Wayne (m/m)

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Wayne (m/m)

Post by drawscore »


"Doug, dear!" came the voice of Doug's mother from the kitchen.

"Oh, geez, what's up now?" Doug thought. His mother seldom called him "dear," and the fact that she did, indicated she wanted something. Doug didn't mind helping out around the house, but when his mom said "dear," it might be anything from mowing the lawn, to spending the day shopping.

"Yes, Mom!" Doug shouted from his bedroom, where he had just finished pulling on a T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans.

Doug went down to the kitchen. "You know Wayne Sommers, don't you?" Doug's mom asked.

"Sure I do." Doug replied. "He's the assistant senior patrol leader of my scout troop. He slept over with me once, and I spent a night at his house a couple of months ago."

"Do you like him?" Doug's mom asked.

"He's OK, I guess, even if he is nearly two years older than me, and he's helping me with some merit badges. Why?"

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sommers are going on a weekend getaway, and asked if I minded letting Wayne stay over here for the two nights they're gone." Doug's mom replied. "I said I'd check with you, and get back with her today."

"Hey, that's cool with me." Doug said. "Maybe I can finish up my Star scout requirements a little quicker."

Several days later, Wayne was saying "goodbye" to his parents in the driveway of Doug's house. Doug had also talked his mom into letting him have another guest, Mike Hayworth. There was method in Doug's madness. Mike had always given him good escape challenges, and he figured Wayne would be just as good. Allen and Scott had told him that Wayne was good with rope, but this would be the first time the two boys would test themselves against each other.

Doug wanted Scott and Allen to come, too, but if they did, they'd bring Charlie with them, and while Doug's mom didn't mind two or three of Doug's friends sleeping over, a total of six rambunctious boys was a bit more that Doug's mom wanted to have in the house, especially since she and Doug's dad would be at a PTA meeting, and would be gone from 7:00, to around 10:00.

Mike showed up around 6:30, and went up to Doug's room, where Doug and Wayne were working out of their scout books. Doug listened with rapt attention to Wayne, and watched as Wayne showed him how to read a topographical map, and how to get from one point to another. "You ought to set up a compass course for him." Mike said, as he walked in.

"We're doing it in two weeks." Wayne replied. "The guys in your troop can come over if they want to. We'll be doing it over at our scout house."

"Cool!" replied Mike. "I'll tell the guys."

"Doug, we'll be back in a couple of hours." Doug's dad shouted up the stairs. "You boys behave yourselves."

"OK, Dad!" Doug shouted back down. Doug heard the door close and the car pull out of the driveway, and he went back to working on the map with Wayne.

After another 10-15 minutes, Wayne said Doug had learned enough for the day, and suggested that the all go down and relax in front of the TV.

"Maybe later." Mike said. "First, I got a 'penalty' on Doug that I want to take. Stick around, you'll see what Doug looks like when he's all tied up."

Mike went to Doug's closet, where he found a bag of rope, bandages, neckerchiefs, and bandanas. "OK, Doug, face down on the bed, and put your hands behind you." he ordered.

Wayne watched as Mike tied Doug's hands together behind him, then tied his feet. When he was done, Mike rolled two neckerchiefs together, and started to gag Doug, but Doug cut him off. "You better do a better job than this." he said. "I'll be out in less than ten minutes."

Mike tossed down the gag, and growled "We'll see about that!" He got more rope, and tied Doug's arms and legs. Doug muttered that he should have kept his mouth shut, and Mike laughed. "That's all right, Doug, I'll keep it shut for you." he said, as he tied the double rolled neckerchiefs tightly over his captive's mouth. "If you can get out of that in ten minutes, you can tie up Wayne."

"Wayne shot a withering glance at Mike. "I never said that." he snarled.

"Don't worry about it, Wayne." Mike said. "First, he won't get out in ten minutes, and second, if he doesn't get out, then I get to tie him again, but I'll give that right to you."

Wayne looked at the helpless boy, bound and gagged on the bed, and figured "Why not?" and told Mike "OK, but if I wind up getting tied up because of your silly ass bet, you get tied up with me, AND, I get to tie you."

