Two brothers part 2. M/mm.

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Two brothers part 2. M/mm.

Post by Ducttapemouth »

Dad Tied us

It was a rainy afternoon. Mom was in the living room playing the piano and Dad was in his room reading a book. Thomas and I were in our room and decided to do something fun so as not to get bored.

I looked at my brother, who was sitting on his bed while I was playing Call Of Duty.

-How are you, little brother? -asked.

He just looked at me and shrugged. He was unable to speak anyway because his mouth was covered with microfoam tape. His hands were tied behind his back, and his ankles and knees were tied with silver tape. Thomas was wearing a gray T-shirt and his dark blue basketball shorts. His feet were bare. There was one of his socks inside his mouth and the other sock was on the floor.

We made a bet and he lost. Although I think he purposely let me win, I found out later when I saw his wide smile under the tape that covered his mouth.

"Mmfpfpfffmmm" Thomas growled and directed his gaze towards the two rolls of duct tape that were on the floor and then looked at me.

"Do you want me to be bound and gagged like you?"

He nodded several times. Luckily one of my uncles had given me a pair of handcuffs, so I got down to business. I sat on my bed and started to roll up my ankles with the silver duct tape, then did the same with my knees and thighs. I took the microfoam tape and cut a wide strip and stuck it to my lips. I finally handcuffed my wrists behind my back and enjoyed the feeling of being helpless as a hostage. Now we were two boys well bound and gagged in one room, without making a sound. It was the dream of every parent in the world.

And speaking of parents ... After a while I heard someone was knocking on the door and then I heard Dad's voice.

"Jake, Thomas, are you there?" The rain stopped. Would you like to go for a walk in the park?

I wish I didn't have my mouth covered, otherwise I would have answered my father. He knew that when there was no answer he would enter the room. He called several more times until he finally came in and found us both bound and gagged. I could see a look of anguish in Thomas's eyes. Thomas wriggled trying to free himself but the tape that was passionate about his wrists was very strong.

-Boys! Oh my God, what happened here? Dad said and ran to me. He removed the tape from my mouth and then did the same to Thomas.

Although we could already talk, we didn't say anything. Dad stared at us and said:

"Did you two do this?"

We both nod slowly.

-I'm sorry dad. Please don't punish us, ”Thomas pleaded.

-Yes Dad. It's just a game, don't tell mom, ”I said.

"Okay, guys." I will not tell mom. But I want you to know that these games can be very dangerous if you are not careful. You could drown if you are gagged. Also you have to be knot experts not to cut someone's blood circulation with the ropes.

"Don't worry, Dad." We have only used adhesive tape. We have never used ropes, ”said Thomas.

"Aren't you mad at us?" -I asked for.

-Not really. I will tell you a secret ...

"What secret is Dad?" Thomas insisted.

"Well, when I was a child like you, I played these games with my brothers and my cousins. Even with your mother.

-Seriously? Thomas said.

"That means you're an expert on knots, right?" I asked Dad.

"Maybe not an expert, but you can never escape my knots."

Thomas's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Could you tie us with ropes?" Asked Thomas.

Dad thought about it for a while and finally accepted. Dad said he had many soft ropes in his room, but he didn't want to tell us what he had them for when we asked him. I assumed he was still playing tying games with Mom.

When he released us from our restraints he went to his room and then came back with many ropes and two black scarves.

- Who wants to be the first? Dad said.

"Me, me," said Thomas. "Could you tie me up in hogtied?"

-How do you know that? Dad asked.

"On the internet," said Thomas.

"Okay, but you can't even move your toes."

"Great," Thomas shouted.

Being so tied up and gagged that I can't even move my fingers sounded wonderful. Since the thieves tied us up, I've never been so tied up and gagged and I loved being so helpless.

Thomas sat down on the floor and Dad started tying his ankles, then tied his knees and thighs together. The rope bands around Thomas's legs looked tight. Thomas put his hands behind his back and Dad tied his wrists tightly. Then Thomas lay on his stomach and Dad used another piece of rope to tie Thomas's ankles to his wrists. Dad also tied Thomas's toes and wrapped his hands with silver tape. In the end Thomas looked like he was wearing two silver gloves.

