Wintertime M/F

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Wintertime M/F

Post by lasse672000 »

Thanks to Canuck 100, for making me want to write this. Who knows; there may be more
Here are the original stories: Lasse K : 03 - Kidnapping in Wintertime (f/f, F/ff) - Stories of Tie Up Games (

The years went by, and Anna got married to Steve, but she couldn't get the feeling of being so helpless as she had been that day in school out of her mind, nor the feeling of having gone outside with her hands tied together behind her back, dressed in a snowsuit. She and Steve talked about it so many times, he one day threw his hands in the air and sighed:
"You know what? I'm getting pretty tired of you talking about it all the time! Buy a snowsuit and ropes, and I'll tie your hands as often as you want, when we go out. O,K? Oh, and by the way; do you remember what your teacher's name was?"
Yes, I sure do. It was Ms. Abbey, but I don't think she is still alive, and even if she is, she must be pretty old by now and besides; it's been so long, she could hardly remember that."
"You get whatever you need, and I'll try to find her!" Steve determined. "Let's take it from there; O.K?"
"Oh; would you? I'd be forever in your debt, if you did!" Anna kissed him on the chin. "You can't possibly understand how much that would mean to me!"

A couple of days later, Steve returned home, beaming with joy.
"Guess what? I found her! Or rather, I found her daughter, as she herself died a couple of years ago. I talked to her and explained the situation, and she has agreed to meet us."
"Oh, really; when?" Anna was flabbergasted.
"Whenever you want, love. All I have to do, is give her a call, and tell her we're coming." Steve smiled when he saw his wife's reaction.
Anna ran out to the entrance, put on her boots, took down her new snowsuit, pulled it up to her waist, and took a coil of rope from a bag hanging on the coat rack.
"Well; what are you waiting for?" she impatiently said, and handed him the rope. "Call her, tie my hands behind my back, and let's go already! Is it far? Maybe we can walk over there?"
"No it isn't far; and sure, we can walk. She actually lives only a couple of streets from us, in fact." Steve laughed.

Steve knocked on the door, and a woman, not much older than they, opened.
"Ms Abbey?" Steve asked.
"Yes, but please; call me Linda." she replied in a very pleasant voice.
"I was one of your mother's students many years ago..." Anna started explaining.
"Oh, it's you?" Linda smiled. "My mother told me so much about you, and that day in school. I'm so glad to have finally met you. Come in! Can I get you anything?"
"Thank you." Steve said as they walked inside, and he helped Anna take off her boots and snowsuit. "A cup of coffee would be nice."
"So; you still do that; do you?" Linda noted.
"Yes; I've finally managed to persuade Steve to do what I want. It took many years, though." Anna smiled.
"Yes; she can be very persuasive at times." Steve smiled, as he hung his coat and her snowsuit on hangers.
Linda motioned for them to go into the living room, and she went into the kitchen and started the percolator.

"These takes me right back!" Anna studied the pictures that hung on the wall and stood scattered around the room. "She was one of the best teachers I've ever had. If not THE best."
"Mm; that's what they all say." Linda entered holding a tray with three cups of steaming hot coffee. "Every one of her students I've met over the years. They all think fondly of her. As do I. But then again, I would; wouldn't I? No, she really was the best mother a daughter could wish for. I just hope I was even a fraction as good to my kids."

Steve and Anna, who still had her hands tied together, sat in the sofa, and he helped her take a sip.
"So," Linda began in a businesslike tone, "you've come to talk about those old wheelchairs; have you?"
"Yes," Anna nodded. "I was wondering what became of them?"
"Oh, I still have them, for some reason. They're somewhere in the basement."
"Mind if we go down and have a look?"
"Sure, but I doubt they're probably rusted solid, and can't be used anymore. Besides; the leather straps have probably dried up by now, from lack of care."
When the chairs were pulled out of their hiding place, they were every bit as rusty and the leather was as dry as Linda had feared.
"As I told you," Linda said, "they're destined for the scrap yard."
"Mm; it breaks my heart to say so, but I'm afraid they are. Well, it was nice to see them one last time." Anna sighed. What none of the girls noticed, was that Steve had been busy taking pictures with his cell phone.

