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Chapter 20 - Jack Gets a 'D' in Math

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:55 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 20 - Jack Gets a 'D' in Math

If being an adult means handling a job, school, and a relationship, then count me out. Things were starting to slip, and I was starting to pine for my bed each night like someone 30 years my senior. The job at Lisa's firm was fascinating and holding the bulk of my attention but the other things, most notably high school, had begun to suffer. Polly was my highest priority but she was so busy there were never any hurt feelings when I was not back from work until 7 o'clock in the evening, and a few times she ate with my family which was always special. Unless my Dad was there, then it was just embarrassing.

I was pounding away on the keyboard one Saturday morning at the Craddock offices when the phone rang. "Hey Jack, this is Polly."

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?"

"A little panicked at the moment, are you at Mom's work?" She asked.

"Yes, why?" I said.

"Is Mom there, I need her help?" Polly asked.

"Sorry, the place is a ghost town, what's up? Can I help?"

"Oh would you? I left my performance leotard at home and the coach wanted to do a dress rehearsal. Can you bring it to me?"

"Ok, where is it and where are you?"

"It's lying on my bed and I'm at the school gym. One of the side doors is open today so we can practice."

"I need a break anyway, I'll be right over."

"Thanks Jack, your awesome."

"It will cost you a kiss." I said.

"You can have two." Polly laughed and hung up the phone.

I arrived at Polly's house a few minutes later. I went to the back door and found the hidden key, though unusually the deck door was unlocked. I ran upstairs to Polly's bedroom and saw the dark purple leotard laid out on Polly's bed spread. I started to leave but heard an odd sound coming from down the hall. I stopped and strained to listen. A whirring sound repeated itself at regular quick intervals and it seemed to be coming from Lisa's bedroom.

I stepped closer wondering if the house was empty. The door to Lisa's room was closed but not latched. The sound was definitely coming from there and I thought perhaps something had been left running unintentionally. I slowly pushed open the door and looked around the room. My eyes wandered across the familiar furniture and saw nothing on first glance but then caught movement from the bed. I sucked in a breath at what I saw. Lying on the bed was a woman, her arms and legs spread toward each corner of the bed. She wore black stockings with black high heels, a matching garter belt, panty set, and shiny black opera length gloves, otherwise she was nude. Her modest breasts had flattened against her body unrestrained by a bra. Silk cords connected each of her limbs to the posts of the bed. My eyes roamed up her body until I found her face gagged with a large white ball and I froze. It was Mrs. Bates, my math teacher.

I took a step forward thinking something terrible happened but she shook her head in a panicked jerk and looked toward the archway. I followed her gaze and discovered the source of the noise. Inside the cavernous bathroom room was Lisa and she walked briskly on a treadmill. She wore headphones and faced the wall. I looked back at Mrs. Bates who was staring at me wide eyed and fearful. Lisa was in her workout clothing and my math teacher was tied topless to the bed in lingerie. Things started to slide together in my brain. I looked back over the room again and noticed details I had previously overlooked. There was a phallic object lying between Mrs. Bates spread legs, it looked to have been placed just out of reach. Mrs. Bates though obviously scared by my appearance had not been struggling or thrashing upon my arrival. This was all consensual and I was the intruder.

I turned and fled like a startled rabbit. By the time I had reached my car my breath was coming in ragged gasps. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do? Oh god. Oh god." I said as I put the key in the ignition and drove away as fast as I dared. My mind did back flips around this new information. I knew that Lisa had little love for men, but Mrs. Bates, I guess the 'Mrs.' part was in error. Sure she was older than most single ladies I just never realized she had an attraction to women. Hold on a second, maybe it was the ropes and stuff, maybe that was what she was really into? I understood all too well how such things could arouse and inflame the mind.

Do I tell anyone? If I told Polly, she would tell Lisa which would be bad. If I told Mom or Kat it would similarly get back to Lisa. "Argh! Curse my stupid curiosity. Why did I have to be so nosy?" I yelled into the empty car.

I ran into the school and handed over Polly's leotard. Luckily she was too busy to notice my nervousness. She gave me two quick pecks on the lips and dashed away toward the ladies locker room. I hopped back in my car and went to the office, waiting for Lisa to arrive and give me the biggest cussing ever.

I spent an extremely unproductive two hours at the office. I paced back and forth from the window overlooking the parking lot and my desk once every fifteen minutes. Lisa never arrived. No one called my cell. Nothing happened at all. I might have thought it a dream except I had now placed Mrs. Bates in a very different category in my mind. She had gone from simple math teacher to, "Wow she's really hot beneath those conservative suits."

I waited and waited for something to happen. All through Sunday I waited for a tap on the shoulder from Lisa or Mom but nothing happened. Polly and her mother ate Sunday dinner with us and Lisa acted completely normal throughout. Mrs. Bates must have kept the incident to herself.

I had math class on Monday morning, that would answer all the questions. I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined it. I walked into the room as close to the bell as possible to avoid any chance of speaking with her alone. I avoided her eyes but saw that she wore her usual conservative skirt and blazer with a cream colored blouse. Everything was normal.

"Ok class, I hope everyone has studied hard, I was nice enough to give you the weekend." Mrs. Bates said as she walked down the aisles handing out a test. I felt like pounding my head onto the wooden desk. I forgot the test. It seemed so clear now and I even remembered my intention to study most of Sunday evening. My job and the sight of Mrs. Bates bound and gagged had driven it all from my mind. I was staring at a page with symbols and numbers that seemed to move around as I watched them. With unsteady hands I began to work through the problems.

On a normal day being unprepared for a math test would be no big deal, instead of an 'A' I may have pulled out a 'B' but today with the constant sense of Mrs. Bates' attention drilling into my skull I could not focus. Twice during the hour long class I looked up and found myself staring directly into Mrs. Bates brown eyed gaze, I turned away each time with the memories of her loose brown hair splayed out onto a pillow and a large white orb wedged into her mouth. Both times my hand was shaking so much I had to erase much of my work since it so illegible not even I could read it. When the bell rang I was not surprised to find many problems still incomplete.

I grabbed my backpack and made for the door as quickly as I could without drawing suspicions from my fellow students. It made little difference though. "Jack, please stay behind, I would like a brief word."

Ollie caught my eye and he could not have missed the terror in my eyes. "You ok, dude?" He asked.

I swallowed. "I'm..." My voice rasped in a whisper. "I'm fine, just fine."

"Ok, see you at lunch." Ollie glanced over my shoulder at the teacher and then quickly walked outside.

I returned to my seat and crossed my arms over my chest to hide my trembling hands. As the last student exited Mrs. Bates walked to the door and turned the lock with an ominous click that echoed through the empty room. She then sat down on her desk her skirt pulling tight across her legs revealing more of her black nyloned legs. "We need to talk." She said quietly and without anger.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean too..."

Mrs. Bates waved the frightened statement away with a flick of her hand. "Lisa was careless, we made certain assumptions that were incorrect. Did you speak to anyone?"

"No. No one." I said.

"Not Polly, or your Mom?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"No, no one." I said with a small measure of hope this could be put behind us.

"Well that's good." She looked at the ceiling. "Thank the maker I did not mention it to Lisa." She looked back at me. "I almost said something to her expecting you to run off and tell Polly."

"No, I could not."

Mrs. Bates looked strangely at me for a moment. "Could not? Why couldn't you? Seems like something teenagers would get a good laugh over. No matter that it would cost me my career."

"I did not know it could get you in trouble, that's not the reason I kept it to myself." I answered.

"What is the reason?" She asked.

"Well, one reason is that you are my favorite teacher." I began.

Mrs. Bates crossed her legs and smiled. "That's nice to know."

"And the other reason is..." I paused and took a breath. "...I sort of get it."

"Get it?" She said cocking her head to the side.

"You know, I get it. I get what you were doing." I responded not know exactly how to express my thoughts.

Mrs. Bates pinched her lips together in thought. "You're awfully young..."

I don't know why I said it, perhaps it was an attempt to reduce my favorite teacher's embarrassment. "I love it when Polly ties me up. I get it."

Mrs. Bates back stiffened and her eyes went wide, she stared at me for several seconds as my heartbeat started to accelerate. Then her head cocked over and she looked at me from my shoes to my hair. I felt like I was being sized up for auction. "I can definitely see it." Mrs. Bates said starting to grin slightly.

It was my turn to be surprised. "See what?" I said slowly looking toward the door in hopes of escape.

"Oh nothing, let's agree not to discuss this again and keep it just between us."

I nodded so hard I heard my neck popped from the sudden movement. "I agree to that."

I left Mrs. Bates classroom wishing we had talked before the test, I remembered several easy errors I had made and knew that this would be likely my worst grade ever.

* * *

The remainder of the school day was normal. The school was now used to Polly and I being together so we were no longer the topic of deep conversations or long sighs by the younger girls who saw us together. I often caught Polly at the tale end of her lunch and most of her coterie of friends had started working together to allow us a few moments of privacy, they were some good friends.

After my brief rendezvous with Polly I spotted Ollie leaning against a nearby wall where he was obviously waiting for me so I stepped closer. "What's up?"

"What did Mrs. Bates say?" Ollie asked though I could tell he was just making small talk and he wanted to discuss something else.

"She is concerned about my work, I'm starting to slip in my studies since I'm so busy with my job." I lied, sort of, the test was a complete disaster and half the reason was all the time I had been losing to work.

"How's that going, the job I mean?" He asked though he was definitely trying to work up the courage to ask something else.

"It's really interesting and that's why I've put so much time there." I decided to get it to the point, the bell would ring soon. "What's this about Ollie?"

Ollie took a deep breath and combed his fingers through his blond highlighted hair. "Look, I've had a lot of fun with girls and I was sure that's all I ever wanted, but..."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I've watched you and Polly these last few weeks and I think maybe I'm missing something." Ollie said in a voice barely audible above the general din of the hallway.

"You would like to have a steady girlfriend, is that it?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I just don't know who to ask."

I thought back to recent weeks. "I know Kristy likes you."

Ollie's eyes went wide. "Kristy? Really? How do you know that?"

"Polly mentioned it." I decided not to mention the actual content of the conversation which involved certain female undergarments.

"You never told me." Genuine heat rose in Ollie's voice.

"Honestly, I knew you weren't into anything serious, you did date her once or twice."

"Yeah, they were good dates too, she's a great kisser." Ollie said in dreamy remembrance.

"There you go." I hefted my backpack onto my shoulder and slugged Ollie in the shoulder. "See ya."

* * *

After spending a couple of hours at Lisa's office I returned home to a strange car parked in my usual spot. Our house had become a parking lot now that we each had a car and my spot was at the curb next to the sidewalk. Now a small black car was there.

I entered the house and stepped into the kitchen as I usually did. A familiar voice reached my ears. "I am really surprised." Mrs. Bates was saying. My mom was sitting across the table from my math teacher, each one with cups of tea and a plate of cookies sitting before them. Mrs. Bates was facing my direction when I entered. "Ah, here he is now."

Mom turned in her chair and gave me a smile that did not touch her eyes which were pinched in worry. "Have a seat Jack."

I had trouble meeting Mrs. Bates gaze, suddenly worried she had decided against keeping our shared secret. "What's this about?"

"Your teacher called me and said that you nearly failed your math test." Mom said as I found my seat.

I looked at Mrs. Bates. "That bad?"

"D." Mrs. Bates answered, "I graded them during my work period today."

"Holy sh..." I stopped myself before finishing the word catching my Mom's glare.

"I understand you have taken on extra work and Ms. McGentry is in your life now." Mrs. Bates said.

"You mean Polly? I have to call her Mom, Mrs. McGentry at work." I said

"Yes, Polly. It's a lot to adjust to in just a few short weeks, has it even been a month?"

I shrugged not bothering to calculate the time since I knew that a majority of the reason for my poor performance was my own nosiness and so did Mrs. Bates. Her presence here meant she was probably trying to help. "I forgot about the test. I have so much stuff in my head."

Mom turned to Mrs. Bates. "Is there any way he can take the test again?"

"I don't know. That would not be fair to the other students would it?" Mrs. Bates took a sip of her tea looking at me over the rim. "Most of the students who score this poorly would take another chance if it were offered."

"Most of those students did not have straight A's on all their previous tests." I argued.

"Touché." Lisa gestured toward me with her cup.

Mom looked between us, she rarely missed anything. "You called me for a reason, Mrs. Bates."

"Selena. Call me Selena, please."

Mom smiled. "Selena, why are you here then?"

"As Jack says, this score is an extreme anomaly, I want to work something out. Perhaps some arrangement can be reached that will justify a reexamination."

"Arrangement?" I asked.

The look Mrs. Bates sent me was familiar. It reminded me of Polly when she watched me while surrounded by a bunch of friends. A look that said if I could read her mind I would blush from head to toe. With Polly it was irresistible, on Mrs. Bates it was scary. What was she doing?

"I will be placing my career at some minor risk to achieve this but it may be worth it to me if I could borrow your son on occasion to accomplish a few minor tasks around my house. I live alone and repairmen are expensive and I also worry about giving them access to my person. They could take advantage of my vulnerability in ways I am not comfortable."

Mom nodded. "You would like some help around the house? Had I known you live alone we could have helped regardless of Jack's grades."

"That is very kind and I suppose I only have my pride to blame but I want to offer something in return. This presented such an opportunity." Mrs. Bates smiled and took a drink of her tea.

"I'm not sure how this solves your fear of men having access to your person." Mom said. "Jack is nearly fully grown."

"I have had the opportunity to observe the way he treats Polly and I am confident in his gentle nature." Lisa smiled at me. "I'm sure I can handle Jack."

Mom turned toward me. "What do you think, Jack?"

"Sounds fine to me." I said though I had a feeling Mrs. Bates had other ideas than unclogging sinks.

"Good." Mrs. Bates rose from the table. "Let's exchange phone numbers and then we can work out a time."

"Thank you." I said with Mom echoing me.

Mrs. Bates left and Mom turned on me. "You need to be careful around her." Like I said Mom missed nothing. "Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with. Better yet, don't do anything that Polly is not comfortable with."

I straightened in surprise. "Polly?"

"Yes, that woman reminds me of Lisa, but more desperate. Promise me you will not keep secrets from Polly."

"I promise Mom." I was privately glad she extracted such a promise after my encounter in Lisa bedroom with Mrs. Bates and not before. It was a thin justification but a necessary one.

"Good. I love you. Now go study."

"Love you too."

Re: Jack's Story (F/M)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:04 pm
by MaxRoper
I missed this at the old site so am glad you reposted. It's very well written and believable. I look forward to anything you choose to add. Thanks for posting!

Re: Jack's Story (F/M)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:06 pm
by volatiledesire
MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago I missed this at the old site so am glad you reposted. It's very well written and believable. I look forward to anything you choose to add. Thanks for posting!
You get the benefit of my re-edit. So, so, so many grammatical mistakes I fixed this time around.

The newest chapter is #49. So you have quite a bit to read yet.

Thank you for the comment.

All the best.

Chapter 21 - The Arrangement part 1

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:10 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 21 - The Arrangement part 1

The text came on a Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bates, turns out she used to be married so 'Mrs.' was still correct, asked me to meet her at her house after lunch. On the drive over I tried to picture my math teacher asking me to trim the hedges or change light bulbs but I knew deep down this would not be the case. The looks she gave me over the kitchen table were so blatantly subversive even Mom knew she had other ideas.

I knocked on the door and expected her to be wearing some wild outfit but instead she wore a simple pair of shorts and a sweatshirt with our school logo stenciled across the front. Her hair was pulled behind her head in a ponytail and she had fluffy gray house shoes on her feet. "Ah Jack, please come in."

I entered her house which was decorated in a modern style. Simple aluminum tube furniture was softened with colorful cushions and accent pillows. The walls were an off white with splashes of color donated by large artworks and sprays of dried flowers. One wall consisted of a built in bookcase which was filled with various volumes from Georg Cantor to Stephen King. The open floor plan of the home allowed whomever worked in the kitchen to see both the front and back doors of the house. The formal dining area was delineated from the rest of the space by two white accent columns. I stepped in and looked around noting the hallway that likely led to the bedroom and bathroom. "Lovely place you have."

"Thank you, Jack. Would you care for a drink? I have Coke, water, iced tea."

"Coke sounds good." I said.

"Sure, and please have a seat on the couch so we can talk."

I sat down near the coffee table which had the same brushed aluminum construction and a thick glass top. Two books rested there, one was "Gray's Anatomy" which had a colored human heart on the front with little lines pointing out the various parts, this seemed to be some sort of decoration. The other was called "Zimmerman's Guide to Massage." I left them both where they were and continued my observation of the books in the large wall case.

Moments later the familiar hiss of bubbles in a glass of Coke reached my ears just before Mrs. Bates sat down in a chair near the couch. "First things first, Jack."

I paused in the act of sipping from my drink.

"When you are here you may call me Selena."

I nodded. "Ok, Selena."

"I don't want to beat around the bush about what I want." Selena paused and took a breath. "I want you to become my masseuse."

"Masseuse? You mean like massages?" I asked my eyes darting to the book on the coffee table.

Selena pointed at the book. "Read that and next time you are here we can get started."

"Uh. You mean like touch you and rub your skin?" I said looking at the naked shoulder of the woman who decorated the front of the massage book.

"Massage does involve touching, yes." Selena smiled.

"But I'm a guy and your a woman. That sounds..." I could not finish the sentence.

"We will keep it strictly professional, hence the book there. You need to learn proper massage techniques. I want you to be an expert masseuse."

"I don't think Polly would like me touching you Mrs. Bates... I mean Selena." I said hoping the mention of my girlfriend would bring clarity to my concerns.

"Ah yes, Polly." Selena smiled. "I had forgotten about her. I do see how a teenage girl may not see this from the correct perspective. Please call her so we can chat."

"You want me to call her?" I asked slowly.

"Yes, call her, Jack."

I picked up my phone and sent a few looks toward Selena expecting her to snag the phone from my grasp but it rang and Polly answered. "Hey cutie, what's up?"

Selena held out her hand toward the phone. "I'm over at Mrs. Bates house and she wants to talk to you."

"Ok, put her on." Polly answered.

"Hello Polly." Selena began.

A smile formed on her face. "Yes I'm sure you are studying hard for math, but that is not what I want to discuss with you. Would it be possible for you to come to my house and talk?" Selena brushed a lock of her hair away from her face that had fallen loose from her ponytail while she waited for an answer.

"Great, see you in a tic." She handed the phone back to me. "She will be here in a few minutes, let's postpone any more discussions of this until I talk with Polly. Go ahead and peruse the book though."

I picked up the softcover book and reviewed the contents. There were entire chapters on various parts of the body and the techniques used to relax the muscles in each. One chapter was dedicated to a broad spectrum of oils and the purposes that they have. The final chapter of the book was titled "Sensual Massage" and talked about... "Techniques to extract maximum pleasure from the client through digital manipulation of the erogenous zones." There were pictures of both men and women with detailed diagrams of exactly how to touch the genitals in exacting detail. I was able to hide my growing embarrassment from Mrs. Bates while reading through this particular chapter and wondered how thoroughly she had reviewed it prior to handing it over to me. A knock at the door interrupted my reading.

"Ah that must be Polly." Selena opened the door and Polly stepped in flashing me a smile. She wore a loose pale green sundress that revealed the straps of a swimsuit underneath. "Come in, come in." She must have been enjoying the pool prior to the phone call.

"Hello Mrs. Bates." Polly said glancing around the room before sitting down next to me on the couch. "Hi Jack." She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Polly." I said still surprised at times by her attraction to me.

Selena sat down and picked up a glass of iced tea. "Can I offer you a drink?"

"I'll just share Jack's." Polly said taking a sip from my Coke.

"Ah yes." She smiled. "Are you aware of the arrangement Jack made with me a few days ago?"

Polly nodded, we had talked about it and she was also aware of my other concerns about my math teacher.

"Good, that makes this easier." Selena sat forward in her chair and then hesitated before speaking. "You know what, this would be easier if I show you what I intend."

"Alright." Polly answered.

Selena stood up and moved toward the hallway off the main room. Polly and I followed. "Actually, Jack, since I really need to convince Polly more than you, why don't you wait here?" Selena smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Do you want Polly to do this?"

"I wish." Selena smiled. "But no, I just realized that if Polly agrees to this arrangement than you will too, is that not correct?"

I mulled that over in my head for a few seconds. "Yeah I suppose if Polly agrees, I will too."

Selena smiled. "So like I said, you wait here, you'll get your tour later, if ever."

I shrugged and returned to the couch and mouthed to Polly, "Be careful."

Polly nodded and waved for me to sit down.

I sat.

I waited.

I waited some more.

After nearly a half hour I stood up from the couch, removed my shoes, and decided to find out what was taking so long. I snuck down the hallway. Muffled laughter came from the closed door to my right and I slid on my stocking feet closer to the door. With my ear pressed against the wood I could barely understand the voices. "Oh I like the white, that would be perfect." Polly said.

"Really? Not the pink?" Selena's voice replied.

"No, too obvious, too over the top." Polly responded.

I heard a quick step and the door suddenly flew open. I had to take a step into the room to keep from falling flat on my face. Denying what I had been doing would be futile. I took a quick glance around the room which was largely empty except for a tall padded table in the center of the room and low shelves around the perimeter which were filled with various colors of candles. The padded table had a padded circle attached to one end for someone's face to rest. Just beneath the single window which allowed sunshine to pour in between thick curtains were a variety of curved bottles containing various fluids that appeared to be oils, at least they matched the pictures in the book. Polly was shaking her head from the other side of the massage table. "Jack, Jack, Jack, what am I going to do with you?" There were several catalogs spread out on the table but I could not tell what they were due to the glare from the window.

"Next time you want to eavesdrop, make sure your socks aren't visible beneath the door." Selena smiled.

"Sorry, I was just getting restless."

Polly nodded and stepped over to Selena and whispered in her ear.

Selena smiled. "Let me check my cupboards and see if I have anything that will work."

"What?" I asked suddenly nervous.

"Come with me Jack." Polly said.

I followed her out of the room into the main area of the house. She led me near the dining area where the two narrow white columns stood. Selena returned from the kitchen holding a slender box in her hands. "This is all I have but it should work." She held a box of plastic wrap.

Polly looked at Selena and frowned. "Really? Is it strong enough."

"Should be. If I have enough."

Polly turned her attention back to me. "Ok Jack give me your hands."

She took my wrists and pulled them behind my back while pressing me against one of the white columns. She held my hands so they were touching the pole behind my back. "Polly, come on. Not with my math teacher here." I complained.

Polly held my arms and pressed her face close to my ear. "Don't worry about her, she is harmless. It's been so long since I've had an excuse to bundle you up."

I sighed and hung my head. Selena pulled the roll of plastic from the box and wrapped it around my waist handing it over to Polly who pull it around the back side. After four turns my hands were welded to the pole. they moved the wrapping higher up my body continuing to pass the roll back and forth between them. When the wrapping passed my elbows freedom was beyond my grasp. When they reached my shoulders they made a crisscross pattern across my chest and over each shoulder before moving back down my body until my legs were also one with the pole in a crinkling mass of tight plastic.

"Ugh. This is tight." I complained and tried to pull my hands free but only succeeded in adding another round of crackling to the symphony of stretching plastic. "Please, I won't spy on you guys again."

Selena pulled the nearly empty roll away from my ankles and skipped into the kitchen and returned with a damp cloth. "Here you go Polly." She handed the towel over and bent to retrieve the roll. "Don't worry, it's clean just dampened a little to keep his mouth from going dry."

Polly laughed. "Done this before?"

Selena looked and me and shrugged. "Maybe."

"Open up Jack."

"Poll..." I started to protest but the damp cloth was pressed into my mouth. Selena pressed the plastic wrap across my lips and wrapped it around my head with a half twist to avoid covering my nose. After four or five times around my head she wrapped my head to the pole as well removing even the slight movements of my neck.

"There we go." Selena said stepping back. "Shall we continue our conversation?"

Polly smiled. "Yes we should." The two ladies walked back down the hall and the door closed with an ominous sense of finality.

I pulled and jerked my arms but there was no slack in the elastic plastic. Sweat slid down my back from the exertions until I finally relaxed silently chewing on the wet towel in my mouth. The clock was beyond my sight and I could only watch the kitchen and living room since moving my head proved to be impossible. This level of helplessness and immobility was a new experience.

My imagination flared to life and I saw in my minds eye Polly and Selena deciding my future fate, the fiendish devices they would use to extract promises from me. And through it all, a bloom of arousal swelled through my body and settled into my loins. The vulnerability morphed into a sense of safety and dependence. No longer did I need to worry about my decisions or my future, instead the goddesses who had put me against this pole would be taking care of all that for me.

Somewhere outside a lawn mower started up, then a distant siren. Sweat tickled my ribs but the plastic held me firm. I don't know how long I stood there, it could have been 15 minutes, or even two hours, I lost all sense of time relying on the daylight outside to keep me from panic. Polly eventually stepped back in my line of sight and smiled. "We've worked out something. Come over to my house after you are done."

What? She was leaving me with my math teacher, the one I had seen helplessly naked? I would be at her mercy. I pushed against the grasp of the plastic and growled through the saliva soaked gag in my mouth. Polly smiled and kissed me on the tip of my nose. "Now remember, come to my house after."

The door opened and closed again before Selena entered my field of vision. She carried a wooden chair which she placed before me and sat down. She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and watched me. For more than sixty of my breaths she just let her eyes roam across my trapped body. When you can't move and a woman's eyes are boring into you, time slows way down. Finally she spoke. "I suppose we are even."

I grunted in what I hoped was an affirmative response.

"So do you want me to let you go?"

I tried to nod my head but I was not sure how effective it was, similarly my grunts could be taken for either response. "Are you sure? What was it you said at school?" Selena tapped her finger against her lips. "You get this? You understand?"

Selena stood and placed her hands on my chest. "Here's the problem, Jack. What you saw on the bed that day may have been Lisa's fun, not mine. Did you ever consider that?"

Truth be told, the thought of a person being tied down as an unwilling participant never even occurred to me.

"Perhaps I was doing a favor for Lisa, not the reverse." Selena continued. "Does that change anything about how you see me?"

"Not really." I thought to myself, it was obviously consensual since Selena was released, there was no way she could have escaped.

"So here's the deal, you are going to learn to be a masseuse and Polly fully understands what that means so study hard, a lot harder than you studied for that last math test." Salena said while fixing my eyes with a feral gaze.

She took another slow drink of tea, picked up my own glass and retreated to the kitchen. She then walked down the hall and returned a few minutes later wearing a pair of purple tights and matching sports bra. She looked amazing in the workout gear. "I am going to do some yoga and then take a shower, I will release you after," She smiled at me. "...maybe." She moved the coffee table aside and spread out a yoga mat. She then turned on the television mounted above the mantle piece. Her body stretched and bent through a series of yoga poses led by an instructor on the screen. I could do nothing but watch her shapely body move through the forms that in any other context would have been extremely provocative. The bright smile on her lips proved she knew exactly what I was feeling.

After an hour she rolled up the mat and disappeared into the bedroom. Shadows had tracked further across the floor before she returned. Her hair was damp lying loose about her shoulders and she wore a dark blue robe made of a satin material that fell to just above her knees. "You are the first guy I ever felt comfortable with you know?"

I grunted and I wanted out pretty badly. My knees were throbbing where the joints were pressing against each other and I needed the toilet.

Selena opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a pair of scissors. "I am startled by how jealous I am of Polly. Maybe it is just your youth though. Or maybe..." She slid the scissors between the pole and the back of my ankles. "Things might have been different had I met a guy like you instead of the pigs that filled most of my life."

As the wrapping separated from my skin a cool breeze rose up my legs and a chill flowed throughout my body. Selena stood and slid the scissors along the pole. I began to sag as the wrapping which had supported me for so long fell away. When my head came loose I melted to the floor amidst the plastic shell. I tugged the plastic away from my face and spit out the cloth. I made no sound until she returned with a glass of ice water beaded with moisture. "Thank you."

Selena smiled. "The first words you utter after nearly two hours trapped to that pole are thanking me?" Selena shook her head. "Dear boy you are not making this easy for me."

I stood up slowly and stretched rubbing the feeling back into my limbs. "I don't understand."

"It's ok. Let's just say I am surprised by your reactions." Selena stood up and placed her hands on her hips, it was a posture that emphasized her narrow waist and modest breasts. "Tell me Jack, what do you think of me now?"

"Think of you?" I asked trying my best not to stare as the light played across the shiny blue material covering her skin.

Selena slid her hands over her breasts and down over her body. My eyes widened at the gesture. "Do you still think of me as Mrs. Bates your math teacher."

I took another sip of water and thought through my response carefully. "Selena, you are now and always have been a beautiful woman."

Selena placed her hand against her chest between her breasts as if to catch her breath. "Dear boy," Her lips started to quiver. "You better leave now before I decide to keep you all to myself."

I stood up and took a few wobbly steps toward the door. My shirt and shorts were damp with sweat and the warm spring air revivified my stiff muscles. I felt almost normal. I started the car and drove away.

Chapter 22. The Arrangement part 2

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:11 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 22. The Arrangement part 2

I drove directly to Polly's house as instructed. I wondered on the way if perhaps I exuded some kind of pheromone that attracted strong women. Polly, her mother, and now Selena Bates seemed to so enjoy my particular inability to resist them. Perhaps Mom could explain it, though how to broach the subject seemed impossible.

I arrived at Polly's house right around five o'clock. The sound of splashing caught my attention so I skipped the front door and entered through the side gate. I rounded the corner of the house in time to catch Polly exiting the swimming pool and sliding into the hot tub, the glimpse of the suit I had seen earlier proved to be a multi-colored bikini whose straps were composed of narrow bands that created a cage pattern across her chest and down her back. She was completely immersed in the bubbling heat before noticing my approach. "Hey cutie, you made it."

"Yeah I made it, though she kept me attached to the pole until about twenty minutes ago." I shook my head. "Was that your idea?"

Polly shook her head. "No, she has a lot of experience, reminds me of Mom sometimes. Her story is sad too."

"I guess that's why they get along." I responded.

"Oh? I didn't realize Mom and Selena knew each other."

Oh crap. I had to play this one cool. "Your Mom mentioned they went to school together I think, perhaps just acquaintances."

Polly shrugged. "Come on in, the warm water will get all the stiffness out."

"Sorry, I forgot my suit." I answered truly disappointed. "I doubt your Mom would want me in there naked."

"I have a suit you can borrow." Polly laughed splashing water at me.

"I'll pass, today has been tough enough." I sat down on the deck and pulled my socks and shoes off letting my feet dangle in the warm water. Polly slid over so my feet were dangling over her shoulders and my heels were pressing against the soft flesh of her breasts with her head between my legs facing away from my body. She began to massage my feet and ankles with her heated fingers. With a groan I fell back onto the deck luxuriating in her delightful touch.

"Did Selena tell you what she wanted?" Polly asked.

"Nope, nothing beyond the masseuse part." I answered.

Polly giggled. "She said she wanted you to be her masseuse?"

"Yup, that's what she said." I answered.

"Oh Jack, sometimes I feel sorry for you. You make it too easy." Polly said still laughing but she kissed my foot.

"What? I don't get it."

"Jack, a masseuse is a female massage therapist. A masseur is a male. That explains a lot actually."

"Explains what?" I asked suddenly nervous.

"I'm not sure I should ruin the surprise." Polly answered. "Besides there were some conditions that she agreed to in order for me to let you be her masseuse." She emphasized the last word with giggles.


"The most important one for you to know is that you have to give to me double everything you give to her." Polly said with a certain amount of heat in her voice.

"So if I give her a half hour massage..."

"I get an hour." Polly finished.

"She did not exactly have to agree. I would give you massages if you asked." I gave her a sideways glance.

"I know that, but we talked about a lot of things. There was more but it's need-to-know." Polly answered.

I decided not pry into the exact things she was talking about. "Polly there are parts in the book she gave me that cover some really intimate contact." I lifted myself onto my elbows to make sure she heard me. "Really intimate."

"I know. I saw them. I have the book in my room." Polly turned around and propped her arms on the deck so each one was across one of my knees. Her head was facing me positioned directly between my legs. "As to that stuff, well, I want to have it first."

My eyes got wide. "But our parents would never..."

Polly held up her hand. "I know and I don't really want you to see me naked yet. Selena made some good points though."

"Points?" I said.

"You could do it as an intellectual exercise, an attempt to perform the task not as an act of love or desire, but as an employee providing a service."

"I'm not sure I could do that, especially not with you." I answered.

"I hope not with me, that's why I insisted on you practicing on me before Selena."

"So that's what she has in mind then, not just a massage, but a sensual massage."

"Eventually. She did talk at length about it with me." Polly answered.

"She is attracted to me." I said, no longer willing to dodge the issue. "A thirty-something attracted to a 16 year old."

"I know." Polly said though I was surprised she said it so calmly. "She is still more attracted to girls though I think. I'm not worried, like you said, way too old." Polly smiled.

"This could get weird, I could just forget about retaking the test, my grades are good enough."

"No there is more to it than just your grades. I feel sorry for her." Polly said.

I cocked my head in surprise.

"Sorry for her? Why?" I asked.

"Like I said we talked a lot, you were attached to the pole for hours. She had a tough life and I would like to help her, and your training doesn't exactly hurt me either." Polly smiled.

"So this is an act of charity?" I smiled showing my incredulity.

"A little." Polly said. "My concern is what we do when our Mom's find out."

"I doubt they would agree to this." I said. "And I don't want to lie to them."

"Selena said she would take care of that part. We'll see." Polly then grabbed my legs and pulled me into the hot tub.

"Hey!" I yelled though it was muffled by a surprised splash.

Polly laughed. "Might as well stay in now."

"You wench!" I laughed and pulled her feet out from beneath her sending her head under the water. When she stood up I grabbed her and buried my face into the nape of her neck. She returned the hug and we kissed standing in the middle of the hot tub. "It's never a dull moment with you."

* * *

I rejected Polly's repeated and emphatic offers for a change of clothes and instead placed a towel in the seat of my car to protect it from my wet clothes. "I'm home!" I yelled as I entered the house and then sprinted up the stairs to my room to change clothes. Mom entered when I had just finished pulling my underwear on. "Jack, we need to talk..." She turned when she saw me mostly nude. "Oh sorry, should I come back later."

"No it's fine. Polly pulled me into the hot tub with my clothes on." I grabbed a pair of dry shorts and T-shirt. "What's up?"

"Mrs. Bates called me." Mom said.

I froze. "Wow she moves quickly."

"I'm worried about this arrangement she worked out with you and Polly." Mom said frowning.

"Yeah, me too." I answered.

"Then why are you doing it? I can go to the principle or something else."

"Polly feels sorry for her." I answered.

"Sorry for her? Why?" Mom said in the exact way I had spoken an hour before.

"I don't know exactly but I saw the look in Polly's eyes, she felt genuine pity for her."

"Maybe she is playing on Polly's soft heart."

"Mom if I think for a second that Mrs. Bates is trying to come between Polly and I, I will stop at nothing..." I left the threat hanging in the air. "I love Polly, Mom."

Mom's eyes got wide. "Love? Have you told Polly?"

"Yes, I told her." I answered in a whisper.

"And her response."

"Nothing at first, but after that day you came over to Lisa's house and talked things over, well she said it then. Once." I took a deep breath. "I just don't think she knows what to think, she did not have you and Dad to watch like I did."

Mom nodded. "Yeah, it could be difficult for her. Her Mom had it rough."

"Yes, I hope that's it."

"Hang in there, and as far as this thing with your math teacher, try and keep it professional. Imagine how you would act if I asked for a massage."

I choked and spluttered. "You?"

"Yes, keep it clinical, keep your libido away from the whole thing."

"I'll try."

* * *

The text from Selena came in on Sunday.
Selena wrote:Might as well get started sooner rather than later. Stop by sometime today if you can. I'll be here.
I thought about the fact that Selena would be sitting at home all day in the context of Polly's pity for her. I forwarded the text to Polly. "Here we go."

Polly wrote back. "I hope you studied. :)"

I arrived at Selena Bates' house that evening. She opened the door wearing the same blue satin robe I had seen on her last. "Come in, please."

My Dad always said I should compliment a woman every chance I got. "You look lovely this evening."

"Thank you. Let's go back to the massage room."

I followed her, trying to keep my eyes fixed on her long dark hair instead of the subtle play of the robe as it swayed in the dim light inches below the curve of her buttocks. The massage room looked softer, more relaxing, with the curtains closed and burning candles along the shelves. I quickly turned my back as Selena untied the robe letting it fall to the floor. She laid down on the massage table with her face cradled by the padded doughnut. "You are going to have to get used to skin, my boy." Selena said in a muffled voice from table. "Take off your shirt so you don't get oil on it and let's see how you do for your first time. I assume you read the book?"

"Yes." I answered though it was more of a skim, with most of my effort spent on getting some idea how to start.

I removed my shirt and dropped it next to the pool of silk that was Selena's robe. I selected grape seed oil from the rack based on the suggestion from the book and placed a modest amount in the warming bowl. Taking a deep breath I looked at the woman decorating the massage table. As with most people her skin was not uniform in color, there were tan lines across her back and buttocks, a few patches of pale skin marked the scars of past injuries, and a constellation of moles and freckles. However her body possessed the gentle curves and graceful lines of a woman in the summer season of her life.

"Just waiting for the oil to warm."

"Ok, next time you'll know where everything is and can be ready before I come in, including your uniform." Selena said.

"Uniform? What uniform?" I said.

"Polly picked it out for you, it will be here in a couple days." Selena answered with an unmistakable smile in her voice.

"Oh joy, I can only imagine what that looks like." I said with as much sarcasm as I could manage with a naked woman lying before me.

"You probably can but I want to surprise you." Selena said.

I applied some oil to my hands and then approached Selena's back. My legs trembled and my hands shook the closer I got to her body. This felt wrong. I should not do this to anyone but Polly and I struggled to justify the action as professional. Selena's body was beautiful in the candle light, she had an amazing figure enhanced by the intimacy of the environment. Oil dripped from my fingers where they hovered a few inches from her skin.

"Your legs are trembling, is everything alright?" Selena asked.

"This feels wrong still. Not only are you my teacher but I have a girlfriend." I took a deep breath. "Take your time, think it through." I said to myself.

Selena remained silent giving me the mental space I needed.

"I think I have an idea." I wiped my hands on a towel and picked up Selena's blue satin robe.

"What are you doing with my robe?" She asked.

"Trying something." I pulled the sash from the loops of the robe and folded the long blue material in half before placing it over my eyes and tying it tightly behind my head. The blindfold was surprisingly effective. I spent a few minutes feeling the table and getting my bearings before reapplying the oil to my hands. Now without my vision being assaulted by the female form I managed to press my fingers along Selena's spine and concentrated on the techniques I had read about in the book.

I found the lack of sight enhanced my other senses most especially my sense of touch, I could feel the warmth of Selena's body and the interplay of the layers of muscles in her back and shoulders. I heard her slight exhalations of breath and began to interpret one as discomfort and another as pleasure working hard to bring her breath and her body into harmony as I moved my fingers across her back. My memories of the book also seemed easier to recollect and I employed the techniques on her feet and hands that seemed to drag moans of delight from her lips. As I began to knead the muscles of her thighs and buttocks a distant timer went off.

"I guess that's it." I said.

"Five more minutes, Jack, you had a slow start." Selena begged.

"Alright five more minutes." Though I had no idea how I would judge the time since I could not see the clock. I choose to finish with her buttocks and lower back and call it a day.

"Alright, how did I do?" I asked feeling around for a towel.

"You have a gift." Selena said as I heard her body shift. "Oh, you blindfolded yourself?"

"Yes, it seemed to help my concentration." I slipped the belt of her robe from around my face.

Selena was smiling at me still. "And those are some interesting tan lines you have."

I looked down at my bare body and noticed again the distinct outline of the swimsuit. "Yeah, uh..."

"You truly would do anything for Polly?" Selena smiled. "You’re a gem. Let me get my robe on and then you can go. I'll provide you with something more comfortable for your eyes next time." I handed her back the sash to her robe which she quickly tied around her waist. "I can't wait for next time." She smiled at me as I tugged my shirt back over my chest and scampered out of the house.

* * *

Polly moaned under my fingers. "Oh my god, Jack. Your fingers are some kind of magic." I stood in her room beside a remarkably similar massage table to what Selena used. Polly had found it in the attic and begged her Mom to help her get it down. It was now positioned next to her bed and Polly was lying on top of it naked as the day she was born. I had previously explained to her how I had used a blindfold at Selena's house. In a flurry of motion she had grabbed a black mask from inside her black bag of bondage beneath the bed and handed it to me before stripping naked and lying on the table.

"This is perfect Jack, the blindfold means I still get to keep you in the dark about my body but you get to use your magic fingers on me." Polly said.

"Honestly, I think I am better at this because I'm not relying on my eyes." I answered.

"Maybe, your sense of touch is very important and it is probably enhanced by the lack of vision."

"Exactly." I answered.

"Less talk more massage." Polly ordered

"One more thing. What is this uniform Selena mentioned?'' I asked while threading my slippery fingers between Polly's toes.

Polly giggled and not from my hands rubbing her feet. "You'll like it, it's a very soft fabric."

"Polly." I said with my tone rising on the last syllable.

"Sorry, you'll just have to wait and see."

I shook my head as I slowly slid my hands over her calves, down over the back of her thighs, and across the curve of her buttocks. I could feel Polly shiver with delight at the motions. I desperately wanted to see her body shiny with the oil but decided that most guys would offer a testicle just to be touching a girl as beautiful as Polly. "You are sure about this blindfold? Not even a little peak?"

"Oh Jack, I just want to save something for later, we've only been together a few weeks."

"But I have my hands all over you." I protested.

"Yes and they are awesome hands too." Polly sighed.

"I have to be the one guy in the world with a touch-but-don't-look rule."

Polly laughed. "That's probably true and I'm about to make it worse."

I felt Polly turn over on the table so she was facing upward. "Oh god."

"Carry on, you know Selena is going to do this sooner or later and I get first dibs." Polly said.

I started with her feet and slowly crept higher on her body. "I really used to like Mrs. Bates, but now I don't know."

"Uh huh," Polly said not really hearing me. I had reached her thighs.

"I'm worried. I don't want anything to come between us." I slid my palms across her thighs and along her hips feathering my fingers across her stomach.

"Yeah." Polly said dreamily not really paying attention.

My enhanced hearing detected her quickened breathing, the rhythmic movement of her feet, and the sound of the vinyl table as her fingernails dug into the sides. Her flesh had warmed and I could feel the pulse pounding through her body as I passed my hands over her chest being careful to avoid her breasts so early in the massage. "How would you feel knowing I did this to another woman." I said as I slowly approached the slopes that were Polly's breasts.

Polly growled and raised her hips.

I moved lower and realized one of her hands had slid between her legs. "No, no, Polly that's my job, you have to be patient." I pulled the hand back to her side and returned my attentions to her chest. The second time my ears picked up on the subtle movements of her fingers. "No Polly, you keep your hands at your sides or I will have to take steps." For the third time I returned to my slippery explorations now drawing circles along the hardened tips of her breasts. Again she moved her hand between her legs. "Alright, you forced me."

I knelt down and removed the blindfold, keeping my eyes away from her body upon the table. It was the hardest thing I had done since, well, since I could remember. I pulled several scarves from the bag beneath the bed and then lowered the blindfold over my eyes before standing up. I took Polly's wrist and wrapped the silky cloth around it. "What are you doing?" She asked.

