The Cowboy Doll M/M

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The Cowboy Doll M/M

Post by thebadguy »

“It’s all the way up near the mountains yeah, I don’t know he was my great uncle. I didn’t know I had an uncle much less a great one. All that matters is tagging this shit and getting rid of it. Here’s hoping I don’t need to make a trip to Antiques Road Show. Anyway I’m gonna explore I’ll call you in a bit.” Garret hung up the phone as he walked up to the front door of this sprawling ranch.

Garret was a handsome guy age 27, his rugged good looks were thanks to his day job as a landscaper. His chestnut brown locks were tied up into a bun and he had a well maintained beard to match. He was dressed in a red and black flannel that hid the fabled black Cramps band shirt under. Some tattered blue jeans and some dingy brown work boots that had some well worn grey socks that folded over the top. He wiped his brow with a grey bandanna and tucked into his back pocket. The drive up was long and hopefully worth it.

The house was a small villa that sat on a lot of land. Willed to him by a great uncle. Garret didn’t know what any of it was worth, but from the looks of it not much. Much was to be done to make this place even remotely marketable.

Thankfully his boyfriend Luis was a contractor which made them quite the winning pair. Luis was due to come by the next day and start tearing the place up. Garret on the other hand had the job of moving out any furniture that sat there. His late uncle’s lawyer Mr. Bixby made it clear to read the instructions before doing anything at the ranch. Bixby left the notes for Garret on a coffee table that was in clear view the moment you walked in.

Garret walked into the place and was hit with the smell of mothballs. The place looked like it hadn’t seen a decorator since 1974. The eye gouging tan lounge was surrounded by big glass windows that gave clear view of a nonfunctional pool. And a ratty pea green shag carpet that was matting up all over. Garret could only imagine what could be living inside those dreaded up tendrils. He walked over to the coffee table that sat between a white crescent moon sofa.

He thumbed over the documents not bothering to read them. Shuffling them he tossed them back on the table. The top page reading HIGHLY IMPORTANT in bold letterhead. Garret shrugged and made his way exploring the villa. The halls weren’t as bad, the floors were a faux marble material and were in deadly need of a scrubbing. He peeked in doors to see a funky old jungle themed bathroom, an old closet with towels two small bedrooms, and a master bedroom that had a gigantic tackle gold bed with four posts like Liberace lived out his final days there.

Garret showed himself out and when he turned to close the door behind him he could sight of a dark silhouette at the far end of the hallway. He couldn’t make out who it was.

“Somebody there?! Hello, are you a friend of my uncle maybe you can answer some questions for me…” garret asked rushing toward the figure and stopped in his tracks.

What stood in front of him was five foot doll doll on a pedestal, it was lifelike in his appearance with a painted on textured beard a black bandanna tied around his neck and chaps with spurs and a lasso on his side. The big gallon hat gave the appearance of a living person. His hands had small gold irons on them and made him look like a apprehended criminal. The small gold seal at his booted feet read “Here stands Bruno Brody the Bronco Buster meanest criminal in the west. Could lasso a jack rabbit without blinking.”

“Creepy.” Garret said looking at the statue. He couldn’t help but size up the gold irons that were around his wrists. He grabbed the draped gold chain and the irons fell off and too the floor under the pedestal.

He bent down to get it when he heard his phone go off in the other room. He rushed back into the living room and grabbed his phone that sat on the coffee table in the den. Taking a seat on the skanky old sofa he answered it.

“Luis muchacho, are you headed over early? …. hey just wishful thinking. Yeah the place is a dump but not much in it should be easy to move. I’m sure some towny lounge lizard will want these gaudy things if I posted them online. I’m gonna pop around the back and see what else is here. Seems the old man wasn’t sitting on much but a property we can hopefully flip…. yeah okay call me tomorrow when you are on your way.” Garret hung up and got up from his seat.

He grabbed the documents and looked over the documents and read the print that said boldly at the bottom. “You uncle specifically instructed that you must never remove the gold irons from the cowboy doll. Repeat: DO NOT REMOVE THE GOOD IRONS FROM THE COWBOY DOLL!

“What a basket case.” Garret dropped them back down and made his way to the back patio.

He passed the hallway and didn’t notice the lack of silhouette at the end of the hall. Sliding open the patio door he stepped outside. He looked over the poolside and saw nothing but some standing water at the bottom and a few old lawn chairs.

CRASH! Came from the inside of the house and Garret ran back in to see what the problem was. A bit of investigation brought him back to the hallway. The pedestal was knocked over and shattered. The doll was gone.

To Be Continued
Last edited by thebadguy 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Ooh, a very interesting start! Sounds like someone's going to be punished for not reading the important stuff first!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm really digging this beginning. You have a knack for making down-to-earth, casually masculine characters. Looking forward to see what Garret's carelessness just unleashed (and hopefully seeing his boyfriend join him, too).
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by CowboyStud »

Keep going :-D
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Post by wataru14 »

I am intrigued! Keep this going!
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Post by thebadguy »

Part 2

“Great! Just what I didn’t need!” Garret rolled his eyes, ignoring the mess he went to investigate further.

He walked over to the front door to find it wide open. Grabbing his phone he dialed Luis.

“What kind of neighborhood did I inherit? You will never guess what just happened. I stepped one foot out of this place and I’m pretty sure somebody broke in…. “ Garret said as he peeked around the corner outside the front door.

“Nah nothing was taken really except for some ugly cowboy doll. Fine by me the thing gave me the willies anyway. Would you hurry up and get here already! ….. I know, I'm gonna probably smoke a bowl and dig up the garden. The front looks like it could be salvaged. Talk to you soon. Yup love you too, bye.” He hung up and made his way out to his truck. In the bed of the truck was a stash of supplies for his business. Tools for gardening, rope, tape, and shipping supplies. And a dolly for lifting heavy furniture.

He grabbed his tools and went straight to digging up the garden. Garret spent the good part of two hours pulling up dead plants from their final resting place. The sun was killer and as time flew by Garret shed his flannel and needed to take a break to cool down. Sweat pooling down his back, and along his brow.

The Palm Springs weather was really knocking him around. Walking back into the residence he made his way over to the kitchenette area and dug around in the cabinets for a glass that was covered in the least amount of dust. He poured himself a drink and walked out to the back patio. Sitting down in a rickety old chaise lounge he sat poolside.

He wiped his brow with his bandanna and dropped it on the ground. Undoing the laces on his boots he slipped them off and set his sweaty feet on the hot concrete. His socks left a footprint on the ground which gave him all the notice he needed to remove his grey Hanes tube socks and let them air dry. And that he did hanging them over the tops of his size 13 work boots.

Garret set his phone down beside the boots and tilted his head back and tried to relax. Though his eyes closed for only a few seconds before something else alerted him. Something was rattling around and making noise out front. The clanging metal sounded like it was coming from the bed of his truck. He rushed over not even bothering to put his shoes on and made his way to the truck. His stuff was thrown about and many things were missing. The rope was gone, as well as some of his tools.

“Hey get the hell away from there!” Garret yelled prepared to defend his belongings only to feel like a fool when nobody was there.

