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Shego Cold as Mei (MF/F, MMF/F)

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:34 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
It was a normal day at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Overwatch agent Mei-Ling Zhou was making some repairs to her Endothermic Blaster after a fuse in the blaster was damaged after she used it to block a knife attack from a Talon agent. She had just placed the fuse back in place-

“G’day Mei!”

Startled, Mei turned around to see the grinning face of fellow agent Jamison Fawkes (aka Junkrat).

“Jamison, I told you not to sneak up on me like that when I’m working,” she admonished him.
“Sorry, luv. I tried texting you if you wanted to meet up, but you weren’t replying. So, I decided to pay you a visit!”
“I’m busy trying to fix my blaster, which I may remind you I used to block a knife attack that was meant for you.”
“Heh…’I ‘Mei’ remind you’,” he chuckled. “But that’s why I’m here. I wanted to thank you for saving my hide back there. So I made you something. Bring it in, Roadie.”

Mako Rutlidge (aka Roadhog, Junkrat’s bodyguard and BFF) walked into the lab and placed Mei’s gift on her desk: it was a small flower with a spring for the stem, the end of a pipe for the center, chips of plastic for the petals, and it was glued down to a small piece of wood that acted as a stand.

“I spent all morning making this,” he explained. “I wanted to light the petals on fire as a metaphor for how you saved me warmed my heart, but Roadie told me no. But do you like it? Do ya?”

Mei looked at the flower. Despite its artificial nature (and its smell), it was still pretty cute. “I do, Jamison. Thank you.”

The junker beamed. “Yay! Hey, maybe after you’re done, you, me, ‘n Roadie can go out for lunch.”

Mei felt her stomach rumble. She had skipped breakfast this morning to attend to the blaster. “Sure! I’ll text you when I’m done.”
“Great! See you then, Snowflake!”

With that, the two men left. Right after they left, a woman Mei had never seen before rushed in. “Miss Zhou! A fire broke out in the west ship hanger!”

With her eyes widened, Mei grabbed her newly-repaired blaster. “At least I’ll have the chance to test out the new repairs to this thing.”

With that, the two rushed over to the hanger. As they did, Mei looked over at the woman. She had pale skin, blonde hair, and was wearing the standard blue and orange jumpsuit agents on the base wore. “I’ve never seen you before,” Mei told her. “Are you new here?”
“My first day here,” she explained.
“Well, what a first day it is. There’s already a fire and it’s not even noon,” Mei chuckled.

The two finally arrived at the hanger. But there was no fire that Mei could see. What Mei did see was an unfamiliar red ship and the unconscious body of a female agent nestled between two ships wearing only her underwear.

Before Mei could question any of this, two fingers plunged themselves deep into the side of Mei’s neck. Quickly, Mei’s eyes fluttered and collapsed.

Smirking, the woman dragged Mei’s body into the ship’s open door. “Alright,” the woman (who tossed her blonde wig off, revealing jet black hair) told the ship’s pilot. “Back to Doctor D’s lair.”


Doctor Drakken, a man who was evil 365 days a year (366 days on leap years), had sent his associate Shego to infiltrate Watchpoint: Gibraltar to kidnap Mei. Once in his possession, he’d ‘convince’ her into helping him build a giant freeze ray that he’d use to freeze the entire country of China unless the UN paid him $50 million in ransom (what? Maintaining an island lair wasn’t cheap. The cost of shipping toilet paper to the lair alone was a nightmare). But while he waited for Shego, he was sitting on the couch eating Cheez-Its and watching reruns of Jerry Springer.

”Did you? Did you sleep with my man? DID YOU?!”
“YOU [bleep]!”

As a fight that featured multiple instances of hair-pulling ensued, the door opened to the TV room. “Doctor D, I’m back,” Shego announced.
“Did you get Mei?” Drakken asked without taking his eyes off the screen.

Something heavy landed on top of his lap. As he cursed at his sudden pain, he looked down to see the unconscious body of the scientist before him. “Does that answer your question?” Shego sarcastically asked.
“Yes, it does,” he grumbled. “Though a simple ‘yes’ will suffice next time.”
“Noted. Need an ice pack?”