Sometime later, Steve came home and told Anna they were going for a ride down town.
"Oh? Where to?" Anna wanted to know, but he didn't reply properly, he only gave her a look that could have meant just about anything and said; "I'm not going to tell you where we're going, but I think you'll like what's there."

He stopped the car in an alley way, and they walked over to a nondescript door, which he opened. They walked down a narrow passage and into a big, empty room. Empty, that is, except for a big wooden box in the middle of the floor.
"Is that what I think it is?" Anna was so excited she could hardly breathe, let alone speak.
"Dunno." Steve shrugged and smiled. "Depends on what you're thinking."
She found a crow bar and started forcefully attacking the boards on one side of the box, to get it opened.
"Oh, Steve!" she sighed, beaming with joy, when she saw what was inside. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, a million times more! " She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug.
"Can I try it?" she hardly dared ask.
'Cause you can!" Steve smiled. "Not only that; I've arranged for someone to take it to our home, when we've gone. But first; why don't you sit in it, and see if it is as you remembered?"
She slowly sat down, and he started tightening the straps which would immobilize her entire body and head.
"Well?" Steve then asked. "Is it as you remember it?" He smiled when the only answer he got from her, was a deep sigh.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo Lasse, thank you for writing it. It is one of me favourite stories. Because I need self a wheelchair but without leather straps he had not even safety abdominal belt because I not need it in normal life. It would hard to explain why I want on. The full belt safety harness would even impossibly to explain. :mrgreen:
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Post by Canuck100 »

lasse672000 wrote: 3 years ago Thanks to Canuck 100, for making me want to write this. Who knows; there may be more
Hehe I’m glad to have inspired you!

For this looking for it, here is a link to the story Lasse was referring to :
03 - Kidnapping in Wintertime (f/f, F/ff)
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Post by lasse672000 »

Having the wheelchair gave Anna, and certainly Steve, a wealth of choices, although he never forced her to do anything she didn't want in the first place. Like one day, when she wanted him to strap her in the chair, before they went for a walk .
"Do you think that is wise?" he doubtfully asked. "What if we meet someone we know?"
"Well; then you'll have to think of a believable cover story; won't you? Because I won't say a word after you've strapped me in the chair; will I?" Anna smiled.
Torn between wanting to take a walk with her, and having to push her around strapped in the chair (which he actually loved, almost as much as tying her up. At least at home) in broad daylight, quite possibly meeting people they knew, and possibly having to explain the situation, and refusing her request. Well, in the end it was a no brainer, really.

Steve had pushed Anna, who, of course, was securely strapped in the wheelchair, a couple of blocks, when he suddenly stopped.
"Oh; by the way. Do you remember Mona? Your pal from school?" He crouched down in front of her.
Remember her? Of course she did. They had been almost inseparable in school, and had done so much together. Sadly, they had lost contact over the years.
"I can see in your eyes you do." he smiled softly. "Well; what if I told you I've found out where she and her boyfriend lives? And that it's actually not far from here? Would you like to go and visit them?"
When he said that, Anna felt a slight tinge of panic.
Then she took a deep breath, and thought; 'Why not? It might actually be fun.' She looked towards the sky, which were the signal for 'yes'. Looking to the left, would have meant 'no'.
He took her hand and squeezed it gently. "You're as excited as I am; aren't you?" he smiled. "Let's make an exception to the rule; shall we? When we get there, I'll allow you to talk, despite being strapped in the chair, as I suspect you will have a lot to tell each other. But, the moment we step outside again, the 'no talking' rule is back on. Deal?"
She, again, looked upwards, and smiled from ear to ear.

Ron looked out the living room window. "O.K. They're here." he told Mona, as he turned around, and walked towards the front door, with her right behind.
"Welcome!" he said, as he opened. Mona squeezed past him, and ran towards Anna.
"Anna!" she cried. "How are you? I haven't seen you in ages, girl! Are you still into wheelchairs and bondage? Is this the same chair you were strapped into by our teacher that day? Is it still as comfortable as it was back then? Oh, I wish I could relive that day with you, but I'm not sure Ron would understand." When she said that, Ron and Steve looked at each other and Steve nodded ever so slightly.

