Dora, the house clearer F/ff

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Dora, the house clearer F/ff

Post by lasse672000 »

The ad turned up in the Sunday paper. "Need a break from your kids?" it said, "Do you want a night out, and need an experienced babysitter with a low rate? Our agency promises to give them an unforgettable time, while you treat yourself to one." It was signed only by a strange sign.

The door bell rang, and Mrs. Williams answered it. Outside stood a girl, about mid-twenties, with waist-long hair, dressed in a knee-length, white cotton dress with light blue and red flowers, and red high heeled sandals. She had a green canvas bag hanging from her shoulder, which looked quite heavy.
"Good afternoon, m'am!" she said, and curtseyed politely. "My name is Dora, and the Alpha agency have sent me."
"Ah, yes!" Mrs. Williams said. "Come in, dear!" She took a step to the side, to let the young woman inside, before closing the door. "Patricia and Griselda are in their room upstairs, waiting for you. Follow me, please."

The two women went upstairs and Mrs. Williams knocked on a door, opening it without waiting for an answer.
Dora looked inside and saw a spartanly furnished room, with two, rather narrow beds, a desk, two wooden desk chairs, and a book case, not even half filled with books. No curtains or blinds covered the windows, but wooden shutters.
"Nice room!" she politely commented.
"Nice of you to say so, but no; it isn't. Quite honestly; it's truly horrible, and I know who to blame. It's the work of my late husband, who hated the sound of children playing at all hours. He was the minimalist type, and came up with the decor of the whole house. I will, of course, replace it, bit by bit, as soon as I can afford it. Starting with this room.
But that's beside the point. I called the agency because I need to go shopping, and I dare not leave these two alone. I did a couple of weeks ago, and they nearly tore the place down, so this time I want to make sure they stay in their room, and out of trouble. Think you can manage that?"
Dora looked at the two girls, who sat on their desk chairs, staring at her. They wore identical, grey, sleeve-less, corduroy dresses, that barely came down to half their thighs, white knee-socks, and slippers. The front part of their below shoulder length, auburn hair were held back by clips.
"Sure!" she confidently said. "No problems!"
"Famous last words, those!" Mrs. Williams dryly remarked. "Well, then; I'm off! See you in a couple of hours, girls! BYYEE!" She waved her hand above her head a couple of times, and left.

Dora walked in, closed the door behind her and sat on one of the beds. Suddenly, her image had changed, from being almost self effacing into someone who had absolute control of her surroundings. Someone who wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Someone who you really shouldn't mess with, or you'd regret it.
She crossed her legs, put her hands behind her and supported herself on them, leaned back, and gave them a lazy, but calculating, look.
"So," she slowly said, with her eyes half closed, "you like causing trouble; do you?"
"Well; we're not quite as bad as mother tried to make you believe. Sure; she left us alone for a while, and sure; we invited a couple of boys who started searching for something to drink, other than lemonade, but the house was pretty much intact, except for a couple of smashed glasses, and the boys were gone, by the time she came back."
"Oh, I'm sure you're not that bad." Dora lazily smiled. "No one your age ever is. And accidents do, after all, happen; don't they? But, just to be on the safe side..." she opened the bag, and took out a several lengths of rope.
"Patty!" she said, in a voice which told the girls, quite clearly, that she wasn't one to be messed about with. Ever. "Come here, and turn you back to me!"

"What are you going to do?" Patricia asked.
"What does it look like? I'm going to tie you two up, and then I'm going to search this place, from the bottom up, and take whatever valuables I can get my hands on. That's what I'm going to do!"
"Oh? Wouldn't it be easier, if you tied one of us to a chair and gagged her, but only tied the other one's hands behind her back, so she could show you where mum keeps her jewellery, and also give you the code to the safe?" Patricia tentatively wondered. "And tied her to a chair and gag her afterwards too, of course."
"You volunteering?"
"Why not? If that's all right with you, Grissy?"
"Sure." Griselda sighed. "But you'll have to promise me you'll tell me all about it, afterwards."
"Will do!" Patricia beamed.