Drakken lowered Mei onto the floor. “Not right now, Shego. But after I secure Miss Zhou’s compliance, I will have all the ice I’ll ever need!”

Drakken stood up to let out a maniacal laugh, but the pain in his legs caused him to immediately sit back down. “Actually, yes. I would like an ice pack right now, thank you.”


News of the unconscious agent and Mei’s disappearance spread quickly. Overwatch leader Jack Morrison (aka Soldier: 76) gathered up the other agents to review the security camera footage of Mei’s abduction.

“Facial recognition identifies the kidnapper as the international fugitive ‘Shego’,” Jack told the agents. “She’s a known associate of mad scientist villain Doctor Drakken, whose island lair we’ve tracked Mei to. We need some agents to extract her.”

As Tracer,, and Winston volunteered, Junkrat was fuming. This sinister sheila had taken Mei away to do who-knows-what to her. She had taken her before she and the junker duo could go out to eat (he was going to take her out for Chinese food, where he’d finally learn how to use chopsticks the right way and not as sticks he could shove up his nose). And she had taken her without giving him the chance to return the favor of saving him.

He turned to Roadhog and nodded at him. If he couldn’t save her before she was taken, he’d save her now…


Mei soon woke up and found herself cuffed spread eagle-style to a metal table in a small blue room. Her sweater was removed, leaving her in her light-blue tank top. After calling out for help for a minute, Doctor Drakken and Shego entered the room.

“Miss Zhou, my name is Doctor Drakken,” the villain introduced himself. “I brought you here so I may receive your help building a giant freeze ray. With it, I think I can restore some of the damage global warming has done to our icecaps.”

Mei rolled her eyes at his lie. “Nice try, Drakken. If that was your true intention, you would’ve, I dunno, just asked for my help and not sent that girl you’re with to kidnap me and bring me here by force. Besides, I know your true intentions with the freeze ray is to freeze all of China with it.”

Drakken gasped. “Who told you?!”
“You did a minute ago, when I heard you monologuing about it outside the door.”

Drakken growled in rage. “Damnit! Shego, remind me next time to recite my evil monologues in my inside voice.”
“Sure won’t, Doctor D,” Shego sarcastically responded.

Drakken composed himself and turned back to Mei. “Look, I’ve built small handheld freeze rays before. But if I want to build a freeze ray on such a giant scale, I need some help working out the formulas that’ll make the damn thing work. So, what do you say, Mei? Wanna help a fellow scientist out?”

Mei furiously shook her head. “No way! I only build my devices for the side of good. And if you think I’d help you freeze my homeland, you’ve got another thing coming!”

Drakken sighed. “Very well, Miss Zhou. I’m afraid if I can’t persuade you, my associate here will…”

Drakken turned to Shego. “Call me when you’re done, OK? In the meantime, I have some other business to attend to,” he said as he turned to leave.
“Let me guess,” Shego said. “Is your ‘business’ Jerry Springer-related?”

Furious at getting called out for his odd TV show preferences, Drakken let out a series of strangled grunts before storming out of the room. As soon as he did, Shego turned to Mei, her eyes glistening with wicked excitement.

“Now we can have all sorts of fun together!” Shego beamed as she slowly circled the table Mei was restrained to.
“Wh-what are you going to do to me?”
“Nothing too bad,” she responded as she unconsciously unlaced the blue boots Mei was wearing. “After all, Doctor D needs you in one piece when you help out with his giant freeze ray.”

“I already told you that I refuse to help you out with that…” Mei began to insist before noticing that Shego was tugging her white socks off her feet. “What are you doing?!”

“Beginning the persuasion session!” Shego announced as she suddenly dragged her long fingernails down Mei’s right foot.
“AYYYEEEHAHAHA!” Mei immediately exclaimed.

Loving the reaction she got just from that single action, Shego repeated the same action on the left foot, earning the same reaction.

