The job (M/M)

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The job (M/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

The proposal

Kieran was screwed up, badly. He passed from being the golden boy in publicity to a pariah in a single move. He had bet for a ground-breaking campaign that turned out to be a mega-disaster. He knew it was risky, all innovative ideas are. He was just unable to foresee how bad it could go.

He was still new in the business when it happened. Powerful people had put a lot of faith in him and he had let them down. He had huge debts and he didn’t want his folks to know that he was a failure. It would break their hearts. He had just spent his last dime and was now filling an application for his student-times job in McDonald's when he ran into an old frat mate.

Lucas was the filthy-rich heir of Barbolani Industries, a pharmaceutical empire that he now ran. His parents had died in an accident when he was still in college, so he had to drop out to take charge of things. He was a born entrepreneur and had done pretty well since.

Kieran tried to hide behind the application form when he saw Lucas enter the restaurant, but it was too late, he had been spotted.

-Kieran! Buddy! -The rich young man greeted his old pal enthusiastically, giving him no option but to be tightly held and return the hug.

-Luke, how are you? -he instantly regretted asking, because now, he would presumably have to give his own answer.

-I’m doing great. I’m sorry about what happened with your campaign. -Lucas changed his hug for a friendly and supportive arm on the shoulder. -I think it was very original, but geniuses are seldom understood in their own time.

-Yeah, thanks. -said Kieran with a sheepish smile.

-Don’t tell me you’re gonna work here.

-It’s just temporary. I’ve been to every agency and the answer is the same: I’m currently unhirable.

-What about starting your own business?

-I don’t have the money and I can’t ask for another loan. I’m up to the neck in debts and about to get evicted at any moment.

Lucas looked sternly at his former frat mate and smiled.

-Hey, do you remember Hell week? -asked Lucas, apparently changing the subject.

-Of course, I do. We almost got kicked out of the school when that security guard caught us running naked around the campus.

-I guess it’s time to tell you the truth: there was no guard, it was Rick’s uncle in disguise.

Kieran laughed hard. -I should have known.

-Well, had you been more involved with the new recruits, you would have.

-And when we had to lick the senior members’ armpits -disgust and laughter blended in Kieran’s grimace-. But the worst part was the waxing.

-Yeah, that was my idea.

-Being bound like a spread eagle in the doorframe while a bunch of drunk guys wax your body hair was both scary and painful. I was this close to quitting.

-A couple of pledges did -the handsome heir chuckled.

-Maybe I would have, had you not put that rag in my mouth and taped my head around. -Kieran recriminated his friend, but his smile never faded.

-Well, you seemed like a nice fella and I didn’t want you to leave.

-I can tell. I was tied up longer than the others. Later on, I found out that you had a thing for trussing guys up. -Kieran was just teasing Lucas.

-How did you feel about it?

-About your fetish? Hey, each one his own. -Kieran chuckled.

-No -Lucas smiled-, about being tied up. I wasn’t too hard on you, right?

-Nah. It was ok, I guess. I had never been bound before, so it was a bit unsettling at first, but even I had a laugh near the end.

-There’s something I want to propose to you -even though his smile was still as bright as ever, Lucas’ voice became more serious- I want you to come to my mansion and live there. I’ll also triple what you earned in Rootmedia.

Kieran was astonished. He thought for a second that the billionaire was kidding, but that would have been rather cruel.

-Am I going to be your gigolo or something? -joked the hazel-eyed man, with a broad smile and quizzing gaze.

-Not quite.

Given the way Lucas answered, Kieran got suddenly nervous. “So, it is something related”, thought the young advertiser. He was now quickly trying to put together the pieces: the conversation so far, his first-hand information about Lucas' lifestyle, and there were those rumors about Lucas’ kinks.

-I want you to be my…boy toy.

-I, I’m sorry, Lucas. I’m not into guys, you know?

-I know that, and I’m not asking you to have sex with me -the brief pause made Kieran more intrigued. He was absolutely sure that he wouldn’t concede becoming so intimate with him, no matter how rich Lucas was and how needed he was himself. However, he was surprised to be interested in hearing his options-. It would be more like Hell week, just on a regular basis.

-You mean…

-I’d be tying you up whenever I pleased, lightly and friendly torturing you, and you’d have to wear whatever I considered suitable.

Kieran was assimilating what he had just heard. He was still expecting Lucas to say that he was kidding, but the look in his eyes told him otherwise.

-I don’t know. Can’t you simply hire me to do some publicity for your company? I’m not even that handsome.

-You’re cute enough and I like your physique: lean, athletic, without losing your white-collar charm. Besides, you said it yourself, you’re unhirable as a publicist. I may be the chairman, but the board would never allow me to give you a big position and we don’t need another office boy. You don’t have to decide right now. Think about it and feel free to call me anytime, is your answer affirmative- Lucas left his card on the table and departed before Kieran could say another word.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm really intrigued by this beginning. There is a lot of potential in the premise and the main characters already have an interesting dynamic. Thanks for sharing, I'll keep an eye on this story.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Ooh, an intriguing start! I'm interested to see what Luke will do with his boy toy when he gets ahold of him.

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


Kieran got to his apartment with Lucas’ voice as loud and clear inside his head as it had been about an hour before. The sheet announcing his imminent eviction was still on his door, like a finger pointing him to go straight to his friend’s and take the offer. He sat on his bed to think.

Looking back, it all seemed so surreal. Who goes around asking their friends to be their sex slaves? Yes, he had said that intimacy wasn’t the goal, but what would stop him from doing anything he wanted once he had him bound and gagged? Ok, he trusted him, the guy wasn’t a criminal. However, was he willing to do that for cash? was he that desperate? Besides, Lucas had enough money to hire any escort he wanted; tall, dashing muscle bags that were much more experienced in pleasing particular tastes.

Kieran stood up in front of the mirror. At twenty-three, he was really fine. What Lucas had said about his body was true and he had a nice face to match, framed by his short, light brown hair. He was medium height, but so was Lucas. He tried to remember all the times they had hanged around together in college and now he found some hints about his friend liking him, something he had never considered before. He reminded of that time when he was bound to the door frame and the then-senior-frat-boy waxed his body. It had all seemed like a prank back then, but now, he noticed something in his touch, in his gaze. He tried to picture himself again in such a situation, not once, but regularly. It wasn’t a pleasant image.

Then, as if to push him into it, his younger brother called. Darren had always looked up to him. He was even thinking of studying the same. Unfortunately, money was scarcer now, and he couldn’t count on his folks’ help.

-I was hoping you could send me some money, just this once. I’ll pay you as soon as I can. I’ll get a job once I’m installed. -Darren’s voice was sheepish. Even though he knew he could count on his big brother, he had always liked to be more independent. Asking for this meant the boy was desperate.

F*c%! thought Kieran. It was like a conspiracy. If he ever thought about coming clean with his family, that idea went out the window once he heard his baby brother on the phone.

