WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

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Thanks for that [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . Yes, Ed is a total slob and I like to use contrast to highlight that without constantly repeating the fact.
As for the epithets: I ama Brit and we love our use of nicknames. Ever since I was young, I have had to put up with them; some were pleasant and some less so but, even as an old person, I am still seldom refered to by my given name. About the only people who ever used it were my mother, several anoying aunts and, these days, the vermin who try to sell me things via the telephone. If anyone addresses me by my real name, they certainly don't know me!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

I'm just sitting here considering the kind of offspring Ed and Hils would have. Scary. :lol:
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Hmmmmm . . . Intriguing!
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Post by Veracity »

MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago I'm just sitting here considering the kind of offspring Ed and Hils would have. Scary. :lol:
Perhaps Xtc would consider a sequel set in the year 2038!
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Regretably, that is probably outside my very limited skills set.
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I don't really believe that your skill set is all that limited.
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6 Ed Gets Another Slave

I had probably better explain that what happened next has been written in the light of what I could hear at the time, what I saw afterwards, and from talking to Frank when we returned to school in September. I’m pretty sure that you’ll forgive any omissions in the circumstances.

Ed was obviously explaining the advantages to Frank of being a good boy and working hard, not the least of which advantages being that he would not have to give a poor report to Hilary when she returned. I could only imagine the nodding that accompanied Frank’s reassuring, “Mnnnn!” I could hear the noise immediately following the moment when Ed released the dog’s lead that was holding Frank’s ankles close to his wrists. I could also hear the muffled “Uooovv!” as he obviously unravelled uncontrollably. The subsequent grunting and heavy breathing was audible if indistinct. There followed a squeak which I can only assume was a consequence of Frank’s ankles being released from the strap. Ed waited for a while.

“Nnnn? Nngh?”

“No, no way. You’ll have to find a way of working with your wrists tied.”


“Or there again, I could just replace that dog’s lead again and let the Shrimp do the work but, if I do, your hands will be much closer to your heels this time. What do you think?”

Frank obviously gave up pleading and agreed. I didn’t like to think how long he had been bound and gagged but he did tell me later that Hilary had jumped him before he even got up that morning. She “explained” one or two things to him and allowed him a visit to the bathroom before he had to get into his swimmers. After that, he found his wrists cuffed in front of him and his ankles strapped together as he ate breakfast. From there on, once he’d had to slip his rope cuffs under his bum, he was carried outside and taped to the already laden cart. OK, so she had to free his ankles but Frank said that he made the mistake of suggesting that she was less than a lady at that stage. That’s when he was “persuaded” to open wide. I hope Ed never tries to persuade me like that! In spite of his reputation, I was starting to feel sorry for the little kid; even Ed wouldn’t keep me bound and gagged as strictly as that for as long as that.

After what Ed considered to be a reasonable pause I heard Frank struggling to his feet. Whether Ed had to help him, I don’t know but I’m pretty sure Frank would have done his best.

OK. Due to the lack of available detail, I’ll skim over the next actions but, by the time I could see again, I understood that Frank had been put back on his lead as Ed showed him the bare patch in the middle of the turf that he had to clear of twigs, charcoal, beech mast, fir cones and other detritus. I’ve done that before on campsites but, not being Smeggy Eddie’s slave, I’ve always had boots or trainers on my feet. Frank had to do the job barefoot. He did seem to have made a good job of it, though. Next he had to collect fallen branches and larger twigs for the fire. That can’t have been easy with his wrists still cuffed behind him. Kindling, most of which he gathered from the ring of detritus that he had just created, was Frank’s next task. He admitted that he had gone down on his knees and begged by gesture to have his wrists freed before doing so.

Apparently Ed was reluctant to oblige. Now there’s a surprise. I could hear Ed explaining that, if he allowed Frank to slip his hands in front of him, he was sure that he would not touch his gag. Frank confirmed later that he wouldn’t have dared. I began to wonder how long it had taken Hilary to reduce the renowned posturing loudmouth to such abject submission. Ed agreed to allow Frank to manoeuvre his hands to be in front of him as long as Frank had his ankles chained so that there was no way he could run off. The job was done: Frank’s ankles were cuffed probably about a foot apart and he was allowed to force his rope cuffs past his bum. Being of a rather sturdy build, he admitted to finding that difficult. He did claim that, unlike me however, he managed not to display his bare bottom to the outside world whilst doing so. By the time I could see again, it was obvious that Frank had been as good as his (implied) word and those layers of transparent tape still held the blue ball in place.


Eventually I heard Ed and Frank returning to near where I was still sitting against the tree. Once more I wished that my jammers had been a bit more discreet and I lifted my knees in an attempt to hide the fact that, sitting there, bound, gagged and blindfolded I had allowed my mind to drift off into fantasy-land. I couldn’t help it, I imagined myself being kept captive by Dave. I have to admit that, when we get to close quarters at judo, I’m often grateful for the power of a jockstrap to at least minimise the visible effects of my inevitable semi. I tried desperately to think of boring things, gross things, anything that might get rid of my unwanted stiffy - without any immediate success.

Fortunately, Ed spent a while settling Frank down before paying me any attention at all and, by the time I thought I heard him approaching, I was in a less excited state. “Right, Shrimp, you’ve got work to do. Hold still.” Ed had obviously got his sheath-knife out and was cutting the tape around my “top-knot”. He allowed the remains of the tights to drop down to my shoulders and carefully cut the tape that fastened the improvised hood round my neck. I couldn’t figure out why he was being so careful, after all, the tights were already ruined and he could have just tied the remains round my eyes if he wanted to blindfold me. I didn’t think I would point that out later, though.

As the black fabric was pulled from my head, I had to screw my eyes shut briefly even though I was still in the shade. After a few seconds, I could see Frank sitting against the next tree. He was grubby. No, I mean he was grubby! He had sweat-adhered dust clinging like mud most of the way up his lower legs and all round his knees, his hands were filthy well past his wrists and his previously shiny golden swim briefs were no longer pristine. His task had obviously been somewhat demanding.

Ed had obviously found some more tree ties in the cart because I noticed two of them; one was round Frank’s ankles and another just below his raised knees clamping his legs close together. The cable tie round his big toes was going to hurt later. The rope cuffs were still intact and there didn’t seem to be too many signs of chaffing. How long had he been tied up? Rather than making Frank force his hands behind him again, Ed had passed the clip of the dog’s lead between Frank’s arms and threaded it through the loop at the other end. Once the resultant noose had been tightened round the rope cuffs, the chain disappeared between Frank’s legs. Later on I saw that it had been passed under his bum and, after one or two turns around Frank’s collar it had been clipped onto it. He was incapable of moving his hands far from his crutch and certainly incapable of interfering with his gag even if he could be sure that he was unobserved. That was obviously why Ed had used that sleep mask.

Wheeew! That chain could cause embarrassment. It certainly would have done if it had been on me. The sellotape round his face was, by now, still adhering to itself but only minimally to Frank’s hair at the back but he had still not been able to expel the dog toy ball. My lemon gag was demanding and it was already hurting more than a little bit but I dreaded to think how his jaw must be burning by now. As if all that was not enough to secure a teenager, Ed had taken a wide leather belt and wrapped it around Frank’s arms and torso just below his chest. Needless to say, it was buckled behind the victim.

By now my arms were aching through having them lifted up immovably behind me for a couple of hours so Christ knows how Frank must have been feeling. I thought that at least Ed hadn’t left the chain on him. Ooops! That was probably going to be heading in my direction soon.

OK Shrimp, you’ve got work to do.” I listened intently. “Frank needs a drink and you’re going to give it to him. Understand?” I nodded just once. “Then he needs feeding. Guess who’s going to do that.” I didn’t react. “Then I might allow you to take lunch as well. OK, stand up.”

I must have looked puzzled but Ed didn’t seem to notice; perhaps that was because most of my face was still obscured by gaffer tape? He just cocked his head to one side and waited – but not for long. “OK, I’ll just go and get that swishy hazel twig, shall I?” I might not always be too quick on the uptake but I took that hint. I still had my boots on so I could get good purchase on the ground as I pushed against the tree but it would have been much easier if Ed had separated my ankles first – wouldn’t it! He seemed to take some delight in watching my struggling but I did eventually manage to stand even if I did somewhat lack stability when Ed pulled me away from the tree.

Smeggy Eddy took me by the shoulders, turned me round and made me bunny hop away from the tree. “Stand still and you might not fall over.” I really did not want to make a closer acquaintance with the ground at the time but I didn’t give much for my chances. Nevertheless, Ed did manage to release my wrists so that I could shake the rope free from my arms while he supported me. The ropes had not constricted my wrists excessively but forced immobility had started to cause cramps in my arms. Why he didn’t just untie me completely, I don’t know.

“Alright, just sit and undo your ankles.” I sat down as carefully as I could and reached for the tag on the plastic buckle on the tree tie. Once it had been lifted perpendicular to my shin, it released easily. A quick pull at the spacer between my ankles soon left my legs unfettered. I reached for the silver tape that shrouded my entire lower face. I really wanted rid of that lemon.

Ed moved quickly. He knelt behind me and took me in a full nelson hold, forcing my arms out and my hands away from my face. He then lifted me to my feet.


“YOU do not need to speak to HIM,” and Ed jerked me round to face Frank. “Any more than HE needs to see YOU!” Ed pushed my head forwards twice for emphasis. “Get it?”

Fortunately for me, Ed interpreted my desperate, “Nnnn, nnngh,” as ‘yes’ and released me. I managed not to lose my footing.

“I do not want you talking to one another. I know you can’t afford to do a runner but I don’t want that Rodent to stand any chance of doing so just in case. Nod if you still get it.” My sullen look was probably easily recognised even from only the visible portion of my face as I abruptly nodded my head just once.

“Go and get that Tupperware box from the cart and bring it here. I’ve got something to explain to this kid.” I did as I was told and, no, I didn’t try removing any of that tape as soon as I was out of Ed’s sight.

“Listen up, Frankie Boy. Need a drink? You want lunch?” Frank somehow seemed to indicate that he did. “Right, just understand that once that thing is taken out of your gob, any attempt to say anything and it will go straight back in. What do you say?”

Frank shook his head frantically, “Mnnn, nnngh.” You know, it’s surprising how much the same both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ sounded whenever either of us tried to say anything?

“Good. OK, Shrimp, put the lunch down there and get that blue thing out of his mouth. Careful with this knife, though, I don’t want it damaged.” I don’t know whether Ed was really being crass or whether it was his attempt at a power joke. I took the proffered knife and knelt by a not much happier looking Frank.

“Nnns n nn.” Fuck I hate sounding like that! I just thought I ought to try to reassure Frank that it was OK before carefully slipping Ed’s knife between the layers of tape and Frank’s left cheek. Even with the multiple layers, that knife made very short work of creating two loose ends to the tape. As I have already told you, the tape adhered only to the hair on Frank’s nape by now and the bulk of it fell aside once it could actually do so. I thought it was more important to try to help Frank expel the ball before releasing the tape that was hanging down behind him and he seemed unable to do it for himself, I knew it was going to hurt!.

I took the slobber covered ball as firmly as I could and tried to ask Frank if he was OK with what we were about to do. He seemed to understand and nodded once. I pulled and he did his best to hold still. The disgusting thing didn’t stay in my hand for long. Frank yelled!

Ed closed in menacingly and Frank croaked his plea that it was an accident and he couldn’t help it. There were several repetitions of the word ‘pleeease’. He was desperate.

“Alright, just this once. You get that one for free. Done now?” Frank nodded several times. “Good. Remember: that thing,” Ed indicated the ball where it lay even though Frank couldn’t see it, “Is going nowhere unless it’s back where it just came from.” Frank did not look much comforted. Ed turned to me, “Go and get some water for the Rodent. Use your bottle.” I ran to do it, Frank must have been parched.

When I got back to the other two, Ed had pulled the tape clear of Frank’s hair causing only a minor yelp from the smaller kid and had opened the large lunch box that Hilary had provided. As my brother started his own lunch, I knelt beside Frank, cradled him in my left arm and presented the bottle to his mouth. He quickly cottoned on to what was happening and had soon taken in as much water as he needed. He risked a quiet, “Thank you.”

“You can still have your lunch but you did speak, shame about that.” Frank did not even bother pleading at that time. I suspect that he had calculated the likelihood of his going hungry if he said anything else at all.

Administering sandwiches to a blindfolded diner to whom I could not speak wasn’t exactly the easiest task I had ever attempted and the lump of pork pie was no easier. Frank wore only a little of the fruit pie by the time he had finished his desert but it did compliment the sandwich filling that already decorated his chest and abdomen. I offered up the bottle to his mouth again and he accepted a further drink. I noticed that Ed had decided that he would help himself to one of the three cans of coke from the lunch box.

“Mnn nngh.”

“Oh, finished have you? Won’t be a mo.” With that, Ed made his way towards the cart once more. I couldn’t quite see what he had in his hand when he returned. “Put your hands together like you were praying.” Hilary was right: cable ties do hurt! Ed secured my hands in front of me and made remarks about just keeping things tidy as he cable tied first my ankles and then my big toes. I was right too: that was going to hurt later! I was beginning to see why he secured me even though he had no need to do so. Adding that extra tie round my thumbs was really rubbing it in, though. Once Ed had cut the loose ends from the cable ties, I was left sitting next to Frank as my big brother turned his attention towards him. I thought that Ed might have forgotten that one of us had not yet had his lunch.

“Mmm mmmm.” I pointed towards the lunch box.

