Captive slave for the Weekend mmm/m 4 parts complete

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Jason Toddman
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Captive slave for the Weekend mmm/m 4 parts complete

Post by Jason Toddman »

I originally posted this story in the previous site as a single one-parter, but as it is kind of long and people keep saying they prefer shorter segments, i have broken it up into four smaller parts.


It was like every other foolish bet that anyone had ever made, Timmy thought he couldn’t lose. After all, Timmy was the best in his weight-class in the high school wrestling team. On the other hand, his friend Carl - though an athlete himself - was (at 130 pounds) ten pounds lighter. Carl was also not on the wrestling team at all (but was on the swim team), a year younger (15 to Timmy’s 16) and was too mild-mannered to wrestle aggressively. And always before when they’d had friendly wrestling matches, Timmy had won!

Then one day when Timmy had been boasting about how easily he’d pinned the best wrestler of his weight class from a different school. So when Carl bet him that he could pin Timmy in a fair match, Timmy was intrigued. Timmy himself set the stakes – loser would the other’s total slave for the weekend – as he was confident he could not lose, and Carl agreed.

But, to his utter amazement, Timmy lost! Badly! It was a completely fair fight however, and Timmy knew it. And as he was a good sportsman, Carl was his best friend, and his word was his bond, Timmy agreed to pay his debt at any time Carl chose.

Carl chose that weekend, as his parents would be out all weekend. His two younger brothers would be home as he had to babysit them, but they were well behaved kids and would not be in the way. Timmy had met them before as he’d visited Carl many times, and liked them. Timmy easily got permission from his parents to spend the weekend with Carl. In fact, as he was something of a homebody who had been cramping their style a bit, they were more than glad to have him out of the house for a change so they could have a little peace and quiet.

Timmy was to go to Carl’s house to begin paying his debt as soon as he could; pausing only to go home after school to get his pre-packed belongings. He was ringing the bell at the front door to Carl’s house at three o’clock on the dot. Carl was at the door to let him in within seconds.

“My folks are already gone, and my brothers won’t be home until dinnertime,” Carl told him. “So let’s get started. First thing you have to do is go to the bathroom, change out of your clothes, and put these on.” Carl was holding a set of bright blue speedos in his hand.

This wasn’t what Timmy had expected; he figured he’d have to do Carl’s homework for him, cook, clean, and help babysit his friend’s two younger brothers Joe (9) and Ed (11). But he had set the terms of the bet himself; he had to do whatever Carl told him to do until Monday morning, when it was time to go to school. So without a word of complaint, Tim took the speedos and went to the bathroom to change.

Tim got another surprise when he emerged from the bathroom and Tim led him to the kitchen. There were coils of rope, rolls of duct-tape, several scarves, a set of handcuffs, and a set of leg-cuffs piled up on top of the kitchen table. “What in Hell do you intend to do with all that?” Tim asked in amazement.
“I’m going to tie you up!” Carl replied simply. “Sit down in that chair.”

Tim did as he was bidden, uncertain that his friend was entirely serious. But when Carl took the handcuffs, knelt behind him, grasped his wrists, pulled them between two slats of the back of the chair, and cuffed his wrists together behind his back, Carl knew he was in for a stranger weekend than he had thought. Carl then took the leg-cuffs and locked one cuff around Tim’s left ankle, pulled it up until it was raised off the floor, and looped the other end around the back of the chair. Then Carl grasped Tim’s other ankle and lifted it up as well until he could lock the other cuff around it. Tim was now unable to place either foot back onto the floor, leaving him completely trapped in the chair.

But Carl was not satisfied with this. He took a coil of rope and proceeded to loop it around Tim’s middle and the back of the chair several times; cinching it as tightly as he could. Tim’s upper arms and shoulders were then tied to the chair as well, followed by his legs above and below his knees. By the time Carl was finished Tim could move at all except turn or nod his head and wiggle his fingers and toes.

Tim was then compelled to open his mouth and let a rolled-up pair of socks be inserted, and this was kept in place with a generous helping of duct-tape. Then he watched as Carl got a small Hallmark card, placed a gift-wrapping bow on it, and stuck it onto Tim’s chest. Tim tried to read the card, but before he could he was suddenly blindfolded with a scarf and couldn’t see a thing. Tim tried to ask what was going on at this point, but of course could not form any coherent words through his gag.