-Sure, buddy. Give me a couple of days and I’ll send it to you. -Kieran answered with much more confidence than he actually felt.

He hung up the phone to a happy and thankful boy, thinking of what he was about to do. Captivity, light humiliation, minor pain, captivity. The bondage part was always the most significant on his mind. There was something about being unable to move, to defend yourself, that made Kieran uncomfortable.

He decided that he needed to face his fears. He gathered some clothesline, other cords and looked for some tutorials. Since he would probably be wearing very little, if anything, he decided to get undressed and stayed in his underwear. He went to his bed and, step by step, he followed the instructions until he managed to hogtie himself. It wasn’t that tight, but it was inescapable. He chose not to have anything sharp nearby, both for his own safety and because he wanted to feel helpless. He would be stuck for a while and then, he would have to struggle to find some way to get out.

It was already dark, and the first sense of ridiculousness had subsided. Kieran was now focusing on his sensations. He made some minor efforts to escape, just to measure how trapped he really was. He was unable to move much. He paid attention to his secured hands by giving little tugs at his binds, then trying to stretch his legs and, with that, pulling his wrists. He realized that it would take a while and lots of hard work to regain his freedom. The last time he had felt so defenseless was that night waxing at the fraternity; patches of body hair being removed by drunk guys had added to his sense of vulnerability back then, now there was darkness and solitude.

The feeling altogether was endurable. He was sure that he might not like this job at all, but it would be only temporary. He just needed time to get back on his feet and find some other way to make money. He was absorbed in his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door.

-It’s me, Fred- announced his lifelong friend.

He had been so distracted thinking about Lucas’ proposal that he had completely forgotten about him coming over. It sank on him that he was almost nude and trussed up like a turkey, not exactly the way he wanted to be found. Panic made him squirm violently and out of his bed. A moment after he hit the ground, a small amount of pain stroke him, quickly followed by the realization that the "I’m not at home" ship had sailed along with the noise.

-Kieran! Are you ok?

-Yeah- the bound guy answered while still trying to recover his breath.

-Open up!

-Come on in. Use the key under the mat. -Kieran said when almost a minute had passed. Being seen in that sorry state was going to be his job, after all. He might as well try to get used to it.

-That’s it. You’re coming home with me -Fred rushed in with the eviction paper in his hand, thinking that he would find Kieran drunk and depressed. His muscled, though compact figure filled the living room-. I already told you I have enough room and you can stay there for as long as you want to.

-It won’t be necessary. -responded Kieran, giving out his location.

-I’m taking you with me even if I have to tie you up and… -Fred’s animated speech was interrupted when he saw his hogtied friend lying almost naked on the bedroom floor-. Oh…I guess that makes things easier.

Kieran forced himself to look at his friend in the eye and gave him a hangdog smile. He was as red as it gets. When he saw Fred’s face, with his gaze running over his exposed body, he involuntarily started to squirm a bit out of embarrassment. He realized that the job was going to be worse than he imagined.

-Are you ok? Did you do this to yourself? -Fred kneeled and started to untie the knots.

The original plan was to work for Lucas without letting anyone know what he was doing but telling Fred all about it made Kieran feel somehow relieved.

-I’m gonna punch that guy right in the face!

-No, it’s ok.

-Who the hell does he think he is? He cannot ask you to do that! He’s just a rich jerk taking advantage of you.

-That may be so, but right now, I need that rich jerk’s money.

He continued telling him about Darren’s call. Fred was a hard-working guy who didn’t go to college. Throughout that year, while Kieran was the ads superstar, he had tried to live up to his friend, bleeding out his credit card. As much as he hated to recognize it, he couldn’t help him in that area.

-You have to talk to Darren. He’s a smart kid. He’ll understand.

-I can’t let him down, or my folks. I know this sounds ridiculous, but after the whole disaster and my current bankruptcy, it would be more humiliating for me than letting Lucas bind me around.

It actually hurt Fred to watch his best friend like that, and yet, there was nothing he could do about it.

-Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself, ok? -Fred hugged him tightly-. And if that jackass ever harms you, tell me and I’ll go to make him swallow his teeth.

Later that night, Kieran took the phone and called Lucas.

-I accept.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I liked that Kieran took his time mulling over his decision. And he's so lucky to have a friend as thoughtful as Fred. I'm really curious about what Lucas has in store for him now.

Thanks for the update!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by DuctTapedBoy22 »

Definitely looking forward to this story. :D
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Getting to know the place

Kieran was very anxious. It wasn’t only his first day in this new “job”, which always made him feel that way, but also the peculiar nature of it. He rang the bell in front of Lucas’ mansion and after the identity confirmation, the gates opened.

-Glad to have you here. Welcome- Lucas friendly shook his hand, with a pearly smile on his face. The guy had his playboy looks on, which really suited him.

Kieran had spent a good two hours choosing his outfit, even though there was the chance that he wasn’t going to wear it for long. In the end, he went for the office attire, only picking his best jacket, a dark blue one that fitted his slim body perfectly, and an electric blue tie to match.

-Don’t be nervous- said Lucas when he sensed his new employee’s sweaty palm-. You just need to relax, and everything will be alright. You might even enjoy yourself.


Kieran thought that he should be showing a better attitude. This guy was his new boss after all. He was about to try again when he noticed that Lucas wasn’t only amused with his awkwardness, but actually getting a kick out of it.

-Let me introduce you to your workmates and then we can discuss your conditions a little better.


-You’re not the first one I hire for this.

They crossed the dining room. The place was huge, with elegant red walls and an expensive wooden dining table. Lucas told Kieran that it was also used as an unofficial meeting place. For instance, he was having dinner the next day with some important clients. They got to an intimate little hall, where a tall, dark, and great-looking guy was laying on a couch. His black wavy hair, which was almost shoulder length, and his thick eyebrows gave him a rather rough appearance, along with his obviously muscled body. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt, black jeans and boots. His hands were tied above his head, his legs were fastened as well to the other side of the couch. On top of it, he was cleave-gagged with some white cloth.

-He’s Dante. He’s a little quiet, but once you get to know him, he’s a nice guy.

Dante nodded to the new guy.

-I’m Kieran. Nice to meet you- the boy tried to be friendly but wasn’t sure of how to greet someone who is tied up.

They left Dante and continued their way to the back of the mansion, where a young man was swimming.

-Jyreese! There’s someone I want you to meet- said Lucas-. He’s very outgoing. You’ll be friends soon.

The boy came out next to Kieran and Lucas. His ebony skin was smooth and the speedos he was wearing left little to the imagination. His body was more athletic, like Kieran’s, and about just as tall.

-Hi. Nice meeting you- the boy was smiling and shook Kieran’s hand effusively.

After the presentations, Lucas led Kieran to his new room. On their way, they talked about the job. He would live there, and he’d have a full-time schedule, not that he would be bound the whole time, but he was subjected to be summoned night or day. He had, however, half a day free once a week. He could pick when, but he should let Lucas know in advance.