“Greedy little sod. Wait! I need to protect you from the Rodent’s naughty language first.

Frank’s mouth was agape with pure horror. “Please, please, no. It hurts! I’ll keep shtum. Promise. Please!” Even bound as he was, Frank managed to force himself forwards onto his knees as he looked up into where he assumed Ed’s smirking face to be.

Ed had adopted his “Mister Reasonable” persona again. “Well, I’d like to believe you but so far you have spoken without permission and I really can’t have the Shrimp’s ears polluted. Sorry, but I just can’t take the chance,”

“Nyyui’it’nng ‘aa angh” (3)

“So you don’t want any lunch then?” I decided that I had better shut up.

“Please, not that blue ball.”

“Shut up and listen.” Frank stayed on his knees but he certainly fell silent. “Now, I need to silence you and all I have is this nice blue ball and several rolls of gaffer tape. - - - unless you have a suggestion.”

I could almost see Frank thinking. He had to make a shameful admission. “Hils has gagged me with my boxers before.”

“OK, so where are your boxers, then?” Frank obviously spotted the flaw in his argument. There was a pause.

“Please, not the dog toy,”

“I suppose I could use those speedos of yours.” Even though Frank’s shoulders sagged, I thought he might even prefer that. I was also coming to a better understanding of the way his cousin must have treated him in the past. “No, a bit mucky, really.” Frank tried to look Ed in the face again. “I suppose I could always use the Shrimp’s shorts.” He turned to face me. “You won’t mind, will you?”

I had to think. Surely he didn’t mean the jammers I was wearing? I didn’t know how to react.

“Right, that’s decided then.” Ed stood and went across to where I had hung those embarrassing little running shorts. “Should do the job. Probably got enough tape already.” Ed returned rolling the shorts tightly round the folded waistband.

“If you don’t want that ball shoved in again, you’d better open up.” Frank knew better than to refuse even though he couldn’t see what was about to happen to him. Ed forced the shorts into Frank’s mouth. I know now that he had made sure that the draw string was safely rolled up inside the fabric. He was obviously used to such practices. After a few more minutes there wasn’t much grey tape left on the roll or much of Frank’s lower face showing. Smegward pinched his victim’s nipples and twisted.

“Neeee!” Frank hunched forcibly.

“Just testing. Seems to be alright. OK, Shrimp, you can strip all that tape off your face now.”

It must have taken me the best part of a quarter of an hour finding the ends of the strips of tape that held the lemon in place and removing them. The first long strip that Ed had wrapped round the shorter ones that stopped me opening my jaws any wider than the fruit was already forcing them came away easily once I had found where it started and it wasn’t in contact with my skin or my hair. The strips that it was securing were a different matter. I just had to go for it. The short hair on my temples suffered a further depletion. At least my yelps were muffled.

At least Ed hadn’t left the end of the first layers he had applied out of reach of my fingers and bound thumbs but I could see him filming the entire process. Christ, I was beginning to think that Ed’s tablet was like the cowboys’ guns in the westerns; you know: the ones that never need reloading. Removing the first round was OK except for trying to get my hands behind my neck. That removed a certain amount of hair but the second round was only just under my nose and it had not worked itself free at all. OK, I’m only fifteen but I already have an incipient moustache (described by Smegward, unkindly I thought, as ‘bum-fluff’). Now that hurt! By that stage, I just went for it and pulled the stuff free as quickly as I could. If it wasn’t for that yellow horror still lodged behind my teeth I might well have shared my opinion of my brother with him. That would not have been a good idea. I pushed the lemon out and let it drop. My jaw ached!

“OK, Shrimp, get your lunch but those cokes are mine. Understand?” My answer, even now I wasn’t gagged, was merely a grunt. I could reach the food, and there was still plenty of it, without crawling too far but getting hold of it and transferring it to my mouth wasn’t much less humiliating than Frank must have found the process of being fed by me. Nevertheless, I managed to make a decent lunch and took water from my bottle. At least there was no washing up to do.

“OK, worms, listen up. One of you has work to do.”

“Hypocritical bastard” (3)
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Post by bondagefreak »

I just loved how Ed shoved those shorts into poor Frank's mouth and then wrapped his face up with tape.
Must've been one hell of a gag!
Poor Frank. I bet that plugged him up real good 8-)

Love scenes were the victim gets a "proper" mouth stuffing.
So few people know how to do it right!

Fantastic work, as usual!

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Post by Xtc »

It was proably a good job that the shorts were those skimpy ones that usually don't even cover the runner's arse. Ed is FAR too lazy to shove anything larger completely into place.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Quite a long chapter coming up.
It didn't seem to make sense to break it anywhere.

Here we go . . .
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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7 After Lunch on Sunday

Both Frank and I listened intently as Smeggy Eddie appraised his workforce. “Now. This job needs a bit of brawn so do I give it to the muscly little oik or do I get the taller kid with the longer limbs to do it?” Finally! Ed seemed to have noticed that I was no longer the shrimp that he has always thought me to be. I was very nearly as tall as he was and, although I didn’t have his bulk, I was quite fit. “So, the Shrimp - - - or the Rodent? - - - It’s quite hard to decide. Perhaps I’ll have to sit and think about it. Back in a sec.”

Ed went to collect his chair (At least he couldn’t expect me to fetch it for him all the while I was cable-tied.) and a few other things he thought he might need. “OK Shrimp, I’m sorry about this but I’ve been thinking and I’ve decided that it’s not really fair to keep the Rodent gagged all the while your mouth is free to flap away.” I was NOT looking forward to having either the lemon or the stick lodged in my mouth, especially as I had only just been allowed to spit out the lemon. I kept quiet.

“Tell you what, I’ve just thought of another way of using my old running tights. Always like re-cycling.” I started balancing in my mind the possible consequences of a) begging and b) getting one good mouthful of abuse in before succumbing to the inevitable. Option c was obviously the best course of action: just shut up and look daggers at Ed.

Ed took one leg of the former tights and rolled it carefully starting at the toe. He then took a new roll of tape and used a short length of it to compact the roll. He held it up critically to my mouth. I was beginning to get the idea. “Oh yes, this boy is gooood.” Ed was easily pleased with his efforts as he stuffed the package inside the remaining leg of the tights. That grin appeared again. “Open up, Shrimp, and keep your hands down.”

I found my mouth filled by the rolled up fabric and Ed even had to rise from his throne to tie it tightly behind my neck. “Now, with extra tape or without?” It was obvious that he was contemplating taping over the thing that was stretching my lips unpleasantly. “Nah, that should do.” I was slightly relieved. Now, what about the blindfold?” All of a sudden I panicked again.

Before I could react any further, Ed pulled the sleep mask from Frank’s face. “Right, now you can both see the job I’ve got for you. You are both going to have to bid for the contract.” By now I was wishing that Ed could have blindfolded my ears! His bullshit was giving my arse a headache!

“OK, worms, on your feet.” Frank immediately did as we had been told. He was obviously used to having to get up from the ground while he was tied up. Once I had finished staring at my brother in disbelief, it took me quite a bit longer. At least I could use my arms for balance


The journey towards the cart was both difficult and humiliating. Once again I gave some serious consideration to pulling the destroyed tights out of my mouth and getting my money’s worth before getting gagged again. The inevitability not only of being gagged more painfully but also of having my arms put out of harm’s way made me decide against it but it was a close run decision. Two kids ended up bunny hopping and grunting across the clearing. One of them was better at it than the other in spite of the fact that he was bare-footed.

We were instructed to look into the cart and asked if we could see what Ed described as marquee stakes. As I looked into the cart, I wondered if there was anything he would require for my humiliation that could not have been provided from the estate’s supplies. Ed dumped his chair down again and parked his arse on it while he explained what he wanted one of us to do. What it amounted to was that, just in case his slaves did not deserve to sleep in the tent overnight, he would need somewhere that he could stake either one of both of them out. He opined that four long metal stakes driven deeply into the ground should safely accommodate anyone who was bound securely to them.

“OK, one of you will need to have his hands freed, the other won’t be so lucky. I want to see you beg.”

Frank immediately fell to his knees and even touched his nose to the ground. That poor kid had obviously been really well trained. He had been tied up for hours and was desperate to be untied. Look, don’t judge me, I know his need was greater than mine but I really wanted those cable ties removed, especially the ones around my wrists. Yes! I went down on my knees as well and raised my hands. I didn’t intend it to look like begging but I did try to flex my biceps as impressively as possible. Smugward seemed to have misinterpreted the pose.

“Good begging, Shrimp, but I reckon the Rodent beat you to it. Don’t worry, though, there’s a job for you as well. Just wait for a minute while I deal with ‘’elf ‘n’ safety’.” Ed’s concept of health and safety and mine do not match!

He simply wanted to make sure that not only could I not move too much but that my hands were rendered useless and kept safely away from my mouth. I soon found the strap that had previously secured Frank’s ankles bound tightly around my torso and upper arms. That pinched. Ed then took the new roll of tape and wrapped it round my fingers binding my hands together in a single, immovable lump that extended to my wrists. He could have removed the cable ties before finishing but I expect you can guess whether he did or not. Even my attempted remonstration was totally incomprehensible. There was obviously no shortage of tape in the supplies and I was soon ‘persuaded’ to raise my knees so that Ed could tape my wrists to my legs just above them. There was no way I was going to be able to stand after he had deployed all that tape. All the while I was bound like that, I couldn’t think what he meant by, “There’s a job for you as well”. I soon found out.

Ed turned his attentions towards the still kneeling Frank. He seemed intent on making the grubby little guy very clear concerning his future prospects – under all conceivable circumstances. Frank was happy that his rope cuffs would need to be removed but other conditions, except for the consequences of his non-cooperation, remained as yet unclear.

Ed unclipped the lead connecting Frank’s wrists to his collar. The alarmed sound that escaped the tape round his lower face as Ed pulled the chain under his bum would, in other circumstances, have been comical; my brother certainly seemed to find it so. The dog’s lead was removed completely from the rope cuffs and Ed reconnected it to the collar round Frank’s neck and hitched the leather loop into the clip shortening the chain and leaving it hanging down in front of him. He certainly knew better than to interfere with it.

Ed collected the chain with its padlocks attached and seemed to be measuring it against some esoteric criteria. “On your back, feet up.” Frank looked puzzled but did not move. Ed grabbed his bound feet. Frank fell onto his face. “OK, suit yourself.” Ed was obviously going to hobble Frank’s raised feet. He did so but not too close together before removing the tree ties and cutting Frank’s big toes free. Frank grunted with relief as Ed dropped his feet.

“Sorry, Shrimp, I know you’re safe and can’t afford to escape,” although, to be honest, I was even reappraising that situation by then, “But I had to make sure that my labourer had a ball and chain to stop him running away. Guess who gets that job?”

There was still plenty of unused chain and the free end was quickly secured round my left ankle above the cable tie. That left about four feet of chain between frank’s right ankle and my left one. Frank was given orders to remove the stakes and the sledge hammer from the cart and to be ready to position them where he was told. The first task was fairly easy all the while we were so near to the cart but I thought I could see a snag with the upcoming “where he was told” part.

Ed’s ubiquitous crocodile grin was not in its accustomed place; instead his ugly kisser displayed a wide, crooked smile. His eyes seemed to sparkle. I could sense another video in the offing.


“OK, slaves? Ready?” Ed received no answer.

Frank lifted four of the stakes out of the cart. They were obviously heavy “t-sectioned” iron and each about two and a half feet long with a metal ring passing through a hole near the blunt end. Ed indicated that Frank should drop them where he lobbed a fir cone. Frank headed off but the main difficulty soon became obvious. Ed could have allowed him to work closer to where we were but that wouldn’t have been anywhere near as entertaining, would it? “Just move them as far as you can . . .” Frank did and I tried shuffling after him on my bum. That was never going to work. “. . . Then drop them and lift the Shrimp up under his arms. You’ll soon do it in relays.”

Many muffled protests went totally ignored and, sure enough, once I had been lifted and carried three times, Frank had managed to relay the stakes near to where the fir cone had landed. One more carry and my bum was parked on top of the thing! Ed seemed to be satisfied and was helping himself to another Coke. “OK, you done good there, Rodent, now you need to get the sledge hammer.”

We looked at Ed, he shrugged, tipped his head to one side and raised his eyebrows.

“Mnnn . . .” Frank looked at me and shook his head gently. I chose to interpret that as, “Sorry.”

I nodded reassuringly, “Nggg.”

“Just drag him. It’ll be easier.”

Frank looked at me again and raised his eyebrows. “Nggh?”

I nodded again, “Mmmm.”

I was fortunate that Frank did such a good job of clearing the ground but it was easier for both of us than it was when he had to keep picking me up and putting me down. I was soon as mucky as the deeply tanned kid who was dragging me across the dusty clearing.

We reached the cart and Frank reached for the sledgehammer. I had an idea that would enable us to avoid relaying both the tool and me back to where Frank would be working. Trouble was: how could I let Frank know? I had no need to worry, he’d had almost the same idea. Ed adopted his customary self-satisfied smirk as Frank dragged me one-handed by one ankle whilst bearing the sledgehammer in the other. I’m sure he tried to apologise to me as soon as he’d let go. At least he didn’t try to drag me by the chain.

“Just hammer one of them in where you are and then I’ll help you to get the others in the correct positions.” That didn’t sound like Ed, he was usually too idle to scratch himself.