"Wow, this is tight, Dad." It's great, ”said Thomas as he writhed on the ground.

"Good thing you like it, son." But I'm not done yet. Prisoners must be gagged.

Dad took the roll of microfoam tape and gagged Thomas with a long strip of tape.

"Mmmppmmffm," Thomas groaned and twisted again, his lips moving under the tape.

"One more thing, Thomas," said Dad, taking a handkerchief and covering Thomas's eyes. Then he took a pair of headphones and put them on his ears.

I had never seen Thomas so tied up and gagged. Still, he looked very relaxed and was enjoying it.

"Okay, it's your turn, young man," Dad said to me and took the ropes.

Dad's knots were really tight and I realized that it was impossible to escape. When he covered my hands with silver tape, he covered my mouth with the microfoam tape, blindfolded me, and put the earphones over my ears.

"Okay, guys." Relax and enjoy. I'll be back in half an hour, until then don't move and don't make much noise.

As if we could go somewhere. We literally couldn't speak or use our fingers to loosen the knots and escape. Anyway, we didn't want to escape.

"Mmfpfpfffmmm" Thomas growled.

Mmmppmmffm "I replied.

It was strange and fun trying to talk with our mouth covered with microfoam tape. Even stranger because we couldn't see and when the music started playing we couldn't hear anything.
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Post by alkaid_ »

Nice continue!!!
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely done.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thank you, guys. I'll do
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Post by squirrel »

Great story, very nicely written :)

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Post by harveygasson »

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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thank you so much, friends
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Post by lepangolin »

Love this story! Hope there's a following.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Soccer Match.

Mom got a little mad at us and especially at Dad for letting us play those kinds of games. But Dad managed to convince her that they were just harmless games as long as an adult supervises them.

I have to confess that I felt a little uncomfortable telling Mom the truth, but luckily she understood my tastes. However, Thomas had no problem talking about his strange fantasies of being bound and gagged as a kidnapped boy. In fact Thomas loved that Dad tied him up wearing his Spiderman costume. He was his favorite super hero and he had a lot of shiny lycra costumes that fit his very well.

One night Thomas dressed up as Spiderman and asked Dad to tie him up. Dad thought it would be a good opportunity for me to learn how to make tight and secure knots. So I accepted. Thomas stripped off his pajamas and then started to put on his blue and red spandex costume. Dad taught me how to tie knots, starting with the simplest to the most difficult. I finally learned how to tie someone in a decent way, maybe not the best way, but they were good ties.

Thomas put on his tight Spiderman costume and placed his hands behind his back, allowing me to tie them with a piece of white cotton rope. Thomas checked the effectiveness of my knots and I was proud to see that he could not loosen them.

—Oh! Yes they are tight knots. You got better, Jake, ”said Thomas.

"Thank you, little brother." Now I am going to attach your arms to your torso to make it more difficult to move.

When I finished tying his arms to his torso, I told Thomas to sit on the bed and tied his ankles, then his knees and thighs.

"Wow, I'm really helpless," said Thomas, writhing like a worm.

"And the best part is missing."

I removed the mask from Thomas and then took a small piece of cloth and put it in his mouth. He smirked and closed his lips. Then I cut two strips of silver tape and glued them over Thomas's mouth. I smoothed the tape with my fingers until Thomas's lips were visible under the tape.

"Mmppmff" Thomas muttered and found that he was completely silenced and helpless. Then I put the mask on again and let him enjoy his little fantasy.

In a little while Dad entered the room and saw Thomas in bed tightly tied.

"Well, well. It seems that Spiderman was defeated by the evil villain.

"Mmmppmmffm" Thomas growled.

"Is Spiderboy gagged too?"

- That's right dad.

"Congratulations, son." You're a great student, ”Dad said as he inspected Thomas's restraints.

-Thanks Dad.

"However, now it's your turn."

So ten minutes later I was on the floor hand and foot tied with a wide strip of microfoam tape in my mouth.

"Okay, guys." This is a competition. The one who unties first wins.

