,” Maddy then clarified. Mrs. Harn nodded.

“We'll just try to avoid him,” She said, clearly intent on just avoiding any possible confrontation.

Maddy's heart rate had gone up a little bit, and every so often, she'd look over her shoulder to see if he might be stalking her in some way. She just stayed close to her employer, and tried to act like everything was fine. What she heard next made her heart sink.

“Women, only good for extending a Man's blood line,” She heard him blurt out. It was as if he was hoping the two of them would hear him. Mrs. Harn gave him a glare, but then turned back to the shelf she was looking at. “Hey, don't I know you?” He then asked. Maddy began to feel ill.

“Alright, that's enough!” Mrs. Harn said, harshly. Unfortunately the man was not alone. Mrs. Harn was grappled from behind. “Get off me!” She then demanded, but an arm on her throat silenced her. Maddy didn't have a chance to respond before she too was grabbed, and forced to face her attacker.

“It is you!” He spat.

“Please Sir, we don't want any trouble,” Maddy said, her face filled with fear. She was scrambling to find a way to get him off her without it being too obvious, but there were too many eyes present at the moment.

“You should have thought of that before you ruined my twenty thousand dollar suit!” The man roared.

“I didn't ruin it, you tried to take-” was all Maddy could get out before she was slapped across the face by him again.

“Leave her alone you-” Mrs. Harn said, but her attacker then began choking her again to silence her.

“I expect payment for the damages you've caused me, and I want an apology now!” He yelled. Maddy was at a loss of what to do. There were too many witnesses, and not enough subtle resources, for her to use her telekinesis. Hopefully the clerk could hear what was going on, and maybe rush over to help.


the door to the shop had opened, and in stepped a beast of a man. He was about seven feet tall, and looked fit enough to rip a car in half. He was dressed in jeans, a biker jacket, and a head scarf. The clerk, however, looked unconsidered by the stature of this customer.

“Hey Rob,” He greeted.

“Hey Sean,” The Giant greeted back. “Did the shipment finally arrive, or is it still delayed?” He then asked. The Clerk just shrugged.

“The snow keeps holding the truck back,” He explained. “It should be here within the next two days,” He then told the huge man. At that moment, they both heard shouting from across the store.

“You should have thought of that before you ruined my suit!” A Man's voice yelled. Both The Clerk, and his Customer turned to the direction of the noise.

“I didn't ruin it, you tried to take-” A Lady's voice insisted, but she had been cut off.

“What the hell is going on over there?” Rob asked.

“I don't know, but I'm gonna find out,” His friend stated, and marched his way over.
Last edited by chaos846 4 weeks ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: Old Friends

If Maddy could find a way to maneuver her attackers over to one of the nearby shelves, something could accidentally fall on top of her attacker. Or possibly even Mrs. Harn's assailant as well. Sadly they were a bit far, and Maddy didn't have the physical strength to pull her arms free of his grip.

“Sir, I'm sorry about what happened to your suit, but it wasn't my fault,” Maddy insisted, which earned her another slap. By now tears were forming in her eyes, along with heavy resentment.

“What the hell is this?!” The Voice of the Clerk shouted, upon entering the scene.

“None of your business!” The Burly Man holding Mrs. Harn barked.

“You can walk away, and pretend you saw nothing, or My Bodyguard will choke her out, and you'll take the blame for it," Maddy's assailant insisted with a smug smile.

“I have cameras everywhere, you moron,” The Clerk informed him.

“I have great wealth, and many connections,” The Slime Ball insisted, with a sneer. The clerk just crossed his arms, and smirked back.

“I also have him,” He said, gesturing for everyone to look behind them. The Body Guard felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned in horror to see a man roughly seven feet tall leering over him. Maddy's jaw dropped at the sight of this monster.

“You can let her go now, or I can do great bodily harm to you,” The Giant stated. Or at least, that's what Maddy chose to pretend he stated. The Body Guard let Mrs. Harn go, and stepped back away from the walking contenant who could clearly outmatch him in strength.

“You both can apologize to these two, and leave the store, or I call the police,” The Clerk than offered. Both men looked panicked as they looked from the Clerk to the Giant. They both then came to the obvious conclusion: the bolted from the store without a word.

