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Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Chapter 12 posted 13th July

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:20 am
by LK3869
You couldn't end that story without Hils making a last terrifying apparition ;)
Ever since I started reading this, I've been dying to ask if you have a brother and had issues with him - or he with you, more probably :lol: ( no answer needed, keep it mysterious...)

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Chapter 12 posted 13th July

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:31 am
by Xtc
I am the youngest of eight but, having been brought up as an only child (don't ask!), I had no issues with the older brothers and sisters. (Sorry!)

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Chapter 12 posted 13th July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:45 am
by Xtc
OK. Last chapters coming up.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22nd July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:47 am
by Xtc

13. Cousins Re-united

It didn’t dawn on me until then that the track long which Hilary had made Frank drag the supplies cart to our campsite might be suitable for vehicles but the sound was definitely that of a motor car; not only that, but I thought I could tell which motor car. After not too long, Ed’s battered old 4by4 hove into sight with Hilary at the wheel. She had got a friend to drop her off by it on her way home and there can’t be many of Ed’s friends who didn’t know where he habitually left the spare key (‘just in case’ he ever got too ;pissed to drive home) and Hilary was obviously no exception.

The old rust-bucket ground to a halt and Hilary jumped down.

“Hi, Hun!”

“Hi, Hils. Good do was it?” I won’t go into the tedious details of a student party but it seemed that, other than giving her old boyfriend the push (her version), it was a very good do indeed – if you like that sort of thing.

The red-haired Amazon went over to Frank. Even without being able to see his tormentor, he knew what might be in store for him and was quaking where he knelt. “I hear you’ve been a complete potty-mouthed little rodent since I’ve been away”. Frank shook his head desperately whilst trying to face the direction from where Hilary’s voice was coming. “It’s just a question of whether I teach you your lesson here or back at home, really.” Frank jerked, flinched backwards and tried to look his cousin in the face through his blindfold.

“Feel free, Hils. Want a go with the Shrimp as well?” Now I had started trembling as well. Ed got his tablet out again. Perhaps the battery was getting low on my phone.

Hilary took Frank’s chin in her hand, lifted his head and waited for a never-ending four seconds or so. “No, can’t be arsed to untie him from the cart. It’ll wait till I get him home.” I’m sure I heard a squeaking noise coming from Frank’s direction. Hilary released him and Frank slumped.

Neither my brother nor Hilary seemed to be in any hurry to leave, and they must have spent a good hour in less than polite conversation until Hilary suggested that it was about time to, “Get the Rodent back home and have a little word with him before I go and have a little lie down”. In spite of having spent so long on his knees and tethered to the cart, Frank didn’t seem exactly encouraged by that declaration.

“Want a lift back? The Shrimp can follow the tracks and lead the Rodent for you? You WON’T remove his blindfold, will you?”

Before I could decide how to react, Hilary saved me the trouble. “No thanks, Hun, (don’t read anything into that, Hilary calls EVERYbody ‘Hun’.) the walk will clear my head and I can explain to the Rodent there, exactly why it is not a good idea not to behave properly in company.” She turned to a newly desolated Frank. “I really thought you’d know better after that explanation I gave you the other day.” I thought I heard that squeal again.

“Oooh good, you didn’t remove his collar. Got his lead?” Ed handed the dog lead to his cousin. “Thanks, Hun.” Frank was soon tethered to his cousin’s left hand.

“Need this, Hils?”

“Probably not but, you never know, it might come in useful.” I breathed a sigh of relief as Hilary took Hazel in her right hand and gave ‘her’ a few swishes. Frank recognised that sound and must have been grateful that he was still on his knees. “OK, Hhuuupp!” Frank was pulled roughly to his feet by the lead and Hilary pulled the sleep mask off him and handed it to the nearby Smeggy Eddie. “Call it a swap for the swishy stick.” Frank flinched as Hilary gave the wand a few more exemplary swishes. I got the distinct impression that either Hazel would be applied to Frank’s nether regions in a more severe fashion than Ed had ever applied it to mine or that he could look forward to something more severe than a bare-arsed hand spanking once Hilary got him home – or even both. I didn’t ask him about it when I next met Frank.