-This will be your crib. You can leave your things here- announced Lucas when they were in front of a door in the west wing. He opened it and the place was nice and comfy. Not as big as Kieran’s former apartment, but much more than his bedroom and with a nice view of the gardens and the pool. -So, what do you think?

-It’s great- said Kieran-. I’m in. There’s just something I want to ask from you.

-Ok, follow me to the dining room. We can talk there, I’m starving.

Once they got there, Lucas took a chair and offered it to Kieran. When he sat, he saw his new boss’s hands undoing his tie form behind the chair. The boy didn’t move. He was going to have to get used to it, so he decided to start talking before the others arrived.

-I know it’s my first day, but I need an advance on my salary.

-The bank is pushing you, uh?

-Not really. It’s Darren, my brother. He’s going to college and called me for a loan for his tuition-. At that moment, Kieran felt his arms being pulled behind him and around the chair. His tie was being used to bind them together.

-Well, I like to encourage my employee’s initiative. Think of an interesting “project” and I’ll give him all the money he needs. We know that the first weeks are full of expenses.

Kieran’s mind was split between Lucas' offer and feeling the bindings.

-Not too tight, is it?

-No, not at all.

-Great. I want you to come up with something while we eat.

-I…hmm, how am I gonna eat?

-I’ll feed you, of course. I like doing that.

At that moment, Jyreese came in, wearing only a white wifebeater and some shorts. Dante was still trussed up.

-Jyreese, why don’t you release Dante so he can take the brunch with us?

The boy did as he was told and came back with the tall hunk. Both of them looked at the new guy tied to the chair, with barely concealed smirks. Kieran looked pretty good in his suit, and his shy gaze was adorable.

A butler brought in the meals and Lucas proceeded to feed his new employee. For Kieran, it was a bit humiliating. No one had done that since he was a baby. Even though the other guys were more focused on their own food, the bound boy felt like all eyes were on him.

When they finished with the food, Lucas asked for Dante and Jyreese to come and play with Kieran. The boy was a bit scared, for he didn’t know what that meant exactly. Dante started unbuttoning the shirt, much to Kieran’s discomfort. The genuine smile on the tall man’s face got to calm him down, though.

-Don’t worry. It’s all part of the job, you’ll get used to it and, who knows, maybe even enjoy it.

-It’s all right- Kieran wasn’t convinced about the last part, but he appreciated the words.

The shirt and the jacket were pulled apart, leaving his torso exposed. Jyreese was now taking off his shoes and socks. That gave him a better idea of what was about to happen. He dreaded the idea of being tickled. He was very sensitive and having his buttons pushed by strangers while he was powerless to stop them felt like a most embarrassing situation.

Kieran took a deep breath and prepared himself as much as possible. Jyreese went for the feet. He sat next to the captive and put the legs on his lap. His fingers began slowly, barely brushing the soles around the toes. It triggered an immediate reaction from Kieran, who started laughing his ass out. At the same time, Dante was caressing the soft skin around the armpits and the tip of the hairs. Kieran fought fiercely against his restraints, but his tie managed to keep him defenseless.

The attack escalated, both in intensity and range since Jyreese was now working on the knees and thighs, while Dante was playing with the nipples and the bellybutton. They gave Kieran a brief break from time to time, so he could breathe, and then they continued. It lasted under an hour, though for the victim it felt much longer. All the while, Lucas was mesmerized and if he ever blinked, Kieran never noticed. When it was finally over, the bound boy was a sweaty and panting mess.

Jyreese untied him and Dante helped him up. Lucas, who was very satisfied with the show, told them to take him to his room, but Kieran said that he wanted to talk to him. The wealthy boss was afraid that his new employee would want to quit. The other boys went to the pool to soak up the sun.

-I think I know how I can earn the money for Darren. If we could make some arrangements for the table, that is.

Lucas was really pleased with Kieran’s plan. The boy was both happy for finding a solution to his brother’s request and worried about what he had just signed in for.
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Post by Volobond »

Ooh, a really cool addition! I'm loving this story so far. Wish I had money like Lucas to hire some hot guys to tie up and tickle.

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Dinner time

Kieran was as stuck as he thought he could be. His stretched body had been fixed underneath the dining table employing different sizes of tube conduit clamps and straps, which held his limbs, torso, and head firmly to it, making any movement almost impossible. He was meant to endure anything Lucas threw at him during diner in terms of tickling or pinching, and he had to do so in absolute silence, otherwise, not only he wouldn’t get the money for Darren, but he would have to pay for the coverup.

-The guests will be here soon- announced Jyreese as he joined the others under the table.

-How are you doing up there, little fella? -Dante asked as he tickled an exposed armpit while laying on the floor, below Kieran. The boy’s arms were stretched above his head, yet a little flexed so it wasn’t too uncomfortable, and he was barefoot and bare-chested.

The restrained boy jolted at the touch of the assaulting fingers, gagging with his own repressed laugh. Even though his limbs had been rendered useless, his back and his head still made some noise as they bumped a little against the table.

-Someone’s not getting paid this month- Jyreese crooned.

-Damn it! It would be for two months, and I cannot risk failure. I promised my brother this money. Are you ready with the wine?

-We are, but do you think it’s gonna work? I mean, if you make a sound, we don’t want Lucas to be exposed in front of his best clients- Jyreese expressed his concern.

-Are you kidding me? Free booze from the legendary Barbolani wine cellar would make them ignore an alien invasion.

-I’ve got an idea! Wait a second- Jyreese exited again and came back after a couple of minutes, bringing some rags that he used to fill the spaces between Kieran’s body and the table.

The bound boy felt how his already limited mobility vanished, tightening some of his bindings in the process.

-Is it OK? -asked the diligent mate.

-Sure, please continue.

When Jyreese was done, Dante’s face betrayed his intentions, but there was absolutely nothing Kieran could do when he saw the spidering fingers slowly approaching his sides since even wiggling was impossible. He just gasped half a second before they made contact and then he lost it. The devious hunk went for all the major spots, however, no matter how intense the tickling was, Kieran could not move an inch. His laughter, on the other hand, was hardly repressed.

-Well, at least we know you can’t really move. Now, all you have to worry about is not laughing. Too bad gags are off the deal- Dante pointed out.

-Why did you come up with this, being so sensitive?

-I had to offer Lucas something interesting. Not the best idea, I reckon.

-Are you kidding me? This is great! Lucas is so excited about the whole thing. You just need to stay quiet. I would have never thought about this- said Dante.

-Hey, don’t underestimate yourself. Remember the wheel of waxing? Dante was tied up to a giant roulette, Lucas would spin it, and then he would wax whatever part that got pointed at- Jyreese commented merrily.

-It stung like hell and I was all sticky for two days- the tall guy chuckled-, but it was worth it. I took Pamela to the Bahamas and she loved it.

-You both have girls? -Kieran was a bit surprised. Jyreese had shown him a pic with his girlfriend and now Dante mentioned his.

-Yes, don’t you have one?