I must hand it to Frank: he did move as far away from where he had left me as possible before positioning the first stake. The ground, being quite soft, yielded to Frank’s initial assault upon it so that, after a few strokes holding onto the stake with one hand and the hammer up near the head with the other, Frank was able to release the stake and position himself for much stronger blows. The work showed off the little guy’s physique quite well. He was almost like a miniature, darker version of Dave. No! No!! Please!!! It was a good job that I was sitting in a somewhat scrunched up posture with my arms covering my embarrassment as my person started to swell once more. Sweat soon started to form trails through the dirt on Frank’s back.

“OK, Rodent, that will do.” Ed called a halt once frank had driven all but about six inches of the stake into the ground. “Get another one and I’ll help you to get it where it has to go.” Yup, I was right: there was no way Ed was going to stir from his chair. Frank collected the stake and, under Ed’s direction, positioned it about as far away from the other one as could be managed without moving me.

Frank repeatedly needed to flick his over long fringe from his eyes, not an easy job unless he was going to relinquish the sledgehammer, an idea that he didn’t think would be advisable in his situation. Once the second stake had been driven home, Ed delivered his next order, “OK, just drag the Shrimp about six foot that way. That should do.”

Frank grunted.

I sighed.

Frank collected the remaining two stakes and threaded them by the rings onto the sledgehammer handle. He could handle them now there were only two. Ed looked somewhat disappointed as I was dragged as far as he had indicated. “Right, just dump the Shrimp there and get those other two stakes in. Make sure they’re square with the others.” I don’t think Ed cared whether Frank did the job accurately or not until he had completed it, he could always make him undo his hard work and start again. Fortunately, not even my miserable git of a brother could fault his work when he finally shifted himself to inspect it. I think Frank was feeling quite pleased about that.

“OK, slaves, go and get the other four stakes.”



D’ y’ know that moment when all your hopes get dashed? Well, then!

Long story short again: after Frank’s further exertions, there were two rectangles of stakes located one each side of where the firewood had been positioned. Frank’s hair was clamped against his skull and his back running with sweat and he tried diverting the stream that was trickling down his back before it ran down his crack. I don’t think he was very successful.

“Ok, Rodent, get the sledgehammer put away and I’ll get you settled down again.” By now I really needed to be out of the cable ties so much that I didn’t think I would really mind being taped up any longer instead and I didn’t have any idea how long Ed would take settling Frank down.

I was dragged across to the cart once more and Frank placed the hammer into it with some sense of obvious trepidation as he contemplated the meaning of the term ‘settled down’.


Ed called us across to where he was lounging and, once Frank had dragged me over to him, he addressed what he considered to be our needs. “Christ, you two are really dirty.” He was right. “Better go and get clean.” That sounded like a good idea. “Come here.” Frank did as he was told.

You know those glass holders that you find in the arms of camping chairs? Well, Ed had found a new use for the one on his chair. He removed a couple of very strong looking cable ties from it. Frank had only two options: he could put his hands behind his back and get them bound or he could attempt to run away with me doing my drag-anchor impression attached to his ankles. Frank didn’t even attempt to resist. I thought it was particularly mean when Ed also tied his already chained ankles together until things became clearer very shortly afterwards. It didn’t even dawn on me at the time that Ed hadn’t bothered to cut the ends off the cable ties.

Ed must have been in a good mood because he didn’t even make Frank lie down and present his raised ankles before reaching down and unlocking the chain. Predictably, Frank toppled. and contrived to land on Ed who pushed him off and safely onto the floor. It was a good job that Ed’s chair was one of the more robust sort. Frank sounded frantic; he seemed to be trying to apologise – or had he finally grown a pair and was he trying to describe Smegward in the terms he so richly warranted?

Ed beckoned for me to come closer but he made no effort to help so I had to do a bum shuffle towards him. He reached down and grabbed the chain that was still padlocked to my ankle causing me to fall onto my back. Even Ed couldn’t figure out how to remain seated comfortably if he wanted to secure his charges as he wished and he knelt while he padlocked the free end of the chain round Frank’s neck, but not too tightly.

Ed’s next move was to unlock the chain from my left ankle only to reinstate it round my neck. I was not best impressed. “OK, Rodent, feet up.” Now that Frank and I had been chained together securely once more, Ed considered it safe to cut him free from the cable ties but it was not immediately apparent to me why we couldn’t simply have stayed linked by our ankles. Frank’s wrists were soon free as well and Ed gave him permission to remove his gag. Frank didn’t need telling twice. It took a good ten minutes of increasingly less muffled yelping before he could expel the slimy running shorts. Frank just sat there looking anxiously at Ed as if awaiting any further orders or permissions.

“Look, I know I explained that the Shrimp’s safe and that he daren’t escape but I can’t risk your corrupting him or plotting your own escape with him. I’m sure you understand.” Frank did not look as if he understood at all and he started pleading. “Sorry, but I need to make sure you can’t remove any gag I put on you. No, I don’t believe you, just open up.” Frank didn’t take any notice and kept pleading. “Fair enough,” Ed produced his tablet, “Now what shall I tell Hils?” It was as if Ed had uttered the magic word. Frank stopped in mid plea, open mouthed and shaking his head.

I really felt for this kid in spite of knowing what others had said about him. Ed didn’t seem to share my sensibility as he removed the leather belt from my arms. Having it removed hurt more than I was expecting and it was only then I noticed that it had surprisingly large holes pierced most of the way along its length. Frank didn’t even try shutting his mouth against having the sweaty leather strap inserted. Ed buckled it tighter than seemed to be friendly behind Frank’s neck trapping his hair before inserting a small padlock through two coincident holes in the strap. That must have hurt! There was no way, even with his hands free that Frank could have dislodged the thing without either the key to the padlock or a knife.

“Now, you two dirty little slugs are going for a bath and to do some laundry. Those swimmers – and you - must stink by now.” He was right but I still resented being told. While he was explaining, our ‘carer’ moved across to the cart and from there to his day-pack. He really HAD been going through my chest of drawers; he threw my football shorts towards me. They were, of course, quite long but I wouldn’t normally wear them without underwear, usually my skins. Needless to say, there were no undies with them.

“Alright, Shrimp, get clean, rinse out those manky jammers and put your footy shorts on. Don’t say I never do anything for you.”

Frank told me later that he wondered briefly whether there wasn’t some clean clothing for him as well but experience had taught him not to expect too much. “Sorry, Rodent, Hils hasn’t packed a change for you but those speedos really are in need of a clean. Here.” Ed threw a large brown towel that Frank caught. “Share this with the Shrimp and wrap it round you afterwards.”

Ed then cut me free from the cable ties (that hurt!) and told Frank to help me to remove all the tape from me before we went down to the lake for a bath while he went for a well earned rest. I know what type of well earned rest I wished for him at the time and it would have been a very long one!

Once my hands had been freed and I could once more my separate my forearms from my legs, I thought I had better check with Ed before removing my gag. Christ! Why was I even asking? Ed graciously consented and I yanked the stuffing from my mouth leaving the soggy lycra hanging round my neck. Once I had manoeuvred the knot round to the front, it was still quite difficult untying it. “Don’t drop it in the dirt, it won’t taste very nice afterwards.” I don’t think Ed heard what I called him under my breath.

“Off you go. Get a good wash and rinse out your clothes. I can’t have Hilary thinking that I haven’t been looking after her little cousin, can I?” I think he was being only half disingenuous.


“You OK?” I needed to ask. Frank nodded. Once more I got the idea that he expected no better from life.

“Don’t spend to long chewing the fat. Or shall I try locking some of that chain in your mouth? I’ve got another padlock here. It’ll hurt but it might help to bring you two lovebirds closer.”

“Nah, nah, I’m good, thanks. We’re going. Ready, mate?” Once more Frank nodded and we jogged down to the lake.

We approached over the pebble beach, where we left the towel, my footwear and my clean shorts, and kept jogging until we were waist deep in the water. I know it was silly but we waited until we enjoyed that level of privacy before removing what passed for our clothing. It was quite easy for Frank but, being chained together, my attempts at removing my jammers occasioned my fellow sufferer to take a few duckings, in one of which I joined him. I gave up on the idea of trying to protect my modesty in present company from then on.

We both rinsed and wrung out our garments and took a short walk to the bank to deposit them on the stones. There was no attempt by either of us to moderate our nudity now. “Fancy going back in for a while?”

“Effs.” Frank nodded. It had brewed up into a very warm day and the idea of a recreational bit of skinny dipping was very enticing especially as Ed was some distance away. We both worked our way deeper into the water and repeatedly ducked our heads and massaged our scalps. We even made rudimentary attempts at cleaning ourselves down. I tried not to look at Frank; that could have been embarrassing for at least one of us! I was content that the water was concealing any symptoms of stimulation but, being so closely connected to the guy, could have proved very problemsome. At least Frank seemed to be completely oblivious of any embarrassment.

By a process of interrogation on my part and nodding and shaking of his head on Frank’s, we both agreed to move into shallower water where we could sit for a while. I learned a little more about my companion but I still couldn’t find out why he didn’t just rat Hilary out to his parents or find some other way of not being subjected to her ministrations. I probably still haven’t got the full picture.

Once more, life almost became good again.


Things were too good to last. “Oi, Gaylord, stop kissing your new little boyfriend,” (I wasn’t and he wasn’t my boyfriend!) “Dry off and get your lazy little arses over here.” We sighed, looked resignedly at one another, stood and left the water.

It would normally have been OK to have drip dried in the sun but I didn’t want to have to walk around with my football shorts clinging to my wet form so I took the advantage of first use of the towel. Frank didn’t find the need to towel down, other than to dry his hair a bit, and, after I had climbed into my blue shorts, he simply wrapped the towel around his waist and secured it as best he could.

“OK?” Frank nodded and we each picked up our swimming gear and I round up my discarded footwear.

We didn’t return to where Smeggy Eddie was lounging anywhere nearly as quickly as when we had jogged to the lake. We hung the wet garments over a convenient branch and stood before Ed’s chair.

“I’ve had an idea.” That did not sound promising. “I can’t have the Rodent wandering around in a wet towel.” I don’t know why Ed was explaining this to me. “So, before you lose that chain, he’s got some dressmaking to do.”

Ed had a roll of tape at the ready and what looked like the remains of a robust, black refuse sack. That was exactly what it was; my big brother had converted it into a tube, which he held up for Frank’s inspection. “A bit of gaffer tape and I’ll bet this would make a kilt for you.” Frank did not look convinced. “Or there again, you could go round in the nuddie. Suit yourself.”

Frank obviously had very little choice. He stepped into the black plastic tube, which he hitched up underneath the towel. He seemed to be much more reluctant to display his bits in front of Ed than he had been earlier on with me. The towel dropped as Frank continued lifting the plastic tube and it looked as though Frank was wearing some sort of mini-dress that started under his armpits and reached down to past his knees.

“OK, Shrimp, give him a hand.”


“Well, he is your, er, ‘friend’ isn’t he?” I simply snorted. “Take this roll of tape and wrap it round him, you know, round his waist.” Frank nodded in what I assumed was an attempt to reassure me. I wrapped two layers of tape tightly in a place that turned out to be near the top of his hips. I didn’t really want to feel around too much to locate his waist. “OK, Rodent, fold the rest down.”

Frank stood wearing a sort of crumpled double layered skirt that looked as though it would probably be decent all the while he was standing up. “Want the Shrimp to wrap a bit more tape round that for you?”

“’Unngh!” That sounded like one of the words I often use to describe my big brother. He let it pass.

I did form another belt round Frank’s ‘garment’ just below the top in an attempt to provide him with at least minimal concealment. Frank managed to convey to Ed that he would like me to give him the gaffer tape. That seemed to amuse Ed who told me to hand it over. In a less humiliating situation I would have found it equally amusing as Frank attempted to improvise what I now know as a sort of culottes with the inner skirt by attaching the front to the back with several strips of tape. I couldn’t help wondering why he bothered.

Ed surveyed his charges. “Now, what can we do to pass the time?”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


8 Lazing on a Sunny Afternoon

Frank made his best attempt to make his case to Ed. There was no way he could remove the strap that was obviously tormenting him more that I would previously have thought possible but he tried inserting his fingers between his gag and his cheeks. That certainly got Ed’s attention. “Eeeeeuf, eeeeuf.” Ed was satisfied that Frank stood no chance of removing the strap but Frank already knew that from his previous efforts while we were in the lake, and he changed to pointing at the thing with both index fingers. “Eeeeeeufh”.

“What’s that? Not tight enough?”

Frank shook his head and tried asking again. Ed simply tilted his head to lone side and looked puzzled. Frank sighed (I think) and put his hands together. I thought it was only a matter of time before he knelt once more. I shook my head in despair.

Frank pointed at his gag once more and pleaded again before his hands readopted the praying position. Ed still looked puzzled. No, he’s not that thick, he’s just bloody unpleasant! Once more Frank scratched the top of the strap just beside his mouth, nodded slightly and spasmodically, and looked up. I thought it would be safer not to intervene.

“Oh, you should have said, you want me to remove your gag?” Frank put his hands together and nodded enthusiastically. “Ask nicely?” I don’t think Ed interpreted my snorted cough correctly.

Once more, Frank was desperate; he knew what he had to do. Soon he was on his knees with his hands raised in supplication. Ed waited. I knew it was merely a matter of time before Frank would have to touch his nose to the ground again. Once Ed had tasted blood he was unlikely to settle for anything less. Frank’s shoulders sagged. He dropped his hands to the floor and bowed to the ground. I know now that, as far as Frank was concerned at the time, anything was preferable to having that rigid strap distorting his lips, forcing his jaws wide open and reducing everything he tried to say to the level of someone with a speech disorder.

