Your new sister, bro.(f/m)part 30 (ff/m) added (ffff/m) (mmmm/fff) 31 finished

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Post by Boocola »

This comment is getting me emotional, I thought the 4th wall break, the bullying and the long set up to the rope bondage punishment, as well as all the comic book antics was getting tedious for readers, I can continue believe it or not I sort of like the diva I made of Tory Vic on WWE 2K18.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor shows up at the park at noon with his skateboard, he could not see Boocola. All he saw was two girls playing at the playground at the park. One looked like she could be Sixteen, she looks Japanese. The other one looks to be around ten yours old, brown hair in pigtails. They both are wearing matching tank tops and shorts. The younger one looks at Victor and the older one called someone on her cellphone.

"I didn't think you would show..." Victor heard Boocola's voice behind him "... glad you could make it."
"Where did you come from?" Victor asked.
"Does it matter." Boocola said looking around the park as he replied to Victor's question.
"Not really..." Victor said. "...ready to learn."
"Really..." Boocola said lookimg Victor up and down. "...if you say so."
"Where shall I start." Victor said confused, wondering if his cargo shorts and shirt was proper, he was carrying his skateboard.
"Okay..." Boocola said looking at the two girls in the playground. "...Theresa watch August!" He yelled as the Japanese girl waved at him. "Have you stretched?'
"No." Victor said.
"Very important..." Boocola said as he started stretching. "Stretch your legs like this." He stretched out his legs to one side then the other, bending his knee as the other one is straight, then vice versa.
"Okay." Victor said as he set his skateboard down, started stretching like Boocola, swaying from one side to the other. "There." He smiled.
"Good." Boocola said with a smirk. "You ready for a run."
"Yeah..." Victor said. "...what about my skateboard."
"It will be fine..." Boocola said as he started to jog. " coming."
"Yes." Victor started to jog catching up to Boocola as they jogged around the park, he started approaching his skateboard. "Can we stop?" Victor asked.
"One more..." Boocola said. " have enough steam."
"I think..." Victor said. "...I do." He said forcing air out of his lungs.
"You better be sure." Boocola said. "I can't have you passing out before training start."
"Yeah, I am sure." Victor said secretly trying to impress Theresa.
"Okay..." Boocola said. "...keep up."
"I am." Victor said as Boocola ran faster. "Hey, no fair." Victor ran faster to keep up, until they reached his skateboard.
"Nice one kid." Boocola as he stopped looked at Victor placing his hands on his hips as Victor tries to catch his breath. "You ready."
"No wait." Victor said taking some more breaths.
"Do you think your enemy is going to give you time to take your breath." Boocola said. "It doesn't matter, take your time."
"Okay..." Victor said still breathing heavily. "...I'm ready."
"Cross your arms over your chest..." Boocola instructed as Victor did the same thing. "...sweep downward quickly." Boocola demonstrated by swing his arm downward."I call this a downward bock." Victor did what Boocola did.
"Doesn't seem to hard." Victor said.
"Don't forget to breath..." Boocola said with a smirk. "...very important." He said as Victor breathed. "Now seeing you arm out to the side..." Boocola swung his forearm outward. "...I call this an outside block." Victor mimicked Boocola, then breathed. "Now turn your arm up, raising your forearm over your head." Boocola said turning his arm, moving his forearm over his head. "I call this a raising block." Victor mimicked Boocola again. "Finally move arm to sweep inward." Boocola swung his arm to pivot his forarm diagonal. "I call this an inside block." Victor swung his arm like Boocola. "Now the other side and breath." Boocola did those moves on the other side, faster and quicker as he kept going, then stopped, Victor stopped as well. "I didn't tell you to stop."
"But I thought..." Victor said breathing hard. "...I was copying you."
"Yes, I know..." Boocola said. "...I got to set up your next training course, now practice right side sweeping block, outside block, raising block and inside block, and switch, remember to breathe..." Boocola said as he walked away. "... very important."

Victor practice the blocks over and over again until it became tedious. He spots the Japanese girl walking past him picking up his skateboard, she looked at it and then rested it against a tree. Victor wanted to stop, but Boocola never said stop. He could see that the younger girl out of the corner of his eye. She is staring at him intently, with her brown eyes just like Boocola. His arms are starting to get tired, but he kept going.

"Okay Victor, yammy." Victor heard Boocola say, then he heard the little girl laugh.
"That mean stop..." She giggled. "...silly."
"August." Boocola said to the girl.
"Sorry Daddy." August said as she ran off as Victor stopped practicing his arm felt like jello.
" When am I going to learn to strike?" Victor asked as he turned around to talk to Boocola.
"When your ready." The Japanese girl replied instead of Boocola.
"Theresa..." Boocola said. "...go watch your sister."
"Yes father." Theresa said to Boocola.
"They're sisters?" Victor asked as he looks at Boocola standing in front of a barrel of water.
"Don't worry about them..." Boocola said gesturing to the barrel of water. "...worry about water."
"What?" Victor asked. "What about the water?"
"Your going to hit the waters surface." Boocola said. "Until I say stop."
"Are you actually going to say stop this time." Victor asked.
"I never said I was going to tell you to stop." Boocola said. "Now try to stay dry."

Victor hit the water in the barrel, he kept hitting the surface the water went up splashing his face. He kept hitting the surface of the water, not knowing why he's doing it. He concentrats on hitting the water, Scott would really make fun of him for looking really stupid. He looks up to see Theresa and August sparing with each other with Boocola supervising. August can move quickly with spinning legs, he sees Theresa block with a push out that blocked the kick. Theresa strikes, August blocks with an inside block spinning her back fist, Theresa did an outside block. Boocola looked at him, Victor continued this pointless exercise.

"Okay Victor you can stop." Boocola said thirty minutes later.
"It's about time..." Victor said. "...what was the point of this exercise." He walked over table and slammed his hand down on the Surface breaking the table.
"Oh that's gonna be expensive." Boocola said.
"I had no idea I can do that." Victor said.
"Welcome to your first steps..." Boocola said. "... into a much larger world."

Victor learned all kinds of hand strikes, knive hand, ridge hand, palm heels, knuckle punches and hammer fist. Learned different styles of kickd, snap kicks, thrust kicks, side kicks, round house kicks, and bicycle kicks. After an hour of learning, he was instructed to practice. He was a good skater, so the moves became easier. He was still missing something, he couldn't figure out what it is.

"I feel like I'm ready..." Victor said to Boocola. "... what am I missing."
"Practice and experience..." Boocola said. "...I Never would encourage you to fight." He looked down. "You have to judge got yourself..." He looked at his daughters. " your going to use this knowledge." He looked in Victor's eyes. "You may feel your ready..." He said. "...but your not, so I don't want you to get hurt."
"I don't understand." Victor said.
"In time you will..." Boocola said. "...I have one more thing I want to show you."
"Not another tedious task." Victor said.
"Nope, try this." Boocola said as he stepped back, did a round house to one side then spun leaped up knee up spinning bicycle kick to the other side. "Now you try."
"Okay." Victor said as he did the round house swinging his leg to the side, but couldn't shuffle his feet for the spining bicycle kick. "I can't."
"You will..." Boocola said. " took me awhile." Boocola looked at his daughters. "We are going swimming in one of the complex pools, there is a training technique I want to show you." Boocola said as he walked towards his girls. "Keep practicing."

