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Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - The Girl with the Camo Bandana

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:30 am
by Deleted User 1591
Jenny Danielle Kristensen was the titular character, and she did indeed have a camouflage bandana, worn as a headband. It accentuated her brown tank-top and red trainers. Jenny was getting ready for her classes.

Nichole, who had a black kerchief bandana, black trainers, and a red t-shirt, happily sang songs. She, too, was readying for class. There was something about her though that was almost smug.

"What are you so happy about?" Jenny asked.
"I found out that I got so much in scholarship money for this year that the school is paying me to attend this year."
"B¡+©#!!!" shouted Janie.
"So don't you get paid!"
"How did you know that?!" Janie came out.

Janie was in green socks, yellow trainers, a green t-shirt, a yellow headband, and a green ponytail. It was the colors of her high school softball uniform.

"I have my ways," Nichole smiled.
"Come on, Jenn. Where's Joy?" Janie turned to leave.
"She's a little slow this morning."
"OK. Let's go."

The three went out to begin their day.

Joy sat on her bed in her gray long skirt, white blouse, and gray bandana headband. She had been 'bad' the night before, having spent a bit too much time alone with a guy. The night before, she had engaged in adult TUGs with the sorority girls, and it left her feeling sexually confused. Guilt consumed her until she felt it was unbearable and started crying.

She knew it was wrong for a variety of reasons, yet she did it anyway. As she sat there, she understood the mindset Nichole had when she used to cut herself. Why though? Why did she go back to sex all the time? Why did Janie? Why did Joyce and Janie watch pornography? Why?!

Joy pieced herself together so that she could get through classes without causing concern for anyone. She got her backpack and left.

That evening, it was just Joy and Janie. Jenny and Nichole had a music ensemble they had enrolled in, and they wouldn't return until after 8PM, maybe 9 depending on the level of chatter. Joy felt ready to explode with energy that needed to be exhausted. She sent a text to Sera asking her to come over to "assist with an assignment."

"Janie... I need help."
"Help? What's wrong?"
"Me, Janie. I have a problem."
"Oh, no. What is it?"
"Sex, Janie."
"Again? Joy, really?"
"It's a new side of an old problem?"
"What's the issue?" Sera walked into the room with Joyce behind.

Sera had on red trainers, a white tank-top, and a red bandana headband. She had a most amiable look on her face.

"Sera, I have bondage issues."
"Bondage. I don't know much except that you know it and beat it."
"Well, not bondage much. Porn more."
"I only had a single experience. My battle was against the real heavy stuff."
"But I need your advice too."
"I'm listening. What ails the heart?"
"I had an affair last night... and the night before I engaged in adult bondage with my sorority sisters."
"You have some battles."
"I know it."
"Tell me why you believe they're wrong."
"Well... Adulterous sex I already know about."
"And the other?"
"Well, I was tied up to another girl in a way that, if we move our hands, we were... Touching... Each other... And had machines forcing ourselves to... Enjoy it a bit too much."
"Oh...," Joyce's face turned red. She was that other girl Joy was referring to."
"Joy," Sera began slowly as Jenny and Nichole entered, "The first one is easy: Don't do it. The second one... I hate to condemn something I can't really understand... I will say that it's not for you. You shouldn't do it, although others can."
"Girl," Jenny interjected, "Don't do things that take it away from God. Sounds to me like you're talking about adultery with a machine and rope."
"Basically, I guess?"
"You had sex with an Hitachi. Is that better than having sex with a man?"
"Once you word it that way..."
"It's my fault," Joyce said, clearly upset.
"Your fault?"
"I was the other girl, and it was my idea. I never thought of it as molestation or..."
"Masturbation?" Jenny asked.
"It's a difficult world we live in with lots of perverted stuff out there. Now, girls, I suggest we keep our name true. We're 'Cool Girls,' not 'Cool Ladies.'"
"I can't here and condemn the sorority for everything. I speak strictly from a spiritual standpoint. I just approach life with the assumption that certain things are for my future husband only."
"Phil isn't that guy anymore."
"Your engagement ring?!" Joyce noticed.
"I caught him fooling around. He continues to lie to me about it even though I have proof. He sexted the wrong girl and even addressed her by name!"
"That's horrible," Sera added.
"Yep. So I hocked it."
"Good for you!"
"Now, don't mind me..."

