Calebs new home part 12 is up M/M

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Deleted User 520

Calebs new home part 12 is up M/M

Post by Deleted User 520 »

“Dad I’m going to go check out this toilet of a town!” Caleb had just moved to this new Colorado small town with his father after one to many break ins at their house closer to the city. He was never very popular despite his awesome looks he also had quite a rebellious side to him. At 16 he was about as skinny as teens come. He had messy semi long brown hair, never wore shorts, and most of the time could be seen wearing a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, along with the blue jeans, or cargo pants he always wore. On this day it was the blue jeans with hole in the knees and frays at the ankles (a present his brother gave him on his birthday just before he shipped out for the Army) and a red button-down shirt. The pants were to big when he received them but they were an important thing to him, so he kept wearing them and as far as he was concerned they would be with him all his life because of his love for big brother. He was also wearing a pair of converse all stars (also a gift from his brother) he loved the way they felt on his feet as well as the way they felt when they came off.

He zoomed down past every shop in town and Just on the outskirts of the other side he came across a walking path carved out of dirt that sparked his curiosity. Caleb always liked good views and hiking even though he spent most of his time on a skate board or bike.

As he walked down the trail with his skate board in his left hand he started throwing pine cones at anything he could set his sights on. After a little bit he heard some laughing and yelling coming from the other side of a small hill he was passing. He climbed to the top making sure to keep a distance as he was very shy. He watched a bunch of kids about his age or maybe a little younger laughing and talking, pushing each other around. He thought about going to see what they were doing but his shyness kept him where he was. After about five minutes out of nowhere. “Hey what are you doing here?! Who are you, I’ve never seen you!” A boy about 15 years old wearing shorts, a red t-shirt and sketchers, with his hat on backwards about Caleb’s size approached. Startled Caleb yelled "I didn’t mean to ease drop I’m new here," and started running down the hill back to where he came from.

“Hey, hold on a minute I’m not mad What’s your name? I’m Weston!”

“I’m Caleb. I was just checking things out I just moved here.”

“Why don’t you come over here? We’re about to play caputure the flag. Kind of a big thing we kids do here on Friday afternoons to kick off our weekend.”

“Yeah ok I guess.” after looking around to make sure no one else saw him make an idiot out of himself he ran back up and both kids approached the group of 8 kids waiting to start their Friday afternoon game of capture the flag.

“Hey Weston! Who’s this?! Bring some fresh meat?!”

“Fresh meat?” asked Caleb as he started hesitating to get closer to the group

“Don’t mind him he’s got a bit of attitude to him but he’s cool.” Hunter was taller than the rest of the kids and playing these games since he was 7 years old. He is 16 skinny wearing a muscle shirt jeans, and running shoes with black ankle socks. He had hair the other kids envied down to his shoulders and wavy brown.

“This is Caleb he’s new here in town. I invited him to play today.”

“Cool, always fun welcoming the newbies.” Hunter said

Weston Chimed in “He’s already a little nervous Hunter don’t make it worse.”

“Ah ok welcome Caleb Hope you have fun. HAHAHA!”

“What was that laugh for?” Caleb replied

“Ok” Weston said. “There are a couple things you need to know.”

“Like what!? You get the flag and get it back to your base right? Can’t be much to explain.”

“No. The teams are allowed to take prisoners the way we play it.”

“OK so I get taken prisoner and I come back here and wait till the game’s over?”

“No. See that bag over there?” Weston says pointing to a bag under a tree.

“Yeah, so.”

“It’s full of rope. The prisoners get tied up and the winning team decides what to do with the losers at the end.”

“No way!!! Are you serious?!”

“If you walk away now, I’ll understand.”

“Hahahahahaha! I’m awesome at this.”

“Wait what?!”

“I’m awesome at tying people up I love this stuff!”

“What if you’re the one tied?”

“I haven’t been tied yet but I’ve tied a lot.”

“You have to be kidding me?”

“In my old neighborhood we did similar stuff. I was always tying people up I’m just good at it. I was never very popular though, maybe because of that.”

“Whenever you two lovebirds are done we want to get started!” Hunter yelled.

“Ok we have a new guy with us today, so let’s try to take it easy on him. Same rules apply as always. If you’re captured you’re brought back here and tied up.” Winning team gets to decide what to do with the losers.”

“I got a good bet that Caleb and I can take on all of you ourselves!”

“Whoa no way, are you stupid?! I Like tying people up not getting captured myself!”

“Oh really!” Chimes in Hunter

“OK, looks like six of us against two of you.”

“Come on man you said you’re awesome at tying people up. I’ve been wanting Hunter tied up for years he’s to good at this game.”

“That doesn’t mean putting us on the offering plate!”

I’ll tell ya what if we can’t beat em I’ll let you tie me up for an entire weekend.”

“You’re going to be so miserable after we lose.”

“OK enough of this are we doing it or not!?”

“Yep!” Caleb yells.

“OK your flag is down by the big rock on the west side of the park. Ours in on the East side. Each team gets five minutes to prepare. Good luck BOYS! HAHAHA!”

Caleb and Weston took off for their flag position to try to make a plan.

“We have a good vantage point because of the hill here.” said Caleb.

“What do we have to do to get prisoners?”

“Just tag them before they tag you.”

“Good! I’m a good runner so I’ll try to get them. You just protect that flag!”

Caleb took off running for a good spot to get some prisoners. He found it in a bunch of bushes about midway between both flags. He was well hidden and after about ten minutes he saw something that made his jaw drop. Hunter and two other kids were leading Weston to the prison area with his hands tied behind his back and a rope wrapped around his mouth for a gag. He followed them undetected and watched as they pulled off his shoes and socks and placed him in what seemed to appear as a very restrictive hogtie. Caleb was so stunned at what he saw he forgot about the flag. He ran back to the area to find the flag missing. He tried to follow the same route as before but was suddenly confronted by three members of the opposing team. Caleb started cursing out Weston in his head knowing it was a bad move to challenge all of them.

With little room to move he tried running past them and somehow tagged two of them. As the other ran away he lead the two back to the prison area to tie them up. When he got there, he asked Weston if he could let him go. He han’t learned all the rules yet. MMMMMPH MMMMMMMph! As Weston shook his head no. Once you were caught that was it. “Enjoy this position bud. If I don’t win this for us you’re going to be in it for a while.” He joked as he went back to the game. Just about the time he started running out of the prisoner area he felt a tap on his arm.
As he turned he saw Hunter and in disbelief dropped to his knees, as Hunter walked towards him with rope in his hand.

