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Mark and Nancy - Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 4

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:28 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 4

"So when is the shoe lady coming over?" Mark asked at breakfast the next morning. Mrs. Little had insisted meeting their parents in person to discuss what she had seen.

"We are meeting her for lunch at Teresa's house. It's nothing big, but she was really worried we were going to be upset about what she stumbled into."

Mark sniffed. "Normal people probably would be upset."

Mark's Mom laughed. "You would let Nancy do anything she wanted."

Mark nodded not bothering to dispute or affirm such obvious truths.

"Nancy and Kelli seemed to have really hit it off. I hear she is going to meet her for lunch too."

"You are all eating together?" Mark asked.

"No, I'm not sure of Nancy's plans."

Mark nodded and wondered what would happen now that Nancy had met someone she so clearly liked. "I'm off to do my mowing."

* * *

As the days passed, the budding friendship between the two girls meant Mark saw less of Nancy. She was around but rarely alone. He received nothing more than a brief kiss and a hug on those few occasions. Mark pushed the lawnmower back into the garage the following week when Nancy popped around the corner. "I still haven't forgot about my coupons."

Mark smiled. "I didn't think you would. Kelli is a real fun girl, eh?"

Nancy smiled. "Yeah she's awesome. We are into a lot of the same things."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"No silly, not that stuff. Well at least not only that stuff. She was a dancer in high school, she’s a swimmer so we've been hanging out at my pool, but mostly she's lonely, I think." Nancy responded.

"That's good." Mark said turning back to the mower.

"Do you miss me?" Nancy said.

"Terribly, I haven't spoke to you more than a few moments since you met Kelli. I'm trying not to be jealous." Mark admitted.

"I'm sorry, but maybe this will cheer you up." Nancy smiled

Mark turned and stepped closer. "Really?"

"I was hoping to do another coupon tonight at my house." Nancy said.

Mark stopped and mentally prepared himself, he knew there was only one coupon left he had written and at least four he had not, the odds dictated this was going to be a surprise. "Ok, I am free for the rest of today."

"Kelli and I have been working on how to do this one." Nancy held out a coupon she retrieved from her purse.

"Kelli too, together?" Mark said obviously nervous.

"Yeah, we talked about it." Nancy held out the coupon.

Mark grabbed the coupon after wiping his dirty hands on a rag.
Decorate your room with me.
Mark read it once and then read it again slowly trying to digest what it meant. "Well, ok...I guess that should be interesting."

Nancy looked at him and narrowed her eyes a bit. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no, I'm looking forward to it." Mark turned away and began absentmindedly wiping down the lawnmower with the rag, not because it need it but because he knew his face would give away his surprise.

Nancy looked at him again and then walked away. "Be at the house as soon as you are done with your shower. I cleared it with your Mom."

"What did she say?"

"Who, Kelli?" Nancy stopped and turned around.

"No, my Mom."

"I didn't tell her which coupon, she just told us to be careful and stay out of the public eye this time."

Mark shook his head and went inside the house to shower. His thoughts boiled. Time flew by as he imagined how Nancy and Kelli would interpret the coupon. He never dreamed Teresa would write something like that, he expected embarrassing costumes and tight ropes. This could mean anything. The least likely scenario being the girls might question his opinion on various decorating techniques, more likely he will actually be the decoration. There is a lot of room for some extremely embarrassing situations.

Mark put on a shirt and shorts and slowly walked out the backyard and down the green belt to Nancy's house. The sound of laughing and splashing reached his ears from several yards away. He peeked his head over the privacy fence to see Nancy and Kelli laughing in the pool. Nancy wore a dark-green one piece speedo that looked spectacular as it tightly hugged her frame. Kelli wore a familiar looking blue bikini, perhaps it was Teresa's, but it looked completely different on the younger girl's less buxom body. All in all, Mark preferred Nancy's choice of swim wear to Kelli's. When they saw him climbing over the fence, they called him over. "Hey Mark come here."

Mark stepped up the wooden deck that surrounded the pool. "Hey girls, having fun?"

Nancy hopped out and grabbed a towel off one of the deck chairs. Mark could not help but stare at the shiny suit clinging to her body. Kelli laughed as she also dried herself off. Kelli was quite fit but bikinis were just not Mark's thing. "You were right Nancy, he really digs your suit."

Nancy smiled. "Told you so."

Mark turned away quickly embarrassed at being so obvious and looked toward the house. "Teresa home?" He tried to change the subject.

"No, she's still at work. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Mark said.

Kelli pulled on a T-shirt over her bikini top and slipped her fingers along her bikini bottom to dislodge the fabric from between her cheeks. "I definitely need to remember my suit next time."

