Never leave your phone unguarded (M/m + short self/M, m/M, mm/m, self/m) [Completed]

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Post by ducttape1 »

yet another strong continuation of the story. I also think it's great to get background insights and to understand Max.
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Post by lepangolin »

Killua, you're a truely skilled writer. I believe you when you say this was hard to write but it was worth the cost, it is so realistic and absorbing. The story's getting stronger as it goes and I just hope you will have time to write more soon!
Thanks a LOT :D
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Post by bosoj_o »

Cool! I like it. Very good story.
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Post by Killua »

Thank you all for your kind comments!

Lepangolin, wow such a lovely comment, thank you very much. I have not that much time next week, but I'm quite far with the next part. I reached a little difficult point again, so I have to be very careful. At one point, I guess it was in the 9th or 8th part, I already wrote some kind of trap for myself where I have to find a way to include it now. Just one sentence I wish I hadn't wrote back then :lol: We are already on our way to the grand finale, so I need to get sure to reach it without building some kind wall into my way :lol:
If I find a smooth way to solve my little problem soon, I guess I would be able to post the next part tomorrow (sunday). Anyway, my original plan was/is to post the next part next weekend.

Thank you all for following and reading my story for so long. I hope I'm able to present you a great finale / conclusion in 2 or 3 future parts.
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Part XI:

Soooooo, it took quite a while but I finished this part. I hope you guys like it. It´s a bit longer, I hope that´s ok for you. And again thank you for all your comments!

“What the hell took you so long?!” – he shouted the moment I entered my room, but that wasn´t what surprised me. “I´m stuck like this since 35 minutes ago! The keys are still in your pocket and I can´t get out! – he continued.

I guess you want to know what he did while I was gone, right? You probably guessed it, he tied himself up and got stuck. It was a simple but effective chair tie. First, he wrapped the legcuffs around the only chair-leg (office chair) one time. Then he cuffed both his ankles with them. They were slightly bent back and he rested them on the spiderlike bars for the wheels. In that position, he could only touch the ground with his toes. Furthermore, he cuffed his hands behind his back with normal handcuffs. Therefore, he put those cuffs between his back and the single bar that holds the chair back. He had put his hands behind the chair back (not between his back and the chair) and cuffed them there, so they would be stuck against the chair back. To get sure that he can´t simply bend forward and lift his hands around the chair back, he even cuffed his thumbs with the thumbcuffs. So if he would bend forward his hands are stuck there because of the tumbcuffs, if he wanted to move his hands further back they were stuck because of the handcuffs.

“I see, you occupied yourself.” – I said grinning at him, which made him blush a little again.

“I just wanted to test something” – he said defensively.

“You´re stuck, so was it successful or a failure.” – I asked tauntingly.

If his gaze could kill me I would´ve died a thousand deaths. He just looked at me for some moments before he continued: “Don´t annoy me. You really scared me. After I tied myself up, I waited for you but you didn´t come back. I was worried you maybe got hurt during that storm out there. I even wanted to go over and check on you. But then I realised I couldn´t get out and I couldn´t find the keys. I panicked and struggled but couldn´t get out. So where have you been for so long?”

He was really worried about me. All I could do was apologize. So I went over to him and ruffled his hair some: “I´m sorry Max. I didn´t mean to scare you. And you´re right, you deserve to know what I did all the time. We have to talk anyway!” – I said and started spinning his chair to the right and pushed him slowly to my bed.

“What are you doing? Aren´t you going to untie me?” – he asked.

“I´m sorry Max, but I can´t do that.” – I said and checked his cuffs and tightened them a little where necessary.

“What the heck?? What are you doing?” – he asked perplexed.

I pushed him in front of my bed and sat down on it directly in front of him.

“Max, we need to talk!” – I said in a more serious voice which seemed to scare him a little.

“I´m sorry Mark! I won´t do it again! Please don´t be mad at me. I know it´s wrong to snoop through other people things. Please forgive me!” – he burst out pleadingly.

“Eh, what?” – I asked perplexed.

“Your computer? The way I´m tied? Your story? Isn´t that the reason you want us to talk?” – he asked.

That was the time I realised what he was talking about. He broke into my computer while I was in his room and read my unfinished story. Then he tied himself the way I described in my story.

“Max, thank you for being honest, but that´s not the reason I want to talk to you. I´m sorry, you are not the only one who was snooping around.” – I said and he went pale immediately.

“Noo! You couldn´t have done that. Why? Just let me go!” – he said desperately and started struggling hard against his cuffs.

“Max! Stop that! We have to talk about it and you know that. Stop acting like a little kid. You always said you would trust me, but if you would´ve trusted me for real, you would´ve talked to me. You are the worst liar on earth but you hid it all time. I hate myself for not noticing it earlier. You WILL be listening to me now or I´m gonna gag you and leave you like that the whole night!” – I said angrily showing him his panel gag.

“Please Mark! I don´t want to talk about it. Let us forget that we both snooped around. Please! It´s not your business. Just stay out of it! You´ll only make it worse!” – he said desperately.

“Max… I saw what they did to your soccer uniform. And I´ve found your diary. I´m sorry that I read it, but I did. Most pages were missing, but what I read was bad enough. You need help, kid. I´m sorry that I have to take these measures but if you want me to remove your collar ever again, you have to tell me about it.” – I announced.

“Then leave it on, I don’t care!” – he exclaimed.

“Don´t act like a stubborn little brat! You are a kind, lovely and intelligent little guy, please Max, let me help you! We will find a solution, TOGETHER!” – I said.

“Thank you, Mark. I know you only want to help me, but you can´t do anything. Do you want to kidnap and kill them or what? You would go into prison and I would be alone, again. Just be my support at home. You probably know it already, I lied to you over the last few years. I don´t have any friends anymore. You are my only friend and I don´t want to lose you. I don´t deserve you as my friend, but I´m grateful to have you as my friend and babysitter. But I definitely deserve what they are doing to me and you can´t change that. Anyway, it´s just for half a year, then we all have to go to a new school. There I have my peace and can stay all to myself without anyone bothering me anymore.” – he said and changed to a calm voice.

“Max, you are totally stupid, aren´t you? You deserve what they are doing? You are kidding me, right? I don´t know what they are doing exactly but you wrote half a year ago that you are going to jump in front of a bus if they won´t stop. And you want to stay all by yourself again? That hurt you even before those idiots started to bully you. You are still believing it was your fault that your dad died, right?” – I said.

“I´m not believing it, it´s a fact!” – he said.

“We never talked much about your dad, but I really hoped and thought your mom did. But, it seems like she didn´t. Max, your dad wasn´t just ill. You know that he died because of cancer and you couldn´t have changed that. Cancer won´t just appear within two weeks. It´s growing over years and you know that! Do you know why you were going on vacation that suddenly, even if your family had not that much money left for it? Your dad didn´t get the diagnosis after the holiday, but four weeks before! He knew that he had only a few weeks left. All he wanted was to see you smile, to see you happy, only one last time. Of course, they discussed leaving early because going back into the hospital would reduce the pain a lot. But, what really helped him to hold out for so long, that was you! –“ – tears started welling up in his eyes and he tried to interrupt me, but I stopped him and continued my explanation (And before you ask, his mom told me everything about his dad even before I met Max the first time):

“That´s not the only point you got wrong. You wrote in your diary, that it´s your fault that your mom was so sad and she leaves you alone for so long, just because you weren´t there for her when she needed you. Of course she was sad. Her husband, your dad, died. But, she just left you the room she thought you needed at that time. Everyone deals differently with such a situation. She wasn´t working more because she felt alone, she was working more because it was necessary. With your dad gone, you two needed more money to pay the bills. It was just a nice bonus to get into such a high position. And she keeps up the good work to earn enough money for you to have a great childhood and to have enough to give you the possibility to go to university if you want to. – I really hope I could clarify that. If you don´t believe me or just want to get sure, go call your mom tomorrow. She always leaves you the number of her hotel in your kitchen.” – he started crying after I told him this, but it was ok, it was necessary to process it all. I couldn´t do anything to help him with that. I could only pull him closer and started to pat and ruffled his hair a bit until he finally calmed down again, after minutes of crying.

