Prank gone wrong! f/f

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Prank gone wrong! f/f

Post by angim350 »

Good afternoon all

Good feedback from previous stories has made me put together something new! Hope you like!

‘It’s called the tied up challenge!’

Isobel frowned at her friend, Jess, who was looking at her with a hungry expression.

‘What’s that?’ she asked.

‘We tie each other up for a dare and see how long it takes us to get out. Had loads of requests for it online.’

‘Sounds a bit odd,’ Isobel replied, sitting back on the bed and folding her arms. ‘Why would anyone want to watch that?’

‘You’re kidding, right?’ exclaimed Jess. ‘I’ve been scouting other people’s channels. As soon as they do challenges like this, their views go through the roof!’

Isobel sighed. Ever since she and her friend, Jess, had set up a Youtube channel for a bit of fun, they’d been increasingly looking for ways to get more views on their videos. So far, their plans to become the next big social media stars hadn’t exactly gone the way they’d hoped.
‘Yeah, but, isn’t it a bit odd?’ she said.

‘No!’ said Jess. ‘Remember the baking challenge we did? That one got like 2,000 views last week!’

Isobel nodded. Jess had come to her with a similar challenge last week, in which someone had requested one of them be blindfolded, and the other have their hands tied behind them, and try to bake a cake. She’d reluctantly agreed to be the one tied up, which Jess had eagerly responded to, producing several old scarves for the occasion.

‘Yeah, I remember getting covered in flour and my wrists killing me for half an hour. Loads of fun.’

‘You’re complaining!’ stated Jess. ‘I was the one who spent all afternoon cleaning my kitchen when you went home.’

‘Only because you tied my hands far too tight and refused to help me out!’

Jess looked a little disappointed. Isobel sighed. If she was honest with herself, she was getting a little fed up of the Youtube channel. It hadn’t been as fun as they thought it would be. And the baking challenge, where she’d run around a room trying to bake with her hands tied behind her back for half an hour, and then spent another 10 minutes trying to get them free, had kind of been her last straw at the time.

That said, there was a pandemic on, something she knew Jess had been struggling with. And as they had nothing else to do…

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘What’s the challenge?’

Jess perked up.

‘We tie each other to a chair and film how long it takes to escape. Loser has to do a prank.’

‘Sounds great,’ muttered Isobel. She forced herself to smile.

‘Okay, but no messing about. You let me go if I can’t get free this time, okay?’

‘Course!’ smiled Jess. ‘Wait there!’

Isobel nodded, standing up to stretch as Jess ran to her dresser. She took her cardigan off, revealing a thin t-shirt with her favourite band’s name underneath. That day, she was wearing tight, dark jeans, held up by a belt around her middle. Isobel was a relatively slim girl of 18, with long dark hair that extended down her back. Whilst she didn’t really think she was the most attractive girl ever, there was no doubt she was pretty.

Jess raced back over, holding a number of bandanas. She had short crimson hair and was wearing a denim skirt, with a sweater over the top. Her freckled face looked excited as she pulled a small, hard-backed chair into the centre of her room, directly facing her desk. On that was her laptop, with a camera built in.

‘Okay, do me first!’ she said.

Isobel walked over, taking the bandanas from her eager friend.

‘Hang on, we need to introduce this!’

Jess bounced back over to the camera, quickly giving their Youtube name, ‘Jess and Izz’, before telling their eager viewers what they were attempting.

‘In this challenge,’ she said. ‘Isobel is going to tie my hands and feet, and then tie me to the chair. And we are going to see how long it takes me to get out of it!’

Isobel put a smile on her face, trying to look more enthuastic than she felt. Absently, her thoughts turned to her mum, who’d gone away on a business trip and left her the house to herself. She’d tried to invite Jess over there, but her friend had refused, saying her room was much bigger to film challenges in.

It wasn’t the first time Isobel had thought Jess was getting a little bit too obsessed with the arbitrary fame she thought this Youtube thing was going to bring her.

‘Okay!’ said Jess, bounding over, sitting on the chair and placing her hands behind her. ‘Izz is going to tie me up.’

As quick as she could, Isobel started wrapping the bandanas around her friend’s hands, not really having a clue what she was doing. Knotting it a few times, she then tied both of Jess’s feet to the chair legs, before wrapping another bandana around her middle and straightening up.