“Turn around new guy. Hands behind your back and cross your ankles.”
Caleb in disbelief did as he was told. His heart was pounding like to come out his chest. He’d never been tied up before. After his hands were secure he was helped to his feet and led back to where Weston was hogtied. Caleb soon endured the same fate. He was then gagged with another rope the same as Weston. Hunter pulled a whistle out of his pocket and blew letting everyone else know the game was over. “this is the most fun part of the game” Hunter said. “Let’s see what everyone wants to do with you two.” Oh yeah I forgot one thing. Hunter went to Weston and pulled off his shoes and socks, then the same with Caleb. Now Caleb felt very vulnerable. “Sorry bud no prisoners are allowed shoes or socks.”

“Is he ticklish?” one kid asked. This made Caleb squirm and moan as he knew he was. “Let’s see!” Hunter said as he dug his fingers into Calebs soles. “OH these shoes stink undo that rope around his mouth he should taste this.” Calebs socks were then forced into his mouth where he got to taste his own sweaty socks. It was then tied off by more rope to hold it in. “Unbutton his shirt let’s check out his chest and armpits.” Said Hunter.

MMMMMMMMMMMMPHPHPH!!! MMMPH MMMPH!!! MMMPH!!! For about the next hour Caleb, and Weston had six different pair of hands going back and forth on their bare soles. They were finally freed after Hunter had enough fun.

“I really owe you an apology I thought it was going to go better. A lot of kids have been slacking lately with the fun.”

It’s ok, I had a great time. Was different being on the receiving end of things. I Have to go wash my mouth out all I taste is my nasty socks.”

“Hey Weston! Want to sleep over tonight if my dad oks it?!”
“That’d be awesome! Here let me give you my number.”
Last edited by Deleted User 520 6 years ago, edited 17 times in total.
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Post by Veracity »

Thanks for sharing your story. Please use the following guidelines to tag your stories:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Sounds like Caleb is making some new friends!
Hope the sleepover works out!

Wonder if we'll get to see more of those stinky socks in the future ;)
Sleepover are always a good excuse for a bit of sleeping bag bondage fun.

Great stuff so far!
My only suggestion here is to space your paragraphs and sentences out some more.
Don't forget to add this to the catalogue section.

And your story title needs to display "m/m".

Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

I will remember this in the future. Thanks for the feedback.
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Post by drawscore »

Agreed. Line space between paragraphs. It makes a much easier read.

Deleted User 650

Post by Deleted User 650 »

This is a really good story. Thank you for contributing!
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

"Hey Caleb, Come help me move this couch! How was you venture around town?"

"Great I met a new friend named Weston. I was hoping to have him sleep over tonight if that's ok, get to know him a bit more?"

"That's fine with me. Summers starting so meeting friends at school is going to be pretty hard with only a week left. Plus I need to drive back to Denver and finish some stuff with the old house so you'll be by yourself this weekend."

"Cool! Thanks dad I'll call him and invite him."

Caleb was still feeling the rope around his limbs, and tasting the sock in his mouth. Hearing he was pretty much going to have the house to himself, and getting a great chance to pay back Weston for the stunt he pulled volunteering them taking on the whole town at capture the flag was sounding better, and better.

"Hey Weston! My dad says it's cool if you come over. See you in an hour?"

"Sure, I'll be there!"

Caleb hurriedly started plotting his revenge. He started looking around the house deciding what to do with his victim. "Score!" A pole in the middle of the basement was the perfect thing to tie Weston to. Caleb couldn't wait but there was one thing missing. "Where is the bag of rope I had!" Caleb was now panicking to find it still unpacking he had no clue where it was. " Oh thank god!" He found it in the garage and quickly started running downstairs as the doorbell rang. Trying to keep his cool and not let on he answered the door.

"Hey man! Come on in."

"Dude why are you sweating?" Weston asked.

"I've..... been unpacking." Caleb said.

"OK cool. Hey an old friend of mine used to live here. They had to move because of his mom's work." said Weston.

"Oh cool, so you know your way around? I don't have to show you anything?"

"Nah I'm good."

"so I just realized my dad didn't get a chance to hook up the cable yet. So I guess we're having a pretty limited sleep over. If you want to go home instead I understand."

"No it's cool I see you still have a PS3. Maybe we could hook that up and play some games."

"Oh yeah, sure."

"There's just one thing I need to know." Weston said.

"What's that?" asked Caleb.

"Earlier today you said you'd never been tied up before. Yet you took it really well."

"Yeah well it's just a game. Besides if it had been the kids I tied up in my old neighborhood getting revenge on me it could have been a lot worse haha."

"So you're saying you took it because you deserved it?"

"I guess. I mean I was always tying them up because I was bored. When I found out I was the one getting tied it added a lot more excitement."

"So you're saying you would do it again?"

"Well if it's part of a game and I lost I would yeah."

What would you do if you were challenged to an escape bet?"

"Wait what?"

If I challenged you to get tied up and see if you could escape, would you do it?"

Caleb's heart just sank! He had revenge planned but now he's being challenged at his own game. Panting and nervous he wasn't going to back down.

"I guess I could take that challenge, if it came to me."

"Ok there's a pole in the basement I've used multiple times in the past and been tied to myself. I didn't know if you would be up for it so I stashed my bag outside."

"ah crap!!!"

Caleb's plan was literally unfolding before his eyes with him as the victim.

"Only if I can tie you up first!" Caleb replied nervously.

"Tie me up?" Weston said

Caleb had to think of something.

"It was you're idea to take on the whole town at capture the flag which resulted in me eating my sweaty socks. So Yeah I deserve some revenge on you for that. If you can get out in a half hour you can tie me up. Otherwise you're my prisoner all night."

"If I get out does that make you my prisoner?' Weston asked

"If you can keep me tied up yeah."

"Ok I'll go get my bag."

Weston came back a minute later with a backpack full of rope. When they went downstairs he dropped his bag on the floor as Caleb picked up his and poured it on the floor.

"Looks like I have plenty." Caleb said confidently.

"Were you planning this!" Weston asked

"In a way. Now take your shoes, socks, and shirt off."

"Why my shirt?"

"Just do it!"

Weston complied and stripped himself of his shirt, then his socks and shoes.

"On your knees against the pole. Cross your ankles behind you."

Weston got on his knees backing himself up against the pole then crossing his ankles behind it. Caleb then grabbed his wrists and puled them behind his back and tying them off. Then he tied Weston's ankles tightly. Weston was beginning to realize he could be here all night trying to get free. Rope was then wrapped around Weston's chest and stomach tying his arms down even tighter. Next Caleb decided to tie a rope from Weston's ankles to his wrists which lifted his bare feet off the floor.