-Not now. I wasn’t at my best when Lucas gave me the job.

-I told you, Lucas only chooses straight guys- Jyreese spoke.

-Do they know what you do?

-She thinks I’m some sort of concierge- Jyreese chuckled.

-Pamela thinks I’m still a personal trainer.

-I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to tell my family. Last thing they knew I was a successful publicist- a shadow crossed Kieran’s face.

-Hey, cheer up man! This may not be something to brag about in your school class reunion, but the pay is great. You don’t have to do this forever if you save your earnings- Jyreese’s smile was kind and earnest.

-Actually, I’m planning on starting my own business as soon as I get enough money.

-You might be wondering why we are here. Jyreese is saving to go to college and me, well, it pays really good money. Lucas offered me the job when I was in fact his personal trainer. I was reluctant at first, but once I gave it a try, I stayed. I’ve been doing this for three years, now.

-Everyone tells me that I might get to enjoy it, do you?

-Yes- both guys responded after a brief pause and a complicity look at each other.

-I even try some of this with Karah- Jyreese added.

-Has he ever asked you to sleep with him or something?

-To sleep with him? Yes, but not the way you think- Dante answered.

-Then, how?

-You’ll see- said Jyreese with a smirk.

-It’s showtime- Dante announced after consulting his watch-. Good luck, buddy. Just hold on.

Before leaving, Dante tickled Kieran again briefly, causing a new jolt. It only reminded the bound boy how hard it would be and made him all the more nervous. He was so worried about the outcome, when the hunk came back, shoved a sock inside his mouth and quickly buckled a panel gag around it.

-The boss reconsidered the gag- Dante petted Kieran before leaving again. He understood the boy’s muffled appreciation.

Despite the lovely violin music, the dinner went as slow as Kieran expected. Being upside down isn’t easy, and if we add the bindings and the business chat, he was counting the minutes for it to end. Altogether, the boy got to see the tickling, nipple pinching, or hair plucking as a welcome distraction. At some point, he and Lucas seemed to have synchronized their boredom, and when it was starting to appear again, he could expect a hand to crawl under the table to attack some random body part.

A blindfold wasn’t necessary, for he couldn’t turn his head and all he could see was Lucas’s shoes. Quite often, the presence of the hands was announced by a tingling sensation on his vulnerable left armpit or around the belly button. Kieran, then, clenched his eyes, knowing that very soon the tingling would become an unbearable tickling. When the spasms began, the fingers would expertly play with the speed and strength, before disappearing again, leaving behind a panting boy.

It had been Dante’s idea to also fasten each finger separately, leaving his hand spread out and his palm exposed, something Lucas was aware of and used against the helpless boy a couple of times. It turned out to be a huge success.

Kieran was positioned breadthwise, close to Lucas's seat, in such a way that he was out of reach for any other guest. His boss took every chance he could to have fun with him and what the boy toy expected to be some occasional attack, became a constant challenge for him to stay quiet. He was absolutely sure that he would have failed the mission if he weren’t gagged.

When the dinner was finally over and all the guests were at the hall, ready to leave, Kieran noticed someone hastily crawling under the table to join him. His heart skipped a beat before he realized it was Dante. The hunk wasted no time in removing the gag, and left as soon as he finished, not without winking at his bound workmate.

Lucas was the next to appear, after saying goodbye to everyone. He was very impressed with Kieran, for he had turned another boring business dinner into an exciting time. He also complimented the boy for enduring the whole evening restrained like that and especially for being able to remain silent enough to go unnoticed.

Our naïve boy expected to be released immediately, but when he noticed that fire in his boss’s eyes, he only managed to say “Oh, cr@p!”.

Lucas fingers darted towards Kieran’s defenseless sides and began to run all over his torso. By the time they landed on the underarms, the boy was already howling. Now, free to laugh with all his might, Kieran kind of enjoyed the whole post-challenge tickling.

Later, that night, Kieran called his baby brother to tell him that the money had been deposited into his account. He even waited on the phone as Darren checked his balance, only to hear his reaction to the generosity of his big bro. The boy was very excited. He swore that he would pay him as soon as possible, but Kieran told him to take his time. Though he would have gladly told him to keep the money, he knew Darren wouldn’t take it. It was one of the reasons why he was capable of anything to help him. When he hung up the phone, he was sure it had been worth it.
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Post by Volobond »

Another amazing situation that makes me wish I was Lucas. Thank you for this new chapter!

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

An unexpected request

-I’m not a hypocrite, I’m not a hypocrite… -Fred murmured to himself as he walked to the bar where he’d meet Kieran. When he spotted him in a corner, sitting to a table, he rised his hand to greet him and gave him a crooked smile. He felt instantly guilty -. Hi, hypocrite! I mean, Kieran.

The sitting boy was a bit puzzled by the greeting but decided to ignore it and handed Fred one of the beers that the waitress had just delivered. Being in his free time, Kieran wanted to feel as normal as possible, watching the game with his best friend and joining the choral roar whenever their team scored. Though he had been working for Lucas for a couple of months now, he was still in the adjustment period, most of all because of a strange and growing liking for his job.

As the evening went by, the boy toy noticed his buddy a little absentminded. The delayed responses were definite proof for him and he was about to ask what was wrong when the compact boy decided to speak up.

-I know I have been bugging you to quit that job and look for something more “normal” ever since you told me about it, and I know how this is going to sound like, so I’m gonna make it quick: I need a loan.

-Sure, how much? -Kieran responded after a moment. He tried not to make a big fuss about it, he tried to act normal, he tried to be a good friend, yet his barely concealed smirk and gleeful eyes were much too easy to read.

-Never mind.

-I’m just teasing you, you know you can count on me.

-OK, look, I would never ask you for something, being aware of what you had to go through to get it if I weren’t desperate.

-My job ain’t that bad. I may not be completely comfortable there yet, but it’s actually getting funnier every time. And you should know that I’ll do my best to help you if you need me. So, spit it out.

Fred’s full disclosure of his current situation helped Kieran understand his urge to get some quick money.

-You can count on it -Kieran was about to make the transference from his phone when Fred stopped him.

-No, wait, this is wrong. I feel like I’m exploiting you.

-It’s not like that! I’m not some kind of… -in a moment of inspiration, Kieran saw his chance to kill two birds with one shot-. You know what? You should give it a try. That way you wouldn’t feel bad about it because you’d be earning the money yourself. And, before you start complaining, I’d be the one doing the torture, not Lucas. Considering the animosity between the two of you, I’m sure I can convince him to offer you a good deal just to have the privilege of watching. At the end of the day, the cash would be all yours, everybody wins, and you’ll get a better picture of what I do.

Fred’s gears turning could be heard from across the street. The idea itself freaked him out, especially being in hands of a jerk, namely Lucas. Yes, Kieran would be the one doing the bondage and stuff, but Lucas would be likely to give some instructions. Yet, he needed the money and he trusted his friend to never do something to him he really would dislike. So, he made up his mind and took a deep breath before answering.

