R-World-Family Mf/Ff

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R-World-Family Mf/Ff

Post by Sjukdom »

R-World-Family Mf/Ff

R-World is not my invention. It is created by Don Kevin Martin at Deviantart.

I hope you like the story about the family of an ambassador for Europe who is moving to R-World for a year with his wife and three daughters to represent the interests of Europe there. I would be very happy to receive your feedback and suggestions.

R-World-Family - Prologue

“Why R-World, of all places,” Paula exclaimed after George had revealed his plan to her. "This world full of crazy people!"
"The people there are no crazier than the people here and it's only for a year," argued George. “After my return, my career will take a huge leap forward, not to mention all the money they have offered me for this year. We would be rid of our debts for the house in one fell swoop."
"Do you really think it is normal if they force the women there to run around tied up and if you don't, you can expect harsh punishments?"
“That is their culture and it has existed for centuries. Everything is very well-rehearsed and the women wear the shackles as naturally as you wear the cute high-heeled shoes that I like on you. The job is very important. They need an ambassador there to keep in touch with the people there and us. Money aside, it is a great honor to have been chosen by all Europeans from the diplomatic corps. The Americans are already there, and so are the Russians and Chinese. Europe should also have a representation there. That can be important, also for the future of our children. "
“Yes exactly! The children! What about our three daughters? Are they really supposed to grow up in this shocking world where women are so oppressed? "
“You are exaggerating! The women are not really oppressed there. They live as freely as here. They only wear their shackles in public and only on their hands. Besides, our girls don't grow up there. We'll be back in a year. None of them are affected by the law, because it only applies from the age of eighteen. No one requires girls under eighteen to be handcuffed in public. "
"What about me? I have to wear these things! Couldn't they have taken an unmarried man with no children? Why one who has a family with four female and two male members. "
“That's part of the plan. By integrating yourself into this world, we show them respect for its culture. That can bring sympathy to Europe. The others didn't send a family there. "
“ So I'm part of the plan! No, I'm not participating! You can tell them that I won't take part and neither will my children! "
" Okay! If you think so! But here! Check this out!” George reached into his pocket and produced an open envelope. He handed it to Paula. “A bank employee gave it to me today, this morning when I was trying to get another delay for the loan at the bank. Darn it! We took a huge toll on the construction and that's partly your fault. You kept deviating from the plan, wanted everything to be bigger, more beautiful and therefore much more expensive. "
Paula took the letter out of the envelope and reads it briefly. "They canceled our loan and ... They want us to move out by the end of the month?"
"Yes, so it is! The diplomatic job in R-World is the only salvation. I get two hundred thousand Euros as an instant payment. The loan is now easily covered and we can keep the house. But fine if you don't want to? You can already start packing. I'll let my boss know that I can't do the job. "
George took the cell phone from the charging station on the luxurious breakfast bar in the huge kitchen that his wife had wanted. He already dials.
“No, wait! Let's talk about it first. Do we have to decide so quickly. Shouldn't we sleep on it first?” Paula interjected.
George stopped the call, but kept the phone in his hand. “I have to make up my mind today, otherwise another family will get the job. Mr. Large is expecting my answer today. I'm supposed to sign the new employment contract tomorrow. I made it in a hurry with the immediate payment and this week there will be no more talk of our house being seized. "
George looked at his wife. You could see the struggle she was waging with herself. Finally she read the letter from the bank manager in her hand again. "All right!" She said finally. "When should it start?"
“In six weeks, at the end of the summer vacation. Then school begins in R-World in the other Berlin there. However, I suggest that we get there two weeks earlier, at August 15 maybe, so that we can acclimatize. "

