Winning Back Black Cat (M/F)

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Winning Back Black Cat (M/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Defuse or Die! I’m your host, Arcade! Now, let’s meet our contestant: the sensational Spider-Man!”

Peter rolled his eyes under his mask, trapped in a small black room. Arcade had hacked into SHIELD’s computers with a message for Spider-Man to come and rescue Black Cat (aka Felicia Hardy) and the coordinates to his latest Murderworld on a small deserted island near the Pacific Coast. If anyone else besides Spider-Man came to the rescue, her nine lives would be reduced to zero. “I’m not here to play around, Arcade! Give me back Black Cat!”

Arcade chuckled over the loudspeaker (the damn coward wasn’t even in the same room as the hero). “Uh-uh-uh. You’ll have to play my game and win to get her to get her back. Ooh, and what a game you’ll be playing to do so! Ever heard of Donkey Kong, as in the old arcade game?”

One of the room’s walls collapsed, leading to another room. It was a giant recreation of the classic Donkey Kong game, filled with red platforms, cyan ladders, and at the top platform was a giant metallic silver robot shaped at DK. Behind him were a few dozen wooden barrels.

On a small platform above him knelt Black Cat. Her hands were encased in duct tape and her wrists and elbows were bound behind her with rope. More went around her waist, shoulders, knees, and ankles. One rope strand tied the ankle and wrist bonds together. A large white cloth was tied over her mouth and nose. Finally, there was a silver metal headband around her forehead.

“Here’s the game,” Arcade explained through the speakers. “You have to avoid the barrels DK throws and get up to Black Cat. But you have to use the ladders. No cheating by just zipping up there with your webs. If you try that...see Black Cat’s headband?”
“That’s the bomb! If you cheat, I’ll blow the cat’s whiskers off!”

Black Cat shouted through the gag, seemingly agreeing with the statement.

Spider-Man grunted. “Fine. If it gets Black Cat back, then it’s on like Donkey Kong!”
“Ah, I see what you did there,” Arcade chuckled. “Good one. Anyway, let the game begin!”

Cracking his neck, Peter started to run up the tilted platform towards the ladder. Immediately, the robot DK started to roll barrels down the platforms. As the hero neared the first ladder, he encountered his first barrel, he heard a faint beeping noise. As he hopped over it, the barrel suddenly exploded, the shockwave causing Peter to tumble onto the floor. Black Cat let out a concerned shout into the gag.

“Those barrels have proximity sensors,” Arcade explained. “If they get close to you, they’ll explode in seconds!”
“Oh, great to know,” Peter snarked as he stood back up and climbed up the first ladder.

A blue oil barrel rose up to the first platform, the one Peter just climbed off of. DK leaned over and dropped a special blue barrel into the oil barrel down below. This created a red fireball that started to chase Peter from behind at the same time another barrel rolled his way. Grunting, Peter hopped over the barrel just before it exploded, bent his knees backward, and leaned back to dodge the fireball that whizzed past him and hit the nearby wall.

Spider-Man tumbled to the floor. “I hope your game’s prize is also health insurance, cuz I’m fairly certain I nearly broke my spine,” he quipped.
“Nope! But you do get a power-up, hero!”

A glowing hammer popped out from a hole in the platform above them. “This special hammer messes with the barrel’s sensors and lets you smash them,” Arcade explained. “But it’s only in play for a limited time and you aren’t allowed to climb ladders while you hold it.”
“But I can hold it with one hand and climb the ladder with the other hand!”
“Sorry! If Mario can’t do it in the original game, you can’t do it here!”

Peter grabbed the hammer and waited for the next barrel to approach. When he didn’t hear it beep, he swung at it, smashing it to bits. The next barrel that approached suffered a similar fate.

“Woo! Way to tally up those points, hero!” Arcade taunted over the speakers.

Spider-Man made his way towards the next ladder and swung the hammer up at the barrel on the next platform before it made its way down. At that point, the hammer stopped glowing. Peter threw the hammer off to the side and scaled the ladder

Donkey Kong threw down another blue barrel along with the normal barrel. Peter took a running start and somersaulted over both. Peter managed to land on his feet, even after the regular barrel exploded.

“Wonderful moves, Spider-Man!” Arcade applauded. “Though, there are no bonus points for style.”
“How are you holding up, Cat?” Spider-Man asked Black Cat.
“MMM! HMM!” she shouted into the gag, glancing up at the bomb headband and then at Donkey Kong. She shifted slightly against the ropes, trying to figure out if she could escape while making sure she didn’t fall off the platform.
“Don’t worry. It’ll be off you in a second!”

After leaping over another barrel, Peter made his way up to the fourth level, grabbing another hammer on the way up. He smashed through another blue two regular barrels before discarding the hammer and approaching the ladder.

“MMM-MMM! MMM MMM!” Black Cat shouted, pointing her eyes behind him.

Peter’s Spider-Senses went off. Glancing behind him, Peter flipped over the fireball that was about to hit, watching it collide with the wall.