Tying knots was difficult blindfolded but I managed. "You are not supposed to be touching yourself." I tied her hand to the side of the table her fingers inches from her hip so she would not be able to move it more than a few inches nearer to her body. "That's my job." I repeated this with her left hand and each of her feet keeping them spread to the corners of the narrow table.

"My legs too?" Polly said.

"I think you'll struggle too much to allow me to work so that will keep you still. Now where was I?" I returned to the delicate manipulations of her breasts and heard the table creak from her desperate attempts to pull free.

"Oh god." Polly sighed. "Oh please, please, please."

"Shhh." I said quietly. "All in good time."

I concentrated on Polly's body and kept her desperation peaked as well as my skill allowed. My hands ever closer to the center of her mindless lust.

"Jack, please, I need... Please." She begged loudly.

"Polly, if you do not quiet down, I will have to gag you. We can't have your mother hearing."

A agonized groan escaped her lips. "Jack. Oh Jack."

Her leg muscles were rigid as she arched and writhed on the table beneath my fingers. Finally and ever so slowly I slid my hands through the downy soft hairs that filled the space between her legs. Polly's breath stopped and her muscles tightened further. I moved slowly lower counting the seconds in my head until I felt the slippery center of her body. A low moan of desire and pleasure escaped Polly's lips.

The massage, the intimate touching, and the forced patience had all combined to drive her over the edge much more quickly than I was led to believe could happen by the massage book. Polly panted and bucked and shook her head back and forth. The sounds coming from her lips were barely suppressed screams. After minutes she slowly sagged back down to the table, sweat poured from her body mixing with the oils in an aroma that filled the room with the unmistakable scent of arousal.

I released her bonds but Polly made no attempt to move. She lay there completely limp for several minutes while I sat patiently on the bed with the blindfold on. "This is unfair, can I not take a small peak?"

Polly breathed deeply. "Patience." She said with a mocking smile. "I was told to be patient seconds ago."

"You've seen me?" I protested.

"It's different for you, guys aren't really objects of beauty, at least not their dangly bits." Polly answered her words starting to sound less like she had just finished exercising.

I had to agree with the logic. "Oh fine. Here's a towel."

I heard Polly drape the towel around her body and I slipped off the blindfold. She looked like she had just run a marathon through a grease factory. Her red hair, dark with sweat, was plastered across her cheeks and her arms dangled off the sides of the table. She was as beautiful as she had ever been. I reached out and placed my hands on her face and kissed her. "I don't want to do that to Mrs. Bates."

"Be scientific, analytical. See if you can make her pass out. She'll not be a person but a collection of responses and reactions." Polly said.

"What if..." I began

Polly's oily fingers rubbed across my lips. "If you don't make this a big deal, then it won't be. It is a job."

"Ok, I will try. I love you."

Polly took a deep breath. "I know you do. It's so hard for me. I'm so afraid that if..."

I put my fingers across her lips. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I know it scares you."

She sucked my fingers into her mouth and smiled.

Chapter 23 - The Uniform

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:43 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 23 - The Uniform

"School will be over in three weeks." Polly said as we talked in our usual spot around lunch time.

"Yeah, are you worried?" I asked.

Polly rolled her eyes. "No silly, Mrs. Bates has to have all the test scores and grades turned in by then so you have to retake that test soon." Polly explained.

"Oh yeah. Once the grades are mailed home she won't be able to change them. I won't have to be her masseuse anymore." I nodded.

"When is your next session?" Polly asked.


"Nervous?" Polly asked.

"Yeah, I really want to know what this uniform is like. She said you picked it out." A small sullen pout formed on my face.

Polly smiled. "It's supposed to a super soft fabric, like wearing a cloud."

"That makes it worse." I said.

Polly's eyes lit up with an idea. "You should go to her house and beg to wear the uniform. Be happy, no..." Polly grabbed my arm with a huge smile on her face. "Be excited. Beg to wear it, and then dash to a mirror and do a little twirl with a giant grin on your face." Polly did a little twirl on the floor to emphasize her point, her long gray tunic rose away from her legs revealing her shapely buttocks covered in the tight emerald fabric of her leggings.

I cocked my head to one side and gave her my most "'yeah right" look. "I'm not that good of an actor."

Polly got serious again. "If she is trying to make you uncomfortable, that would be one way to thwart her."

"Would it work on you?" I suddenly jumped forward and whispered into her ear. "Polly please can I wear one of your leotards? Please, please, and with a shiny pair of tights too?" I used a sing-song voice with as much over-the-top enthusiasm as I could muster.

Polly laughed at my antics but grabbed my arm and pulled me to her locker. "I have just the thing."

"Polly, stop. I was kidding!" I tried to resist her but I could never really stop Polly.

"Never kid a kidder." She opened her locker and pushed a wad of blue fabric into my hands. "It's my spare so you can have it for your collection." She fished in her pocket and pulled out twenty dollars. "Here's twenty bucks. Go to the dance store and buy yourself some tights, whatever you want."

The few girls around Polly's locker started looking at me with twinkles in their eyes. Kristy stepped forward out of the crowd. "If you want some tights Jack, I know this great place up by the mall."

I caught sight of Ollie who was standing against one wall. I quickly pulled myself away from Polly and Kristy with the blue leotard sliding through my hands. I caught the garment and stuffed it into my backpack while walking toward Ollie. He lifted one eyebrow at what I was doing and smiled. "I only caught part of that."

I sighed. "We were having an argument about clothing." I took another long breath. "I lost."

"I see that." Ollie laughed.

"So, did you ask Kristy out?" I asked desperately trying to change the subject.

He looked at me with an "Are you serious?" look on his face.

"What? We haven't talked in a day or two." I defended myself.

"I asked her if she could see us as a couple." Ollie said after a few moments.

He stared toward the lockers and I followed his gaze until it landed on Kristy who was deep in discussion with Polly. Both of the girls interrupted their talking to send surreptitious looks in our direction. I smiled at Polly who gazed back with a hot eyed glare that loosely translated into: "If you could read my mind you would be blushing so hard the fire alarm would go off."

I looked away and cleared my throat. "And what did she say?"

Ollie blushed, looked down, and started drawing a design on the tile floor with one of his feet.

"Say no more," I said quickly. "I understand."

He looked at me sharply and we met each other's eyes for a few heartbeats. "Maybe you do," He glanced at the bag I had just zipped closed. "Maybe you do."

* * *

My hands were shaking a little as I stopped in front of Selena Bates' house on Saturday around mid-morning. I could never pull off the required levels of deception required for Polly's idea but I was hoping for some kind of resigned acceptance, though I knew a cornered-rabbit petrification was also a likely outcome.

Selena answered the door before I rang the doorbell. "Come in Jack." She wore a pair of leggings and a matching sports bra much like she had worn when doing yoga the day I was wrapped to the pole. Though today they were a calico pattern of green and black. "Are you ready?"

"No, not at all." I answered honestly.

"Why is that? You did an amazing job last time." Selena frowned.

"It's the uniform."

"Ah. I see." Selena stopped and regarded me kindly. "You are aware that I have some issues with men."

I nodded.

"I generally prefer the company of women, as you saw a week or so ago at the McGentry's house."

Again I nodded.

"The uniform I have will hopefully allow me to relax. The illusion it creates may be helpful."

"Why not just find a woman to do this?" I asked.

"I am a school teacher, I have very little money. After you caught me at Lisa's house," Selena shrugged her shoulders, "And then after seeing that picture of you."

"Hold up. Picture?" I had a sudden realization. "What picture?"

"Lisa showed me. The one when you were eleven years old. God you were adorable."

I covered my eyes with my hands. "Kat, I am going to kill you."

"But Jack it's not Kat's fault, I mean, my goodness Jack, have you seen your tan lines? The uniform is no worse than that." Selena said with an element of surprise in her voice.

"Mrs. Bates, " I emphasized the formal use of her name. "You are not Polly. I don't love you."

Selena cocked her head to the side. "You love Polly?"

"You are changing the subject, but yes, I do." I answered.

"Have you told her this?" Selena pressed.


"Wow Jack." We had reached the massage room and I followed her in. "Then do this for Polly because she agreed to it." Selena held up an ivory colored dress that glowed in the light from the candles. It moved easily in her fingers and the fabric rippled like a pool of milk blown by a light breeze. "Just pull it on over your head. I'll wait outside." She laid the dress across the table and left the room.

I quickly prepared the oil in the warming bowl and spent a few minutes checking around the room trying my best to delay the inevitable. "Just get it over with Jack." I said to the candle scented silence.

I slid my fingers across the dress and felt the buttery smoothness of the fabric. It would make an amazing set of sheets, well at least for a girl's bed. I sighed and took off my clothes pausing over my underwear before adding them to the small mound of cotton clothing tossed into the corner. The dress had a narrow band of stretched fabric around the waist and a V-shaped neckline. I pulled it on like a T-shirt and slid my arms through the short sleeves. The material fluttered against my arms where the sleeves stopped just above my elbows. The hem of the dress fell in undulating waves down my body resting just at my knees. The dress was incredibly light and I could only feel a slight tug from the snug waistline. With the slightest breath or movement the dress came alive and flowed across my skin caressing my nerve endings like I was standing in a shower of silk.

I took a deep breath. "Ok Selena."

I closed my eyes as she entered. My face felt hot and I could not meet her gaze. The dress fluttered against my skin with the air stirred by her arrival. I shuddered not only in embarrassment as Selena's fingers brushed imaginary lint from my shoulders and straightened the simple waistline of the dress. "You look fine, Jack. Here, this is the blindfold I want you to wear."

I opened my eyes to see Selena holding a porcelain face in her hands. It appeared to be a decorative mask that would be worn to a formal masquerade party. "What is that?"

"It's supposed to be Aphrodite, goddess of love, but I modified it so the eye holes are blocked." Selena explained while handing me the mask. "Just place it over your face."

The world turned a hazy white as the silk lined mask settled over my face. I breathed easily through the nose holes as Selena tied off a couple straps behind my head which changed the white blur into nearly complete darkness. She grabbed my hands and placed them on the table. "Don't get lost, I'll be right back and we can get started."

I took deep steadying breaths while I listened for Selena's return. "Alright Jack, stand back and I'll lay down." I realized that Selena was likely naked and I quickly stepped back feeling behind me for the wall. "I don't suppose you want to hear how you look?"

"No thank you." I had some idea since her words were spoken in a throaty whisper that held more desire than mockery.

"Alright, I'm ready." Her muffled voice came from the floor which meant she was lying face down on the massage table, for the time being.

I moved toward the table again distracted by the fabric fluttering across my shoulders and thighs. I could feel my body respond but I quickly dipped my fingers in oil and began to work through my assembled knowledge of muscle and bone that would carry Selena to the pleasure she so desired. I began at her feet and progressed slowly up her body. I tried to keep my mind on the sounds of Selena's breath and the feel of her muscles but the dress constantly interfered with my concentration. A picture of my body in the dress with the Aphrodite mask seemed to jump before my eyes and I often lost track of what I was doing.

Selena did not seem to notice. Her skin had grown hot and her breathing came in quick bursts as I slid my hands over her buttocks lightly dipping them into the soft cleft before moving my hands over her spine and shoulders. When I to began to work the muscles along her neck she shifted her body. "I am turning over now."

I kept my hands lightly touching her neck as it rotated under my fingers. I could feel her eyes on me though I stared straight ahead into the darkness engulfing me. Not complete darkness, my minds eye had created an image of a woman much the same shape as Selena wearing the same dress I now wore complete with the mask. She was beautiful but I knew this to be a figment of a fevered imagination. With effort I molded the fictitious woman, giving her red hair and the athletic dancer's body of my beloved Polly. She was beautiful but now my body responded with an unneeded intensity. Lucky for me the table would conceal my arousal.

As Selena settled herself, I began to recreate the movements I had given to Polly the day before. The same motions devoid of all desire and passion. My hands moved like those of an automaton instead of a man. I was a poor dancer who had simply memorized the steps and would perform the same whether music was played or not. If Selena noticed this distinct lack, she gave no sign. Her body responded as Polly's had done with her leg muscles becoming rigid and her stomach hardening into a washboard. I counted seconds to keep my movements slow as I crept toward the center of her body.

With a long moan Selena's hand raised from the table and plunged between her legs. I heard the movement easily enough. I took my hands off Selena's body and stepped back. "If you want to do this, you don't need me."

"Ahh," Selena moaned. "I'm sorry."

I approached her again and started over beginning with slow circuitous movements traced around her navel and nipples until I heard her hand move again. I stopped a second time and stepped away from the table. "Next time I will bring something to keep your hands where they belong. This time though you are going to have to exercise some discipline or this session is over."

A pained sob escaped Selena's lips. "I'll try, but it's so hard."

I reached out and grasped her hands and raised them above her head. "Grab the headrest and don't let go." I could hear her fingers tighten into the vinyl.

I trailed my fingertips down her arms, through her armpits which made her shudder, and then once again started on the well worn lustful path around her navel and nipples. The vinyl squeaked relentlessly from the grip of her fingers but I was able to finish the long slow massage that culminated between her legs, where to my surprise I found only smooth skin instead of the soft curly hair I expected. Selena kept herself shaved. This was a new sensation though it did not change the trajectory of my movements. Oil was completely unnecessary. A deluge of slippery wetness aided my fingers as I brushed a hardened nub nestled between the silky folds of soft skin.

Selena began to scream. I hesitated and jerked my hands but recovered quickly. Selena's screams continued unabated while pulses of heat and muscle spasms radiated through her body.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." She yelled again and again until her voice became hoarse and raspy. Ultimately she collapsed onto the table. Her hands slipped free of the head rest and hung limply brushing against my legs.

I stepped back and slowly slid to the floor. I felt around for my clothes and realized quickly that Selena had taken them, trapping me in her house better than any ropes Polly had ever used. I waited and listened as Selena's breath slowly returned to a normal rate. I kept my own mind fixed on the image of Polly.

Many minutes later Selena stirred and left the room. When she opened the door allowing fresh air to wash throughout the space I realized just how much the scent of arousal had permeated the air. I reached for the straps holding the mask in place and pulled it free. I stood up, cleaned the oil from the table, and extinguished the candles. Selena came back moments later wearing her previous workout clothing and set my clothes on the table and left without a word. I stripped out of the dress and quickly donned my shorts and T-shirt.

I left the room and looked around expecting Selena to be waiting, perhaps even to comment on my performance but she was nowhere in the main room. I shrugged to the empty air and left the house.

Chapter 24 - Tie Up Game

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:44 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 24 - Tie Up Game

"She said nothing?" Polly asked as I sat on her bed in her room. She wore a pair of running shorts with a loose tank top that did nothing to hide the black sports bra underneath.

"No. Not a thing. She just put my clothes on the table and walked out. She did not even glance my way."

Polly's brow furrowed. "That's weird."

"I know. Though I suppose if I made her angry I won't have to be her masseuse anymore."

"What did you think of the uniform?" Polly smiled.

"Very soft. Very distracting. Very girly."

"Very cute too, I bet. I can't wait to see it." Polly giggled.

I did not try and protest. If Polly wanted to see me in the uniform I knew I would be wearing it for her. I could resist her parading me through the high school but I could deny her nothing in private so I just shook my head. "Whatever you want."

Polly patted me on the cheek. "Kiss me." I fell into the warmth of Polly's embrace surrounded by the scent of vanilla, roses, and her moist lips. I rested my face in the nape of her neck. "Did you ever buy those tights you wanted?" Polly whispered in my ear after several minutes.


Polly pushed gently back from the embrace and a mischievous light shone in her green eyes. "You know the tights you requested on Friday, I gave you the leotard already."

The memory blossomed in my mind. "That was a joke remember."

"You did put the leotard in your backpack, shall I go check your car?" Polly suddenly tackled me down onto her bed and turned around pressing her delicious derriere into my face. I felt her hand slip into my shorts pocket and remove my keys. "Be right back."

"Hey, you don't need to get it." I yelled at her retreating form still dazed from being sat upon.

She returned moments later holding the bright blue leotard. "So about those tights?"

"No I didn't buy any tights, you know I could never." I blushed just imagining entering a dance store and asking about tights.

"No matter, you can get them later, I have a pair you can borrow."

I looked around the room. "I'm not dancing, so I there is no need to wear a leotard, especially not that one."

Polly sat on the bed next to me and slung one arm around my shoulder. "It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, I feel like tying you up. So go ahead and strip."

The now familiar feeling settled into the pit of my stomach as Polly spoke. I stood up and removed my shirt. Polly settled back to watch and traced the circular tan line on my abdomen with her finger. "That was a fun day. Remember?"

I looked down at my stomach. "How could I forget? Every time I look in the mirror I remember."

Polly smiled. "That was a happy accident. Off with your shorts."

"Can I leave my underwear on?" I asked hopefully.

"Really, how would that look underneath this leotard?" She did not wait for an answer. "Awful, that's how." Polly stood up and disappeared into her closet returning moments later with a glittering mass of bright white nylon. "Here are some nice tights." She tossed them at me. "Since the leotard has long sleeves and a high neckline, you'll be nearly fully covered except for your head and hands."

I was now standing naked in Polly's room trying to hide my growing arousal and getting a face full of shiny white nylon did not help matters. I quickly found the waistband of the tights and tried to stuff one of my legs into the garment like a pair of pants.

"Oh my stars. You can't put on tights that way." Polly said.

Polly grabbed the shiny white nylon from my hands and knelt before me. I kept my hands covering my bits as I watched her roll one leg of the tights into her palms and slip it over my foot. She then slid it upward with a rolling motion of her hands. She repeated this with the other leg. She pulled me to my feet, stepped behind my back, and slowly eased the tights up my body until the waistband settled into place around my waist. I now had a pair of shiny white legs.

Polly shook out the blue leotard and pulled down a zipper I had not noticed before and held it out to me. "I think you can figure this one out, zipper goes in the back."

I slipped my smooth white legs though the leg openings of the leotard and tugged it upward. It was a snug fit which I assumed was normal. I struggled to get my arms into the long sleeves but with some effort I managed to accomplish the task. Raising the zipper however was completely beyond my ability. I had not the flexibility nor the desire to even try. "I can't zip this."

Polly was rifling through the big black bag she pulled from beneath her bed and was placing several silk scarves on the floor next to her. "Just a second." She pulled out a large silver and blue scarf and then walked behind me. I felt the leotard compress my chest and arms as the zipper got higher until the two-inch wide collar enclosed around my neck. I stuck my fingers beneath the material in an attempt to loosen it. "How do you wear this, it's so tight."

Polly shrugged. "You get used to it. Can you still breath ok?"

"Sure, it just feels really weird." I responded still sliding my finger between my neck and the slick material of the leotard.

"Alright then, lie down face up and spread out your arms and legs." Polly's voice was full of anticipation. "I want you at my mercy now."

I moved toward the bed. My breath rushed through my nose in short bursts and I could feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest. The blue and white fabrics stretched tight over my body seemed to heighten my senses and supercharge my libido. Every move activated some electrode on my skin sending shivers down my spine. I looked over at Polly and tried to orient my thoughts, her flame haired beauty became a lodestone in the torrent of emotions I attempted to sort through. What was going to happen? Why did I seem to enjoy this? More than anything at that moment I wanted her to own me. The wash of desire was so strong I nearly blacked out.

"Oh wait." Polly whipped her green bedspread from the top of her bed revealing the ivory satin sheets. "These will feel so nice against your new skin."

I crawled slowly onto the sheets and squeezed my eyes shut as my nylon encased legs slid across the silky surface. The slippery feeling was gasoline to my already flaming senses and a low moan escaped my lips. I could not open my eyes the sensations were too much. I laid down and Polly pounced on me. With my eyes closed I could hear her excited breathing and feel the heat of her thighs as they cradled my chest. She quickly wound a scarf around each of my wrists and tied them so my arms were spread wide.

With my hands restrained I opened my eyes to see Polly watching me intently. I struggled to pull myself free and as my efforts proved fruitless Polly began to glow, perhaps not literally, but her posture shifted and her gaze became so intense an icicle of fear started to grow in my spine. She was preparing to pour out her passions, her lust, her longing on my body and I could do nothing but weather the onslaught. "So close now." She whispered and quickly stretched my legs between the two lower posts of the bed leaving me in a taut spread eagle position.

"I..." I started to say but my voice caught. "What are you going to do?" I whispered.

Polly grabbed another scarf from beside the bed and trailed her finger tips over my body. My eyes slipped closed and my back arched involuntarily as the pinpricks of fire her fingers had become moved along my body. "I am going to do..." She moved her lips a fraction of an inch from my ear and whispered. "Anything I want." She said the words slowly and deliberately.

A tear leaked from my eye and slid down my cheek. It was not from fear or sadness but the intensity of the situation had broken through all my defenses and I was starting to break. Polly licked the tear from my cheek and smiled. "First though, you talk too much."

She slid her hand to the floor and lifted a black bikini brief with rainbow colored detailing along the waist band. I recognized it as the swimsuit she had worn in the hot tub last Saturday. "Freshly laundered, I think. Open your mouth."

I knew what she was going to do and I would rather not have the garment inside my mouth, but any universe where I got to argue with Polly about what she wanted ended after she finished tying me to the bed. I obediently opened my mouth and swam into her green eyes as she slowly pushed the stretchy fabric past my tongue. She then pressed the blue and white knotted scarf between my lips and tightened it until the scarf bit into the corners of my mouth forcing the packed bikini brief deeper. "There now, do you have any questions?"

I tried to grunt but even that much noise threatened to trigger my gag reflex so I remained silent.

Polly climbed onto the bed and knelt between my spread legs. She fanned her hair over my face and laid her cheek against my chest. My world vanished behind a screen of red. Every breath pulled her scent deep into my lungs and the pleasant weight of her body rose and fell with each of my breaths. There she stayed simply holding me, her hands running along my legs and ribs. "This feels too good to be a game." Polly said.

At that moment as if her words had been an invitation there was a quick knock on the door and Polly's Mom stuck her head inside. Polly leapt off the bed but it was too late. Lisa had seen enough, and there was nothing I could do except pray to Hades to take me to his underworld. "Polly, what are you doing?"

"Uh..." She looked at me. "Just trying to follow the rules, I have to keep him tied up, right." Her eyebrows rose as if this were an obvious fact.

Lisa walked fully into the room. She wore a typical weekend outfit consisting of a short sleeved T-shirt in a light gray color and a pair of baggy shorts that had seen more than a few trips through the washing machine. "Only when I'm not at home."

Polly shrugged and smiled. "Oh, right."

Lisa stepped closer and took in my plight. "Kristy is waiting downstairs. She said you were going to the mall and then out for a bite to eat."

"Oh shit." Polly slapped her forehead with one palm. "I forgot all about that." She looked around the room as if it contained some hidden solution to her problem.

"I was about to send her up here. Good thing I didn't. Why is Jack wearing your leotard?" Lisa asked with a barely suppressed smile.

Polly cocked her head toward her mother. "I asked him too." She said it like it was the dumbest question in the world.

"Can you help me out Mom?"

"Help with what?" Lisa asked.

"Can you take care of Jack. I'd better go before Kristy gets suspicious. I really don't want her to come up here."

"Sure, but you owe me one." Lisa said.

Polly kissed her Mom on the cheek, grabbed her bag, and ran out of the room.

Lisa turned to look at me and smiled. "So I have to take care of you." She made air quotes around the last three words. "Is that what she said?"

I swallowed, suddenly nervous. Polly had been sloppy with her words and Lisa looked ready to take advantage of that fact. Lisa walked a slow circuit around the bed. "Tsk, those scarves will get uncomfortable soon, Polly should know better, though I suppose the leotard and tights help some."

I grunted and chewed on the packing in my mouth trying to produce some kind of intelligible noise. I wanted Polly back desperately. I felt safe with her, I felt cared for, I trusted her. Lisa was a different matter. She was one part boss, one part scary, and two parts unpredictable. I had never really figured out whether she liked me or simply decided that if there was to be a man in her life it might as well be one who liked to be bound and gagged.

"Seems to be an effective gag. What did she pack in there Jack? Was it socks? Panties perhaps?" Lisa smiled and continued her circuit. She picked up my cell phone where it rested on the nightstand. "We'd better let your Mom know you'll be staying for dinner."

She tapped around on the screen. "I wish you would have locked your phone, I could have had some fun getting you to tell me how to unlock it. Oh well, I'll think of something else fun to do." Lisa turned the phone around to show me what she had written.
Hey Mom, Lisa asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Is that cool?
She had somehow duplicated my pattern of texting almost perfectly. There was nearly an immediate beep in response. Lisa smiled so widely I knew what Mom had said.
Mom wrote:That's fine, let me know if you are going to be gone passed 11. Love you
"It's interesting the way Polly always manages to get you to wear such revealing female clothing. Don't you find that interesting?" Lisa said while sitting down and sliding her hand across my thigh as if to assess the quality of the tights.

I shook my head.

"No? I think this would look much better if you had something up top." She squeezed the flesh around my nipples.

I shook my head more violently.

"Oh surely you do?" Lisa pulled a pillow case from one of the pillows and tugged it down over my head. "With your face hidden you look like a twelve year old girl. You need something for shape."

I continued to jerk my head back and forth in denial.

"I wonder what Polly would say if I asked her? Do you think she'd want to give you an athletic shape, breasts that are smaller but firm and rounded? Or perhaps something more my size, at least a D cup?"

Blinded by the pillowcase I now shook my head in terror more than denial. I had no desire to see what I looked like with breasts. What if I looked good, that would be worse than any humiliation.

"With your narrower hips I'd wager that a larger set of breasts would make you look a bit more feminine, but you might appear a little unbalanced. Hmmm." Lisa pulled the pillow case from my face. "Nod your head for smaller breasts or shake your head for larger." Lisa smiled wickedly at her jest.

I locked my neck into a rigid position. She was trying to scare me, I hoped. We had not had a private moment like this since the first day I met her which had been a particularly scary moment where her hand had been clamped firmly around my privates.

"No opinion? We can talk about it later. I'm sure your arms are starting to get tired being stretched out so harshly." Lisa reached beneath the bed and pulled several coils of white cotton rope from what I assumed was the black bag and tossed them onto my chest. "Don't worry though, I'll get you fixed up."

Lisa untied my left ankle and pushed my legs together. She took one of the coils of rope and wound it all around my ankles with a cinch crossing between. The resulting band of rope was at least three inches wide with the knots hidden from view. She then removed the scarf from my right ankle releasing me from the footboard. "Ok, I'm going to release one of your hands. I want you to turn over on your stomach. Don't try anything silly, you're not going anywhere. And if you're cooperative I might not mention to Polly all the realistic breast prosthesis she could order online."

Had all the talk about breasts just been a ploy to keep me from bolting when my arms were released. If so, it sure worked. Lisa sat on my lower thighs after I finished turning over. She then took my free hand and pinned it beneath one of her knees while she released my other hand. Once done she pulled both my hands behind my back and wound several yards of cotton rope around them. Again she cinched them and eliminated all the slack. A quick tug proved I would not be slipping free of these bonds.

"My dear Jack, you are about to experience a hogtie. Have you ever been tied that way before?" Lisa asked.

I shook my head.

"Ah ha!" Lisa exclaimed. "You shook your head. I guess you would prefer a larger set of breasts."

I gave her the most profoundly irritated look I could muster while being tied up face down on Polly's silky sheets.

"Easy on the evil eye there. I was just joking around." Lisa grabbed a third coil of rope and bent my feet toward my buttocks. She connected the bonds on my ankles to my wrists keeping them inches apart. In order to accommodate this position my shoulders were pulled back and my back arched uncomfortably. Lisa tucked a pillow beneath my chest to ease some of the pressure.

"There you have it, a hogtie. What do you think?"

I grunted and tried to shift my shoulders. Lisa was good at this, I had to admit. She relied not on the tightness of the knots or ropes but on the sheer quantity of the coils. The two inch wide coil of rope cinched together felt like a wide cuff and the pressure was distributed over such a large surface area there was little discomfort at least not at my joints. She was not finished though.

"A couple more ropes and you'll be all taken care of." She again used air quotes as she spoke the last three words. She folded another length of rope and struggled to pass it beneath my stomach and then over my arms just above the binding on my wrists. She repeated this a couple of time before cinching this wrapping between my back and wrists keeping my arms firmly trapped directly behind my spine.

A third rope was wound above my elbows. "Compared to Polly you have an appalling lack of flexibility." Lisa said as she began to draw my elbows closer together. I grunted in discomfort and she wove the loose ends of the rope through my armpits, behind my neck, and back down through the opposite armpit before joining the elbow wrap. There would be no way for these ropes to slide down.

"Now I need to make sure you don't fall from the bed." She tied a fifth rope to my knees binding them together and attached it to one corner of the bed. The final rope was wrapped between my elbows and then stretched to the opposite corner of the bed. There was no way for me to struggle free of the bed or even roll over onto my side.

"All set now." Lisa's knelt down and looked into my eyes. "I'm going to remove your gag and give you some water. If you feel any pain or numbness, this would be a good time to mention it." Lisa picked at the knot of the scarf tied behind my head. "I won't be releasing you though."

My shoulders felt a steady ache of pressure, it was not too painful though, at least not yet. I could actually twist my wrists within the confines of the ropes so there was no immediate concern other than the obvious fact that I was being put into a strenuous position while wearing a feminine leotard by my girlfriend's mother. This was not exactly what I expected be doing on a Saturday evening. As the scarf was pulled from between the corners of my mouth I knew this would be my only chance to speak. I expelled Polly's bikini brief from my mouth and licked my lips.

"Polly's swimsuit, I hope that was clean?" Lisa said holding a straw to my lips.

I coughed and took a long drink of water. "Some of the guys at work are worried I might be getting preferential treatment."

Lisa held her hands to her mouth to hide a sudden fit of delight. "Jack you are something. The first time you speak in over an hour and you make a joke?"

I would have shrugged my shoulders but in my currently hogtied position with my elbows only inches away from each other that was not really an option. "If I explained that Polly may have been asking you to release me, do you think you would let me go?"

With an affectionate gesture Lisa slid her fingers through my hair. "No, this is an opportunity to demonstrate to Polly how to safely bind someone."

"Ah, I'm an object lesson, a guinea pig. Good to know." I responded.

"Don't get snarky. Take another drink." She raised the straw to my lips. "I'm going to rinse this out." She held the bikini bottom dangling from one finger. "Then I need to go workout and take a shower."

"I'll stay here." I said as she stood up and walked toward the bathroom.

She looked back over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes. "I was going to forego the gag, but with that mouth of yours I see that was a bit premature." She returned moments later with the same bikini bottom now damp with moisture. "Open up." She folded the black brief and stuffed it back into my mouth. Instead of the scarf she used a kind of medical wrapping that stuck to itself but not to my hair. After four revolutions around my head, I would not be saying anything. She then left the room pulling the door closed.

I waited.

And I waited.

Tied in an impossible-to-escape-from hog-tie in the middle of Polly's bed, I tried to slide around but the ropes tied to the opposite corners prevented any movement beyond a few inches. The slippery sheets and equally slippery leotard made even those attempts difficult. I could not see a clock and only the light from the window helped track the passage of time. I could dimly hear the whir of Lisa's treadmill and the sound triggered the memory of Selena Bates bound in the center of her bed those few weeks ago. Obviously Lisa enjoyed tying people up and perhaps there was something to the suggestion that Selena had made, that it had been Lisa's idea not Selena's.

Lisa entered again much later her skin sweaty and her dark red hair plastered to the side of her face. She tugged at various points on my bonds and felt my skin around all the ropes before patting me on the head. "I'm going to shower."

I exhaled through my nose as loudly as possible which was my only means of signaling irritation but she had already turned her back and walked out.

This time however I did not have to wait long before the door opened. This was surprising since I doubted Lisa could have showered so quickly. Then I saw Kristy walk in with several shopping bags in her hands followed closely behind by Polly. Kristy's eyes met mine and I sagged into the pillow as much as the ropes allowed. Now what? This would be all over the school on Monday.

Polly was looking at her cellphone and nearly ran into Kristy who had become a statue staring at me. Polly looked up and caught my eyes. "Oh shit."

I nodded.

Kristy dropped the bags to the floor and stepped closer to the bed. "Wow. This is awesome."

I felt Kristy's fingers on my hands and ankles while I looked at Polly. She was shaking her head with her hands covering her eyes. "Look Kristy," Polly began. "I didn't expect him to still be here, my Mom was supposed to let him go."

Kristy was not listening, she pulled out her phone and angled it toward me. I freaked out and yelled through the gag, this caused the sodden packing to slide backward down my throat. I started choking and dissolved into a fit of coughing. Polly stepped toward Kristy and placed her hand over the phone while watching me regain control over my breathing. "No Kristy, this is private between Jack and I."

"I just want a picture for personal use, for reference." Kristy argued.

"No." Polly said adamantly. "And if you value our friendship I better not hear of this talked about at school."

"Polly!" Kristy gasped in surprise. "I would never."

Polly wrapped her arms around Kristy's neck in an embrace. "I know, I just don't want their to be any misunderstanding."

Kristy took a quick walk around the bed looking at me. I felt like a prize turkey being sized up for the Thanksgiving Day feast. "I guess I better leave you two alone, we can try our clothes on later."

"Thanks." Polly said.

"Besides I suddenly have a strong desire to see Ollie." Kristy said with a look in her eye that meant my friend was in for an interesting evening.

Polly followed Kristy to the door and then came back over to the bed. "I don't suppose you asked Mom to do this?"

I shook my head.

Polly picked at a spot near my cheek and pulled away the wrapping around my face. I spit her bikini from my mouth and glanced at the cup of water on the nightstand. She held the straw to my lips. "Your Mom did it." I finally said.

Polly glanced at the ropes holding me into the firm hogtie. "I better go have a word."

"Shower." I said. "Could you let me out first."

Polly smiled. "You'll be fine for a couple more minutes."

There was no use arguing so with a sigh I laid my head back on the pillow, at least the gag was gone.

Several minutes later Polly returned. "Your story checks out. I guess it was partly my fault. Tell me honestly, is it uncomfortable?"

"I think this is more comfortable than the way you had me tied before you left had I been tied for as long. The multiple wrapping of the ropes seems to help distribute the pressure more than the single scarves." I answered. "But my shoulders do ache."

Polly pushed on my elbows eliciting a grunt. "Yeah those are about as close as they can get." She gave me a direct look. "For now."

"Let me get you free, Mom promised pizza as a peace offering."

Polly slowly removed the ropes taking her time to learn how they were applied. I was not sure if I was happy or nervous that Polly would be more educated in the art of keeping me helpless after this.

We spent the rest of the evening being a normal couple, stealing kisses when her Mom's back was turned and playing footsie with each other while watching a movie.

Chapter 25 - Selena's Story part 1

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:15 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 25 - Selena's Story part 1

"What the hell did you do?" A whisper breathed into my ear as I was putting my books into my locker on Monday morning. After Friday's little game the remainder of the weekend had been tame by comparison mostly because I needed to spend some time at the office making up for the visits to Selena's house and Polly had various activities involving her dance team at school. I also had to study for that math test.

I turned my head to see Ollie standing within an inch of my face with his eyes darting down the halls as if he expected to be attacked at any moment. "Huh?"

Ollie grabbed me by the collar nearly knocking me on my butt. "Hey!" I barely recovered and was pulled backward down the hall by my shirt. Ollie opened the janitor's closet and pulled us both inside.

"This weekend, what did you do with Polly?" Ollie whispered despite the solid core door between us and any other ears.

My shoulders were hunched beneath a shelf lined with bottles of various cleaners. A mop handle threatened to impale me as I tried to orient myself in the small space. "Do?" I was suddenly nervous that Kristy had spoken to Ollie about the predicament she had witnessed.

"It must have happened on Saturday. Kristy asked me over to her house..." Ollie paused and looked toward the door. "She... she did things..."

"Good things?" I asked suddenly nervous for my friend.

Ollie was silent for several heartbeats. "I have never felt anything quite like it. It was so intense, so unique, and kind of scary."

"Uh, congratulations, I guess." I said cautiously.

Ollie's neck swiveled and a pair of nervous eyes regarded me. "She had me tied up in her bedroom begging her..." Ollie choked a bit as his voice cracked. "She had me begging for more."

I was getting nervous, I really did not want to know too much more.

"So my question is, what did you do?" Ollie said. "She was with Polly on Saturday, something happened."

"Ollie, look, Polly and I have a relationship built on trust, I can't just tell you everything that happens. It would be wrong, a violation."

"There was something!" Ollie's voice rose above a whisper but he quickly caught himself and moved his face closer to mine. "Kristy saw something didn't she?"

A flash of blue and white clothing whipped through my memory and my shoulders involuntarily twitched with the phantom feelings of the difficult hogtie. "Look, if you don't like what Kristy is doing you better talk to her now."

Ollie was quiet for a second and then spoke in a barely audible whisper. "That's the problem Jack, I do like it."

"Then, you're welcome." I answered.

Ollie glared at me for a long moment. "I just feel like maybe I lost something."

"Lost something?" I asked "What do you mean?"

"Look, Kristy has always been fierce and wild, beautiful and crazy, passionate and warm..."

"I get it, I get it." I interrupted with wave of my hand.

"But Saturday night she could have asked me to do anything and I would have done it. She did ask..." Ollie stopped talking suddenly.

"Oh I see. I understand, Ollie I really do." I smacked him on the shoulder. "Did you see her Sunday?"

Ollie swallowed and combed his finger through his highlighted hair. "She showed up at my house in the afternoon and introduced herself to my Mom and younger sister."

"She didn't tell you she was coming over?" I said.

"No, and Mom thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread. Everything is moving so fast, and I'm not driving this train." Ollie said.

"I would just enjoy the ride if you can."

"Maybe." Ollie said and then opened the door and left.

I stared at the wooden door wondering about the dramatic change in my one time confident friend.

* * *

"I hate doing this." I said to Polly while we sat together in her car on Saturday morning. Polly suggested she drop me off instead of driving myself this time. I felt any chance of spending a moment with Polly was time well spent so I quickly agreed.

"Two more times. Tops." Polly answered. "Selena can't force you to do more once the grades are turned in."

"I'm pretty sure she knows that, and she's going to try something." I said thinking back to her completely silent dismissal during the previous massage. "The whole thing is weird and wrong, I shouldn't be doing this."

"I'm pretty sure she knows that too, that's probably why she was quiet. Once she got her jollies, she has time to think about what was happening."

"You should be more upset by this." I said watching Polly's face closely.

Slight frown lines appeared at the corners of her mouth. "Like I said before, Selena's story is a sad one. I'm hoping you will give her some closure."

"What closure? What are you talking about? How can I help her when I don't know what the problem is?" I asked scanning Polly's face for some clue as to what this whole thing is about.

"Just be yourself." Polly smiled. "And keep focused on me."

I snorted. "No problem there. I have an after image of you burned into my mind right now."

"Good," Polly leaned over and kissed me then place her head against my shoulder. "You'd better go, don't want to be late. Just text me and I'll be here in ten minutes."

I existed Polly's car and walked the few paces to the front door of Selena Bates' house. I rang the doorbell and waited for a few brief moments before she opened the door. "Come in, come in." She wore a simple ensemble consisting of a red T-shirt and jeans though the T-shirt was tied into a knot just above her navel.

I nodded and stepped through the doorway. Nothing much had changed in the modest home except the kitchen table was littered with papers that had red ink sprayed across them like blood. I recognized the papers. "Grading tests?"

"Yes, and speaking of that, if you wish to retake yours, I have it ready. The material is the same though the questions are different."

This surprised me. I expected to take it at school. "Sure, I'm ready."

She led me to a small desk that was connected to the kitchen counter where it appeared she usually dumped her mail. She placed a stapled sheaf of paper on it. "There you go, do try and do better." She winked at me.

"Yeah, I hope so. Thanks." I thought it likely since I would not be distracted by her in my thoughts this time around.

Selena smiled and returned to the main table in the kitchen and resumed her work of meticulously decorating the papers with red ink. I ran quickly through the math problems. The struggles of my previous test were absent and my modest amount of studying made the task rather simple and I had plenty of time to double check my work before a timer went off somewhere in the kitchen. "That's time," she called out.

I stood up and handed her the test which she placed on a pile of papers yet to be subjected to her red ink. I pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table and sat down. She ignored me while continuing to trace her finger down the line of answers on the paper and I did not interrupt until she had set the test aside. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead." She lowered her pen and placed her chin into her hands as she leaned on the table.

"A personal question?" I asked again.

"I think, under the circumstances, you have earned the right. Mostly since you have had your hands all over this." She motioned at her own body.

I coughed and flushed a bit in embarrassment which brought a smile to her lips. "Why do you live alone?"

She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"What I mean is, you are such a beautiful woman, I'd imagine you'd be able to have your pick of partners, especially male ones, though I understand you are not inclined that way." I said quietly.

"You have proved the exception." Selena's smile faded after the remark and she took a deep breath. "That is a long and difficult story."

I did not say anything but I did not stand up either. I watched the levels of emotion pass through through her face and waited for a dismissal.

"It started with a 16 year old boy named Niam. You remind me a lot of him." Lisa sat back in her chair and stared at a point somewhere over my left shoulder as she remembered. "I was 17 years old at the time and I was in love with that boy. I realize now it was more like infatuation but at the time..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I had recently discovered within myself a certain affinity for tie up games. At least that’s what I called them at the time."

I nodded.

She smiled at my recognition. "I don't want to spoil anything for you Jack, but let me say there is a lot of breadth to our particular proclivities." She smiled.

I did not really understand what she meant but could believe there was more to the idea of bondage than simply being tied to the bed by a lover. Lisa had shown me that much last week with that rather difficult hogtie. I nodded in understanding.

"But like I said, I was young at the time and decided to share a little fun with Niam. I had him lie on my bed and I used a pair of cheap handcuffs to hold his wrists above him. I performed a little strip show while standing on the bed above him until I was down to just a matching bra and panty set. He had started to breath faster and faster which I interpreted as enjoyment on his part. When I cut off his shirt and started rubbing myself against his bare chest he began to choke and spasm violently. Foam sprayed from his mouth and he went completely still."

"Oh my god." I sat forward feeling sick for asking her to relive this.

"I released him as quickly as I could and called my Mom who then called an ambulance. He died before reaching the hospital."

I felt the blood drain from my face and my mouth fell open. There were no words.

"I was 17, like I said, and my sexuality was blossoming. I think you can imagine there was quite a bit of psychological trauma. I am only now able to talk about it at all. I spent years with psychiatrists and on various drugs. I never graduated from high school and only graduated from college when I was 27 after getting a G.E.D."

"Wh..." I had to swallow. "What happened to Niam? I mean," I swallowed again. "Why did he die?"

"He had a weak heart and an undiagnosed condition that caused seizures. He had a seizure that caused a heart attack." Selena said quietly.

"So..." I began.

Selena interrupted. "You would say it wasn't my fault?"

I nodded.

"He died because of something I did, my own actions..."

I interrupted. "But he was a time bomb, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"That's why I didn't spend anytime in jail." Selena answered. "If a kid darts in front of your car and you kill him, it doesn't help that it could have been anyone, or 'wrong place wrong time'." She held up her fingers and made quoting gestures for the last phrase.

I fell silent. There was nothing I could say that a million other people had not already said. I sat back in shock and tried to think through the events of the last few weeks with this new perspective. She still had her love of ropes proved by her activities with Lisa. Maybe this whole masseuse idea had been her attempt at getting something she badly wanted without being overt about her true desires. I decided to take a chance. What was it Polly had said in the car? "Just be yourself."