Victor watched Boocola and his daughters get into a car. Boocola drove off back to the apartment complex. He grabbed his skateboard and rode it back to the apartment complex. He need to figure out how he is going to hide the physical changes to his body. He got home drank the pinnapple smoothie his sister made for him.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor is standing in line at the bank with a gift for his sixteenth birthday from his grandma. The cash he found in the card is going into Tory's account. Since his sister Vicki had him change names on his account from Victor to Tory. He has to dress up like Tory, he is wearing a blue sundress and nude pantyhose with blue heels. His sister made him become more fashion oriented.

Ten minutes later Victor finally got to the front of the line. He thought about the training technique Boocola showed him to practice in water whenever he can. It was also a good idea to hit the water. Boocola told him he saw a documentary on monks training someone by having him hit water. When he visited his family he got mad and hit and broke the table. That was yesterday. Today is Monday and he is at the bank depositing his birthday money. Even though his birthday is not for two weeks, the day after the prom he is going to with Scott.

"Next customer." Victor heard a beautiful teller say.
"Hi." Victor said as he approached. "I want to deposit this fifty dollars in my account..." Victor handed the fifty dollars to the teller. "...please."
"Yes ma'am..." The teller said as she took the money. "...what is the name on the account."
"Vic..." Victor said almost using his name he paused. "...Tory Vic." He looked around nervously, he just wanted to get out of a public place while dressed like a girl.
"Is Victor Garcia..." The teller said his name when he opened the account. "...still around."
"Yes..." Victor said without looking at the teller, he still looking around, he sees people waiting in line, people sitting in chairs waiting to see the bankers in the cubicles. "...he's my brother." He says seeing three men enter the bank with tactical gear on under trench coats, he got a bad feeling in his gut. He looked back at the teller with his eyes starting to tear up.
"Okay here you go..." The teller noticed the change in Victor's eyes. "...what's wrong?"
"Uhm..." Is all Victor could say as his ears sensed one of the men in tactical gear walking behind him tests dropped from his eyes. "...too late." He felt a barrel of a pistol at the side of he his head and a hand on his shoulder.
"Place all the money in your register in a bag and hand it to her..." The man said. "...or you will be cleaning her off your window."
" Everybody get on the ground..." Victor heard the other two men yell as the teller bagged the money as quickly as as can. " one play hero and we will be out of here in less than ninty seconds."
"All the tellers bag money..." The man with the pistol to Victor's head demanded "...hand it to this girl." The first teller handed the bag to Victor, who grabs the bag, the he was forced to move down to grab bags of money from the tellers, tears falling down his face, then he grabbed the last bag. "Congratulations..." The man said as he took the bags from Victor. "...your earned your life back." He headed towards the door. "Okay, let's go." The three men ran out of the bank.
"What the..." Victor said as his legs went numb and he fell to the ground. "...hell just happened."

Victor felt dizzy as a woman tried to comfort him. Moments later police officers asked him questions, he said he was on auto pilot. The detective in charge said that Victor saw them enter the bank on the video playback. The robbers had no masks on, but something blocked out thier faces from the video cameras.

"All I saw was there tactical gear under the trench coats." Victor said.
"Then tell me why you were looking around nervously?" The detective asked.
"I don't know..." Victor said. "...all I wanted to do is get deposit my birthday money and go home."
"You know what I think..." The detective grabbed his handcuffs. "...I think you were involved." He waved the handcuffs in front of his face. " You know what these are?"
"Yes." Victor said looking down.
"If you don't tell me the truth..." The detective said. "...I will arrest you as an accessory." The bank was cleared of patrons. There was only cops.
"I stream video games dressed as a girl..." Victor said "...I changed the name on this account to Tory Vic." He looked at the detective. "I dressed like this to deposit my birthday money into my account under the name Tory Vic."
"What is your real name?" The detective asked.
"Victor Garcia." Victor said.
"Your free to go..." The detective said handing Victor his card. "...if you remember anything give me a call."

Victor walked out of the bank and walked home to try to stream his game play. He was nervous when he got home. He opened the fridge got the green apple smoothie his sister made for him. He walked to his room to set up his stream and started playing drinking his smoothie.

About thirty minutes into his stream, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the bank. His emotions was getting the better of him. He's trying keep them in check. He finished drinking his smoothie, his sister said these smoothies we're supposed to help him relax. He thinks it depends on the circumstance he needs help relaxing from. Having a pistol at your head wasn't one of them. He broke down crying in the stream and went to the restroom.

Victor went back into his room to end his stream. He received alot of donations asking what is wrong. Even Scott made a donation, asking what is wrong. Victor didn't want to talk about it. Not with Scott and not with Boocola not even with his sister. He kept playing in the stream hoping playing the game would help him forget.

Two hours later

Victor heard his sister get home and open up her birthday letter. Vicki got excited that she received birthday money.

"So where is my money?" Vicki asked standing at Victor room doorway.
"What do you mean?" Victor replied to Vicki.
"I know grandma sent you money..." Vicki said. "...I want it, give it to me."
"Sorry guys I am going to end the stream." He shut down his stream "why do you want my birthday money?"
"Mom has another date on Friday night..." Vicki said. "...I want to throw a party." She placed her hands on her hips. "My birthday party."
"You mean our birthday party." Victor corrected her.
"No..." Vicki said. "...I am going to pack you away in the attic."
"That's no fair..." Victor said. "'s my birthday money."
"You put it in your account?" Vicki said.
"Yes I did." Victor said tearing up as he remembered what happened.
"Victor." Vicki said as she looked up something on her cellphone. "I'm sorry..." She said. "...give me your stream earnings for the week."
"But.." Victor started saying.
"Your still grounded..." Vicki said. "...I'll cook dinner."

Victor stood there as his sister went to go cook dinner. He realized if he knew his sister wanted the money he would not have gone through the ordeal he went through. But it was his birthday gift.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor dreaded getting home from school on Friday. He did all his homework at school in the library. He barely made the fifty dollars back in donations from his YouTube channel crossdressing performance. Some reason he doesn't quite feel like a crossdresser anymore. He feels like a crossdresser when he is wearing his boy clothes at school. He read the note his sister left for him, instructing him to add something with a frog logo on it and stir it in.

Victor dressed up in a dark blue sundress and navy blue pantyhose with black heels. He put makeup on with his hair up in pigtails. He got disgusted with himself at how cute he looked. He mixed the ingredients and stirred it in the smoothie. He took it back to his room started drinking it as he started his stream to play his video game for Tory's fans. He wanted to make some extra money for when his sister got back. He plays the game still thinking of what happened in the bank. Never actually occurred to him how a real teenage girl would've handled it. He wasn't sure how he knew something was going to happen. His gut got butterflies so he looked around.

Victor keeps practicing the moves Boocola showed him. He hasn't gone to a pool, because his mom doesn't have one at the house. He sees the donations come in two dollars here and one dollar there. He thinks he has enough to cover what he put into his account. Before all hell broke loose. He heard his sister come home, then she appeared in the door way of Victor's room in her school uniform and her hands on her hips.

"Did you make the money grandma sent you?" Vicki asked.
"I think I did..." Victor said "... check our account."
"I intend to..." Vicki snarled. "...end your stream, then meet me in the attic."
"Sure..." Victor agreed, because he can't talk his way out of it. " long will you have me tied up." He shuts down his stream, then went up to the attic, standing by the chair he was tied to before.
"One hour before Mom gets home from her date..." Vicki said as she smiled. "... come here, turn around with your hands behind your back." Victor did as he was instructed to do. "Don't worry, she'll call me..." Vicki said as she tied Victor's wrists together behind his back and tied his elbows. "...if her plans change, if she's going to stay the night at his place." She said as she sat Victor down in the chair wrapping rope around his torso above and below his breasts, cinching it in back leaving slack with the rope.
"What do I have to worry about?" Victor asked.
"Your right.." Vicki said as she tied up his ankles, calves and thighs. " have to hope she doesn't spend the night at his place again." She said as she connected the rope to the rope around his ankles. "You would love that."
"I don't love this..." Victor said unable to move. "... how is the weather tonight." He said struggling to get free.
"I got to go get ready for the party..." Vicki said kissing her brother on his lips "...I will be back up to gag you." She started going down the ladder. "Cute look by the way." She said as her head disappeared, she left the hatch open.