-I’m in.

Fred entered Lucas’ mansion and despite all the luxury an obscene fortune could buy, what first drawn his attention was a shirtless Jyreese hanging from the ceiling and trussed up so that his arms were bound above his head, bent backward and linked to his feet as an inverse hogtie. Next to the boy was Dante, using a feather on his belly button and his sides.

-Hi, Fred! Nice to see you here -said the Latino hunk. The captive tried to be just as friendly and would have succeeded if he weren’t ball gagged.

-I just remembered that I have two kidneys. Thanks for the offer, anyways -Fred told Kieran in a low voice after greeting the other guys.

-Look, I can give you the money, I just thought you should know what I do firsthand.

-If you meant for me to change my mind about it, it’s not working -Fred was staring at the bound boy, wondering how it would be like for him to be in his shoes.

-It looks more shocking than it really is. Besides, you wouldn’t be like him, I’d go easy on you -said Kieran in a soothing voice.

-For what your boss is paying me, I’m sure he’s got other plans.

As if he had been summoned, Lucas appeared behind them and friendly laid a hand on the boys’ shoulders. His fancy white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and his pearly smile added to his playboy charm. After the greeting, he asked them to have a sit in a comfy hall.

-Damned you, Lucas, don’t show up like a freakin’ ghost! -Kieran joked as they walked.

-I want to make something clear -Lucas started, calmly-, Kieran would be in command here. He’s your best friend and knows your limits. This is for fun. If I’m paying you that much is because of him… and because I love to see a tough guy sweating.

Fred grunted, clenched his arms to his body, and quickly swiped his forehead with a hand. Truth is, he was more nervous than before going up into the ring for the amateur boxing competitions where he participates. The fact that his sweat glands betrayed him in front of that cocky b@st@rd made him even more uncomfortable.

-I’ll be just sitting here. Pretend I don’t exist- Lucas’ presence, however, was hard to ignore. Even if the guy was doing nothing, his sophisticated persona made Fred feel he didn’t belong. Fred usually fought that feeling with a defiant attitude, but it would be hard to do if he was defenseless and exposed.

For starters, they were standing in the middle of the room. All the necessary gear was on a small table beside them and Fred couldn’t help looking awry at it. Soon, those ropes would be wrapping him up, that tape would shut his mouth and the other items would be used on him.

-I’m gonna take this off, OK? -Kieran said as he held Fred’s shirt. He was quite nervous himself. He had been in charge a couple of times before, with Dante or Jyreese, but this was completely different. His fingers were clumsily doing the job.

Fred stood still as his friend unbuttoned and removed his shirt. He opened his arms a little to make it easy, revealing the drenched spots underneath. He avoided looking at the corner where Lucas was. When his eyes met Kieran’s, he smiled sheepishly. He was wearing a wifebeater, as recommended by his buddy, yet he felt somehow naked. He would have probably felt more confident had he noticed the other guys admiring his well-developed muscles.

-Now, sit on the floor, in front of the sofa, and put your arms to your sides like this- Kieran said, giving the example.

Once his friend was in position, Kieran started wrapping a piece of rope around the left arm of the Louis XVI style sofa and then to Fred’s left wrist. When he realized that he could have prepared the ropes before asking his captive to extend his arms, he began to laugh and told Fred to put his other arm down. It kind of broke the tension and his buddy joined the laughter.

-You’re an idiot, did you know that? -Fred teased his friend.

-You do know that soon you’ll be completely under my power, right? -Kieran retorted with a wicked smile.

Kieran tied more rope on the other side and then held his friend’s right wrist. It was limp, something he didn’t expect. He took that as a sign of trust and proceeded to tie it up firmly, yet with infinite care.

As his friend trussed him up to the sofa, Fred focused on his sensations. It was his first time tied up and if he had been asked not so long before if he would ever be in that position, he would have answered with a resounding No. The rope used to bind him was soft on his skin. He, unintentionally, looked at Lucas and his poker face made him feel more vulnerable, so he frowned and looked away. He mentally cursed his sweaty armpits when a breeze coming from a window made him aware of them.

-Well, I’m done with your arms. Now, let’s go for the legs.

The sofa might seem delicate, but it proved to be quite resilient when Fred made some tugs to test his bondage. It was then that he noticed it wasn’t made of wood but painted steel. He took a deep breath when he made sure he was securely tied up.

Kieran removed the shoes and socks before binding the ankles. From time to time, he looked at his friend in the eyes and got a completely different picture of him. He resembled a lost child, for he looked much younger, even frail. It was then that he attacked his soles without warning.

The boy started kicking, laughing and screaming, forcing Kieran to hold his legs with one arm while using the other for tickling him. All of Fred’s might was shown, almost throwing his friend to the other side of the room. The tormentor had to let go.

-OK, now stay still while I tie your legs up -Kieran said between laughs. He was happy to see his friend cheered up again. He was determined to show him that it could be a fun experience.

Fred had to fight the reflexes that brought his legs closer to him at every touch of Kieran, though he did it anyway sometimes, just to mess with his captor. He was surprised to realize he was laughing goofily. He looked at Lucas in the corner and the rich boy was sporting a pearly smile. If there was any trace of spite in it, he didn’t notice.

With his legs secured and his arms immobile, Fred was at his friend’s mercy. He tested one last time his ropes and dug into Kieran’s eyes. He was sure nothing bad was gonna happen to him and that made everything less uncomfortable than he expected.

Kieran straddled Fred’s lap, restraining his legs even further, and his fingers began to crawl along his arms, starting from the wrists. As they approached the torso, the sensation became too much for the bound guy and he began to laugh like a child, begging him to stop before he got to his weakest spots. Ropes proved to be very efficient, increasing the captive’s despair, who struggled in vain to escape.

Suddenly, Kieran backed out, giving Fred a necessary break, but the poor guy was much too busy panting to notice his captor rolling up the discarded socks. With his mouth half-open to get as much air as possible, the captive stood no chance against the invading cloth. His attempts to resist came too late. The unexpected gag was followed by a hand covering his mouth hard.

Fred was barely processing his new condition when his attention was drawn to his right underarm, which was seconds away from being attacked by some vicious spidering fingers. This resumed his struggling, but when he realized it was useless to fight, he looked at Kieran in the eye in a last act of defiance that actually showed more fear than he would have wanted to.

After a brief pause to increase tension, the captor went full throttle on his captive, making him laugh harder than he ever had.

-Dude, you’re melting! -cried Kieran after his fingers got wet, retrieving his fingers immediately and smelling them-. Well, at least you’re wearing a whole can of deodorant.

If Fred had hoped for his sweat glands to finally save him from a given situation, he was soon proven wrong. The attacking fingers returned, fiercer than ever. A swift move allowed his captor to change hands and, with that, sides.

-OK, this is like riding a bull. I need both hands -announced Kieran after a while. He reached for the duct tape with his free hand and expertly started to wrap it around his friend’s head, sealing the socks inside.

