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Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:03 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
iliketights wrote: 4 years ago
JohnJSchmidt wrote: 4 years ago Hope there is an Update soon!
Hi John,
Thanks so much for the suggestions you sent to me. The full-body tights idea is amazing. I might have to purchase some!

I think it's safe to say that these three sisters are going to have some adventures with something like that.


Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:14 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
The wait is killing me

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:10 pm
by RopemanSteve
Really hoping the next chapter is on the way :)

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:55 pm
by sagitarium
Really love this story

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:07 am
by RopemanSteve
Almost forgot this story!

iliketights, are you going to give us another chapter?

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:03 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
Just revisited this story today. I hope it gets an ending or an extra chapter

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:49 pm
by iliketights
sagitarium wrote: 4 years ago Really love this story

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:50 pm
by iliketights
RopemanSteve wrote: 4 years ago Almost forgot this story!

iliketights, are you going to give us another chapter?
Coming up, in about five minutes!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:50 pm
by iliketights
JohnJSchmidt wrote: 4 years ago Just revisited this story today. I hope it gets an ending or an extra chapter
On its way!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:54 pm
by iliketights
Three Sisters, part 14

Of course, Marie spent the entire night totally encased in multiple layers of nylon, not to mention bound into almost complete immobility, unable to speak, see, or move for eight hours. Her sisters were almost afraid to release her in the morning. But, rather than raining her wrath down upon her younger sisters, she seemed refreshed and, almost, happy? It was almost disappointing to Erin and Amanda that their attempts to punish their sister had turned into a reward. It's hard to punish someone who enjoys the punishment!

A week later, Amanda brought her sisters into her room.

"What's up?" they asked.

"I need to borrow your credit card, Marie. You're the only one of us who has one. I'll pay you back somehow," Amanda said.

Marie laughed. "Oh yeah, I'll hand my credit card over to my little sis," she said sarcastically. "Dream on."

"It's nothing bad, I promise. I just want to get ... something I saw ..."

"Oh for heaven's sake. Spit it out. I haven't got all day."

Instead of replying, Amanda went to her computer and maximized the window she had previously minimized. Erin and Marie both gasped. "No way!" Erin exclaimed. "Is that ... like it covers your whole body?"

"Yeah," answered Amanda. It's called a full body-stocking. It even covers your hands and your head."

Photo: What Erin and Marie saw on Amanda's computer:

"I want one too!" Erin practically shrieked. "I'm the one who gave you two the idea for encasement."

"I want one too!" Marie said. "But how much does it cost? Hmm, I can't really afford three of them. You two don't deserve my hard-earned money anyway. No, I'm buying this for myself. You two are out of luck."

"No fair!" Amanda whined. "I'm the one who found it! I told you I would pay you back eventually."

"OK, OK, don't have a fit. I'll buy it and we'll take turns. We'll even let you wear it first, Amanda. Provided, of course ..."

"I don't like the sound of this."

"Provided, we get to thoroughly tie you up after you put it on."

"Absolutely no way!" Amanda insisted. "You're going to leave me tied up all night long, like we did to you. But you deserved it."

"True, true," Marie said. "OK, I promise you won't be tied up for more than three hours. That's not so bad, is it? If you let us tie you up, you won't even have to pay me back for buying the body-stocking."

Amanda mulled it over. "Deal!" she said.

"Mind if I use your computer?" Marie asked.

"Go right ahead! Thank you Marie! I'm going to love it!"

Marie entered her credit card number and address.

"There," she said. "Now all we have to do is wait for it to arrive."

All three girls practically squealed in anticipation.

What could possibly go wrong?

To be continued ...

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:25 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
Ugh! I love it! Now just for the next chapter. Fantastic!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:10 am
by RopemanSteve
Dang, way to leave us hanging! lol, great story.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:10 am
by RopemanSteve
Dang, way to leave us hanging! lol, great story.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:40 am
by Caesar73
So glad you continued this Story! And that Cliffhanger is really really good!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:14 pm
by slackywacky
Yippee! Another chapter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:36 pm
by iliketights
Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate them.

Does anyone know the way to post a picture so that it's visible even if you're not logged in? I thought I've seen it done before.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:06 pm
by Solarbeast
As far as I know, we do not allow photos to be visible to guests or anyone who is not a member of the site, and who isn't logged in. This is just in case some randoms on the internet decide that our site is against what they believe and want to take it down in some way.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:14 pm
by iliketights
Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago As far as I know, we do not allow photos to be visible to guests or anyone who is not a member of the site, and who isn't logged in. This is just in case some randoms on the internet decide that our site is against what they believe and want to take it down in some way.
Oh, thanks. That makes sense.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:41 pm
by iliketights
Three Sisters, part 15

It felt like it was taking forever for the body stocking to arrive, especially to Amanda, who had the privilege of trying it on first. Amanda was the only one among the three sisters who had yet to experience total nylon encasement. Although she had seemingly agreed with reluctance to also be tied up after putting it on, she was secretly looking forward to that too.

