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My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:14 am
by TapeBondage123
My live-in girlfriend Stephanie works from home as a graphic designer. A bit of background - Steph is about 5’5”, brunette, very athletic and is gifted in her chest and butt regions lol. She was wearing a pink, half zip pullover, tight black leggings that REALLY accented her butt, and fuzzy pink socks. I’m 6’0”, blond and would say I have a somewhat athletic build. I was wearing black sweatpants and a sweatshirt. We’ve played around with TUGS in the past but nothing that was too crazy and it was always minor ties that I could easily get out of. I was NOT prepared for what she had in store for me that day lol.

Being that I was stuck inside and Steph was busy in the other room working, I spent the morning watching TV and playing on my computer in my room. After a few hours of sitting around accomplishing nothing, I got bored and decided to go pester Steph.

“Hey babe, how’s work treating you today?” I said.

“It’s NOT going well and I am getting very frustrated. Can you please stay in the other room so I’m not distracted?” she said.

Being the comedian that I am, I decided keep pestering her. After a few more minutes, she had had enough. “Alright, since you won’t leave me alone, I’ll just have to force you to stay out of my way and keep you quiet!” she said.

With that, she grabbed a brand new, very large roll of silver duct tape out of her desk drawer and started slowly walking towards me with an evil/angry look on her face.

“Babe, I’m sorry. I’ll go back to watching TV in my room.” I said as I slowly started to back up.

Realizing her mind was made up, I turned to take off running but tripped over a box on the floor. Before I could even gather a thought, she was on my back grabbing my wrists (she is strong and quick on her feet) and started taping them together. After about ten turns with the duct tape, my hands were effectively secured behind my back. Without saying anything, she flipped me over and sat on my legs while I tried to beg her to let me go. She then tightly taped my ankles together with about ten more turns. Once she was satisfied with her work, she grabbed me under my armpits and drug me back into my bedroom.

She then grabbed the tape and taped my arms to my back above and below my chest and around my wrists and waists. She then went to work on my legs, wrapping the tape around my shins, above and below my knees and around my thighs. I was VERY secured and couldn’t move at all.

“Please let me go! I promise I won’t bother you anymore!”

“I asked you nicely to stop bothering me but you didn’t listen!” she said. I continued to beg her to let me go but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Hmmmm there’s way too much noise coming from that cut under your nose, let’s apply some “bandages” and let that heal up” she said. With that, she went over to the clothes hamper and grabbed two of her dirty thongs, one pink and one black and walked towards me with an evil grin on her face. Knowing what she was about to do, I shut my mouth tight while my stomach was churning.

“Open wide!” she said. When I didn’t obey her, she pinched my nose. When I finally had to open up to take a breath, she quickly stuffed her thongs in my mouth.

“Don’t you dare spit those out!” she said. “Mmmmppphhhhhhh mmmmppphhh mmmpphhhhh” (translation: let me go!). “What was that? I didn’t catch that” She said, laughing to herself.

Keeping her hand clamped over my mouth, she grabbed the duct tape, worked the end up with her free hand, and wrapped the tape around my head; over and over.
After about 15 turns, I was effectively silenced.

“Now, sit in here and be a good boy. I’ll maybe cut you free when I’m done working.”

“mmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh!” was all I could get out.

“Hmmm this peace and quiet will be nice! I like you this way!” she jokingly said as she walked out of the room and closing the door.

I started to thrash around and struggle, but my arms and legs weren’t budging. “She really outdid herself” I thought to myself. I attempted to mmmppphhhh as loud as I could but I was gagged so tightly that she probably couldn’t even hear me. I thought to myself “well, if she isn’t going to come to me, I’m going to her”.

Using the bed as a brace, I slowly worked my way up to my feet and hopped over to the door. Deep down, I loved the predicament I was in and my downstairs region was beginning to show it! After some struggling, I was able to work the door handle and open the door. Steph must’ve heard this because I didn’t even make it 10 inches through the door before she came storming around the corner.

“Oh no you don’t!” she yelled.

She then grabbed me, drug me back in the room and left again. She then came back with a kitchen chair and sat it in the middle of the room.

“I thought you were secure enough but I guess not!” she said.

With a little effort, she then picked me up under my armpits, drug me over to the chair and sat me down in it. She then grabbed the tape and secured my already taped ankles, thighs, waist, and chest to the chair. About the only thing I could move were my fingers and toes. I thought I was secure before but now I was really secure!

I mmmpphhheeeddd as a last ditch effort for her to let me go but it didn’t work lol.

“Hmmmm I love how quiet you are but there’s just something missing!” she said.

She then left the room for a bit and came back with a silk scarf and noise cancelling headphones. She then tied the scarf over my eyes and put the headphones on. Not only could I not move or talk, now I couldn’t see or hear anything! She then kissed my gagged lips and left. I kicked at my binds and screamed into my gag, but it was no use, I was stuck. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity when she came back in and cut everything free except my hands, gag and blindfold. When she took my blindfold off, she was standing in front of me in some very skimpy black lingerie.

“For being such a good boy all day, I’ll give you a little reward.”

The End

Thank you all for reading my story! Hopefully you all liked it!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:26 am
by Tugs4fun
Good story, really enjoyed it. The noise cancellation is rough, but He got a nice little reward at the end indeed!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:01 am
by Gagfan
Lovely little short story!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:35 am
by beeblebrox883
Great story. Love how she gagged you with her dirty thongs. Hope to read more soon.

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:44 am
by TapeBondage123
Thanks all!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:58 pm
by Rtj65
A fun short story, thanks for sharing!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:13 pm
by Ropelover28nj
Oh wow,im jealous

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:59 pm
by jone123
nice story, really fun to read

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:42 am
by hafnermg
Really fun story!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 12:45 am
by OkDokey
I love this story!

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:21 pm
by Corn Boy
Really enjoyed the story! Definitely jealous.

Re: My GF Keeping Me Out of the Way (F/M)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:18 pm
by TapeBondage123
Thank you everyone!