Fred was worried enough now that his torturer had both hands free while he had none, but he began to panic when he saw him grabbing a pair of feathers.

-So, what do you think? Should I use these on you?

The bound guy shook his head frantically, grunting to express his opinion on the matter. For such a tough guy, he sure was sensitive to tickling. Kieran, of course, was aware of this.

-Would you prefer the clothespins on, let’s say, your nipples?

Fred wasn’t thrilled by the alternative, but after some inner deliberation, he nodded resigned. His wifebeater was then pulled over his head and the pair of evil clamps were attached to his nips. His grunting was short-lived since he had a good tolerance to pain and got used to them quite fast.

-Yeah, this is no fun. I withdraw my offer -said Kieran when not even his playing with the clothespins did much good.

This made Fred start struggling again, for he knew it meant the return of the feathers. Not that he had tried them before, but it was obvious for him that it was bad news.

Kieran showed no mercy. Not only did he attack his defenseless friend’s armpits, but also his sides, belly, and of course, his feet. The bound guy had never felt so powerless in his whole life, and yet he had to accept he was having fun. When Fred reached the point where his laughter was more silent and spasmodic, his captor decided he had had enough.

-That’s it, buddy, you made it- announced Kieran with a cheerful smile and began to release him.

Fred, unconsciously, double-checked with Lucas with his gaze. He didn’t like to admit it, but he was as much his captive as he was Kieran’s. Lucas nodded just barely, never hiding his pearly whites.

-So, what do you think about my job now? -asked Kieran as he escorted his friend to the exit, after he had checked the reward for a hard day’s work in his bank account.

-I still don’t know how you can do it- Kieran started to worry that his idea had failed until he noticed that any trace of his friend’s previous judgmental gaze was gone and was replaced by a kind smile-. I would go crazy if I had to do that every day.

-Believe it or not, I’m starting to like it.

Fred passed an arm over Kieran’s shoulder as they walked. He was actually glad to have experienced that, not just because of the money that saved his ass, but because all this time he had been concerned that his friend had to undergo some horrible treatment. He felt truly relieved now.
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Post by Volobond »

Awww, that was a cute part! Fred seems like a really fun tickle captive... each new chapter makes me more envious of Lucas lol

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

The trip

It had been a quiet day. The guys had been just hanging around in the pool or playing some videogames. Kieran thought it was one of those rare occasions when Lucas was much too busy to even pay attention to any of them. As much as he had come to terms with his job, it was always nice to have a day off.

When the boys were going to bed, however, Kieran found a small package and a note on his night table. He opened it to find a set of manacles for his wrists and ankles. The note told him to take them with him when he showed up at 6:00am in Lucas’ bedroom, clad in just his underwear. Being used to his boss’ peculiar games, he decided to just go to sleep so he could be ready for whatever the morning brought.

Jyreese was already there when he arrived, waiting outside for the door to open.

-This is great, isn’t it? I hope he picks me, but being the new guy, he’ll probably take you.

Kieran was about to ask him what he was talking about when Dante joined them.

-Don’t get me wrong, I love you guys, but this is the time when I wish I was the only one here again- said the tall hunk.

It was getting more mysterious every time, but before Kieran could ask anything, the butler opened the door, the other boys rushed in, entered the wardrobe, and stood under an empty rail. They put the ankle manacles on themselves and passed the ones for the wrists over the bar, before putting them on, leaving them strung up. The new boy toy was following them at every step. When he was done, they looked like a fine rack of beefcakes, all lined up. He tried to ask them what was going on, but they shushed him.

A moment later, Lucas entered, already dressed up. By his casual outfit, Kieran could tell he wasn’t going to the office that day. The other guys were silent and assumed a stern position, almost like guards of the Buckingham Palace, causing the new guy to mimic them.

After Lucas chose a couple of shirts and a jacket, he stood in front of his toys and looked at them closely, like he had done with the clothes he had just picked.

-OK, name three Japanese dishes- Lucas asked.

-Sushi! -cried Dante and Jyreese at the same time, before muting, trying to think of the other two.

-Sushi, tempura, and ramen- answered Kieran.

-Good! Now, how should we drink sake?

-Warm? - Kieran answered again.

-OK. If it’s good quality, though, we can also drink it cold. And finally, name your three favorite anime characters.

“Goku, Naruto, Saitama, Light Yagami”, names flew out, with all the guys talking at the same time.

-Yeah, well, I’m taking Kieran- said Lucas as he detached the boy from the railing by unlocking one of the manacles, just to lock it up again and hand him to the butler, who was standing behind him-. I’m leaving for Tokyo on a week-long business trip.

The chosen boy snickered, rolled his eyes at the silly game, and let himself be led to the bottom of the wardrobe, where he picked some clothes. He was very excited, for he had never left the country and Japan sounded like an amazing and exotic place.

The hotel they’d be staying was so modern, without sacrificing any elegance to it. Everything was automized. Kieran thought they would take the presidential suite or something, so he was somehow disappointed when he noticed that their room was a standard King one. Of course, “standard” has a different meaning when you’re talking about one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. The single large bed was also confusing, but he assumed he would sleep on the floor.

-I get kind of homesick when I’m away for too long, and intimate, comfy places make me feel better- explained Lucas when he read Kieran’s face.

The rest of the explanation made clearer for Kieran what his role was in all that. He was free to do as he pleased while Lucas was busy. A Rhodium card was given to him to cover his expenses during the trip.

-Don’t worry, I’ll make good use of it. I’m an adult- said the boy toy with a zen expression.

-You don’t have to pay me back, and whatever you do with it it’s your own business.

-Can you believe I saw the PS6 on a store on our way here? I think I’m taking five.

Lucas liked to roam around town, and Kieran was to join him. That sounded even better every time for the boy toy. When they were in the room, though, he was up to some regular bondage. The last duty took him by surprise.

-As I said, I get a bit homesick and I need someone next to me in bed. It wouldn’t be a sexual thing, but you’d have to be trussed up and in your underwear.

-WTF, man! Besides, you have the air conditioning on all the time, this place is freezing. I was actually thinking of asking for extra blankets.

-Well, as a matter of fact, I like to spoon, so… -Lucas pointed with a slightly shy smirk.

-I’m supposed to be like your teddy bear or something? Wouldn’t you rather have me wearing a bear costume? ‘Cos that would be warmer.

-No costume.

-Damn! Fine, I’ll do it.

-That’s my boy! Oh, by the way, I know that you snore, and I want you to wear a gag for that.

-You gotta be kidding me.

They had arrived after dusk, so they had just time to have dinner and take a shower before it was bedtime.

-Oh, yeah, you get to wear a cozy pajama, but I have to be almost nude.

-I could take it off if that makes you feel better- Lucas said with a snicker.

-No, that’s OK. I’m getting used to social injustice anyway.

Kieran crossed his wrists behind his back as instructed and felt them being circled by the rope.

-Hey, that rope is really soft.

-Only the best for my teddy boy- Lucas joked.

