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The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:29 pm
by Chris12
The American

Moving to a new place is hard. Its even harder when your stupid mom takes a job abroad to France and you end up not in Paris but some no name village the middle of nowhere. This town is so boring! It has maybe ten people living in it and five houses, and nothing ever happens!

Or that's what I thought. When I came to Soleil village I was angry and bored out of my skull. A few weeks later I became the leader of a tight knit group of five. The five of us spend all our time together, chilling at the beach, solving crimes and having a blast together. If you'll read books about a team band of young heroes I bet its based on us.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Tyler, an all American boy growing up in France. I'm just your average 14 year old kid. I love football, video games and going out in the wilds for big adventures. I'm a natural leader of our gang of five, a typical hero you might even say. I'm handsome, clever, athletic and I like to think I'm quite modest!

Our group centered around five people. The American(that's me), Nicholas the leader(or that's what he calls himself!), the Rose who's name is uh....Rose and the Shorty, a boy named Luke. But before I got intimate with any them I had the displeasure....uh I mean pleasure to meet.....the boy''

The Boy and the Rose

Okay actually I first got intimate with Rose. That's how I first crossed path with that horrible, horrible boy! That was one of the perks of living abroad that I discovered very early. I was exotic! I was the first newcomer in this no name village, certainly the first foreigner and as a typical New Yorker I stand out from all these Mediterranean types. And lets face it, I'm darned handsome! Thanks to my career as a football player I have a great build, and the sunny weather leaves me with plenty of incentive to dress lightly to show it off. Down south its also rare to see much blondes so I stand out. I also like to think girls are just naturally drawn to my modesty. They say its an appealing trait!

But anyhow I had a very easy time wooing the local village girls. Eventually one of these girls was Rose. A cute 15 year old girl with brown hairs which she styled in a ponytail.

''That was....awesome!'' I remembered smiling as we broke our kiss. I had this nice secluded spot near the river. There me and my girl of the week could cuddle a bit and practice kissing without any prying eyes.

''Heeheeh! You certainly know your stuff, mister American'' Rose giggled and pinched my cheek ''Yeah, I suppose it was awesome''

''I know, I know. You're one lucky gall'' I bragged and pinched her cheek in return. It was an affectionate little habit we developed.

''I sure am. So then my little American'' Rose smiled at me meaningfully ''Lets take this to the next level. Would you be interested in having dinner with me''

''Oh YES! I mean yeah treat'' I offered to pay for this date in its entirely. Full disclosure, my mom is overflowing with cash! I'm the richest lad in town! There are rumors that girls were only pretending to be into me for the money, and Rose certainly likes to PRETEND that's the case but that's obviously just slander! Did I make myself clear on that front?!

''I look forward to it! See you then, mister American!'' Rose blew a kiss at me and it was done. I had a date! Unfortunately I also had unleashed a disaster upon myself. And it was all thanks to.....the boy.

The evening started promising. I convinced my mom to pay the bill for my date and left home for the finest restaurant in town. Rose would be so impressed with me! But the moment I left home and crossed the street and came face to face with....the boy.

Jules is known as ''the boy'' for a reason. He's the youngest of our little group. A 12 year old mischief maker. The kid seriously needs a barber as those brown curley hair are hopelessly messy. How he can even see with all that hair over his eyes is a mystery to me. His eyes not always being visible made people pay more attention to his mouth which seemed eternally plastered into a devious grin. In fact at our first meeting he was grinning at me in that very unsettling way.

''Heya. You must be the American!'' The little tyke grinned at me. At the time I thought he was impressed with me. I mean why wouldn't he be?

''Oh yeah that's me? I'm Tyler and....AAAAAAAAAAH!'' Moments after confirming my identity I screamed it out. The horrible brat had kicked me in the groin! The pain completely dazed me. I didn't even notice the brat sweeping my legs from under me and making me fall on the grass.

''AAAAAAAH! What's..WRONG WITH YOMMMMMH!'' My screaming was cut off by the boy rapidly taking out duct tape and plastering a strip on my mouth.

''I'm Jules Fillion'' The boy said, grabbing my hands, moving them in front of me and quickly taping my wrists together ''I'm Rose's brother!''

''Mmmmh! stmmmmmmmmh!'' With my hands restrained the boy then proudly showed me the roll of duct tape before wrapping it around my lower face at least five time to completely silence me. At the time I did not know it but every boy that caught Rose's interest was targeted by this boy, or even boys he merely thought were after his sister.

''And you know, I don't like you'' Jules said, pinching my cheek in a way that reminded me far too much of his sister ''You really think YOU are worthy enough for my sister? In your dreams mister American!''

''MHRRMMMH! LMMH MMH GMMMH!'' I shouted furiously. I would not let some random brat assault me like that, nor get in the way of my date! ''Ngrmh! urgmmh! MMMMMMMH!'' I grunted angrily while trying my best to break the tape that held my wrist.

''......yeah, if you even try to escape I'm kicking your nuts again'' The boy informed me with his lips turning into an even more devious grin ''C'mon American. Try me!''

''Mmmmmh!'' and with that all my defiance left me, my shouts turning into a desperate peep. I was done with trying to escape.

''Hahahaha! Good decision!'' The boy grinned and pinched my cheek again ''Seems you're a cute one after all! All bark and noooo guts! Now WALK!'' the horrible boy roughly pulled me up from the grass and marched me along.

''You know, our dad rents vacation homes to tourists'' Jules told me as we walked ''Now guess where we are going?'' he proudly showed me a set of keys ''C'mon mister American! Guess!'' with my mouth being covered in far too much tape I couldn't exactly answer and thus didn't ''I said GUESS!'' Jules shouted and reached for the waistband of my underwear

''N-nmmh! NMMMMMH!'' I screamed in horror before I was wedgied as if I was some common nerd! Jules kept pulling my boxers up my ass until I at least tried to answer ''Mmmh! nmmmh! nmm mmmmmh!'' I hastily tried to say that he obviously would have me locked in one of those empty vacation homes.

''You know I can't hear you right!?' The boy happily said ''But yeah. I'm locking you up in a place where nooo one will find you! And once I let you out you'll have learned not to mess with my sister again!''

''Are you a psychopath!?'' I shouted under the duct tape that covered my mouth. Incidentally that's something I still shout at Jules to this day.

''Still can't hear ya! Oh we are!'' We reached a cute little house near the beach. Jules opened the door and shoved me inside ''Walk around the corner'' he instructed and given my state I obeyed. I had walked into the bathroom ''Now stand beneath the shower!'' he instructed again, and I once again obeyed.

Jules now took a coil of rope which he tied around my already taped wrists. He now forced my hands arms above me and used the rope to tie them to the shower nuzzle ''Now you're a clever lad. I bet you know what's gonna happen'' he winked.

I could only whine desperately, shaking my head in a vain attempt to stall the inevitable.

''Enjoy your shower, mister American!'' Jules winked and activated the shower....on the coldest stand it had.

'MHRRMMMMMMH! NMMMH! NHRMMMMMMH!'' the frigged water poured down on me ''Nrgh! MMMMMMMH!'' I desperately shook my arms to break free but the cold water kept descending on me. Evidently this boy had done this sort of torture many times before. If duct tape got wet it became less sticky. The tape around my list certainly got looser and that's why Jules had added the ropes to my bindings ''Stmmh immh! Plmhhhs!''

''What? You're cold?'' Jules grinned deviously at me ''You want it to stop?''

''Ymmmh! Mm wmm mmht!'' I shouted. Several minutes of the water pouring on me and I was already a shivering mess.

''Awwww poor guy! Lemme help!'' Jules came closer with his most wicked smile yet. He made the water warmer, and warmer....and warmer....and far too hot!

''EEEEEMMMMH! NOOMMMMMH! STMMMMMH! PLMMMM STMMMMH! HHRMMMMMMMMMH!'' I screamed it out in horror as the icy water was replaced by very VERY hot water.

''You're gonna back the FUCK off! You're gonna leave my sister alone!?'' The horrible boy shouted at me.

''Ymmhs! Ymmmmmmmhs! YMMMS! YMMMMMHS!'' I desperately shouted back, rapidly nodding my head.

''You seriously need to chill.....ehehehe'' Jules giggled and turned the shower back from hot to cold to vex me. I certainly started peeping like a little girl....uh, I mean like a baddass, defiant prisoner!

Several more minutes of frigid water pouring down on my and Jules finally relented. the shower got turned off. I was left a panting, shivering mess. The water had loosened the tape around my mouth so much it fell off, finally giving me room to breath ''Y-you...f-fucking....psychopath'' I panted angrily.

''Aaawww is the American mad?'' Jules punched my cheek mockingly ''Well it WORKS doesn't it? You're gonna leave my sister alone....right!?''

''Yes! YES YES YES! please no more water!'' I screamed when seeing the boy came closer again.

''GOOD boy! Very good boy!'' Jules ruffled my wet hairs ''Oh and if you think about paying me back for this.....older boys then you have tried. You're welcome to look for them now. Go speak with em. See how it went'' The smile had disappeared from Jules mouth and was replaced by a scowl that chilled me to my bones. A little brat and yet he still scared me witless. Not my finest hour for sure.

''H-how long w-will I have to stay here?'' I asked, still shivering from the cold. Definitely not from fright it that's what you're wondering.

''Until you're dry again. Can't have you dripping all over dad's carpet'' Jules shrugged and took off his socks ''Tapes not gonna work anymore. You're too wet. But I can't have you start mewling for help either''

''You have got to be joking! You are NOT stuffing those in my mouth!'' I screamed, my defiance returning.

'' really wanna make me put the shower on again huh?'' Jules winked ''You're shivering. Maybe you need a hot shower!''

''N-no need! H-here let me just....urrhmmmh! MMMMMMH!'' Under threat of more water torture I willingly opened my mouth to let the horrible brat push his socks in my mouth.

''Spit em out at your own risk'' Jules warned before leaving the shower. He returned with a white cloth that he tied over my mouth ''There! Now I'll just leave ya to think about what you did'' The boy pinched my cheek for a final time ''Bye, mister American! Enjoy your stay! See ya in a few hours!'' he patted my cheeks and walked out.

''Urghmmmh! Hmmmmmh!'' With the nasty tormentor gone I felt safe to groan in fucking disgust. His SOCKS were in my MOUTH! I was going to get him for this. That horrible boy would pay for what he did! At the moment I wanted to beat the crap out of that kid, but looking back I actually recall the experience fondly. Because this horror show is what introduced me to Nicolas.

The (fake!) leader

''Urmmg! HRRMMMH! MMHMMMMMMMH!'' I wildly started wriggling my arms in an attempt to break the shower nuzzle and free myself. The pyscho's dad might complain I broke his stuff but I didn't CARE! I was so cold, my clothes were all soaked and I was shivering like a straw. I had to get out of here and fast.

''Heya. Don't break my uncle's stuff please!'' a cheerful voice came into the room ''Ha I KNEW he locked someone up in here! I saw him leave this place with the most wicken grin on his face!'' the happy voice came from an auburn haired boy my own age. His brown hairs were much neater then the horrible boy who was apparently his cousin, and while this lad too had a grin on his face it was far more friendly, welcoming and....well quite cute actually.

''Mmmmh! Hlmmh mmmh!'' I pleaded and meekly wriggled my wrists.

''Let me guess....the American!'' The newcomer smiled ''I'm Nicholas! I'm kind of a big deal around here'' he told me, examining my helpless state with a curious expression ''Wow. Rose and Jules didn't lie. You are a cute one!''

