Aggressive Advertising (m/mm)

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Aggressive Advertising (m/mm)

Post by Tiedinjordans »

Aggressive Advertising

Handcuffs dug into Jace’s skin as he waited for the sirens to fade. He held his breath, crouching in a dense thorny bush, and tried to formulate a plan.

Dogs were barking loudly nearby, making it hard for Jace to think straight. He started climbing out of the bush to get a look around, but it wasn’t easy in handcuffs and holding a pistol, especially since he wasn’t familiar with guns. He got free of the thorny branches and looked around. Even in the dark, Jace knew where he was at a glance. He had a friend that lived nearby and knew he could hide out there, but the handcuffs were very conspicuous and he wouldn’t make it all the way unseen.

A house across the street had left their garage door open, and with no lights on inside, it looked like a better place to think than the corner he was standing on. Jace ran to the garage, hoping he would find something to get the cuffs off or at least break the chain.

The dogs were still barking, but Jace was as quiet as he could be as he rummaged around the garage. It was very organized, but he wasn’t finding anything that would help. Plenty of wrenches, ratchets, and gardening tools, but nothing that would do anything to a handcuff chain. He started thinking the towel he found might be his best bet; he could at least cover the cuffs up. But then he opened a drawer and saw a pair of bolt cutters. They would work perfectly, and he set down the gun to grab them. It was awkward, but Jace got the handcuffs’ chain in the jaws of the bolt cutters and started using the leg of the workbench and the sole of his shoe for leverage to break the chain.

Jace almost shat himself when someone behind him commanded him to freeze. Shit, he thought to himself as the man approached, how’d they find me?
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Earlier, while Jace was diving into the bush across the street, Forrest was sitting by his fire, trying to think of ideas to increase sales at work. He wanted to do something truly unique, something that would get his shoe store noticed. Having put a lot of time and money into the store, Forrest knew he should be doing more to bring attention to it. But what? He needed to think of something that would work in this age of social media and really catch people’s eye.

The neighbors’ dogs were making it hard to think. They freak out over anything, and a cop had just sped by, sirens blaring. Forrest looked at Hunter and smiled, proud that he was so well trained. Hunter looked back, and Forrest practically saw him shrug his shoulders, also wondering what was wrong with the neighbor’s dogs.

When Hunter jerked his head toward the house and started growling, Forrest was instantly on his feet.

“Stay.” He told Hunter with a pat on the head. “Shh.”

Forrest heard something from the garage as he walked across his backyard, and saw Jace when he looked through the window. He took in the situation instantly, seeing the gun in Jace’s hand and the cuffs on his wrists. Forrest barely considered calling the police before he backed away quietly and went around to his kitchen. He grabbed his taser out of the bedroom and stuffed a few thick black zip ties in his pocket.

To keep the element of surprise, Forrest went around to the front of the garage. With his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see Jace at the corner of the workbench, maneuvering bolt cutters into position. With his foot up high to get leverage, and his hands trapped low in front of him to get the chain in the bolt cutters, Jace looked like he was in the middle of a skateboarding trick. He might be a skater, with his fitted hat and baggy hoodie, and the shoes. Forrest sold them in his store and recognized the eS accels, even in the low light.

Forrest smiled as he had a sudden inspiration for his store. He had to act fast and stop Jace from cutting that chain.

“Freeze!” Forrest ordered. Keeping the taser aimed at Jace, Forrest approached from behind and grabbed the gun off the table. “Drop the cutters and get on your knees.”

Jace moved slowly and dropped the bolt cutters. Forrest slid them out of reach quickly and walked in front of Jace, with the gun pointed at the ground in his left hand, but the taser trained on Jace’s chest in his right.

Jace was unsteady on his knees in the cuffs. He was relieved when he saw it wasn’t a cop. The dude holding the taser on him didn’t exactly look happy, but Jace didn’t know how to quit and was already trying to work a new angle.

“Please man,” Jace started, “help me out here. I promise I wasn’t gonna take shit, I just need somewhere to hide for a minute.”
Forrest stayed quiet and kept his eyes on Jace, thinking hard. Jace took this as a good sign and continued.

“I’d make it worth it,” he said, “I’ve got over 200 bucks on me, it’s yours. You smoke? I can get you some great shit. You wouldn’t get shit outta the cops, let's help each other instead.” Jace saw Forrest’s eyes light up, and he grinned.

“Alright, get inside before someone sees you, then.” Forrest said. Jace beamed and got to his feet at Forrest’s direction. He followed Forrest inside, through the kitchen to a dining room.

“Go ahead and sit down.” Forrest said, pointing to a chair across the table. Jace walked over and sat down. Forrest put the gun down and threw a couple zip ties to Jace, still keeping the taser ready. “Use those on your ankles around the chair legs in the back,” he said.

Jace’s smile faltered for a second. “Well, you’ve got the gun,” he joked as he did as he was told. It took effort with his hands cuffed together, but he got a zip tie around the chair leg and his ankle and pulled it tight, lifting his foot off the ground as he did so. After he repeated the process to his other foot, Forrest walked over and checked for slack, but Jace had secured himself well.
Forrest fished a phone and wallet out of Jace’s pocket and looked at his license. “Nice to meet you, Jace Stockman,” he said, “sit tight.”

After jotting down Jace’s address and turning off his phone, Forrest secured the wallet and phone, along with the gun, in a safe in his bedroom. He grabbed some more zip ties and returned to the dining room.

“So how’d you end up with a cop’s gun and wearing those?” Forrest asked when he got back. “I’m not going to turn you in, but I need to know what happened.”

“A cop busted me and my buddies drinking behind the Rite-Aid,” Jace lied. “We all split, but the cop chased me and pulled his gun. But he was stupid, and when he finished cuffing me, he got distracted by his radio. I snatched the gun and had to run before I could get the key to these, there were sirens coming.”

“So he didn’t take a look at your license?” Forrest asked.

“Nope, he never got the chance.” Jace smirked.

“Good.” Forrest paused. He could tell Jace was holding something back, but figured it didn’t matter. He wasn’t planning on being careless.

“You have any way to get these cuffs off me, man?” Jace asked.

“Yup, I’ll deal with them in the morning.” Forrest said. He took a zip tie out of his pocket.