The boy toy chuckled. He sat on the bed while his ankles were being bound, and then he rolled to lay down. It was then that he noticed a peculiarity about the bed, it was similar to a cuddle mattress, making it easy to get his arms between the slats to avoid putting pressure on them. He discovered he was actually comfortable.

-I had forgotten about it- Kieran said when the panel gag appeared, which turned out to be extra ergonomic. It wouldn’t be that bad after all.

The bound boy felt Lucas laying behind him and snuggling as he covered them both with the fancy blankets, hugging him with an arm in the process. Awkward as it was, the physical sensations were even nice. He felt all warm and cozy and was fast asleep very soon.

When he woke up, his bindings were off, and he was face down on the bed. Lucas was already gone for work, for he was an early bird. He had breakfast and went down to enjoy the pool and buy a couple of things that looked really cool. He decided to wait for Luke to hit the town.

The guys visited all the great places Tokyo had to offer. It sure has its perks to have a friend who’s richer than god. Kieran had the credit card and could have gone on himself, but Lucas was really fun to be with.

They didn’t return to the hotel until it was time for supper, asking for room service. Lucas told Kieran that he could go enjoy the nightlife if he wanted to, but he had to work early in the morning again. The boy toy decided to stay with his boss and the latter promised they would have a decent night out at the end.

-Tokyo is such an amazing place- Kieran answered Lucas-, I’m having a great time. Hey, keep your chopsticks off my plate!

-I’m the one who’s paying for it!

-I don’t care. Don’t be cheap and have your own!

-You want it so bad, then take it! - Lucas said as he grabbed a piece of sashimi and threw it to Kieran.

-That’s it, food fight!

After a while, the room was a mess and Kieran was in his underwear, tightly tied to a chair, with his wrists bound behind him and to the back of it, and his ankles fastened to the legs of the chair.

-I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know it had wasabi- the bound boy told his boss, who was washing his eyes in the bathroom for a second time.

-Luckily, I’m a wuss about spicy food and hadn’t put that much on it.

Past the wasabi-in-the-eye crisis, both guys were watching TV, with Lucas surfing channels, looking for something good. Then, they had a video conference with Dante and Jyreese, who were instructed into different ways to tie and tickle each other, so that they didn’t lose practice.

-Do you think they’ll be intimidated if I go with a patch on the eye? Does it make me look tougher, like a pirate? - Lucas asked after the video call ended.

-Nah, it makes you look like someone who poked an eye with a straw by accident- responded the bound boy.

-Or someone whose evil friend threw wasabi at.

-I already apologized. Talking about that, I’m still hungry.

-Yeah, so am I. What do you want?

-Well, the sashimi I was eating was delicious, make it two this time.

Lucas just threw a blanket over his friend still tied to the chair when the service arrived and began to feed him when the lady left.

-Get your fingers off my pits! - cried Kieran when he dropped his food on his lap for the third time due to surprise tickle attacks right after the chopsticks had delivered the food to his mouth.

-Make me!

-Aagh! - was all the powerless boy could reply.

After a while, when Kieran was having a shower, the service entered again to clean the room.

The next day was pretty similar, with Kieran spending the morning on his own and roaming around with Lucas afterward. This time, however, the boy toy was bucked and gagged in his underwear when they called for room service, and a blanket was thrown again over him to hide him.

-Nobody ever asks for the obviously human shape under the blanket? - asked Kieran when the gag was removed for him to be fed.

-I pay enough money to avoid any uncomfortable questions. You could be naked, tied spread eagle on the bed, face down, with a bright red ball gag in your mouth, and the cleaning lady would just dust you up.

Lucas seemed so sure about it, that Kieran wondered if he said so by experience. He didn’t have to wonder for too long, for that’s exactly what happened to him before their last night there, just for fun while his boss was having a shower, and all his grunting and shaking didn’t make any difference. Thankfully, he barely spent any time in his room the next day, for they had a great and wild night out as promised.

-Welcome home, buddy! - Dante told Kieran when he got to the mansion from the trip since Lucas had to get directly to the office.

-Just so you know, we still hate you- said Jyreese while sporting a warm smile. Both boys were in the living room watching ESPN.

-That’s too bad, ‘cos I had brought you each a brand new PS6.

-Get off that seat, you jerk- Jyreese snapped at Dante-, my boy here is surely tired from the trip.

The guys spent the rest of the day catching up and playing videogames, until Lucas got home, and they had a different kind of fun, that is.
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Post by Volobond »

I love this story! Oof, again I wish I was Lucas, haha.

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


The day Kieran had dreaded for months had finally come. It started with his younger brother, Darren, calling on the phone.

-Where are you working right now? -asked the boy after the greeting.

-With a friend from college, why? -Kieran tried to sound casual while almost choking.

-Well, the weirdest thing happened today in class. A professor started giving examples of great ideas that had gone terribly wrong and imagine my surprise when your campaign was one of them. He even said that the guy behind the idea had been fired and was now a pariah in the business- the boy chuckled forcibly-. But you’re OK, right? I mean, you helped me with the money for school, sent me that PS6 and stuff.

-Of course, I’m fine. I’ve got a good job and I’m saving to start my own business soon enough.

Even though he wasn’t really lying, Kieran had never hidden anything from his family, at least not from Darren. He felt suddenly crushed under the weight of having a little brother who worshiped him and wanted to follow his steps, something that was showing in his voice.

-You would tell me if you were in trouble, wouldn’t you? -Darren said, worried, hurt, and angry at the same time. He was sure Kieran wasn’t being completely honest with him. That upsetting idea felt like a red-hot nail through his chest. In fact, he would have preferred to hear that his brother was into some monkey business, at least it would be “the truth”.

-You can trust me on this, I’m doing great.

-Good, ‘cos I’m spending the weekend with you. I’ll get to your apartment at 7pm this Friday- Darren had decided that Kieran wasn’t shaking him off so easily. He would get to the bottom of it one way or another.

-I don’t live there anymore! -Kieran hurried to say before his mad brother hung up.

-Fine, send me your new address- Darren ended the call.

-Look, I’m very busy this weekend. How about I pay you a visit next Saturday, uh? We’ll do whatever you want- Kieran pleaded after the seventh attempt to make Darren answer his phone.

-Considering that I’m studying the same thing as you, I think it would be a good experience to see you at work. I’m sure your friend from college won’t mind.

-OK, ok! -Kieran cried before his brother hung up again. He took a breath to think about what he was about to do- I have a different kind of job. I’ll show you what I do now, but you must promise not to tell mom or dad, or anyone for that matter.

-I swear.

Despite the unsettling warning from his brother, Darren was relieved to be able to know what Kieran was into. Whatever it was, he would be there for him, he just hoped it wasn’t that bad.

Kieran showed up at the airport to pick his brother. He had paid for the flight, disregarding Darren’s initial refusal. Lucas had let him take one of his sports cars, so the younger boy couldn’t help to feel impressed and then suspicious. After some awkward small talk, the question finally arose.