It was Mike's turn to growl. He looked at Doug, and said "What do you think?" Doug just went "mmmppfff!"

Mike, having spent a couple of nights with Doug, was familiar with the room, and went right for the timer Doug kept in his top dresser drawer. He set it for ten minutes, and looked at Doug. "You ready?" he asked, and Doug nodded. "OK, GO." Mike shouted, and Doug began struggling to get free.

"Lucky he didn't hog tie me!" Doug thought, as he looked up at the timer, and saw just three and a half minutes left, but once he got his hands under his butt, the rest would be easy. Unfortunately for Doug, Mike had tied his hands high on the wrists, making it very difficult for him, but the constant pressure and the twisting and turning, had given Doug a little slack, and he felt the rope give slightly, and slide down to the narrowest part of his wrists. He had to hurry. Less than three minutes remained on the clock.

Like a cork popped from a bottle, Doug's hands finally squeezed beneath his butt. Hurriedly, he attacked the ropes binding his legs, then went after the ones on his ankles. The clock ticked down to 75 seconds, then 60. Doug's ankles were free, and he stepped through. He yanked down his gag, and untied the knot on his hands. Fifteen seconds. The knot was loose, and his hands were free! Ten seconds, and he was untying the neckerchiefs that gagged him. Five, four, three seconds, and the neckerchiefs came loose. Doug leapt to his feet, and hit the "stop" button on the timer. It read 0:02.

"Nine minutes and 58 seconds. Not bad, Mike," Doug said. "But it's not ten minutes. You lose."

Wayne looked at Mike, and had just two words. "You're toast." he said.

"You can toast him later." Doug said. "Right now, I'm gonna toast you. Get on the bed, and put your hands behind your back."

Wayne did as he was told, and Doug tied his hands. Doug then went to work on Wayne's feet, then tied his arms and legs. Remembering that he had been gagged with two neckerchiefs rolled together, he did the same. Just before he tied them over Wayne's mouth, Wayne said "Mike, I'm gonna hog tie you like you ain't never been hog tied before!"

Doug slipped the gag in, then tied it off, and helped Wayne off the bed, and onto the floor. "Your turn." he said to Mike. "You know what to do."

Mike lay down, and let Doug tie and gag him the same way he had tied Wayne - rope around the wrists and ankles, around the arms, and above the knees. "All right, let's see who gets out first." Doug said. He reset the timer, this time for 20 minutes, and told his two captives to start.

Doug hadn't really noticed it before, but Wayne towered nearly four inches above him, coming in at 5 feet, 11 inches. Doug was 5' 7", and considered tall for his 13 years, but Wayne had the same build, and was just an inch and a half bigger around the waist. When Wayne pulled his hands under his butt, and escaped in less than six minutes, Doug was astonished. "I didn't know you could do that." he said.

Wayne laughed, and said he'd been able to do it ever since he was 10. "I was always a tall kid." Wayne said, "And I've always been slender. It's easy."

"Yeah, I know." Doug replied.

Mike, on the other hand, was built more like Charlie, and he couldn't get his hands under his butt like Doug and Wayne. All he could do, was sit and twist and turn his hands, hoping to get a little slack in the rope, and use it to escape.

Mike put up a good fight, but when the timer went off, he was still tightly bound and gagged. Doug started to untie his hands, but Mike shook his head, and loudly "mmmppfff'd" beneath his gag, indicating that he wanted to keep trying. Another ten minutes passed, and Mike still had made no progress. Despite his protests, Doug untied him.

"What'd you do that for??" demanded Mike. "I would have gotten loose."

"Yeah, maybe in about another two weeks." Doug laughed.

Doug pulled Wayne out of the bedroom while Mike was getting his ankles and legs loose. "Hey, Wayne!" Doug said. "If you really want to toast him, wait 'til we get ready for bed, then tie him up in his pajamas."

"That's the silliest damn fool thing I ever heard." Wayne replied. "It's also funny as hell! Do you know how silly he'll look, all tied up in pajamas?"

"Yeah!" Doug grinned. "That's the idea."