R-World-Family - Chapter 1 - Preparations

George looked for his wife, who stepped into the kitchen unit from the dining area where the whole family was sitting for breakfast. She had chooses this morning, to dress particularly erotically. She was such a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties with long blonde hair. Now she was wearing the red mini dress, which fitted so tightly to her wonderful figure and the hem of the skirt ended just above her crotch. He also loved it when she wore dark nylon tights on her wonderful long legs and red pumps with needle heels on her feet. She had chosen exactly this outfit this morning. The whole thing seemed even more exciting to him than usual, because today he had clicked those handcuffs on her hands for the first time and tied her hands behind her back, which he had obtained at her request. “I have to practice this!” She had said. "There are only three weeks left!"
Now she went to the fully automatic coffee machine and tried to put the cup under it, his cup, because she had insisted on refilling it for him. Several times she tried in vain and the cup almost slipped out of her Hand. But she managed to stretch her hands so far behind her back, at least, that she could place them under the coffee machine spout. She gave to the cup a little nudge with her finger and then it stood perfectly. She had to twist even more, but then she was able to pull the shutter release button. The machine did its job.
"Shouldn't I help you?" asked George.
“Don't dare you! There I have to be able to do that without your help! "
While Paula was waiting until the coffee mug was full, George looked at his children. All four of them stared spellbound at their mother in the kitchenette. They didn't say a word and that was rather unusual at the breakfast table, where four siblings could argue violently. There was Maria, his eldest. She had turned thirteen a few weeks ago. You could see that one day she would be as pretty as her mother. She too had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Jan was eleven years old and a cheeky rascal who liked nothing more than to annoy his sisters. His mouth was open in amazement at the clumsy activity of his bound mother. Jennifer was only nine and would be in fourth grade of elementary school after the vacation. The youngest one was Selma. She had turned five in the spring and was still in kindergarten.
Now Paula was back at the breakfast table. She dropped to her knees and managed to put the coffee mug on the table next to her husband without spilling anything. "Thanks!" he said, while she sat down again on the chair next to him.
“Please, I want a drink too! But please be careful, the coffee is hot.” Now the four children watched as their father fed their mother, because with her hands tied behind her back she could not eat breakfast on her own.
"Don't you want to practice that too, Maria?" Jan asked his older sister provocatively. "In R-World you have to let dad or me feed you too."
"Why is that? I thought a girl had to be eighteen before she had to have her hands tied”, Marie interjected and looked questioningly at her father.
“Stop worrying your sisters, Jan! The law only applies from eighteen. Girls among them are not affected. "
“But I did some research on the Internet. Girls of Marie's age don't have to be tied up. But they are being prepared for having to wear shackles from their eighteenth birthday,” the boy contradicted. “This is practiced in schools and even in kindergarten and the older the girls get, the more often and longer they are tied up in class. The boys should, however, practice being polite to the tied up girls."
"That doesn't affect your sisters, Jan!" interjected Paula. “We'll be back in a year. It is not necessary for them to practice this mischief here,” his mother interjected.
"Right! Completely correct!“ agreed George. “But now that's the end of this topic. Don't we want to enjoy the beautiful day better today? What do you think of a visit to the zoo? "
"Oh yes!" exclaimed Selma and clapped her hands together in delight. "I want go into the petting zoo!"
"Then get ready! We're going in half an hour!” said George. "But first you have to clear the table."
“No, just leave them go. I need to get practice! Already forgotten?” Paula contradicted.

Paula hadn't finished putting the dishwasher in when Marie was back. Paula was just putting a plate in it, when Marie hesitantly asked: “Do you think it's true, mom? Do I have to be handcuffed there in school?"
“I cannot imagine that they would ask that of you. But Jan is right. When I think about what a shock this is to me ... I never thought it would be so difficult to do simple household chores with my hands tied, or even not to panic. That costs me a lot of strength. It is only logical that there in R-World they slowly introduce the girls to the day of their eighteenth birthday, in school or even in kindergarten. "
“Do you think I can lock myself out there and then be the only girl in class who doesn't wear shackles? - How am I supposed to find friends there? "
“You have to know that yourself! Just wait and see what's in store for you!"
“No, I want to practice that now too. Do you think dad can tie my hands too? Does he have more than one of these handcuffs. "
“Do you really want that? Believe me, this is horrible and I only do it because there is no other way. I really hope I get used to it. I'm only doing this for your dad, for his career, for our house, and for you, my children. Better let it be because I have to, you don't! - Later your dad will free me and then we'll go to the zoo together. I can't wait to get out of these cuffs. "
"Oh mom! Can't I visit Sibille instead? I have so little opportunity to see her. Who knows if after our year in R-World she hasn't looked for another best friend. "
“Because we're going to be leaving soon, I want the family to go to the zoo together again. You can visit Sibille tomorrow. "
"Please mom!- The Carlsons are going on vacation for three weeks on Saturday. In addition, there is surely a zoo in the other Berlin. "
“Yes, but I have to go there with my hands tied. You're coming with us today and that's that."
"Oh mom! What am I supposed to do in the zoo! I've been there a thousand times. Jenifer and Selma only want to go to the petting zoo anyway and cannot be taken away from there. That’s absolutely boring."
"Okay! If you really want! We'll drop you off at the Carlsons on the way to the zoo. On the way back we will take you back with us. "
“Thanks mom! You're the best!"

