Jeremy and Sara (f/m, f/f, m/m, m/f)

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Jeremy and Sara (f/m, f/f, m/m, m/f)

Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 1

Jeremy leaned against the car window, passing by a "30 miles to Rockford" sign as he listened to a punk cover of a Richard Marx song. When he first heard he was going to see Sarah Mikenzie at her college, he's been stuck on a wave of nostalgia. He looked up the lyrics he remembered her mother playing through the house whenever he came (Sarah would joke about her mom brainwashing her with the music). Man, their years together had flown by. He was seventeen now, and as he was closer to seeing undoubtedly the closest friend of his entire life, he couldn't help but look back fondly on their history.

She had been a neighbor of his back home for several years. She first moved in when he was nine and she was ten. They were only five months apart, but at times he looked at Sara as someone much older. Jeremy wasn't exactly an alpha. He openly admits he's a scrawny beanpole with the aggressiveness of a butterfly. His confidence was somewhat lacking. He liked to stay in the background.
He first met Sara when she moved in. His parents knew her parents from way back, and he was made to meet her. He remembered really not wanting to. How was he going to talk to a girl? It was hard enough talking to other guys. He'll never forget meeting her for the first time. Her long red hair is the biggest give away she was a girl. The way she dressed and acted though, total tomboy. She took him by the arm and brought him up to her room. They hit it off with their shared enthusiasm for video games and television. Sara went to a private school so they never met there, but they met outside of school a lot. For awhile, their relationship built from their shared nerdage. There came a bit of a change, however.

It came when Jeremy was thirteen. It was a week after Sara's fourteenth birthday. He hadn't been able to see her since he got sick with the flu. It didn't matter too much, though: it was the first week of summer and his parents were going on a trip. So he was going to be staying with Sara. He expected to be going to see her that night, but to his surprise she was at his door step before her parents left to help him bring his stuff over.

She was still a tomboy through and through. Also a maniac: wearing her yellow black and orange striped long sleeve shirt, jeans and sneakers in this weather. Jeremy himself was in a pair of brown shorts, a light blue T-shirt, socks and sneakers.

"Not a problem coming over early, is it, lass?" she asked.

For some reason she had taken to calling him lass. She meant it as a term of endearment, or that's how it always sounded.

"Not at all." Jeremy said, trying to hide his excitement a little.

"Come along then."

He kept close behind her. In hindsight, that was probably a bit creepy, or would look so, but something about Sara rose his confidence. She never seemed to mind. He remembered that day, she turned and grinned at him.

"Try not to fall behind." she teased.

Her parents were busy talking as they entered the house. Sara slipped her sneakers off and he did the same. They carried his stuff up to her room and pushed it near her closet. As soon as he did, he knew, like precognition, what was coming up. He should've guessed as soon as the door closed.

She clamped a hand over his mouth and pulled him back. He envisioned his face going red when her soft but firm hand covered his mouth. Now admittedly, if he really, really tried, he could possibly fight her off, or at least keep things at a stand still. However he had to admit, even as a young child, he wasn't much for resistance. Some times other boys would wrestle him down too, though never maliciously.

This is something Sara always liked to do. This time around, her legs wrapped around him like a vice, her socked feet crossing at the ankles in front of him. One hand kept his mouth covered while the other patted his head and she looked at him with a sweet but taunting grin.

"You should know better than to turn your back, lass."

She gently squeezed his cheeks, and he squeezed his legs to be on the safe side. After about ten or so seconds of this, she laughed and let go. Jeremy immediately excused himself to the bathroom.

It was hard for Jeremy to really describe how he felt. He got some kind of enjoyment from this physical domination for a long time, but now it felt, different somehow. It was different with Sara too. Somehow he felt more strongly about her than when he was younger, but it wasn't clear. He was certainly at that age where he was really thinking about girls, but just, couldn't wrap his head around Sara. He felt like he loved her, but he wasn't sure what kind of love. and forget trying to figure out HER feelings.

It was mostly settling in after that. Sara had some chores to tend to, so she told him to make himself at home. He helped himself to some game whose name escapes him. Some anime based game. He had introduced him to anime, but in truth, at the time he only watched it with her. It was still something he was getting used to. Anyway, it was a fighting game, albeit a simplistic one. It was the perfect kind of filler game: if he had to turn it off, well, hat wouldn't matter much, but was still fun enough to kill time.

It was a good thing he didn't mind being interrupted, cause all of a sudden, Sara's arms hooked his and held them there. Her gasped and squirmed reflexively.

"Uh oh, hurry, lass! You're getting yer ass kicked!" she exclaimed with mock excitement, as he was indeed getting beaten as the controller lay at his feet.

He laughed and tried to pull away, which wound up with him face down on the soft, carpeted floor and her on top of him, arms still locked, looking up just in time to see him lose the round.

She used her legs to pin his arms to his side, one hand to cover the mouth and the other to hold his chin up.

"Mmon!" he whined.

The second round started, and as a gamer herself, she should understand it's a bit too cruel to make him watch helplessly as he loses the fight!

"You're not doing so well." she whispered. His sock covered feet hit the padded carpet, for all the good it did. He continued to whimper and looked up at her.

"I thought you were better than this."

What made it worse is that the AI did that thing where some times it kinda just moved around and stood there. It's like it thought Jeremy was trying to lose on purpose and wanted to prolong his defeat. All it did was prolong the humiliation. It was actually annoying him.

"Moon!" he whined again, but she only tightened her hand's grip.

"Sshhh, concentrate."

So much for not minding if he got interrupted, but in Jeremy's defense there's a difference between turning the game off and having to watch himself lose.

"Oops. Game over. Wanna try again?"

Jeremy whined again and was made to watch as the continue screen hit zero.

She reached over and turned the console off.

She let his mouth go.

"That was just mean." he said, not able to help but laugh a little,

"You don't know what mean is, lass." she said, reaching over and pulling his socks off.

"Why are you doing that?" he asked.

It was sort of ironic, perhaps. At his own home, it was pretty lax when it came to indoors, but at the Mikenzie's, there was a strict no shoes inside policy. So this was the only place he regularly spent time with only socks on his feet, and he actually liked the feeling of it.

and now Sara's the one taking them off!

She bound them up together like she was going to put them in a drawer, but instead stuck them abruptly in his mouth, with the bundled end sticking out.

"Mmmmm!" he gasped.

The socks weren't that dirty, but they weren't exactly good tasting! Immidiately he longed for her to reconsider and use her hand again.

She leans her head over and gives him a comforting little grin.

She bucks up and immediately pulls his wrists behind him. Jeremy was taken aback, too much to really appreciate the predicament, but he was curious.

His wrists were bound together by a zip tie.

"The door's locked, so ya know. Try to make a run for it and I'll tackle you back down."

He tugged at his wrists a little as she walked across the room. He wasn't sure what to make of this. It was kind of scary at first. She had never done anything like this.

She knelt in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not going to hurt you." she said sweetly.

She sat him up and gave him a hug.

"If you want to stop, nod your head."

Jeremy thought, and then shook it. A lot of it was him not wanting to disappoint her. He never felt threatened by her, not even in this predicament, but she was hard to say no to.

She showed him a pair of his socks from his bag. She undid the bundle and put them on his feet before applying a zip tie to the ankles.

"There, now you can keep your feet warm." she said in a mock cutsey way, patting his feet.

He giggled at that. She then used ductape, winding it around his wrists and ankles.

She, with some effort, got him onto her bed.

"I've got some things to take care of still.So just lay there and relax." she said, patting his cheek. She left the room.

Jeremy lay for a few moments just absorbing the situation. His mouth adapted quickly to the presence of the socks. With a bit of effort, he could dislodge them. They were tucked in deep enough not to immediately fall out, but his tongue could get it out. Thinking about it after the fact, that was probably the point: a gag he could immediately get off if he really needed to.

He played around in his bonds, humming slightly under the gag. The zip ties held strong, and that also negated any chance of breaking the tape bonds.

He curled up a bit. This was actually not so bad. There was a certain comfort in being in this state of helplessness.
The comfort abruptly ended when the door opened.

Sara's mother looked in with a quirked brow. You would think Jeremy was embarrassed, but at the time all he was thinking was that Sara was in serious, serious trouble. Did his humming get her attention somehow? The gag was pretty effective, it shouldn't have. For a few seconds, he feared this would mean the end of the sleep over.

She laughed as she walked over.

"Is Sara keeping you out of trouble?" she asked.

He nodded reflexively, and that made her laugh again.

"Do you want me to take those socks out?" she asked.

Jeremy shook his head.

"All right…"

She left the room and called Sara up. Sara came in and closed the door. Sara set some water on the drawer and pulled the socks out. Jeremy spat on the floor. She proceeded to release him from his restraints, and then handed him the water.

Without a word.

He drank up, and she sat there, for the first time, awkwardly. It was stunning. He had never seen her looked embarrassed, or in any way, vulnerable. Even at times when she stumbled over herself, she laughed it off. Jeremy leaned in and hugged her quickly. She smiled and patted his back.

"Surprised, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah. I was." he said.

He asked if she got in trouble or not. Sara's mother didn't seem to care about him being tied up, though seeing her amusement as his predicament first hand, he didn't need Sara to tell him that. At the time, Jeremy shrugged it off as over worrying, but in hindsight, her mother was right. Yes, the socks were easily removable, but the door was closed and there was music blaring through the house. Even if he screamed, she might not have heard him, especially downstairs. It was simply inexperience.

Day tore into evening as they found other distractions, but his mind kept coming back to that incident. It must've been getting at Sara too, cause that night, when the lights turned out, she covered his mouth and tapped his sleeping bag.


This time, covering his mouth had been a practical step. She uncovered it. She had a cell phone on as a sort of flash light.

"You're not mad about earlier, are you?" she whispered.

"No, it was fun." Jeremy said quickly, maybe a bit too honestly.

"Are you sure? If it was too much, just say so."

"No way. It was all good, promise…."

I added quickly.

"Now go to bed before I gag you."

He saw her grin.

He got the feeling this wouldn't be the last time he was kidnapped. and he would be right.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome on board. Good to see some more stuff loaded.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Princess_Stinkfoot »

Will there be more to this? :D
I'm Gabby, but you can call me Princess Stinkfoot! I am known for having super smelly feet! I like tickling others feet and watching their reactions. I am the girlfriend of Piggyboy. ^-^
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Post by PhantomThief »

Oh yes. Quite a few more chapters to come.
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Chapter 2

Sara Mickenzie had not been feeling all that great about moving into a new neighborhood. Being a ginger tomboy with a big mouth and a penchant for rough housing hadn't made her the most popular girl in her old school, and she doubted a private one would do any better. They moved due to a change in her father's work, but she knew also partially because of her failure to endear herself to her peers. Her parents didn't yell at her, but they didn't have too: she felt like she let them down. She was going to try a little harder. When she met the neighbor boy, Jeremy, she went out of her way to make him feel welcome. She never expected this would actually grow into something.

It wasn't just that he was into so many of the same things she was: he was just so easy going. She initially hung out with him as a good will gesture to her parents, but quickly she found she could be herself with him. He didn't care. He rarely got mad and seemed to go along with anything she did. On a whim one day she play wrestled with him, and he just kinda laughed it off. At an age where she felt like she had to be on guard from just about anyone, Jeremy was the one person who made her feel at ease.

and as if she didn't feel weird enough, something else was going to be shared between them. and it all started with her cousin, May.

Sara was thirteen at the time, while May was seventeen. May was a pretty brunette, a straight A student, and no one she knew had a bad thing to say about her. She was nice enough to Sara through the few interactions they had, but Sara avoided her. She was the opposite of Jeremy: she felt self conscience around May. She hated seeing her at gatherings cause even though they never said anything, part of her felt like her parents were secretly wishing May was their daughter.

A couple of nights before her birthday, her parents had to go out. By now, Sara had earned enough trust to be left home on her own, however for some reason, they decided to bring May over to watch her. She didn't protest, just hoping she could get May to leave her alone.

She was brought home from school, which meant she's still stuck in her school uniform: a light silver buttoned up top with a blue skirt dipping below the knees. She slipped her shoes off, wanting to hurry up to her room and change out of these girly clothes.

But when she got inside, there was May sitting on the couch. She wore this bright yellow sweater, long dark pants and matching black socks. She had been looking at some textbook, and a book bag on the floor. Sara waved back politely and wanted to go up, but her parents stopped her so they could give all the usual instructions. After her parents left, May made her some dinner. When she was done, she got up to leave.

"Clean up." Mary said.

Sara almost flinched at the command in her voice.

"Sorry." she said, bringing her dishes to the sink.

After washing her dishes, she was about to head upstairs again.

"Come here, cuz." she said.

Sara balled up a fist, but calmed herself and went back down.

"Is something wrong?" Sara asked.

"Come give me a hug."

She didn't get the sudden affection, but this is a rare occasion where they were completely alone. She went over and hugged her. May didn't hug her back, but whatever. She let go, turned around, and suddenly something clicked around her forearm. Before she knew it, her other arm was puled back. Click.

Sara blnked as she was walked over to the couch. She tried pulling her arms apart, hearing and feeling a chain being pulled. Her brain worked so slowly to figure out the obvious: hand cuffs!

"The hell?!"