Dora stood for a long time outside the William's residence, looking up at the windows. Then, she shook her head in disbelief.
'Strange girls, those two were!' she thought, threw her now well filled bag over her shoulder and walked over to her car.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Very nice :)
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Very Nice and Good Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I really liked the concept, a bit dissapointed that you left the best part out though.
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Post by slackywacky »

Fun read, thanks for sharing.
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Post by lasse672000 »

Dora slowly opened the bedroom door, and looked at the sleeping girl. At least she thought she was sleeping, but couldn't be sure, because of the wool hat that completely covered her head, except for the nose.
"Cordelia? Are you awake?" she whispered, before she remembered she had also plugged the girl's ears last night, leaving her both deaf and blind, just before tying her wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed, and covering her with the blanket.

It had started as an actual assignment, as Cordelia's mother had to work an extra all night shift at the hospital, substituting for a colleague, who had to stay at home with a sick child. But, of course, she couldn't resist the urge to nose out where the valuables were kept, eagerly assisted by the daughter, whose wrists she had kept tied together, either in front or behind the back, most of the time, until it was time for her to change into her plushy, red and blue onesie with feet, after which Dora had tied the girl's wrists and ankles to the bed posts, plug her ears and put a hood over her head.
The young girl had even asked Dora if it was she who had robbed the Williams' family, and tied the sisters' up, a couple of weeks earlier.
"Yes, it was I!" Dora had cautiously replied.
"Are you going to rob us, too? And tie me up?" Cordelia expectantly asked.
"Mm, I might." Dora indeterminately answered and shrugged. "Would you like me to?"
"Yes, please!" Cordelia's eyes glowed with expectation. "I've been so jealous of Patty's and Grissy's stories."
"Well, in that case! Your wish is my command, mistress." Dora smiled and playfully curtseyed deeply. Then, she got a worried look on her face. "But I don't want to tie you up, and leave you all alone over night?"
Cordelia thought for a moment. Then she said: "How about; you keep me tied up from now until tomorrow, and stay the night, as you were supposed to, anyway?"
"You really do want me to tie you up; don't you?" Dora was surprised.
"Yes; Please, please, please?" Cordelia begged.
"Well; O.K!"

Dora went to the door and fetched her bag. She took out a length of rope, and told Cordelia to turn around and cross her wrists behind her back. She used one length to tie them snugly together. Then ske told Cordelia to show her where the valuables were. Together they walked into the bedroom. "You see the painting in the corner?" Cordelia asked.
"You mean that hideous one with a lady, who look like she's seen the wrong end of a shredder, and filled with Technicolor blobs?"
"That's the one." Cordelia nodded. "Unfortunately, it's a reproduction, and barely worth more than the cost of paint. Had it been the original, it would have been worth millions. Anyway; It is hinged on one side, and behind it, there's a safe, inside which lies my parents valuables; jewellery and shares in the company my parents work for. The code to the safe is written on a piece of paper, glued on the underside of the lamp, on the table beneath."

Dora gave the young girl along, inquiring look.
"Before I do anything, I want you to tell me something; Why are you helping me? Are you pissed at them, for some reason?"
"Partly. And you asked me to; didn't you?"
"So I did, so I did." Dora nodded. "I just had to ask, because you seem awfully keen on helping me. Almost suspiciously so."
Dora's remark seemed to make Cordelia angry.
"Look!" she hissed. "Do you want the money, or don't you?"
"O.K, O.K; I'll take them!" Dora said, but thought: 'Now; this is awkward! The hostage forcing her captor to rob the place? That's a new one for me.'
She opened, and emptied, the safe of almost all its contents. Then, she looked sternly at Cordelia.
"Now, young lady," she said, "it is time you went to bed! And don't even think about doing anything stupid, like calling the police, until I've gone, or you'll be in a world of trouble!"
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Another great chapter. Wouldn't it be funny if Dora got captured by some bratty kids who don't know about her thieving spree on one of her next jobs?
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Post by IrvinKlaw »

Great stories, looking forward to the next installment
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Post by Headmistress »

Dora certainly has been busy :).

At least, all of her "victims" were accommodating.

Good story, so far.
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