I sat back in the chair and folded my arms over my chest. "You don't really want a massage do you? No matter how intimate."

Selena's face twisted sharply toward me her eyes glazed with tears suddenly flared with a light that I was becoming accustomed to seeing in the women that surrounded my life. "Why do you ask?" Her voice was soft and cautious.

"I am a strong man, or boy, or whatever you want to call a sixteen year old. If my heart was weak or if I were prone to seizures Polly would have killed me five times over."

Selena smiled and nodded.

"I give you this chance. For the next four hours I will do anything you ask. You can have control."

The light kindled in Selena's eyes kindled into a white hot blow torch and she unconsciously sat forward in her chair.

"But..." I quickly said before she leapt at me. "I have conditions."

"Name them." Selena whispered as her knuckles turned white from the grip she maintained on the table.

"Nothing public." I held up one finger. "Nothing permanent." I held up a second finger. "Nothing painful." I held up a third finger. "Nothing you do can fall into any of those categories."

"Nothing public, permanent, or painful." Selena repeated. "Nice alliteration."

I shrugged. "Not really the point but if it makes it easier to remember than all the better."

"Agreed." Selena whispered with the sound of a succubus who had just cornered her prey.

"I'm all yours then."

Selena stood up and walked out of the kitchen toward her bedroom. She returned moments later carrying a small square of cardboard I recognized as the packaging for a pair of hosiery or tights. The image of a shapely pair of legs displayed on the cover confirmed my suspicion. "Take these and wear them with your outfit that is in the massage room. You do know how to put these on?"

I nodded. Remembering the recent instruction I received from Polly.

"Good. I'll give you ten minutes before I come in and help. We are on the clock after all."

I noted the time and walked out of the kitchen. The massage room was exactly like I remembered it with the feminine costume lying on the table. I quickly ripped open the package of tights and slipped one arm into the tube of nylon. These were special. I don't know if they were more expensive or if they were some special material but they were smooth and buttery soft. The color perfectly matched the dress. I had but only minutes before the newly empowered Selena walked in to "help me". I quickly doffed my clothing and slowly pulled the nylon into the palms of my hands until I reached the toe of the tights. I slipped my toes into the soft tightness and pulled them part way up my leg before repeating the process with my other foot. Once done I slowly inched the tights up my legs pulling the fabric smooth along the way until the waistband was gripping my stomach. At least now my manhood would be less conspicuous since it would be pressed into my body by the tights.

I grabbed the dress, sensing that the tights had taken longer than I expected to get on, and pulled the cloud like fabric over my head and let it settle about my body. The loose material rubbed against the tights and instead of dulling the sensation as I expected, it distributed it over a larger area of skin and the gentle shocks I remembered from the previous day were now spread over my thighs, knees, and waist. "Oh god," I grabbed at the table to steady myself as the sensations washed over me.

At that moment Selena walked in. "All done. Oh my, that's quite the look on your face."

I straightened up instantly. "The dress and tights are very soft." I said quietly though the explanation woefully understated the impact of the garments on my ability to think.

Selena cocked her head to the side and smiled knowingly. "Stand still Jack."

I stood up straight and looked toward Selena who brushed her fingers along my thighs moving the folds of the dress as she did so. I closed my eyes and called up the image of Polly. Selena's fingers moved across my hip and over my buttocks and started to draw small spiral patterns there. The image of Polly shattered and my knees felt week. I lifted an arm to catch myself and with my eyes closed I managed to catch Selena's chest with one hand. I froze and opened my eyes and Selena gently lifted my stiff hand from her body with a pleasant smile. "Now now, none of that. Please grab your boy clothes and follow me."

I picked up my stuff and followed Selena into the main room of the house which encompassed the living room, dining room, and kitchen that was kept separate more by furniture than by walls. She led me over to the living room where one wall contained a fireplace above which was hung the television, the adjacent wall contained a floor to ceiling bookshelf filled with books both decorative and academic. "Put your clothing in the fireplace." Selena ordered.

"What?" I asked.

"My request does not violate any of your rules so you have to do it."

The immediate request did not violate the conditions I had set but the long term prospects of avoiding public exposure were what worried me. I placed my shirt, shorts, and underwear onto the metal grill of the fireplace. I was thankful she did not include my shoes.

"Here's a match, light the fire after I turn on the gas." Selena turned a metal lever and I struck the match which ignited the gas in a quiet puff of light and heat. "Would you like to watch your boy clothing burn or shall we continue."

I stood up and turned toward my captor now suddenly nervous. My act of charity had implications I had not foreseen. I was thankful that I had the protection of the conditions but there were two ways to handle every scary event, you could flee or fight. Not exactly applicable in this particular situation but in essence you can embrace it or you can sweat it. I decided to embrace it just to see how deep Selena's rabbit hole went. I smiled at her. "Take your best shot."

Chapter 26 - Selena's Story part 2

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:18 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 26 - Selena's Story part 2

Selena’s eyebrow lifted at the remark. “Oh Jack, I do believe you are getting a bit too comfortable despite your delicate clothing. No more talking.” I started to open my mouth but Selena quickly place a finger over my lips. “You should know Jack, I know exactly what is going to happen in the next three hours. Each time you decide to disobey, I’ll be keeping track, and things will get worse.”

I debated speaking. Selena removed her finger from my lips and waited to see if I would push the issue. “You have earned one demerit for that last cheeky comment. Now go to my bedroom and retrieve the trunk from beneath my bed.”

I walked to Selena's bedroom. It was brightly lit by two large windows overlooking the backyard. Several pieces of abstract art decorated the walls and a large four poster bed dominated the center of the room. The bed was covered with a deep crimson bedspread that allowed a cream colored bed skirt to show beneath it. The wooden floors were covered with a plush area rug upon which the entirety of the bed rested. I knelt down and lifted the bed skirt. The box in question looked like an old fashioned foot locker. It was dark brown in color with black painted metal at each of the eight corners to provide strength. I hauled out the three foot box and the contents shifted inside as I lifted it. The trunk was heavy and took some effort to maneuver through the door, down the hall, and into the living room where Selena pointed to the couch.

"Turn around. Make no attempt to look inside while it’s open."

I stared at the box for perhaps two heartbeats longer than I should have before finally turning around as she asked. “That’s two demerits.” Selena said. “When I ask you to do something I expect you to do it immediately.”

I sighed in irritation but Selena either ignored me or was too engrossed in opening the case to bother with my attempt at insolence. The lid creaked as she opened it. She rustled with several objects that clinked together as if containing metal. “I really wish I could have talked Polly into using pink for that dress. It would have matched these so much better.” She stepped in front of me holding a leather band that was a dusty pink color except for the polished chrome rings and buckles. “Hold out your hand.”

I did so and she buckled the leather cuff firmly around my wrist. She repeated the process three more times attaching one to each wrist and one above each of my elbows. The sleeves of the dress just grazed the upper edge of the restraints above my elbows. “The thing I love about using leather cuffs is they are so versatile. I can use padlocks to tie them together or even these.” She held up several long thin pieces of white plastic I immediately recognized as zip ties.

“Please put your arms behind your back and then try and touch your opposite elbow.” I did as she said and heard the familiar ratcheting noise of the zip ties as the cuff on one wrist was now connected to the cuff on the opposite elbow. She repeated this with my other hand so my arms were now locked horizontally across my back.

“There now, all fixed up.” Selena walked back in front of me slowly moving her hand around my waist sliding it higher until her fingers were drawing lines against the flesh of my neck and face. Sparkles of electricity followed her fingers and I stiffened with the unwanted feelings sparked by her touches.

“Now I have to deal with the first of your demerits. Do not move.” Selena gathered the hem of the dress and began to pull it over my hips. I suppose had I been a girl the fact that my skirt was being hiked above my waist would have been occasion for concern but since I was not a girl it just produced a slight shiver. Selena continued to raise the dress higher until the fabric was covering my face. She knotted it loosely somewhere above my head preventing it from sliding back down my body. I thought of all manner of clever things to say given the bizarre nature of my predicament. I snorted in laughter at the idea of my exposed, non-existent chest and managed to disguise the sound by blowing the fluttery fabric away from my mouth. "I need your dress out of the way for the next part. Don't worry though, I am not taking it off." She pressed her fingers into my chest dancing them across my nipples. "I know how disappointed you would be if I took your dress away." I was now glad my face was covered.

There was some rustling in the background and Selena's voice spoke from somewhere near my feet. "Lift this leg." I felt her finger on my left ankle. She slid some slick material past my foot that became tighter as she tugged it higher. It stretched over my hips like a ladies swimsuit compressing my buttocks and waist leaving my legs free. It must have been made of multiple layers of material to feel so tight but for whatever reason my crotch was now tightly compressed and I desperately needed to make an adjustment to my flattened manhood. The garment did not stop at my waist though. Selena continued her efforts and the fabric rose over my stomach and then settled in across my chest. She pulled the material higher beneath my bound arms until it clung with a sticky feel of tape just beneath my armpits. "It's called a body shaper." I could feel the muted touch of her fingers as she pulled wrinkles from the fabric. "For good reason, it gives you a great shape."

My heart sank. Soft fabric, tight spandex, and even restraints were something my body reacted to in a pleasant way, but this, this was a bridge too far. I feared how my slim body now appeared. Lisa's words from last week echoed through my thoughts, "With your narrower hips I'd wager that a larger set of breasts would make you look a bit more feminine." I could feel my legs start to tremble.

"Please step over here." I felt Lisa's hand on my arm. She led me a few feet away but I was so disoriented by the tightness around my upper body I was not sure which way I walked. "Ok, I'm going to lower your dress but keep your eyes closed until I say so."

She did not have to tell me, I had no desire to open my eyes. I squeezed my lids closed and summoned the avatar of Polly into my thoughts. The dress soon fell away from my face and I heard the sound of the fabric sliding over the body shaper. I could no longer feel the light touch of the fabric on my torso which only amplified the light caress across my thighs. "You are standing in front of a full length mirror. Open your eyes and take a look." Selena ordered.

I kept my eyes closed.

The seconds ticked by. "Jack, you can open your eyes now."

I squeezed them closed harder for fear I would open them from simple, unwitting obedience.

"Ahhh..." Selena said with a shudder in her voice. "You don't want to see what you look like." Her voice drew nearer and fell to a whisper. "Shall I describe it to you instead?"

I said nothing only trembled slightly as my legs started to lose their strength.

"I like you Jack so I am going to do you a favor. I will help you understand." Her voice was soft and had dropped to a lower register. "Your slightly trembling body, the tear threatening to slide down your cheek, the hot flush across your cheeks and neck is like purified essence of ecstasy. Perhaps you excrete some kind of pheromone or maybe a mystical aphrodisiac, but whatever the cause the sight of you is better than some of the best sex I have ever had." There was a rustling sound for a few seconds, the distinct sound of the removal of clothes. "I stand now in nothing but a blue satin bra and panties." I felt the satin softness rub against my shoulder. Suddenly I could feel Selena's breath against my face and then the warm wetness of her tongue as it slid up my cheek. "You taste like ambrosia dipped in honey."

At that my legs lost their strength and I sunk to my knees. Selena laughed half in amusement and half in animalistic snarl. "I'd wager only one out of a hundred guys have your ability. Has Lisa taken a bite out of you yet?"

I remembered how Lisa had bound me to the bed instead of letting me go as Polly obviously wanted and squeezed my eyes closed even tighter forcing the tears to fall from the corners of my eyes. I did not nod at Selena’s question, but I guess my lack of protest said enough.

"See, you attract us like flies to honey. You are irresistible. I know most women prefer washboard abs and a rock hard ass you could bounce a quarter off of, but to me and the girls like me, well..." Selena took a deep breath. "All the evidence in the world is currently running down the inside of my thighs." Selena stood up and stepped away.

I tried to deny what Selena said, but I remembered Polly pressing her body into mine as I was bound to her bed. I remembered Kristy's fevered stares as she watched me struggling in the severe hogtie. There was something about this that drove those women wild, was Selena right?

She returned and I felt her kneel down next to me, the air around her was scented with the unique odor of arousal. "Polly is a gem of a girl to let me play with you and in thanks for her kindness I am giving her the best birthday present ever, though admittedly it's a bit late." I felt soft material press over my eyes. "Since you are obviously not going to open your eyes, this blindfold is going to enforce that decision. You still get another demerit though, so we have two more to deal with before I'm done with you. The body-shaper takes care of the first."

I wondered briefly what would happen once she was 'done with' me but was given little time to ponder the notion. "Stand up Jack." I shakily got to my feet. She gripped one elbow and walked me a few paces before spinning me around and pushing my back against a rounded surface I assumed was the same pole she had wrapped me against those few weeks ago with Polly. There was another sound of ratcheting zip ties and I felt my arms tug backward. A quick twitch of my body proved I would not be moving without help. "I have to get your next punishment. Don't go anywhere."

I heard the slap of her feet against the wooden floors of the home and more rustling from the foot locker. "This is a gag, I figure you are in deep enough as it is, so no more talking even by accident. Open wide." I complied expecting a ball gag and was rewarded with the familiar feeling of hard plastic pass my lips but this particular gag continued into my mouth pressing down my tongue and filling the space with a long phallic object. I realized immediately that this gag was different and about a thousand times more embarrassing. I could not tell if it was actually shaped like a penis but it was close. I growled and shook my head trying to prevent Selena from buckling it behind my head. Attached as I was to the pole she had little trouble grabbing one of my ears to hold my head still than buckled the offending gag behind my neck. "A little surprise for Polly. It looks just like a ball gag from this side."

Some part of me had hoped the "gift for Polly" suggestion had been a metaphor for something else but her last comment had been strong evidence that she intended to literally hand me over to my girlfriend in my current state. A sick feeling settled into my stomach when I thought of the ideas that would blossom in Polly's mind when she saw the body shaper, the phallic gag, and whatever the last "demerit" would cost me. My initial decision to embrace Selena's desires was fast becoming a feeling of dread.

"Alright, my little peach, we might as well get your last demerit out of the way since it has become nearly impossible for you to do anything other than stand still and suck quietly on your gag. I do hope these fit." Selena grabbed my ankle and I felt something hard slide onto the bottom of my foot and gently squeeze my toes. A band of thin material wrapped around my ankle. When she released my leg a shoe with a ridiculously high heel graced my foot. My breathing increased with this realization and I squalled like a toddler around my gag. "Put your weight on your toes, there is no use whining about it." Her words were simple truth and I slowly rested the weight of my left foot on my toes. Selena slid the bindings holding me against the pole higher since I stood a few inches taller. She quickly repeated the process with my other foot. "Would you like to know the color?"

I shook my head in the negative.

"They are pink, matching your leather cuffs. Speaking of which I have a few more for your legs." I felt more wide leather wrapping around each of my ankles and then just above my knees. More zip ties forced my legs together and then welded them to the pole. The height of the heels soon became uncomfortable since there was no way to alleviate the pressure on my toes with my legs bound together. "Alright I'll need a few minutes to prepare the rest of Polly's present. I am planning a nice card and of course the wrapping paper, don't go anywhere."

Why do people who tie me up always say such things when they are leaving me helpless? It was becoming cliché. I stood against the pole trying not to focus on the pain in my toes or the long thick object in my mouth that my restless tongue could not seem to ignore. The sounds of paper and moving cardboard treated my imagination to various ideas each one more fantastic than the last and the time seemed to rush forward. I desperately wished to delay Selena's designs but could only manage a slow sigh.

I stood so long I hoped whatever she intended would at least get me off my feet. "Alright Jack, I've got things ready." I heard the snip of something cutting the plastic zip ties and I soon fell away from the pole which put more pressure on my already tortured toes. "Steady there." She said as I pitched forward. "You'll need practice before you can walk without help, and with your ankles locked together you shouldn't try. I bet Polly will give you a lot of practice in the coming months."

Polly was worth almost anything. Was she worth this? Of course she was, probably..

"I know what your thinking." Selena said.

I looked toward the direction of her voice.

"Even around the blindfold and the gag I can see you are wondering what Polly would do."

I nodded.

"Whatever is making you the equivalent of a giant vibrating dildo to my libido, it is almost certainly related to the fact that you dislike this whole process."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"As long as you squirm, moan, and shudder with embarrassment, the better it becomes. I am inclined to guess it is the same way with Polly."

Not a shocking revelation, just one made more difficult by the soon-to-be-fact that Polly would have a new set of tools to use against me.

Selena continued. "And I know deep inside there is a part of you that is loving this. Your repressed desire to be an object of lust and passion radiates from you like a corona of fire. Examine your thoughts, Jack. You are my toy right now. How does that really feel?"

Gagged and blindfolded I only needed to stand still to keep my emotions hidden. My body had other ideas though, and my knees buckled. I avoided a painful crash to the floor because Selena was obviously expecting the reaction. "Thought so. Now I am going to cut the zip tie holding your ankles together." The sound of clipping plastic echoed through the space. "There is box in front of your legs about as high as your knees. You need to step over the edge."

With Selena's guidance I stepped into the box and felt something soft and spongy beneath my high heeled feet. "Ok now, kneel down. I'm sure you are eager to get off your feet." I knelt with a sigh of relief. "Stay still I have one final cuff to put on you. Well it's not actually called a cuff but it matches the others." I felt a band wrap around my neck. "There you go, a lovely pink collar."

I was beyond caring about any further indignities at this point and accepted the tight band around my neck without groan or struggle. "Now I need to get you all smooshed into a ball." Selena did something with the collar around my neck and the cuffs above my knees. The familiar ratcheting sound of a zip tie was accompanied by the steady pull of my neck towards my legs until I was folded in half. More ratcheting sounds came from my ankles and I felt them snug up tightly against my buttocks as the zip ties pulled my ankles toward my bound arms. "Ok I'm going to carefully tip you over onto your side." Selena announced before I toppled onto my side aided by her hands, the tension holding my ankles against my arms increased sharply.

She worked a bit more positioning me around and I felt the distinct touch of cardboard on all sides of my body. I was inside a box. "There you fit nicely, I wasn't sure it would be big enough but you are smaller than you look. Or at least smaller when you are folded up. Just let me text Polly with your phone."

I waited for mere seconds before Selena sat the phone next to me inside the box. "I guess this is it, Jack." I felt her lean in close to me and kiss me on the small area of skin that was not covered by leather or silk. "I want to thank you for this. From this point forward I will be only Mrs. Bates to you." There was a long pause. "Know this, whenever you catch my eye I will be thinking of you all bundled up in a box." There was a scraping sound of cardboard and I could sense a lid had been placed on top. "Good bye Jack." The muffled voice of Selena said as she drifted away.

I waited and waited though I assume Polly did manage to get to Mrs. Bates house within ten minutes like she had estimated. I began to tremble when the door opened. What would Polly do? What would she say? I did not fear her anger, I feared her delight. The box slowly lifted and I heard Polly gasp. "Oh my god Jack, you really got yourself in a pickle."

I grunted and tried to move but only managed to draw attention to the high heels since they were the sole part of my body that could readily move. "Oh, high heels, that must be one of the surprises Selena mentioned in her card. This really is my birthday. Too bad you are too heavy to lift into my car."

I grunted again.

"Do you think the leather cuffs are another surprise?" Polly said fingering the cuffs around my arms and legs. "I guess I'll find out. It's like unwrapping a present within a present. Selena is definitely getting a thank you note from me."

There was some rustling movements and the snap of clippers accompanied the sudden loosening of the zip ties holding my neck to my knees followed shortly by the ties holding my legs to my arms. Polly helped me squirm onto my knees and then clipped the ties holding my knees and ankles together but left my arms bound behind my back. I wondered where Selena had gone.

"Selena said in the card that you burned your clothes. I guess we'll just have to go home like you are." Polly's breath caught suddenly. "Oh my! How did you get such curves?" I felt her hand slide across my chest before disappearing beneath the neckline of the dress. "Wow, that looks so natural. That must be one of the surprises."

I grunted in protest.

"Let me go pull the car into the driveway so you don't have to walk as far." Polly said.

While she was gone I tried to gain my feet but was defeated by the heels and my bound arms. I had little success other than rolling around on the floor before Polly returned. "Let me get that blindfold off you, it'll be easier to walk."

Moments later light flooded my eyes for the first time in a couple hours. I blinked my eyes against the bright light. Polly waited patiently and I focused on her until I could do more than squint painfully against the light pouring through the windows. Polly wore a pair of liquid black leggings and a loose shirt that flowed about her body emphasizing her firm legs. I avoided looking across my own body any more than necessary but the larger than normal mounds on my chest were impossible to avoid. "Alright, the car's running. Let's go."

I shook my head.

Polly had the blindfold gripped in one hand and stuck a finger through the ring on my collar. "Come on Jack. We've intruded on Selena enough for one day." Polly tapped a finger against her lips. "I suppose though, if you want, I can ask her to help me bundle you back into the box and then together we could haul you to the car. What do you think?"

I continued to resist Polly’s insistent tugging.

"Of course, if I do that. I will need help getting you out of my car when we get home. Mom will love that."

I stared in horror at Polly. Would she really do that? Her thighs were involuntarily rubbing against each other and her eyes possessed the lustful heat of a woman who was having a great deal of trouble reining in her impulses. I had no choice. My head fell forward in defeat allowing Polly to pull me from the house. Luckily the neighborhood was large and there was a lot of space between the houses, no curious eyes met mine as I teetered toward the car. Polly buckled me into the passenger seat and I sank deep into the seat, especially each time we passed a car or stopped at a stoplight.

At her house the garage was empty as we pulled inside. Lisa was likely gone, luck had not completely abandoned me. I carefully walked into the house and up the stairs trying not to kill myself in the new footwear. Polly seemed aware of the danger since she kept a firm grip on my body. We entered her room and she allowed me to sit down at her desk chair. "I'd say it was a success then."

Still gagged I gave her a puzzled look and then nodded when I realized that she was talking about Selena.

Polly knelt down at my feet and stared into my eyes. Her red hair was splayed around her face in a corona of fire that highlighted the deep blazes burning in her eyes. Her hands roamed over my body and I groaned at her touch. "I don't know what it is Jack. I am having trouble focusing my mind, you are so...." Her words cut off and she wrapped her arms around my body and pressed her face into my chest so hard my breath was forced from my lungs. "I know I should free you, you've been trussed up for at least three hours, I just don't want to."

I grunted through my gag and watched her body as she squeezed me. The liquid black leggings were so tight they displayed each of her buttocks. Her hips gyrated beneath the black spandex. I knew what she wanted. I would oblige her if I could only speak.

Several long moments passed before she pulled back from me her face flushed and her eyes smoldering. "I don't understand. Do you?"

I nodded. It was not exactly true but I thought perhaps she would allow me to explain. The ploy worked and she released the buckle of the gag pulling it free. As the long object was pulled from my mouth Polly's eyes danced. "And that is surprise number three."

I tried to speak but even though the gag was slick with saliva I failed to gather sufficient moisture to do more than make a croaked gasp. Polly left the room and returned with a cup of water which she held to my lips. "Thank you." I looked down over my body and turned back toward Polly suddenly extremely embarrassed.

"Now you blush?" Polly laughed. She looked down at the gag in her hands and understood. "Oh, right." There was brief moment of silence while Polly rubbed her thighs and struggled to sit still. "Well?"

"What was the question?" I asked trying to buy time.

"I am about to tear off my clothes and force your face between my legs. I can barely contain myself. Why?"

Her lecherous words struck me like a physical blow as I imagined being forced to pleasure her bound as I was. I swallowed hard to clear my thoughts. "This is a bad thing?"

"It is unusual." Polly responded.

I laughed. "Not from my perspective, every woman I know seems to have your particular kink."

"Oh?" Polly said.

"Your Mom, Selena, perhaps Kristy based on her reaction when she caught me tied on your bed."

Polly's eyebrows lowered in thought.

"Selena doesn't understand either but she wonders if there is something about me that draws women like you, a pheromone, or a bit of magic."

Polly laughed. "Right, sure."

"It's crap for sure but I have no real explanation. I would say just go with it, that's what Mom told me to do."

"So you like dressing as a girl?" Polly said.

"No, definitely not. But..." I stopped speaking.

"Being forced to do it?" Polly said slowly and rose to her feet.

"I don't think it's the clothing Polly." I began. "It's not the clothing." I said again with more force.

"Ah, but the clothing does something to you, does it not?" Polly smiled. She ran her hands over my thighs.

"I don't know." I whispered. "I don't know."

"Enough talk." Polly pulled me to my wobbling feet and pushed me face first onto her bed. I fell in a cloud of soft fabrics as Polly wrapped her firm thighs around my head forcing me to understand just how much I enjoyed her scent. One thing I do know, Polly's Mom had to be a long distance from home otherwise she would have wondered what was happening to her daughter. Her screams of ecstasy echoed through the house for a long, long time.

Chapter 27 - Polly's Box

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:36 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 27 - Polly's Box

My mind was elsewhere when I pulled up to the table for dinner. I sat at my usual spot across from Kat while my parents sat at the other two sides of the small round table across from each other. We passed the food around, Mom's famous Shepherd's Pie, and began to eat. I was working through a programming issue in my head when Dad spoke up. "So school is almost out for the year. Our annual vacation is coming up."

Our family takes a two week vacation each year as close to the ending of school as possible. It started as a way of avoiding the summer time rush at various tourist attractions but now had become simple tradition. These days we usually head to the mountains where we rent a cabin. Then we hike, canoe, fish, and generally relax as a family. "I assume you are going to have to skip this year, Jack." Dad said with a knowing look.

I nodded around a mouthful of food. "Yeah, I'm starting to get more projects on my plate and I don't want to let them go cold for two weeks."

Dad nodded. "We thought as much, so your Mom and I have been talking." Dad looked at his wife and communicated his desire for her to speak in the way only couples married for long years can manage.

"Yes well, it's about Polly." Mom began. Kat and I both stopped eating and stared intently at Mom wondering what possible intersection could occur between Polly and a two week vacation. "You told me you love her."

Kat's mouth fell open and her fork clattered to the floor. "You said what?" She gasped looking at me.

I looked at Kat full in the eyes and nodded. "I told her."

"When?" Kat responded while Mom attempted to keep her quiet by touching Kat's forearm.

“A couple weeks ago.”

"But..." Kat began.

"Kat, let me finish." Mom interrupted. She took a deep breath. "I know she seems hesitant and given the example she has seen growing up I can't say I'm surprised."

I nodded and ignored Kat doing a fair impression of a goldfish with her mouth moving yet emitting no sound.

"Your Dad and I agree that if she were to come with us on our vacation to the mountains she would get a chance to see what two people in love are actually like. It may help get her over the fear."

My initial reaction was positive, but being without Polly for two weeks would feel like a kind of dystopian nightmare. Kat however clapped her hands in glee. "Oh it will be like having a sister for two weeks."

My face must have fallen because Mom reached over and grabbed my hand. "It's just two weeks and it has a chance of really helping her."

I nodded unable to speak due to the large lump rising in the back of my throat. Dad rescued me with the next bit of news. "We also thought that since you are working at the same office you could just stay with Lisa while we were gone, that way we could save on cooling the house for the two weeks."

"I would still want you to water the plants and keep an eye on things." Mom added quickly.

"Stay with Lisa." I whispered as the thought of being alone with Polly's Mom matriculated through my mind. I stood up suddenly. "I have to go talk to Polly."

Mom forestalled me. "I don't know if her Mom has spoken with her yet, what are you going to say?"

"It's fine if she goes. I won't try and stop her. There are other things I'm worried about." I looked at Mom and she seemed to understand my concern. I flew from the table and out the door with most of my dinner remaining on my plate. I really did love Shepherd's pie.

I cannot recall the drive to Polly's house my muscle memory guided me there on autopilot. Fear and dread filled my mind with terrifying designs that Lisa might cook up for me while her daughter was several hundred miles away. I had never realized how much I depended on Polly's genuine concern to protect me from her mother's wild side. Of course Lisa had rarely actually done anything that bad, but the few instances had made me nervous for what she was truly capable of, especially if I was alone with her.

I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door jamming my thumb into the doorbell. Lisa opened the door and her face split into a smile. She still wore the form fitting dark green dress I had seen her in earlier that day. "Jack! Polly and I were just talking about you."

I stepped into the house and moved immediately to the kitchen area where most of the actual living occurred in the house. "Jack," Polly said and leapt from her seat at the table to give me a hug and a kiss. She wore her drill team outfit consisting of a dark pair of tights covered with a loose fitting T-shirt with the word 'Dance' written across the front. Her tight leotard was plainly visible through the wide neckline of the garment. "Mom just told me about your family vacation. Do you think I should stay? It is a long time to be away from each other." She bit her lower lip in worry.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "I think you two will survive."

"Um, do you think we could talk in your room?" I said and glanced in her mother's direction.

"Ok, sure." Polly said.

I ran upstairs to her room, sat on Polly's bed, placed my elbows on my knees, and stared at the floor. I could feel the worry of the last few minutes settle into a deep ache somewhere near my intestines. Polly suddenly tackled me. She pressed me down into the soft mattress with her legs straddling mine. "You just wanted a more personal discussion." Her lips found mine and the threads of thought and worry shattered in an explosion of joy, heat, and love. Her hair covered my face as we aggressively explored each other's mouths. The smell of vanilla and roses filled my nostrils and I hugged her fiercely trying to hold her closer than was possible. I buried my face into her neck and the time slid away.

After a few minutes, maybe hours, perhaps days, I managed to slide away from her intoxicating presence. "Polly, I want you to go on the trip. You need to see what I've grown up with. My Mom and Dad are like star-crossed lovers. They fight, yes, but they make up too. I know they work hard at love and I want you to witness that. It will be hard to be apart, but that is not what worries me."

Polly cocked her head to the side. “You won’t miss me?”

I shook my head and took a deep breath. "Mom and Dad think it would be better if I stayed here," I pointed to the floor. "At this house while you are gone, it would save them some money and your Mom and I could carpool to work." I explained.

"Oh, I see." She bit her lip in thought. "You're worried about what happened the other day, the whole hogtie thing."

I nodded, though the ease with which she used the word hogtie was a little disconcerting.

Polly started to laugh. "You think once I'm gone she is going to tie you to the bed and torture you for hours." Polly tickled my ribs.

I lurched away from her grasping fingers. "Well, you make it sound silly when you put it that way. But that is sort of what worries me, yeah."

"I make it sound silly?" Polly emphasized the word "I" by placing her hand over her chest. She stood up from the bed and grabbed my hand. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I said.

"We're going to talk to Mom."

I was pulled down the hall where Polly knocked on her Mom's bedroom door. "Hey Mom, are you decent."

The time really had flown by if somehow Lisa was ready for bed. Kissing Polly will do that I suppose. Lisa's voice came from beyond. "Yes come in."

The door opened and Lisa was sitting up in her bed with the covers covering her legs with a laptop open on her lap. She wore the simple silver satin nightgown I had seen a few times before. "What's up?"

Polly snickered before speaking. "Jack is scared."

Lisa cocked her head to the side. "About what?"

"You know that his parents suggested he stay here while I'm with them?" Polly asked.

"Yes, Nancy mentioned it. It seems like a reasonable idea." Lisa said with a puzzled look on her face. "What does that have to do with..." She suddenly stopped and her face broke into a tickled grin.

"Exactly." Polly punched her finger at her Mom for emphasis.

Lisa stood up out of the bed and the short nightgown fell to just above her knee. The light made interesting designs on the shiny material as her body moved beneath it. She placed her arms around my shoulder. "You think I'm going to keep you as my private prisoner. My own personal toy."

I coughed suddenly at a loss for words and I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"I admit that your are cute when you blush, but I have no intention of tying you to the bed each night or anything. I'll leave that to Polly." Lisa sat back down on the bed and I tried not to notice how the night gown rose up a few inches.

"See Jack." Polly said looking at me.

"Ok, I guess." I looked at Lisa and her eyes had the look of a hawk studying a mouse. "We'll be at work most of the time anyway."

Lisa nodded. "True."

Polly and I left Lisa's bedroom and walked downstairs into the kitchen where she grabbed a glass of water. I gazed at her and attempted to memorize the casual curl of her red hair and the pattern of freckles across her nose and cheeks. I let my eyes drink her in. A blush flowed across her skin as my stare persisted long past the point of being intimate.

"The way you look at me." Polly whispered. "Nobody looks at me like that."

"Nobody else should. I am trying to memorize your face."

Polly smiled. "Oh that's a good idea. Let's get some pictures taken so we have them for when we are apart."

"Sounds good." I answered. "I guess I’d better go. See you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Polly leaned into me and only the pain in my legs warned me a long time had passed before I managed to drag myself from her arms.

* * *

The end of school came quickly, too quickly. I was not ready for Polly to leave. The day before the planned travel day both our families met at my house for dinner. Polly and I ate quickly and excused ourselves before dessert was served. We went outside and sat on the creaky porch swing holding hands simply enjoying each other's presence. "Our parents think we are silly." Polly said after a long run of silence.

"They have a different perspective. After 15 years they don't perceive two weeks as being all that long. We've been together for what two months?"

Polly nodded. "I know." Polly reached into the backpack she usually carried with her and removed a small black book. "This is a notebook I want you to write in everyday, even if it is just a couple of sentences."

I took the book and thumbed through the pages. There were a few photos of her taped to the inside cover. "Thanks, I will."

Polly pulled out a matching notebook. "I have one too. We'll trade them when we get back."

"Cool idea, it will be neat to see what we were thinking." I said.

Polly nodded. "Just don't forget."

"You are going to be having so much fun you are more likely to forget than I." I answered.

Polly shrugged. "Maybe." She grabbed my hand and leaned into me. I loved the feel of her warmth and the smell of her hair. "Mom made up the guest bedroom for you, but you can sleep in my bed if you want. Sheets are clean."

"Too bad." I said.

"Huh?" Polly answered.

"I love your smell. You shouldn't have washed the sheets."

"You can wear my nightgown if you want, I left some panties for you too." Polly giggled.

"Very funny."

The hour passed too quickly and Lisa came out of the house followed by Dad who carried my suitcases to my car. "Be good, son."

I hugged him and nodded. "Be nice to Polly."

"You know me." He winked and smiled toward Polly.

Mom hugged me next. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Don't work too hard. I love you."

"I love you too Mom." I said without taking my eyes from Polly.

Polly hugged her Mom and I drove my car toward Polly's house following Lisa. Lisa wanted an early start in the morning so she suggested I sleep at her house starting tonight even though my family would not be leaving until the early morning. I hauled my bags up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. There was an empty chest of drawers in there and I really did not want my own clothes smelling like Polly, I might get odd looks from Alex at work. I had no intention of sleeping there though, no intention at all, I would be in Polly's bed.

I entered Polly's room a few minutes later and caught myself after tripping in surprise. In the largest open space of her room stood a small table. I recognized the decorative ironwork from the back deck where the table once held a good sized fern. The table was covered with a white cloth upon which rested a wooden box lacquered with a high gloss finish. The box was the size of a half gallon of milk when lying on its side and on top of the dark wood was a folded card with my name written across it in Polly's handwriting. I picked it up.
Polly wrote: My dearest Jack,
I know you're worried about Mom. I have iron clad assurances that she will give you no trouble while you are staying at my house. She may tease you a little but I can't make a leopard change its spots completely.

I am sure you are curious about this box. It’s like Pandora's Box but I renamed it to Polly's Box. You cannot open it without revealing to me that you have done so. It's not trapped or anything, but you'll understand if you decide to open it.

Are you curious yet?

I know the myth of Pandora's Box explains that all manner of evils lie inside, however in the actual myth it wasn't even a box so I have similarly omitted the evils. What does lie inside? If you become so bored and lonely without me I have written three challenges sealed within envelopes inside the box.

Be warned Jack. Once you open the box and open the first challenge you are obligated to finish. I'm not going to tell you what the challenges are but you can guess from our history that they involve some stuff I know you will enjoy...mostly. Each of the challenges will require Mom's help too so you can kiss your comfortable interference-free life at my house goodbye once this lid opens.

Like I said, don't open the box. :)
The letter was signed by Polly in her looping signature. I could already feel the insidious tentacles of curiosity slide through my brain as I looked at, but dared not touch, the smooth wooden box.

Lisa walked by and stuck her head into the room and caught me looking closely at the hinged lid. "What the hell?"

I handed her the card and her eyes twinkled in amusement as she read. "I must say I have never been more proud of Polly."

I shook my head. "I am not going to open it, she as good as told me what's in there."

"True, but there is a lot of room for fun here, I doubt you make it to the weekend. She really knows how to push your buttons."

I could see Polly's delighted smile in my mind's eye and I could not help but smile myself. I looked up to see Lisa watching me with a knowing smirk. "Are you going to open it now?"

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked.

Lisa cocked her head in confusion at the sudden question. "Ok, sure."

"You scare the hell out of me." I said.

Lisa barked a laugh. "I've been told that before, mostly by people I'm in charge of." She settled down on the bed next to me, she still wore the leggings and T-shirt she had worn to dinner. "Can I be honest with you?"

"I suppose that's fair" I answered getting nervous being so close to Lisa.

"I had the biggest crush on your Dad."

Of all the honest statements I expected to hear, this was the furthest from my thoughts. I looked at her sharply.

"He never even gave me a second look, your Mom had already captured his heart by the time I knew him." Lisa said with a wistful tone to her voice.

"Why tell me now?"

"People think I'm a lesbian, or that I hate men. That isn't true. I’m just tired of striking out." Lisa said while staring at the box on its pedestal.

Her voice had threads of deep rooted pain and a surge of sympathy robbed me of my caution. "You should try again, you are beautiful, any man would be crazy not to..." I said.

"What?" Lisa interrupted. "Go out with a woman that does not need him to provide. I make more money than most." Lisa sighed. "No, I will just have to live vicariously through my daughter."

"But Mrs. Bates..." I stopped myself but it was too late.

Lisa looked at me through narrowed eyes. "What about her?"

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Me and my big mouth. "A few weeks ago, I walked in on her tied to your bed."

Lisa's eyes widened and I could actually see her putting pieces together in her mind. "The missing link." She whispered.

I remained silent.

"She and I met long ago, we are both single, we enjoy each other's company so..." Lisa said.

I waved my hand. "I don't need to know, I think I've finally put that whole episode behind me."

"Yes you have." Lisa said without elaboration.

I needed to change the subject. "What do you think is in Polly's Box?"

Lisa laughed and stood up walking toward the door. "If you open that box you will eventually find a black satin dress, a little white apron, fishnet tights, black high heels, and long satin gloves.." She winked at me and left the room. Two seconds later she stuck her head back in. "And a nice tight corset."

I looked at Polly's Box and whispered to the now empty room. "What is it with her and French Maids?”

There was no way she could have heard but I heard her voice clearly through the open door coming from her room. “I always keep my promises, ten times worse.”

Chapter 28 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge Part 1

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:02 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 28 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge Part 1

"That's adequate." Alex said after looking through the code.

I rocked back on my heels. It was the highest praise I'd received since starting at Craddock where Alex had been my reluctant mentor. "Thank you?" I said with my voice rising in question.

She turned to look in my eyes. She wore her typical uniform of white button up blouse fitted to make wearing the shirt with a modest set of breasts semi-comfortable. She paired it with a gray woolen skirt and a pair of oxfords with the slightest of heels. The office had a dress code and it was obvious that Alex had use a scalpel to get as close to non-compliance as she could manage. Her hair though was her main form of self expression and today it was layered with blue and green colors. "Check it in."

My eyebrows lifted. "Really?"

She cocked her head towards me in irritation.

"Ok, will do." I nearly clicked my heels together as I walked the three paces back to my smaller desk.

I glanced at the five by seven portrait of Polly on my desk and my enthusiasm deflated a bit. It had been four days since she left and I had jumped into my work in a way that left little room for anything else. Though every quiet moment, whether it was at night watching television with Lisa or just performing my necessary ablutions in the restroom, would bring Polly's face to my mind and a hard ache to my chest.

Mrs. McGentry walked into our little corner a few moments later. "Ready Jack." She wore a crimson dress and matching heels that screamed control and power laced with a feminine grace and sexuality.

"Is it five o'clock already?" I answered.

"No, it's 6:30." She answered.

"Oh, right." I grabbed a laptop off the desk and stuffed everything into my bag. I joined Mrs. McGentry in the elevator, she would not become Lisa until we reached her car. We rode down in silence and my stomach reminded me that I had skipped lunch yet again.

"Hungry?" Lisa asked as we drove out of the parking lot the few short miles toward her home.

"Famished. I forgot lunch."

"Alex has been silent on your performance. I spoke with Mr. Craddock on Monday and he's heard nothing."

"Uh oh." I said suddenly nervous about my future.

"You misunderstand me. If Alex had issues she would complain, vociferously. You should take it as a complement."

I nodded. "She let me do my first check in today. Called it adequate." I laughed as I used air quotes around the last word.

"High praise." Lisa said.


The chit chat died away as we collected some Chinese takeout and made our way home. All my fears of staying with Lisa had been completely unfounded so far. Lisa and I ate dinner, watched a bit of TV, and then we both collapsed into bed before 10pm every night. If we slept in the same bed we would be acting just like an old married couple.

After dinner on the couch with a television show, I walked toward Polly's room. Lisa stepped passed me on her way to her bed. "Good night Jack."

"Good night." I reached for Polly's door where I slept each night. I knew what waited on the other side. The temptation to open the box had become stronger each day. The splinter of curiosity dug itself deeply into my brain. I had considered sleeping in the guest room to avoid the sight of the damnable box, not convinced I could keep my own limbs under control. There was no way though, Polly's scent filled the room and I kept her nightgown wrapped around the pillow I used each night.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. The box rested on it's pedestal like Frodo's Ring of Power. I had yet to touch the box for fear any tactile examination could trigger the notification mentioned in Polly's letter. Today, though, it drew me towards it and I lightly rested my fingers on the polished wood. It neither exploded into splinters nor took control of my mind. My fingers simply rested there upon the smooth, cool surface.

I picked up Polly's missive and re-read it for probably the thousandth time before moving over to her bed and tossing back the soft satin sheets. After stripping to my underwear, I took up the small black notebook she had given me before her trip away and opened it.
Jack wrote: Hey Polly,

I miss you so much. Your box is still closed. I can't really put into words how much it is driving me crazy. If I wanted I can touch your clothes, your shoes, even your underwear but the most personal thing in this room, the one thing you created specifically for me, is locked behind my own fear. I can feel myself cracking. My hands start to shake if I look at the box too long. I'm actually worried I might open the box in my sleep.

I love you.
I laid back onto the bed and pulled Polly's nightgown over my face. The emerald green silk bathed me in Polly's essence and my desire for her skin and hair left me shaky and weak. I stood up and allowed the material slide down my bare chest which did nothing to help my weakening will. "Polly!" I whispered audibly into the room. "What is in that box?"

I paced around it. "You wouldn't hurt me." I spoke aloud.

"She would put you in a swimsuit and give you an embarrassing tan line." A rational voice spoke.

I looked down at my body where the tan lines were still visible, the edges slightly blurred by the passage of time. "Yes, she would." I picked up her nightgown off the bed and rubbed it against my cheek. "Would that be so bad?"

"Hey idiot," Mr. Rational yelled. "Polly's not here. It's her Mom. Don't forget that."

I nodded to the room. "You're right, of course. Her Mom could... What would Lisa do?"

"You'll be helpless." Mr. Rational said but his voice had softened.

"I'll be helpless." I agreed.

"You won't be able to stop her. She can do anything." Mr. Rational continued even more subdued.

"More importantly." I smiled. "I won't be responsible for what happens. I will be out of control."