Jenny walked toward Janie, pulling a pair of handcuffs out from where she had hidden them in her shorts and under her shirt. She jumped Janie and clasped them on.

"Because I can't rope you well enough and quickly enough!"

All hell broke lose. Joyce attacked Nichole, and Sera grabbed Joy, lashing their wrists behind their backs. Jenny lashed Janie's wrists with a 30 foot rope before removing the cuffs. Quickly, the captives found their elbows, waists, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs all tied up.

"Now what?" Sera asked.
"We gag them, clearly," Jenny grinned.

Each got a knotted cleave gag in her mouth. Nichole received a black bandana cleave gag. Joy's was red. Finally, Janie got a yellow one. This was followed by six wrappings of gray duct tape for each. Finally, the girls were blindfolded. Nichole got a red bandana blindfold; Joy got a blue one; and Janie got a green one.

"Girls, thanks for coming over. I'll take care of them for you!"
"All right. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams!" Sera and Joyce left.

It was the moment the door shut that Sera grabbed Joyce.

"Bed time!"
"Not me too!" Joyce said as she her wrists were roped.
"You too! Quiet!"
"Mmmmmph!" Joyce got her ball gag in her mouth.

Minutes later, she had rope binding her elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs as well. Sera put a tight arm around her and put on the computer. Bridget sat with them as they watched something online.

Jenny leveled to Joy.

"Joy, I want you to remember that TUGs should, first and foremost, be fun. You're making mistakes that will only cause you more and more pain. I can't watch you do that anymore. When you need something, I want to be here for you. You need to cut those things off cold, as hard as it will be. It hurts me to see you hurting."
"I love you like blood. You're a beautiful girl. I sometimes envy you Joy because you try so hard to be a good person while I do almost effortlessly yet not genuinely."
"You heard me right. Look at the efforts you put into helping yourself. One just looks at you and sees that you're trying. I wish my spirit were as vigorous as yours. I'm getting lukewarm. Joy, we can help each other be the people we ought to be. Let's devote this last year to doing just that. Nichole and Janie too. Thanks for being a friend, Joy, and I hope I helped you this evening."
"Mmmm hmmm!"
"I know you'd do the same for me."
"Come on, girls. It's bed time!"

Another moment of lovingkindness displayed by Jenny Kristensen, the girl with the camo bandana.

Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - Casey's Story in Depth

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:44 am
by Deleted User 1591
This chapter will actually not feature any TUGs. If you like character development, read on. If you demand TUGs, feel free to move on.

Casey Clark was a stiff-necked 17-year old girl, but she was also a helpful one. Her life seemed to be taking a continuous plunge, but she was unaware of the light at the end of the tunnel.

It all had started with the Cool Girls' Club. The club she had founded had ousted her for being an aggressive bully. She knew she had been and quietly distanced herself from Jenny, Joy, and Nichole. She and Hannah, however, stayed friends and occasionally met for tie-ups.

During this phase, she had reached a strained relationship with the church her parents attended. She found the services uninspiring, and she was constantly fighting with one of the other girls, who happened to be the pastor's daughter.

Short explanation is that, as is so typical, the pastor's daughter was made lead vocalist and, like most pastor's daughters, had no talent. Casey had had voice lessons when younger, so she decided to help a fellow teenager. Needless to say, she was quite offended at the notion that she couldn't sing two-thirds of the soprano notes and was better suited to alto. It turned into such a heated argument that Casey wasn't the only girl to walk away from friendship with this pastor's daughter.

But Casey walked away for good. From that church. Her parents tried to get her to return, but Casey wanted nothing to do with it. She'd rather not go than go there.

Then the Club came along. By this time, Casey had gotten thoroughly disillusioned with the local churches and was quite derisive of those who went. After a few months after her club ouster, she had cooled off in that regard.

Casey settled into being the best only child her parents could wish for. She helped with chores, cooking, projects, and such. Finally, there came the day she helped her dad paint the house.