While she was figuring that out, her wrists were being tied up. Seeing a bundle on the floor, it looked like the kind of rope used for clotheslines. She shook her head, trying to register what's happening. By the time she started pulling, her wrists were bound. The cuffs were taken off and she was taken by the shoulders.

"Sit down." May said with a laugh, pushing her down.

"May, what is this?" Sara asked.

In hind sight, she hated showing fear like that in front of May, but this was freaking her out!

"Just chill, okay?"

May knelt down and began tying her ankles. Sara lashed her arms around every which way she could, which wasn't much. She cringed, having almost popped out her shoulder.

"May, seriously? What is this?"

May cinched the ankle knot


"Shush." May said, shoving a red bandana in Saa's mouth as she was talking, and then tied a knotted cleave gag to keep it in. After tying, she pushed the knot to make sure it was between her teeth.

She began yelling her name under the gag, thrashing around. May's name is one of the only audible things she could say right now, which meant none of the cursing really came out very understandably.

"I'll give you a few moments to calm down." she said, patting her head and going into the kitchen.

She slammed her bound ankles down on the couch, yelling out and slamming down on her bound wrists. This one hurt and she stopped that, but like an idiot she kept it up with her bound ankles, as if the rope would just break.

By the time May came back in , Sara was breathing heavily through her nose.

"There we go, all tuckered out." she said, sipping from a drink and sitting next to her.

"Now, look at me."Mary ordered.

Sara groaned, but craned her head up to look at her. She was holding up some notes in her mother's hand writing. May pointed to one note telling her not to let Sara spend all her time up playing video games.

"This is how it's going to happen: I'm going to keep you tied up for the next hour. I don't want to hear a peep."

Sara grunted, eyeing her gag.

"I know, it's mean, but I can't trust you, so I have to keep the gag on."

Sara felt all the fight in her peter out.

"One hour. Be good." she said, patting her head.

It was kinda unbelievable to see May be able to just watch TV or read while she had someone tied up next to her. She was furious and scared when this was first done, but now with time passing, she gave an occasional, weak tug. On the one hand, it was sort of exciting. There was no real control on her part. May could do whatever she wanted. On the other hand, she hated being this vulnerable in front of May. Every now and then she'd glance back at Sara, giving her a smirk and say "good girl". Why did it have to be May who had her at her mercy?

Of course, that increased the excitement, and the disgust. It's so confusing!

May looks at her again, so smugly and proud of her work. May glanced up at the clock.

"You actually did it. I'm actually kinda proud.'' she said, ruffling Sara's hair.

She isn't sure whether to feel flattered or not.

"You calmed down?" May asked softly.

Sara nodded.

"I'm going to remove your gag now, but don't give me a fight, okay?"

Sara nodded. She breathed big in and out her mouth when the gag was out.

"I know I was rough on ya, but I hope you had some fun too." May said as she untied her.

Sara was speechless and still in complete cognitive dissonance. There was nothing more of that sort from May that night, but it didn't take long for the gears in her head to form when it came to trying something like this with Jeremy.

When she finally did, it seemed to work. The only downside was being caught by her mom. They didn't get in trouble, but they needed to work to make sure they weren't caught again. It just felt, weird.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 3

There were many visits between Jeremy and Sara since their sleep over, but they pretty well evaded the elephant in the room. It was one of those things where it seemed neither one wanted to bring it up. It wasn't for a lack of wanting, he didn't think, but the worry about being caught again. Jeremy got the impression she didn't want him discovered tied up by her mother again. At times it would seem so stupid to him that they made a big deal over such a stupid little activity. It was just a one off thing, perhaps, just a spur of the moment reaction. It wasn't like their friendship declined any, they were still in love with one another's company.

As time passed and Jeremy became thirteen, he began earning more trust from his parents. One plus to being a sort of social recluse is that he wasn't being brought into "bad crowds" so to speak. He wasn't doing anything to worry them, was doing acceptably at school, and just overall gave little cause for concern. They began leaving him alone in the house more often, and when that worked out, they finally let him invite Sara over while they were out. While Sara did have a bit of a reputation for mischief, they must've figured she would behave around Jeremy. Interestingly, this would be the first time she had ever visited his house. She agreed to come visit.

Jeremy wouldn't find this out until later, from Sara's own father, but Sara had actually declined to visit Jeremy's home many times. She had anxiety about being in someone else's home. She tolerated family visits since her parents were there, but there was some discomfort. It was actually a big deal that she was willing to pay Jeremy a visit. It was a level of trust not easy to earn.

Jeremy opened the door for Sara and immediately hugged her. She laughed and returned the embrace. Jeremy himself was in a black T-shirt, jeans, and pure white socks. He was sock footed every time he visited Sara, so it wouldn't feel right if he didn't start that way. Sara took off a dark red and tan sweater, with a short sleeved red shirt and dark jeans thet only went down to the shin. She slipped her shoes off and entered the home in socks similar to his, only going up to the ankle.

He gave her a bit of a tour of the house. It was smaller, and unlike the smooth wooden floors that made up most of her house (besides the bedrooms), here it was all carpets and rugs. Then of course was his own room, which he usually kept clean enough, but did an extra special job for this occasion.

Sara dropped her book bag near the door, strolled over and flopped down on his bed.

"I think you need a new mattress." she said. Her eyes showed it was not as bouncy as her own.

"Probably." Jeremy said with a shrug, sitting on the rug.

She got off the bed in a hurry and checked out his game and movie collection. She kinda knew what he had all ready, but he can't blame her. He checked out her collection every time he went over.

"Did you have dinner yet?" Jeremy asked.


"On what?" he asked with a laugh.

"What will you offer if I say no?"

"A pizza."


It fell off a little after that. He brought her downstairs and watched TV together, mostly channel surfing and finding nothing. We must've went through all the channels several times. He noticed she kept looking at him, and then away. Not in a way he could read. Almost like he were some zoo animal. He pretended not to notice, wondering if she knew he noticed.

She left to use the bathroom for a moment. He couldn't help but notice a certain, wrongness. For some reason it felt like the visit was failing. He tried to think of ways to make things better, when a hand clamped over his mouth. She giggled in his ear.

"Listen carefully, lass.'' she began, in a voice that made him internally melt.

He waited for her instructions as her firm hand kept an iron grip over his mouth. What happened instead was she reached down with one hand, let his mouth go, brought his wrists together behind him and began tying his wrists up with a scarf. Jeremy didn't say anything, but whatever look he had on his face as he looked over his shoulder, it made her giggle. She then wound over the scarf with black electrical tape.

"Comfy?" she asked with a grin, gently pushing him down on the couch.

He couldn't answer, and she tied a scarf over his ankles, before winding it in black electrical tape.

She took out a sock from her bag (it was certainly clean), balled it up, and gently put it in his mouth. He opened up, and there was something for the soft, gradual way she pushed it in, with that smile of hers. She looked at the tape for a second, contemplatively, then put it back in her book bag, taking out a blank white scarf. She tied it over his mouth. When she was done, she looked it over, shook her head, untied it and took out the black electrical tape. She ripped off a piece and carefully placed it on his mouth. She smoothed it out, and applied several more.

"Putting tape on your mouth is surprisingly addictive." she said with a laugh, and he laughed too under the gag.

She picked up his feet and lay them on the couch, then slowly pushed him to his side. She looked him over, stroking her chin. Jeremy gave it, for a few seconds, a legitimate struggle. It didn't budge, but Sara must've gotten concerns about the gag, because she immediately put several more strips on. She took a picture and showed him: the layers were applied so perfectly, it looked almost like a single layer. She deleted the picture, ripped the tape off (Jeremy tried to hide the ouch) and then she wiped and dried his face with wash cloths, all while the sock was still in, and then applied a single piece of tape. She took the picture and showed him.

"Maybe I should make it my phone's wall paper." she said, sitting him up and putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Mmmm, mmm, mmmm." Jeremy said, wanting to make some use of the gag.

Sara grinned and patted his cheek. She then picked up his feet and gave them a tickle. Even with the socks, he instantly squirmed and giggled, but she stopped abruptly. She smothered the tape gag once more.

"I'll be RIGHT back." she assured, lightly poking his nose before walking off.

What a rush. His heart should not be racing this much, but no matter how many times he thought of it as a "stupid little activity", it somehow took on such significance. Whatever helped Sara overcome her internal hurdles, he's so glad she did. He sat obediently. THe bonds were firm, but he didn't want to chance them coming undone.

Sara came back pretty quick, true to her word. He had all ready, without thinking about it, sat up, and she took a seat beside him. She looked in his eyes and smiled. If only she could see the smile he wanted to give in return.

She then leaned back and took a picture of the two of them. If it were anyone else, he would legit complain, but who was Sara going to show? However, he let out a mumble, and she patted his gag.

"We're just gonna have to accept we're a couple of weirdos who got even weirder."

He nodded, snorting.

She got up and dug through his pockets, taking out his pizza money. She proceeded to order the food in front of him, knowing what he would want. She would pace back and forth. She would keep giving him an affectionate little grin as she talked on the phone. When she was done, she knelt down to free him. He wasn't even disappointed. By this point he was drained.

With his ankles and then wrists free, she bear hugged him. Almost nose to nose, she smiled.

"I don't know if I want to take off your gag. You've never sounded better."

"Mmmm, mmmm, mmm."

She let go and gave him a regular hug, which he gladly returned.

"Now, then."

Slowly she peeled off the tape. It stuck well enough, but not that well from all the sweat. She then clamped the sock in with her hand.

"Allow me." she whispered.

She pulled the sock out.

"I'll try to get better stuff next time, lass." she said.

There wasn't another tie up that night, and he wouldn't have expected one. It was still a great visit, and now they had a new pass time to look forward to. For now. He figured they would get sick of it in a couple months or so, and then the status quo would resume.
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Post by Chris12 »

Nice reading that one again.

Thanks for posting :D
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Post by damselwriter »

love it
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Post by fratboydanny »

These are fun reads. Thanks, Phantomthief, for writing and posting them here.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 4

Whenever asked what elicited her interest in pursuing a psychology major, Sara always came up with a cop out answer such as "I've always been interested in how people think". Even though she had long ago realized she wasn't as abnormal as she for so long thought, some things are still best left unsaid.

It all could be traced back to when she was fourteen. It was a few weeks after her second time tying up Jeremy that she began really thinking about things. In retrospect, Jeremy undoubtedly was having thoughts of his own, but at the time, Sara assumed she was the only one thinking about this a lot and sorting through her feelings. It was a muddy swamp, and as weird as it felt, it became even weirder.

She stopped by Jerem'y's after school. She hadn't even stopped home to change, so Jeremy got to see her in her school uniform. With his parents there, of course they weren't going to be stupid anyway. They mostly had fun watching television and talking about whatever entered their heads. Now that didn't mean Jeremy got entirely off the hook. At one point, she covered his mouth, carefully brought him to his back and straddled him, pinning his arms beside him. She giggled as her free hand patted his head and gave his cheeks a little squeeze.

She got off him in a hurry when there was a knock at the door. Unlike her own mother, neither of Jeremy's parents were apt to barge in without knocking. Regardless, that near heart attack was enough to cut that little domination short, but the look on Jeremy's face showed he enjoyed it quite a bit. More than once that night she pinned him down and covered his mouth for short sprints before she had to head home.

This inconvenient little period forced them to settle. She would hang out with him and some times tie up his wrists with a pillow case or some strip of cloth. Something quick to remove but at least did something. Jeremy was fine with it, and once in awhile spent most of the day bound like that.

"and now we pick the final knot." she said softly, undoing Jeremy's wrist bonds for that day.

Jeremy put the pillows back in his make shift pillow case bonds.

"I should make you play a game like that, lass."

"You all ready did, remember?"

"Oh no, you'd have the controller this time. You'd just have to play like this." she said, sitting with her back facing the TV, her wrists together behind her and looking over her shoulder.

"Don't make me do that!" he said with a laugh.

"Hmmm, we'll see. I might, I might not." she said, winking at him.

In a trying moment she would rather not think about again, she worked up the courage to buy handcuffs, from a bin of toys at a local dollar store. They were close enough to the real thing. She brought them with her on her next visit to Jeremy's. She arrived in her typical shirt and jeans combo. Even though summer was in it's early times, that didn't stop her. Jeremy, being a bit more season sensitive, was in a light shirt, shorts and socks.

Upstairs, she showed off the handcuffs and he looked on in awe. She then demonstrated by cuffing her own wrists behind her back.


She even pulled to show that they held. She wondered what Jeremy would do, but as it turned out, nothing. She even left herself this way, but they just conversed as normal. What hit her wasn't disappointment, but, surprise. Surprise at herself. She used the keys to free herself, and the rest of the evening went without incident.

As soon as she was back in her own room, she locked the door and cuffed her wrists back behind her, firmly grasping the key. She kinda liked being bound, but for some reason she wasn't crushed where Jeremy didn't do anything about it. She imagined him being dominant, but, somehow it didn't do anything for her. All of this created a muddled, confused situation.

Then re-enter May.

Summer was here, which meant she was around much more often now. and barely a few days back, she was asked to watch Sara. She protested, wanting to see Jeremy, tie up or not, but she was told she sees him often enough, she can give up a night for May. On the bright side, they did trust her enough to leave her alone for a few minutes. May arrived shortly after her parents headed out, in an outfit that almost resembled her school uniform, only the top was less formal. A dark blue sweater with a light blue skirt, and long black socks after leaving her shoes on the door mat.

