Spy Captured. Multiple F/M

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Deleted User 1078

Spy Captured. Multiple F/M

Post by Deleted User 1078 »

This is quite long, but I hope you enjoy.

“Quick! He’s getting away!” I hear one of the girls yell. I run my way through the woods trying to get away. I’ve been found out, my spy mission was compromised and I had to escape. I turn around to see how far away I am and I trip over a rock. It gives the girls time to catch up to me and I’m quickly surrounded. 4 girls stand around me as I lay on the ground, arrows pointed at me ready to fire. The girl that seems to be in charge kneels down to me “Thought you could get away?” I lay there and say nothing. “You’re under arrest for spying on the kingdom of the girls. Tie his wrists.” She orders one of the guards. My hands are tightly tied behind my back with rough rope. “Let’s take him to the Princess. She’ll be happy we caught the spy.” I’m brought to my feet and marched through the woods back to the kingdom. I’ve been captured and now my fate is in the hands of the girls.

I’m brought to the kingdom and led into the Princess’s quarters. I’m knelt down in front of the throne where the Princess sits. She’s a young woman, in her 20’s. She sits atop her throne with a stern look in her eyes. She looks down at me. “Who is this boy that kneels in front of me?” She asks. The guard speaks to her “We caught him trying to get away, Princess. He was caught spying on us.” The Princess looks more concerned now. “Spying you say? That’s a very serious crime in our kingdom. Is this true boy?” I look up at her. “No Princess. I’m not a spy. Please I’m sorry. I was in the wrong place.” I plead to her. Hoping that they’ll just let me go. The Princess doesn’t seem stupid. She sees through my lies. “We’ll see about that. Spying is a capital crime against the girls. A crime punishable by death. We will have a trial for him tomorrow. For now, take him to the dungeon. But first, you must show your gratitude boy. Kiss my feet.” The Princess sticks her bare feet in my face. They’re well taken care of with toe rings and anklets. I bow down and kiss each foot multiple times. The Princess smiles, “Very good, boy. No take him away!”

I’m led into a cold wet dungeon. One of the guards untied my wrists. They make me remove my shirt. My shoes and socks are also removed. The rope that tied my wrists is replaced with heavy chains. My wrists are now shackled in front of me. The female guard opens the cell door. “Step inside Prisoner.” She orders me. I step into the cell willingly and look around. It’s small, cold and dark. There’s one window with a little bit of moonlight shining through. “Get some sleep prisoner.” The guard says. “Your trial is tomorrow.” With that she closes the cell door and locks it. I’m left alone to ponder my thoughts. Wrists shackled, shirtless, in my jeans and barefoot. I might as well try to get some rest.

My trial is a quick one. I’m brought in front of the kingdom. My wrists shackled behind me. My ankles are shackled too. I kneel in front of the Princess. She speaks to the court. “Girls this boy has been accused of spying. He was captured and therefore has been found guilty.” I look around surprised, thinking I would get a fair trial. The girls erupt in boos. The Princess speaks again. “For your crimes, I sentence you to death by hanging. The sentence will be carried out at once.” I’m quickly picked up and dragged away. I’m led outside to a scaffold where the crowd of girls is now surrounding.

I’m placed over the trap door. My shackled bare feet stand on the smooth wood. My wrist shackles are now replaced with tight thick rope. The noose is placed around my neck. The Princess turns to me. “Prisoner. You have been found guilty of spying and sentenced to hang. Do you have any last words before sentence is carried out?” I speak to the Princess and plead with her. “Princess, I’m sorry for what I’ve caused your kingdom. Please spare me. I will be your slave for life if you let me live.” The Princess takes some interest to my offer. “If you confess to your crime, I will spare you.” She says. I confess to spying on her village. As humiliating as it is she decides to spare me. “Very well. I hereby sentence you to a lifetime of slavery to the girls. Take him to the dungeon.” I’m dragged away. Thankfully still living. I sit in my cell awaiting what is in store for me. Hoping now I can find a way to break out of here.
Last edited by Deleted User 1078 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Actually it's a rather short story by TUGs standards. Very well done, too. An interesting style and a good story. I like the way you started in the middle and let the reader fill in the backstory. Thanks for posting! I look forward to more from you.

BTW: You'd do well to add a gender tag to the title before you get in trouble with the authorities.
Deleted User 1078

Post by Deleted User 1078 »

Thank you for your input! I appreciate it.
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Post by Mike »

"kingdom of the girls" i love the idea!
Deleted User 1078

Post by Deleted User 1078 »

Mike wrote: 5 years ago "kingdom of the girls" i love the idea!
Thank you! I always enjoy a good F/M story. I’m thinking of doing a next part about my imprisonment, I just need more ideas.
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Post by Mike »

you can describe the situation you are in, how you are tied while you work or while you sleep, what humiliations you have to face. i would love to hear more!
Deleted User 1078

Post by Deleted User 1078 »

Part 2

6 months in. My time as a slave hasn’t been terrible, but it hasn’t been fun either. I’m kept in my cell in a dark dungeon most of the day. My prisoner attire isn’t much, I'm shirtless, wearing sweatpants and I’m barefoot. The Princess requires all of her prisoners to be barefoot, it makes it harder for escape. At all times my wrists are shackled in front with thick heavy chains. My ankles are also shacked together. I’m kept under heavy watch, maybe death was the better option now that I think about it.