“I’m going to leave you here alone for a little while, but don’t worry… I’ll check on you every so often to make sure you’re okay,” Car told him. “But just so you won’t be bored, I’ll let you listen to some of your favorite music.” Tim then felt some earphones from Carl’s IPod being put over his ears and taped securely in place. Then some music from his favorite rock bands played at a volume high enough to make him oblivious to every other sound around him but not enough to cause him discomfort.

For an unknown period of time Tim listened to rock music through the IPod; totally oblivious to everything that was happening around him. He could vaguely sense at least one person moving around in the kitchen all around him, but whoever it was did nothing – not even to touch him. Tim’s bonds were secure but not uncomfortable, and so – as he had no choice anyway - he simply sat there in his chair and enjoyed the music that for now comprised his entire world.

Tim was beginning to wonder if he’d spend the entire night like this when his blindfold was suddenly whipped off. Standing in front of him was Ed, the older of Carl’s two kid brothers, with a smile of extreme satisfaction on his face. Behind Ed was Carl looking on indulgently at his brother, while Joe stood to one side looking on with apparent envy. Tim was confused; what the Hell was going on?

The twelve-year-old reached out and tore off the card and bow that had been stuck onto Tim’s chest. Tim could now read the front part of the card clearly for the first time. It read: Happy 12th birthday.”

Ed was talking to him now, but Tim couldn’t make out a word he was saying over the music. Then Carl apparently said something as well, and then walked over to Tim and shut the IPod off.

“Now he can hear you,” Carl told Ed as he tore off the tape keeping the earphones on Tim’s head and stepped away.”

“Carl says you’re my birthday present,” Ed suddenly told Tim. “He says you’re my slave for the weekend, and I can do whatever I want with you! Isn’t that neat?”

Tim began to groan in dismay, but Ed smiled as if Tim had expressed total agreement.

“What do you want to do with your slave first, Ed?” Carl asked his older kid brother.

“Gee, there’s so many things I can hardly wait to do,” replied Ed cheerfully. “But I’m getting hungry, and it’s hard to think on an empty stomach! I hate to waste such a good tie-up like that, but can we make him cook dinner for us?”

“Of course,” replied Carl. “He’s your slave now. Have him do whatever you want.”

“Cool!” replied Ed. “Okay slave. Listen up. I’ll untie you from the chair, and you’ll cook dinner, serve it to us, and clean up afterward. Do a good job and you can have something to eat afterward. Otherwise you get no supper tonight and get punished besides! Got it?”

Tim couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was a slave to a smaller, younger kid he could normally thrash with one hand tied behind his back (but not with both like now!). But he had lost a bet and had agreed to let himself be placed in this situation, and could see no choice but to nod his agreement.

The three brothers quickly untied Tim from the chair, but his gag was left in place. The handcuffs were removed, but only so that his wrists could be placed in front of him before he was cuffed again. This time he was handcuffed with a different set of restraints: much thicker and heavier, with a much thicker, heavier but also longer chain; it was a much heavier weight on his wrists but also allowed greater flexibility of movement than ordinary handcuffs. He would have to do the tasks given to him with his hands cuffed in front of him and his ankles hobbled – as if he were a real slave or a vicious criminal on a chain gang. And so he had been given enough slack to perform these tasks without too much difficulty; but at the same time the restraints were ponderous enough to continually remind him that he was the property of his friend Carl and his brothers for the weekend.

--to be continued --
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Part 2.

Tim was self- reliant for his age and therefore familiar with the tasks of cooking his own meals; preparing them for others was not much different. The sounds of his heavy chains clinking and the feel of their restraining him was strange though; as was having to do all these chores almost naked in front of others. But he was given no time to think about it though; when he started his chores too slowly for Ed’s liking, he got a quick lash with a towel whip to remind of his place. After that, he decided to do whatever was required of him first as quickly as possible in his restraints and ponder the situation later when his new masters permitted him some quiet time.