-Kieran, what are you up to? -concern was palpable in the boy’s tone.

-I told you I’d show you, but you’ll have to wait, OK? We’re almost there.

-Why are you acting so mysterious? It’s me, remember? Dad still doesn’t know who parked his car in the middle of the beach.

Tension could be cut with a knife, but that recall from his teenage years’ adventures sparked a smile in the boy toy.

-He probably does- Kieran chuckled-. It’s nothing dangerous or illegal, that’s all you need to know now. Experience has taught me that it sounds worse than it really is, and firsthand information is better.

-You gotta be kidding me! You told Fred and not me?

-I didn’t actually tell him, he discovered it- Kieran was so used to his brother knowing him so well, he was almost amazed he hadn't read his mind so far.

They crossed the gates of Lucas' mansion, which made the boy's eyes grow bigger. Kieran introduced his workmates and went straight to his room. His boss was in the office, therefore his brother couldn't meet him.

-If it ain't drugs then, what is it?

Darren was sitting on a chair. He resembled his brother a lot, only his hair was longer and lighter, and his nose was a bit more aquiline, like their father's. Also, after six months of being a professional boy toy, Kieran had developed a more muscled physique.

-Could take off your shirt, please? - Kieran asked nonchalantly.

Given that his older brother was changing his clothes, Darren thought he would be handed a new one.

-What are you doing? - the boy asked when he felt his arms being pulled back, behind the chair, and wrapped up in rope, presenting only some mild resistance due to surprise.

-I'm tying you up- Kieran was cinching the rope and then proceeded to pull the ankles together to bind them with the same cord, headed to put his brother into a sitting hogtie.

-I realize that. What I meant to say is why? - Darren was debating with himself whether he should try to resist or not. Even though Kieran was acting strange, he was still his dear brother who would never hurt him, right?

-I'm gonna show you what I do for a living now.

-Do you kidnap people? -the mere idea sounded ludicrous, but that didn't stop the boy from instinctively start struggling a little.

-You were gonna come all the way here by bus, buddy. I don't think I'd make any money out of taking you- Kieran chuckled-. Now, I'm gonna go easy on you and gag you with tape, so please close your mouth.

-Gag me with tape? OK, I think this has gone too far- Darren's shy struggling went stronger, only to notice it was too late to resist, for he was truly stuck in that chair.

-Take it easy, buddy. It won't stick to your hair, I promise.

Kieran's soothing voice, along with some petting, made wonders to calm his brother down, to the point where he allowed himself to be gagged quietly.

-Can you get out? -the big brother asked once he was done.

Darren made a real effort to escape, but it was impossible. Being unable to talk, he simply shook his head. In his eyes, it was clear that the boy was also trying to keep his cool, telling himself over and over that he would be fine.

-Do you remember when we were kids and I used to pin you down to tickle you for ages?

The mischievous snicker when Kieran finished his question morphed his brother’s anxiety into calm and then, into a panic, which made him resume his escape attempts.

-I have a terrible memory for details. Were you ticklish in your tummy?

Darren recoiled when he saw his brother’s hands approaching menacingly to his belly, shaking his head like his life depended on it. The fingers had an explosive effect on the captive, who was helpless to stop the attack and could only laugh.

-What about your bellybutton? -actions followed the question with even more intense results.

A finger prodding his vulnerable navel was something Darren hadn’t experienced in almost twelve years, but his body certainly reacted the same way as before.

-I’m pretty sure that if we combine the tickling in your belly with an attack on your feet, your high pitch will rocket to the sky- said the captor as he took shoes and socks off his victim.

Darren was all muffled pleas by now. His brother, however, pretended not to hear and did exactly as he said, confirming his theory.

-But I’m pretty sure your most ticklish spot was under your arms.

Darren’s heart skipped a beat when he heard what was coming and tried his best puppy eyes to stop the torture.

-That didn’t work back then and it’s certainly not working now.

The captive could just stare, powerless, as those hands reached his underarms. When the boy was sure he had no more laughter left in him, he was proven awfully wrong. The back of the chair was wide enough to keep the boy’s bound arms apart, no matter how hard he tried to close them.

Kieran explored his brother’s vulnerable spots until his fingers were almost cramped. Then, he decided to let him rest. The bound boy was exhausted and breathing heavily, staring to the infinite. The targets of the sustained attack were reddened as proof of the treatment received. Darren hadn’t even noticed his tormentor had left the room until he came back.

-I brought these ice cubes to freshen those red spots- Kieran said, showing them to his hostage.

Darren used what was left of his energy to shake his head again and plead under his gag.

-I guess we could always continue with our game.

The smirk was even more threatening for the captive and convinced him to play along.

-Just nod if you want me to put these in your armpits.

After hanging his head in defeat, Darren nodded silently. Much to his surprise, it actually felt good...for like five seconds. Then, the boy jumped from the chair as much as his bindings permitted. The cubes ran quickly over his exposed skin before being buried to death under his arms, again.

-You suck!- Darren said when the gag was removed.

-Well, you wanted to know what I do: this is it! Only I’m usually where you are right now. Was that too much? Are you mad at me? -Kieran asked with a shy smile.

-You could have just given me a little try, do you know? - Darren said, after a short silence, chuckling afterward- So, you get paid to be like a toy for your friend, uh?

-Pretty much, yeah.

-And I had to go through all this for free? - asked the boy with half-faked indignation.

-Not necessarily. Do you see my webcam? It's been recording everything. I could get a good deal from my boss if you want.

After hearing the numbers, Darren nodded excitedly. Life is hard for a student.

-Well, you were right. If I had only heard what you do, I'd have certainly freaked out, but it's fun after you can breathe again and all. By the way, am I ever getting out of this chair? - Darren asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

-I don't know. You look cute there- Kieran tickled an armpit lightly as he spoke.

-OK, keep me like this, but no more tickling! - the boy begged, laughing.

Both brothers laughed again and Kieran started to untie his captive.

-Hey, I was thinking, holidays are around the corner. Do you think I could work here while I'm not in school? -the boy asked Kieran after dinner.

Lucas had met Darren when he got home and the deal for the video was made. As promised, the pay was juicy and the little brother made a good impression on the billionaire. He was given a room for the weekend and was treated like a guest.

-Are you sure about this?- Kieran questioned the younger boy.

-Of course, I mean, if you get paid that much, just imagine how much more I could make.

The joke was received with a light nudge.

-Besides, you said that sometimes you, Dante, and Jyreese tie each other up, right? Well, I want payback.

-You won't have to wait that long. Knowing Lucas, tomorrow you'll have me bound and at your mercy- Kieran commented with a resigned smile.

Darren was now sure he wanted to work there.
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Post by Volobond »

Heh heh, Kieran bringing in new cute guys for Lucas. Oh, to be the billionaire in this situation...

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Post by szlm1515 »

Nice story bro😄
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Post by TightropesEU »

Echo that. Very nice story ;)
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