Doug 1 (m/m)

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Centennial Club
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Doug 1 (m/m)

Post by drawscore »

Doug 1

Doug walked back from the scout meeting with his friends, Allen and Scott, and their cousin, Charlie. Ronnie was with them, along with his little brother, Mark, who was attending the meeting in anticipation of joining his brother's scout troop just as soon as he turned 11 in a few months. Also “along for the ride,” was Mark's best friend, Little Kevin.

The boys were all spending the night with Scott, Allen, and Charlie, who had again talked their mother/aunt into stretching the rules, and allowing Mark as an "extra guest." All were in scout uniforms, save for Mark, who was wearing his cub uniform, and Doug, who wore the scout shirt, but had on his jeans, as his scout pants were dirty from the last campout, and had not been washed.

"You needed to get another pair of pants out of the uniform exchange." Charlie told Doug.

"Yeah, I should have done it but I didn't think about it." Doug replied.

"We've got something that'll help you remember." Allen said. "We made up a new rule that anyone who comes to a meeting out of uniform, has to get tied up by the rest of us."

"That's BS!" Doug complained.

"Hey, we didn't complain when you made the rules about wearing someone else's clothes, and getting tied for it." Charlie chimed in, "Or the rule about gagging anyone who gets tied."

Doug protested, but weakly. "You mean I'm supposed to just sit there, and let the five of you take turns tying me up?" he asked.

"No, Doug." said Scott. "We expect you to sit there, and let all six of us do it. You're forgetting about Mark."

"But Mark's not even in the troop yet." Doug complained.

"Yeah, but he will be in a couple of months, and besides, he wore his full uniform tonight." Ronnie added.

Doug scowled. "I think I'd rather be tied up wearing my pajamas." he muttered, barely audible to the others.

But Allen did hear him, and came back with "That can be arranged, too."

When they got to Scott's, Allen's, and Charlie's house, it was still early - barely 9:00 PM. It was summer, there wasn't any school tomorrow, and they could stay up all night if they wanted, just as long as they didn't make a lot of noise, or make too big of a mess. There was nothing of any interest to them on TV, so they all trooped up to the bedroom shared by Scott, Allen, and Charlie, saying that they were going to do some "scout stuff." Scott's and Allen's mother nodded, and cautioned the boys against being too loud, and the boys all said "Yes, Ma'am," followed by Ronnie's "Thanks for letting us all stay over, Mrs. Bradford."

"Yeah, thanks." came from Kevin, Mark, and Doug.

"You're welcome, boys." she said. "Remember, keep the noise down to that of a small riot." Charlie snickered at his aunt's joke, and closed the bedroom door. It was time to get down to business, and Doug was the first item on the agenda.

Doug scowled as his six grinning friends flipped coins to see who would go first. Charlie got the honor, and pulled Doug's hands behind him, then tied them off with about six feet of rope. Charlie wrapped Doug's ankles, then pulled Doug's neckerchief from around his neck and tied it over his captive's mouth.

"I'll get out of this easy." Doug thought. What he didn't think, was that his friends were going to 'court-martial' him.

After Doug was tied and gagged, Charlie gathered the others, and intoned "This court martial will come to order. Troop 226 versus Douglas Atwood. The charge is not wearing a full uniform to the troop meeting. How does the defendant plead?"

With his neckerchief filling his mouth, Doug couldn't say much, and gave out with a loud "mmmppfff!" of protest. Charlie grinned. "By his silence, he admits his guilt." Charlie said. "How say you?"

A chorus of five other voices proclaimed "Guilty!"

"Douglas Atwood, this court finds you guilty of not wearing your full uniform to the scout meeting." Charlie said. "Do you have anything to say?"

Doug let out another loud "mmmppfff!"

"This court is in recess to consider sentence." Charlie said. "Bailiff - That's you, Mark - Guard the prisoner while we determine an appropriate sentence for this serious crime."

Charlie, Allen, Scott, Ronnie, and Kevin stepped out into the hall to discuss Doug's fate. Mark watched Doug, ensuring he wouldn't try to escape, at least, not just yet. Doug sat on Scott's bed, scowling at Mark, and Mark seemed to feel Doug's icy glare. With an evil grin, Mark walked over to Doug, and, remembering a similar treatment a few weeks back, Mark gave Doug a shove, causing Doug to fall on his side. Again, Doug "mmmppfff'ed," but that just drew a laugh from Mark. "We're gonna get you good." he said.

"Yeah!" Doug thought, "And when you get done, payback's gonna be sweet."