Victor heard his mother come home with a guest, she was talking to him, her date's voice sounds familiar. He heard his mother go to Vicki's room. His mother's date's voice sounds so familiar and he's sure he only heard it once. Then he placed it the man that grabbed him from the bank. A man's head popped up and looked at Victor tied to the chair and smirked.

"Well, well..." His mom date said. "...correct me if I'm wrong." He said. "But your the girl, I saw at the bank, I noticed you seeing our tactical gear."
"You well that was my mistake..." Victor said struggling to get free. " did you know I was up here."
"I assumed..." he said as he showed Victor the fifty dollar bill he deposited. "... your mother said she has a son and daughter you weren't in your room, you must be Victor." He turned it to show him his name written in the corner. "Your mother and sister are talking about birthday money received Monday, she got a hundred dollar bill with the name Vicki in the corner."
"She got more birthday money then me." Victor said as his mothers date rolled up the fifty dollar bill.
"Don't tell you sister or your mother about me..." He said as placed the rolled up bill in Victor's bra hidden from site on the side. "...or the detective."
"What will you do if the detective finds out?" Victor asked as the bank robber starts walking to the hatch.
"If the detective finds out and you informed him..." he said. "I will come after you." He said. "I do know what you look like as a boy." With that he disappeared.

Victor waited fifteen minutes for his mom to leave with her date. His sister came up through the hatch wearing one of his dresses, the white one he wore to the mall. When Vicki caught him playing a video game with his phone off. She is wearing white thigh high stockings. She has her panties in her hand and a ballgag. She shoved the panties in his mouth and the ballgag in his mouth then fastening it behind his head. The panties taste awful.

"Hope you like the panties..." Vicki teased. "...I wore to school today."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor struggled to get out to get this awful taste out of his mouth. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph."
"You better be quiet for the party..." Vicki said as looked away "...I just had a good idea of holding the party in back."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor said. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." He pleaded wanting to get released.
"You made enough on your stream..." Vicki said. "...that I don't need that fifty grandma sent you."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor said as The taste of his sister's panties is awful taste when saliva. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph."
"Mom said she will be spending the night at Rogers apartment..." Vicki said as she went down the hatch. "...Roger is the name of her date, strange he just asked her before they left." She closed the hatch.
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor cried as he realized Roger sent a message to him by doing that. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Struggling to get free that was futile

Victor wore himself out struggling to get free. He settled down and except his fate. Trying to figure out how to help the detective without getting involved. He knows his mother is probably not in danger. His sister guest started arriving laughing and giggling and playing music. His sister is having a fun while she stuffed him up here out of her way.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor is bound in a chair wearing a dark blue dress and navy blue pantyhose with black heels. He has been tied up to the chair in the attic for a while now. His sister's party, he wonders if Vicki will release him. The hatch opens he sees Sarah pop up as she climbed in to the attic. She is wearing a black dress and black stockings with black heels.

"So here you are." Sarah said as Victor rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me..." She sat on his lap. "...your boyfriend Scott stopped by asking about you."
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor explained.
"Don't say he's not your boyfriend..." Sarah said getting mad. "...all you sissy boys, are all alike."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said with drool coming out between his lip and the ball gag, as the awful taste of his sister's panties got ripe.
"I won't have you teasing my brother like this..." Sarah said as she slapped him. "...being tied up in the attic isn't an excuse."
"All the guest are gone..." Vicki said climbing up to the attic. "'s my sissy brother."
"Being a little skank..." Sarah said as a grin that looked like it came from a cat. "...this little skank acts like she's to good for my brother."
"Really..." Vicki said as she moved behind Victor, hitting the back of his head. " should we punish this skank." She played with his pigtails. "What is this..." She said as she pulled out the rolled up fifty dollar bill stuff down his bra. "...were you hiding this from me." She unrolled it to see his name in the corner.
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said.
"What's that?" Sarah asked.
"It's the money..." Vicki said. "...I asked grandma to send us early for our birthdays." She pointed to the name in the corner. "I thought he deposited it into his account..." She got angry with him. "...that's what he told me."
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor tried saying. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph."
"You want to give this to a detective..." Vicki stepped back. "...I don't think so."
"Vicki let's go..." Sarah said. "...I am tired, we can deal with this skank in the morning."
"Mom says she is going to spend the weekend with Roger..." Vicki said. "...and Sarah is going to sleep in you room this weekend."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph?" Victor asked.
"Your our skanky little princess for the weekend..." Vicki said. "...don't worry we will release you in the morning so you can eat and drink a smoothie." She looked at Sarah. "Then punish you for lying to me..." She looked back at Victor. "...then we will put you back up here."
"Good night princess..." Sarah said. "...I can't wait to see you in the morning." She looked his nose as she got off his lap.

Victor sat there as Vicki and Sarah left the attic closing the hatch. He is now left all alone in the attic. Vicki took the fifty dollar bill he planned to give to the detective. Roger his mother's date keeps changing his plans knowing Vicki would make Victor's life a living hell.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor is wearing a dark blue sundress and navy blue pantyhose with black heels. He is bound to a chair with his sister's panties in his mouth held in by a ball gag. He fell asleep struggling to get out of his situation. He finds himself looking at Theresa, Boocola's daughter tied the same as Victor. August, Boocola younger daughter shows up standing on Victor's knees.

"Why are you still bound like this..." August said. "...tasting your sister's nasty panties." She made a disgusted look on her face. "You look silly."
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said he couldn't get out.
"Look..." August said pointing to her sister. "...silly." her sister Theresa is struggling. "Remember the barrel?" August asked as Victor saw Theresa pulling out her wrist.
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor was saying her elbows are bound.
"That's your problem..." August said as she disappeared. "...silly." Victor was looking at August vanish and Theresa standing in front of him.
"Ba ka na..." Theresa said in a language Victor didn't understand. " ka." She said as she pushed back his shoulders, then vanished.
"Thinking about my girls..." Boocola appeared. "...if you don't escape now." He said as he smirk. "I guess you will never escape."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor explained. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." He tried saying I have to do what my sister says, she in charge.
"She doesn't understand the situation..." Boocola said. "...I almost gave up on this story." He said. "I've read poorly written stories before..." The hallucinatiom said "...I am not giving up." He said. "You shouldn't either..." He snarled in a lower more meaner voice "...if you do, then you should forget everything I taught you." He said as he vanished.

Victor woke up and the house was quiet. Vicki and Sarah must be sleeping. Victor remembered the dream he had. He didn't Know if his subconscious was trying to tell him something. He started struggling again, this time twisting his wrists and moving his shoulders back. He tugged at his wrists with the rope tied to his ankles. He felt it budged a little pulling on his skin. He did the same thing in the exact order. He felt pain draining his strength. He thought about the barrel. The pain from pulling his arm up from hitting the water. The water hit him in the face and he never felt the pain. He wanted to keep the water out of his nose.