“OK, thanks for taking such good care of the Rodent for me. If ever I can help with the Shrimp, just let me know. He really is so-o-o cuuute!. I didn’t even dare to try to flinch out of range as Hilary patted my cheeks and then scruffed my hair without releasing either Frank’s lead or Hazel.

Frank found himself jerked forwards as Hilary embraced my skanky brother. I couldn’t really figure out whether the subsequent kiss was fraternal or mildly passionate. “OK, thanks again. Ring me tomorrow, yes?”

“Will do.” Judging by my brother’s reaction, I thought that he reckoned he was in with a chance there. I simply hoped not.

“Byeee. Byee, Shrimp, see y’ soon!” That was NOT what I wanted to hear! “OK, Mr. Potty-Mouth, don’t drag on the chain!” With that Hilary gave Frank a quick flick of the switch and forced him forward.

“Bye-bye, see you soon, love.” Yup, he certainly reckoned his chances there. Ed’s soppy expression followed the two cousins away from the now immaculate site.

14. The Journey Home

Once Ed had finished looking longingly after the departed Hils, he turned his attention to me. He didn’t have that misty-eyed look by then. “OK, Shrimp, Let’s go home. Ready?” The question was obviously rhetorical but, with Ed’s old motor sitting there, at least it looked like I wasn’t going have to hike serving as my brother’s pack mule on the way home.

Ed decided that, as his new would-be inamorata had explained earlier, I would be more easily controlled if he slipped that sleep mask over my head so on it went along with the usual bullshit ‘discussion’ with himself that provided Ed’s commentary concerning what was about to befall me. It didn’t sound like a very attractive prospect.

“OK, Shrimp, feet up! Oops sorry, you can’t really, can you.” Ed must have got down to his task, literally, as he slipped the tree-tie from my ankles and then fastened them in parallel. I was only when I thought about things later that it became obvious that a lot of Ed’s arrangements had been very carefully thought out in advance; he’d even placed that belt in the back of the motor ready. It certainly kept my ankles in very close proximity and not too comfortably so, either. My squeal of distress as he pulled the thing as tight as possible before fastening the buckle was scarcely discernible due to the knot in the footy scarf and the multiple layers of tape. Of course Ed congratulated himself on being the ‘Master Gagger of the Universe”.

A lot of what happened next, as had become usual over the past couple of days, only became clear later but here is my account of what must have transpired. I felt myself pulled to my feet and then Ed’s shoulder was forced into my midriff. My protest as Ed lifted me me onto his shoulder was no more audible than the one that accompanied his dumping me in the back of his 4by4. I heard Ed climbing into the old crate and then the sound of the crew seat being opened. The interior, if that was possible, smelled even worse than it had previously; a few very hot days have that effect on rotting detritus. I was soon accommodated face down in the coffin like box.

“You know, Shrimp, if you grow much more, you soon won’t fit into your favourite hidey-hole.” Yup, he had certainly noticed but it was not much consolation at the time. “OK, don’t say I never do anything for you. This should stop you rolling around too much.” What I can only assume to have been the rucksacks were then stuffed into the storage alongside me. That was a bit tight. “Oh, OK then, seeing as you ask so nicely,” (I didn’t), “Here you go.” Ed worked quickly, presumably with his precious knife and cut the cable ties from my elbows. “Ooo, perhaps I need to add a few more layers of tape.” Yes, I did squeal like a (rather muffled) girlie. That fucking hurt as the blood returned to my poor tortured arms.

I felt the seat fall into place and heard the bolts securing it. At least I could turn sideways and shuffle the bags round a bit to make myself less uncomfortable. There was precious little wriggle room but anything would be better than nothing during the forthcoming journey.

The tailgate slammed shut, the fasteners dropped into place and the happy whistler climbed into the cab and we set off for home – or, at least I hoped we were.

The first part of the journey shook me around a bit as Ed was obviously negotiating the estate tracks but, after a few minutes, things got smoother as we hit the proper roads. Things should have gone smoothly from there so I wondered why the hell we seemed to be driving over uneven ground once again. And for rather longer than I would have liked. Eventually, the motor stopped and Ed swiched off the engine.

I only wished that could have breathed through my mouth during the journey and I could have even thanked my tormentor when he opened the crew seat again – if only I could have done so. Fresh air! Fresh air! My greedy snorting must have been audible for miles!