“Typical coward,” The Big Man said, with a snort. The Clerk just shook his head.

“Okay, video evidence it is,” He said. Mrs. Harn was finally able to catch her breath, and the clerk walked over to check on her. “You alright?” He asked, and Mrs. Harn nodded. Maddy took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. She then saw the big man standing over her.

“You good?” He asked her.

“Yes Sir,” Maddy answered. “And thank you for your timely intervention,” She then said.

“Not a problem, Young Lady,” The Giant told her, and gave her a soft tap on the shoulder. “Anyways, I'll see you next week, Sean,” The Big Man said. The Clerk nodded, and gave him a two finger salute which was returned. The Behemoth then left the store.

“Well, is there anything I can help you find?” The Clerk asked her.

“Oh, no, I found it,” Mrs. Harn said, holding up a bottle. The Clerk then gestured for them to follow him up to the front register.

* * * *

The drive home was uneventful, but the two of them sure had a story to tell. On the way back, Mrs. Harn received two texts. The first was from her husband stating that he was taking one of the vehicles to be inspected. The other was from from Beth stating that she was back, and Fiona was visiting. Mrs. Harn parked the car, and Maddy opened the door to allow her inside first. She then removed her coat, and then offered to take Her Employer's coat next.

“Oh, I have to head out again in a few minutes,” She explained.

“Oh,” Maddy chirped, as Fiona and Beth had entered the living room. Beth was dressed in a white collared shirt with a blue V neck sweatshirt over the top, and a knee length school skirt. Fiona had on a gray t-shirt with a plaid vest on over it with a pair of blue jeans. Everyone exchanged their respective greetings.

“How's your family been, Fiona?” Mrs. Harn then asked her.

“They're doing great,” Fiona answered. Mrs. Harn nodded.

“Well, I need to put this away, and then I'm off to visit Carol at the Club,” She stated, and headed to the back of the living room where the beverages were displayed.

“No doubt that's for Valentines Day,” Fiona guessed.

“That's correct,” Mrs. Harn confirmed.

“And we had quite a bit of excitement while picking it up,” Maddy then said. Fiona and Beth were now very curious. Maddy's hands retreated behind her back while Beth's Mother told them what happened.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Beth asked, now very worried.

“I'm fine, Dear,” Her Mother answered.

“How'd you get out of that?” Fiona asked.

“Well, after he hit me again, that's when the clerk showed up to try to put a stop to it,” Maddy then answered.

“And he wasn't alone,” Mrs. Harn added.

“Oh yes, one of the customers was a friend of his, and i kid you not, this man was big enough to have his own post code,” Maddy then described. Oddly, Fiona and Beth perked up a bit.

“Biker jacket with a denim vest over it?” Fiona questioned, almost with a hopeful tone. Maddy blinked at her.

“You know him?” She asked.

“You met Mr. Narrows!” Beth said, with an almost excited tone.

“Who?” Maddy asked.

“Mr. Narrows,” Fiona answered again. “He's my Math Tutor,” She then explained.

“And I see him occasionally when I go to visit her house,” Beth also explained.

“Well, alright then,” Maddy said. “What did he do before teaching maths? Wrestling Bears?” She then asked, which got a laugh out of everyone.

“No, he was a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant,” Beth answered.

“And after his Niece got married, he and his brother moved out to this area, cause they have friends here,” Fiona explained.

“Seems like quite the fellow,” Maddy said, after learning this.

“Well, I'm glad he was around when he was,” Mrs. Harn stated, and then looked at the time. “Well, Carol's expecting me at the club soon, so I have to head out now,” She then said.

“Okay,” Beth said.

“You three have fun,” Her mother said, and then left. Maddy quickly took note of the situation. Both parents were gone, and it was just Her, Beth, and Fi. A pretty long while had passed since Beth and Tony could have a session together. Let alone invite her to one as well. Tony didn't even have an opportunity to catch Maddy off guard, as he was tied up in his own right with his own laundry list of taxes to deal with. Never the less, she knew Beth and Fiona were going to make the most of this moment.

“I take it you two are going to be doing your thing?” Maddy questioned, obviously hinting at Fiona and Beth tying each other up in the TV room again.

