WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

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Post by Xtc »

I think Hils has a few talents to show yet. Behave yourself!!
Of course, I wouldn't be so indelicate as to enquire what went on behind closed doors - would I?
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It has always been my opinion that with Hils, Edward has bitten off more than he can chew.
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. . . so to speak!
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad that rodent and shrimp are spending so much time together! Maybe in the future they might even try to hang out without ropes involved (you can always use tape or chains :D)

And I have to agree with everyone about Ed. Things might not turn out as he expected
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Ooh, I don't know, he's been working on it hard enough. (That sounded better in my mind than it looks on paper!)
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Sorry, the Epilogue keeps exapnding so here's the next part.
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Ed and Hilary Have a Conversation

There was absolutely no point in Frank and me even trying to converse and, with our hands bound as they were, there was no way we could even try untying one another. All we could do was protest when the other captive caused us inconvenience. Even if we could free ourselves from our ropes, we would still be unable to move very far all the while our ankles were trapped in a web of chain.

I could see a clock on the wall and could do little more than calculate the minutes since our ‘hosts’ had disappeared. The house was so large that no sounds from their liaison reached our ears and it was a good hour before Hilary re-appeared.

“OK worms, now listen. Are you listening?” We both nodded. “You,” and here she was obviously referring to me, “Are nearly ready.” I took her word for it, but I had no idea about ready for what. “But you,” Frank whimpered, “Will need some minor adjustments before we can go.” Again, I was prepared to take her word for it but go where?

Hilary left for the kitchen and returned with a large knife. She cut the ropes connecting Frank’s wrists to his ankles and the one binding his elbows and depriving him of the ability to sit upright. That still left us chained together and I still had my neck drawn towards my knees. Frank was advised to cooperate with his cousin as she secured his arms again and experience had obviously convinced him that to do otherwise would be extremely ill advised.

“OK Rodent, I’m in a good mood. Hold your hands out in front of you,” said Hilary, producing a new rope, “No, not good enough. Too low, I’m not getting down there.” Frank wheezed and looked desperate; after all, he had done what he was told. Optimistically, he raised his arms, obviously hoping to avoid having Hilary ‘explain things’ to him. She still didn’t seem to be satisfied. “No, still not good enough. You’ll have to stand up.” If possible poor Frank (Yes, I had come to think of him like that.) looked even more desperate as he started to try to comply.

All the while he was chained to me, the task was simply too difficult. Even though I tried to keep as still as possible, my raised knees were still in the way. Frank looked towards his tormentor. “OK. That’s obviously too hard”, (Was that the real Hilary?) “I’ll just have to help you.” As Frank tried to stand once more, Hilary hooked her fingers under his dog collar and, with no more warning, lifted him to his feet. (Yes. THAT was the real Hilary!) He didn’t look too steady.

“Now hold your hands out.” Frank did so. “No, the Shrimp’s in my way. Do it like this.” Hilary demonstrated that he was to rotate his torso and display his hands beside him. With my feet between his feet, he now looked even more unsteady. I assumed that the customary rope cuffs were about to surface. At least I got that right. Hilary seemed to be taking great care over how far apart Frank’s hands should be before she started and she used all the rope to wrap the connecting loops before tying off the rope several times. The resulting connection was semi-rigid and left Frank’s hands about 30 centimetres apart.

As Frank rotated his torso again after Hilary had declared herself satisfied with her work, he nearly fell. Hilary did nothing to prevent his doing so. Frank held it together and looked at his Amazonian cousin with frightened eyes. “Good boy. Well done. Who doesn’t want his little botty spanked again then?” Frank didn’t exactly look comforted.

Hilary’s next move, once she seemed to be happy that her customary victim was in less danger of toppling, was to inspect the ropes that were forcing my arms into increasingly painful back-hammer positions. She seemed to find Smegward’s binding to be satisfactory or, at least, she did nothing to adjust it. It was only then that I wondered where my brother had got to.

“OK, listen up, Shrimp.” Let’s face it: I would have paid very careful attention even if she had not given me a slap round the back of my head. “You and your little boyfriend here,” it was not worth arguing the point, “Both need to be standing so . . .” Hilary deigned to crouch down this time as she untied the rope that was trapping my knees. She did not bother removing it from my collar. “OK, up you get.”

Then it was my turn to emit a wheezing noise though my nose. There was absolutely no way I was going to manage that. “Don’t worry about it, Shrimp, the Rodent will help you.” My eyes kept alternating between Frank and Hilary. She remained impassively looking at Frank. Then she just tipped her head to one side quizzically. Frank took the hint and lifted me to my feet in rather the same way as Hilary had just done to him, but with considerably more difficulty in spite of my attempt to help him. Now there were two teenage boys standing unsteadily with their feet more or less in line and both trying to occupy the same space. That situation could not possibly last.

Hilary grinned.

“Oh, look, the Shrimp’s about to fall over. Go on, Rodent, give him a hand.” Frank looked puzzled and shook his head slightly. “Oh, yes you can. Give him a hug.” Frank didn’t look any less puzzled. “I said hug him, you miserable waste of an epidermis.” Did I tell you Hilary studied biology?

With each unsuppressed move we both nearly toppled, especially when Hilary lifted Frank’s cuffs over my head and pulled them down behind me. The fit wasn’t exactly tight and at least Frank’s hands were no longer embarrassingly near my assets. We were still not exactly stable. “OK, I’ll release your ankles soon and you’ll find things easier then.” Good cop. “But not quite yet.” Bad cop. Being a woman, Hilary was obviously multi-tasking.