Ok..... Oh wait a minute!"

Caleb ran to the kitchen where he remembered his dad had some duct tape. He grabbed one of Weston's socks.

"Ok open wide!"

Weston kept his mouth shut causing Caleb to pinch his nose. As soon as Weston attempted to breathe the sock was quickly forced into his mouth and tape was wrapped several times around his head. Weston had a defeated look on his face already.

"OK 30 minutes buddy. Good luck!" Caleb said

Weston immediately began thrashing and trying to get the knots loose. After a few minutes the floor was hurting his knees and he slowed down. Caleb sat and watched in victory as his current victim tried to free himself to no avail.

"I'll be back I'm gonna go hook up the PS3 so I have something to do for the rest of the night. About 20 minutes later Caleb came back to see how Weston was doing. 30 seconds later the timer sounded. Weston hung his head. He was tired and weak from struggling.

"Why the long face buddy?" said Caleb

"I bet I know something that will cheer you up! Are you ticklish?"

"MMMMMPH! MMMMMM!!!!" Weston began thrashing as Caleb ran his fingers across the bare soles of Weston's feet.

"Oh between the toes really gets you going doesn't it?"


"How about your ribs?"

The tickling went on for what seemed like a eternity to Weston.

"Ok I'm gonna tie you differently now. No trying to escape right?"

Weston nodded his head in agreement. He was to tired and his knees hurt to much to try to run away.

When he was untied his hands were quickly tied again as he was lead upstairs to the living room where Caleb plugged in his PS3. Weston was then put into a strict hogtie by Caleb. His arms were tied down, as well as his legs. Weston started to moan enough behind his gag that Caleb decided to take the tape of and remove the sock.

"Am I really going to stay like this all night/" Weston asked. He was really having fun but also wanted revenge on Caleb now.

"I guess I can let you go on one condition."

"What?" Weston asked

"You stay my prisoner all summer. Any time I want to tie you up, you have to let me."

"No way dude! huh uh!"

"I guess you stay like that then."

"What about this? I'll tie you up. No torture or anything if you make it out by morning I'll be your prisoner for the summer. If you don't you're mine. Just give me a break for an hour before I tie you up."

"Ok, I'll be out in no time. I can already see I'm more flexible than you. But you're staying tied a bit longer. It's only 9 PM. I'm going to take a shower maybe after I'm done I'll let you go. Or.... Maybe not." Calebs fingers dug into Weston's ribs and his feet for about another 20 minutes. Weston thrashed again but couldn't escape Calebs fingers.

"You should know we are all alone here and no one can hear you anyway Weston!"

Maybe I can find Hunter on Facebook and invite him over to have some fun as well. This made Weston angry.

"If you do I swear I'll have you tied all summer when I get out of this!"

"Oh there he is. Let's message him and see if he's up for it....... Oh" He'll be over in 20 minutes Just enough time for me to shower and get a change of clothes. You don't mind do you? Oh wait I forgot You have no choice do you? Haha! Tickle tickle buddy!

15 minutes later:

"What the...... Where is he" The rope was on the floor and suddenly Caleb was tackled to the floor. As he looked back he could only say one word.

"How." As his hands were being tied he managed to look up and see Hunter standing in front of him. He tried to get free but Hunter quickly began helping Weston. He was no match for the both of them. He was soon tightly hogtied. He was then lifted to his knees and Hunter was in front of him pulling off his shoes and socks.

NO mmmph! Hunters sock was in Caleb's mouth. For the second time in a day he was tasting the nasty socks he once shoved in kids mouths.

"Weston and I have grown up together new guy! I'm a lot more interested in helping him than you. Don't forget to get his shoes and socks Weston! Oh by the way. I hear this place is empty all weekend until your dad gets home?"
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Post by bondagefreak »

Holy shit, I really enjoyed chapter 2.

Caleb being gagged with Hunter's sock at the end was bliss!
Wonder if hunter has stinky socks 8-)

The tickling scene is also highly enjoyable and the dialogue is quirky.

All in all a fantastic start.
I'm very much looking forward to the rest.

By the way, the line spacing works out a lot better for me in this chapter.
Well done!

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Post by cj2125 »

Cool story you’ve got here! Really enjoyed how Caleb’s plan blew out in his face! The dialogue is fun to read and I like the torture (specially the tickling!) keep going!
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

I just spent 4 hours writing part three. Submitted it and no it's gone! AHHHHHH!
Deleted User 650

Post by Deleted User 650 »

Amazing second part of the story. Your writing is excellent.
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Post by bondagefreak »

ricktied wrote: 6 years ago I just spent 4 hours writing part three. Submitted it and no it's gone! AHHHHHH!
Then you've learned the hard way why you should NEVER compose a text directly on the web.
Use Word, WordPad or any other text editor.
When you have your text fully edited on here and ready to post on the board, always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS "copy" it before clicking "Sumbit".

It happened to me once or twice in the past. That's when I swore to myself it would NEVER happen again.
I feel your pain.

It this help console you, most of us (myself included) prefer shorter, more regular updates over monster posts.

Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

I use word usually but then I get the problem of the sentence spacing so I tried to write it on her instead. Oh well back to the starting line I guess. It might be better next time around.
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Post by bondagefreak »

ricktied wrote: 6 years ago I use word usually but then I get the problem of the sentence spacing so I tried to write it on her instead. Oh well back to the starting line I guess. It might be better next time around.
Both Word and Wordpad give you the option to customize line spacing.
For Wordpad, if you right-click on the text sheet and click on paragraph, you can completely remove line spacing and do the text/line/paragraph spacing yourself.

Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

As Caleb struggled against hi bindings Weston had a great time pulling off Caleb’s shoes and socks, exposing his bare soles to what was going to come next.
“Holy cow man your feet are awesome I didn’t get a good look at them earlier as I was tied with you!” yelled Weston. “Hey Hunter, his feet are great! This is going to be a blast!”
This made Caleb struggle against his hogtie. He was totally helpless to what he was going to endure. He found out very fast he wouldn’t be getting out of this.
“You know what I just realized?” said Hunter
“Kyle is back in town for the summer.”
“No way think he’d want to come have some fun with us tomorrow?” said Weston.
Kyle was only 14 but known around town as a master tickler, with his wiry fingers and he could have clipped his nails once in a while but they were long enough to use on bare feet most of the time.He lived with his dad in the city after his parents divorced. He wanted to live here but his school was better so he stayed and came to live with his mom in the summer. He was a skinny, Blonde haired kid, and a lot like Caleb always wearing jeans and t-shirts with what ever shoes he had at the time.