They were up on the scaffolding painting the upper part of the two-story home. It was a calm day, but the scaffolding was old. Her father made a request.

"Sweetie, could you please take a break us some drinks?"
"Sure, pop!" Casey said. She turned to get down.

As she put her hand on the rail to get down, it suddenly gave way.

"Dad!" was all she said before she hit the ground.
"Casey!" he yelled, "Casey! Are you all right? Answer me, please," and then He ran into the house.
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Clark answered.
"The scaffolding broke and Casey fell. She's hurt. Call 911."

The ambulance came and took Casey to the hospital. Along the way, she regained consciousness.

"What happened? We were painting, and then?'
"The scaffolding broke, and you fell."
"Sounds painful."
"Yeah, yeah... What am I saying?!" her father realized he was a bit stunned.
"You need tests, miss," a paramedic explained.

The hospital did an MRI and a CAT scan and concluded nothing was wrong. They kept her overnight for concussion watch, and Casey went home the next day.

On Sunday, two days after, Casey's parents went to church. Casey, of course, stayed home.

"Man, I have a headache," she took some Tylenol, "Let's see if I can finally beat that level."

Casey walked into the living room, but she never did get to that level. She felt a pang of pain in her head and collapsed in a heap. It would be two hours before her parents would find her.

"Honey! Oh, my God, Casey! Anybody, do something!" her mother wailed on finding her.

Once again, Casey was in the ambulance. This time, however, was serious. The hospital scanners had missed a brain bleed; the hemorrhage caused pressure which had caused a minor stroke.

It was 2PM on Tuesday afternoon when the doctors finally let Casey regain full consciousness. They had been forced to perform brain surgery to remove the hemorrhage and put her in an induced coma for her recovery.

"Ugh... Pop... Mom..."
"Casey, we're here. Please don't talk too much. You're going to be fine."
"Am I?"
"The hospital, dear. They're taking good care of you."
"It doesn't matter now. Get well and rest often. If you need anything, tell us."
"I'd like my earbuds."
"All right. When we come back tomorrow, we're going to bring that stuff with us."
"Mom? Dad?"
"Yes Casey?"
"I love you," Casey tried to smile, but it didn't come out.
"Something wrong?"
"I can't smile. My speech is slurred from anasthesia."
"Casey... we didn't want to tell you so soon. Honey, you had a stroke from the fall."
"I know now. That's why my legs and arms feel weird."

Indeed she did feel weird. The entire right side of Casey's body had been affected. She could barely move her right arm, cheek, leg, etc. Suddenly, life had become this incredible challenge.

Casey had entered the world of therapy. She couldn't walk, eat, text, play games, or do many things she had taken for granted. She needed crutches to walk, learn to eat with her left hand, do all of her phone stuff with her left hand alone, and overall find a new balance in life.

Therapy was a difficult process as she knew how to do all of these things, but her body couldn't process her desperate demands for it to respond. She was most determined to walk. She didn't care if she slurred like a drunk the rest of her life as long as she didn't need crutches.

She was mortified the first time she saw a mirror. She definitely had had brain surgery, based on the large amount of missing hair. She just wore kerchiefs to hide that, especially after she had gone home and her friends started showing up frequently. She was glad she had her mother there the day she discovered it.

"Mom, can you help me to the toilet?"
"OK. You're doing really well. The doctor sounded sincerely happy."
"He sure did. Mom... WHAT IS THAT?! THAT'S BOT ME?!?!?!"
"Yes, Casey... It is. Honey, don't worry. If it really bothers you, we can block the mirror. Does it really matter though as long as we still have you?"
"I'm ugly."
"You're still beautiful Casey."
"If only I were beautiful on the inside."
"Oh, Casey... You still are there too. Come on. Use the pot so we can get out of here."

After months of therapy at home, Casey, against the odds, regained both her motion and her hair. She could almost use her arms, legs, and face as if nothing had happened. All she had was a slight limp and a slight nerve issue in her right fingers. Her head scar had grown in enough that it was unnoticeable.

When her recovery had completed, Casey began seeking a new and different 'house of worship.' To even her own surprise, she settled on a Pentecostal style church as her favorite.