“Good boy, no, don’t get up. Ask nicely.” For one horrible moment I thought Ed was going to force Frank to kiss his flip-flopped feet. Frank, as far as I could tell, asked nicely. “OK, you may get your nose off the ground but stay on your knees and listen carefully.”

I suppose that, all the while Ed was picking on the already easily cowed Frank, at least he seemed to be ignoring me. Yes, don’t worry, it WAS too good to last!

“You know what Hilary said about you being a potty-mouthed little ratbag? . . .”

“Ffeff uh hu’im a-im ‘iff” (4)

“Nah, nah, listen or I might not want to do you that little favour.” Frank became silent. “As I was saying, if I remove that strap, I shall have to find some other way of keeping you quiet.” Frank shook his head rapidly and seemed to be trying to look endearing. “Oh, yes I shall. You wouldn’t want me to tell Hilary that you warranted a smacked bottom, would you?” Frank hung his head and shook it miserably. “Right, that’s decided then. I just need to consider the arrangements.”

“Sorry, Shrimp, I’ll get round to you in a couple of minutes once I’ve made sure the Rodent can’t remove his new gag.” That delay sounded good to me and I wasn’t even feeling too guilty about Frank’s imminent suffering. “Let’s just put these little things on you until then.”

I told you it was too good to last. I had already decided that I didn’t like cable ties and Ed passed two more of the painful things to me. “Just put one of these round your ankles. Cross them first.” I protested. “Ah pity. Sorry, Rodent, the Shrimp won’t let me remove your gag.” I don’t see how that followed but the implications were obvious. Frank looked so pathetic and he even joined his hands together and looked in my direction. I did what I was told and I didn’t dare to leave the black plastic tie loose because my lovely brother was sure to check.

That left me sitting with my knees spread and unable to straighten my legs unless I wanted to increase the consequent pain. There was still that other cable tie by my right knee. I thought I could make a guess what that was for but that at least Ed would have to apply it himself. I had mixed feelings about that. Wrong!

“Just push the pointed end through the grip. No, a bit more. Now shove your hands through. No. Opposite directions. Now tighten it with your teeth. Not too tight now.” I had to let the last sarcastic instruction go. I also knew that I would be best advised to ignore it. Now I couldn’t even drop my wrists too far without causing myself more pain. Ed must have planned this weekend very carefully indeed.

“And now to help little Vole to feel better.” Ed Turned to Frank. I suppose I was once more his ball and chain at the time. Ed collected a rope and told Frank that, if he wanted that strap unlocked, he had better do as he was told. Frank obviously saw the sense of that and held his hands out in front of him. Ed made him adjust their position to his satisfaction before that tuneless whistle started again and he started his task.

Ed had done that before – on me! He tied Frank’s wrists like he had previously bound mine until they were less than a foot apart. I expected him to force Frank into the further humiliation of stepping through the cuffs thus leaving his wrists behind him and I wondered why he had not bound the rest of the rope out of the way as he, and it would seem Hilary, had done previously. He just seemed to be going to leave it hanging from Frank’s right wrist.

“Just a little reminder: you DO want that gag removed, don’t you?”

Frank clearly affirmed that he did and Ed made dire threats about what would happen if he moved so much as a muscle while he finished his task. Having elicited Frank’s nodded affirmation that he still wanted Ed to continue, Ed passed both free ends of the rope behind Frank’s back and threaded them around the bindings holding his left wrist. Ed then put his knee into the kneeling Frank’s back and pulled both ends tightly around his waist. The resultant girdle didn’t loosen noticeably when Ed secured them with some sort of knot. And another!

I didn’t reckon Frank would want to stay like that for too long. At least Ed left Frank’s feet free. Then he turned to me.

“Eeeeeuf, eeeeuf.” At least Frank couldn’t humiliate himself by putting his hands together this time.

“Ooo, sorry, nearly forgot.” Ed picked up those skanky old running shorts between finger and thumb. “Sorry, Shrimp, I’m afraid these are going to be really manky when you put them on to go home but, you know . . .”. Ed was obviously going to stuff them back into the unfortunate Frank’s mouth. Not only that, he was also expecting me to put them back on later on!

My gob-smacked, “Oh, fuck,” was more a thought than even a whisper. Before continuing his task, Ed threaded a roll of what now seemed to me to be an inexhaustible supply of silver tape onto his left wrist.

“OK, Rodent, bow your head.” Ed pushed Frank’s chin to his chest and unlocked the strap that was tormenting his mouth. The little guy could not suppress the yell as Ed pulled the buckle free, not that he even tried. Even Ed knew when to wait for a few seconds before continuing.

“Right, open wide!”

Frank looked even more distressed than he had done previously. I know now that he doesn’t need to put that look on, it just comes naturally (and far too frequently) to him. “No, no, please.” Other than for being on his knees, Frank couldn’t adopt the praying posture that he would obviously have loved to be able to display at the time.

“Sorry, you know what Hilary said about your being a potty mouthed little so-and-so.”

Frank’s assertion about Hilary’s veracity was similar to his previous, gagged one but with a bovine expression substituted for the canine one and with the word ‘skanky’ inserted.

“Hils was right, you do have a mouth like a Portsmouth whore. Now, open up!”

“No, please, pleeeease.” You wouldn’t have thought a boy could be that desperate, but Frank obviously was.

Ed was unmoved. “Seen this?” With him standing between the two of us, I couldn’t see what he was showing Frank.

“Oh no, I’ll rip her fucking tits off.”

Ed chuckled, “Yup, Hils was right: mouth like a docker’s parrot. Here, seen this, Shrimp?”

Ed turned towards me and I could see what was in his hand. “Yeah, it’s my phone, you dick.” I thought that Ed must have been losing his touch, he let that one go.

“Oh, I knew you wouldn’t mind me borrowing it. Saves my battery. You know, you really should be a bit more careful about the passwords you use. Got it at second guess.” (Handy household hint #1: never use the first part of your facebook id as your password!) “Here, take a look. I got Hils to send it to your phone.”

As Ed moved the screen towards my face, Frank repeated, “Rip her fucking tits off,” but much more quietly and he didn’t exactly sound convinced. His body sagged and his head dropped. He slowly shook his head.

On the screen I could see a female with a mass of long, wavy reddish hair seated on a sofa. That was obviously Hilary but, as an incredulous grin spread across my face, (Come on, don’t judge me, you didn’t see it!) I recognised the other person as well. I could see that the brown-haired boy who was being held across her lap had a deep all-over tan (except for the obvious pale area where his speedos once were) and he was being quite soundly spanked. Frank’s assertions about what he would do to his cousin were still being repeated but at progressively quieter and quieter levels as the video played on. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen, poor Frank was bound hand and foot and those golden speedos had been pulled down to his ankles.

“OK, Spanky, it’s decision time.” Frank looked up, open mouthed and still gently shaking his head. I don’t think I had ever seen real fear like that in someone’s eyes before. “Now, what would happen if I sent this to everyone on the Shrimp’s contacts list? Do you reckon they’d recognise the rodent who was being given the benefit of Hils’s attention?”

Frank was so dumb-struck, he couldn’t even plead for mercy. Now I feel bad about my delighted reaction to seeing my fellow captive being humiliated but, as they say: you had to be there.

Ed got fed up with waiting for a reply. “OK, here goes - - - or are you going to open your mouth?” Frank had no choice and Ed stuffed the white running shorts into Frank’s mouth and made him close his lips around them as best he could. “Hold still now.” Several layers of silver tape soon obscured Frank’s lower face. Then Ed turned his attentions towards me.


“I suppose you want me to let you out of those cable ties now, don’t you?”

There was no need for me to answer. I was just waiting to hear what the snag was. “Well, you know I’d like to but I can’t have you helping Frank to remove his gag, can I?” I was still waiting. “Suppose I just tie your arms like I did his?” There must have been more to it than that. “What, no answer?” I raised my wrists as much as I could without causing myself too much pain. “OK, Shrimp, stand up.”

“Oh ha-fucking-ha.”

“Oops, sorry, I forgot.” Ed was grinning again as he took his trusty knife to the plastic tie that was digging into my ankles. I stood as commanded. If ever we were going to make a run for it, now was the time. That thought soon passed; Smugward held all the cards.

Practice does make perfect, or so it would seem in Ed’s case. He seemed to have my wrists secured to my waist even quicker and more efficiently than he had Frank’s but I don’t think he pulled the ropes round my waist quite as cruelly tightly as he had done with his. I wasn’t complaining.

“OK, nearly. Let’s think. I know . . .” I didn’t know what the hell my brother was on about at the time but later it dawned on me that we could still, with some effort, manoeuvre ourselves into position to untie one another. Ed picked up that strap again and hauled Frank to his feet and across the short distance between us and made us stand back to back. That bloody grin was still on his face as he buckled the belt round our necks. OK, so it could have been tighter but the difference in our heights made the thing dig unpleasantly into my shoulders and both of our chins. Whatever, there was no way we were going to be able to turn so that we were no longer back-to-back. I thought that Ed could at least have removed the chain now that we had been conjoined in such an intimate manner.

“OK, kiddies, now fuck off and play somewhere.”

That’s when I used some more of that language that our mum doesn’t approve of. Ed grinned. I know, I know, I might have been able to avoid what followed if only I’d have kept my trap shut, but it wouldn’t have taken Ed long to have come up with another excuse for gagging me so I thought I’d get my money’s worth. Even Ed looked surprised at some of the terms his little brother was coming out with. He picked up the remains of his tights and shook the contained bundle out onto the ground. He didn’t seem too bothered this time about whether it would be dirty or not as he held it up to my mouth.

I jerked away from him only to force an understandably outraged but incomprehensible protest from Frank. There was no point in resisting so I had to listen to Ed explaining how fair-minded he was being in not tying “that nasty thing” back into my mouth as he stuffed the bound portion behind my teeth and taped it onto place in ‘the same merciful way’ as he had done to Frank.

Both Frank and myself were in full, but ineffective, flow as Ed announced, “Ah, is the wikkle babies tired?” We both shut up. What was Smeggy Eddie going to do now? “Time for restie-westie – nap time. They’ll be happier then.” He grabbed the belt around our necks and dragged us, accompanied by renewed complaining, across to where Frank had previously hammered the marquee stakes into the ground.

“OK, siT!” We looked at Ed. “I won’t tell you again, just sit down like good little boys.” I could imagine having Ed sweep our feet from under us, let’s face it, he’d only have to do it to one of us and the resultant collapse of both of us would be far from pleasant. Frank must have come to the same decision and we both naturally pushed against one another and lowered our backsides to the ground.

Sitting down went a long way towards nullifying the difference in our heights and the belt pulling our necks together became considerably less uncomfortable – until Ed noticed. That was too good to last and Ed tightened the bloody thing, not tight enough, as he pointed out, to put us in any danger as long as we didn’t struggle too much but tight enough to make sure that our heads were never out of contact.

Ed produced another cable tie from the pocket of his Rohans. “Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, - - - sod it all, it’s Frank’s go.” At least Ed thought it was funny and he quickly knelt and forced Frank’s ankles to cross before he could even think of resisting. Once Frank’s ankles had been bound there was no need to do anything to me; at least that was something for which to be grateful. “OK boys, just going to get something we need. Don’t go anywhere.” I got the distinct feeling that Ed’s definition of ‘we’ and mine would be somewhat different. Ed’s tuneless whistling faded as he went across to the cart.

The excruciating whistling grew louder again as Ed approached with what looked like several hanks of rope which he dumped on the floor beside his prisoners. Once he had explained the advantages of cooperation to us (no nasty cable ties, get to keep our clothing, no reference to Hilary, blah, blah, blah . . . ) I got the distinct impression that I would be best advised to allow him to tie my ankles in any way he wanted to.

I was beginning to realise that Ed was not a novice at this tying up lark. (OK, Mr. Quick-On-The-Uptake here again) He found the middle of the rope and wrapped the doubled cordage several times around my right ankle before tying it off. Ed then tied the rope off several times to one of the metal stakes. There was plenty of rope left, as there was on the second rope once he had tied my left ankle in a similar way. I wondered why he had not pulled my legs tighter until I realised that he had to tie Frank before he could do that. D’ y’ know that moment when you think something really stupid? Well, then!

Obviously I couldn’t see what Ed did to Frank once he had secured me to the stakes but it must have been something similar and my legs were certainly straighter when he had finished but they were not stretched completely straight and not lifted from the ground. Frank and I had some mutual “negotiating” to do.

“Just a couple more things then I’ll leave you two lovebirds to get to know one another better. OK by you?” I don’t think it really mattered whether it was OK by us or not. Our arms weren’t quite touching but Ed thought that we still enjoyed too much freedom of movement and he discussed openly with himself what he should do about it. The first two ideas were less appealing than rolling naked over brambles and the third one was not much better.

Idea number one: Ed could drive two more stakes into the ground right up against our naughty bits on the theory that we would not be able to shuffle our bums away from one another and almost certainly wouldn’t want to try!.
Idea number two: Ed could tie another rope onto the girdle round my waist, force the ends under our bums, loop them over Frank’s girdle, pull tight and tie off. He could do that several times back and forth. That would draw us closer together but would not anchor us to the same spot on the ground. I certainly didn’t like the idea of the pinching that would almost certainly result ‘down there’.
Idea number three: Ed could just link our right arms to the other prisoner’s left with several loops of his ‘lovely silver gaffer tape’.

Fortunately (I think) Ed chose idea number three but I think that was only because it was the easiest option for the lazy sod to realise. Frank and I were soon modelling the result of his latest newly acquired skill: how to make a real, annoying dick of yourself with gaffer tape.