I recall shooting the boy an annoyed glare. I certainly didn't appreciate a stranger calling me ''cute''.

''I guess I should apologize. My cousins are a bit of a handful'' Nicholas laughed sheepishly ''Rose was out scamming you into paying her dinner and Jules....yeah he's a bit protective of his sister. Its why you're currently so wet!''

I just became more annoyed. Obviously this brat was just trying to vex me. No way Rose was just playing with me. That girl was head over heels with me for sure!

''You seem like you're in need of some help'' Nicholas pinched my cheek as his cousins had done before ''Or are you a baddass who can handle it?''

The boy removed the cloth from my mouth, and I wasted absolutely no time spitting out the socks ''I am a baddass and I can handle this!'' I made it a point to make that very clear to him ''....but yes. I do need some help''

''Ahaha of course buddy! Sit tight. There's a scissor around here somewhere'' Nicholas pinched my cheek once more before briefly leaving me in the shower. A few seconds later he returned ''Tada!'' he proudly showed me the scissors.

''You're a lifesaver! Thanks a lot!'' Finally I could rest easy. The horror show had come to an end ''I'm Tyler by the way''

Nicholas cut the rope and the tape with his scissors. The moment my hands were free he took my hands and shook them ''And I'm Nicholas. So then....we friends?''

''We friends!'' I explained and happily shook his hands too. A friend my own age could relieve the immense boredom of this village. And as it turned out it did exactly that and so, so much more.

''Why don't you come home with me. I'll get ya some spare clothes. Yours are kinda wett!'' Nicholas smiled ''Good thing we're the same size!''

''Geeh I hadn't noticed I was wet'' I smiled back ''And same you seem kinda skinny. I could totally take you''

''Oh yeah? I guess that's why you had such an easy time handling Jules!'' Nicholas teasingly responded.

''That was....urgh you'll see!''

''We definitely will! I bet I'm faster though! Wanna race me to my house!'' And with that my new friend dashed off into the distance

''You're on!...hey but I don't even know where your house is!'' I shouted before following grinning and following my new friend back into the village.

Re: The Famous Five

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:52 pm
by Xtc
It's good to hear from our Dutch Ambassador again.
Looking forward to the coninuation.

Re: The Famous Five

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:42 pm
by FelixSH
I'm very happy to see a new story from you. It was a lot of fun to read, as expected. You still have this fun, light style that I always enjoyed about your stories. Except that your skills clearly improved a lot, I guess through writing a bunch of fanfics?

Anyway, love the setup, and I hope there is more to come. I already want to know more about these people. It's great, how your characters are always such funny goofballs, even the crazy ones.
''......yeah, if you even try to escape I'm kicking your nuts again''
This one made me laugh way too much. Guess I'm still a 12 year old, at heart.

Also, I'm really happy that you still write about guys getting tied up by their juniors. Even if (or maybe especially because) Tyler only got tied up because Jules is kind of crazy and doesn't care about rules. Dunno, I always enjoy it, when guys get tied and lightly tortured by younger guys, who should be easy to handly for them.

Re: The Famous Five

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:03 pm
by Likho
Wow! :shock:

I love that story!

That Jules is a really scary boy! I like his ruthlessness and terrifying self-confidence.
And I like that the younger kid dealt with the older one so ruthlessly and cruelly. 8-)

I'm not sure if I'd like to be in Tyler's shoes but something tells me that if I knew that horrible boy and knew what he was doing to his sister's boyfriends... I would probably go out with his sister. Just to meet him. :twisted:

Re: The Famous Five

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:59 pm
by Killua
I really enjoyed reading your story. Very well written. I really like how Jules dealt with him and probably other boys.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:14 pm
by Chris12
Nicholas' gift

Nicholas was just amazing. He was friendly, witty and welcoming. It hardly took a day for the two of us to become extremely close. We could chat for hours about all sort of stuff. It helped Nicholas was into pretty much all the movies, video games and anime as me. The only downside was that Nicholas was very tight with the other members of his family so when hanging out in his place I was bound to run into.....the boy.

There I was, chatting with Nicholas, a big grin plastered on both our faces when that.....that monster entered the living room. For today Jules had been dressed in suspenders and a light green shirt without sleeves. What a stupid outfit. He looked like Luigi's dorky little brother.

''Hey, Nicholas! I brought Super Smash Brothers just like ya asked!'' The tyke said with that insufferable grin on his face ''I got to warn you though. I'm gonna own you! With Ganondorf I'm gonna kick your....your.....what...the...heck'' I had the great pleasure to see the boy's stupid grin vanish completely as he slowly realized my presence ''What the HELL is he doing here!?''

''Right back at ya' I scoffed and shot my best pall an annoyed look. What was he planning?

''Heya, Jman!'' Nicholas just smiled and ruffled Jules' messy hairs lovingly ''Isn't it obvious? What are we Ty?''

''Oh I'll tell you what we are Nick!''

Me and Nicholas proceeded to wrap our arms around each others shoulder, shove our cheeks again each other and grin jointly ''Best friends!'' we both shouted out. That's right! Ty and Nick have a special bro pose!

''.......ew' Was all the boy had to say about that. He stared intensely at me ''You're just a glutton for punishment, are you'' he evidently didn't approve of our friendship and took a step in my direction. I bravely.....took several steps away from him ''Oh look. You're learning. Yeah that's right! I'm gonna....''

''Hey Jman'' Nicholas hastily got between Jules and me ''I'm really sorry but I lied to you. I wasn't interested in gaming with you today'' he gave me a meaningful wink.

''No!'' Jules knees started to shake ''You lured me into a trap! Grrr you're picking HIS side!?''

''Oh! You're taking my side!?'' This was a complete surprise for me, but a very welcome one. I could just hug my buddy and promptly did so.

The hairs that covered Jules eyes sadly prevented me from seeing the look of complete horror on his face. I had to make due with the boy growing pale and running off screaming.

''After him!'' Nicholas laughed and gave chase to his fleeing cousin.

''Ah yeah!'' I exclaimed and started running after the horrible tyke. This was going to be amazing!

The American strikes back

It was done! Half an hour later me and my pall might be covered in bite marks, scratch marks and even some bruises but justice had finally been served! ''Best friends forever!'' Me and Nicholas shouted, proudly performing our special bro pose and grinning happily.

''URMMMMH! HHNMMMMMH! MMMHMMMMMMP! GRRRMMMMMMH!!!!'' Jules sat on the ground before us. His ankles had been taped up to prevent flight, his arms were similarly taped behind his back and most of our duct tape had been used to completely wrap up his torso. But the proudest I was of what we had done with his big mouth. That horrible boy had wrapped the duct tape roll around my lower face five times. Not wanting to be topped I insisted we wrap our tape around his face seven times!

''Not so fun now, is it brat?'' I grinned and shamelessly admired my handiwork ''C'mon! Try to insult me again! C'mon! Try me!'''

''HRRGMMMMH! URGMMMMMH! MMMMMMMMMH!''Jules furiously shook his head in every direction as he screamed up a storm under that gag. The boy's head moved around so much those bangs flew around and gave me glimpses of his eyes for once. To my delight they were filled with complete rage.

''I'm really sorry Jman'' Nicholas wasn't gloating as much as me but he sure seemed satisfied ''I'm fine with you beating up some creeps after Rose but not by pall over here. Because we're....'

''BEST FRIENDS!'' We both shouted again and again we performed our bro pose. Seeing it just made Jules scream at us all the more.

''Now what shall I do with you?'' I wondered and took my prisoner's chin, lifting it up and pulling aside the boy's bangs. I wanted to see the fear in his eyes just as he saw fear in mine ''I could do that....INTERESTING shower trick you did on me!''

''Mmmhf'' The boy stopped screaming and merely scoffed

''I could tickle torture you! For over an hour perhaps?''

Jules just stared right into my eyes without any fright. Maybe he wasn't ticklish.

''Or maybe I could smear you in honey and put your butt on an ant hill and....okay WHY is he not afraid!'' I asked Nicholas as the brat just stared at me.

''Jman is a baddass'' Nicholas just shrugged ''And you wouldn't have done any of those things anyway. Jman might deserve a bit of a spanking for what he did but no one is giving my cousin any sort of torture. I don't think I'd allow it''

''You have GOT to be kidding me'' I growled. That horrible grin was returning to Jules face again ''So I can't even punish the stupid brat!''

''My cousin can't sit still. Trust me, him being bound for....mmm lets say five hours is punishment enough'' Nicholas smiled at me and patted my shoulder ''C'mon Ty, justice is served. Lets not let your little rivalry get in the way of our bro time''

''Oh fine Nick.....'' I could hardly say no to him ''Okay! The brat can stew upstairs. Lets make use of the swimming pool''

''I'll get us some towels, bye Jman!'' Nicholas ruffled his cousin's hair one last time and marched upstairs.

''Urgrmmh! Mmmmmmh!'' A pained grunt escaped Jules. The moment Nicholas left he started making all sorts of movements to put pressure on the tape holding him ''Hrrmmmmmmh!'' he shouted and wriggled about. It might have been cute if it hadn't been the boy doing it.

I didn't feel quite so satisfied just leaving the boy tied up. He deserved so much more. Still if my pall said I couldn't torture him then I wouldn't torture him. Simple as that.

''Okay brat I'm leaving but....ehehe' I looked past Jules to see a spiderweb in the corner ''But maybe I'll just give you some company'' a decently sized spider crawled around in his little web. I picked it up by one of its eight legs and moved over. Then something FUN happened.

''Hrmmmh!'' Jules started to peep ''Nmmh! nmmh! nmmh!'' the boy whimpered and rapidly shook his head.

''Well isn't that interesting! Hahaha! Sit still kiddo!'' I wasn't one to let this advantage go unused. I pulled Jules overalls forward and shot him a winked grin. In return he shot me a pitiful, pleading look.

''Nmmh!'' he shook his head one last time.

''Yes!'' I just said and dropped the spider in his overalls. I didn't feel too guilty. Nicholas could hardly blame me for this. I did not KNOW the brat was scared of spiders. Jules never said he was, not even when I dangled the spider before his stupid face. Probably because he had several layers of tape over his big mouth but who cares! I simply ''didn't know'' he was scared of spiders when I made him get intimate with one.

''EEEMMMH! NMH! NMMH! HMMMMMMMMMH!'' For once the horrible boy didn't disappoint. In pure panic he started screaming his lungs out, wildly contorting his body as the spider crawled over his skin.

''Have fun Jman!'' I ruffled his hairs mockingly ''Oh don't worry, its only for a few hours! Hahahaha!''

And with that I left the boy and his little friend alone. I had won!


With the boy taken care of I spend the remaining hours with Nicholas. Him clad in green swimming trunks and me in blue ones we enjoyed his swimming pool. Doing canonballs, splashing water against each other and using the water to shield ourselves from the oppressive Mediterranean sun.

''By the way Nick'' I smiled as we climbed out of the poor, both of us walking to our towels to call it a day ''You remember what we talked about yesterday?''

''About how you could easily take me?' Nicholas smiled back at me.

''Ha! You know me so well!'' I ruffled those wet hairs of his ''So lets do it. You against me, mano a mano!'' I had a feeling I could wrestle my pall down easily enough. I was a little bit taller and Nick's arms seemed a bit thinner than mine.

''Mano a mano? And who would the second mano be?'' Nicholas smiled cheekily at me ''Jules isn't exactly manly and he handled you pretty well! But maybe its like he said. You might just be a glutton for punishment!''