“Wow, Mei,” Shego noted, “your little feetsies are pretty cold to the touch.”
“I work around ice all day,” Mei quickly explained, still catching her breath. “My skin is always a bit cold.”
“Allow me to warm you right up, then!”

Shego lit up her hand so that it was warmer than usual and slid her fingers between Mei’s toes, getting an even louder laugh than before. Mei even bucked her body up and down a bit.

“Warmth melts through your cold sensitive skin even quicker,” Shego gleefully exclaimed. “Of course, this doesn’t have to be the case if you agree to help us.”

Mei desperately wanted to quit and end this torture before it got any worse. But she remembered Overwatch’s goal: to protect. Drakken unleashing a giant freeze ray to plunge China into ice wouldn’t be considered ‘protection’. So taking a deep breath, Mei firmly said, “Never!”

Shego shook her head at Mei’s defiance. “Aww, you’re such a hero,” she sarcastically cooed. “But us villains don’t have time for that. So I’m just gonna have to be more persuasive.”

Shego walked down towards Mei's stomach and very lightly ran her fingers down Mei’s tummy, already getting a loud giggle.

“Ooh, I think I’ve hit the jackpot!” Shego said with utter glee. “Just imagine what’ll happen when I warm up my hands and go all over your lovely tummy! Of course, you can avoid that fate-”
“I told you no!”

“Your funeral,” Shego said as she warmed up her hand pressed it all onto her stomach, almost immediately causing tears to form in Mei’s eyes.

“Join us, Mei. That’s all you have to do and I’ll stop!”

Shego placed a warm hand on Mei’s cheek. “Come on, Mei. You have two options here: help Doctor Drakken build his freeze ray, something that I know that you excel at, or just lay here and let me tickle you until you melt.”

Mei just layed there silently for a minute before saying, “I won’t help you. You can tickle me all you want, but I won’t help you.”
“Well, at least I can get behind the ‘tickle me all you want’ part.”

Shego plunged her fingers into the slightly-pudgy sides of Mei, swiftly eliciting a scream of laughter.

“HELP US, MEI!” Shego shouted over Mei’s laughter.

Visibly frustrated, Shego lit up her right index finger and slowly started circling it around Mei’s navel, slowly getting deeper and deeper, aiming right for the center, eagerly anticipating the climax of Mei’s laughing fit...

Suddenly, there was a muffled explosion sound from behind the door. Confused, Shego extracted her finger and approached the door to see what the noise was when suddenly, another explosion blew the door off the hinges. The flying door crashed into Shego, pinning her to the floor.

“Don’t worry, Mei,” Junkrat announced as he and Roadhog entered the room. “Your knights in shining armor have arrived!”

Also having heard the explosion, Drakken (still with Cheez-Its crumbs on his lab coat) ran into the room. “Damnit, Shego! How many times have I told you not to blow my doors up when you’re upset?!” he shouted before seeing the real culprits of the destruction. “Who are you guys?!”

“I’m Junkrat,” Jamison introduced himself. “The big guy’s Roadhog. You and your sheila made a very big mistake in taking my friend here…”
“The only mistake I made was not buying the insurance for this lair,” Drakken grumbled, looking at the damaged door on the floor. “Minions, get them!”

As two minions ran into the room, Junkrat drew his Frag Launcher and lobbed two grenades. Each bomb struck each minion in the chest before exploding on impact, sending them flying out of the room. Roadhog took out his chain and swung it at three minions who made it further in the room with the end of the chain striking them in the cheek.

The last two of Drakken’s minions (every other minion of Drakken’s was either taken out when the junkers stormed the base or were at a team-building retreat) entered the room. Junkrat leapt in the air, using his prosthetic leg to stomp on one of the minions’ feet. As he hopped around in pain, Junkrat used his prosthetic arm to knock out that minion with a single punch. Meanwhile, Roadhog blocked the other minion’s punch, grabbed him by his chin, and headbutted him. When he was done, Roadhog walked over to Mei and tried to use his brute strength to rip Mei’s metal restraints off, but they wouldn’t budge.