Tim was made to prepare some Chicken helper for his three captors, along with some boiled vegetables mixed in with it; a simple enough task although he could have made a decent casserole from scratch given the time and the proper ingredients. He also had to set the table while the meal cooked, and then serve the food out to each boy once he was seated. Then Tim was made to stand behind Ed like a proper butler and cater to his every whim, such as refilling his glass of soda or bringing him dessert. His mouth watered as he watched the meal he’d fixed being greedily devoured; while he was not offered a single morsel of food for himself.

After the meal was over, Tim had to clean up the table and then wash all the dirty pots and dishes before he was allowed to have anything to eat for himself.

Once he was done with his chores, Tim was made to sit at the kitchen table again in the chair he had sat in before, and the three boys removed his handcuffs, re-cuffed them behind his back, secured his ankles to the chair, and tied him to it the same way as before.

“Now we’ll feed you,” Ed told him. “Now’s our chance to get rid of those old leftovers!”

To Tim’s horror, Carl prepared a meal of left-over liver, Brussels sprouts, and sweet potatoes – all foods that Tim utterly loathed and generally refused to eat. He tried to protest when his gag was finally removed so that they could feed him, but he was told that he’d have to eat every bite or be punished. Tim could not imagine any punishment worse than being forced to eat such disgusting things as liver – especially when it was fed to him by someone else holding the fork to his mouth – but he did his best to comply anyway. But the combination of the humiliation of being fed like a baby and his total hatred of what he was being fed was too much for Tim; before he was halfway finished with his dinner, he revolted and refused to eat another bite.

He immediately regretted his decision when Ed got a bag of Warheads – those hot spicy candies that burn your mouth once you start sucking on them. Ed took six of the hot candies, popped them into Tim’s mouth, and immediately taped his mouth shut so that Tim could not spit the things out! Tim writhed at the burning sensation that now flooded his mouth, and his three captors laughed at him. “Want a drink?” asked Carl tauntingly as he filled a glass with ice water and held it right to Tim’s face. “You can have one… just as soon as you finish your dessert!”

Being forced to suck on just one of those candies non-stop would have been torment enough to Tim. He had liked them no more than he liked eating liver and in fact had never sucked on one for more than a minute before spitting it out. But now he had six in his mouth at once and had to work them all down to the point where he could safely swallow the things. He struggled as tears flowed in his eyes, but this brought no sympathy from his tormentors. Instead, to add to his misery, they got some large metallic clips some offices use (like hinged clothes-pins but much worse) and clamped them on his earlobes and his nipples – telling Tim that they’d be removed only when the last of the candies had been consumed.

Desperately Tim sucked away at the hot candies to get their awful taste and the burning sensation out of his mouth. After a while his mouth became somewhat numbed to the burning sensation, but it was still an exceptional unpleasant experience for him. After what seemed like forever but was probably no more than twenty minutes however, he managed to reduce the last two to the size of small pebbles he could easily swallow. He nodded his head to indicate that he had finished.

“Are you telling the truth?” Carl inquired casually. “Because if you’re fibbing to us and you still have anything left in your mouth when we take off the gag, you get six more!”

Tim shook his head vigorously to deny that he was lying; thank goodness he hadn’t been!

His gag was not-too-gently torn off and Tim was allowed to drink a glassful of ice water to ease his thirst and the dreadful burning sensation in his mouth. The clips were also (removed from his nipples and earlobes. But if he thought his captors would let him off the hook at this point, he soon learned his mistake. Tim was now offered the choice of finishing his meal of liver or getting six more warheads; and after that would come six more until he had finished the entire bagful – which still held about a hundred of the things!

With a groan of utter despair, Tim agreed to continue eating his unwelcome meal; which had gotten cold by this time. Even so, he found the first few bites rather tolerable now; they were not only preferable to the warhead candies but now his mouth was no numbed he could scarcely taste anything at all. Also, the food - nasty as it was by now - helped further to get the even more awful taste of the hot candies out of his mouth. Tim managed to finish the meal given to him without any more hot candies to assist his appetite.

To prove that they were not entirely hard-hearted however, Ed fed Tim a piece of his own birthday cake for dessert.