One problem solved, one to go. I still can´t believe that he thought it was all his fault over those three long years. But, I couldn´t deal with those bullies yet and I had interrogated him enough for one day. ´Maybe he´s ready to talk about them tomorrow.´ - I thought.

When he started to speak, I got a little scared that he would hate me but to my surprise, it was the opposite. “Thank you, Mark.” – he said calmly, tears still visible on his cheeks.

“That wasn´t the answer I expected. I kept and still keep you tied to that chair against your will and I scolded you the first time. So, why do you thank me?” – I asked.

“Because you are the first one who talked to me like this. No one ever forced me to talk about my dad. My mom tried it by sending me to that psycho-doctor, but I never talked about it. I never talked about him with my mom either. You were the first one I talked about him some weeks after the first time we met because I trusted you. You forced me to think about it again, you forced me to listen to things I never wanted to hear, neither to believe. So… thank you for being that rough and insistent.” – he explained.

“So you want to talk about those bullies now?” – I asked being further insistent.

“No!” – He answered, grinning a little.

“Fair enough, at least I tried.” – I said, which made him chuckle a bit.

“I guess you have enough of being tied up for now, after this?” – I asked.

“I just don´t want to be alone, right now. It surely sounds strange, but I feel less alone when I´m tied up while you keep an eye on me. And by the way, our game isn´t finished yet! You still have to tie me up in a way I can´t get out or do you give up already because you finally accepted that I´m a lot better in escaping than you in restraining me?” – he said with this wicked smile of his at his last sentence.

´Oh boy… he´s just too much into this… But if it´s gonna help him to think about something else after all…´- I thought.

“If you really want us to continue… You know, you won´t get out of it and I´m gonna tickle the hell out of you within the first 15 minutes before your escape attempt. Are you sure you can handle this?” – I asked.

“Easy! Of course I can handle all of your half-hearted torture! You won´t even make me giggle!” – he announced proudly.

Of course, I knew he was just pretending that everything was ok, but he tried his best to appear as provocative and cheeky as usual. So, I just had to play along, no matter what.

“Ok then, let´s get you out of that chair! I won´t use anything I haven´t earned until now. I don´t want to be called a cheater after you failed miserably.” – I announced provocatively. At least, both of us could laugh about it.

I took the keyring out of my pocket and needed some tries to find the right keys for the right cuffs. Starting at his ankles I saved his hands until last. When he was finally free, he started to stretch a little to get the stiffness out of his limbs again. Immediately he was my curious and really impatient little brat again and just couldn´t wait to find out how I would tie him up for his little (impossible) escape challenge. He just went back into his “Asking-Mark-over-and-over-again-how-he-is-gonna-tie-me-up-and-making-up-a-lot-of-ideas-to-distract-him-even-further”-mode.

He really loves it to annoy me when it comes to tied up games, I guess. He tries it when he is tied up and even more when he is about to get tied up. I have to admit, this banter between us is a lot of fun but when it comes to the question of how I would restrain him, he gets really annoying. I didn´t know what he tried to accomplish but I knew for sure, that gag would go into his little mouth as soon as he would´ve been tied up!

At first, a short look at my available material, which I had laid out on my desk: 1 Pair of normal handcuffs, 1 pair of hinged handcuffs, 1 longer chain, 3 padlocks (but I was still allowed to use as much as I wanted), 1 black dense silk scarf and 1 gag, which I decided would be the panel gag to really keep him quiet.

“You want it hard, creative and inescapable, right?” – I asked him.

“Give me your best shot!” – he replied.

“Then, show me your hands.” – I commanded.

He presented them behind his back, but that wasn´t what I had in mind. So, I told him to hold them out in front of him, not behind his back.

“Isn´t that too easy? I could simply steal that key of yours and release myself when my hands are only cuffed in front of me.” – he remarked.

“I´m not finished, Max. You won´t get out of that and it won´t be comfortable but still not painful. So, it´s not gonna be a position I could keep you for hours, that´s for sure.” – I told him.

“O-ok” – he said, a little bit nervous now.

“If it´s too much, just tell me. I´ll use the gag last. Don´t try to be brave! After you´re gagged there will be no way out!” – I warned him.

“I CAN take that!” – he announced.

“Ok then, you have the right to remain silent, prisoner.” – I said jokingly.

So, I took his right hand and fastened the first cuff around his wrist. Of course tight enough, so he couldn´t squeeze his hand out but not too tight, so he could still turn his wrist without ripping his skin off. Directly followed by his left wrist. His wrists were cuffed in front of him with the ordinary handcuffs.

“Now follow me, prisoner.” – I said, grinning at him. I grabbed his handcuff-chain and carefully pulled him over to my closet. “Yes, Sir!” – he replied, smiling cheerfully and playing his role as my little prisoner.

When we reached my closet, I grabbed him by the shoulders, carefully pushed him inside and then turned him around so he was facing the entrance of my closet.

“You still want to do this? You can still back out if you want.” – I asked carefully.

“Oh god, Mark. You are caring way too much about me. I´m fine! Just keep going.” – he said annoyed.

“Ok, ok, I won´t ask you again. Don´t get angry with me. I´m just worried about you. I don´t want to overdo it again as I did with the hogtie.” – I said.

“It won´t happen again, I´m sure about that. You are too caring to make that mistake again. If I´m in pain, I´m just gonna scream, deal?” – He said.

“Deal.” – I said and grabbed the black silk scarf from my desk.

“You are blindfolding me first?” – he asked surprised.

“Yep.” – I replied.

“But then I can´t see how you´re doing it.” – he complained.

“That´s the plan.” – I said, putting the scarf over his eyes and knotted it two times behind his head.

“I can´t see anything anymore.” – he said.

“That´s what a blindfold is supposed to do, I thought you would know that.” – I said teasingly.

“Of course I know what a blindfold is doing.” – he said annoyed and tried to kick me with his still free legs. “But I want to see how you are doing it.” – he added.

“Not gonna happen.” – I said teasingly and cuffed his ankles with the hinged handcuffs.

Next, I took the chain and looped one end around the horizontal bar, where you would normally hang your clothes (but as I said before I´m not using it), and locked it there. The other end was just long enough to touch his back at the top between his shoulder blades, which made him twitch a little because of the cold chain links touching him so unexpectedly.

“Now don´t get scared.” – I said as I grabbed his hands by the handcuff-chain and slowly lifted them above his head.

“I´m not getting scared, but wow, that´s really creative.” – he said before I took the next lock and fiddled it through the middle link of his handcuff chain and one of the links of the chain, which I had fastened to the bar before. I checked one last time that he was not too stretched out before I locked it shut. He could still stand with both his feet flat on the floor, but his arms were firmly stretched out above his head. They were just a little bend at the elbows, so it wouldn´t be too uncomfortable but still far enough above his head, so it wouldn´t be too comfortable either.