The Gollum/Smeagol routine reduced into a single whispered voice. "Out of control." I reached for the box. It opened easily, without the slightest resistance. When the lid lifted I heard the faintest tinkle of something falling onto a wooden surface. A white envelope was the first thing I saw, the second was a small vile lying on its side. A small pool of black ink had tipped over when I lifted the lid. To hide my actions would require putting the clever trigger mechanism back into place and also removing all traces of the ink. There was no way. "Clever." I spoke aloud.

I picked up the first envelope. There was a large "#1" written across the front. A quick glance into the box showed the other envelopes were similarly marked to indicate the intended order. My hands trembled as I turned the envelope over in my fingers.

"Might as well open it." Lisa said from the doorway.

My heart tried to rip itself from my chest. "Gah!" I whirled around.

Lisa held up her hands in apology. "You were talking to yourself. I thought something was wrong." She stepped into the room wearing her usual nightwear consisting of the matched silver nightgown and robe. "My curiosity paid off, I wonder where yours will lead." She had a smirk on her face a mile wide looking at the open box.

I sat on the bed and fondled the envelope. Lisa picked up the pedestal and moved it to the side of the room. She knelt and picked up Polly's nightgown and tossed it back onto my pillow. She sat down next to me, the fact that I was only wearing my underwear meant little compared to the contents of the envelope. I held each corner between my fingertips and slowly rotated the white parchment in lazy circles.

"Shall I get the black bag from beneath this bed or wait until morning." Lisa smiled.

"So you helped her write this?" I thumped the envelope with a finger.

"No." She said shaking her head back and forth. "I just know my daughter." She moved her body close enough that I could feel her warm breath on my skin and the softness of her satin gown. "Or maybe...I just know you."

I shuddered as a chill went up my spine. The surge of longing that had driven me to open the box still lingered in my thoughts. "What are you going to do?"

"Exactly what Polly says in that letter, nothing more, nothing less. I like you Jack, but I am wise enough not to interfere beyond what Polly intends."

"This is weird," I taped the letter against my thigh, then I looked into Lisa's eyes. They were the same shade of green as Polly's. I could easily see the woman that Polly would become. "What do you think she is doing right now?"

Lisa settled back onto the bed placing her hands behind her in support. She gazed absently into one corner of the ceiling. "I imagine she is in her bed chit-chatting with Kat about girl stuff, or maybe about you. Is it a one room cabin?"

"No, there are two. Mom and Dad insist on privacy."

Lisa sighed. "What might have been..." She had a tone of melancholy I only heard when she spoke of the past.

"Is my Dad really that desirable?" Lisa had confessed earlier to me that she had a crush on my Dad when they were younger.

"A man totally devoted to you? Willing to do anything to keep you safe? To do anything to keep you happy? Yeah he is." Lisa responded.

"When we first met," I began and watched Lisa's face bloom into a smile at the memory. "What would have happened to a different guy, someone who was not related to my Dad?"

Lisa looked at me and smiled. "Oh I don't know. Had Polly said the same things about this hypothetical boy as she said about you I probably would have done the same."

"She didn't know me at all, we had never spoken before that day, ever." I protested. "How could she have said anything?"

"You know what they say." Lisa smiled. "Actions speak louder than words and you did allow your sister to tie you to Polly's bed. You did know whose bed it was before you were stuck there?" Lisa asked.

I nodded.

"Right. How many boys do you know would let their sister do that?" Lisa asked.

I thought for a long minute as a rolodex of male faces flashed through my mind. "I can't think of any?"


I nodded slowly and could not help but feel a tinge of sympathy for Lisa. "I hope you find someone. I did not really understand happiness until I met Polly. Now I really don't want to live without it."

Lisa took a deep breath of barely masked pain. "Thank you Jack. Now open the letter. I have a French Maid's dress I'm dying to see you in."

My hand froze. I turned to look at her. "Why? Why do you want to see me wearing such a costume?"

Lisa leaned in. "Jack, it's not so much the costume but your reaction to it. Could a pirate costume create the same reaction from your body? A clown costume? What about a blushing bride?"

She was right, the mention of a bride, the pinnacle of feminine beauty, caused me to wince in surprise. Lisa raised her eyebrows in recognition. "So you're some kind of succubus, you feed on my humiliation?"

"That's just it, my young peach, you are not just flushed with embarrassment, you are flushed with excitement. You want to feel the the tight grip of a French Maid's fishnet tights, the crushing embrace of the satin corset, and the tickle of the lacy skirt against your thighs."

My eyes slipped closed as her words poured through my mind as I denied every word. It was not true, it was not true. I wanted no such thing. I saw an image of my head atop a body decked out in such clothing and I laughed at my skinny limbs and flat chest, it was ridiculous.

Lisa continued. "But most of all, Jack, it will be my hands raising the tights up your legs, my fingers tightening the laces of the corset, and I will decide how you look. You don't get a choice." Lisa took a slow breath and whispered softly into my ear. "Open the letter, Peach." My hands moved of their own accord. I had little control over my trembling fingers as they tore the envelope open. "Read it aloud."
Polly wrote:Mark this day Jack, how long did you last? It doesn't matter now but it will for another challenge.
I paused and looked at Lisa and counted on my fingers. "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Four days."

Lisa nodded.
Polly wrote:The rules for this challenge are simple.
  1. Mom will use five minutes of every half hour to tie up a compliant Jack.
  2. Jack wears whatever he chooses.
  3. After four hours rule #1 and #2 are no longer valid.
  4. Jack gets a 10 minute break every four hours.
  5. The three P's shall not be broken.
If Jack escapes or lasts a full day without giving up he wins. Mom can decide how Jack will signal his desire to quit. Success here will make the next challenge easier, at least for Jack.
Lisa smiled broadly as I folded the paper. "Well this will prove interesting. Though I'm not sure I know what the three P's are?"

"That's something Polly came up with. Nothing painful, nothing public, nothing permanent."

Lisa nodded. "I like it. Easy to remember. We can't start tonight though."

I stared at the paper and reread it slowly to myself. I get to wear whatever I wanted for the first four hours. I have to escape before then, I just had to. Perhaps I could plant a few things around the bedroom to aid my release. Of course that meant I would be tied up in this bedroom which was not guaranteed.

Lisa stood up and headed toward the door. "Good night. See you in the morning."

I collapsed back on the bed Polly's letter sliding from my fingers onto the floor. "Pandora's box indeed. Why couldn't I leave the damn thing alone." Sleep came slowly with distracting dreams of being bound by inescapable bonds.

* * *

A gentle shake on my shoulder roused me the following morning and my eyes were greeted by Lisa's smiling face. "Wake up my little peach." She reached down and pulled Polly's emerald green nightgown from around my neck where it had become lodged during the night. "You should just wear it. I'm sure Polly won't mind." Lisa smiled.

Witty repartee is almost impossible with Lisa, she is just so damn good at it. Silently I looked over at my cell phone for the time. "6 am? Do we need to go in early?"

Lisa shook her head. "No. In fact you and I are the unfortunate victims of some bad Chinese food. We both have terrible food poisoning and won't be able to go in to work today."

My eyes got wide as my tired brain processed the ramifications of her words. "Polly's challenge?"

Lisa's eyes sparkled in the dim light in the room. "I figured you'd be useless at work anyway."

This was probably true. "I give myself a 2% chance of success. And that's if you make a mistake." I said glumly.

"You are such a charmer." Lisa smiled and pulled the satin sheets away from my body causing gooseflesh to cover my skin.

"Alright, alright. Let me shower and stuff."

Lisa held out her hand toward the door of Polly's room. "I'll be waiting."

I took a long...long...long hot shower. And I spent enough time on the toilet for both my legs to fall asleep. After donning a loose cotton T-shirt and shorts I exited the bathroom behind a large billow of steam. As I did so Lisa stepped out of her bedroom wearing a similar outfit of my own, both our T-shirts were gray, but she exchanged black leggings for shorts. "I get you for a full day whether or not you spend another hour in the bathroom."

"Maybe." I said defiantly thrusting out my chin. "I may escape."

"The heat has given you hope. That is good. Would you like a bit of advice before we start?" Lisa said slowly.

"Ok." I looked at her through lowered eyebrows.

"You should wear spandex, maybe tights and a leotard." Lisa explained.

"Oh really. And why is that?" I said with obvious sarcasm.

"They are tight and smooth and you may be able to slip out of the whatever restraints I choose."

"You know what? I think I'll pass." I said.

Lisa shrugged. "Suit yourself, just trying to give you a chance. Please step into Polly's room."

"Here we go." I whispered. "I'm about to be bound and gagged by my girlfriend's mother. What is wrong with my life?"

Lisa snorted. "My little peach, you crack me up."

"What's with the 'little peach' crap?" I asked.

"Just something I thought of after seeing your cute little bum." Lisa laughed her hand darting toward my buttocks.

I dodged out of her reach and rolled my eyes.

"Shall we get started?" Lisa asked.

"Just a minute." I grabbed my cell phone and turned on a timer for five minutes. I placed the phone so I could easily see the seconds ticking down. "Keeping you honest."

Lisa glanced at her own watch and rolled her eyes. "As if I need to cheat."

I sat on the bed and looked back at Lisa trying hard to keep the butterflies in my stomach under control. Lisa pulled out the black bag from beneath Polly's bed and I noticed that there was a second sack lying next to it. She reached into this and withdrew a roll of black wrap that I recognized as vet wrap, a kind of tape that adheres to itself but not anything else, perfect to bind wounds, or in my case to bind limbs. I sighed knowing exactly what she intended to do and held out my hand.

Lisa smiled at my understanding of her intentions and began to wrap it around my wrist descending over my hand forcing my fingers into a fist. She repeated the process with my other hand and a quick glance at the phone revealed that the process of making my hands useless black balls had required only 90 seconds. "Ok I'd better hurry."

I flexed my wrists and tried to extend my fingers. I would not be freeing them without the aid of my teeth and Lisa has plenty of time to remove that possibility. She added two of the pink leather cuffs to my wrists and the matching collar around my neck. "Where did you get these cuffs and collar? They are well made."

"Selena's belated birthday present to Polly." I answered while Lisa quickly finished buckling the collar around my neck.

She took a length of thin silk from the bag and pulled my wrists behind my back. I could feel her threading the soft material through the rings on the cuffs and then felt a tug at my neck as my hands were pulled upward behind my back toward my neck. I grunted as they reach halfway and the clock hit four and a half minutes. "No time for a gag."

She pulled me over to Polly's closet using a finger hooked into the ring of my collar. I stumbled behind her as she opened the door. A small mountain of clothes rolled out of the door and spilled onto the floor. I was stunned since Polly had never been such a messy person. "This must be all the clothes from her drawers as well as everything pulled from the hangers." Lisa said. "Polly is up to something."

I craned my neck over my shoulder at my cellphone, 15 seconds left.

"Oh well, no time for puzzling this out. In you go." Lisa pushed me toward the door. As my legs met the mound of clothes I fell face first into the soft mass of various fabrics. Polly's scent enveloped my face and I quickly tried to turn around and face the door. More clothes were tossed on top of me as Lisa cleared the doorway. Darkness closed around me when the door clicked closed. I heard the timer start to beep. Time was up. "See you in a few minutes."

I rolled over in the piles of clothing and tried to sit up but with my arms suspended from my neck halfway up my back I had little leverage to get my legs beneath me. The clothes were everywhere. When I twisted around some extremely soft material fell in around my face and no amount of shaking could dislodge it. My legs too were wrapped up in unknown garments that seemed to only get tighter the more I struggled. I eventually found myself wedged into a corner of the closet with my head covered by multiple layers unable to move. I panted with the effort and managed to find a small opening space within my dark prison to suck in cool air. I dared not move for fear I would somehow lose this small sanctuary.

The faintest bloom of light reached my eyes after many minutes. The sound of Lisa's laughter was muffled from beneath all the layers of material. "You need to wiggle a bit so I can see you."

I shook my legs and I felt Lisa uncover my ankles.

"Ok, I've got five minutes but it will take longer than that just to get you out of there." I felt something wrap around one of my free ankles. "I can't believe Polly did this to her closet. I can't figure the reason?"

I could barely hear her through the layers of clothing covering me but I could definitely feel her wrap cuffs around my ankles and fasten them together. I tried to move but all I could manage was a slight roll onto my side. "Alright, Peach, I've got a couple more minutes let me see if I can find your hands." Cool air reached my arms as clothing was pulled to the side and I felt Lisa's fingers touch my wrapped hands. There was a quick tug and my knees were bent pulling my hands toward my ankles. I was trapped, hog-tied and buried inside a mountain of Polly's clothing surrounded by the scent of vanilla and roses. "That's my time. See you soon." The faint light disappeared vanished as the door clicked closed.

Perhaps I dozed off. Time passed oddly with only the throbbing of blood pulsing in my bound fingers and a moderate ache of my shoulders to keep me company. It seemed only moments later when the closet opened again. "Alright, Peach, time to get you out of there." Clothes were tossed aside and light kindled before my eyes though still muted through layers of clothing. "It seems the rules say nothing about how much time I should spend freeing you."

Eventually I felt her arms on my legs and I began to slide backward out the door pulling layers of clothing with me. Lisa removed the soft skirt that had slipped over my face. I blinked my eyes against the flood of light and saw Lisa chuck the clothing back into the closet and force the door closed with her shoulder. "I wish I knew what that was all about." Lisa said scowling at the closet door. She knelt down next to me and removed the bonds holding my feet to my hands and then removed the bonds holding the ankle cuffs together. "I'm hungry. We're going down for a bit of breakfast."

Lisa led me carefully down the stairs aware of my imperfect balance due to my hands still pulled up my back. In the kitchen she pulled out a chair and pointed to it. A quick effort with a couple zip ties attached my ankles firmly to the crossbar of the chair suspending my feet from the floor. Lisa quickly removed the silk cord holding my hands suspended from my collar and fixed them to the sides of the chair with two more zip ties. A fifth zip tie connected one of the rings on the collar to the tall back of the wooden chair keeping my head firmly tied to the chair. She used a pair of clippers to remove the tails from the zip ties and then stepped back to regard me. "Any thoughts on your chances of escape?"

I tried to look down at my wrapped fingers but was brought up short by the collar connected to the back of the chair. I elected to ignore her question. "How do I give up, in case I want to deprive you of a day's worth of fun?"

Lisa tapped an index finger against her lips and turned toward the kitchen. "I have been giving that some thought, and haven't come up with anything."

"So I am just trapped, no matter how crazy you get." I said with the slightest touch of heat in my voice. Lisa was not Polly after all and I had much less concern for her feelings.

Her eyes stabbed at me in irritation. "Petulance, Peach?" She departed from my line of sight. Moments later she was back before me. "I thought perhaps you could be pleasant conversation during my breakfast but you seem to be disagreeable this morning. I'm going to use the last 30 seconds of my time to fix that. Open up."

I rolled my eyes and parted my lips. Lisa held a leather strap that suspended a large rubberized ring in the center. A device I had not seen before. She placed the ring behind my lower teeth forcing my jaw open wider until it passed my upper teeth. The ring was unyielding and my jaw was kept open wide. The straps dangled loosely from each corner of my stretched lips and seemed unnecessary since my tongue was not capable of dislodging the ring from behind my teeth. Nevertheless Lisa fastened it behind my neck firmly. "There we go Peach."

I tried to speak but I could not decipher the sounds flowing from my gaping mouth even knowing full well what I intended to say.

Lisa returned to the kitchen and prepared her breakfast. "I guess I don't need two servings today. Probably best since I don't really want to help you use the bathroom."

I groaned as the first trickles of saliva rolled down my chin and dripped onto my chest. Lisa returned a few minutes later with a bowl of what appeared to be yoghurt covered with fruit and oatmeal. She sat a second small bowl in front of me which contained only a viscous golden fluid.

"I should probably use cream, you know peaches and cream, but I think honey will be more effective." Lisa smiled.

I looked at her wondering what she was intending to do when she produced a small paint brush and dipped it into the honey bowl. The familiar taste filled my mouth as she slowly stroked the brush over my tongue. After two more trips to the bowl the inside of my cheeks and roof of my mouth had received the touch of the small brush. What had been a slow drip of drool from my lips turned into a flood. Long ropy strings connected my chin to my shirt while Lisa returned to her breakfast without concern.

I jerked against the collar holding me against the chair as my own drool continued to soak my shirt. Frustration stained my vision. I could accept the lack of control over my fingers, or my arms, or my legs, but now my own saliva, it was maddening. Lisa watched me and I struggled to steady my breathing and control the impotent rage boiling behind my eyes. She then picked up the paint brush and began again, first with my tongue and ending with the roof of my mouth.

My gray shirt darkened to a slimy black as Lisa continued to calmly eat her breakfast while painting my mouth with honey whenever she determined I needed another dose. Eventually Lisa put away her breakfast dishes and then pulled her chair closer to mine. She grabbed the bowl and paintbrush and once again filled my mouth with the now gagging taste.

"Now Peach, you have an inkling of what you are about to endure. I can control you in more ways than you realize. You can't even stop from drooling all over yourself." Lisa looked back over her shoulder at the clock. "It's been about two hours at this point. You have two more hours before the gloves come off according to Polly's rules. Nod your head now if you admit defeat."

Chapter 29 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge Part 2

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:03 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 29 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge Part 2

Lisa's words echoed through the vault of my mind. "Admit defeat." Her boasts had merit undoubtedly, I could not imagine the trial that awaited me if I continued the challenge. I did not doubt that her control would extend to my clothing and beyond, but to give up after only two hours. What would Polly say?

Lisa stared at me and I kept my body still while pondering the words. She knelt down placing her elbows on my knees and traced her index finger over my drool covered shirt. "This is a chance to give up easily. I am not going to go to a bunch of effort and then have you quit on me. So give up now or wait until your break at the four hour mark."

A lance of fear shot through my body. What did she have planned for me?

"Ten seconds, Peach."

I simply could not be the guy who gave up out of fear especially when I could not distinguish my fear from excitement. I knew also I would regret my own stubbornness.

Lisa patted my cheek. "I'm so glad. This is going to be fun, at least for me." She stood up. "Rules are rules though, I can't really do much until four hours have passed." She walked away and returned with a roll of plastic wrap. "Though in another four minutes I get to tie you up some more."

I hung my head.

"Now no complaining, Peach. I gave you a chance to get out of this." Lisa sat down and crossed her legs. "While we wait for the seconds to tick by. Would you like to change your gag?"

I began to nod but Lisa held up her fingers. "Take a moment, I can't promise it will be any easier."

My jaw ached and I hated the feeling of uncontrolled drooling but tried to imagine something worse. Everything that came to mind would violate the prohibition against pain or permanence so I nodded.

Lisa spent the last minutes painting my mouth with more honey. If I ever tasted honey again it would be too soon. I growled through my open mouth and tried to shake my head which only caused Lisa to paint my cheeks and lips.

Lisa glanced at her watch. "Alright Peach, let's make sure you don't manage a miracle escape shall we." Lisa picked up the roll of plastic wrap and discarded the box. She wound the plastic around my body and chair. Any previous movement I enjoyed soon disappeared beneath multiple layers of the clear plastic that plastered my drool soaked shirt to my chest. The roll emptied and I was covered from toes to chin. My every breath caused the plastic to stretch and crinkle. Escape had gone from unlikely to impossible.

"That took longer than expected we'll have to switch the gag in the next half hour. Are you comfy?" The constant mockery was getting old. I ignored her and tried to focus on anything other than my drying mouth and aching jaw. The plastic wrap became pleasant since it spread the constriction of my bonds out along my arms and legs instead of focusing it at my ankles and wrists but as the the minutes passed a sticky heat began to build. My damp shirt was no longer a noticeable feeling as sweat began to accumulate inside the entirety of the plastic cocoon. My sweat-slick skin provided some small modicum of movement, enough to wiggle my knees, but little else.

Lisa sat down in front of me. "You still want a different gag?"

I nodded more emphatically this time, my thirst becoming a central concern in my thoughts.

Lisa smiled and took out a glass mason jar and set it on the table. She produced a wad of shiny green fabric and held it before my eyes to reveal a pair of silky panties. She pushed the panties inside the mason jar and then produced a second pair of panties of similar cut but in a bright red color. These too she poked through the narrow opening of the mason jar. With her eyes on mine she began to squeeze honey from a bear-shaped bottle into the jar covering the garments in the viscous fluid. "These," Lisa pointed at the jar. "Are going in your mouth. The only question I have is whether you are going to get a drink of water before they do."

I looked at her not really understanding and Lisa let the seconds tick by for my mind to fill in the blanks with horrors more terrible than any she intended to create. I grunted trying to say the word, "Please." Lisa set a bottle of water on the table. "I am taking off your ring gag, don't try and struggle. And no caterwauling."

The gag came off and my jaw remained open as the muscles seemed unable to respond to my brain's desire to close my mouth. After a few moments when my muscles had relaxed Lisa held a straw to my lips. "I know what that gag is like. I prefer more flexible gags myself."

"I can't escape. I don't need a gag. " I said though my voice was soft and hoarse despite the refreshing drink.

Lisa nodded and rubbed a hand across my plastic covering my legs. "Probably not, but I am not going to risk losing this challenge because of carelessness. I know how clever you are."

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked trying to keep my voice polite out of fear of the brutal ring gag. "The rules say you have to let me quit if I want."

Lisa smiled and rose from her chair only to cradle my head in her arms. "Oh my little peach, I'll give you a chance to quit. After all, how else will I win. It is not going to be on your terms though. Now open wide." Lisa tipped the mason jar and pulled one pair of the sticky panties through the opening covering her own fingers in the honey. I pursed my lips at first, but a sharp look from Lisa changed my mind and the sticky wad of cloth was forced passed my lips leaving trails of honey on my chin. I tried to chew the cloth into a wad but the other pair of panties entered my mouth and the large amount of cloth kept me from fully closing my jaw.

"Don't spit those out." Lisa ordered as she wiped her hands off on a damp cloth. She then picked up the vet wrap recently used to turn my hands into useless black balls. "Open your mouth a bit." She pulled the wrap between my teeth forcing the cloth deeper and I had to concentrate to keep the panties from sliding further down my throat. Moving my tongue to speak would be impossible. After several circuits around my head filling the gap created by my open mouth she passed the wrap over my lips and chin keeping everything tightly wedged in my mouth.

I grunted in discomfort and a bit of nausea. I would not be eating honey for a very long time. My saliva soon soaked the silken material and I had to concentrate each time I swallowed to keep everything in place. "Alright Peach, I'll talk to you soon. See if you can escape."

I glared at her. The absurdity of her statement annoyed me.

Time passed swiftly as my tongue was occupied by keeping the gagging material away from my throat and gag reflex. My mind began to drift and it settled on a memory of Polly, one of my favorite memories. Polly was bound to the coffee table in her gorgeous near-black leotard. I could still feel the slick material beneath my fingers, the sweat across her skin, and the tremble of her smooth muscles. Colors swirled and blood pounded in my ears the memory began to shift. I was bound to the coffee table, I was wearing the leotard, and Polly stood above me sliding her fingers across my skin. I tried to pull free but my hands were bound. I felt Polly's fingers moving across my chest, or was that sweat. Wait? Polly was gone. What was happening?

A sharp sensation stung my cheeks. Someone was slapping me. "Jack, wake up." I looked up and felt a strange shifting sensation as the images from the dream reoriented themselves around the present reality. Polly's fingers became sweat sliding around in the plastic, the white ball gag became a mouthful of honey flavored silk. I struggled to swallow the accumulated saliva as Lisa stood before me.

"Are you ok?" Lisa asked holding a pair of scissors and sliding it between my cheek and the vet wrap gag.

I blinked my eyes as the confusing images slipped away beneath the harsh light of reality. I nodded slowly.

Lisa pulled the wrap away and then plucked the silk wads from my mouth and offered a straw. "Where were you just now?"

I took several swallows. "I was just remembering a time with Polly. I must have dozed off."

"You're eyes were open." Lisa said. "But no one was home."

I remembered the waking dream and tried to hide the implications from my face. In one of my favorite memories I had switched the roles. I was bound to the coffee table, I was wearing the leotard. “Oh man.”

"Good time for a break. The four hours are up." Lisa used the scissors to remove the wrapping and a blast of icy cold air caused me to shiver. She clipped the zip ties and removed the cuffs and finally unwrapped my hands. "Be back here in 10 minutes. Don't be late."

I fled to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I jumped in the shower and turned the water as hot as I could stand trying to scald the mixed images away from my thoughts. What seemed like two seconds later Lisa yelled through the bathroom door, "Two minutes." I turned off the water and toweled off. I had no desire to put on the drool and sweat covered shirt so wearing just my shorts I walked out of the bathroom.

Lisa sat in the living room on the couch and she indicated the spot next to her. "Have a seat." I sat down and did not meet her eyes. "Do you wish to give up?"

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Not yet."

"You know that the first two rules are no longer in effect. I can take as long as I want to tie you up and you don't have any control over your clothing."

A sudden chill swept over my skin and I shuddered. "Yes, I understand."

"Are you excited?" Lisa asked.

I looked at her then. She had pulled her hair back into a ponytail but had not changed out of the simple T-shirt and leggings. How could I answer the question when part of me says yes and part of me, the one that cares about what people think, says no. "I don't know." Lisa looked at me sideways obviously assuming that I did not want to talk about it. I returned her look with a defiant and frustrated set to my jaw. "What do you want me to do?"

Lisa settled back into the couch. "I want you to you to lose, but not yet." Lisa said. "I know my daughter, she doesn't expect you to win."

I shrugged, "Let's do this then."

"Give me your hands." Lisa said.

I moved my hands toward her and she picked up a white roll of tape which was thicker than normal tape and had a bit of stretch to it. "This is foam tape, should be more comfortable." She wrapped it around each of my hands once again forcing them into useless fists. "Come into the kitchen."

I followed and noticed what appeared to be a hair dryer lying on the counter next to a roll of clear plastic. Lisa cut off a sheet of the plastic and placed it over one my hands. "This is a heat gun. The tape I used will protect your hands from the heat, if it starts to hurt just sing out." She directed the heat over the plastic which rapidly shrank down onto my hands into a clear plastic shell. She removed the excess plastic with scissors before repeating the process with my other hand. She added a second layer of the shrink wrap to each hand creating a resistant coating of plastic around my taped hands. "There we go."

I thought I might use my teeth to break through the plastic shell but Lisa picked up something from a nearby shelf which I immediately recognized. "Did Selena give this to Polly as well?"

I groaned and nodded my head. "Please, not that. Anything but that."

"Sorry Peach, open up."

Lisa held the pink phallic gag that had been first used on me by Selena many days before. There was no use delaying the inevitable as even the round doorknobs of the many escape routes would now be nearly insurmountable obstacles. I closed my eyes. "Is there anything else..."

Lisa shoved the hard plastic between my lips before I could finish the sentence. I lowered my head and she buckled the straps behind my neck. "Looks just like a ball gag. A ball gag with a surprise, eh." Lisa laughed. "Follow me Peach."

She took me into the living room and stopped at the foot of the stairs. She held a long silky scarf in one hand which she wrapped loosely around my neck. It was tight enough to prevent it from slipping over my head but not tight enough to restrict air or blood flow. The staircase rose to a landing where it turned 90 degrees and continued to the second floor of the house. This lower flight of stairs was bordered on each side by a wooden banister that terminated in a thick decorative column that rose no higher than my waist. Lisa tied the other end of my silken collar to this wooden pillar just below polished sphere at the top. I could sit on the bottom step with reasonable comfort if I kept my cheek pressed into the wood.

"There now, hardly any ropes at all. See if you can escape from that. Don't say I never gave you a chance. I'll be back in just a few minutes." Lisa said and walked up the stairs. My back was turned or I would have glared at her or at least watched her tight posterior move up the stairs, but with my neck firmly connected to the post I could not fully turn my body.

I immediately went to work at the knot holding my neck to the wooden pillar but the smooth plastic covering my hands allowed no purchase on the material, had the silken scarf been tied into a pretty bow I doubt I would have had any more success. I switched to the gag but again the buckle required ten-fold more dexterity than I could produce with my spherical hands. I banged my hands together in attempt to crack the shell of the plastic but it only bent beneath the blows and remained tightly adhered as if they had been dipped into clear hard candy.

I gave up and relaxed against the banister as much as possible and waited for Lisa's return while my imagination gifted me with images of what would happen should Lisa collapse from a massive coronary. "Still there." Lisa said after what must have been an hour later.

I grunted with effort and tried to turn my head to look up the stairs but could only manage to see her out of one eye. That one eye though grew wide in shock. Lisa was standing on the landing wearing the short flared skirt, the plunging neckline, the white apron, the white cap, and fishnet hosiery of a classic French Maid. Her makeup was intense and vivid with smoky eyes and bright red lipstick. She slowly flowed down the steps balancing atop a pair of four inch shiny black heels with bright red toes visible beneath the cross hatch pattern of the hosiery. Her hands tucked inside a pair of opera-length gloves slid down the banister and across my cheeks as she passed me on the final flight of stairs. She stopped at the bottom and did a twirl. "Well, what do you think?"

The gag prevented any coherent response but my eyes traveling up and down her body spoke louder than any voice. I had never seen such an expansive amount of cleavage on Polly's Mom, not even when she wore a swimsuit, it was like a shelf of soft flesh jutting forth from her chest. "I'll take your inability to blink as a complement." Lisa smiled.

Her flaming hair seemed to glow in the afternoon light and her every movement sent ripples through the skirt that seemed preternaturally suspended from her waist in an inverted cone of black satin. "What is she doing?" I thought as I tried to reassemble the scattered circuits in my brain.

Lisa stepped forward and knelt down so her face was within inches of my own. The skirts of the uniform now spread to cover her knees and tickled my bare thighs. "I would never ask you to wear something I would not wear myself."

My eyes got wide and I began to shake my head violently back and forth. Her flaming hair tossed in a laugh at my terror and she stood up and walked into the kitchen. I heard her heels clicking around on the tile floor for several minutes. "Damn it." Her voice roared from the kitchen.

I craned my neck but could not see anything from my position. The click of heels transitioned to the silence of carpeting as she moved toward me. "Work just called." A sudden sense of relief washed over my body as palpable as the previous feeling of dread. There would be no way she could do anything if there was an emergency at work. "I better go change." Lisa shook her head and swept passed me on the stairs her wide skirt again brushing against me.

The minutes ticked by, though easier to bare this time. Lisa returned wearing a simple skirt and blouse with a pair of black flats. "I'm sorry I have to go, this thing at work requires my attention sickness or no sickness. But don't worry I called a babysitter."

I looked sharply at her just as she stepped away toward the kitchen. She turned and flashed me a smile and then opened the door to the garage. I heard her car start and the house fell silent. I renewed my efforts to free the knot at my throat but my smooth hands continued to slip across the material. I jerked with my neck but only felt my skin grow hot from the friction created by struggles. I slumped against the banner and tried to think my way around the problem. The clear sharp sound of a key turned in the lock of the front door and it echoed in the oppressive silence of the house.

I was nearly naked, wearing only my shorts, and if the front door were thrust open wide my predicament would be visible to anyone standing outside. I shrank back against the stairs and watched as a dark haired woman slipped inside and quickly closed the door behind her. She wore a simple blue T-shirt dress that stopped at mid thigh and a wedge heeled sandal that added an inch or two to her height.

She turned around and took off her sunglasses. "Did you miss me Jack?" Selena Bates said with the brightest smile I had ever seen grace her face.

Chapter 30 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge - Selena

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:04 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 30 - Polly's Box - The First Challenge - Selena

If my mouth had not been stuffed full of pink plastic it would have been hanging open in shock. Selena, my math teacher, who last time had folded me into a birthday box for my girlfriend, was grinning maniacally while pacing toward my helpless form. Where Lisa had red curly hair Selena had the same curl in a lustrous black . She wore a slightly fitted T-shirt style dress in blue coupled with a pair of cork heels that would make her the equal to Lisa in height. Her eye twinkled in mischief when she saw me.

"I am not 100% informed on what’s going on, but I do know that Lisa will be real upset if you manage to get free. So I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen." Selena glided forward and placed her hands on both my cheeks. I tried to push her away but she stepped closer pinning my body against the banister and increasing the pressure on my neck from the scarf. She stroked my cheeks around the straps of the gag. "This time, Jack, I'm not going to be all sweetness and light. This time, I'm going to have some fun." She released my face and darted up the stairs leaving me with a sheen of sweat on my brow and a tremor rattling my knees.

With an effort born of desperation I started again to rub my hands vigorously on the silken scarf holding my neck to the post. After this proved futile I forced my rounded fists between the vertical bars of the banister in a vain hope of pulling the plastic shells from my hands but only managed to scratch my arms and make the smallest of perforations in the plastic that did not extend to the tape beneath. I felt her presence return before hearing her voice. "My oh my, there are some amazing things in Lisa's room, she has plans for you Jack." Selena said. "Polly's room is a bit of a mess though. Did you destroy her closet?"

I shook my head as Selena reached the bottom stair. She carried several things in her arms. A pot that trailed an electrical cord, a couple of bags, and a small bundle of white cloth. "Are you going to cooperate?" Selena asked.

This was my chance. If I could get her to trust me enough, she might become careless allowing me to escape. I nodded my head vigorously. Selena unloaded the items she carried with her and dashed back up the stairs patting me on the head as she went by. "You are going to be so gorgeous when I'm done with you."

I let my eyes slip closed at these words. Why? Why would Selena or Lisa, or even Polly want to do this to me. Some sort of feminine revenge on the fact that nature gifted men with higher muscle mass. I growled words around my gag which brought a smile to Selena's lips upon her return this time carrying a familiar looking pile of black and white satin.. "I couldn't quite make that out? Would you like me to remove the gag?"

I nodded as hard as the silk scarf would allow.

"I won't make you, Jack. If you really like sucking on that thing..."

I glared daggers at her and she held up her hands. "Alright, I was only kidding, but you have to let me tie each of your hands to these two banisters." She pointed to the posts that demarcated the end of the staircase. My mind buzzed with the opportunity presented by getting my neck free. She would have to release me that much to get my hands bound to the separate posts. I again nodded my agreement.

"I'll remove your gag after your hands are bound to the posts. It's not that I don't trust you, but..." Selena smiled. "I don't trust you."

I rolled my eyes at her as she knelt and began to pick at the knot with her manicured fingers. As I felt my head fall away from the post I moved to stand up and rejoiced to discover myself completely free of all bonds save the gag and my wrapped hands. I acted immediately. Selena was still partially kneeling down before me and I shoved her shoulders hard. I expected to easily push her over but she was heavier than I imagined. I compromised her balance however and she fell over onto her buttocks with a small grunt. "Hey, ouch."

I dashed past her toward the back door of Polly's house. I used both my hands to twist the lever-style knob that held the door closed and pulled. No luck, it was locked. The latch had a twist-type lock embedded into the handle and I spend a few precious seconds attempting to move the lock to the open position but could not get my useless hand-ovals to perform the task. I heard the slap of shoes on the tile floor behind me. Without looking back I darted to the side and ran around a startled Selena down the hall and into the bathroom on the main floor. I pushed the door closed and pressed the little button to lock the door. I leaned my back against it and took a few moments to catch my breath.

"Jack, Jack, Jack." Selena said from just outside the door. "What are you doing?"

She knew I could not answer with the gag in my mouth.

"Now things are going to be more difficult for you." Selena said.

I frantically searched through the bathroom for something I could use to free my hands but this was a guest bathroom and things like nail files and scissors were not kept here and even had they been I was not sure how to use them without my hands or teeth to grip them. After several minutes I could hear some rustling outside the locked door and then silence. More time passed before her voice came again. "You know that door can be unlocked from the outside." There was a click from the latch and the doorknob began to turn. I knew of the small hole where you could use a narrow screwdriver to unlock the door. Many times my sister had locked me out of the bathroom at home and I hoped that Selena was ignorant of its existence. I braced my back against the door with my feet on the opposite cabinet. The door shuddered under Selena's surprisingly strong efforts but my braced legs held and she had no chance to get in without breaking the door. "Ugh. You are being so difficult. I know just the thing though."

The pressure disappeared from the door and I heard footsteps move down the carpeted hallway. I needed some time to find a way to free my hands and there was nothing in the guest bathroom. If I could sneak away while she was getting whatever item she thought would give her entry, perhaps I could find something upstairs. With a deep breath I slowly opened the door and peered out into the short hallway. Spread out over the carpet in front of the door was what appeared to be cream colored sheets, perhaps removed from Polly's bed. Selena though was nowhere in sight. Without breathing I slid out of the bathroom and stepped on the sheet covered floor. I walked slowly toward the stairs hoping to find refuge in a more useful bathroom upstairs.

After no more than two steps, I heard the rustle of movement behind me and Selena sprang from the open door of the laundry room. "HA!" She yelled. I panicked and lunged down the hallway toward the stairs, or at least I tried to. At that moment the purpose of the sheet covered carpeting revealed itself. Selena had laid down two satin sheets so their slippery sides were facing each other. When I pushed off to flee, my leg slipped from underneath me and I dropped to my hands which also slipped on the sheets dropping me down to my elbows. My face nearly smacked the floor. I tried to use my other leg to move forward but it too slipped backward leaving me face down. I churned my legs but gained no forward momentum whatsoever. I felt rather than saw the sheet fall over my body where Lisa tossed it. The elastic corner of a fitted sheet slipped over my face and caught on my nose followed shortly by the weight of Lisa on my back. I had no leverage wrapped in the slippery sheets and my useless hands flailed in wasted effort. I was like a seal in a bathtub of oil.

Lisa straddled my back and pinned my hands to my sides. I felt a cord wrap snuggly around my neck keeping an additional sheet pressed tightly around my face. "Stop struggling." Selena breathed her mouth less than an inch from my ear with her body weight pressing down on me. "You are beaten."

I ignored her and rolled back and forth trying to buck her off. With each attempt through Selena forced more of the sheets in around my body until my movements were reduced to small shifts from side to side. "Jack," Selena whispered with the sound of triumph in her voice. "Relax, let it go."

In the recent past, I have watched movies and read books where villains talk of breaking their victims. I always assumed that it was the worst kind of fate for a person. I am not sure if that is an accurate description of what happened, but Selena's words broke something loose in my mind. All the fear, all the worry, and all the humiliation from being tied by Lisa and being away from Polly just drained away. The cancerous plug in my thoughts suddenly vanished and the emotions slid away carrying not just the fear and trepidation but also my ego and self interest along with it. In its wake was nothing but a pure white absence in my thoughts. Compared to the fear this was a pleasure so profound it is nearly impossible to describe, not an orgasmic pleasure, which is the culmination of physical ecstasy, but something much more solid. Call it relief; something that only happens when you have been in pain for so long its absence feels better than anything else in the world. To me it felt like a great sigh of pleasure and before my breath had finished leaving my lungs my body drifted down into complete relaxation.

Selena felt the difference immediately, my muscles previously filled with rocky tension turned to water and my body and limbs went limp. "There now, much better." Selena's weight departed but I did not move, I wanted to stay right where I was. I wanted to keep the whiteness, the absence of care, as long as possible. I felt Selena buckle something around my ankles. I felt her remove the cord around my neck. I felt her free my face from the sheets. I did not move. I did not care.

My hands were cuffed behind my back and I let my eyes slip closed. "Alright Jack, get up and come into the living room." I heard the words but the thought of resisting them caused the smothered cauldron of boiling fear to stir in my mind and I had no desire to awaken that particular dragon again. So I obeyed. I stood up and followed Selena into the living room.

"Lie down here." Selena ordered, indicating a blanket covering the carpet near the center of the room. Again the slightest flicker of defiance threatened my crystalline sphere of pleasure so I simply obeyed. She bound my ankles wide apart though her use of restraints in my current state was all but unnecessary. Likewise my arms were spread out connected to various pieces of heavy furniture. Selena stood over me positioned so my eyes could easily see beneath her short dress. This too awakened impulses that threatened my bliss so I closed my eyes.

"I am going to unbuckle your gag, Jack." Selena explained. "Leave the gag in your mouth." I felt her fingers picking at the side of my neck and the straps loosen. I kept the gag between my lips as instructed.

"As a consequence for your escape attempt, I am going to remove your body hair." Selena said intent on my reaction. "A full body wax." Something deep inside fluttered in absolute panic but I had no desire to leave the void I had wrapped myself in. No muscles twitched, my eyelids never fluttered. "It will not hurt." Selena continued. "You will not feel any pain."

Minutes passed and the air slowly filled with the scent of warm wax but my eyes remained closed. "Open your eyes." Selena said.

I opened my eyes.

"I am ready to begin. Again this will not hurt." The wax was pleasantly warm on my chest and I watched as Selena pressed a white strip of cloth onto my skin. I felt nothing, something wriggled across the white void that said I should have reacted to the sharp sting of ripped hair but Selena had already said that it would not hurt, so it didn't.

Selena cocked her head and looked me with her eyes registering the slightest glint of concern. "No flinch, it did not hurt?"

I rolled my head from side to side slowly.

"You will love smooth skin." Selena smiled and returned to her work. She was thorough. She waxed the front of my body from my wrists to ankles and even between my legs after cutting away my shorts and underwear. She spent a great deal of time on my face and neck before releasing the ropes and asking me to turn over. This time she did not bother to refasten the ropes. She continued the process of removing all my hair on my back and legs and the sensitive areas around my buttocks. I continued to float, to dream, and to not care..

"Stand Jack." Selena ordered.

I stood.

"Spit out the gag."

I let the gag fall from my mouth.

"Drink." Selena held a straw to my lips and I drank until she pulled it away.

"Spread your legs and hold your arms away from your body." Selena ordered and I obeyed. She slowly rubbed a cream into my skin. A sharp spike of pleasure pierced my bubble of bliss but I embraced the rapturous tingle of her creamy soft fingers and a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. "Feels good eh?" Selena smiled.

I nodded with a languid motion of my head.

"You are going to love the softer side of humanity."

I continued to nod and let my eyes slip closed as Selena's delicate fingers massaged the cream into the skin around my throat. She avoided my genitals but not my buttocks and I used all the pleasure to support my shell of bliss. If I became aroused it did not register in my thoughts as embarrassing, after all any amount of care or control I would exercise would only threaten my euphoric void.

"Lie down Jack. It's time to give you some shape. Lisa bought some amazing breast forms." Selena said. This time there was no panic at the edge of my consciousness. The words just slid over me without any effect at all. The justifications only reinforced my comfort, "I am not in control." "Don't get upset about things you cannot change." "Just roll with it." "Let it go."

I let my eyes slipped closed as the cool objects were attached to my chest with an even cooler fluid. They were pressed down and the soft weight slowly warmed. When Selena stepped back the weight remained but I kept my eyes closed not caring enough to look. "A little color to blend the edges." The soft touch of brushes danced across my chest. "Good enough. Stand up, Jack."

I did and had to open my eyes in order to keep my balance. The pendulous weights attached to my chest swayed freely as I bent over to gather my legs beneath me. The mounds of faux flesh did not scare me, I was beyond that. I was beyond the reach of anyone.

Selena slid a pair of silken underwear up my legs and a strip of fabric slipped between my buttocks. Fishnet tights followed the panties and gripped my smooth legs from navel to toes. The cross hatch pattern that pressed into my skin was a new sensation but no more than the added weight to my chest that rose and fell with each breath. The breast's movement were halted by the addition of a stiff black garment that Selena wrapped around my waist. It had cups that supported each breast as a shelf does a book, or perhaps more appropriately as a bowl does a melon. Clasps in the front were closed and strings in the back were lengthened until my waist shrank into a wasp-like version of its former slimness. My chest heaved in quick gasps until Selena relented an inch on the vice like corset wrapped around my body. "That's better, now you look less like an over-developed teenager and more like a burlesque dancer." Selena smiled.