"Come here, cuz." she ordered.

Sara ran over. She had gotten the chance to change into more usual attire this time around. The two hugged.

"Have you been a good girl?" May asked.

"Yeah." she said.

For some reason, she was feeling rather, cooperative. No, that might not have been the right word.

"Really? I heard you protested me coming here. How hurtful."

Sara was about to speak.

"Nope, no talking back. Close your mouth."

Sara did so.

"Good. Now, your mom and dad want you to stay home and off your games and TV for a bit. So I'm tying you up. Don't fight me on this, because they WILL hear if you gave me trouble."

Although May had a good four years on her, she really wasn't the fighting type. The last time she captured Sara, it was the element of surprise and the use of quick restraints that won her the day. It was a smart move to simple pull the parents card. After all, would they realy believe Sara if she told them May, the good girl, was trying to bind her?

"Okay." Sara said lowly, feeling strangely excited.

May expertly put her in a hogtie. She was amazed at the rope work at the time, not able to do anything nearly as elaborate. Her wrists and ankles were bound directly together. May gave her feet a little tickle to test, and although not as ticklish as Jeremy, and even with socks on her feet, she flinched. Satisfied when the ropes held, May packed her mouth with cloth and sealed her mouth with silver ductape.

She smothered the gag out.

"You know, I should tell your mom and dad to just keep your mouth taped. It would make life a lot easier for everyone."

She looked away, May patting her cheek and sitting across from her. Sara didn't really want to struggle in front of May and humiliate herself further. Her older cousin didn't do much for that period of time she remain bound, other then occasionally grin at her.

After some time passed, Mary got up and looked at her.

"When I untie you, you're going to give me a big hug before going to your room. Understand?"

Sara nodded obediently.

She smirked, removing her gag and undoing her bonds. As promised, Sara hugged her before retreating to her room. The reason for May tying her up again wouldn't become clear until later, but it was important for a different reason, in that it was her first step to discovering something about herself. Now it would take a little bit after this to realize, it wasn't immediate, however what she found made her question herself more.

She liked being dominated by other girls. In school, she some times had thoughts of being kidnapped by the bitchier girls. It wasn't just gender, but antagonism too. May wasn't that mean, all things considered, but she had an edge when she tied her up.

For awhile it made her question her sexuality, and the answers she came to over her life time were complicated.

She's always been defensive around other girls. Being a tomboy, she felt, and in ways, was separate from them. Of course in the present she has the maturity to understand she was wrong and not all other girls were bad, but at the time she had the habit of seeing them all as "bitches". She was a rebel, but in her was this, attraction, to submitting. Being bound by an "bitch" had a repugnance that somehow enhanced the thrill.

It also helped clarify her own thoughts on Jeremy.

Jeremy was completely different from everyone else in that regard. She liked dominating and making him vulnerable because, oddly, she liked protecting him. Yes, there was a joy in giving him tiny humiliations, but above all else, to have him so vulnerable but make him feel safe and wanted.

Needless to say, this was a lot to digest.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 5

When Jeremy thought things weren't different enough, another element came to shake things up.

Mike Nowak.

They met by pure chance at school. He strolled up to Jeremy at the lunch table and introduced himself. At first Jeremy had no idea what to say, so Mike did all the talking. His passion for retro games created a bridge between the two. Jeremy wasn't a retro gamer himself, but he was willing to branch out. Mike was a very laid back, casual guy who was so at peace with himself. Jeremy was a little envious. It was similar to the kind of confidence Sara had, except Mike didn't show the toughness Sara did. He had nothing to prove to anyone. It seemed so at the time, anyway.

About a month into knowing each other, he invited Jeremy to his house. Jeremy finally got permission to go. It was approaching the end of the school year, and on a night when Sara was going to be watched by her cousin, why not? Now he wasn't naive: he could end up splitting time between him and Sara. However he liked Mike, and wasn't going to decline.

Jeremy removed his shoes at the door, as he had just gotten used to doing after going to Sara's so often. Mike gave him a look like "you didn't have to do that" but simply gestured for Jeremy to follow. Mike's mother was the sole parent of the house hold, and had to work some hectic hours, so he was often left alone with his older sister, Ulla. A tall, raven haired girl, nineteen years old.

Jeremy had to admit she was easy on the eyes. She wore a hoodie, jean shorts and black socks. She looked down at Jeremy's feet.

"At least someone has manners around here." she said, patting Jeremy's head.


"You're Jeremy, right? Ulla."

They shook hands.

Mike walked him up to his room in a hurry. It was typical stuff, showing off his room, his collection, and playing a few games together. They were interrupted when Ulla told Mike it was his turn to take out the garbage. As Mike was doing so, Ulla sat next to Jeremy and began asking questions about him. Pretty mundane stuff, and he answered pretty honestly. She seemed satisfied, and when Mike came back, he pretty much kicked her out of the room.

"She and mom might as well be married, it's like having two of them." he sighed as he closed the door.

"She seems nice." Jeremy blurted out.

"She'll always be nice to you. As long as you behave that is. If she thinks you're a trouble maker, she'd probably tie you up and throw you out of the house."

His heart skipped a beat. "Seriously?"

Mike tells him to wait a moment. He then comes back and Jeremy felt he should've done one of those cartoon spit takes when he saw Mike walking back in with bundles of rope. Not the clothesline stuff either, this was pretty thick.

"She calls this her punishment gear.'' he said, dropping it on the floor.

"She, uses that on you?"

"Here." Mike said, lifting a bundle up.

He spun Jeremy around and began tying it around his midriff. This pinned Jeremy's arms to his side. His heart raced again, but he was also kind of dazed. He never even thought about being tied up while here!

Some rope was used on his ankles as well.

"Give it a try." Mike said, dusting his hands off.

Jeremy nodded and gave a brief struggle. Wow! It was like being held by iron!

"It's a good look for you." he said, patting his shoulder.

"You think so?"

"You always struck me as a mamsel."

"A what?"

"A damsel, but a dude." he said with a laugh.

Something must've shown on Jeremy's face.

"You like that?"


Before he could answer, the door swung open. Jeremy wanted to look away but froze for a few seconds. He wondered if he was about to get on Ulla's bad side. That would not be good, especially in his current predicament!

"I've told you before about going into my room." she said to Mike.

Jeremy can't quite recall what pitiful pleading Mike tried, but it was for naught. Ulla quickly overpowered and tied him up the same way Jeremy was tied up. He was dumped right next to him. Jeremy wanted to laugh, but he feared he may have been on Ulla's bad side.

He thought he heard the door open, but it couldn't be. Ulla wasn't even reacting, and surely she heard it.

Jeremy gasped as a woman walked in. This was getting more and more akward. She of course noticed the two tied up boys lying on the bed, and she looked to Ulla.

"What happened?"

Ulla explained the situation.

"So you're Jeremy."

"Y-yeah." he said.

Not exactly how he expected to meet Mike's mother.

Like Ulla, she began asking Jeremy some questions about himself, which he answered, but couldn't help but be distracted when he saw Ulla sealing Mike's mouth with black electrical tape. Or that this woman was talking to him while he was tied up, so casually.

"He's a sweet heart." Ulla said, smiling warmly, and that just about knocked Jeremy out.

"But don't be a push over. Keep Mike in line when we're not looking." his mother said, and all Jeremy could manage in response was a random, quick babble.

"It was nice meeting you." his mother said, patting Jeremy's head.

"MMIM!" Mike cried.

She kissed her son on the cheek.

"Would you like to join us, Jeremy?"

He wanted to jokingly ask if he had a choice, but simply said "sure".

She walked out, and when he heard the door closed, he turned to Ulla, trying to ignore the grunting and thrashing going on beside him.

"So, she knows?" Jeremy asked.

Ulla took off Mike's shoes, which only got more yells and struggling from him.

"It's a long story, but yes."

He would come to find out their mother wasn't entirely on board at first, however she trusted Ulla completely, and as long as she saw no cause for concern, she allowed it. That's what mattered.

"She doesn't mind, me, either?"

"Who would mind you?…Oh, you mean the ropes."

He didn't mean to draw attention as he didn't mind the predicament, but he was very curious.

"You didn't look like you minded it."

"I don't," Jeremy said, shrugging.

"Good, then you can set an example for him." she said, looking to the panting and thrashing Mike.


"I don't want to untie Mike until he calms down. That means I have to keep you tied up, you probably won't be able to resist helping him."

Jeremy nodded. With how badly Mike wanted to get out, he probably wouldn't be able to resist. If only he knew how much his perceived niceness and honesty would come back to bite him, but that's a story for another day.

She ripped off a piece of tape and placed it over Jeremy's mouth.

"Sshhhh." she said, ruffling his hair (while giving him a smirk) before leaving them alone.

Mike rolled off onto the rug. Jeremy tried not to laugh as he flopped around like a fish. Minutes passed and he tuckered out. He looked up at Jeremy, who shrugged at him. He curled up and simply enjoy his predicament and remember the sensation of Ulla putting tape on his mouth with that smile. He'd remember that forever.

Mike lay there passively. Clearly he didn't enjoy this at all. Luckily for him, Ulla came in after a few minutes.

"Don't steal from me again." she said, ripping the tape off his mouth and undoing his ropes.

She left and didn't even take the ropes back. She must've figured if Mike tied him up, he can be the one to let him go.

Mike took a seat beside him.

"I must've gotten you pretty good, huh?"

He nodded.

"I got my sister's touch after all."

Laying at the mercy of this young man, Jeremy blinked. He wasn't untying him or even taking his gag off. He squirmed in the ropes, pleased that his predicament got to last just a little bit longer. Mike smoothed out the tape, before turning to take his socks off. His own, thank goodness.

He sat on the floor and began to play one of his games.

"Mmmm? MMMM?"

"You're fine, buddy."

Jeremy wanted to play, but it wasn't like he had a say in the matter. It wasn't quite as thrilling when he was simply being ignored, but a little time passed and Mike shut off the console. He plopped back down beside Jeremy and began lightly playing the drums on his cheeks.

This pass time didn't amuse him very long though. The slaps were light, but combined were beginning to wear on Jeremy's nerves.

"You enjoying all the attention from my mom and sister?"

He had no idea how he should answer that, so just made a grunt.

"You're not going to go telling anyone about this, are ya?"

He shook his head. But what else would anyone have said while still bound and gagged?

Mike freed him unceremoniously. The remainder of the evening was a nice little time. He didn't visit Mike nearly as often as he had Sara, but there was certainly enough of them meeting. There wasn't any tie ups, almost like the entire family secretly agreed not to do that when he was there, even though he didn't mind.

Of course, it was not the last incident between them. There was a very minor one right after, in fact. They were on a forested trail near the school. It was a longer way for Jeremy but he didn't mind as it gave him and Mike more time together. He led him slightly off the main trail, and to Jeremy's shock, took out a roll of silver ductape.

"Hold still, dude." he whispered, ripping a strip off and putting it on his mouth.

Out here?! Mike turned him around and taped his wrists up. Now they were in a tree heavy area so they weren't entirely exposed, but still!

"I knew it. You like this."

Jeremy couldn't even shake his head. He was stunned stupid.

"It's pretty weird, dude, but it's okay."

Jeremy would never say this out loud even if he weren't gagged, but the guy who just tied up out in the woods is not one to be talking about weird. He grunted and shook his head. THen he whined and gestured his head up above, hoping he'd get the hint to untie him before they were seen!

"Just admit it." Mike said, patting his cheek. "The sooner you do, the sooner I let you go."

Jeremy actually glared, which only made Mike laugh. It's what he gets for being the least intimidating thirteen year old in the history of mankind.

"Heh, you have a crush on me, don't you?" he teased.

"MOO MOT!" he exclaimed.

"It's fine dude, I won't tell anyone." he said, patting his cheek.

He tried to protest again, this time with more of a whimper. He felt self conscious enough about Mike realizing his tie up interest. Now he was throwing this curve ball at him.

He kissed his tape gag, Jeremy's eyes bugging out.

Mike laughed.

Jeremy whined for Mike to just untie him.

"Relax, J, just having some fun." he said, ruffling Jeremy's hair.

He whimpered again, looking around, but Mike put an arm around his shoulders and walked him around for a bit. It was more than a relief when he let Jeremy go finally and said good bye like nothing had just happened.

He really didn't get Mike some times.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the effort you must have put into this tale.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by cj2125 »

I like your story, it’s very well written and funny. Also I lake the dynamics between Jeremy/ Sara and Jeremy/Mike (and somehow wish Mike and Sara get to meet each other)
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 6

Now that summer vacation officially came, Sara ended up ping ponging between May and Jeremy. Some times she'd just get to stay at Jeremy's, but when available, May would be brought to watch her for the day. She was told she could invite Jeremy on those days.

It isn't something she likes to admit about herself at the time, but she was kind of possessive of Jeremy. It felt like if Jeremy made other friends, he might decide he didn't need her anymore. Point being, she didn't want to share him, and certainly didn't want May around when she was with him.

Since May was watching her all day, there wasn't as compelling a need to keep her away from the "idiot box" as her parents put it. Sure, May would make her come down and do things to keep the house clean. She did like May ordering her around, and back then, that still rattled her she thought that way. Anyway, this meant May didn't feel the need to keep her tied up.