“So, I guess you´re finished now, right?” – he asked.

“One last touch before your gag. You wanted it to be creative, right?” – I said and took the last lock.

He started to move a little in his predicament but I thought he was just testing his bonds and continued. I lifted his collar, which was still fastened around his neck, as far up as it would go without hurting him or messing with his breathing and put the lock around one of the rings and connected it to one of the chain links. That way the movement of his upper body was even more restricted. He couldn´t bend much in all directions and he would feel even more restricted if the collar is fastened to something which is just slightly pulling at it all the time.

“Ok, wow! I haven´t thought about using the collar that way. I can barely move in any direction. I feel it tugging at my neck at the slightest movement but it´s still not uncomfortable.” – he said.

“Thanks for the compliment, but that´s not gonna safe you from that tickle torture.” – I said mischievously.

“W-wait, you really want to tickle me in that position. I can´t protect any part of my body.” – he said, getting really nervous while he started tugging at his restraints. I knew how ticklish he is, so that would be a lot of fun.

“Ok, last question! Are you in any pain?” – I asked.

“N-no, b-but wait a moment. I really need to p-mmmpphh!!!” – he stammered but was interrupted by the panelgag, that I forced carefully into his mouth. He started to mmmphh and shake his head wildly but he couldn´t move his head much because of the collar, so it was pretty easy to buckle that gag tightly behind his head. “mmmmppphh-mmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmpppppph!” – he protested as loud as he could, but it was too late. He definitely wouldn´t escape that tickle torture.

I still wondered what he wanted to tell me before I gagged him… it surely wasn´t important. He said he is in no pain and didn´t complain earlier. Surely he was just nervous because he was about to get tickled… or have I missed something…

What could Max wanted to tell Mark before he was gagged? Hmm… hopefully nothing important, right?
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red86 »

[mention]Killua[/mention], Sorry I am late to the party (I guess better late, then never :) ). If you think your english is bad, I guess mine is bad too. Yet I am from the USA and only speak english :lol: . For this being your'e 1st story, I am impressed. I've been reading this story since you started posting it. I initially did not know how I felt about the story because of Max only being 11 and Mark being 20. As I read on though the chapters and we learned more of Max & Mark, I started to like the story. The story defiantly has some sad parts considering Max had wanted to take his life at some point because of feeling like he was responsible for his dads death and then to be bullied on top it. But it looks like we are heading towards brighter times now!
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Post by Killua »

[mention]Red86[/mention] welcome to "the party" then :lol:
Thank you. Originally, I only wanted to write a short story about some innocent Tugs to improve my english-"skills" but I couldn't stop my "I-have-to-explain-everything"-habit and so the characters just developed more and more and so did the story :lol: Now I just like them too much and have to finish that story and maybe add a pre- and sequel later.

Anyway, thank you for joining the party and your kind comment. Brighter times surely are in sight but as always it gets harder to reach something the closer you get, right :twisted:
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Post by harveygasson »

Very cool story. Glad I caught up with this one
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Post by Socksbound »

Great chapter [mention]Killua[/mention] love mark questioning himself and what Max was about to say. I hope it wasn’t important....

Glad Max opened up a little well Mark told him how it was, he really needed that. Let’s hope he talks about the bullies next. Maybe some revenge with mark helping Max :lol:
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Post by Killua »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] thank you. You really bring me close to telling something about my little story final in your comments. I really have to focus on not telling what I've planned. Thank you for still following my story. If it was important or I know how much you love that, I just have to use it again: you'll see :twisted: (in the next chapter)

[mention]harveygasson[/mention] thank you for your comment and for reading the story after so many parts. I guess it takes a while to catch up. I probably should consider taking some time to rework some of the older parts and remove some spelling mistakes and my annoying annotation about my bad english in the first part, to make the story easier to read / to catch up.
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Post by herbie2 »

When you continue the storie?
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Post by ducttape1 »

I'm really looking forward to the final. maybe the safe will be used again to make it impossible for little Max. :twisted:

Even if I'm sad that the quiet story is coming to an end.
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Post by Killua »

herbie2 wrote: 3 years ago When you continue the storie?
I don't know. At the moment I have a hard time at home. I really want to continue but I'm not in the mood to do it. It's hard to explain. There is so much going on at the moment, my thoughts are just somewhere else, all the time.
Writing is something, at least for me, that is really close to how you are feeling at the moment. I'm afraid that if I would continue right know, my story ends in some boring nonsense or I would do something to my characters, which I would regret later just because I was in a bad mood. I'm happy that there are so many readers and I don't want to spoil it for you with an bad ending.

I promise, I will continue the story, but I just need some time the get my life back to normal.
ducttape1 wrote: 3 years ago I'm really looking forward to the final. maybe the safe will be used again to make it impossible for little Max. :twisted:

Even if I'm sad that the quiet story is coming to an end.
After all there is still one problem to be solved, right? So the final will be quite interesting. I guess letting this story come to an end won't mean that you'll never hear about Max and Mark again, right? Spoiler: They won't die at the end, so future storys are still possible. :lol:
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Post by Socksbound »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago
herbie2 wrote: 3 years ago When you continue the storie?
I don't know. At the moment I have a hard time at home. I really want to continue but I'm not in the mood to do it. It's hard to explain. There is so much going on at the moment, my thoughts are just somewhere else, all the time.
Writing is something, at least for me, that is really close to how you are feeling at the moment. I'm afraid that if I would continue right know, my story ends in some boring nonsense or I would do something to my characters, which I would regret later just because I was in a bad mood. I'm happy that there are so many readers and I don't want to spoil it for you with an bad ending.

I promise, I will continue the story, but I just need some time the get my life back to normal.
ducttape1 wrote: 3 years ago I'm really looking forward to the final. maybe the safe will be used again to make it impossible for little Max. :twisted:

Even if I'm sad that the quiet story is coming to an end.
After all there is still one problem to be solved, right? So the final will be quite interesting. I guess letting this story come to an end won't mean that you'll never hear about Max and Mark again, right? Spoiler: They won't die at the end, so future storys are still possible. :lol:
Take your time [mention]Killua[/mention] we understand things happen in real life and are willing to wait for chapters when they are as good as you have been producing. I have the same issues when I write either struggling for motivation or producing stuff I’m not happy with due to my mood at the time.

A little sad that the final chapter is coming up, but totally excited that there will be more Mark and Max adventures in the future
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Post by lepangolin »

Hey, I'm late to the party, this part is as brilliant as the others, thanks again! I'm really wanting to see what's next but take the time you need to get things in order and free you mind. Wait we can and we will. As long as you don't give up on the story, but I trust you not to do that as It would be such a nonsense to let this masterpiece unfinished. Thanks Killua.
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Post by alkaid_ »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago
I don't know. At the moment I have a hard time at home. I really want to continue but I'm not in the mood to do it. It's hard to explain. There is so much going on at the moment, my thoughts are just somewhere else, all the time.
Writing is something, at least for me, that is really close to how you are feeling at the moment. I'm afraid that if I would continue right know, my story ends in some boring nonsense or I would do something to my characters, which I would regret later just because I was in a bad mood. I'm happy that there are so many readers and I don't want to spoil it for you with an bad ending.

I promise, I will continue the story, but I just need some time the get my life back to normal.