"That's the hard part, now for the petticoat." A soft white garment was arrayed at my feet. "Step in." Selena instructed. She pulled the white fluff up my legs and it settled about my hips, the white ruffles stacked around in layers that stood out from my hips and thighs for several inches. "Now for the dress." A black satin dress was pulled over the petticoat and my hands slid through the short, white-trimmed sleeves that bunched around my shoulders like onyx pillows. The neckline barely covered the bodice of the corset displaying all the cleavage and hinted at twice as much more. Selena zipped the back of the dress as it transformed the exotic dancer into the playful maid.

"Very nice, just a few more things." A decorative apron was wrapped around my corset-constricted waist and tied into a large bow at the back. A wisp of black silk was wrapped carefully around my throat and tied into a similar bow at the side of my neck to create a unique choker-style necklace. Selena then stepped into the kitchen and returned with a bar stool. "Please sit down. I'll be right back. Don't move."

The moment of peace provided by Selena’s momentary absence was spent in a swirl of unconcerned pleasure. My cares and worries warred with my fears in a toxic stew well below the level of my awareness and nothing could touch me on my cloud of dispassionate apathy. Lisa returned with a small bag in one hand and several combs and brushes in another. She spent a few minutes brushing my hair and attaching a small white cap to my head before opening the bag and quickly applying cosmetics culminating with a dark red shade of lipstick. "What I would not give for your eyebrows. And your eyelashes are so full I did not need any mascara. Your cheekbones Jack, they are wasted on a boy."

Her words bounced off me as I obeyed her instructions to look this way, look that way, or to smile. "Now for the shoes. She picked up a pair of strappy high heeled sandals which she quickly slid onto my feet. "Same size as Lisa, did you know that?"

I shook my head at the question.

"Give me your arm." I held out my hand and she pulled me from the stool. "Just stand for a bit before walking." Selena left me standing and returned with a pair of scissors and a pair of black leather-looking cuffs. "I think we can free your hands, it must be awfully uncomfortable." Selena snipped away the clear plastic shells and the white tape that held my fingers trapped for so many hours. I flexed my fingers while sparkling sensation flowed into my hands.

Selena held up pair of black satin gloves the same pair that Lisa had worn so many hours earlier. "Hold out your hands, I really don't want to give you a manicure so we will use these." Once the long gloves gripped my arms from fingertip to elbow, Selena wrapped a cuff around each wrist which she fastened together in front of me with a small padlock.

"All done now. Take a few slow walks around the kitchen. It's easier to walk in heels on a hard surface. Just make sure and go slow. I'm going to clean up before Lisa returns."

The shoes hurt a bit but I walked slowly and managed to avoid twisting an ankle though it was difficult to keep my mind focused on my steps. "Lead with the ball of your foot, Jack" Selena said walking back into the kitchen. She held up her cellphone with one hand obviously snapping pictures or recording video. Nothing mattered anymore. "Use your calves to keep balanced." My mind incorporated the new instructions and I began to walk with a quicker, more natural stride despite the four inch elevation to my heel.

"Good, now get me a glass of water. I'm going to rest on the couch." Selena returned her phone to her pocket and left the kitchen.

I clip-clopped my way toward the cupboard to get a glass. The front door opened as I filled the glass with ice from the front of the refrigerator. "Hey Selena, where's Jack?" Lisa's voice said.

The glass was filled and I moved toward the living room where Selena sat. "Just wait." She said.

As I entered the living room I could see Lisa from the corner of my eye looking at me with her mouth open. I focused on the glass of water while moving slowly across the carpeted floor toward Selena. I held the glass out which she accepted with a twinkle in her eye. "Thank you Jack, go sit on a stool in the kitchen."

I turned and walked back into the kitchen, before I reached the stool Lisa's voice rolled loudly throughout the house. The anger in her voice was beyond anything I had ever heard. "What the fuck did you do?"

Chapter 31 - The First Challenge - Selena Is Punished

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:04 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 31 - The First Challenge - Selena Is Punished

Selena quickly retreated into the kitchen which allowed me to see the fear in her eyes. "Lisa, look, I did what you said."

Lisa's face was twisted into a mask that was one part fury and one part fear. "I said to keep him tied up. There was nothing in our conversation about you dressing him up."

Selena sat down at the table two paces from my stool where I kept my features emotionless while drifting in a dreamy lassitude. My pleasure was enhanced by the fact that the heels buckled to my feet were now hooked around the bars of the stool keeping the pressure off my aching toes.

Selena held up her hands in a placating gesture. "When I saw the costume on your bed I was just going to taunt him with it, but then he escaped."

"He escaped?" Lisa said calming slightly.

"Yes, he knocked me over and ran for the back door. When he couldn't open it," Lisa held up her clenched fists to indicate how my hands were bound at the time, "He locked himself in the guest bathroom."

Lisa turned to me. "Is that true?"

I nodded.

"What happened next?" Lisa asked Selena.

"Well I remembered from my younger days how slippery satin sheets are. One time several years ago, I was wearing this long satin nightgown and I jumped into my bed after buying satin sheets for the first time, well I just slid right off the other side and crashed into a wall." Selena said with a meek smile.

Lisa's eyes narrowed. "Your point?"

"Well I stripped Polly's bed of her sheets and then laid them out in front of the bathroom door. I figured if he came out I could catch him when he slipped on the sheets. That's what happened too. He came out. I yelled. He panicked and fell down face first. I then wrapped him up in the sheets."

Lisa raised her eyebrows. "The fall knocked his head or something. Is that what turned him into this robot?"

Selena shook her head. "The fall didn't hurt him, he went down pretty easy on the carpet. He managed to keep one leg underneath him as he fell."

"What caused it then?" Lisa pointed at me.

Selena shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure. I was wrapping the sheets around him and telling him to stop struggling. I told him he was beaten and then he suddenly went limp." Selena shrugged her shoulders. "All the fight just left him. He's been completely docile and compliant ever since. I've never seen anything like it."

Lisa got a puzzled look on her face and pulled up a chair directly in front of the stool I was perched on. She placed her hands on my fishnet covered legs sliding them an inch or two beneath the satin covered petticoat. "Jack are you in there?"

I looked at her and made no movement, the question bounced off my shell of indifference. I was locked behind it and I knew the question would lead to the waves of anger and fear the shell intended to protect me from.

Lisa shook her head. "I need to be careful I don't want to make this worse. Jack, please go to Polly's room and get me several coils of rope."

An oily feeling slid across my bubble of awareness stemming from my desire not to walk anymore in the shoes but pushing back against such a simple request could cost my contended state. I stood up carefully from the stool and moved toward the stairs leading my steps with the balls of my feet.

"What are you going to do with the rope?" Selena asked.

Lisa ignored the question. "Looks like he's walked in heels before."

"I don't think so." Selena said.

"No way he's that good. How much did he practice?" Lisa said still watching me move up the stairs.

I passed beyond the range of their voices before Selena could answer and entered Polly's room. A strong pressure of longing constricted against my mind as the smell of vanilla and roses enfolded my senses. Polly's scent seemed much stronger than usual. My knees shook and I almost lost my balance walking in the four inch heels across the soft carpet. I knelt down next to Polly's bed and tried to maintain the wavering stability of my personal nirvana. I took deep calming breaths with my cuffed hands cradled in the satin skirts hiding my legs from view. Polly's green eyes loomed before me and I could feel the ache rising in my chest. I savagely shoved the vision away and clawed at the black bag beneath the bed pulling out several handfuls of neatly coiled cotton rope. I stood and quickly moved out of the room away from Polly's vivid memory.

Lisa's voice met me on the way down. "So he did exactly what you said?"

"Yes, I don't understand it either." Selena answered.

Lisa had stretched her legs out and crossed her ankles the black flats she had worn to work were slid beneath the table and her manicured toes were exposed. "You understand that if we can't fix this, Polly is going to slice off your tits and feed them to you."

Selena cringed and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's a little extreme isn't it."

"Polly has never, I repeat, never felt like this about anyone else. She is beyond twitterpated." Lisa answered.

"We'll figure it out." Selena said.

"No we won't. I will." Lisa answered emphasizing the word 'we'. "You are going to help, but not in the way you think." Lisa said.

Selena cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Please stand up." Lisa said as she grabbed one of the coils of rope I placed on the table.

"You're going to tie me up?" Selena said as a small smile cracked face.

"Yes." Lisa answered.

She looked suspiciously at Lisa while quickly using an elastic band from around her wrist to tie her long brown hair into high ponytail. "This is going to help Jack?" Selena said with a small smirk.

"I hope so." Lisa took Selena's wrist and wrapped several loops of rope around it. I could see Selena shudder at the touch of rope. She was obviously a willing participant. Her breath quickened with excitement. Lisa placed Selena's arm to her side and began to attach her wrist to her upper thigh. After cinching the rope between wrist and thigh the blue dress bunched above the ropes so that only inches of fabric concealed her choice of underwear. Lisa repeated this with her opposite hand and Selena stood with both her arms at her sides with the raised hem of the dress exposing her firm thighs. Lisa took a second coil of rope and connected Selena's elbows behind her back. She made no attempt to get them close, just enough to keep Selena’s hands firmly in place. The also caused the slightly loose bonds wrapped around her thighs to rise even higher and her shiny blue underwear became visible.

I watched Lisa work from my stool and carefully filed away the binding techniques for later possible use. She used more rope to wrap four strands around her upper arms just below her shoulders and across the round flesh above each breast which were presented proudly due to the slight tension from her elbows. Selena anchored these shoulder ropes to the elbow bondage and cinched it between her body and each of her upper arms. She repeated this process with ropes that passed beneath each breast. The effect the bondage had on Selena's bosom was very appealing and I could not help but notice, a fact that Lisa also seemed aware. "Somewhere inside there is the young man I know."

I met her eyes and felt no need to respond.

"Get me the gag you wore earlier." Lisa said. I stood up from the stool and moved into the living room.

"Lisa please, not that gag." Selena whined.

"Sorry," Lisa patted Selena's cheek. "You don't have a choice in the matter."

"He drooled all over it." Selena continued to protest.

"I bet so." Lisa answered as I returned holding the pink phallic gag. She took it from my hand and held the smooth plastic tip to Lisa's lips with her other hand firmly holding Selena's ponytail. "Open."

Selena clamped her mouth shut.

"Jack, pinch her nipple." Lisa ordered.

Selena tried to say "Hey!" but the gag slipped passed her parted lips before any syllable could escape. While Lisa was buckling the gag I walked over and pinched a part of Selena's breast that I thought was her nipple though it was difficult to be sure through the layers of bra and dress. Selena jerked and tried to back away only to be stopped by Lisa's hand on her ponytail. Lisa saw what I had done while Selena squealed like a stuck pig around the gag. "Oh Jack, you can stop." Lisa laughed. "It's interesting how obedient he is."

I walked back to the stool and sat down. Once the gag was buckled behind Selena's head Lisa quickly bound her ankles together. "Can't have you running away for this next part."

Selena looked sharply at Lisa who moved into the kitchen to return with a pair of scissors. "Take these Jack." She held out the scissors which I grasped in my black gloved hands which were still locked together in front of me by leather cuffs. Lisa removed the small lock from the cuffs. "Ok Jack, I want you to cut the clothes from Selena's body."

Selena's eyes got wide but Lisa was paying no attention to her, she was looking carefully at me. I stood and walked toward Selena with the scissors. Her dress was a short sleeve T-shirt dress and though I was not sure what Lisa expected I began at the bottom hem holding it away from Selena's body and cut through the cloth until I reached the ropes below her breasts. I moved to her left arm and cut the sleeve to the collar repeating the cut on her right side. The ruined dress flopped down over the shoulder ropes and the matching blue straps of her bra were exposed. I carefully pinched the fabric between her breasts and pulled until I could see my first cut. A few careful snips later and the dress was sliced from neck to hem and I pulled it from beneath the tight ropes and away from her body leaving Selena bound in only her matching blue bra and panties.

The instructions were quite clear. "Cut the clothes from her body." The moment the dress hit the floor I slipped the scissors across Selena's hip and snipped the thin string of the panties, first on one side then the other. Selena's smooth sex was both a new sight and a familiar one. I had spent some time rubbing my oiled hands across her naked body but I had performed each massage with a blindfold so technically this was the first time I had seen it. As it turns out touch is as informative as the sense of sight and what I saw between Selena's plush thighs remained familiar.

Selena squealed in protest around the gag when I pulled the panties from between her legs and she hopped away from me which only made it easier to tug the flimsy garment from between her buttocks. Her bra straps were next, then the band behind her back, and finally the small bit of fabric connecting the cups between her breasts. The thicker padded fabric took a bit more effort to pull from under the ropes but soon Selena's nipples were exposed to the chill air in the room which immediately stiffened into hard buttons. Her breasts were modest trending toward the large size and they hung over the tight cords. She had a look of outrage on her face as I stared at her but I could not tell if she was angered by her nudity or ruined clothing.

"I hope that wasn't your favorite bra." Lisa smiled from her cross-legged position in a nearby chair.

Selena threw her an angry gaze and hopped into the corner of the room which placed my wide skirts between Lisa and herself.

Lisa stood and paced around the small dining room. She tapped one index finger on her lips in thought. "Jack I would like to punish Selena for dressing you up in my costume and likely losing me Polly's challenge. Do you have any ideas?"

I looked back and forth between Lisa and Selena and dispassionately evaluated the situation. I was compelled to answer since any defiance would likely shatter my bubble of serenity. I looked around the room and spotted the bear-shaped container of honey Lisa had used so effectively earlier in the day to make me drool all over myself and an idea blossomed in my head.

I spoke in a dry monotone voice. "Bind her securely to a chaise lounge on the deck where no one can see her."

Lisa scrunched her eyebrows and said. "That's it.?"

"Cover her skin in honey."

Lisa nodded with a growing smile. "Is that all."

"Make sure the lights of the deck are on where you place the lounge chair."

Lisa paused for a moment and then her eyes grew wide. "Oh my, Jack, you are a devil."

Selena had a puzzled look on her face.

"Alright girl, hop this way. Jack you stay inside. Watch though the glass in case I need something." Lisa ordered.

I watched as Lisa herded Selena out onto the mostly private deck and bound Selena securely to a lounge chair she brought from the pool area. She looked at me after using several coils of rope and gestured for me to open the glass door. "Do you think this is sufficient?"

I studied the bondage. Selena was already bound with her hands to her upper thighs and more ropes had been passed over the ankles, knees, waist, and shoulders to hold her to the lounge chair. "Something to control her head may be necessary." I answered quietly.

Lisa used another length of rope to loosely tie her neck to the center of the lounge chair so that she could still twist her head from side to side but any violent shaking would be impossible. "Please fetch me the honey."

I stood up and grabbed the large container of honey and brought it to Lisa who began to squeeze the viscous fluid onto Selena's skin. Unlike Lisa, Selena did not seem bothered by the stickiness and rested contentedly on the soft lounge chair. Twilight settled over the backyard. "Turn on the lights, Jack."

I flicked a switch near the door and light blossomed from the exterior walls of the house and around the banisters of the deck. Selena's body was bathed in the amber hue and her skin glistened where the honey flowed down her skin. Lisa began at her feet and spread the honey with her fingers to make sure every nook and cranny of Selena's body was well coated. She paid special attention to the valley between her legs and breasts before moving on to Selena's head. She spent many long minutes making sure to coat every square inch of her cheeks and chin while avoiding her eyes and nose. Selena's hair absorbed the honey like a sponge and lay stiffly along her shoulder.

By the time Lisa finished she held an empty bottle of honey and the first flying insects had found Selena. She seemed not to notice until a large moth struck her cheek and began to flap helplessly against her skin. The truth of what was about to happen dawned on Selena and she began to thrash while making a high pitched keening behind her gag. Lisa knelt down beside her friend and smiled. "I am going to remove the gag. I think your jaw will become too sore considering how long you're going to be out here." She smiled slowly

Selena nodded vigorously and panicked tears started to leak from her eyes.

"However," Lisa continued. "If you start yelling and screaming, I will use a ring gag."

Selena's eyes got wide at the realization of what such a gag would mean in her future world of buzzing, crawling, and flying attackers. Lisa extracted the pink phallic gag from between her lips and Selena immediately clamped her lips closed and only the slightest moans and sobs escaped from her throat. "Don't worry Selena, I doubt the fire ants will find you, they aren't very active at night." Lisa laughed and walked inside the house.

I watched Selena struggle for several minutes as clouds of insects attracted to the light began to find the honey soaked woman. In minutes her skin was speckled with black dots that wiggled in their vain escape attempts. Lisa shook her head from where she stood next to me. "Jack, you have a devious mind. I wonder if I should warn my daughter about you." She looked me up and down and went to wash her hands in the sink. "Perhaps not."

She sat back down at the table. "Jack, I need you to snap out of it now."

The request was nonsense, if I acquiesced then I would find myself in the same dark place that threatened my sanity. Thus my defiance of her will in this case was the only safe path, so I just returned her look blankly and made no response.

Lisa sighed. "It was worth a shot. You do look amazing for a boy. I think Polly would like to see the results." Lisa grabbed her phone and held it up facing me. Fluttery panic bubbled from the pits of my soul but I remembered that Selena had already taken many photographs so there was no reason to become concerned about a few more. Also, my feminine appearance would hide the truth.

"I'm getting worried Jack. I was not kidding about Polly. If you don't stop this she's going to kill me. Do you want matricide on Polly's conscience?" Again it was ridiculous, especially since I could not be completely sure that she was still not trying to win the challenge and in my current state of calm apathy she had no chance. I again remained silent with a vacant expression on my face.

"Alright then, let's go upstairs and get ready for bed. I hope a good night's sleep brings back the Jack that I know and love." Lisa stood and moved toward the stairs. I followed. She led me to her room where she began to remove the dress starting with the shoes. A wash of relief spread through my legs as she unbuckled the hateful shoes. She then removed the gloves, dress, and corset in that order. As the corset fell away the faux breasts bounced against my chest and Lisa smiled. "Expensive, but damn those thing look natural."

I stared straight ahead and focused on nothing. They were not real, they did not matter.

"Hold on a second, your skin is really smooth. Did Selena shave you?"

I shook my head in the negative.

"Raise your arms." Lisa ordered.

I did so and felt the added weight of the breast prosthesis shift around on my chest..

"She removed all your hair though?" Lisa clarified.

I nodded.

Lisa sighed. "I was feeling a little bad for Lisa, but maybe she deserves it. All of your body hair?"

"Below my neck, yes."

"Alright, head to the bathroom," Lisa pointed toward the large arched opening in her bedroom. "And use the toilet. Take the tights off but keep the underwear. I'll be back to take you to bed. Hopefully this will all sort itself out in the morning."

I did as she asked and completed my ablutions before she returned holding Polly's green satin gown that I had been cuddling with the last few nights. "Put this on and follow me."

I dropped the garment over my head and tugged the satin material over my new pendulous breasts until they slid into their intended position within the shiny gown. As I followed Lisa into Polly's room I felt the hem of the garment tickle my calves and the silk slide across my hips as I walked. It suddenly seemed unfair that only women could experience such materials but I suppressed the thought for fear of where they might lead..

Lisa threw back the covers of Polly's bed, the satin sheets gleaming in the light. "Get in." Lisa tucked the covers securely around my body and switched off the light. It was the earliest I had gone to bed since I was a young child but I did not complain. "Don't get out of bed until I come for you. Go to sleep." Lisa left the room and shut the door.

The last words washed over me and I could not stop my eyes from slipping closed.

Chapter 32 - The Second Challenge

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:06 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 32 - The Second Challenge

Dreamless sleep is the best sleep. Too bad my dreams were filled with a red haired goddess who seemed to be just beyond my reach. She ran through fields of flowers that seemed drab next to the radiance of her smile and brilliance of her hair. "Come on Jack. Try and keep up." She would laugh and dance like a gazelle out of my reach while I moved through what felt like loose sand weighed down by leaden shoes.

"Jack, wake up." The dream vanished with a glint of red light falling through familiar strands of glossy hair. My heart leapt for a moment thinking Polly had returned only to find the familiar green eyes looking at me from the face of Lisa. "How do you feel?"

"Fine." I responded.

"Roll over and put your hands behind your back?" Lisa said.

I rolled over and felt unfamiliar weight on my chest but I was obligated to do as Lisa said. All the mental stability I had achieved the day before ratcheted back into place within my mind as I performed the simple action.

"Damn it.” Lisa sighed. “Just go to the bathroom and then come downstairs, I'm not going to tie you up." Obvious frustration tinged her voice.

I did as instructed and could not help but notice my reflection in the mirror while I washed my hands. Darkened eyes, ruby lips, and pale flawless skin had somehow survived the night and the black choker necklace still remained around my throat with its bow angled to one side of my neck. The effect of the makeup combined with the revealing neckline of the emerald nightgown created a momentary surprise as I thought some stranger had entered the bathroom, and only after one or two heartbeats did I realize it was the effect of Selena's makeup skills. The girl in mirror was pretty, a few hard edges, and she could not possibly compete with any of the women currently living in the house but the femininity was undeniable, especially with the distraction of deep cleavage.

I walked to the kitchen to find Lisa flipping pancakes and a damp-haired Selena curled up on a chair in a terry cloth bathrobe. She looked away from me as I entered staring at her hands folded neatly in her lap. I could see a few bits of white cream on the areas of skin still exposed by the robe. I glanced outside on the deck and the chaise lounge chair was still there with cut ropes soaking in pools of water scattered around the legs. Something had happened with Selena, likely the result of panic from the bugs and honey punishment but I could muster little sympathy.

Lisa set a large stack of hotcakes on the center of the table along with a bottle of syrup and tub of butter. "Eat up, it's the only meal I cook decently."

Selena took one look at the sticky syrup pouring onto Lisa's plate and squeezed her eyes shut. "No thank you, not hungry."

Lisa shrugged and pushed a plate my way. "Eat Jack, you haven't had any food since..." Lisa paused to think. "My god, it's been over 24 hours."

I did not feel that hungry but the smell of the buttery sweetness made my mouth water and I tucked in with a will. After the stack of pancakes had been reduced by more than half, Lisa cleared the plates and sat back down at the table. "I'm going to figure this out." She looked at me. "Whatever is wrong with you Jack, ends today."

I remained silent but Selena looked up as if suddenly interested.

"Selena, get up please, stand here." Lisa pointed to a spot in the center of the room.

Selena did so but kept her head angled down toward the floor. Now that she had unfolded her body from the chair I could see her skin dotted with the white cream, likely some kind of medication for bug bites.

"Remove the robe Selena." Lisa ordered. Selena hesitated and looked pleadingly at Lisa whose look became harder at the touch of defiance. Selena sighed and dropped the robe to the floor. She was naked beneath except for the constellations of white cream that dotted her skin. "Jack’s choice of punishment was pretty awful, wasn't it Selena?"

Selena shuddered and nodded.

Lisa looked toward me. "When I came downstairs after putting you to bed she was covered in bugs and more were rushing to her every second. I left her there until I had cleaned up everything including the French Maid costume, the waxing pot, and the makeup supplies. All told she was out there for about three hours." Lisa paused and looked at me. "Do you feel her punishment was fair?"

I shrugged, but shook my head in the negative.

"Really? And why not?" Lisa said.

"I feel fine, I'm not hurt. Selena is."

"Ah, but something is wrong with you. Do you like wearing the sexy night gown?"

I did not answer, it led to dark places.

Lisa nodded slightly. "Do me a favor Jack, and give your Math teacher a kiss to show there are no hard feelings."

I walked over and kissed Selena's cheek. She flinched a little but accepted the kiss.

"Oh no, no, no." Lisa said shaking her head.

"Kiss her on the lips."

I turned to Selena who again flinched when our eyes met but accepted a quick kiss on the lips.

"No, damn it." Lisa scowled. "Kiss her like you would kiss Polly."

That was it. Such simple words. So easy to say. The preternatural calm I had maintained since yesterday which protected me from the mental and physical consequences of my situation shattered like into shards of glass and each one left a spike of white hot pain in its wake. My knees buckled and I covered my head with my hands as the realization of what was happening slammed home in a single terrifying blow. My god, I had breasts and looked like a girl. And Polly, oh Polly, I missed her so much.

"Polly, Polly, Polly." I muttered over and over. Hands touched my shoulder and I jerked away crawling into the living room. My knees tangled in the long gown and I only made it a few feet past the kitchen floor. The shame of what happened fell over me and I could not stop the tears from streaming down my face. Lisa knelt down next to me.

"It's ok Jack, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

The words, so closely matching my own feelings, jarred something inside. "Are you fucking crazy. I let this happen, like some kind of freak." Sobs muddled words but the anger was clear

"Jack you had no choice." Lisa said.

"I just laid there while she flayed me with that wax stuff, she did not even tie me up." I yelled.

"You weren't yourself, it was some kind of mental break." Lisa explained.

"Dear god, I look like a girl, Polly will never accept this." I said.

"Now that is just bull shit." Lisa said suddenly fierce. "Most of this was her idea, and she had you in a dress the first day you met, if the tale is to be believed."

"That was different, I was obviously a boy in a dress. She was trying to..." I lost the words. " what she always does." I sobbed.

"You miss her."

My body sagged under its own weight. "I don't think this is right. I should not feel like this. My Mom and Dad don't act like this when they are apart." I shuddered. "It hurts."

"Your parents have more practice. You fell pretty hard for my daughter and you've seen her everyday since. I think a little pain should be expected." Lisa said.

"This is bad, the ache." I pressed my hand to my chest but after feeling the softness of the breasts I jerked my hand back as if burned.

"Look, I have a confession to make." Lisa said.

I looked up in curiosity.

"I told Polly to give you something to keep you distracted while she was gone, I figured your job at Craddock would only work for so long."

"The Box was your idea?" I said in surprise.

"No, it was all Polly. I just suggested she come up with something, not specifically the Box."

"But..." Lisa held out her hand to stop me from speaking.

"The Box is Polly's love letter to you, I know she didn't expect all of this to happen." Lisa waved her hand up and down my body. "But she knew something like it would happen. And believe me Selena regrets doing what she did. She went too far."

I looked over Lisa's shoulder toward Selena who had resumed her position at the kitchen table though this time she chewed on a dry pancake. "Ok, so you think I switched my brain off because I missed Polly?"

"Yes, and you did not want to do this stuff without her. She was giving you a long distance hug and some part of you knew it. Selena tells me that you lost it after being covered in the silk sheets with her on top of you. Is that true?"

I nodded.

"Something Polly has done to you before?"

I remembered many occasions where we were fooling around in bed and she would lay on top of me and stroke my skin through her bed sheets. "Yes."

"That was probably it then, you're just a normal twitterpated kid who cracked under the pressure, combined with all the new experiences." She again indicated the gown I was wearing.

"Ok, so can I get these off now?" I said indicating the large mounds attached to my chest.

"You won the first challenge, why don't you go see what it is in Polly's next envelope first."

I sighed and stood up, the pain in my heart still present but manageable. I was acutely aware of how I looked and ran toward the stairs to Polly's room. My dreamlike state of unconcern was gone and the realization of having breasts crashed home hard despite having clear memories of it happening . The gown felt good though, I would have to just accept it, the feel of silk and satin were pleasant and likely a part of being me.

The thought of reading something from Polly propelled me forward despite the compulsion to hide in a closet until she returned. The chest was exactly where Lisa had placed it two days ago, in the corner of Polly's room. I opened the lid and retrieved the envelope marked with the number two. I smelled the letter and traced the fine script of Polly's hand. A sense of closeness settled onto my spirit as I read.
Polly wrote: Challenge Two

I assume you lost Jack, I know my Mom, she would never lose that challenge.
"Thanks Polly, appreciate the confidence." I spoke to the letter.
Polly wrote:I am well aware that Mom has been dying to get you in a cute French Maid's uniform for weeks now so this challenge means she finally gets her wish, sorry. I'm sure you've noticed the disaster in my closet by now. Jack, I mean the loser of Challenge 1, must clean the closet wearing whatever clothing the winner of the challenge desires. Since I love you so much Jack, the loser can tie up the winner while he cleans the closet but not until after the costume is on.

Have fun.
I stumbled back onto the bed and nearly slipped to the floor. "She said she loves me." I whispered to the room. I hugged the letter to my chest. "She said it before she left."

I walked downstairs holding the letter, Selena and Lisa were talking quietly together at the table. My unshod feet made little noise on the carpet and I managed to catch a few words. "He'll be fine now."

"I was worried Lisa. Very worried, it almost happened again, I almost broke another boy." The last few words cracked with a sob.

"Not this time, not Jack." Lisa whispered and reached over squeezed her hand gently.

I stepped into the room at that moment and cocked my head to the side. "I thought you were traumatized by the honey and bugs?"

Selena pursed her lips. "That was..." She scratched her cheek with one finger. "...horrible. But I was terrified I'd done it again and would endure worse to avoid that."

I tossed the letter toward Lisa and plopped down on the kitchen chair. The slippery nightgown again threatened to toss me to the floor and the surprise caused the pendulous breasts to sway in their silken shells. For once the odd sensations did not make me cringe. After all Polly had said she loves me, and even wrote it down.

Lisa gave me an odd look. "Must be good news, you’re about a thousand times happier."

I shrugged as Lisa's eyes dipped toward the page. Moments later she looked up. "Ironic that she expected you to lose and now you get tied up again." I shrugged again and Lisa smiled. "I get it. "

"What's it say?" Selena asked.

"It says that you have to clean Polly's closet while Jack watches from the bed."

I looked at Lisa. "What? That’s not..."

"I would have won that challenge if Selena hadn't interfered and you know it. I figure she should pay the penalty." Lisa turned back to Selena. "Oh, and you have to wear the French Maid's costume."

Selena smiled. "Jack will be there to keep me company?"

Lisa nodded. "It says the loser gets to tie up the winner for the duration of the chore. I figure a nice hogtie in the middle of the bed."

Selena eyes smoldered and her hands slid across her stomach as if quelling a sudden flutter as her gaze turned toward me. "Let's get started. I think you will like to see me in that costume."

I swallowed as a sudden picture of Selena decked out in black satin and white apron flashed through my mind. "" I stuttered as tried to clear my head. "You have to clean the closet."

"Oh I will." Selena smiled.

"Don't worry Jack, I'll keep an eye on her."

"Oh great, that makes me feel better." It felt weird to be using sarcasm. Less than an hour ago I was hiding inside my own mind trying desperately to stay there and now I felt like a pair of wings had grown from between my shoulder blades. I looked down at my hands and felt a genuine smile form on my lips. Polly said she loves me, and she had said it before she even left.

The sudden change infected everyone, Selena once again became her flirtatious self and Lisa maintained a hidden smile beneath a sparkle in her green eyes. She stood up and handed me the challenge letter from Polly "Told you she loves you."

Selena had already darted up the stairs and Lisa followed. "All the ropes are dirty or ruined, I'll have to use scarves. Come on, lover boy."

I smiled and followed Lisa up the stairs with the small smile growing into genuine relief though I was getting tired of toting the extra weight on my chest. I entered Polly's room and Lisa waved her hand to the still unmade bed I had just rose from an hour earlier. "On your stomach, hands behind your back, please."

"Can I please change first?" I asked looking down over the green silk nightgown.

"Sure you can, but I get to decide what you change into." Lisa said with her head cocked to one side.

"Fine, I'll wear this." I said.

I laid down and Lisa's practiced hands quickly bound my wrists and then joined them to my similarly bound ankles so my fingers nearly touched my heels. Another scarf pulled my elbows closer behind my back. "I think we are making progress here, I'm pretty sure your elbows are closer than last time." Lisa said.

"I'm so happy." I grunted and rocked my body back and forth to settle into the position.

"Where's my feather duster?" A pleased sounding Selena said as she strode into the room decked out in French maid uniform that had once graced the bodies of both Lisa and me. "And I can't get the zip."

Lisa stepped over and smiled. "Too many Twinkies, Selena?"

"Very funny. Can you help?"

Lisa tugged the zipper down and then pulled sharply on the strings of the corset beneath. Selena gasped and gripped her waist with both hands. "Easy girl, I need to breath."

"Jack never complained." Lisa said.

"He's smaller than I am."

I glowered at the women but decided that it was probably true, my slight frame lacked the luscious curves that Selena possessed and I probably did fit into the tight dress easier. Selena's impressive overflow of cleavage produced by the corset was evidence of that. Even my own faux prodigiousness could not compete with Selena, or Lisa for that matter, when it came to feminine curves. "There you go." Lisa pulled the zipper to the top. I think the feather duster is lying on the floor of my closet. And don't forget the heels."

Selena scowled down at her fishnet covered toes. "Do I have too, those shoes are a total killer and they are a touch too large for my feet."

"Sorry, part of the costume." Lisa answered.

Selena rolled her eyes and flounced out of the room the wide skirts brushing against the doorframe as she left.

Lisa walked over and opened the closet and shook her head. "I better go get you some water, you're going to be here a while."

Selena was back moments later this time four or so inches taller and gripping the black handled feather duster. "Ta da." She smiled and raised her hands. "What do you think of your conservative math teacher now."

I cocked my head to the side. "That's amazing, I had forgotten that you were my math teacher until you said that. I wonder..." I paused to think about the other teachers at the school and their possible secret lives.

"You wonder what?"

Few other teachers were as attractive as Selena Bates so I changed topics. "I was wondering which is the real you? The button down professor who wears woolen skirt suits or..." I looked up and down her body from the shelf-like pile of cleavage to the fishnet thighs exposed beneath the revealed petticoat of the costume.

"Can I not be both?" Selena answered and walked to the closet door. "Good grief, I hope you're comfortable this is going to take a while."

"I suppose you can be two things." I said considering my own situation.

"Sure you can." Selena started pulling out all the clothes from the closet and sorting them into separate piles. "Look at yourself, you are a smart somewhat shy kid at school and here you are a cute little plaything for Polly." Selena picked up her feather duster from the bed and swept it down over my shoulder and across my buttocks causing me to shiver. "And sometimes me."

I felt fingers dancing across my satin covered back when Lisa walked in carrying a glass of water with a straw. "Don't make me get the cuffs, Selena. This job is going to take you a long enough as it is."

"We were just talking." Selena said rubbing her gloved fingers along my cheek.

"Yes, I'm sure you were, but you're not getting out of those heels until you finish." Lisa said.

Selena grimaced. "Alright, Mistress."

The rest of the morning was much the same with jesting conversations back and forth and occasional flirtatious touches from Selena. By noon it was obvious the shoes were really starting to pain her. She had taken to moving back and forth to the closet on her knees and I would find myself coming awake from a light snooze to see her rubbing her ankles amidst the diminishing piles of clothing.

Sometime in the mid-afternoon I felt a weight press onto the mattress and I opened my eyes only to have my vision obscured by the skirts of the maid's dress. "Oh god my feet hurt, but I'm done. Hey are you trying to look beneath my skirt." Selena laughed and lifted the dress away from my face.

"Great now I can get untied and out of this get up." I answered.

Selena pouted down at me. "Are you sure you want to? We could have some more fun with you."

I swallowed and shook my head. "I think I've had enough fun for now."

Selena shifted her weight and my body rolled toward her. I was suddenly lying on my side with my head resting on her thigh. "Are you sure?" Fingers began to move across my hip and played with the thin strap of the panties I still wore beneath the nightgown. "We have yet to scratch the surface of all the fun stuff there is to do." Her hands slid lower and my feminine underwear became tight beneath her touch. "I mean a girl with such unique attributes as yours, the possibilities are endless." Light scraping fingernails danced over sensitive flesh.

"Selena. Polly would not be pleased if she saw what you were doing." Lisa entered the room bearing a tray with several sandwiches piled on it.

"Oh poo, you spoil everything."

"For you perhaps. It looks like you're finished. Do you want me to help me with the heels?" Lisa said.

"Oh would you? That would be great." Selena smiled.

Lisa nodded and knelt down in front of Selena and unbuckled the high heels from her feet. She then began to lightly massage her arches and ankles. "Oh my goddess how may I serve you." Selena said falling back onto the bed with moans of delight. My head slipped further into her lap, if not for the billowy skirts my nose would be nestled between her thighs. Lisa did not seem to care and continued her ministrations to Selena's feet and legs. Her massage slowly moved higher until I could feel her fingers caressing Selena's thighs. Selena's breath had started to quicken and I could feel the warmth radiating from her body as feral growls came from her lips.

"There we go." Lisa said and stood up suddenly.

"No, please don't stop." Selena begged.

"Sorry, but I've got to get Jack untied and then we can eat. And don't you have a cat to feed at home?"

"I'm not eating until I'm back to normal." I said emphatically.

"Fine, Selena can you untie him and I'll get the solvent for the breasts."

Selena groaned and slowly stood up. "That was not nice." Fingers fumbled with the scarves near my ankles and wrists. Blood soon rushed into cramped muscles as I stretched out my limbs for the first time in hours. Lisa returned and handed me a small bottle. "Wash first and then rub that into edges of the breast forms. Don't use too much, it's an oil and just a little should be sufficient. If we run out you might be stuck next time." Lisa smiled.

"Next time, right." I had no desire for there to be a next time but realized Polly would hear of the breast's existence soon enough.

* * *
Jack wrote:Dearest Polly,

If I told you why I didn't write an entry yesterday I don't think you would believe me. Even now I'm not exactly sure what happened. I've decided it was Selena's fault. That's right, Selena Bates, my math teacher was here yesterday and today. Again I can't even sum up what happened without writing more words than my tired fingers will allow. I will say this though, it feels a little weird to be wearing my own underwear again.

I love you Polly.

Chapter 33 - The Final Challenge

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:07 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 33 - The Final Challenge
Polly wrote: Dearest Jack,

Call this number (555-6788) and set an appointment before I return. It's a day at the spa, I went there with Mom several months ago and it was one of my favorite experiences. The people are awesome and they really know how to pamper someone. Since you spent some time learning the art of massage for Selena I figured you deserved one as well. After my two previous challenges I want you to experience something enjoyable. Don't worry they won't do your nails...Unless you ask them to. ;)

The letter was written quickly. The writing was less neat than the previous two letters. I had not slept well that night since I had gone to bed so early the night before. After reading the letter several times I found the place online. "Simply Special Spa and Salon" was a silly name but the reviews were full of accolades to a comical degree.

Putting off the inevitable for as long as possible, I finally walked down the hall wearing a pair of shorts leaving my upper body bare, it was not like Lisa had not seen everything already. I knocked on the door. "Come in Jack." Lisa was awake and sitting up in bed wearing her usual silver night dress which shimmered in the Sunday morning light from the window in a pleasing distraction. "Good morning, so what's the next challenge? I hope it doesn't involve me so much, as it turns out I probably should have gone to work on Friday."

I shook my head and handed Lisa the letter after sitting down on the foot of the bed careful to avoid her feet. Lisa read quickly. "How nice, you should enjoy that."

"Really? Isn't a spa for girls only?" I asked.

"I suppose the majority of their patrons are women, but not all, I've seen men there before."

I stood up and pointed to the large visible ring around my navel. "Have you seen men with tan lines like these? What about men who are hairless below the eyes?"

"How have you handled sports in school? Phys Ed?" Lisa asked.

"Don't do sports, too busy. Our school doesn't have Phys Ed for high school." I answered quickly.

"The ladies of the spa are kind and would not do anything to harm their business. I would be honest. I wager they'll keep your secret." Lisa answered with a smile.

"Do you think Polly did this on purpose, to embarrass me again?" I asked.

"More likely she forgot about your tan lines, she was probably running out of ideas. I genuinely believe she wanted to something nice for you. She raved about the time we went there."

I sighed and stood. "I'll call them."

"Try and get an appointment for today. You should go into work tomorrow."

* * *

"Hello, Simply Special this is Shelly, how can I help you?" Said an unnaturally perky voice.

"Um, yes, my name is Jack. Polly McGentry set something up for me." I coughed nervously. "I believe."

I envisioned the obviously friendly girl tittering to her nearby friends about a "boy" on the line but instead she responded quickly. "Oh, yes we've been looking forward to seeing you Jack. Polly set everything up. When would you like to come in?"

"Preferably a time when you have the fewest number of customers. Honestly, I'm kind of nervous." Lisa told me to be honest so I'm going to be honest.

"Oh don't be nervous. You will have a wonderful time here." Shelly said with additional effervescence in her voice. "Our slowest time though is definitely Sunday, would you like to come in today?"

"Sure, what time should I arrive?"

"We just opened so why don't you come in at eleven, and don't eat a big meal. Sometimes a good massage can loosen you up and we don't want to interrupt everything to use the bathroom."

"Alright, see you at eleven."

"Excellent. We'll take good care of you." Shelly hung up the phone.

"Here we go." I whispered to the room.

* * *

I expected the spa to be in a strip mall along with a few discount stores and a run down pawn shop but I was wrong. "Simply Special Spa and Salon" had its own building complete with extensive landscaping that included a small water feature with a koi pond. I was also grateful for the few number of cars I saw in the parking lot. I wore cotton shorts despite my shaven legs since there was no chance I would be able to hide this fact from the employees. A thirty-something woman waited on the few chairs available in the foyer and flashed me a mysterious smile as I stepped up to the counter where a nameplate declared the young blond behind the counter to be Shelly. "Hello, I'm Jack."

"Oh, hi Jack. If you'll take a seat over there," she pointed to the group of chairs where the thirty-something again flashed me a gregarious smile. "One of our technicians will be right with you."

I nodded and drifted toward the white leather seats which surrounded a small coffee table covered with a selection of magazines which mostly dealt with fashion and makeup. I nodded to the woman who again flashed me a smile while I took out my cell phone.

"Hi, I'm Kate." The woman said after dropping her magazine.

"Jack." I said. "Nice to meet you Kate."

"It's not often I see men here, especially not young men." Kate said her eyes glinting in curiosity.

"My girlfriend is out of town and she set this up for me as a gift." I answered.

"Oh how nice of her, she is something special?" Kate said.

A flash of green eyes and wild red hair flashed through my mind and felt a surge of absolute longing pass through my heart. "Yes, yes she is." I said in a faint whisper.

"Oh my, she has been gone long?" Kate said a bit startled by my reaction.

"A week now." I answered.

"You miss her." She said without a question in her voice.

I slipped my cell phone back in my pocket and turned fully toward Kate, she was obviously going to keep this conversation going.. "I miss Polly terribly."

Kate nodded and pursed her lips. "Jack and Polly." She rolled the words around her lips several more times too softly to hear. "Why do those names sound so familiar?"

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure, I don't think we've met before."

"Hmm, have you been on television or radio?" Kate asked.

"No, nothing like that." I said and then held up a hand. "Oh wait, Polly and I were interviewed by the news a few weeks back."

Kate's eyes blossomed and she held one hand to her lips. "Jack and Polly, the Jack and Polly, you saved her from a criminal or something?"

I shrugged again. "Something like that, it was her estranged father. I spent a few days in the hospital for my efforts."

"Wow," Kate breathed. "That story had me swooning for a week." Before I could stop her, Kate had leapt from her seat and ran up to Shelly at the desk. "Hey Shelly, do you know who that is?" Kate said pointing at me.

I turned a little pink not wanting the additional attention this revelation would bring. Shelly gave Kate a perplexed look but looked over at me with a smile.

"That's Jack, you know Jack and Polly, from that news story a few weeks ago. The one we were all talking about?" Kate explained.

