A new game for our favorite Aunt (mmm/F), Part 2

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A new game for our favorite Aunt (mmm/F), Part 2

Post by quietman »

Okay, here is Part 2. Thanks for all of the interest and positive comments. Enjoy!
Part 1: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11487

The doorbell rang again. I tried not to panic. My cousin and I just looked at each other, and my aunt was really mmphing into her gag a lot. I walked over and unknotted the rag dropping it to her neck. My aunt seemed a little distressed and was panting but she wasn’t angry.

“Guys, you’ve got to free me, this could be important!”
I gave my cousin a skeptical look.
“Ehhh, not so fast auntie, I think we’re gonna just keep you there for now.” I turned to my cousin Alex and he said, “Who comes around on a Friday evening?”
I joked, “It’s probably just a delivery guy or a Jehovah’s witness or something… I’ll go up.”

Even though I played it off nonchalantly, I was a little worried about who was here. I guess if worst came to worst, we could stall and try to free Aunt Chrissy as quick as possible.

I approached the door and checked the peephole. Turned out it was my friend Jared, a neighbor down the road. He was a year older than me but we were decent friends, we did sports together. He was average size for 13, just starting to develop. He had a little cocky streak, especially when it came to girls. I quickly opened up.

“Jimmy, where you been, I’m freezing out here?”
“Oh hey Jared… what’s going on?”
“What do you mean what’s going on, aren’t we gonna hang out tonight? Your parents are gone this weekend, right?”
I had completely forgot I told him a week before that it would be a fun weekend for him to come over and hang out.

“Oh, sorry Jared, I just forgot. Uhhh… I just can’t do it tonight, see uh, my cousins are over…” He looked around for a few seconds.
“Who’s car is that?”
“Oh it’s my aunt’s… uh, do you remember my Aunt Chrissy?” He paused for one moment, and then smiled,
“Oh yeah, the really hot one!”
I smiled a little and looked down. “So you do.”
“Yeah she was cool too, in fact she gave me a ride once. I think she liked me! Oh man when you said babysitter, I figured it would be your grandpa sitting on the couch drinking beer… Okay, I’m definitely coming in now! What’s she wearing?”

I shuffled over to block him, “No!” I tried to not appear nervous, “Look Jared, it’s just not a good time right now. Just come back tomorrow, I promise we’ll hang out, you can even see my aunt then.”

“What’s wrong, is it an emergency or something?”
I was never very quick on my feet. “Well… no, but...”
“Alright then, I’m coming in. Don’t worry I won’t stay too long. Just steal a kiss or two and then I’ll be out… by the way, are you moving to Moscow or something?” he pointed to my hat.

I realized there was no getting rid of him. I made him promise he wouldn’t tell anyone, especially his parents. I told him about or game and that we had our aunt tied up in the basement. His face brightened up anxiously. Then he followed me down the stairs.

“Don’t worry, it’s just us.” My cousins and still bound aunt looked nervous. “It’s just my friend Jared. Another potential comrade actually!” I introduced him to my cousins first.
We then approached my aunt, “Uh, Aunt Chrissy do you remember Jared? You’ve met him a few times.” She looked a little embarrassed, but still smiled at him,
“Nice to see you again honey,” she said, still totally restrained.
He responded, “uh, nice to see you…” and then tried to approach her and gave her an awkward kind of half hug, which naturally she couldn’t reciprocate.

Then he asked what we were doing now and we told him really we were just watching Rocky IV.
“Oh man, Rocky IV sucks…” We then started arguing about it and my cousins started shooting him with nerf guns. After a few minutes of brawling, Jared stood up and asked,
“Wait a minute I thought we’re playing a game with your aunt? She’s just watching us and laughing.”
Aunt Chrissy had mostly had fun with the game, but now was content just watching the 4 kids.
“Yeah that’s true,” Alex said still panting from our grappling. I walked over and put the fur hat back on my head, “Yes, this internal bickering is crippling us comrades. We must interrogate this Western agent!”

My aunt squirmed in her bonds a little bit and then flipped her hair out of her face. She was smiling and playing along,
“Oh no… interrogation? What are you even going to ask me? I know nothing anyway!”