''I guess your cousin isn't the only boy with too big a mouth'' I frowned ''Don't worry. I'm gonna fix that! And then maybe you can keep him company as my second prisoner''

''Or maybe I'm gonna make you the prisoner!'' Nicholas winked ''Maybe I'll tie you to Jules. Face to face so his knees can kick at a certain place of yours''

I had to gulp on hearing this. This wasn't just a fight about who was ''in charge'' anymore. Now it was a fight to protect my special area too!

We each grinned at the boy standing in front of us, before lunging on each other. Soon the two of us were rolling around in the grass, each trying to subdue each other.

''I KNEW it!'' I cheered. As predicted when the rolling around stopped I was sitting on top of Nicholas ''So what were you gonna do with me again if you won?'' I asked and shoved my hand on top his mouth ''Oh right! Can't answer me, can you?''

''Mmmmh!'' Nicholas moaned. He seemed to be smiling at me ''Hrmmh! nhmmmmmh!'' he seemed to be grunting in my hand just to produce some muffles. How cute! As he did so he wriggled under my weight trying to fight me off him.

''So nicky-boy? You ticklish?'' I wondered and started to move my fingers over his bare stomach and sides

''Heeheemmmh! Mmmmmmmmh!'' Immediately Nicholas voice got a much higher pitch ''MNmmh! ehemmmh!'' he childishly giggled at my antics.

''I'll take that as a yes! So why don't I just....whoa!'' Things took a turn for the worse. I lost by balance as Nicholas managed to flip me over, very quickly moving to sit on top of me when it was my turn to be down on the ground!

''That's an interesting question you just asked me!'' Nicholas, now victorious and on top grinned, patting my cheek happily ''What DID I plan to do with you? Oh right! Can't answer me, can you?'' he returned the favor and clamped his hand over my mouth.

''Grmmmmh!'' I groaned. That boy seemed a bit too proud about mimicking me ''Urgh! nmmmmh!'' Unlike Nick I wasn't testing out how to muffle in my friend's hand. I just groaned in annoyance.

''And now here's my question to you! Are YOU ticklish!'' The copycat continued and now his hand was moving across my side.

''Hmmmmh! Nrgh! Ghhhrmmmh!'' I chuckled helplessly beneath Nicholas. In case you were wondering. Nicholas giggled like a girl while I was being tickled like a man! And not for long anyhow.

''H-h-hey! Hey! Cut it o-MMMH!' It didn't take long for our roles to reverse again and me again sitting on top of Nicholas with my hand on his mouth.

''What a naughty prisoner! guess I gotta tie you up good. gonna be a good boy and surrender?'' I gloated and pressed my hand tighter on his mouth.

Nicholas had the nerve to roll his eyes at me before nodding slightly ''Ymm whnnh'' he muffled at me. Any resistance he made stopped. He really was a good boy about this.

''See. Told you I could take you!'' I smiled, pulling my pall off the grass and holding his arms behind his back ''You got any rope around here?''

''In the shed. Go nuts, Ty'' My prisoner answered. What a good boy. A certain brat could learn a lot from him.

Marching my prisoner to the shed I quickly found a coil of rope. With a grin I applied it on Nicholas to make him my fully restrained prisoner. His wrists were tied behind his back, his ankles bound and his torso roped up ''And off you go!'' I tossed the helpless boy out of the shed, making him fall on the grass on his bum ''And lookie know what this is for'' I said, proudly showing off a white cloth.

''For your own mouth? I mean you're kinda loud and you brag way too mu-mmmmf!''

''Cute...'' I smiled, pulling the cloth between his teeth and knotting it in place behind his back ''So then! Now we know that if we fit I kick your ass and you'll end up like this'' I ruffled his wet hairs affectionately ''So maybe just agree I'm the boss here''

''yer nff tm bmoss...'' Nicholas rolled his eyes at me. The cleave gag wasn't as good at muffling him it seemed

''Okay you really need to stop doing that'' I growled. My pall had developed a habit of rolling his eyes whenever I laid a truth bomb on him.

''Mmmhke me'' Nicholas smirked. Who was the glutton for punishment now?

''Ehehe oh really? You want me to put you in your place? Even after I found out you're rather....'' I took the boy's bare feet in my hand and started rubbing my fingers on his soles

''Nmmh! Ehehe! heehee!'' A set of cute giggles quickly escaped the cleave gag.

''See. I can torture you!'' I informed my friend ''So then? Shall I? Shall I tickle you until you admit who's the boss!?''

''Uuuurmmh! Hmmmf! dnmmt! timmmphle! mmmmh!'' Nicholas screamed but wasn't doing anything to try and yank his foot out of my grip ''Hrmmmmh! Noommmf! Nommf! MMRMMMH! Heeeelmmff! Heeelmff! Aaaammmmhh!''

''Oh wow.....Nick are you...'' I blinked in surprise. All muffles but no real struggling? Nothing aside from token resistance? Nicholas was playing captive! He enjoyed wriggling and mewling like a bound and gagged hostage in the movies! How cute!

We both stared at each other and burst into laughing ''Okay. I'll be your villain'' I smirked ''You'll just be the helpless little boy'' I laughed ''I'm a villain and you're my little hostage''

''Furr nommf'' Nicholas winked at me ''Tomorumf ymm be thmm hmmstge!''

''So you STILL think you can take me? Even if you're my prisoner?'' I pinched the boy's cheek lovingly ''I guess you'll just need to learn your place! Nick, you better really enjoy playing the hostage because you'll NEVER defeat me! And to prove that point I'm gonna torture you. Prepare to be tickle tortured until no''

''ehehemmm! heeheemhh!'' Nicholas got a giggling fit when he saw it too. Something horrible had arrived.

I was prepared to have my fun. Nicholas as the helpless boy hostage, me and the vilest of villains. It would be fun. Nick sure seemed into it. But then....he returned.

''I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!'' Jules shouted, his mouth a completely red mess from all the tape that he unfortunately got off. With big angry steps the little tyke marched at us. He threw what remained of that unfortunate spider at me feet. Evidently he had stamped on it a couple of hundred of times because what remained was essentially a bit of mush that now dirtied my feet.

''Nice mouth you got there!'' I teased the enraged boy. This time I saw him coming and hastily jumped backwards when he tried kicking me in the groin ''Awww your dirty trick not working anymore?'' I ruffled Jules hair and the reaction didn't disappointed. He was fuming with anger at me doing that.

''So tell me kiddo! What prevents me from me just tying you up again? Maybe putting another big fat spider on you?'' I shot Jules a big grin but my eyes shot fire just as his. I took another coil of rope from the shed to threaten him with.

''Me! I'll prevent it!'' Jules stated and marched at me ''And that spider won't be the only thing I'll stamp on!'' he said with such venom I immediately moved my arms over my crotch for protection ''And once I'm done with that I'm going to introduce you to the toilet bowl. And trust me. Your relation is gonna be intimate!''

''You uuh....make an excellent point'' I gulped. It was unbelievable. I was more than a head bigger than this brat! I beat Nick who was stronger than this child and yet I was shaking in my boots ''I....need to...go. I uh....need to....w-wash Nicholas! Bye!''

''Byemmh!'' Nicholas cheerfully bade me goodbye as I bravely made a run for it.

''Get back here! This town is tiny! Your hiding places are gonna run out in a minute! Don't think you can hide from me!'' A furious voice haunted my every step as I fled Nick's house and ran into the village.

I was in for a whole lot of trouble.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:12 pm
by FelixSH
Aww, these two are such adorable dorks.

Can't wait for Jules to capture our hero again. :D

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:11 pm
by Chris12
FelixSH wrote: 3 years ago Aww, these two are such adorable dorks.

Can't wait for Jules to capture our hero again. :D
Thanks :D Danny might have inspired Jules little part in this play.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:29 pm
by Canuck100
I loooove your story. The dialogue, the style, the plot, the characters. Awesome!

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:07 pm
by cj2125
Really like this story! The characters are adorable and I love the old-school feel of it!

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:45 pm
by Socksbound
Really great start to this story. Love the light humorous tone you’ve set. It’s fun cute and totally adorable how the characters are interacting. Can’t wait to read more

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:23 pm
by Chris12
The Mistake

I wasn't very happy today. In all my years I've strived to be a total baddass in front of girls. And Nick? Well obviously as I'm the leader of our duo he should see I'm a baddass too! Today Rose, a girl and Nicholas, the junior member of our duo weren't seeing me being a baddass.

''Nicholas, with all the crying coming out there I think your boyfriend is in here'' I heard Rose tell my friend. She opened a closet causing me to fall out of it and ending up flat on my face before the two.

''HHHMMMMMMMMH!'' I screamed out. I was facing the two in just my boxers with my hand taped on my back and several layers of tape wrapped around both my mouth and my eyes. Evil tongues would go on to claim there were tear marks around the tape covering my eyes but that's obviously just baseless slander. I did NOT cry! Regardless of how much that monster may have tickled me!

''Heya buddy!'' I heard Nicholas say. I might not be able to see but I imagined he was grinning at my state and waved at me ''So let me guess? Jman?''

''Ymmhs!'' I fiercely nodded my head. I remember thinking ''what's the worst that can happen?'' earlier this morning when I encouraged a bunch of bullies at school to stuff him in a locker. And now you're seeing the answer!

''And now what would you be doing in my brothers bedroom'' Rose giggled. I knew, I just KNEW she was blushing at the sight of me in my underwear. Why wouldn't she ''I guess I should apologize. He keeps doing this to boys I talk too. Its really annoying'' I couldn't agree more!! It was so annoying.

''Okay Cuz, you work on his mouth, I'll do the eyes'' Rose took charge of the situation and started peeling the tape away from my eyes. I really hoped my eyebrows would still be there when she was done!

''Nrhmmh! Hhhnmmh! Owwmmmmmmmmh!'' I gave the most manly shrieks when the cousins worked on my gag and blindfold. Jules had used no less then eight layers so removing it was a painful affair ''Ooooooow! My lips! Nick be gentle!'' I whimpered.

It took some time but eventually I was able to both see and speak again. As I predicted Nicholas had a big smirk on his face while Rose did an expert job of hiding her blush ''Thanks a lot guys. Now for my arms!'' I showed them my bound wrist but both cousins just smiled at me.

''Say please....'' Nicholas poked my nose.

''Yes, mister American. Be polite about it'' Rose giggled and poked my nose as well.

''......please'' I mumbled.

''What's that mate?'' Nicholas ruffled my hairs.

''I really can't hear ya!'' Rose added ''If you wish we could just wait for my brother to....''

''PLEAAAAASE!'' I screamed ''Help me please! He's collecting a crab on the beach! You KNOW what he's gonna do with that! Please heeeeelp!''

''Ehehehe oh Tyler'' Nicholas started giggling but at least he took a pair of scissors to cutt my bonds ''Lets get you outta here''

''Poor boy. It must have been rough for you'' Rose meanwhile handed me my pants ''You might want to put these back on''

I had been saved! My bonds were gone and my clothes were on! Perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all. I could now spend it with my best pall and one hell of a cutie!

''AAAAAAH!'' That thought lasted barely for a few seconds when I saw.....he returned. And he had a crab in his hand! I may have dived behind Nicholas for some protection.