“OK. We’re here!” What the hell that meant, I had no idea but we were certainly not at home. “Let me help you.” What that implied, I had no idea but I knew that I was about to receive the sort of help that I could do without. Ed lifted me out of the opened seat base and dumped me quite gently on the bed of the vehicle. I heard him dismount before he dragged me to the edge of the bed of the 4by4. Another carry over his shoulder resulted in my being left face down on the ground.

“OK, I thought I‘d be kind enough to give you a lift home but, really, I can’t be arsed and, in any case, you need the exercise so you’ll have to walk the rest of the way. Don’t worry, you’ll know where we are in a sec. All you’ve got to do is slip your hands under your bum and start untying yourself. Shouldn’t take more than an hour or so, I’d have thought. OK? Ta-da!”

Ed slipped the sleep mask off my face and, sure enough, I recognised a pull-in along one of the less utilised woodland tracks. “Right, shouldn’t take you too long to walk home, it’s only about six clicks; should make it in - ooo – about an hour. Unless I take your boots!”

I had only body language to indicate that I would prefer not to go barefoot. Look, you know and I know: I had no dignity left to lose and I had done some pretty mean things rather than let Frank have things easier, so I don’t expect your sympathy. Yes, I scrabbled to my knees and touched my nose to Smegward’s proffered boots – yes, both of them. That’s probably the only time I have ever been grateful to have been gagged (except when I’ve done it to myself).

“Yes, slave, you may keep your boots.” I slumped and exhaled with relief. “Don’t forget: no litter.” Ed emptied the daypack into the motor. “Or shall I leave the big rucksack – full? I’m sure there’s still room for the rubbish and you can coil the rope – alpine coil, remember – and carry it over your shoulder.”

“Nnnn, nnnn’k!”

“Ask nicely.” I crawled on my knees over to where Ed was waiting and abased myself again. This time he rested himself against the 4by4 and, before I could kneel upright again, he parked his size eleven on my neck. “Remember, if anyone sees you, you are just enjoying a country walk. You shouldn’t burn too much if you keep to the trees most of the way.” I kept as still as I could and Ed removed his foot.

“OK. I’m going home to edit a few videos now. I might show them to you when you get home. That is IF I don’t send them to your friends first. Ciao!” Ed pushed me over with his foot, climbed into the 4by4 and reversed down the path. I wished that he would crash and disable his precious old banger but I didn’t hold out many hopes in that direction.


Well, that's how I came to be in this situation. Now all I've got to do now is get out of this crap and try to get home without anyone seeing me.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:51 am
by Xtc
OK, so that's the tale.
There IS an epilogue if anyone is interested.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:37 am
by blackbound
Absolutely. I thoroughly enjoyed this entire story.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:08 pm
by Xtc
Thank you.
I was glad to get it finished having not done so on the previous incarnation of the site.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 2:19 pm
by cj2125
Nice ending! Glad you gave us this story! Poor Shrimp. Although I’m sure it would have been extremely fun to escape those ropes and trek back home (Okay, maybe not for him).

Of course I would love to read the epilogue! Hope you post it too

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:35 pm
by MisterMistoffelees
Well done, old sport! Now, if only the Shrimp can cathch Smeggy Eddie unawares and dispense a little justice--oh, who am I kidding? THere's probbaly more torment waiting at home! So yes, let's see it!

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by Xtc
Why do you let these people hope for more torment for me? Sorry, the Shrimp got to the keyboard when I wasn't looking.

Thanks for that, Mr. M. I think the epilogue must be shared. I wonder: revenge/more suffering, more torment/justice, - - - I wonder.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:56 am
by Veracity
Sorry, Shrimp, as an older brother myself, I’d like nothing more than to see you suffer further. Does this make me a bad person? Probably.

Thanks for a satisfying conclusion to this story. I’m definitely adding it to my personal Hall of Fame collection.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:33 pm
by Xtc
Not probably - CERTAINLY!

Thanks for that reaction.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:48 pm
by LK3869
Could use that epilogue too! You can't have us wondering if Shrimp's going to spend his life under vids and pics threat.
Could help to decide if Ed's just a scumbag with no brotherly love or if he has a heart somewhere...