Ed stood back to admire his work – and to take a few photos with my phone.

“OK, ladies, listen up. I could still easily use either - or both, even - of ideas one or two. I could easily pull your legs tighter to stop you being able to move around so much. Oh, there’s all sorts of things I could do but I’m sure I won’t need to. Remember the power of social media: you too can be a star. Now, I’m going to relax for a while and leave you two to play nicely. Do NOT disturb me. Understand?” Ed got no answer. “Oh, and don’t worry too much, Rodent, I won’t leave you there for more than a couple of hours; after that, it’ll be the Shrimp’s bedtime. Have fun, kiddies.”

With that, Ed walked back to his chair and moved it into the shade. I didn’t know what I would be likely to enjoy less: the next couple of hours or the subsequent “bedtime”.

Frank was implying that Hilary was a fornicating, mendacious, female member of a breed of domestic canine. (4)

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Post by LK3869 »

Found it lately, but I've caught up to where it is now. That cured me of my usual sobbing over a brother I never had :lol:
You do make it feel like all of your stories are told by a different person, with a language and thoughts of their own.
And too many good lines to remember.
That Hills is scary, can imagine 15 yo me facing such a crazed b...c, I would have fled to a covent or something like that. I fear her return . Will be a great moment.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Thanks for that, especially the second sentence. That is good to know.

The real HIls in her twenties WAS scary: a friend of mine annoyed her once and the next thing we saw was him being pinned to the wall by his neck with his feet off the ground. Another old friend of mine married her and they are still married. As I have often said: the people in my stories are real people; the incidents, however, are (shall we say) a little fanciful - but not all of them!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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9. Fine Dining

What I presume to have been the next couple of hours were not the most comfortable ones I have ever spent in the open air and, although I can’t speak for him, I assume Frank thought roughly the same. Every time either of us moved, the other complained volubly but completely ineffectively. If one of us tried bending his legs, the other had the choice: either try to stay put or to try to back up. Neither was a good choice, if our backs became separated, we put strain on our necks and had to try to bum-shuffle towards one another again. If one of us managed to ease his knees a bit, the other was pulled tighter. We never did manage to find a position that suited both of us and most of our time was spent shuffling around trying to get, if not exactly comfortable, then at least less uncomfortable.

Certainly my language lacked sympathy and I can only assume that Frank’s was unlikely to have been any better. It didn’t become any easier to understand what Frank was saying as we suffered together but certainly some of his outbursts were very short indeed and I can only assume that I should have been offended by the epithets he was applying to me. He certainly would have been if he could only have understood what I was calling him.


After what seemed to have been forever, my shirtless and rapidly tanning big brother approached. At least we had been left in the shade as the sun passed behind the trees that surrounded the lake. “OK, boys? Comfy?” My reply was meant to indicate that, on my part at least, we were not. Ed then reminded us of what happened the last time we were ‘naughty little boys’ and that one of us would be ‘allowed’ to prepare the evening meal for the other two. At that time I really wanted that job; anything rather than to be tied up any longer. But so did Frank.

“Right, first one who can get his right shoulder on the ground gets to make dinner. Go!” I could have taken pity on Frank and let him win. I did consider it - honest. However, following the microsecond that that consideration took, I started trying to lean over before poor little Frank even cottoned on to the fact that he had better do the same. We both had our legs spread which gave us a certain element of stability but we had not been pulled so tightly towards the stakes as to make the manoeuvre completely impossible. Frank soon recovered from the initial surprise and started to resist my attempt to beat him to the job. As I’ve told you, he was a strongly built young guy but I had the advantage of being slightly taller even when sitting down and I was quicker off the mark. After what can’t have been more than twenty seconds, I had prevailed.

Frank’s affronted yelping was quite impressive. I noticed later that he had managed to unstick the gaffer tape from his upper lip but had gone nowhere near to being able to expel Ed’s old running shorts. I had not been able to manipulate my jaw enough to do the same but sweat had certainly loosened the tape. The wad, however, remained stubbornly in place.


“OK, kiddies, right decision, I think. The Shrimp isn’t stupid enough to make a run for it but I’m not sure about you, Rodent.” What Ed did not say was that he was more than a little bit concerned about what would happen to him if he managed to “misplace” Hilary’s prisoner.

Ed made to remove the belt securing our necks, and we immediately both took the opportunity to bend our legs so moving slightly apart from one another. As he slit the tape joining us together at the arms, Ed continued his running commentary about having to untie his little slave so that he could get on with things but that he would have to secure the Rodent safely again. Frank immediately drew his knees together and scrunched himself up whilst a sequence of squeaking noises issued from just behind the gaffer tape under his top lip as his bum bumped up and down on the ground. It was obvious that Frank needed to visit the porta potti urgently. Let’s face it, we both took the opportunity to go for a pee in the lake when we had the chance earlier but Frank’s current needs appeared to be slightly different.

“Sorry, Shrimp. Can’t untie you completely yet. I’m sure you’ll understand.” I did not ‘understand’ but I did regard his reaction as predictable. It was obviously my turn to be the ball and chain again. Ed untied my left ankle and coiled the rope by the stake before releasing my right ankle and using the rope to cuff my ankles rather less than shoulder width apart. He wound the considerable length of unused rope round the strands between my ankles forming quite a rigid cuff. Even if I could have reached the final knot, which I probably could not, it would have taken far too long to unwrap the rope and my efforts would have certainly not gone unnoticed.

Frank was treated in a similar manner but probably didn’t have his feet quite as severely restricted as mine. “OK, off you go, potty time.” I think that look on what was visible of Frank’s face was one of outrage. Not only could he not easily release himself from what passed for his clothing, but he would not be able to clean himself afterwards before replacing it. He would also have to have me in embarrassingly close proximity while he performed his duty. Even Frank wasn’t used to that level of humiliation and completely lost it. Ed thought he’d done a good job there. He took the incendiary Frank by the back of the neck and clamped his hand over his mouth.

“Right, now listen. I suppose you want your hands untied?”

“Ngeff!” Frank nodded as best he could.

“Well, I’m a reasonable man; I can arrange that for you.”

Frank seemed to calm down a bit and Ed released his head which Frank then started jerking towards me.

“Oh, you don’t want the Shrimp watching you taking a crap?” Frank indicated that such was the case.

“Sorry, Shrimp. Not my fault.” There was no way I was going to be able to avoid what was coming as Ed went for the unused leg of his old running tights. He could have just tied it around my eyes; that would have been good enough, surely? But no, not for Smeggy Eddie. He jammed the leg, that still had a ligature round it, over my head, pulled it down and I heard the familiar sound of gaffer tape being released from the roll. “Don’t bother to thank me.”

“Nggh?” I couldn’t think what I had to thank him for.

“Well, for not sticking gaffer tape to that girly haircut of yours.” He seemed to have ‘forgotten’ that he had already trapped the hair of my neck in the layers of tape that already surrounded my lower face.


From what I could hear of what happened from then on, Ed released the rope round Frank’s waist and told him to step through the remaining wrist cuff. The usual running commentary concerned how considerate the “Mighty and Compassionate Ed” was as he just made sure that Frank wouldn’t trip over the trailing rope. I wasn’t looking forward to our progress toward the camping loo but Ed soon dismissed us with a, “Say, ‘thank you.’ Off you go. Don’t trip over now.”

In fairness, in spite of his supposed urgent Need, Frank did make off quite slowly dragging me behind him. He did describe later on the way he had to rip the ‘kilt’ to remove the tape between his legs before he could roll it up out of the way. I shall spare you the rest of the details until it came to the part where we made our way back to where Ed was waiting and Frank tried asking by gesture for some more tape to preserve his modesty. Why he bothered, I don’t know but I suppose that, when you’re feeling as wretched as Frank was, you’ll grasp at any fig-leaf of dignity.

“Oh, you know I said Hils hadn’t packed anything for you to wear?”


“I was mistaken. Ta-daah! Say thank you.


“Near enough. Put ‘em on and don’t say I don’t look after you.” Obviously I didn’t know what was happening at the time but I felt myself being pulled around by the chain joining our necks as Frank was allowed to untie his own ankles and obviously had to keep adjusting the rope cuffs as he accepted the garment Ed had found for him. Ed was “kind enough” to film the resultant debacle on my phone, including the part where he took his trusty knife to the remains of the refuse sack kilt once Frank had hitched the new garment into place.


Frank was obviously made to get his wrist cuffs behind him again and Ed fastened his wrists to his waist once more by tying a very tight girdle above his hips. Frank squeaked as it was tightened. He was then ordered onto his belly while what I know now was a large amount of gaffer tape was used to fasten his ankles across one another. Ed used the remaining rope that was hanging from one of Frank’s wrists to trap his taped ankles before tying off the ends to the other wrist leaving Frank effectively hogtied with his thighs still on the ground but his knees somewhat clear of it. Even lying on his side would have been uncomfortable.

Ed had obviously finished with Frank (for the time being) when he turned his attention to me once more. I’ll spare you a detailed account of his constant stream of bullshit but I was glad when he unlocked the chain from round my neck even if he had obviously used it to hobble me almost immediately. I felt the rope untied from my ankles and was finally able to separate my ankles comfortably once more. He just wasn’t going to take the chance of my making an unwise escape attempt. The next move was when Ed pulled the blindfold roughly off my head without bothering to remove the tape first. I just hoped my eyebrows were still intact.

While my forehead throbbed, I only hoped Ed would strip the tape off my face. That wad in my mouth had very little give where it had been bound round and my jaw was burning. No such luck!

“OK Shrimp. Listen carefully. Look at that.” He indicated Frank who was sporting a pair of light blue brief underpants and looking very uncomfortable. If you want to look like that, just make a false move. Understand?” Look, I know it doesn’t make me a hero but I nodded my confirmation. “Good. Cook good, serve me, feed him and then feed yourself and you get to stay quite unfettered until you’ve finished. Get it?” I nodded. “BUT - - - ,“ I showed that I was listening carefully. “Touch that gag and you get to join Pantie Boy here rolling in the dirt.” I nodded again. “And don’t hang around.”

I didn’t react. “Say, ‘No, Ed.””

“Ngu, ad’” (5)

Ed made me stand up so that he would find it easier to untie my wrists and, Christ, I was ready for that. He couldn’t be arsed to finish the job, which he left to me and he even made me coil the rope tidily afterwards.

“Right, Shrimp, just bring that,” and he indicated Frank, “Over there with you so that I can keep an eye on both of you.” With that, he turned tail and made for where he had positioned his chair near the piles of firewood.

Like I said, Frank was shorter than I but he was a sturdily build kid who was not going to be easy to move. I suppose I could have dragged him but that would have been unpleasant and lifting him by his ropes would have been positively painful. Looking across at Ed where he was now seated, he was obviously enjoying watching me try to figure out how to move my companion in suffering. “Quickly, now or I’ll have to assume you want to be tied up again rather than being allowed to work.”

My wheezing “Ngghh!” as I shook my head was the best attempt I could make at disabusing him. I thought I had an idea. I pulled Frank to his knees and it was then that I noticed that he was, in fact wearing a pair of underpants that covered his arse efficiently but that had string panels beside the front section that was supposed to provide intimate support. It left Frank reasonably decent but could easily have become embarrassing under more ‘stimulating’ conditions.

I attempted to apologise to the worried looking boy but, subtle as ever, Ed called across, “Don’t bother chatting him up, you’ve already got the date.”

Two voices both said, “’Unngh!” in unison. Well, he is!

I tried to look into Frank’s eyes, (reassuringly, I hoped) as I crouched down and inserted my hands between his arms and his torso. I hugged him, pulling him upwards and towards me and so managed to grip my own hands behind his back. Standing up, I lifted him under his armpits. I would not have liked to have held him like that for long but, fortunately, I didn’t have to and soon had the poor kid dumped where Ed had indicated. I looked at Ed, thinking that I had to find out whether I ought to lay Frank on his belly again. Ed didn’t seem interested but Frank was leaning backwards at a rather precarious angle so I lowered him onto his front as gently as I could. He did not seem to object.


The next activities were fairly boring and involved my getting the barbecue going, brewing tea for Ed on the camping stove, waiting for the charcoal to be ready and preparing beef burgers and hot-dog sausages, I didn’t bother with any health food or even baps. I was grateful for the waiting time before the barbecue was ready; at least it meant I wasn’t tied up and Ed couldn’t seem to be bothered to find me anything else to do while I was waiting. I did feel guilty, though, thinking about Frank’s discomfort – oh yes I did!

Once my self-appointed Lord-and-Master had scoffed two burgers, three hot dog sausages, two small fruit pies covered with squirty cream, and two mugs of sugary tea, he decided that I should feed Frank. At least I would not be expected to continue to kneel holding up Ed’s plate while I did so! Yes, I suppose I could have refused, but that would have depended on what sort of social death I wished to experience.

I cooked two burgers for Frank and fished two frankfurters out of the pan before I thought of something else that would need doing first. I looked at Ed and jerked my head towards Frank. “Kneel him up and strip that tape off his gob. No need to be too gentle.”

Frank shook his head noticeably. I lifted the younger lad to his knees and noticed that he had been wasting his time since I had left him face down: he had managed to expel a fair amount of the fabric from behind the gaffer tape that still adhered to his chin. Ed was obviously not going to allow me to use his knife and I took rather more time than Frank would have liked me to before I managed to loosen the end of the top layer of tape. At least removing the first few layers wouldn’t hurt. I must have had to scrape round with my nails to loosen at least four different strands of tape before having to yank the last one off the hair at the back of Frank’s neck. By then there was nothing stopping him giving full vent to his agony. Ed’s old running shorts did not present an inviting sight as the slimy things lay there in the dust.