Although I fought like crazy, Thomas was the first to break free. He got out of bed, took off the Spiderman mask, and peeled the tape off his mouth. Then he approached me and started to free me.

"Don't be afraid, citizen. Spiderboy is here to rescue you.

Another of our ties games adventures happened a few weeks later. I don't know I was trying to be tied and gagged precisely, instead Of was a simple gag and a challenge between me and my brother. As you will know, due to the pandemic that the world is facing, we must all wear masks when leaving the house.

Fortunately, the security measures had eased somewhat, so we were able to go for a walk for at least two hours each day. Dad decided to take us to the park for a while, but Thomas came up with a crazy plan.

"Jake, I have a great idea to have fun while we're out and about," Thomas said as he held a wide roll of microfoam tape in his hands.

-Are you crazy? I definitely will not.

-Please. Nobody will know. The masks will cover our mouths.

"What if someone greets us?" How are we going to respond if our mouth is covered with adhesive tape?

"We will simply wave.

"People will think we are rude, or worse, they will think we are weird," I said.

"Please, please, please," Thomas pleaded until I finally agreed.

It was cold that morning, so I put on a gray hooded sweater, my Adidas pants and my white sneakers. Thomas was wearing a red sweater, jeans, and brown shoes. I took the roll of white microfoam tape, tore a long strip and stuck it in my mouth. Thomas did the same and adjusted his Spiderman mask. You literally didn't notice that his mouth was covered with tape. Before leaving I put on my white mask and when I saw myself in the mirror it was not noticeable that I was gagged.

"Are you guys ready?" Dad said.

We nodded, but Dad stared at us.

"There's something weird here," he said, and pulled the mask down to Thomas, exposing his tape-covered mouth.

Thomas clasped his hands together as if praying and begged Dad to let us out with our mouths covered. Well, not that Thomas could beg, he was gagged, you understand.

"Okay, but don't take off your mask at any time, if people see you gagged, I could go to prison for being a bad father."

We both nodded slowly and went to the park.

Everything was quiet, nobody spoke to us until my friend from school, Jordan, appeared. He was a twelve-year-old boy, red-haired and thin. He wore round glasses and wore a white face mask like mine.

-Hello guys. how are you ? Jordan said and his face mask puffed up as he spoke.

We obviously didn't answer, we just nodded, but that wasn't an answer.

"What's going on, guys?" Why don't you talk to me? Are you mad at me?

I had no choice but to grab Jordan by the hand leading him behind a huge bush, from there nobody could see us.

-What happens? You are very mysterious.

I took off my mask and Jordan's jaw dropped when he saw me gagged, and then Thomas also took off his mask.

"Now I understand why you weren't talking."

I removed the tape from my mouth and said:

"It was Thomas's idea, he says it's a challenge, but I think it's silly."

-It's great! No one will know that you have that tape in your mouths. Jordan said, totally fascinated.

- Seriously?

"Yes, actually I'd like to try it, it sounds exciting."

"But we left the tape at home ...

Thomas pulled the roll of microfoam tape from his pants pocket and handed it to Jordan.

"I always wanted to do this," Jordan confessed and tore off a strip of tape and stuck it to his mouth. His lips looked pretty good under that white duct tape. He smiled. Then the mask was put on. I cut a new strip of tape and gagged myself as well. Before leaving I put on the hood of my sweater and adjusted my mask. I looked like one of those rebellious boys who paint graffiti on the walls. The rest of the morning we spent playing with a soccer ball and occasionally letting out a laugh choked by the gag and mask.

Since Jordan was my best friend, I decided to tell him the truth about our tying games. He said it was great and that he would love to be tied up and gagged with me and Thomas. So I said to Jordan that he could visit me next weekend. Mom and Dad will be very busy, so no one would bother us.

But before I told you what happened that weekend, I would like to tell you what happened a few months ago, when I was still going to school. I played on the city's children's soccer team, and one Friday was the great semifinal match. The coach and all my teammates had great faith in me, since, according to them, I am one of the best in the team. Our rival was the second best team in the city. And apparently the guys on that team were mad at me for winning the last game we played. During that match I managed to score three goals.