Nancy smiled. "It's ok my Mom doesn't mind."

"Yeah, but this doesn't fit all that well." Kelli laughed and whipped her long wet hair which gleamed black in the late afternoon light . "Anyway shall we go have some fun with your boyfriend?"

Nancy wrapped her red hair into a towel. She kept it shorter than Kelli's but when the natural curl was flattened with the weight of the water it was longer than Mark realized. "Yeah, let's go."

Mark walked between Nancy and Kelli up the stairs to Nancy's room. The place looked normal and no obvious decorating had happened yet. "I feel like I am being escorted to the gallows."

"You love it." Nancy grabbed his arms and held them to behind his back. "Two women have your fate in their hands."

"Careful Nancy, we don't want him to bolt." Kelli said.

"You won't run, will you?" Nancy whispered, her breath tickling his ear.

"As long as Teresa isn't around." Mark said softly

Kelli went to the door. "Yeah, Nancy showed me some of those pictures from the album." Kelli smiled. "I promise we have nothing so extreme in mind. I'm going to go get the stuff."

Mark rounded on Nancy after Kelli left the room. "You showed her those pictures?"

Nancy shrugged. "She's a friend and it's not like I gave her copies."

"You have known her only for a few days" Mark said.

"We really seemed to click." Nancy shrugged

"I just am a little surprised she is so involved in these coupons, they were a gift to you."

Nancy paused for a second. "Are you saying you don't want her here?"

"Well I just want you to enjoy your gifts, I did not give them to her."

"Mark, I promise I'm enjoying them. Thanks to you I have made a really good friend." Nancy kissed him gently. "And she is only as involved as I want her to be."

Kelli returned carrying an odd collection of items. In one hand was a round wooden post attached to a wide plywood base which stood nearly waist high. In her other hand she held a longer wooden rod which appeared to be a hanging rod from a closet, and lastly she carried a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. "I think I got it all."

Mark stared at the collection of items. He was too bewildered to be frightened. "I have no idea..."

Nancy smiled. "You are going to be my new lamp and a rack to hang my clothes on before I put them in the closet."

"He will be a great place to hang wet swimsuits." Kelli added. "Assuming it all works out like it should."

"Exactly, shall we get started?"

Mark shook his head. "Ok, let's get this over with. What do you want me to do?"

Nancy smiled. " need to put on this," She held up a small speedo-like swimsuit that was made of a black spandex material. To Mark it looked more like the bottom half of a bikini. "Or this," She pulled out the silver unitard he had worn when he was her pillow.

Mark groaned. "Ugh, don't make me choose."

"Sorry you have to." Nancy responded.

Mark shook his head. "Nope, not gonna do it."

"Seriously!," Nancy threw the clothing on the bed. "Just pick one. No one will see it, you are going to be completely covered."

Kelli threw her hands up. "For goodness sake, I'll flip a coin. Heads it's the black, tails it's the silver." Kelli tossed a coin into the air and let it fall to the floor. "Heads."

Mark shrugged and grabbed the scrap of black material off the bed and retreated across the hall into the bathroom. While stripping off his clothes he almost laughed over the hopelessness of the situation. Why was he even doing this? He could just tell Nancy that he did not write this particular coupon and that Teresa had added it without telling him. Of course if he did that, Nancy would be disappointed, at least she appeared to be enjoying this, why else would she involve Kelli?

"I'm screwed." Mark said allowed as he pulled the tight garment up his legs. "If Nancy weren't so damned beautiful."

Mark pushed open the door and scampered across the hall into Nancy's room. Kelli whistled as he entered which earned her a playful punch from Nancy. "Don't be getting any ideas."

Kelli shook her head. "He's a little young for me."

"You like 'em young though," Nancy responded.

Mark was getting a small taste of what it was like to be an attractive female, being gawked and whistled at. He remained quiet though realizing talking would only create tension. "Ok, Mark, stand here." Nancy grabbed the wooden pole rising from plywood platform which was just wide enough to stand on. Mark stood on the wood so that the pole was behind him resting in the crevice formed by his legs. The pole stopped just shy of his crotch. "Put your feet as close together as possible." Nancy said as she picked up a roll of plastic wrap. The foot wide plastic crackled with static electricity as she pulled it off the roll which she quickly began to wrap around both his legs and the pole.

"Uh Nancy," Kelli interrupted. "Hang on a second, I think you should wrap one leg to the post and then the other." Kelli said.


"It will keep his legs from bending. Here Mark raise your other foot onto this chair." Kelli brought over a chair from the desk.