“Why tomorrow?” said Hunter “Kyle and I have hung out tons this late. I’ll give him a call.”
Caleb started thrashing. He didn’t want some random kid walking in on a situation he already didn’t want to be in. Although He was starting to enjoy what was happening. He’d never really been tied up before so he was starting to feel the excitement.
“Score! Kyle will be over in 20 minutes! Hey Caleb! Wait till you meet Kyle. Your feet are going to love him hahahahaha!!!
BASph!!! Caleb tried to yell as he was quickly rolled onto his back by Hunter. Now both Hunters shoes and socks were off and he put them on Caleb’s face. Caleb tried to move his head but Weston held him in place.
Until Kyle gets here this is what you get for not tying me well enough. Caleb attempted screaming at Weston that he was tricked but only muffles came out.The tape was wrapped to tight around his head to announce any words. Now Caleb was furious.
“Whoa take it easy.” Said Hunter “We are just having our fun with you. We do this all the time here in town. You’ll get your chance at revenge, but for now this is the way it is. Weston! Take his gag off.”

As soon as the gag was off Caleb started screaming. “Weston how could you do this! It was a friendly bet that I would have won!”
“You’re the one that called Hunter in on it, not me.”
“You could have told him our agreement before he untied you!”
“Well ya but I didn’t really want to stay tied up all night.”
Doorbell rings:
“Hey man how are ya, been a while, you’ve grown!” said Hunter as he let Kyle in the house
“Yeah whatever, so what am I doing here that was so urgent?”
“Oh you’re about to see. Come in here.”

“Caleb?!!! No way!”
Caleb’s head turned so fast the tape hurt. There is no way he’s here. How? Caleb thought…. Oh crap his dad mentioned this place to my dad!
“Wait?! you know him?!” said Weston.

“Yeah! Caleb is the one I learned my tickle skills from. Haven’t seen him in months though after their last break in. I’ve been getting tied up by him since I was like 7. We always wanted revenge but we were all to small to overpower him. Um……. Looks like you got yourself in a bind here buddy!”
MMMOO!!! MOO Mimmmle! It was no use Caleb tried calling names but the gag was still to tight and the sock in his mouth didn’t help anything.
“Hey! I’ve always wanted a shot at these!” Kyle said sitting down next to Calebs feet dangling in the air. For at least 10 minutes Kyles fingers attacked Calebs feet. Caleb thrashed and tried all he could but his captors tied him well.
“Ok let him be for a few! said Weston. “we aren’t trying to kill him.
Caleb was relieved he was so exhausted.
“He gets 5 minutes before we test out his chest and armpits.” Said Hunter
Caleb was not liking this. He started looking for knots to untie again.
“Hey I didn’t know if I should bring them so I stashed em outside. I have something to make sure he won’t go anywhere.” Said Kyle as he ran outside no one had a chance to ask what he was getting. A minute later Kyle walked in and tossed a pair of handcuffs next to Caleb.

Weston picked them up. “Whoa man these look like the real deal!”
“They are! Let’s get him to the pole downstairs and cuff him to that.” Said Kyle
The three captors carried a hogtied Caleb to the basement where he was cuffed with his hands over his head. His feet were kept tied and the gag remained. Tape was wrapped around his hands to ensure he didn’t get his feet loose or the gag undone. The light was turned off and the three boys went upstairs. A few minutes later Caleb could hear his PS3 turn on. About 20 minutes later he heard the door to the basement open and footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Kyle.

“I just want to let you know this is all in fun. Just happens to be your day. We’ve all been through it.”

“MMMMPH!” Caleb attempted to speak through the gag.

“Here I’ll get that off for now.” Said Kyle

“I need to go to the bathroom.” Said Caleb

“I’ll go get the others. No way I’m letting go when it’s just me down here.”

“Wait!” yelled Caleb.

“Yeah what is it?”

“Was I really that mean to you guys in the old neighborhood?”

“That’s not why we do this. This happens to all of us. Sometimes not as bad. This week your dad’s out of town, so it’s worse for you. Consider it this way you’re respected here because of your skill with tying. When you get out of this you’ll have your revenge on us. That’s just the way it goes.”

“OK.” Can I please get rid of these cuffs though? I’d rather have rope.”

“We’ll Have to put that up for a vote. Haha. Open your mouth I need to put the gag back.”

Kyle had to use the old tape to replace the gag but it did it’s job. Caleb’s feet were then untied and he was led to the bathroom where his three captors waited in the hall. He was then taken back downstairs and hogtied.

“You said you wanted rope. You got rope.” Said Hunter

“Wait! He’s going to be like this for a while right? And there’s nothing he can do about it?” said Weston.

“I guess yeah.” Said Hunter

“Well what are we doing? We can’t just leave him tied up! Let’s tickle him!”


All three boys dug their fingers into Caleb’s ribs, stomach, armpits and feet for at least a half hour.
He started to choke on the gag so Weston quickly removed it.

“Thank you! Please don’t put it back right now.” Caleb replied

“OK. But you have to do something in return said Weston.”

“Anything just don’t put that sock back in my mouth!”

Weston took his shoes and socks off and put his feet in Caleb’s face.

“Get licking and sucking!”

“What!” Caleb’s head came off the floor so fast he was alive again.

“HUH UH!!!”

“I got some socks here that are fresh from my feet. I can replace that gag with a fresh one real fast!”
Caleb began almost crying. He was looking directly at Weston’s bare feet in front of them. So close he could smell them.

“I’ll take the gag.” Caleb said in tears and opened his mouth to accept Weston’s sweaty, smelly sock. Weston not only shoved one of his socks in but both. Filling Caleb’s mouth so he couldn’t make a sound. Tape was the wrapped around his head up to 6 times to ensure the gag was secure.
“Let’s tie him to the pole so he can’t go anywhere.” Said Hunter
“We’ll see you in the morning Caleb.” Said Weston If you make it till tomorrow afternoon you get to tie the three of us up.”

Caleb began to choke again. Hunter quickly removed he gag.
“Don’t what you dying on us man. It’s only in fun.”
“Please just do something else! This hog tie hurts! I’ve been like this for to long.”
“OK let’s tie his hands to the pole.” Said Weston.
After his hands were retied Caleb was thrilled to get some sleep and be just where he needed to be.
“Sucking toes? We’ll see who will be sucking toes!” thought Caleb as he looked up at his bound hands and smiled.
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Post by cj2125 »

Oooh! I smell revenge comming! Great story man!
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Thanks CJ, and all others for your feedback on these stories.
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Post by bondagefreak »

“I’ll take the gag.” Caleb said in tears and opened his mouth to accept Weston’s sweaty, smelly sock. Weston not only shoved one of his socks in but both. Filling Caleb’s mouth so he couldn’t make a sound. Tape was the wrapped around his head up to 6 times to ensure the gag was secure.
Perfect! This was pure bliss 8-)
I would've had a lot of fun filling Caleb's mouth with my socks as well.
Hope Weston got a kick out of doing that!

