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I... okay... what... (Other/Other)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:41 pm
by ZetaRESP
The following story was made at the same moment it was being thought off and had not been edited in any way. This warning is for your brains.

And yes, I'm the same guy, please do not report me for theft.


When you think of "camp games", what do you think, usually? Capture the flag, three-legged race? Yeah, those are great... and I usually suck at those. I'm not really good at much sports other than playing dead. I can do a convincing dead impression. Just ask Billy Bear, the local basket thief. I got him five times with that trick already and he still doesn't notice. But I'm going ahead of myself. My other talent is, of course, remain asleep even if . So I totally ignored what happened before noon. Specifically, that the counsellors of our camp had decided to play a game with the guys of the rival, rich people camp. A game I would soon regret taking part of... If I actually took part of it, of course. Well, I did, but- Okay, let's explain the rules:

This is basically, as I heard the name is, "Total Flag Assault": Each camp will have a flag for each "squad" of 6 people, which was the size of a cabin for us and 3 for them (as I said, they were rich, so their cabins were more private) and each squad has to hide it. The objective is get the flags, but with the twist that other members can be "captured" as well. Whatever camp that gets all flags or that gets more captives at the end of the day i.e. at sunset, will win. Everything goes, no matter how crazy it sounds. The event was announced at 6 AM and the actual game started at 9 AM.

I woke up at 12 AM, not noticing the rich kids had already captured two of my room mates, Aaron and Cole, and got them bound on the floor while they looked for the flag. Aaron is around my age, black haired and usually wears his hair in a ponytail. He loves fishing and swimming and his socks have dolphin designs on them. He had one of his socks working as a cleave gag, because they were that long, the other one was cleave gagging Cole. Cole was a redhead, with freckles, much taller than Aaron and me, loves climbing and also had a love for being barefoot, so I'm not surprised he was barefoot... and also toe tied, because why not. I was surprised about how well they secured him, as they actually hogtied him with some rope. Aaron was just frogtied with his arms as a box in front of them. Aaron tried hard to escape, but he couldn't move. Cole was whimpering at the gag, probably because he has troubles with things that taste bad. I'm sure that's due to the socks filling his mouth, which belonged to the kid who was seeking the flag under my bed.

The guy and his associates had the white shirt and pants of the Sachthine Camp, in contrast to our khaki shirts and green pants. He was a blond with perfect slick hair and was wearing white gloves, barely touching the lower part of the bed. His associates were a girl with red pigtails that actually stuck to the sides like if she was Pippi Longstocking and a scrawny kid with big glasses and brackets. The girl, whose name I ignore but was called "my fair darling" by the blond, was disgusted with the place, and kept doing comments about wanting to be left alone, while the other kid, called Vincent by the blond, kept taunting Aaron with his "feeble intellect", despite the fact that, in a fair fight, he would wipe the floor with him. But it wasn't a fair fight...

Until the blond guy tossed a show to my head.

I'm usually a nice person, but what everybody agreed in my cabin is that I'm HELL when I'm abruptly woken of my sleep. And a shoe is the worst way to wake me up. I'm certainly shaken by this, but nobody notices it until the blond guy tosses another shoe up and I catch it in mid flight and toss it back, hitting him on the back.

"Hey, who is the smart guy who-?" THUMP! That's the sound of a rich blond guy being knocked out by a falling me. I'm not really big, but I fall with the grace of a cinder block and have the same impact. The scrawny kid faints, while the girl tells me to stop or... well, I dunno or what, because I grab a shoe and shove it in her mouth. She pushed me back as she tried to pull off the shoe, but I'm able to grab a bedsheet and encase her whole torso in it, even getting a bit of a wedgie, using it to hang her by the bed post. The blond begins to recover and sees me in my worst mood and backs up a bit, not before motioning to get something from his back.

"So it seems to want to fight, huh? Well, let' us begin!" He goes to me with some kung-fu crap to distract me. I avoid him until he pulls the rag from his back and places it in my mouth. holding me firmly. "Got you! Now, breath in and don't worry abou-" WHAP That's the sound of a rich blond guy getting a severe heel meeting where sun can't reach. As he's trying to get his wind back, I grab the rag and press it on his face viciously. He seems shocked, unable to fight me off because of the shock of the earlier attack, until he falls asleep due to the rag. I look at Aaron and Cole, the former trying to signal me at the door. Unfortunately, the scrawny one managed to escape. I look at them, then at the blond, tying him just like I tied his partner, but instead of a shoe, I use his gloves and the rag he tried to use on me. Then I went to get my can of milk from a stash I have saved in order to wake up in a hurry. So refreshing.

"Good morning!" I go to Aaron and Cole and I quickly take their gags off.

"Thank you, Ira. But what were you-?" My stare stops Cole from continuing the question. "Oh..."

"Well, that's good and all, but the game is still going on. We have to-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, time out! I haven't got into any game!"

"We all did. All the camp against the Sachthines." I was about to ask something. "Yes, these ropes are part of the game."

"And so are the blankets you used on them." While the redhead girl is wondering what's going on and the blond slowly begins to regain sense, I head to the nearest wall and slowly begin to lean forth and back, doing multiple face smacks on the wall.

This... is gonna be a long day...

To Be Continued

Re: I... okay... what... (Other/Other)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:57 am
by damselwriter
I like it