Nancy shrugged. "Ok, I didn't know you had done this before."

"I haven't, just thinking it will be more secure this way. He will probably need some padding between his knees and ankles too. I once wore a mermaids tail." Kelli laughed. "It was so tight my knees and ankles had bruises on them."

"I would have like to seen that." Mark said as he raised one leg.

Nancy slapped him on the bottom as she tightly pulled the plastic wrap around his left leg and the post.

"Hey, ouch." Mark said.

Kelli laughed. "You two are still cute."

Nancy applied two layers or wrap and there was no way Mark could bend his knee. He then put his other foot down and Kelli wedged two wash clothes between his knees and ankles and she continued wrapping until he was covered in at least three layers of plastic from the ankles to his waist.

"Ok Mark can you bend your knees?" Kelli asked.

Mark struggled a bit but only was able to bend at the waist. The plastic creaked and squeaked but no movement could be seen.

"What are we going to do about his feet?" Nancy asked looking at his bare feet.

Kelli shrugged. "We can cover them with something later. We need to do his arms next. Grab the other bar."

Nancy grabbed the longer wooden bar and walked behind him holding the bar against the back of Mark's neck.

Kelli picked up the the plastic wrap. "Ok, Mark raise your arms above your head." Kelli and Nancy passed the roll of two inch wrap back and forth to each other forming a criss-cross of plastic across his chest which was welding the wooden bar to the back of his neck just above his shoulder blades.

"Ok now let's move down his arms." Kelli held Marks arm against the wooden post while Nancy wound the plastic down the length past his fingertips until his arm was welded to the wooden post. She repeated the process with the other arm. Mark's arms were held out parallel to the floor and his movements were limited to bending at the waist and neck. This allowed him to twist side to side and forward and back, which he demonstrated.

"He will be able to knock off any clothes we place on his arms." Nancy said watching Mark move around with a smile on his face.

Kelli picked up some white tape and began to wrap a second layer over the top of the first. "I'm not sure what we can do, I doubt he can escape but he's not an effective piece of furniture. The lamp we have will be on the floor in seconds."

Nancy placed her fingers under her chin while she watched her friend wind the tape methodically around Mark's arms. She crisscrossed it also across his chest but this did nothing other than ensure there would be no escape. When Kelli cut the tape Mark continued to taunt them by bending at his waist and nearly caused the wooden platform to tip forward as he shifted his weight. He caught himself before straightening up. The wooden platform wobbled back and forth. "Careful there Mark, a fall is going to do some damage to your face without your arms to break the fall." Kelli said.

Nancy tossed her wet swimsuit across Mark's arm. Mark smiled and tilted his arms so the garment slid onto the floor. "Nice try girls."

Nancy frowned and reached into the backpack lying on the bedroom floor. "You may be a broken drying rack but even broken furniture can't talk." Nancy pulled out a white ball from the backpack which had a white strap dangling from it."

"Hey now. I'll be quiet." Mark said seeing the ball gag in her hands.

The frustration was evident in Nancy's response. "Too late," she said.

Mark allowed her to fasten the ball behind his teeth with a resigned sigh. It was worse to resist in his current predicament.

"Now let me think." Nancy said sitting on her bed with her chin in one hand.

"We need a bar between his wrists and his waist, like a prop." Kelli said.

Nancy's eyes suddenly lit up. "Hey I think I've got it. We need to go to get some stuff."

"What is it?" Kelli asked.

"Come on, I'll tell you on the way." Nancy said as she darted from the room. She stuck her head back in moments later. "You won't go anywhere will you Mark?" She smiled at him.

Kelli allowed herself to be pulled from the room. Mark sighed and tried to break free of the layers of plastic holding him in place. He did not struggle long, there was no real point. The multiple layers of wrap and tape would not break.

Moments later Kelli returned and grabbed her purse off the bed. "Forgot my purse." She stopped at the threshold and slowly turned around. Her eyes twinkled and she smiled at him as she slowly walked closer. "You do look scrumptious."

Mark's eyes got large as she got closer. Kelli licked her lips. "Almost good enough to eat."

Mark eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was she doing? She could not possibly take advantage of him while he was helpless, if Nancy found out... Mark shook his head and grunted through the gag.

Kelli got closer until she he could feel her breath on his face and smell the faint aroma of chlorine that clung to her from her time in the pool. She kissed the white gag in his mouth and licked her lips. "See ya." She flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and skipped out of the room.