The two strands of rope that had been hanging from my wrists were about to come into play. You might remember that I told you that there was lots of unused rope. I felt the rope being wrapped round Frank’s wrist-cuffs and tied off behind me. Hilary then issued a dire warning about what would happen if she had a problem with her next move. I only hoped that our falling over would not present her with a problem as we both braced ourselves. Hilary fed the ropes between my legs and on between Frank’s. This was getting embarrassing but at least no one would be able to see what was starting to happen inside my jammers and, or so it seemed, inside Frank’s briefs as well. Hilary pulled tight. Still we managed to keep our footing.

The finishing touches were provided as Hilary tied the two rope strands together at about the level of Frank’s waist, wrapped the single strands in opposite directions around our combined torsos and knotted them behind me after having pulled them tight. There was no way her tie-up-toys could avoid rather too intimate contact in spite our difference in height. Hilary was obviously assessing the length of unused rope she had left. “Yes, I think it will.” I was hardly in a hurry to discover what Hilary was on about but I wasn’t going to find out immediately in any case.

“Tell you what: let’s make things easier for you.” Good cop again? Hilary took the rope hanging from the ‘D’ ring on the front of my collar and threaded both ends through the equivalent on Frank’s collar. “OK, lovebirds, kissy, kissy.” So saying, Hilary separated the strands and pulled them behind my neck. No: bad cop. But at least with Frank being that much shorter than I, our lips were not on the same level not that we could have kissed anyway with my left cheek more or less against Frank’s left temple. Personally, I couldn’t see how that made things easier for us.

“OK, let’s just take you over here.” Hilary forced her hand between our necks and started to impel us the short distance to the nearest wall whilst ensuring we did not topple. At least she was in no hurry and allowed us to shuffle (backwards in Frank’s case) until he was leaning against the wall with me forced to lean against him. I would rather not relate all the humiliating remarks such as, “Oh, how sweet”, and, “Go on, give him a cuddle”, and similar demeaning statements here but I’m sure you get the idea.

“Right, now I can finish off without the bosom buddies falling over. Isn’t that kind of me?” An answer was obviously not required. Hilary had just assessed the amount or rope available as it hung down behind me and she passed both strands to the right round my waist and forced them between both me and Frank. She then twined the free ends round the rope pulling us together at our waists, pulled it tight and knotted it off. “Oh goodie, I thought there might be enough left over.” Hilary sounded almost like a little girl who had more sweets left than she had expected. The ropes were forced between us again, pulled even tighter and tied off finally to the rope around our waists. Can you imagine what it felt like having an Amazonian captor groping around anywhere near ‘there’ as she scrabbled for the rope? It was almost comforting to be able to feel that Frank was suffering the same effect.

So, now we couldn’t separate our feet, our heads, our torsos or our more intimate parts (I thanked God for my jammers). I had not been able to move my arms to any significant extent for a long time but now Frank could move his neither up without giving both of us wedgies, nor down.

Hilary located some keys and started to undo our ankle chain. We immediately separated our ankles and our ‘host’ pulled us away from the wall. “Listening?”

This time each of us got a slap round the head. We both tried nodding and, just for insurance purposes answering, “Mmmmn.”

“Good because I don’t want to repeat myself. Clear?” Once more we indicated the affirmative in the clearest manner we could. “Now, you two need to get upstairs.”

“What!!?” Oh, alright then, “Uooss?”

“Do it however you like. You’ve got two minutes. I’ll just go and find that table tennis bat I left in the garden. The Rodent remembers that table tennis bat - don’t you?” Frank obviously remembered it only too well. He started pushing me backwards towards the stairs. “Good boy, perhaps you’d better explain it to the Shrimp. I don’t think he’d like to meet it like you did, do you?” Frank kept desperately impelling both of us to the foot of the stairs as Hilary departed on her mission.

We might just as well have been a single, freakish creature created by some mad scientist as the combined “Frankenal” monster stumbled its way towards the stairs. By the time we had reached the bottom of the wide, winding staircase, I’d had enough of having to walk backwards but Frank was obviously intent on embarking on the climb. I just stopped. If we could have communicated more easily, Hilary’s requirement would have been met much more easily but we couldn’t even look at one another. All I knew was that I was NOT going to climb those stairs backwards. All Frank knew was that he didn’t want another paddling.

If I was hugging Frank instead of he me, I could have imposed my will upon the combined entity much more easily but, even without the assistance of my arms, but with much “Nnngh”-ing, I eventually managed to get us standing sideways on to the stairs. Frank did manage to cotton on reasonably quickly and we started our slow, step-by-step ascent. Even I had managed to gather the implications of Hilary’s arriving and giving the red table tennis bat a few demonstration swishes and, for that reason, I wanted the task completed as quickly as possible.

Hilary made several demeaning, “What good little boys”-type remarks as she overtook us and waited, fanning herself with her newly retrieved implement of torment on the first floor landing. There was much nasal snorting as we came to a halt beside her.

“See that door at the end of the corridor?” Well, I could see it so I nodded. Frank probably could not but I suspect that he knew which door she meant. “Well, that’s where we’re going.” I thought it was about my turn to walk forwards so I pushed Frank along the corridor. As we approached the indicated door, we started to be able to hear indistinct, unidentifiable but definite noises that seemed to come from behind the thick, antique door.

At the end of the impressive corridor, Frank and I came to a halt while Hilary took hold of the door handle. She threw the door open with the words, “I think you’ll recognise this object.”