The supposed bandits were gone in a flash, and Garret was dumbfounded.

“How in the hell did they work that fast?” He wondered to himself.
He rushed back though the house and back out to the pool. He was more than prepared call the cops and get the hell out of there. He just needed to get his boots on.

But when he made it poolside he noticed his phone was still there but his boots and socks were not. Even his bandanna was missing. Now those had disappeared on him. It felt odd that someone would steal that and not his phone.

He grabbed his phone and immediately dropped it. “Ow fuck!” He blurted out, it was burning hot to the touch. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea leaving it out on the ground during the middle of a heatwave.

He managed to grab it and tossed his it onto the lounge chair next to him. The phone dimly lit up with the unholy thermostat of doom.

“Shit!.” Garret blurted as he tapped at the screen desperately.

Sat on his knees he pulled the phone into his lap trying to get it to turn on. His mind totally focused on the revival of his overheated iPhone. You could imagine the shock that came over him as his desperate plight was interrupted by a rope being tossed around his chest and fastening itself tight.

Something or better someone had him hitched, and was pulling him back as he lost control of his body for a few seconds. He was being yanked backwards and the lassoed like a wild steer.

“Hey! HELP!!!!” Garret panicked clawing at the rope that pressed his arms tightly down to his body.

He was dragged backwards towards the house at lightning speed, the encounter only lasted seconds as his body and more importantly his head collided with the doorframe knocking him unconscious. Garret’s world went dark and he fell over onto his side.

The lassoes pursuit stalled for a few seconds, then resumed as Garret’s limp body was then slowly pulled inside and the sliding glass door slammed shut.

To be continued
Last edited by thebadguy 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Garret's POV is a blast to read. My favorite parts of this update were him slowly stripping out of his footwear and the mysterious figure collecting bondage gear behind his back, along with his brief phonecall with Luis.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by thebadguy »

Garret was groggy his head was throbbing. He was laying on the floor in the living room. His face buried in the raggedy old shag carpet. He tried to get up only he couldn’t. His arms were pinned down to his side. Wrapped in several winds of rope. His hands were fastened behind him. He could feel his knees being wrapped in rope.

“What’s going on?” He asked trying to look over his shoulder.

“Well look who’s awake. Thought you’d be out forever buckaroo!” Said the twang of a southern accent he didn’t recognize.

“Who are you?” Garret asked shifting in his bonds.

“WHO AM I?! You should know!” Shouted an angry voice behind him.

Garret watched best he could as a small man shuffled in front of him. Garret couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wait, I’m pretty sure I didn’t smoke today…. is there a grade school production of Annie Get Your Gun? Kid untie me!” Garret barked as he struggled.

“Kid? Who in tarnation do you think you are talking to?! I’m Bruiser Brody, meanest rustler in the West! And I normally cut the tongue out of the folks who dare sass mouth me. But being asleep so long has me feelin’ a bit generous. So I’ll let that slide for now… haha at least until I get ya tied!” He said walking over and grabbing more ropes.

“Wait..” Garret has his ah ha moment. “You are that cowboy doll! I can’t believe it, I must of taken something if I’m hallucinating being tied up by Wild West Chucky!” Garret said trying to shake himself awake.

“This ain’t no mirage buddy!” Brody chuckled as he kept on binding him, finishing tying his ankles together.

“Well we are almost done here. One more thing, am time for ya stretching!” Brody grinned.

He looped rope around Garret’s wrists and ankles, he put his small boot in Garret’s side and pulled with force. The rope cinched mercilessly tight fastening his wrists and ankles together.

“GAHHHH!” Garret yelped.

He was pulled so tightly his fingers were touching his bare feet. He felt like he was in a yoga class from hell. He tried to move even an inch and it was no use.

“Look just let me go Howdy Doody and I’ll get you a new little pedestal I may even get you a pony to boot!” Garret tried to reason.

“You know I warned ya.” Brody said walking towards him.

He was holding a wad of grey fabric that looked awfully familiar to him. Brody’s small hand took a firm grip of Garret’s hair causing him to yelp. Brody used that opportunity to shove the balled up wad into Garret’s mouth. The wad tasted salty and foul. And it wasn’t until Brody let a similar wad of the grey fabric unravel that Garret recognized them as his Hanes tube socks that had gone missing.

“Mmmmmmph mmmm!” Garret screamed into the thick wad that packed his mouth.

Garret tried his best to spit out the sock but Brody wasted no time tying the other sock around Garret’s head locking it in with a cruel cleave gag.

“Haha I used to do the same thing to the sherif back in the day. And we just need to make sure you don’t spit that out!” Brody said presenting Garret’s missing grey bandanna.

He knotted it tightly over Garret’s face like he was a bandit from the Wild West.

“Mmmmmmmm!.” Garret’s groans were barely audible under the sock packing and layers of gag.

“I gotta see what I can rustle up here. I know you gotta be sitting on gold! The last guy was a sissy type like you… though he put up way more of a fight than you did. Shame, wonder whatever happened to him. Well I gots some diggin to do. Try not to make too much a racket. I don’t need that old sheriff coming round here..” Brody bent over and gripped Garret’s face.

“Not that he could hear you. Sit tight once I dig up that gold I’ma fill that hole….”

“Mmmmmmmph?!” Garret moaned.

“And can you guess who’s gonna be at the bottom of it?” Brody laughed as he shuffled his small body off out the back.


“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Garret screamed into his gag.

He rolled around on the old shag carpet best he could. But this little doll had him hogtied like a prized pig. Only it wasn’t no apple stuffed inside his mouth it was a full mornings worth of yard work and a five hour drive amount of sweat he was spin cycling in his mouth.

A few hours later.....

Luis was tired, the drive over was a long boring one.Top that with him working all day earlier. But he wanted to surprise Garret. It seemed like overkill. And soon the last thing he wanted to do was drive up and through the desert of Palm Springs in the middle of the night. But for Garret he’d make the exception, as annoying as Garret could be he was in love with the guy.

It was around eight at night when Luis pulled his truck into the driveway of the small ranch style home. It did not disappoint it was as if the mid 1970s were locked away in a time capsule. He got out the truck and made his way over to the front door. He pulled a pack of smokes from the back pocket of his blue jeans. He lit up before going inside, he knew Garret would have none of it. He had no idea he was even there, but Luis needed to clear his mind after that painful car ride.

Finishing his cigarette he stamped it out with his beat up ran Timberland boot. He was wearing a brown bomber jacket over a plain white tee. Luis was a tall guy at six five, and a mountain of muscle. Both him and Garret were fitness freaks, but Luis looked as if he was training to be in WWE. He stood in the window and did his best to fix himself up handsomely for his beaux. Running his fingers through his curly jet black mop of hair. His five o clock shadow in full effect, he felt ready to greet Garret.

He walked up to the door and opened it up. He could hear the faint tussling of something nearby. It was dark inside, but he was in for a sight when he flipped on the lights. He caught a view of his boyfriend hogtied and gagged on the foor.

He was a sweaty mess struggling barefoot in what couldn’t be a comfortable position. Luis rushed over and bent down to help Garret.