Victor rest a few moments, then moved his shoulders back twisting his wrists tugging the rope with his bound ankles dealing with the pain. His wrist came out of a loop. He got one part down. Victor moved his shoulders back again, the ropes around his elbows slid down his arm. He moved his shoulders up and down slowly moving the rope down until he could grab it and pull it down. He forced the rope off of his torso. He untied the rope around his knees and calves. He bent down to untie the rope on his ankles. He was finally free. His wrists were s little rope burned, but that will go away. He unfastened the strap of the ballgag and removed the ballgag. Pulling out his sister's panties from his mouth

Victor looked out the attic window at the darkness of the night with only the pole lights illuminatating the street. He checked the hatch and pushed it down. The door to his room was open as well as his sister's room. He took off the heels to creep in his room to grab his skate shoes from his closet. He saw Sarah sleeping in his bed as he grabbed his purse with the detectives card in it. He then went in his sister's room to find the fifty she took out of his bra. The first place he looked was on her dresser. He grabbed the bill put it in his purse. He snuck out of the house and went to where he stashed his other skateboard.

Victor looked around the neighborhood. The vehicles are all in driveways. Only a few cars were parked on the street. He walked to the end of the street before he got on his skateboard and rode to his father's apartment complex. It took about one hour to get to his father's place. He knocked on the door and his father answered.

"Victor what are you doing here?" His father asked his son as he opened the door. "Why are you dressed like that?" Victor dropped his skateboard, then hugged his father and started crying
"Daddy..." Victor said feeling relieved to see his father. "...I am so scared." He kept crying on his father's shoulder.
"That's okay son..." His father said comforting Victor. "...what's wrong."
"I can't tell you..." Victor said pulling the detective's card out of his purse. "...I need to talk to him." He said handing his dad the card.
"I'll give him a call..." His father noticed that Victor looked tired. " should go get some rest as I contact this detective."

Victor stopped crying pulling back from his father. He wiped his tears away getting make-up on his hands. He went to his room and crashed down on his bed. He fell asleep in minutes.
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Post by SLC »

Sorry that I don't comment very often on here, but I still really like this story. And you shouldn't give up on this story. It is actually really well written. You explain everything going on very well and is really nice as well. Just when I think this story couldn't get wierder something unexpected happens and I like that. It keeps the suspense up and after every chapter I just want to read the next one.
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Post by Sureni »

I really love this story :D
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Post by Boocola »

Victor woke up hours later wearing a dark blue sundress and navy blue pantyhose. He took off his girls clothes. He changed into his cargo shorts and shirt. Went to the restroom to wash off the make-up. When he went to the living room. The detective was talking to his dad. The detective looked at Victor surprised to see him dressed as a boy.

'is it Victor or Tory?" The detective asked Victor.
"Victor." Victor said.
"Well your dad tells me you need to talk to me." The detective asked with curiosity.
"Yeah..." Victor said with hesitation. "...uhm, when I was playing prisoner with my sister."
"Playing prisoner..." The detective said. "...does this have anything to do with your crossdressing?" He asked
"Yeah..." Victor answered. "...I uhm, like playing." He said with his cheeks turning red. "As I was so saying, while I was tied up as her prisoner." Victor said sitting down, his legs were shaking. " My mother came home, as Vicki was getting ready for her party."
"Party?" The detective said. "I guess you weren't invited?"
"I don't like my sister's friends." Victor said. "Especially Scott, he bullies me around."
" Okay what happened when your mom came home?" The detective asked.
"Well,uhm..." Victor said breathing in. "...I recognize his voice." His eyes started watering.
"Where did you recognize the voice from?" The detective asked.
"It's the same voice from..." Victor said as a tear drops from his eye. "...the man that put a gun to my head and made me take the bags from the tellers at the bank."
"I am going to kill him." Victor's dad said as he stood up.
"Mr. Garcia..." The detective said. "...sir, I need you to calm down." He got back to Victor. "What happened then?" He asked.
"I was held as my sister's prisoner in the attic..." Victor said. "...he came up to the attic, placing the fifty dollar bill in my bra."
"He touched you?" Victor's dad asked Victor.
"Mr. Garcia..." The detective said. "...please."
"He threatened me before he left..." Victor said. "...he said he knows what I looked like as a boy." Victor's father is fuming with his fist balled up.
"Did he threaten your mother or sister?" The detective asked.
"No..." Victor said. "...he didn't."
"Do you have the fifty dollar bill?" The detective asked.
"Yes..." Victor said. "'s uhm, my purse." Victor went to his room to grab the fifty dollar bill from his purse, then returned to the living room to give to the detective. "You see the name Victor in the corner."
"You gave the fifty dollars to the teller?" The detective asked.
"Yes." Victor answered.
"Did you get a receipt?" The detective asked.
"No..." Victor said "...I got grabbed before the teller can give it to me."
"Well that explains this..." The detective shows Victor a picture from his cellphone of a receipt still in the printer. "...the teller didn't hand you the receipt." He looked at Victor. "Your not afraid that he will come after you."
"I'm scared..." Victor said. "...I don't want him hurting my mother and sister or anyone else." He said as he started crying.
"Okay..." The detective said. "...I have enough information." He got up. "I recommend Victor stays here..." He said looking at Victor's father. "... with you Mr. Garcia."
"For how long?" Mr. Garcia asked. "His mother gots custody."
"I'll talk to the judge." The detective said. "It's in the childs best interest to stay with his father."

Victor wiped away the tears as he sees his father fuming as the detective left. He went to the kitchen to find something to drink. He found instructions on how to make smoothies his sister made for him. The instructions read place ice in a blender. He found the powder mix labeled cherry flavored pixie dust fairy frog mix. He also read side effects take time depending on who takes it. Doesn't say what the side effects are.

Victor decides make the drink. Filled the Tinkerbell mug with ice, then poured it in a blender. Opened the powder drink mix poured that in the blender. Held the lid on the top. Then pushed the high blend button. The ice cracked as the powder turned to liquid. He poured the liquid in the Tinkerbell mug and drank it. The smoothie tasted like cherry.

Victor's sister should be discovering that he escaped about now he Has to wait to see what she does.
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Post by Boocola »

Victor decided to go to the apartment pool to practice the karate moves in the water. He wore shorts and a black shirt to cover his breasts. Moving in water slowed his speed down of his hand strikes. He went under water to practice blocks. He had to come up for air every now and then, but it was refreshing. He would hit the water when he went to the shallow end.

Victor had the pool to himself for an hour. He saw Theresa and August enter through the pool gate. Theresa wore a blue bikini and August had a red swimsuit on. Victor liked the view when Theresa when she placed a towel on the lounge chair. August pointed out that Victor was staring at Theresa. Then August giggled. Boocola showed up in his uniform.

"Theresa I got to work..." Boocola said to his daughter. " August." He saw Victor in the pool. "No boys in the apartment." He said not waiting for a reply, then waved at Victor as he left.
"Bye daddy." August said as she got into the water. "How are you doing..." He said to Victor. "...silly boy."
"You think I am silly?" Victor asked the girl.
"Of course..." August giggled. " here for the weekend again?"
"I don't know..." Victor said. "'s complicated."
"You live a complicated life..." Theresa said as she entered the pool. "...we all live a complicated lifes."
"Yeah,uhm..." Victor said not believing Theresa is taking to him. "...well I guess."
"Listen I am going to be out of the pool in thirty minutes..." Theresa said. "...I want to invite you to my room."
"I thought your dad said no boys." Victor reminded her.
"Yeah..." Theresa said looking at him with a smile. "...I know." She got closer to him and whispered in his ear. "Your not a boy." She pulled away. "Well not anymore."
"Oh..." Victor said, he finally finds a girl he likes and she sees him as her girlfriend. "...what should I wear?"
"Go put the that red flannel skirt..." Theresa said. "...I saw you skate home wearing it." She smiled. "Please."
"Okay." Victor agreed as he realized Theresa was a lesbian.
"Sissy has a boyfriend..." August said teasing her sister. "...I mean girlfriend."
"Quiet." Theresa said to her sister.
"What unit?" Victor asked.
"Come back here wearing that outfit..." Theresa said. "...put on makeup too."