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Post by LK3869 »

An "human centipede" made with ropes :lol: ( with two only but still...) Must be a fun thing to watch as it moves.
I'm starting to get really crazy ideas about what Hills has cooked up, can't wait to see what's next !
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Sadly merely a quadruped. But I'm starting to wonder what Hilary's up to as well.
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Ah, can there be any doubt as to what the object is? I do enjoy the predicament the boys find themselves in. Very creative.
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It could be an antique candelabrum, after all. the house is old enough.
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The Shrimp seems to be padding the Epilogue out longer than I had originally envisaged so here's the next part.

I THINK there's only one more part to come after this.
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What the Conversation Was About – and Other Matters

I certainly did recognise the object: it was a luxurious, wooden-framed king-size bed with a substantial, back-swept, pierced wooden headboard and a similar - and only slightly smaller - footboard. But I think that what Hilary really meant was the object which was positioned in the middle of the bed enjoying one of her special gags. My brother was tightly spread-eagled and stark naked. Well, not completely naked because some considerate person had positioned a sock strategically on the object’s potentially most offensive part. The sock seemed to be twitching.

Once my gob-smacked initial reaction had subsided, Hilary gave Frank and myself a few minutes to assess the situation before explaining. The combined creature that was Frank and I approached the bed and I turned round a bit to allow Frank to take in the scene that I had just witnessed. Frank, having his face more or less buried in my shoulder, probably didn’t get a very good view of very much but I expect he got a general impression of the situation.

“Oooo! I’m in such a good mood now that I think I’d better let the Rodent get a better look. Let’s just make things a bit easier for you.” Hilary grabbed the rope connecting our collars less delicately than she might have done and released the knot at the back of my neck. Frank seemed to be unreasonably relieved not to have to sniff my sweaty body any longer. At least he could turn his head now and we could both take in the situation simultaneously.

Smegward had obviously been lured into allowing himself to be secured to the headboard on the understanding that Hilary was going to show him a good time. And I’m supposed to be the brother who is slow on the uptake. Looking at Hilary’s carefully edited video later, I could see how clever she had been. Simply trapping Ed playfully into allowing himself to be handcuffed to the headboard once he had stripped down to only what he called his “pleasure pants” left him completely unable to resist as Hilary produced some rather unusual bedroom equipment after she had replaced the outer clothing she had removed to lure her victim into her trap.


I won’t go into too many details (Sorry!) but, briefly in sequence here is what the video showed:
1) Hilary ripped the preposterous ‘figure enhancing’ briefs off of Ed’s flailing person leaving him in an all too obviously priapic state that had still not completely subsided by the time she introduced his predicament to Frank and me.
2) Hilary grabbed Ed by the crown jewels and ‘persuaded’ him to be a bit more cooperative as she went about her task. I’ve never heard my brother scream like that before!
3) Our host fastened one part of what looked like over-sized handcuffs round each of Ed’s ankles, leaving the other bracelets (If you know what I mean) closed but unattached to anything.
4) Before doing anything else, Hilary reminded her erstwhile suitor of the pain that he would experience if he didn’t continue to co-operate. I don’t know about Ed, but it certainly brings tears to my eyes whenever I look at the video. It took me a couple of views before I realised that she must have set up at least two cameras first. I didn’t find out until later that Ed had helped her to set them up. I believe that’s called poetic justice.
5) Hilary threaded two hefty webbing straps between the substantial, curved spars at the foot of the bed and about a metre apart. She fed one end of one of them through the unused part of the ankle cuff round Ed’s left ankle and inserted it into a sort of clasp attached to the other end. She then asked Ed if he was comfy. Mum wouldn’t have approved of his language.
6) Another strap was soon similarly attached to his right leg. Even though his limbs hadn’t been pulled particularly tight, Ed was still on his best behaviour. I was not exactly surprised.
7) Ed watched sort of spasmodically as another pair of the hefty straps was threaded through the headboard but they were not as close as the other ones. Hilary just rested her hand on Ed’s still raging member. He reassured her that he had no intention of making things difficult for her, in spite of which she produced another set of handcuffs. There seemed to be no lack of restraints in Hilary’s bedroom; rather more than Ed was expecting to encounter I suspect.
8) Hilary secured one bracelet of the new cuffs round Ed’s already secured right wrist and threaded another strap through the other locked bracelet and pulled it tighter. The fasteners seemed to allow the webbing to pass through in one direction then to bite down onto the substantial fabric when any tension was put on the loops that had been formed.
9) The original handcuffs, that had kept Ed trapped to the bed, were then unlocked from his right wrist and re-fastened before the fourth webbing strap was threaded through the vacant bracelet and pulled tight, drawing Ed’s left wrist towards the corner of the bed.
10) I think you’ll be able to guess the rest: Hilary simply pulled the ends of the webbing until she was happy that her date was aesthetically displayed in the centre of the bed with his head on the pillow and capable of hardly any movement at all.
11) Obviously, being a lady, Hilary decided that she could no longer tolerate the appalling language and threats which punctuated Ed’s desperate pleas. So she straddled her guest, which didn’t do much for his more obvious embarrassment, and forced a red rubber ball into his mouth prior to wrapping so much sellotape round his lower face that its colour could no longer be discerned. Every time I watch that part of the video, I feel disappointed that she didn’t have a nice shop-bought gag to use on him.
12) Hilary’s passing gift was the sock of Ed’s that she had retrieved from the floor. Then she let the room.

I’m sorry there’s not much detail concerning the early part of the encounter but, when I phoned her about it, Hilary left me in no doubt that it could be in some mysterious way unhealthy if I pursued that particular matter. Don’t you think censorship is so last century?