“Garret! Holy shit what happened here? Did those kids break back in and do this to ya?” Luis asked as he dug into the side of his own boot to pull something out.

“Mmmmmph mmmmmmm mmmmoll!!” Garret tried to mumble out looking down at his gag. Teletyping frantically with his eyes to signal Luis remove it.

Luis ripped down the bandanna, then pulled down the knitted up sock. Garret spat the soggy sock ball onto the carpet.

“Gahhhch! No kids… Ow! A fuckin doll!” Garret said as he felt Luis cutting away at his bonds.

“Where’d you get that?” Garret asked looking back at his boyfriend the best he could.

“Always have a knife handy, that’s what the scouts teach ya. Keep in on my boot. Ya never know. Now what were you saying about a doll?” Luis asked cutting the last of the ropes off of Garret.

“How stoned did you get before those kids tied you up?” Luis asked helping Garret to his feet.

“I’m not fucking stoned okay, I didn’t even smoke. But that creepy ass doll did this look!” Garrett said showing Luis the papers that were on the table.

“Hmm…. Gare look you’ve had a long night of it. You are very stoned and I’m gonna chuck this one up to some neighborhood vagrants getting the best of ya Tommy Chong. “ Luis joked glossing over the pages himself.

“Look, ill prove it to you.” Garret said growing angry as he ran over to the hall.

He dug around the mess of stone by the broken pedestal, fishing around the rubble till he found the gold shackles that were on the doll. Luis rounded the corner, it seemed by his body language he more disappointed Garret didn’t clean up this mess hours ago. In fact it didn’t seem like he did much of anything.

“See these fell off and the doll came alive!” Garret said shoving the gold cuffs in Luis’ face.

“Look you are stressed, and I’m tired. Let’s just get you calmed down, then we can call the cops so you can give a statement.” Luis said in a tone that couldn’t help but sound a bit condescending.

“Okay? Good. Now I’m gonna use your phone and call that lawyer guy, mine is dead. Where’d you leave yours?” Luis asked looking around the house.

“I left it by the pool, but don’t go out there he’s probably close by.” Garret said chasing after Luis who clearly ignored him.

Luis walked out to the back patio and saw Garret’s phone on the ground. He picked it up and the phone was cool enough to operate it just needed to be rebooted.

“Luis, come inside. We gotta stick together. And we gotta get these back on that doll pronto!” Garret said shoving the gold cuffs in Luis face.

Luis had finally had it. The long drive, combined with work, and now this joke was working on his last nerve. He snatched the cuffs from Garret’s hand. “Look Garret, I’m gonna need you to calm down. It’s been a long night. I’m gonna get unwound and so are you. And you are gonna drop this nonsense.” He said in a fit of calm anger and tossed the gold irons into the standing water at the bottom of the pool. With that he walked back inside.

Plump! Went the gold cuffs as they sunk to the bottom of that dark standing water. It was too dark for Garret to see where they ended up. But what he did know was that Luis had just made a grave mistake.

He joined Luis inside who was sitting at a kitchen table with his braid case opened doing work.

“Way to unwind.” Garret said looking around the house nervously.

“I gotta get work done. Not all of us can play Perils of Penelope Pitstop while their boyfriends are away.” Luis joked.

“I wasn’t playing a game. Somebody tied me up forreal!” Garret responded a bit insulted Luis wasn’t believing him.

Luis got up from his seat and walked over to Garret. It was clear he was worked up, so Luis gave him a peck on the lips. “Look sorry I lost my temper earlier. It’s been such a long day and this account has been on my ass all week. I barely got the time off to do this with ya. So please, just go shower so we can relax for awhile before I have to talk to cops.” Luis said tenderly gripping Garret’s shoulders.

“We don’t need to call them. It’s probably just some prank. Nothing was taken, and nothing was damaged.” Garret responded.

“Well except maybe your ego.” Luis joked.

“Luis!” Garret shot back annoyed.

Luis just hugged him tight and continued “What gimme a break. Also I gotta admit it was kinda hot seeing you all tied up like that. Maybe under different circumstances…” he joked as he squeezed Garret’s arms down.

Garret broke away. “I’m gonna go shower.”

“Love you!” Luis shouted down the hall to him.

“Love you too.” Garret said retreating to the jungle bathroom.

Garret felt genuinely crazy. Even he had doubts now about what just happened. It all seemed too fantastic. Was it all in his head?. He shrugged and decided to think about that later, a show did sound amazing. He let the water run and started to undress.

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Post by CowboyStud »

Will cowboy boots added to Garrett’s look in the future ;-)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Garret's bondage was hot but not as much as his boyfriend. :D

Jokes aside, I loved the sock stuffing gag and the tight hogtie. I also appreciate that you took time establishing the relationship between the two men and fleshing them out. Can't wait to read where this goes.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by thebadguy »

Thank you for the feedback everybody...

It was time to unwind Luis stood in the den and dig around the box of records next to a fancy record player that was inside furniture. He settled on an old Kalipso record that was in the den.

He stripped away his shoes and sweat ridden black ankle socks and rested them near the back door. He changed into his sleep shorts, a fitted white tee, and traded in his boots and socks for a pair of black slip on house shoes.

He knew he was alone so he samba danced his way back across the hall to the kitchen.

“Wow, I hope Beetlejuice is to blame for this.” Said Garret to his big dorky boyfriend as he stood in the hall in his underwear.

“I thought you were showering?” Luis stopped in his tracks.

“I am, I needed a towel.” Garret grinned as he fished one from a hallway closet.

He made his way back into the bathroom.

Luis retreated to the kitchen and sat himself at the kitchen table. Luis had his work documents out to go over them before bed. It felt awful to bring work home with him but he needed his paperwork finished so he could focus his energy on cleaning the property the next day since Garret got so little accomplished. The plan was to size up the property, and get as much done that weekend as possible. Who knew when he’d get the time off to come up and to do the rest.

Crack! A snapping sound could be heard from outside by the pool. Luis shot up from the table and made his way out back. Not noticing the shoes and socks he left by the back door to air out were missing. He was ready for whatever these punk teenagers were trying to do. A big guy like him was sure to scare them off he thought to himself.

“Get the hell off my property!” Luis shouted as he stepped a slippered foot out the door he saw a small figure scurry around the side of the house. He went after it in a pursuit.

“Don’t let me catch you around here again! I will call the cops!” Luis shouted as he saw nothing but the dark pitch of night in the mountains.

“That scared them off.” He said to himself.

More twigs could be heard rustling and it sounded like it was coming from beneath him. He looked down and saw he was standing on the inside of a slip knot that laid on the ground. He started to bend over to inspect it and in a flash it tightened up around his ankles and locked tight. He was taken by surprise and the hitch knocked him over to the ground, and onto his stomach.

Before he could even react he was being dragged up around the property to the front where his truck was. His clothes were covered in the desert soot and his house slippers shed away during the trip around front. He came to a sudden stop and felt small feet run up his back. Quick as a bullet the person jumped down on the back of his neck pounding him face forward to the ground. And knocking the wind out of him.