One morning, on another day May is going to watch her, she woke up later than usual. She heard the television on downstairs, so May must've all ready been down there. After a quick shower, she got into a red T-shirt with a skull and cross bones on it, black jeans and white socks. The air conditioning was pretty potent in her and Jeremy's houses, and her feet got cold pretty easily, so she didn't like going barefoot unless she was sleeping.

"Morning, cuz. About time. Come here." said May.

May was also dressed in a T-shirt, pants, and her usual choice of black socks. She joked that she had two forms of summer attire: regular summer and Aunt Eliza's summer. Her mom got a kick out of that, and her dad would respond with "makes clothes shopping a lot easier, don't it?".

May combed Sara's hair, and thank goodness she just showered, otherwise who knows how many knots would be pulled. After that, May made the two breakfast. Pretty typical stuff. May told her not to get into video games, cause she wants her downstairs in half an hour.

"I better not have to come and get you, understand?" she asked firmly.

"I understand." Sara said obediently, almost kinda shuddering at how meek she sounded.

"You're such a good girl." she laughed, kissing her head.

Sara wiped it away, which only made May laugh more. It wasn't exactly a secret May liked to play the mom. At the time, Sara thought she would pity the child if this was her mothering style. and she hated (and liked) when May called her a good girl.

So she went upstairs to watch TV, cause she wanted SOME alone time. When May called her down, she did so without hesitation. Now she would love to see May come and TRY to drag her down, but logic dictated to just roll with it.

When she got down, her heart skipped a beat at seeing the rope on the couch. May chuckled and gestured with her finger for Sara to keep coming down. There was that allure, but also some genuine anxiety. There was still a long time before her parents came home from work, and there was a dread about being her prisoner for that long.

None the less, her feet carried her down.

"Turn around and give me your hands." she ordered.

Sara did so.

"Ahem, did you say something?"

"Yes, May." she said in a slightly quivered voice.

"Good girl."

May quickly and efficiently bound her wrists, snug but not tight to the point it hurt. She wanted to ask May how she got so good at this, but now probably wasn't the time, as May pointed down, and Sara seated herself on the couch. May knelt down, tying her knees together first, and then her ankles. After the later, she held her ankle bonds and gave her feet a little tickle, Sara flinching and letting out what could best be described as a shriek laugh.

What May took out next made her curious. It was a bright red bow tie with a metal clipping. The clipping had been wrapped in electrical tape. She let May manipulated her mouth, sticking the clipping in her mouth.

"Bite down." May ordered, which she did, holding the bow tie over her mouth.

"You're going to hold this in your mouth, understand?"

Sara nodded. May patted her head and went upstairs. Sara shuddered. May was making her prisoner effectively gag herself. and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't sinisterly awesome as well she chose something that made her look almost like a present. She gave her bonds a decent little test, but stopped soon. Not only did they hold, but she feared dropping the tie.

Several moments later, May came down with a big grin on her face. Was she going to like where this is going?

The front door opened up. How she didn't drop the gag she didn't know, but she squealed through her lips. What was going to happen when mom and dad saw her like this? Was this May's plan?

But when it opened, her eyes widened. it was Jeremy, who looked just as surprised to see Sara in her current state. He was in his expected shirt, shorts, socks and shoes attire.

"Welcome, Jeremy. Come on in." May said.

Jeremy stared with wonder as he took his shoes off.

When the shock wore off, Sara spit out the gag. "Did you call him here?!" she asked angrily.

"Don't be mad, okay? I'll replace your gag soon, promise. Now, Jeremy, be a good boy and cooperate." May said, walking him over by the shoulders.

Poor Jeremy, his brain must've shut down. His pretty (he thought she was pretty, right?) best friend tied up, and an older, also (many might describe her as beautiful) pretty girl was about to give him the same treatment. Sara found it amusing now, but not at the time.

"Don't you dare tie him up!" Sara yelled.

She was legitimately furious and began pulling away at her bonds. May laughed, grabbing a rope and began tying the wrists of the passive Jeremy while Sara was stomping her feet on the floor, picking at knots.

All for nothing, as Jeremy wound up tied in the same manner as her, with a big blush on his face.

May grabbed Sara by the chin and got in her face.

"If you don't calm down in the next ten seconds, you'll be sorry." she warned sternly.

Sara melted internally.

"I'm, I'm sorry. Just let Jeremy go." she said.

It wasn't fear for herself that made her submit, but Jeremy.

"Nope." she said, stuffing a sock in her mouth. "Now hold it."

"Mmm! Nmmm, mmeese!" Sara whined while May also put a sock in Jeremy's mouth.

He couldn't be more red. He hadn't said a word, and she can't blame him. He was probably in heaven and hell simultaneously.

"You're such a good, quiet boy. It's a shame to gag you, but I can't play favorites." May teased, using a rolled up white bandana to cleave gag him.

"You, on the other hand, NEED a gag." May said, using an identical one on Sara.

Still not done, she sealed their gags with a strip of silver ductape. She dusted her hands off and stood in front of them with her arms crossed.

"Sara, you really should know better than to watch what you say. It could come back to bite you. I KNOW mom gave you permission to invite Jeremy over, and you never do. So I took the initiative."

Sara struggled not to kick out at her. She looked at Jeremy, who looked at her.

"Look at me." she instructed, and both of them did.

"Well, Jeremy, I'm May. I've heard you're a sweet boy, and I believe it." she said, patting his head.

"Mock I'm moff!" Sara yelled, flailing out again.

She almost hit Jeremy!

May was unphased, mockingly pushing her back with her fingers.

"Calm down, cuz. Your boyfriend's sweet, but he's a little young for my taste."

Sara rolled her eyes at the boyfriend comment.

"It's too bad, though. if only you were a little older. I'm sure when you're my age, you're gonna be the cutest heart throb and all the girls are gonna wanna kidnap you. " she teased, squeezing his chin. He let out a very slight whimper.

"MOCK IT MOFF!" Sara yelled.

She was getting really sick of her putting her paws on Jeremy, and even more so talking about him that way.

May put her foot on Sara's chest to hold her back.

"You better calm down. I went through your room and I found those handcuffs."

Sara narrowed her eyes. She wanted to throttle her right now!

"Your mom would be pretty curious about that, don't you think? After all, you're a little old for cops and robbers."

Sara lowered her head, and May patted it.

"That's a smart girl."

She looked to Jeremy.

"Sorry, sweetie, I gotta have a bit of girl talk with Sara."

She scooped him up and carried him over. She used another length of rope to tie his upper body to the chair. After that she brought over an MP3 player, stuck the earbuds in his ears. She adjusted the volume.

"That good?" she asked, removing one ear piece.


She put the earpiece back in and patted his gag. She went back over to Sara.

"It really is adorable, you know. You love him so much."

Sara grunted.

"I know it's true. I have experience in this stuff, kiddo. I'm quite good at it, actually. I know you're not as tough as you think you are." she said, giving her cheek a squeeze.

"Mmm." she grunted.

"So you wouldn't mind if I went over and kissed him?"

"MILL MILL MU!" she yelled, May grinning.

"Knew it."

Sara growled. This was so humiliating!

May leaned in.

"and I know he feels the same way. You're so lucky." she whispered.

Sara whimpered. Stop talking, May!

May walked up to Jeremy, removing the MP3. She untied him from the chair and brought him upstairs. She didn't have the anger to yell anymore. She was too busy trying to fight off the thoughts May just put into her head.

May came back down a few moments later and carried her up. This couldn't have been easy for May, but she managed, dropping her on her bed next to Jeremy.

"Now, Sara, you will invite Jeremy whenever he can come, understand?"

Sara nodded.

"Are you sorry?"

Sara nodded. Anything to get through this!

May untied Jeremy completely.

"You can go home for now, Jeremy."

"W-what about Sara?"

"Let me worry about that. Say goodbye."

Jeremy gave Sara a hug.

"See you later."

She whimpered. So humiliating, but, so warm too.

May turned her television on. "I'm keeping you tied up for a bit longer to be on the safe side."

Sara nodded. She was just tired. To her credit, May came in to check on her regularly. Not just look in on her, but making sure she wasn't hurt and could breathe. When the time came to untie her, May have her a hug before freeing her, and then let her have some ice cream.

"I know I was a little hard on you today, but I know you can handle it."

Even now it sounds weird to her, but, she grew a little closer to May that day. She should've been wanting to throttle her. Instead, when she was about to leave, without being asked, gave May a hug.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 7
Jeremy-Part 1

Life was good for Jeremy. Despite Sara's reservations, Mike was still treating him fine. Between him and May (whom saying anything positive about got a joking handgag from Sara), his social circle had expanded just a little bit. There weren't too many boring days.

That afternoon, he left his shoes at the door of Mike's house, where it was his older sister who greeted him.

"Mike, get your butt down here!" she yelled as she ruffled Jeremy's hair.

Mike stepped out.

"Sorry, didn't mean to keep your boyfriend waiting." he said with a wave.

She rolled her eyes and sent Jeremy up on his way.

"You sure you want me to take him?" Mike teased.

"If I decide to kick your butt, don't think he's going to help you." Ulla said.

He had to admit, he got a kick out of watching them together. and partially, he liked seeing Ulla. He wondered at the time if her and May would like him so much if they knew he had a teensy bit of an attraction to them. Now, he thinks they probably knew. It feels like everyone knew him better than he did himself.

"Thank you." Jeremy said as Ulla put their lunch on the table later that day.

"You're welcome." she said, flashing him a smile.

She narrowed her eyes at Mike. "How about showing some manners yourself?"

"Thanks." Mike said, not looking.

Mike ended up paying for that when she made him wash BOTH of their dishes. She let Jeremy head on up while Mike was taking care of it. He could hear the start of a lecture, and even closing the door didn't entirely drown it out. The gist of it was to at least shape up when company's around. He heard something about a girl but he wasn't paying close attention.

When Mike came back in, he turned on the television and turned it up a bit.

"We playing something, or…?"

He yanked Jeremy up to his feet and shoved him face first on the bed. He leaned down on the squirming boy and pulled some strip of cloth. Taken by surprise, Jeremy legitimately struggled, but Mike overpowered him and easily tied his wrists up with it. Leaving Jeremy on the bed, his heart raced as he heard tape ripping. Mike knelt down and put tape over the wrist bonds all ready applied.

"Did I, do something wrong?"

Mike turned him around and shoved a rubber ball in. No, not a ball gag, but one of those stress balls. It was better than a sock at least. He kept that in with a few strips of tape, and then taped up his ankles.

"Sorry, dude, you're a wimp." he said, patting his back.


"You sure you're not actually a girl?" he asked with a laugh.

Jeremy whimpered.

Mike pats his cheek…and then goes onto playing video games! This time, he kept at it. He tried to get his attention a couple of times, but Mike wouldn't look back. Jeremy kicked his legs about, though in hindsight if he wanted to escape, he should've started picking at the tape. Being ignored wasn't that fun or interesting for him.

He kept Jeremy like that a bit too long, because Ulla knocked before opening up. She blinked when she saw Jeremy like that, then looked at Mike.

"What?" he asked.

"Do I have to say it?"

Mike glanced at Jeremy. "He doesn't mind."

"How long has he been like that?"

"A few minutes." Mike said.

"Yeah, my ass. You've been playing that game for at least an hour, and I doubt you pulled yourself away just to tie Jeremy up."

"Who cares? He likes it."

"MMM!" Jeremy cried out, shaking his head.

Ulla shook her head with a sigh. She walked over and scooped Jeremy up.

"Come on, I'll help you out." she said softly, carrying him down the stairs.

Jeremy giggled softly. It wasn't exactly unpleasant to be carried by Ulla bridal style. Yeah, yeah, in she probably did it because it would be easier on her than carrying him over her shoulder, and also more secure, but a young boy with healthily developing hormones was allowed some immaturity, right?

She placed him on the couch, slowly peeling the tape off.

"My stress ball, of course…sorry about this."

It took some effort to fit her fingers in and pull it out. He couldn't help but giggle again as she kept trying to work her fingers in to pull the stress ball out.

"I'm really sorry." Jeremy said when the gag was removed.

She washed the ball off in the sink.

"Now, be honest with me. Did you ask him to do this?"

"I didn't ask him to." Jeremy admitted.

"I thought so. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No." Jeremy said.

Ulla tried picking the tape off his wrists, but that wasn't working quite so fast.

"Come on, he's fine." Mike insisted, walking down.

"It doesn't matter." Ulla said, hurrying to the kitchen and coming back with scissors. "Cause Jeremy's going home, and we're going to have a talk."

"Jeremy, you didn't mind it, right?"

"I'm not hearing it." Ulla said, pressing her finger against Jeremy's lips before he could speak. "We are not debating this.' In fact…"

Ulla opened up a small closet door and picked up some rope. Mike made a run for it but Ulla caught him and dragged him over. She sat him down in a chair, giving him a warning look. Mike looked to the side, and Jeremy was a bit too guilty to watch closely. He only got one decent look at Mike as Ulla was walking him out the door: tied to the chair by the chest, wrists tied behind the chair, and ankles tied to the chair legs. His mouth gagged with tape.

Ulla stepped Jeremy outside, apologizing for what happened, and promising him they would make sure Mike learned his lesson.

Oh, he learned his lesson all right. But Jeremy had apparently not learned his.