Ed tolerated a short outburst of expletives but, as he toyed ostentatiously with that blue ball and a new roll of Sellotape, Frank took the hint. I settled to feed him. My customary gourmet presentation of tomato ketchup slathered burgers, and frankfurters tastefully adorned with English mustard, was vetoed by Ed who told me not to spoil the Rodent. Frank’s face showed me that he understood.

By the time I got the burgers to his mouth, they had seen better days but I did get a couple of fresh hot-dog sausages from the can for him. He dutifully chomped his way through one of the patties and, rather more gratefully, more or less inhaled the sausages. Ed instructed me to give Frank the remains of the water from my flask. I did so gradually. Frank risked muttering, “Thanks, mate”. I did not suggest that I should feed him a fruit pie.

“OK, no need to kiss him. Back off.” Frank snorted. His eyes flamed but I could see that he had decided not to give Ed the excuse to gag him again. How trusting. “OK, Rodent, listen up. There’s no way I’m going to allow you two to plot against me so what’s it going to be?”

Frank hadn’t quite got himself under control, not that I think it would have made any difference if he had. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Even if I shouted, there’s no fucking bastard for miles other than us three. You do not need to gag me, you c***!”

“Feisty, your new boyfriend, isn’t he?” I’ve never seen Ed move so fast before. He leapt up, threw Frank onto his back and straddled his waist. Frank was not comfortable. “Bad move, Rodent. Get your money’s worth now because I don’t see much hope of you being able to say anything more until I hand you back to Hils.” Frank gave it a second’s thought and, following a token opinion that my brother was not only born out of wedlock but that he didn’t smell too good either, he sagged and seemed to accept his fate.

OK, special pleading, but what could I do? My stomach thought my throat had been slit, I wanted to eat, I would have done almost anything to have the gag taken out of my mouth and I really did not want to be the star of the local facebook community. Yeah, yeah, I was always going to do the wrong thing in the interests of self-preservation. I was always going to do what I was told. It still didn’t feel very good though.

Once more, Ed ‘honoured us’ with his deliberations as he worked things out. He could put those manky, and now very dirty shorts back in Frank’s mouth, he could use the blue ball again so that he would be ready for Hils in the morning, or he could get me to make a special gag that would hurt a bit but that would allow Frank to breathe more easily. I don’t know whether Frank managed to unpick the situation but, in retrospect, I reckon that Ed knew that he couldn’t leave Frank with his mouth absolutely stuffed full and sealed overnight. I know now that he couldn’t risk it for me either. “So, Shrimp, are you going to prepare a special gag for Frank or do I wrap those shorts round the ball and mummify the foul-mouthed little git’s face?”

Frank and I exchanged glances. Frank muttered, “Do it, mate, it’s alright.”

“Ah, cute.”

“’Unggh!” By now, there must have been some danger of Ed understanding that word!

Long story short again. I had to go to the firewood and find a suitable branch, (“You know, just like the one you were chomping on yesterday.”) trim it and strip it and wrap a few turns of gaffer tape around the middle. Ed was even going to be kind enough to lend me his precious knife to do the job.

I’m not proud of the fact but I made a good job of it and handed the finished item to Ed. I did try to say, “Sorry,” to Frank. He nodded.

Ed Commanded the hank of paracord to his hand and cut a generous length from it. He dismounted and turned Frank unceremoniously onto his stomach. Frank didn’t put up even a token resistance as Ed forced the padded stick into his mouth. I don’t know what sort of knot my bastard of a big brother used to secure the gag but it seemed to be one that was easy to pull tight and which didn’t seem to give when it was secured. Nevertheless, Ed added a few more turns to finish off. That was uncharitable!

The result did not silence Frank but, as Ed had pointed out, that wasn’t exactly important, but it must have hurt and it certainly reduced anything he wished to say to humiliating nonsense.

“OK, Shrimp, you can eat now. Don’t say I don’t do anything to help you.” Ed flicked his knife so that it stuck into the ground safely clear of my person. Christ, I was glad of that blade as I cut the outer layers of tape from my face. I steeled myself for the effect as I pulled the stuff clear of the back of my neck and managed to suppress the squeal I felt like emitting. I wasn’t going to give Ed the satisfaction. I’ll tell you what: I expelled that bundle of lycra like the shot from a cannon. I don’t know how long I spent manipulating my jaw afterwards.

“OK. Don’t make a meal of it. – Yet. - Get your dinner and then get ready for bed.” I didn’t argue. I knew better than that. I made a good dinner of three burgers, two hot dog sausages, plenty of ketchup and mustard, and two fruit pies and squirty cream. Unpleasantly warm water from the aquaroll had to serve to provide hydration.

Obviously the only crockery was two mugs and Ed’s plate, so I rinsed them off before I had to accept that I could pad things out no longer. The sun was by no means setting but I couldn’t see Ed letting me stay up.

“OK, Shrimp, potty time. Last chance before the morning.” I visited the porta potti but thought better of asking if I couldn’t take a wash and clean my teeth (not that I thought Ed would have packed my toothbrush) before returning to discover what delights lay ahead of me for the night.

(5) “Gonad!”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by LK3869 »

"I did not suggest that I should feed him a fruit pie" ?
No, don't explain, I'll try to figure it out by myself :) must be very idiomatic...
I know another meaning of "fruit" by reading James Ellroy, but that's US and probably outdated.

Good fun continues!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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No, "fruit" does have certain connotations but here it was used completely innocently - trust me! :evil:
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but little Speedos always rule.
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10. And So To Bed

By the time I had dawdled back to the tent, Ed had been busy. “Sorry, Shrimp, but the Rodent needs your carry mat. I knew you wouldn’t mind. I just stared as Ed threw both my mat and my sleeping bag out of the tent. Already I wasn’t looking forward to being put to bed. Ed had found some tree ties and what looked like a new roll of gaffer tape, some of which he had wrapped around the middle of the wooden bit that I’d had to wear previously. He explained that he thought it was only fair because I had done the same to Frank’s gag. At least I don’t think he pulled it as tightly back into my mouth as I had seen him do to Frank. Nevertheless, I knew from past experience that it was going to hurt after not too long at all.

“OK, hold your arms like this.” Ed held his arms in front of him, holding onto opposite elbows. I knew it would be better to cooperate although I couldn’t see why he needed to tie me up all the while my ankles were chained as they had been over the previous night. Ed took no notice. Perhaps the gag was really effective? He told me to hold my arms away from my body and proceeded to tape my forearms together along their lengths – and back again – and a third time! “Shame about those hairy arms of yours, little brother. Never mind, you get to keep them for a little while yet.” I relaxed assuming that my arms had been mummified sufficiently. Ed obviously disagreed. Once more I had to raise my arms while he wound about half a dozen layers of tape round between my upper arms depriving me of any opportunity to attempt to pull them apart.

“And a few more turns for luck.” I wouldn’t have thought there could be much left on the roll of tape but Ed certainly found enough to wrap my arms to my torso all the way from my shoulders down to my elbows and back again. THEN he complained that he would have to get some more tape! Two more layers completed the immobilisation of my arms.

Ed debated with himself whether he ought to remove my shorts in order further to dissuade me from ‘doing a moonlight’ but that was probably just him being an annoying dick again. “OK, lie down.” I did so as carefully as I could and Ed grabbed my ankles and unlocked the chain. That was too good to last and he soon had tree ties fastened not only round my ankles but also above and below my knees. Then he stood me up.

Ed really knows how to make a guy feel insecure and I knew there was no way I could prevent myself from toppling to the ground if I should move by more than the merest smidgen. Once again I ventured that word that he would surely soon be able to understand. Ed let go of his precariously tottering brother and went for the wadded fabric that I had previously expelled from my mouth. Whatever he was going to do with it, I just wished he’d get on with it.

Ed cut the cords that compacted the fabric that he had used to torment me and stretched out the leg of the tights. He then shoved it over my head and pulled it as far down as possible. It wasn’t much less nasty than it must have been when I initially spat it out. I felt even more tape being wrapped around my eyes. That seemed to satisfy my captor, who pushed me over.

At least he caught me before I hit the ground and prevented my hurting myself but I was glad I had only just been for a pee! Ed rolled me into my sleeping bag, zipped it up and fastened the drawstring until only my face was showing, and dragged me into the tent. “Nighty, night, don’t let the sheep ticks bite.” With that he patted my forehead and I heard him leaving the tent prior to zipping up the inner tent. I knew it would be a long night, I just hoped that it would not be a very warm one!


Obviously I couldn’t see what happened as Ed put Frank down for the night but, as usual, he posted a report on my phone for Hilary to see later. I thought I had the better of it. Frank had been laid out on my carry mat and spread-eagled quite strictly between one of the sets of marquee stakes. He had been blindfolded with the unused half of the running tights and seemingly plenty of tape, and covered with what turned out to be one of those caravan-type sleeping bags that had been opened up and staked to the ground with some unused tent-pegs. Frank’s limbs were not completely covered and, unlike me. He probably was hoping for a warm night.

We both settled down to try to get as comfortable a night as Ed was going to allow us while Ed obviously, judging by the sounds, set about lighting the camp fire before settling down to what was probably an early evening’s reading and selective porn viewing, and certainly occasional, awful whistling. Time dragged.


Although I could turn over, whenever I turned on my side, my gag made things less comfortable than they could have been but at least I could still flex my legs, which is more than Frank could do.

Eventually, Ed decided that it was time for bed and I have this picture of him using my nice new petzl, that he had ‘borrowed’, to see what he was doing. I heard the tent zip being opened and expected Smeggy Edddie to move in shortly afterwards. I was certainly mistaken. He simply dragged me out of the tent and left me there.

I could hear him talking to Frank and I could also hear Frank protesting about his treatment. I didn’t fully appreciate that treatment at the time but I was about to become a bit more familiar with it. The later noises certainly indicated that Frank was being brought over to where I was laying.

“Hi there, Shrimp. I couldn’t leave poor little Frank out there all night, in the cold, now could I?” Ed got no answer. “I told him you wouldn’t mind sharing.” Frank seemed to disagree. A few choice words followed by what I assumed to have been Ed’s clamping his hand over Frank’s gagged mouth and pinching his nose persuaded him to be quiet.

I felt Ed undoing the drawstring and unzipping my sleeping bag before dragging me some distance away from it and onto some other fabric. “Now, face to face or back to back, what do you two think?” I felt myself rolled until I came up against what was obviously Frank’s body. “Face to face?” I was glad I still had my shorts on. I only hoped frank was still in at least his string briefs. “Or back to back.” I was lifted and dumped down on the other side of Frank before being adjusted and pushed back towards my fellow captive. I knew which arrangement I preferred. “Back to back, I think. Can’t have you two gay boys enjoying yourselves too much, can we?” We both protested in spite of the fact it was pointless and, in my case, disingenuous.

I felt the chain being threaded around our ankles in a rather more rather more elaborate manner than I would have thought necessary before at least two padlocks were applied. It then felt as though that strap had been fastened around our necks again. Ed wasn’t finished there. I felt a rope that I know now was doubled, passed under my waist and under Franks’ waist before it was pulled through. I was sure I got a rope burn. Ed repeated the binding and pulled tight before knotting the rope just by my belly button. Surely Ed had better things to do?

That left me arse to arse with Frank as Ed continued with his task. With some difficulty, he threaded the rope ends between my legs and, obviously, between Frank’s legs before presumably passing the rope between Frank’s belly and the rope strands binding our waists in close proximity. Then he pulled. Hard!! I think that my squeal was more girly than Frank’s. Ed then tied off his work in front of Frank. At least he didn’t pull the ropes quite so tight as he returned them between our legs again and finished off his task by looping the ends round the ‘girdle’ and tying them off in front of me again.

“Opps! Sorry, lads, bet that pinches.” He was right. There was no way I could lower my hands to adjust the ropes as they trapped my bits and I certainly didn’t want to feel Ed’s fingers doing it. Both Frank and I flexed our legs as much as possible trying to alleviate our distress without any noticeable improvement in my case. I found out later that, even though Frank’s arms had been taped securely to his body and his legs fastened like mine, Ed had fastened his wrists with two very strong linked cable ties, one round each wrist and, with a bit of manoeuvring, Frank managed to make himself a bit more comfortable. He admitted that the briefs had helped him avoid most of the embarrassment in the first place. Needless to say, my footy shorts were not helping at all!

Once Ed thought he had got his best value out of photographing my distress, I nearly wet myself as I felt the backs of his fingers against my poor, tormented privates. He slipped his fingers under the ropes and yanked the strands apart. The gagged choir sang in unison. Once Ed had moved one pair of rope strands to either side of my bulge, he let go. Once more, I did not bother to thank him. I’ll tell you what, though, I’m glad it only took him one attempt!

Ed considered verbally whether it was a good idea for us to be able to flex our legs like we had just been able to do. We opined that yes, it was. I don’t think he understood our opinion but simply considered the situation before declaring, “Nah, can’t be arsed.” Perhaps there were certain advantages to my brother being such a lazy sod.

“Right then, my little lovebirds, Hilary only gave Frank one of those thin sleeping bags, but it’s quite a big one so I’m sure you can snuggle up and keep each other warm.” We were obviously lying on the rectangular bag already and Ed just adjusted our position using a combination of feet and hands until he could zip up the bottom and the open side.