“In the morning?” Jace struggled in the chair. “You can’t keep me here all night! That’s fucking kidnapping!”

“Okay I’ll just call the cops, then.” Forrest said calmly, threading the zip tie through the handcuff chain. Jace stopped struggling and didn’t resist when Forrest brought his hands up and attached them to the chair behind his head.

“I’m not kidnapping you,” Forrest continued. “But what I need is your help at work tomorrow, and I don’t trust you.”

“What kind of help?” Jace asked.

“You’ll see tomorrow, just be thankful you’re not on your way to jail,” Forrest said.

“They don’t lock you up like this in jail.” Jace grumbled as he wriggled around, unable to get comfortable.

Forrest smirked and went out in the backyard to put the bonfire out and brought Hunter inside. He got ready for bed and fell asleep a lot faster than Jace did.
Last edited by Tiedinjordans 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Very interesting start, my friend.

I love that Jace was in a tight predicament (with the handcuffs and all) to start with, and that he's left in an even more dire predicament now that his "rescuer" comes into play.

Can't wait to find out was Forrest has in store for our ziptied lad.
Btw, this would be a good time for you to make yourself a spot in the M/M Index:

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Forrest woke to his alarm and hit the snooze button before the previous night came back to him. He popped up and went to check on Jace, who had managed to get to sleep and was snoring lightly.

Forrest got dressed and brushed his teeth. He fed Hunter and let him outside for a minute, and as he was starting coffee, Forrest heard Jace shuffling around. Leaving the coffee to brew, Forrest went to grab a couple things from his closet. He found a dark blue eS hoodie that went well with Jace’s shoes and picked a brown backpack and filled it with supplies.

“Good morning.” Forrest held up the handcuff key before Jace started complaining. Jace sighed with relief and Forrest set everything on the table, then used scissors to cut the zip tie holding Jace’s wrists up.

“Uncuff one wrist and put the hoodie on.” Forrest instructed.

Jace picked up the handcuff key. “Why do you have this?” he asked as he put it in the key hole.

“It’s for my handcuffs,” Forrest answered.

Jace unlocked a wrist and took off his Tigers hat before he put on the pullover hoodie, then returned the hat to his head. Forrest told him to wear the backpack, and put his hands in the hoodie pocket, then recuff himself. When Jace was done, Forrest put his hand in the hoodie pocket to make sure the cuff was secure and double locked it.

Forrest cut Jace’s feet free from the chair and helped him stand up. He put his arm around Jace’s shoulder and steered him out the front door. Saying bye to Hunter, Forrest locked up and led Jace down the driveway in the bright sun. They didn’t see anyone around, but Forrest wasn’t concerned anyway. Looking at Jace now, it looked like he just had his hands in his pocket. Besides, it was a very short walk to Forrest’s store.

They only passed one car on the way. Jace was jumpy but Forrest told him to relax, it wasn’t a cop.

“I look like a fucking idiot, though.” Jace mumbled.

“You can’t tell you’re handcuffed.” Forrest told him again. “And we’re here. Let’s go around to the back.”

When Forrest turned some lights on inside, Jace looked around the large back room and saw pallets full of boxes, still wrapped up. He was trying to figure out what he would be doing all day, and figured he’d at least have to be uncuffed if he was stocking inventory. But Forrest led him past all the merchandise, through a door on the other side of the room.

Jace was impressed as he was led through the store. They made their way to the corner, where the registers were, and Jace looked around, curious. The room was a basketball court, repurposed as part of a shoe store. The bleachers were folded against the wall, but they were hollowed out to be used as shelves for all kinds of basketball shoes. There were clothes for sale too, but they were out of the way, displayed in concession stands across a wall, and the court looked fully functional.

As he got close to the registers, Jace saw the rest of the store and realized the registers were at the center. There were other sections of the huge store, one with a track like the one at his high school. In the center of the track, Jace saw running shoes displayed like trophies. He couldn’t believe he had never been here.

The entrance was across from the basketball court, in an area done up like a baseball diamond. The brown carpet worked to give the effect of dirt, and the white stripes to form the diamond looked sharp. The pitcher’s mound and all the bases had gear for sale on them. Baseball jerseys and hats, pants and socks. Cleats were visible in the dugouts on either side.

The last part of the store, the part Forrest was pushing Jace toward, was dominated by a large halfpipe. The halfpipe had shelves built into it, holding skateboarding shoes. Skate clothes hung on the wall, and boards were in the corner behind a counter. When Forrest stopped next to a grinding rail and pulled a zip tie out of his pocket, Jace stifled a groan. Forrest stuck Jace’s ankle to the rail and started getting ready to open the store.

Jace felt like an idiot, standing there awkwardly waiting for Forrest to finish. “What are you gonna have me do?” He asked when Forrest approached.

“I’m gonna have you model some stuff for me,” Forrest said as he went behind Jace and opened the backpack. “And do one of those challenges that are so big online. Should get a lot of attention if I’m right.”

“What challenges?” Jace asked as Forrest came back into view, holding a bunch of hemp rope.

“Escape challenges.” Forrest said with a smirk.
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Post by thesean1 »

Very nice continuation. I can't wait to see what Forrest has in store for Jace.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

It didn’t take a lot of effort to tie Jace up; he knew it was best to cooperate. Soon, he was sitting at the top of the halfpipe. His back was against a pole and tied to it with the brown rope. His wrists were tied together and to his knees, and his feet were secured to a skateboard, the soles of his shoes held against the griptape. Jace tested the ropes, but couldn’t find any slack or reach any knots.

Forrest added a final rope to keep Jace’s shoulders against the pole, and slid down the halfpipe. He set up the chalkboard that he uses to advertise sales in front of the halfpipe and wrote in large letters: “Can he escape? If he manages to get out, he wins a free pair of shoes!”

Under that in smaller writing, it read: “Do not touch or help the contestant. But take and share pictures!”

Forrest had a few minutes before the store opened, and he used it to check his ropework. He was confident that Jace could struggle all he wanted and go nowhere. The natural hemp rope stood out well against Jace’s skin and the dark clothes he was wearing, and it would make for great photos. And the shoes and skateboard would be highly visible and hopefully boost sales.