Victor got out of the pool. He dried off, then went back to his father's apartment. He took a shower noted some physical changes to his body. Got out of the shower to dry off. He put on the red and black flannel skirt. He slid the black fishnet stockings and skate shoes. He put on a black shirt. Then he applied make up as his sister instructed him and put his hair in pigtails. By the time he got done it was thirty minutes and then he made his way back to the pool area. August saw him first.

"I can't believe he did it." August shouted pointed towards Victor.
"Dry off August..." Theresa said. "...let's have some fun with him."
"Wait..." Victor said. "...what do you mean have fun with me." He said as he watched the two sisters dry off.
"Follow us..." Theresa said as she walked to her apartment unit. "...I want to show you my prom dress."
"That's it." Victor said with a sigh of relief as he followed her to her apartment, then Theresa unlocked the door and August went in.
"After you." Theresa told Victor.
"Thanks." Victor said as he entered the unit, he saw a kitchen and dining room to his right, to his left was the living room, in front of him was a hallway, the restroom and a bedroom was on the right side of the hallway, the master bedroom was on the Left, which August went into. "You both share the master bedroom?" He asked.
"Yes." Theresa answered as August came off of her bedroom with rope. "Stand still." She ordered as she shut the front door. "Feet together and put your hands behind your back." August tossed Theresa some rope.

Victor stood there as August wrapped up his ankles cinching the rope tight. He felt Theresa wrapping rope around his wrists behind his back cinching the rope tight. August then tied up his calves and thighs the same way she tied his ankles. Theresa wrapped rope tightly around his torso cinched it together really tight.

"Okay..." Theresa said walking around in front of Victor, then kisses him on the lips. "...I need you to stand there." She said as she walked to her room.
"You fell for it..." August said as she stared at him. " look silly."
"What did I fall for?" Victor asked.
"Nothing..." Theresa said coming out of her room with a blindfold and a ball gag. "...Your fell for nothing." She shoved the ballgag in Victor's mouth and fastened the strap behind his head. Finally placing a blindfold over his eyes tied it behind his head. "I am going to change into my prom dress..." She said. "...then I will come out to remove the blind fold." She caressed his cheeks. " Is that ok."
"Mmmph mmmph." Victor said as he heard her walk away.
"Now you look silly..." August teased "... silly."
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said.
"You sound funny." August said.

Victor is standing in the living bound and gagged, while being teased by a girl while he is blindfolded.
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Post by Sureni »

Another interesting part, this story getting better day by day, I really enjoy this story :D Well written Boocola
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Post by harveygasson »

Story's going well. Hope you keep it up
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Post by Boocola »

Victor stood in the middle of his karate instructor's apartment wearing a black shirt, black and red flannel skirt and black fishnet tights with skate shoes. He is bound and gagged with a blindfold covering his eyes. He is in darkness. The only sounds he hears is a girl giggling at his predicament.

"You look..." August said as she giggled. "...silly."
"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said.
"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full..." August said. "...I can barely understand you."
"Mmmph mmmph." Victor said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes..." August giggled. "...silly."
"Okay..." Victor heard Theresa say. "...ready." he hears her walking out of her room towards him until she stops in front of him removing the blindfold and stepped back. "What do you think?" Theresa asked as Victor saw her wearing a blue dress and black pantyhose with blue heels.
"Mmmph mmmph." Victor said complimenting her outfit, but he saw one of her hands behind her back.
"He's talking with his mouth full again." August said.
"Quiet." Theresa said to her sister.
"He doesn't look like a thief..." August said. "...he looks like a silly boy."
"Shizuka!" Theresa barked.
"Okay." August said as she mock zipping her lips.
"So you like it..." Theresa said as she kissed Victor's forehead then took out the the ballgag in his mouth and kisses him on the lips. His whole body went numb. "...I like it too." She revealed the rope and her worn panties. "Your my prisoner now." She helped him to the floor, then tied the rope around the rope around his ankles cinching it so that there is slack and bent his knees, then tied the rope slack from his ankles to the rope on his wrists. "Now your going to answer truthfully to my questions..." She said inches from his mouth with her arms spread and her hands planted on the floor hovering like a black widow. "...did you steal fifty dollars from your sister?"
"We were playing..." Victor started saying, but Theresa moved to squat next to him cupping his chin. "...prisoner."
"Yes or no..." Theresa exclaimed. "...I don't need an explanation."
"Uhm.." Victor said ""
"Don't lie to me." Theresa said.
"I took it back." Victor said.
"So you did steal it." Theresa concluded as she shoved her worn panties in Victor's mouth and put the ballgag back in his mouth.
"Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor said as he started struggling trying to get free. "... mmmph mmmph mmmph."
"That looks nice..." August said. "...seeing him struggle with you hovering over him like a black widow."
"Your sister and Sarah will be here in an hour..." Theresa said to Victor. "...until they arrive your our guest." She said as she stood up. She went to go change out of her prom dress to jean shorts and a tank top.

Victor waited hogtied on the floor with the two girls ignoring him like he wasn't even there. The taste of the panties in his mouth was starting to taste awful. He was getting impatient he started wiggling around on the floor. He needs to get this taste out of his mouth.

The hour went by slowly as he waited for his sister and Sarah to arrive.
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Post by Sureni »

This is the best story I read here, 8-) Tthanks Boocola, Keep it up

Post by Mouthless »

The title doesn’t make any sense.
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Post by Boocola »

Mouthless wrote: 5 years ago The title doesn’t make any sense.
Seriously, seriously, are you kidding me, how's this Vicki turned Victor into Tory, Tory is Victor's sister, when Victor isn't crossdressing. Vicki even said meet your new sister bro as she showed him a reflection in a mirror.
Besides I like to title my stories like this.

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But if he’s becoming a girl, she’s the one getting a “new sister,” not him.
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Post by Boocola »

    Mouthless wrote: 5 years ago But if he’s becoming a girl, she’s the one getting a “new sister,” not him.
    :lol: Vicki is teasing her brother by joking with him ;) do you want me to break the fourth wall explaining the joke, look, I know it may not make the much sense, but I'm not making a penny. :lol: so cents or no sense, what do you want for nothing ;) well unless you're paying the internet bill or contributing to this site. :twisted: the title is his sister being a twisting little, well you get the idea
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    Post by Boocola »

    Victor was hogtied on the floor in his instructor's apartment. He is wearing a black shirt, black and red flannel skirt and black fishnet tights. He has been chewing on worn panties in his mouth for about ninety minutes. A ballgag is is in place keeping the awful tasting panties in his mouth.