The cracking of duct tape was deafening as he felt the small figure quickly wrap tape around his head blocking out his eyes.

Luis swung wildly as one of his senses were taken out. He could feel someone quickly tying up his ankles. Rolling over he tried to reach down and paw at his bound ankles, this proved to be a mistake. As soon as his hands reached down to his feet, ropes begun to lash his wrists down to his ankles.

“What the fuck?! Who’s there?” Luis shouted out into the dark.

Luis could feel ropes begin to wrap around his knees. Whoever was doing this was lightning fast. And before long he was tied hand and foot like a pig. Next thing he knows his knees are being pulled up to his chest,roped secured them in place and then his ankles were pinned down. They were pulled so snitch all Luis could do was fall over to his side. Whoever did this to him knew their way around a knot. He was secured into a nasty ball tie.

“Garret hel…..mmmmmmph” Luis was cut off by a small hand gripping his mouth.

The grip was tiny but strong. And cold as ice, an inhuman quality to it. Luis tried his best to scream for help but this grip would just intensify.

“Mmmmmmmph mmmmm!” Luis screamed behind the hand gagging him.

He felt the hands working his protesting mouth open and force in a salty wad of fabric. The fabric tasted putrid and had a cheesy familiar scent to them. It wasn’t long before he put two and two together and remembered how his feet smelled after that P90X class he tried a few years back. Hours at work and a long car ride had brewed a similar stew in his ankle socks that he was now chowing down on as his attacker cracked open a roll of duct tape and was winding his mouth with it.

“Mmmmmmph, mmmmmm! Mmmm!” Luis cried pathetically under the fifteen layers of tape that were rapidly wrapped around his head.

He couldn’t believe he had been taken down so easily, and so effectively. He wiggled around the best he could and it was futile. He was stuck in this position until somebody else saw fit to release him.

“Mmmmmmph!” Luis groaned.

“Shucks I be, you was a hell of a lot bigger, but a hell of a lot easier to capture partner!” Brody said patting the downed stud.

“The bigger the prey the easier the target, them muscles aint helping you now. You are in the possession of Bruno Brody, and I am gons keep you twos out of my way while I find that here gold.” The doll chuckled.

Brody began to roll the roped up beefcake like he was a boulder and rolled him up to the front door. Then the doll pressed his small back against Luis and rolled him up the small step and back into the house. Luis was powerless to stop it, and had quite little to about it. Those ankle socks were not just foul but packed so tightly his protests were muted. He couldn’t see a thing as Brody rolled him down the hall passed the bathroom door where Gerret was washing up.

Luis could hear the shower blasting and screamed into his gag to no end. “MMMMMMMMPH!!!!” Luis groaned desperately trying to get Garret’s attention.

“No use buckroo, with that music and them socks there in your mouth ain’t nobody gonna hear you.” Brody laughed.

He reached the guest bedroom, he let himself in and rolled Luis over to it’s closet. Inside were a collection of musty old leather jackets hung on a beam, and a floor just the right size to hold a person. He rolled Luis into the small space. Luis struggled but it was no use. He felt something musky and heavy fall on him. The cowboy doll was ripping down the old leather jackets in a fury ad letting them pile onto Luis. Once all twelve jackets were covering his prey he smashed the closet door shut and locked it.

“That’ll keep ya out of my hair, I gotta go and re-trap the other one. Thanks a lot!” Brody taunted waking away.

Luis struggled and squirmed in his tight bonds. His body locked into position. And with his sight impaired he couldn’t even see where to begin with these knots. Not that would have helped anyway, Brody had tucked them so far out of reach he’d have to be made of elastic to have gotten to them.


“Mmmmmmm!!!” Luis roared under his gag.

He managed to work his face out enough to press it against the closet door. The thick jackets could have smothered him. His only hope for freedom was Garret finding him.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Luis' s capturing was so effective. Guess he should have listened to his boyfriend. The way he's gagged and helpless in the closet, with no way of helping Garret in danger is great.

At this point, I wonder how they'll escape from Brody. These two hunks of men seem no match for a little doll, haha.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by yeehtied »

This story is awesome. Mighty rare for western/cowboy elements to be in bondage stories beyond the usual "cowboy and indians" playtime scene. Brody kinda of reminds me of Jedidiah from Night in the Museum, at least the initial encounter with the guard.

Definitely can't wait to see Brody prove himself worthy of his full title as
thebadguy wrote: 3 years ago “The Bronco Buster”
I wonder which unfortunate or lucky fellah is gonna be the bronc, ending up spurred and saddled. Definitely rooting for Brody, that's for sure. Can't wait to see what more mischief he gets up to.
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Post by notreallyme06 »

More more! Love it.
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Post by thebadguy »

Thanks again for the feedback

Garret didn’t realize just how much he needed this. Everything was beginning to feel like a bad dream as the water trickled down his body. After a long shower he stepped out of the tub and dried himself off. The towels in this place were thick and plush with “W” stitched on the corner.

Garret ties his hair back into a knot, but held off on getting fully dressed. He slipped on a skimpy pair of white briefs and walked out the door. He knew Luis loved to see him walking around in very little, and his attire would drive him wild.

He walked down the hall and through the main quarters to see Luis’ work abandoned. Garret figures he got tired and shrugged it off. Grabbing his cell phone from the living room he looked up Bixby’s number and dialed it.

“Hey Mr. .Bixby the house is…… beautiful. Just getting settled in.” Garret said walking through the hall.

He stopped at a guest room door where the rubble still littered the floor.

“Let me tell you your uncle Wayland was just thrilled to find out he had a gay nephew.” A grainy voiced Bixby lamented to him.

“Well I wish my mother was as excited.” Garret said as he thumbed through the chachkies on a mantle in the hallway.

“Oh he was ecstatic, he was kind of the black sheep of the family. He wanted to make your time on this earth a little easier than his was…” Bixby said cutting in and out the connection wasn’t the greatest. “I hope the house…... is treating you well.”

“It’s pretty wild, especially the big cowboy in the hall it must of fell over and rolled somewhere….. hello? Hello?! Mr. Bixby?” Garret asked walking into a guest room trying to find a better connection.

“Whatever you do make sure the gold cuffs don’t fall…… off…. You’ll need the pistol in the cl…..” Bixby urges, the connection was getting worse and worse.

“Wait? What about the cuffs??! Hello?!” Garret screamed into the phone.

It was no use the connection was lost.


Garrett paused as he looked over at the closet door.


“Who’s there?!” Garret shrugged feeling foolish.

“What am I doing? Fuck this! I’m not Linnea Quigley in some 80’s slasher. I’m a grown ass man.” He said grabbing a paper weight from a nearby dresser and he made his way over to the closet.

He lifted it up ready to strike as he flung open the door. Much to his surprise he saw his boyfriend spill out to the floor. He was bound and gagged, and his eyes were blocked out by duct tape. He dropped the weight and immediately started to tear away at it to free Luis’ eyes.

“Mmmmmph mmmmmm!!” Luis groaned under his thick tape gag.