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:07 pm
by Xtc
No, believe me: Ed really is a scumbag!
I wonder if HIls has won his heart, though.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:37 pm
by Xtc
I thought that I'd better post the first part of the Epilogue as the whole thing seems to be getting longer than I had expected.

Let me know what you think.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:47 pm
by cj2125
Sure! If that means more parts of this story, go ahead! I'll be looking forwards to see the Shrimp suffering even more :twisted:

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue 1 July 29th

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:58 pm
by Xtc

You might remember what happened to me when my beloved brother, Ed, took me camping when he came home prior to starting his industry placement year. Well, I thought you might like to hear what followed.

Getting Home

I’ll keep the account of my return quite brief but I suppose the story isn’t complete without it. So . . .

I saw my brother’s battered old off-roader disappearing and, once I had finished swearing internally to myself, I got round to forcing my rope cuffs under my bum. That was easy enough even if I did have to pull those wretched shorts up again afterwards. Even locating the final knots was not too difficult. Once I had managed to undo them, (quite difficult, really - perhaps I should have removed all that gorilla tape first and used my teeth. However, you know how it is once you’ve embarked on a course of action) the rest was quite easy. At least Smegward had not bound any spare rope round the connecting strands.

It was only when I had dumped the rope (Bugger the ‘alpine coil’!) in the daypack that I realised that the strap round my ankles was really quite painful. So was the gag. The gag was obviously going to take forever to remove so I went for instant gratification and removed the belt from round my ankles.

Locating the end of the tape that was forcing that rubber ball deep into my mouth took a frustrating amount of time but, once I had found it and made several false starts that resulted in thin strips of tape being loosened, getting a good grip of the whole width made subsequent progress very rapid indeed. Until it got to the more intimately connected layers! At least the rubber ball muffled my screams as I pulled tape from my hair. I tried it quickly. I tried it slowly. There was no painless way out. Ultimately, I was so pissed off that I settled for yanking the stuff off as rapidly as possible. You know, I really believed that I was starting to grow a moustache (or ‘bum-fluff’ as my dad called it) but there were certainly very few signs of it when I checked the mirror once I’d got home.

Once I had stowed the tape and the belt in the daypack, I stopped to re-tie my bootlaces and adjust myself inside those embarrassing shorts before shouldering the daypack and setting out for home. As I went, I supposed that I wouldn’t look all that bad if I encountered anyone on the way (Who was I kidding?) and at least I didn’t have that bloody bush hat on my head. Shame about those skimpy, ill-fitting shorts, though. I didn’t give a thought as to what might happen if I worked up a sweat. I wouldn’t discover that until I got home.

I made the trek in not much more than an hour, as best as I can tell and, by then, Smegward had gone out. He left me a note on the front door. “Gone to the ‘Shy Talk’ (9). Don’t wait up.” Shit! Ed was in the ‘Seagull’ and he’d locked the door. (10)

At least my room was at the back of the house and it wasn’t the first time I had climbed up onto the roof of the extension to force an entry via the window. D’ y’ know: that bastard had even left me a note (a very large note) on the inside of my bedroom door. “Well done shrimp. But don’t get your hopes up. The video’s good, bloody funny! Take a look. I’ve sent it to you. Enjoy!”

Look, don’t go there – believe me! No!! Pleeease don’t go there! You probably get the idea that I wouldn’t want anyone to see it, don’t you?


An English colloquialism. Just say it out loud and imagine the habits of our white avian friends! (9)

OK then, I’ll take pity on the Yanks: it’s a written euphemism for ‘Shite ‘awk’.(10)

A Surprise Invite

At least Ed had to start his job placement a few days after the camping ‘event’ but I knew that I had to try to give him a wide berth. The problem for me was that I would have to do my best to avoid him for most of the next year!

Things rolled along: Ed ditched his latest girlfriend, I was at his beck and call unless I could go round friends’ places (especially Dave’s – his little brother was biddable enough) and Ed seemed to be spending a long time on the phone to Hils. I didn’t think I’d meet up with Frank until the new school year. Well, that’s how the theory went. But . . .