Shelly's eyes widened and she stared at me as her mouth fell open a bit. "You’re the guy who saved his girlfriend?"

I held up my hands. "Look it's no big deal. I did what anyone would have done."

Shelly stood up and disappeared into the door behind the reception desk and Kate came back and sat down in the chair directly beside my own. "It is a big deal Jack. My husband would never have done that for me. You were injured."

I had no idea what to say so I just shrugged. I was saved by Shelly's quick return followed by a short woman a little older that Kate. If her hair had not been dyed into various hues of purple and pink I would have noticed her body first. She was a caricature of curviness, a full bosom shadowed a narrow waist atop an hourglass perfect set of hips. She walked barefoot and wore a tight flowered top over a pair of black leggings. "Hello Jack, my name is Nora."

"Hello." I kept my eyes fixed on her eyes and hair and resisted the urge to marvel at her figure.

"I'm the owner." She flicked a hand at the walls indicating the building.

"It is a nice place, I love the landscaping." I answered.

"Thank you. Please follow me Jack and we'll get started, I think you're going to enjoy this. I imagine it going to be really special." Nora smiled.

"Uh, I have never been to one of these places so I might not notice anything special." I answered.

"Oh Jack, I've got four technicians arguing over who gets to do what with you."

I swallowed. "Oh, that's what you mean by special."

“You know how girls go gaga over celebrities.” Nora flashed a smile over one shoulder and led me to a room which I expected to be stark and bare like a hospital room. Instead I was greeted by potted plants in the corners, plush off-white carpeting, and a curious chair centered just below a bank of soft recessed lighting. A door in the opposite corner opened into a small private bathroom. "Please take a shower Jack, as hot as you can stand, since that will help ease your muscles."

I nodded and moved toward the door.

Nora continued. "Wear one of the robes hanging in there, just the robe mind you, nothing else." Nora smiled.

I looked back at her, suppressing the bloom of heat I felt rise in my cheeks at the words. I spotted a black half dome suspended from the ceiling above the door. Nora caught my glance. "All of the rooms are monitored by cameras. It is for your protection as well as for the protection of our technicians."

"Ah, of course." I responded. "Good to know." I showered and found a white cotton robe hanging on the back of the door and then exited the bathroom leaving my clothes in a basket provided for the purpose. The room was now empty save for the watchful eye of the camera and I settled into the comfortable chair to wait. The chair resembled a large lounge chair with soft padding covered by a washable cover but there were joints and mechanisms that would move the chair into various positions.

The door opened a few minutes later and a girl's face appeared. She had bright blond hair that was long and thick pulled into a low braid between her shoulder blades. She wore a white smock stenciled with the spa's name along with her own. "Hi Jack, I'm Haley."

"Hello Haley."

"I will be starting you off today. We'll begin with your feet and lower legs." She moved to a cabinet along one wall and retrieved a small basket which contained several bottles, some white towels, and other tools of the trade. As she moved across the room I could see a pair of patterned tights below the company uniform ending in a pair of flats.

"So did you win or lose?"

Haley gave me a perplexed look. "What do you mean?"

"Nora said you guys were competing to get to work on me today."

Haley flushed a little and then laughed. "Oh that, we decided to split it up. We will each do one part of your pampering today. I get to work on your feet."

"A pedicure?" I asked.

"Well it's a bit more extensive than that." Haley unfolded a towel and passed it over. "Keep that handy. Many of our patrons like to keep their private areas concealed and the robes have a tendency to open up on occasion."

I took the robe and unfolded it to reveal a small towel as long as my arm and just as wide. "Seems a little small."

Haley chortled. "Oh really, you're that impressive."

My mouth fell open and heat colored my chest and neck. "Oh god, that's not..."

Haley shook her head. "I'm just messing with you." She grabbed a lever on the side of the chair and my feet rose off the floor as my upper body fell backward into the soft cushions. Her hands and fingers moved about my feet and ankles. Her hands moved higher on my legs and I could tell she was surprised. "Um, I don't want to be too personal but..."

I sighed and held up a hand. "My lack of body hair?"

Haley nodded. "Is it just your legs, are you a swimmer?"

I took a deep breath. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said and opened my robe to reveal my denuded back and chest.

"I know that swimmers..." Haley pressed looking over my smooth stomach.

"I'm not a swimmer." Curiosity burned in Haley's eyes. "Look, I'll tell you but you won't believe me."

Haley had removed a thick cream from her basket and was massaging it into my lower legs and ankles. It felt delicious and I sighed in contentment. "My math teacher waxed my whole body yesterday." The words flowed easily from my lips, I guess the pleasure of her touch relaxed my caution as well as my muscles.

Haley's movements stopped. "Your math teacher?"

I nodded.

"Why?" Haley asked.

"Polly's Mom," I looked at Haley. "You know Polly?"

"She's your girlfriend, she set this experience up for you."

"That's right. We'll Polly's Mom called her friend, my math teacher, to watch me yesterday."

"Watch you? Why?"

"Lisa, that's Polly's Mom, was called into work and I was to be kept tied up all day." I said quickly and with a surprising lack of hesitation or nervousness, perhaps there was something in that cream she was using.

I caught Haley's eye and saw the shock there. "Polly gifted me a special box and in it were three challenges, one was to see if I could escape when tied up by Lisa."

"Like a game?" Haley said.

"Yeah, Polly and I often tie each other up, it can be fun, especially with Polly."

"You like being tied up?" Haley asked.

"Yes, I suppose, but only in safe places. I wouldn't want to be tied up in public or anything like that, no matter who did it."

"Do you want me to tie you to that chair?" Haley giggled.

A surge of fear, desire, and embarrassment rushed through my thoughts. "Uh no thank you, not today, we don't really know each other."

Haley waved her hand and laughed. "I was just kidding. So your math teacher was supposed to watch you while your girlfriend's mom went to work. I guess your teacher is actually a close friend? Where were you tied?"

I nodded. "To the banister at the bottom of the stairs."

Haley nodded. "So your math teacher just decides to wax your body while you are helpless, that seems kind of mean."

"Truth is, I escaped while she was trying to change my position and after she finally caught me she waxed my body as a kind of punishment. That's the gist of it anyway." I left out a mountain of details but none of them mattered much.

"She waxed everything?" Haley asked.

"Everything below my eyes." I answered.

"So the tan lines?" Haley said. "That was an interesting suit you were wearing. Looks kind of feminine."

"Happened a few weeks ago." I said in a whisper that turned into a moan as her fingers slipped between each of my toes.

"Tied up again?" Haley smiled.

"Uh, yeah, to a lounge chair in the backyard." I said.

"Ah, and you were wearing a girl's swimsuit." Haley smiled.

"There was a bet on the outcome of a game and Lisa and I lost."

"You both were tied to lounge chairs?" Haley said now using clippers on my toenails.

"Sort of, Polly tied us to each other with locks and chains and then tossed all the keys into a kiddie pool full of corn syrup."

Again Haley's eye snapped to mine and were filled with skepticism. "No way."

"Do you think I could make this up?" I answered.

"Unlikely, so you had to fish around in corn syrup to find the keys? Polly has a mean streak."

"Yes we did, and yes she does."

"So how did you get tied to the lounge chair.

"Polly said the first one to get free of the chains got the rest of the day off. Lisa won and I spent the next two hours tied to a lounge chair getting these tan lines, still covered in sticky syrup."

Haley concentrated on her work for a few seconds. "Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun actually at least for Polly."

It was my turn to be startled and I looked at Haley.

"What?" Haley said. "It does sound fun, I would love to tie up a guy."

"No boyfriend then." I asked.

"Not now, too busy with work and..." A raised voice came from the direction of lobby in sharp contrast to the soft music normally heard throughout the spa. Haley turned toward the door with a frown on her face. "What's going on out there?" She crossed to the door and opened it slowly. Without the intervening wood the voices were clearer and obviously tinged with anger and fear.

"Just get the money." A masculine voice filled with desperation boomed through the door.

"We don't have cash here," Nora's desperate voice answered. "Now please leave, or I'll call the police."

Haley peaked through the door and though I have no idea why I did it, the thought of Nora confronting some crazed man alone propelled me forward. I opened the door and stepped into the hall passed a surprised Haley. As I rounded the corner into the front of the store I could see tears in Shelly's eyes where she knelt down behind the desk. Nora stood and faced the man next to her. "Please leave sir, we don't have any money."

The man was wearing torn jeans and a leather jacket which appeared to have been plucked from a muddy field. His eyes were wild and matted hair clung to his head and chin. The stench of sweat and body odor poured from him but the most significant feature was the small caliber pistol he pointed toward Nora's head. I stepped forward and tried to get his attention holding both my hands up palms forward. "Whoa there mister, what's the trouble here?"

"I want the money, this place is nice, there has to be money." He snarled and pointed the gun at my head.

My imagination traced the trajectory of a bullet as it tore through my skull and a slight tremble entered my hands as I fought to keep my bowels under control. "Everybody uses credit cards these days, but I tell you what, if you put the gun down I have some cash in my wallet."

"Get it. Then we'll see about the gun."

I turned around and saw Haley still peaking out of the door along with a few other female faces looking out of other doors. "Haley, bring me my wallet, now." I snapped with as much authority as I could muster. Her head disappeared and moments later she tossed the brown leather on the floor next to my bare feet. "I have fifty dollars." I said picking up my wallet.

"Not good enough." The man moved the gun back towards Nora, perhaps a teenager wearing nothing but a white bathrobe was insufficient to hold the man's attention.

"How much do you need?" I asked trying to keep the gun away from the women in the room.

"At least two hundred."

Still holding my hands up I took out my bank card. "I have my bank card here." I held it out and the man took two long steps and snatched it.

"Tell me the code."

"9-9-9" I hesitated in my obvious lie. "5." I don't lie well under pressure.

"You’re lying." The man said again focusing on me, whatever drugs he was on some part of his brain was still working.

"No I'm not." I lied again. "If you don't believe me I'll walk with you to the nearest ATM and get you the money.

The man appeared to think for a couple moments and then stuck the gun in his jacket pocket and motioned with it to the door. "Alright, let's go."

As I reached the door I looked back at Nora and mouthed the words. "Call the police." And then left the spa wearing nothing but a bathrobe. The summer sun heated the sidewalk to an uncomfortable level for my bare feet but the muzzle of the gun hidden beneath the dirty leather of the man's jacket was a more immediate concern. "Bad day huh?" I said trying to keep him talking instead of thinking about how odd we looked to any passers by.

"Mphh, all my money got stolen last night and I have to pay this guy or he's goin' to kill me."

I nodded. "I had a bad day on Friday. I know the feeling."

"Sure you did." He said skeptically.

"No really, I spent a large part of the day dressed as a French Maid, corset, boobs, the works." I said in as flat a tone as I could manage.

The man stopped walking. "Bull shit." The tension in the man's shoulders eased a bit and I figured my chances of accidentally getting shot had gone down by a few percentage points.

"Truth, scout's honor, what's your name?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't really but it might be easier than calling you mister."


"Like part of a wheel?" I asked.

He shook his head and sniffed. "No, like Guns and Roses."

"Ah," I was about to ask more when the faint sound of sirens reached my ears. We had walked maybe 200 yards from the spa and my feet were really starting to burn, so much so that I walked on grass when any was available. "I think those sirens are for you."

"You called the police? I should kill you now."

I held up my hands. "No I didn't call them, but be careful, the police are crazy. I heard they shot a pregnant woman for brandishing a knife." I could see the flashing lights on the street now, from two different directions, which meant multiple cars. Axle seemed torn between hiding the gun and pointing it at me. "I'm not going to run away, I am just going to lay down on this grass here so the cops don't shoot me."

I knelt down as tires screeched to a halt nearby. By the time my body was flat against the grass car doors were being opened. "Put the gun down," a female officer's voice called out. I chanced a look at Axle who was frozen in indecision while looking back and forth between my prone form and the police officers who were kneeling behind their cars with guns raised. I let out a sigh of relief when Axle finally knelt down on the grass about five feet away and mimicked my position with his hands on the back of his head. In moments an officer had his knee in Axle's back and was pulling his arms behind his back with the sound of ratcheting handcuffs. I choose not to move.

"Sir, are you Jack?" The female officer's voice said.

"Yes, that's me." I said not moving my face from the grass that tickled my face and knees.

"You can get up sir. That was well done. Laying down like that."

I tried to push up from the ground but the adrenaline combined with terror poured through me in a rush and my arms shook violently. The officers gentle arms helped me into a sitting position. "I'll be...okay." I said but my voice trembled.

"Take it easy, just sit there."

I took several deep breaths trying to calm my nerves and thought over what happened. The realization of what I had done seemed to settled into my guts, I turned away from the officer and vomited into the grass until my stomach was empty. The officer held out a napkin after I had managed to get myself together.

Nora had run the distance from the shop and knelt down beside me. She grabbed me and pulled me into a furious hug despite the mess covering the grass a few inches away. Even in my weakened state I could feel the extreme curves of her body. "Oh Jack, that was so brave of you."

I looked up to Nora's eyes which were wet with tears. "More like stupid, but I've always had that problem."

I glanced at the officer, the same one who had interviewed Polly and I after the fight with Polly's Dad. She seemed to recognize me at the same time. "Jack, you are starting to make a habit of this."

Nora laughed through a sob. "Yes, he's quite the hero."

"More like unlucky." I looked down at my body and realized the robe was doing little to hide my body and quickly pulled it closed. "Do you think we could talk somewhere else." I said plucking the collar with one finger.

The officer raised one eyebrow. "Sure since I need to take statements from everyone in the business involved with the incident."

I rode back to the store in the officer’s cruiser not trusting my legs to walk the short distance without help. The next two hours had me sitting in the lounge back in my clothes talking about the incident with the policewomen as well as listening to all the women retell their stories.

After the officer left, Kate sat next to me and gave me a hug. "Wait until I tell Kristy what you did this time?"

"Wait, what?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah I'm Kristy's Mom, I didn't want to tell you. But..." She held up her hand indicating the room. "...with everything that's happened."

"It's nice to meet you." I answered.

"I'd hoped to get some details about you and Polly. My daughter and her Ollie are kind of tight lipped about you two."

I nodded. "Not much to tell really." I looked up and caught Haley's small smile who was sharing the small couch with Kate."

"Perhaps, but thanks for doing whatever it was you did to Ollie."

"I didn't do anything."

Kate stood up and squeezed my shoulder. "Sure Jack, whatever you say. It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well." I nodded at her as she left the spa.

Nora replaced Kate on the couch. "I insist on giving you a ride home. Haley or Shelly can follow in your car."

Haley nodded and held up my keys.

"Ok, I'm staying at Polly's Mom's house."

"Lisa McGentry? I know her. She's a frequent customer. Let's get you home."

The ride home was a blur as I sorted through the events that had transpired. Why exactly had I done that? I remembered Axle pointing the gun at Nora and something inside would have done anything to keep her safe. I didn't love Nora though. It wasn't like with Polly where everything just went red. Maybe I have it worse than Dad, maybe I feel obligated to protect any woman. That could shorten my lifespan dramatically.

Nora and Haley walked with me up to Polly's house. I opened the door and spotted Lisa working on a laptop at the kitchen table. She looked up. "Oh my you're back so soon and you brought guests."

"There was an incident..." I began.

Nora quickly interrupted. "Jack here saved us from a gunman. He's a genuine hero." Haley nodded her assent.

I shrugged my shoulders as Lisa ushered us into the living room and insisted on hearing the whole story. Once it was recounted for the umpteenth time and Lisa had asked all her questions I finally got a chance to speak. "Look everyone, you should be thanking Polly, I would not have been at the spa if not for her."

Haley had barely spoken the whole time instead choosing to simply agree with her boss with a nod of her head. This time though she smiled at me with a gleam in her eye. "We should thank Polly then."

Nora smiled then. "Excellent idea Haley, we should thank Polly."

"Good then," I answered. "That's good, Polly deserves the credit."

Nora looked at Lisa. "Do you think Jack could be at the shop tomorrow evening so we can figure out a way to thank Polly."

I scowled in confusion. "Me, why do you need me? Polly won't even be back until next week."

Lisa looked at Nora and some sort of female-only non-verbal communication occurred which I was completely unable to understand. "I'll send him your way at say, 5:30?"

"Sounds good." Nora answered and stood up. "I'll call you later to settle a few details."

Lisa nodded and walked the two women to the door.

Lisa returned shaking her head with a smile plastered on her face. "You are amazing Jack."

"What? What just happened?"

Re: Jack's Story (F/M)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:43 pm
by Londit
it's so nice you decided to repost your fantastic story, I can't wait to read the chapter coming after the "break" :)

Re: Jack's Story (F/M)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:43 pm
by volatiledesire
Londit wrote: 6 years ago it's so nice you decided to repost your fantastic story, I can't wait to read the chapter coming after the "break" :)
Thanks for speaking up. It's good to know folks made the transition over to the new place.

Chapter 34 - Thank You Polly

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 34 - Thank You Polly

The instructions were simple, just show up at "Simply Special Spa and Salon" at 5:30 and go in. Lisa made sure that I did not stay at work too late by walking into the work area I shared with Alex and standing there until I gathered my things and left. The hours of the spa were 9 to 5 as listed on their website so whatever was about to happen was scheduled for after hours.

After parking and spending too long watching the small orange and white fish in the koi pond I stepped up to the door. A woman I had not noticed sitting on a bench near the front door stood up and approached me. She had long brown hair hanging loosely about her shoulders and wore a pair of jeans and white T-shirt with a black leather jacket. "Jack?" The woman asked hefting a large bag over one shoulder.

I stopped and turned toward her. "Yes, that's me."

"Nora asked me to wait outside for you. I'm Charlotte." She'll held out her hand. "I'm the photographer."

"Photographer?" I asked taking her offered hand.

Charlotte shook her head. "Sorry, Nora wants to keep it a surprise and she only gave me the vaguest of descriptions. I'm supposed to take pictures." Charlotte pulled a professional looking camera from her bag and flipped the strap over her neck. She raised the camera as I reached toward the door. I stopped and looked back at her. "No, no, just pretend I'm not here Jack."

"That's going to be hard." Charlotte was likely in her mid-twenties and quite beautiful.

Charlotte caught my intent and chuckled. "I don't think you'll have any difficulty ignoring me."

I shrugged my shoulders and pulled open the door. The foyer was familiar except for the absence of Shelly the receptionist. In fact a quick look around showed a quiet and empty room save for the soft drone of music through the ceiling speakers. "Hello?" I spoke into the empty space. Charlotte had stepped in behind me and the gentle click of her camera caught my attention.

She waved her hand at me. "Go on, ignore me."

I went up to the counter and looked as far as I could down the hall where I knew the work rooms were located. Everything appeared to be abandoned. I waited for a few heartbeats and looked back at Charlotte who only shrugged while messing with the controls of her camera. Soon the light flowing from beneath one of the hallway doors winked out as it slowly opened. The shadowed doorway brightened by the something reflective and white and then a long smooth leg appeared. Time slowed down as my attention was snatched by the appearance of the shapely limb. It had been covered in what looked like a shiny white oil, and it slowly oozed over the dark threshold. First a knee, then a thigh, and then a raised foot until the appearance of a familiar set of curves forced my mouth to fall open.

Nora seemed to leap through the door or perhaps my sense of time suddenly caught up with reality, but she was suddenly standing before me. Her cartoonishly curvy body was covered from ankle to neck in a white shiny bodysuit that looked painted on. It was not the familiar sheen of spandex or nylon but that of vinyl or polished latex. The various pink and purple hues of her long hair utterly failed to distract me from her breasts which extended from her chest leaving a shadowed area which served to emphasize the scale of her magnificent bosom. Nora glided forward her body moving sensuously, or perhaps she always moved that way but it was normally hidden by clothing thicker than a millimeter. "Hello Jack, so nice of you to come."

The clicking of Charlotte's camera increased in tempo as I struggled to find my voice. "Uh..."

"Such a charmer." Nora smiled. "Follow me please, we have quite the experience set up for you."

Nora turned and it would have been easier to for me to fly than to look away from the shimmering posterior that led me down the hall. I was pulled after her by force beyond the strength of any leash. "Right in here." Nora smiled.

The room was similar to the room I had been in on Sunday only larger but a small bathroom was still tucked into one corner and the center of the room was dominated by a padded white chair with many levers protruding from the sides. "Have a seat please." Nora said as she walked to the back of the chair near the headrest. I sat down and was reminded a bit of a visit to the dentist. Nora did something and the chair rose and leaned back slightly while still allowing me a good view of the room. “Now let me introduce my assistants."

As if by some sort of invisible signal the door opened and a young woman entered. I remembered seeing her poking her head from one of the doors on the day that Axle had attempted to rob the place but I never learned her name. She wore a shiny red dress made of the same material as Nora's catsuit. The dress was sleeveless with a neckline that plunged low enough to reveal a cleavage but not so low that the young woman's breasts threatened to bounce free. The dress flared out from her hips and fell loosely to just above her knees. Around her waist was tied a wide sash of white satin which contrasted sharply with the solid red dress but emphasized her narrow waist. Her dark hair was combed back into a severe ponytail and she smiled warmly as she stepped to the foot of the chair. "This is Ruby."

"Hello Ruby." I said fighting to keep my eyes focused on her face. Shiny clothing had always been like catapults to the ramparts which held my libido in check and Nora had already cracked my walls thoroughly.

Nora placed her hands against my cheeks and looked down at me from over the top of my head. "And now let me introduce Sapphire." Another young woman entered the room and I immediately recognized Haley despite the fact that her blond hair was now pulled back into a ponytail exactly matching Ruby's save for the color. Likewise their dresses were exactly the same except that Haley's, I mean Sapphire's, was a brilliant shade of blue with the same white sash tied around her waist.

"Hello Jack." Sapphire said with a smile. "Welcome back."

Ruby walked around the table and stood at my left while Sapphire now stood at my right. Nora smiled down at me again. I struggled to place my memory of Haley within the stunning body of Sapphire that now stood before me. What magic did the shiny blue dress possess that could reveal such a figure that was entirely unnoticed the day before?

"And finally, we have Amethyst."

I knew what to expect this time, another young woman wearing a bright purple dress stepped into the room. She stopped at my feet and smiled with a look of genuine delight in her eyes. "Hello Jack." Her body was equally beautiful but Amethyst’s eyes held a quality of mischief that seemed to enhance her less buxom figure.

"And now my dear boy we are going to give you the time of your life." Nora said.

I looked from Nora to each of the three young women and swallowed several times in order to get some moisture worked back into my mouth. I suddenly thought of Polly. "Nora wait. I can see you have spent some time planning this and somehow you have managed to find the most incredible costumes I've ever seen, but I don't think Polly would..."

Nora placed her soft fingers over my lips. "You have nothing to fear, we are doing this for Polly, not for you."

"But..." I mumbled around her fingers and Nora placed her whole hand over my mouth.

"No buts Jack."

I lifted my arm to push hers away from my mouth but she looked at the three colorful girls and as if by some pre-planned signal they simultaneously untied the white satin ribbons from around their waists. Ruby and Sapphire lashed out with the loops of the white cloth and snagged my wrists while Nora leaned over my head so that her generous bosom slowly buried my face. The white glossy suit soon left me with no room to think about anything other than finding some small avenue of fresh air. The more I resisted the ties binding my wrists the more Nora's weight bore down upon me. If I allowed my arms to be pulled away from my body, Nora relented on the pressure. I soon figured out how to survive this game and allowed the ladies to tie my wrists.

Nora slowly stood up and my face felt cool as the sweat evaporated. The chair had been reconfigured so my arms were now resting on cushions perpendicular to my body, cruciform style. The white belts had been wrapped securely around the cushions and gentle tugs on my wrists proved their security beyond any doubt.

I looked down at my feet and Amethyst had already finished tying my ankles to the foot of the chair ensuring my helplessness. "As you can see you have little choice in the matter." Nora said and quickly walked into the nearby bathroom. Sapphire knelt down my head and smiled. "I finally got to tie you to the chair."

I was flushed at being so helpless with the trinity of young women and I could feel my embarrassment counteracting the chill from my sweating face. "What's going to happen?"

Sapphire stood up and returned to her position at my right hand without saying a word. Amethyst removed my shoes and slowly scraped her fingernails across my bare soles. My involuntary jerks seemed to delight her. I debated whether to attempt conversation but decided to keep my silence. I could not really trust myself to say anything remotely intelligent in my current situation.

Nora returned moments later. "Alright Jack, just so you know, I have spent some time conversing with Lisa McGentry about the various things Polly might truly appreciate. So I encourage you to relax and simply let us proceed as quickly as possible. I guarantee that you will find yourself enjoying parts of the process almost as much as you enjoyed looking at my three assistants.

Three smiles blossomed on the faces of the young women. Nora continued without apparent notice. "Let's begin ladies." She handed each of them a pair of safety scissors and as if they had rehearsed the procedure they all began to cut apart my clothing. "I'm sorry about your clothes Jack, but you will receive more than their fair value in return."

I jerked at the unrelenting bonds as my modesty was slowly and inexorably clipped away. The three women were much more thorough than was exactly necessary, shredding my clothing into small pieces that littered the floor like so many hair clippings. Before I could catch my breath to utter the smallest ounce of protest the waistband of my boxer shorts was clipped through and I was naked before the quartet of women. My skin tried to match the shade of Ruby's dress and my hands shivered with cold that I did not feel. Finally Nora granted me a reprieve by placing a small square of towel across my hips. Amethyst showed a little pout at that and then a brilliant smile when I noticed her expression..

"Ladies bring the soup." Nora said.

The words were so incongruous with my current situation I found myself more curious than mortified. "Soup?"

Nora nodded. "A concoction of seaweed extract and various other proprietary unguents that we mix together for our skin treatments."

The girls returned each holding a bucket like they were models for the world's sexiest painter calendar. They then began to use extremely soft brushes to paint a puke green fluid all over my skin. The liquid was thick and warm enough as to not be uncomfortable and I was soon covered from neck to toes except for the small square around my waist. "Jack, we have to finish this process which means we need your hands to be at your sides. Are you entertaining any ideas of a dramatic escape from our clutches?" Nora said with one eyebrow cocked.

"No ma'am." I said quickly. "I don't think I would get far without car keys, or clothes."

"Excellent reasoning. Sapphire, Ruby, please attend to his arms." Nora ordered.

The two girls wiped their hands and quickly released my arms from their horizontal position and forced my arms to my sides without releasing the white silk ribbons. "Ok Amethyst please help me get him into an upright sitting position."

Amethyst's cool fingers pressed against the back of my neck until I was sitting up straight. The back of the chair was repositioned so it was parallel to the floor while Ruby and Sapphire continued their hold on my hands. More of the green soup was applied to my now exposed back.

"Now we are going to seal the skin conditioners so they do not dry out. Ruby would you please extend his arm." Ruby pulled on my left arm toward her. I felt like a marionette on strings but kept this thought to myself. Nora produced a roll of plastic wrap and began to carefully wind it around the arm squeezing the fluid evenly over my skin. She repeated this with my right arm and I could only slightly bend my elbows due to the multiple wrappings, though it was not tight enough to constrict blood flow.

Ruby and Sapphire then pulled my arms back to my sides and Nora continued the wrapping across my back and chest pinning my arms to my sides. After it was obvious my arms could not move the white ribbons were removed from my wrists and I was carefully lowered down onto the now bed-like chair. I tried to shift my body but the plastic wrap clung to itself keeping me tightly rigid.

Amethyst, aided by Sapphire and Ruby then repeated this process with my legs first wrapping each limb individually and then wrapping together so my legs were locked into a long tube. They had some experience with this type of wrapping because two soft cushions were placed between my knees and ankles to prevent the bones from crushing into each other and causing unnecessary pain.

"Ok ladies get the supports." Nora said and Ruby and Sapphire returned with two large foam blocks. One was placed beneath my legs at the knees and the other was situated beneath my back so my hips were suspended in the air. "Now keep your waist held steady and we'll get this done quickly." Nora said before removing the modesty-maintaining bit of cloth. My buttocks and groin were attacked by the amazingly soft brushes and with my legs and arms bound to my sides I could do nothing but gasp at the onslaught of pleasant stroking. I doubt they were intentionally stimulating me, except maybe for Amethyst she had a constant smile, but as a young man at the beginning of his sexual development the response was unavoidable. The girls were professional and quick and before I could completely abandon my dignity I felt the wrapping of the plastic around my waist completing the cocoon.

They removed the supporting cushions and I felt more at ease within the confines of the plastic than I did spread out and exposed. "Let's bag him and we'll move on to the next step."

I jerked my head up at these words to see a smiling Sapphire approach my legs holding what looked like a giant condom. This was not far from accurate. The ladies worked together to pull the stretchy material over the plastic wrap. It was not rubber but made of a spandex like material. "You need to sweat a little to get the full benefit of the skin treatment." Nora explained. "This bag will keep all the soup trapped inside so we don't have a huge mess."

"Benefit?" I asked quietly as I watched my body disappear into the flesh colored tube being slowly drawn up my legs. If my eyes were closed I would have thought I was being devoured by a giant snake.

"Your skin will feel soft and clean, but it's more than that, you'll just have to wait and see."

"I thought this was for Polly's benefit not mine."

"Oh it is, I'm pretty sure she's going to love it."

My eyes caught movement in the corner of the room and I spotted Charlotte. I had all but forgotten her presence and perhaps she had been absent when I had been nearly nude and now returned to document my entombment. The bag slid over my shoulders and was tucked in around my neck ensuring beyond all doubt that I would be a prisoner of these women for as long as they desired. The clicking of Charlotte's camera increased its tempo as a cart was rolled up behind me. "Now for your face."

I cannot really say what happened during much of the next hour or so. The first thing I lost was my eyesight. Two soft pads were placed over my eyes and held there while the rest of my face was covered with what smelled like the same concoction that covered my body. "Now we normally don't perform this treatment to the head and face despite its effectiveness." Nora's voice said. "But in your case we think it would be better if you did not know what we were doing." The familiar sound of plastic wrap filled my ears before they were covered and all sounds vanished save for the increased tempo of the blood pounding through my veins. I tried to protest but as I opened my mouth plastic covered my lips and soon there was enough wrapped around my face to make speaking useless.

Wrapped in restricted, compacted silence the time slipped away, maybe it was five minutes, maybe five hours. It was warm and pleasant and without vision or hearing my mind was free to imagine fantastic things. Mostly I found Polly’s face, usually wearing one of the costumes the women had worn. It is difficult to explain the feeling of being completely out of control but I felt warm and cared for, even desired. The feeling washed away much of the anxiety and when I eventually felt someone pulling the tight bag away from my neck there was a small twinge of disappointment. The bag was not completely removed however stopping near my waist.

The unexpected cool touch of metal near my throat caused me to flinch but any movement was halted by the wrappings and I could feel the pressure ease as the plastic was cut from my neck to my sternum toward my navel. I tried to pull my arms free but the plastic still held me tightly. Warm towels were used on my chest and neck followed by cooler fluids that I assumed washed away the seaweed soup.

Then it happened, a shockingly cold feeling flashed around the flesh of each nipple and was suddenly smothered by a warm weight. I was positive what had just happened and I jerked my arms in protest and tried to lift my head from the chair's headrest. I felt hands on my forehead and muffled sounds but I could not make out the words through the layers of plastic over my ears. There was nothing but the pressure of hands on my head and the warm weight on my chest for several minutes before I felt the bag continue to be rolled down my body and the plastic which had been cut to my navel continue its journey down my body.

A blast of chill air was replaced by warm wash clothes as the plastic was peeled away and my individually wrapped arms and legs were freed. I remained blind, deaf, and dumb but I tried to relax as more warm towels massaged my skin until they reached my groin. My hands flashed to cover my privates only to be halted by warm fingers around my wrists holding me in place. The warm towel bath continued and I twisted as my body reacted to the delicate touches. It was clinical, not sensual, despite my body's reaction and they soon moved onto my back and buttocks methodically wiping away all of the soup.

The chair was repositioned so I was no longer flat on my back. Hands still held me in place but I felt something enclosing my feet. Whatever it was it did not stop at my feet but continued to rise over my ankle and each knee like a very long sock. As the material started to grip my thighs I realized it was some kind of tights due to the way the material gripped each of my legs individually. When the waistband of the tights snapped around my stomach I was torn between the relief of having a covered crotch and the nervousness about being dressed in a garment that was likely feminine in nature.

Again I tried to speak and muffled words answered me but I understood none of it. Some other garment was stretched down over my head and body. This garment proved beyond doubt that a set of faux breasts had been attached to my chest and unless Nora had an unlikely set of interests that coincided with Lisa these were likely the same set I had worn last week while dressed as a French maid. Which also meant that Lisa and Nora had detailed conversations about all the various activities I had been forcibly involved in.

The garment seemed to be a a tank top of some kind and gripped my stomach tightly and I could feel foreign flesh compress around my chest. Again I felt the familiar touch of silk at each wrist as I was bound to the chair with my hands extending cruciform style from my body. Then the plastic compressing my face was removed and the sounds of soft music snapped into focus as if I were emerging from a swimming pool.

My eyes remained covered as more warm towels began to wipe across my face and hair. "Welcome back Jack." Nora's voice said. "You're like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon."

Several sharp breaths of laughter were quickly stifled. "How is this a gift for Polly exactly?" A touch of irritation obvious in my voice.

"Oh I've been speaking with her mother." Nora answered.

"Obviously." I quietly interjected.

"And she told me a few stories, but I'll give you the rest of the details when we're finished here. Now be still. Sapphire you prepare the hair and Ruby you work on the face."

"Oh god." I whispered.

"Hush you," Nora said playfully slapping my thigh. "Nothing is permanent."

My face was wiped and brushed, dabbed and sponged, blotted and lined. They finally removed the small adhesive coverings over my eyes but not before they had draped my body with a thick sheet that obscured my view. My eyes were then worked on by Ruby while strands of dark green hair floated around my head from the efforts of Amethyst and Sapphire. It was obvious that a wig of some kind had been attached to my head due to the added weight.

"We are almost ready." Nora said as Charlotte again appeared in the room.

Charlotte's face appeared above me and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh my, he's quite beautiful."

"Thank you." Ruby said with a smile.

Nora gave Ruby a hug. "She is an artist."

Nora jerked off the sheet to reveal a latex outfit that exactly matched the three other 'color' girls in the room. "May I introduce, Emerald." I stared in shock at my body though my vision was rather limited due to the deep cleavage created by the faux breasts and tight dress. The dress was an exact replica of the other girls’ but where their legs were bare my legs were covered by tights that matched the dress. "Girls go get your tights on and we'll take a few group pictures." Nora looked at me. "The tights get a bit hot if you wear them for too long."

"I still don't get how doing this to me is in anyway a gift to Polly." I reached up and grabbed the dark green hair which was firmly attached to my head. It had been pulled into a firm ponytail to match the style of the other three girls but it was long enough to pull over one shoulder. "This hair feels real." The green strands also seemed to shine in the light.

Nora nodded as she wiped a cloth across the front of the dress and tights I wore. In its wake a deep shine caught the fluorescent light in the room. "It's a high quality hair piece." Nora answered. " To answer your question, Charlotte is here to provide photographs for a catalog that we are going to send to your Polly."

"A catalog?" I asked.

"Well kind of, it's more like a showcase, there is only one item in the catalog."

"What item is that?" I asked.

"Emerald of course. You. She will be able to order Emerald for herself."

It started to sink in. "Polly will be able to turn me into this?" I looked down over my body

"We'll do it for her." Nora responded.

The implications of handing Polly such power were staggering. I knew Polly and she would absolutely love having such a gift. "Seems there is a flaw in your idea."

"Oh?" Nora said.

"I don't plan to come within 10 miles of this place again." I said.

"I asked Lisa about that possibility and she said that Polly would handle it." Nora said while watching me closely. My mind flashed through a thousand ways Polly could convince me to come back here and not the least of them she could simply ask. "I see from your expression she was right. Unfortunately I can't provide this service more than twice without compensation for my workers so she only has two free coupons."

"Do they expire? I could join the army for a few years." I said with the briefest of smiles.

"Sorry they don't expire, but I was told you would enjoy this." Nora said. "After all it was your courage that kept us safe from that man. I don't want to do something you hate. Your body at least seems to enjoy it."

"My body's reaction to this is not relevant." I answered.

"Ah, I see." Nora smiled. "In that case you'll be glad of the accessories included in the catalog."


"You'll see." Nora smirked.

Nora finished shining my outfit and we returned to the lobby where Charlotte had set up several large lights and reflectors. The other girls were grouped on one side of the room with their legs covered in matching latex tights, they were carefully wiping their dresses with a cloth that made them shine as brightly as my own.

"Group shots first." Charlotte said, "Then we'll get Emerald on her own."

I felt a twinge of nausea as she referred to me with a feminine pronoun but the girls were quite excited and gleefully grabbed my arms pulling me toward the front of the room. Charlotte glanced through the camera. "I think it would look better if they wore heels. The latex feet make them look a bit too unreal."

Nora nodded and the girls left the area only to return moments later wearing heels that matched their dresses. Nora dangled a pair of heels from her fingers. "I hope these fit."

"I don't." I answered.

"We'd have to go to the store to buy some then." Nora smiled.

"I am suddenly confident they will fit." I answered.

Nora laughed and pushed the shoes on my feet. They were a little tight but not too bad and I soon joined the three other girls in front of the camera. "You've worn heels before." Charlotte said.

"Maybe," I answered.

Sapphire gave me a hug and and a quick peck on the cheek. "Relax, Emerald, this will be quick."

Charlotte put us in several poses and I was struggling to keep from getting aroused around all the tight bodies of the girls but the tights kept everything compressed and the flouncy skirt hid any telltale signs that still might have been obvious. After a few minutes Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst were asked to leave by Charlotte and I was alone with Nora, still in her ridiculously tight bodysuit. "Ok, now for some shots of Emerald. I need you to think about the last time you saw Polly."

Images flashed through my head as the camera clicked and the lights popped. Charlotte had me do different poses and positions but she never asked me to smile which I found surprising. Polly was foremost on my mind despite the constant distraction of the unfamiliar clothing. Charlotte finished at last. "Alright Nora, I believe discussed some other items you wished Emerald to...uh model."

"Quite." From a nearby box Nora withdrew an object which was constructed mostly of the same material as my dress and tights except for a few lengths of black strap dangling from various points. "Place your arms behind your back palm to palm please."

"Really? Tied up?" I complained.

"This is not exactly tied up, it is called a single sleeve or armbinder. You can't really untie yourself." Nora answered while Charlotte undocked her camera and took several shots of her sliding the thing up my arms.

"Ugh it's tight." I said as my elbows were forced closer together.

"Yes, but you can take it." Nora continued to pull it over my elbows until my wrists were firmly pressed together at the bottom of the sleeve. Two straps were placed over my shoulders and crossed across my chest above my new breasts. They passed beneath my arms where I could feel buckles pulling the sleeve tightly into position. "Ok now for the hard part."

The sleeve started to grow tighter pulling my elbows closer together and I was forced to thrust out my chest like a peacock to keep a modicum of comfort. "Please stop, it's beginning to really hurt."

I felt the tension ease slightly. "Alright I tied off the laces right there." Nora answered and again reached into the box. I tried to look over my shoulder but she flipped my new hair into my face and before I could spit the strands from my mouth a dark green colored ball was being forced between my lips and the straps quickly buckled behind my head. "There we go Charlotte, I believe he will do whatever you ask him to." Nora glanced at me. "Or else."

Charlotte continued her work as professionally as possible given the situation. "You look amazing Emerald. Just relax and do as I say."

I was again posed and positioned until finally Charlotte pulled a chair over from the waiting area and allowed me to sit down. The heels were killing my toes so I sat with a drooling sigh. I watched as Charlotte packed her equipment into several large trunks and began walking them back to her car. The other girls arrived to help but they were no longer wearing the latex doll outfits but instead casual clothes consisting of T-shirts, jeans and leggings. They ignored me as if it were a normal experience to have a man dressed as a woman bound and gagged in the lobby of the salon. I gave up trying to get their attention after it became obvious they would not help me.

"See you Nora." Charlotte yelled after another half hour of work.

The three other girls echoed Charlotte and I watched through the small windows as headlights flashed from cars that drove away. Nora appeared moments later. "Lisa is on her way. She'll drive you home." Nora had changed into a pair of leggings and a tight T-shirt that was knotted near her belly. It would have been sexy had I not seen her in the white catsuit.

I mumbled through the gag and waved my useless arms.

"You don't have any clothes, we destroyed them so you'll be going home like that." Nora said.

I shook my head from side to side which only served to remind me of the pony tail I now wore. My misery was interrupted by the jingle of the bell and the arrival of Lisa. She walked over with one hand over her mouth. "My god, he looks amazing."

"Thank you, my staff does good work."

"What now?"

"Polly will receive the catalog in the mail in a few weeks. You can decide whether or not to surprise her." Nora answered.

"I'll drop the clothing off tomorrow?" Lisa asked.

"That's fine. Here are his keys, his car will be safe here overnight."

"Come along Jack." Lisa said.

"Emerald." Nora said. "Her name is Emerald."

I rolled my eyes and Lisa smiled. "Of course, come along Emerald."

I followed Lisa to her car and kept my eyes down. If anyone saw me I did not want to know. Lisa had a small smile on her lips the entire ride home but she did not try and talk. When we got home she quickly helped me out of the armbinder and gag. I gradually transformed back into Jack most obviously after the breast prosthesis were removed.

I took a long shower and my skin definitely felt different, it was softer and somehow smoother. "I guess the soup works." I muttered to the tiled walls. When I finally turned off the water the wig and all the clothes were gone. Lisa stuck her head in and handed me a tub of cream. "Use this stuff to take off the makeup your shower missed. Come see me when you're finished."

I used the cream and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt before walking down to Lisa's room and knocking on the door.

"Come in, Jack." Lisa said. She was dressed in her usual silver nightgown and was reading a book while sitting with her back propped on several pillows.

I walked over and sat on the foot of the bed. "Your idea?"

Lisa shrugged. "Nora asked what Polly would like the most, she genuinely wanted to give her something special."

"So you had to tell her about...everything?" I asked.

"You hated it that much?" Lisa smiled.

"First Polly, then you, then Selena, now four more women. I'm really only comfortable with this stuff around Polly."

Lisa nodded and set her book aside. "Ok, I get it. From now on if anyone gets involved it won't be because of me."


"How did it feel though?"

I took a deep breath. "I can barely understand it. When I was wrapped up in plastic from head to toe, I felt cared for and free. It was enchanting."

"That's good right?" Lisa smiled

"It's weird but yeah, it felt good, I think. I was nervous too."

"You better get some sleep, there is still work tomorrow."

Chapter 35 - Polly's Return

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:24 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 35 - Polly's Return

On typical days the weather is never particularly interesting or memorable, but when you look back, the color of the sky and temperature of the air seem to come easily to your mind if something amazing happened. This day was hot, oppressively hot, and the air humid enough to feel like it might rain at any moment. I got out of Lisa's car and followed her to the front door of the house. It was Thursday, three more days until Polly would come home. The days passed like pitch through an hourglass.

"Sandwiches ok?" Lisa asked shucking her suit jacket and stepping toward the refrigerator.

"Sure," I replied. How I missed Mom's cooking. Like so many things in life that you never appreciate until they are gone. "Whatever is easiest."

I moved toward the living room and suddenly stopped halting in mid stride. I familiar burst of red was sitting in the center of the couch, my eyes moved further until I could see the shape of a woman in the dim light of the afternoon sun filtered through the heavy curtains covering the windows in the living room. The hair moved and a set of piercing green eyes met mine. The lunch box I carried hit the floor and I lurched forward my legs losing their strength causing me to stagger. "Polly." I whispered.