Motioning with his eyes to take off the tape over his mouth. Taking the hint Garret started to unwrap the layers upon layers of duct tape. Garret couldn't help but notice just how jam packed Luis’ mouth was until the tape was getting less and less. As the last grip of tape left Luis mouth Garret watched as he spat out a thick wad of musty black fabric that soon made itself known by size and shape as Luis’ own socks.

“That looked tasty.” Garret quipped as he tried to undo the knots on Luis.

“Shut up! And why are you wandering the ship in your underwear Ripley?” Luis shot back.

“Well I thought you’d wanna relax after a long drive. How the hell was I supposed to know you would be doing a Patty Hearst impression in the Tom of Finland closet?!” Garret said fighting back his own laughter.

“I was jumped you dick head. Pretty sure by that gang of teens that grabbed you. Or a midget or something out here in the desert who knows.” Luis barked trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

“I told you it was that cowboy doll…”

“Don’t be fuckin ridiculous. It was probably a guy dressed up. Like that urban legend.” Luis cut in.

“Whatever. I’ll have you loose soon…. Soon as I get these damn knots undone.” Garret assured him.

The problem was that Luis was trussed up so securely, the knots were tripled up. Six minutes had past and he had only made progress undoing the ropes that bound Luis arms. His hands were still tied to his feet.

“Well, I’m gonna have to cut this loose. It’s no use sitting here trying to undo your knots by hand.” Garret said searching for slack with no luck.

“Wait here.” He said standing up.

“You can’t just leave me here!” Luis barked.

“I could drag you into the kitchen your majesty, or I can walk ten feet over to the kitchen and grab a knife. I’ll be two seconds, I’ll grab a knife and then I can…...Oooof!” Garret was cut off as a rope fastened around his arms and pulled him back to the floor.

“What do we have here! Looks like the sissy boy got loose. Well I can fix that!” Brody said looping ropes around Garret’s torso.

“No! See I told you it’s that doll!” Garret shouted as a stunned Luis looked on.

“Who you callin’ a doll?! I’m the meanest man in these here parts! And clearly I’ve been going soft on yas.” He said tying a knot off on Garret’s arms.

Garret’s arms now pinned down to his sides. He rolled around on the floor. The doll wasted no time clenching his wrists together with more rope.

“Get off of him shit bird!” Luis shouted at the pint sized cowboy now rangling his boyfriend.

“Oh I see “long hair” here took off yer gag. No worries I can fix that soon as I’m done here!” He said typing up Garret’s ankles quick as a whip.

“What do you even want?! Just grab whatever of this old shit you want and leave us alone.” Luis shouted at him.

“I want my gold, and I know it’s here. I beens asleep for a long while and I know that last guy hid it here. And soon as that’s found I will leave you two be.” Brody said hopping off a now freshly hogtied Garret.

He grabbed the soggy pair of black socks that lay in front of Luis and balled one up. He took a hard fist full of Luis’ hair and jerked back his head.

“Aw fu…..Mmmmmmph!” Luis was cut off with a gross wet sock going back into his mouth.

“Now whatever state you two will be found in… well I haven’t decided just yet. This here tape is handy though. Really gets the job done shutting folks up!” Brody said holding up a fresh roll of tape.

“Mmmmmmph! Mmmmm….” Luis mumbled as the small man wrapped his mouth shut with the tape.

He turned his attention to Garret.

“Now your turn partner, open up!” Brody said yanking Garret’s head upward by his man bun.

“No please don’t gag me agai….mmmmmmmm!” Garret was cut off.

He pressed Luis’ other musty black sock down into Garret’s mouth. And soon the cracking of tape followed sealing the foul fabric inside. Garret’s eye squinting as he bit down on his own boyfriends offensive footwear.

“You two sit tight. I’ll be back to dispose of ya. I think I really may of found me some here gold.” The cowboy tipped his hat and walked out.

Both men looked at each other. They had to break free, sooner better than later. They didn’t want to know what this thing had in store for them!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The banter between these two are great. And now they're both captured! Wonder how they'll get out of this.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by thebadguy »

Wayland Marshall wasn’t what you call the “flamboyant” type. He was at that time in 1974 one of the up and coming designers in the San Francisco area. Despite the hardship of his family throwing him away after he came out of the closest, he was flourishing in the Bay Area.

Under the colorful light show of the disco he was a handsome devil. On the dance floor he flipped his mop of brown hair that partnered well with a handlebar mustache. Locks of chest hair peaked out of his silky green shirt, and tight maroon slacks. Black dance shoes and a maroon ascot which was just the over the top final touch he adored in his clothing. He was beginning to break a sweat which made his muscular chest glisten, he was in great shape. With a name like Wayland growing up you had to be. And at the darkly disco he was renowned for his dancing. He took a break from the dance floor to chat it up with a couple of his friends.

“Have you seen the disco cop over there?” Asked one of his glittery faced friends.

“He looks like Tom Sellock if he joined the gay Hells Angels.” Quipped they other friend.

“ I bet I can get him.” Wayland said slamming back a drink.

“Yeah right Mary, in that fruity scarf you are wearing?!” Glitter face mocked.

“You just gotta pay attention to the small details. Now those kinky types always have something that drives them wild. Why else would he be in all that leather?,
A cop cap, tall boots, and sunglasses in a damn disco?” Wayland assured them.

“Oh I’m sure. He’s got a type alright, someone who looks exactly like him!” Mocked his second friend.

“Look he’s turned around. A hanky. Grey on the right side pocket. I ladies, have my in.” Wayland slammed his drink and left the two catty queens to watch him make his way across the dance floor.

He slid his way up behind the gigantic leather man who was making his way down a dark hall of the disco. Wayland untied his ascot and tucked it into his own pocket. He came up close behind the man and clasped his hand over his mouth with a strong arm over his arms pinning him. The leather man froze in his tracks.

“So officer seems you found my secret lair, I think it’s time we kept you from snooping any further. Don’t you agree.”

The man moaned inter Wayland’s hand and nodded in agreement.

“My place it is then.” Wayland walked with him to the parking lot and over to his car. Lucky for him he had just bought curtains for a client so he had some cord for this trick of special interest.

“Hands behind you officer.” Wayland instructed.

The leather man complied and put his hands behind him. Wayland opened the back door of his four door and grabbed some curtain cord swatches he had for his client. He tied the cord around the leather man’s wrists and knitted them tight.

“You know I can still scream for help. This club is awfully crowded. I’m sure someone will hear me.” The leather man said in a deep sexy voice.

“Well clever boy, we can’t have that.” Wayland said grabbing the grey bandanna from the mans back pocket.

Balling it up he stuffed it into his mouth. Then pulling his own ascot he tied a cleve gag over it to keep it in.

“Lay down in back. We got a lot of fun planned for tonight.” Wayland instructed.

The man got into the backseat and laid down on his stomach. Wayland took more of the cords and tied his booted ankles together and used another to connect them to his wrists.

“Mmmmph” the leather man grunted into the gag as his hands and feet touched.

“It’s either back here or the trunk handsome.” Wayland joked as he got in the drivers seat.