Then Tim was gagged before being untied from the chair. His hobbles were tightened until he could move his feet only a few inches apart, and his wrists were left cuffed behind him. Carl and Ed helped Tim rise from the chair, and they helped to support him as he was led shuffling with small baby steps out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Tim was led to the front of the couch and then compelled to get down on his knees in front of it. Once he was kneeling on the thick carpet, his wrists and ankles were locked together in a hogtie. He was then forced to prostrate himself like he was salaaming when his head as low to the floor as possible; and his shoulders were tied to his thighs to hold him in that uncomfortable position indefinitely.

Laughing, the three boys sat in the couch and began to watch TV. Ed was sitting directly in front of Tim and, having already kicked off his sneakers, now rested his smelly socked feet on Tim’s backside to use his body as his personal footstool.

After a while, Ed’s younger brother Joe expressed a wish that he had a slave of his own.

“Well, your birthday is next month,” Ed reminded him. “Maybe if Tim loses another bet with Carl, you can have him as your slave for your birthday too!”

“Aw, he won’t be dumb enough to wrestle with Carl again,” whined Joe. “He didn’t know what a good wrestler Carl is before, but he does now. Tim will never beat him!”

Tim mmphed in outrage; his pride stung. He’d have challenged Carl to a wrestling rematch right then and there were he not gagged and hogtied.

Carl noticed though and smiled with quiet amusement; maybe Joe would get the birthday present he wanted after all, if Tim would still be willing to try a rematch later on.

Meantime, Ed decided to be generous to his younger brother. “I’ll share him with you, and when he’s your slave you can share him with me!” Tim bristled at the boy’s casual assumption that he would indeed be a slave again the following month, but this went unnoticed by the other three. Joe gave an ecstatic whoop of joy, climbed off the couch, and seated upon Tim’s bowed shoulders – bending him down even further. The nine-year-old scarcely weighed 75 pounds, but his body weight made Tim suddenly feel like Atlas carrying the entire world on his shoulders.

After they watched another half-hour long program, the boys decided that they wanted to get some exercise. So Ed brought a dog collar and a leash that used to belong to a large dog they’d had years ago and placed it on Tim. Then the older boy was released from his hogtie and allowed to stand up. To his horror, he was told that they were going to take him outside for a walk – on a leash like a dog!

“Don’t worry, Tim,” Carl told his friend as he put Tim’s sneakers onto the bound boy’s feet for him. “It’s dark outside now, and we’re going to use a woods trail no one ever uses at night but us. I’m taking along a flashlight so you can see, but you *are* going for a walk if you don’t want to be punished again!”

Tim resigned himself for some potential public embarrassment and did not resist as his three captors led him through the rear door into their backyard. Once outside, Tim was forced to kneel and let Joe climb up onto his shoulders. He was thus forced to give Joe a pony-back ride while Ed let him along by his leash and Carl lit the way for them all. The other boys still wore their normal clothing, while Tim wore only his Speedos and sneakers… plus his gag, collar, handcuffs, and leg-cuffs. This made Tim slightly chilly in the cool spring evening air, but the exercise and the bod heat of the small boy riding his shoulders helped to warm him up. Although still embarrassed, Tim felt less uncomfortable about the situation once he realized that his captors were being careful to let no one else see him in his current predicament.
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Part 3.

After a relaxed evening walk lasting about forty minutes, Tim was taken back to his captor’s house, where he was once again hogtied by Carl and Ed while Joe turned on the TV again. This time however, Tim was laid on top of the couch and the two younger boy sat on top of him while they watched another hour-long TV show. Thankfully however Carl sat in an easy chair, watching Tim writhe rather than watch the program, rather than his somewhat greater weight to theirs. As it was, Tim wasn’t too uncomfortable (it was certainly less hard on him than kneeling on the floor and being a footstool) and simply lay there quietly after a while his captors watched TV.

Around ten o’clock, Carl announced that it was time for everyone to go to bed. Ed and Joe did not complain about this as they usually might have, because this simply meant that they could play some new games with their captive. Tim was once again released from his hogtie and, with the dog collar and leash placed back on him, he was led up the stairs to the guest bedroom where he would be spending the night.