I was becoming accustomed to Ed’s demands whenever we were alone. They always involved my being humiliated in some way and usually meant that I had to wait on him hand and foot so I would normally try to make sure that I was out whenever our parents weren’t at home but Ed was. However, one Friday afternoon I was minding my own business while simultaneously watching a certain type of ‘portrait’ from a certain website when I heard the front door slam. “Oi, Shrimp, put it away and get y’ jammers on. We’ve got somewhere to go.” I was NOT expecting Smegward to arrive home so early.

The shock made my ‘enthusiasm’ die almost immediately; I didn’t dare to disobey and didn’t even suggest that Smegward ‘made love elsewhere’ but at least I didn’t have to remove any clothing before doing as I was told. I did try begging “The Merciful Master Edward” not to humiliate his little brother but . . .

Ed appeared in my room before I had pulled the jammers completely into place, let alone having adjusted myself within them. “Good boy. I knew I only had to ask. Hitch yourself up and turn round.”

I was still begging but with very little hope of success when Ed put me in a back-hammer, grabbed the hair at the back of my head and marched me off to his room. I was expecting the usual rope-cuffing but Smeggy Eddie had obviously been practicing.

He bound several turns of rope around my right wrist and tied it off before putting me in a back-hammer again. Then he passed the rope over my left shoulder and returned it under my armpit before running it across my back. With a warning about the consequences of moving, he pulled tight, forcing my right hand higher before passing the rope under my right armpit and passing it back over my right shoulder with an explanation that he would now have to gag me because of the amount of noise I was making. I wondered why he even bothered making excuses after he’d been tying me up so often for about four weeks since he had come home. He pulled tight again, causing a certain amount of rope burn and explained that, if I wanted my right arm lowered a bit, I would be well advised to raise my left one. Ed had some difficulty tying my left arm into the rope but, once he had managed it, at least my arms dropped a bit.

“Oh yes, this guy’s good,” Ed congratulated himself, “Now, what shall I do next?” I had a suggestion! “Yes, thanks for reminding me about that gag.” That was not my suggestion.

Ed spent some time tying my wrists together and then let the end of the rope drop on the floor. There was quite a lot of unused rope. You might be wondering why I didn’t resist. If so, you must have forgotten that “Edward Rogers presents . . .” video and the artistically compiled photograph album. He would send me excerpts every couple of days just to remind me.

The usual tuneless whistle was interrupted only by Ed’s customary bullshit commentary as he discussed with himself whether I should be hobbled and/or blindfolded. I suspect that you can guess the answer in both cases. I was simply hoping that, all the while he was considering his dilemma, he might forget about gagging me. I kept very quiet.

You might remember what I said earlier about hope over expectation. I suppose I’m just slow on the uptake. Ed produced that chain again and soon had my ankles capable of separating no further than he thought would be necessary to allow me to negotiate the stairs. I was already not looking forward to the rest of the afternoon and evening. Once Ed had wrapped the unused chain round my waist and padlocked it, I thought that I was being cut in half, it was that tight. Still I managed not to express my undying love for my big brother. Where there’s life . . .

. . . Oh shit! I recognised that blue ball. I also recognised that belt. The roll of duct tape, however, seemed to be very new!

“Please, Ed, nooo!” I know, I know all the tensile strength of a piece of wet tissue paper but I knew that thing was going to hurt even without the belt being involved as well.

Ed pushed me over onto his bed. “Now are you going to open up or am I going to send a video to Hils of you getting your bottom smacked?” Just to help me make up my mind, Smegward pushed his fingers down between my hips and the waistband of my jammers. I made what I considered to be a wise decision. I was right, that gag bloody hurt!

“Good boy. Now where did I put it?” What ‘it’ was soon became clear and that was the last thing I saw clearly until Ed removed the sleep mask from my head once more.

I felt myself pulled to my feet and Ed said that he had something to explain to me. “We’ve been invited out. Mum said how pleased she was that we’re getting on better these days. Isn’t that nice?” I said nothing. “OK then, ready? Here we go.”