“Shit, how long do I have to sit up here?” Jace asked, already trying to wriggle free.

“Until you can escape,” Forrest answered.

Jace grunted. “And then I can leave?” He hoped.

“Sure, if you get out of those ropes without help,” Forrest laughed, “you can go home. I’ll even let you take a pair of shoes, like the sign says. I wouldn’t hold your breath, though. It isn’t happening.”

“We’ll fucking see about that,” Jace grunted and tried to slip a wrist free. The hemp rope wouldn’t stretch at all and kept his hands together no matter what he did. If he lifted his legs, he could almost reach the rope with his teeth. But the knot was cinched far out of reach.

Forrest left Jace to struggle and unlocked the store’s entrance, hoping for lots of customers. He thought that having Jace on display would bring in a lot of business once word got around, but only time would tell.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

The first customers Forrest had were a mother and daughter, who went straight to the running shoes. He helped them find a pair and rang them up. They left without even seeing Jace.

Forrest kept himself busy while he waited for more customers. He was in the back section of the store near the basketball court, finishing up a Nike Jordan display, when he heard the door open.

“Bro, I hope you’re right.” He heard a kid say. “I’ve looked everywhere.”

“I’m telling you dude, I saw them just last week.” Someone replied. “They’ll still be here.”

“Just don’t be a bitch and not buy anything here either. I am not going to another store after this.” A third voice said.

“You’re a bitch,” the first kid said and he pushed his friend.

Forrest watched from the basketball court as the three teenage boys roughhoused on their way to the skateboarding section of the store. All three stopped dead when they got there, shocked expressions on their faces.

“Ha!” One of them pointed at the sign and laughed. “Escape challenge huh? Doesn’t look like he’s getting out.”

“No he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.” His buddy said. “But a free pair of shoes? Damn, good luck bro!” He told Jace.

“Thanks.” Jace muttered, ears red. He tried to get his wrists free again, but there was no give in the ropes anywhere. And the hemp would not stretch at all.

“Maybe we should do that to you again!” One of the kids grabbed his friend in a chokehold.

“Get off me!” He shouted. “I’m not here to mess around, I’m trying to find these shoes!”

“I can help you, what are you looking for?” Forrest asked from behind the three boys, making one jump. They turned around and the blond kid in the chokehold explained he was looking for a pair of shoes.

“Let go of me,” He told his friend, who ignored him. He returned his focus to Forrest. “They’re the Purple Lobster Nike Dunks. Size six. My friend said he saw them here, do you still have them?”

“I do.” Forrest said. “Let me check if I have them in six.” The blond kid watched him with hope as Forrest walked to the skate shoes. He opened a cabinet underneath the correct shoes, and pulled out three boxes. “Size eleven and a half, eight, and six and a half. Is six and a half close enough? Wanna try them on?”

“I’ll take them.” The blond responded immediately. He finally broke out of the chokehold and grabbed the shoebox excitedly, saying “Thanks!”

“No problem.” Forrest said. “Is there anything else I can help you find?”

“This’ll do it, thanks bro!” The kid said. He headed for the register, in a hurry to pay for the shoes.

“Wait,” one of his friends said, pointing at Jace. “We gotta get some pictures. I’m puttin this on facebook.”

“Okay,” the blond said with a grin. He pulled out his phone and held it out to Forrest. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” Forrest said. He got some very good pictures, with the kids leaning against the halfpipe below Jace.

“Oh shit, let me get the new kicks in the pictures.” The kid said as he took them out of the shoebox. He held them in his hand across his chest and Forrest captured it on the camera. Then the kid held one of the shoes in his friend’s face. In the last pictures he was holding the other shoe to his own nose.

They took the phone back and laughed as they looked through the pictures. The kid sent the pictures to the two other guys, and they were posting them on Facebook as they paid.

“Where can we get some rope?” Forrest heard the tall kid ask his friend as they left.

“You are not fucking tying me up!” The blond kid yelled out. His friends just laughed.
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Post by thesean1 »

Great continuation; keep it coming. Will Jace get any "competitors" for winning the free shoes? :D
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

The morning went by at a steady pace. Jace was definitely attracting a lot of attention from most of the customers. A lot of people had posted pictures online when they read the sign. Forrest was happy with the customers’ reactions, but he had been hoping for more business out of it, and he didn’t think he was getting it.

But then he heard a couple guys come in and head right to the skateboard area. He watched them from out of sight.

“Damn Alex, you were right, he wasn’t lying.”

“How else would he have gotten that picture?” Alex asked. “This shit’s wild, though. Would you do that for a pair of shoes? Ryan?”

“Huh? Oh, well, damn… No, fuck that.” Ryan answered. He looked around with a glint in his eye. “Hey, record this.” He told Alex.

Alex took his phone out. “What are you gonna do?” He asked as he hit record. “The sign says not to touch him.”

“Noone’s looking,” Ryan said as he climbed the halfpipe and sat down next to Jace, who had been watching them nervously.

“Hell no, aww, hell. No.” Jace’s protest was cut off by Ryan’s hand covering his mouth. “Mmmmm. Mmmph mmmm.” Jace screamed into Ryan’s hand as the jock started poking his ribs.

Forrest watched Alex record Ryan and Jace for a while. Jace’s face was red and Ryan obviously didn’t plan on stopping soon. Forrest gave it another couple of minutes, then loudly opened and closed the storeroom door and headed toward the entrance.

Ryan was off the halfpipe when Forrest rounded the corner. He had a shiteating grin when Forrest said hi, and Jace was breathing hard and still red.

“Can I help you with anything?” Forrest asked.

“We just came to see this poor fucker.” Ryan was still grinning. “My brother told us about him and I almost didn’t believe it.”

“Ah is your brother the one that bought the Purple Lobsters?” Forrest asked.

“That’s him,” Ryan said. “He showed us the pictures, and wanted to show us in person.”

“Oh, where’s he at?” Forrest looked around. “I don’t see him.”

“He couldn’t come,” Alex chuckled. “His friends had other plans for him.”

“Yeah, they’re making him do an escape challenge of his own,” Ryan explained. “We better get back and make sure they don’t kill him.”