On the way they of course gave him a mercy bathroom break. However, though he was not forced to do it assisted (his handcuffs were removed for the purpose so he could help himself), he was not allowed to do it unaccompanied. But at least the three boys turned their backs rather than further embarrass Tim by watching him do his business. Even though Tim swore he wouldn’t try to evade his captivity by trying to barricade himself inside the bathroom or escape through the window, he wasn’t allowed full privacy. Such luxuries as privacy weren’t for slaves, anyway.

His three captors led Tim to the room but, somewhat to his surprise, did not lead him to the bed. Instead, they led him to the closet. To Tim’s dismay, he saw a set of leather wrist restraints dangling from a thick clothes rod at about eye level, and as soon as his hands were freed from his handcuffs they were placed in front of him and locked inside these new restraints. But this was not especially uncomfortable… yet.

Then, to Tim’s puzzlement, two wooden stools were brought in and he was told to stand on top of one of them. Tim did so, which now brought the metal rod to just below his chest level. Cal then stood on top of the other stool beside Tim, grasped the metal bar with his own hands, and lifted it out of the grooved sockets it was nestled in. It was only then that Tim looked up and noticed that there were several sets of grooved sockets above the one the bar was set in; each set several inches above the next. Tim just had time to realize what Carl was planning when his captor pulled the bar (and Tim’s trapped hands with it) upward and set the bar inside a new set of grooves about eighteen inches higher than the previous set.

Tim’s eyes widened in fear as Carl stepped off his stool and pulled it out of the closet. Then he and Ed grabbed Tim’s legs while Joe slowly eased the other stool out from under Tim’s feet – and eased Tim’s feet downward rather than let him drop all at once. Tim now suddenly found himself standing only on his toes and the front-most portions of his feet; another inch or two and he’d be dangling by his wrists in the air! He writhed and thrashed trying to get more support for his feet, but it was hopeless. His three captors just watched him and laughed at his helplessness.

Carl stepped forward and removed Tim’s gag, and then stepped back again. “Are you nice and comfortable?” he asked his friend kindly.

“Uhhhh… you’re not going to leave me like this all night, are you?” Tim asked with a distinct tone of worry in his voice.

“No, just long enough to get a few laughs!” replied Carl.

Then, with one accord, the brothers surrounded their helpless captive, closed in on him, and began to tickle him without mercy!

Tim begged for mercy as he laughed and gasped for breath, but he didn’t get it until he began having noticeable difficulty breathing. Then his tormentors finally relented.

“Jeez, Carl,” Tim said as he struggled to catch his breath. “When we set the stakes for the bet, I had no idea you was gonna be *this* strict with me if you won! The most that I would’ve done would have been to make you do my chores and my homework!”

“Really?” said Carl with a tone of doubt in his voice. “Tell you what. You want a double or nothing rematch… right now?”

“Now?” replied Tim in amazement. “After you’ve worn me down to a frazzle?”

“What’s the matter? You chicken?” asked Carl tauntingly. “Afraid you can’t prove that my winning the first time wasn’t just a lucky fluke?”

Tim’s pride was stung. He was convinced that Carl had indeed won by a fluke, and that surely he’d be able to defeat Carl in a fair rematch. But now, while he was so tired from being tied up and tormented so long and just now having laughed himself nearly sick?

Carl could see Tim’s doubts written on his face. “Tell you what, Tim. I’ll make it interesting for you. You’re more tired than I am, so I’ll give you an advantage. I’ll have my brothers handcuff us both, but your hands will be cuffed in front and mine will be cuffed behind my back. We’ll wrestle on the queen-sized bed in this room, and the winner is whoever makes the other fall off it or makes him surrender. If you win, I’ll take your place as the slave for the rest of the weekend and you can either go free or stay and join my brothers in tormenting me - *and* on top of that I’ll be your total slave for another weekend of your choice! If I win, you remain as our slave this weekend *and* you agree to be our slave again next month for Joe’s birthday!”

Tim realized that Carl as offering him very generous terms; he was essentially offering to pay a double forfeit if he lost this time, rather than simply a double or nothing deal. Tim had served only seven hours of his weekend-long servitude so far, and by now was quite desperate for a way to get out of this fix let alone turn the tables. He knew Carl would not cheat, and his pride was at stake now as well - and so he readily accepted the terms.

