Dual Distressed Fairies (FF)

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Dual Distressed Fairies (FF)

Post by Newdayrocks »

This is one of my lesser works, but still good, featuring attractive fairies from the films FernGully: The Last Rainforest & Strange Magic (which I'm sure no one here even knows about) in peril.

I’ve got to figure out a way of this situation.

So thought the fairy known as Marianne, as she struggled against her bonds. The young fairy’s hands were secured behind her with restraints made of spider silk, and more of it was tied securely around her arms, thighs, and ankles. Not to mention, the tips of her wings had been tied with it, rendering them useless.

“MMMPH!” she grunted into the leaf secured over her mouth as a gag, as she twisted against her bonds. But despite all her best efforts, the silken bonds held firm.

“MMM MMMPH!” said her fellow prisoner, who was bound & gagged in the same manner she was.

Marianne turned to look at the young fairy she was sharing captivity with “Mmmm tttrrryyynnngg!” she said, pulling again against her restraints.

Since they refused to budge, Marianne took a break from her struggles to recall exactly how she had ended up in this situation…


Her father, the Fairy King, had asked her to head into the forest on an important mission. A fairy from another colony would be arriving as part of a diplomatic mission to forge an alliance between their worlds, and Marianne was tasked with meeting her. Though diplomacy wasn’t exactly her thing, she had agreed.

It was what seemed like an hour or so before the representative finally arrived.

“Hello, I was wondering if you could help me; I’m new here,” the girl fairy said.

She was unlike any fairy Marianne had ever seen before. Her skin was a light purple, with pointed ears, piercing blue eyes and a mop of black hair. She wore little more than a ratty looking red top & skirt. And, unlike Marianne’s butterfly like wings, hers were small and translucent.

“I’m guessing you’re the fairy from the other colony.”

“Yes; I am Crysta, from FernGully.”

“Never heard of it,” Marianne told her.

“It’s located very far from here, in a forest,” Crysta explained “do you perhaps know where the palace is located? I’m supposed to meet with the king here.”

“I know, I’m his daughter,” Marianne told her “I was sent to escort you there. Come on, he’s been expecting you.”

The two fairies then made their way towards the direction of the palace, but as they passed by a dark looking place, Crysta couldn’t help but stop.

“What’s that?” she asked, “it looks rather frightening.”

“Oh that? Just the Dark Forest,” Marianne explained “don’t let the name fool you; I used to think it was dark & scary, but I eventually learned that it has a hidden beauty to it.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Crysta said “I know that I just got here, but I don’t suppose…”

“That we go on a little tour? Girl, I like the way you think,” Marianne replied “okay, follow me.”

Letting the tomboy lead the way, Crysta followed her into the darkened woods.

“You mentioned the hidden beauty of this place. I take it you’ve been here once before?” she asked.

“Yeah, I had to come here once to rescue my sister. Weird story, I’ll tell you about it later,” Marianne replied.

The two continued to fly around the forest, before Marianne landed on the ground, with the other fairy following suit.

“This place certainly could do with some light,” Crysta commented.

“Well that’s why they call it the Dark Forest,” Marianne explained to her “besides, I don’t think the goblins that live here would be very happy if someone messed with their home.”

“Goblins? We don’t have anything like that where I’m from” Crysta told her “there are many types of birds and animals, but we fairies are the only magic creatures around.”

“Then come with me, I know where we can find a whole bunch of them,” Marianne told her, making a “come here” gesture “now they may look scary, but don’t be afraid; our two kingdoms are allies now, so they won’t hurt you.”

“That’s all right, I trust your judgment,” Crysta said, and followed the princess deeper into the forest.

However, the deeper they got, the young fairy had to admit that it was difficult for her to keep herself from being scared. The constant darkness and the various shadows spooked her, and she struggled to retain her composure.

“Are you sure this place is safe?”

“Relax, I wouldn’t lie to you about something like that,” Marianne told her “it just takes some getting used to, that’s all.”

“All right, I guess you know best,” Crysta said “it’s not like something is going to pop out of the shadows and…mmmph!”

