Not According to Plan mmmm/F

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Not According to Plan mmmm/F

Post by LordNelson »

Not According to Plan mmmm/F

It was Monday morning. Jane and her son Andrew were just clearing up the breakfast dishes when the doorbell rang. It was his friend Bryan. He came every morning for Andrew and they walked together to the bus stop to catch their ride to school. Andrew moved a little faster than usual today. It wasn’t that he was excited to go to school; it was what was happening afterwards that had him eager to get going.

Bryan and he had made a pair of new friends at school and today after school they were going to work on what Andrew called their “special project”. Jane walked him to the door and gave him a kiss as he left. Bryan said ’Lookin’ sexy Jane!’ when he saw her in her robe and slippers. Jane laughed and said ‘Ya’ right, get outta here before you miss the bus.’

She watched from the door as they walked away. Bryan is about four inches taller than Andrew and even though they are both twelve he looks like he is about sixteen. He resembles a young Tom Cruise and is very popular with the girls. He is even starting to develop facial hair. He and Andrew have been friends for about four years. His sudden growth spurt in the last year has been accompanied by a maturity and confidence that one doesn’t normally see in a boy that age. He flirts with girls and women equally, including Jane, and she isn’t so sure that he wouldn’t know what to do if anyone ever responded.

She called out after them ‘Don’t forget I’ll be picking you up after work, between 5:30 and 6:00.’ She closed the door and went to shower.

When Jane came out of the shower she toweled off and stopped to look at herself in the mirror. She was proud of the fact that she had kept her figure and didn’t look much different than she did before Andrew was born. Her long, dark red hair hung down in damp ringlets over her shoulders. Her face looked pretty, even without make-up. Her body was firm and trim. She had put on a bit of weight over the last few years but it actually filled out her figure and looked good on her; especially since most of it had been in her boobs which were her pride and joy.

The increased breast size that came with being pregnant had not completely gone away and now, twelve years later she was still stacked. It had meant replacing a lot of blouses but for her it was worth it. She dried her hair which tumbled down in natural waves. She applied just a subtle touch of make-up; there was no need to apply much when she had a natural beauty.

She then went to the bedroom to decide what to wear today. She always wore sexy undies and selected a black lacy matching bra and pantie set. Skimpy bras would normally not be a good choice for a chest like hers but she was still firm enough that not much support was required. Next she put on a pair of very dark black pantyhose.
She looked through her outfits and decided that she would stick with her normal routine. Today, Monday, was a day to dress conservatively. As the week progressed her outfits would get more revealing and yet still manage to look professional. It was a sense of style that had taken years to perfect.

She put on a white blouse with just a hint of ruffles up the front. It was from her lighter days and fit a little tight but she had kept it because it was one of her favorites. She had promised herself that if it ever popped a button she would throw it out but so far it had managed to cope with the stresses it was being subjected to.
Next she selected her “business suit” which was a navy blue blazer with a matching just above the knee skirt. Andrew told her it made her look like a “TV lawyer”. She knew that as plain as it was it was her figure that made it special.

Finally the toughest choice, which shoes to wear. She had worn this outfit dozens of times and had always worn the same shoes but every time she put it on she tried at least half a dozen others before coming back to her tried and true selection. Today was no different. She agonized about going with a plainer pump with a higher heel or something more colorful like a dark red. After wasting five minutes she grabbed the shiny black sling back pumps with the two inch heels just as she always did.

She grabbed her purse and car keys and was out the door. She was ten minutes late as usual but she made sure her blazer was open when she walked in; her boss would be too busy checking out her tits to say anything.

After work she went looking for the address Andrew had given her. It was in a part of town she wasn’t familiar with. She found it and pulled up to park on the street in front. She got out and discovered there was no front door, just a walkway leading around the left side of the house. She followed it and went right around to the back were the walk came out onto a patio.

There was a set of sliding glass doors and she could see a girl on the other side sitting at a dining room table doing homework. She tapped on the door.