I put on my soccer uniform: Blue T-shirt, white shorts, blue knee-high socks and white soccer shoes. Dad took Thomas and me to the stadium. The coach and the rest of the team were in the locker room. After giving us instructions, the coach left with the other players. I lagged behind, finishing adjusting my socks. Suddenly I was alone, but when I decided to go out, three boys appeared. I assumed they were from the rival team, due to the color of their uniform. They were two sturdy boys and a thin, dark boy. One of them was holding a large roll of black tape.

-What do you want? -I asked them.

-Nothing. We will simply ensure that you cannot play in this match.

"You can't do that," I said and tried to run away, but the big boys caught me. I tried to scream but one of them covered my mouth with his hand. The other boy dragged my arms behind my back and the dark-haired boy tied my wrists with the tape.

Then he tied my ankles, knees, and thighs. Wrap a little more tape around my chest and stomach. The dark-haired boy took a sock, put it between my teeth and tied it behind my neck. Then he tore the tape and wound it three times around my head and mouth. Before they left, they blindfolded me with another sock and left me lying on the floor, rolling and fighting against my restraints. I tried to scream one more time but for the first time in my life I was gagged tightly, nothing would come out of my mouth, just moans and grunts.

I tried to stand up and jump towards the exit, but I couldn't see so every time I managed to stand up I fell to the ground. After ten minutes or so, I stopped fighting, I was covered in sweat and totally exhausted. A couple of seconds later, I heard footsteps and then Thomas's voice.

"Jake!" There you are.

"mmppmff, Mmmppmmffm".

-Quiet. The match has not yet started. Who did this to you?

"Mmmppmmffm, mmmppmmffm" I growled.

"Okay, I'll untie you in a moment," Thomas said, and the first thing he did was remove the bandage, then the gag. My mouth was dry and my face was probably red.

"Hurry up, Thomas." The guys from the other team didn't want me to play today, so they tied me up.

"They are thugs." It seems to me that they will be disqualified.

And so it was, when Thomas told my dad that he had found me bound and gagged in the locker room and that the boys on the other team were responsible, he was very angry and complained to the board. In the end the rival team was disqualified and we won by default.
Last edited by Ducttapemouth 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sockbound1234 »

Love this story 😍😍😍😍
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thank you, man
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Post by squirrel »

Great chapter :)

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Post by Ducttapemouth »

I'm glad you liked it
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Post by harveygasson »

Great new part to the story
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Post by Barefoot99 »

great story so far
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by alkaid_ »

Amazing continue...

i wanna know whats gonna happen with Jake and his friend.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thanks for asking, Alkaid. There will be a part dedicated to your adventures.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thanks for asking, Alkaid. There will be a part dedicated to your adventures.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thomas circled around the room, taking his role as a kidnapper very seriously. My father had also taught him how to tie good knots. Meanwhile, Jordan and I were lying on my bed, our hands securely clasped behind our backs with white ropes. Our arms were tied to our torsos with more cotton rope. Jordan looked at me and I winked at him, it was the only thing we could do to communicate, our mouths were covered with a wide strip of white microfoam tape and we couldn't push it with our tongues either, Thomas had put one of his socks in our mouths , so we were firmly gagged. It was night and we were wearing our pajamas. Jordan's pajamas consisted of a blue shirt with stars and pants of the same color. I was wearing a white striped sweater and black pants. Thomas was wearing a white T-shirt and his favorite red shiny satin shorts.

"Okay, prisoners, it's time to inspect your feet," Thomas muttered. Jordan and I exchanged looks of confusion.

Thomas approached us and started taking off Jordan's socks. Now I understood why he hadn't tied our feet yet. At that moment I realized that Thomas probably had a strange taste for sniffing other people's feet, because that was exactly what he was doing.

Thomas looked at Jordan and smiled at him.

"Very well, prisoner, you have passed the test and you will not be punished." Your feet are perfectly clean and don't smell bad.

Then Thomas went to my feet and took off my socks. He sniffed the bare soles of my feet and wrinkled his nose.

"I can't seem to say the same about your feet, brother." They seem to be a little sweaty and smell a little bad. I think you will both sleep tied and gagged, that will be the punishment of both of you.