Out in the hall, the other boys had already decided that they, along with Mark, would make Doug a testing ground for an assortment of ties. The only questions were how many times would Doug be tied, and whether or not to make him wear something besides the jeans and scout shirt he had on at the moment. Kevin suggested that each of them take two ties on Doug, which was met with approval. Then, Allen remembered Doug's earlier comment that he'd rather be tied up in pajamas. "We each get two ties, like Kevin said." Allen told them. "And since he said he'd rather be tied in pajamas, he'll have to wear pajamas for two more." Another chorus of approvals.

"Maybe we ought to bust him back to cub scout." said Ronnie.

"That's not a bad idea." Charlie said. "Scott, you still got your old cub uniform?" Scott replied that it was still around. "Good!" said Charlie. "We'll bust him to cub scout, make him wear Scott's old uniform, then we get him again for wearing someone else's clothes."

"Twice each!" Scott said. This was greeted with laughter, and unanimous approval.

The boys returned to the bedroom, where Doug was laying on his side on Scott's bed. He was pulled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Allen checked his knots, and nodded to Charlie. "Have the members agreed on an appropriate sentence?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, your honor." Allen replied. "Douglas Atwood, we sentence you to be tied up by each of us, twice as you are, and twice in pajamas. You are also reduced to cub scout, and must earn your way back to the troop by whatever initiation we choose."

"Does that mean we get to initiate him into cub scouts, too?" Mark asked.

Charlie looked at Mark and smiled. "Yes, Mark. You and the rest of the kids in your den can do whatever you do to initiate a new member, unless he decides to go into another den. Then, they get to initiate him."

Mark looked at Doug, and said "You want to join my den, right?"

Doug protested with another loud "mmmppfff!" and vigorously shook his head.

"I think he needs some convincing." Ronnie said, and shoved Doug back onto his side. Kevin and Scott joined Ronnie, and rolled Doug onto his stomach. Kevin got a short rope, and tied Doug's ankles to his wrists in a hog tie.

"You want to join Mark's den, don't you?" Scott asked. Again, Doug shook his head.

"Stubborn, isn't he?" Charlie asked. "Should we tie his arms and legs, too?"

Allen looked at Charlie and said "Nah, but we could reconvene the court martial and make an adjustment to the sentence."

On hearing this, Doug cut loose with several "mmmppff's." "I think he wants to tell us something!" laughed Kevin.

Charlie pulled down Doug's gag. "All right, you win." Doug said. "I'll join Mark's den."

"Good!" said Charlie. "You can start getting loose now. Right after I get this gag back in."

About five minutes later, Doug had freed himself. All he thought about while he fought to get free, was how to get even with his friends. Then, it hit him. They'd made another new rule about ten days ago. It was Charlie's idea, and now, Doug was going to throw it right back at him.

"Hey, Charlie, remember your rule that we agreed on last week?" Doug asked.

Charlie gave Doug a puzzled look. "What rule?" he asked.

Doug smiled. "The one that says whenever anybody gets tied five or more times, somebody has to be tied with him. You guys have got me down for a bunch, and if you're gonna tie me, then I'm gonna have some company each time."

"And that goes for you, too, Mark. I know there's you, Kevin, Greg, Steve, Terry, Tommy, and Bobby in your den. If you guys have any ideas about tying me up for an initiation into the den, remember that one of you has to be tied with me."

Kevin protested. "What do you mean, I'm in the den?" he asked. "I'm 11, and joined the troop a two months ago."

"Yeah!" Scott replied, "But you hadn't gone through the initiation yet, and until you do, you're still a cub, and in the den, not the troop."

Mark whispered something in Kevin's ear, and Kevin was suddenly all smiles. His protests vanished. "What did you tell him?" asked Scott.

Mark grinned. "I told him that he can help us initiate Doug into the den, and that you guys have already accepted him as a member of the troop, so after he gets initiated, he gets to initiate Doug to the troop when he completes his sentence. He seemed real happy about that."

Scott said that Mark would make a great scout when he turned 11 in a few months. Mark accepted the complement, and told Scott that for all of the times he'd been tied, he shouldn't have to go through an initiation. Scott grinned. "Sorry, Mark. You're not gonna get off that easy."

Meanwhile, Scott, Allen, Charlie, and Ronnie were rethinking Doug's "sentence." They remembered that they had agreed to Charlie's rule, and now, Doug had turned it against them. "Let's vote." Charlie said. "Get some paper and a couple of pencils, and we either keep the sentence, or re-sentence him."

They called Kevin, and the five of them discussed further, the possibilities. Then, they took pencil and paper, and wrote either "Keep," or "Do over." Charlie took the papers, and announced that there were three votes to keep the sentence, and two wanting to do it over. "I guess the sentence stands." Charlie said, disappointed that the vote did not go his way. It was obvious that Ronnie was the other "do over" voter, as he said that the ones that wanted to keep the sentence were idiots. But he accepted the vote, especially after Allen told him that if he didn't quit whining, he'd wind up tied and gagged in the closet.