Photo: Amanda impatiently checking the website after school to see if her body stocking is on the way.


Finally, the package arrived. She nearly leaped for joy when Erin walked by her room and tossed a package onto Amanda’s bed.

“Is it …” she asked, almost bursting with excitement.

“Yep,” Erin replied. “Mom asked what it is. I made up a little lie. Is it terrible to lie to Mom?”

“Who cares?” Amada squealed as she began to tear open the package.

“Hold on there kiddo. You can look at it, but don’t put it on yet. Mom’s going on another business trip tomorrow. You’ve waited this long. One more day won’t kill you.”

“Oh, OK. Here, keep it for me until tomorrow. I won’t be able to resist it if you leave it here.”

The next day, the girls’ mom said goodbye and told them to behave. Little did she know.

As soon as their dad went downstairs to his home office, Amanda dashed upstairs. “I’m going to go to the bathroom. Bring the package to my room,” she called to Erin.

A few minutes later, Erin walked into Amanda’s room and found her little sister stripped down to bra and panties.

“Well, someone sure is eager!” Erin said as she tossed the body stocking to her sister. She had removed it from the box, but it was still wrapped clear plastic. Amanda tore it open and pulled out the body stocking.

“Oh, it feels so soft!” she said as she sat on the bed and started to pull it up over her toes. After several minutes, with a little help from Erin because she was having problems with the zipper behind her back, Amanda was fully encased with tight-fitting opaque nylon from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Each of her fingers were encased by the stretchy material, because the ends of the arms had been sewn to resemble gloves.

“How does it feel?” Erin asked.

“Great! It’s like wearing my school tights, but all over my body!”

“Well, you two didn’t waste much time, did you? I almost missed all the fun.” Marie said as she walked in Amanda’s bedroom.

“Hi Marie!” Amanda said. “What do you think?”

“I’m so jealous that you got to try it first, but you look great! There’s one improvement I can think of, though,” Marie said as she walked behind Amanda and lowered the zipper behind her. She uncovered her sister’s head. Before Amanda could ask what Marie was doing, Marie stuffed a balled-up sock into her mouth. A pair of Marie’s old tights from her accumulated stash was pulled tightly between Amanda’s lips, preventing her from spitting out the sock. The ends of the tights were wrapped around her head twice, pulled taught again, and knotted behind her head. Before Amanda could even process in her mind what had just happened, Marie had again pulled the nylon hood portion of the body stocking over her head and re-zipped it.

“I seem to recall that you were tied with rope last time. Would you like to experience duct tape this time, or do you want rope again?” Marie asked as she held up a roll of duct tape in one hand and rope in the other.

Amanda mumbled something through her gag.

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand you. You’re going to have to point.”

Amanda pointed to the duct tape. Although her head was encased, she could see just well enough to make out the items in her sister’s hands.

“Excellent. Duct tape it is. Now turn around and put your arms behind your back.”

Amanda soon found her arms practically welded together by tape that tightly encircled her wrists and elbows. More tape made circuits around her upper body, lashing her arms securely against her back. Marie helped Amanda sit on her bed. Amanda was expecting her legs to be taped together, but that wasn’t what Marie had in mind. At least not yet. Marie put Amanda’s slippers on her stockinged feet.

“What are you doing?” Erin asked. “Why does she need slippers?”

“I don’t want the new body stocking to get dirty when she walks outside.”

“Outside???” Erin and Amanda both exclaimed in unison, although only Erin’s voice was intelligible.

“Well, yeah, I’m going to make her walk. She’s pretty small, but we all are. I don’t think we could easily carry her down the stairs without us all taking a nasty fall.”

“I thought we were just going to leave her tied up in her bedroom for a while! Where are you planning to put her?”

“In the back of Dad’s truck,” Marie said, as if it were the most natural place in the world to place one’s bound and gagged little sister.

“Dad’s truck? Why?” Erin asked, while Amanda was frantically shaking her head in a protesting gesture.

“I thought it would be cool if she were taken for a ride. You know, to give her the experience of being kidnapped. Doesn’t that sound exciting?”

“Well … yeah, I guess it kind of does,” Erin said. “Maybe you could do that to me when it’s my turn to wear the body stocking. But … if only you weren’t such a terrible driver, Marie.”

“Wait a minute,” Marie protested. “You know very well that I’ve only been in two accidents since I got my license. Nobody got hurt either time.”