Mark was stunned. What would he do about this? Did Kelli really like him or was it just the highly charged situation. Should he tell Nancy? If she believed him she would lose a good friend, if she did not believe she might accuse him of trying to ruin her friendship, he had admitted jealousy after all. Several minutes of worry passed and Mark decided to keep it to himself to see what happens, he did not initiate the contact so he was innocent. And she had not kissed him really. Nancy needed a friend, she did not have many because of her schedule. But what if Kelli told Nancy what she did, and he didn't mention it. "Shit, shit, shit." Mark mumbled around the gag.

Mark sweated through the minutes thinking over what he should do, if it happened again he would have to confront Kelli and hope for the best, maybe he should ask his Mom. An endless roll of scenarios and possibilities ran through his mind distracting him so much he did not realize someone was now standing in the doorway. Someone with a scary looking smirk on her face.

"So time for another coupon eh?" Teresa said. She sauntered into the room wearing a simple pair of slacks and a button down blouse. Compared to her normal casual attire these clothes were downright boring.

Mark started, his old worries replaced now with a set of new ones.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/07/2019 Ch. 7 p4)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:21 pm
by Canuck100
Another great chapter! Kelli’s surprise kiss is an interesting development.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/07/2019 Ch. 7 p4)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 7:21 am
by hafnermg
I love all the different situations Mark gets into i cant wait for whats next!

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/07/2019 Ch. 7 p4)

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:25 pm
by Shadesflirty
Just caught up and my goodness what a lot of developments. Love this just as I love Jack’s Story. Brilliant work :)

Mark and Nancy - Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 6:59 pm
by volatiledesire
Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 5

Teresa continued to walk around her daughter's room. "So, this is obviously the room decoration coupon. I'm rather proud of that idea." Teresa looked sideways at Mark. "What exactly are you supposed to be?" Teresa sat on the bed and picked up the unused silver unitard.

Mark tried to nod his head and twist his body in a vain attempt at some sort of explanation but the gag prevented any such understanding. Teresa made little attempt to interpret his movements and instead stood back enjoying his predicament. "Perhaps this?" Teresa tossed the silver unitard over his horizontal arms.

Mark nodded his head.

"A clothing rack, interesting."

Mark then angled his arms downward and let the garment slide onto the floor.

"A guess the rack is broken." Teresa tapped her finger against the side of her cheek. "How can we fix that?"

Mark shook his head.

"I bet that's where the girls went, isn't it?" Teresa said looking at Mark.

Mark shrugged but Teresa did not need his nodding confirmation. "I have an idea but I need to hurry, the girls will be so surprised." Teresa left the room and return moments later. "I need this to be a surprise so I'm going to blindfold you."

Mark twisted his waist violently when she approached with the blindfold, the wooden rod his arms were bound came within inches of Teresa's face. "Calm down, Mark you nearly hit me. You don't have a choice."

Mark grunted into his gag and kept flailing his arms. Teresa reached for a pillow on the bed and pulled off the silky pillowcase. She then deftly slipped behind Mark's back keeping away from his swinging arms. No amount of twisting or arching his back would make contact with her, she easily slipped the case over his head and loosely tied it closed around his neck. "There now, no peeking. I think some consequences are in order for being so difficult."

Mark made a futile attempt to shake the pillowcase from his head. He hoped that Nancy and Kelli would be home before Teresa finished doing whatever she had in mind. After a few moments Mark heard Teresa whistling as she entered the room. "Good news, I found what I needed."

Mark felt Teresa wrap something stiff around his waist and after several moments of messing with the device he felt the stiff object begin to squeeze him gently. "That corset will keep you still while I prepare the consequences you earned for trying to hit me." Something cold touched the right side of his chest and then the left. Mark was too afraid to guess what was happening but then the corset began to shrink further. He felt it press into his hips and around his back. The squeezing continued until Mark was panting for breath.

"Ok try and bend your waist now." Teresa said.

Mark tried to bend forward but met stiff resistance from the corset which held him in a vice like grip. Mark grunted when he felt the device grow tighter still. "There that should do it." Teresa wasn't finished though. Mark heard the unmistakable sound of plastic wrap being pulled from a roll and soon a layer was being wrapped around his body only to be followed by the sound of tape. The tape crushed his torso even further. Around and around his body she went, across his shoulders over his chest and down to his waist. "There now, let's see how this works now."

Mark felt something being laid across his horizontal arms. He tried to tilt his body but he no longer could move enough to dislodge the garment.

"Perfect. Let me show you what I did." Teresa removed the pillowcase from his head and Mark looked down over his body. He immediately noticed his body had been completely covered in white tape, yet he could not see his feet due to the presence of two large mounds on his chest obstructing the view. Teresa moved a full length mirror into his line of sight. "Not bad eh?"