Or rather, he just couldn't put what he learned into practice. He had a hard time saying no as Mike led him back into the woods, further out then before. Mike got his mother to agree to let him walk Jeremy home one night. Jeremy started getting funny ideas as they strayed further from the path, and sure enough, Mike covered his mouth.

"Don't fight." he ordered, and Jeremy nodded.

He just couldn't say no. Besides, Mike could wrestle him down anyway.

He placed some strips of tape on Jeremy's mouth.

"My sis don't like it when I tie you up, but I know you do." he said, smoothing out the gag.

"Nmmm bout mere." he said.

"Come on, dude, you don't want to be late." he said, walking Jeremy by the shoulders.

"Mmm, meese."

"Come on, it'll be fun." he said, walking him forward.

"Mim morry."

"Sorry? You're not in trouble, it's just a bit of fun." Mike said.

Jeremy looked around like he was being hunted, fearing the sound of other foot steps, or the approach of someone else. Being caught like this would be mortifying. He couldn't help but theorize this was some kind of revenge for getting in trouble before. Or that him being tied that day was revenge for Ulla unfavorably comparing him to Jeremy, which he had to admit, was unnecessary on Ulla's part.

They stopped a little short of the exit, Mike turning Jeremy around.

"You can be honest with me. You really do enjoy this, right?" he asked, with a hand on his shoulder.

Jeremy didn't answer, right away, but Mike kept asking and he nodded just to get this over with.
"You're such a girl." he teased, squeezing his cheek.

Jeremy groaned.


He gave Jeremy a big hug.

"Now, lets get you out."

He removed a pocket knife he used to cut the tape bonds and removed Jeremy's gag.

"See you again soon, dude."

and just like that, Mike left him alone.

He really wasn't sure what to make of that at the time, or even now.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 8
Jeremy-Part 2

"Mike, I, really don't know about this."

"You'll live."

Mike was coming over to Jeremy's house to hang out for the day. Or so had been the plan. But upon arriving at the house, it turned out, according to his friend, Mike wasn't quite trusted to be at Jeremy's without parental supervision. Whether some incident happened or what, now Jeremy was coming with Mike-who said he was coming up bound and gagged.

They were at the door. Mike grabbed Jeremy's wrists.

"Do not fight me, dude." he said firmly.

He sounded like he was in some mood. Jeremy really didn't want to leave himself at his mercy or be walked up in such a humiliating state, however Mike's grip was iron clad, and if Mike wanted it, he was going to get his way.

"I, okay, just don't hurt me."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, man. Just a bit of fun."

Jeremy was having some second thoughts as he let Mike tape up his wrists.

"Mike, seriously-

"Seriously, quiet." he said, immediately shoving a sock in his mouth.

It was pretty far too. He couldn't spit it out in time before a few strips of tape sealed his mouth.

"I'll take care of you, buddy, don't worry." he said, smiling and back to that carefree demeanor as he squeezed his chin.

"Mmm, mmm." Jeremy whimpered.

Mike pulled a large sports hoodie out of his book bag and put it on over Jeremy. He pulled the hood up. The only issue was the fact the sleeves were empty and hung out. His solution for that was the use clear tape to trap the sleeves in the pockets.

"Mmm, mmmm!"

"You're fine." he said, taking him by the shoulder.

"Nmmm! Mmmm!" Jeremy protested as he was being walked out the door of his house.

"Listen, if you keep whining, people are gonna figure out something's up."

Jeremy went silent, and without much choice, let Mike lead him all the way to his house. It was a cool morning, though was predicted to warm up later. The hoodie wouldn't be too bad right now. No, his main concern was that Mike's plan relied on luck and lack of observation. The clear tape wouldn't be obvious, but only from a distance. And even with the hood, it's not like his tape gag was well hidden.

Jeremy kept his head low, when suddenly Mike shoved him. "Move, move!"

He grabbed the sleeve of Jeremy as he stumbled. Running with one's hands tied is not the easiest thing in the world. More so when someone is guiding you while it happens. They stopped around the corner and caught their breath. Whether someone spotted them or he got nervous, he didn't know.

He spent the rest of the walk catching his breath through his nose.

"We made it, I told ya."

"Mmm, mmm." Jeremy grunted, being led through the door.

"Come on, take your shoes off."

That probably should've rang some alarm bells (since when did Mike care if he had shoes on?), however it wasn't like he was in a position it would've mattered. He removed his shoes. The television was on, but he didn't see Ulla. Mike took him by the shoulders and walked him up to the bedroom, where he finally removed the hoodie. But instead of removing the tape, he sat Jeremy on the bed and began wrapping tape around his upper body.

"Mmmm!" Jeremy whined.

But his protests meant little. Soon Mike taped his ankles and his knees together.

"Enjoy yourself." Mike said, putting more tape over his mouth.

"Mkke, mome mom." Jeremy said.

He was still a bit agitated about being made to walk there. At least remove the gag!

"Relax man. Don't you want Ulla to find you like this?" he asked with a cheeky grin.


No, he really didn't. He shook his head.

Mike put a hand on his shoulder, taking a deep breath. The sudden nervousness he showed didn't put Jeremy at any ease.

"I've got some bad news for you, dude. "


All he could do was listen and have his heart sink into the pit of his stomach and twist into knots as, to condense things, the plan, as told to Jeremy, had originally been for Mike to come over to Jeremy's. Since Mike's sister had errands to take care of, Mike was supposed to go to his uncle's, but convinced them that he could stay at Jeremy's. Whatever the reason may be, they agreed to this. So that whole thing about him not being allowed at Jeremy's without supervision was a lie.

But that wasn't the plan for Mike anyway. He had met this girl recently, and he wanted to get with her. However, he must've thought that Jeremy would A: not appreciate being blown off for some girl and B: not be able to, or very convincingly, lie if his mother or sister called him or the house.

"MMMM! MMMM!" Jeremy cried out.

"Ssshhh, ssshhhhhh." Mike cooed, but Jeremy was thrashing and flailing.

"You'll be all right. I'll be back before anyone finds ya. It'll only be a few hours."

"NMMMM! NMMM! NMMMMMMM!" he yelled.

That was an absolute NO. Being bound this extensively for this long with no one anywhere near him was a bad, bad idea.

"It's nothing personal, bud. If you had a girlfriend, you'd understand." Mike said, lifting him over his shoulder like a sack.

"Nmmm! Meeese! MMMM!" Jeremy pleaded.

He tried to promise not to tell, but Mike just kept going "sshhhh" and patting his back. He brought him down into a downstairs closet.

"NMM! NMM! NMMM!" he pleaded, shaking his head as he was laid on his stomach.

Mike took out Jeremy's cell phone and turned it off.

He tried getting his arms and legs up for presumably a hogtie but Jeremy kept bucking his legs away.

"Either you stop fighting, or I'll bring you with us."

Jeremy whimpered and relented. He didn't want to be seen like this in front of another stranger, taken to who knows where.

"Thataboy." Mike said.

He used rope from his sister's room to hogtie Jeremy. He put more tape on Jeremy's mouth as he pleaded one last time.

"I'll make it up to you, promise. Not like it's that bad anyway, right? You love being the mamsel."

A car horn is beeping outside.


Mike ruffled his hair.

"Oh, all right, I'll give you a present. Close your eyes and pretend I'm Ulla"

He kissed his tape gag.

"There. See ya later, and thanks for understanding."

He tipped over on his side as Mike shut the door. Jeremy was too exhausted. He now understood why Mike tied him up when he did: he wanted Jeremy restrained as soon as possible. He should've expected something was up when Mike forcibly tied him earlier. It wasn't a full struggle, but enough. Sadly, he had no doubt Mike could've bound him anyway.

and he knew exactly what he was doing. He took Jeremy to the bedroom, cause if he took him straight to the downstairs closet, he would've put up more of a fight. He hogtied him so he couldn't bang his feet on the floor if someone came in. He was put in a room that was less likely to be checked on if Ulla or Mrs Nowak stopped in early for whatever reason. He probably hid Jeremy's sneakers too, so no one would know.

If only there was more to say. He lay there whimpering, teary eyed, and almost half asleep at points. In later years, he would try to make light of the situation and joke he would've made a terrible kid detective.

After some passage of time, he heard the door open and yelled out.


He screamed his head and lungs out, but when the door opened, it was Mike. Jeremy stopped immediately.

"Hey, bud. Ready to go home?"

"Mmm, mmm, mmm." he whimpered with a nod.

"You're not mad?"

"Nmmm." he said, shaking his head.


He untied Jeremy…to a point. He removed the hogtie and the tape around his legs. He then put Jeremy's sneakers on him. The captive young man gestured to the rest of his bonds, until he saw Mike picking up the hoodie.


"I stopped by your house and left the door open. You better hurry there."


"Don't fight me, dude, I'm not in the mood."

Jeremy was in no position for defiance. He let Mike put the hoodie on him and walk him to the door. There, he saw a girl with some weird symbol tattooed on her forehead.She had a lip piercing and her hair dyed pink.

She blew something in his face, Jeremy yanking his head away.

"You're a little bitch, aren't you?"

Jeremy cast his eyes down. Yes, Sara loved to tease him when he was tied up, but it was never mean spirited. The girl was just flat out insulting him, and he couldn't even defend himself verbally.

The girl shoved him out by the shoulder and the door was shut. Jeremy ran fast, in disbelief Mike would do this. Scared and almost breathless, much of that journey back is a blur to him. All he remembers is the end. As he was running down, someone called out to him. He kept going, but that person ran up and hugged him.


It was Sara. He was always happy to see her, but on this ocassion, he almost collapsed from relief.

She looked so relieved, as if something had been bothering her. That lasted all of a few seconds though, which is all it took for her to see his face, and the not very well hidden tape gag.

"What the hell?!"

Jeremy was shaking something terrible, and that was likely the first sign for Sara something was up. She took a good look at the hoodie on him.

"Are your hands tied up?"

Jeremy nodded.

She started walking him inside, but at the door step, she turned around and ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Don't bother with the shoes, just go sit down." she whispered, helping him to the couch.

"I found him!"

May bounded down the stairs as Sara got the hoodie off him. She grabbed some scissors to cut through his tape bonds.

"Jeremy, what the hell happened?!" Sara asked.

"Sara, go talk to her, will ya?" May asked.

May talked to Jeremy alone and got him to tell her what happened.

Now Jeremy had told Sara he was hanging out with Mike that day, so him not being home wouldn't have been a thing. However, as often happens in real life and fiction, the stars aligned. May looked outside the window and noticed someone opening Jeremy's door (as Mike had alluded to), and told Sara Jeremy was home. But when he didn't come out and the boy left, they went to investigate and found him not home (Jeremy didn't have the chance to lock the door since Mike had tied him up inside). They called his phone, which of course Mike had turned off. They got the number of the Nowak residence, and got no answer. They tried a few times, to no avail. That's when panic set in. They were actually getting ready to go down when Jeremy came.

The fall out was ugly. Jeremy's parents and the Mikenzie's were absolutely livid. Mrs Nowak and Ulla weren't exactly proud of what Mike had done either.

Jeremy had poured out the details in his utterly wrecked state. May told Jeremy to let her be the one to let Sara know what happened. May understood better than Jeremy at the time how protective Sara was. She needed to be told by a fairly composed individual, and ommitting the details of the girlfriend ("There's no two ways about it, she would've gone out looking for that girl and beat the piss out of here" May had said.)

It was not a pretty experience, but it didn't ward him off "tie ups" as he called them. It actually did the opposite, strangely. Not because he enjoyed the experience, but because it increased his appreciation for when they happened with loving, trusting partners.

This isn't to demonize Mike too much. He did see him one more time a little later, around the time Sara first went off to college. They had a long talk. He some times worried about what Mike was doing, but as it turned out, he was getting his act together. Mike had a bad tendency to go off the rails and this ended up alienating himself. Jeremy was one of the few he got particuarly close to. He was very insecure and with a chip on his shoulder. Jeremy left that conversation with a huge weight off his shoulders.

But, there was on major positive to this whole situation. Although he hadn't lost his parents trust, the event had rattled them. So now he not only had permission, but was practically ordered, to stay at Sara's home during the summer, at least while his parents were at work.
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Post by Xtc »

This is turning into our first mighty epic, I think.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 9
Sara-Part 1

There are many things she's grown past over the years, but one thing remains true for Sara: if she ever comes across Mike Nowak, she's going to pound his head flat.

But, Jeremy was moving past the incident, and as much as she wanted to hunt the bastard down and send him rolling downhill in the nastiest dumpster she could find, Her parents and May (separately) gave her long talking to about not making things worse. Geeze, she gets it!

The first few days pass by decently enough. Jeremy doesn't seem too rattled. Still, she went the extra mile to make him feel comfortable, even when he seemed flustered by it. This also meant no tie ups and not even any wrestling or hand gags. She could go without it for a bit. As long as she's with him, she's happy.

and she's still trying to push those silly ideas May put in her head out.

Speaking of, it was May's birthday, and per tradition, she was going to celebrate there and stay the night. So Sara's mother, father, aunt and uncle came to celebrate. As per usual, Sara distanced herself from it. She was still no good with the whole big gathering thing.

As bed time approached (or for her, the time she locks herself in her room until she feels like falling asleep), she left the television on, propping herself up against the wall. Her bed wear consisted of one long T-shirt and a pair of grey socks. When she heard a knock on her door, she assumed it was her mom or dad telling her to not stay up too late.

"Come in."