After all there is still one problem to be solved, right? So the final will be quite interesting. I guess letting this story come to an end won't mean that you'll never hear about Max and Mark again, right? Spoiler: They won't die at the end, so future storys are still possible. :lol:
I undestand you.

I know it's dicifult stay focus when you don't feel ok with you.

My best wishes for you .
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Post by Red86 »

[mention]Killua[/mention] I am going to basically echo the others comments above. Take your time. Write when you are able and in the mood to do so. This is a hobby not a 9 to 5 job. No need to rush something that you wouldn't be happy posting. While the other readers and myself would like nothing more then to see this story continue as soon as possible and even a sequel, we all understand life's challenges. So again, take your time and we'll be patiently waiting!
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Post by Killua »

Hey, I just want to give you a brief update. There are still a lot of problems in RL but I took some time and started writing again. I found out that my story grew quite long :lol: least when I tried to find a specific passage which mentioned the actual time the story takes place at the moment (luckily I found it: about 10:15pm :lol: ). Also I have and had to re-read a lot to get sure I'm not writing any non-sense which would wouldn't fit in with something I wrote before. I'm not 100% sure if I can make it but I guess it's realistic to get the next part done this weekend. Which isn't the last but probably the part right before the last part.

Anyway, I wanted to ask if someone could proof- read the next part when I finished it, before I publish it. (EDIT: Found someone) I want to get sure that I haven't forgotten something important or wrote something which would be in conflict to something I wrote before. I like that story too much and don't want to ruin it.

Also, I want to thank you all again. Thank you for reading my story, for your understanding and all your great comments.

Greeti... (no, too boring) I'm back!
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Post by lepangolin »

That's great news! Thanks Killua! And good luck for RL.
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Post by Killua »

I just don´t know what to say… thank you so much for all your support and kind comments! When I read those, I really wanted to continue the story right at that moment, but as I said before, that would have been a stupid idea. Right now, there is so much I have to do, but nearly nothing I want to. So I ignored everything and just started writing again, because that´s one thing I really want to do right now.

I said before, that this part would be the part before the finale. But… it just got too long, so I thought it would be better to split it up. So, after this part there will be another part before the final one. I´m not finished with that next part, but If I would keep those parts as one larger part it would be about 10 pages minimum on my word document (incl. blank lines). I hope that´s gonna be ok for you. So, after this part (12) there will be at least part 13 and 14 following. If I overdo it again (I hope not) then maybe even a part 15 but that´s not planned right now.

Anyway I want to say special thanks to [mention]ducttape1[/mention] who proofreaded this part for me. I was really unsure after a longer time of doing nothing. You really helped me! Thank you!

Part XII (12):

At the end of the last part, I just finished tying Max within my closet. He protested a lot after I gagged him because he wanted to tell me something right before that, but I cut him off by pushing the panelgag into his mouth. I wondered what he wanted to tell me before I gagged him but thought that it couldn´t be important. I was sure he was in no pain because I asked him before. So the only possibility left was him being nervous about the torture, he would receive soon. At least that´s what I thought.

Before I´m going to continue, I want to describe his bindings again: Max, my 11-year-old neighbour with short blond hair, was still wearing only his dark grey boxer briefs. He stood in my closet with his hands raised above his head, cuffed with ordinary handcuffs, which were connected to a chain that was connected to a horizontal bar. This chain was a little longer and went down to the top between his shoulder blades. To restrict him further, I locked the professional leather collar, that he was still wearing, to the chain. His ankles were cuffed together with hinged handcuffs. He was also blindfolded with a black dense silk scarf, which I applied before I tied him up. And, as I said before, I gagged him with a panelgag at the end of the last part.

He “mmmpht” for a while but I ignored him and waited until he finally quit it.

“Silence, finally! Yeah!” – I shouted. Which was answered by a low mmmph and him moving his head in a way that clearly indicated he was rolling his eyes (under the blindfold) at my comment.

“So…Max, my little prisoner. I´m not quite sure if I remember it correctly but didn´t you say something about my ´half-hearted´ torture earlier? And how easy it would be to endure that? You wouldn´t even giggle, right?” – I asked mockingly, standing right in front of him. He couldn´t see me but he could hear that I was close enough to tickle the hell out of him.

“MMMMMPH! Mmmmph-mmmmmph!” – he somewhat screamed, shaking his head violently but the gag did quite a good job muffling his complaints.

“You know that you have to speak a little more clearly or I have to guess what you want to say. Aaaand you know… I´m not really good at guessing, so it might not come out the way you wanted it.” – I said, grinning from ear to ear.

It was really a lot of fun teasing him like that. I was glad I asked him if he was in any pain before I gagged him because he was now completely impossible to understand. Sure, even with a panelgag, you can do a little more than mmmph if you try hard enough, but only a little. So it might be possible to understand some letters, especially the first one as long as you don´t really need your tongue, which is pressed down by the gag.

“Ihh nmmph mppho mmphee!” – he ´said´. It surely was exhausting to try to make understandable words, but even if I wanted to understand what he said, there was no way to understand that. So if you think he should be ok and you can´t understand him… it´s ok to interpret it in your way, right? Especially, when he has such a big mouth from time to time. Don´t you think so?

I patted him on the shoulder a few times and said: “So… if tickling is waaaay too easy for you… hmm… let me think for a moment… That´s it! I just have to split those 15 minutes into three stages of torture. It would be a lot more challenging for you, wouldn´t it? Isn´t that a great idea?”

“Mmmmph-mmmmmph!!!!” – he shouted, shaking his head (“no!”) again.

“Oh, so you like the idea? Great! I knew you would like it!” – I said and ruffled his hair, which he definitely hated at that moment. I wanted to make it fun for him too. It shouldn´t be just tickling, which would feel like torture after a while, especially since I knew that he is probably the most ticklish person on earth. It should be exciting for him. I planned to surprise him with each “stage” of torture, so he would be excited and a little bit scared of each stage as long as he didn´t know what would happen.

Therefore I announced to prepare my “cruel torture devices from hell” and he shouldn´t “go anywhere” as long as I´m preparing. I needed to bring that lame joke because that´s absolutely essential for the first real tied up game! So I went down into the kitchen and the basement to gather the necessary ingredients.

When I returned, he was pretty nervous, moving around as much as the chain would allow and slightly trembling with his legs. I put my box of “torture devices” (which I´ll tell you about later at each stage of torture) onto my desk, so I could grab them quickly because I didn´t want to waste the torture time.

Stage 1 “The cold surprise”:

“Ok prisoner, hope you are ready? I´ll set a 15-, a 10- and a 5-minutes-timer, so you know when the next stage is about to start and when the whole thing is over. It´s 10:17 p.m. now. The alarm clock is set at 10:25, 10:30 and 10:35. So we start in about 3 minutes. Prepare yourself to get tortured by the great torturer from hell… ehm… Mark.” – I announced, which made him giggle at my lame introduction. Maybe I should’ve thought about a better name before?

“You think that is funny, huh? Oh, I will make sure you are going to regret laughing at me, you little worm!” – I said in a totally bad villain voice, which made him laugh as loud as the gag allowed. After that, he also went into character and pleaded for mercy through his gag: “Mmmoh, mmmph-mmmph!”

I used the cover of my mobile phone as its support to stand it up on my desk, so I could see the exact time. “One minute left. Get ready!” – I announced and grabbed my first “tool”, a cup of ice cubes.