Mark looked into the mirror and aside from the head his body appeared to belong to a buxom mummified woman. The incongruity of his male features combined with the curvy body made him look ridiculous.

"Kelli and Nancy will probably be here soon, I wonder if they’ll like what I've done? I like your new shape." Teresa slung Nancy's nearly dry swimsuit across his left arm and waved at him as she left the room. She left the mirror in front of him so he would stare at his unnaturally narrow waist which served to enhance the size of his faux breasts. The white tape gleamed in the light streaming in from the window. The sun was setting. He could feel sweat running down the inside of his legs tickling his inner thighs. Mark strained again at the constriction and except for a few tosses of his head the only sound was the slightest creaking of the plastic and tape.

The clock ticked by in the silence of the room, wrapped as he was the sweat did nothing but slick his skin allowing only the slightest amount of give. The weight of his arms pulled on his body where the bar attached but not uncomfortably. His waist and chest however were another matter, the corset felt like a boa constrictor, forced breaths whistled through his nose.

Mark waited and sweated. The maddening trickle of sweat between his legs was his only company until the slight shudder through the house meant someone entered through the front door. Mark would have taken a deep breath to prepare for the approach of whoever had entered but the corset and tape made that impossible. Kelli arrived first and stopped in the doorway with her hands rising to her mouth, the two bags she carried dropped to the floor. Nancy moved behind her but Kelli was shocked into a statue. "Kelli, move it, this is heavy." Nancy said from behind. A light shove and Kelli nearly toppled forward catching herself at the last moment. Nancy now had a clear view of Mark's new curves.

"Wha...?" Nancy said.

Shock must cause brain cells to fire more slowly because it was several heartbeats before Nancy was able to put the evidence together. "Mom was here."

Mark nodded grunting through the gag.

Kelli walked over and pushed on his arms, "Looks like she solved the problem we had. If he could have dislodged that swimsuit onto the floor I think he would have by now." Kelli continued to walk around his body, she felt his chest and waist. "I think he is wearing a corset, must be a heavily boned one, to keep him this rigid. And I'm so jealous of his chest."

Nancy shook her head. "My mom needs a boyfriend."

Kelli snorted. "I think she wants yours."

"Well she can't have him." Nancy wrapped her arms around Marks hard form and gave him a hug.

"Your idea will still work, Teresa just saved us some time." Kelli said looking at Mark.

"Yup, let's get started." Nancy pulled a long length of red satin from one of the bags she brought in, it seemed to be a robe of some kind with yellow and white flower blossoms decorating the fabric. "This, my shapely man," Nancy smiled, "is a Japanese kimono. You will look amazing as my geisha girl decoration."

Mark closed his eyes and moaned.

Kelli laughed. The robe opened down the front allowing the girls to easily slip his extended arms into the overly large sleeves. The material completely hid his arms with the ends of the sleeves draping halfway to the floor. The robe wrapped around his body concealing the tape beneath. Another wrapping of red silk made a wide belt around his waist which was caught up into a bundle in the small of his back.

Nancy stepped back. "Wow, how pretty."

Kelli shrugged. "Maybe when we get his makeup done."

"Oh right." Nancy opened a bag and pulled out a container full of a white paste and several brushes and sponges. "Pull the robe away from his neck. We need the white to cover everything not hidden by the robe." Kelli held the robe open while Nancy used a large brush to rub a bright white color over his neck and upper chest, anything that wasn't covered by white tape. She continued up his neck until she reached the gag strap. "I will take off the gag as long as you don't cause any problems." Nancy looked pointedly at Mark.

Mark nodded and Nancy removed the gag allowing him to stretch his jaw and lick his lips before resuming her work. She had him close his eyes and pulled his hair aside as she moved up his face. "Ok, that's done, Kelli can you do his eyes and I'll do the lips.

Kelli then appeared in front of him holding pencils, smaller brushes and other various tools of the makeup trade on a small tray. "Close your eyes," She began. Mark felt brushes on his eyelids and pencils on his eyes. After several more orders of "Look up," and "Look down," she stood back. "What do you think Nancy?"

"Looks good. I'll do his lips."

Nancy approached him with a bright red pencil. "Hold still, you have been doing well, don't spoil it now."

Nancy outlined his lips with the red pencil and then used a tube of lipstick to finish the look before stepping back. "All we need now is the geisha wig and we'll be done."

"Oh I left the wig box in the car." Kelli said looking quickly around the room. "I'll run down and get it."

When Kelli left, Nancy rounded on Mark. "You’ve been really quiet, are you angry?"