Mike came out and joined them, and was met by two boys with big silly grins on their faces. "What's up with you guys?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing." Doug said. "We were just talking about a funny thing that happened on our last campout."

"Yeah, right!" muttered Mike under his breath. "Those two are up to something! I just know it."

The phone rang, and Doug quickly picked it up halfway through the second ring. A minute or so later, he hung up, and announced that it was his mother on the other end. The PTA meeting was going to run about a half hour late, and after the meeting, they were going to stop over at the McDaniels' house for some refreshments. "That means we'll be lucky if they get home by 2:00 a.m. Mrs. McDaniels will talk your ear off." Doug told the others.

Wayne nodded. "I had her two years ago for American History. She talks like the world is gonna end tomorrow, and she has to get all her information out before it does."

Doug called the others down for a drink and some chips, then they went back up to the bedroom, where Doug said he wanted a challenge from Wayne. "Mike kept me tied for 9:58!" Doug said. "Can you do better?"

"Sure!" replied Wayne. "If you get out in less than ten minutes, I'll let you tie up Mike. In his pajamas."

Now it was Mike's turn to protest, and say he hadn't agreed to it. But Doug pulled him to the side, and said that if he didn't go along, he'd tell Charlie, Allen, and Scott that he wore Charlie's pajamas, left from a sleepover a week ago. "You know the rule about borrowing clothes." Doug said.

Mike nodded, and agreed. "Just as long as you don't tell Charlie and the rest." Mike said.

Mike never knew if Wayne went easy on Doug, or not. He did know that Doug got himself loose in just over nine and a half minutes, and now, he would have to make good on Wayne's bet, and allow Doug to tie him in pajamas. Plus, Wayne still had one on him, so he'd wind up getting it twice.

Doug and Wayne pulled on pairs of pajamas with button up coats; Mike put on Charlie's, with the pullover coat. He looked at Wayne and Doug, handed Wayne a length of rope, and said "C'mon, let's get this over with." Then, he lay face down on Doug's bed, and put his hands behind him.

Wayne tied his hands, feet, arms, and legs, then gagged him with a blue bandana. Mike was given the signal to start, and immediately went into an animated struggle, trying to gain some slack. Wayne figured that Mike would stay tied for the full 20 minutes, but he surprised them by getting loose, but it took him better than 18 minutes to do it. "Looks like I earned one on each of you guys." Mike grinned, as he removed the bandana from around his neck.

Wayne gave Doug a puzzled look, and Doug said "He's right. He got out, so he gets to tie you."

Hey, and you, too!" Mike said. Doug thought for a moment, and agreed. "Yeah, I guess so." he said. "Tie us identically, and we can have a contest to see which one escapes first."

Wayne was agreeable, and laid down on the bed to let Mike tie him. When Mike was done, Wayne again had his hands, feet, arms, and legs tied, and had been gagged with one of Doug's scout neckerchiefs. Doug and Mike helped him to the floor, and Doug replaced him on the bed. A few minutes later, Doug was tied just like Wayne. Mike used another neckerchief to gag his captive, then helped him to the floor. "What should I set the timer for?" Mike asked, but Wayne and Doug could do nothing more than make loud "mmmppfff's."

Mike grinned, and said "What about 20 minutes?" Doug and Wayne shook their heads. "Fifteen minutes?" he asked, and again, both captives indicated "No!" Doug rolled over on his stomach, and extended all of his fingers. "Enff infff's!" he said through his gag, which Mike took as ten minutes. After setting the timer, Mike showed it to Doug and Wayne. Both nodded that ten minutes was what they wanted, and Mike set the timer on Doug's dresser. "Ready, set, GO!" Mike shouted, and brought his finger down on the "start" button.

Wayne had his hands under his butt while Doug was still trying to get into position to start, and when Wayne was removing his gag, Doug was still trying to get his ankles untied. "Damn!" Doug thought. "He's better than Allen."

Wayne had escaped in less than five minutes; Doug had taken nearly eight. He'd never been beaten this badly before, and thought it was a fluke. He wanted to try it again, and said so.

Wayne declined, but did boast that he could get out of anything, and do it quickly. Doug and Mike pressed for another chance, but still Wayne declined. But Doug said the magic word - "Chicken!" and Wayne, like the others, finally agreed to let both Doug and Mike tie him.