Carl dragged up the stool to stand on it so that could let Tim down. Then, while Tim was given a brief chance to rest, Carl went to his room and changed into a set of Speedos of his own. Then he returned with a second pair of handcuffs and had Joe place them on him. The two boys then climbed up on top of the large bed inside the room on opposite ends, and at a signal given by Ed they began their rematch.

Tim’s ordeals at the hands of Carl and his brothers so far had left him tired and weaker than his opponent, but his hands being cuffed in front rather than in back gave him greatly superior leverage and maneuverability. But it wasn’t enough. Before Tim knew what was happening, Carl used his legs to trap Tim’s arms and torso in a scissors grip and began to squeeze the breath right out of him. Tim struggled mightily to get free, but Carl was on the swim team and track team as well and had very strong leg muscles. Under the remorseless pressure of those legs, Tim felt the breath squeezed right out of him. It was as bad as being trapped in the coils of a giant anaconda!

With his hands cuffed, Tim could not maneuver his arms out of this vice, and he could not use his hands to try to ease the crushing pressure on his middle. Though his hands were trapped behind his own back, Carl merely smiled confidently as he tightened the grip he had on Tim’s middle and squeezed as hard as he could. Carl’s brothers cheered him on, which further eroded Tim’s morale. God, he felt as though Carl’s thighs really were like the times of a giant pair of scissors; he couldn’t breathe! Tim struggled valiantly, but he was trapped, the pain was growing by the second, and he was gasping for air! He began to yell in sheer defiance and threw all his strength into one last surge of energy to free himself, but it was no use! He was trapped, and exhausted, and his breath was gone and he couldn’t inhale anymore!

“I surrender!” he heard himself yell as his vision began to go black!

The awful pressure in his middle immediately eased up and the darkness that threatened to engulf him quickly retreated. The cheering of Carl’s brothers rang in Tim’s ears as he found himself being made to lie flat on his back in bed. He lay there - too tired and too achy to move – as his three captors freed his wrists and ankles briefly, only to re-tie him securely to the bed in which he lay.

Once Tim was secured, Carl knelt-sat on his chest while Ed and Joe left the room for a few minutes. Carl gagged Tim and then teased him by flicking his nose and ears hard enough to sting. The younger boys soon returned wearing only Speedos themselves, and climbed aboard on top of Tim while Carl got off of him. Joe began to bounce on Tim’s belly like he was a big rubber toy while Ed took a felt-tip pen and began to doodle all over Tim’s face and chest. Carl meanwhile seated himself on Tim’s legs and proceeded to tickle soles of the helpless captive’s feet.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the repost but is there a part where you wrote that Ed was in front of Ed at one stage?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for the repost but is there a part where you wrote that Ed was in front of Ed at one stage?
OOPS! :shock: I missed that! Must've been a mind fart! :mrgreen:
I've fixed it now. Thank you for the heads up. :D
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Post by Xtc »

Just proves I was reading it!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Just proves I was reading it!
Yeah. It kind of bums me out though that this is the only feedback I've gotten on this story so far from anyone. It's kind of discouraging.
Oh well. may as well post the final part now and be done with it.


Finally Ed and Joe decided that they were ready for bed, and Tim hoped that he would finally be allowed to get some bed-rest and some peace for a while. He got more peace and quiet when he expected though when Carl first blindfolded him and then taped his IPod’s earphones to him as he had before. This time though, rather than his favorite music, Tim heard loud, hissing static – white noise that deafened him to everything else around him without being so loud as to hurt his ears.

Carl and his brothers then left Tim to this form of sensory deprivation for the rest of the night.

Tim woke to the sensation of someone kneel-sitting on his chest and someone else sitting on his belly. Tim was fully awake when the blindfold, earphones, and gag were removed, allowing him to see that it was Joe and Ed on top of him. “Time for breakfast,” Ed told Tim cheerfully, holding a plate containing some doughnuts in his lap and holding one up to Tim’s mouth. “Eat up; you have a long day ahead of you.”

