Quarantined by force 😷! M/M

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Greg C
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Quarantined by force 😷! M/M

Post by Greg C »

Part 1
The nation was under attack by an army of viruses known as the coronavirus. Who would have known such a tiny enemy could be so destructive and deadly but indeed it was. Businesses were laying off employees, and citizens were encouraged to stay home. People were getting seriously ill and many were dying. In a few states, curfews were set and face masks were required to be worn in public. One of these US states was New Jersey.

Daniel was a typical eighteen year old New Jersey guy who had recently graduated highschool. Boy, was he a looker too. Every time he stepped out in public, every woman would stare at his tall, slender, and muscular frame; they would long for his deep blue eyes and short brown hair set on his slender, chiseled face. In the summer, he would go a step further and go around shirtless so all could admired his hard pecs and six pack abs.

Though Daniel was hot, he was also quite stubborn and controlling. There was an air of cockiness around him as if he thought of himself as a prince. He would charmingly tell people they were wrong often and would dominate his friends but this particular time, things were about to change for young Daniel.

Daniel and his friend Andrew were watching the news when they heard that the New Jersey governor was ordering every New Jersey resident to wear a face mask out in public. Daniel was not happy to say the least. The stay-at-home order was already in effect, and Daniel already had had enough of it. No way would he wear a face mask over his handsome face in public. What would people think and how vulnerable would he feel. Control freaks like Daniel don't like to be told what to do!

"No problem, bro," Andrew muttered. "I got you covered."

And just like that, Andrew held out a bag of surgical face masks as if it were a bag of condoms. Opening the bag, Andrew handed a mask to his buddy and took one for himself.

"If we're gonna go shopping, we're gonna have to put these bad boys on."

"Eh, I'll pass," Daniel shot back. "I'm not going to have the government tell me to cover my nose and mouth up like that."

"Bro, you have to. The government is ordering it."

"They won't know if I wear one or not."

"Suit yourself," Andrew replied while he finished securing the face mask over his mouth and nose. "Just remember, if the cops come and put you in jail, I don't know you."

"Dude, you look like you're wearing a muzzle. I don't need to be muzzled."

"Well, everyone will look muzzled since everyone is required to wear one. I'll bring one with me if you change your mind."

"Oh," Daniel laughed, " I'm not going to change my mind. You look ridiculous!"

"You're gonna be the one who's going to look ridiculous because you're going to be the only one without a face mask!"

The two bickered and argued but Daniel stood firm. That face mask wasn't going on his mouth! Or was it? Surely Daniel didn't want to have a face mask adorning his face as if he were some bad-behaved puppy who had to be muzzled. However, wearing a face mask in public was the law.

Off the two drove to their local Walmart. It was somewhat crowded which was unexpected to say the least. People were searching in vain for toilet paper and hand sanitizers. The first thing Daniel noticed was that he did indeed stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone was wearing face masks: mothers, fathers, girlfriends, boyfriends, teens, kids, guys, girls, and old people were adorned with a face mask.

Andrew pulled the spare face mask out of his pocket and dangled it in front of his buddy's face. Daniel was not amused. He angrily swatted the mask away.

"You sure you don't want one, Danny?"

"Of course not. I'm as healthy as an ox. Now come on, let's get this over with."

With dread and hesitation, Daniel went with his friend to do some shopping. He noticed the glances from random shoppers and how these strangers gave him looks of disapproval. One young guy shook his head and stopped to offer Daniel an extra mask.

"No thanks, sir," Daniel uttered. "I'm just in and out."

"You sure?" The guy asked. "You really should be wearing one."

"Nah, I'm good."

It didn't take long for things to escalate. The two noticed a police officer heading towards them. Officer Davis was his name, and arresting young punks was his calling. He was a 30 year old blonde-haired, blue-eyed hunk who obviously did some manhandling of young punks in his career.

"Sir," officer Davis addressed Daniel. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to put on a mask."

"What? Why?"

"Because it's the law, sir."

"But I'm gonna just be in here for a few more minutes," Daniel tried to explain to the cop.

"Doesn't matter. You must wear one or else."

"Or else what?" Daniel asked.

"Or else I'm going to have to force one on you."

"You can't do that!" Daniel screamed.

"Just watch me, son."

Just then two young studs surrounded Daniel and Andrew. They held out a mask each in front of them, measuring Daniels head in their minds. One was a 17 year old brown-haired, brown-eyed guy, and the other was a 16 year old brown-haired, green-eyed looker.

"If you need help restraining him, we're here. There's no way we're going to sit back and watch him infect everyone."

Daniel angrily glanced at the two strangers, "I don't have the coronavirus. Now go away and mind your own business!"