TUGs only entered her life again courtesy one friend shr had. In spite of feeling renewed in body and soul, she was afraid to reach out to Jenny, Joy, and Nichole, although she was still in the FB group. She often liked stuff, but she never actually commented. One of her other club inductees, Maya, however, did reach out after what had happened, and they had become friends.

When it came time to discuss colleg, Casey already knew what she had in mind.

"Dad, I want to be a physical therapist. I now know what it's like, and I want to help kids like myself."
"What a beautiful thing to desire!" he smiled and hugged her, as was forever his only baby girl.

Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - The Girl with the Blue Camo Bandana

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:25 am
by Deleted User 1591
Nichole Petersen flipped her hair over to knot her blue camouflage bandana which she was planning on wearing as a kerchief. It was a beautiful Friday morning outside, yet something seemed off based on how badly her leg hurt near the plate.

Nichole was a mess from the combination of her self-inflicted wounds from cutting, her father's beatings, her brothers attacking her, getting hit by a car, her leg getting infected from the plate, and her brother pulverizing her.

Somedays, she had a hard time with things. She often struggled to walk some days because of leg pain, and other days her legs or arms were off from nerve pain. Other days, her fingers wouldn't respond from damage from her cutting herself bad a couple of times. The worst days, like today, combined all of those things.

She kept trying, but her fingers wouldn't let her tie the knot. It was like there was an electrical malfunction in her nerves. When she had broken her hand, she kept two of each color she wore pre-knotted, one headband and the other kerchief, but she had only one of several.
Finally, after a dozen attempts, she had enough.

"Jenny! Can you help me for a minute?"
"What's the matter? You sound frustrated."
"I can't get this damn thing knotted."
"All right. I'll help you."
"Jenny, at moments like this I just want to kick myself hard. Just hard enough to make that cartoonish 'poot' effect."
"I know it's my fault. I have a bad premonition about today."
"Don't think that."
"Hey! We have a chance of tornadoes this afternoon!" Bridget showed up uninvited, "May I come here later since your window faces west?"

Jenny stood there motionless. She wore a solid red bandana headband, brown tank-top, and neon green trainers. Bridget's timing had a completely stunned her.

"Tornadoes?" Joy asked.
"Tornadoes?!" Janie demanded.

Joy had her brown skirt, a pink t-shirt, and brown bandana headband. Janie had black trainers and a black t-shirt with her hair in a black headband and black ponytail. Bridget had slacks and a blue button-up blouse.

"Tornadoes?!" Jenny finally asked.
"What are you all? A bunch of mimickers?" Bridget responded, "I said what I meant to say. We will have a system coming through that will have a good chance of spawning tornadoes!" Bridget blurted and took off.
"There, Nichole."
"Thanks," Nichole got up then stumbled and fell.
"Nichole!" Jenny grabbed her.
"Heh. My leg is a bit out of whack today as well, I suppose."
"Oh!" Jenny started to cry.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm sick of watching you suffer."
"Oh, it's not that bad, sis. Face it, I did most of it to myself anyway. I just have to accept that it all happened. Please don't cry."
"Someone please get me my crutches."

It was just one of those days. It was bad enough to be in pain. Nooooo... Bridget had to start prating on about tornadoes.

When they were returning from classes, Bridget was wildly playing with her phone and then, in the dorm, her computer. She suddenly blurted with excitement

"We have had a tornado watch since 1PM!"
"Goody for you."
"Joy, if I to be stuck here on this couch all day, do me a favor."
"If I'm to be stuck, then I want to be with someone special. Get me Jenny, and make sure she's bound and gagged," Nichole whispered.
"With pleasure! Jenny!"
"Yeah?" Jenny asked.
"I need you."
"OK... just a moment.................... yes?"
"Put your arms behind your back."
"You think I'm just going to do that?"
"No dice, kid."
"Then I force you!" Joy quickly grabbed Jenny.
"I guess you convinced me," Jenny laughed as her arms were boxtied behind her.
"You could have resisted at least."
"Where's the fun in that?" Jenny asked as breast harness was added.
"You're really no fun."
"No fun? You kidnap me, and I'm no fun!"
"Be quiet!" Joy jammed a sock in Jenny's mouth.
"Mmmmm!" she got a knotted camouflage bandana cleave gag.