A very pretty girl, who looked to be about 14 or 15, answered the door. She was slim and freckle faced with short flaming red-orange hair. She looked up at Jane and said ‘Nice hair, can I help you?’ Jane replied ‘I like your hair too; I’m Andrew’s mom; I’m here to pick up a couple of boys.’ ‘Follow me, I’m Tammy’ said the girl ‘they’re doing something in the basement.’ She led Jane through the dining room, then the kitchen and into a porch. She pointed towards a door in the corner. ‘Just go through there’ she said ‘you’re on your own from here. It’s always creepy but it’s even worse when my brother is down there. Be careful on the stairs.’

Jane opened the door and a narrow, steep dark set of stairs descended into the basement. The only illumination came from the doorway at the top and a faint glow at the bottom. There were no handrails and she cautiously took the first few steps, fortunately she had worn her lower heels. The door above swung shut on its own and she proceeded slowly down the dim stairs.

When she got to the bottom she could see why Tammy called it creepy. It was one large room with bare un-painted cement block walls, a concrete floor and no ceiling; just rafters and joists spider webbed with electrical wires and copper pipes. Opposite the stairs in the far corner was the furnace and hot water tank. To the right of that was a work bench with tools hanging from pegs on the wall above it.

To her immediate right was the laundry area with a washer, dryer, a pair of laundry tubs and a folding table stacked with neat piles of clothing. Beside the table an old refrigerator was humming loudly. A beat up steel garbage can and a large recycling bin completed the sparse decor. Over half of the basement was just a big empty area in which one corner was stacked with cardboard boxes. A single bare light bulb hung above the laundry area, another over the work bench and a third in the center of the room.

Standing under the harsh glare of the third bulb were four boys, all staring at her. She walked towards them and stopped about six feet away. ‘It’s time to go Andrew’ she said ‘but why don’t you introduce me to your new friends first.’

To Andrews left was Timmy, who is Tammy’s brother. Like her he has bright red hair and freckles. He has a slim build and is about the same height as Andrew. To Andrew’s right was Tommy. Tommy was almost as big as Bryan but still had a youthful look in his face. He was part Native American and had dark hair parted down the middle that almost reached his shoulders. His dark complexion and dark eyes made him look almost sinister under the stark lighting.

After the introductions Bryan turned to the others and said ‘Huddle.’ They formed a circle and all leaned into the center. They spoke in whispers for about thirty seconds. They turned back to Jane and Andrew said ‘Could we have just ten more minutes please?’ ‘Are you not done your homework yet?’ she asked ‘This doesn’t look like a place to be doing school work.’ This time Timmy called a huddle and another thirty seconds later Andrew turned to speak again.

He knew that lying to his mom was a waste of time, she could always see right through him, so he told the truth hoping it would convince her. ‘We finished our homework a while ago’ he said ‘now we are working on our special project. We’re playing a game. We are a bunch of kidnappers and we were just about to kidnap Timmy’s sister when you showed up. We put a lot of planning into this and if you could give us ten more minutes we can see if our plan would work.’

Jane thought about it for a moment and had a few questions. ‘Is Tammy in on this?’ ‘No.’ ‘Do you realize that she is busy doing homework?’ ‘We didn’t know that.’ ‘How do you think she will feel about being kidnapped?’ ‘We’re not sure, hopefully she doesn’t mind.’

Jane explained to them that it wasn’t a good idea to include someone in a game when they didn’t know it. Especially a game that involved them being kidnapped. She suggested that they postpone their game for now and when they reschedule it to see first if Tammy is interested in playing.

This time Andrew called the huddle which went about twice as long as the others. ‘I guess you’re right’ he said ‘we’re just going to put our stuff away and then we can get going.’ It was then that Jane noticed an assortment of ropes on the floor behind the boys. Each of the boys picked up a few ropes except Andrew, he picked up a long red wool scarf that had a large knot tied in the middle. It was then that Jane realized that the plan was to tie Tammy up.