“Would you like to learn some rope work?” Fiona then asked her, which made the answer an obvious yes. Maddy shrugged.

“Well, it's something a bit new, and it's been a fair while, so sure,” She answered.

While Fiona and Maddy headed to the TV Room, Beth headed to her bedroom for briefly. Maddy was unsurprised to see Fiona's bag was filled with various lengths of rope, as well as the deck of cards. Given how they were kept, it was clear that Fiona actually took good care of them.

“I think we'll start with a ten foot length,” Fiona suggested.

“It seems a bit long,” Maddy pointed out. Fiona gave her a smirk.

“It'll go pretty fast,” She said. "By the way, i can't help but ask: Did you go through Beth's closet for that outfit?" She then asked. Maddy laughed a little, knowing that the outfit she was wearing definitely matched closer to Beth's style.

"No, i picked this out from my own wardrobe," Maddy told her.

A minute or so later, Beth had joined them. In her hands were a roll of their favorite microfoam tape, and black duct tape.

“So, I'll show you on Beth first, and then I'll let you get a feel for it,” Fiona stated. Maddy just nodded, and took a seat on the couch.

Beth and Fiona sat across from each other on the floor, and Beth held both hands out close together. Fiona put the two ends together to form a larks head at the other end. She then laid the middle of the rope across Beth's wrists. Fiona wound the rope over and under Beth's wrists with the opposing ends while making sure that the coils were wound in a series along side each other, and not wrapping over of each other. With every step she'd pause a bit to see that Maddy was paying attention, and She was.

After Fiona went over twice, She crossed the rope, and began to cinch the tie to soak up the slack in it. She came around again, and finished with an overhand knot. She repeated the knot until all the rope was used.

“And that's how it's done,” Beth said, turning her wrists to show Maddy.

“This won't leave any marks, will it?” Maddy asked her.

“Not if it's done correctly, and that's what we'll be showing you,” Beth answered.

“There's no real deep secret to this, to be honest,” Fiona then stated. Maddy nodded. It didn't look as complicated as she had initially thought, and that copying this should be easy. Fiona then untied Beth, and offered her own hands to Maddy. “Now it's your turn,” She stated.

Maddy nodded, and took hold of the rope. She was about to start winding, but she was stopped by Beth.

“Nope, remember to put both ends together first,” She pointed out.

“Oh, right,” Maddy responded, and did as instructed. She wound the rope over Fiona's wrists as she saw it performed, and after winding it twice, she turned the rope to cinch it.

“Tighter,” Fiona instructed. Maddy blinked at her.

“You sure?” She asked. Fiona nodded yes, and Maddy just shrugged. “The cinch always needs to be as tight as you can make it,” Fiona then explained. Maddy nodded again, and did as she was told. She then knotted it off at the bottom.

“How's that?” Maddy asked. Fiona nodded, but then smirked.

“Very good, except for one thing,” She said.

“What?” Maddy asked.

“You need to tie the knot on top, not at the bottom,” Fiona answered..

“If it's on top, her fingers don't have a chance to reach it,” Beth explained to her.

“Ah, fair enough,” Maddy stated.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: Just going with it

“So, what do you think?” Beth asked her. Maddy just blinked a bit.

“You know, I was honestly expecting something a bit more difficult,” She stated, with a slight giggle.

“Well, I never said it was rocket science,” Fiona said back. She then offered her hands over to Beth so that she would untie them. Beth looked thoughtful for a moment. Fiona gave her a look, and it was only after this that Beth giggled, and untied her friend.

“Alright, Maddy, you ready?” Beth asked her.

“I guess so,” Maddy said, feeling her heart rate increasing a bit. She was obviously no stranger to being tied up, but this was the first time rope was being used. “You want my hands in front or behind?” She then asked.

“Let's start with in front so that you can see what's going on,” Fiona suggested, as Maddy held her hands out in front of her. As each coil of rope was wound around her wrist, she felt that same tingle again. Now it was cinch time.

“Oh my,” Maddy stated, at feeling the sudden closure of the rope around her wrists tighten into a pair of handcuff like coils around her wrists. Fiona tied the knot on top, and then allowed Maddy to explore the sensation a bit. Being tied with the rope definitely required a bit more obedience on her part, but the tight feeling was rather exciting.