Joy tied Jenny's ankles, knees, and thighs before pushing her onto the chair next to Nichole. Nichole hugged her new stuffie.

"Yay! I have company now. Thanks, Joy!"
"No problem."
"Oooohhh... tornado warnings now," Bridget piped up again.
"Why are you here today anyway?" Nichole asked in an offensive tone.
"Because Joyce is on a date, and Sera is in class."
"Date? Now?"
"Take advantage of any time you can!"
"Are the warnings here?"
"Did your phone go off?"
"Then no."
"Then shut up!"
"Can I be tied up?" Janie asked.

Thirty minutes later, Bridget piped up again. By now, Janie was tied up just like Jenny and was on the the other side of Nichole. The only difference was that Janie had a knotted purple bandana cleave gag holding her sock in.

"Confirmed tornado in next county and headed this way."
"Great, now my phone is going off!" Nichole groaned.

Then the sirens went off. Sirens meant all students were 'required' to be on the first floor.

"Let's go."
"Jenny and I are watching Netflix. Janie is taking a nap."
"If something happens?!"
"GO without us."
"Suit yourself."
"I need to untie her and hobble there? NO!"

Joy, Janie, and Bridget went downstairs while Jenny and Nichole watched their show. They occasionally looked out the window, especially as the storm neared and the clouds grew darker. Nichole held her captive in a hug... in fact, Jenny was sleeping too.

"What do you think?" Joy asked Bridget.
"Better safe than sorry."
"OK Bridger."

Another 30 minutes later, the three were back in the dorm with Joyce now with them.

"Let me get this right... you had me worrying about these two kids for a storm that not only didn't spawn a tornado, but also didn't even stay together long enough to get here?"
"Ummm... right."
"Joy, Joyce... give her the works!"
"Hey, now!" Bridget protested.
"Hold still now!" Joy grabbed Bridget.
"That'll hold you!" Joyce clicked a pair of handcuffs on her wrists
"Let me go! I was only helping!"
"And be quiet!" Joyce jammed her ball gag in Bridget's mouth.
"Another pair here!" Joyce slapped another pair of handcuffs on Bridget's ankles.
"And for good measure!" a third pair hogcuffed her.
"That'll hold her for a while!" Joyce smiled.
"Let's bring her here where they can watch!"
"Good idea!"
"Aagggghhhhhh!" Bridget moaned as she was dragged over.
"Thank you!" Nichole smiled.
"One last thing!" Joy grabbed a white bandana.
"Ugh!" Bridget groaned as she was blindfolded.
"I have another thing!' Joyce volunteered.
"You!" Joyce handcuffed Joy.
"Me!" Joy laughed.
"Be quiet!"
"Mmmm!" Joy got a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana in her mouth.

Minutes later, Joy had bound elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs and had her headband slipped over her eyes as a blindfold. Joyce had then needed to leave for another commitment.

"Bye, Jenny!" Nichole slipped her headband over her eyes.
"Mmph!" Jenny groaned.
"Please stick around," Nichole begged.
"Sorry, girl. Wash the gag before you return it," Joyce said and left.

Nichole looked at Jenny and slowly approached before jamming her fingers in Jenny's ribs.

"Aaggghhh!" Jenny groaned with a laugh.
"Aaggghhh!" Joy concurred as the same happened to her.

The girl with the blue camo bandana looked at Janie. She had no bandanas within reach except the one she was wearing. So, even though it was one she used exclusively for wearing, Nichole took it off and blindfolded Janie with it. Nichole's fingers almost didn't cooperate. She figured it was no different from slipping Jenny's headband over her eyes.

"Aagggghhhhhhh!" Janie got full torment.

Nichole, who had been the girl with blue camo bandana, was embarking on what would be two hours of tickle torturing the friends she loved.