We decided that before questioning we would have to adjust her in case we need to use “coercion.” We untied every rope from her, with her hands being freed last. We even gave her a minute to stretch out. My cousin Alex, who had put his black Spetsnaz mask back on, exclaimed excitedly “okay, let the questioning begin!” Of course, with Jared we now had four bad guys to interrogate our captive.

The four of us coalesced around her and pulled on her a little, signaling her to sit down on the floor. Then we bound her wrists in the front and again her ankles. She was on the floor sitting up. Troy and Jared took ahold of her arms.
Alex jumped right in, “Now comrade, what can you tell us about our nuclear codes?”
I followed it up with, “Yes anything you know about our nuclear briefcase… physical description where it came from, anything…”
Aunt Chrissy pulled her knees closer to her and began laughing. She seemed to be having a good time again.
“Uhhh… I don’t know anything!

Troy and Jared tightened their grip on her arms and Alex pulled her legs straight.
“Okay, okay!” she was giggling. “Let me think.” She looked around for a minute and chewed her lip.
“Well, the case is black and yellow. It was pretty old… vinyl and leather. It had black leather handles. It was either made by Stanley or DeWalt… I think it was DeWalt.”

I looked at Alex, “Our codes are compromised!”
Alex was having a lot of fun with it, and he looked at her with a crazy smile and asked “How did you know it was DeWalt? That’s top secret!”

She was enjoying playing along but was struggling to stay serious, “I don’t know… haha, it’s probably just the tool brand your parents buy.” She was laughing with a looker on her face like "what are these kids gonna turn this into!"

Alex, Jared and I just looked at each other and I said, “She has inside contacts with the Kremlin! We’re compromised!” We then decided to “sentence” her to prison until the morning. Jared had been mostly quiet, although he was enjoying his tight grip on Aunt Chrissy’s left arm, but now jumped in,
“Well what should we do now comrades?”
“What do you think Jared?”
“I say we torture her!” …. “Yeah, Yeah!”

At this point Aunt Chrissy was still sitting up straight, legs out, hands in front. Jared and Troy were on their knees and holding her arms, while Alex and I were facing her.

She was still laughing along but she protested, “no! No torture guys, come on, come o-“
Before she completed her sentence, Alex and I began tickling her up and down her stomach and sides. She was thrashing her body around so I had to drop back to hold her legs down. She was also starting to shriek and yell between laughing and gasping. I looked at Troy and pointed a few feet away to the painting rag sitting on the floor. He retrieved it and began to tighten it around her gasping mouth. Jared then grabbed it from him and said, “Let me!” He took his time tightening it and also spent a little extra time caressing Aunt Chrissy’s dark hair. He was probably enjoying this more than any of us, after all, we were nephews, he was just a kid from our street. He got an idea.

“Hey Jim?”
“Why don’t we up the ante a little… It’s cold in Russia, why don’t we take off her boots? She needs to feel a little cold.”

He was off and running now. I went ahead and untied the rope around her boots, and went upon unzipping them. I gave each boot a little twist and pulled them off, then off came her socks, revealing her bare feet, which we quickly retied.

Jared tapped me on the shoulder, “Take her arm, switch with me!”
My aunt’s eyes widened and she shook her head and started to really try and struggle to break free.
I obliged and he immediately began feeling her feet and then started to tickle them. She was very sensitive to this and we really had to hold on to her to keep her from thrashing around too much. This went on for another couple of minutes.

Then Jared came up with another idea. “Hey, do your parents still have that old freezer down here?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I think our prisoner needs to experience some Russian winter!”

Jared proceeded to the other side of the stairs where our old freezer was. He came back with a fist full of ice cubes, and began dropping them down the back of my aunt’s sweater.
I warned him “Hey, not too much, I don’t want to get the carpeting wet. My dad worries about mold.”
I thought he might have been going a little overboard, but my cousin Alex was inspired.

“Hey I’ve got a better idea!” he told us. I hoped she wasn’t hating this too much. Of course, we were loving every minute of it. I held the back of my hand to her forehead, and she was very warm, so maybe should would enjoy the ice!