    "Where are your friends?" August finally asked acknowledging that Victor is bound and gagged on the floor for the first time in ninety minutes.
    "They are not my friends..." Theresa replied. "...I follow Sarah on social media."
    "Is this another plot..." August said. " become popular again."
    "What?" Theresa exclaimed. "No."
    "Yeah..." August said. "...right."
    "Okay..." Theresa said as she checked social media on her cellphone. "...I want to be moved to Sarah's friends list."
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor said trying to join the conversation. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph."
    "Quiet you..." August said. "...he's right though, you're following Sarah on social media and she posted something saying that he stole the money from his sister."
    "What is the big deal..." Theresa said. "...he a little thief."
    "You don't have all the facts..." August said. "...why would he escape from a game he promised to play with his sister."
    "Doesn't matter..." Theresa said. "...we are keeping him for Sarah."
    "I hope you know what your doing." August said as on cue there was a knock on the door. "Sorry dude..." August said to Victor "...she's feeding you to the wolves."
    "He's not the victim here..." Theresa said as she opened the door to see Vicki and Sarah. "...hi Sarah."
    "You have him?" Sarah said walking in spotting Victor on the floor.
    "Hey..." Vicki said as she saw Victor bound and gagged on the floor. "...where did you get that skirt?"
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Victor said.
    "Why should I care..." Vicki said. "...I buy your clothes."
    "Theresa..." Sarah said. "...did you put worn panties in his mouth."
    "Yes Sarah..." Theresa said. "...I did as you instructed." She said. "Can you move me to your friend list?"
    "I will think about it." Sarah said standing over Victor's bound body. "Payback is a bitch..." She whispered loud enough for Victor to hear. "...and so am I."
    "I told you..." August said to Theresa. "...she doesn't like you."
    "Shizuka." Theresa said to August.
    "Fine." August said as she sat back in the couch.
    "Where's my money..." Vicki yelled at Victor struggling with worn panties in his mouth and a disgusting look on his face. "'s not in Dad's apartment."
    "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor tried saying something. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph."
    "What are you trying to say skank." Sarah said. "We need to remove that gag."
    "Okay." Vicki squatted down took the ballgag out of Victor's mouth, then removed Theresa's saliva covered panties for his mouth. "Now where's my money."
    "I gave it to the detective..." Victor said. "...he's investigating the bank robbery."
    "What bank robbery..." Sarah said. "...I never heard of a bank robbery."
    "How could I be so stupid..." Vicki said. "...I thought he didn't deposit the money."
    "He stole your money..." Sarah said. " said it yourself, you asked your grandmother to send your birthday money early." She said. "So you can have the money for the party."
    "Yeah.." Vicki said as she agreed with Sarah. "...but how was he to know."
    "You are not going to punish him for stealing?" Sarah asked. "We got to punish him for something."
    "He is still in trouble for escaping..." Vicki said as she shoved the panties back in Victor's mouth and place the ballgag back in his mouth. "...let's go swimming."
    "What and just leave him here." Sarah said.
    "Theresa do you want to go swimming?" Vicki asked Theresa.
    "I already went swimming..." Theresa said. "...but I can go again."
    "Meet you at the pool..." Vicki said. "...Sarah let's go, I'll let you wear one of my suits."
    "What about him?" August asked pointing to Victor. "We can't leave him here alone."
    "You stay with him..." Theresa said. " will only be for a couple of hours." She went into her bedroom to change to go swimming. After Vicki and Sarah left to change into swimsuits.

    Victor is laying there hogtied while August is watching the cartoon Network. He sees Theresa leave wearing her bikini and carrying her towel. He is now stuck watching cartoons with fowl tasting panties in his mouth. He doesn't know when he will be released. He can't help feel that Sarah has it in for him for some reason.
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    Post by Sureni »

    One of the best part of this story :D
    Really interesting
    Lovely written
    Thank you very much Boocola :D :D
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    Post by Boocola »

    Victor watched five thirty minute cartoons hogtied on the floor. He is wearing a black shirt, black and red flannel skirt and black fishnet tights with skate shoes. He never forgets about the awful tasting panties in his mouth. August has been ignoring him the whole time he has been a helpless captive while she watched cartoons.

    Victor heard the door open he looked to see Theresa enter wearing her blue bikini carrying a towel with her black hair wet. Vicki then entered wearing a white bikini carrying a towel with her brown hair wet. Sarah entered wearing a yellow bikini carrying a towel with her blonde hair wet. The three girls are talking about their common interests. They all seem to walk past Victor like he's not even there. Until they stood over him.

    "Well..." Vicki said as she looked down at Victor. "...should we release him."
    "My dad is getting off of work in three hours..." Theresa said looking down at Victor.. "...he can stay like that for the next two hours."
    "Why don't we all take turns..." Sarah said looking at Victor. "...spanking this little skank."
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor cried shaking his head. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." He is really get sick from this awful tast in his mouth
    "Oh shut up..." Sarah said. " have no say in it."
    "Spanking seems like a good way to end this portion of his punishment." Vicki said as she turned to Theresa. "Do you have a paddle or a belt?"
    "August..." Theresa looked at her sister. "...go get the ping pong paddle."
    "Okay..." August said as she got up from the couch. "...does this mean that I get a turn."
    "Sure..." Vicki agreed. " that okay with you Victor?" She asked sarcastically.
    "Mmmph..." Victor said shaking his head. "...mmmph." he says no but he can't get it to make sense, because of this nasty panty taste. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." He started struggling to try to get free.
    "Silly..." August said as she started going to her room to get the paddle. "...who goes first?"
    "Why don't you go first..." Vicki said as she bent down to untie the rope connected to wrists. "...don't go easy on him." Sarah help her lift him to his feet.
    "Make him suffer..." Sarah said. "...bend over skank."
    "Spank..." August said giggling. "...the skank."

    Victor felt His skirt being lifted after Vicki and Sarah bent him over. August spanked his butt. He thought a ten year old girl couldn't hit that hard, but her martial arts training help get the sting in with every spank. He tried to hide the water from forming in his eyes. He started crying after the tenth hit on his butt with the paddle. Then she stopped. Tears filled his eyes, then streamed down his face. He put his head down.

    "Victor..." Vicki said as she grabbed his hair pulling up so she can look at his face. "'s Theresa's turn."
    "Are you in pain?" Sarah said with a big smile on her lips.
    "You can start..." Vicki said releasing Victor's hair.

    Victor saw August hand hand Theresa the paddle. He thinks that it's bad enough that he has her used panties in his mouth. Now she gets to spank him. Theresa spanks him harder then August. The sting of every spank hurt worse then the last. The Tears streaming down his cheeks. He held in the urge to cry. The sting of Theresa spanking almost took his mind off of the awful tast of her panties. When she got done Victor had a hard time staying on his feet with his ankles tied. Vicki untied his ankles, calves and thighs.

    "Okay Sarah..." Vicki said. "...your turn." Theresa gave Sarah the paddle.
    "Ready skank..." Sarah said letting go of Victor's side. "... brace yourself, this is going to hurt.
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph..." Victor tried saying not her. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." He braced himself by spreading his stance.
    "Expose me as a lesbian..." Sarah said as she spanked him hard. " have no idea how I felt." She spanked him harder.

    Victor realized that Sarah doesn't spank as hard as Theresa. The sting of Theresa spanks are still there. Making Sarah's spanks hurt. August even spanks harder then Sarah. It was like taking a break. Sarah's spanking still hurts. He doesn't want to say anything. Sarah finished spanking him. Stood back with a devilish smile on her face.