‘Okay, I’m done!’ she said.

‘Brill!’ yelled Jess, looking into the camera. ‘Okay. I’m going to try to escape. Izz, time me!’

Isobel nodded, bringing up a timer on her phone and pressing go. Jess immediately got to work, struggling mightily against her bonds. The chair was pushed back and forward as she worked on it furiously, her face contorted in concentration. After around 30 seconds, she let out a triumphant cry and brought her hands before her face.

‘Ah, that was well easy!’ she said, winking at the camera, before untying the rest of herself from the chair. Isobel sighed again. She hadn’t really tried to tie her friend too tightly. If anything, she was eager for this to be over.

‘1 minute!’ she said.

‘Great time to beat!’ said Jess. ‘Okay, your turn!’

Isobel paused. In her mind, she was conscious of how many people might watch this later and wasn’t really feeling being tied up on camera, even if it was for a stupid prank.

‘Go on!’ said Jess. ‘I’ve done it!’

Feeling like she was going to regret this, Isobel nodded, sitting down and placing her hands behind her. Straight away, she felt Jess going to work, wrapping the bandana around her wrists several times and knotting it.

‘Ouch!’ she said. ‘That’s well tight!’

‘Can’t have you beating my time!’ cried Jess. ‘There!’

Jess straightened up, instantly going to Isobel’s feet. Isobel tested her bonds absently. They felt really secure.

Another minute later and Jess stood up, with Isobel’s feet now tied to the chair legs and another bandana wrapped around her middle. Isobel felt her heart rate slowly start to increase. It felt odd to be restrained in that way.

‘Okay!’ said Jess, moving out of the way of the camera and picking up the phone. ‘Escape!’

Gritting her teeth, Isobel started struggling against her bonds. She pulled at her hand bindings, seeing if there was any slack in the way they were tired. There was none. Straining some more, Isobel tried to pull one of the loops around her wrist down, to see if she could slip her hands out. It wasn’t moving at all, no matter how hard she pulled. Desperately, her fingers probed for any knots, finding one just above her left wrist. It was ridiculously tight, and she knew she’d have a hard job picking it free.

‘One minute gone!’ said Jess.

‘Damn it!’ cried Isobel, struggling all the more ferociously. She turned her attention to her feet, pulling against her bindings to see if she could force them free. They were stuck tight and refused to move an inch. She could also not lift herself off the chair, with the bandana around her middle constricting her movement terribly.

Soon realising the only way she was getting out was with her hands free, she re-doubled her efforts to get them out. By now, she could feel herself becoming sweaty. It was no good. The knots holding them together were far too tight.

‘Three minutes gone!’ said Jess. ‘Wow, you’re taking ages!’

‘You did it too tight again!’ Isobel cried. ‘Like the baking challenge.’

She gave one more almighty pull then slumped in the chair.

‘I give up,’ she said.

‘No!’ said Jess. ‘You still have five minutes! Keep going.’

Sighing, Isobel regained her struggles, now trying to see if she could get any part of her body free. The knots held firm. She was stuck fast. An alarm sounded from Jess’s phone, signifying the end of the challenge time.

‘Okay!’ said Jess. ‘Time’s up.’

Thank God, thought Isobel. She was more than eager to get out of the chair by that point.

‘Okay,’ said Jess, looking at the camera. ‘Isobel completely failed at that!’

Isobel got into the act.

‘I failed,’ she said, forcing herself to smile.

‘Five minutes and still not free!’ said Jess. ‘Knew I’d win this one!’

‘Yeah you win,’ said Isobel, making herself sound defeated. ‘Um, Jess, can you…?

‘So, as you failed. It’s time for a prank!’

Isobel started to feel annoyed.

‘Okay,’ she said. ‘You can prank me. But please can help me first?’

She struggled some more, hopelessly. Jess turned and looked at her with a strange expression on her face.

‘This is the prank!’ she said excitedly. ‘Now you’re all tied up and can’t do anything.’

‘What?’ said Isobel, dropping her character completely. ‘We didn’t agree to that!’

Jess turned back to the camera, looking like she’d just been taken to a day out at a theme park.

‘Jess, come on!’ said Isobel, squirming some more. ‘I don’t want to be tied up anymore. Untie me, please.’

‘So guys!’ said Jess, ignoring her increasingly desperate friend. ‘What should we do first?’