Alex and Troy then re-emerged, each of them holding frozen pork chops, ground beef, chicken, etc.
He commanded “Alright, Jim you help me with the ice, Troy get her legs, and Jared take her arms up.” We then forced her down onto her back and Jared took her wrists and put them over and above her head, holding them down on the ground. My cousin Troy did the same with her feet and she was totally stretched out. Then we pushed her sweater up a little which revealed no undershirt, only bare skin above her leather belt. All she presumably had on underneath was a bra, which left her toned stomach exposed. We folded her sweater up and began packing the ice on her stomach.

“MMMMPHH, mmmmm, emmphs gol!” We took this to mean, “That’s cold!”
Again, Jared wanted to switch. He moved down to her feet and began pressing a pack of ground beef into her feet.
Shortly after this happened, Aunt Chrissy got a blessing in the form of the phone ringing. I felt responsible since it was my house. It could be my mom. “I’ll get it.”

“Hello?... oh yes hi…. Yes he’s here.”
“Okay. Okay… I’ll tell him. Thanks! Bye.”
“Jared that was your mom, she said she wants you home.” He was busily engaged in having fun with my aunt’s feet. He looked so disappointed to hear his mother called.
“Like right now? What did she say?”
“Her exact words were hurry up, dinner’s on the table.”
At this, everybody kind of relaxed. Aunt Chrissy, no longer being held down, brought her arms back down from over her head and sat up. Her stomach was a little red from the ice.

Jared didn’t waste much time in getting ready to leave. He hastily said goodbye to my cousins and aunt, “Thanks for letting me hang out here, Aunt Chrissy. You’re really cool!”
I followed him back upstairs, just to remind him of what I told him before, “Just remember, don’t go telling everyone about this, okay? Especially your mom, because she’ll tell my parents.”

“Yeah okay.” He responded. Then he laughed, “She’s even hotter than I remember. How does such a beautiful woman have such an ugly nephew?”
“yea,yeah, haha.”
I then tried to switch the subject to make sure he wouldn't tell anyone. “Hey, do you think Georgia has a chance tomorrow? You’re gonna come over to watch college football, right?”

He responded with a sarcastic smile, “Uhh, yeahoksurewhatever… Listen, from now on, whenever your aunt is over, call me to let me know!”
I laughed a little, “okay, okay.” As he was leaving, he just gave me the sign of a phone with his hand.

I returned back downstairs and only Aunt Chrissy remained, my two cousins had gone up to use the bathroom. Her hands and ankles were still tied up. She was somehow still gagged which I took out, for which she thanked me. I also pulled her sweater back down over her stomach, and put her socks and boots back on her, since she said her feet were freezing.

“I uh, hope we weren’t too rough with you auntie. You know we like to get really into it sometimes, especially Alex…”
“It’s alright honey, I know you boys like to have fun! You don’t want to just sit in front of a tv all day! That’s why I like to watch you so often. I like playing you, you just have to remember that you’re getting older and stronger and I’m still a lady… You know in a few years you guys will get too old for this and you won’t even need me here anymore.”
I responded “Well we still want you now!” and we both smiled. After a pause, I also mentioned,
“By the way, I think Jared had a lot of fun, I think he likes you.”
“Uh, yeah, I could tell!”

We both laughed a little and then after a minute of me starting to gather things to clean up, she said to me,
“I know you guys ‘sentenced’ me until tomorrow, but how about untying me now?” It had been probably 2 hours since we first started the game.
I thought about it. “I have a better idea.” I waited for my cousins to return downstairs.

“Hey guys, since Aunt Chrissy was so cool today and played with us, how about we keep her as a prisoner, but instead of torturing her, we will completely take care of her the rest of the night?”
They thought about for a second. “Yeah, okay,” Alex said. Then he barked at his brother, “Troy! Start cleaning up down here!”