“What do you think?” Beth asked.

“It's tight, that's for sure,” Maddy answered. A familiar beeping noise rang from Beth's phone indicating that someone was driving onto the property. Beth walked over to the nearby window to see who it was.

“It's just Tony,” Beth said. The other two girls nodded, and went back to what they were doing. Fiona actually struggled to get the knot on Maddy's bonds untied.

“You might have done this a bit too well,” Maddy stated. With a bit more effort, Fiona was able to get the know loose.

“There we go,” Fiona said, as she began unwinding the rope off of Maddy's wrists. Little did Fiona know, Maddy had sneaked in a bit of telekinetic assistance. “Now, would you like-” Was as far as Fiona got before the TV room door flew open. All three girls let out frightened gasps, as a Man wearing a black ski mask, a rough coat, and oddly fine looking trousers had burst into the room.

“This is a robbery!” He demanded, in a gruff voice, dropping a small duffle bag to the floor. Something was very off about this. Not only did his trousers not match the rest of his outfit, but it sounded like this man was trying to put on a gruff voice. Adding in the fact that it was Tony's vehicle that had pulled into the property, and Maddy now knew what was going on.

“Please don't hurt us,” Maddy pleaded, playing along.

“Nothin will happen to you as long as you do as you're told!” The Maybe-not-quite-Robber barked. He didn't even have a weapon in his hand. But what could three poor teenage girls do against such a man? “I see I don't even have to use my stuff,” He then stated, and looked back to the girls. “You!” He snapped at Fiona.

“Me?” Fiona asked.

“Yeah!” The “Robber” barked again. “Take those ropes, and tie them up,” He then ordered. Fiona cautiously took hold of one of the lengths of rope, and held it up to Maddy. Maddy then held her hands out.

“Like this?” Fiona asked, looking back at the robber.

“Behind her back,” The Robber insisted.

“I'm sorry," Fiona sighed, with a slightly mocking tone. Maddy just nodded, and placed her hands behind her back so that Fiona could tie them together. She couldn't help but crack a small smile at the feeling of the ropes coiling around her wrists. Fiona cinched the tie as before. “It's not too tight, is it?” Fiona asked, putting on a frightened voice.

“No, it's fine,” Maddy stated. Fiona nodded, and soon it was Beth's turn. Once Beth's hands were bound, Fiona looked to the Robber for further instructions.

“Good, now tape their mouths shut!” The Robber ordered.

“No, please don't!” Maddy pleaded.

“We'll be quiet, we promise!” Beth pleaded next. “You don't need to gag us,” She then added.

“You're right: I don't need to gag you,” He stated. “I want to gag you,” He then added.

“Oh no,” Maddy moaned. Fiona did as she was told, and picked up the microfoam tape. She applied a piece to Beth's mouth first, and then to Maddy as well.

“Tape your mouth too,” The Robber added, as Fiona was about to put the tape down. Fiona nodded, and taped her own mouth shut as well. “That's not enough,” The Robber said. “I want more on their to keep you all quiet,” He then demanded. Fiona's shoulders sank, as she then grabbed the duct tape, and applied a couple pieces over their gags to add reinforcement.

“Whmp nmw?” Fiona asked.

“Tether your feet together with a long rope piece,” The Robber instructed. Fiona took out a very long piece of rope, and began to wind it the same way, but around Maddy's ankles this time. Maddy noticed that it was much tighter than the rope used to bind her hands. After it was cinched in place, more of the same length was used to bind Beth's feet the same way. She barely had enough to actually bind her own feet in place as well.

With their mouths taped shut, and the rope binding everyone except for Fiona, The robber reached into his bag, and tossed something to her. It was a pair of metal handcuffs.

“Put um on behind your back,” He demanded. Fiona did as she was told. One cuff circled her wrists, and she began clicking it into place. She then placed both of her hands behind her back. It was a surreal feeling for Maddy hearing the second cuff click into place to add Fiona to the bound and gagged girls club in the room.

“Now that all three of you are nicely bound and gagged, I have just one question,” He stated. He then took the ski mask off. “How'd I do?” Tony asked. All three of his captives started giggling.