''Found it! Hey Tyler you're gonna meet a new friend!'' Jules entered with the most scary smile imaginable. In his hand squirmed a red crab. That could only end horribly for me! ''Oh hey guys. shouldn't touch my stuff'' he told his cousins upon seeing what they had done. He didn't seem mad at them though.

''Oh Jules. Can you please stop doing that to boys?'' Rose sighed ''Tyler is a sweetheart. He's my friend, my friend who happens to be a boy''

''He's a WHAT!?'' Jules exploded ''Tyler! You did NOT seduce my sis just now! Hands on your back RIGHT NOW!''

''He never learns. Mister America, you have my permission to whoop his ass!'' Rose shoved Nicholas away from me and pushed me towards her brother ''Go get him tiger!''

''W-w-what!? B-but! But!'' I like to tell you guys that I was full of confidence when it came to fighting this little brat. I wasn't.

Me and the boy faced each other. The stakes were high. If Jules won he would do all sorts of terrible things to me and Jules knew that if I won he would be facing a lot of payback. A LOT of payback! The epic showdown was about to begin.

Or was it?

''Hey Ty, if you win then please don't be rough with the kid'' Nicholas went to stand between us, briefly pausing or emerging showdown.

''Nick! Its been HOURS in that closet!'' I snapped back at him ''And he was gonna shove that crab where crabs shouldn't be shoved!'' remembering all the brat did just made me shake in rage ''And you know what! Once I kicked his ass maybe HE'S going to meet a new crab friend!''

''Oh Ty. Oh Ty, Oh Ty, Oh Ty'' Nicholas giggled ''You really think I'll allow you to hurt my little man?''

''Listen Nick. I KNOW you're afraid of him. I know you think he's gonna torture you if you don't defend him or if he thinks you'll pick me over him'' I told my buddy ''But you don't need to be scared of him. I'll protect you!'' I smiled at him. Nick was my best buddy. My bro, my French bestie. I would always protect him.

''Pffff.....ehehee! heehee! Hhahahaha! Oh Ty! Heehehehe! Good one!'' To my surprise Nicholas didn't fly into my arms for a giant hug. He was LAUGHING at me! Why the heck was he laughing at me!? ''Is that what you think? For real!? Hahahaha!''

To prove a point Nicholas marched up to Jules and gave him a big hug, a hug that was very affectionately returned by the little tyke ''We're family mate! Me and Jules are besties too!''

''Yeah! Nicholas and me are much better friends then you will ever be-mmmmh!'' Jules bragged but quickly found himself with his cousin's hand clamped over his mouth.

''Please don't ruin it, champ'' Nicholas smiled while pressing his hand over that big mouth. I always assumed Jules was the type to start biting off fingers when handgagged but he was rather docile when Nick did it ''I love my Jman and that's why I'll protect him. Even from you''

I suppose it might have been adorable if the apple of Nicholas eyes wasn't that horrible, HORRIBLE child.

''I love my champ, and my champ loves me back'' Nicholas smiled and Jules happily nodded his head ''And besides.....I'll never fear him!''

Aaaand the mood shifted completely. Me and Rose gasped in shock when we heard that. Jules also let out a muzzled gasp and the look that had previously been one of complete adoration and joy now turned into a frown.

''Nick....buddy did you just...'' I started shivering.

''Nicholas you''re going to die'' Rose also started to shiver ''Nice knowing you!''

''Huh?'' Nicholas expression was rather cute. If ignorance was bliss then the lad was as blissfull as they came. He really didn't realize what horror he unleashed ''What's up? Of course I wouldn't fear Jman. First of all we're besties, and he's a little kid while I am not. Really, Ty I kinda struggle to see why you get be-MMMMMMH!'' I would always protect Nicholas even from himself so I wasted no time pressing my hand over his mouth

''S-shut up! Do you have any idea what you're doing!'' I hissed and kept my hand on his mouth. No matter how much Nicholas protested and groaned I kept it in place.

''Okay......okay. American, you're off the hook'' Jules frowned ''Nicholas! I love ya too! But you gotta know I'm a baddass! You'll see. Now....out of my room y'all! I gotta plan something!''

I didn't need to hear that twice. Frankly looking back on things I think I dodged a bullet! I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I got captured by that boy again. Me and Rose quickly dashed out, taking the still dense Nicholas with me.

''Uuuuh....okay what just happened?'' Was the first thing Nicholas asked when I stopped handgagging him.

''Nick....'' I said and embraced him tightly ''Its been nice knowing you!''

''Hear, hear'' Rose nodded in agreement.

He'd find out eventually. No one said they ''did not fear'' Jules.

The lesson.

It had been a really pleasant day hanging out with Nicholas and Rose but eventually I had to head on home again. After a day of goofing around with Nicholas an evening of video gaming awaited. Abduction and torture session aside this was proving to be quite a nice day after all.

Around 21:00 my phone rang. It was Nick ''Hey Nick!'' I answered very happily ''What's up? Wanna hang out again?''

''I have a confession to make'' Nicholas said in a serious tone ''I've been lying earlier today. Truth is that I do fear Jules''

''Uhu'' I nodded. I already knew where this was going.

''I mean wouldn't you!?'' Nicholas asked me ''He's so clever! He'll always take you down when you least suspect it!''

''Right....'' I nodded and waited for the inevitable.

''And even if he's kinda skinny he packs quite a punch! He always knows where to hit people! you very well know''

''........'' I was still waiting.

''And he's just so handsome! Once he's grown up the girls will be chasing him all day long! And with his intelligence he's gonna gather a fortune in no time...''

''He's making you read off a script isn't he?'' I just asked him.

''YES! I'm tied up! He's been torturing me! HEEEEEELP!''

''Who said you could spill the beans!'' I heard Jules awful voice in the background followed by a swiftly muffled Nicholas.

''Mmmmh! Hlmmh mmmmm! hllmmmmmmh!'' My best buddy begged me over the phone.

''You know Nick. I warned ya. Have a lot of fun!'' I grinned and closed the connection. I warned him! I told him this would happen! I've always told him what that boy was capable off! Not my fault he didn't listen! Not my fault he goaded the wolf!

''.....God dammit'' I started to curse. Friends didn't abandon friends, and best friends didn't allow each other to get tortured by a little brat.

The rescue

I was feeling rather nostalgic as I stood before the empty vacation home. It was where me and Nicholas first met. Its where he had found me helpless under the brat's torture. Its where he rescued me. I just knew Nicholas was kept in there. After all Jules would risk having his parents found out if he kept Nicholas bound and tormented in his own home.

''Well hey there mister Frenchie'' I entered the cabin with a big grin on my face. Nicholas wasn't grinning in return. The poor boy was sitting in a chair , tied to it with a coil of rope. A cloth was tied between his teeth and given the bulging cheeks a pair of socks were likely in his mouth. With all the panting and sweating Nick did, not to mention the bare feet he had obviously been tickled tortured. ''Oh wow....that's clever!'' Walking behind the chair I noticed Nick's briefs were pulled high out of his pants and taped against Nicholas back for a permanent wedgie.

''Hlmmmmmmh!'' Nicholas just shouted helplessly. He looked at me with big, adorably pleading eyes.

''What are you whining about? He's treating you with kid gloves!'' I scoffed ''For goodness sake you're completely dry!'' When I was held here I was tied under the shower and tormented with both icy and scalding water! When he got me yesterday he put pepper powder in my eyes! And he had been planning to put a crab into my pants today! Tickling? Wedgies? Nick was getting off easy.

''Hlmmmmmmh!'' Nicholas repeated his shout for help. Maybe he really was the delicate one of our duo.

'' thought I was just a big whimp when I got captured by the brat so often huh?'' I couldn't help but gloat. Oh how Nick had been mistaken. Now he understood my pain!

''.....'' Nicholas sheepishly nodded.

''And? You were wrong about that....weren't ya?'' I asked and poked his nose.

''......'' Nicholas started nodding more firmly.

We both stared at each other and jointly giggled ''So then my fair damsel. Shall this hero rescue you?''

''Heeheemmh! Ymm! smmh mmmmeee!'' Nicholas repeated his pleading for help but proceeded to be far dramatic about it ''Hlllmmmmmmh! Smme mmmm!''

''Ehehehe! Okay! I, the hero shall save this distressed damsel!'' I laughed and ruffled those auburn hairs of his

''Smmmkinnh! Smmmkinmp!'' Nicholas muffled repeatedly.

''Sidekick? Nah! You're the damsel in distress!'' I kept laughing and pinched his cheeks ''Sidekicks don't get captured soooo easily!''

Nicholas just shot me a challenging look. He'd definitely try to prove he was more then a damsel if I freed him. If anything it made me even more willing to free my friend.

''Okay part of you HAD to know Nick was just bait right'' a voice chilled me to my bones.

''AAAAAAAAAAH!'' I screamed in terror and dashed behind the still bound Nicholas ''J-j-jules!'' I whimpered in fright when the horrible boy entered. I gulped when he used his key to lock the door.

''I knew you'd come for Nicholas! You being nice to him is like...your ONE redeeming quality'' Jules gloated ''Little Nicholas isn't the damsel! He's the bait! And I'm the villain''

''Y-y-you got that right!' I yelped. Jules was without a doubt the villain here!

''S-shut your mouth! Now hands behind your back! C'mon!'' Jules showed me the coil of rope he brought along. He was totally going to try and capture me with it.

''You know what? No!'' I moved from behind Nicholas and faced the brat head on ''You can't take me down! I'm older! I'm bigger! I'm stronger! And you are toast!'' I declared defiantly.

''Riiiight. Except I kicked your useless butt five times this week already!'' Jules just smiled at me ''Yeah you're bigger. You're also kinda dumb''

''What did you say?! You rotten.....aaaaah!'' I charged right into his trap. Charging right at the brat to wrestle him down and tie him just meant I'd be in range. As I charged Jules reached into his pocket and threw something in my eyes!

''Aaaaah! You rotten!....n-nooo!'' It was sand! The brat threw sand in my eyes! And while I brought my arms to my face the brat swooped my legs from under me. I fell to the ground with Jules quickly diving on top of me. This was gonna suuuck!

Maybe I could recover from this? I was still a lot bigger after all! I could fight him off and turn the tables!

That hope quickly became dashed when Jules put my arms behind my back. I heard a clicking sound and felt cold steel around my wrists.

''Handcuffs! H-h-how....where did you even!'' I gasped. Where did a little kid get handcuffs!? Didn't you need to buy them in a really adult store or something?

''Dad's a cop'' Jules explained with no small amount of satisfaction.

''And he let you play around with his stuff!'' I couldn't believe any parent could be that irresponsible.

''Uh....sure lets just say that's how I got em'' Jules giggled mischievously. So it was theft then.

''Don't worry Nicholas'' With me restrained Jules returned to his cousin and glomped him ''I'm not gonna torture ya anymore! Well....not MUCH! You learned your lesson! You're a good boy!''

''Ymms! Ymmmmmh!'' Nicholas rapidly started nodding his head.

''My real target!'' Jules picked up a nearby chair and put it behind Nicholas ''Is right here!'' He then picked me up and pushed me on the chair ''If you try to get off I'll hurt ya!'' he cheerfully warned me.

It wasn't long before me and Nicholas were tied back to back on our chairs. Two helpless 14 tear olds at the mercy of some horrible brat!
''Y-you won't get away with this! Y-y-you can't keep us here forever!'' I desperately trashed about in my chair.

''Oh sure! But I sure can keep you for an hour. You still need to meet your friend!'' Jules proudly showed me a bucked ''Guess what's in here! C'mon mister American!''