“Okay, thanks for coming in,” Forrest said as they left. “And make sure you tag us in that video when you post it! I could use the publicity.”

Alex and Ryan looked at eachother and cracked up on their way out.
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Post by cj2125 »

Cool story! I like Jace's chill attitude, even after getting tickled! Hope we get to see more of the costumers! :)
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

There was no noticeable increase in sales throughout the day, but Forrest was prepared to be patient. He was keeping an eye on the store’s social media accounts and it wasn’t long before he saw a tag from Alex and Ryan. He watched the video. He watched it again on his way over to Jace, appreciating the quality of the clip. Alex had a steady hand and a good eye.

Forrest climbed the halfpipe and sat next to Jace. “Look how many views you already have,” he said. “They just posted it a minute ago.”

“Jesus Christ,” Jace swore as he watched himself on the internet, bound and handgagged and tickled mercilessly. There were already ten views and someone had shared it.

Forrest put his phone away when the video ended and checked his ropework. Everything looked the same as when he had tied it. Jace had been trying to get out all day, but hadn’t made any progress. His circulation was fine, and Forrest hopped off the halfpipe.

“There’s been some pictures posted, too. Not very many, but I think the video is what will pay off.” Forrest told Jace.

“Great,” Jace said. “So when are you letting me out? I’m fucking hungry.”

“Oh dude, I’m not letting you go that quick,” Forrest raised an eyebrow. “I’m gonna milk this while I can. But don’t worry, I’ll order lunch.”

Jace sighed. He continued sitting on the halfpipe while Forrest did stuff around the store. When the pizza finally got there and Forrest brought it up the halfpipe, Jace realized he was not going to have his hands to eat. He was hungry enough that he ate without complaining as Forrest fed him.

Forrest helped customers through the afternoon. The younger crowd was entertained the most by Jace, and plenty more pictures wound up online. When it came time to close, Jace watched Forrest lock up and approach the halfpipe. When the ropes started getting untied, Jace let out a sigh of relief. But Forrest freed Jace’s wrists first, and pulled out the handcuffs. Jace was in shock as his hands were once again trapped in the hoodie pocket.

Forrest untied the rest of the ropes, wrapping them up nicely and putting them in the backpack. He helped Jace get down and led him to the back door.

“How many times are you gonna take me with you to work?” Jace asked as they stepped outside, starting to fully realize his situation.

“We’ll see how well you do tomorrow,” Forrest said, “But I won’t push it too far, it’ll definitely work out better for you than going to the cops would.”

Jace sighed and hung his head as he walked. He noticed that Forrest was not taking the same route, and they turned off into a park. It was a nice evening and the park was crowded. Forrest and Jace walked to the basketball courts and climbed the bleachers to the top and sat down.

“What are we doing here?” Jace asked with a frown as Forrest zipped a zip tie around his ankle and a beam on the bleachers.

“Just relax and watch the game.” Forrest planned on getting some fresh air instead of going right home, and he enjoyed watching the players down on the court. Especially the short blond one tonight, who was dominating the other team. He got past his defenders like they weren’t there, his feet moving so fast they were a blur. The ball player glanced up and met Forrest’s eyes. He said something to his buddies and jogged over to the bleachers.

“Would one of you be willing to join us?” He asked Forrest and Jace. “Someone’s leaving soon, it would keep teams even.”

Forrest didn’t even pause to think before he said, “Yeah, just let me tighten my laces up.”

“Sweet, thanks man,” the guy said, “You’ll be on the other team.”

“Great,” Forrest muttered sarcastically with a smile.

“Tyler,” Tyler stuck his hand out. Forrest introduced himself and shook Tyler’s hand.

“Jace,” Jace said, nodding.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Tyler said. He looked at Jace for a second and asked, smirking, “Was that you in that video online today?”

Jace blushed and stuttered, “What video?”

Forrest laughed. “He probably means that one with you tied up on my halfpipe.” He finished tying the laces on his Kyries and stood up. “You know, when those guys tickled the shit out of you.”

“That’s the one.” Tyler said. “So you own that store? Damn, impressive.” He whistled at Forrest. “That video was a great idea, I was planning on coming in after I saw it.”

“You should. We’ll be there tomorrow.” Forrest smiled. They climbed down the bleachers.

“So who did that crazy ropework on the video? Did you have to hire someone?” Tyler asked.

“No, I did it myself,” Forrest said proudly. “Held up all day, too. Jace didn’t get anything loose.”

They had reached the other players, and Tyler introduced Forrest to everyone.

“Nice kicks,” Tyler said as Forrest checked the ball.

“You, too,” Forrest returned the compliment as the game started.

Jace watched the game, since he didn’t have many options. The point gap steadily grew, with Tyler’s team taking a commanding lead. Jace couldn’t believe he was being recognized in public now for that damn video. He wondered what he had gotten himself into, but started thinking about what would have happened if the cops caught him. He’d be in prison for a while. A shiver went down his spine and he decided he was getting off easy. Some people would love to be internet famous, and duct tape challenges were common enough these days. He was coming to terms with his plight and managed to enjoy the rest of the game.

“The teams were pretty uneven,” Tyler was saying as he and Forrest walked back to the bleachers. “You scored almost all the points on your team.”

“So did you.” Forrest laughed. “It was a good game.”

Tyler agreed. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then. What time do you open?” He asked.

“Not till noon on Saturdays,” Forrest answered. “But I’ll be there by 10 to get set up, feel free to stop by anytime.”

“Perfect,” Tyler grinned. “I’ll see you then.” Jace and Forrest said bye and Tyler took off.

Forrest cut the zip tie off Jace’s ankle and helped him up. He grabbed his backpack and they left the park as the Sun was setting.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Hunter was at the door to greet them when they got back to Forrest’s place. Forrest directed Jace into the kitchen and started getting dinner ready as Jace stood there watching.

“God, that smells good.” Jace drooled as the garlic started roasting. “You’re gonna give me some right?”

“I’m not a total dick,” Forrest said. “Jesus.” He fed Hunter and let him outside.

When the food was all ready, Forrest brought the plates into the dining room. He pulled out his stun gun and made sure Jace saw it. As he reached into the hoodie and unlocked the handcuffs, Forrest told Jace to enjoy the freedom while it lasted. Jace rubbed his wrists for a second and picked up the fork and started eating. He was hungry and the food tasted good as he wolfed it down.

