Boocola gets interrogated (M/F)

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Boocola gets interrogated (M/F)

Post by Boocola »

A warehouse full of containers is on a small island, a muffled voice could be heard echoing through the warehouse the noise coming from one container that has just been delivered that echoes in the darkness. A door opens bring sunlight pouring into the darkness, the form of a man steps in the door blocking the sun rays and casting a shadow. The lights turn on as the man flicks a switch, then starts walking towards the container making the noise, even though it is hard to pin point the sound due to the echo. He opens the container to see a woman wearing a blue dress, brown pantyhose and hi heels, she is bound to a chair with a ball gag in her mouth.

"Well well, if it isn't the infamous Boocola." The man said. "My name is Nare Grod."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Boocola said trying to get the ball gag out of her mouth.

"well you wouldn't be needing that in your mouth." Nare said as he pulled out the ball from her mouth. "Now you were saying?"

"untie me so I could rip your head off." Boocola said with fire in her eyes.

"I thought you had magical powers that allow you to transfer to one host." Nare explains. "No no no, you switched and now it doesn't work anymore."

"why don't you touch this chair and we shall see if it works." Boocola said trying to escape, her wrists are tied together behind her back really tight. "What do you want?"

"You print money, I like money." Nare answered indirectly. "I want you to do a magic trick."

"I need my original body for that." Boocola responded.

"That would make you a threat, I like you better this way." Nare got close to her ear and said. "I find myself wondering where you got your power." He whispered.

"I got my power from an island, like from Peter Pan." Boocola said. "mortals go to this island and become immortal, even after they leave."

"Really, that seems promising." Nare said. "Where is this island."

"I don't know, I just know how it came to be there." Boocola said as she struggles to free her ankles that are tied together. "Please release me."

"I will, but first..." Nare said. " will tell me what you know about this island."

"There was a battle, I leaped into Tera to save my student that was taken by a dragon..." Boocola said. "...the glass sailors were defending the dragons gold from the humans elves and minotaurs." She looked at Nare.

"that still doesn't explain why the island is here." Nare said.

"Yeah, I am confusing the reader..." Boocola said sarcastically. "...I managed to convince a glass sailor called Garn to help me free Tory. A sorceress named Cody agreed to help, she magically linked a harpoon to a pin. I attached the pin in a soft spot over the dragon's heart." She said as she struggles on the chair that made a sound.

"Stop trying to escape, your petty attempts at distracting me will fail..." Nare said drawing a pistol from his back waist and loaded the chamber. "...tell me why the island is here." He said pointing the barrel of the pistol at Boocola.

"After Garn shot the arrow in the heart that I pinned to the dragon like a heat seeker, the remaining glass sailors retreated in the mountain to protect the gold, the mixed army invaded the mountain, everyone stopped fighting and started taking the gold..." Boocola said staring at the barrel of Nare's gun."...revealing dragon eggs that started hatching. The humanoid dragons were shaped like human females called dainas."

"interesting, tell me what happened next." Nare said.

"The Dainas needed to eat, since their father's body wasn't there, they started feasting on the soldiers in the mountain." Boocola said. "I ran over to Cody to see if we could stop the slaughter, she was horrified at what she did. I kissed her too snap her out of her stare."

"Why, what did she do?" Nare asked placing the pistol barrel at Boocola's forehead.

"when the dragon dies, the glass sailors take the gold as payment, when the eggs hatch, the dainas get the nutrients they need from their father." Boocola said as tears started swelling her eyes.

"continue with story." Nare told her. "My client wants to know how it came to this planet."

"After the kiss the mountain traveled off of maladra across the galaxy and landed somewhere in the pacific ocean..." Boocola said as she looked at Nare's finger on the trigger. "...the journey magically transformed everyone in the mountain into humans."

"Somewhere in the pacific..." Nare's voice trails off as he reaches for his cell phone and calls someone. "...yes sir, I got the information... What shall I do with her?" Nare asked the phone, then he pushed a button stopping the call.