''HEEEEEEEEEEELP!'' I didn't need to guess. I knew the crab was in there.

''Oh right! Gotta fix that big mouth of yours!'' Jules happily showed me a roll of duct tape ''So how many layers this time? Ten?''

''HEEEMMMMMH! NRMMMH! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' I shouted, I threatened, I begged and I screamed as the roll got wrapped around my head time, and time, and time again.

''There! That's better! 10 layers of tape over that stupid mouth of yours!''

Me and Nicholas whimpered, fully aware we were at the mercy of a brat who had none. This was going to be a loooong night.

''Now mister American. Meet your friend!'' Jules proudly opened the bucked and dumped the red crab on my lap, causing to shriek in terror. Perhaps due to the rapid prayers to every god that was willing to listen did the crab not crawl towards my crotch. He went the other way, crawling over my knee before falling off and landing on my feet.

Disaster averted! The crab couldn't put his claws around my manhood! Jules plan had fai....

''GRMMMMMMMMH! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' what the crab COULD do was pinch my toes! Multiple times!

''Ahahaha! Aaaww he likes you!'' Jules bursted into laughter while looking at the crab hanging on to my little toe ''Smiiiile!'' taking out his cellphone the boy started taking pictures. From the crab ruthlessly picking on my feet, of my pained and horrified expression and my bound state ''Oh don't worry. Its not blackmail'' the brat assured me ''I just like having a trophy. I outdid myself today!''

''Hhhhmmmmmmh!'' I screamed out. The crab got bored of my feet and instead pinched my legs, though fortunately my socks helped block at leach some of the pain. Somewhat intrigued about the black fabric of my sock the crab repeatedly touched and pinched it.

''Now lets see what else is in this bucket!'' Jules grinned and fetched out two ice cubes.

''Grmmmh! Mmh gmmh klmmh ymmmmh!'' I shouted, trashing around violently. Sadly the ropes not only held me but the rocking movements severely pissed off the crab who returned to my toes to pinch them one after the over.

''Yeah I wouldn't make him mad!'' Jules giggled before dropping the ice into my neck

''HRrmmmmmmh!'' I groaned as the cold started to spread from my neck down to my spine. The ice melted rapidly against my skin which just caused ice cold water to spread.

''Hrmmmmmmh!'' Nicholas got the second ice cube which was also dropped against his neck. The cold causing both of us to squirm against each other.

''What's that? You want more?'' Jules asked the two of us. Apparently the frantic muffles didn't convince him that the answer was ''NO!''

''Ehehe! Very well then!'' and so came the second dose of ice cubes.

''Eeeeeemmmh!'' I couldn't help but shriek like a girl as two icecubes were dropped into my pants. Given the absence of such high pitches from Nick it seemed Jules just put the ice against his neck again.

''Okay! Say it wimps! Who's in charge here!'' Jules shouted at us

''Ymmm armmh!'' Nicholas shouted back. I had more dignity and refused to say it.

Jules pouted at me. He picked up the crab and dangled it in front of my face ''Who's in charge around here!''

''YMMM ARMMMH!'' I shouted out in horror ''YMMM ARMMH! YMMM ARMMH! YMMM MMMMMH!''

''Why thanks, Tyler! Geeh I didn't know you thought so highly about me!'' Jules gloated but to my concern he didn't put down the crab ''Too bad you realized it to late!''

''Mrrmmh! NMMMMMH! NMMMH! HMMMMMH! URMMH MMMMMMMMMMH!'' I completely lost it! Jules reached forward with the crab. Dangling it before my nose before going lower, and lower....and lower....and...

''EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!'' The crab was my frigging HERO! Tired of being dangled around it started to put it claws around Jules' nose! Ahahaha! And it was glorious! The sudden shock when he realized what was happened! The terrified look at the crab dangling from his nose and then the scream! Ahahaha!

''Get it off! Get it off! Get it oooooooooff!'' Jules screamed, frantically running around the room and shaking his head.

''Heeheemmmh! Mmmmh! hahahammmmmh!'' I naturally laughed my ass off at the display. It was sooo funny!''

''Oh don't you laugh! Owowow! I'm gonna! Eeeeeep!'' Jules screamed it out and he wasn't about to stop anytime soon.

''Heeheemmmh! hahahammhh! MMMMMHHHHH!'' I rocked around in laughter so much my chair stumbled over and fell, but I didn't mind! Even helpless as I was, even on the floor I had the time of my life!

''Heeheemmmh!'' Even Nicholas was laughing at his cousin's misfortune. Soft giggles escaped his mouth as he watched his cousin squirm.

''Daaaaad! Daaaad get it off!'' Jules was reduced to screaming for his daddy! Taking his key out, opening the door and running home for daddy! Ha! He didn't even lock the door behind him.

''Soommh.....'' Nicholas muffled at me.

''....soommmh'' I muffled at him.

''Mmmh! Urmhhm!' Nicholas grunted, wriggling in place without managing to break free of his bonds.

''Mhrrmmmh! Nmmmmmh!'' I grunted too, flailing on the ground as I too failed to break free.

Jules was coming back to free us right?....right?

''I nmmh tmm pmmmh!'' Nicholas told me and awkwardly crossed his legs. He needed to pee.

''Um....Mmh dmm tmmh!'' Nicholas wasn't the only one. This might be a looooong night indeed. But Jules was totally coming back for us right? Right?

Or Rose was coming to save us right....RIGHT?!

We weren't going to spend the entire night like this.....RIGHT!?

This was going to suck.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:38 pm
by FelixSH
Lovely chapter. I love how whimsical everything and everyone is in your stories. It's just so much fun, to read about this guy thinking of himself as a badass, when he is just the biggest dork. Even without the humiliation of being beaten and tied up by a younger kid. It's really nice how, in this world, there is this crazy kid, who wins against older kids by using all kinds of unfair advantages, but everyone seems to enjoy their state, in the end.

I could go on and on about lines that made me laugh here, but that would go on all day. Let me just repeat that I'm very happy that you are writing something here again. I missed you work.
Thanks :D Danny might have inspired Jules little part in this play.
Wait, is Danny Tims real name? :D You know, it would seem a bit silly that these older, stronger kids get captured by this young guy, but considering that he managed to tie up you 18 year old brother when he was, what, 12? I don't like bullying, but I can't help but have respect for that. It is also still one of my very favourite stories, that I have read in the ten years on this forum.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:54 pm
by Chris12
FelixSH wrote: 3 years ago Lovely chapter. I love how whimsical everything and everyone is in your stories. It's just so much fun, to read about this guy thinking of himself as a badass, when he is just the biggest dork. Even without the humiliation of being beaten and tied up by a younger kid. It's really nice how, in this world, there is this crazy kid, who wins against older kids by using all kinds of unfair advantages, but everyone seems to enjoy their state, in the end.

I could go on and on about lines that made me laugh here, but that would go on all day. Let me just repeat that I'm very happy that you are writing something here again. I missed you work.
Thanks :D Danny might have inspired Jules little part in this play.
Wait, is Danny Tims real name? :D You know, it would seem a bit silly that these older, stronger kids get captured by this young guy, but considering that he managed to tie up you 18 year old brother when he was, what, 12? I don't like bullying, but I can't help but have respect for that. It is also still one of my very favourite stories, that I have read in the ten years on this forum.
Ehehe well I actually meant the Danny in your ''How to deal with an annoying brother'' story.

And thanks for the high praise :D The contrast between being a dork and thinking he's a stud is definitely the main idea behind Tyler.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:04 pm
by Xtc
Going well.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:06 pm
by cj2125
Love this part! Its fun to see the ways Jules comes up to beat the older kids since he probably would lose in a fair fight! Respect to him for that!

This might be my personal opinion but I'm sure Nick would be totally okay playing the damsel in distress, he just needs to put up a front XD

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:31 pm
by Redman
Epic! I'm actually growing to dislike Jules a lot, the little bully! So you've got some old here. Can't wait to read more!

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:10 pm
by Socksbound
What an amazing chapter. Jules is such a great character especially his devious torture techniques. The humour that punctuates the story is brilliant I really am loving the story.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:55 pm
by Killua
I love that story! I think Jules and Ty have more in common then they think. Both want to be a badass but both always end up shrieking and begging like little girls :lol:

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:42 pm
by Chris12
Nick's Mystery Captor

Nicholas had some explaining to do. It was our daily bro night and yet he hadn't shown up. Of course by now I knew there was a high chance he was being held prisoner by that awful boy. If my Nicholas required rescue I'd give it to him, and if he just forgot I would drag him to my room by the ears. I was actually really hoping Nick just forgot. The alternative meant I might have to face the boy again.

''Oh hello dear'' Nicholas mother opened the door for me with a warm smile. Full disclosure she's kinda hot and in southern France ladies are a bit more physically affectionate. Ehehehe.

''Nicholas is upstairs if you're looking for him. He's been so quiet''

So he DID forget! A certain boy was going to wedgie town soon ''Thanks ma'am! I'll just have to crack up his volume then!'' I grinned and made my way upstairs. There was a giant 'DO NOT ENTER'' poster on Nick's door. Naturally his best friend in the whole world was an exception to this. I could just come in whenever I wanted.

''Heya Nick! You forgot something...namely ME!'' I said upon entering, looking in to see what he was doing.

''MMMMMH! TMMHLR!'' I ended up not being all that surprised at what I saw. The auburn haired lad was on the bed with his hands tied in front of him and a cloth tied over his mouth. He was also shirtless and with bare feet meaning someone likely removed some clothes for tickle torture.

''So let me guess? Its Jules again huh?'' I asked and stepped closer ''This has Jules written all over it!'' I couldn't resist and gave those bare feet a little tickle.

''Heeheemmhhh!'' Nick giggled but made no attempt to yank back his feet. He just sat there and took it happily.

''AAAAAAAAH!'' I suddenly jumped up in shock. If Nicholas was here then so was Jules! He was just hiding somewhere to jump me when I least suspected it. What did he say last time? ''Oh part of you HAD to know Nick was the bait right?''. Nicolas was the bait and now I had been lured into the trap he would tie me up and torture me!

Or not. No one jumped at me. No one suddenly sweeped my leg, threw sand in my eyes or zapped me or punched me in my special area.

''Ehehemmmh! Mmmmmh!'' Nicholas let out some happy giggles and showed me his hands while muffling into his clothes ''Nmmh Jmmmhn!''

''Not Jman? Huh.....okay?'' That was definitely weird. I pulled the cloth from Nick's mouth curiously ''Rose? For the record I wouldn't mind if she tied me up!''

''If Jman had been hiding around here you'd be dead now that you've said that!'' Nicholas laughed ''But this time my kidnapper Self bondage. I uh....tried and then I kinda....couldn't get out''

Oh that was just adorable ''Wow Nick that's'' I chuckled, and he chuckled with me in a cute sheepish matter ''So Nicholas is a little damsel after all'' I smirked and moved my fingers over his bare sides.

''Ehehehe! Heehee...nah I just wanted to know what it was like for...ehehe y-you!'' Nicholas giggled but stayed perfectly put ''You're the damsel in diMMMH!''

''You know!'' I grinned, clamping my hand on that big mouth of his ''Maybe not mouth off when you're at my mercy. Maybe admit YOU'RE the weaker one when you're tied up, and I am not''

Nicholas rolled his eyes but gave a slow nod ''Today, I, Nicholas Bonboun am the little damsel in distress'' he said when I removed my hand.