And yes, it does look like Caleb is planning his escape, and some sort of revenge on his new friend.
Keep it up!

Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Caleb laid in the darkness of his basement bound wrist, and Ankle figuring it was best to let everyone settle down before he made his move. After about an hour Hunter came down followed by Weston, and Kyle.

“Well I have to go home now. I hope you’re having fun on your first day here.”
“Oh I’ll be having fun all summer! Just wait Hunter!”
“Have fun with him Weston. Said hunter as he ran up the stairs and left the house.
Kyle knelt down next to Caleb. “I called my mom and told her I was at your house and she agreed to let me stay here for the night with you, and Weston.”

“Oh great I can’t wait for all the fun we’ll have!” Caleb said try to act sarcastic
“Well I think you’ll do great!” Kyle said as he unbuttoned Caleb’s shirt Exposing his bare chest. Weston got the hint and laid across Caleb’s legs to keep him still.
“Don’t do it you little twerp! I will make you pay when I get out of this!”

Kyles fingers dug into Caleb’s armpits, ribs, and stomach for a good 10 minutes. Caleb could do nothing but thrash, and struggle right now. When it was over he was exhausted from the torture.
“We’re going to go to bed now Caleb. Try to get some sleep. If you’re a good boy, we might let you go in the morning. HAHAHA!” joked Weston as he and Kyle went upstairs turning the light off on their way out. Caleb figured now was the time to make his move. He began attempting to move up towards his hands to get them untied. After 45 minutes of struggling he was finally able to get the knot loosened with his teeth. Another 15 minutes his hands were untied, and he undid his feet. He buttoned his shirt back up and started to go upstairs.
“I can’t yet. I might wake one of them up. I need a plan.” He thought

He happened to look down at the floor. Kyles handcuffs lay a few feet away from where he was tied to the pole with the key still in them. He quickly grabbed them and put them in his back pants pocket.
“Ok Kyle is going to be easy. I’ve tied him up tons.” He thought. “I’ll Use the handcuffs on Weston! But which one do I get first? I don’t know where they are in the house.”

He started sneaking upstairs a bit wore out from his tickling earlier. His bare feet were getting cold. He very slowly opened the door He was able to make it to the living room where he saw someone on the couch. “Gotta be Weston” he thought from the size. He didn’t want to get too close. “Ok where’s the twerp at? Maybe my room?” He crept as quiet as he could towards the stairs. “Dang it where’s my rope at?! In the basement!” He felt so stupid to forget it. He made it to his room and found Kyle on his bed. “That little… He’s in my bed while I’m tied in the cold basement?!”

“Ok I have the handcuffs I can use those for now, get him to the basement and tie him up. But I have to keep him quiet. Dad’s neck ties!” He crept to his dad’s room and found a tie hanging in the closet and started back to his room. Passing the bathroom, he saw a washcloth and grabbed it to put in Kyles mouth.
Once he was in his room he got over Kyle and pinched his nose. Kyle opened his mouth and Caleb shoved the washcloth in all the while Kyle waking up and trying to figure out what was happening. Caleb tied the neck tie around Kyles head holding in the washcloth.

“What’s up twerp?! Time for payback.” He whispered Pulling the cuffs from his pocket. “I’m going to put these on you then we’re going to the basement nice and quiet, got it!?” Kyle nodded and turned over. Caleb put the cuffs on and lifted Kyle off the bed. Caleb led handcuffed Kyle out of the room and down the stairs making sure they didn’t move to fast or make any noise. “If he wakes up it’s going to be a long summer for you Kyle.” Caleb whispered. He could tell Kyle was going to comply with him. Once in the basement Caleb sat Kyle in the middle of the room and retrieved his rope.

“I’m going to tie you up, but I mostly want to get Weston so if you don’t fight I’ll keep this easy on you got it?” Kyle nodded quickly in agreement. The handcuffs were removed, and Caleb went to work. Even though he wasn’t aiming for Kyle he tied him up well. Kyles hands were tied behind his back in an X and the rope was wrapped in all directions. His arms were tied near the shoulders, and elbows around his chest and between his sides and arms. His legs were tied above and below his knees before his hands were tied to his feet placing him in a tight hogtie. His socks were removed just because Caleb liked bare foot captives.
“Ok I’m gonna go get our friend upstairs. You be good now.”

Caleb crept back upstairs and found Weston still sleeping on the couch. “He’s on his stomach! Sweet!” thought Caleb. Knowing Weston didn’t have any back up Caleb just decided to act. He quickly pulled Weston’s arms behind him and slapped on the cuffs. Weston tried to spring up from the couch, but Caleb was on top of him.
“How’s it feel Weston?! Now it’s my turn to have some fun!”

“Kyle help!!!” Weston yelled “Help! He’s out help!”

Caleb decided not to ruin the surprise and told Weston to get up. Covering his mouth with his hand.
“We’re going to go downstairs now and find some rope for you buddy!”

When they got to the basement Weston had a look of disbelief in his eyes, seeing Kyle hogtied and gagged on the floor. Weston was sat down next to the pole Caleb was tied to and soon he was Hogtied the same way Kyle was with the remaining rope only Caleb tied a rope to his feet around the pole so Weston was unable to go anywhere.
“How?! How did you get out?” Weston yelled.

“Remember that last gag you shoved in my mouth and I started choking?”
“I wasn’t really choking. I was hoping you guys would take it out, so I could use my teeth to get free.”
Weston could feel the rope around his wrists was wet from Caleb’s saliva.

“You bastard!” Weston yelled
“I told you I’ve tied tons of kids up before I’ve seen how they get free. Wasn’t so sure it was going to be so easy for me, but I had to take my chances. Only question is what to do with him” Looking a Kyle.
“Wouldn’t want him rolling over and helping you get free now would we? OOOH Where’s that duct tape we used earlier?” Weston and Kyles hands were soon wrapped in tape.

“Oh yeah I forgot about your speaking privileges Weston.” Caleb said as he grabbed Kyles socks and came towards Weston’s mouth. He had to plug his nose to get his mouth to open but Weston was soon gagged with socks and duct tape wrapped around his head.
“Now I’m going to bed. It’s been a very long, and exhausting day. Tomorrow we will have tons of fun I’m sure. Goodnight boys!”
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Post by ryan »

Great story. Looking forward to part 5.
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Caleb didn’t get much sleep that night he was to busy worrying about the 2 kids hogtied in his basement. H continually checked on them to make sure they were ok. All he saw from them was sad gagged faces looking up at him.