Jane had played a few tie up games with Andrew at home but she had no idea that his friends also enjoyed them or that they would actually try them on an unwilling victim such as Tammy. She planned to give them a stern lecture about the proper way to do things. When they finished picking up their stuff they began walking towards the stairs. Jane turned to walk with them and was about to start telling them off when they made their move.

If Jane had been observant she may have been more suspicious when two boys went to her left and two to her right. As soon as her back was to them Bryan and Tommy, the two strongest grabbed her arms. Timmy tackled her legs. He put his shoulder into the back of her knees and they buckled. The two big boys lowered her to her knees on the floor. Timmy immediately started looping a rope around her ankles while Bryan and Tommy wrestled her arms behind her.

Andrew came at her from the front and began to jam the knot into her mouth. Jane knew that if she put up a fight she would probably lose to four strong young boys but it occurred to her that she didn’t want to put up a fight. She had enjoyed the tie up games at home with Andrew and it had been a while since the last one. Being taken by surprise like this was exhilarating and she found that being bound by four assailants instead of one was exciting. She knew that with Andrew there nothing would get out of hand so why not play along.

She decided to make them work for it. She spread her ankles as far apart as she could, she fought with her arms against their grip and she turned her head away from Andrew’s advance with the gag.

Timmy had two loops around her ankles already so he just had to pull as hard as he could to draw them back together. Two more loops and he knotted the rope.

Tommy and Bryan had no trouble holding her still and Timmy tied her wrists while they held her arms.

Andrew showed some initiative. Jane had eluded the gag several times but then he grabbed a hand full of her hair to hold her head still. He started to stuff the knot in. She opened as wide as she could to help him out but it still took a bit of effort to get it in. He stepped around behind her and pulled the ends very tight before knotting them.
At home he had only ever used a cleave gag without a wad so this was a totally new experience for Jane. Unlike the simple gag this one actually silenced her. She mmphed several times and liked the sound of it. She also liked the feel of it. It was extreme and it pushed her to her limits and it was actually stimulating. She was starting to really enjoy this.

Once he was done the gag Andrew checked her other bonds. Jane assumed that he was taking charge because he was the only one experienced at this. The ropes around her wrists and ankles were a little loose. Jane had already tested them and thought that maybe, given the opportunity, she could escape. Andrew could feel the slack and asked for another piece of rope. Bryan protested that they wouldn’t have enough to tie up Tammy but Timmy said he could get more. Bryan handed a rope to Andrew.

Andrew wrapped it tightly around her several times just below her breasts pinning her arms to her sides and then knotted it. Then he asked for another rope. With one end of it he cinched the bonds around her wrists squeezing them to an inescapable tightness. Then he used the other end to do the same to her ankles. She twisted and tugged and had to concede that her slim possibility of escaping had vanished; not that she was actually considering trying it, she was having too much fun.

Her only concern was that they still intended to kidnap Tammy. Hopefully they would be as smooth and organized for her capture and all would go well. Andrew knew better than to keep them tied up for too long so she would be on the way home with him and Tammy would be back to her homework soon enough and hopefully not be too pissed off.

Andrew took a large towel from the laundry table and spread it on the floor in front of Jane. Then he had Bryan and Tommy lower her face down onto it. As her body went down her legs came up. She had never been hog tied before and the lack of freedom felt thrilling. She turned her head to watch as the boys went over to the workbench to get more rope. As they measured off lengths and cut it she was thinking.

Normally someone in this situation would be upset at having been treated this way but Jane was actually feeling proud of Andrew. He had assessed the situation, determined that his mom was a threat to their plan and he took care of it. He knew that she could refuse to let him stay or try to stop them or at the very least warn Tammy. Some people may think that he may have been too aggressive but Jane was pleased that he had taken charge, and besides, it was easy to forgive when she was having such a good time.