So, there we were: three helpless males and one very scary female who was in complete control of the situation. Hilary thought she ought to honour us with her explanation of that situation. “I believe you two know this pathetic waste of a penis.” Here Hilary gave the sock a hefty backhanded flick. I was in some danger of feeling sorry for my big brother. (Some danger - just a little – not a lot) I was, however, more intent on standing as little chance as possible of being treated in anything like the same manner.

Once more, I’ll just present a digest of Hilary’s spitfire monologue. Apparently, when Ed chucked Jill, he had made two mistakes in one move. With all three of those involved being at the same uni., Ed could have seen it coming really, (Who’s the slow one now?) but he obviously either missed all the signs or merely misinterpreted the possible implications. Mistake number one: Ed had just dumped Hilary’s best friend! By text!!. Mistake number two: Ed thought he was in with a chance with Hilary. If I remember rightly, her explanation was that he was second on the list of those whom she would have considered dating at the time; second, that is, to the green mould in the petri dishes that she had left in the lab back at uni.

“OK, worms, now it’s up to you what you do with him. Here’s his wallet, I suggest that you,” here she obviously meant me, (or at least it was I whom she had grabbed by the hair forcing me to face her) “get a taxi home and treat yourself to a night at the pictures tomorrow. Don’t stint; take a friend and get an expensive takeaway afterwards. Needle-Dick here won’t mind, will you?” That really was below the belt (so to speak) but it would seem that, on the contrary, he did mind. A beautifully manicured hand extended elegantly towards the sock and then grabbed, twisted and squeezed. Even with the level of pain that would have caused, I was beginning to understand why we hadn’t heard much noise until we got very close to the bedroom door as we approached it along the corridor. That gag was almost completely effective. Hilary released and enquired, in a businesslike manner, whether she would need to ask Ed nicely to ****ing shut up and keep still again. Ed was noncommittal. But he had suddenly become very still in spite of, or perhaps because of, the pain he must have been in.

Hilary turned to Frank. “OK Rodent, listen carefully; obviously I can’t make you the same offer. If you went home so soon, Auntie Ethel and Uncle Cyril would be suspicious but I’ll be home sometime tomorrow afternoon. Just wait around, help yourself to food and drink and generally make yourself at home. Order a pizza; Ed’ll be happy to pay – won’t you? You never know, you could still have company if you decide not to let the last of the great lovers here go free. Oh, if you do decide that you can’t let him go, (I’ll leave the keys in the kitchen) use these. I do NOT want my bed contaminated. Well, at least no more than having this pathetic example of a semi-animated afterbirth in it will have contaminated it already.” Hilary indicated a large sports bag in the base of her wardrobe and I made a note to try to remember some of Hilary’s more creative descriptions of my brother.

“Right, as I said: it’s up to you two what you do with THAT,” here Hilary indicated Ed, “But I’ll be back tomorrow some time if the Rodent doesn’t want to be here when Slimeball is released. I’ve checked and there’s more than enough money in his wallet for him to take a taxi as well. OK, toodle-pip. Enjoy yourselves.” Hilary made to leave. She had obviously overlooked something and both Frank and I started jiggling round in an agitated manner. Once more I wished we were not quite so closely drawn together as our abdomens rubbed involuntarily against one another. We were both making desperate attempts to draw Hilary’s attention to the fact that she had obviously forgotten to release us. She did seem to be enjoying our discomfort.

“Oh, silly me, nearly forgot. Won’t be a mo. Stay there.” Hilary left the room and soon returned with that large kitchen knife. “OK, hold still. This bit could be quite dangerous.” Seeing the knife we became very still indeed. I felt something against my back but the whimpering could only be heard through my nose. There was a certain amount of vibration and I was suddenly released from Frank’s intimate bear hug. That knife was very sharp indeed! “OK, I’ll leave you to it from there but, you know: health and safety.” And with that, Hilary departed with the knife.

Even as she was making her way downstairs, Hilary continued, “Oh, and I’ll send a copy of the video to the Shrimp. Should help to neuter Eddie-boy. Sorry, though, The Rodent is NOT off the leash, he’d better remember that other video. He knows: the one where he met the table tennis bat. Spanky, spanky! Toodles.” Frank sagged and whined. He can really look sad at times.


I heard the front door slam and Frank immediately started untangling the remains of the rope cuffs. I could do nothing to help. It must have taken him a good five minutes to be free of the ropes before he started to try untying the rope belt that was digging into our waists. You can imagine the effect as he started pulling on it. He obviously tried apologising. I shouted at him. That was effective – not! He soon got the idea that we could put up with feeling each other’s embarrassment and that he would be better advised to start working on his gag. That probably took another five minutes before Frank could wrench the slobber-covered ball from between his jaws. That made him yell!

I was still effectively gagged and we were still intimately connected but I don’t think either of us wanted Frank to start putting any further tension on the ropes again. Hilary had certainly made a good job of encouraging togetherness between us. I started drawing Frank’s attention to the fact that I was still gagged. He took the hint.

In a few more minutes I yelled as well. The next few seconds of conversation were, to say the least, confused but, other than agreeing that Smegward could wait, we decided that we could do with locating a sharp knife. Frank made one more desperate attempt to pull the ropes down over our hips. I called him something less than kind.

We worked our way towards the stairs. “Sideways?”

“Sideways.” At least this time we could count to coordinate our descent. It was (relatively) alright for Frank but I still felt very vulnerable to falling all the while I had no use of my arms.

“Would you feel safer if I hugged you?” I was very reluctant to answer but Frank took the initiative. Once more I started to imagine being tied to Dave like this. We worked our way downstairs and I was almost glad that Frank cold not see the front of my jammers. I only hoped that the situation might correct itself soon.