He took off to his own place to finish out the role play he and his new suited were engaged in. He parked in his reserved spot and undid the hogtie bindings so his captive could walk. He walked him up the back stairs of his apartment building and when they got inside he sat him down on his sofa.

“Let’s get you more comfortable.” Wayland said tugging at the mans large leather boots.

He slid them off to reveal a filthy pair of tube socks.

“Mmmmm mmmmm” the man groaned.

“Keep it up and these are gonna go into your mouth next!” Wayland said with a grip on his ankle.

“Doesn’t seem like you would mind from the tone in your voice.” Wayland said with a smile.

He walked over and helped up his captive. They had a fun night ahead of them indeed.

The next morning Wayland woke up next to a handsome man who was tied hand and foot to his bed with a dirty pair of tube socks knifed at the toe and tied into his mouth as a gag.

“Mmmmmormming!” The man mumbled into the knotted socks.

A visible smile was on his face under the gag. Wayland reaches over and slid the socks down around his neck so he could talk.

“Well good morning.” The man said in clear words.

“Had fun last night?” Wayland asked.

The man nodded. Wayland took a moment to admire the mountain of a man who had his hands tied above him to the headboard with Wayland’ curtain cords. A chest full of hair and armpit hair in full view. And his ankles tied together to the foot of the bed, his large size 13 feet swaying playfully over the edge. Waylands sheets draped over his lower regions.

“Say pal, I never did get your name.” Wayland chimed again.

“Martin Bigsby, if you ever need an attorney.” He said with a grin.

“Wayland, interior design. As you can probably tell from the cords you are bound with.” He said is a playful flourish.

“You don’t look like one.” Martin laughed.

“Piss up a rope wise ass. I’ll have you know these guns do more than pick up fabric swatches. They can also tie up six foot hunks in a pretty bow.” Wayland said pecking him on the cheek.

“I’ll say these are some of the best I’ve ever been in. Tight but feels great!.” Martin said squirming his wrists and ankles.

“Great! Well then you can enjoy them a little longer while I take a shower.” Wayland said slipping the bundled socks back into his mouth.

“‘Mmmmmmph!” Martin moaned.

“Don’t worry I’ll untie ya after I shower then I’ll make ya the best breakfast you’ve ever had.” He grinned.

Wayland slipped from under the covers and walked over to the bathroom and showered.

Martin tugged at his bonds and after about a solid ten minutes laid back in the bed. He was stuck, but he was enjoying himself. For the first time in awhile he was tied up so well he couldn’t escape.

Wayland soon returned towel wrapped around his waist. He undid the the cords binding Martin’s feet and then walked over and removed the knitted up socks.

“I gotta say thanks for indulging in this. Most guys get scared off by this kind of stuff.” Martin said watching Wayland undo him.

“Hey different strokes for different folks, and if all I gotta do to get a big hunk like you in my bed is keep a bundle of rope handy that’s fine with me. That was a strange sentence to say.” Wayland said embarrassed.

In a few moments he was done untying Martin’s wrists.

“That’s okay. I like the sound of that.” Martin said grabbing hold of Wayland and pinning him down to the bed.

“Now about that breakfast?” Martin asked.

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Post by Volobond »

Awww, that was a cute and sexy blast from the past!

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Post by thebadguy »

Palm Springs 1977

“I dunno does it scream ranch?” Wayland asked Martin as he held up a small cowboy cookie jar.

“Only if you mean ranch dressing. You buy that cookie jar and we will kiss our waistlines goodbye.” Martin responded.

Both men were looking around an old pawn shop for decor for Wayland’s summer home in Palm Springs. With the help of a big named client Wayland was able to purchase the place. All the wealthy gays were buying the place up since Liberace made Palm Springs his home base.

“Oh my god!” Martin said walking to a glass counter with shelves of antiques riddled throughout.

“What?” Wayland asked joining him at the counter.

Martin pointed and with the joy of a young child proclaimed. “It’s Bronco Buster Brody!”

“And just what the hell is that.” Wayland was confused.

“From the Johnny West comics! The handsome masked cowboy hero who ended up in peril every episode. Usually by the hands of Bronco Buster Brody.” Martin said wide eyed.

Wayland looked the ugly doll up and down. It was in great condition aside from a small crack in the head. Nothing a proper display couldn’t hide. He leaned over to fish out its price.

“I should have known. Jesus! $350 bucks. Are the handcuffs actually gold?!” Wayland asked sarcastically.

“That there is a genuine antique. Only 300 were made and it was a contest exclusive. Course he ain’t as rare as the Johnny West or Janie East figures.” Said a old shop clerk.

“I take it you won’t budge the slightest on the price. $350 is pretty steep considering it has a obvious chip.” Wayland said pointing at the doll.

“He’s a pretty magical doll. Besides chip is normal on the Brody figure. Most were recalled and destroyed in 1954.” Said the man as he brought the doll off the shelf and gave them a closer look.

Wayland leaned in and read aloud the description on the dolls mantle as if it were an incantation.

“Here stands Bruno the Bronco Buster meanest criminal in the west. Could lasso a jack rabbit without blinking…… Charming.” Wayland quipped sardonically.

Wayland didn’t notice it but the dolls' eyes twinkled after reading that.

“If you don’t like the price I’m sure I got some fancy china plates you two boys may enjoy more. The man said with an emphasis on the word “fancy” Wayland didn’t appreciate.

“You know what I’ll take the doll. And that thing too how much is that?” Wayland said pointing at an old antique pistol.

“You sure Wayland?” Martin asked.

“Sure as hell Bigsby. How much is it?” Wayland barked.

“That’s only $30 bucks. Don’t shoot worth a lick but it’s good for display.” The old clerk answers wrapping up the doll carefully with paper.

“I’ll have it as well. Wrap it up old timer.” Wayland proclaimed looking over the gold shackles on the dolls wrists.

“Bit of warning my friend. Let those cuffs off and you’ll have a hell of a time getting them back on.” The old man said with a chuckle.

The two men packed their car with the items they had found at the shop. Martin started in on Wayland.

“Now what was that all about in there Wayland?” Martin asked annoyed.

“I didn’t like his tone, so I had to show him.” Wayland answers back in a tiff.

“So you spent money at his shop? We could of just walked out. You really showed him.” Martin said getting in the car.

“It’s all about the details. I had to show him we ain’t no regular sissies. We are sissies with money. Pretty soon we will be running this town you see. We got Lee here now, and more on the way. And guys with tones like that will either have to pony up or head on out.”

“Honestly you gotta stop letting guys like that get to ya.” Martin said in a cooler tone.

“I did what I felt was right. Like I said they’re will be more of us than him soon. So he’ll learn manners. Besides from the way you were lookin at that doll I could tell ya wanted it.” Wayland said playfully knocking Martin’s chin.

“It was way overpriced.” Marti said looking back at it in the bag.

“Hey it’s our vacation home, we ought to fill it up with overpriced crap we wouldn’t want in our real home! Now let’s hit it we only have a few more weeks here to enjoy.”Wayland said punching it home.