Apparently Jordan found it fun to sleep that way, but not me. So I started to protest under my gag.

"Mmmppmmffm" ....

"Hist. Silence, prisoner. Now you are under my control and I can do whatever I want.

Thomas climbed onto the bed and then straddled my stomach. Then he placed his little feet over my face, laughing out loud.

"Do you like my feet, brother?"

I tried to pull my face away but it was very difficult. Thomas's feet didn't smell bad, but he stuck his little fingers into my nose and wouldn't let me breathe. After torturing me with his feet, it was Jordan's turn. I had to admit that Jordan looked very innocent and cute, with his red hair, freckles on his nose and cheeks, and round glasses that made him look like a genius boy. I think Jordan was having fun with the evil Thomas did to us.

Before we went to sleep, Thomas tied our ankles, knees, and thighs. I didn't understand how a ten-year-old boy was so strong, but he managed to get Jordan into his sleeping bag before turning off the lights. He also changed the gags. He tied a scarf between our teeth and covered our lips with two strips of silver tape.

I couldn't sleep, I had to get revenge on Thomas. So I struggled against my restraints until I finally managed to loosen the knots that kept my wrists tight. Thomas was good, but he was still a rookie.

When I broke free, I quietly approached Thomas's bed. I was holding a pair of handcuffs and a roll of microfoam tape. Luckily Thomas was sleeping on his stomach, so it was easy to put his hands behind his back and handcuff his wrists. After that I placed Thomas on his back, ripped a wide strip of tape and stuck it in his mouth. Just then Thomas opened his eyes and began to moan and fight like crazy.

"Chist, shut up, it's me Jake."

Thomas calmed down and gave me a pleading look.

"Sorry, little brother." Now it's your turn to sleep tied and gagged.

I took the roll of tape and tied Thomas's ankles and knees, then covered him with the sheets and kissed him on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Thomas," I said, and he answered me with a moan drowned by the tape that covered his mouth.

As for Jordan, I let him sleep bound and gagged.
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Playing with the cousins.

A couple of days ago Thomas and I went to the house of Uncle Germán and his husband, Uncle Bob (yes, they were a gay couple) to visit our cousins ​​Brandon and Gabriel. They were a pair of twelve-year-old boys with blond hair. Brandon was the tallest and had light brown eyes, plus he had a charming smile. Gabriel was slightly shorter in stature and had blue eyes. A few years ago I did not understand how two men could have children, until my parents explained to me that my two cousins ​​were born through a method called surrogacy or surrogate for rent.

My uncles had a beautiful house and they were a very close family. In fact they had a YouTube channel and a website where they published funny videos. So Brandon and Gabriel were very famous at school.

When we went to visit our cousins, I was pleasantly surprised. Dad drove us to my uncles' house and will pick us up until nightfall, so we had all day to play with Brandon and Gabriel. When we knocked on the door Brandon appeared at the entrance and when I saw him my heart began to pound, and I think the same thing happened to Thomas. Brandon had a large strip of silver duct tape taped to his mouth. His smile and lips were quite visible under that shiny silver duct tape. Before asking what was happening, Uncle Germán appeared behind Brandon.

- Uncle Germán! Thomas shouted and threw himself into the arms of Uncle German.

-Hello Thomas. You've grown a lot since last time. And you, Jake, are becoming a very handsome teenager.

"Thank you, Uncle Germán."

"I suppose you were wondering why Brandon's mouth is covered with duct tape, right?"

Thomas and I nodded.

"Well don't be scared. The boys are simply competing to see who remains silent the longest. And the first person to remove the tape from his mouth is the loser.

"Wow, can we play too?" Thomas asked.

"Sure, if you want," said Uncle Germán.

"Can we really play?" -I asked for.

"Of course, Jake."

"What if we make the competition more interesting?" -said.

"What do you suggest, Jacob?" Uncle Germán asked.

"You could tie all four of us together and then see who gets free first," Thomas replied.

-Sounds interesting. Would you like to be tied, Brandon? Uncle Germán asked.

Brandon nodded vigorously.