Mark thought hard for a few seconds trying to exclude his feminine appearance from this disordered thoughts and concentrate on life after he was free from his current mess. He focused on the kiss Kelli had given him and decided Nancy’s friendship with Kelli was too important to spoil without talking to Kelli about it first. If he could not get her to stop he would tell Nancy. "This is all a bit much don't you think?"

Nancy looked a little confused and stepped over to her desk. "Well this coupon says, "Decorate your room with me," Nancy read. "And you are definitely a decoration."

Mark opened his mouth to respond tasting the red lipstick on his lips, but Nancy interrupted.

"And this one," Nancy held it up to his face.
I will dress up in any costume you want.
Mark immediately tried to bury any surprise that may have blossomed on his face. Something must have shown though.

"Did you forget about that one?" Nancy said. "You looked a bit surprised."

"Yeah, I did forget. I guess this geisha costume is that one."

Nancy nodded. "And I am killing three birds with one stone, so to speak." Nancy waved another coupon in the air. "Here let me show you."
I want to be your hostage for a day.
Mark was ready this time and kept his face blank even though this was another coupon he did not recognize. In fact all three of these, the room decoration, the costume, and now this hostage idea were all slipped in by Teresa. "Uh, what's your plan for that one?"

"Well Kelli and I were talking and we figured the only way you can have a hostage is to have a ransom note." Kelli walked into the room at that point carrying a box. "So we figured we would take a picture of you and write a note to send it with the picture demanding a ransom from your Mom and mine."

Kelli had the shiny black wig out of the box which was coiffed in a complicated updo which would leave the neck exposed. "What ransom are you asking for, it's not like they are going to give you a million dollars?" Mark grimaced while Kelli set the wig on his head.

"I thought about that until Kelli came up with the perfect idea." Nancy tilted the full length mirror so Mark could see the results of their work. In the mirror was a beautiful Japanese bride with shockingly red lips and a pale white face. The eyes were a dusky black that made the simple process of blinking seem like a flirtation. The girl stood straight backed with her hands held outward like a doll waiting to be posed by her owner.

"Uh..." Mark started trying to find the words that fled his mind when his reflection came into view. "What idea?"

Nancy giggled. "We are going to ask them to come up with something."

Kelli smiled while grabbing her camera. "How about this? 'We've got your son Mark, who we've dressed up as our plaything. If you ever want to see him again you will give us a ransom, and we don't want any money. How much is he worth to you? You have till tomorrow morning.'" Kelli finished in a deep voice.

"I can't stay here all night, I will have to use the loo." Mark said.

"The loo? What are you British?" Kelli laughed.

"As much as I am Japanese." Mark retorted.

"We know, once we get some pictures and send the ransom note we'll get you out, but you are still our hostage."

Kelli took a picture with the instant camera and Nancy took several more shots. "That's good enough."

"I'll write the note and you can deliver it Kelli, they might try and detain me. Just hand it to them and run off."

"Ok, but don't let him out until I get back I want to see what Teresa did to him underneath all that tape." Kelli grabbed the note with the picture paper clipped to the top and left the house.

Nancy walked slowly over to her bed and sat down. "So tell me honestly, what do you think of Kelli?" Nancy asked. Her demeanor had changed from mischievous fun to concerned and worried.

Again Mark was struck by the urge to be up front with her about the kiss but he was scared of hurting her, especially if the kiss was innocent, something older girls just did more freely. "She is nice, I am glad you have a friend to talk to that isn't in your dance class."

Nancy nodded. "I like her, but..." She hesitated.

"What?" Mark prompted.

"I think she likes you. She talks about you all the time. I know my life is probably boring for a college girl but I'm afraid..." Nancy bit her lip. "I'm afraid she's going to take you away from me."

Mark wanted to hold her then but in his current situation that was impossible. "I don't like her in the way I love you, but you are right to be wary of her. I have noticed it too."

Nancy's face fell. "I hoped she was my true friend, now I worry she only hangs out with me because of you."

Mark felt really weird, most of his life girls ignored him, now he had two of them interested. "You should talk to her, tell her what we’ve noticed. I will tell her straight up you are the only girl for me." Mark looked down over his body. "I doubt any others would take me."

"Kelli would." Nancy said with her lip trembling.

"Just one more thing you two have in common, but if you set her straight and she still wants to be friends than great. If not then better sooner than later."

Nancy nodded. "You're right."

"Just in case she mentions it when you have the discussion," Mark took as deep a breath as he could manage. "When you left to go get the costume she returned to get her purse. Well she kissed me on the gag, it seemed just playful at the time, but maybe..." He let the thought hang in the air. "I want you to have her as a friend, but I don't want the fact that I did not tell you make you think I was hiding something."