The two men settled in for the night. Wayland lounged on the sofa of his Palm Springs home and was shocked to find an old comic book dropped into his lap. The cover was of a masked cowboy bound and gagged on a log being fed to a large saw.

“How cute. Is this where the seed was originally planted?” Wayland asked.

“No,but it helped. I adored the series more for the fact Johnny West would end up tangled in his own lasso every episode.” Martin said joining him.

The two kissed and thumbed through the issue, and Martin wasn’t lying it was riddled with bondage.

“I can see why you like it so much Bigsby.” Wayland said sarcastically.

“I really wish you’d stop calling me by my last name. You make me sound like your servant.” Martin said in a tone that wasn’t here for the joke.

“Well you are my lawyer….” Wayland was cut off by Martin playfully shoving a pillow in his face.

The next morning Martin arose early for work related errands leaving Wayland home with the day free. So he took this time to run a few errands that comic book always close to his person. It took a few stops but he managed to find everything he needed for a fun little surprise for his beaux. It was about a twenty minute wait and Wayland arranged himself on the sofa. He was dressed in blue jeans a white t shirt, a black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots and black bandanna over his nose. He had one leg over the edge of the sofa and he knew Martin would be walking in any minute now. He had the dummy pistol in hand and pointed at the door.

Martin walked into the front door suited and carrying a brief case. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Wayland’s get up.

“What’s going on?” Martin asked setting his brief case down.

“Well partner ima need you to strip and reveal yourself…. as the great Johnny West!” Wayland said in a cheeky tone.

He pointed his gun at a pile of clothes on the sofa. It was a cowboy outfit with a black mask placed right on top.

“Why I didn’t think a fiend like you could see through my disguise. I’ve been so careful about who I reveal my true identity to.” Martin said dropping his suit coat off and unbuttoning his shirt.

“Not careful enough. Now drop them fancy drawers of yours and put on your true clothes. I wanna tie up the man who foiled my bank robbery.” Wayland said pointing the gun again at him.

Martin obliged and changed his clothes there in the living room. Slipping on the tight fitted baby blue slacks and. Cowboy boots and all. He stood tall in front of him with the brown hat and boots and baby blue slacks and button up shirt. Martin tucked in his shirt and tied the mask over his eyes and a red bandanna around his neck. He looked just like Johnny West.

“Hands where I can see them partner.” Wayland got up from the sofa.

He spun Martin around and twisted and pressed his wrists behind him. He had a lock of rope at the ready on the sofa and used it to bind his wrists.

“Let’s go for a walk cowboy.” Wayland whispered into Martins ear.

He led him to the guest bedroom down the hall and they stopped in front of the door. He spun Martin around to face him and pressed his lips to his. The two kissed passionately, knocking a few things over.

They bumped into the cowboy doll that stood on a pedestal in front of them and heard a clank sound hit the floor. Wayland looked down and saw the gold cuffs had fallen off the doll. He simply shrugged and led the bound Bigsby into the guest bedroom.

He sat him and the foot of the bed and pulled more ropes he had stashed away. Taking more he bound Martin’s ankles together, and then his knees. He then took a long slack of rope and begun to wrap it all around his torso. Cinching Martin’s arms down to his sides. It too Martin a moment to notice but soon he was tied up exactly how Johnny West was in issue 134 his favorite.

“You’ll never get away with this!” Martin said playing along.”

“i think I already have. And soon I’ll do something about that mouth.” Wayland shot back.

Those words got Martin excited they were the exact lines of dialog from that issue. Wayland really outdid himself.

“Wayland reached under the bed and pulled out a duffle bag. The same one he had been pulling ropes from and had something in his hand he had balled up. He grabbed hold of Martin’s face and pressed something into his mouth.

Wayland leaned in and whispered in Martin’s ear.

“Not exactly like the comic but I decided to improve upon the gag treatment. I jogged in these socks every morning for the past four days. Hopefully they are to your liking. I know you like em funky.” Wayland said pressing the other sock over Martin’s face.

“Mmmmmmmmm.” Martin growled tenderly into the gags.

“I don’t have smelly feet. But I figured if I worked out in those running shoes with no socks on…And presto, ripe socks are made. Like I always say it’s all about the small details.” Wayland smirked.

Wayland grabbed a few white cloths from the bag he tied a knot in one and tied it over the sock inside his mouth keeping it in, then he tied another cloth over his mouth, and as an added bonus he pressed his other dirty sweat sock to Martin’s nose and tied another over the sock keeping it to his nose. From the outside looking in Martin was bound tightly with a thick white cleave gag, nobody would ever know he was snacking on his boyfriend’s soiled socks.

“Mmmmmmph.” Martin groaned into the thick layers of gags.

“Well stud, I’m gonna leave you like this and go prepare dinner…. if you are a good cowboy I’ll let you eat it untied.” Wayland said pecking his gag.

He begun to walk away but stopped at the doorframe. “Wait, I forgot one last thing.” He bent over and presented a long white cloth. Martin sighed in surprise, he truly had thought of everything. He tied the cloth over his eyes blindfolding him. He was truly bound like Johnny West in issue #134 Sightless At The Saloon. The episode where Johnny was lured upstairs by an imposter Miss Kitty and knocked out and captured by the Evil Bronco Brody. He was seated tied at the foot of the bed and gagged blindfolded harshly by his foe.

“Mmmmmmmph” Martin moaned struggling.

“Now you are all set. I’ll let ya know when dinner is ready.” Wayland said leaving the room.

He could hear Martin rustling around on the bed. He knew there was no way in hell he would get out of those ropes without his help.

Martin was getting flushed, the salty socks and corn chippy aroma were really getting to him. Wayland out did himself with this. He twisted and jerked at his bonds but it was no use. He wasn’t getting loose.

As he say at the foot of the bed he felt something odd thumbing around his ankles.

“Mmmmayland?” Martin moaned into the gag.

And THUD! He was dragged onto the floor. He jerked around as someone was pulling his ankles close to his wrists. He soon figured out that whoever it was, was hogtying him!

“Mmmmmmph! Mmmmm!” Martin groaned into the gag.

“Well I'll be Johnny West is already captured. Not a bad job roping ya boy, but I had to make a few improvements.” Said a gruff voice that didn’t sound like Wayland’s.

He felt a small hand rip away at his blindfold and the sight nearly made him pass out. It was the Bronco Brody doll.

“Mmmmmmph?!” Martin screamed into his gag.

“Good to see you to John West. We are gonna have a good time disposing if you.” Said the doll as he took a firm grip of Martin’s hair.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!!!” Martin screamed hoping Wayland would heat him.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Man, I'm really liking Martin and Wayland. Their banter and romance is so well-written and they feel like a real, if a bit kinky, couple. The roleplay was also pretty hot. Well done!

Now I'm scared that something will happen to them, though, seeing how they are not mentioned in the present day at all.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Wayland and Martin are absolutely adorable and sexy! I love how sweet Wayland was to recreate Martin's favorite scenario, although it might backfire with Bronco Brody coming to life! Hopefully Garret and Luis will be able to learn from their predecessors...