I heard the unmistakable sound of tape being ripped from the roll once more and Ed lifted our feet and repeatedly bound first them and then our calves and our thighs quite extensively, sleeping bag and all. That can’t have been easy for him but neither was the next part when he wasted vast amounts of tape doing what must have amounted to a near mummification of our upper bodies.

At least that must have been all he could do to us, wasn’t it? No, it wasn’t!

Ed did at least loosen the strap round our necks a little bit. But then he threaded something through it and tied a knot. I found out by looking at the inevitable video later that he had fastened a rope to the strap and then tied the ends off to two of the marquee stakes to stop us rolling around too much. Let’s face it, it would have been enough to prevent us escaping if he’d just chained our ankles together. Ed just enjoys power and delights in overkill.

“Nighty, night, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” That excruciating whistling noise moved away towards the tent.

I was glad that Ed likes to go to bed late but I was aware that he doesn’t like getting up early and I, and I presume Frank, had the worst night of sleep ever. At least my ‘generous’ big brother had tidied up the straps on the huge rucksack which he had made me carry on our hike in and shoved it under our heads as a communal pillow.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry, things on my mind and I didn't realise that I had abandonned the Shrimp and the Rodent to Ed's tender mercies for nearly two weeks.

Next part coming up but the final part might be somewhat delayed until the "real me" is back on track. However, views and, especially, comments might give me the kick up the arse I seem to need.

Right, now where were we?
Oh yes, this is the first chapter that was not posted on the old site.

Let's join the lads . . .
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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11. Monday Morning

It was that time of year when twilight seems to last forever and sunrise is at about five-thirty. What was worse, being so intimately attached to Frank, I could not have even ruffled up the leg of Ed’s old running tights to enable me to see the growing light from any gap that might have been formed between the tape that encased my head and my head itself. Lying there in the enforced dark and being frequently in conflict with my bedmate, the night and the following early morning ground on. As my gag started to work itself a bit looser, I was convinced that I was almost able to speak coherently but Frank’s angry protests whenever I moved were still as incomprehensible as ever. I don’t suppose I’ll ever know the truth of the situation because, of course, I knew exactly what I was trying to say but could only make a guess, but a very good one, about what Frank thought of my unavoidable manoeuvrings.

I was almost happy when I heard that scrooping noise again because it meant that Smegward was approaching. “Mornin’, gaylords, d’y’ave a good night?” Judging by his chuckle, perhaps Ed did understand my response. “OK, time to get the Rodent ready to go; and you,” he kicked me none too viciously through the sleeping bag so that I would realise he was addressing me, “are on breakfasts.”

It must have taken Ed and his knife a good five minutes to cut the tape round the sleeping bag even though the bag itself had slipped down very slightly overnight. Then he undid the zip and threw the old, somewhat scrumpled, and by now very sweaty nylon bag open. “Christ, you two dun’ ‘arf ‘um!”(6) I know I resented what my brother said but he was almost certainly right!

“Right now, who wants go wee-wees?” We both affirmed that we did. Well, wouldn’t you in the circumstances? Ed released the strap from round our necks. Each of us moved our shoulders away from the other’s shoulders in express fashion. The ropes that drew our waists together and tormented ‘those’ parts stopped any further separation but our heads were no longer supported by the rucksack. Ed’s laughter was getting even more annoying by the second. Frank started protesting.

“OK, now hold still, I wouldn’t want this knife to slip.” Neither would I have done when I realised what Smeggy Eddie was doing with it. My brother was probably simply too lazy to untie the rope that had been tormenting what he insisted upon calling our ‘tiny parts’ all night but it took very few slices with his knife before our arses separated with some alacrity.

Ed had obviously decided that it was I who should be released first and this time he did at least cut the tape that was blindfolding me before ripping the leg from his tights off my head. He then removed one padlock from the chain round our ankles. That was clever: now both Frank and I were hobbled and had a short length of chain between us, not that either of us could part our ankles by as much as a centimetre. Ed pulled me to my feet while Frank continued to give the world in general the benefit of his opinion of something or the other.

“Won’t be a moment, Shrimp. I just need to have a little word with your boyfriend.”

“Eev ng’t mwai voyfwen!” I hoped that it was only going to be a very little word!

“Oh, don’t make hurtful remarks, the Rodent looks as though he’s had a rough night.”

“Cun’” Yep, that word was now completely comprehensible!

“Listen, you annoying little rodent, if you don’t want to be left to wet yourself and to go without anything to eat until Hils gets you home, just keep that noise up. You can always complain to her when she gets here.” Ed took his booted foot off of Frank’s chest and turned his attention to me once more as my fellow sufferer descended into a well advised but resentful silence. I was desperate for Frank not to move his legs because I knew that, as soon as he did, I would topple and, not having my arms free, would probably hurt myself when I landed.

Being released from the tape seemed to be taking forever but not as long as it would have taken if Ed’s trusty knife had not been brought into nearer proximity to my person than I was happy with. As Ed was working to free my arms, I couldn’t help noticing that the sun had not long risen. With my arms still crossed, of course, I couldn’t use the four-finger clock to check but it can’t have been more than half an hour after sunrise. A bloody miracle! What the hell had got my slug of a brother out of bed so early?

As I stood there unsteadily and unable to move safely, I wished I could do something about the way my sweaty, and rapidly cooling, shorts clung to every detail of my lower abdomen, even if the early morning air was quite soothing against my exposed skin compared to the hothouse atmosphere I had been ‘enjoying’ overnight. Eventually, Ed sheathed his knife and told me to sit down. He had removed all the tape securing my arms to my torso but had only slit the layers of tape that stopped me from separating my forearms. I was lucky that he didn’t even nick me with that sharp knife but, as he crouched down to enjoy the show, I knew that the next stage was going to hurt and, what was worse it would be my own efforts that would cause the pain!

D’ y’ know that moment when you realise you’re stuffed? Well, then!

You probably don’t know this but it’s really difficult with your arms folded to get enough force to separate them against the strength of good quality (as Smegward took some delight in pointing out) adhesive tape – especially when sweat has done very little to loosen the bond between tape and flesh. Eventually, the correctly applied laws of leverage (as opposed to my initial attempts) allowed me to force my forearms apart. My poor arms were red raw and there seemed to be an awful lot of short hair embedded in the underside of the tape. Judging by his smug grin, Ed seemed to be quite satisfied with the cabaret. I was almost (but only almost!) glad of the gag as I removed the last sheet of multi-layered tape from my arms!

“Good one, Shrimp. You can see the video later on your phone.” At that stage I settled on a withering glare for a change – pity it didn’t work. Ed told me to get the tree ties off my legs. At least that wouldn’t hurt and I was only too happy to do so.

OK, so perhaps Ed had embarked upon some sort of conditioning regime. If so, it was starting to work, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I figured that, if I wasn’t ‘a good boy’, he would simply allocate my ‘opportunities’ to Frank. The poor kid was almost certainly even more desperate than I not to remain severely restrained so, once I had asked by gesture if I could pull the wooden bit from my mouth, it soon unravelled and fell to the ground.

In the meantime, Ed turned his attentions to Frank. “Now, you know that Hils is due to pick you up after breakfast,” I was getting used to that despairing wheezing noise, “So I need to get you ready. - Oh OK, Shrimp, you’ve got five minutes to visit the bog. Take the Rodent with you.” Ed unlocked one of the padlocks and re-secured the chain, none too tightly around my left leg. Obviously Frank was going to be my ball and chain this time. To be honest, I couldn’t care anymore. At least, without that bloody stick in my mouth, I could apologise to Frank before lifting him across to the camping loo.

I shall draw a veil over most of the next few minutes but. All the while I was ‘enjoying’ the use of the porta potti, the unfortunate Frank was sitting and scrunching himself up, obviously in desperate need of the same facility.

“OK, Shrimp, let me know when you’ve finished.”

“Fuuuck offff!” even in my situation, there were some humiliations to which I did not want to submit.

“That’s too bad; until I hear you say, ‘Please Ed, I’ve finished on the potty’, I can’t let the poor little rodent have his go can I?”

You probably won’t believe this but I managed not to use ‘that’ word to describe my big brother even though (or, perhaps, because) it would now be completely comprehensible. In spite of what I’d heard on the grapevine about Frank in the past, I just couldn’t leave him sitting on the ground pleading desperately to be allowed to relieve himself. He was surely about to wet himself or even worse. Yes, I really did say what Ed had demanded. – Don’t judge me!

Ed got up off his arse and came across to where his prisoners waited. “OK, Rodent, as long as the Shrimp behaves himself, it won’t be long now.” Yes, Ed is a slob and a bully, but he is an intelligent bully. He knew I wouldn’t be able to leave Frank in distress unless I was in real danger myself. That’s when I used ‘that’ word again preceded by, ‘You’. That grin of Ed’s was really getting on my tits by now!

“You seem to forget, Little Brother, that we are going to have to hike home, or at least a fair bit of the way home. Now, let me think: . . .” He didn’t need to say any more – but that didn’t stop him. I decided that I would be wiser to shut up as well as to ‘behave myself’. That way I might merely be humiliated, weary and uncomfortable while I acted as Ed’s pack-mule instead of being mortified and in some considerable pain. Did I tell you: Ed has a way with words?

Once more, I’ll try to describe the next humiliations as briefly as possible in contrast to the protracted time they seemed to be taking at the time. I was made to kneel down and my left ankle was freed from the chain. Things were looking up. No, don’t get ahead of yourselves; there was more humiliation to come. Frank, who was still blindfolded and defenceless, was in no danger of being able to escape and I, quite simply, could not afford to do so. That screeching whistle started again.

I saw Ed completely freeing Frank from the chain that was connecting us before padlocking it loosely round the little guy’s neck. Once he had locked the other end round my neck, I thought we had been there before. Frank grunted gratefully.

“Sorry about this, Shrimp, but I’m sure you’ll understand that Frank would appreciate some privacy.” Obviously I was suspicious. Ed effected Frank’s privacy by tightly applying a cable tie above each of my elbows and threading a third one between them with some difficulty. Once he had pulled the third one tighter than I thought necessary, it felt as though my elbows were nearly touching. At least my caring big brother didn’t go for overkill on the blindfold and simply jammed the leg of his tights down to my shoulders. It was possible to see through the stretched fabric but not very distinctly.

Ed obviously set about freeing Frank amidst many threats of what might happen if he told tales out of school. Frank seemed to put up very little resistance before taking his place gratefully on the “facilities”.

Eventually, I heard Ed telling Frank to “Open wide.” There followed much begging which obviously seemed to have gone to no purpose whatsoever. Ed cut the cable tie between my elbows but, needless to say, couldn’t be arsed to remove the ones that were still tightly bound around my arms. He then ripped off my rudimentary blindfold. Predictably, Frank was sporting that strap in his mouth again and the padlock was in place. You know and I know that there was no real need for that but I got the impression that Hilary would expect her cousin to be gagged whenever possible.

“OK, lovebirds, take these and go to the lake to get yourself clean.” He handed Frank his water polo swim briefs and the coarse towel and me his appalling old running shorts. “It’s OK, I hung them up overnight - - - didn’t rinse them out, though – suit yourself but you are NOT hiking out in those disgusting footy shorts.” Those old shorts had been in Franks mouth!

“Oh, come on Ed, I’d rather wear my jammers than these things. Please!”

“Now let me think: jammers, running shorts? Jammers? Running shorts? Nah, how about running shorts, nude? Running shorts? Nuddie? Hmmm . . .”

“Alright, alright, I’ll wear them. Just shut up.” Ed grinned.

“You can always rinse them out while you and your little friend are bathing. They MIGHT dry off by the time we leave.” In retrospect, Ed would obviously never have dared to make me hike home in the nude (except, presumably for my boots and socks) in case we encountered anybody en route but I was too angry to think straight at the time.

“OK, Frank?”


“Ten minutes, no more. Understand?” Neither of us bothered to answer but there was no need for Ed to make any threats; Frank would not want Hilary to ‘explain things’ to him once she had arrived and I did not want to get back to camp only to find that certain pictures had been sent to all my contacts and, even worse, Ed’s as well.

We both jogged down to the lake. This time there was no hesitation on either part in slipping out of what we were wearing and running into the freezing lake. It wasn’t as pleasant as our previous bathing session but, at that time of year, it was certainly not too unpleasant. We both did our best to get ourselves clean and I made sure to wash out Frank’s previous mouth stuffing as best as I could before we exited the lake and took it in turns with the towel, not that much drying off was achieved. Frank pulled his gold and white swim briefs into place and I braced myself before pulling on those tatty, and rather brief (in spite of being over-sized) white shorts. I was glad that it was all boys together all the while they were drying out. I arranged myself inside the integral briefs as best I could before tying the draw-cord securely.


Frank nodded, “Ngeh.”

When we reached site, Ed had arranged enough ropes, cable ties and tree ties to bind both of us and he also had plenty of tape to spare. He looked like a child in a sweet shop. “Alright, the Shrimp’s on breakfasts and I’ll get the Rodent ready to go.” Frank’s despair was epic. He did try shaking his head despondently but he knew it was pointless expecting any mercy at all with the imminent arrival of Hils. “OK. Sit down, both of you, I’ll just make sure that the Rodent is safe before you,” Ed looked at me, “get on with breakfast.” I was obviously still acting as the ball and chain.

“Now, Hils wants you prepared for her just like you were when she brought you here.” Frank’s jaw was definitely trembling in spite of the rather cruel gag. “Hands out.” Frank presented his wrists and Ed soon had them cuffed less than a foot apart in front of him. I now know that I was right to be suspicious of where our gaoler gained his surprising facility with ropes but more of that later, perhaps.