“Hah!” Drakken laughed. “Those metal restraints are voice-activated. They won’t release your friend until I say the secret code!”

Grunting, Junkrat took out a detonator from his pocket. “See this? On my way to rescuing my Snowflake, I placed a few bombs in some very choice places.”
“Where? My grenade room?!”
“I placed two especially large bombs in there. If you don’t release my friend in the next five seconds, I press the button and blow this place to kingdom come.”
“You-you’re bluffing!”
“Wanna bet?” Junkrat asked, placing his finger on the button without pressing it. “I <b>might</b> be bluffing. Pressing this button is the only way to find out…”

Wanting to keep his lair on one piece, Drakken relented. “Bea Arthur!”

The cuffs opened up. Still exhausted, Mei had to have Junkrat pull her up off the table. “I believe you have something that belongs to me,” she told the villain.
“What was that, mate? ‘Blow up my island lair?’”

Drakken immediately reached into his lab coat, pulled out the Endothermic Blaster, and tossed it to Mei. “Here! I even polished it for you. Just don’t blow up anything else!” he begged.

As Roadhog grabbed Drakken and lifted him in the air by his lab coat, Mei looked at the detonator. “You were just bluffing about rigging to explode, right?”
“Of course not! But don’t worry, Mei. The bombs will only go off if the button is pressed.”

As soon as he said that, the detonator slipped out of his hands and landed button-first on the floor. A low rumbling sound went off in the background that very slowly became louder.

“Everyone to the escape pods!” Drakken screamed as he wriggled free of Roadhog’s grasp. “Blue-skinned scientists first!”

The minions pulled each other up and dashed off to the escape pods. Mei turned to leave too when she saw Shego finally slowly pull herself out from under the door. “Roadhog,” she ordered. “Take Shego with us. She tortured me before you came here.”

Nodding, Roadhog wrapped Shego up in his chain and placed her over her shoulder. Drakken stepped towards the Junkers as if he thought for a second about saving his associate before a loud growl from Roadhog caused him to decide to leave Shego for the wolves and abandon her for the escape pods.


“Nope! Not until we’ve tickled you for as long as you’ve tickled me.”

The Overwatch agents had brought Shego back to base after managing to escape the exploding island lair. Instead of taking her prison right away, Mei wanted some payback from before. Thus, Shego was restrained to a table in a very similar way to how Mei was: cuffed spread eagle-style with metal mittens on her hands to contain her plasma powers. She was also blindfolded with a black strip of cloth.

As the trio worked on her feet (Roadhog), stomach (Mei), and ribs (Junkrat), Soldier: 76 stood watching in the doorway of the interrogation room. “This isn’t proper prisoner handling,” he reminded them.

“Keep your britches on,” Junkrat told him. “We’ll take her to about, oh, two more hours.”
“TWO MORE HOURS?!” Shego screeched. “I CAN’T TAKE THAT LONG!”
“I just told you that we would tickle you for as long as you tickled me.”
“Mmm, it sure felt that long to me…” Mei noted with a sly smile.

The commander just took a long look at the trio before just giving up and leaving the room. As Roadhog continued to work on the screeching and cursing Shego, Junkrat took Mei to the side. “I saved your life back there from that exploding lair.”
“You caused the lair to explode! You set bombs everywhere!”

Junkrat thought about that second. “Yea...but we didn’t die! Aaaaaand, I-”
“-and Roadhog broke into that lair to rescue you from that nasty lady. So...I think you owe me a lil’ somethin’...” he told her, leaning in and puckering his lips.

Mei looked at him and decided that while he had nearly killed her, he did save her from torture that felt even worse than death. So, she decided to lean in too and kiss him on the lips.

”This is so amazing,” Junkrat told himself. ”If I had known that I’d get the chance to kiss her today, I would’ve brushed my teeth this week.”
”I’m gonna need some heavy-duty mouthwash after this,” a slightly repulsed but still grateful Mei thought at the same time.