Brandon was wearing a gray T-shirt, military-style shorts, and yellow socks. Before long Gabriel joined us, he was wearing a black T-shirt, red soccer shorts and white socks. Like Brandon, Gabriel also had his mouth covered with tape.

Uncle Germán took us to the living room and told us to sit in an armchair. Uncle Germán had in his hand the large roll of silver tape.

-Who wants to be the first?

-Me! Thomas shouted.

"Very well, you must first be silent." Uncle German said and tore off a strip of duct tape, then taped it to Thomas's lips and smoothed it out with his fingers. Thomas moved his lips under the tape and found that he was truly gagged.

Next he put his hands behind his back and Uncle Germán began to wrap the rope around his wrists, then around his chest and stomach. Then Thomas brought his ankles together and Uncle Germán rolled up more adhesive material, finally tied his knees and thighs and let him check his restraints, while moaning happily. Then it was Gabriel's turn, then Brandon and finally me. I must say that I will never tire of saying that I adore being bound and gagged. I love the feeling of not being able to move or talk. I love the feel of the tape or the ropes around my hands and feet, and especially having my mouth covered with tape is the best thing in the world. Sometimes I moan loudly and I pretend to fight my restraints, but I don't do it because I want to escape but because I love doing it, it turns me on and I love trying tight restraints. Another thing I love about being tied up and gagged is having someone by my side in the same situation. The sight of another bound and gagged person moves me very much. And now that we were four boys well tied up and gagged with tape, I felt very happy. I love seeing the tight bands of duct tape around my cousins' bodies, and watching them fight and moan was wonderful.

"Before you start fighting to break free, I want to show you something guys," said Uncle Germán and withdrew. In a short time he returned with a huge photo album.

"You are not the only ones playing tie games." Your father and I also played and Dad always tied us up. In this photo your father was ten and I was eight.

My eyes widened when my uncle showed me a photograph of two blond boys tied and gagged on a chair each. They both had their hands taped to the armrests of the chairs, and their mouth was covered with adhesive tape. The two children were wearing pajamas. In another photo, Uncle Germán and Dad were tied up with Christmas lights and gagged with green and red tape, while smiling at the camera. There was another photograph where they were now tied back to back with ropes. They both had their hands tied in front of them and a handkerchief tied between their teeth. Then there was another photograph where my uncle Germán and dad were tied up and gagged again, this time inside the trunk of a car. They both had their hands tied behind their backs with ropes. The ankles were also tied, their mouth was covered with silver tape and their eyes were bandaged with a black scarf. Both boys were wearing shorts and T-shirts. And the photograph that surprised me the most was one where both children were turned into mummies of silver tape. Now it looked like Dad was twelve or thirteen and Uncle Germán ten or eleven. They were both lying on a bed and had bare feet, ready to be tickled.

"They are beautiful memories." And I'm glad you guys like these games too, ”said Uncle Germán. After seeing the photos, we began to try to free ourselves. It was relatively easy because it was duct tape, but it was tight and it took a long time to tear it apart. But I was the winner
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Jordan's surprise.

Jordan had three younger brothers, meaning triplets. All three were nine years old and identical to each other. Redhairs, blue eyes and freckles on the nose and cheek. Alex, Lucas and Peter were their names. They were extremely troublesome and boisterous children. Alex was the most terrible of the three, followed by Lucas as his accomplice in mischief and finally Peter, who was the most innocent and often preferred to watch television or read a book than to cause trouble. However, Peter was always a victim of the jokes of his two brothers and Jordan discovered them.

The triplets were extremely curious and had found a new way to create trouble: tying games. The children's parents worked during the day and Jordan was at school and they had supposedly stayed home and had no babysitter to look after them, so they had the house to themselves. But Jordan returned before school and found two of his brothers bound and gagged, while the third watched television.

What happened was this:

Peter was in the living room watching cartoons on television, while Alex and Lucas were planning their little joke. The two red-haired boys had a thick roll of silver duct tape and several pieces of brown ropes.

"Okay, Peter is in the living room watching television." We'll ask him to let us watch a movie, ”Alex said.