We quickly went about cleaning up the basement and then we heated the food my mom had cooked. After everything was ready, Alex and I carried Aunt Chrissy up the stairs to our kitchen table, and the three of us basically waited on her hand and foot. Her hands and feet were still tied, so we took turns spooning her food and giving her sips to drink. Afterwards I even went in to the pantry and scrounged up some chocolates and then presented them to her on a plate.

We even cleaned everything up. It had to be a comical sight as a woman in her 30s sat on a chair tied up while 3 boys moved around the kitchen cleaning up. Tired out, we spent the rest of the night watching tv and listening Aunt Chrissy tell stories and talk about her job and what we wanted for Christmas. My cousin Alex fell asleep first, snoring on the couch. I woke him and told him to go to bed, and he practically slept walked down to the basement.

After a while longer, my aunt was starting to dose off too. She shook herself awake.
“Well you two, why don’t we hit the sack?... Go and brush your teeth now; I’m sure your moms would be very unhappy with me if they knew you went to bed without it.”
We agreed and brushed our teeth and then put on our pajamas. We returned to Aunt Chrissy ready for bed.
“Alright, good night guys.”
I looked surprised, “Aren’t you going to go to bed?”
“Well, I’ll probably just sleep on the couch… or maybe if I can work up the energy, I’ll hop upstairs.” I wanted to help.
“Oh no, auntie, we’ll carry you! In fact, I’m strong, I can do it myself.”
“I don’t know sweetie, what if you drop me?”
“Troy can follow right behind me.” As if that would make any difference.
“This’ll work, I promise, I learned this in wrestling practice last month and I’ve been using it it’s a fireman’s carry.”
My aunt reluctantly scooted up on the couch and I secured her right arm above the elbow and then knealt down.
“Okay, lean on me.” She let her chest fall onto my back. I then looped my other hand through her legs and stood up slowly.
“See I told you!” I made my way through the living room and then started up the staircase. When I reached the top my legs were shaking. I dropped to my knees and rolled Aunt Chrissy off my back as controlled as possible.
“Well you’re stronger than I thought young man!”

She crawled across the carpet to the bathroom and took about 5 minutes. When the door opened, Troy and I carried her to bed, a double bed, placing her on top of the covers. We carefully adjusted the pillows and confirmed she was comfortable.
“Thank you guys, this is perfect. You’re treating me like a princess! Maybe we should do this more often.”
Then she asked us both to come in and give her a hug and kiss good night.
Then my cousin Troy asked her, “Auntie can we just stay with you?”
She smiled at us, “yeah, okay, if you’d like to. Just get a blanket if you want it and make sure all the lights are off. We did so and then climbed in one on either side. We got nice and comfortable, wresting on her shoulder and Troy on her stomach.
The day had gone wonderfully, but the night was even better.
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Very nice one! Hope you'll present another one sometimes!
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Post by Mr.Karim »

nice story , i play tie up games with my aunt too . you know im searching for a girl or a woman who wants to be tied up . is there any one ? sos

oh i forgot to say my aunt enjoy being tied up and i enjoy take her in a bondage
i wanna a woman to tie her up . is any one there ? send me in pv
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Post by slackywacky »

Great continuation, although posting your parts all in the same post makes it easier to keep track of the story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by quietman »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Great continuation, although posting your parts all in the same post makes it easier to keep track of the story.
Yes makes sense. I will keep that in mind in the future. Thanks for the comment
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Loving your stories, quietman.
Thank you kindly
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Love the idea of tranquilizing guns.
Your aunt pretending to be unconscious or maybe she shoots you.
Well I think the next story will be poolside, so there’s a good chance there will be water guns.

... Assuming of course that you all would like to see her tied up again.
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago We want more
Very well, I have 2 or 3 more in mind. I think the next one will be poolside. And once again based on somewhat true situation.
AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Will she ever tie you?
Eh, doubtful. One might involve a "rescue" by me basically a fantasy of mine from age 14, (rather corny).
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Ooh, what's your rescue idea?

I'm very much an aunt with her nieces and nephews kind of woman as you could guess from my name.
Basically when I was like 13-15 I would fantasize that a jealous "shrew" type co-worker or something would kidnap her and then I would come in and save the day. If you're interested more, feel free to PM
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