''Hahaha! Oh yeah you are!'' I fully agreed and ruffled his hair ''You're just lucky I found ya. Any villain could do all sorts of things with ya!''

''Yeah...well maybe they'd meet the fist of my American friend who'd protect me'' Nicholas laughed ''For today at least. I'd kick your ass every other day of the we-mmmhh!'' Aaand my hand went over his mouth again. The other hand went towards his briefs to yank them up his butt ''HMMMMMH! NHRMMMH!''

''Damsels don't say they can kick my ass'' I just laughed. I put Nick on my lap so I could more easily keep him handgagged. My other hand went to the remote ''Lets just keep our bro night here! Game of Chairs is on tv tonight!''

''Ymmh! Lmmh wmmht!'' Nicholas nodded and only made the mildest possible struggles in my grip. Seems we were going to watch the show like that.

Game of Chairs was the award winning fantasy show we both religiously followed. It was about the struggles between all sort of noble families in the land of Easteros. In today's episode prince Gran of Summerfell ended up captured by the evil Steelborn pirates, even being tied up and cloth gagged in a way not too different from Nicholas. I had some trouble focusing on the scene. I mean once you saw Nicholas look like a total cutie when he was bound and gagged, making those sheepish muffles it was hard to see prince Gran as anything but a step down. He was a cute enough prisoner but Nick was just....huh? W-where did that come from? didn't hear that okay!?

I quickly let go of Nicholas and shoved him on the bed ''Eh....lets just untie your wrists. I think you now definitely know that I'm the boss''

''Well someone's blushing'' Nicholas noted and smiled cheekily at me ''What's up Ty?''

''I....just think the books did that scene a lot better. That's...all'' I grumbled and quickly started working on undoing the knots.

''Ah, freedom at last!'' Nicholas rubbed his reddened wrists ''Yeah the books did that better. But at least prince Gran got tied up for a bit'' he walked to a nearby closet and put on a white shirt ''Which you definitely noticed. You suddenly dropped quiet at that part!''

''Well its the culmination of five seasons! Of course I'd grew quiet!'' I smiled, an excitable feeling overtaking me ''Did you SEE the part where the prince mother threw a dagger into Blersei's eyes just as she promised she would waaay back in season two!''

''Or when the White Knight and his black steed charged into battle like a one man army! Just as the prophecy said!'' Nicholas gushed just as eagerly as me. The two of us happily discussed the episode for an hour or so.

''Well! This has been VERY fun! Thanks Ty!'' Nicholas grinned but eventually stood up and put on his shoes ''But I need to go for a little walk. I'm gonna check on Jman a bit''

''Oh....'' I couldn't help but be very disappointed. Was Nicholas bailing on our bro night for him? I could suddenly empathize a little bit with the tyke's desire to capture and torment me for ''stealing'' his family ''Yeah...okay. Whatever''

''His parents and Rose are in Paris so he's stuck with a babysitter. I just want to see if he's doing okay'' Nicholas explained ''He's bad with new people so I worry a bit for him.

I made an annoyed sound. That brat could handle himself. It was the poor babysitter for who Nick should be worried.

''You know you CAN come with me right?'' Nicholas rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around me ''I'd love that actually''

''So that horrible brat can hit me again? No way!'' I firmly refused the offer. I wouldn't put myself in harm's way just because Nick was bailing on our bro night.

''So you heard crime is up right?'' Nicholas asked me and shot me a grin ''Real dangerous for a boy my age to run around unsupervised. Hey didn't prince Gran get taken hostage because his friends didn't want to be his escort?''

''Spoken like a damsel in distress! You need me walking around protecting little you!'' I started to smile. Was he trying to manipulate me? Soothing my ego definitely worked because any compliment aimed at me was totally true. That said I couldn't exactly shake the feeling of some rogue jumping from the bushes, covering Nicholas mouth to stifle his yelp and taking my friend with him. I mean....crime WAS up. Nicholas could end up in the trunk of a car, his arms taped on his back with the same silver duct tape pressed on his mouth to....huh where was I going with this?

''If I say yes will you come?'' Nicholas smiled and pressed his cheek against mine.

''Oh fiiine. But only because you ARE the damsel in distress and you NEED me to keep you safe!'' I insisted.

''Of course'' Nicholas giggled and patted my cheek affectionately ''And after that you'll sleep here! Since you're so grumpy you'll get less alone time with me!''

We went to see Jules and were in for quite the shock. His babysitter was Claire. She went to our school but was a few years or senior. She was so....HOT! I mean....yeah she was maybe a bit pretty. Keep this in mind because this will be important later in my story. But today I didn't pay much attention to her. I didn't even pay attention to Jules. My mind was elsewhere. Nicholas the damsel in distress huh? Sure I always said it when we wrestled about who was the ''boss'' but I never really thought about....well, about him being the damsel in distress. But now I couldn't get it out of my head. I couldn't even stare at Claire! What was going on?

Tyler in Dreamland.

As agreed I stayed over at Nick's place for the night. After hearing Jules mockery at me for some hours I was glad to me alone with my bestie again.

''Well then! See ya at breakfast!'' Nicholas undressed for the evening and crawled under the sheets ''Just don't snore like last time''

''I'm pretty sure YOU were the one who kept snoring!'' I grumbled while taking the sleeping bag on the floor ''But yeah! See you tomorrow, Nick! Sleep tight''

''Sleep tight Ty'' Nick replied and we both fell in a deep sleep.

''''So you heard crime is up right? Real dangerous for a boy my age to run around unsupervised. Hey didn't prince Gran get taken hostage because his friends didn't want to be his escort?''

Soon I was back in the streets of Soleil again. It was evening, not deep in the night as it was now but about 22:00

''Oh Tyler. He and Jman must learn to get along at some point'' An amused Nicholas left his house. It was a warm night so he dressed lightly, only wearing the shorts and t-shirt he wore after I had untied him. I saw myself also leave the house and walk to the opposite direction, back to my own.

Have you guessed it? Yes this is a dream about me NOT going with Nicholas that night. Its weird.

Nick walked the streets unaware of what was about to happen. But I was aware. I saw shadowy figures stalk his steps.

So you heard crime is up right? Real dangerous for a boy my age to run around unsupervised

Nicholas parents weren't super rich but they sure had things well put together. They lived in a big fancy house(mine's bigger) with a big fancy pool and two fancy cars. They could afford a ransom and anyone who was looking for one could realize where they would get it if they looked at their big fancy house. ''So you heard crime is up right?''. Crimes as in kidnapping a boy for ransom?

''H-hey!? What are you...let go of me!'' I saw the figures grab Nick's arms from behind ''What do you think you're doing! H-heeelp! MNMH! MMMMMMH!'' one of the figures clamped his hands tightly over Nicholas mouth.

''Be quite! Sit still you brat!'' The man cursed. Struggling, kicking, moaning into the hand Nicholas was dragged across the corner where a car awaited. The man holding his mouth let go before taking a roll of tape out of his pocket ''I said, quiet!''

''Hrmmh! MMMMMH! NRMMMMH!'' Nicholas squirmed with all his might but he couldn't escape the man's grip. The silver tape being wrapped about his mouth silenced all his cries for help. Nick's hands were placed on his back and taped in place. Then his bare legs were taped together. Just like after some of our fight Nicholas was rendered completely helpless. He couldn't fight back, he couldn't run, and he couldn't scream. Me? I just used this to ruthlessly tickle torture my bestie? Criminals? They wouldn't be so playful.

The trunk of the car was opened up and the screaming Nick was thrown in ''Now you better hope daddy pays that ransom. Would be a shame if we had to feed you to the fishes''

'NNMMMMMHHHHHHH!'' Nick screamed it out as the trunk of the car was slammed shut. It was a dream so naturally I could see inside the trunk. There lied my best friend as a bound and gagged hostage. The car drove off while he could only helplessly trash in his bonds of tape while banging the trunk and screaming his lungs out. The look did suit him. Nicholas always did have something delicate in his appearance. His face was was definitely more girly then mine!

Yeah...well maybe they'd meet the fist of my American friend who'd protect me Yeah...yeah maybe they would! And because this was a dream, MY dream they did! As an expert kid snoop I snuck into the hideout of these rogues. It being a dream I also didn't exactly need to look for it. I was just there and managed to crawl through the window.

As an expert at well in video games and in my dreams at least'' I snuck into the hideout with none being the wiser. I jumped on the unsuspecting criminals and easily beat the crap out of them. I am after all a baddass! And anyone who hurts my best friend is in for a world of pain! I found Nick easily. The boy was hogtied on the ground in front of a camera, no doubt for the ransom video ''Tmmler!'' he cried out my name through his taped mouth.

''Nick!'' I ran towards him and started pressed my hand on the by now multiple layers of tape ''This is gonna sting. Sit tight okay'' I said and ripped the layers off one by one.

''Hrmmh! urgmh! Mmmmmmh!'' I heard Nick's loud whining as I went to work. He definitely had the more sensitive skin. He was more ticklish than me and definitely made the cutest sounds when you ripped the tape from his mouth. Especially if you ripped it off real quickly! It was cute in a very boyish sort of way.

''Nrmmh! urmmh! yipes! Tyler did you have to rip it off so fast!'' The prisoner yelped as I tore off the final stripe ''Thanks Tyler. I knew you would come'' He said softly.

''Of course! Your American friend is here to save the day. Its what we do'' I gloated and started untying his wrists.

Nicholas, now grateful and freed looked at me with a big happy smile. He gave me a tight hug and whispered in my ear....

''HEY! Its time for school! WAKE UUUUUP!''

The awkward morning

''WAKE UUUUUP!'' The definitely freed, definitely not gagged and definitely not abducted Nicholas screamed right into my face.

''AAAAAAAAAAAH!'' I screamed out in shock. I mean....have someone shout loudly into your face as you wake up and see how you react!

''Geeh you were fast asleep. And you're....kinda pale. And sweaty. Nightmare?'' Nick asked and examined me. It wasn't exactly helping me feel at ease.

I felt....embarrassed. Dreaming about your best friend getting kidnapped was weird. And kinda enjoying it was even weirder. Why DID I even think Nicholas was a damsel in distress? I wasn't that much bigger and MY mom was the one who was swimming in gold. If anything kidnappers would be targeting me! It was a fun little joke between us when we fought, but this was different.

''Heya! Earth to Tyler'' Nick said and punched my shoulder playfully.

''Ouch! H-hey I was just....yeah uh...a dream'' I mumbled and for the first time I felt shy around Nick. I didn't like this.

''Yeah I bet being around Jman too long would give YOU nightmares!'' Nicholas laughed, patting my head affectionately ''Mom made us breakfast. You've got....four minutes till the schoolbus gets here. You really were sleeping like a log!''

Dreaming about your best friend getting abducted was kinda shameful. But do you want to know something more shameful? Your best friend saying, no matter how playfully that his American friend would protect him. And that you then didn't!

Crime WAS up. And Nicholas and me would be finding out about that real soon.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:10 pm
by FelixSH
Aww, that relationship is really adorable.

Nice to have a slower chapter, that is mainly focused on exploring that relationship, instead of focusing on the action. I love your action chapters too, but parts like this are just a nice change of pace, and add color to your world.

Thanks for writing, I'm always happy when I see a new part of this story. :)

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:29 pm
by Xtc
Thanks for continuing this.

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:29 pm
by Killua
Glad you continued your story. Nice chapter!

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:16 pm
by Chris12
The Bandit.

