The Glorious War of Brotherly Rivalry (m/m, M/mm)

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The Glorious War of Brotherly Rivalry (m/m, M/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Siblings not always have to get along. It’s normal for them to fight from time to time and indulge in the usual sibling rivalry, but even the most bitter feud would look like a new-age camp when compared to what was going on between Rick and Tom Sherman. Don’t get me wrong, deep, deep down the brothers probably cared for each other, but any sign of love was buried under layers of a competitive character and a compulsive need to best each other in every competition.

Their parents wouldn’t mind it too much if the brothers choose to compete in the academics or sports fields but unfortunately, they had chosen a less productive venue to vent their rivalry.

That brings us to the events that culminated in that fateful Friday evening. It started when Tom poured itchy powder in his older brother’s underwear drawer. Rick retaliated by gently waking up his brother with a bucket of ice on his face. Tom tricked Rick and locked him outside the house clad only in his boxers. Rick messed with the faucet so when Tom tried to open it to brush his teeth it exploded in his face. Tom locked Rick in the garage with a skunk. Rick trapped his smaller brother in a net and dropped him in the trash can outside and so on. Of course, their parents tried to put a stop to all that but it fell on deaf ears, whenever one brother lowered his guard the other viciously attacked him with another prank; teenagers were hard to control (even though technically Tom wouldn’t become a teenager until a few months), especially since their parents were at work most of the day so they were unable to keep an eye on them.

That’s what lead us to that Friday evening. The day had gone by relatively quiet, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman considered a success that the house was intact and their kids hadn’t tried to kill each other. Little did they know that it was only the calm before the storm.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” both parents closed their eyes and sighed realizing that it had been to good to last. The door from their bedroom burst open and Tom rushed in half-laughing, half-screaming in terror and hid behind his mother while his older brother, clad only in a towel ran after him. Their dad managed to catch him before he fulfilled his threat, it only took a quick glance at him to realize the problem.

His normally blond hair was blue, electric blue.

“He changed my shampoo for hair-dye!” Rick shouted struggling against his father’s grip “Let me kill him!”

“If you kill your brother I’ll have you arrested!” his father threatened, only when the teenager had calm down did he released his grip.

“Well, it seems that the dye should last for four weeks” Mr. Sherman read aloud from the bottle Tom had gave them, Rick didn’t take the news well

“I can’t go to school like this!”

“Well, we can try bleaching it but that could harm your hair” pointed their mother

“Or we could just shave it” Rick looked at his father horrified and covered his head trying to protect his hair. Tom chuckled at his brother’s distress

“It’s not funny Tommy!” his mother reprimanded him “You are grounded for a month!”

“It was worth it!”

“What about my hair?”

“We’ll discuss about your hair and Tommy’s punishment tomorrow” Mr. Sherman sighed rubbing his temple “For now Rick, get dressed, Tommy, take a shower and boys, don’t kill each other”

With the matter temporally settled, the Shermans hoped for some peace but once again they were wrong, only twenty minutes later a second shriek echoed through the house. “I’ll get it” Mr. Sherman told his wife getting up from the bed. He found their kids on their room once more trying to kill each other, this time it was Tom the one dressed in a towel, he was on top of his brother struggling to hit his face while Rick was holing his arms while laughing. Mr. Sherman could immediately understand the problem.

Tom’s hair was bright pink

“Really Rick?” the older boy couldn’t hold back a smirk.

At least there was peace for the rest of the evening, the brother’s anger at each other turned towards their parents when they announced that as punishment they would have to go to school with their hair dyed. Still their truce was only temporary, as they fell asleep, they both were planning how to get back at their brother the next morning.

Tom woke up with a grin on his face, a good night of sleep helped him figured a way to punish his older brother. But there was something odd, his jaw was a little bit sore “Nnnhhgg?” his eyes opened wide, something was forcing his jaw wide open, a rubber ball it felt like. He drew his hands towards his face patting around it, there was a leather strap keeping the ball in place. His fingers moved behind his head, trying to find a way to remove it only to feel a small padlock. Panicking, he jumped off his bed and hurried to his closet, pulling the door open and staring at the mirror inside. His pink-haired reflection looked back at him, a large red ball stuck in his mouth.

The door abruptly opened and Rick walked inside drying his blue hair “Oh you are wake!” he smiled oblivious to the ball in his brother’s mouth and opened his drawer, looking for a t-shirt to wear

“Dhdm, whht thm fhgg?!” Tom glared at his brother

“Sorry, did you say something?” he asked pulling out a black t-shirt “I think you’ve got something in your mouth”

“Gmt thnf hff mm!” he yelled angrily pointing his fingers at the gag

“What? You want me to get that off you?” Tom nodded eagerly “Alright, give me the key” the boy looked at him confused “You don’t have the key? Well, in that case you are stuck” Rick grinned sticking out his tongue. He didn’t have any clue of what his brother said next but judging by the gestures he me with his hands it probably wasn’t a polite suggestion. “Actually, it’s nice not hearing your annoying voice around the house” he added before strutting out of the room, leaving his brother shooting daggers at him.