About 9 am rolled around and he went to talk to his prisoners.

“Kyle I’m going to let you go but I’m going to cuff you before untying you ok? Weston and I had a deal yesterday we need to talk about.”

Kyle nodded, and Caleb undid the ropes and gag the handcuffed Kyle for the time being.

“Remember you said yesterday if I got out by morning you’d be my prisoner for the summer?” said Caleb.
Weston nodded in agreement and hung his head in shame. Caleb could tell he hadn’t gotten any sleep. I’m going to let you out but your going in Kyles handcuffs.

Caleb looked at Kyle. “Is it ok for me to use those for a day or two till I get my own?”

“As long as I don’t have to wear them you can have em!” Kyle yelled.

“Weston, I know I kind of tricked you, but you did lose the bet.”

“M mmo” Weston tried to reply that he knew.

“Hey Kyle! You know he got you into this right?! Said Caleb

“So why am I still cuffed?!” yelled Kyle.

Caleb took Kyles handcuffs off. “Go ahead untie him and do the honors!”

Kyles face gleamed at the chance to put someone in their place.
“Cuff his hands upfront I’m going to make some breakfast. He should be able to eat. I’ll wait till he’s cuffed though.”

Kyle undid the ropes holding Weston, then took the gag off. Next Weston’s hands were cuffed in front of him. And the three walked up to the kitchen. Weston was relieved to be out of the hogtie and he and Kyle quickly ran to the bathroom. Kyle beat him and yelled “HAHA! Prisoners gotta wait!” This made Weston chuckle, but he was having a tough time holding it. As soon as the door opened he almost knocked over Kyle.

“Hey Weston, you know I deserve payback for last nigh right?” Caleb said as he heard Weston come out of the bathroom.

“Yeah I know so how many more hogties do I have coming? I have to go back home at some point.”

“Oh, I took care of that. I called your mom from your cell phone and asked if you could stay here today as well.”

Kyle burst out laughing and shaking his head.

“Dude you’re screwed!” Kyle said.

Weston started feeling totally nervous.
“Are you serious?” He said

“Oh yeah she texted you to let you know she’s going to drop a change of clothes off later. She seems nice for being called at 8:45 in the morning. I just told her how much fun we were having and I would like to hang out with you more this weekend. She didn’t seem to mind at all. Kyle couldn’t hold it in and started laughing again.

“Hey zip it twerp or I’ll tie you back up and call your mom to!” yelled Caleb.

“Can I have some eggs before that?” said Kyle smirking. All three kids laughed

“Ok what now?” asked Weston

“You stay in handcuffs for a bit. I’ll give you a break from the rope till I decide what to do.”

“Whatever, ok can I just make one request?”

“Depends on what it is.” Caleb replied.

“No more duct tape, and can I please wash this glue off my face?”

“I think it looks good on you.” Said Kyle

Caleb quickly grabbed Kyle by his arm and twisted it behind his back.
“OW man!”

“I told you what was going to happen now move!”

Kyle was led back downstairs as Weston followed. He was quickly retied to the pole with his hands behind his back. Caleb shoved the washcloth back in his mouth but this time wrapping duct tape around his head His ankles were then tied out in front of him.

“There! Maybe when you learn your lesson I’ll let you go.”

Weston knelt down and gave Kyle a couple slaps on the cheek with his cuffed hands. “Sorry you’re missing breakfast bud.” Said Weston as he walked back up the stairs.

“MMMMPH!!! MEPH MM MO!” Kyle tried to yell through the gag but it was no use.

Caleb knelt down near Kyles feet which were still bare. He reached out his fingers in a tickling motion. This made Kyle squirm. Suddenly Caleb instead lifted Kyles shirt over his face basically blindfolding him and attacked his stomach. “MMMMMMPPPPHHH!!! MMMMPPHHH! Kyles tied legs shot towards his chest to try and stop the tickling, but Caleb straddled them to keep him from moving and tickled him for about 5 more minutes. Weston came back down just as Caleb was finishing. He had found his way to the bathroom and got the duct tape glue off his face. He had a really wide grin that Caleb saw.

“You have something to say too?”

“No way man I know my fates sealed. I’m just trying to stay like this as long as I can!” Said Weston showing his cuffed hands. “Come on man I’m hungry, I thought you were making breakfast.”

“I am, lets go. Don’t worry Kyle I might bring you some when I’m done.”

Kyle shot a tired look at Caleb. He wasn’t going to fight it he knew Weston would probably help Caleb just so he didn’t get tied up again. 10 minutes later Caleb came down and untied Kyles feet, then his hands and retied his hands in front of him, then took the gag off.

“Let’s go I made you breakfast.” Caleb led Kyle upstairs and sat him down in a chair at the kitchen table. “Eat!”
“Like this!” Kyle said.

“If you’d rather I could tie your hands behind you! Or maybe I should hogtie you and make you eat off the floor hahaha!!!” said Caleb

Kyle quickly started eating his food the best he could under the circumstances. Weston looked on in amazement but didn’t say anything as to avoid the fate he knew was coming to him at some point. Weston knew from the hogtie he had received earlier there was no way he was getting away and decided to have fun with it and just accept his fate. After all he did lose even if he was tricked into it.

After 10 minutes the boys were finished eating and it was time for Caleb to act. Without speaking he grabbed the chain on the handcuffs and lifted them up in front of Weston’s face and unlocked one of them. And pulled Weston’s arms behind his back and locked the cuffs on.

“So it begins!” Weston said as Caleb pulled him out of his chair and led him to the basement. Instead of tying Weston up there he decided to gather the rope and take Weston upstairs to the living room. The whole time Kyle with his hands still tied followed like a curious puppy. Caleb put Weston on his knees and told him to “stay put!” While he grabbed a chair from the kitchen. He brought the chair into the living room, then had a second thought.
“On your Stomach!” Caleb said as he pushed Weston forward. The fall kind of hurt Weston but he was cool with it. Soon rope was around his ankles then he felt his feet pulled into the air. His feet were soon securely tied to the handcuffs on his wrists. He then saw the chair set down in front of him and Caleb’s bare feet in front of his face. Kyle still stood with his hands tied watching everything unfold.

“Last night you wanted me to do some licking on your feet buddy.”

“That was a joke!” I wouldn’t have made you do it!” Weston yelled.