We were fortunate that Frank was familiar with the layout of the house and we stumbled our way to the kitchen where the sharp knife was lying on the table alongside two sets of keys, one of which I recognised as belonging to Ed. Frank picked up the knife and warned me to brace myself. He made very short work of cutting through the round of rope that was digging into our midriffs. We immediately moved apart.

Frank started massaging his rope marks and adjusting his swim briefs. I thought I might remind him of something. I felt the knife inserted between the rope and my upper back between my shoulder blades followed by a sharp tugging before my wrists fell and a sharp pain struck through my arms all the way from my shoulders to my wrists. I was ready for that and I knew it would subside soon. We set about untying my wrists and I offered Frank my hand. We shook, drew ourselves towards the other and patted each other on the back.

We took some time to allow me to recover, whilst discussing the situation. In the meantime, Frank collected a few items from the kitchen cupboards. All of a sudden I was quite looking forward to the next part of my day. We departed for Hilary’s bedroom taking the items with us. We did not take the keys.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Frank suggested that we delayed going to look after Ed so that he could visit the guest bedroom. I agreed but I couldn’t resist just popping my head round the door of the room where Ed was desperately trying to make himself heard in order to reassure him. “Don’t worry, I won’t be a minute, just stay put for a while. OK?” I then went to join Frank.

I can’t blame him; he had stripped off his water polo kit and was busy dressing himself normally. I was feeling quite envious; even if he did have any spare clothes, they would have been too small for me so I was still left wearing only my black jammers. Oh well, no one else, other than Smegward, was likely to see me. Once Frank had finished dressing and combing his hair we took the kitchen items and made for Hilary’s bedroom and its reluctant occupant as he thrashed around on the bed.
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to see that shrimp and rodent will keep spending some quality time together. I would have preferred for ropes to be involved but getting back at Ed is a good second option

And to Ed: Really? You broke with her best friend on text and expected she’d be into you? Even if you had proven to be the perfect older brother I wouldn’t feel sorry for your predicament at all!
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It's sad, really, Ed can't see why the women don't fall at his feet.
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Post by LK3869 »

Won't/can't hide that I've been waiting for this for a long time :mrgreen: Even more so for what's coming next.
Punishing bad guys doesn't usually turn me on but this one I will enjoy! Shrimp will be imaginative, I know; and the Rodent sure has some frustrations to vent out so that could also be spectacular. Yummy yummy!
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Perhaps they'll just give him a little talking to and let him go.
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I'm sorry about this but the Shrimp is determined to get it all out so, to please those readers who appreciate shorter episodes, I shall post the next part of his ramblings the penultimate part of the epilogue as soon as I get this post finished.
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Entertaining Edward

“Hiiii. Sorry to keep you waiting but I’m here now. I think you know this little mushti here. Frank, say, ‘Hello’.”


I’m not quite sure what my brother’s reply meant but I don’t think it was, “Nice to see you.”

“Doesn’t he look comfy?”

“Too comfy?”

“Yeah. Let’s put that right.” You’d almost think we’d planned it before returning to the room, wouldn’t you? Frank took hold of the end of the webbing securing Ed’s right arm while I took in hand the one pulling his left arm towards the corner of the bed.

“One, two, threeee!” Alright, so I’ve written this as if only Frank and I were speaking but the interruptions didn’t really count because we couldn’t understand them in any case. Obviously we couldn’t stretch my brother to the absolute extremes but his arms were now very straight and the movement of his limbs was almost completely denied him.

“There, that’s better.”

“Yeah, now you won’t hurt yourself by thrashing around so much.”

We then took a few minutes (quite a few minutes) telling Ed exactly what we thought of him after which we asked him to guess whether we were going to release him after his talking to. He didn’t seem to be making too much sense so we asked him whether he could guess what we were going to do with the items that we displayed for his inspection. Frank didn’t seem to be too interested in the answer and suggested that before we started, we had better take that bag out of Hilary’s wardrobe.

I pulled it out onto the floor and opened it up. Inside there was a cellophane-wrapped package which I placed on the bedside table where Ed would be able to see it. I grinned. Frank pulled out the other item which was a large tarpaulin. I asked Frank how he knew what was in there. He gave me a certain look. We never discussed that again.

Working as a team, we forced the waterproof sheet under Ed’s body and spread it out to cover the entire bed. There were even eyelets in the corners and we used them and the discarded ropes to ensure that the protective sheet would not slip. Neither of us wanted Hilary having a word with us about any “contamination” afterwards and we had plans that would provide the potential for considerable contamination. What a good job Frank found two pairs of “Marigolds” in the kitchen.

Frank removed the sock that was making Ed look even more naked than if he had actually been so and we were fit to start. Once more, I won’t go into too many of the harrowing details but, among the things with which we anointed Ed’s helpless body were: food dye, treacle, flour, with and without its being mixed with water, (We decided to call that “hair conditioner”.) and jam. I opened the window in case we could encourage any late season wasps to attend. Then we turned nasty.

I found Ed’s other sock on the floor. I waved the chilli powder in front of his face and ostentatiously shook a generous quantity into the sock while Frank got the super-glue that had to be kept in the fridge. “Wouldn’t want it to come off, would we?”

“Course not, he’d be naked then.” Ed could hardly even writhe because of the way we had tightened his bonds. “Hang on. Just remembered something.” I recovered the sleep mask and rendered a now very Smeggy Eddie unable to see. He now had to wait apprehensively while we prepared God knows what torments. Frank took the sock, slipped Ed’s member into it and taped it onto his groin. Still the resultant scream hardly penetrated the layers of sellotape and the rubber ball.