The girls of the village are not used to having a prisoner for a long period of time. Usually they’ll be put on trial and sentenced to death. Trials in the kingdom mostly always go against the prisoner, especially if the prisoner is a boy. The Princess loves torturing boys, she does it at every chance she gets. Every day when greeting her, the Princess requires me to kneel and kiss her feet. “Very good slave, make sure you count out loud!” She smiles and laughs at my humiliation. She also checks to make sure I don’t have dirty feet. The Princess doesn’t like her prisoners to have dirty feet, which she must do just for fun because I’m barefoot all the time. One particular day as I was greeting her, I knelt down and she noticed my feet weren’t clean. “Why are your feet dirty, slave?” She asks angrily. “I’m sorry princess. I must have forgotten to clean them. “You forgot?! You know I don’t like my prisoners to have dirty feet.” I look down. “I know princess. Sometimes it’s hard to keep them clean by being barefoot all the time. The dirty cell doesn’t help either.” Her face gets red now. “What did you say?! How dare you talk back to me slave.” “I’m sorry princess.” “Sorry won’t cut it this time slave. I’m going to have to teach you a lesson. Guards, take this boy out to the square and round up the girls. We’re going to punish this boy.” I’m brought to my feet quickly and led outside. Not knowing what’s happening next.

I’m led out to the square and up to the scaffold. A familiar spot, only this time i’m laid down on my back. My wrists are brought above me and secured down so I can’t move them. A wooden stool is brought up and my feet are placed on top and tied down the stool. They are on display to the crowd that has formed. I’m now immobile, surrounded by a few guards and the Princess appears and address the crowd. “Girls, this boy has decided to undermine me and disrespect me.” “Booo!!” The crowd of girls shouts. “He has decided to ignore my orders and have dirty feet! I think I need to teach these soles of his a lesson.” With that she pulls out a whip. “I say 100 lashes should do it! 50 for each foot!” The girls in the crowd cheer. I try to fight away, knowing what’s coming but it’s no use. The Princess winds up and his my left foot with the whip. The pain is excruciating, I try to pull my feet away. “This will teach you to disrespect me, Prisoner.” The Princess laughs and continues to whip my soles. The girls in the crowd count out each one.

After the whippings end I’m brought back to my cell. I’m barely able to walk, I lay on the floor for a while. The cold cement feels good on my soles. Definitely the worst experience I’ve had thus far. It was that moment where I needed to plan my escape. My time as a slave has been short, but I can’t take a lifetime of this. The Princess will find any reason to torture me and I have to get out. I started to plan, I knew the exits. I knew the schedule of the girls. If I could find a way to do it at night it would be perfect. There’s a ladder at the far and of the kingdom. I could climb it to get to the top of the wall. It’s about 10 feet high, after that I could scale my way down and I’d be free. I know I wouldn’t be able to get far being shackled so I would have to find a way to get the keys from my guard. I think if I could get her to open the door I could over power her. Getting caught would be a sure sentence of death, but staying here is a punishment way worse. After thinking it out and gaining some confidence, I decided to put my plan into action.

Night falls over the kingdom, there is only one guard that watches my cell. I notice that she is called away for a minute and I am alone. It is now or never. I quickly stand up and hide against a wall directly next to the cell door. The guard returns and peers in my cell. She can’t see me and starts to worry. “Prisoner?” She calls out. I stay quiet pressed up against the wall. She quickly gets her keys and opens the cell door and enters. I sneak up behind her and quickly knock her out with a hit to the head. I have to move fast, if I’m caught now it’s over. I fumble with her keys trying each one until my wrist and ankle shackles unlock. Now I have to move. I sneak outside, only moonlight illuminates the kingdom. I shuffle across quickly, hiding behind small buildings as I go. I have to get out before the guards notice I’m gone. I finally get to the ladder. There are a couple of guards patrolling up on top of the wall. I throw a rock over the wall a little away from the ladder so the guards have to investigate. I start to climb the ladder, no wonder the Princess required me to be barefoot it’s harder than it seems trying to climb the ladder. I finally make it to the top, I look over. The drop doesn’t seem to far. I see the guards coming back so I have to act quick. Without thinking anymore I jump down. I land on soft grass, a little shaken up but I take off running. I don’t know where I’m going, but I know I have to get far away from here. I’ll have at least till day light until the girls figure out I’m gone, and when they do the Princess will send the whole kingdom after me.


I hope you enjoy this second part. I’m still fairly new to story writing so I apologize if this isn’t to everyone’s liking. But I’m open to criticism. If I can come up with some good ideas I’ll be open to a part 3 if anyone wants it!
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Post by trainer »

Enjoyed the story! If you're thinking about a part 3 it could be interesting to have a revenge scene maybe if you're interested in that. Like perhaps he safely escapes only to come back way later and maybe kidnap the princess or something like that.

Dunno just a thought! But loved the story regardless :)

Post by Quintus09 »

Just found this. I love him being kept barefoot and having to kiss princess’s bare feet every day.
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