At that point, he got really nervous. He started breathing heavier (not in a dangerous way), moving and tugging more in his chains and even sweating a little bit. He didn´t know what I had planned, couldn’t see anything and there was no way to protect himself. At least that´s what I thought was the reason. I put the cup on the ground right next to the closet, grabbed one of the ice cubes in my right hand and started counting, looking at my mobile phone at the desk: “5… 4… 3… 2… 1”

At “1” his whole body tensed up in anticipation of whatever I would do to him. I took a step forward, bent slightly forward, reached around him with my left arm and… just hugged him with it.

“Mph??” – he “asked” confused and his body relaxed visibly.

“Max, you know…” – I started to say with a soft and comforting voice, which seemed to make him relax even more and continued after a brief moment: “…I got you good.” He was visibly questioning himself what I meant, when I suddenly used my right hand, with the ice cube, reached around him, as if I wanted to hug him, and pressed the ice cube tightly against his upper back between his shoulder blades.

“MMMMMMMMPPPPHH!!!!!!” – he screamed in shock and jerked and pulled at his cuffs and chains, which were holding him tightly in place. He tried desperately to get away from that cold shock at his back and wanted desperately to pull his hands down, which, of course, didn´t work. At the same time, he pushed himself forward, deeper into my hug, to get away from the ice cube. I could see how he tried to move his legs, but with his ankles cuffed together by hinged handcuffs, there was no way to kick me or run away. Also, ducking away was no possibility and was immediately stopped by the chain holding his hands above his head, but even more by the collar which was connected to the same chain.

“MMMMMMPH-MMMMMPH! MMMMMPH!” – he continued screaming, but I was still hugging him and replied tauntingly: “What´s wrong, buddy? I´m just hugging you. Don´t you like getting hugged?” – I tried to make my voice sound as sad as I could. At the same time, I started moving the ice cube slowly down his spine, from in between his shoulder blades, across his mid-back, down to his lower back just above his waistband. He continued screaming, but also started laughing and tried to lift himself up to get away. He couldn´t use his feet to get away, but he could get on his tiptoes in a hopeless attempt to avoid the cold sensation, running slowly down his back.

“Ok, if you don´t like that. I thought I would do you a favour. I guess I have to get serious, then.” I announced proudly and pushed the ice cube in one swift movement under his left foot, while he was still on his tiptoes, quickly followed by another one out of the cup, which got pushed under his right foot. I was rewarded by another high pitched scream, mixed with his laughter.

“Max, it seems like you have grown taller. Oooh, you´re on your tiptoes? What´s wrong, are you trying to sneak away, now?” – I teased him and took a brief look at my phone. Only 2,5 minutes left for this stage. ´Time to show him what´s really cold!´- I thought.

With that said, I grabbed two fresh ice cubes (one in each hand) and dragged them all the way up from his ankles, along the back of his legs, until I reached his briefs. I changed from the back of his legs to the front and went all the way down again, across his knees, until I reached his cuffed ankles again. He tried to shake the ice cubes off and dodge my attack but hinged handcuffs are a lot more restricting than normal ones when you use them at his ankles. When he leaned back, he lost his balance and his soles ended up on the two ice cubes, that I pushed under his feet. All the time he was screaming and laughing under his gag but that rewarded me with another high pitched scream.

I looked at my phone again and there was only one minute left for this stage, I had to hurry. So I asked him: “Max, do you know why I called it ´stages´ and not ´parts´?” – He shook his head, while he tried to carefully move the ice cubes away from under his feet. “Because I´m building on those stages. The torture from one stage is following you into the next stage. So, it´s getting worse with each stage!” – I said, trying to laugh like those film villains.


Only 30 seconds, I had to hurry! I took some prepared strips of duct tape from my desk. The ice cubes fitted perfectly into the middle of the duct tape, so there would be tape on all sides around the ice cube. I used those 30 seconds to tape ice cubes between his shoulder blades, his middle back (one on each side), at his lower left stomach and one at his right chest next to his nipple (I didn´t want to tape his nipple because it would hurt too much). While I did this, he got the ice cubes away from under his feet, so he could stand normal again. Directly after I taped the last one, the phone started to ring. It was time for stage 2!

Stage 2: “Itchy, itchy, itchy!”

I hurried over to my desk again, while he tried to shake the ice cubes off. I fetched a small round plastic jar and a washcloth and went back to him. He began to tremble slightly. “Max, it looks like your cold. I got a great idea to solve that problem. Do you remember that prank of yours, you played on me about six months ago?” – I asked him. He thought for a moment, still slightly shaking because of the cold.

“You know, you brought some really nasty stuff over, pranked me with it and then… left it here. I guess it´s time for revenge. You agree with that, right?” – I said mockingly. That was the moment he remembered what he did back then and which stuff I meant. He screamed something that probably meant “NOOOOOOOOOOO!”, but it sounded more like “MMMMMPPHOOO” and shook his head violently, trying to break free no matter what.

“Don´t worry, I have only 4 minutes left to apply it all over your body. Aaaaaaand I´m sure you´re going to move enough to keep yourself warm after I rubbed it in. Itchy, itchy, itchy!” – I said tauntingly, opening the plastic jar with the label “ITCHING-POWDER”.

“MMMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH! MMPPH-MMMPH! MMMMMMMPPPH!” – he screamed again, moving as much in every direction as possible, probably to dodge my attempts to rub in some of HIS itching power, which he forgot here somewhat about six months ago. I used one edge of the washcloth and put it into the jar, so there was no need to use my hands. I planned to use only a little bit of it, but therefore on some points of his body. It shouldn´t be a real torture, it should only annoy him, that there are some small areas on his body that are constantly itching. Not like him, who dumped two tablespoons down my shirt, front and back, in a surprise attack six months ago. In case it would be too much for him, I also prepared a bowl of water with a clean washcloth to wash it off quickly.

Have you ever had the feeling that something happened even if it didn´t happen? I mean, like you thought you touched something hot, but in reality, it was just close but you needed some time until you realised that nothing happened? Do you know what would be mean when you are tied up and blindfolded and you know that somebody is about to rub some itching power on your body?

He was still slightly shaking from the cold ice and surely all his nerves were on high alert at the moment I would touch him. I took the washcloth and touched his right side about stomach/waist height, but not with the itching power. I used a clean edge of that washcloth and waited carefully for his reaction while I moved it in very small circular motions on his skin. He started struggling again and did his best to dodge my attack, while he did some mixture of pleading and giggling. When I stopped moving the washcloth over his skin, he was still struggling.

“Is it itchy?” – I asked tauntingly. Of course, I knew that it wasn´t, but he hadn´t realised it at that moment. He nodded his head vigorously and tried shaking his waist to shake the itching power, he thought I had applied, off.

“That´s interesting, though. You know… I used a clean washcloth?” – I said. “Mph?” – he asked irritated. He stopped his movement in an attempt to concentrate on the spot I touched him with the washcloth and finally realised that it wasn´t itching at all. Of course, that was followed by some wild unintelligible mphs, which I guessed were some complaints about my little trick.

“Hey, look on the bright side. That saved you another minute! Aaaaand don´t worry! You have still enough time to enjoy that itchy sensation. But you should better concentrate on THAT spot!” – I said and rubbed the washcloth with its itchy edge on his left side, exactly opposite my first (fake) attack. He tried to struggle so much that I had to grab him around his waist, so he won´t hurt himself. I was really glad that I had cuffed his ankles, or else he would probably have kicked me in the nuts. At least, he tried it with his knees.