“That was really good,” Jace said when his plate was empty. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Forrest smiled. He finished his own plate and cleared the table, then told Jace to follow him and took him to the bathroom.

“Here,” Forrest handed Jace a new toothbrush and the handcuffs. “Put those on now and use the toilet and toothbrush, then call for me.”

Jace almost complained, but put the handcuffs on. “There. Happy?” He made a face and shut the door.

Forrest played with Hunter while he waited. He was tired and hoped that Jace wouldn’t take long. He was getting changed into sweats when Jace called him.

“Forrest,” Jace said loudly from the bathroom. “I’m done.”

Forrest didn’t waste any time and shoved Jace into the bedroom. He grabbed a long rope out of the backpack, and tied it around one of Jace’s wrists. He wrapped the wrist a few times and knotted it so it wouldn’t tighten when Jace pulled. It was snug, but not too tight.

“What clothes do you want to sleep in?” Forrest asked as he repeated the ropework to Jace’s other wrist. “Do you want to take your hoodie off or anything?”

“No, I’ll leave it all on,” Jace said quickly. He was focused on what Forrest was doing, wondering what was planned for all the rope hanging from his wrists. Forrest unlocked the handcuffs and told Jace to hug himself. He went behind him and tied his left wrist to his right, pulling his arms tight across his chest like a straightjacket. Before Forrest cinched the knot, he told Jace to struggle, and pulled the ropes tight.

The knots were already out of reach, but Forrest had four long lengths of rope coming out of the knot at Jace’s back, and he had a plan for them. Two went over Jace’s shoulders and the other two went through his legs. All the ropes got wrapped around Jace’s arms in front, two ropes would pull the arms up while the other two would pull them down. Back over the shoulders and through the legs, all four ropes were tied again at Jace’s back. As the knot was tightened, the rope got snug on Jace’s crotch and he had to catch himself from saying something. He knew it would only make things worse, and Forrest cinched the knot before it became unbearable.

Forrest stood back and admired his work. “Let’s see what you can do with that,” he said with a smirk. “I doubt it’ll be much, but go ahead and surprise me.”

Jace knew Forrest wanted to watch him struggle, but he was curious if he could escape, too. Hoping that Forrest would let him go if he got out, he pulled on the ropes. His arms wouldn’t go up or down at all, and trying only made the ropes in his crotch tighten awkwardly. All of the knots were far from his fingers, no matter how he stretched his body. He wound up on the ground, pushing his shoulder into it, trying desperately to reach a knot.

“You look like you’re wrestling yourself,” Forrest joked.

Jace gave up and pushed himself to his knees. He was out of breath but he managed to keep his balance as he stood up. Forrest bent down and grabbed Jace’s hat to return to his head.

“I think I’m fucked,” Jace said when he caught his breath. “I really hope you don’t use this idea tomorrow, I’d have no chance again.”

Forrest shook his head, “I have a different idea for tomorrow. You won’t get out that one, either, but it’ll be different. Now get on the bed, and lie on your back.”

Forrest tied Jace’s feet to the footboard separately, keeping the soles of his shoes pressed flat against the wood. The slab of wood was about a foot wide and an inch thick, and ropes were run from Jace’s ankles, around the footboard, and back to his ankle repeatedly, being tightened at each turn. When Forrest was done, Jace realized he couldn’t even flip over, and knew it would be a long night.

“Lift your head,” Forrest said. He put a pillow under Jace’s head and jumped in bed himself, covering them both with a blanket. It didn’t take either of them long to fall asleep.
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Jace didn’t realize he was dreaming as he looked around. He was in the middle of a field of asphalt. Other than skyscrapers off in the distance, the only thing visible was a huge fountain. As he began to make his way to it, Jace felt a sense of urgency that he couldn’t explain. Something was coming and he had to make it to safety. But it was getting harder to run, and when he looked down, he saw his shoes melting. As he watched, the gum brown soles fused with the asphalt and he was stuck.

Jace tried to look over his shoulder, but couldn’t turn around. He bent down to pull his feet out of his shoes, panicking, and saw a straightjacket keeping his arms around his chest. What the Hell!?, Jace didn’t know what was happening, but he knew he had to move fast. He was trying to pry his foot free from his shoe when an arm suddenly wrapped around his chest.

Jace almost screamed as he woke up, the terror from his nightmare taking a second to pass. He didn’t know it was a dream right away, still stuck as he was. Then he realized the arm across his chest belonged to Forrest, not the thing chasing him in his nightmare. Jace wriggled in the ropes a bit and Forrest woke up.

“Ughh, ten more minutes,” Forrest said and he rolled over, taking the blanket with him. Jace sighed and tried to go back to sleep. But the Sun was up and the light was keeping him awake. It wasn’t long before the alarm clock went off anyway.

Forrest barely glanced at Jace as he got out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. Half an hour later, after starting coffee, showering, getting dressed, and brushing his teeth and hair, Forrest was back in his room. He went into his closet and came out with a baseball uniform on a hanger.

“This is today’s theme,” Forrest said. “Go take a shower and put this on when you’re done. There’s a towel in there, and soap and everything.” He started to get the ropes off Jace as he talked. It took a minute, but soon, Jace was free.

During his long, hot shower, Jace thought about the day ahead of him and shuddered. Tied up all day in a tight baseball uniform? He was never into sports, and didn’t look forward to having the jock look pushed onto him. But when he looked in the mirror after the shower, dried off and wearing the uniform, he had to admit, he didn’t look bad. It was an Oakland Athletics uniform, green and white with some yellow trim. The cup and jockstrap were unexpected, and it took him a minute to figure out how to put them on comfortably. The matching baseball cap and long baseball socks were last, and he stepped out of the bathroom.

“Lookin good,” Forrest said when he saw him. “Here, these will finish off the look.” He handed Jace a new pair of white and green cleats. When he finished tying them on his feet, he followed Forrest to the kitchen.