"I would kiss you but that would mess up all our work."

Kelli returned slightly out of breath. "I didn't wait for an answer, I figure they know where to find us."

"We should get him out of there," Nancy suggested.

"Yeah, I have to pee, and I am bathing in my own sweat, I'll need a shower."

Kelli walked over and draped her arms around Mark's body. "Oh but he is so cute dressed up like this."

Mark sent a meaningful glance in Nancy's direction.

Nancy sighed and took a deep breath. "Kelli, you can't have him."

Kelli turned around and looked at Nancy. "What?" She gave a half-hearted chuckle until she noticed the serious expression on Nancy's face.

"Mark loves me and I love him," Nancy said slowly.

Mark nodded his face flushing beneath the white color coating his face.

"I don't..." Kelli began.

"When we talk it’s always about him, and Mark has noticed it too."

Kelli frowned. "Look if this is about that little kiss, I was just playing."

Nancy said nothing waiting for Kelli to continue.

Kelli sat down on the bed. "I don't really think I have a chance." She pulled her curly brown hair over one shoulder and began twisting it in her fingers looking at Mark. "I'll admit to living vicariously through you, but I’m not trying to steal him from you." She seemed almost sad. "I have never, never, never met a guy like him, he is so gentle and kind and willing to do anything. The guys I know would never have fun like this."

"You're jealous." Nancy said.

"Yes, very." Kelli admitted

"You don't really want to be friends then." Nancy said softly.

"What? No!" Kelli spluttered. "I mean, Yes I want to be friends."

"Even if Mark weren’t in the picture?"

"Of course, I have fun hanging out with you."

Nancy looked dubious. "You're just saying that. I'm just a high schooler."

"Haven't you had fun talking and shopping with me. It's only been a few days but we've been together a lot."

"Yes, but we mostly talk about Mark."

Kelli looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, but I promise I won't ever date him, even if you two don't work out."

Nancy looked at her friend and then slowly moved over to sit beside her. "Ok, I'm sorry for worrying."

"No, I understand why you did. I do hope we can all be friends though."

"No more kissing though." Mark spoke up.

"Ahh, you're no fun," Kelli said. "Friends can still kiss. See..." She bent down and kissed Nancy full on the lips.

Nancy's eyes went wide and Kelli fell over laughing.

Mark shook his head. "College girls."

After too many photos, the girls spent the next hour removing the makeup and tape. Nancy hid the corset in her closet saying it might come in handy someday.

Kelli picked up the two falsies that had been placed in the cups of the corset. "These feel very realistic, you should keep them too." Kelli laughed massaging the faux nipple she held in her hand. "You never know when you might need them again."

Nancy laughed, "Sooner than he would like I'm sure."

Mark shivered in the black speedo soaked with his sweat while the girls removed the last of the tape from his ankles.

"If you want to go for a swim, here is the top to the bikini you are wearing." Kelli flung a piece of strappy black fabric across the room at him.

Mark made no move to catch it and it bounced off his chest. "No thanks, I'm going to shower."

The water felt good. His stiff muscles soaked in the heat. With the heat though came a bone deep exhaustion and he was aching for a bed. It was later in the day than he expected having spent much longer in the shower than usual. His clothes were missing from the bathroom where he left them which did not surprise him. He simply wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped back across the hall toward Nancy's bedroom. "I don't think our Mom's would be too keen on me being nearly naked in your bedroom." Mark called out.

Nancy and Kelli were not in the bedroom and most of the apparatus of his earlier confinement had gone except for a few bits of tape. He heard laughing from the direction of the pool in the backyard. The sun was down and the lights from the pool reflected around the backyard. He arrived there to see the girls had put their suits back on and were lounging on inflatable mats in the water. Mark walked out onto the deck. "Should I call Mom and tell them you took my clothes?"

"It is the only way we could keep you from running off." Kelli said. "Remember you are Nancy's hostage."

"We could give you clothes but then we would need to keep you tied up." Nancy said.

Her swimsuit glittered like oil in the evening light, and Mark strode over to the side and sat down dangling his bare feet in the warm water.

Nancy paddled over to him. "You ok?"

"I have concerns." Mark said.


"Mom and Teresa."

Nancy nodded.

Kelli looked confused. "What are they going to do?"

"Anything." Mark and Nancy said together.

"It doesn't matter. We can't anticipate them, I'm going to lay down. Can I use your bed?" Mark asked.

Nancy nodded. "We’ll be down here."