Nope, it was May, in her new red, glittery sweater. She wore it atop her black flannel pants and white socks.

"What up?"

"Oh, hey." Sara said.

May closed the door behind her.

"Sooo, what's up?" Sara asked.

"I didn't see much of ya today." she said, taking a seat next to her and putting an arm around her shoulders.

"You know how I am"

"No, I don't know much of ya, actually. Other then a few dark secrets." she said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Sara asked.

"You're not very approachable, are you?"

"If I was, I'd have more friends." Sara said matter of factly.

"You mean I haven't broken through that tough girl act yet?"

"It ain't an act."

"Don't talk back." she said sternly.

"That isn't gonna work tonight." Sara said, though it did give her a slight tingle.

May tapped her chin.

"You know, I was actually about your age when I discovered my, taste."

"Fascinating." Sara said with an eye roll.

"Why the attitude, hmm?" May asked.

"I, I just don't know what we're meant to talk about."

"I have an idea." May said, reaching under the bed and pulling out a box.

"You're kidding." Sara said as May pulled out the handcuffs. "What makes you think I'll let you put those on me?' Wait, what are they doing there? Did you go through my room?!"

"I can sniff out secrets like a dog." she said, poking her own nose.

"Yeah, well, you're not putting those on me tonight."

"Cause if you struggle, it'll make a lot of noise, and then they'll find out you had these. and it would be rude when they're in bed getting ready to sleep."

Oh, she's good. She is a villain in the making. The last thing she needed was explaining why she bought a pair of handcuffs. It's not like she would've gotten grounded or anything for it, but it wasn't exactly the kind of thing she wanted her parents finding out.

"Fine." she said, actually becoming a little excited. But May was still friggin evil!

"Now, sit on the floor and put your wrists behind the bed leg." she said in a firm voice.

Thankfully her carpet was pretty soft. Once her wrists were secured there, May pulled out a bandana and tied it over her eyes.

"What's the blindfold for?" Sara asked.

"Sit still and quiet." she instructed, giving her chin a playful squeeze.

Something was laid out on the floor.

"How elaborate is this going to get?" Sara asked.

May giggled, dragging her over onto something really soft. Before she knew it, something was thrown on her. A sleeping bag!

It was zipped up on her!

"Are you-

A sock was stuffed in her mouth.


"Quiet." she whispered, poking her nose.

She whined through the gag, but that only seemed to amuse May, judging by the chuckles. The lights were turned off, which she could see just enough through the corners of her blindfold to notice. She could tell May was kneeling right next to her.

"I don't think the birthday girl should be sleeping on the floor, do you?" she asked, her finger tips lightly tapping her cheek.


She gets the feeling May put this gag in just for another display of dominance. Yeah, I dare you to spit out that gag. See what happens.

"I'll leave the bedroom tomorrow morning. You're going to be sleeping in. I'll tell aunt Eliza I'm taking care of breakfast so that you can sleep in. She'll never have to see her kinky daughter tied up."

Sara whined. If anyone was kinky it was May. She started this whole thing!

"If you have trouble breathing, you can push the gag out. I mean you don't need it, you wouldn't want to make noise and get their attention anyway. But it looks so damn cute on you." May said, patting the gag.

She grunted.

May kissed her head.

"Don't worry. I'll be right here. Good night."

"Nmm, mmeese, mmm." she whimpered, but it was no good.

"Don't fight it. Just go to sleep."

Going to sleep WAS a battle. As far as bound positions for sleeping, it wasn't a bad choice. The sock was clean, though it still didn't taste great. She could breathe just fine through her nose. No, the issue was her heart was racing. She squirmed happily in her restraints when it seemed like May was out.

But fall asleep she did, and when she woke up, she was on the bed with her rope bonds removed, her wrists cuffed behind her and the blindfold off. In fact she was awakened by May, shaking her shoulder. The sock was lodged in a little further, just enough it wouldn't fall out of her mouth as easily.


"Mmm." she groaned, shaking the cob webs out.

ve got breakfast ready. You're going to shower, eat, get dressed, and do exactly as I instruct. Got it?"

"Mmmm." she said, nodding.

What else is a bound person going to say?

May freed her. After her shower, she put on her usual combo of shirt, jeans and socks. After finishing breakfast, she used the bathroom and then came out for May's next instructions, which she had a feeling she knew what they were.

"Lay down."

May used rope to put her in a hogtie, but not as strict. Instead of her bound limbs being tied right together, a half a foot of rope was tied between her wrist and ankle bonds. A fresh sock was placed in her mouth, and a knotted cleave gag to finish it off.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone for too long."


"I'm going out to run a few errands. Be back soon."

"Nmmm, mmait!"

"Awwwe, I knew you loved me." she teased.

She kissed her head.

"Bye bye."


She tried to calm herself down. May can't be that reckless, can she? She wouldn't leave her alone, helpless and with the door unlocked, right? Oh man, this sounded like the plot to some bondage porn video.

She breathed through her nose, kicking her legs out uselessly. May didn't slack on much, and certainly the rope work is not exception. Okay, Sara knew May cared for her and wouldn't let anything happen, but she was paranoid enough to fear some stranger walking in on her that she gave the ropes a fight. Unfortunately, she'd have better luck trying to take on some ex green beret.

The door opened. She got her head up, and let out a little gasp. A smiling Jeremy entered the house, leaving his shoes at the door.

"Good morning." Jeremy said, strolling over.


He bent down and undid the hogtie. He helped her sit up and embraced her. She thanked him under the gag, which made him snort. It was hard to describe how happy she was to be held by him. May was devious all right. She set this whole thing up perfectly.

"You want me to untie you?" Jeremy asked.

"Mot met." she said shaking her head.


He kept an arm around her shoulder as he turned the television on. She couldn't help but giggle and nuzzle every now and then, which made him laugh. She almost fell asleep on him.

"Do you still wanna be tied?" he asked a little later.

She shook her head and he let her go. His warm smile as he removed her gag made her heart melt.

"So, hehe, wanna, watch a movie?"

"Whatever you want, Jeremy."

What she found out was the case was that May had met up with Jeremy after leaving Sara and told him to go right on in. She stood right outside the door until the boy was close to the house and left Sara in his hands. She gave him her cell number and says she'd be right over if they needed anything.

But of course May couldn't let this ideal day go perfectly.

She waltzed in as the two were coming downstairs (rule of thumb: when Jeremy was over, they spent most of it in her room) and immediately covered Sara's mouth.

"Mmmm!" she whined.

"You know better than to fight me."

"Sorry, Sara." Jeremy said.

It was time for Jeremy to head home soon anyway, but this still could've waited!

May taped up her wrists, ankles and mouth.

Jeremy gave Sara a tight hug that almost made this last minute tie up worth it.

"Mank mu." she said.

He gave her one more before heading to the door. May left Sara alone for a few minutes before returning.

"That was nice, wasn't it?" May asked.

"Mmmmm…..mmhmmm." she finally admitted, nodding.

"Good news, and I've got even more. Since Aunt and Uncle will be coming home late tonight, guess who's spending the night again?"

"Mmm." Sara said, showing neither excitement nor dread.

"…as well as a friend of mine coming to visit."


May grinned cheekily.


"and I'm going to make SURE, you behave for her."

Who knew what May's friend was like!
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Post by Barefoot99 »

this are awesome stories. Wish i could be the victim of them
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 10
Sara-Part II

Renee Rohmer is a close friend of May's. This was the first time Sara had heard of her. The first time she saw her was when she stepped into the house that night. Long dark hair, most of it tied in a ponytail, with a short sleeve white shirt, yellow skirt, and knee high black socks and shoes. After hugging and greeting May, she finally got a look at Sara.

Earlier, Sara was freed long enough to change into bed wear, and this time May insisted on a pair of shorts with her usual attire. She was kneeling on the floor, her wrists crossed tied behind her with rope, more rope wound below her chest. A couple wads of cloth are held in her mouth with a cleave gag. Renee isn't surprised in the least to see her in this state, walking over and squeezing her cheek.

"Hey there, Sara, you're Sara, right? I'm Renee, it's nice to meet you."

Sara didn't so much as grunt.

"Wow, May, you're doing such a good job of teaching her to behave."

Sara rolled her eyes.

"and she'll keep behaving if she doesn't want her mom finding out her dirty little secret." May said with a teasing grin.

"Hear that? Be good." Renee said, poking her nose.

The two parted from Sara. As she was left down there, she could hear them laughing it up in HER room. She got up and sat on her couch. Through a lot of ingenuity and focus, she got the television on and got it onto something passable, then sat down. Not even May could expect she would just kneel on the floor for her (with with her legs untied, anyway). How stupid she must look, watching television tied up and cleave gagged. Knowing herself, probably with a bit of a scowl too.

Renee was carrying down May. There was black rope around her ankles, knees, thighs, and chest. She'd later see her arms tied behind her, one atop the other, and connected to the chest rope. She was placed on the couch, a perfectly smooth, perfectly layered stops of silver tape from cheek to cheek. Renee smoothed out May's gag and she whimpered a little, looking to Sara. She could just imagine her thinking "don't show me tied up in front of HER!"

Renee sat on May's lap, giving her head a little pat, and flashed a smile Sara's way.

"May's gotten a bit too big for her britches dominating a wimp like you."

"MMMM!" Sara yelled.

She glared at Renee.

"I needed to make her modest again." she said sweetly, patting May's cheek with her fingertips without looking at her.

To see May at that moment, wow. Her face is pink. She whimpered more helplessly than Jeremy at his worst. She curled up and couldn't make eye contact with Sara. She can't help but giggle at May at that moment.

May whined.

Renee spent the next couple of hours telling Sara plenty of juicy stories, while May squirmed, whined and pleaded. Any response she got was usually "shush" with a kiss on her gag before Renee went right back to it. Long story short, she sure learned a lot about her older cousin. When she felt done humiliating May, Renee sat between them and watched TV. The whole time, May tried not to look at her.

"Well, it's getting late." she said after a bit.

She looked to Sara. "I'm going to untie you now, but trust me, I can take you down in a heartbeat if I need to."

Sara didn't doubt it. When all her ropes and gag had been removed, Renee showed her a big roll of black electrical tape. Sara groaned but didn't resist as a huge mass of tape wrapped around her from beneath her shoulders to her waist, pinning her arms beside her.

"Walk." she ordered, guiding Sara up the stairs.

In her room, her ankles were taped, as well as her knees. Several more strips sealed her mouth. She was laid on a sleeping bag."Wait there." she ordered.


She lay passively. Renee gave her the impression she could be a lot meaner if her buttons were pushed. To some amusement, she heard May whimper as Renee carried her up.

"To show I'm a good sport, I'll give you the bed, okay?"

"Mank mu." May said as she situated May comfortably on the bed.

"Good night." she said, kissing May on the cheek.

Renee lay down on a sleeping bag next to Sara, and then kissed her cheek. "Good night."

Sara felt her cheeks warm up. All her muscles tensed. Renee gave her a smirk like "yeah, liked that, didn't you?"

She left the television in her room on at low volume. It was a distraction, but Sara was going to have to bare it. Just like she was going to have to bare trying to sleep after that kiss.

But Sara sleeping then wasn't in Renee's plans yet.

"Awake?" Renee whispered.


She giggled quietly. "May's asleep. When her head hits a pillow, she's out in five minutes. But keep quiet, okay?"

She nodded as well as she could.

"Are you having fun?"


How did she answer a question like that?

"It's not as abnormal as you think. There's a lot of people like that, you know." she said quietly, helping move the hairs from her eyes.

"Mmm, mmmm."

"It can even be relaxing."

She smooths out Sara's gag as she breathes harder through her nose. The way her fingers moved across the tape somehow it was a little calming.

"Is it weird? Maybe a little. Just embrace it. Look at you and May. Reduced to whimpering subs. You're not usually like that. It's a part of your psyche that's been begging to get out. It's a release to be stripped of all your choices, isn't it?"

She wasn't going to admit anything.

"Listen, May and I go way back. I will never, ever hurt you. Anything I find out about you, strictly confidential. May told me a lot anyway."

She'll kill May! She'll kill her dead!

"Tape's not too tight, is it?"

Sara shook her head.

She scooted even closer, her lips up to her ear as she whispered.

"You're sooooo stressed."

She's not helping!

"You're still fighting certain parts of yourself. I can see it in your eyes." she said, holding her cheek and turning her to face her.

This was like a whole other level. With May, she enjoyed being rendered helpless and being obedient. But with Renee, she wants her to do things, even little things like this. She later confessed to Jeremy that she developed a bit of a girl crush for her cousin's friend and room mate.

"Mmm, mmm, mmmm." Sara whimpered.

"But listen, no matter what feelings you have, there's always going to be people who will accept it. May, me, and this boy you know."

Sara nodded. She must've been under Renee's power completely if she mentioned Jeremy and she didn't try to headbutt her.

"Everyone's got a certain, aura, about them. It's not supernatural, you know, it's just there. People in tune with themselves, they can read it."

Then and there, Sara would believe Renee if she said she was the last daughter of krypton.

"I wish I could take you with me and help you out the way I did May. You have no idea how stressed she was before I started breaking through to her."

"Mmm, mmm."

"I'll give you this one piece of advice: if you love this boy, always be there for him."

She looks up at May as she says this, before glancing back down to Sara. "It won't have been a waste. You'll have each other. Even if he gets married, even if he's not attracted to you, you don't have to cut him off. So don't be scared. Promise me, you won't be scared."