We had been very careful not to come in between Ed and the camera that Hilary had set up at the foot of the bed but I needn’t have bothered, I didn’t notice the one that Ed had helped her attach to the lighting unit. I only realised about that one when I saw the video later. HiIary was even more “artistic” than Smegward when it came to editing humiliating scenes.

We left Ed to suffer for a while before we decided that he was fit for more torment. We discussed the odds of Ed’s being able to guess what we were going to do. He was obviously trying to work out what we were talking about.

“Tell you what, if he guesses right, we’ll take ‘em off.”

“How’s he going to give us his answer?”

“We’ll count the syllables.”


I approached my brother. “Now, we’re going to put some things on you and you have to guess what they are. OK?”

Ed grunted. He must have already been in agony and disentangling that sock from his pubes would cause more pain still but, hey, we were young and didn’t see why we should stop. Like I said: don’t judge me; you haven’t had to suffer like I have. I had fifteen years of hurt to make up for.

First was a freezer bag full of ice. “OK, guess.”

Ed didn’t seem to want to play. I moved the package down towards his package. “What is it?” Ed submitted and attempted to answer.

“No, it’s not mice. Try again.” Ed tried again.

“Was that ice?” Ed nodded his head. “The winner!” I removed the ice. But not before I had rubbed it extensively round Ed’s abdomen and lingeringly across his chest. “OK, Frank, your turn.”

Ed squealed and tensed noticeably as Frank went about his task. “OK, what are they?”

Ed answered.

“Was that clothes pegs?” said Frank trying to sound disappointed.

“Nhhhh!” Ed nodded his head.

“Too bad, big boy, they stay on.” Frank had taken a couple of small bulldog clips from the kitchen notice board and clamped them onto Ed’s recently carefully chilled nipples. Oh, we were a good team!

“Think he’s had enough yet?”

I looked at Ed and I think he was sobbing. He seemed to have given up hope. We backed quietly out of the room.

We didn’t leave him for too long before returning and making him an offer. He indicated his acceptance. Frank took the metal clips from his nipples and I went for that package that I had left on the bedside table. I remember thinking that, if they were meant for Frank, we might be out of luck but Hilary had declared that she didn’t want any contamination and, if we were going to leave Ed there all night, we needed to protect her bed.

“Your honour, I think.” Frank indicated our subject. I contemplated removing the sleep mask so that Ed could better anticipate his forthcoming humiliation but decided against it, he would find out soon enough. I noticed two things about the disposable nappies: they were pink and they had velcro fastenings. That should have given a better chance of a fit than pull-ups would have done and we wouldn’t have to free our guest’s ankles.

I sipped the back of the garment under Ed’s bum and pulled the front into place. He flinched. The Velcro just about reached but Frank suggested we use some of the adhesive tape he had found in the kitchen “just for security purposes”. Between the two of us, we just about managed. I found Ed’s tablet in his bag and took a few stills “just for security purposes” as well.

Obviously we couldn’t leave even my skanky brother stretched so tightly overnight, especially as the handcuffs were digging in and chaffing quite unpleasantly already so I went for the handcuff keys. Frank explained what might happen if Ed did not cooperate. By the time I had returned, Ed was nodding disconsolately.

Once I had released Ed’s right wrist from the headboard and Frank had released his left ankle, I supposed Ed could have tried resisting. However, he may be many things but he is not thick and he obviously knew that he would still be securely fastened to the bed so he let us do what we had planned. He moved his left foot towards his bum upon instruction and Frank closed the empty cuff and locked it. I brought his right wrist close enough to allow be to link the two cuffs together. Ed still didn’t look too comfortable but, with two limbs detached from the bed, he did enjoy a smidgen more freedom of movement. He did not thank us, though.

We examined our prisoner and Frank questioned whether he would be able to remove the sock “that was preserving his dignity”. I said that I couldn’t give a stuff because it would be awful if it stayed in place and bloody painful if he managed to remove it. Win, win situation. I did agree, though that we ought to secure the sleep mask in place. Frank lamented that he had used all the superglue. I was prepared to settle for more adhesive tape. Ed didn’t even try to resist.

Frank tried to ask with his eyes if we hadn’t gone too far. I shook my head slowly and deliberately. I was unlikely to get an opportunity like that again and I was sure that Ed would not be able to afford to retaliate as long as Hils came up with the goods. I took a few more photos and a short video “just for security purposes”.

Then I said that I was hungry and Frank said that he was thirsty and we both wished my brother a cheery ‘goodnight’.


While we waited for the take-away that we were going to pay for with Ed’s money, I agreed to stay overnight in the second bed in the guest suite. It had advantages as far as making explanations at home was concerned and it seemed as though Frank could have done with the company. We spent the time watching videos and talking in a guarded sort of way and I came to have more sympathy for Frank than I thought I would have but I don’t think either of us will ever seek out the other’s company in spite of our common bond (so to speak).

We took it in turns to look in on Smegward without trying to attract his attention to the fact but neither of us thought it would be a good idea to feed or water him. He could wait until the morning. So could his nappy!

I even got up a couple of times to check on my brother overnight but I think, judging by his gentle snoring, that Frank slept, if not the sleep of the righteous, then at least the sleep of the considerably relieved. That was obviously much more than could be said for Ed, who was unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. He did, eventually, stop trying to shout through his gag, though.

In the morning, somewhat late in the morning, Frank and I rose and took turns in the guest shower and I really thought it was time to change my jammers, especially as Frank obviously had a change of clothes with him. Needs must when the Devil drives, and I visited my brother. That was only partially to check up on him but mainly to raid his backpack.