Kevin was the key vote, and Charlie asked him why he voted to keep the sentence. Kevin told him that he'd get to not only tie Doug, but a couple of others, as well. That's what swayed him. "I know I'm gonna get tied." Kevin said, "But getting Doug four times, and four others besides, makes it worth it." There was no disputing Kevin's logic.

Doug allowed Scott to take his turn, and, in accordance with the rule, chose Charlie to be tied with him. Still in his uniform, Charlie stood quietly while Scott tied him, then gagged him with his own neckerchief.

After the second time, Scott's and Allen's mother came up and told the boys to get ready for bed. The seven boys changed out of their clothes and into pajamas. Doug's were yellow, with a pullover coat, which the boys called "ski pajamas," since they looked sort of like ski outfits, and because that was what was printed on the packaging when they were bought. Charlie had the same, but in a very faded red, and he opted to wear just the pants. Kevin and Mark had the standard pajamas, but like Charlie, chose to wear just the pants. Scott chose light blue pajama pants, and Allen, like Kevin and Mark, also put on a pair of regular pants, light in color, with darker stripes. Ronnie took a mismatched pair, where the coat didn't quite match the pants, which he'd gotten out of the troop clothing and uniform exchange.

The sleeping bags were laid out and the overhead light turned out, replaced by the illumination from a trio of desk lamps. By now, it was after 11, but they all knew that as long as they kept quiet, Scott's and Allen's parents wouldn't bother them.

It came as no surprise that Doug told Ronnie that he could have his turn, and that he wanted Scott to be tied with him. Scott grumbled, but allowed Ronnie to bind his hands with an eight foot long bandage. Doug suffered the same fate, and after tying both boys' ankles with another bandage, and using a third as a gag, Ronnie stepped back and said "You two can pretend that you've been kidnapped from your beds, and that the kidnappers didn't have any rope." The others snickered quietly, and watched while Scott and Doug struggled against the bandages.

It didn't take long for the two boys to free themselves. Doug got loose first, then watched, as Scott got the last of the bandages off his ankles. By now, it was almost midnight, and the boys were getting a little tired. "I'll take one more, then I want to go to bed." Doug said. The others agreed, and Doug picked Charlie to be tied with him.

Charlie complained that he had already been tied with Doug once tonight, but Doug said that the first time was in his uniform. Charlie grumbled, but agreed, then grumbled again when he found out Mark was next to take a turn.

Doug, Allen, Scott, and Charlie had taught Mark and Kevin a few things about knots, so Charlie was not surprised when Mark secured his hands behind him well. He just sat there, and hoped Mark would make a mistake.

But not this time. Mark tied Charlie pretty good, and seemed to take delight in doing it. "I hoped I'd get you and Ronnie." Mark told Charlie, as he tied a long bandage over Charlie's mouth. Doug, who had already been tied, laughed beneath his gag at Mark's comment to Charlie.

Doug made his escape in about six minutes, but it took Charlie better than twice that. He was stubborn, and shook off Doug's offers of help. He wanted to do it himself, and after about 13 minutes, he finally did it. He was already regretting teaching Mark how to tie Ronnie, and it did not go unnoticed by Ronnie.

The boys were tired, and gave it up for the night. There would be time enough to have Doug complete his “sentence” over the next week. School was out, and the boys had plenty of time on their hands. But there was some talk between them as they waited for sleep to overtake them. Doug was still taking some teasing from Allen, who asked him how he'd like to be tied when they resumed carrying out his sentence. Doug looked up at Allen, and caustically remarked "Better than you do it! Getting out of your knots is easier than getting out of Mark's!"

The others laughed at Doug's comeback, but Allen just said "We'll see about that tomorrow!"

"Maybe he ought to be twins." Charlie said. "Then he'd give you twice as much trouble!" Again laughter from the others.

Then Mark chimed in. "I wish Ronnie were twins, then I could tie him up twice as much."

Ronnie looked over at his little brother. "How would you like to spend the rest of the night tied up in the closet?" he asked.

"With your imaginary twin." Scott added.

Sleep soon overtook the seven boys, but not before Doug had an idea. “A mega-sleepover at MacAlpine Manor” he thought. “All of us, plus Red Jeff and Big Chris, the five other cubs in Mark's den, and the guys from Mike Hayworth's troop, if I can talk them into it. I got a bunch of penalties on them, that I can give to Mark, Kevin, Little Chris, and Jimmy, and that spooky old place should give EVERYBODY the shivers.

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Post by Xtc »

The welcome return of another old friend. Thanks, Drawscore.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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