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R-World - Family - Chapter 1/2 - Preparations f / f f-self

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:31 pm
by Sjukdom
R-World - Family - Chapter 1/2 - Preparations f / f f-self

Here is the continuation of the story of the family that is about to move to Don Kevin Martins R-World. Please forgive me for only publishing it here in short sections. I write in German and have to translate it into English bit by bit. If I make mistakes, please let me know in the comments so that I can change it. Many thanks in advance!


Sibille brought a bunch of tights back to the bed. She knelt and immediately bound Marie's ankles and knees with one of them. You could tell that she had a lot of practice. After all, she and Marie had more or less secretly tied each other up for many years. Her friend watched, fascinated.
"Don't you want to take my handcuffs off first?" She asked, moving her legs a little against each other. In this way she tested how much leeway they gave her. "That is not tight enough and we have not yet said, who will get the handcuffs, now!"
“I'm not finished yet“, said Sibille and pulled the ends of the tights at Marie's knees between her legs and wrapped them around the loops of the knee cuffs. When she tightened and knotted them, they were tightened additionally. There was enough left that she could wrap the ends around the loops at her ankles. But first she tightened them too and knotted them one last time.
"Are you satisfied now?" asked Sibille and got up.
“Yes, that's good! But the handcuffs ... "
"… are mine for now! You can let yourself be tied up for a whole year, whenever you want, even in public. In the next three weeks you can surely persuade your father or your brother also to tie you up, in order to get used to R-World and its wonderful customs."
"Fine! They are yours ... for this time! "Agreed Marie. "But I don't have to practice that at all!"
"You're not going to tell them that, are you?"
" Of course not!"
Sibille now released the handcuffs and took another pair of tights. Marie immediately put her forearms together parallel behind her back. "So, that's how you want it", Sibille commented and immediately began to tie her friend's arms and hands tightly behind her back and to the upper body.
Marie closed her eyes with relish and played with her bonds when Sibille had finished the breast harnish made of nylon tights and now she looked at her work from a distance.
"Shouldn't I have tied your legs first?" Asked the tightly cuffed thirteen year old girl.
"I'll do it myself and ..."
There was a knock on the door to her room. The voice of Sibills mother Zora rang out. "Girls! Do you need anything? I have made a fresh lemonade? You must be thirsty in the heat, today." As she spoke, she had already opened the door and came in with a tray with a carafe and two glasses on it. Both girls were frozen. Out of sheer enthusiasm for the handcuffs, Sibille had forgotten to lock the door to her room. Zora only paused briefly when she saw the tied Marie, who was sitting there on her daughter's bed. Zora was dressed in a blue mini dress and flat slippers. She was only a little older than Marie's mother and no less pretty. Without another word, she put the lemonade tray on the desk next to the laptop, which was still open. She glanced at it.
"Oh! Sibille has to practice, I suppose”, she stated after reading part of the text.
"Exactly, Mom!" agreed Sibille quickly.
"Well then ... don't overdo it!" Zora came over to the bed and took a closer look at the cuffs. "The blood must not stop, otherwise it will harm her."
"That's not too tight, Ms. Mayer!" Marie hurried to assure quickly. Her head was crimson, now.
"There's no need to blush," said Zora. "I've known for a long time what you two secretly do in this room when you're alone! I always kept an eye on it a little. - Oh! Where did you get them from?" Zora had discovered the handcuffs that Sibille had placed on the bed next to Marie. Zora took it in the hands and examined the mechanism. She locked the handcuffs and opened them with the Key again, who had been stuck in the lock.
Marie had thought her face couldn't get any redder, but now the color has changed again. "They belongs to my mother!” she explained.
"Oh, I see! Paula is already practicing! Well! In three weeks she will have to wear these and similar shackles all the time, as if they were pieces of jewelry," said Zora. "These are very cheap things, and the key looks like it's easy to break off. When that happens, you're stuck. You don't want that, do you? No! I can't allow you to use this. It's too dangerous. For now they have been confiscated! - Otherwise do what you want, but don't overdo it!"
In a noticeable hurry, Zora now left Sibills room and closed the door behind her. "But they belongs to my mother. I have to bring it back!" Marie called out. But it was too late. Zora already did not hear her, because the door had already closed behind her.
"What do we now," moaned the tied Marie. "I'll get in trouble if I don't put the handcuffs back before my parents come into the dining room and look for them."
"My mother will give it back to you when your parents pick you up here," said Sibille. "The only annoying thing is that we now no longer have the opportunity to tie each other so well at the same time that we are really trapped because we cannot free ourselves easily." Sibille already tied her legs in the same kind as those of Marie.
"I hope you are right," said Marie doubtfully.
“Don't worry! What can happen! Even if it turns out that you secretly took them away, you can still claim that you only wanted to practice for the bondage classes at the Berlin-R-World school. - Do you want a gag? "
"What a question! What do you mean?"
"It's okay! I should have guessed that!" Sibille had finished tying her legs and now hopped across the room to the closet, where she had previously fetched the nylon tights. She came back with some clean handkerchiefs and silk scarves. But before she gagged Marie with it, she stuffed one of the handkerchiefs into her own mouth and then tied a scarf over it so that it was pressed tightly between her lips. That prevented her from spitting out the cloth. She gagged her friend the same way. Marie immediately lay down on the bed and moved her ankles in the direction of her tied arms. 
"A hogtied!" said Sibille."Okay, but only for an hour, then I'll free you and you will tied up me!"
A little later Sibille had tied her friend's ankles so tightly to the tied forearms that the balls of the feet almost touched them. Marie struggled hard with it and worked up a sweat. Sibille, on the other hand, sat with her hands insufficiently cuffed behind her back, watched her and envied her a little.
That morning the two girls took turns and tried the most varied of bondage positions. Marie had freed her own hands from the loop with a little effort and was just loosening Sibills Hands when Zora peeked in at the door without opening it completely. "We'll eat in ten minutes! Free yourself and go to the bathroom!" she said and closed the door again.
"Mrmpf mpfrumf!" Said Marie through the gag, which should mean: “We're coming!” She had Sibills hands free and was about to release her own leg bondage.
“What are you doing! Don't do that! " protested her friend, hardly that she had taken off the gag. She had only slipped down the scarf, which was now hanging around her neck, and took out the soaked handkerchief.
Marie also took off the gag, but also left the scarf around her neck. "What is it?" she asked.
“The leg bondage! Leave them on? ” demanded Sibille.
"But your mother said ..."
"So what! She knows now that we love to be in bondage. We might as well hop into the dining room with our legs tied up. We had to cut up way too much of the tights. My supply is not unlimited."
"Do you really think so? But doesn't your father come to dinner too?"
"No, he's eating in office today. They discussed that this morning. He still has a few things to prepare for his proxy before his vacation, I think - if I have understand correctly - What do you mean? That has to be exciting, surely."
"It gets even more exciting when our hands are tied together at the front," suggested Marie. "Here! Go ahead! It's my turn!" She handed her friend a cut piece of pantyhose that had previously served to keep Sibille in the hogtied, but which she had to cut with the scissors to free her.

Sibills mother was amazed when she saw the state in which her daughter and her friend were jumping in, into the dining room. She didn't say much but shook her head slightly disapprovingly. But now the girls looked astonished when they saw Zora in turn. Zora had previously been wearing a light summer dress. Now she only wore a kitchen apron and ...

To be continued ...