Once alone, Tom sat on his bed and tried to get the gag off but after a few attempts, he got to the conclusion that the key would be needed to get out. Undeterred he decided not to let that small drawback stop him from putting his plan in motion, he would only need to drop any hint of subtlety now.

Rick was lazily sitting on the kitchen, eating some cereal. He didn’t flinch when he heard his brother walk in. “Still got your mouth full?” he teased without even turning around. A pair of hands grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back; he immediately felt metal rings wrapping around each wrist. Now despite being three years older than Tom, Rick’s complexion leaned more towards the skinny side than the muscular one, he could beat his brother in a fair fight, but with the surprise element against him, soon he realized that his hands were trapped to the chair.

“Get me out or you’ll wish you weren’t born!” Rick shouted angrily struggling, Tom stepped back with a smug smile ruined by the rubber ball and shook his head pointing at the padlock “Get me out and I’ll tell you where the key is” Rick countered but Tom wasn’t stupid and he angrily shook his head. His brother grunted and writhed his wrist but the handcuffs wouldn’t budge, not without the key “I’m not telling you where the is key until you get me out of these cuffs!”

Tom merely shrugged and walked behind Rick, looking through the drawers. The teenager craned his neck trying to see what was going on with little success but it wasn’t necessary for Tom came back soon holding a roll of duct tape. Rick tried to put up a fight kicking him but Tom dodge his flailing legs holding them down enough to tape his ankles together. Ignoring his brother’s threats, he opened the fridge and came back holding an ice tray and aimed at his gagged mouth once more. Rick suggested a place were Tom could stick the ice tray.

Undeterred, Tom pulled Rick’s collar and dropped a couple of ice cubes down his back. The teenager flinched but held back a gasp, he was not giving his brother that satisfaction. That wasn’t a problem for Tom, there were plenty of ices left which he poured down his back, chest and even a couple down his boxers. By the end he managed to get a few whimpers from Rick but it wasn’t enough to break him.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” asked Rick trying to ignore the wet spots in his t-shirt and shorts. Tom squinted and headed to the fridge. The next twenty minutes were spent pouring everything Tom could find over his brother: Milk, ketchup, mustard, pickles, flour, maple syrup, yogurt and eggs (those last were his favorite part). Rick managed to kept most of his dignity although the glare he gave Tom should have made him explode into a fire ball. The younger boy was getting impatient so he decided drastic measure were needed and he headed upstairs.

To be honest Tom had the upper hand and despite enduring those tortures, Rick was coming closer to break, Tom’s biggest mistake nevertheless was underestimating his brother’s will and desire for payback. Five minutes may had passed when he heard a crash noise coming from the kitchen “Nnnhgg?” he hurried downstairs only to find what remained of the wooden chair broken on the floor and angry teenager with free legs squirming to get up, pieces of tape still stuck to his ankles. He knew it was time for a tactical retreat.

Despite his best efforts, Tom didn’t get too far before being body-slammed by his brother’s full weight, fortunately the sofa cushioned his fall “Gmt hff mm!” he shouted punching Rick’s ribs, the teenager wrapped his legs around his brother’s waist to keep his grip on him while repeatedly headbutting him.

Despite being unable to use his hands (or because of it) they were evenly matched, Tom couldn’t get him off his body but Rick couldn’t do any major damage to him. Cushion’s flew around as both brothers squirmed until finally they too rolled over to the ground yet it didn’t stop their fight. Getting a headache, Rick realized that his teeth were more effective weapons than his head while Tom managed to get a hold of Rick’s hair and started tugging at it. The brothers kept on fighting, each one determined to finally get the upper hand over the other. Nothing seemed able to make them stop, not the sound the coffee table made as it came crushing down, nor the floor lamp the toppled over the stereo, nor the sound of the door opening.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” both boys stopped abruptly, heavily panting and looked at their father, surprised since it was the first time they ever heard him talk. Slowly they looked at each other as it dawned on them what they had been doing. The living room was mostly destroyed, both kids were covered in the fridge’s contents, Tom had bite marks all over his neck and arms and a part of his collar had been ripped off while Rick was covered in bruises and a small bubble of blood had formed on his lower lip.

Mr. Sherman grabbed Rick by his collar and yanked it away from his little brother and threw him against the couch “I’ve seen murder crime scenes look better than this living room!” he shouted, his wife merely dropped her bags on the floor looking around, still processing the sight of her destroyed living room “Why are you cuffed and why is your brother gagged?”

Rick exchanged a quick worried glance with his brother mostly to avert his father’s eyes, he never had see him so angry before “We were pranking each other” he muttered averting his father’s eyes. A scream from their mother told him that she had found out what they did with the kitchen

“Where’s the key to his gag?” he asked Rick with a cold, quiet voice that gave Rick shills down his spine, he would have preferred for his father to yell at them at that moment

“In my pocket” Tom mentally kicked himself, he never thought of searching Rick for the keys.