"What are you doing?" Boocola asks as Nare draws a knife to cut the rope around Boocola's ankles and knees. Slowly bringing the blade to her chest and cutting the rope keeping her to the chair.

"We are going for a walk." Nare said as he drew his pistol signaling for Boocola to get up and start walking.

"Can you untie my wrists?" Boocola asked trying to free her hands.

"No, now get up and start walking." Nare directed Boocola to get up and start walking.

This story explains the back story of a story on my diva wrestling shows


Boocola stood up from the chair with her wrist tied behind her back and walked out of the container with Nare following her with a pistol pointed at the back of her head. She kept walking towards the door with the sun rays shining in the dark warehouse.

"Pick up the pace." Nare said jabbing the muzzle of the pistol on Boocola's head. "I have a client that wants to meet you." He said pushing her to the door.

"I would cooperate with you better if you didn't threaten me." Boocola said testing her ability to switch places, but it didn't work. "I don't believe it." She muttered to herself.

"What you're shocked that your power doesn't work." Nare said.

"Please, have a heart..." Boocola said. "...if you let me go, I will give you anything you want." She said. "I am sure your client doesn't tell you why he wants to talk to me."

"Don't know, don't care." Nare said. "Keep walking." He demanded.

Boocola walked outside in the sunlight. Her eyes was blinded temporarily by the sun until her eyes adjusted. She kept walking with a gun pointed at her. Her vision was returning to normal and she could make out a helipad up ahead.

"You're going for a ride, my dear." Nare said.

"No, no, no." Boocola said struggling to free her hands from the bindings. "Please, I am afraid of heights, I have vertigo and I get motion sickness."

"Not my problem." Nare said as the sound of a helicopter can be heard approaching the island. "There is your ride now."

"I can't go up in a helicopter, I don't like to fly." Boocola said as she started shaking. "no plea...mmmph." She complained as Nare put the ball gag back in her mouth. "Mmmph mmmph mmmph." She cried.

"Well what do you know." Nare gloated. "You think with an impressive display of combat data I collected from you." He said smiling. "you really are afraid to fly." He said as the helicopter landed.

A man wearing a white suit got off the helicopter and walked to Boocola. "Well well well." The man said. "Boocola the man, the myth, the legend." He said looking down at a woman with a ballgag in her mouth, wrist tied behind her back and shaking in fear. "Well that was a bit of an exaggeration, your combat data is impressive." he said putting his hands on her chin.

Boocola looked at him with tears streaming from fearful eyes. "Mmmph mmmph mmmph." She cried.

"You don't recognize me do you." The man said. "I must thank you, if it weren't for you this invasion would never had been possible." He said releasing her. "I am Shrag."

Boocola's eyes widen with shock and disbelief.


Boocola is shaking her head not believing that Shrag is still alive. He can't be the magic arrow that killed him could not have brought him back to life. Unless the molecular structure of his skull traveled to earth and altered like his daughters and everyone else in the mountain when it entered the atmosphere

"I see you're thinking about how I could be alive." Shrag gloated at Boocola. "Well it's quite simple." He said. "You were bored and frustrated at your stepmother."

Boocola looked down thinking of the things she thought about when she was a kid. A boy sitting under a tree trying to speed up time so that the summer would end faster. The boy's father having him split wood while his stepmother relaxed in a pool laughing at his father for trying to strengthen his hands. Then that boy washed dishes with blisters on his hands with lemon dish soap.

"You remember." Shrag said as he turned around to walk to the helicopter. "The boy is dead." He said as he got in the pilot's seat. "Strap her in, she's coming with us."

Nare pushed Boocola forward towards the helicopter. She resisted at first, even tried to free her wrist from behind her back. Realizing that there was no escape, she got into the helicopter.

"This should be a short trip. " Nare said. "We are going to that tower over there." He said pointing to a tall building, then strapping her into the helicopter seat.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Boocola said that she would go by boat and car.

"Relax." Nare said. "You have to conquer your fears."

The helicopter lifted off the ground and flew to the building.