One of the things that annoys me most about Nicholas is his habit of doting on the boy. Yeah his parents and big sister are away for a few days, and he's stuck with a babysitter. So what? He doesn't need Nick defending him, its the babysitter that needs to be defended! And yet he keeps interrupting our bro time to check on the brat.

At least there is one silver lining here. Jules babysitter is Claire and she is cuuuuute! That bright smile, the blonde ponytail and the way she doesn't notices she's exposing maybe a bit more skin then she should. Ehehehe. Who knows, maybe Jules is as horrible to her as he is to me. Maybe I, the hero Tyler will need to save this bound and gagged damsel. Ehehehe!

''You know I can hear you giggle about it right?'' Nick smiled as we walked the streets ''And you know what! You may be right. Maybe we'll be seeing something a little special! Hehe!''

''You know, as the one who's not related to the tyke I'm not the one she's going to blame if Jules attacks her!'' I shot him a meaningful grin ''She'll think that silly Nicholas can't even keep his brat in line! Not very manly if you ask me!''

''Yeah...I think Claire saw how you fled the room when Jules glared at you yesterday! Not very manly if you ask ME!'' Nicholas shot back..

''Well nobody IS asking you!'' I retorted and decided to cover that annoying mouth with my hand, putting myself behind the boy so I could clamp my hand over his mouth, and use my other hand to grab his wrist.

''Hrmmh! Tmmhr!'' Nicholas grunted and I just knew for a fact he was rolling his eyes. And so the two of us walked, my grinning widely as I kept a tight grip on Nicholas who squirmed and moaned defiantly.

'Mmmh! hrmmh mmmh!'' Nick muffled at me when we reached the house. He expected me to let him go so he could use his spare key. Instead I just pushed his nose on the doorbell. No harm letting Claire see who was the boss here!''

''Hi boys!'' The beautiful blonde opened the boys and smiled at us.

''Hi Claire....'' we both said as if mesmerized, which of course we were. Although in Nick's case it sounded more like ''Hmmh Clrmmh....''

''Thmmhrr! lmmh GMMH!'' Nick grunted and now he was under Claire's beautiful gaze he stopped finding my grip on him to be funny. He struggled much more fiercely now to show Claire I was NOT the boss. Just so you guys know, I totally held him and proved to Claire that I was the boss!

''Hahahaha! You two are so cute together!'' Claire witnessed our little struggle for dominance and laughed. It quickly caused me to let go. Nicholas didn't take the chance to lunge at me either. We just looked at each other for a brief second and turned away with a blush.

''Oh we're not the cute ones here'' Nicholas composed himself first. While I stammered he brought a confident smile back on his face ''That be you and Jman!'s he doing?''

''Oh he's such a little dear!'' Claire lied. It just HAD to be a lie! ''Him and I are having quite the good time together''

''Cool! I'm gonna say hi, real quickly'' Nicholas smiled and stepped towards the door.

''Um! Actually its not a good time now!'' Claire tried blocking the door way ''We're real busy you see and....''

Nicholas ignored her objections and made her way past Claire into the house. I gave her a sheepish look before following Nick into the house.

And soon it became apparent why Claire had such an easy time with the little monster, and why she might not have wanted Nick to see. When we marched into the living room Jules was sitting on the couch.....tied up.

''Hrmmh! MMMMH! NMMHLMMH! NMMMMKH! NMMMMMMMH!'' Jules was sitting there with his hands tied behind his back and his ankles bound. On that big mouth sat three strips of duct tape. He must have been bound for quite some time since despite it being late in the afternoon he was still in his blue pajamas. As always his hair covered his eyes so we didn't see his expression.

''Hahahahaha! Good one! He's a handful isn't he!'' I laughed and raised my hand to Claire for a high five. She sheepishly looked back at me but didn't return the high five.

''NMMMMKH! NMMMMMK! NMMMMMMMMK! HLMMH MMMHHHH!'' Jules screamed it out and widely shook his head to get his hair away from his face. If I bothered to look I might have noticed his expression wasn't exactly playful. He repeatedly tried to scream Nick's name.

''We were playing cops and robbers!'' Claire told us and moved to the little brat. She affectionately ruffled his hairs

''NMMMMMMH!'' Jules screamed again.

''Jules does love cops and robbers'' Nicholas said but unlike me he wasn't laughing his ass off. It really was annoying how he played the big bro for that boy ''But I think I'll put that on break. I want to have a little chat with him''

''Oh....uuuh I don't think he'd want that! He's SUPER serious about cops and robbers'' Claire quickly said. She placed her hands on Jules shoulders. Why didn't she put her hands on mine. The brat didn't even appreciate it. Instead struggling mightily to get her away from him. RUDE!

''So boys! It was really nice of you to come and visit! I'm sure the little dear appreciate it. But I really need to start on making Jules some dinner so....I said no!'' Nick had moved to ungag Jules but as soon as he put his hand on the tape gag Claire slapped him.

I uh....don't exactly know what happened. One moment all I could see was a big flash of anger, and the next moment both me and Claire were on the ground, me sitting on top of her with blood on my hand and her having a bloody nose and a black eye.

''Oh! uuuum! S-sorry! Sorry! I guess I just...'' I stammered. I wanted to profoundly apologize for punching Claire like that. I didn't even realize I did it until It was to late.

''KILL HER!'' Jules screamed once Nick tore the tape from his mouth ''She's ROBBING us!''

''......shit'' Claire muttered from under me.

''YOU WHAT!?' Both me and Nick yelped. Now that I looked closer there really WAS a lot less stuff then when we visited last time. Heck, even the tv was gone! I just didn't notice because I had been looking at Claire's ass the entire I mean at Claire the entire time! And Nick likely wasn't any different.

''S-she started last night! Once I went to bed she....she and some jerks GRABBED me! They tied me up and started looting!'' Jules yelled distraught. I...geeh. I never imagined seeing an upset Jules would upset me. I expected to laugh!

''Tyler....'' a fuming Nicholas growled ''Don't get off her''

''Oh I won't. Find whatever rope she used to tie Jules with'' I responded with the same growl. Claire wouldn't be going anywhere. I'd be binding that girl and not because I'd be into it. Well....not primarily because I was into it at least.

''Grrr! G-get off me, American! Get...OFF!'' Claire didn't smile so warmly at us this time. She glared and barred her teeth at me.

''I don't think I will'' I just said. She might be older but she was still a girl. I could keep her restrained handily.

''Let me go or I am going to hurt you'' Clair warned me but she didn't squirm anymore.

Considering our situation I let out a laugh ''Yeah right! Listen lady, you're not gonna push me off anytime soon!''

''Um....TYLER!'' Nicholas yelled

''Maybe I won't....but they will!'' Claire smiled deviously at me. When I looked over at Nicholas I could see two teenage boys had entered. I didn't know their exact age but they were certainly older than me and Nick. And bigger.

''Hi boys'' Claire said ''These brats are kinda ruining everything. Can you help me out here? Get them!''

''In your dreams!'' Nicholas dodged the boy that tried to grab him and punched his face. I....did not do that. Don't get me wrong I went down as a baddass but....I kinda froze up. And then the other boy seized me, pulled me from Claire and pushed me against the wall.

''I'd told you I would hurt you for this, American'' Claire grinned and punched me. She punched below the belt!

''Well! That's going to keep him out of our hairs for a bit!'' Claire said delighted. That was an understatement. For the next moments I would be on the ground, hands pressed against my special area and howling in pain.

With me out of commission the one who grabbed me instead joined his mate. Nicholas was so baddass. He wasn't winning or anything, but he nimbly avoided the goon trying to grab him, even threw the tv remote right in his face! But avoiding two goons was too much. One wrapped his arms around Nicholas and pulled him to the couch.

''Argh! Let go! let me go! LET GO! You won't get....argh! TYLER!'' Nicholas screamed as he was pushed on the couch and held in place. As his hands and ankles were bound he called out for me. I didn't answer. Now I had an excuse! I was kinda in horrific pain but considering I froze up I can't entirely say I would have dashed to his rescue. I mean I WOULD!....I think....I hope.

''You won't!...steal from my...f-family!'' Now his hands were bound Nicholas resorted to doing the only thing left to do ''HEEEEEEEEEEELP! HEE-MMMMMMH!'' The neighbors might eventually have heard, but Claire swiftly put an end to that by covering his mouth with her hand.

''Tape please'' Claire instructed her henchmen who put a role of silver tape in her hand ''You really are little brat aren't you'' she said to Nick. Her mouth went off his mouth but then the tape was put on his lips, and then she started rolling the roll around Nick's head, wrapping it in multiple layers of tape ''Did I say you could enter the house? No! And you still went in. And I believe I told you NOT to remove the tape from that mewling brat's mouth!''

''MMMMMMH! NHRM MMMMMMH!'' I'm sure Nicholas had a lot to say. She was robbing his aunt and uncle, and had attacked his cousin. Nicholas was protective of him, even from me and had a lot of words for anyone who looked at Jules funny. Still right now it all came out as ''MHMMMMMMMMHH!''

''Stop! Get your hands off him! Let him go! I'll kill you!'' Jules screamed and tried headbutting the evil babysitter, but was casually pushed off the couch.

''Can someone GAG him again!?'' Claire yelled and normally I wouldn't have disagreed much. But now I'd much preferred Jules to use that big mouth to scream as loudly as he could.

I stood up from the ground, facing the boy who came to shut Jule up ''Get away from him!'' I declared in an incredibly high pitch, an after effect from that unforgivable punch below the belt ''Ahem! I mean....GET AWAY FROM HIM!'' I repeated much more manly.

''Oh right. The village idiot'' Claire rolled his eyes ''Yeah, shut him up too!''

The boys lunged at me, but taking a page from Nick's book I dodged ''Ha! Too slow, idiot!'' I said and threw a vase at one of the boys. Desperate times justify throwing heavy objects at people! It scattered on his face and blinded him with a lot of ash.

''That's my GRANDMA!'' Jule yelled about the broken vase ''.....but nice throw! Ha! he's bleeding!''

''And so will YOU if you don't step away from him RIGHT NOW!?'' I screamed at Claire. She was still holding my best friend ''Or I'll beat you up CUNT!'' That last bit I said in English rather than the French we had been talking in the entire time. I wanted to voice my disgust, but it would be best not to offend the crazy thief lady too much. Luckily these French jerks didn't know English!

Claire breathed in deeply and glared. Uh-oh ''What did you just call me!?'' she yelled, also in English. Nick, Jules and the other boys also reacted rather shocked.

''urgh! gaaa! wait! Urgh! NOOOOOO!'' First she lunged at me and punched me in the stomach, then another hid below the belt before elbowing my spine to send me to the floor. Okay maybe these people all did know English.

''Urgh......oww'' was all I could bring out, now only being able to whine from my spot on the floor. I was too dazed to realize much for some time. By the time I was back to normal again I was sitting on the coach with Jules and Nick, the three of us all having our hands behind our back and our ankles bound. One of us was already gagged. The others soon would be.

''NO! nono! Get away! Go AWAY!'' Jule yelled at the boy coming at him with tape ''Grrr! You won't g-get away with this! I said GO AWAY!'' the little tyke screamed, he threatened and he bit, but eventually the tape hit his skin and then it was wrapping time ''HRRMMMMH! GRRMMH! NMH MMMMMMMMH!'' he screamed as layer after layer was wrapped around his lower face.

''N-n-nooo! Wait! wait!'' I yelped when I was to undergo the same fate ''J-just wait! W-what are you even trying here! T-talk to me Claire!''