“Yeah, plus one speeding ticket and one ticket for texting while driving. If you hadn’t flirted with the police officer, your license would have been revoked.”

“He was kind of cute, now that you mention it. I kind of wish he had handcuffed me …”

“Marie! You’re terrible! But back to the topic at hand, we can’t make her walk like this out to the truck! What if Dad sees her like this?”

“Well, he’s already seen you encased in tights and bound with tape. He knows we’re weird. Besides, I think he’s busy. He’ll be in his office for a while. Come on, you said yourself that it sounds exciting!”

Despite Amanda’s gagged protests, her sisters escorted her out of her bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, and to the front door. Their dad, much to Amanda’s relief, was nowhere to be seen.

“I still don’t know about taking her outside,” Erin said. “What if someone sees her?”

“Oh, stop being such a Nervous Nelly. It’s not like we live on Main Street or something. Look,” she said while opening the front door. “This is one of the advantages of country living. No one’s coming. Let’s go.”

Amanda definitely didn’t want to step outside, dressed as she was in only her underwear and body stocking, while gagged and with her upper body bound with duct tape. There was little she could do, though, since she was being prodded along by two older sisters. Fortunately, they arrived at the truck without being seen. Any hopes she had of riding in semi-comfort in the cab of the pickup were dashed when Marie opened the camper shell and lowered the tailgate.

“You’re not going to put her back here, are you?” Erin asked in surprise, echoing Amanda’s thoughts on the matter.

“Well, duh, of course I am. People could see her like this if she rode up front! And what’s wrong with the back, anyway? It’s not like it’s an open-bed truck. Look how nice I am - I even put her sleeping bag back here. Let’s get this abduction underway,” Marie said. The two of them helped (forced?) Amanda into the back of the truck and placed her on top of the unzipped, spread-open sleeping bag. Marie removed Amanda’s slippers. Out came the roll of duct tape, and soon Amanda’s legs were lashed together by tape around her ankles and above and below her knees. Finally, Marie covered her with the top of the sleeping bag and zipped it closed around her. Only Amanda’s head was visible now, well … not exactly visible. Her head wasn’t covered by the sleeping bag, but it was still encased in a tight-fitting blend of nylon and spandex.

Marie closed the tailgate and the shell door. Amanda had a moment of panic. She was, after all, encased in a body stocking, arms and legs bound with unyielding tape, gagged, zipped into a sleeping bag, and abandoned in the back of a truck. Who wouldn't panic under these conditions? Eventually panic subsided, however. This isn’t so bad, she thought. It’s downright cozy! Her struggles in panic became squirming with pleasure. Maybe Marie IS capable of having a good idea sometimes!

To be continued ...

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:34 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
Wow the wait has been so worth it. I love it!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:34 pm
by TightsBound
I’m so glad to see you writing again. We’ve missed these sisters and their antics. Can’t wait for more!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:58 pm
by iliketights
TightsBound wrote: 4 years ago I’m so glad to see you writing again. We’ve missed these sisters and their antics. Can’t wait for more!
Thanks TightsBound!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:02 pm
by iliketights
JohnJSchmidt wrote: 4 years ago Wow the wait has been so worth it. I love it!
Thanks JohnJSchmidt! I hope Amanda enjoys her pretend kidnapping.

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:16 pm
by JohnJSchmidt
Hope so. Hopefully the sisters do more!

Re: Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) parts 1-15

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:38 pm
by iliketights
Three Sisters, part 16

"I need to make a couple phone calls," Erin said as she knocked on the back window. "Have a fun kidnapping, Amanda!" she said and then ran back into the house. Amanda could do little more than nod her head. She was already having fun.

"Just a couple minutes, Amanda," Marie said when they were alone. "Then you'll be on your way."

Don't you mean we'll be on our way? Amanda wondered.

A moment later, their dad emerged from the house and approached Marie, who was still standing at the back of the truck.

Oh no! I don't want Dad to see me like this! Amanda thought as she scrunched down further in her sleeping bag.

He kissed Marie on the forehead and said goodbye.

What? No! Dad's taking the truck and Marie is staying home? No! This isn't what's supposed to happen! Marie! Marie! Help me! Tell Dad I'm back here!

Amanda instantly went from hoping her dad wouldn't see her to hoping he would! But it was too late. Her dad got in the truck, slammed his door, and started the engine. There was no way he could hear his youngest daughter's gagged pleas for help now.

Amanda pleaded for her sister to help, but Marie simply waved at her with a huge grin on her face, turned, and walked back in the house. Amanda screamed in frustration as the truck began its journey to an unknown destination.

Oh no! I'm being kidnapped ... by my own father! And he doesn't even know it!

To be continued ...