"Mim momise." she whispered.

"and hey, just so you know, May loves you to death. Feel free to come to her with anything, all right? Don't think she won't help you in a heart beat."

Sara nodded obediently.

Renee kissed her cheek again.

"Your heart is racing." she said, as it did.

"Mmm!" she whined.

"Relax. A little homoeroticism is normal at your age anyway."

She smirked down at Sara.

"Here, I'll help you get to sleep."

Sara wishes for the life of her she could remember what exactly Renee did. It was some kind of hypnotism. Scary thing was, it worked.

Renee stepped into the bedroom with a chuckle. Convinced their kids were sleeping in, Sara's parents had left. Of course the truth of the matter was different. Sara had been allowed to dress up, in a black T-shirt with a skull on it, match dark jeans and white socks. Her and May, still in the clothes she slept in, were tied back to back with black ropes around their upper bodies, their wrists tied behind them and around one another's stomachs. Their legs were crossed as if sitting native american style and bound together that way, and their mouths sealed with black tape. It was exhilarating. To be bound with her usually dominant cousin, it felt, in a good way, like pure doom. A huge, huge rush of helplessness. and, pardon the pun, it was quite a bonding moment. Only someone with her taste could appreciate the little felt experience of being tied back to back with someone.

"Breakfast is on the table with a note. I'll be outside until I see the boy come into the house. He should be here in a few minutes."

May whimpered again.

"It was great seeing you again. Too bad I couldn't have arrived sooner. I expect to hear a report of good behavior. I'll know if you're lying."

May nodded.

"Don't be embarassed. If your cousin gives you shit for being a big old softy, all you have to do is show her that commanding side and she'll break back down."

She kissed her cheek and turned her attention to Sara. She whispered into her ear (not like May wouldn't hear anyway)

"It was wonderful meeting you. Remember what I said about accepting your self and this boy."

She placed Sara's own cell on the floor in view of her.

"I hope he's as innocent as May says, though. Otherwise, who knows what he'll do with two cute girls at his mercy like this." she teased, making both of them whine.

She kissed Sara's cheek and left them in the room. She knew when Jeremy would come in, he'd maybe look pleased, ask if they wanted to be freed, and then unite them without incident.

It's probably good for May she can't see her face. Who knows how red it is at that moment. She wished Renee hadn't gagged her so she could tease May about how much cooler her friend is than her. Or just tease her in general. How many chances was she going to get with a whimpering May?

Her cell went off just then with a text. How did Renee even know her number?

i saw the boy's aura. im telling you, you two are meant for one another.

May tried to look over, and suddenly she was fighting to keep May from looking at the text while trying to turn the phone off with her feet. It was sure quite the sight for Jeremy, not only seeing them both tied up, but flailing around on the floor yelling at each other through their gags. If it had been anyone more ignorant, they would think they were had entered a nut house.
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Great story! Keep it up :D
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Chapter 11:

A week of vacation with his parents allowed Jeremy to get in all the swimming the summer season is supposed to offer. Usually a week of this is enough and Jeremy can spend the rest of the summer perfectly content to rest indoors. Vacation went along as normal, until the third night.

Jeremy had a powerful dream, although one that is a tad explicit. To put it as mildly as possible, him and Sara, donned in a two piece, shared the beach together and when Sara tied him up…

Anyway, he woke up with a start. He was in a two bedroom hotel room, given his own bed. His heart raced, he was sweating in the face, and just, wowed by the vivid wringer his psyche ran him through. It's one of the few, perhaps the only, dream where the details stick to him for years afterwards.

"I really miss Sara." he whispered to himself.

Back home and back to business.

It was a great remaining days of the summer and certainly plenty of other tie ups occurred (although to recount them all would be a trying and tedious task). Like most good things, it ended way too soon. May left and school started up again, which obviously cut down on their time together. They still saw each other plenty, but while there really wasn't much in the way of tie ups during that time, to say it was eventless would be far from the truth. Things are going down.

Firstly, Sara was changing. In fact, she was evolving.

He didn't really notice just from seeing her, or not that much. She was even more chipper and less prone to anger (although May going back home and not being around to push her buttons could've been the cause of that). But he was picking up on a trail of details dropped here and there over the coming months. Her grades were getting better. Her behavior was significantly improving. She was even making some friends. No one particularly close, but still. She event went to a small party.

Jeremy, meanwhile, was stuck. He didn't let on or mope about it, but the incident with Mike still haunted him. He wasn't so eager to go back outside his social circle again. and he also feared retaliation. He didn't know the details of what happened to Mike after the kidnapping, but it's safe to say it was not pleasant. Whenever he saw Mike, he looked away and kept far away. He kept envisioning scenarios where Mike would tie him up and parade him around the school. These weren't pleasant fantasies either. He also got the feeling, perhaps paranoia, perhaps intuition, that rumors were spreading about him. There was a vague apprehension he felt whenever he was in the school.

Now granted, none of this was actually happening,, that much was cleared up when he saw Mike again. However at the time, the fear was real. There was no single, story book solution to this dilemma. It eroded over the passage of time, as it seemed less and less likely anything was or was going to happen to him. However, he still kept to himself at school.

Come the holidays, he was in a bit better of spirits. His birthday was coming up, which was in the middle of Decmber, not exactly the most convenient time. It had been unofficially agreed that he only got actual presents come Christmas, and on his birthday he got something more akin to, treats. This time around, he was going to spend some time up at May's. That may seem like an odd decision, to be having him go up to stay with this college student, but as he learned, May was very well liked and trusted. Plus, Sara was going to be there too. The main reason for going up was a christmas party at the college, which May said could unofficially be counted as a bit of a birthday party for Jeremy. It elevated his spirits to such a degree just to know he'd be with his favorite people in the world. May had her driver's license, so she'd be driving him and Sara down from the latter's home.

May was the one to greet him in the door way. She was borrowing her parent's van in order to take over all their belongs. She helped him pack up all his belongings, and as if reading his mind (as he felt he would be rude to ask), May said "She'll be out in a moment…ah! Here she is!"

Jeremy did a double take, as he saw Sara walked out with her mother. Nothing unusual about her attire or anything. Just the fact she had her hands tied behind her back and silver tape along her mouth. May helped Sara into the backseat, buckling her in. It was surreal to be there listening to see Mrs Mikenzie give instructions to her daughter and niece while the former was bound and gagged. She kissed Sara on the cheek, then jokingly told May she was counting on her to make sure Sara stayed out of trouble.

Jeremy took a seat beside Sara and gave her a tight hug, and she pressed her head on his shoulder, the closest to a hug she could give right now. As soon as they took off, Jeremy did what he assumed anyone in his situation would, and asked what just happened.

May explained that Sara's mother discovered the handcuffs (this was after summer vacation and had nothing to do with May). Sara just came completely clean with her. That bowled him over. The guts that must've took. However her parents didn't get upset or weirded out (or at least not externally). The worst she got was a lecture on making sure she's always careful. May of course was the brain child behind tying her up for the trip, and as he later found out, convinced Sara not through orders, but by saying "Jeremy will love it". Sara agreed to it and May, well, tied her up. Obviously.

"Jeremy, take the gag off. The hands you can leave if she wants, but I don't want anyone seeing her face like that when we make a stop." May said.


He smiled at her, and her cheeks went crimson. He chuckled, carefully peeling off the tape and removing the sock from her mouth.

"She can have a sip if she wants." May said, and Jeremy saw the water bottle in the cup holder.

"Yes, please."

''Not too much, it's a long ride."

Jeremy held the bottle up for her. She took a couple of sips from it.

"Do you want me to untie you?"

"Not right now, thanks." Sara said.

"Wow, I can't believe you told your mom. That's hardcore." Jeremy said.

"Well, I didn't have much choice. I mean, don't go telling your parents if you don't have to." Sara said.

"I would plead the fifth." Jeremy said, getting a laugh from the two.

"Say, do your parents know?" Jeremy asked May.

"Eh, kinda. They discovered me doing some self bondage one day. I was young then, so they just kinda dismissed it. I don't know if they'd be so understanding if they knew it wasn't some one time fancy. They're a bit, straight laced, if you know what I mean."

The subject of school came up, and Jeremy kinda shrugged it off.

"Oh, I don't know if Sara told you, but we're staying in a student apartment."

"Yeah, she told me." Jeremy said.

"Only four of us. You, me, Sara, and Sara's girl crush, Renee. You'll like her."

"MY girl crush? You act like more of a puppy around her than Jeremy or I ever have."

"On second thought, Jeremy, go ahead and stuff that sock back in." May said jokingly.

She was untied a little ways in. It was just as well, she'd have to carry her stuff anyways. It ended up taking a few trips to do so. Renee was there to meet them, but there wasn't time for introductions as she took their stuff in.

The apartment was fairly spacious, least compared to what he expected. It was an actual apartment (he of course would later realize that student apartment was not just a fancy name for dorm room). Living rooms, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. They removed their shoes. Renee's rule.

They gathered up in the living room when everything was settled.

"My name's Renee."


"It's good to meet you, Jeremy. Now, being a boy, you need to be on extra special behavior." she teased.

"Ummm, okay."

"Oh you're so stressed. May, what did you tell the poor boy about me?"

"Nothing. You're the one singling him out."

"Well, don't you worry about a thing. I can tell I'm going to like you all ready."

She laid down some rules, most of them not her own. Although they didn't have quiet hours like at the dorms, there was still a loose courtesy rule. The doors locked automatically, so if either one needs to leave, they need to make sure they have a key or are with someone who does. and as a personal rule, she expected everyone to clean up any mess they make. When that was established, it was mostly a settling in process for that night. Renee let them hook up their video game stuff, but they wouldn't have much time to play that night.

Room divisions were May and Sara in the former's room, with Jeremy and Renne in the latter's room. Jeremy figured he would've been sleeping on the couch, but as if reading his thoughts, Renee said:

"I'm not going to exclude you, sweetie." she said, patting his cheek with her fingertips. "However, you and Sara are quite young, so to make sure you behave, some precautions will be taken."

The younger guests looked at each other like ''yep, we know where this is going".

Both changed into bed wear, Sara in a shirt, shorts and socks. Jeremy changed into freshly bought flannel pajamas. Not normally the way he went to bed, but since he was sleeping with three girls, his boxers wouldn't be appropriate bed wear. He also chose to keep his socks on.

He got to watch May tie up Sara, using some of Renne's rope to tie her wrists in front of her. A wad of cloth is shoved in her mouth (May giving a wicked taunting smile as she did so) and held in with a few strips of tape.

"Why don't you give her a good night hug, Jeremy?"

Sara had a wicked blush as Jeremy gave her a big old bear hug.

"Night, Sara." he said softly, making both older girls go "awwwwwe" (and Sara blushed) Sara was walked into May's room once it was close to bed time, and Renee walked Jeremy into her own. He can guess that May applied some more rope in the bedroom, but he would never see it himself.

Once his sleeping bag was put on the floor, she went to work tying rope around his upper body to pin his arms to his sides. His ankles were bound together, She gently pushed a wad of cloth into his mouth and sealed it with black electrical tape. Now, since they weren't quite going to sleep yet, she did have him on the bed next to her.

"I'll be leaving on a night light, so I can always see you well. I'll give you a blindfold if you need it."


She traced her fingernails along his bare neck, which did not give the feeling he expected. Instead of arousing, it was simply, relaxing. She knew just how to trace them without hurting or pricking the skin.

"You're very tense. Something's going on with your life. You know, if you need to talk, I'm great at this sort of thing. If not, I can probably guess. Give me a moment."

She looked at his eyes.

"Are you being bullied?"

He shook his head.

"Did someone bully you before?"

He didn't know how to answer.

"Someone hurt you."

She looked as if she was thinking "jackpot".

"Now you're uncertain about yourself…someone close to you is moving beyond you. Your world lacks security. It's expanding beyond you and you're trying to shrink away from it."

This girl is scary!

"You were hurt, but you're here now. You're among friends. You're having fun. There will always be people who, maybe they're bad people, maybe they're not, will cause you harm. But, Jeremy, that isn't the world. Whatever happened to you, you're alive. You're healthy."

She kissed his tape gag. "You're safe. You're loved. You don't need to step out, but don't lock yourself in."

She leaned in, whispering. "Leave the door open. There's a lot more wonderful people out there who want to come into your house. If doing it for yourself isn't enough, do it for Sara. I can tell you this now, as long as she's breathing, you're not going to lose her, and she'll be there for you, but if you rely on her, you'll burden her. You need others."

She stroked his face. "Both of you will. and when that happens, your bond will only get stronger. Trust me."

This should've been the hottest thing for him right now, but strangely it wasn't. Instead her words were crawling around his mind space.

She did, something, to him. Sara told him she's been put to sleep by Renee too (and they agreed, it's freaky yet awesome)

He woke up, on the bed and seeing Renee at the door with another boy. He was scared, but he left seemingly without noticing him.

He left the room. A moment later, May popped in, dressed for the day.

"Morning, Jeremy. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

Jeremy nodded.

She plopped down next to him.

"Hmm, I wonder what I could do to you to make Sara jealous?" she whispered with a teasing grin, giving Jeremy's neck a slight tickle.

He flinched.

"I'll bet it was a trip with Renee in here, huh?"