The next few minutes were a trial to say the least. Ed obviously picked up the trailing rope and pulled it up between my legs. When he gave it a good yank, it nearly made me lose my footing as well as applying pressure in a very unpleasant place. I very quickly got the idea that I should follow where the rope seemed to be leading me. I didn’t fancy negotiating the stairs but at least my kind big brother told me when I had reached them and gave me the choice: I could be brave or I could sit on my bum and work my way downstairs step by step. You can probably guess what I decided and, yes, Ed did get another embarrassing video but at least I got downstairs in one piece.

At least our drive is mostly hidden from the road by a substantial hedge. I was glad of that as I was led outside trying to make as much headway as possible in order to stop that rope pressing against my bits. Let’s face it, not only did I not want to get my most sensitive parts pinched but any unfortunate reactions would be only too evident all the while I was attired in just my jammers.

Ed led me to where I guessed his old banger was and suggested I “Just wait there for a minute” while he went to get something for me. Surely he couldn’t do anything else to humiliate me? I heard Ed fidgeting around with something and then felt something soft being placed over my shoulders. Something else was wrapped round my lower face and, once Ed had raised the hood, I realised That I was wearing a hoodie. I presumed that I had also been given a scarf. “OK, just one more little, detail.” What was obviously a pair of shades were added to my camouflage. “There y’ go, a real little hoodie going for a drive.” At least there was a chance that anyone seeing me would not realise that I had been bound and gagged. But how would they be able to see me if I was to be stuffed under one of the gang seats in Ed’s 4by4?

That question was soon answered. Ed wrapped the redundant rope very loosely round my neck and zipped up the front of the hoodie before lifting me into what was obviously the passenger seat of the old crate. “There you go, Shrimp, now you’re a big boy, you get to travel with the driver.” I felt the seat belt being secured and Ed pulled it tight (No, it wasn’t an inertial reel job!). My arms were now trapped behind me.

“OK. Let’s rock n’ roll!” Ed started the vehicle and headed off our property but did not see fit to explain where he was taking me.


Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:18 pm
by cj2125
And here we go again! I like hwo shrimp still thinks that begging for Ed's mercy is going to change anything, I guess he still can dream :mrgreen:. Now the quesiton is what tortures surprises await for him wherever Ed is taking him

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:01 pm
by LK3869
Seems like Shrimp's calvary will never end ... There's no justice in this world . Where are the parents? :lol:

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:09 pm
by Xtc
They believe their sons are getting on so well, perhaps it's not just the Shrimp who's a bit slow on the uptake?

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:07 am
by Veracity
I am so happy right now.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Completed 22ndt July

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:17 am
by Xtc
Thanks. One more part to go.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue started July 29th

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:50 pm
by Xtc
Ooops! It has turned into two more parts but they are both quite short.
Here goes again!

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue continued August 22nd

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:55 pm
by Xtc

Visiting a Friend

The journey was not exactly the most comfortable of my life and that hoodie did nothing to impede my hearing as Ed’s excruciating whistling stopped only to be interspersed by his inane commentary about the journey and frequent intimidatory remarks about what might happen when we got to where we were going. He made sure not to give too much away about our destination and merely tried to make me feel even more uneasy.

Eventually the 4by4 ground to a halt on a gravel drive and Ed got out, leaving me alone. He returned after a couple of minutes and undid my seatbelt before ‘helping’ me to disembark. The, “OK, Shrimp?” as I regained my equilibrium seemed to be completely redundant because Smeggy Eddie immediately unzipped the hoodie, unhooked the rope from my shoulders before raising the bloody thing against my crutch again and pulling me onwards.

I was led inside a building that had shallow steps leading up to the door. That’s when it became obvious that I would have been unwise to have attempted to walk down the steeper stairs at home. I heard the door close behind me and Ed removed the hoodie from my shoulders and the shades from over the sleep mask.

“Hi Hils, I’ve brought back your sleep mask.” Alright, so you knew that she was going to appear but I had dared to hope.

“Ohhh look, you’ve brought the Shrimp with you.” (As if she didn’t know!) Hilary lifted the blindfold from my face. “He’s so cuuute!” Hilary had my jaw in one hand and was using the other to scruff my hair. I couldn’t help cringing. “OK, come on through.”

Well, the house was certainly something special, obviously a very swanky ancient manor house. Ed led me stumbling towards a very grand staircase and I could see that it was a three-story house. I only hoped I wasn’t going to be expected to climb those stairs but I had this feeling . . .