“Crysta, you okay?” Marianne asked, and turned around to see her guest in the clutches of several goblins, one of whom had his scaly hand pressed over her mouth.

“Well, what do we have here?” one of them asked, looking her over.

“It looks like a fairy, but I’ve never seen one that looks like this,” his companion replied.

“Hey you guys, let her go!” Marianne shouted, flying over and confronting them “she’s from out of town, and is under my protection!”

“And what are you going to do if we don’t?”

“Okay, you want to do things the hard way, huh?” Marianne asked, a mischievous grin coming over her face “fine by me; this day was getting a little boring anyway.”

The princess cracked her knuckles and prepared to draw her sword, not noticing Crysta’s frantic muffled cries.

Crysta quickly bit down on the hand of the goblin that was over her mouth, causing him to release it “look out, behind you!”

But her warning came too late and, before Marianne had a chance to react, another goblin whacked her in the head with a piece of bark, knocking her unconscious.

“Little miss fairy isn’t so tough now, is she?” he asked, looking down at the unconscious girl.

“What do we do with this one?” one of the goblins asked, gesturing to Crysta.

“Bring her along; she might make a good slave, or if not, a good snack for later.”

“Ugh, let go of me!” Crysta said, struggling against the grip of the goblin that held her, but when several more of them joined the fray, she knew it was useless.


I have no idea how long I was out before I woke up bound & gagged in this old tree stump. Marianne thought in the present I also don’t know what these goblins have planned for us, but I don’t plan on sticking around to find out.

So saying, she continued to fight against her bonds. No chance of loosening these bonds on my own she thought but maybe, I can rub them loose on the wall. It’s worth a try.

She quickly maneuvered herself over to the wall of the room and began to rub her bonds as quickly as possible.

“Wwwhhhttt rrrr yyyy ddddnng?” Crysta asked through her gag.

“Yyyllll sss,” Marianne mumbled back, as she continued her efforts to free herself.

After what seemed like minutes, Marianne could feel some fraying in her bonds.

I just hope I have enough time.

She went back to it, when she heard the door to the room open.

That doesn’t sound good. Come on, you stupid silk, break already!

Crysta watched on as Marianne rubbed her bonds faster, hoping to loosen them before one of the goblins came in, worried they might tie her up more securely if they found her trying to escape. But, as the door swung open, she was relieved to find a familiar face enter the room.

“Marianne, my darling, are you all right?” the Bog King asked, as he rushed over to the fairy princess and pulled the leaf off her mouth.

“You sure took your sweet time getting here,” Marianne replied teasingly, “I was just about to get loose before you showed up.”

“Still as spirited as ever,” Bog King said, before cutting loose the silken bonds that held the fairy girl. Once the bonds fell away, the two lovers embraced in a kiss.

After they broke, Marianne noticed the still tied up Crysta on the floor, watching them.

“Oh right, sorry,” she said, and took the leaf off the girl's mouth, before she began working on her bonds “Crysta, this is the Bog King, he runs things around here. Also, he’s kind of my boyfriend.”

“A pleasure to meet you, my dear,” Bog King said, bowing “I do apologize for this, and hope this rather unfortunate incident will not deter you from future visits here.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that anyway?” Marianne asked him “I thought our kingdoms made peace and everything.”

“Despite that, there are a few goblins that aren’t quite pleased with my alliance with the fairies,” Bog King told her “rest assured my dearest, I will deal with them severely.”

“Yeah, well, let me have a crack at them before you do.”

By this point, Crysta was now free of her bonds “this certainly has been a very unique adventure,” she commented “I can’t wait to tell everyone back in FernGully what happened.”

“Not used to this sort of thing, eh?” Marianne asked.

“No, but we have our own dangers to deal with,” the nature fairy responded “perhaps you could come and visit some day and I could show you.”

“Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer,” Marianne replied “come on, we should get going; my dad’s probably wondering what kept us.”

“Allow me to offer you an escort; it’s the least I can do after what happened.”

“Lead the way,” Marianne said, linking her arm with the Bog King, before they all flew off, heading back towards the fairy kingdom.