Next, I put the edge into the jar again and made two small dots at his back with it, one between his shoulder blades (above the taped ice cube, so it wouldn´t get washed off too fast by the water), and the other one on his spine at his lower back. A quick look at my phone told me that I had less than one minute left, so I had to hurry a little. I reapplied some itching powder and did two more spots: One directly at his right armpit and the other one at the back of his left knee. ´That´s gonna drive him completely nuts´- I thought.

But to my surprise, he tried to calm himself down again and just endured the itching. He stood completely still and took deep and slow breaths. That was quite amazing because I thought he would thrash around until I would wash it off. Anyway, there was no time to just watch him some more: The phone was ringing again, which announced the final stage.

Stage 3: “Tickle-Time”
“What a pity! Most of the time is already over, don´t you agree with that?” – I said and he answered by shaking his head no vigorously.

“Ok Max, I guess you know what´s coming.” – I said and dug my fingers into his sides in a mercilessly tickle attack. That made him scream in muffled laughter immediately. He tried to duck away, but the collar stopped him instantly. He thrashed around when I started to move my fingers up to his ribcage and further to his armpits, where he was even more ticklish. I have to admit it wasn´t a good idea because I touched the itching powder under his right armpit and his left side.

I stopped and turned around to wash it off of my fingers, but when I turned back to him I noticed something was badly wrong. He was literally hanging on the chain, grabbing it with both his hands, bending his knees as much as possible without lifting them from the ground and pressing them tightly together. Also, he started breathing a lot harder now.

“Max, are you ok?” – I asked worriedly. He shook his head, so I started to remove his gag instantly and started to apologise while removing it: “I´m sorry, I guess I went too far…” – I started to say, but was interrupted: “Mark, please untie me! I need to pee! I can´t hold it anymore. Please! Hurry!” – he pleaded desperately. ´Shit, that´s what he wanted to tell me before I gagged him.´ - I thought and started to test the keys on the lock, which connected his collar to the chain.

“I wanted to tell you before you gagged me. I should’ve told you before. Can you please hurry, I really can´t hold it any longer! I don´t want to wet myself, please!” – he explained. I didn´t reply to that, I was too much concentrated on finding the right key, which I did pretty fast. I unlocked the lock which connected the collar and the chain and got the right key for the other lock, that connected his handcuffs to the chain, on the first try.

He slumped down immediately, but I could catch him before he fell to the ground. I helped him to his feet again, removed his blindfold and was about to unlock his handcuffs but he pushed my hands aside: “No time for that!” – he said and started hopping to the door, with his hands and feet still in handcuffs. I couldn´t really help him other than to open the door and wait for his return. I sat on my office chair and waited and waited and… But he didn´t come back.
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by lepangolin »

Wow, that's yet another stunning part!
Mark is being very creative, it was fun to "see" Max endure tourment while in need to pee.
I'm glad the story will be longer than planned, I wish it would never end!
I'm thankful you chose to get it written among other important thing, I know that feeling and I think you made the right choice, sometimes it's no use to fight.

Thanks a lot
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Post by Killua »

[mention]lepangolin[/mention] thank you. I'm glad you like it.
I wish it would never end too :lol: I have fun writing it and it's great to see other people like what I wrote for hours. But that story is centered around a specific topic, Maxs past and current problems. That means it has to come to an end, otherwise it might get boring after some time.
Anyway, that does not say, you won't read about those two ever again... there are more stories that can be told about our little TUG obsessed friend. It's the first time he plays this kind of games with someone else... or maybe not? At least, it's the first time he plays them with a close friend and he just started to learn more about ut and explore that unending possibilities of tied up games.
There are still so many mistakes you can do when playing tied up many he has to learn...
You know I wrote that story in Word... it might be possible that under my "Never leave your phone unguarded"-file another one already appeared with a new title, a new topic, some already known character(s)... just waiting to get written :lol:
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Post by Headmistress »


Firstly, I would like to say not to worry about being nervous. I was very nervous too when I first came here and my very first story was pretty terrible because I wrote it in haste, but what you have written here is very good and I really enjoyed it. The more you write, the easier it will get.

My advice is just to go with the flow and just take your story ideas as they come and see where they take you when you write :).

Good luck and I hope to see more stories from you in the future.
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Post by herbie2 »

Anogher great strori. When you countinue??
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Post by Killua »

[mention]Headmistress[/mention] thank you. There will be more stories! I already have two ideas centred around our little Max. But also ideas for some stories which aren´t related to our already known characters.

[mention]herbie2[/mention] I!

It´s time for part 13:

Part XIII:

After about 10 minutes, I got worried he might have hurt himself and started looking for him. I went straight for the bathroom and knocked on the door: “Max? Are you in there? Are you ok?” – I asked.

“Leave me alone!” – he replied sharply but in some kind of sad voice. So it wasn´t hard to guess what happened, especially as you could see some liquid coming out under the door.

“Max, I´m sorry. It´s all my fault. Can I come in?” – I asked.

“No it´s not and also no you can´t. Please, just go away! I wish I would just disappear. I can never look you in the eye again! It´s too embarrassing…” – he said in despair.

“Max, it´s ok. Just let me help you, ok? Locking yourself in there won´t help, you know? Open the door, you can´t stay in there forever.” – I tried persuading him.

“No! I can! I wait until my mom is back and sneak home then.” – he said.

“Even if this could work, what next? Are you going to hide from me forever? I´m still your babysitter, that´s not gonna work!” – I said getting a little bit impatient.

“It will! I´ll lock my door and won´t let you in! Now go away!” – he said completely stubborn.

“Max… come on. Don´t behave like a little kid. I just want to help you.” – I said.

“I am a little kid! And I don´t need your help right now. Just leave me alone already!” – he complained.

There is no way of winning any discussion against that boy. I bumped my head against the door a few times, trying to find a plan for how to get him out. But that only made my head hurt, so not really helpful.

“Max, you know that your plan won´t work, right? You´re still handcuffed and wearing a collar like a little doggy! You can´t sneak away like that and you can´t go to your mom like that either. So, you have to open that door sooner or later anyway.” – I explained, believing it would work.

“Shit. I choose later, then.” – he said, the “shit” wasn´t supposed to be heard, so he said it not very loud.

“That´s not a nice word.” – I said

“Sorry.” – he replied, but still kept the door shut.

“Max, come on! Please! Just tell me what I can do.” – I pleaded.

“It´s ok, Mark. Just leave me alone. You don´t have to care about me anymore. I´m just a pathetic little kid, who can´t even go to the toilet without wetting himself. I guess I deserve that stupid nickname. I´m really ´wetty´.” – he said, getting a really sad voice now.

“Max, that´s enough! Open that door or I´m gonna use the emergency tool for that stupid lock!” – I threatened.

“You know that I´m never gonna talk to you again if you do this?” – he replied.

“Ok, if you want it that way… just give me a second, I need to prepare something.” – I said and went down into the kitchen. I came back with two big bottles of water.

“If you´re not opening the door, then you are the reason that I´m about to wet myself too. I´ve got two bottles of water here and already need the bathroom. If you´re not letting me in, I´ll wet myself.” – I tried to blackmail him:

“I don´t want to be the reason for that, but your plan won´t work. There is another bathroom on the ground floor. So, if you really need to pee you´re going to the other bathroom anyway.” – he explained.

Ok…Maybe that plan wasn´t really thought through. I needed him to open the door voluntarily and therefore I had to show him how much I care about him. Then, I got the idea. It was really risky to do that, but I trusted Max. I was sure he would save me. So, I went back into my room and grabbed another pair of normal handcuffs (those I got from his room previously), a pair of hinged handcuffs, a medium length chain and two padlocks. I also put the keyring on my bed and left it there on purpose.