Polly stood and met me around the end of the couch. Her eyes danced in delight at my reaction. "Hello Jack. Did you miss me?"

I buried my head in her hair and just let her scent of vanilla and roses fill my nostrils. I realized at that moment it was not so much that she smelled like vanilla and roses but that vanilla and roses smelled like her. Her scent was utterly unique and that particular combination were the only words that could remotely classify the glorious fragrance. I felt her fingers rub along the back of my shirt and I remembered the hot car ride and difficult work day. "Oh god, I must smell terrible."

"It's ok, you didn't know I was coming." Polly smiled.

I took a brief step back and drank in the sight of her. She had gotten some sun as the freckles across her cheeks and nose were a couple shades darker giving her a face a playful look that was usually more subtle. She wore a gorgeous emerald green dress that hugged her svelte figure from the delicately decorated bodice to just above her knees. The dress gripped her throat while leaving her arms and shoulders bare. "That dress looks familiar."

"It should, I got it out of your closet." Polly smiled. "Who knew you had such great taste in women's clothes."

"I am full of surprises."

I started to ask the first of a thousand questions when Lisa walked in. "Oh my, Polly, you're home."

"Hi Mom." Polly quickly stepped passed me and gave her mom a big hug.

Polly turned back toward me. "Jack would you mind taking a quick shower while I tell my Mom what's going on tonight."

"What is going on? I really have to be with you." I answered with an obvious plea in my voice.

"Don't worry, you will. Just get a shower." Polly answered. "I'm not going anywhere."

Her confident smile took some of the worry from my imagination which consisted mostly of her introducing me to her new boyfriend that she had met while on vacation. I stifled my paranoia and ran up the stairs two at a time, the faster I showered the faster I could see her again.

After my quick but thorough shower, after all I wanted to smell and look my best, I darted into the spare bedroom where I kept my clothes despite not sleeping there and opened the drawers. My clothes were gone. I searched the closet and under the bed and discovered that the suitcase I used was also gone. I wrapped the towel firmly around my waist and went into Polly's room. Polly sat on the bed flipping through the journal I wrote in each day. "You missed a day." Her feet were resting on my suitcase which bulged with the contents.

"Yes I have a good excuse. Are you sending me packing?" I asked tapping the suitcase with my bare foot.

"I was just trying to help." Polly said closing the journal. “I got here about 4 o’clock.”

"I'll need some clothes." I said.

Polly looked me up and down and smiled. "Why?"

"I'm a bit underdressed." I answered looking at her dress which slipped higher up her leg revealing firm thighs and a tantalizing gap between her legs. The small black ballet flats she wore seemed a bit out of place for the elegant dress.

Polly shrugged. "You did really well cleaning my closet, I was hoping to read all about that, but you interrupted me."

I glanced back at the box still sitting atop the small table in the corner of the room. "I had nothing to do with that, I only got to watch."

Polly's eyes danced. "Really? You beat Mom in the first challenge."

"Well, sort of..."

I could not keep a look of concern from entering my eyes and Polly spotted it. "What happened?"

"Can I get dressed first? And what about your Mom?" I asked.

"Mom was invited to have dinner with your family." Polly answered and I silently sainted my Mom and Dad for that act of generosity and forethought. "And what's wrong with what you are wearing now?"

I looked down at the towel I held around my waist. "Uh, it's likely to fall off at any time."

"It's appropriate, you like what I'm wearing and I like what you're wearing, were even. Are you hungry?"

I followed Polly downstairs where she brought out a plate of cold cuts and cheese and we made cracker sandwiches together. I explained as best I could what happened with the first challenge.

"I don't understand Jack, you just sort of broke, like catatonic?" Polly asked.

"I can't really explain it either. I just retreated inside myself and stopped caring what Selena did. It felt so much better to not care I just stayed there. I just did whatever she said because if I tried to resist it caused a lot of anxiety."

"What snapped you out of it?" Polly asked.

"Your Mom told me to kiss Selena in the same way I kissed you." I answered

Polly was silent for a long time while I made small balls out of a piece of cheese on my plate. "I broke down at that, crying like a baby. Everything I was ignoring; the clothes, the makeup, the waxing, it all just hit me all at once."

Polly was silent for a long time. "Good grief. I'm sorry."

I nodded. "It was never your intention."

"The very moment Mom asked you to kiss Selena as if she were me, you came back?" Polly said and I could hear a smile in her voice.

I dared to meet Polly's eyes and she was smiling brightly. "Yes, that’s what happened."

"Oh Jack, you are amazing." Polly leaned over and kissed me on the lips while her hand slid along my leg up the towel. "I like your smooth legs. What happened with the third challenge?"

I grabbed her waist and held her close. The feel of her lean body beneath my fingers as my hands slid over the slippery material covering her muscular buttocks was intoxicating. "No fair, I think it’s time you told me what happened in the mountains." I whispered into her ear.

Polly nodded. "Ok, well the first week we hiked a lot and your Dad taught me how to fish though I don't think he's very good at it."

I nodded smiling. Dad loved to fish but only once a year. "What did you talk about?"

"Your sister is very proud of you. At least she spoke highly of you to me."

"Yeah right. I doubt she would tell you anything bad." I answered. “You might get angry with her. Fiery redhead and all that.”

"Maybe, but it did not feel that way." Polly answered. "I think she is impressed how you turned out."

I shrugged. "What about Mom and Dad, did they act normal?"

"They seemed like a couple in love until Kat broke her leg."

I spluttered spitting cheese and crackers all over the table. "What? Kat broke her leg?"

Polly nodded. "That's why we are home early. Kat and I were hiking along a steep trail up the mountain and she slipped and broke her leg. I helped her get home and then your Mom and Dad started fighting about everything, from the best hospital to use to whether or not we should stay there or leave early."

"They were worried." I said immediately.

"Yeah, but I thought they were going to divorce right then and there." Polly said softly.

"Huh?" I asked with genuine confusion. "It was that bad?"

"It sure seemed bad. It was as loud as my Mom and Dad used to fight when I was little, minus the hitting." Polly folded her arms and shuddered. "But then after we got back from the hospital I heard them in their room together."

"What were they saying?" I asked.

"No, I heard them, they weren't talking. You know..." Polly emphasized the word 'heard' and raised her eyebrows a couple times.

"Oh." I said suddenly getting it. "I'm sure they would be mortified if they knew you could hear them."

"Probably but Kat was blitzed on pain killers and I couldn't sleep. They were really going at it."

I waved my hand. "Please I don't want to know any more."

"It surprised me, a lot. They seemed so angry and then so passionate."

"Passion works both ways."

Polly nodded. "They apologized the next morning to me and to each other. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen." Polly suddenly shook herself and stood up to clear the dishes from the table. We were quiet for several minutes while I watched her body move within the confines of the tight dress as she walked back and forth to the sink.

"So you beat Mom in the first challenge and she got to tie you up for the second. I figured Mom would be tied up and you'd be dressed up to clean my room."

"She made Selena do it as penance for her sins the previous day, but yes I was hogtied on your bed."

"She did a good job on my closet. How did you like Simply Special Spa and Salon?"

"Honestly Polly, I don't know how you get me into these situations." I answered.

"Really? Tell me what happened." Polly sat back down and moved to the edge of her seat.

I told her the story of the salon and the attempted robbery. "Nora insisted that I return the next day so they could thank you. Even when I try to get out of things my words always backfire and I get in deeper."

"What did they do to thank me?" Polly asked obviously perplexed.

"I'm happy to tell you the whole story of what happened on Monday but it might be more fun if you were surprised when it gets here."

"Gets here? What gets here?" Polly asked.

"If I told you, it would ruin the surprise. Honestly though, it's very embarrassing. I'm happy to tell you if you want."

"Now I'm intrigued." She tapped her finger lightly against her lips. "Let's see, surprise or not?" She thought for several moments and then smiled. "I'll wait."

"Alright, we can put the stew of my humiliation on the stove at a low simmer for a while." I said.

Polly laughed. "Exactly. You stay here while I change into a swimsuit, the sun is below the trees so let's get in the hot tub."

"It's a hundred degrees outside." I said with mild shock.

Polly looked at me and cocked her head to one side. "Mom usually doesn't heat the water in the summer time, unless she's lost her mind in the two weeks I've been gone."

"Oh, right."

Polly returned wearing a black two piece swimsuit that made my eyes bulge with desire. Her body was more perfect than I remembered and I stood up barely remembering to grab the towel. She stood in front of me enjoying my attention before motioning to me. "Let's go." She opened the door to the back patio.

"Let me get my suit."

"No." Polly said firmly. "Either you get in like that or you can wear that fish scale swimsuit that gave you those lovely tan lines. They are starting to fade."

It was my turn to cock my head. "Seems a little unfair, you get to see me naked."

"I saw you naked on the day we met. It's not my fault. And by now everyone but your sister has seen you naked too. I bet even Nora at the Salon did?"

My blush was all the answer Polly needed, she wrapped her arms around me and I walked out to the not-quite-hot tub. My towel fell to the ground somewhere between the house and the tub and I decided not to care. I slipped into the sun-heated water and Polly sat beside me rubbing her hand across my legs. "I do like your skin, are you sure it was only waxed?"

"Can't tell you that. It happened on Monday." I answered.

Polly shrugged.

We talked.

We sat silent and just bathed in each other’s presence as much as the water..

We listened to each other and to the crickets competing with the cicadas on the muggy evening. She talked of the beautiful vistas in the mountains and I talked about the difficulties at work. Polly worked to turn the conversation toward my experiences with her Box and somehow I let slip that Lisa had a picture of me dressed as the French Maid and with a rush of water Polly sprang from the tub in a single splash and returned moments later with her cellphone. "My god you're beautiful."

"Hmphh." I grunted looking at the picture and thankful that it was impossible to discern my identity beneath the artistry of Selena's makeup. "Do you really like seeing me like that?"

Polly stiffened a little and I could feel her mind working. She finally spoke in a gentle whisper while rolling her hands through the swirling water. "One evening your Mom and I stayed up late, Kat and your Dad played a game and left us to our own devices. We talked and talked, long into the night."

She paused here and I waited for her to continue wondering what this had to do with my question.

"She helped me understand a few things. And she also told me that you would wonder whether I liked girls because I enjoyed dressing you up in those clothes."

I shrugged with as much ambiguity as I could manage not wanting to anger her by admitting that the thought had in fact crossed my mind.

"The answer is no, I do not like girls, not in the sexual sense. I like you Jack, and I'm learning how to love you. It started when I found you tied to my bed but you set my heart ablaze on my birthday when you attacked my father." Venom dripped from the last word as she spoke. "I see you as a raging fire Jack. Uncontainable and dangerous, impossible to ignore."

It was my turn for surprise and though I fought to keep my reaction away from my face we sat so closely in the water she knew what I felt.

"You're surprised." Polly smiled.

I nodded. "You are afraid of me."

"No." Polly said at once and with finality. "I'm amazed by you like a moth dazzled by a candle, and when I tie you up and tease you with a swimsuit or a dress it is like restraining an inferno and that heat sets my whole body aflame."

"The ropes, the clothes, the teasing, all that stuff turns you on." I said.

"No, not those things. It's you. If I tied up some other guy I can't imagine being anything other than embarrassed and uncomfortable. But you Jack, oh god, the fire metaphor is the only way to explain it."

"Can I ask you a question?" I said quietly after a brief moment.

"Of course." Polly looked at me in the eyes I could see she was nervous.

"The night you were tied to the coffee table by your Mom and I..." I had to search for the right word. "...played with you."

"I remember." Polly said as her green eyes flashed.

"Would you rather me do that to you or would you rather have me tied to your bed wearing that?" I pointed to her cell phone.

Polly bit her lip in thought. "How did you get into that situation?"

"Huh? Does it matter?"

"Oh goodness. It makes all the difference in the world. If you dressed up yourself and somehow bound yourself to the bed. That would be ok, I guess. But if I trapped you and dressed you myself and then tied you to my bed, that's a thousand times better."

"Oh, I see. My resistance is part of the turn on."

"Of course, if you wanted to dress in women's clothes that would not work at all. It is your reaction to them that is important. Honestly a man's speedo or even nudity in the right circumstance would be just as amazing. Imagine if I tied you to that pole." Polly pointed to one of the support beams that held up the patio cover. "Now imagine if you were naked. Imagine if I left you there alone. What if you knew my friends were coming over to swim soon?"

It was dark so I doubt she could see my sudden flush but again she knew what I was feeling.

"I know what turns me on." Polly said finally. "And have I answered your question."

I nodded. "Yes, but it makes a few things more difficult."

"Like what?" She asked.

"If I want to turn you on and make you crazy. I need to do what exactly?"

"Ah, I see. The difference between the two cases you presented, being tied to the table while being attended to by your deft fingers or having you unwillingly tied to my bed dressed as a French maid are both really awesome, but you asked me to choose."

"Ok, that helps."

"Now I have a question?" Polly said

"Ok, go on." I said.

"It's obvious that Selena pushed you over some kind of boundary that day."

"Yes, I suppose she did."

"If I ever get anywhere close to that, you need to tell me. Promise me that." Polly said sternly.


"What do you mean?" Polly said with a puzzled tone in her voice.

"If I'm gagged, or what if you don't believe me. Perhaps you think I'm just resisting you, which you admit is part of the turn on." I answered.

Polly nodded. "That's the other thing your Mom and I talked about. She called it a safe word." Polly said. "It's a signal that things have gone too far."

"I’m a little uncomfortable that my Mom talked about this stuff with my girlfriend." I said.

Polly smiled. "Your Mom and Dad are probably way better at this than we are."

"Stop. Please. They're my parents."

Polly laughed. "Still though, if you start humming or singing a song. I will stop whatever we are doing. And to make sure you only use it sparingly, I will become as chaste as an Irish Catholic schoolgirl for at least a week afterwards. I'll kiss you and hold your hand, but that's it."

"Ah I see, you want to make sure I only use it in emergencies." I answered.


We settled back for a few more minutes. "Since I don't know when Mom is coming home I guess I better let you get dressed, besides I'm looking forward to reading your journal."

"If I say something stupid in there, I apologize in advance." I said.

"Me too." Polly laughed. "I was tired a lot of those nights."

I wrapped my arms around Polly and buried my face into her now damp hair. "I missed you so much. You are more beautiful than ever."

"I missed you too, your sister is nice, but she is not you."

I quickly ran into the house suddenly worried about being naked when Lisa came home. I found my suitcase where Polly left it and pulled out some shorts and a T-shirt. I spent another long moment kissing Polly then I drove home.

* * *

I arrived home just as Lisa was leaving. I greeted my parents and we talked for a few minutes. Kat had a cast on her left leg from just above her knee to the middle of her foot. I signed my name next to Polly's but it was obvious that any plans she had for the summer were going to be seriously disrupted. "Geez Kat, I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah it sucks. Thanks to Polly it's only a broken leg." Kat responded.

"Huh?" I looked at her puzzled.

"Told you Mom." Kat yelled toward the kitchen in a sing-song voice where Mom sat talking with Dad.

Mom walked into the living where Kat and I were talking. "Told me what?"

"Polly did not tell him." Kat smiled.

Mom shook her head. "Polly saved Kat from a worse fall with some quick thinking using her backpack."

"I fell near that high cliffside near the lake lookout." Kat added.

I nodded remembering the steep switchbacks and treacherous trails.

"Then she rigged up a sled out of some pine saplings and pulled me down the mountain. She was like some kind of superhero." Kat said.

Mom nodded. "We are so grateful she was there."

I was flabbergasted. "Polly said nothing other than that she helped you down the mountain."

Kat rolled her eyes. "I suppose it would have sounded like bragging but seriously she probably saved my life. I broke my leg in two places I would not have made it without that sled."

"Wow. I'm glad she was there."

Kat smiled and gestured me closer. "And I'm glad I tied you to her bed all those weeks ago."

"Me too, Kat, me too."

* * *

I picked up the journal near my bed and read the first entry.
Polly wrote:I'm excited and scared. I am excited to get away from all the stuff I have to do and nervous that I'm going to be so far from you. I just realized how few pictures we have of us together. I guess that's because so many of our pictures would be too naughty to carry around :) I miss you.
I flipped ahead a few days.
Polly wrote:The days are fun, the nights are unbearable. I'm so busy during the day I don't really think about home. At night though I really wish you were here. Is this what it feels like to be in love?
The last entry.
Polly wrote:It's Monday I think. I may have saved your sister's life today. I was so terrified. If my backpack strap had not held, she would have fallen another 20 feet. The whole time I thought of you, I thought of how you saved me from my asshole Dad. How strong you are. How gentle. How you look at me. I love you Jack.
I gently closed the book and shucked out of my clothes. I laid awake and thought perhaps all the pain and embarrassment of the last two weeks just might have been worth it.

Chapter 36 - Day with Kat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:31 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 36 - Day with Kat

I find it probable that Karma exists as a force in the universe. I was on top of the world on Thursday after seeing Polly, so of course things had to fall apart at work. Alex spun around in a major hurricane of problems that seemed to swirl around the office engulfing everything including my rapidly increasing skill. I found myself doing way more than I ever had thought myself capable, while Alex attended meetings and extinguished some of the dumbest ideas ever conceived by the human mind. It is amazing what non-technical people think is possible with computers. No matter, I did not get home until 10 o'clock on Friday evening. I skipped the leftovers waiting in the refrigerator, skipped brushing my teeth, and felt a sense of accomplishment for taking the time to undress before collapsing into my bed.

* * *

"Jack. Jack wake up." I felt arms on my shoulders rolling them from side to side.

I forced my eyes open and saw my mother's face looking down at me. "What time is it?"

"Just after six in the morning." Mom said. "I'll be gone all day today. It's a good thing we came home from vacation early. Things have fallen apart at work for Dad so he is gone today too."

"That's been going around."

"Well, your sister is going to need help today. Just answer if she calls, please."

Polly's previous night’s comments about my sister's clandestine opinion of me echoed through the sleep addled halls of my mind and I found myself nodding. "Sure thing."

"Thanks Jack, sorry to run out on you like this. Tomorrow we should all be together. I turned up the ringer on your phone." Mom placed my cell on the table near my bed. "If Kat needs something she will call."

I was again asleep before I could tell my head to nod.

* * *
The relentless sound of my cellphone drug me again from my sleep, it felt like seconds had passed since Mom had first spoke to me. I looked at my phone. "6:30!" I cursed into the room. Kat's imaged glowed from the front of the phone. "What can she possibly need at this time of the morning?"

I lurched from my bed wearing just my underwear. If she wanted something this early in the morning she would have to deal with me at my worst. Kat was sitting on the bed wearing a grimace of pain holding her leg with her hands. My irritation melted in a flood of concern. "Are you ok?"

Kat groaned. "I need to use the toilet and the painkillers Mom gave me haven't kicked in."

"Let me help you."

I got under Kat's arm and we hobbled to the bathroom. After she was finished we hobbled back to her bed. "Nice tan lines Jack."

I shrugged. "I thought you knew."

Kat shook her head. "Polly?"


"No body hair?" Kat said again her smile widening.

I shrugged.

"Polly?" Kat smiled.

"Sort of. It's a long story." I answered.

"Can I hear it?" Kat said.

"Not now, too tired."

"Oh right you got in late last night. Off with you." She made a shooing gesture with her hands.

It seemed like my cell phone started going off before my eyes closed. The too bright screen said 7:30. "Hello." I groaned into the phone, hoping that whatever she wanted I could stay in bed a few seconds longer.

"Sorry to wake you, but I've been sleeping so much not even the drugs can knock me out. Can you help me to Mom and Dad's room so I can watch television?"

"Sure. Be right there." I stumbled down the hallway and helped Kat hop into Mom and Dad's room. I made sure she had the remote and her cell and then returned to my bed.

A third call. It was now 8:00. I think of myself as a rational and understanding person but this was getting ridiculous. I did not answer the phone just walked down the hall and into Mom and Dad's room. Kat was smiling. "I forgot the charger for my phone."

"A true tragedy. Imagine what would happen if you couldn't call me." Sarcasm dripped from my lips.

"I know. I might wet the bed and it would be all your fault." Her voice dropped an octave as she glared at me.

I stomped down the hall and brought her the charger and I could tell she was irritated with my attitude, but I was too tired to care. I immediately returned to my room only to hear my phone ringing again.

I spun on my heel and went back to Kat without touching the phone. "What!" I said with obvious irritation.

Kat smiled. It was a smile I remembered from countless other days when she knew she had the advantage. It was the smile I got after landing on Boardwalk one move after she placed a hotel during our Monopoly games. It was the smile that meant Mom and Dad blamed me for something she had done. "I'm hungry."

I sighed. "Kat please, I'm so tired."

"I have a broken leg." Kat responded.

"You're just doing this because it irritates me."

Kat shrugged. "I am hungry."

I could refuse and walk away but it would be Mom calling next and I still would not get any sleep. In the kitchen I poured her a bowl of her favorite cereal, a glass of orange juice, and made some toast. I took it up to her laid out on a tray. This time I put on a shirt and shorts and stuffed several lengths of rope into my pockets. "I won't use them unless she forces me to." I said to myself. Upstairs I placed the tray across her lap. I pretended to look for a napkin I dropped and put the lengths of rope onto the floor near the corners of the bed.

"Thank you dear brother." Kat smiled like a Cheshire cat.

I thought about bowing at the waist like a butler but instead gave her a quick nod and left the room. I laid back down in my bed and allowed my eyes to fall closed. When the cell phone went off again only fifteen minutes had gone by. A cold anger settled into my chest and I walked down to Mom and Dad's room fully prepared for drastic action.

As I rounded the corner I saw Kat holding up her hands in a plea of mercy. "Sorry Jack, I really want to sleep but I need these dishes taken away or I might kick them off the bed."

Her seemingly honest desire to sleep thawed my anger and I slowed my steps. As I picked up the tray and moved back toward the door I watched Kat rearrange the pillows so she rested more on her back. "Last chance." I whispered after leaving the room. I left the dishes on the floor of my bedroom and crawled back into bed with a blinking clock telling me it was nearly 9:00.

The phone rang just after I pulled the sheets over my body. I ground my teeth together and answered the phone. "Yes."

"Just kidding, I'm not tired." Kat's cheerful voice said. "Can you come fluff up my pillows for me?"

That was it. The camel is now dead in the desert beneath an enormous load of straw. I was convinced no matter what I did no court in the land would ever convict me. I entered Mom and Dad's room. Kat smiled at me with a pillow in her hand. I approached and she handed it to me. "Here you go get fluffing."

I jumped on the bed at that moment pinning one of her arms beneath the pillow and reached for the rope I had dropped on the floor.

"Hey, get off me Jack." I could feel her try and roll to dislodge me but her leg kept any real strength from the maneuver. Though I was short on practice my ability with ropes had improved in the last few months and I started to quickly wrap the rope around her free wrist. I had to get her bound quickly and could make it comfortable later. When Kat felt the rope encircle her wrist she went mad. "No fucking way Jack." She yelled. Her fingernails lashed out and cut lines across my leg that pinned her body and arm to the bed. I pulled on the rope now wrapped around the iron bars of the headboard and her wrist moved inexorably away from her body toward the corner of the bed. She tried to use her bound wrist as leverage to pull her body from beneath my legs but I grabbed another pillow and pressed it down over her face. I was not planning on murder but Kat in her panicked state was not thinking rationally and she immediately focused on removing the pillow which allowed me to get the second rope into position. As she pulled the pillow away from her face with her now free hand I looped the rope around her arm and pulled it to the opposite corner of the bed.

She called me every curse word in the book and then she started making up new ones. I folded my arms and waited for her to calm down. "Are you finished?" She continued for several more minutes.

Gasping for breath she calmed and stared at me. "Let me go."

"I will after I get some sleep. The ropes are too tight. I need to fix that." I picked up another coil of rope, folded it in half, and approached her hands. I was able to avoid her few attempts to scratch me and soon had a broader coil of rope around her wrist which distributed the force over a larger area of her arm and removed any chance that blood flow would be disrupted.

"Please let me go Jack. I'll let you sleep, I promise."

I released the original rope and watched as she tested the new bonds before walking to the other side of the bed. "I know you will, this will make sure of it."

"You bastard, I will make your life a living hell after this." Kat said.

I repeated the process with her other hand. She was soon tied with her arms spread to each corner of the bed. She could move them quite freely, but not enough to reach the knots which were tucked away near the floor. "I'm sorry Kat, I'm really desperate."

I used the rope I just removed from her wrist to loop around her uninjured ankle and pulled it toward the lower corner of the bed pulling some of the slack from her arms.. She kicked a little but it was obvious the thrashing caused her pain. I felt a twinge of guilt but that camel in the desert was still dead.

"Please Jack." An element of pleading entered her voice.

"Sorry." I went into the bathroom and returned with a package of bandages used to wrap injuries. "You have two choices, I can gag you with one of your own clean socks or I can get two of my dirty ones. Don't fight me."

"Don't you dare." Kat's eyes flashed with anger.

"Two choices." I repeated and approached her with one of her clean socks.

I could see the war behind her eyes and when the decision was made. "I will make you pay for this." Kat said opening her mouth.

I poked the sock into her mouth careful not to let my fingers get anywhere close to her teeth and wrapped the bandage around her head several times. The stretchy bandage pushed the sock deeper as it nestled between her lips.

"I'll be back in a few hours Kat. You can use that time to imagine all manners of terrible revenge."

Kat grunted and glared at me.

I let my voice drop to a whisper, I remembered an old saying that people will often strain to hear a whisper while ignoring a shout. "I know this is bad; what I've done to you. After I wake, I will not fight you. You can do whatever you want to me. The only question I have Kat, is whether you can come up with something that Polly, or her Mom, or Selena hasn't already done." I patted her arm and left the room.

Chapter 37 - What Jack Deserves

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:15 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 37 - What Jack Deserves

A light softness pressed into my lips and the fragrance of pure delight filtered down into my dreams turning them from images of dark halls and broken towers to green fields full light and life. The dreams faded but the soft touch on my lips remained. Finally my conscious mind engaged and I opened my eyes to see jade intertwined with gold within the irises of my beloved Polly. "Good morning."

I smiled. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I glanced at the clock. It was nearly noon.

Polly sat back on the bed and waited. I drank in her lovely form. She wore a loose white tank top that revealed a green athletic bra at the collar and around the openings for her arms. She had one leg tucked underneath her body which were covered in matching leggings. Her hair was braided and settled across one shoulder. She cocked one eyebrow as if expecting something. Polly’s Outfit

Her gesture set off the correct synapse in my brain and I remembered what I had done to my sister. "Oh shit." I jumped out of bed and ran for the door.

Polly reached out a hand and caught my wrist. "Too late Jack, we released her over an hour ago."

I sat back down onto the bed. "How?"

Polly grabbed her phone and turned it around. There was a picture of Kat's gagged face with a brief message. "Jack did this, help."

"How did she do that?" I asked trying to workout how she managed to get to her phone.

"The charger was plugged in near enough that she managed to grab the cord and pull the phone into her hand." Polly answered.

More realizations rolled through Jack's mind. "You let me sleep."

"Yes, Mom is here and she told me you had it rough yesterday."

I nodded. "Why is your Mom here?"

Polly laughed. "Curiosity, mostly. She was with me when the text came."

"Ah, I see."

"So..." Polly made a rolling gesture with her hand. "What happened?"

I handed my cell phone to Polly. "Look at the call log. Mom woke me at 6:00 this morning and told me to help Kat if she needed it. I just couldn't take it anymore."

Polly moved her fingers over the phone. "Hmm."

Lisa's face peeked around the doorway. She wore jeans and a white fitted T-shirt tight enough to show the outline of her bra. Her hair was pulled into a loose ponytail. "What's his story?"

"Similar to Kat's though he sounds more desperate than insane and she called him a couple more times than she let on."

Lisa nodded. "I'm going to call Nancy. Let her know what's going on."

"Do you have to?" I had no desire for Mom to find out what I did.

"She asked me to check in on you guys today anyway, mostly for Kat. So yes I need to call her." Lisa left the room.

"I'm going to go apologize and face the music. I just needed some sleep, I really thought she would never stop." I said.

I stood up and Polly slid her arm around my waist pressing her body into mine. "We'll talk to her together."

Kat was sitting up in bed and the television was droning on some shopping channel. She switched it off when we entered. Her arms crossed beneath her breasts spoke loudly of her anger but she just stared at me. "I do apologize if I hurt you but I'm not sorry I tied you up. I was desperate. As I said before, I'll not resist whatever punishment you wish."

"Don't be a fool, Jack." Polly snorted and then turned to look at Kat. "You can't do anything to him that is permanent, public, or extremely painful."

Kat shrugged. "I'm not going to do anything. You are."

Polly raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Jack made it quite clear that I would be hard pressed to come up something that you or all the other women in his life haven't already done to him. So I want you to come up with something..." Kat smiled and held out her hand palm upward. "...appropriate."

Polly smiled. "Alright, I'm intrigued."

Kat looked at me. "Jack, you leave. I want to discuss things with Polly."

I turned immediately and left the room not wishing to be within earshot as they discussed my fate. I found Lisa downstairs in the kitchen just saying goodbye to someone on the phone. "Alright, don't work too hard. You're welcome." Lisa said into the phone.

"That was Mom?" I asked.

Lisa nodded. "She found the whole thing kind of funny, though only after knowing that Kat was not hurt. What possessed you to tie her to the bed?"

"I don't know, I was tired and it's sort of a normal thing to happen to me. I guess I don't look at beds the same as everybody else. I knew Mom and Dad's bed had the rod iron headboard..." I shrugged.

We digressed into discussions about work and the fallout of the few emergencies that occurred. Polly's return interrupted us. "I'll be right back Jack." Polly said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Polly waved and left the house.

"I better go to. I have a few things to do at work. I guess you won't be coming in today." Lisa smiled.

"I wasn't planning to. I've already worked well over 40 hours this week." I answered.

I walked up to Mom and Dad's room a few minutes later and rapped my knuckles on the open door. Kat waved me in as she turned down the volume on the television. "Are you still mad?" I asked.

Kat shrugged. "It would have been a lot worse if I had been stuck for longer. Lucky you’re incompetent."

I smiled and sat down. "So what did you think?"

"What did I think about what?" She had a quizzical expression on her face.

"Being tied up?"

Kat cocked her head to one side and looked at me. "Are you kidding me?"

"Just asking. You don't have to answer."

Kat started to laugh.

It was my turn to be confused. "What?"

"Did you think it was genetic?" Kat laughed. "If you like it than your sister must like it too?"

"It's situational, I was scared spitless that day you tied me to Polly's bed." I said feeling a little defensive.

"To answer your question, it pissed me off that you got the drop on me like that." She rapped her knuckles against the hard cast. "If not for this, you would never have gotten close."

"I'm sure." I shook my head. "I still can't believe I did that. It feels like it was a different person. I'll leave you to your rest or television or whatever."

"Help me to the bathroom, will ya?"

I helped Kat use the bathroom and made us both some lunch. By the time we were finished Polly had returned and I made her a sandwich as well. After clearing away the dishes I looked at Polly. "Well, where did you go?"

Polly smiled and took out a bunch of stuff out of a paper sack. It appeared at first glance to be from a medical supply store or pharmacy. "That's where I went."

I looked at the packaging. "Techniform Premium Cast Tape." I read on one of the labels. "What's it for?"

"It is for a cast like your sister has." Polly answered.

I felt a sense of dread fill my chest. "Let me guess."

Polly nodded. "Yup, we thought it appropriate that you find out how feels to be as helpless as Kat is."

"Or more so." Kat added.

"Do you know how to apply a cast?" I asked Polly.

"Sheesh, there are hundreds of videos on the internet." Polly rolled her eyes.

"Of course there are." I rolled my eyes back at her.

"Come on, we have to do this in the bathroom."

I followed her into the bathroom and watched as she pulled a long stretchy tube of white fabric mesh over my arm from my fingertips to the middle of my upper arm. "I think you are going to want your elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. Just keep it very still." I bent my elbow and she wrapped a thicker cotton-like material around the mesh sock making it especially thick around my fingers. She filled the sink with water, ripped open a package of the wrap, and tossed it into the water.

"Pink? You had to get pink?" I said looking at the roll soaking in the sink.

"Of course." Polly laughed. "Now keep that arm still."

She put on a pair of latex gloves and began to wrap my now thickly padded arm with the wet fiberglass beginning at the wrist. At the top part of my arm she folded the white sock over the cast and wrapped another layer just below this. "That is supposed to keep the cast from cutting into your skin." Another roll was needed to cover my hand leaving a large pink oval where my fingers and thumb use to be. "Now stay still."

She held my arm in her hands and we waited. After a few minutes my elbow was locked in position. I could itch my nose on the side of the cast but I could not do anything with the arm. "I wish we had done this to my left arm."

Polly laughed. "We are going to."

"What? You can't do that. I'll be completely helpless. Kat can fly around the room like a bird compared to what I'll be able to do without the use of my arms."

Polly nodded. "True, it is more severe but you won't be stuck this way for 4 to 6 weeks like Kat is."

"Polly please." I took a couple steps toward the bathroom door. "Who will help Kat?"

"I plan on being here." Polly answered. "Helping both of you." Polly's eyes glistened with heat and the corners or her mouth turned up in a grin. She stepped closer and slid her hand up inside my shirt. "And when your dear sister falls asleep, I will be able to spend some quality time with her dear brother."

I swallowed nervously but could not look away. Polly lifted her shirt and pressed her smooth green sports bra against my skin. "Polly I..." I couldn't finish my sentence because her lips kissed the hollow of my throat.

Polly leaned back from my neck. "What were you saying?"

I tried to focus my eyes. "I don't remember."

"Good. Now hold out your arm." Polly slid the sock like material over my left arm and repeated the process of wrapping. In ten minutes each of my arms was encased in solid pink fiberglass from three inches above my elbow all the way to my fingers which were hidden inside and ovoid shell of the same material. Each arm was bent at 90 degrees which would keep me from doing anything other than scratching itches against the rough casting. More worrying was the realization that I could not eat or use the bathroom without help. I could not even wipe my own ass. Perhaps not eating would be the best idea. "I bought way too many rolls of that stuff, looks like we have enough for later." Polly smiled. "Let's go talk to Kat and see what she thinks of your punishment."

I followed Polly while marveling how absolutely rigid my arms were. I could wiggle my fingers but there was no exterior evidence of any movement at all. We entered Mom and Dad's room where Kat was lying down on the bed her back propped up against the wrought iron headboard with several pillows. "Oh my, how intriguingly poetic." Kat said as she looked at my arms.

Polly took a mocking bow. "It seemed appropriate."

Kat ran her hands over my rigid arms. "Amazing work Polly, but you've forgotten something though."

"Really?" Polly said.

"If I remember right Jack, you gave me a choice of a clean sock or dirty sock depending on my cooperation. Shall I give you a similar choice?" Kat said.

I looked at Polly hoping for a look of consternation on her face directed toward my sister, instead I saw a look of excitement. "Oh, I forgot that." She looked toward me and raised her eyebrows. "Well?"

I hung my head. "Clean please." I whispered.

Polly exited the room forcing me to endure Kat's smugness. She returned moments later and pressed a wad of cloth to my lips. I opened my mouth in acquiescence while rolling my eyes in Kat's direction. Polly had already applied the first layer of bandage around my mouth when I realized the feeling was wrong. I glanced toward Polly as she continued wrapping a bandage around my head.

"What? They are clean." Polly said.

Kat perked up at the words. "What did you do?"

"Some clean panties I found."

I growled unintelligible obscenities at Polly who only smiled in reply.

Kat laughed. "Whose?"

"I best not say." Polly glanced at Kat with a smile.

Polly finished with the fourth circuit around my head with the bandage. The elastic wrap pushed the wad deeper into my oral cavity and I had to concentrate to keep my gag reflex under control. Kat struggled to breathe around her convulsions of laughter. "You are too much."

Polly smiled. "And you need to get some sleep now." Polly grabbed the remote and switched it to a channel covering a golf tournament."

"Hey I'm not sleepy." Kat protested.

Polly switched the light off and the amber light was replaced with the muted daylight streaming through the blinds covering the windows. "You need to rest, and if I find you out of that bed I'll tie you there myself."

"You wouldn't dare." Kat said with a shocked voice.

"Try me, come along Jack."

I followed Polly unable to do anything but look back over my shoulder at Kat who was still staring in dumb surprise. Polly closed the door and then immediately leaned against it to listen. I stood patiently waiting while Polly nodded. "Sounds like she is going to get some sleep."

I stared at her and tried to dislodge the wrapping on my face with cast-covered fingers but soon gave up. Polly watched me in patient amusement before grabbing my rock hard wrist and pulled me into Kat's room. There were a few clothes scattered about and her desk was littered with makeup but it had been much worse. Polly pushed the door closed and locked it. She then grabbed the chair from the desk and wedged it beneath the door knob. "Extra insurance."

I stood in the middle of the room and watched as Polly pulled her white tank top off and tossed it to the floor now standing before me in just her bra and tights. An unbidden whine escaped through the layers of my gag like a dog who watches his owner eating bacon at the breakfast table. I wanted nothing more than to slide my fingers over her shiny thighs and play with the small buds of flesh sitting atop the hills of soft skin contained by her bra. She stalked closer, her dancer's grace transformed into the patient stalk of a hunting cat. I tried to remain calm but her eyes ignited the desire to submit like prey. Her fingers began to slide beneath my T-shirt I would have willingly given her all I hold sacred for each moment of her touch.

My eyes rolled back in my head and my knees weakened as her fingernails slid around my hips beneath the elastic waistband of my shorts. Time dissolved into distinct moments like a pearls on a string, each one so perfect that you could neither miss the last one or long for the next. With her eyes fixed on mine she knelt before my trembling body pulling my shorts to the floor until she knelt before me. Embarrassed by my extreme arousal my face flushed and beads of sweat blossomed along my brow.

With her eyes fixed upon my own, her warm breath flowed across rock hard flesh between my legs. "I guess you like what you see." Polly whispered. The beaded sweat now collected into a stream and slid down my cheek. I chewed on the packing in my mouth to stifle the piteous whine that bubbled from my throat.

"What should I do with you?" Polly obviously delighted in asking questions I could never answer. She stood up and her hair brushed against my thighs and stomach and everything in between forcing a low groan from behind my packed mouth. She pulled my shirt over my head and forced the loose cotton over my casted arms. I stood naked as her eyes roamed up and down my body. "What is it about you?"

I met her eyes and waited.

"Is it because you are so strong? I watched you take down my Dad, easily twice your weight. Is it your brains? Mom seems impressed by your ability at her office." She combed her fingers through my hair. "Or maybe it is because you look so cute in pink." Polly giggled while rapping her knuckles on my hardened casts. Polly stepped back and opened the closet that belonged to Kat. "Did your sister ever dress you up in her clothes when you were younger?"

I shook my head dreading where this was going.

"I bet if I can find something suitably fun for you to model for her, I'm sure she will forgive you."

I growled and stared down at my arms.

Polly laughed. "Oh you think the casts were enough? I doubt it." Polly rifled through the closet and finally came out with a large smile on her face. "What do we have here?" She held a white plastic bag suspended from a hangar and laid it on the bed near where I stood. Polly spent a few moments carefully removing the bag to reveal a mass of dark pink satin covered with layers of lace and tulle. She picked the dress up and held it against her body. The strapless dress had a satin bodice overlaid with decorative lace that ended at the waist in a 'V' shape that then exploded into a broad skirt made of soft layers of tulle and and satin. "What do you think?" Polly smiled at me. Pink Dress

I looked at the dress and could only imagine how it would look on her. I had no desire to be paraded in front of my sister in such a feminine confection. It was more likely that instead of assuaging Kat's anger for my earlier mistake she would become more angry because I was wearing her clothes. I started to back away toward the door while trying to communicate this with shakes of my head and muted grunts.

I kicked at the chair propped beneath the door knob but soon realized I had no way to turn the knob. "Jack, where are you going?" I could feel her spandex covered legs pressing into mine as her arms wrapped around my waist. She lightly danced her fingers across my manhood and all thought fled my mind. "Let's get this dress on you, and I promise to make it worth your while." Polly said as her fingers continued.

It was hopeless even if I were free of the casts I could never have mustered the will to turn away from Polly at that moment. Her fingers never left me until she was pulling the dress up my body and settling it over my waist. The soft fabric continued the stimulation while Polly pulled on laces that squeezed my stomach. The bodice was lined with soft satin but as the slack was removed it felt like iron bars forcing the air from my lungs.

"This dress is lovely." Polly said from behind. "These laces add so much class." She then stepped in front of me. Her legs brushed against the wide and airy skirts and in turn the soft materials slid across the erection she had so painstakingly encouraged. My eyes rolled back into my head at the onslaught of sensation both prickly from the tulle and soft from the satin. Polly's grabbed my casted arms. "Easy there Jack, I know the dress is nice but don't faint on me."

I shook my head and looked down over my body. My legs were invisible beneath the waterfall of pink that poured from my constricted waist stopping inches short of my knees. Polly pressed the skirts down a bit. "Looks like your modesty will remain intact, though if you sit down or bend over I can't guarantee anything. The bushy skirts hide your fun bits." She reached up and fiddled with the chest of the dress. "No way those huge breast forms Mom used will work for this dress." She pulled at the flesh around my chest for a few minutes and then shrugged. "Best I can do."

Polly walked toward the door and removed the chair. She waved with her hand for me to follow.

I decided to make a stand. No way was I going to willingly walk into my sister's presence dressed like this, no matter how little choice I had in the matter. I shook my head vigorously.

Polly put her hands on her hips. "Really? You're going to be difficult now? I mean look in a mirror."

I continued to shake my head.

"Fine." Polly said with mild irritation and closed the door. I quickly moved toward the door and stopped immediately as the loose skirts of the dress slid around across my already intensely aroused body. Bursts of sensation flared through my turgid manhood. I gritted my teeth and forced focus through the sex-clogged synapses of my brain. Handicapped with the rush of intense feeling it took a few seconds to again realize that I could not turn the doorknob with my fingers buried inside the fiberglass casts. I tried to slide my body against the knob but that only served to ruffle the skirts across my skin which further distracted me. I managed through the fog to understand that my feet were still free so I laid down on my back and used my feet to grip the knob and open the door.

I stood up and prepared to run through the door and into my own room where I had absolutely no idea what to do next when Polly appeared before me with her hands on her hips. "Where are you going? Two minutes ago you refused to leave the room and now I find you trying to escape. What gives?"

I again tried to speak around the wadding in my mouth.

"No matter." Polly grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards across the room until the back of my thighs were pressing into the bed mattress. I tried to resist but her hands quickly began to slide across the front of the voluminous skirts and I lost the focus I needed to remember what was happening. Polly smiled. "Oh, I see, is it a bit distracting?"

My eyes were rolling around in my head. Polly pushed on my arms and I heard a faint clicking sound. I looked down to see she had zip tied my left arm to a horizontal bar that was part of the foot of the bed. She then repeated the effort with my right arm. "There we go. You won't be going anywhere." Two more zip ties ensured that each of my arms were strapped securely to the foot of the bed so I could do nothing but stand and watch Polly.

"Last chance Jack. I can get you out of there right now and we can go see your sister or you can be difficult, which is it going to be."

I shook my head.