“Slip ‘em under your bum.” A really resentful looking Frank did as he was told. “And just to make sure they stay there . . .” I could understand the resultant squeals. I knew it was hurting because Ed had not long ago done it to me. Frank found some unnecessarily tight cable ties round his arms and his elbows pulled towards one another,. I wondered where Ed (or, more probably, Hils) had managed to obtain such hefty specimens of the electrician’s armoury from. At least Ed had not pulled the broad shouldered little tyke’s elbows closer than about fifteen centimetres. No, he’s not all heart!

The next yelp escaped as Ed unlocked the belt that was holding Frank’s mouth open. When he saw that blue ball approaching, just for a second, I thought Frank was going to refuse to admit it. He obviously knew that such a move would be very ill advised and soon dutifully opened up. “No. I’m in a good mood, this can wait until after breakfast.” Frank heaved a sigh or relief. “But, if you say ANYTHING, I’ll put that strap back in again. Get it?”

Frank got it.

I’m pretty sure that Ed was merely trying to cover a strategic mistake when he unlocked Frank’s gag too soon and that he was too bloody lazy to be bothered to tape the ball in place only to have to remove it so that Frank could eat and then replace it again.

Ed picked up a tree tie. I suspect Frank was almost looking forward to its application in comparison with having his ankles bound with yet another cable tie. “Feet. Crossed.” Frank did as he was told and Ed looped the rubberised tie round his right leg, pulled it tight and threaded Frank’s left leg through the remaining unoccupied loop in the opposite direction. Frank’s ankles were quickly clamped against the spacer and he would certainly be incapable of standing until Ed was good and ready for him to do so.

Frank didn’t even try pleading when he saw Ed retrieving the sleep mask and slipping it into place over his eyes. “Right now, be a good boy and you’ll get your breakfast. Be a good boy?” Frank nodded. “Good lad.” Ed scruffed his hair.

“One down, one to go.” That was ominous. Ed unlocked the chain from round Frank’s neck and I soon found it round my left ankle.

“Oh, come on you bastard, I can’t afford to run away; you know that.” Ed took no notice as he completed my hobble. I was obviously only going to be allowed enough scope to walk so that I could work but not to run.

“There now, that’s much more like it. You look like a real slave again. Oh, and, if you call me that again, I’m going to let Frank cook breakfast and, if Hils arrives before he’s ready to go, I’ll let her have a word with you about it. What do you think?” I settled for a resentful silence.

“Oh, before you start, we can’t leave the Rodent to get sunburnt. Your choice, drag him up against that tree in the shade or you can find some sun-block in my rucksack. Like I said: your choice.”

All I am prepared to say is that I really didn’t think it was advisable for anyone to see (or video!) me applying any substance to a fit looking, sparsely clothed youth, especially as I wouldn’t be able to resist fantasising about having Dave in place of the unfortunate Frank. I dragged him over to the indicated tree. At least he had something to lean against.

At least Ed had banked up and refuelled the fire before he had got Frank and I out of the sleeping bag so, by the time I had got the large, blackened frying pan onto it, the flames had subsided and I could get on with preparing breakfast. With your ankles hobbled, it’s not as easy transitioning between kneeling and standing as you might think, so I made sure to get everything I needed out of the cart before starting. [Note to self: do NOT fry bacon and sausages while bare-chested!]

Once Ed had eaten and I had served him his coffee, (I did manage not to spit in any of it!) he graciously allowed me to eat and even to remove Frank’s blindfold before feeding him. I declined to wipe his chest clear of tomato ketchup, and Ed forced me to replace his blindfold once he had been given water.

Alright, If Hils was due to pick up Frank after breakfast, it sort of made sense that Ed had to get up so early because it rapidly became clear that I, in spite of being hobbled was expected to strike camp and pack the cart, without help, read for Frank to pull it back to Hilary’s place. At least Ed packed his own rucksack and the daypack – anything else would have been unthinkable! I took good care to notice what he had left out.

Just as I had finished and Ed was about to gag Frank prior to taping him to the handle of the trolley, my phone rang.

“Yeah, Hi Hils, he’s all ready for you. - - - Ah! I see. Good do was it? - - - (Ed chuckled) - - - No, no problem at all. See you then. Ciao.” Ed closed up my phone and looked from Frank to me and back again.

(6) “I say, you fellows, you are not very fragrant.”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


12. A Slight Change of Plan

“OK, boys, good news, you get to stay on camp for while. Hils has got herself a bit of a hangover so she hasn’t started back yet. Isn’t that good news? Oh sorry, I forgot to tell her that the Rodent was missing her.”

“@*!$ $£!, etc, etc.” (7)

Ed grinned but he wasn’t going to let it go this time, especially from Frank. “When will I learn not to be such a nice guy? It never pays.” Frank could have expected what happened next but he couldn’t see what was coming and so could take no evasive action. Ed grabbed him by the hair, yanked him away from the tree he was sitting against and forced his head back in mid diatribe. The blue ball was quickly lodged behind Frank’s teeth and Ed commenced the taping before Frank could recover from the surprise. By the time Ed had finished wrapping the transparent tape many times round his lower face, the colour of the ball could hardly be discerned any longer and Frank’s cheeks bulged out above the tape in a hamster-like fashion.

Ed examined his work, twisting Frank’s head from side to side. “Oh look, the Rodent has cheek pouches!” It must be admitted that I did briefly find that funny as my brother poked the enraged Frank in both cheeks. Like I said: you weren’t there, don’t judge me. At least Ed bothered to prop the newly sobbing Frank up against the tree again.

“Well, having sorted that out, you’d better get on with striking camp.” Ed was obviously addressing me. “D’ y’ know, I thought I was going to have to help you but, now that there’s no real hurry, I’m going to take a well earned rest.” Ed settled down to do just that – but then he got up gain and went over to Frank.

“Just look at this.” Ed grabbed the short hair just by Frank’s temples and twisted. Frank gave voice. That gag was really effective. “Every time I don’t think you’re working hard enough, I’m going to stroll over here and do this . . .” More twisting preceded another gagged yell. I assured Ed that I would work and that there would be no need to torture Frank any more. “Good boy.” Ed scruffed my hair as he passed me on his way back to where he had decided to sit.

I was as good as my word but I did shoot several nervous glances in his direction whenever I thought Ed showed any signs of stirring. I’m sure he was only doing it to wind me up.

After what must have been two hours, I had loaded the trek cart, spread the fire (Yes, I was allowed boots and socks!) and poured the remains of the water supply over the embers. The worst task was cleaning that blackened frying pan. (No, I didn’t clean it in the lake!) Ed claimed that he was exhausted. The only items I had not been allowed to pack were a long rope, an old, threadbare football scarf of Ed’s (Skaits, unfortunately!) and a roll of something that I recognised as gorilla tape. I reckoned I knew where that was going to end up and I was not looking forward to removing it later.

I thought I had finished my task and wondered how long it would take Smegward to realise that I had nothing left to do. That was probably the shortest time ever recorded by man. “Emu parade. Get on with it. If I see ANY litter afterwards, the Rodent over there gets a little visit from Mr. Titty Twister.”

I don’t care what he says, my brother is a bastard!

I made sure that the site was immaculate. Not only to protect Frank but also to delay whatever else Ed had in store for me.

Then my phone rang.


“Hi, HiIs. - - - Yes, I’ll get him ready now. - - - Behaved himself? Yes, sort of. Well, all except for the language. - - - Yeah, yeah, I know you warned me. You were right, but he had to eat. - - - Yeah, I suppose you’ll have to explain that to him when you get here. - - - OK, see ya.”

“@*!$ $£!, etc, etc, etc.” But rather more muffled this time around (8)

“Oh, there’s no need to thank me.” Frank was incandescent! He knew that he was probably in for a spanking when his cousin returned. He might even be subjected to Hilary’s “explanation” in front of my snot-gobbling brother and me. Mr. Brave here, though, thought that he would be better not to share his opinion with Ed just at that moment just in case he received the same explanation.

“OK, Shrimp, just help the Rodent across to the cart – unless you want me to drag him.” Of course I apologised to Frank before lifting him across the site rather like a groom carrying his bride across the threshold, a similarity which my brother took great delight in pointing out. I put him down as gently as I could and helped him to kneel ready for our gaoler, who approached with the roll of gorilla tape. I shall probably burn in hell for hoping that Ed would use most of the tape on Frank so that there would be less for me, but until then . . .

Ed told Frank to reach out behind him for the handle of the cart but made no attempt to help him other than to cut the cable tie that was drawing his elbows tormentingly towards one another. That sounded as though it hurt! Eventually I lifted the bar so that Frank could feel it.

“You really do love him don’t you?”

I should have taken into account Hilary’s imminent arrival before calling my brother that particular name but he simply grinned, bent over slightly and tapped himself theatrically on the bum. I shut up!

Frank located the bar and held on to it underhand with his rope cuffs as far apart as possible. Ed started binding the linking rope along its entire length to the handle. “And once more for luck.” Lucky for me, I thought as Ed used up more of the tape on winding another complete layer between Frank’s wrists.

“Oi, Shrimp, why don’t you free your lover boy’s ankles, there’s a good boy?” I thought carefully and managed to suppress what I wanted to say in case Ed decided to leave Frank with his knees spread uncomfortably and his heels under his bum. Removing the tree-tie was not as easy as you might think because there was no way Frank could make things easier for me. You’ve probably guessed that yet another video was made of me fumbling around Frank’s bum. I saw the video, at least there was nothing to be seen in spite of my inevitable semi. Christ, I wish I was an only child!

Frank was, at least, capable of kneeling more comfortably once I had freed his ankles but there was no way he could move too far all the time he was blindfolded. Problem: now Ed could turn his attentions to me. I even hoped that Hilary would not be too long in arriving to shorten the time available.

By now, you’ve probably guessed what Ed decided to do next: he rope-cuffed my hands in front of me (I’ve realised since that his repertoire of restraints was somewhat limited.) and made me slip the rope under my bum. I wished then that I had taken the chance and removed the cable ties that were still tightly bound above my elbows. Ed slipped another cable tie between them and with a, “Brace yourself, Shrimp,” he pulled my elbows even closer together than he had before. Or, at least, that’s what it felt like. He then recycled the tree-tie that I had just removed from Frank’s ankles. That left me sitting on the ground with my knees spread. At least those dreadful white shorts had dried out. I was not looking forward to finding out what Ed was going to do with the football scarf but I could make a very good guess.

That excruciating whistling noise started again. It is the sound of a man who is happy in his work and that makes it ominous. The whistling stopped abruptly. “Want that stick tied into your mouth again?” I had to weight that up carefully but, let’s face it, Ed had stowed that bloody awful bit away and he’d obviously made up his mind what he was going to do already. “No, I thought not. Open wide.”

All the while he was bullshitting, Ed had tied a bulky knot in the middle of the scarf and pulled it as tight as possible. The heel of his boot was gounded between my ankles and the front of his old running shorts and, more to the point, what they contained. I thought I would be well advised to cooperate in case he decided to lower his toes. I still say that knot was too large for purpose but Ed did manage to force it behind my teeth before tying the scarf off behind my head. He then pulled the initial knot tight, very tight. The wretched thing didn’t even give when Ed added an extra, reinforcing knot. My lips were now being stretched painfully and I had no idea how long I was going to be left like that.

I felt Ed tucking the corners of the scarf into the gag and the bullshit continued. “Now, tell me how kind I am.”


“Well, I’ve used all that material to protect your gay-boy hair-do before I just use this little bit of tape.” Little bit of tape, my arse! It looked as though there was still about half of the roll left. I was right about where it was due to go. The footie scarf was tight enough already but, by the time Ed had wrapped the rest of the gorilla tape round my head, I felt that I must have looked like Frank. “Ooo look, another chipmunk!” That confirmed it.

“OK, boys, won’t be long now. Hils is on the way then you and I can get on our way, Shrimp. Sorry but your boyfriend has to go back with Hils.”

“Mph!” it was that word again – in stereo.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she won’t be too cruel – IF you behave from now on.” Two boys were determined that they would be very good indeed. Have you heard of the concept of hope over expectation?

Things settled down and the only disturbance was Frank and I trying to gain some relief from our discomfort and Ed’s belching due to his having sunk several cans of coke from the supplies that Hilary had provided.

After I don’t know how long, I heard a familiar sound.

I know Frank wasn’t gagged but I thought I ought to protect readers from indelicate language. His reply certainly included ‘that’ word applied to both his cousin and my brother along with a very well known participle! (7)

See footnote (7) but gagged this time (8)

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Post by cj2125 »

Since I had read the first chapters on the other forum, I wasn't paying much attention to this story as I should have... then I read it and found it was almost finished! Well, good story, each chapter only makes me hate Ed even more but frankly, Shrimp and Rodent make too good captives to wish for the release
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Post by Xtc »

I don't think you're very nice. The Shrimp wishes me to tell you that he does not hold you in very high regard! No one really cares what the Rodent thinks!

Thanks for the reaction. I thought that this post would complete the story but there's at least one more short part and, perhaps an epilogue to come.
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Post by Veracity »

I wasn’t aware until now that this story had progressed beyond the leaving off point at the old forum. As much as I deeply pity Shrimp and The Rodent for their shared predicament, I would like to remind them that suffering is good for the soul, especially when it is somebody else’s suffering.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, @[mention]Veracity[/mention], have you ever considred a career as a counselor?
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