Re: Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - The Girl with the Blue Camo Bandana

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:46 pm
by Sureni
Beautiful story :)
Interesting ;)
enjoyable 8-)

Re: Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - The Girl with the Blue Camo Bandana

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:36 am
by Deleted User 1591
Sureni wrote: 5 years ago Beautiful story :)
Interesting ;)
enjoyable 8-)
Thanks, sureni; I'm glad you are enjoying it :)

Seasons of Love 2 (mainly F/F) - Pirates I

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:45 am
by Deleted User 1591
Jenny, 21-years old and now a senior in college, again felt like a pirate princess of some kind. On this warm summer's day, she wore her pink, knee-length skirt, black leggings, a black short-sleeve t-shirt, a pink bandana as a kerchief, and cowboy boots, and all was made perfect by the beautiful braid in her hair. It made her look like a pirate wench, which was what she was aiming for.

Joy had agreed to be Jenny's co-pirate on a crazy TUG adventure. She had on her long blue skirt, purple sneakers, blue t-shirt, white lace jacket, and a blue kerchief bandana. She looked like an appropriate pirate co-wench.

They had a simple aim. Tie up everyone they could on this pleasant Sunday afternoon. In addition to their usual group of four (minus Nichole) living in this apartment-dorm, they also had Joyce, Caleigh, Lauren, and Hannah visiting. It was a bit crowded. Bridget and Sera had a rowing commitment.

Nichole was, as she often did now, spending time with her husband. She had, in fact, spent the most of the weekend with him, even going with him to his church that morning. She wouldn't be back for an hour yet.

Lauren and Janie were playing video games with Hannah. The first two looked like twins in their monotone outfits of trainers, tank-tops, headbands, and ponytails holding their braids. Lauren had bright blue; Janie had red but had socks and sneakers to match as well. They, too, had plans on causing TUG chaos.

Next to them, Hannah looked normal in her jean shorts and pink Disney shirt with something girly on it. She had planned only on getting tied up today even if she had to turn this game into a TUG and intentionally lose. In fact, she did just that!

"Losers get tied up!" Hannah challenged.
"Deal!" Lauren accepted.
"Game on!" Janie also agreed.
"Good!" Hannah began killing Toad quickly.
"Hannah... why are intentionally jumping off the cliff?" Lauren asked.
"To run out of lives."
"To get... tied... up?"

They couldn't say much. Except for Nichole and Lauren, every girl had to admit that they had, at some point, deliberately goaded someone into tying them up or deliberately lost a game or straight up asked for it.

Caleigh, Joy, Jenny, and Joyce laughed at Hannah's ruse. Caleigh had black shorts and her black and white checkered vest-shirt. Joyce had bright green leggings and a green t-shirt. There was something pleasurable in watching the game unfold.

"I need a drink die to sugar reasons," Joyce got up to grab a Pepsi.
"Joy, I think I need your help with something," Jenny approached Caleigh.
"Of course, captain!"
"Captain?" Caleigh asked Jenny
"Didn't you notice we look kind of like pirates?"
"You look more like gangsters to me. Nasty, roguish ones... the kinds that kidnap poor innocents like me before torturing and killing us."
"We don't plan on killing..."
"But you do on kidnapping."
"I'm powerless against you two," Caleigh smiled.
"Killjoy," Joyce drank her soda.
"We shall lash ye well!" Jenny promised.

Caleigh got the usual workings of rope: wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist. A blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief gagged her well. For simplicity, they hogtied Caleigh and blindfolded her with a pink bandana.

"I'm out!" Hannah happily declared.
"Fun killer!"
"You need a little fastening," Lauren clamped a pair of handcuffs on Hannah's wrists.
"Get these off of me right now!" Hannah said in a calm but firm vouce
"Yikes!" Lauren quickly complied.
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry, kid. I didn't know."
"It's OK. It's a long story."

Via rope, Lauren tied up Hannah just like Caleigh was. She was gagged with a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and six tight layers of duct tape. Lauren blindfolded her with a purple bandana. Hannah was now on cloud nine.

The other two resumed their contest while Jenny and Joy closed in on Joyce.

"Arrr... this one's ready to be hung from the mast, Captain," Joy said with a giggle.
"She certainly is. I'll hold her while you tie her!"
"Hey, girls, Mmmph!" Joyce was helpless against the track star's grip.
"Be good now!" Jenny dragged her into the bedroom.