"Exactly, but since we know he is going to refuse, then we are going to tie and gag him," Lucas confirmed as his face lit up with a smile.

-And how will we do it? Alex asked.

"We will throw him to the ground and while I sit on his sword and cover his mouth with my hand, you will tie his hands and ankles," Lucas replied.

"Perfect, then walk."

The two boys went down to the living room in search of their victim. Alex was wearing a red T-shirt and sports shorts and red socks. Lucas was wearing a blue T-shirt, black sports shorts, socks, and a blue cap. Peter was wearing a green T-shirt, gray sports shorts, and green socks.

"Hey Peter, would you let us watch a movie?" Alex asked in an innocent voice.

"I'm watching my favorite cartoons, don't bother me," Peter replied without taking his eyes off the television, so he couldn't see the tape and rope that his brothers had.

"Please," Lucas pleaded and winked at Alex.

"I said no ... wait what happens to you?, Mmmppmmffm ...

As planned, Lucas launched himself at Peter, straddled his back, and covered his mouth with his hand. As the boy writhed and growled like mad, Alex took the rope and started tying Peter's wrists.

"Hurry up, Alex." Peter bit my hand.

"Almost done," Alex said and tied the last knot, leaving Peter's wrists tightly tied.

Then he took another piece of rope and started tying the boy's ankles. It was a bit difficult because Peter was kicking like crazy, but finally his ankles ended up very well tied.

"Gag him now," Lucas said, and when he removed his hand, Peter tried to scream.

"Please, mmmppmmffm ...

Alex covered Peter's entire mouth and chin with a long strip of silver duct tape and then wrapped it three times, leaving Peter's mouth sealed with the sticky silver material.

Peter twisted the floor, tried to speak through his tight gag but all that came out were muffled murmurs. When he finally realized that he was totally helpless, Peter shot a pleading look at his two brothers.

"Sorry, bro, but you'll be like this for a long time," Lucas said, placing a foot on Peter's back.

However, Alex was planning something for Lucas as well. Lucas was too busy teasing Peter that he didn't notice when Alex knocked him down and quickly tied his hands with the silver duct tape.

-Hey! What's wrong, Alex? I thought we were a team, ”Lucas protested, panting on the floor.

"I don't team up with anyone, little brother." Now it's time for you to be gagged.

"You're a damn traitor mmmppmmffm ...

Like Peter, Lucas had his mouth completely sealed with the tape. Then Alex tied Lucas's ankles with ropes and placed both boys back to back. He took the duct tape again and hit the two brothers. After that, Alex went to find two black silk scarves.

"This is to cover your ridiculous sealed mouths," Alex scoffed. Lucas shot him a murderous look and growled angrily.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying, little brother."

Alex tied the silk scarf in Lucas's mouth and then tied it behind his neck. In the end he did the same with Peter. Alex watched his two infectious victims and then started watching a movie on television, while his two brothers struggled and moaned on the floor.

So two hours passed until Jordan inadvertently returned from school. When he saw Peter and Lucas bound and gagged, Jordan's jaw dropped. Alex quickly stood up and tried to explain what was going on.

"Please don't tell Mom and Dad," Alex pleaded.

"Why do you have Peter and Lucas tied up?" Jordan asked.

"We are just playing."

"And they agree?"

Peter and Lucas quickly shook their heads as they moaned louder.

"Please don't tell anyone, I'll do anything," Alex pleaded again.

-Anything? Jordan asked, a malicious smile on his face.

"Yes, whatever," Alex said.

Ten minutes later, Alex was on the floor, his hands behind his back, his ankles tied, and a tight gag of tape sealing his mouth. Jordan did not untie either Peter or Lucas, but at least they were glad to see Alex pay for his antics.

"Don't worry, guys, I'll untie you in a moment, except Alex." He will be tied up for at least two hours.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really good work again
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Post by Ducttapemouth »

Thank you so much :D
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Post by Killua »

I'm late finding this but it's a nice story. I wished I had a dad who would tie me up or brothers to do that when I was a kid.
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago I'm late finding this but it's a nice story. I wished I had a dad who would tie me up or brothers to do that when I was a kid.
Hahaha an old story of mine.
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