"Mmmm." Jeremy said, looking to the side.

"We were actually debating for awhile if we should just let you and Sara sleep in the same room. But we agreed we probably shouldn't. We weren't entirely joking about keeping you under control. You're kinda at that stage, and, well, things could happen."

He wished she'd just come out and say what she's thinking.

"But there's only so much we can do anyway. You'll be having plenty of alone time anyway. So try not to do anything I'll have to explain to anyone."

She patted his head.

"I'll let Renee untie you when breakfast is ready."

Her lips pressed against his tape gag before leaving, giggling.

He wasn't entirely getting what May and Renee kept hinting at. Or perhaps he was simply in denial. The latter is more likely, as he was seeing signs of what they were hinting at. and he was about to see a lot more.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 12

May and Renee gave her and Jeremy a campus wide tour. This was what convinced Sara to, years down the line, come over here. Not exactly the most pragmatic way of choosing your college, but the campus was like a world unto itself. It felt as big as her home town. In hindsight, it probably wasn't that grand on the scale of universities, but for her young self, this was practically a wonderland.

After the tour, Jeremy and Sara were left alone at the apartment. Their classes were mostly over but they still had some stuff to do. They didn't leave without giving warning that the apartment better be in the shape they left it in when they came back.

Hanging out with Jeremy alone in this apartment was an absolute blast. She'd almost forgotten what a full day alone with the boy was like. Okay, maybe the fact she kicked his scrawny ass at just about everything they played that day helped a little.She felt bad for him (even as he was quite happy), so switched to a co-op games.

But that morning marathon stretched into the afternoon, so it was time for lunch. There was plenty in the fridge, but Jeremy was kinda paranoid about setting off the fire alarm. Both were decent at cooking by that point (well, okay, Jeremy was-she wouldn't get decent until, ummm…) They would microwave instead.

On a whim, however, Sara decided this wouldn't be a normal meal.

As Jeremy was sitting, she collected Renee's black rope and pulled Jeremy's wrists behind the chair.

"Huh?" he asked, surprised, but not quite startled. "I thought we were going to eat."

"We are." she said, cinching the wrists.

His ankles were tied, attached to a rope tied near where his wrists were, forcing his feet under the chair. Yeah, there wasn't necessarily reason to, but she always thought that looked neat. She dusted off her hands.

"I've decided I'm going to put something in your mouth besides a gag for once."

"You're serious?"

She poked his nose and heated him up some food, one of those TV meals. She sat right next to him.

"But, aren't you going to eat?"

"Later." she said.

She fed him his entire lunch, bit by bit. She wiped his face when he was finished. The whole time, she scarcely took her eyes from him. She also couldn't stop giggling. It if made the situation hard for Jeremy, he sure didn't show it. His eyes showed such, joy, and warmth, and kindness, and happiness, and joy, and…


She wiped Jeremy's face down with a wet cloth, making him giggle like a small child. He was such a child. She almost wanted to kiss his cheek, but thought better of it (not that May and Renee weren't kissing his cheek CONSTANTLY when tied up)

Sara made her own lunch. She left Jeremy tied to watch her eat.

"Thanks for the lunch." Jeremy said.

"You remembered, huh? Was something else on your mind, lass?"

"It's been awhile since you called me that."

"It's falling out of style, but it's nice to break out again every once in awhile." Sara said.

It was such a shame to untie such a cute and happy boy, but he was going to need to use the bathroom, and she wanted to return Renee's ropes before she got back. With dissapointment, she untied Jeremy.

But that doesn't mean he's earned his freedom. In the living room, she wrestled Jeremy on his stomach and sat on his back, her socked feet coming together to cover his mouth.

"Mmm, mmmm." he said.

"Just watch the screen, little boy." she taunted as she went back to playing games. Every once in a while she's give him a head pat.

But playing a game was hard while she had Jeremy at her mercy, so she switched up to television watching, trapping Jeremy's body in her legs like a vice and keeping a hand over his mouth. Ah, the good old days again, before the wonders of tie ups.

She gently stroked his head the entire time. Such nice, soft hair. He's so relaxed. That's right, Jeremy, you're safe with her. Safe and helpless. Give yourself up for just a little bit. That's right, stay relaxed. Stay relaxed.

A bit too relaxed. He fell asleep! This made her giggle. She could MAYBE carry him, but rather than risk that, she got his head up on a pillow and covered him up. Looking over his sleeping form, she looked to the side, bent down, and looked around nervously. Something held her back, even as her mind says it's absolutely fine. Her will broke down and she kissed his cheek.

She covered her own mouth. That felt too good, and she pulled herself away before she could be tempted to do more.

Maybe fifteen minutes passed when May and Renee returned.

"Awwwwe, did you tucker him out?" May laughed as she peeled off her shoes.

"He's a wimp." Sara said teasingly.

Renee eyed her mischievously as she took her own shoes off.

"You're getting bold."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sara said.

Renee and May went to their respective rooms. Sara played around on her tablet, putting on head phones. This is what she did until someone tapped her shoulder.

"I'll be right back." Renee said.

Sara nodded, seeing her gesture to Renee's own room.

Going inside, she grinned from ear to ear. May's arms were cross tied behind her back, with a whole chest harness of ropes around her. Knees and ankles bound, mouth sealed in black tape. May whimpered like a puppy, wiggling her toes in her green and black striped socks.

"Why hello, big cuz."

"Mmm, mmmm."

"Sshhhh, don't wake Jeremy." Sara said, putting an arm around her.

She messed up her hair with a giggle. May's submissive demeanor is adorable. Not in the same way Jeremy's is, which is to die for, but she could only smile at May's puppy dog eyes. This was a nice side of hers to see.

Was this what she came off like when May had her tied? Is that why May liked to tie her?

She curled up near her cousin, May whimpering again.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything…actually, I owe you." Sara said, feeling suddenly sentimental. "You've helped me out a lot this past year. In more ways than I can count. So, I won't prattle on about it, but, thank you."

She kissed her cheek and hugged her, May whimpering even more high pitched.

She kept her cousin in a hug until Renee came back in, at which point she left the two alone.

Well of course, not quite. Renee put a hand over her mouth.

"I'm going to keep you quiet, and you're not giving me a hard time."

Sara nodded.

Sara's wrists and ankles were taped up, her mouth cleave gagged. Giving her a pat on the head, Renee left her by Jeremy's side. Sitting quietly, she didn't have to use much patience. He woke up in a few minutes, giving her a little smile and strolled off to the bathroom. After coming back, without a word, he lifted her onto the couch and curled up beside her. She whimpered almost as pathetically as May as their cheeks came together.

"Sshhhhh." he whispered, stroking the side of her face.

He did it only once, but she shivered.

He didn' t ask if she wanted to be untied. He looked at her eyes, commenting on her cute blush (which got a squeal out of her) and kept her close to him.
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Thanks for keeping the posting rate up.
Seems like a happy sort of crowd.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by PhantomThief »

Chapter 13

Renee made them all a light breakfast that morning. It was the last full day they would have together before they would be taken back the next afternoon. In a bit of sad news, not all of them could hang out together. May had a final to take that day, and she was also leaving early to study.

"You sure there's nothing I could do to keep you here?" Renee teased.

"Not with fourty percent of my grade on the line." she said with a laugh, putting her shoes on. "Be good for Renee now. Bye."

"You don't have anything?" Sara asked as she washed the dishes.

Whether this was an example of just how much influence Renee had over them or another example of Sara's changing, it was so weird to see her taking care of the dishes without even a hint of prompting. He kept watching her from behind. A bright red shirt, with short, black jeans stopping around the shin, and white socks. Watching her legs, her fine, smooth legs. Her left one bending on the forefront and lifting the sole. Her long hair swaying a little whenever she moved her head.

"I know, I know, you two really wanted some more time alone." Renee whispered in Jeremy's ear.

He tensed up and looked away.

"Renee?" Sara asked.

"Nope, I'm all done." she said.

"Poor, poor May." Sara said with a giggle.

Renee moved Jeremy's head back to watching Sara.

"Enjoy it a little." she whispered.

Renee strolled away and left Jeremy standing there like a bit of a fool, watching her in an almost hypnotic trance. He can't help but be reminded a bit of that dream on the beach. There he was doing a whole lot more than looking, but he shrugged off his mental state there as a dream, yet here he was glued to looking at her in reality.

Sara turned around and noticed, both looking away at the same time. Jeremy, in a panic, went over and turned on the television.

Sara took a seat beside with, with a noticeable gap between them. Neither one really knew what to do. Jeremy could usually count on Sara being the one to break through the silence. Wordlessly, Jeremy went over and popped in something for them to play. He handed her a controller, she took it, and they found a less akward distraction.

It was a quiet day though. Eeriely quiet. They had lunch together and didn't say much. Jeremy fought between not being able to keep his eyes off of her and not being able to keep them on her. Was Sara mad at him? Did she not like that this boy who had been her play mate for years is now oggling her? She probably thought him a completely innocent boy until now.

Renee marched up to them a little after lunch.

"All right you two, I've had about enough of you two stumbling around each other. I'm going to have to intervene. Sit down back to back." she ordered.

"Yes, Renee." they said.

Jeremy's wrists were tied behind him but around Sara's stomach and vice versa, Rope around their waists and chests pinning their bodies further together. Their ankles and knees were tied next, all with that black rope of hers. Stuffing some clean socks in their mouths, she worked her way over to Jeremy.

"For the adorably submissive and naive boy." she said, taping his mouth.

Jeremy whimpered.

"and for the equally sweet and protective girl." Renee said, which got an identical whimper out of Sara.

At that moment May came back in, kicking her shoes off and dropping her bags.

"How did it go?" Renee asked.

"Yeah, yeah, all good." she said, then grinning when she caught sight of them.

She sat by Sara. If only Jeremy could see Sara's face right now. She writhed, pulling him along for the ride. Bits of her hair brushing along his face made him giggle under the gag.

"She looks pretty hot today, doesn't she?" Renee asked.

"She sure does. Took her long enough to pick out an outfit this morning." May said, Jeremy barely seeing May squeeze her younger cousin's cheek.

"Look at her showing off those wonderful legs." Renee said, stroking her nails along Sara's legs, making her captive scrunch back and squeal, almost knocking Jeremy forward.

"Do you think she did it for us?" May asked.

"That must be it. She wanted to show off for me. After all, who else would you be wanting to impress, hmm?" Renee asked, squeezing her chin.


The old, angry Sara made a come back, throwing her upper body around as much as she could.

May gripped Sara's shoulders and held her in place.

"Your denial is so sweet." Renee said softly.

A whisper, in fact, but given how close they were bound, it wasn't like she could hide it from him.

Jeremy assumed Renne had been talking about herself, but in hindsight, she may have all ready been alluding to...

"Wait, what about Jeremy?" May asked.

"No way. Couldn't be Jeremy. These two haven't talked to each other all day." Renee said.

May moved over and knelt beside Jeremy.

"Awwwe, what's wrong?" she asked, stroking his cheek.

"Mmm, mmmm." he whimpered, moving his head away.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. Keep these two lovebirds out of trouble." May said.

"Sleep tight."

Renee lay on the couch with her laptop. He knows now that Sara finds back to back kinda exciting, but for Jeremy it wasn't nearly as good. He wanted to be able to see her, not just feel her back against his. He noticeably struggled, while Sara lay limp (when no longer being taunted, anyway).

Renee flashed him a smile, setting her computer aside.

"I guess that's enough for now." she said, ungagging and freeing the two.

"Mind if I go in your room?" Sara asked.

"Don't mess with my stuff." is all she said in response.

Sara walked in, Jeremy following.

Jeremy, without thinking, closed the door behind him, Sara looking at him startled.

"Sorry. I just thought, I'll go."

"No, stay. It's good." Sara said.

He walked towards her. What was he doing? He didn't know. He just wanted to be closer. He was a walking, talking enmalcom of different feelings stumbling blindly to their source.

She walked up to him, too, but something about her face told him she knew exactly what he was going to do. They stopped close together, their toes practically together. His arms around her waist, hers around his neck, their faces together. Jeremy gulped, his mouth drying up. She was shaking almost as much as he was, releasing a stuttered breath.

It wasn't one of those relationships with a rocky start. Since the day they met as children, they hit it off. He was never unwelcome or unwanted around her. She did things to him he feared from others, and he never, ever doubted he was in good hands. She wasn't just someone who shared his interests. They understood one another at a time where they felt like no one else did. Yes, it's true, he was seeing her in a new way. He wanted to kiss her lips, feel up, see her body now, but that is only one extra layer. It wasn't like everything else he thought of her dissapeared.

As his mind rang with quick blipping recollections of their years together, he looked into her eyes, seeing a level of vulnerability and instability that was normally only within the confines of her captor's taunts.

"I love you."

The word spilled from his mouth. He wanted to cry after saying them, and maybe he would've resisted, if Sara herself wasn't tearing up.

"I love you." she said.

He pressed her face to his chest as she started sobbing. The words were more than a decleration. A release for the pent up ball of feelings they felt. A clarification for a confusing patch of years. Maybe it was a bit melodramatic, in hindsight, but such is youth.

Jeremy had arrived, staring up at that building where they first confessed their love. Just like May, she got a student apartment. Looking over the sheet with the room number, butterflies fluttered in the pit of his stomach.

The memories are over. It's time to see Sara again.
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