Tim had heard of having breakfast in bed but had never imagined it quite like this. But he ate as many doughnuts as his captors would allow him without complaint; washing them down with some chocolate milk that they had also brought. Once they were finished feeding him, the two boys untied Tim from the bed and allowed him to wash up and change into a clean set of shorts, socks, and his shirt and sneakers. “You’ll be outside a lot today,” they told him.

That was an understatement. Tim was outdoors virtually the entire day. For starters, he had to mow the entire front lawn while handcuffed and shackled in plain sight of anyone who passed by. It was still early on a Saturday morning however, and the neighborhood not densely crowded. Most of the front lawn was not visible the other houses on the street, so Tim would be seen only by passers-by. To minimize the numbers of those who would see him in chains, he was encouraged to do as rapid a job on the lawn as possible.

Tim timed it so that he could see anyone coming from a distance and work his way as far from the street as possible by the time they were closest to the house; his back to them so that they would not see that his hands were cuffed and standing in the taller grass to conceal his hobbles. By the time there was more than the occasional pedestrian walking by, Tim was finished mowing the lawn and allowed to get out of sight.

He now had the much larger back yard to deal with, but this area was fenced in and out of sight of the surrounding area. Tim did not have to worry about being seen by anyone other than his captors here. He still was not allowed to loiter however; Ed and Joe stood by with homemade switches ready to lash him if he tried to take a break without their permission. It was a five hour job, but Tim was permitted a ten minute break every hour to cool off and get water to drink. But he had to wear the handcuffs and hobbles during the entire time.

Once Tim finished mowing the backyard, he was compelled to strip down to his Speedos again, covered with sun block, and staked out. He was hand-fed some sandwiches and given lemonade to drink in the same way as he was served breakfast in bed, and for an hour or so all three boys tormented him while sitting on top of him wearing only Speedos themselves.

Tim made the mistake of voicing a mild complaint about this. So he was gagged again and grass clippings were liberally scattered all over him; making his entire body itch like crazy. Carl and his brothers sat in lawn chairs in the shade sipping ice-cold lemonade and taunting Tim in his helplessness. They playfully rattled their glasses but offered him nothing to drink for a long while; but merely dumped their ice cubes on him when they were finished with their drinks and went inside to get more. Tim was kept staked out until mid-afternoon in the hot sun without a break. He was allowed to itch for the entire time without any relief.

Then, as three o’clock approached, Carl attached a garden hose to the outside faucet and sprayed the grass clippings off of Tim. Then he set up the lawn sprinkler beside him and turned it on, keeping Tim cool and moist while his three Speedo-clad captors played in the spraying water for a while. After this they sat on him some more while they drip-dried on him. For a while then, at least, Tim thought the hot sun felt pretty good.

Finally, at about five o’clock, Tim was taken inside the house to perform more chores. He had to do the laundry, wash the kitchen floor, vacuum the living room rug, fix dinner, set the table, serve dinner, and then wash the dirty pots, pans, and dishes afterward – all while remaining handcuffed, hobbled, gagged, and Speedos-clad.

Afterward, he was again made to serve as a couch cushion – this time for all three boys – while his captors watched TV for several hours.

When they got ready for bed, he was taken back to the closet for another session of tickle torture. This time though, rather than let him down from the overhead bar that kept his wrists locked over his head, the boys simply stepped out of the closet, closed the door, and locked him in! Tim screamed through his gag, but if they heard him at all they ignored him. He could vaguely hear them all laugh as they went into their rooms for the night, leaving him standing inside the pitch-dark closet.

Hours passed, and Tim had become long-since convinced they were leaving him inside the closet all night, when all three boys came back for him. All wore only their underwear now as they came in and freed Tim’s wrists from the overhead bar. They didn’t free him from his handcuffs and hobbles though, and to his surprise they didn’t lead him to the guest room bed but walked him to Ed’s bedroom. There he saw a sleeping bag and a pillow on the floor at the foot of Ed’s bed. Tim was made to lie down on (rather than in) the sleeping bag and a blanket was placed over him. His left foot was unlocked from its hobble, but this freed cuff was locked around the leg of Ed’s bed instead – tethering Tim to it by his other foot.

As this was far more comfortable than being forced to stand in the closet, Tim was asleep almost before Ed went back to bed and the other boys returned to their own rooms.