"Mona, hunny?" Ron said a couple of weeks later.
"M-hm?" she, lying on the sofa, reading a thrilling book, grunted.
"It's such a fine day. How about we go and visit Anna and Steve?"
She, reluctantly, put the book on the table in front of her, carefully marking the page she had been reading.
"O.K." she said, got to her feet and went and got her coat. "Let's go."
"Well," Ron slowly said. "It's not as easy as all that." When he saw the confused look on her face, he opened the front door, and said: "Here; I'll show you." They want out, and around the corner, where she stopped and gasped. In front of her stood a wheelchair, identical to the one Anna had been sitting in.
"Anna's wheelchair?" she asked, confused. "What is it doing here? And where's Anna? Has anything happened to her?"
"No, love; it's not Anna's chair." Ron said and put his arms around her shoulders from behind, and gave her a hug. It's yours. You like it?"
Mona slowly walked around it, dragging her fingers over the upholstery and straps.
"Why?" she asked, and Ron thought he saw teardrops in the corners of her eyes.
"Because I saw the way you looked at, and talked to, Anna all the time they were here. It was as if nothing and no one else mattered, except her. To make a long story short; It was only then I, and Steve, realized how much of an impact that experience had had on the two of you. The day after, I called him and got the number to the guy who built Anna's chair, and there it is! Wanno try it?"

She sat down, and he started tightening the straps, starting with the ones around her arms below her elbows. After that, he buckled and tightened the waist- and crotch straps, and finished by tightening the straps just below her knees and around her ankles.
"How's that?" he asked. "Are you sitting comfortably? Is it too tight?"
"Mm;" Mona tried to move in the chair, but soon realized she could not move an inch, no matter how hard she tried."It's quite tight, but that's in a way what makes it quite comfortable. You know what I mean?"
"I think so. Now: put your head on the head rest. Same rules as Anna and Steve has; no talking as long as the head strap is buckled, or I give you special permission. Eyes up, for' yes': eyes left for 'no'."
"M-hm!" she grunted, as Ron tightened the final strap.
"O.K. Here we go!"

Anna was surprised, when Steve asked her to use the wheelchair that afternoon.
"Why?" she asked, before he strapped her head to the head rest, and the ban on her talking took effect.
"You'll see, you'll see." Steve smiled.
'Oh; that boy can be real infuriating when he wants to, he can!"she fondly thought, and sighed.
A couple of minutes later, there was a knock on the door. However; she got the surprise of the week, when Steve opened and she saw Anna and Ron outside.
When he saw the confused look on her face, Ron once again explained the chain of events that had led to this.
"Right!" Ron briskly said, as he looked at the others and put his hands together with a bang. "Who wants to go window shopping?"
At first, Mona thought about signalling 'no', but when she saw Anna signalling 'yes' she changed her mind and also signalled 'yes'.

They walked slowly up and down the high street a couple of times, most of the time just window shopping, but sometimes walking inside for a closer look at things.
Sometime later, the boys stopped outside a café, that had placed some chairs and tables on the sidewalk.
"Now; don't you two girls start talking, the moment we boys go inside to get us some coffee and cake! You hear? Fear not; we'll allow you to talk for a while, when we get back. O,K?" Steve smiled. Both indicated 'yes'.
"So, Mona," Steve asked, when he returned with a tray with filled coffee cups, two of which had straws placed in them, "How do you like it? Is it as nice and exciting as it was back then?"
She drank some coffee, and bit off a piece of cake, which Ron held up to her mouth, chewed slowly, and finally answered:
"Yes; it is. However; given a choice, I wouldn't choose to be this helpless all day, every day."
"That's what I first thought, too." Anna told her. "Now, when we've been doing it for a while; I'm not so sure."
When she said that, Steve looked at her, for a minute or two. Then, he slowly said:
"You do know it could easily be arranged; don't you? All you have to do is tell me when."
"How about 'as soon as possible'? Is that good enough?"
"And, how about you count me in, too?" Mona looked at Ron. "If that's O.K with you, hunny?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"No; not really."
"Well, then." Ron shrugged. "In that case; by all means, go right ahead."
"Well," Steve said, "as you're both strapped into your chairs anyway; how about from now, till the same time tomorrow?"
"O.K, sounds good." the girls said. in unison.
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