''Isn't it obvious'' the girl sat next to me and placed her hand on my blonde hairs, ruffling them in a way that still turned me completely red ''We find a rich neighborhood, I naturally find a rich kid to babysit and when those idiot parents are away for an extended time we rob them blind. Clever huh? What do you think?''

''I think the Simpsons doesn't air much in this country'' I scoffed. This was obviously inspired by the babysitter bandit!

''It does'' Claire just said and personally pressed a piece of silver tape on my lips. It was the last of the silver tape roll. The rest was spend on Nick and Jules. However she was just given another roll of tape. And again it was wrapping time. Claire personally did this too, wrapping the roll around my head time after time ''And since the brat's idiot dad is also part of the police....well maybe we steal some evidence too. I bet some people will pay big money for it''

''Grrrmmmh!'' if looks could kill Jules would have killed me a long time ago. But she'd certainly have killed Claire with that dark glare on his face. For once the normally so friendly looking Nick glared at her too, in a way shockingly similar to the brat's.

And so here we sat. Three boys, surrounded by thieves and only able to squirm and moan in our gags. The goons started picking up all manner of objects into bags and piling them up in the corner. Laptops, paintings, books and the work equipment of Jules dad, it all went into a sack. The curtains were all shut so no one from the outside could see, and we were all tied up so no one on the inside could stop them. They had free reign. And already empty looking house started looking more empty by the minute.

''Oh look!'' Claire held up Jules Nintendo Switch, proudly waving it in front of his face ''You're giving this to me?! Oh, Juli you darling! Thank you so much!'' she teasingly gave Jules a kiss on his cheek. Yesterday I would have wished she'd kiss me on the cheek, but quite frankly after that beating she gave me I now much preferred she'd stay the heck away from me. Jules seemed to agree with me on that one as he only gave a stiff, seemingly frightened whimper when she kissed him.

''GRRMMMMMMH!'' Nicholas on the other hand exploded in rage. Very little of my mild mannered, cheeky friend remained. Instead he shouted his lungs out and tried to hard to break free and lunge at Claire that he started to sweat profoundly.

''Oh what's that? You don't like me anymore?'' Claire turned her attention to Nicholas. She put her chin in her hand and stroke his cheek affectionately ''didn't you like me, little Nick? didn't you peek at me whenever I passed you in the hallway'' she teasingly pressed herself against the boy. Yesterday I'd have been annoyed she didn't press herself against me, but again I just wanted her to stay away from me now. And she did! Not even a second of her time she spend on me!

''Hrmmh! urgh! grrmmh.....mmh'' Nicholas tried saying angry, he tried to glare but he noticeably deflated. Instead he turned red and meek, trying and failing to keep his eyes off her breasts and peeping awkwardly.

''Heehee! You always were the cute one'' Claire giggled and kissed his cheek, prompting a high pitch peep from Nick. Yesterday I would have wanted her to kiss my cheek but....well, you get the gist of it by now.

After giving my Nick one last wink Claire stood up and went to work again. And the house grew more empty still. We sat there for at least two hours. I guessed they would only get those sacks of stolen possession out of here long after midnight, when the neighbors were fast asleep. And in the meantime we sat here. Now normally one's parents would worry if their son did not come home in the evening. But I was so attached to the hip with Nick that my mom would easily assume I just spend the night at his place. And Nick's mom would think he was with ME! No one would miss our absence. Yikes that's a creepy thought!

''Well this has been fun!'' Claire stood up and smiled at us ''But I think its time to....get you boys out of the way''

''HRRMMMMMH!'' I made out a horrified yelp. W-w-was she a killer too?! Where we going to die here?''

''Hrmmh!'' Not approving of my display of fear Jule rammed his shoulder into mine harshly.

''Mhmmh! Nmmh!'' I yelped again when I was roughly pulled from the couch ''NMMH!'' I cried out in even bigger panic when Nick was pulled up too. The three of us were marched outside of the living room and towards the hallway. The other boys weren't panicking as much but even they couldn't hold in some frightful peeps. The door to the basement opened and we were led downwards. I must say as rotten as that girl is Claire at least seemed careful not to let us fall off the stairs. We were carefully but firmly moved downstairs. I knew what this meant. Jules had once locked me up there. Specifically he locked me in the rather sizable closet that was found down there.....he locked me in there with a crab!

''NRRMH Grrmmmmmh!'' Jules knew it too, wildly wriggling in their grip.

''Sorry boys!'' Claire showed us another roll of duct tape ''Don't want you to break free'' she told us at which she wrapped us up, wrapping the tape around our torso, our ankles, even our fingers ''Don't want you to phone for help'' she said and took our cellphones out of our pockets ''don't want you to see anything to cut yourself loose with'' and finally the tape was wrapped around our heads again, this time to cover our eyes.

''Mrmmmmmh!'' Before my sight left me I saw Nick, tightly wrapped up, his mouth and eyes wrapped up in duct tape and thrown into the closet. Then the similarly bound Jules was thrown in the closet too ''Grmmmmmh!'' I screamed at Claire who smiled smugly and wrapped the tape around my eyes and hair too. Finally I was marched into the closet and thrown inside.

''NMMMMMMMH!'' the three of us screamed before the door was closed and the clicking sound of a key was heard. Bound, gagged, blindfolded and put in a locked closet. We weren't going anywhere.


''Hrmmmmmh!'' It was just SO! DARNED! CRAMPED! The three of us were locked in here. As we helplessly wriggled I could feel their skin against mine. I could feel their tape rub against my skin and I could feel their breath, even their heartbeat at times. It was....unpleasant.

''Nmmmmh! Nmmholmmh!'' I muffled out his name. It was so dark. I couldn't see a thing. I could only hope the face I pressed mine against was his ''Mmh smmmy!'' I cried out. When they took him I just sat there on top of Claire. I didn't do a thing until after he was already captured.

''Mmmmh! nrrmmh! Gmm mmhy!'' Okay so it was not Nick's face since it was Jules moans that greeted me, as well as an attempt to shove me away.

''Tlmmr! mmmh! ymh dmmh mmmh nmh! Nmmh hmmmht!'' I heard Nicks voice from the darkness and turned towards it. He was saying something but it all being incoherent moaning I couldn't understand a thing. Was he angry with me? Did he just smile at me and say it was fine? I had no idea. Nick couldn't tell me how he felt which wasn't exactly helping me feel any better. Nick certainly pressed his body against mine but in this closet that was our natural state already!

We couldn't speak to each other, we couldn't see each other and we couldn't help each other. all we could do was helplessly wriggle against each other and moan incoherently. For hours. Maybe even days! I didn't know when Jules parents would be back! I didn't know how much longer we'd be stuck her, or even how much time had already passed.

''Hrmmmmmh! MMMMMMMH!'' only the muffled groans of Jules and Nick could be heard. As time went on I started losing track of which belonged to who but eventually as our plight became more hopeless I could somewhat find out which boy was were in the closet. The higher pitched and deeply upset moans were from Jules. Understandable. The poor thing had been held the longest and lost all his stuff. The reunion with his parents and sister was bound to get super awkward. The more gentle sounds in responds had got to be my Nick, those muffles occasionally being made in my direction made clear this had to be Nick. I occasionally got an angry snarl whenever I pressed against someone's body which naturally was Jules.

And so there we sat. In he dark.....for hours, and hours and hours. Eventually even our gagged grunts became ever more exhausted. We just sat their, wriggling, screaming, at times sleeping until finally it happened. We heard very upset speaking.

''HRRMMMH! HLMMMMMH! HLMMMMMH!'' At the time I was the only one awake. As soon as I heard voices I just screamed out out ''HLMMMMMMH!'' I positioned myself in a way so that I faced the closet door, pushing my fellow prisoners aside and kicking my feet on the wooden door ''MMMMMH!''

The sound caused the other two to awake too. They too heard the sound and joined me.

''HMMHMMMMH! NMMH HHMMMMMH!' We screamed, we howled and we kicked the door with all we got. It still took a long time until we were found.

Eventually the clicking sound of a key was heard again. The closet opened and we finally got air again.

Rose got the shock of her life. When she opened the door three firmly bound and gagged boys dropped out. I fell out first, followed by a smaller frame which fell on top of me(Jules) and then a bigger but somewhat slim flame falling on the two of us.

''Oh gosh....oh....oh......oh my....'' I heard Rose silently whimper as the three of us, desperate and drenched in sweat squirmed and crawled on the ground like fish, each of us trying to stand and falling down immediately due to our bound legs.

Our moaning was incoherent but I was the first that eventually managed to make a cry that sounded vaguely like ''HEEELP!''

''Oh Jules!'' I naturally couldn't see but judging from the sounds it seemed Rose first took Jules into her arms and then Nick. As the outsider, even one friendly with Rose I was the one left wriggling on the floor. The sound of tape being peeled or ripped off reached my ears. Naturally I didn't even begin to get freed. Rose first started with Jules and after a lot of whimpering and crying from the boy they began setting Nick free. I couldn't blame them. Dreadful as my state was I patiently waited until finally I felt the tape around my eyes being peeled off.

''Heya! Rise and shine Ty'' I was greeted with Nick's face. He wasn't exactly smiling but he was at least making a brave attempt to be his cheeky self

''Ymm lmmh trmmblh!'' He looked terrible! The area around his mouth and eyes was completely red, his hair was a giant mess and he looked as if he had spend hours cramped in a tiny space, which he had.

''Right back at you! Sit still''

''Owwmmh! HHHMMH! GHMMMMMMH!'' I squealed. The tape was certainly very painful to remove, even if Nick tried to be gentle. He patiently got me loose, getting as much tape off me with his hands before using a scissor to take off the rest.

''And there! You're out again'' Nick said and ruffled my hairs.

''T-thanks'' I mumbled. Only a broken mirror remained in the room ''We really DO look terrible!'' I said which was an understatement. We were a mess, a sweaty, exhausted mess covered in tape markings. The two of us panted in exhaustion, getting some energy back before jointly putting our arm around each others shoulders.

''Jules said he's gonna kill her'' Nick said and managed to smile at me ''We won't go that far but....we'll get her''

''Oh yes...totally'' I managed to get out between panting ''We'll crush her. Doubtlessly.....''

But that was for future. For now I needed rest, and a bloody SHOWER! And I needed to pee! Oh, you can not believe how relieved I was that no one needed to pee back in the closet! That would have been.....yikes.

'' smell horrible!'' Nick eventually say and let me loose, instead pinching his nose shut.

''Ugh! You're one to talk!'' I responded and punched his shoulder ''Guess I'll need to borrow Jules shower....uh if its still there. Gods I hope its still there!''

Going upstairs wasn't making me feel much better about the whole event. Even things that WERE nailed down had been attempted to remove and steal. Little Jules was fuming in rage and marched at me. For a moment I believed he was going to beat the crap out of me ''Hey! Yeah you!'' he barked at me ''She's gonna die! I'm gonna....grrrr! And you're gonna help! Be useful, big buy! We're taking that CUNT down!''

''oh certainly. We'll crush her'' I repeated. I still took several steps away in case he needed to vent. But me and the boy were a team now. We would find and crush that girl. No one attacks Tyler, or his best friend, or the horrible boy that's related to his friend!

Re: The Famous Five (m/m)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:27 pm
by cj2125
I think you outdid yourself! Poor boys! (Even Ty). Great description of their struggle and their reactions! Had fun reading this!