    "Did that hurt..." Sarah said as she pulled his hair. "...did it?" Victor let fake tears stream down his cheeks.
    "Okay." Vicki said as she untied his wrist and removed the rope from his torso. "Leave the gag in your mouth..."
    Sarah gave Vicki the paddle. "...hold up your skirt."
    "Mmmph mmmph." Victor agreed as he held his skirt up,then Vicki spanked his butt again and again until she got stopped after ten.
    "That's it..." Vicki said looking at Sarah. "...okay let's go." She looked at Theresa. "It's been fun..." She said. "...I got to head back to my mother's house."
    "What about him..." Theresa said pointing at Victor, who is still holding up his skirt. "...he is free to go."
    "It's your ballgag and worn panties in his mouth..." Vicki said as she followed Sarah out the door. " can remove it." Then they left.
    "Come here..." she said to Victor. "...turn around."
    "Mmmph." Victor said as he went to Theresa and turned around so she can unfasten and removed the ballgag.
    "Remove the panties..." Theresa said. "...and put in the hamper." Victor removed the saliva covered fowl awful tasting panties.
    "I can still taste it..." Victor said as he got a sour look on his face. "...where's your hamper."
    "In the bathroom..." Theresa said. "...just drop it in."
    "Okay." Victor said as he went into the restroom. He dropped the panties in the hamper, then walked out still tasting it in his mouth and feeling the sting of all the spankings he received. He walked in the living room. "I'm going home now."
    "My dad will be home soon..." Theresa said. " that is a good idea." She kissed him on the lips. "Sayonara." She went into her room.
    "See you later..." August said. "...silly."
    " Bye." Victor said as he walked out and back to his dad's apartment

    Victor still can't get that fowl taste of Theresa's panties out of his mouth. He looked in the refrigerator when he got back to his dad's apartment. He saw a smoothie mixed together in his Tinkerbell mug. He saw a note from his sister ' Victor, this should last for a week, if you follow the instructions you will not be needing this after the prom, apply the mix ingredient with the logo with bones crossed in front of the Y.'

    Victor followed the instructions mixing the logo mix in his smoothie. He went to sit down to drink his smoothie. He felt pain in his butt when he sat down that he got up. He stood up to drink his smoothie to get rid of the fowl taste of Theresa's panties. He drank it quickly so he could taste something normal and his taste buds got back to normal.

    Victor butt still hurt as he laid down on his bed.
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    Post by Sureni »

    Again very interesting part :)
    Really love this story
    Thank you very much Boocola 8-)
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    Post by Boocola »

    Victor was getting ready for the prom putting on black pantyhose with black heels. He put on his black strapless dress and black Oprah gloves. He put his make up on. He asked his sister to zip up the back.

    Vicki is going to his school's prom because someone asked her. Victor knows that his sister wanted to keep an eye on him. She is wearing a white dress and nude pantyhose with white heels.

    Victor thinks about what happened this past week leading up to the prom. He doesn't have to worry about the bank robbers anymore. Bank security trapped the robbers in the ATM room. As soon as three people entered the ATM room wearing trench coats the security guard ignoring the lady trying to distract him with something stupid locked the entrance to the bank. There was a plain clothes security guard outside to lock the ATM room entrance. The glass was bulletproof so it held until the police arrived. The security guards remain anonymous.

    Victor's father enrolled him into his new school. The same school as Scott and Sarah. He was surprised that Scott didn't bother him the whole week. He had a couple of classes with Sarah, but she ignored him. He didn't want to chat with Sarah anyway.

    Victor also practice the karate moves in and out of water. Boocola taught him about kata's an imaginary fight with multiple opponents. He kept practicing the butterfly kick. That is a round house to the left side the spun the knee on the right side and round house kick. He managed to do it without getting tripped up. He also been making smoothies with that special ingredient mixture. He doesn't know what was in that but he trusts his sister. He also streamed his video game play helping other players.

    Victor looked in the mirror proud of his work. He didn't understand how it got from crossdressing to stream video games. Learning Karate to defend himself against bullies if he ever got attacked.he was drinking these smoothies his sister was nice enough to make for him even though he was being punished for wearing her clothes.

    "Are you ready for the prom?" Vicki asked as she handed him a smoothie.
    "I have to go..." Victor said grabbing the smoothie and drinking it as he looked in the mirror. " make peace with Scott." He finished his smoothie.
    "Aren't you afraid..." Vicki said. "...that Scott is going to find out."
    "No..." Victor said. "...I'm not." There was some knocks on the door.
    "Looks like our dates are here." Vicki said as she went out to let them in.
    "Swell." Victor said as he felt pain in his chest that went away.

    Victor was at the prom thirty minutes later dancing with Scott. He doesn't like being this close to the boy that kept harassing him Everytime he went to the mall. He put on his best fake smile. He sees Sarah enter with her date. She is wearing a black dress and tan pantyhose with black heels. Sarah walks over to Victor leaving her date to go get punch.

    "Hey bro..." Sarah said to Scott. "...can I cut in, I have some girl talk to discuss with Tory."
    "Sure thing." Scott took his hands off Tory's hips and went to go talk to his friends.
    "Well..." Victor said placing his hands on Sarah's hips. "...never expected you wanting to dance with me."
    "Don't flatter yourself..." Sarah placed her hands on Victor's shoulders and they both swayed side to side. "...I just want you to know that you fell in my trap."
    "Trap?" Victor asked as he notices that Theresa arrived wearing her blue dress and black pantyhose. The same one she showed him last week. Boocola showed up as his daughters chaperone.
    "You see you exposed me as a lesbian..." Sarah said. "...I told my brother to bully you everytime he saw you at the mall."
    "You also gave me the idea to crossdress..." Victor said realizing that as soon as this dance is over she's going to tell her brother. " sister said that you told her about my stream."
    "That is correct..." Sarah came closer to whisper in his ear. "...I am going to enjoy watching my brother kick your ass after I expose you."
    "This was your plan?" Victor asked.
    "Yes..." Sarah said with a smile. "...the smoothies was my idea too."
    "Those smoothies we're actually delicious..." Victor said. "...thank you."
    "That's actually a strange potion..." Sarah said. "...I found the ingredients online." She said as Victor's chest pain came back. " I gave your sister the ingredients." She said. "She has been giving you female hormones, that's why your experiencing pain."
    "What was the final ingredient in the potion?" Victor asked.
    "It's supposed to kill your manhood..." Sarah said. " are Vicki's new sister."
    "How long do I have?" Victor asked.
    "As long as you relax..." Sarah said. "...who knows." The song was coming to an end. "But in a stressful situation..." She said. "'re going to pay for humiliating me."
    "I'm sorry." Victor said.
    "It's too late for that..." Sarah said as the song ended. "...enjoy the rest of your life as a boy." She kissed his cheek and went to go talk to her brother.
    "You Victor..." Scott yelled at Victor as everyone at the dance looked at Scott and Victor. " were leading me on."
    "No..." Victor said. "...Scott, I never lead you on." He said with Boocola watching the situation. "You asked me."
    "You made me look like a fool..." Scott yelled. " I am going to kick your ass, sissy." He looked at his two friends. "Get him." One of his friends was Vicki's date he left her side to attack Victor.
    "No..." Victor said silently shaking his head looking at Boocola. "...this is my fight." Boocola nodded understanding what he meant. Boocola told Theresa not to get involved.

    Victor felt the two boys grabbed him punching him in the gut. He fell to his knees as the two boys took turns punching his face. Scott approached signalling them to lift him to his feet. Scott kneed Victor in the gut, then upperpunched his gut. Crosspunched his face and hooked his other punch. The boys let go and he spun to the ground.the boys stepped back after kicking his ribs. Boocola stepped forward the boys backed up.