Doug went first, and Wayne was out in just over five minutes. Mike did a little better, holding Wayne for almost six minutes, but then, Mike had always been better at tying than Doug, and it was expected that he'd win. At the end, Doug was the big loser, and owed Wayne four penalties, and two more to Mike. Mike had his two on Doug, and owed Wayne three. Wayne didn't owe any penalties to either of them, but had seven coming, four on Doug, and three on Mike.

"You guys want to give it up for the night?" Wayne asked.

"Yeah, it's getting late, and your folks will be home soon." Mike replied.

Doug nodded, but said "Just one more time. C'mon, Mike, let's see if Wayne has anything left."

Doug and Mike peeled off their pajama coats. Mike laid down, and put his hands behind him. Wayne made it simple, just tying Mike's hands and feet, and gagging him with a bandage. Doug was done the same way, the only difference, was that Wayne used a bandana to gag him.

As expected, Doug escaped first, and joked with Wayne that they were robbers, who had found Mike at home, and tied and gagged him while they ransacked the house. Wayne laughed at the imagination of his younger friend.

Another 20 minutes passed, and Mike was still tied and gagged, and had to be untied. Doug said that it had been a fun evening, but now, it was time to knock off, and go to bed. Wayne and Mike agreed, and Mike crawled into his sleeping bag, while Wayne settled in to the roll-away bed.

Doug got under the covers of his bed, then asked what they wanted to do tomorrow. Mike said he was going to spend the day with Mike Houghton, his little brother, Jimmy, and Bill, and his little brother, Chris. "Too bad you don't have a little brother, Mike." Doug teased.

"Hey, you can come along, and be my little brother for the day." Mike joked. "And Wayne can come, too."

"Cool!" said Wayne. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but we'll find something." Mike replied, then got a little sarcastic. "I know!" he said, "The five of us will kidnap you two, then call Allen, Scott, and Charlie to come and rescue you."

"Fat chance." Wayne replied. "We'd escape, and kidnap our kidnappers."

"Not if you were staked out or spread eagled." Mike shot back.

"You have a point." Wayne replied.

Doug let Mike and Wayne talk, while he thought. Wayne was good at both tying and escaping, and he wanted more chances to test himself against Wayne. Mike Hayworth and Mike Houghton were good, too, and he liked the idea of being "kidnapped" by them, then escaping.

He wondered if Scott and Allen would be up for a challenge, and figured that Scott would be, but that Allen might take some persuading.

Considering everything, Doug thought that the ideal day, would be for him, Scott, Allen, Bill, and Wayne, the five best escapists, to be captured by Mike, Mike, Jimmy, Charlie, and Ronnie. "And Big Kevin, too." he thought. "I've heard he's even better than Wayne at tying."

But trying to get these kids together in one place at one time, would be next to impossible unless there was something that appealed to all of them. That would be something to sleep on.

"Doug! DOUG!" called Wayne from the roll away.

Doug broke off his train of thought, and said "OK, OK, what?"

"You're zoning out on me, Doug." Wayne said.

"But I told Big Kevin I'd go with him out to the old MacAlpine place tomorrow. You wanna go?"

"Yeah, I'll go." Doug. "But what about going with Mike and his friends?

"Bring them along, too." Wayne said.

"Hmmm, there's something interesting." Doug thought. If I can get some of the guys over to the MacAlpine place, we could have a lot of fun."

Immediately, Doug's mind went to work. "Haunted houses" were always interesting, and ones with a history, like MacAlpine Manor, even more so. He could think of a number of things to do and games to play, especially games that involved tying and gagging Mike and the other kids from his troop. And having Wayne and Big Kevin along, was even more of a bonus. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story! It's always a delight to see how Doug manages to trick everyone into playing his games! Now I'm interested in seeing how his plan will turn out!
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Post by Canuck100 »

I wished I was as creative as Doug to get my friends involved in TUGs!

Great story!
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Post by drawscore »

Thank you for the feedback.

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Post by Veracity »

Nice little story. Thanks for sharing!
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