Mark walked up to Nancy's room. In truth he could have chosen the guest room but he enjoyed Nancy's scent and the feel of her sheets. He doffed the towel and slid in the cool silky comfort. He was asleep before his eyelids closed.

* * *

Light suddenly bloomed into Mark's eyes leaving red afterimages in his vision. He blinked and lifted his head from the pillow. He saw Teresa and his Mom standing near the bed, Teresa was wearing a full unitard bodysuit in a flat black color that hugged her body so tight her bra was clearly visible through the fabric. His Mom was also dressed in black with tights and a leotard that showed more cleavage than Mark ever wanted to see on his Mom. "Wha..." Mark said trying to remember where he was and what was going on.

"Not much of a hostage are you." Teresa laughed. "Sleeping in a bed as comfortable as can be."

His Mom picked up the edge of the sheet and peered beneath. "In naught but your skin I see."

Mark pulled the sheet tight around his stomach. "What are you doing here?'

Teresa held out her hands. "Rescuing you."

Mark had a sudden flash of worry. "Where's Nancy?" He raised his voice.

Teresa held out her hands. "Easy there, we know how crazy you are, she’s unharmed and comfortable. Currently tied to the chaise lounge outside near the pool chatting with Kelli who is also tied in the same manner."

"Tying Kelli was fun, she seemed to really like it." Mark's Mom said with a smile.

"First time for her?" Mark asked.

His Mom shrugged. "Perhaps, I didn't ask. Now we need to find your clothes."

"They took them from me so I wouldn't run home."

Teresa laughed. "Had you the wits to wear Nancy's clothes you could have run off on your own."

"It's not wit that I lack, but..."

"Courage?" Mark's Mom finished.

"It takes more than courage to dress as a girl and run home across your neighborhood, especially when you are doing it willingly. Besides I was tired, you saw what they put me through. Especially you," Mark pointed at Teresa. "I still feel half asleep."

"I'll go ask Nancy where your clothes are." Mom said and left the room.

"Tell if her if she doesn't tell us we are going to dress him in her old formal gown and silver heels." Teresa called out after his Mom.

"Not going to happen." Mark said coldly.

"Oh really, is that a challenge." Teresa's green eyes flashed and her red hair seemed to glow around her face with an aura of authority. Mark wondered if Nancy would ever develop the sense of presence her Mom possessed.

"No challenge, you were just joking. I might ruin that dress and Nancy would be cross with you."

Teresa shrugged and her inner fire winked out. "True, but Nancy doesn't know that."

"Sure she does. If she gives up my clothes it won't be because of your threats."

Mark's Mom walked in moments later holding his shorts shoes and T-shirt. "Get dressed, and head home with your Mom. I will release the girls. Are there any coupons left?"

Mark laughed without mirth. "How would I know, you added a bunch."

"Ok, then she has one left."

"Which one?" His Mom asked.

"The most outrageous one I wrote." Mark said.

"Which is?" Teresa said her eyes lighting up again.

"Slave for a day."

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 7:04 pm
by volatiledesire
This is the last of what I wrote almost a decade ago (2008-2010) when I posted it on the original site. I know it sucks to leave it hanging and if I come up with something cool I promise to continue.

In truth I should probably promise *not* to continue since that guarantees I'll have some devious idea for Nancy to perpetrate on Mark's not-so-unwilling person.

Thanks for reading.

All the best...

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 12:14 am
by Shadesflirty
Thanks so much Volatile. Love your work and any continuation to this tale that pops along in future.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 4:07 pm
by volatiledesire
[mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] Thank you for the kind comments. It truly motivates and is very much appreciated.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 4:19 pm
by Canuck100
That next coupon should make a good story! Well done, as usual!

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:42 pm
by Katievick24
Any chance this story will continue, it may be my favourite on the site

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:56 am
by Shadesflirty
Katievick24 wrote: 5 years ago Any chance this story will continue, it may be my favourite on the site
Have you read volatiledesire’s other masterpiece here “Jack’s Story”? If not, you’re welcome. I’ve been following both for years.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:46 am
by NoOne

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:36 am
by dogrednuht123
Amazing story that is so well written on multiple levels. I love how cunning and clever Teresa is and how the predicaments everyone gets into are natural and flow and not forced. I really hope there is an update soon. Keep up the great work.

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:29 am
by NoOne

Re: Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:52 pm
by Speedo
I would be so happy to read an additionally chapter. The last coupon has so much interesting potential.

And I hope Mark had to wear "his" green heels during be tied up again, but this time for a longer time. And it would be great he had to wear a legless girl's racing swimsuit, which Kelli certainly has as a swimmer. That would produce wonderful tanlines on his back... .