“M phmnp mp mwph prmphh cmnphmphng,” Maddy tried to say through her gag.

“M phmpmph phph mp wmrrm ymn tmkh mnp ymmr phmnn phr m phmpm?” Beth then asked.

“Oh, thank you for the reminder,” Tony said, as he pulled his phone out. All three bound and gagged girls put on smiles through their gags for the camera. “Can I get all three of you to scowl for another one?” He then asked. For Maddy this was easy. She decided to prefix it in the best way she knew how.

“Ymn wmll tpmk phph gmg mph mh mmmph, mnp ymn wmll lmp mp gm rmnmp nmw!” She demanded. Her eye brows slanting, as her eyes scowled over her gag. The other two girls nodded, and matched her.

“Perfect,” Tony said. “Okay, I have to go get a few things out of my car, and i'll be right back,” He then told them. As he was about to leave, he turned to them again. “Is it okay if I leave you three here like this for a few minutes?” He then asked. Beth giggled, and nodded yes.

“Wm'll bm fmmn,” Maddy said, and also nodded. Tony nodded back, and left the room. With Tony out, Maddy began exploring her bindings. The rope holding her hands behind her back held just as firmly as the cuffs, and it seemed to be a bit more restrictive. It was pulling at her shoulders a bit more though.

“Ymnr nmp gmppnng lmnph phrm thmp,” Fiona told her.

“M dmn'p phnk pho,” Maddy said back. “M wmph jmnp plmnng wmph mp m bmp,” She then added. Fiona just giggled a bit.

“Ymn phmm tm lmnk gmg tmnknng mlmp,” Fiona noticed.

“Mm, phe lmvph gmg tmnknng,” Beth stated, and all three girls giggled. As Fiona fidgeted in her handcuffs, Maddy realized something.

“Hmng mn,”She said, getting Beth and Fiona's attention. “Whmmr dmd hm gmp thmph hmndcmphh?” She then asked. Beth and Fiona looked at each other.

“Whmp?” Fiona asked.

“Phe mskph whmrr thmph cmphh chmm phrm,” Beth answered, as she tried to point her nose at the cuffs on Fiona's wrists. Fiona looked behind her to where Beth's nose was pointing.

“Mm, M brmmp thmm,” Fiona answered, and nodded at Maddy in the hopes that she'd understand. “M gmvv thmm tm Tmnh bmphrr hm lmph,” She then explained.

“Ph thn nnlh mne hmn dmd'p knww mbmnp thph wph mh?” Maddy then asked. Looking like she was left out of something.

“M thmmnp phe tmld ymn,” Fiona said, gesturing her nose at Beth. Beth had a bit of a guilty look on her face.

“M dmd'p wmnp tm rmnn thm phrprmph,” She stated, with a shrug. Maddy just gave her a scowl. By this point Tony, had returned, now free of the ski mask and jacket. He also had what looked like a key in his hand.
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Post by harveygasson »

Still a great series! Enjoying seeing Maddy's character evolve.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: Tricks of the Trade

“I think it should be fairly obvious that this is the key to the cuffs around Fiona's wrists,” Tony stated. “I'll give it to her if you two can escape your bonds,” He then proposed. Beth and Maddy both looked at each other, and then back to him, and nodded.

“Cmn ymn rmnph mh hmph?” Beth asked. Maddy shifted herself to try to get a better angle on the rope around Beth's wrists, but the problem was the rope tethering their feet together, as it didn't allow them to position themselves the way they wanted to.

“Mm, nmw M knnw mwy hm dnd thph,” Maddy stated, now seeing the problem. She and Beth tried again, but to no avail.

“Hmmr, lmp mh prh,” Beth said, as she tried to reach over to Maddy's hands. Maddy extended her bound hands as far as she could, but again, it was the same problem. By this point, Fiona and Tony both were unsuccessfully trying to keep straight faces.

“Mm phmp mp,” Maddy scolded at Tony, but this only made him and Fiona laugh more. It was almost as if there was a really easy solution to the problem that they were missing. Maddy stopped struggling, and sighed. She then tried to think the situation out. She obviously could cheat, but not with Fiona so close, and able to see it, so this would have to be done the hard way.