Forrest was drinking his coffee, on his phone, and nodded to the coffee pot. “Feel free,” he said as he slid a cup over to Jace. They drank their coffee in silence and then took off for the store.
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Jace enjoyed the walk to the store this time, even though he knew he wouldn’t be free for long. It felt good to be able to stretch. Forrest let them in the front door this time and got right to work, setting up the sign from yesterday and clearing off the top of the display that occupied home plate. The display was basically a four foot tall cube with shelving all over the sides. Soon Jace was laying face down on it, and when Forrest joined him up there, he knew these were his last moments of freedom for the day. Jace crossed his hands behind his back and Forrest tied his wrists together and hopped off the display.

Jace tested the ropes, but found no slack at all. He could tell the knot was tied on the back of his wrist, completely out of reach. And it wasn’t a good sign that the rope was long and still had a lot of length to work with. His hopes started to dwindle before Forrest even came back with a baseball bat. He slid the bat between Jace’s arms and his back, right above the elbows, and used athletic tape to fuse them together. Jace’s arms were held rigidly in place.

A knock interrupted Forrest as he was tying Jace’s crossed ankles together. He knotted the rope and jumped off the display to find Tyler at the door. When Forrest let him in, Tyler saw Jace.

“Holy shit, you’re doing it again today?” he asked excitedly. He went over to Jace and inspected him closely.

Forrest got back on the display to finish roping Jace. “Yeah, it worked so well yesterday, I figured we’d give it another go,” He said as he drew Jace’s feet up into a hogtie. Forrest ran the rope through the wrist rope, but tied them to the baseball bat. He also tied the extra rope from Jace’s wrists to the bat.

“Wow, he wins a pair of shoes if he escapes?” Tyler asked, reading the sign. “What pair?”

“He would get to pick,” Forrest answered. “But it’s not likely, he didn’t even get close yesterday.”

Tyler looked over Forrest’s ropework and saw that he was probably right, Jace would have a tough time making any progress. As he watched, Forrest added more rope, connecting Jace’s knees and shoulders to thick brackets on the sides of the display case. Forrest jumped down.

“I gotta get some things from the back to display this crap,” Forrest told Tyler, waving at all the baseball gear. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” Tyler mumbled, barely glancing away from Jace.

When Forrest was gone, Jace started trying his hardest to get out. All the knots were way too far to reach, but he thought he might be able to force his way out with brute strength. He couldn’t.

“Think you’ll get out today?” Tyler asked.

“Honestly? No.” Jace sighed.

“Then why did you sign up for it again?” Tyler wondered out loud.

Jace was ready with an answer, not wanting to get into the real reasons. “It was worth a shot, I hoped he would make a mistake this time,” he said.

“What shoes would you have taken, then?” Tyler asked.

Jace told him he had his eyes on a pair of Jordans that had just come out.

“Good taste,” Tyler said. “But good luck, I don’t think you’ll get them either. It doesn’t look like you know what you’re doing.”

Jace scoffed, and was about to reply when Forrest got back. Forrest started setting a display up for the stuff he moved earlier.

“Can I do the challenge, too?” Tyler asked.

“What,” Forrest smiled and asked, “the escape challenge?”

“Yeah dude!” Tyler was excited. “You down?”

“Well, I’ve got plenty of rope. I guess a second model can’t hurt.” Forrest looked Tyler up and down. “As dope as your Yeezys are, I’ll need you to wear something I’m selling now.”

Forrest let Tyler pick out a pair of basketball shoes and got him a matching jersey and basketball shorts. He was next to the hoop, ready with the ropes, when Tyler returned from the changing room.

“Alright, get on your knees and put your back against the pole.” Forrest instructed. “Are those what you would pick if you got out?” He asked as Tyler got in place, indicating the Jordans on his feet.

“I don’t know, I’ll look around more when I’m free.” Tyler smirked. “But probably, I love fours.”

“Mhmm.” Forrest was amused. “You’re pretty confident. Got some experience with this?” He got behind Tyler and started wrapping his ankles in rope.

“A bit,” Tyler admitted.

The rope tightened considerably when Forrest crossed it and wrapped it around itself perpendicularly. “I won’t take it easy on you then,” he said as he knotted the rope out of reach.

Forrest repeated the rope-cuff technique on Tyler’s wrists, securing them behind the pole like his ankles. The extra rope on Tyler’s wrists was fed through the ankle ropes, and vice versa. When Forrest pulled all the ropes tight, Tyler’s ankles were pulled up to meet his wrists. As Forrest knotted it all off, Tyler realized how uncomfortable his day was going to be. Stuck in a hogtie on his knees. When Forrest started wrapping the same ropes around the pole, Tyler felt a prick of doubt.
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Post by thesean1 »

Awesome! I was hoping someone else would join the fun. Thanks for keeping this story going.
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Thank you 😊 I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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Post by cj2125 »

Good story so far! Seems like Foster is getting quite a bunch of free models! Why don't real-life stores try that strategy? XD
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Thanks 😊
I definitely think they should! I'd sign up for it so fast.
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A few minutes later, Forrest declared he was done. Tyler was definitely not as confident that he would win. He hadn’t really contemplated losing, but had started to imagine it when rope was run through his armpits, strapping his shoulders to the pole.

“Man,” Tyler said. “This is a really uncomfortable position. Sucks for my knees.”

Forrest nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, I know. It is pretty strict. But you’ll escape before it gets too bad, right?”

Tyler grunted. “Well, I guess we’ll see. I’ll admit this at least won’t be easy. But I have all day, right?”

“If you can last all day without giving up,” Forrest said. He left Tyler to it, and finished opening the store. When he unlocked the front door, the kids from yesterday were waiting to come in.

“Ahha! I told you,” one of them said, holding a phone, recording. “I knew he’d be here again.” The three teens walked straight to Jace. Jace struggled again, illustrating how futile his efforts were.

“So you didn’t get out yesterday?” The blond kid asked Jace. “You can do it today, bro. We’re rooting for you.” Jace was flustered when the kid ruffled his hair.

The kid with the camera walked around Jace, filming from all angles. When he stopped recording, he took a few pictures and almost put his phone away before his friend called out.

“Guys! There’s another one back here!” He called from the basketball court.

The camera guy was recording again, and he and his buddy ran over. “Wow! Holy shit!” He said when he saw Tyler stuck to the basketball hoop.