Maria stepped into Sibille's room unusually excited. She quickly closed the door behind her. "I have to tell you something. My mother is already training and was tied up at breakfast today, with handcuffs on her back. My father had to feed them like a little baby. "
"Oh Wow! How did she feel about it? How did that work exactly?”asked Sibille, Maria's best friend. They were both almost at the same age and went to the same class at the Alexander-von- Humbolt High School. Sibille was not as slim as Maria and also a little smaller and less developed than her friend. She had just been lying on the pillow on the bed with the smartphone in front of her, playing some online game. Now she jumped up.
“She felt very uncomfortable. But it was a very strange feeling, to see her. I wished…” Sibille was dressed quite casually. It was summer and it could get really hot in Berlin. She wore a light, very short summer dress that was almost white with red stripes, but no shoes. Her friend was similarly lightly dressed in an almost identical dress, the hem of the skirt falling very close to the thighs.
"What have you wished for?” asked Sibille"
"I have wished, I would be my mother and had her handcuffs on me. - Sibille, can you find out something about R-World for me on your laptop? "
Sibille went to her desk and opened the laptop that her father had given her when he had bought a newer, faster one. "What do you want to know?"
“Something about everyday school life there. But could you… Well, I mean… Could you tie my hands behind my back with this ones?” Maria held out silver handcuffs to Sibille.
"Wow! Where did you get that from? Is that your mother's?” asked Sibille and took the handcuffs.
"Yes! I got the cuffs from the table in our kitchen when we left. My mother put them there after my father freed them. I pretended I had to go back to the house because I forgot my cell phone. That is the key!" She holds up a little key and hands it to her friend.
“What if your parents notice? You're going to get yourself into a lot of trouble”, Sibille replied and let the handcuffs snap shut and opened them again immediately with the key.
“They're all in the zoo. They pick me up here around five o’ clock. I can find a way to cover them without them noticing. - Come on!” Maria turned her back to Sibille and put her hands behind her.
"Do you really want that?"
"Devinitly! I have to practice like my mother too! "
"All right!" It clicked several times when Sibille handcuffed her friend's hands behind the back. Maria immediately played with them and tried to see how much room they gave her. Maria's eyes got a strange sheen.
"But I thought that a girl has to be eighteen years old before she is forced to keep her hands tied there all the time," Sibille interjected and watched Marie with fascination.
“That's right! But today I learned that school is probably being practiced for the big day and I don't want to be seen as an outsider. Please be so kind as to find out more about school life in R-World. I have to know that."
"As you like!" Agreed Sibille and sat down at her laptop again. She quickly found what she was looking for on the Internet. Maria looked over her shoulder when Sibille called out again: "Wow!"
“There is a school subject, that really means bondage?” asked Maria.
“Well, you can see that! Can I try the handcuffs on, too? "
"But you don't even have to move to R-World!"
"Yes, but I'm starting to envy you for it!" Sibille looked at her friend, who almost unconsciously struggled with the handcuffs and occasionally even closed her eyes with relish. “Are you sure you are not adopted? Didn't you say your mother was very uncomfortable in the handcuffs? But you seem to enjoy it a lot! "
“It's a really, really, really nice feeling! I don't understand how my mother can't like that. Father looked at her today as he hadn't for a long time. He liked my tied mother very much. Do you think I'm a ... Masoch ... Masoch ... What's that called again? "
“Masochist!” Replied Sibille, named after stories by Leopold Sacher-Masoch. “Yes, I think that's you, and so am I.” The girls had read a lot about it on the Internet for the occasion.
"It's very different than when you tie me up with your nylon tights," stated Maria.
“We could do that now. One of us ties the other really tight. Then she ties her feet and legs and then we have ... "
"The handcuffs!" Finished Marie. “But what do we do with the key? If it is easy to get, then that is not a real bondage. "
"We'd have to put it somewhere where we'd have a hard time getting to when we're tied up," replied Sibille, already opening the cupboard drawer where she kept a lot of nylon tights.

To be continued
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Post by Tugger90 »

Ah I've heard of R-World before, not in awhile, hope you continue it you have a fun cast here
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