Maddy and Beth had to be the ones to get loose. A tether that prevented them from putting their backs to each other. There didn't seem to be any rules about how this was supposed to be done. Maddy looked at Fiona, and then to Beth, and the answer finally hit her.

“Mm mh gmp! M'm mn mdmnp!” Maddy scolded to herself. She got on her knees, and turned herself around, now facing the two other girls. The gap in the tether was now long enough for Fiona to put her back to Beth so she could untie her hands.

“Vmrh gmnd,” Fiona complimented, as Tony serenaded Maddy with a golf clap. Maddy watched as Fiona was able to untie Beth's hands, and the tape on her mouth soon followed. With her hands now free, Maddy's hands were easily untied, and both girls undid the ropes on their feet.

“Maddy, you can take the tape off your mouth,” Beth reminded her. Maddy, however just shrugged, and left it on. Tony was true to his word, and tossed Beth the key to the cuffs on Fiona's wrists, and she was released a few minutes later.

“Now wasn't that fun?” tony asked.

“Yeah, that was kinda neat,” Fiona said back, and then looked over to Maddy “So, do you prefer my rope skills, or Tony's lazy cuffs?” She then asked. Maddy just blinked, and then decided to remove the tape from her mouth.

“I think I do prefer the cuffs a bit more simply because I like the anticipation a bit better,” She answered. She could see Tony grinning from ear to ear, as he set up his laptop to do what looked like something work related.

“Well, it's all preference,” Fiona said, with a shrug.

“I'll say this about your rope skills: I found the rope around my ankles to feel particularly tingly,” Maddy explained.

“Oh, thank you,” Fiona said, with a smile. Maddy nodded back.

While Fiona and Beth tried to settle on a Roller Coaster video for their next game, Maddy decided to tape her own mouth shut again for what seemed like the fun of it. She then picked up the deck of cards.

“After what happened last time, not a chance,” Fiona stated, which made Beth laugh. Maddy also laughed at this comment, but held a finger up. She held up an Ace card with an inviting expression in her eyes. She then held up four fingers. Fiona and Beth watched, as the Maid was attempting this new form of sign language. Maddy pointed at them, and did a whirling motion with both hands.

“Tmm hmr mp, bmfmmr M fmnp fmmr mphph,” Maddy then tried to say through her gag. Fiona and Beth just blinked at her.

“She wants you to tie Beth up before she can find four aces,” Tony then said. Apparently he had been watching as well. Maddy then nodded, and pointed to him.

“phm? Hm ummphrphmph mh,” Maddy stated.

“How are you able to understand her so well?” Fiona asked him. Tony gave her a bewildered look.

“I'm surprised you can't,” He said. “Maddy has very expressive eyes, and posture,” He then explained. Beth and Fiona looked back to Maddy who just shrugged, and given the look in her eyes, she was clearly grinning.

Maddy laid out the cards face up, and held a finger up for a few seconds. When she tapped the Ace of Spades, Fiona began to tie Beth's wrists. At the same time, Maddy collected the cards together, and turned them face down. With every wind of the rope, she'd look over to see what Maddy was doing. Maddy placed three cards down, turned over an Ace, and then kept going. Fiona looked back to what she was doing.

“What the-” Beth said, as Fiona was about to cinch the tie. She paused, and looked to see Maddy holding two face down cards, and somehow another ace ended up caught between them. Fiona went back to cinching the tie while Maddy did the same trick again, only this time she caught the wrong card in the middle.

“Ha!” Fiona mocked, only for Maddy to shake the card box and have the ace of spades fall out of it. Fiona's smile dropped instantly upon seeing this.

“Mp jmph dmph thmp phmpmmph,” Maddy said to her, with a shrug. Fiona shook her head, and focused back on her tie. She had just finished knotting it before Maddy laid down the final ace. It looked as though Fiona had won, but only barely.

“M phnmk ymn wmn,” Maddy said, with a slight sigh.

“I might have won it faster if I wasn't watching what you were doing,” Fiona admitted. She looked over to see what Tony thought, and he looked absolutely flabbergasted at what he just saw.

“I'm sorry,” He said, as he set his laptop on the armrest of the chair. “Do that again?” He requested. Maddy just shrugged, and collected the cards, although she left the ace that magically shot out of the box on the floor. She then pointed at it, and then held the cards out for Tony to pick one.