“Hey, how’s it goin?'' Tyler asked him, smiling for the camera.

“Do you let anyone try this?” The blond kid asked Forrest with hope.

Forrest frowned. “Well I’m sorry man, I don’t know if I could let someone so young try. How old are you?”

“Thirteen.” The kid was clearly disappointed. Forrest felt bad, but he was not about to tie up a minor and put him on display, that would be insane.

“What’s your name?” Forrest asked.

“Brandon,” the kid answered.

“Hi Brandon,” Forrest and Brandon shook hands. “Forrest. Sorry, it just might cause a lot of trouble.”

Brandon made a face. “No, I get it.”

Forrest heard the door and excused himself to help his customer. Brandon went to join his friends, who were still recording Tyler.

“Well I really thought I would be out already,” Tyler was saying, “and I couldn’t resist with a pair of shoes on the line. I’ll just keep these Jays in mind and I’ll stay motivated, nothing is impossible.”

“Isn’t it uncomfortable, though?” Brandon asked. “It looks like it would suck to be stuck like that.”

The camera guy kept filming, like it was a normal interview. Tyler admitted he had pretty much egged Forrest on, and if he hadn’t bragged that he’d be out fast, he might be more comfortable like Jace was.

“What made you so confident you could escape?” Brandon followed up.

“I always get out when my friends tie me up.” Tyler said. “They do it all the time, they think it’s hilarious.”

“Holy shit,” Brandon laughed. “My friends are exactly the same, they just did it yesterday.”

“You didn’t get out at all, though,” the camera guy interjected. “Did ya?”

“Shut up,” Brandon said with a smile.

The camera guy moved in and got some closeups of the ropework. Tyler struggled for the camera, pulling on the ropes as hard as he could.

“Are you making any progress?” Brandon asked Tyler. “Do you think you’re gonna win?”

Tyler thought for a second before he answered. “Well, I’ll admit, Forrest did good work. Everything is tied way out of reach, and this position isn’t easy to work in. But I’ll get something loose if I keep working at it.”

“Hm. Anything’s possible,” Brandon said. “We’ll come back close to closing to see how you did. Good luck, bro!”

Brandon and his friends made their way back to the front of the store. They told Jace and Forrest they would see them later as they left, still recording.

Forrest was occupied helping customers for a long time, while Jace and Tyler did their best to escape. Enough of the people coming into the store were drawn by yesterday’s video of Jace to prove to Forrest that his marketing plan was working. The store was closed on Sundays, but Forrest started thinking people were going to be disappointed come Monday if there was no one tied up to entertain them. How was he going to keep this up? He was going to have to let Jace go home after tonight. It would be too much to keep him tied up overnight two more times. And he couldn’t count on Tyler wanting to try again Monday, although he was hoping for it. He wished that Brandon was older, he seemed eager to try the contest.

Forrest could see Jace from the registers and knew he had made no headway on the ropes at all. During a break in the customers, he went to check on Tyler.

“Forrest,” Tyler said when he saw him, “if I ever kidnap anybody, dude, I swear to God, I’m calling you.” They both chuckled and Tyler kept struggling. “Like, ‘Forrest, I got this guy in the trunk, I need your help!’”

Forrest checked the ropes that held Tyler. They hadn’t moved at all. “Looks like you aren’t winning today, huh?” Forrest taunted. “Maybe you’ll get lucky next time.”

“What makes you think there’s gonna be a next time?” Tyler smiled.

Forrest shrugged. “I know you want those shoes. And you don’t seem like the sort that gives up.”

Tyler was still writhing around, proving Forrest’s point, and he only grunted in response. He was determined to win. The less people believed he could do it, the more he wanted to get out. He was running out of time, but his persistence could still pay off, and he went back to concentrating on the ropes.

Forrest took advantage of the lack of customers and brought some stock out of the backroom. It had been a busy day, and more shelves were empty than he was used to. Some more people trickled in, but the most hectic part of the day had passed, and Forrest was able to get everything done fast.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

This is amazing!!

From your premise to the execution - first chapters were great, I thought it couldn't get better but it did!

The moment we were introduced to Tyler I knew he was gonna want in.

If Forest doesn't keep Jace for the weekend, I hope he returns on Monday - Maybe he really wants those Jordans :lol:

Great story.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Thanks Mountain :)
I'm glad this story is being so well received.
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Shortly before the store closed, Brandon showed back up. His friends weren’t with him this time, but he had his phone out and recording already. “I kind of hoped this one would get out,” Brandon was saying to the camera, pointing it at Jace. “But he didn’t even get close. Hey Forrest!”

“Hi Brandon,” Forrest said. “The other one didn’t get out either.”

Brandon smiled. “Good day for you, then, huh? Don’t have to give out any prizes. Lemme go show Tyler to my viewers.”

Brandon got some good footage of Tyler still stuck to the pole. Tyler still had enough energy to struggle for the camera, and laughed along as Brandon taunted him.

“Yeah, I can admit that Forrest got me,” Tyler said. “It’s new for me, I’ve never been stuck like this.”

“Do you plan on trying again?” Brandon asked.

“If Forrest lets me, I’ll try again Monday,” Tyler answered. “He’ll make an error in his ropes, I’m sure of it. Nobody’s perfect.”

Brandon wrapped up his video and went to find Forrest, who was finishing up his paperwork for the night.

“You takin off?” Forrest asked Brandon. “Or were you planning on buying something?”

“Well, I was hoping I could stick around,” Brandon looked hopeful. “Help you close up, maybe untie Tyler or Jace for you?”

Forrest chuckled. “I’d appreciate the help, I have an idea before we untie them, though. Play along.” He put the paperwork away and locked up the front of the store, then led Brandon to the back.

Brandon was recording stealthily as they walked briskly past the pole Tyler was secured to. Forrest barely made eye contact with Tyler as he muttered, “Sorry, we’re already late. We’re so screwed. But I’ll be back to let you out as early as I can in the morning!”

“Ha. Ha.” Tyler said as Forrest and Brandon left. “Very funny. Now untie me.” The lights shut off and he yelled “Fucking untie me!” into the darkness. “What the fuck,” he mumbled to himself and he tried again to break free from the ropes.