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Post by privateandrews »

What a great story, I am loving the whole doll coming to life aspect, the characters are likable as well. The bondage and gags are fantastic.....Looking forward to further chapters. .
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Post by cj2125 »

Gotta admit I was a little weary of the premise at first but the story grew on me and you made it work nicely! Love the goosebumps/ twilight zone aspect of it and I'm enjoying the flashback episodes! Martin and Wayland do a cute couple!
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Post by thebadguy »

Thank you for the kind words. Sorry it took me so long to continue, had to find the ending that I liked. More to come. Hope you enjoy this installment.

Wayland was prepping a chicken to be baked. He preheated the oven and grabbed the bird from the fridge so he could dress it up. The sound of samba music blaring in the background.

This had become a regular tradition for the couple. Ever since they first hooked up two years ago Wayland had planned fun excursions for the two of them. And every time he made sure to pack away a bundle of rope.

Wayland carried a tray with a undressed raw chicken over to his counter. He rummaged around the cabinet above it for spices. Humming to the music that blasted in the adjoined living room.

A loud thud came from the bedroom he had left Martin in. He tried to dismiss it as Martin over doing it with his struggling. He heard a second thud and decided he should clean himself off and go see what was the matter. Rinsing his hands and drying them he walked down the hall of the home and over to the room that he left Martin in. To his surprise the door was locked from the inside. Wayland has to do a double take cause he was certain he left the door open when he had left.

“Martin? He you close the door by accident ya big dummy?” Wayland said with a chuckle.

Martin was silent from the other side, this began to brew concern from Wayland.

“Martin?! MARTIN?!” Wayland asked again his tone growing louder and more concerned by the second.

He turned the knob and it wouldn’t budge. He banged his body against the door but it was jammed from the other side. Like a chair was pressed in front of it. A heavy chair at that.

Wayland was getting worried Martin could be in trouble. The idea of his partner bound and gagged in a room unsupervised and possibly in danger was enough to give him a heart attack. He ran out of the front of the house and looped around the corner. He knew the window to that bedroom was at a level he could reach. He ran to it and begun to open it. He could see a chair parked up in front of the door. And to his horror there was Martin slumped over in it.

He opened the window and begun to crawl inside the room. He felt a bit silly breaking into his own house. Once inside he ran over to Martin’s side and to his shock he was tied back to the chair. Wayland begun to untie him.

“Martin what the hell? How did you even manage this…” Wayland questioned Martin who was knocked out cold.

He tried to search for the knots but whoever has done this really knew what they were doing. He bent over to undo the knots around his ankles, or at least to attempt to undo the knots on his ankles.

Out of know where a smash came over Wayland’s head. The last bits of vision he had were of soil sprinkling the floor and a couple of rooted flowers, then darkness.

Wayland awoke outdoors. He was seated on something narrow hard and uncomfortable. He looked around and then down and realized he was seated on a set of train tracks a small distance hillside from his residence. Something was grunting and moving in a panic behind him. He peered over his shoulder to see he was bound back to back with Martin.

“Mmmmmartin? Mmm?!” Wayland asked realizing his mouth was packed with a gag.

“Mmmmmmmph!” Martin called back into his gag.

“Well look who’s awake! Howdy partner. Sorry to do this to ya, but if anyone is gonna get that gold it’s gonna be me!” Said a husky voice Wayland didn’t recognize.

“Mmmmm mmmmmph!” Martin roared in his gag.

“Quiet John West! This is your doing! Now I’m s gonna make sure you stay out of my way. Coming soon is that train that’ll take you far far away from here. All the way up to the sky I reckon.” Said the cowboy doll as he came into full view of Wayland.

Wayland craned his neck, surely this was a dream. But the tight ropes binding his hands behind him begged to differ.

“Mmmmph?” Wayland grunted into the gag.

“No hard feelings. And I do thank you for capturing Johnny West for me. This is just business. Hope you could understand.” The Brody doll said patting the bound boot of Wayland.

Wayland rolled his eyes and struggled more in the ropes. Martin was loosing it, and struggling wildly behind Wayland. He could understand why or how Wayland was remaining so calm.

“Well I bid ye farewell buckaroos!” Said the doll as he walked his way uphill to the residence.

“Mmmmayland… mmmmmph!” Martin moaned in his gag.

He was tied so tightly he could barely move. Wayland on the other hand seemed to be relaxed and was calmly working into his bonds. Martin looked over his shoulder at Wayland who within minutes of Brody being gone bad worked his left wrist loose of the bindings.

Martin was stunned, what couldn’t this guy do? Wayland was now working quickly to get himself undone, with a few minutes he had free himself and removed his gag.

“Gah! I don’t know how you enjoy this so much.” Wayland kidded as he removed the gag from Martin’s face.

Martin was panic struggling and spat Wayland’s socks out of his mouth. “Quick! Hurry we are on train tracks Wayland!” Martin shouted.

“Calm down Bigsby these tracks haven’t been active since the damn 1920’s.” Wayland assured him while untying his boyfriend.

“What? How do you know that?” Martinasked confused “ and for Christ sakes will you stop calling me that?” Martin added.

“Do you really think I would buy a property that had trains buzzing through all hours of the day? I can have too much “fancy” china for that.” Wayland said in a jovial tone.

“Unbelievable.” Martin said as he watched Wayland undo his bindings.

“You're telling me yet another thing me and Karen Black have in common. Aside from piercing blue eyes and great taste in men.” Wayland chuckled trying to make light of the situation.

“Shut up Wayland, and how in the hell did you get out so quickly.” Martin couldn’t help but laugh.

“Got my thumb out! That’s the trick! Once your thumb is out then your hand is next. Let’s just say I got a lot of practice with the bullies growing up in Savannah.” Wayland said getting the last of Martin’s bindings off.

He helped him stand up and the two stood there puzzled for a moment.

“What do we do now?” Martin asked.

“ Well I guess we have to get those shackles back on that cowboy doll. None this happened until after they fell off it would seem. How did Johnny West defeat Bronco Brody in the last comic?” Wayland asked.

“If my memory is correct the last comic was a trip to a lost Mexican temple of gold. The temple had scriptures hat warned trespassers not to take any gold or fear of a curse. Brody was too greedy and didn’t listen, and filled his pockets with gold while Jonny read those scriptures and listened to instruction.” Martin started to explain.

“Go on…” Wayland insisted.

“Johnny got captured and was tied up to a sacrificial table. And Brody went on a raid, but paused when he saw gold bangles that were hanging on the wrists of a statue. He put them on and the Temple started to collapse. Janie East frees Johnny in the final hour and a chase begins out with Brody hot on their tail. They make it out and so does Brody, he is ready to shoot at them. But when his feet reach the solid ground outside of the temple a chain grows from the bangles and transforms the bracelets into handcuffs. Brody is frozen, turned into a statue for the rest of eternity. A punishment for his greed.” Martin finished.

Wayland looked at him. He sighed and responded. “....Okay. So that won’t help us. Get the cuffs back in the doll. Got it.” Wayland said patting Martin on the back.

“To the house!” Wayland said leading the way.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 177
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by privateandrews »

what a great romp this story is. thank you.
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