At least I was spared that torment for the time being as I was dragged past the foot of the elaborate stairs and into a room at the back of the house. “Look Rodent, Ed’s brought you a little playmate.” As Ed dragged me into the room I saw Frank sitting there. “Say, ‘hello’ to our guests.” Needless to say, Frank wasn’t able to greet anyone intelligibly but I did hear that despairing wheezing noise again.

As I found out later, Hilary had such a hold over Frank (and his parents believed her implicitly) that, whenever she phoned to ‘invite her cousin over to visit’, he would have been very unwise not to answer the call. He was in very much the same place with Hilary as I was with Smegward. He was even wearing those gold coloured water polo briefs again. You remember: the ones with the white panels either side of the front pouch. He was seated on the floor with his right wrist secured to his left ankle and vice versa. Hilary had even bound a rope from the dog collar round his neck to where his arms crossed forcing him to hunch somewhat. I was starting to hope that Hilary was not in a spanking mood. I was certainly not going to do anything to encourage her to become so.

I wondered how long Frank had been made to sit there while she was waiting for her guest and his prisoner to arrive. My jaw was certainly aching and I’m pretty sure Frank’s must have been too as he sat with what seemed to be Hilary’s trademark gag impeding not only his speech but his breathing as well. She seems to be fond of Sellotape.

“OK you two, now play nicely while Ed and I go upstairs. We’ve got something to discuss.” Then Hilary turned to Ed. “Want to secure yours a bit more while we say nice things to one another?” Yup. Ed seemed to be right in thinking he was in with more than a chance there.

“Sure, got any suggestions?”

“Well, you’ve got a lot of rope to spare and all that chain but you can’t really smack his bottom if you hogtie him.”

“True.” Things had just turned from hopeless to lethal.

“I’ll get another padlock; unwrap that chain from round his waist. Won’t be long.” I didn’t dare to think that there was, indeed, a god because I knew that Hilary had something unpleasant in mind but I was really glad to have my metal girdle removed. Looking down I could see some prize winning indentations and some minor bruising round my waist.

Hilary returned and told Ed to make me sit on the floor facing Frank. “Now, I wouldn’t want you to get lost in this big house, would I? The Rodent will look after you.” The Amazon placed Frank’s ankles outside mine and soon had our ankles fastened to our companion’s opposite ones. She even reduced the length of the hobble that Ed had allowed me.

“Nice one, Hils, now they can have a nice conversation. That alright with you, Shrimp?” I think I made a very similar noise to the one I had become used to hearing from Frank.

“Oh, I think he’ll be alright but . . .”

No one said anything.

“. . . I think we should help him to stay sitting up.”

“Yeah, It’s rude not to face the person you’re talking to.” Ed was obviously trying to impress but was obviously not really keeping up.

“Here, use this.” Ed didn’t look convinced but he had to think quickly. He took the fairly short rope that Hilary had handed him. And a collar just like Frank’s. Although I couldn’t read it, I could guess what had been engraved on the tag. “Call it a present, slip it on his neck and just clip that little padlock shut.”

Her apprentice did as he was commanded and then had to work the rest out for himself. By now my arms were aching, my jaws were burning and I really didn’t want to be tied up even more restrictively so I didn’t really enjoy it as he went about his task. Ed slipped the rope through the D-ring on my collar and tied the free ends together about 20 centimetres from the collar. “OK Shrimp, slide your bum forwards.” At least he could have waited for me to try the bum-shuffle before shoving me towards Frank with his legs. I think you’ll get the idea though: I ended up with my knees raised and bound tightly together so that I had the choice: stay sitting or fall over sideways.

“OK, boys, don’t forget, play nicely. We should be quite some time.” At that, Ed looked as though all his birthdays had come at once. “Why don’t you come up to my room? It’s much too warm for all that clothing.” I saw Ed’s hand move down to the front of his trousers. I think he was trying to adjust them for some reason.


Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated July 29th

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:07 pm
by LK3869
You just can't let go of that poor Shrimp, can you? Then it's right Hills hadn't had a real opportunity to show all her potential... Wonder what she does upstairs with Ed :D Something that would explain him being what he is, I hope.