“Do I have to hide it from you?” He asked. Maddy shook her head no. He picked it, and showed it to everyone. It was the Queen of Diamonds. By this point Fiona and Beth had completely forgotten their game, and seemed more interested in watching this spectacle unfold. Maddy did a few shuffles, and cuts. Beth knew these were false, but Tony didn't. There was no way she was going to tell him either. She placed the deck on top of the lone ace that she had left before.

Maddy selected two cards from the top of the deck, and then picked up the deck while leaving the ace behind on the floor. She did the same trick she had done before to catch a card in the middle of it. She then revealed the ace of spades. The card that had been on the floor.

“That's not my card,” Tony said.

“No, but that was the ace that was on the floor,” Beth said, with a hint of almost fear in her voice. Everyone then looked at the lone card.

“Which means-” Tony started. Maddy was giggling, as she turned over the lone card to reveal the Queen of Diamonds. Somehow the two cards had switched places.

“Wow,” Fiona stated.

“I'm not even gonna try to guess how she did that, cause i'll be dead wrong,” Beth admitted. Maddy looked rather pleased with herself. For a few minutes, she had taken all three of them captive with no cuffs, ropes, or gags. She decided that she could now remove the tape from her mouth.

“I did tricks like this as a side hustle to earn money while I was still trying to get my footing,” She explained.

“Did you ever think about going full time with the act?” Tony asked her.

“Oh, I don't think i'd make it far, as those tricks are actually quite rather common,” Maddy said. “I still do um sometimes just for fun with new people,” She then added.

“Can you do anything with rope by chance?” Fiona asked.

“Not without it being set up in some way,” Maddy confessed. She handed the deck back to Fiona and Beth so that they could continue their coaster clock race game that they enjoy. Maddy then selected a nearby chair to watch them. She was quite fascinated by how fast Fiona could tie the rope around Beth's wrists so efficiently. As for Beth, she was no slouch either, but Fiona outclassed her in almost every way.

“Hey Maddy,” Tony called from his chair. Maddy walked over to him.

“Yes?” she asked.

“You want me to get out the cuffs for you?” He asked her. Maddy shook her head no.

“Nah, it's alright,” She said. Tony nodded, and looked back to his screen. Now curious, Maddy's hands retreated behind her back, as she decided to have a look at what he was doing.

“So, what are you working on?” She asked, seeing that this was not a game.

“Doing some bookkeeping for a few small businesses,” Tony answered.

“Is it difficult?” Maddy asked.

“That would depend on what you define as difficult,” Tony said.

“Hey Maddy,” Fiona called. Maddy looked over to her.

“Yes?” she asked.

“You never told me: How did you even get here?” Fiona asked her.

“Oh, you know, we just kinda picked her up off the side of the road,” Beth answered, as she was being released from Fiona's latest job. Fiona gave her a swat across the shoulder for the answer she gave. This only made Beth laugh.

“Actually, she's not far off,” Maddy admitted, and then told Fiona the story of how she went from orphan, to victim, to urchin, to Housekeeper.

“Didn't you have aunts or uncles, or any other family members who could have taken you in?” Fiona asked. Beth and Tony both blinked for a moment. That thought had never occurred to them until now.

“Sadly no,” Maddy answered. “Both my Parents were single children, and as for my Grandparents, well, I never even got a chance to meet them,” She then explained.

“Damn, well, I'm glad you were finally allowed some sunshine after all the clouds and rain so to speak,” Fiona said.

“Thank you,” Maddy said, with a smile. She then went back to watching Tony at his computer. “Is this something you think I could learn?” She then asked him.

“With enough time, and training, absolutely,” Tony answered. “Oh, that reminds me, I'll be taking you to the bank on Monday to collect your statements, and we can help you file your taxes then,” He then stated.

“Oh, thank you, I was wondering about that,” Maddy told him.

* * * *

Fiona had actually stayed for dinner before heading home, and while the rest of the Harn family was gathered around the TV, Maddy was actually in the study reading her book. She was greatful for Tony heping her with her taxes, and the way he spoke made it seem like it would be easier than she was fearing.
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