“Alright Tom, turn around” the boy stood up and did what was told, glad that he was finally going to get rid of that horrible thing that was starting to hurt his jaw but to his surprise his arms were yanked behind his back and he felt the metal clicking around them


“Dad?” Rick asked equally surprised, their father didn’t reply and, holding Tom by his arm and dragged him away

“Are you seriously arresting us?” Rick asked noticing the panicked look his little brother gave him before despairing into the kitchen. This was bad, his father had joked about arresting them before but he couldn’t be serious right? They didn’t break any law, right? He nervously fidgeted at the cuffs, knowing that there was nowhere to run away and even if there were, his deep buried big brother instinct finally kicked off telling him that there was no way he would leave Tom to face the punishment alone

“Y-you can’t do this to us” he told his father when he returned “This is child abuse!” he added getting more nervous as his father yanked him by the arm forcing him to stand up “Parents have gone to jail for doing this to their kids!”

“Those kids didn’t destroy half the house trying to kill each other” he had a point

“Mom?” he asked desperate as he passed by her in the kitchen but she was looking at the destroyed chair with a dumbfounded expression. His father opened the back door and shoved him into the back porch. Tom was sitting on the floor with his lest crossed, his arms were still cuffed but the gag had been removed

“Are you okay?” Rick asked following their father’s orders and sitting down besides his brother. The younger boy looked at him surprised but to Rick’s relief, he nodded.

Mr. Sherman pushed both boys back to back and started wrapping some tape around them “You’ll stay here until we are done cleaning the mess you make” the tape wasn’t that tight and they should be able to get out of it with minimal struggle, of course they weren’t daring to struggle “Once we are done we are having a long talk about your punishment an where you got these stuff!” he added glaring at them while holding the gag “And if you start arguing again both will spend the night outside, understand?” both kids looked at him with eyes wide opened and nodded “Good, now think of what you had done!” he added and went back inside, slamming the door behind him.
The two brothers remained sitting back to back in silence, occasionally interrupted by a cough, sigh or the sound the brown mix made as it dropped down their bodies, the didn’t dare to struggle or they would have incurred their parents’ further wrath.

“It was ingenious” Tom finally spoke breaking the ice “That thing in my mouth, it was a good prank”

“Thanks” Rick replied quietly “But I didn’t think of it, a friend did it to me a few months ago”

“Oh” there was another short pause “do you need help getting back at him?”

Rick couldn’t help but laugh “Thanks but I’ve already got back at him. Sorry bout your hair”

“Sorry about your hair too”

“I think I can pull this look off” he smiled leaning against his brother’s back, Tom leaned back too so they were resting against each other “If someone gives you trouble in school because of your hair tell me and I’ll kick their sorry asses!”

“Have you look at yourself? They’ll swipe the floor with you!”

“I’m stronger than you!” Rick grinned playfully shoving his brother forwards

“Then they’ll beat you up and go after me!” Tom replied chuckling and shoved him back

Both siblings laughed for a while until their it dried out “You want to play Mario Kart once we are out of this?” asked Tom “that’s if dad doesn’t confiscate it”

“After today we’ll be lucky if he doesn’t make us sleep in the attic” Rick replied with a nervous laugh

“That would be so cool! We’ll have the floor for ourselves! And we could decorate it however we want!”

“It would be like having our own apartment! Maybe we could volunteer that as a punishment… you think they’ll buy it?”

While the brothers kept making plans for their new home, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman were almost done, taking a small break to check on their kids through the window “They are good kids” said Mrs. Sherman wrapping her arms around her husband’s waist “I little odd, but good”

“I know, do you think I was too though with them?” she shook her head

“I think they needed someone to shake them up, just look at them! I haven’t seen them having a proper conversation in months without one insulting the other”

“They’ll still get grounded right?”

“Oh, you bet it!” the couple remained watching their kids talk with each other, joking and laughing around, seemingly forgetting the fact that they were tied to each other

“Well, I think it’s time to get them inside before they catch a cold” Mr. Sherman said checking his watch
“We are not letting them in like that right? They are filthy!”

“Of course not!” he said with a little smirk and picked up a bucket filled with water and a bar of soap “I’ll take Tommy”

“They won’t’ be happy about it” His wife exchanged a complicity smirk with him, even though they will never dream doing actual corporal punishment on them, it was a little bit cathartic to torturing them back after everything they had put them through all week “I’ll take care of Rick, just let me get the hose”

Mr. Sherman opened the door carrying the bucket of water “Ohhhhhh kiiiiidssss!”
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Post by tony2 »

Great tale --- funny and easy to read. Keep it up!
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Post by Xtc »

A fun story.
Are there any ogther tales involving this family?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the comments!
Xtc wrote: 6 years ago A fun story.
Are there any ogther tales involving this family?
I like how the brothers turned out, I do have planned more stories featuring them but nothing it’s written down yet
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Post by hb54 »

Thanks for a very interesting story.
It sets up great possibillities for continuation as I hope you will suport your readers with.
Last edited by hb54 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chris12 »

That's a really cool story. I liked how the siblings seems quite evenly matched despite the age difference
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