“What are you doing there? What´s that metallic sound?” – he asked through the still closed door.

“What do you think I´m doing? Just listen closely and you´ll find out.” – I answered, sat down and cuffed my own ankles with hinged handcuffs.

“Are you tying yourself up? Stop that, that´s completely ridiculous!” – he said.

“I´m sure you´ll even find out how I´m gonna tie me up if you listen closely.” – I answered and prepared the handcuffs by locking one end of the chain to the handcuff chain.

“Mark! What are you doing, that sounds not like a good idea. Stop that! That´s totally stupid and I won´t come out just because of that!” – he announced slightly worried.

“I won´t stop as long as you´re not unlocking that door! And you´re right, that´s totally not a good idea, but I´m as stubborn as you are!” – I said, removed my shirt, laid on my stomach and cuffed my hands behind my back while holding the remaining lock in my right hand.

“Mark, as far as I could hear, you have probably cuffed your hands and feet. But why should I open the door because of that?” – he asked.

“First, I left the keys in my room. Second, I also brought a medium length chain, which you should know pretty well.” – I answered, fiddled the chain around the hinged handcuffs, trapping my ankles, and pulled at it, which took out the slack between my hands and feet. It was quite hard to do that myself, but I slowly pulled more and more which cause my back to arch backwards and the handcuffs to dig further into my wrists. To be honest, it hurt quite a lot, but at least it helped me to figure out how he must´ve felt when I tightened his hogtie that much during our game. I could tell that was no surprise that it made him cry when I did this to him. It took quite a while, so he could hear what I was doing there because of all my grunts and the rattling of the chain.

“Mark! Stop that! I know what you are doing. That´s completely insane! Have you lost your mind?? Do you know how much that´s going to hurt you? Stop it, please!” – he said in a very worried kind of voice.

“Sor- aargh, that really hurts. Sorry Max, but I guess I´m stuck now until you let me out.” – I said closing the padlock around the chain, which trapped me in that extremely tight and uncomfortable hogtie.

“You stupid idiot!”- he shouted and yanked the door open. “What have you done, that´s killing your wrists!” – he added and jumped, with his still cuffed legs, over the puddle he had made right behind the door in the bathroom.

It was pretty hard to look up in that position, but I could see the remains of wet streams at his legs and the bottom of his soaked briefs. It made me feel very sorry for him. It had to be one of the most embarrassing things for an 11-year-old to be seen like that. At the same time, I also felt silly lying on the ground like that, looking up at him but still unable to see his face.

He knelt down in front of me, trying to get his knees under my chest to get the pressure off of my wrists like I did when he was trapped in this position. “Are you an idiot? Why are you doing this to yourself?” – he asked angrily.

“I just couldn´t let you lock yourself in there all the time. And you´re right, I really feel like an idiot at the moment, lying on the ground like that.” – I said and looked away from him.

“Oh yes, you are!” – he said and ruffled my hair, which was definitely my move. He just stole my move and I couldn´t do anything against it! “You are caring waaay too much about me. I guess I have to be more careful in the future or you might get yourself killed someday just because you want to help me.” He giggled and continued ruffling and stroking my hair with his still cuffed hands.

“Said the one, who immediately jumped out of the bathroom to help me.” – I added sarcastically.

“Where are the keys? I can´t untie you without them and by the way, you´re getting heavy on my legs.” – he remarked.

“Then just stop supporting my body. I´m way too heavy to get supported by you anyway! The keys are somewhere on my bed.” – I answered.

“Hang in there, I´ll be right back!” – he shouted, got himself to his feet again and started jumping to my room. It was not long before he came back with the keys and shifted his legs under my chest again, even though I told him not to do that. Also, he was still cuffed at his wrists and ankles.

“I´m gonna remove that chain first. There is too much pressure on that cuffs to open them.” – he said and started testing the keys. After about five keys, he finally opened the lock at the handcuff chain. That feeling of relief was incredibly pleasant. I let my legs fall back and my head drop, which wasn´t a great idea because my face touched his wet boxer briefs, but I didn´t care at that moment.

I just rested there for a moment before I said: “Thank you, Max! You really saved me!”

“Not for that. But you know that it´s quite weird having your babysitter resting on your lap? Especially with his face on your pee.” – he remarked with some giggles.

“Ewww, that´s gross. Can you get me out of that cuffs?” – I asked, moving off of his knees.

“I can… but you have to promise a few things first.” – he announced.

“Hey, that´s unfair! I can´t do anything against it!” – I complained, even though I knew that I did the same a few times before.

“Did I ask you to tie yourself up? No, I didn´t. So, be quiet and listen to me!” – he said and continued after a brief moment: “Don´t worry, I won´t ask for something bad or something I know you won´t keep anyway. First, you are never doing something that stupid again! Second, you are never going to tell anybody about my little accident! Third, you… you…ehm… I want… Do you remember our ´cuddle-evenings´ we used to do in the past? I-I kn-know I´m probably too old for that, b-but can we do it again today? I just need that right now? Is that ok for you?” – he demanded harshly first, but asked his third promise really shyly.

He could´ve asked for everything. He could´ve blackmailed me. I couldn´t have done anything against it, I was completely helpless and at his mercy. But he just asked for something, he knew I would never do to him anyway and a “cuddle-evening”. Ok, that´s probably the cutest thing I´ve heard from him since I met him the first time. However, his first request was something I could hardly accept because I really would do everything for him but I had no choice. I promised him what he had requested and he finally untied me. To my surprise, he didn´t untie himself.

“What´s wrong? You´re still cuffed.” – I said, rubbing my wrists.

“I´m still your prisoner, so I won´t untie myself until you tell me to do so.” – he answered. He is really the cutest and most loyal kid in the world. “You are really something.” - I said and hugged him tightly. After that little hug, I took the keys out of his hand and unlocked his normal handcuffs. I put them aside and asked him to give me his feet to unlock the hinged handcuffs, which he did very hesitantly, after all, they were a bit wet too. I kept them away from his normal handcuffs, so I could clean them later.

“You jump right into the shower, kiddo. Leave your underwear in the sink. I´ll bring you something to change from your bag and fresh towels.” – I told him to do, which he did without complaining. While he was in the shower, I brought him his other briefs, dark blue ones this time (he brought only one pair to change, so it would be better to not mess them up too), and some fresh towels. I wondered if it wouldn´t be better if I had removed his collar first, but he told me later that it´s not damaged from the water.

While he was still showering upstairs, I took a brief shower in the bathroom downstairs too. He always needed an eternity in the shower, so I was faster although he started much earlier. It was already quite late, so I just changed into a pair of blue boxer briefs and nothing else too. I always slept that way and I guessed we would look like real brothers this way. I still had some time left until he would finish showering, so I got into the kitchen to prepare something for his little cuddle evening. I prepared him a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies, which I placed on my right bedside table, turned off the light, turned on my bedside lamp and sat on my bed leaning against the headboard. Right in time, he returned about one minute later.

He came slowly and hesitantly in, not daring to watch in my direction, in fact, he just looked on the ground. “Oh come on, Max. What´s wrong?” – I asked.

“It´s just… I don´t know…just too embarrassing. I wet myself in front of you…and even peed on your floor. I don´t know what to do now. I just don´t deserve you as my babysitter and friend.” – he said, his face in deep red.