"We can do this the easy way ir the hard way," the hot cop told Daniel, placing his hand on Daniels shoulder.

"I'll just leave," Daniel muttered.

"Oh no you don't!" Officer Davis retorted. "Boys, get him!"

The two young strangers ran to Daniel and began wrestling him to the ground. Daniel certainly put up a good fight and was keeping the punks from dominating him but that all changed the minute officer Davis ran over to the three, cuffs in hand, and tackled the three.

"Shh," officer Davis tried calming Daniel down. "Stop resisting!"

At this point Daniel was already wrestled to the ground and restrained, lying on his stomach. Officer Davis had the privilege of cuffing the lad while the two strangers held his legs in place and a hand over his mouth.

"Anyone got a spare face mask?" Officer Davis asked.

Andrew grabbed into his pocket and handed the cop his spare face mask and was smirking and enjoying the show. Voila! In no time, Daniel was adorned with his very own face mask like everyone else.

"Boys," officer Davis addressed the two strangers who helped him take Daniel down. "Thanks for helping me out."

"Not a problem!" One replied. "We have experience playing cops and robbers and couldn't let him go around unprotected infecting people."

"Get this off of me!" Daniel yelled. "You have no right treating me like this. Police brutality!"

"Boys," officer Davis turned his attention from the upset Daniel to the two strangers. "Go get a roll of duck tape."

"We're on it!"

It took but a few minutes for the two to return and while they were off doing that errand, officer Davis held his sweaty cop hand over Daniel's masked mouth.

"Settle down, lad. Settle down," officer Davis advised Daniel. "One of you, rip a piece off a piece of tape."

And so one of the two strangers did just that and handed it to the cop. Daniel's face mask was temporarily removed and BAM! the piece of tape was slapped onto the restrained guys mouth. Then, to Daniel's dismay, the facemask was pulled over his mouth and nose once again. Boy, did Daniel moan in disapproval! But what could he do?

"There," officer Davis began, smirking at his work. "Now you can't talk back and no one will see that tape over your mouth."

"You know I warned him to wear a face mask," Andrew gloated. "He just wouldn't listen."

"Well, at least he has a good and responsible friend like you to be there for him," officer Davis responded.

Andrew smiled while Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Hear that, Danny? You should be thanking me for being such a good friend!"

"Look," officer Davis informed Andrew. "I'm not going to arrest him. What I'm going to do is leave him in your care. I want you to make sure that that mask of his remains snugly over his face and the cuffs tight around his wrists. Can I trust you?"

Andrew looked at Daniel and mischievously smirked, "sure you can trust me, officer."

"Good here's the key for the cuffs and here's my home phone number if anything goes wrong."

"Oh, don't worry, officer. I'll take good care of him."

So, the officer helped Andrew get Daniel to his feet and left. Now, Daniel was at Andrew's mercy. But surely nothing could go wrong, right? Andrew was his buddy whom he could trust—or was he? Anyhow, the two continued shopping and headed to the car.

"Thanks for nothing, Danny," Andrew playfully said. "Because you got yourself cuffed, now I have to carry these groceries all by myself."

Daniel moan and stared at his friend, his eyes ordering him to uncuff him.

"If you want me to release you, no can do. Just like that face mask on your face is an order, so too is you remaining cuffed. I'm hereby putting you under quarantine at my house for the weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts!"

Boy, did Daniel go into a fit of rage at the thought of being controlled. He resisted to go into the car but Andrew managed to shove him into the back. Still, he mpphhed and kicked and thrashed.

"Now now," don't make this any harder than it has to be," Andrew playfully teased as he put the car into gear. "Bro, this weekend in quarantine is gonna be very fun!"
Last edited by Greg C 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gaggedup »

that was sooo hot mate!Congrats!
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Post by FelixSH »

That was fun. I like the idea of these face masks hiding a gag.

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Post by Shadesflirty »

Really cool story mate. Good job. :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

This is a fun start to what promises to be a fun weekend indeed!

Great story, mate! And welcome to the forum!
Can't wait to read part two.

Don't keep us waiting too long ;)
P.s- Daniel needs more duct tape around his face. And he probably could use a stuffing in his mouth as well ;)

Too bad I'm not Andrew, 'cause I would've probably enlisted the aid of those two dudes that helped with the arrest.
Three guys, one prisoner 8-)

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Post by Greg C »

Part 2
Andrew was one of those young punk kind of guys. You know the kind—the ones who wear the same socks for days, who lick their fingers and hands clean after eating a bag of Doritos, and who don't wash their hands after using the urinal. Though he was a dirty punk, Andrew was quite cute with his short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, slender but fit body with a four pack set of abs, and a habit of wearing flip flops and short pants that ended just above the knees.