Jenny held Joyce against the pole while Joy handcuffed her arms behind the pole. Joy then added elbow ropes and a breast harness and waist rope; she also roped Joyce's ankles, knees, and thighs. Every step of the way, they made sure to also wrap the rope around the post.

"Girls, lemme go, please?" Joyce asked in her sweetest voice.
"Plleeeaaassseeeee!" she made her most innocent face.
"Be quiet!"
"Mmmmph!" Joyce got her own ball gag silencing her.
"Blindfold her!"
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Joy complied using a red bandana.
"Shiver me timbers!"
"You're gangsters, not pirates!" Lauren yelled.
"Oh, shut up!" Joy yelled back.
"Me?! You're the ones acting childish!"
"Arr, so we be!"

"All right, Janie, put your hands together in front of you."
"OK, sis," the gracious loser complied.

Lauren tied Janie's wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs with rope before seating her in a chair. Lauren fastened Janie's shoulders, chest, thighs, and waist to the chair before running ropes from each ankle to the respective chair leg. The annoying little sister had her arms tightly fastened to her thighs.

"Now what?"
"I gag you!"
"Mmmph!" Janie got a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana.
"I can't trust you!" Lauren followed that with a strip of microfoam tape.
"Hmmmmm!" Janie was helpless as she got a camouflage bandana blindfold.
"Enjoy! Hey, Joy, come check this out! Is she tied right?"
"She sure looks it, but how come mmmmmm!"
"Gotcha, ya pirate!"
"Mmmmm!" Joy got a sock in her mouth followed by a blue bandana cleave gag.
"That'll shut you up!" Lauren said proudly, knowing she was strong enough to do this without Joy escaping.
"Why are you kidnapping my first mate?" Jenny asked, but did nothing to help.

Joy got her arms boxtied, which was followed by the usual breast harness and other bonds, particular thigh, knee, and ankle. Joy also was fastened to the chair at her shoulders, chest, waist, and thighs, with ropes running from her knees and ankles to the chair legs.

"Mmmmm!" Joy groaned as a strip of microfoam tape came out.
"And the blindfold!" Lauren used a white bandana.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Joy could barely move.
"Games in return for a TUG!"
"*gulp* Mario in exchange for winning... I guess...," Jenny guessed.

Unawares, Nichole had appeared in blue jeans, a red t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. Joy was dismayed to have her fate decided by a video game. Jenny dropped her jaw when she did the impossible!

"I did it! I won! Oh my goodness! Here!"
"Oh, no!" Lauren got handcuffed.
"Be quiet!" Jenny got a nice blue rubber ball with a threaded white handkerchief.

After this, Lauren did a typical binding of elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. A blindfold of a pink bandana further stole away ine of her senses. She brought Lauren into the bedroom next to Joyce and had the two fastened together at their ankles, thighs, waist, chest, and shoulders.

"Mmmmmmm!" Joyce moaned, unable to understand how or why.
"Gotcha girls! This will hold you nice and tight.
"Good job, Pirate Girl Jenny, but the Pirate Gang is over!"
"Mmmmmm!" Jenny groaned as Nichole grabbed her.
"Hold still!" Nichole held her firm while cuffing her wrists.
"Lemme go!" Jenny groaned, still determined.
"Take it easy!"
"Noooo!" Jenny refused.
"Fine!" Nichole sat on the ankle ropes.
"Stop it!"
"Shut up!" Nichole gagged Jenny with a sock and a knotted pink bandana cleave gag followed by 7 smothering layers of duct tape.

Nichole tied Jenny's elbows, waist, breasts, thighs, and knees; a black bandana blindfold her. She was tied up next to Lauren and Joyce while lying on the floor; her back was on the floor, but her ankles and thighs were part of the footboard. For extra security, they ran a rope from her chest to her knees. Her lower torso actually need to be a bit in the air for the waist to be bound to the footboard.

"How about this?" Nichole proudly filmed the day's carnage.

When she was done filming and photographing, she went on a tickle adventure they'd never forget. Nichole would have fun with Hannah, Caleigh, Joyce, Janie, Lauren, Joy, and Nichole.