“With the smile on your face you would have! Now get to work!”

Caleb’s feet quickly hit Weston’s face and his toes brushed against Weston’s closed mouth.
“You’re my prisoner remember!?”

Weston’s mouth opened as he accepted his fate. For then next hour he sucked Caleb’s toes, licked his soles, and did the best he could not to lose his breakfast. “Guess it’s not so bad” he thought. Caleb had been barefoot for hours so at least his feet were mostly aired out and he took a shower so mostly clean. Caleb decided to pull out his phone and snap pictures of Weston worshipping his feet in case Weston went back on their deal.
“Haha that must really suck!” Kyle screamed.

Caleb jumped up and pushed Kyle on the floor soon his hands were tied to his feet as he lay next to Weston. Caleb pulled Kyle to Weston’s feet. Kyle’s eyes got wide.

“You wouldn’t! yelled Kyle.
Caleb pulled Weston’s bare feet towards Kyles face.

“No, I’m not going to make you do that. But I am going to do this!”

Caleb had the duct tape and within a minute Weston’s feet were taped to Kyles face around the top of Westons feet and around Kyles head almost like a gag.

Weston had to speak up. “He’s not doing anything man! Let him go! I lost fair and square, and I got you into that predicament yesterday! I’m the one who’s the prisoner not Kyle!”

“You’re right!” Kyle was untied and set free. “If you want to stick around for a bit you can. Or you can go home.

“I’ll go home for now and clean up, I might be back a bit later. I want to see some of this!” said Kyle as he ran up stairs, after grabbing his socks and shoes on the way.

“Fine. As for you!” Caleb said looking down at Weston.
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Post by cj2125 »

Really liking this story! Caleb and Weston are fun to watch and as you mentioned before, Kyle does looks like an adorable puppy following them around! Waiting for the next part!
Deleted User 520

Post by Deleted User 520 »

Weston rolled on to his side to see what Caleb was up to.

“AH!” cried Weston.

“What’s wrong?” said Caleb.

“The handcuffs are pulling on my wrists too much! You have to get em off man!”

“Yeah I suppose you should be tied a little better anyway.” Said Caleb as he gathered a bunch of rope.

“You know, you don’t HAVE to leave me tied all weekend!” said Weston.

“What’s wrong! Not liking the bet, you made!?" Said Caleb as he stuck his foot over Westons mouth. Weston tried to move his face away, but Caleb pinned his head down with his foot for a minute. Then he knelt and rolled Weston on his stomach and began untying the hogtie. Next, he helped Weston to his knees with his feet still tied.
He tied Weston’s arms very similar to the night before. After he was happy with his work he tied Weston’s legs above and below the knees before placing back into a hogtie. He ran downstairs and got his dad’s neck tie he used to gag Kyle earlier then ran to his room and grabbed a couple socks off his floor.

“Open up.” Weston opened his mouth for Caleb’s socks to be stuffed in. Next the neck tie was wrapped around Weston’s head to hold the socks. With no warning as soon as he was done tying the neck tie Caleb dug his fingers into Westons ribs, then his feet. Weston tried struggling but Caleb roled him on his side and sat on his legs to better control him. After a few minutes Caleb stop and laid next to Weston. I’m going to keep you tied for 2 more hours. It’s 11:15 At 1:15 I’ll let you go for a few hours and just make you wear the handcuffs ok? Weston nodded, and the timer started. Weston endured tickling. Some of which he could barely stand he was getting exhausted.
With about ten minutes left Caleb was thinking he could go ahead and untie Weston now. When he knelt to undo the ropes the doorbell rang. He ran to the door and a lady was outside holding a duffle bag. “Ah crap! Weston’s mom! It’s gotta be.” He looked back to see Weston still hogtied and gagged. “Oh man please don’t let her see him!” He thought. He opened the door.

“Hello mam! Are you Weston’s mom?”

“I am. Is he here?”

“UH! He’s in the bathroom taking a shower. He’ll be real happy you showed up with his clothes. I was going to let him borrow some of mine. Hehe”

“Ok well here is his bag. Will you have him call me in a little bit?”

“Sure! Ok bye!” The door slammed and he watched to make sure she was leaving. “Phew! That was close! HAHA! Ok Let’s get you untied.”

The doorbell rang again. “Now what! She must have forgot to leave something I’ll be right back.”
It was Hunter an Kyle with some other kid Caleb didn’t recognize.

“Hey guys, what’s up!?” said Caleb as he opened the door.

“Kyle was telling us what you did this morning.” Said Hunter

“Who’s us?” said Caleb looking at the unknown kid

“Oh, this is Cody he’s been a friend of ours a long time. An we come in?”

Caleb backed away and held the door open until they were all inside. As soon as they were in the house they saw Weston tied and gagged on the floor. “Whoa! Looks like you got it this time huh?” said Hunter looking down at Weston.

“Look! I know you’re better friends with him than me, but he lost a bet fair, and square. Now he’s my prisoner for the summer.”

“Oh we aren’t here because of that. Kyle told us you picked on him over a bet Weston lost.”
“He was making fun of Weston!”

“Picking on a kid this much smaller than you! That’s mean!” Hunter said picking up the handcuffs Kyle left behind.

“No wait!” Kyle said. “I did deserve it no need to get worked up about it. Besides I thought you wanted to come see Weston tied up so Cody could poke at him a little.”

“Oh, Cody is going to have his fun with Weston. After we deal with Caleb.”

“Hey, no way I was about to untmmmph!!!” Hunters hand went over Caleb’s mouth before Caleb could tell them Weston’s been tied all day. Weston looked on in horror as the only person that could help him was being overpowered by three other kids. Caleb’s arms were pulled behind his back and he felt the handcuffs tighten around his wrists.

“I don’t want him talking at all! Cody get your socks in his mouth! Kyle find the tape!”
Cody was Weston’s age. At 15 years old he was a bit small, skinny and had shorter brown hair a couple inches long. He was very good looking and not at all shy. All the kids in town, as well as a few adults even knew about his love for these games. Everyone still adored him. About a month before Cody made a similar bet with Weston and lost while Weston’s parents were out of town for 2 weeks. Weston literally kept him tied up for an entire weekend. He went through hours of tickling, ice cubes, he was even drug into the bathtub and sprayed down with cold water. Cody understood the power of these bets. This was Caleb’s victory but there was a perfect opportunity to get Weston to agree on some kind of deal for him to get payback. He pulled of his white ankle socks and went towards Caleb’s mouth. Hunter pinched his nose to get his mouth open. When Caleb attempted to breathe Hunters hand moved, and Cody shoved his socks in. Hunter held his mouth again as Kyle readied the tape to wrap around his head.