As the two guys drove to Andrew's house into Andrew's garage, rules had to be set. Andrew didn't need his buddy-turned-captive to blow his cover and wake up the neighborhood especially during this pandemic. How rude would that have been? It was already decided by Andrew that he was going to take care of his friend and to protect him from the coronavirus. Daniel was to stay at his buddy's house all weekend long and perhaps longer without anyone knowing.

"Here's the deal," Andrew began. "You're gonna spent the weekend with me and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Daniel struggled and moaned in disapproval. He really wanted to be at home during the weekend, not stuck in his buddy's filthy room tied up and gagged.

"Haha, struggle all you want but you're not getting out of those cuffs."

Into Andrew's house the two marched. No one saw them thankfully. The neighbors were indoors quarantining themselves, and not a peep was heard outdoors. Not even the neighbor's dogs were barking, which was unusual.

"Daniel," Andrew began while he led Daniel to his bedroom. "Officer Davis left me in charge of you and told me to keep that face mask and cuffs on you. Anything I do to you is therefore legal."

Daniel moaned and struggled, and Andrew simply and playfully shoved his buddy down onto his bed.

"Don't worry, bro. I'll go easy on you."

Daniel just continued to struggle and tried to break free from his bonds until finally he managed to get the sticky tape off of his lips.

"Dude," Daniel screamed. "Get me out of this!"

Andrew giggled and lifted off Daniel's face mask to peel the tape off. The face mask stayed on though. How handsome did Daniel look with that face mask over his nose and mouth! He did indeed look muzzled like a bad little dog in need of some training, his puppy dog eyes staring at his best friend.

"I can't do that, man," Andrew replied. "Officer Davis said 'keep those handcuffs and face mask on him!'"

"Well, officer Davis isn't here."

"Doesn't matter. I'm doing this for your own good. Not only did you embarrass me at the store but you put everyone's life at risk. Even yours. So you need to be imprisoned and under quarantine for the weekend."

"But I don't have the coronavirus!"

"Maybe you don't but we need to take precaution."

"Quite playing, Andrew. Seriously get me out of this or I swear you'll pay."

"A threat?" Andrew asked while he place a hand on his chin and stared around his room for something.

"No, not a threat," Daniel retorted. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking for something, bro."

As Andrew kept walking around his room, going through his belongings in search for whatever it was that he was looking for, Daniel wondered what he could do to free himself. Persuading Andrew to release him wasn't working. Struggling wasn't helping either. The only other thing left was using force against Andrew, which was achievable since Daniel was only handcuffed.

When Andrew had his back turned, digging through his dirty clothes on the floor, Daniel decided to spring out of bed and jump on Andrew. And so he did. His arms might have been of no use to him but he still had his strong, muscular legs.

"Daniel, what the hell?" Andrew blurted out as Daniel tackled Andrew from behind and began wrapping his legs around his buddy's arms and torso.

"Where's the key?" Daniel demanded.

Andrew moaned in frustration and tried with all his might to free himself from Daniel's legs. Sweat began accumulating across Andrew's forehead as he desperately tried to free himself in vain. It appeared as if the pressure of Daniel's legs was cutting off his buddy's air supply, for Andrew was breathing loudly and turning pink.

"I'll knock you unconscious unless you tell me where the key is!"

Still no word. Andrew was too fixated on escaping from Daniel's leg hold and was working up a sweat trying to escape until finally Andrew stopped struggling and became limp. He was knocked out.

"Sorry, buddy," Daniel said to his unconscious friend. "You'll forgive me when you wake up."

Daniel realized he had to find that key fast while his buddy was taking his nap! But how was he going to find it while he was tightly handcuffed? Andrew's pockets were the first place that crossed Daniel's mind. So, with his back faced against Andrew, Daniel began sticking his cuffed hands into his buddy's blue jean pockets. How awkward he felt putting his hands there!

"Nothing!" Daniel muttered, staring at his friend below. "I hope you didn't leave them in the car!"

Daniel didn't waste one second. He stood up, grabbed Andrew's car keys, and walked out of the house to the car. Opening it was quite easy Eve with his hands cuffed behind his hands. The keys had to be there; Daniel was convinced. But, alas, after spending thirty minutes in the car, Daniel couldn't find it.

"He had to have brought it into the room then," Daniel said to himself.

So, Daniel hurried back indoors and to Andrew's bedroom. He was in such a hurry and so focused on finding the key that he didn't think about Andrew and was definitely caught by surprise when he was tackled to the ground by his friend.

"So you thought you could knock me out and get away with it?" Andrew playfully asked.

"Yo, I'm sorry, Andrew."

"Not as sorry as you're gonna be."

Just like that, Andrew began taping his friend's legs together. He had grabbed a roll of duct tape earlier when Daniel was in the car searching for the key.