He looked quite calm so I ran my fingernail up his belly just to be annoying. A very weary Ed jerked and seemed to sound surprised but he immediately subsided into a despairing, barely discernible sort of groaning. He didn’t even try begging, let alone threatening. I wondered if we had gone too far. I called Frank to examine the situation and, once he had given the sock a little flick, Ed sprang into very vocal life. Now he had come round, Ed was obviously OK so Frank went to start breakfast while I raided his luggage.

As I have said, Ed is far more muscular than I and considerably taller but I thought that it would be easier for me to fit into some of his gear than to force myself into the clothes Frank had offered me. I’ll tell you what: I don’t like those pervy briefs, even if they were at least a size too big. The over-sized t-shirt was actually quite cool and I always had that hoodie I could wear. A pair of Ed’s trackie bottoms completed my outfit but the legs looked like something out of Aladdin, they were so long and baggy. I thought I would have to go barefoot until I found a pair of what must have been Hilary’s flip-flops in the kitchen. Fashion icon I was not!

Frank and I discussed the situation over breakfast and decided that we couldn’t leave Ed without water until Hils returned or leave him entirely on his own. We agreed to wait until we heard Hilary’s car returning but, for very good reasons, Frank wanted to make his getaway before she could actually make any demands upon him. We also agreed that, because Ed had had nothing to eat or drink since yesterday afternoon, neither of us would have to change his nappy. When I visited him, I nearly changed my mind. Instead, I just took a few more photos.

The time had come: Ed needed watering. Both Frank and I approached the now considerably subdued engineering student and explained that we were going to try to give him water. Then I draped a large, doubled bath towel over his obviously sodden nappy. I thought that I should, in fairness, point out that, if he didn’t cooperate, we were not going to try too hard to rehydrate him. Ed nodded.

“OK. Try not to move. It was probably better at that stage that Ed could not see the large, curved, pointed kitchen knife that I had brought close to his face. I wasn’t going to try to slip the thing between his cheek and all the tape that was holding the ball in place behind his teeth but decided it would be safer to take a more gradual approach. Frank climbed up on the bed and steadied Ed’s head between his knees. How trusting; I was going to have to bring that shining sharpness very close to him. You know what they say about blunt knives being dangerous? Well, if that is so, that thing must have been the least dangerous weapon ever.

The sharpness of the blade allowed me to slice through about half the layers surrounding Ed’s lower face with no difficulty at all. I even managed to grab the cut ends and to start peeling them back. Frank supported Ed’s head while I removed the loosened tape. So far, so good, none of those layers was immediately attached to Ed’s person. Alright, I admit that I didn’t want to cut my brother deliberately but I was quite looking forward to stripping the tape from his hair. The next operation was very delicate indeed but I got away without even nicking Ed’s cheek. I asked Frank to hold him very steady as I used the kitchen blade like a razor. I soon raised enough tape to get hold of. I put the knife down.

“Hold tight!” I wrenched the wad off from Ed’s left cheek leaving him with baby pink flesh and an inability to make his protest project other than through his nose. I left the tape flapping and turned my attention to the other cut end. “Shaving” the tape from his face had proved so easy last time that I saw no reason not to repeat the operation but I did at least warn Ed before applying the curved end of the blade to his cheek once more. This time, the protest when I pulled the tape all the way from Ed’s left cheek and across his mouth before leaving it hanging would have been epic! Epic, that is, if there was not a rubber ball still lodged behind Ed’s teeth. His head was still being clamped by Frank’s quite muscular legs as he clamped his temples between his knees. I quickly clamped my hand over Ed’s red-raw mouth and chin.

“Look, Smeggy, you know it’s going to hurt when I finish pulling this shit from your hair and, if you want me to do it, you are NOT going to spit this thing (I poked the ball between my fingers) out until I say. Understand?”

Ed was obviously thinking about it.

“Or, there again we could just tape it in again.” Ed had obviously not answered quickly enough for Frank.

“Well?” Ed tried to nod even though his head was being firmly clamped by two people who owed him no goodwill whatsoever. “Good.” Frank lifted Ed’s head from the tarp and I pulled as hard as I could. He did manage to retain the ball. Then I found out why. That thing was enormous!

Frank clamped his head again and I got ready to help. I wish I had thought to put the “Marigolds” on first. OK, so it hurt. Ed did manage to curtail his yelling to the minimum time he thought might be allowable before laying there breathing heavily. After a few seconds, he even managed a muttered, “Thanks, Shrimp”.

Frank released Ed’s head with a warning that, if we decided that he needed silencing again, there was absolutely ‘k-all he could do about it. Ed’s shoulders heaved.

I departed for the bathroom leaving my brother gurning in quite an entertaining fashion as he tried to ease the pain in his jaw. Upon my return with a tooth-mug full of water, Frank put his knees together and supported Ed’s head on them. Obviously my big brother’s need for re-hydration superseded his need to threaten either Frank or me. I checked the bath towel, decided that I was safe, and straddled our prisoner. I helped him to drink gently until he had finished the entire mug full. Obviously, with the sleep mask taped to his face, I could not judge Ed’s expression but he did manage to speak gently.

“Please . . .

“Be careful what you say,”

Ed nodded, “. . . Please, Shrimp, can I have more?”

“What’s my name?”

“Please, Al, can I have more water?”

“There’s someone else you have to ask first.”

“Please, Frank, I’m asking nicely, honest.”

Now we were both grinning. Ed got his drink.

“Don’t suppose there’s any chance of something to eat?”

“Do we need to gag you again?” Ed assured us that we did not but he did try to ask, as calmly as he could, if he could at least change position. Frank and I went into conference. We made him an offer. It was obviously the best one he was going to get so he accepted.