The next morning, after being washed and fed, Tim was compelled to do some extensive house cleaning. It was tiring work – especially as it involved moving round some heavy furniture all by himself – but the worst part about it was that he was forced to wear Carl’s mother’s dress the entire time he performed these chores. Luckily, they didn’t demand that we wear these clothes outdoors where anyone could see him. He’d have agreed to a whole bunch of extra weekends of slavery to avoid that ever happening to him!

That evening, gagged and clad in only his Speedos again, Tim was taken out to the backyard and tied to a small tree, facing outward. Here he was hosed again. Then his hands and feet were freed but he was left tethered to the tree by his foot. He was left outside all alone all evening while his captors remained inside watching TV and playing videogames. He was gagged with a ball-gag that was padlocked on (who knows where Carl got it) so that Tim could not remove it even though his hands were free.

It began to rain. It wasn’t a downpour but a steady soaking rain that lasted for hours. The tree Tim was tethered too was adequate protection at first, but eventually the leaves became saturated and started to drip on him. Tim was miserable but unable to call to his captors while aged, and they remained oblivious to his discomfort for hours. They didn’t check on him since he was not bound in any restrictive way and was safe from harm by wildlife or intruders.

By the time his captors came outside to take him back inside the house for the evening, it had stopped raining. Carl was a bit remorseful as he led Tim to the bathroom and let him take a warm shower, towel-dry himself, and put on some dry clothing. He even offered to let Tim sleep in the guest bed without restraints that night.

But that night Tim found it difficult to sleep while his arms and legs were free, and he actually asked Carl and his brothers to tie him down to the bed for the rest of the night!

The next morning came and – after more breakfast hand-fed to him in bed - Tim was released. He was officially free of his bondage – at least, of his bondage to Carl and his brothers for the weekend. As a kid who had to go straight to the school with the others, freedom was only a relative thing after all.

Carl gently teased Tim in private about what a good slave he’d made, and said he looked forward to having him again as a slave next month for his other brother’s birthday.

Although he wouldn’t admit it even to himself for a long while, Tim was looking forward to Joe’s upcoming birthday with considerable anticipation himself!

Now, how to arrange throwing yet another wrestling match to Carl for the same stakes?
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Post by Xtc »

I must say, I feel for the kid on the grass. It irritates me no end.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago I must say, I feel for the kid on the grass. It irritates me no end.
What irritates you? His situation, or did you just mean lying on the grass? I used to do that a lot; it never bothered me much. ;)
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Post by Xtc »

Lying on the grass topless. It took someone else to point out that I get an all-over rash when I do that. No wonder it irritated!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

Sorry I didn't have much time to comment. Enjoyed the story immensely, especially the last part with the ball gag not removable even with his hands free.

I guess summer is as dead a time here as anywhere despite covid.

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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blackbound wrote: 3 years ago

I guess summer is as dead a time here as anywhere despite covid.
I reckon so.
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Post by Johnsnow »

I just read the story and really enjoyed it. Always love reading your works Jason.
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Johnsnow wrote: 3 years ago I just read the story and really enjoyed it. Always love reading your works Jason.
Thanks. :D
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Post by harveygasson »

Only just noticed this story and read through it but loved it! Great work as always
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harveygasson wrote: 3 years ago Only just noticed this story and read through it but loved it! Great work as always
Thank you for the kind comment. :D
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Post by ArthurH »

I enjoyed this story, thank you :)
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Post by Jason Toddman »

ArthurH wrote: 3 years ago I enjoyed this story, thank you :)
You're welcome. ;)
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Post by The slave »

really great this excellent story
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Post by Jason Toddman »

The slave wrote: 3 years ago really great this excellent story
Thank you. :D
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Post by Veracity »

I was just doing a little search for Jason Toddman stories when I came upon this, I seem to recall reading the first chapter before, but not the whole thing. Glad I found it. Really enjoyed it.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Just passing by; noticed your comment. Thank you. :D
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Post by drawscore »

Jason always does good work.

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Post by Jason Toddman »

drawscore wrote: 2 years ago Jason always does good work.

Thanks. I appreciate that. :D
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