"Andrew, you better not. I swear I'll scream."

Unfortunately for Daniel, Andrew had finished tightly wrapping Daniel's legs with duct tape, and Andrew's hands could now focus on keeping Daniel quiet. Before Daniel could scream, Andrew slapped one of his sweaty palms over his buddy's mouth. Remember, these hands weren't exactly the cleanest hands. They belonged to a punk who couldn't even wash them after taking a piss. If he weren't so handsome, it would probably be a turnoff.

"Dude, I got a treat for you," Andrew said while he flipped his struggling friend onto his back and began to sit onto his chest with a foot on each side of Daniel's head.

Daniel couldn't believe his eyes when his friend used his free hand to take off his flip flop and to peel off his sweaty ankle sock. And as he did it, Andrew kept smirking as if he was proud of wearing such nasty socks! Though the sock may not have looked that dirty, it certainly had an odor. The smell resembled the smell of dirty public urinals.

"Bro, this bad boy is going in your mouth so open wide!" Andrew laughed.

It took a few minutes and Daniel tried resisting the best he could but eventually the sock went in and was secured with layers of tape that wrapped around Daniel's whole head. All it took was a little force—specifically, Andrew prying Daniel's mouth open.

"There, that wasn't so bad," Andrew said proudly while he smirked at Daniel. "You should feel proud to have one of my socks in your mouth. I wore that bad boy all day at work yesterday and the day before and while I made love to Tiffany yesterday. They definitely need some cleaning."

Oh, how disgusted Daniel felt! The sock tasted horrible, and Daniel didn't want to swallow the sweat but had no choice but to do so. His buddy's foot sweat was now making its way into Daniel's stomach and body. And what made everything worse was that the sock smelled like a a public urinal! Daniel couldn't stop thinking about sucking on something that smelled like something guys urinated in!

"Oh, and before I forget," Andrew stated while he brought out a sleeping bag. "This is where you're going to sleep while you're quarantined here."

The sleeping bag was old and used. It belonged to Andrew who was nice enough to loan it to his buddy. However, it was coated with Andrew's sweat and smelled of Andrews pheromones and BO. Daniel took a whiff in the air and struggled against his bonds at the thought of being encased in Andrew's sweat and stink.

"I know, isn't it great? It's my lucky sleepy bag. I've had this for ten years and never once washed it. Now you get to enjoy it for the weekend!"

Daniel began cursing and using profanities. Although they came out muffled through his gag, Andrew seemed to understand it. He was not happy. His smile turned into a stern look of disapproval and annoyance. Andrew was not going to tolerate such disobedience. There was only one thing Andrew could do and that was to force his buddy into the stinky, sweaty sleeping bag at that very moment.

"I think you're cranky and that it's time for you to take a nap."

Dragging Daniel and forcefully pushing and stuffing him into that sleeping bag definitely wasn't easy and took a lot of hard work and effort from Andrew but in the end Daniel was sealed shut in it. His entire body except his head was covered, and his struggling was unnoticeable too.

"Okay, now that you're tucked in for the day, I'm gonna go take a shower. You got me all sweaty today."

It didn't take Andrew long to finish his shower. He entered back into the room with only a towel around his waist. Quickly, a pair of boxers was snatched by him and put on before he discarded the towel.

"When you're finish cleaning that sock in your mouth, you can clean the other one," Andrew playfully said. "In fact I've got a lot of dirty socks that you can clean with your mouth during the weekend. That's what you get for knocking me out earlier."

And after that, Andrew slipped into bed and decided to take a nap. Although it was still early, Andrew didn't sleep well the night prior and was quite tired. He had some big plans in store for Daniel tommorow including using on Daniel his mystery item that he was searching for earlier.
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Post by Greg C »

Thanks, bondagefreak! I hope you enjoy part two. I agree with the mouth stuffings. In my opinion, it's not a gag unless the mouth is stuffed ;)
Who knows—those two guys might make another appearance ;)
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Post by Greg C »

Thanks FelixSH, gaggedup, and shadesflirty. Hope you enjoy part 2.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fantastic continuation, mate!

For a while there, I actually thought Daniel was gonna turn the tables or something.
Glad Andrew managed to get things back under hand!

And yeah, Daniel definitely deserves to be punished for pulling a stunt like that on his friend.
He definitely deserves that crummy old sock, and then some!

Nice to see some sleeping bag action being brought into this.
Anxious to see what happens in part III ;)

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Post by alkaid_ »

when the kids learn the lesson...

stay at home...

and if you need go to a supermarket put a mask over your face...
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Post by fratboydanny »

Nice story Greg C! It’s always fun when a guy named danny gets sock gagged.
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