Once the webbing straps are no longer in tension, they can be adjusted easily as long as you can get hold of the fasteners so I lengthened the loop that was no longer attached to Ed’s right arm. Frank unlocked the handcuff that would allow us to re position that arm and then locked it onto the webbing again. It was a bit more of a problem loosening the one that was still securing his left arm but we managed it in a few seconds.

Ed was now attached to the bed by both arms and his right leg but he was under much less stress and was able to flex his muscles a bit. We were happy that he couldn’t interfere with his blindfold, not that it would have mattered much, so we left him to his limited exercises.

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Post by cj2125 »

There’s something cathartic about watching Al and Frank getting back at Ed for everything he has done to them. And hey! I am genuinely surprised that he actually asked nicely for something and referred to the boys by their real names! Perhaps Ed isn’t such a lost cause as I thought
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Post by Xtc »

Perhaps he has seen the light. - or, at least, he might when that sleep mask has been removed.
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Shrimp's real name revealed! Well, he'll always be Shrimp to me.
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Quite right. I don't think anyone got the earlier hint!
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OK, here comes the last part -at last.

The Shrimp keeps asking me to let him post an update but I'm not sure I want to. He's a bloody nuisance, really, isn't he?
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Effecting an Escape

Frank and I settled for more video viewing (Why do girls never have any decent video games?) until the time came to abandon our charge. Hils rang saying that she would be back in about half an hour and asking if everything was in order. We assured her that Ed was ready for her visit and I plucked up the courage to ask her if I could borrow her flip-flops for my journey home.

Frank packed while we discussed the situation. We decided to share a taxi as we both lived in nearby towns in spite of the fact that it would save Ed some money. It was a long, expensive taxi ride so we decided that we should use the money we’d saved by sharing a cab on a Maccie D’s before going our individual ways. That would leave plenty of money not only for my cinema trip but for each of us to get an individual taxi to get home. Good result.

We went to give Ed the good news. He couldn’t see what Frank was doing with the not very fresh sock that Hils had used originally to preserve his modesty (Yes, I’m a Brit and I DO do irony!) and so could do little to fend off the inevitable.

I produced another large bath sheet to replace the contaminated one that had, by then, slipped from its appointed place, and Frank put on his marigolds. Without saying anything, Frank removed the original, unpleasant bath sheet to a refuse sack which he decided he was taking to the washing machine. I positioned its replacement which, by now, was even more necessary if either of us was to come into contact with Ed’s nappy.

I prepared a length of the discarded rope by doubling it up and tying a thick knot in the middle of the result. (If you’re interested: twine the ends round each other a few times – not too many or it’s difficult to tighten tidily – and pull the ends apart carefully keeping the spiralling strands together. Don’t ask how I knew.)

Having prepared the rope, I picked up the remnants of the undies that had been ripped from Ed’s person the previous afternoon and looked questioningly at Frank. “Too much?”

Frank nodded. “Too much.” We must have been getting soft.

We were not prepared for Hilary to find Ed without a gag when she arrived, but we felt that a little creativity on our part would not go amiss. I straddled my brother once more, taking care to keep the nice, clean bath sheet between us and Ed started pleading with me to release him before HiIary returned. He didn’t even try threatening and I did give it a passing thought (honest!) but, as you know, I had fifteen years of subjugation to make up for and also I didn’t trust him. In any case, Frank would probably have had to pay dearly for releasing her new toy before she had finished with it so we really had no choice, did we?

I explained this to Ed. I thought he was going to go off on one but instead he simply sagged resignedly. I wondered if I had misjudged him. Frank dealt with my dilemma when he pulled me back to reality by saying that we ought to get on with it because he needed to get away safely and he’d already called the taxi while he was disposing of the foul bath towel.

“OK, Ed, You heard the man. Open wide.” There followed some really pathetic pleading through comically clenched teeth; Ed really did not want that ball replaced. I assured him that it would not be unless he really insisted. He took the hint.

That sock must have tasted vile but the vileness was all of Ed’s own creation. It slipped in with no complaint followed by a disgusted cry of shock. I pressed down on my brother’s mouth before he could expel his latest present. I then explained how kind Frank had been in not allowing me to jam the remains of his somewhat less than pristine underpants in there as well. I even warned him that I was going to lift his head to allow Frank to tie the sock in place. I don’t think he expected me to lift him by his hair but he certainly did his best to cooperate. Fsssss, you know, I bet that rope gag really hurts after a while but we didn’t reckon that the sock would be going anywhere before Hilary arrived. We said how nice it was of us not to tape round Ed’s face “just for security purposes”. Ed just wheezed and tensed slightly underneath me.

Frank and I then discussed whether we ought to complete Ed’s spread-eagle again by tightening him up a bit. Ed’s head-shaking seemed to imply that he did not want us to do that. We then thought we should re-consider taping over his gag but, softies that we are, we decided against it. In truth, it was more to make sure that we got into the taxi and off the premises before Hilary could invite us to stay.

I wished my brother farewell, took a couple of final photos and I gathered all the clothing (male for the use of) that Ed had discarded on the floor in more optimistic times, stuffed it into his bag and took it with me as Frank and I departed.

The taxi arrived before Hils did and we made our escape. The visit to McDonald’s was great and Frank and I went our own ways. It felt like an anti-climax really except that I was free from being Smeggy Eddie’s tie-up toy and slave at last. Even without Hilary’s video we were in a state of what my history teacher calls “MAD” (mutually assured destruction). Now all I had to do was to tweak things to my advantage.

I started to make plans!

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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