As she watched them prepare for their assault on Tammy she continued to test her bonds. She knew that there was no hope of getting free; she just liked the feeling of helplessness that went along with the futility of struggling
While the three selected their ropes Andrew went over to the laundry table. He searched through the piles and found a pair of red panties. He held them up and Jane judged from the size that they were Tammy’s. He examined them and then sensibly decided that using them for a gag was not appropriate (at least not while his mom was there). He neatly folded them and continued to search. He found a pair of white socks and balled them up. He held them up to his mouth to estimate the size and determined that they were probably too big. He removed one sock and was happy with the size of a single one. He then removed the belt from a white bath robe and he was ready to go.

He called to the others ‘It’s time to move’ and they headed up the stairs. Jane estimated that the capture would probably take about ten minutes and she planned to savor every second of it. The simple games she had played with Andrew before were fun but this experience of complete vulnerability was actually exhilarating. Her enjoyment didn’t last long.

The table where Tammy sat was just about directly above where Jane was laying. At first Jane heard a shout followed by a scream. She heard the sound of a chair being scraped across the floor, and then another and then the crash of a chair being knocked down. All of the boys were shouting and Tammy was screaming. She couldn’t understand the boys at all but she made out most of what Tammy was saying and it was quite profane.

The shouting stopped but the screaming continued. The volume rose as the door to the stairs opened. She lifted her head as far as she could. Timmy came down first still clutching ropes in one hand with the other covering his eye. Tommy followed him with both hands over his mouth; blood appeared to be between his fingers. Behind him came Bryan limping heavily and leaning on Andrew for support. The door slammed and the string of shrill vulgarities ceased.

Timmy and Tommy stopped in front of Jane while Bryan and Andrew continued past her towards the pile of boxes. Andrew helped him to sit down and went to untie Jane. She had been hoping to be bound a bit longer but under the circumstances it was time to be released.

She checked Tommy first and he had a split lip. It wouldn’t require stitches but was probably going to leave a small scar. Timmy’s eye was swollen and already turning an ugly purple. Bryan’s knee was puffy and tender. Andrew was the only one who didn’t appear to be injured.

Jane went to the refrigerator and removed a tray of ice cubes from the freezer. She asked Andrew to get some plastic bags out of the recycling. She made up three ice packs. Once the situation seemed to be under control she said ‘Well boys it looks like your special project didn’t go so good. I think that Andrew and Bryan need to get going now.’

They made their way upstairs. The dining room had been pieced back together and Tammy was once again working at her school books. She didn’t even look up as she said ‘Nice meeting you Andrews’s mom with the cool red hair.’ ‘It was nice meeting you too’ Jane replied ‘Tammi with the nice red hair.’

It was a quiet drive as the boys sat silently in the back seat. At Bryan’s house Andrew helped him to the door and in. A minute later he was out again and he sat up front with Jane. ‘You were lucky’ she said to him ‘the other’s got banged up pretty good.’ He said nothing and looked down at the floor. She knew there was something he wasn’t saying. ‘Out with it kid!’

‘When we went to grab her she went crazy. She was throwing books at us and then started to punch. Bryan and Tommy managed to grab her arms like they were supposed to so I went to gag her. She kicked me in the balls. They still hurt.’

Jane tried hard not to laugh; it would only add insult to injury. After about ten seconds she went to speak but then had to suppress a giggle. She imagined what Andrew’s reaction would have been had she known about his injury and made him an ice pack too. Once she had her giggle under control she suggested that they go to a restaurant for supper. Andrew suggested they get take-out and eat at home. She realized that he was probably in more pain than he was letting show and agreed.
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Post by NabHer »

One can only wonder if this will lead to more games between Andrew and Jane. :)

What a great story!
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Post by Mask6190 »

That was a fun story, especially the ending!
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Post by CapturedCarol »

Really well written story thanks.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

This was fantastic and really well written! Jane found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time! Or maybe it was actually the right time! Love to read more adventures with these characters!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Love this story, let’s hope Jane has more adventures
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Post by LordNelson »

This story was written for a former member, Jane, a real mother, who wanted to be tied up by Andrew, her real son . There is sequel that I will post soon. Sadly Jane left the site before I could fulfill anymore requests for her.
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