“Oh crap, I forgot to clean the floor! Max, I need to go and clean the floor and you need to stop feeling that sorry for what you did. Things happen, don´t worry about it.” – I answered and was about to get up when he said: “You don´t have to get up. I have already cleaned it after my shower. Do you really don´t mind having someone around who wet himself like that?” – he asked.

Wow… he cleaned my floor. That came quite unexpected. “If I would mind, do you really think I would have made you some hot chocolate and cookies?” – I said and pointed at them before I continued: “Now get yourself over here! As far as I can remember, I promised you some cuddles or do you prefer standing in that closet again, smeared in tons of itching powder until tomorrow lunch-time instead?” – I asked him mischievously, which made him giggle a little bit but scared him enough to run over and jump onto my bed in fear I might decide to make the threat come true.

He took the tray with his hot chocolate and the cookies on his lap, sat next to me and leaned against my left shoulder and chest, so I could wrap my left arm around him. We sat there like that for a while, he consuming his cookies and hot chocolate, while I stroked and patted his hair with my right hand. I, and I guess he too, enjoyed every minute of it. When he finished his snack, he put the tray aside, turned to the right and cuddled himself onto me.

“Thank you, Mark.” – he whispered. I put my arm around him again and pulled up the blanket a bit further, to keep him warm. He drifted off to sleep for a few minutes, while I slowly stroked his back. It was about 11:45 p.m., shortly before midnight, when he woke up again.

“Mark, thank you. I really needed that.” – he said quietly.

“For you, always! But I nearly thought you would sleep until morning like that.” – I said.

“Ehm… Mark… I… I just thought that… you know… maybe…” – he stammered

I interrupted him: “You want to ask if you can sleep here and not in the guest room?” – I said and he nodded silently.

“Ok, come here” – I said, slid myself further under the blanket, laid down on my pillow and raised the blanket so he could slide further under it too. He laid on his left side, so I was laying behind him and put my arm around him, ready to sleep.

“Ehm… Mark? Would you – “ – he started to say, but was interrupted by me “No! I won´t tie you up overnight!”

“Oh come on, please? I was never tied up overnight before. Please?” – he pleaded. I could probably only decide between discussing with him the whole night, which would end in him getting no sleep at all or tie him up and he would get at least a little bit of sleep.

“Ok… but you´re going to sleep after I tied you up. You WILL let me sleep as long as I want without complaining in the morning and you will do whatever I tell you to do tomorrow. Is that clear?” – I told him authoritatively, which he accepted. I lifted the blanket again, so he could gather something to tie him up with. I told him to get some handcuffs because I was too tired to do some complicated ropework. He came back with two pairs of handcuffs, a normal one and a hinged one.

“Max, no! I won´t tie your ankles with small handcuffs overnight. Get those legcuffs over there.” – I said.

“But the chain is too long then. I could walk around with it and steal your keys. So I wouldn´t feel really tied up!” – he complained.

“Ok, ok… I got your point. Somewhere in my room should be the bag of stuff, which I brought over from your room. I got the cuffs, I tied myself up with, from this bag. There should be another pair of legcuffs in it. If you get the other pair too, I´ll tie you in a comfortable but inescapable way, ok?” – I proposed.

I know, I could´ve locked the keys in my safe but I guessed he would find another excuse to get me to tie him up more strictly. And as long as I could be sure he could sleep and wouldn´t hurt himself overnight, I was satisfied.

“If I feel really tied up, I guess it´s ok then.” – he said and put the bag on my desk, to take those legcuffs out.

“Hey Max, catch!” – I shouted and threw the keyring to him. He caught it and I told him to put it on my desk too. He looked quite irritated but did as he was told and then came back with one pair of normal handcuffs and two pairs of legcuffs. In the meantime, I had sat up with my legs still under the blanket. He sat next to me, put the cuffs in between us and turned around, presenting his hands behind his back.

“No, in front of you, please.” – I commanded.

“Why? That´s too easy. Can you make it a little bit more challenging?” – he asked.

“Max, you are supposed to sleep tonight. I don´t want you to wake up every few minutes because you tugged too much on your cuffs in your sleep. Also, your limbs need some rest after today. I´m not a big fan of tying you up overnight anyway and I do it only because you wanted it so badly and you are sleeping in my bed tonight. If you would sleep in the guestroom, I wouldn´t tie you up at all, because I can´t have an eye on you over there. Can´t you just accept my decision? I promise that you´ll be tied up most of the day tomorrow, so just relax a little bit okay?” – I explained and he finally accepted. ´A tie-up game obsessed 11-year-old, who´s playing his (probably) first tie-up game with someone else, is quite a handful.´ - I thought.

I could understand him a little. It was new to him to do it like that and he wanted to try everything, preferably immediately. I was 11 too some years in the past and I still know how exciting new stuff is when you are that young.

He showed me his hands in front of him and I cuffed them with the ordinary handcuffs. I asked him to put his legs on my lap and cuffed them with the legcuffs.

“And what now? How do you prevent me from running off? Are you trying to cuff me to the bed? There is nothing you could cuff my feet to at the lower end of the bed and if you cuff my hands to the headboard I would tug at it at night. So there is nothing, which is near enough, to cuff me to. The only thing that is near me is… oh… wait… really?” – he said.

“Yep.” – I answered, removed the blanket and told him to lie down in a normal way, so his feet would be near mine. I used the other legcuffs to cuff my left ankle to his right one. Because of the long chain of the legcuffs, he wouldn´t tug at it constantly and he couldn´t run away, at least he had to take me with him. I guess that should have satisfied his wish to be securely tied without any hope to escape.

“Wow, that is so cool. The keys are over there, so close and yet so far. There is no way of getting them without your help, but I´m your prisoner, so I guess you´re not helping me with that. That´s comfortable, strange and scary all together. I mean who would tie his prisoner to himself? I know that sounds strange, but I like the idea to be cuffed to you… you know… I feel kind of safe to know that you are there… and that you can´t leave me alone. Thank you da-… Mark. I love you…ehm not like a girlfriend… like a family member.” – he said and hugged me.

“I love you too. It´s time for bed now. Good night.” – I said, pulled up the blanket, turned off the light and put my arm around him under the blanket. We slept in pretty fast and I was glad I could sleep in as long as I wanted… there is nothing I hated more than to be woken up early on a weekend morning. I had a great dream of some vacation on the beach with my mom, even Max was part of it.

“Mark? Mark?? Come on Mark! It´s already 7am, get up already. I want to know how you´re going to tie me up today, you promised it.” – I heard a childish voice say, opened my eyes and looked right into the face of Max, who was sitting on top of me to wake me up. I turned my head to the left and looked at the alarm clock… 6:52AM. ´He promised to let me sleep… he knows my ordinary mood at early hours…I guess I´m just gonna kill him!´ – I thought when I finally was awake.

So, Part 13 is done. One, maybe two parts left to do, depending on the length. Thanks for reading my story until now. I´m not quite sure if I have to change the tagging of the story. It´s still centred around M/m but I used this very short M/self or m/M occasion this time. Do I have to change it? (EDIT: I changed it, just to get sure)

The next part is going to take a while. I have to finish some papers, I have 4 weeks of time for but I haven´t even started yet and there is only about one and a half week left. So, the next part is following in about 2-3 weeks.

I hope I posted this part not too early. I wanted to wait for everyone to catch up but wasn't sure if I should wait one or two weeks.
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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