After Caleb was gagged he was lifted to his feet and put in a chair retrieved from the kitchen. His arms were tied tightly to the chair with most of the remaining rope. Probably about 200 feet. His thighs were tied down and his bare feet were tied and pulled under the chair and tied off somewhere on the chair back. His hands stayed cuffed. Caleb was able to look down at Weston who lay hogtied and gagged looking up at him in fear. He was about to be untied. Now he had no idea when that would happen.

Caleb felt so defeated, and he was tasting these sweaty socks again from a guy he didn’t even know.
“So now what!” said Kyle hyped up by the situation.

“We’re just getting Caleb out of the way for a little while so Cody can have a talk with Weston. Maybe we’ll have some fun in a little bit. Help me drag him into the other room.” Hunter and Kyle lifted the chair that Caleb was tied to and put him in the kitchen facing the back window, so his back was to the living room. He could hear Cody talking to a gagged Weston but couldn’t make out what he was saying. He didn’t care he was still going to try to get loose he tried and tried but he was tied well. They tied the ropes around his bare ankles and it was burning so much he stopped trying.

After what seemed like an eternity he heard his phone ring. He knew his dad’s ringtone. He started mmmmmphing, and moaning as loud as he could. “M HMMM MO MNSMMM MM!” Hunter ran it to him as it stopped ringing.

“I’m going to take the gag out and call him back. Once you’re done the gag goes back ok?” Calebs head nodded quickly. The phone rang again. The tape hurt coming off but he knew his dad might call the cops if he didn’t answer soon.

“AHHH!!! Hello!!! he said as Hunter swiped answer on the screen and held it to his ear.

“Hey Caleb everything ok? How’s that new friend of yours?”

“He’s cool I’m actually wanting him to stay tonight to if that’s ok?”

“That’s fine. Look I’m not going to be back until Monday I wanted to let you know. I also received an email saying yesterday was actually the last day of school for the year guess I got the dates messed up, so you won’t have to worry about it until fall.”

“Oh that’s uh great dad!” Caleb’s heart was sinking. “Dad’s not going to be back til Monday and no one has to be to school!? This might be a long weekend!” he thought as his tied feet fidgeted under the chair, as it was the only part of his body he could move.

“Ok son, well I’ll call you tomorrow. I’m really glad you’re settling into the new place. You’re doing a lot better than I thought you would.”

“Oh yeah it’s going really well Weston’s already introduced me to a lot of guys haha!”

“Good to hear bud, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok bye dad, love you!”

As soon as the phone hung up Hunter moved the socks towards Caleb’s mouth. Caleb shot his head away. “Weston’s been tied all day he needs a break!” He said quickly.

“What do you mean all day?’

“Last night I tied him then he was in handcuffs for a bit this morning and he’s been hogtied for like 3 hours. He needs a break! You can keep me tied if you want but you need to let him go. I was about to untie him as you all busted in with your alpha male status! I don’t know how you do it here, but I never leave anyone tied for more than a few hours without at least giving them a break for a while. He was going to go in the handcuffs until I tied him back up again.

“Damn it! Ok Cody is never going to let him go right now he has some things to settle with Weston.”

“He will if you tell him to. If he doesn’t we can tie him up, if you let me go.”

“Ok I’ll find the keys to the cuffs. Hey Kyle! Come here. Let him go.”

“What! Let him go? A few minutes ago you were hellbent to get him tied up!”

“Let him go. He can explain while you untie him.”

Caleb explained the situation to Kyle.

“Hurry I think he’s really going to need that gag out soon.”

As soon as he was untied and the cuffs were off Caleb ran into the living room where Weston was still gagged on his side with Cody setting the scene for payback. Weston was nodding in agreement. Caleb went straight for Weston and undid the gag.

“Sorry! I wanted to untie you but then they came in here.”

“It’s ok. Not your fault Weston said with a dry voice.”

“What are you doing!” Snapped Cody

“I’m untying him he’s been like this most of the day!”

“Like hell you are we were sorting some stuff out!” Yelled Cody

“NO!!! It looked a lot like you were sorting some things out seeing as Weston was unable to even talk!”

“He’s about to go into these!” Caleb said holding up the handcuffs.

“If you want to talk to him you’re more than welcome to take this prisoner into the back yard and have your discussion in a few minutes.”

Hunter pulled Cody aside and talked to him while Caleb and Kyle untied Weston. Once Weston was untied he stood up and lifted up his hands for Caleb to place him in handcuffs.

“I can’t do it right now you deserve a break, man” he said pushing Weston.

“Hey Weston! Lets go for a walk!” Yelled Cody

“Give me a few minutes I really need a shower, and a change of clothes!” said Weston as he picked up the duffle bag his mom left and ran upstairs.

10 minutes later he and Cody walked out of the house and walked toward the back yard. Hunter and Kyle walked to Caleb and Hunter put his hand on Calebs shoulder.

“You did good that was awesome of you sticking up for him. Cody can be a real jerk sometimes.” Said Hunter
“Yeah really cool man.” Said Kyle.

“Well what are we going to do about Cody?” said Caleb with a big grin on his face.

“Not sure yet but you did say a little bit ago if we wanted to keep you tied up…..”

“No way!” Caleb yelled.

“NO! I’m just kidding. But I do have a plan for Cody at some point.” Said Hunter
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Post by bondagefreak »

My friend, I'm enjoying this more and more.
Love the sockgagging and the general lighthearted atmosphere of it all.

This is quickly becoming one of my board favourites.
Well done, and I hope you keep it up ;)

You should be getting some more reviews soon.

In the meantime, I suggest you add "Caleb's New Home" to the Story Catalogue section (where people go to find potential stories of interest).

As far as feedback, aside from praising, I do have ONE single piece of advice that might enhance the already enjoyable experience for us.

When possible, try to use synonyms "ex: the jock, the wiry teenager, the blond boy, his angry friend, the brown haired jerk, the ticklish teen...etc" instead of constantly switching back and forth between names.
Switching from name, to familiar title and back to name again does add variety and makes the reading less tedious.

Still, this is a solid 10 on 10.


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Post by bondagefreak »

Wonder if Caleb's dad left some of his dirty socks lying around in his room 8-)
Might make a really good gag for loud-mouth-Cody! Especially considering Caleb's dad has bigger feet than any of the boys, and therefore, bigger socks too!

I'm tired of Cody's stupid yelling.
I think his mouth could use a good stuffing.

Since there's gonna be a sleepover, who knows? We might even get to see a nice, thick sleeping bag or two ;)

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