Brandon set his phone down, propped up to record the dark shape of Tyler struggling against the pole. He left the phone and followed Forrest out the back door. When it shut behind them, they could hear Tyler on the other side yelling more curses.

“That’s great, he was flipping out.” Brandon held in his laughter until they were in Forrest’s office. When they knew Tyler couldn’t hear, they both started cracking up. “How long are we gonna keep it going for?” Brandon asked.

“We gotta make him think it was real, so what, at least twenty minutes?” Forrest answered.
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Jace lay there in his complicated hogtie, listening to Tyler cursing and yelling for help. He had seen the store go dark and heard Forrest and Brandon leave, but he assumed it was a joke at first. Doubt was creeping in, and it seemed like he was in the dark for a long time.

“Motherfucker!” Tyler yelled again. “Somebody fucking help me!”

Jace couldn’t blame him, Tyler hadn’t signed up to be tied up overnight. But obviously there wasn’t anyone coming, and Jace didn’t see the point in Tyler shouting himself raw.

Suddenly the lights flared on in the back room and Jace and Tyler could see again.

“Jesus Christ,” Tyler said as he craned his neck to try to see the open back door. “I thought I was completely fucked. Get me the fuck out of here!”

Forrest and Brandon broke out in another fit of laughter as they saw Tyler’s face. Brandon ruffled his hair and said, “Don’t worry big guy, we’re letting you go.”

“Dick.” Tyler made a face and tried to pull his head away.

“I’m sorry, man,” Forrest said in between laughter. “But I couldn’t resist. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

Forrest watched as Brandon started working on Tyler’s knots. He grabbed Brandon’s phone, which was still on, and recorded the process. Soon, Tyler’s feet could touch the ground and his shoulders were released. When his feet were untied, he sat down with a deep groan and stretched his legs. Brandon untied the last knot on Tyler’s wrists and unwrapped the rope slowly. When he was free, Tyler inspected all the red rope marks on his wrists and ankles and then gave a big smile and thumbs up to the camera. Forrest stopped the video there.

Tyler sat against the pole for a minute, spent. Forrest grabbed the bag with Tyler’s old clothes and put his Yeezys in the empty Jordan box, and brought it all over to Tyler.

“You didn’t get close to escaping,” Forrest said. “But you definitely earned those Jordans. You can keep the whole outfit if you want.”

“Wow! Thanks dude!” Tyler said, grabbing his old stuff.

“I just hope you come try again,” Forrest said with a smirk.

“Bet on it.” Tyler said as he left. He planned to be back Monday.

Brandon began untying Jace’s ropes, and took his sweet time with them. A while later, Jace’s wrists were the only part of him still restrained.

“Okay, leave his wrists.” Forrest told Brandon. When Brandon raised an eyebrow, Forrest continued, “I’m gonna drop him off at home like that.”

Jace perked up. “I’m going home toni-” Forrest cut him off, shoving a ballgag in his mouth.

“Oh man, can I come with you to drop him off?” Brandon asked as he helped pick up the rope.

Forrest said there was no reason he couldn’t and the three of them left the store together.
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Brandon held on to the rope trailing from Jace’s bound wrists, keeping a short leash on his captive. Every so often, Brandon would tug hard, and laugh at the grunt it got from Jace. Jace’s phone chirped and Forrest fished it out of his pocket.

Hey fucker, where the Hell’ve you been? Forrest read the text out loud to Jace. “Ha! I know just what to tell him.”

I’ve been tied up the last few days. Can’t get free, he sent back. Forrest read the reply to Brandon and they chuckled.

Kenny replied quickly. Well, I’m bored as shit so come over tonight when you can.

As Forrest started getting an idea, he heard voices up ahead and saw a group of teenagers walking in their direction. Jace couldn’t do anything to conceal the ballgag in his mouth, and soon the teenagers were cracking up at the sight of him tied up in the hands of someone so young.

Jace went the rest of the way with a red face, but the walk didn’t end at his house like he had expected. He recognized where he was. “Uut are ee ooin at Kenn-ee’h houhh?” he mumbled into the ballgag.

“He invited you over,” Forrest said. “You can’t just not show up.”

Forrest told Brandon what to do, and soon, Jace was handcuffed to a post on Kenny’s porch. He made a good picture, still in full baseball uniform with a ball strapped in his mouth. Forrest left a few pieces of rope in front of Jace and put the handcuff key on the chain around his neck, dangling far out of his reach.

Forrest punched in a text to Kenny from Jace’s phone. I’m out front. I had an idea, play along. And don’t ruin the game, I’ll be convincing, but just go with it.

Forrest sent the message and stuffed the phone back in Jace’s pocket. He and Brandon ducked behind some bushes where they could watch.

When Kenny opened his front door, he stared at Jace in shock for a second before a smile broke out on his lips. “Wow, not what I expected,” Kenny whispered.

“Oh hank God,” Jace said behind the gag, relieved to see his friend. He started tugging on the handcuffs and grunted as Kenny just smiled at him. “Ucking led ee oud!” Jace shouted into the gag, pulling hard on the cuffs.

“Let you out?” Kenny repeated, in character. “After what you did?” He moved forward and saw the handcuff key. “No, you’re fucked, kid.” He grabbed Jace’s sides and started tickling. Kenny pulled the chain off Jace’s neck and used the key on one of the cuffs. Still tickling with one hand, he got Jace on the ground and reapplied the handcuff. Kenny put the key around his own neck, then started with the rope.

Jace didn’t make it easy, but Kenny looked like he belonged in a rodeo as he worked the rope quickly. As he secured Jace’s limbs, Kenny told him he was going to regret winning the game.

“You lost me a lot of money, shithead.” Kenny growled as he connected another ankle and thigh. “I’m gonna figure out a way you can make it up to me.”

Jace panicked and the angry threats behind his ballgag went up a pitch. Kenny had him helpless already, and was laughing as he dragged Jace into the house. As the door closed, Forrest and Brandon could see Kenny untying the laces on Jace’s cleats. Forrest knew it would be a while before Jace got free.

The End
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Post by thesean1 »

Great story overall. Thanks for writing it; I really enjoyed your writing style and narrative.
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