"Fine." Polly stepped out of the room and returned moments later with an oscillating fan. I looked at her in confusion at her smile as she proceeded to plug it in and turn it on. It started off pointed away from me but as it rotated closer the air started to move the light skirts of the prom dress and I felt my knees begin to tremble. With my arms zip tied to the bed I could not move from the path of the fan. The sensations felt like the lightest of tickles across my flesh just enough so I could not ignore the sensations. Finally the fan rotated away giving me brief respite though I could see it slowly starting to return.

I looked at Polly and saw her green eyes flash with delight. "I'll be back in a while, we'll see if you are feeling a bit more compliant." As she walked by her fingers slid up beneath the flowy skirt and her fingernails brushed against the shaft of my erection causing me to shudder in pleasure. By the time I could open my eyes again she was gone and the door was closed. The swirling tendrils of the dress were like butterfly wings dancing along my skin and just as the pleasure reached a crescendo the fan would rotate away from me leaving me both angry for its end and dreading the inevitable return.

On and on it went slowly and methodically driving me insane. I was only aware of the the constant motion of the fan. Each time I pulled away as it approached and pressed toward it as it left. Only when the fan had been gone too long did I open my eyes to find Polly standing in front of me. "So are you ready to be more cooperative?"

I nodded in defeat.

"Good. Since it looks like you won't be able to walk with the dress stimulating you so much I found some beautiful white tights for you to wear. They should keep everything nice and packaged up. Unfortunately I'll have to remove the dress since the waistband of the tights rises well above the hips. Here we go."

Polly loosened the laces on the back of the dress and I flinched as it slid to the ground. She then helped me into the white tights which sparkled in the afternoon light. "These make your already smooth legs look amazing."

After she had smoothed out any wrinkles and pulled on the waistband until the tight nylon was covering my belly she then wrapped a wide band of material around my chest. "I found this strapless bra. It already has a little padding built right in."

I grunted something I hoped sounded sarcastic but Polly ignored me.

"There we go." She fondled my new breasts that seemed small compared to what Selena had turned them into just a few days ago. Polly pulled the dress up my body this time with my erogenous center firmly pressed into my belly behind a layer of white nylon.

I looked down over my body and was surprised by how large a difference the modest amount of padding made to the dress. The loose flesh of my chest was compressed and created a shadow of cleavage that combined with the padding completed the illusion of breasts. I shook my head when I saw it. "I know, it looks amazing. Now for the shoes." Polly said.

My eyes bulged at the words.

"Oh yes, we have some silver high heeled sandals that go perfect with the dress. Lift a leg." Polly put the shoes on my feet pitching me onto my toes. I struggled to remember how to walk in the treacherous footwear but since my arms were still strapped to the bed I managed to get my balance. "Alright let's go." Polly snipped the zip ties with a pair of toenail clippers and pushed me toward the door. The Shoes

I stumbled at first but managed to find my balance while walking in the heels. I wondered where she found the shoes and how it was they fit so well. My feet covered with the soft nylon did not slide around at all within the strappy embrace of the shoes.

"Here we are." The dozen steps to my parent's room where Kat now rested had gone by in an eye blink and I had to force my legs to carry me into the room knowing full well that I was dressed in a prom dress that was not only ridiculously feminine but also seemed to flatter my body.

Polly gently pushed me into the room and I nearly stumbled. Kat was sleeping while the television blared commercials. Polly switched it off and the sudden lack of noise caused Kat's eyes to flicker open. As her mind struggled into awareness her mouth fell open. "Oh my god!"

Polly was smiling. "It looks good on him."

"That's my dress, I was going to wear it for a dance. It's not supposed to look good on him, he's my brother."

"Admittedly there is some padding up top, but the way the dress flares out so wide around his hips seems to hide the fact that he doesn't actually have hips." I would have stared at the floor but that brought my eyes in line with my faux cleavage so I stared straight ahead while my face reddened. "The blushing helps too." Polly laughed.

Kat shook her head. "With a little makeup and some work with his hair he could be my little sister."

I shook my head at that.

"I think it may be difficult to force him to sit still for that. I really don't want to push him any further. I hope this is suitable recompense for his behavior earlier today."

Kat continued to stare at me with her eyes roaming up and down my body. "Yeah, it sure does. Though now I have to find a different dress, I could never wear that one now."

"Jack could always use more dresses.” Polly laughed. “I'll just leave him here with you while I try and find a saw to take those casts off." Polly said.

I looked at her sharply. First I was alarmed she did not currently possess the means to free me from the casts and second I did not want to remain with Kat in my current state of dress. What if Mom or Dad came home?

"Do you need to use the toilet or anything since I don't think Jack will be much help. I won't be gone long, an hour at the most."

"No we'll be fine."

"Ok, be right back."

Polly left, shutting the door behind her and with the high heels strapped to my feet there would be no way for me to open it. "Jack, Jack, Jack." Kat said shaking her head. "Why do you let her do this to you?"

I looked at Kat incredulously, did she believe I knew she would dress me in a prom dress when she casted my arms?

Kat raised a hand. "I know you didn't know anything about the dress but you did let her cast your arms and she does have a clear record of trying to put dresses on you."

I shrugged in acquiescence.

"You must like dressing as a girl." Kat said.

This conversation was unfair. I could only respond with grunts and facial expressions. I tried to express to her that I did not in fact enjoy it.

"I know you tell yourself that you don't, but I think you like being her doll." Kat smiled at the thought. "That's it. You love the helpless feeling of being totally in Polly's control, of being nothing more than her plaything."

I shook my head and Kat turned on the television obviously bored with my inability to respond. I would have asked her to help me out of the heels but I doubted she would and could not ask her anyway so I sat on an ottoman near the window. The skirts billowed out around my legs in a pink frothy pool as the slippery nylon covering my legs slid across the ottoman nearly dumping me on my butt.

Kat continued to look over at me each time with a shake of her head until the tell-tale sound of an opening garage door reached my ears. I walked to the window that overlooked the front yard to see Mom's car pulling into the garage. I grunted as loud as I could and pointed in terror at the window with my stiff arms. Kat seemed to realize what I was saying.

"Mom's home?"

I nodded.

Kat folded her arms. "This should be interesting."

Chapter 38 - Maternal Involvement

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:16 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 38 - Maternal Involvement

When rabbits are young they are instinctively programmed to freeze in place and thus rely on their camouflage to keep them safe from predation. Likewise fear locked my own limbs in place more solidly than any cast could ever manage. When Mom entered the room a few minutes later the difference between myself and rabbits became clear, a bright pink prom dress was rather poor camouflage.

Wearing a simple pair of khaki shorts and a button down blouse, Mom said nothing for a full minute before glancing from Kat's triumphant smirk to my own stiff body. The silence slipped past that imaginary point where all silences become uncomfortable before she finally spoke. She turned toward Kat and uttered a single word. "Polly?"

Kat only nodded, her smirk still firmly in place.

"Are you ok?" Mom asked Kat.

Kat again nodded.

"Sandwiches ok for dinner?"

Kat shrugged. "We had sandwiches for lunch, do we have soup?"

"Soup it is." Mom answered and turned to leave. As she reached the threshold of the door she spoke over one shoulder. "Jack, come along. We need to talk."

Her words seemed to release a lock in my joints and I found it possible to follow her from the room. Her unflappable self-control kept me from guessing her thoughts but I imagined the situation was troubling her. Mom was aware of Polly's predilections but before this moment had not been intimately involved with the consequences.

We arrived in the kitchen and Mom immediately sat a pot on the stove and began the process of putting some soup together. I pulled out a stool with my foot and did my best to remove as much weight from the torturous shoes. "Alright Jack, since you can't talk let me try and figure this out."

I was a bit surprised she made no attempt to remove the sodden wad of feminine underwear currently trapped behind the windings of bandage. This fact sent a spike of concern through my mind as I waited for her words. "Polly did this? The casts, the dress, everything?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"You let her put those casts on your arms because you felt that you deserved it after tying your sister to the bed?"

I shrugged and then nodded.

Mom nodded. "The curves, the heels, that was all Polly? Kat did not supply any suggestions?"

I was sure Kat had not suggested the dress, it seemed like something Polly would do so I shook my head to indicate Kat's innocence. I was quite surprised by Mom's intuitive grasp of the situation lowered my head in wonder.

Mom caught the look as she stirred the soup warming in the pot. "Oh yes, I assumed Polly did it to you, but let me make a few more guesses. She found Kat's dress and you balked at her intention to dress you in it, perhaps you tried to flee or escape." Mom looked at me with her eyebrows raised.

She assumed my wide eyed surprise was an affirmation to her words.

Mom smiled. "How then, I wonder, did she get the dress on you?" Mom tapped a finger against her lips while looking me over. "I bet I know." Mom dropped the wooden spoon into the pot and raised her hand into the air and began caressing an imaginary cheek. "She puddled you, right?"

My surprise transformed to confusion since I was not familiar with the phrase.

Mom smiled. "She puddled you. She used her touch and her body to steal your will." Mom held up a hand. "No, that's not quite right. She transformed your will. Your mind and body existed only to please her. You would have done anything for her at that moment."

My shoulders slumped as I nodded. Mom knew exactly what happened.

I felt her hand on my bare shoulder. "Jack, I have done the same thing to your father. I don't think it’s an ability all women possess and I know for a fact it doesn't work on all men. I do know that inside your body that so resembles my own there is a mind that is much like your father's."

I nodded glumly.

"So here's the question you must answer."

I perked up at the sound of finality in her words.

"Shall I sit down with Polly and tell her to stop using her power over you? Shall I tell her that doing this is unfair and unwise since you are powerless to stop her?"

I froze, suddenly unsure. Without the ability to speak I did not want any stray movement to be construed as assent or dissent. I thought back to the situation that led me here and how much pleasure Polly was able to produce within me, how the feelings caused the time to flow by like water. Despite the humiliation, did I really want that to go away?

Mom continued. "The other choice is that I will have to get involved when the opportunity presents itself."

I saw Mom's eyes sparkle with amusement and I realized this situation was not as foreign to her as I expected it to be.

"I'll not say more than that. But I won't be rescuing you unless you wish me to have a discussion with Polly about her behavior."

Mom was presenting me with a clear choice, a fork in the road that would change her behavior going forward. One path would leave me dressed as I was until Polly decided otherwise, the other path would lead to freedom from the dress but Mom would be telling Polly to back off. I imagined the disappointed look in Polly’s eyes as Mom explained how much I disliked what she did. I could easily see how she would interpret those words not only as an indictment of her behavior but also a rejection of herself as a person. It was quite possible that if I rejected the part of her that delighted in tying me up and dressing me in embarrassing clothing she would see it as a rejection of her. There was really no choice.

I looked up and met Mom's eyes.

"Do you want me to talk to Polly about this?" Mom said again wanting no confusion.

I shook my head. No I did not want that. Polly was worth it, and truth be told I could not ignore the intense arousal she created with her actions.

Mom nodded with the smallest of smiles. "Alright then, soup is nearly done." She stood up and opened a cabinet and removed a wooden tray. A stenciled abstract design decorated the surface of the tray and convenient handles with a raised edge would contain any spills. Mom pulled me to my feet allowing me a few seconds to rebalance on the heels. She then placed the tray between my arms so the handles rested on the rough surface of the casts. If I were to move my arms apart the tray would crash to the floor. Mom found several zip ties we kept in a junk drawer and wrapped two around my arms between the handles of the tray so I could not pull my arms apart. She had efficiently and effectively turned my stiffened arms into the perfect platform for the tray. "Alright now I want you to take this soup up to your sister."

So this is what Mom meant by getting involved. She was going to participate. Damn, what had I done. I watched her pour soup into a bowl and set it on the tray along with a napkin and spoon. She then poured orange juice into a glass and filled it so the slightest of movements would cause juice to flow over the edge. She placed this over-full glass of juice on the tray on top of a white napkin. "For every drop of juice that I find on that napkin you owe me an hour."

An hour of what? I wondered silently not willing to move for fear of spilling.

"You'll just have to guess what that means." Mom smiled which seemed suddenly more menacing than fun-loving. "Go on, get a move on. Bring the empty dishes back when Kat is done."

All my concentration was devoted to moving carefully and methodically towards the stairs and I had little to spare for the realization that Mom was now participating in Polly's madness. Not a drop spilled until I got to the stairs but the heels combined with the carpeted stairs proved more than a match for my balance and the napkin soon bore the evidence of spilled juice. Mom ran up the stairs and met me at the door to her bedroom before I could enter. She looked at the juice spilled on the napkin. "Tsk, tsk Jack. I would say that is at least two dozen drops." Mom smiled. "Go on, I'll be down stairs to help you when she's done."

I growled at this point and gave her my best evil eye. Getting up the stairs without falling flat on my face was a challenge, spilling a few drops of juice was inevitable. "Now, now Jack, you let yourself get into this mess. I gave you a chance." Mom turned and retreated down the stairs but not before flipping the skirts of the prom dress with a small chuckle.

I entered the room and Kat's eyes widened in surprise. "I thought for sure Mom would bail you out."

I of course could not respond and walked over to stand at the side of the bed. Kat looked over at the tray and how it was strapped to my arms. With continued laughter she sat up in bed. "Looks like you're my table." She reached for the soup and turned down the sound on the television.

"So Mom is letting you suffer. That's interesting." Kat mused while enjoying the soup.

I nodded my head and immediately stopped the motion as I watched the liquid near the surface of the glass begin to ripple. I did not think Mom would check again but better safe than sorry. Kat noticed my interest in the juice and squinted at me in confusion. "Not supposed to spill any?"

I nodded.

Kat shrugged and continued eating her soup. "I have been debating with myself for the last hour."

I looked at her wondering why she was telling me this.

"I am trying to decide if I should take pictures of you. You know for future blackmail."

My eyes widened involuntarily.

"I'm just not sure though. I really like Polly, and I don't know if she would approve." Kat looked me up and down and shook her head. "Mom's involved now and I really don't want to get in the middle of it all." Kat took several spoonfuls of soup. "You know I like talking to you like this. You're such a good listener."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I will say this though, ever since you met Polly you've been a good brother. And not just because I barely see you anymore. I think Mom and Dad are impressed with the job you have and they are way less worried about you. Things are calmer around here."

Why was she telling me this? Can she not keep silent when someone else is in the room?

"I wonder though. Are you happy? All this shit happening to you?" She waved her spoon up and down my body indicating my current clothing. "Do you still love Polly, even though she does this stuff."

I nodded without hesitation.

"Do you like the stuff she does?"

I gave her a non-committal shrug. I was manipulated by forces that were impossible to explain without the use of my larynx.

Kat placed her empty bowl of soup on my attached tray and picked up the juice. "Off with you, I'll keep this here."

I walked downstairs more quickly now that the fear of spilling juice was gone. I stepped toward the kitchen and caught the sound of Polly's voice coming from the living room.

"It's not a lark anymore Polly." Mom said answering some previous unheard statement of Polly's. "I'm aware of most of what has happened to him, aside from the events while we are on vacation. That was a big one though, my son had a hunted look in his eyes when I saw him the day we got back. With Kat injured though I kept it to myself and I haven't yet confronted your Mom."

There was a long silence and then Polly spoke. "I love your son, Nancy. I never thought I even liked boys until he came around."

"Are you sure you like boys now?" Mom asked.

"I like him, exactly like he is. I don't want him to change. I won't ask him to change and I don't want you to ask him to change."

Another long silence. "So if he decided that all the ropes and clothes are too much for him what will you do?" Mom finally asked.

The unmistakable sound of anger filled Polly's voice. "I have a boyfriend so totally devoted to me that he will do anything I ask and you think I'm with him because of the games we play. Truth is, I would do anything for him too."

It was Mom's turn to laugh. "Ok, ok, don't get angry. I am just looking out for my son. And I think the reason he never asks anything of you is because he has everything he has ever wanted. You make him so happy."

I stepped around the corner to see Mom's eyes looking over the shoulder of Polly as they were embracing in a hug. "Speak of the devil." Mom said.

Polly quickly brushed away a few tears on her cheeks and got a look of confusion on her face when she spotted the tray zip tied to my arms.

"I used him to take food to Kat. He's all yours." Mom smiled at me and left the room. She again flipped the skirt of the dress with her hand as she passed by.

Polly picked up a bag that was on the floor. "Good news, I found a cast saw."

Unable to respond I shook my head wondering what would happen if she had failed at finding a saw.

"Let's go to your room."

I followed Polly up the stairs being careful to watch my high-heeled feet despite the distraction of Polly's lovely posterior just inches from my eyes. She opened the door to my room and waited for me to enter and then closed it shut behind us. "Alright, I guess you've been through enough. Kat has her pound of flesh and it looks like your Mom had some fun today." She began to unwind the wrapping around my head. Once it was gone she had to pull the wad of fabric from between my teeth since I could not work my stiffened jaw enough to dislodge it. "These are mine by the way." Polly shook out the panties and tossed them onto the bed.

After a few minutes and several gulps of water I managed to find my voice. "If I'm going to to chew on your panties, I'd rather you were wearing them ."

"Oh really? I think that can be arranged." Polly laughed. "Seriously though, your Mom didn't free you?"

"No, I think she assumed that if I was going to get into these situations she would not be the one to get me out." I would not be telling Polly of the ultimatum Mom had offered.

Polly stepped behind me and I felt the dress loosen its grip on my torso and slide to the floor. She carefully picked it up and returned it to the white hanging bag that had somehow moved from Kat's room to my own.

"Please can you unbuckle the heels?" I asked while moving from foot to foot to ease some of the pressure.

Polly knelt down and removed the heels but did not make any attempt to remove the white tights or strapless bra compressing my chest. "Let's get your arms free." Polly plugged in the wedge shaped saw. "This thing just vibrates but if it hurts make sure you say something."

"Don't worry."

Polly began to cut carefully down one side of the pink cast on my left arm and as the noisy instrument did its work she became more confident and picked up speed until I was able to slip my hand out of the stiff tube.

"Ah, moving my fingers has never felt so good."

Polly laughed. "Ok the other one."

In moments I was free of the hard fiberglass and pulling the strapless bra and tights off my body. I dressed quickly in my usual attire of cotton shorts and T-shirt while Polly carefully put everything away in my closet alongside the other outfits that had collected in there. "You're becoming quite the clotheshorse."

I looked at the short row of dresses in my closet resting between a couple of polo shirts and a suit I tried to avoid wearing more than the dresses. "If you want them in there?" I looked at Polly.

Polly nodded. "I think you like them there, even if the fearsome beast lurking inside you would never admit it."

"You mean the beast that you have curling in your lap and purring whenever you want?"

Polly laughed. "That's the one." She stepped closer and kissed me and I finally got to wrap my fingers under the curve of her buttocks, something I had wanted to do all day. "You better get some sleep, you still look tired."

"Yeah, I am. Will you stay for a bit?" I asked.

Polly laid down next to me on my bed and began to comb her fingers through my hair, I was asleep in seconds.

Chapter 39 - Day at Ollie's

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:28 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 39 - Day at Ollie's

My phone buzzed across my desk. The screen showed the face of my best friend Ollie. A flash of guilt hit me within the moment it took to press the answer button on the phone. It had been a long time since I had spent any kind of time with him. Actually I had done little more than wave across the school hall since Polly splashed into my life. I assuaged my guilt with the thought of his new found love, Kristy, which I had a small part in creating.

"Hey Ollie what's up?" I asked.

"Dude, last summer at this time we had spent so much time together we were starting to shit at the same time of day." Ollie said.

I laughed. "Yeah, I know."

"Bro's before..."

"Don't say it Ollie, or I'll tell Kristy." I interrupted.

"Right, well, how about Saturday. Come over and we'll play some games, or just shoot the shit." Ollie said.

"Alright, sounds good. See you 'round lunch."

"Cool, later man." Ollie hung up.

I immediately called Polly.

"What's up Jack, you coming over tonight." Polly answered.

"Yes of course, but this Saturday Ollie wants me to come over. Compared with last summer we have practically abandoned our friendship."

"That's fine, I'll call Kristy. We haven't seen each other as much either."

"Awesome, see you tonight."

* * *

The first few minutes at Ollie's house on Saturday were a little awkward. As it turns out, you need to spend time with your friends if you want to have things to talk about. I just stood around in the kitchen while Ollie dug around in the pantry. "So how's things with Kristy?"

"Oh fine." Ollie said. "Let's save that for later though. Help me with the sodas."

I was puzzled by Ollie's desire to find a new topic but helped with the drinks and followed him to the basement. "Hey new television."

"Mom got a new one for the living room upstairs so the old one was moved down here." The large basement room was dominated by an 'L' shaped couch situated in front of a large flat screen television with spaghetti loops of cords running from several different console game systems. "Let's see if I can still beat you at this." Ollie held up a fighting game we had played to death the previous year.

I smiled. "The way I remember it, we stopped playing 'cause you could never beat me."

Ollie shook his head and tossed me a controller. "You, my friend, have lost your mind."

For the next hour between quick drinks of soda and the crunch of chips we played video games. It felt good to be back in Ollie's basement where I practically lived the previous summer. "Where's your sister?"

"Becca's at some camp. Won't be back until next weekend." Ollie's sister though only two years younger was pretty cool and spent quite a bit of time with us. Before Polly I even considered asking her out once we got old enough that the age difference would not matter as much.

"Anything new happen over the school year? Other than Kristy of course."

Ollie shrugged. "Mom and Dad are official now."

I nodded, not sure how to respond to the fact that his Mom and Dad were now divorced. "So you going to see him?"

"Nah. He moved to Switzerland. Some job thing."

"That's good then. You never really got along."

There was a pause while the game required more of our concentration. "Yeah, and Mom is way happier, more relaxed. Becca misses him though."

I nodded. "So Kristy..."

Ollie dropped the controller after losing the last fight and grabbed his can of soda. He layed back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah, god what have I gotten myself into with Kristy."

I also let the controller drop and turned toward Ollie. "Dude, what's wrong?"

"I think about her all the time. No offense but I barely noticed we hadn't spent any time together this summer until she was hanging with her other friends at some party last weekend."

"Yeah, I totally get it." Polly flashed through my mind along with a sense of curiosity about what she was doing today.

"I know but..." Ollie buried the words behind the crunch of a potato chip and was obviously struggling with what to say.

"What?" I asked.

Ollie turned and looked me right in the eye. "She makes me crazy. She tied me to the bed once and did stuff to me. I was barely sane when she was done."

I smirked. "Lucky you."

"Dude, I know for a fact that everything Kristy does to me comes from Polly, from the things Polly does to you."

I shrugged not really surprised. "I'll admit to being tied to Polly's bed."

"Well a while back she..." Ollie stopped suddenly and reached out toward the coffee table for another drink.

"Look Ollie I'm not sure I want to know all the details of your personal life with Kristy. I've got my own issues along that front." I said into the silence.

"Exactly. You are the only one I can talk to about this stuff."

I thought back to my own talks with Mom and Polly's Mom. The tormenting conflicts that raged through my mind after encounters with Polly. How differently would things have gone if I had been forced to work out my own feelings alone? I might have lost Polly before I had a chance to work through it. "Ok, sure. Talk to me."


"Let's keep it as PG as possible."

"PG-13 is the best I can do." Ollie laughed. "Maybe R."

"Just stay well away from triple-X." I laughed.

"Alright, a while back she stripped me down..."

"Whoa, whoa, I thought you were going to keep this clean."

"There is nudity in R movies." Ollie said.

"Ok, ok, but don't start describing your dick or anything." I said.

Ollie shook his head. "You're such a puritan."

"Not anymore my friend, not anymore." I answered with a smile.

"We were in her room together and she grabbed a scarf and blindfolded me with it." Ollie took a deep breath. "Then she started to strip me."

"Hold on a second." I interrupted. "Remember when you stiff-armed me into the lockers a few weeks ago?"

Ollie nodded.

"Is this what happened the night before?"

Ollie thought for a second. "Different event same problem. Sorry about that I needed to make sure you knew I wasn't joking."

"Ok, carry on." I motioned for him to continue.

"She blindfolded me and then started putting something on me that was very soft and silky. She tied my hands behind my back. I'll skip a few details but I found myself on her bed and every touch of her hand felt like some kind of electric pleasure juice. I found out later it was one of her Mom's nightgowns."

"I..." I began but Ollie held up his hand.

"It has happened three other times, different clothes each time. Yesterday we were walking through the mall and she stopped next to the large picture window at the lingerie store. One of the mannequins was wearing a corset, heels and stockings, the whole nine yards, all in a brilliant white color." Ollie looked at me at this point. "Jack, all she did was look at me and then glance at the mannequin and my body reacted. My face turned red and I actually shuddered right there in the mall holding Kristy's hand. She noticed it too, she cracked a huge shit-eating grin." Ollie buried his face in his hands.

I took a deep breath to make sure he was done with his story. He had not started to cry but I think he was close. "Ollie listen, I'm going to ask you a very important question." I leaned forward placing my elbows on my knees and looking at my upset friend.

"Ok." He said without lifting his head.

"During the moment at the mall when Kristy looked at you, did you ever once imagine yourself putting on those clothes? Or perhaps was it Kristy doing it to you?" I asked softly as if someone in the house might overhear.

Ollie wiped his nose on his hand and sat up thinking. "Well, it was Kristy doing it." He thought some more. "Yeah, definitely."

"So you like it when Kristy takes charge." I shrugged. "Dude there is no shame in that and there aren't any better ways to prove who's in charge for a girl than to force her man into girly clothes. Our culture kind of makes that easy."

Ollie was silent for a long time just staring at the floor. "How long did it take you to get comfortable with it."

I laughed long and loud. "Dude, if I was comfortable Polly would switch to something else." My phone buzzed seconds before Ollie's phone beeped from his pocket We both looked at each other. "I bet I know who that is."

"No bet." Ollie said and looked at his phone. "Kristy says they are outside and want to show us something." Ollie moved his thumbs over the phone.

"What are you telling her?" I said looking at my own phone which simply told me to tell Ollie to look at his phone.

"The door's open." Ollie shrugged. "Can't really keep them out."

"Did she say what they want?" I asked.

"No, but we're about to find out." The sound of movement could be heard from above and soon feet started coming down the stairs.

Kristy came down first followed closely by Polly. Both girls were smiling and each wore matching full length coats. The fact that the temperature was in the mid 90's outside meant the tan-colored coats were only the wrapping paper over a much more interesting package. Displayed beneath the hem of Polly's coat was a pair of black high heels. Kristy wore silver heels and they both were at least four inches high. The two lovely girls interposed themselves between the television and our rapt attention as if the pixels on the screen could ever hope to distract us from the vision before us. The dim light of the basement room was insufficient to hide the elaborate makeup and hair styles both girls wore. They stood silently allowing our eyes time to travel from their shiny nylon covered toes to their beautifully curled hair. My own mouth fell open and a chance glance at Ollie showed a young man also nearly drooling. "Hello boys." Polly began and winked at me.

"I hope you have had fun so far." Kristy continued.

Polly took up it from there. "Because you won't remember anything that happened before this moment." Polly looked over at Kristy and reached for the belt holding her coat closed.

Kristy mimicked Polly's motion and both girls let the coats slide to the floor simultaneously. I had no idea about Ollie’s reaction because I could not tear my eyes away from Polly who stood before me wearing a black leotard with long mesh sleeves over shiny black tights. Her red hair splashed over one shoulder falling between the valley of her breasts. Light sparkled from every inch of her body from the tips of her toes which peaked from the open-toed heels to the hollow of her throat which was hugged tightly by the black leotard. Polly's Leotard

A flash of silver snagged my attention and I spared a quick glance at Kristy who was bedazzled in a long-sleeved silver leotard. Her nude tights glistened in the light and her long brunette hair though less curly than Polly's had been pulled back into a loose ponytail. Both women stood with their hands on their hips smiling at each of us. Polly's green eyes blazed with mischief and delight at the dumbfounded look on my face. Kristy's Leotard

"So boys, now that we have your attention..." Kristy said with quick glance toward Polly.

"We have a proposition for you." Polly finished.

Kristy stepped closer and placed her arm around the back of Polly resting her hand on Polly’s opposite hip. "Polly and I will make out in front of you for a full minute."

I did not think it was possible for my eyes to actually pop from their sockets but the image of these two beautiful creatures knotted in a passionate embrace proved adequate to the task. I dared not blink for fear of missing something I would never see again.

Polly smiled and held up a slender finger. "...but you have to let us tie your hands behind your back"

Kristy chuckled. "It will be too amazing a sight and we don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself."

Some distant part of my mind screamed a warning but the tiny little midge of a voice could not overpower the Richter-scale level decibels clanging throughout my body at the thought of the two gorgeous, leotard-clad girls making out. I never hesitated, I held out my hands with wrists together toward Polly. Ollie mimicked my movement at the exact same moment. Polly's dark red lips parted in a gleaming smile as she knelt down pulling a length of bright white rope from within the pockets of the discarded coat.

Polly held her hand toward me and I allowed myself to be pulled to my feet. With her heels she was taller and I had to look slightly upward to see her gold-flecked green eyes. Her fingers traced lines up my arms until I could feel the warmth of her breath. She leaned in toward my ear. "Turn around my heart."

The simple statement forced my eyes closed as a wellspring of peace and contentment erupted from within my soul. I turned around with my eyes closed and barely noticed as my wrists were bound together behind my back. When my elbows were forced closely together and wrapped with more rope my eyes flicked open in surprise. I looked over my shoulder where Polly was cinching my elbows. I opened my mouth to speak but a red lacquered finger was pressed to my lips. "No words just have a seat and enjoy the show."

I spared another glance at Ollie who was being offered similar treatment as his elbows were also bound. Neither of us were anywhere close to having our joints touch behind our backs as Polly and likely Kristy could do, but we were still quite helpless. The two girls stood before us again with their arms across each other hips. "What do you think Polly, is that enough or should they perform some other small task before we give them the show?"

Polly smiled. "You're right Kristy. I think they should do something and there is only one thing that makes sense."

"Of course," Kristy said. "You two should kiss each other first."

Ollie and I were seated on the couch with one cushion between us. At that moment neither of us thought the distance sufficient and immediately moved further away going so far as to lean away over the opposite armrests of the couch. Polly and Kristy looked at each and a small cute frown appeared on Polly's face. "Come on now, you were so excited about us kissing why can't you? Just a little peck on the lips?"

Kristy nodded also frowning. "Yeah, since we are going to make out with each other the least you could do is a quick kiss on the lips, no tongue or anything."

Ollie and I neither looked at each other nor made any effort to move closer. I watched Polly as she took a step away from Kristy and placed her fists on her hips in a pose of consternation. "Really Jack, you think it's super hot to watch two girls make out but when those same girls ask you to kiss you refuse?" Polly looked over at Kristy. "What are we going to do?"

Kristy looked around the room and stepped over to a closed door that led to a spare bedroom. "I think a little feminine discipline is in order."

Polly nodded. "I quite agree, sister. But first, let's make sure their whining doesn't divert our purpose." Polly knelt down and from another pocket of the rumpled coat withdrew a shiny mass of black cloth. She stepped toward me with a smile. "Open up Jack."

I flinched away from Polly's hand which allowed me to see Kristy approach Ollie with a mass of silver fabric, but Polly placed her arm around my head and pressed the soft silk over my face and nose. "Now Jack," she whispered, "Let's not be difficult, these panties are going in your mouth whether you want them or not."

I relaxed my jaw with a resigned sigh and slender fingers pressed soft silk into every nook and cranny of my oral cavity. Polly produced a roll of black duct tape and pressed the sticky tape across my mouth forced wide by the wad of material. Four times she wrapped the tape around my head until from chin to nose was nothing but a swath of shiny black tape.

Polly stood and pointed to the open door. "Do you want the bedroom?"

Kristy shrugged. "You take the bedroom."

Polly helped me to my feet and grabbed a duffel bag I had not seen them carry down the stairs. "Come with me, Jack."

I followed Polly into the bedroom and spared a moment to look back at Ollie who happened to catch my eye as Kristy stood over him. It was obvious to anyone this whole thing had been planned from the beginning. We were screwed the moment our hands were tied. The only question remained was what exactly was about to happen.

Chapter 40 - The Setup

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:29 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 40 - The Setup

The door clicked closed blocking my view of Ollie. I turned toward Polly who had her hands on her hips. "Are you ready for this?"

I pulled at the ropes binding my hands and tried to clamp down on the wad of silk in my mouth to get some sort of slack to make any kind of sound. I shook my head vigorously. I knew Polly was crazy but with Kristy to bounce ideas off of I feared the beast would now grow horns and breathe fire. I backed against the closed door feeling around for the doorknob with my bound hands. The small spare bedroom held a plain bed with a brown coverlet in the back corner and a simple chest of drawers along the same wall as the closed exit door. A closet remained closed in the opposite corner. I noticed the bed had no obvious places by which to bind a person. I shook my head in amazement after realizing what had just gone through my mind.

Polly's eyes flashed with green fire and her smile broadened when I backed away from her. A small pout formed on her lips. "Ah baby, don't be like that. I'm not going to hurt you." She slid her hands along the sides of her leotard and over her hips. She shook out her flame red hair. "You know what they say, my love, play with fire and you're going to get burned. Now come here." Polly pointed to the floor in front of her.

People often use words like irresistible when describing people they find attractive. In Polly's case this was a literal truth. I could no more have refused her demand as turn myself into a mouse and scurry away. I stepped toward her marveling at the beauty and power and more than anything else that she seemed to want me.

"Thank you. I think surprise is the most important spice in life. To that end, Kristy and I have devised these fun little hats for you to wear." Polly pulled from the duffle bag a black circle of fabric that looked like spandex. "Let me show you how it works. The oval of material was open at the bottom and I immediately realized it was some sort of hood. As Polly pulled the elastic material over my head I expected light to pour through eye holes, but this of course never happened. The thick fabric blinded me completely. Polly's fingers twisted the material until I felt cool air on my nostrils which proved to be the only opening in the hood. Her fingers slid over my scalp and pulled at different spots so that my ears and eyes were not pulled painfully downward. "There we go, how does that feel?" Polly laughed.

I shook my head at her joke as if through the layers of tape and spandex I would ever make myself understood.

"Ok, one more thing before we get started." Polly fingers found my own and even through the hood I could hear the familiar sound of tape being pulled from a roll. Seconds later the sticky tape surrounded my fingers forcing them into a tight fist. This was repeated separately for each of my hands. Then the ropes holding my wrists and elbows firmly behind my back fell slack and dropped to the floor. I brought my arms to my front and used my fisted hands to rub the areas where the ropes had bit into my flesh. I then tried to pull off the tight hood. Polly did nothing to interfere and after a few minutes I realized why. It was useless, with my hands taped into balls I could not get any kind of purchase on the slippery fabric that clung relentlessly to my face.

I stopped trying to remove the hood and instead moved toward the door. It took several seconds but I found the door to the room. I had not considered what I would do once free but this was a problem for later. I tried to grip the door with my oval hands but this was impossible so I knelt down to squeeze the knob between my forearms. The touch of Polly's hands on my shoulders froze me in place.

"Now Jack, I'm sure you are clever enough to get out of this room, but you really don't want to make me chase you. I would become irritated." Polly pronounced the last word with a clipped staccato that dropped in pitch. The meaning was clear and I stopped my efforts and slowly stood facing the direction of her voice. "Good." I felt fingers slide across the hood.

"Now step over here please." Polly instructed.

I moved toward her voice.

"Raise your arms."

I complied and felt my shirt pulled over my head. My shorts were next leaving me completely nude, not a stitch of clothing save the hood. I held my hands closely over my groin.

Polly chuckled. "Really Jack, you're still shy? With me?"

I shrugged but did not move my hands.

"I tell you what, how about we make it even." I felt air move against my bare skin and the faint sounds of rustling material. Suddenly two soft hands pressed into my back while two hardening buds of flesh brushed against my chest. "There we go. Happy now, we’re both naked."

My knees felt weak as the sensations cascaded through my mind. Polly's hands trembled too as they caressed my back sliding slowly down over the curve of my buttocks. I wrapped my arms around her body and have never cursed anything as fiercely as I cursed the hood that blocked my vision. The familiar scent of vanilla and roses filled my every breath and her skin felt like liquid silk against my arms and chest. I would have given my firstborn son for a chance to caress her body in all of its fullness. I pulled her close and felt her hair fall over my shoulders. Her fingers pressed harder into my back and I feared we were close to crossing the line we dared not cross. It was several minutes before she pulled away raking her fingers across my shoulders as she withdrew. "My god, I want you so bad, and there you are helpless...waiting. Let me catch my breath."

I waited as the blood drained from my face and shoulders until the room felt chill.

"Alright," Polly said with a deep breath. "Let's get you dressed. Sit down on the bed." I felt her hands guide me onto the bed.

It took less than two seconds for me to realize that the garment sliding up my leg was not anything that would be considered typical male attire. In fact my long experience with the feminine side of life told me the tight garment sliding up my leg was some kind of hosiery. When my toes were compressed by the material my fears were confirmed. Polly pulled me to my feet so she could slide the nylon up my legs and waist. "I'm sure you have figured out what those are. Now lift your leg again." I felt her hand touch my left ankle and something stretchy was pulled up my legs and settled around my waist like a women's swimsuit. "If those breast forms Mom bought weren't so ludicrously large I might have brought them, but I think you would have looked like some kind of freak with such narrow hips and double-D breasts wearing this leotard. I bet they looked good with that maid’s dress though. I still expect to see you in that."

Polly forced my hands into long sleeves and I realized she was not dressing me in some new outfit but was in fact the same shiny leotard and tights she had worn earlier. As the material rose over my chest the scent of her filled my nostrils. "Wow Jack, despite that little bulge in front, you do make that outfit look good." I felt her hand pat my leotard covered bottom. "The shoes may be a touch loose, but we are close in size." Polly slid the treacherous shoes onto my feet and I felt two straps wrap around my ankle securely.

"Now unfortunately we have to get you back in these ropes."

I growled through the gag trying to figure out what possible purpose the ropes would serve at this point. The last thing I wanted to do was run away and any attempt would likely give me a concussion with the high heels on my feet and no way to see.

"Now now, we are just getting started. Kristy and I still have plans for you and Ollie." Ropes encircled my wrists and I was bound as before with my elbows forcing my chest to thrust forward. "Alright let's see how Kristy and Ollie are coming along."

I snorted at the mention of the word 'see.' I would not be doing that with the hood.

The door opened and I felt a cool breath of wind on my nylon-covered limbs. "Geez Polly, what took you so long? We have to be done soon." Kristy's voice sounded muffled through the hood.

"Sorry. He distracted me."

Kristy laughed. "Yeah, you are looking a little flushed. His shorts look cute on you though."

"Thanks. You are rocking that look too."

"Bring him over to the pole." Kristy obviously referred to the support pole that stood in the exact center of the large basement room. It was likely required to keep the upper floors of the house from collapsing but as with most things, you never notice them until they stop working. I walked with small steps while Polly held my arm guiding me toward the center of the room just behind the large couch. "Ok Jack kneel down. There is a cushion under your knees."

Doing anything with your arms bound behind you is difficult so I sort of dropped onto my knees and Polly caught me before I fell too far forward. My legs contacted something else as I fell. "Keep your backs straight boys." Kristy commanded.

Kristy's reference to 'boys' made me realize what was happening even before my chest came in contact with Ollie's. I grunted and pulled back at the same instant that Ollie did. A pair of hands pushed on my back. "Hold him still." Kristy's voice said.

"He's strong, hurry with the scarf." Polly answered.

A loop of soft silk encircled my neck tugging me higher and forward. The soft fabric transformed into an iron wire as the tension increased as Ollie and I tried to keep away from each other. Our struggles were wasted as I soon felt the rapid breathing of Ollie's heaving chest contact my own. "Cinch it off." Polly said. My head was drawn closer until I felt my cheek brush another as I fruitlessly reared back against the tight cord of silk digging deeper into the back of my neck. "You better relax boys, the scarf is cinched tightly and you won't be getting it off without help." Kristy said.

More ropes encircled our upper arms so that Ollie and I were pressed together at the shoulders. Over the next few minutes even more bonds were added at our waists and knees, each time pressing our bodies together. "Alright Kristy, tie them off to the pole so they don't fall over. I'll connect their hands to their ankles."

Soon manicured fingers were pulling the hood from beneath the tight neck rope and rolled it off my head. Temporarily blinded by the sudden influx of light I blinked quickly and stared at a bright silver hood that could only be Ollie. Kristy was using a couple of zip ties to connect our neck rope to the pole. Ollie’s body was welded to mine and I could only catch glimpses of the two girls moving around in my peripheral vision. I tried to struggle but there was no use. With my wrapped hands connected to my ankles and my back forced straight as a board to keep the pressure of my neck there would be no escape. Ollie and I were pressed against each other so tightly I could feel everyone of his breaths. I could only moan in frustration.

Kristy quickly finished with the zip ties that kept us from falling over and slowly removed Ollie's silver hood. His eyes focused on mine and fear flashed through him causing him to jerk at the ropes. Veins on his neck bulged and blood colored his face red. It was no use, though it took longer for him to realize the futility. We could turn our heads slightly but not in the same direction or our noses would touch each other and we would not willingly do anything that increased the amount skin contact.. Polly positioned herself over Ollie's left shoulder and I assumed Kristy stood just opposite her on my left. I tried to implore Polly for mercy using just my eyes.

"My god, they are like lost kittens." Kristy said.

"I know, I almost feel bad." Polly answered.

"Stay strong, sister, it's for their own good." I tried to imagine what possible good could come of this situation and could think of nothing. Ollie grunted obviously curious about that one too.

Kristy chuckled. "Well maybe not good for you. Let's see, where's your cell phone Ollie."

I could hear Kristy rustling behind me near the television. "Ah here we are. Let's see, let me send this text." Kristy began to say the words slowly as she thumbed them into the phone. "Hey Mom, when are you coming home? Could you bring us some soda's?” Polly watched her friend with occasional smiles sent in my direction. "And send."

"Now what?" Polly asked.

"We wait, shouldn't be too long. You want to play a game." The television was switched on and the familiar sounds of a popular video game echoed through the room. I occasionally met Ollie's eyes but quickly averted them as if by not looking at each other we could somehow ignore the reality of our situation. I picked a spot on his shoulder and just started to count the microscopic threads that comprised the silver colored leotard that he now wore. My count was soon interrupted by Kristy's voice. "Hey, his Mom texted back."

"What did she say?" Polly asked.

Kristy read off the screen. "Home by three, there is plenty of soda in the garage refrigerator."

"Oh crap," Polly said. "That's fifteen minutes. I don't want to be around when she gets here."

Ollie's body convulsed and the ropes started to dig deep into my skin. He was shaking violently and yelling into his gag which reverberated through his whole body as well as my own. It was obvious he did not want his Mom to see him like this. The girl's ignored him and scampered around the room. "Alright, make sure you get all the stuff."

I caught glimpses of stuff being put into the duffle bag but once the footsteps reached the stairs silence filled the basement. Ollie's terror transitioned into misery and there was moisture in the corners of his eyes that he was obviously trying to control with slow deep breaths. I wished I could reassure him, what horrible thing was he imagining his Mom would do? He was almost calm when the sound of footfalls from upstairs renewed his useless struggles.

The door at the top of the stairs opened and Ollie became silent not even breathing. "Ollie, are you down there?" A woman's contralto voice said. I had not seen Ollie's Mom much despite the hours we spent together the year before. I remembered her being a short woman who was constantly dashing from one obligation to another. The voice echoing from the top of the steps seemed much more relaxed and confident. "Ollie?" The voice now drew closer and Ollie's face fell forward and it felt like he was trying to hide as he dug his forehead into my shoulder. Footsteps drew nearer. "Oh my god. Ollie, is that you?"