    "Why didn't you fight back?" Boocola asked as he got down to talk to Victor.
    "Because I can't..." Victor cried as a tear formed in his eye. "...if I get to excited something will happen to me." He cried as he feared another attack. "They got the best of me..." He cried. "...I can't fight back."
    "Who got the best of you..." Boocola said. "...these boys?"
    "No!" Victor cried.
    "Whatever it is..." Boocola said. " have an opportunity to prove yourself here and now."
    "I'm afraid!" Victor yelled.
    "You must not lose to fear..." Boocola said. "...or it's going to control your life." He stood up. "The choice is yours." He walked back to stand next to his daughter.
    "Go get him up..." Scott said talking to his friends. "...I'm not done with him." His friends picked him up from both sides.
    "Leave him alone..." Victor saw his sister talking to Scott. "...he's had enough." She exclaimed. "It was my idea that he comes to the prom with you."
    "well then you must be enjoying his beating..." Scott said. "...just like Sarah."
    "What?" Vicki yelled.

    Victor stepped on one of the boys foot with his heel, The boys let go, Victor pushed the other boy away, Victor sees the first boy throw a punch, he turned to block with an inside block, then turned to outside block the other boy's punch, Victor turned to left palm heel the first boy and backfist with the same arm the second boy, Victor finished with a round house to to second boy, swinging his foot to where the backfist hit, then spun his knee up spinning bringing up the same leg to round house kick the first boy on his other side, The two boys went down.

    "Is that how it's going to be..." Scott said. " jump my friends."
    "It didn't have to be like that..." Victor exclaimed. "...just let it go." Scott approaches him raising his hands.
    "You're dead." Scott said as he punched Victor who kept blocking, a right punch right raising block, left punch left raising block, right punch right raising block, left punch right raising block, Victor grabbed Scott's left arm with his left hand and Scott's left wrist with his right hand and tossed Scott over his shoulder. Scott got up. "Is that it." He said as he rushed Victor, who did a spinning sidekick to Scott's face, Scott fell back. Victor stood there and stared at Scott on the ground.
    "Not again." Victor said as his chest started hurting and he fell to the ground.

    Victor is on the ground breathing heavily. His heart slows down as a cocoon forms around his body, his clothes vanishes, his body goes numb. He feels his body changing. He feels no pain. He doesn't know what is happening.
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    Post by Sureni »

    Interesting :D
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    Post by Boocola »

    Victor is in a cocoon that formed his body. He is laying on the ground and his body is numb. He can't move a muscle. No matter how much he tried to move, he couldn't. This is worse then being tied up with a used panty in his mouth. He can't even feel his tongue. His body is in a relaxed state that his body is standing to transform. He would be stoked that he was a transformer, but he is not metal. He muscle strength is coming back and the numbness of his body wearing out. He pushed out the inner layer over the cocoon breaking free. He had enough strength to stand up. Once he got to his feet he saw people staring at him. Then they laughed, they were not laughing at him. They all were laughing at Sarah.

    "That's not a boy..." Victor heard someone say. "...that's a girl." He heard the the same voice say. He had a strange feeling of dread in his gut as he looked down.
    "Oh no..." Victor heard the change in his voice feeling his throat, he had no Addams apple he sounds feminine. "...what the hell happened to me." His breasts became bigger, his hips are wider. He saw his clothes on the floor. He picked them up and ran into the boys locker room. He went to his locker and sat on the bench. He put his underwear and black pantyhose back on.
    "Rough day?" Victor heard Scott's voice asked him.
    "You should know..." Victor said putting the black strapless dress. "...sorry about that."
    "Nonsense..." Scott said. " is I who should be apologizing." He said. "My sister lied to me about what you did to her."
    "She told you?" Victor asked.
    "Yeah..." Scott said. "...she confessed everything."
    "I need help to get back at her..." Victor looked at Scott. "...can you and your friends help?"
    "You kicked our butts..." Scott said. "...I guess you earned our respect." He asked as he stared at Victor's body. "What can we do for you?" He asked.
    "Well first..." Victor said. "...get your head out of the gutter." He said trying to zip up the back of his dress. "Second can you zip up the back of this dress?"
    "Sure..." Scott zipped up the dress. "...anything else."
    "I need you and your friends..." Victor said as he got out a duffle bag from his locker, then handed it to Scott. "...get my sister and your sister under the bleachers."
    "Your not thinking of making out with my sister are you?" Scott asked.
    "No you and your friends are going to tie them up..." Victor said. "...then stuff used panties in thier mouths and gagged them." He showed Scott what was in the bag. Rope, ballgags and used panties.
    "Are these panties yours?" Scott asked curiously.
    "No, you idiot..." Victor said. "...those belong to my sister."
    "I didn't know..." Scott said. "...I thought this sex change was your idea."
    "No it wasn't..." Victor said. "...I was tricked by your sister." He said. "As were you."
    "Okay..." Scott said. "...fair enough." He said as he grabbed the bag. "What are you going to do while we get Sarah and Vicki?"
    "I am going to get Theresa..." Victor said. "...I will bring her under the bleachers." He said. "I would like to get August..." He said. "...but she's ten, it's not her fault for playing around."
    "Okay." Scott said left the boys locker room with that bag, " I hope she won't be mad at me.." Victor said to himself as put on his black heels, then he leaves to go get Theresa. "...after this is over."

    Victor walked in the dance going up to Theresa. He thinks of how she got involved in all this. Trying to get on Sarah's friends list after he was accused of stealing money after he escaped from Vicki and Sarah.

    "Theresa..." Victor said as he approached her. "...there is something I want you to show you."
    "Oh really..." Theresa said. " were in a cocoon." She pointed to the mess. "Now you want to show me something."
    "Another bondage session..." Victor said. "...Sarah and Vicki are going to tie me up." He decided to bend the truth. "They are going to teach me a lesson, not to fight."
    "Okay..." Theresa said skeptical of Victor's motives. "...let's go." Victor and Theresa walked to the bleachers in the auditorium as Victor got closer he notices Scott and his friends had hogtied Sarah and Vicki. They both have a ballgags in thier mouths.
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." Sarah and Vicki were saying.
    "What is this..." Theresa said as she realized that she was lead into a trap. "...well played Victor." She said." You know that I can take all of you."
    "Yeah..." Victor said. "...I decided to leave your sister out of this, if you cooperate."
    "How Nobel..." Theresa said surrendering by putting her arms behind her back. "...please leave her out if this." Scott tossed rope to Victor.
    "Please don't take this personally." Victor said as he tied her wrists behind her back and Scott came to bound he ankles, calves and thighs. Victor wrapped rope around her torso above and below her breasts and cinched it leaving some slack. "Can you please move to the ground?" Victor asked.
    "Sure." Theresa said as Victor helped her get to the ground. Victor brought her knees up and tied the cinched torso rope to the rope around her ankles. One of the other boys brought used panties and a ball gag. His name is Brian. "Wait Victor..." She said. "...I'm sorry, Sarah instructed me to."
    "You gagged me..." Victor said. " I'm going to gag you the same way." Brian handed the used panties and ballgag to Victor, so he can shove the panties in Theresa mouth and put the ballgag in her mouth, then fastened the strap behind her head.
    "Mmmph mmmph mmmph?" Theresa asked.
    "Yes I will leave your sister alone..." Victor said. "...Scott let's go dance."
    "Okay boys..." Scott said talking to his friends. "...keep an eye on our captives."

    Victor and Scott walked out to the dance floor to dance, while his sister and Scott's sister with Theresa are bound and gagged in there prom dresses. A smile came across Victor's lips as he remembered what Sarah said to him 'payback's a bitch and so am I'.
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