“Thanks for the heads-up, Kitty!” Spider-Man called out.
“Mmm!” Felicia answered back, relieved that the game wasn’t over yet.

He could hear Arcade grunt over the speakers. “You managed to avoid death, Spider-Man, thanks to the help of an NPC.”
“I guess you can say she gave me a cheat-death code,” the hero quipped back.

Peter was now at the fourth level, the last one before reaching DK and his damsel. As he jumped over an exploding barrel, he had a thought; Arcade said he had to avoid the barrels, but he never said how he had to. So he hopped up on the bottom of the platform above him and crawled towards the next ladder, watching the barrels roll under him and not explode since he wasn’t on the ground to trigger the sensors.

“Hey! You’re-”
“Your dumb rules never stated my feet had to remain on the floor,” Spider-Man pointed out as he made his way to the ladder and scaled it up to the level where Black cat and DK were.
“Fine! DK will just have to go ape on Black Cat as punishment!”

DK grabbed Felicia and placed her over its metal shoulder. “Get your hands off of her, you damn dirty ape!” Spider-Man shouted as he cast a web line against Felicia’s back and yanked her back towards her. He caught her in his arms and placed her behind him. “Are you OK?” he asked.
“Mmm!” Black Cat nodded before looking back up at the headband. “Mmm! Mm-”
“Don’t worry about it,” the hero assured her. “Let me take out the big guy, and then I’ll worry about the bomb.”

Spider-Man cast two web lines into the robot’s chest and pulled himself in for a dropkick that knocked the robot back a step. Letting out a metallic roar, DK launched a punch near the hero. Spider-Man cast a web line that wrapped around the robot’s punching fist and started pulling it near him. Instinctively, the robot put all its strength into pulling Peter in.

“You want your arm back so much?” Peter asked the robot. “Here, take it!”

Peter released his grip on the web line. The robot didn’t have time to adjust, resulting in its arm getting flung in its face, partially bashing DK’s face in and partially exposing a green wire in the cheek section.

“What? You didn’t teach your monkey the ‘stop hitting yourself’ game?” Spider-Man sarcastically asked as he leaped onto the robot’s chest and started to tear at the wire.

The robot lifted its arm and tried to strike the hero, but Spider-Man (still grabbing the wire) leaped onto its shoulder, causing the robot to punch its own chest, further exposing the wired area. Peter kept yanking at the wire as the robot stumbled back and forth and Black Cat kept squirming back to avoid getting stepped on. Finally, with one last hard yank, Peter ripped the wire from its chest. The robot let out a metallic groan as it fell on its back.

“Ugh, boss battle defeated,” Arcade grunted.

Spider-Man raced over to Black Cat and lowered her OTN gag, letting her spit out the cloth packing. “I guess I saved you, Princess Peach.”
“Spider-Man, the headband-”
“I know,” he said as he looked towards the speakers. “Tell me how to defuse this, Arcade.”
“Spider-Man! The bomb isn’t in my headband! It’s a fake!”

“That’s right, heroes!” Arcade exclaimed with a gleeful cackle. “But the bomb is somewhere nearby…”

Just then, a small hatch opened up on DK’s stomach, revealing a timer at 15 seconds. “Why didn’t you tell me that?” Peter quipped at Felicia as he muscled the heavy fallen robot near the edge and pushed it off as there were five seconds left. He leaped over and placed his body over Felicia’s right before the robot hit the ground below it and exploded.

“You might have won that game, you two,” an aggravated Arcade shouted into the speakers, “but I still have a few more games that will destroy you!”
“Are you sure about that?” Spider-Man asked. “Because I’ll confess: I was playing a game of my own called ’Distract the Madman While SHIELD Pulls a Revenge-Hack’.”
“While you had your eye on the game in here, I guess you weren’t looking at your other games that SHIELD took offline.”

From his control room, Arcade pulled at his hair. “You’re bluffing!”
“Am I?”

Arcade pressed the button on his control panel that would fill the room with knockout gas, only to find that nothing happened. He tried to send an army of robots into the room, only for them to be offline as well.

“No-no-no-no!” the villain exclaimed as he tried pressing every button on his panel. As he did, the wall behind him exploded, letting Black Widow and Hawkeye in.

“Unfortunately for you, Arcade, you’re the one who’s been played,” Black Cat smirked as Spider-Man shot a taunting blob of web at two of the speakers.

Sighing, Arcade got out of his chair and raised his hands in defeat. “SHIELD wasn’t supposed to be a part of this game,” he whined.
“It is when you hack into their computers,” Natasha explained as she placed handcuffs on his wrist.
“Luckily for us,” Clint pointed out as he grabbed Arcade by his shirt and walked him out of the room, “there are no computer games to practice for next time where you’re going…”


Clint and Natasha offered to give Peter and Felicia a ride home on the SHIELD jet they traveled to the Murderworld in. As Arcade sat in a restraint chair silently stewing in rage, Spider-Man and Black Cat sat across from him. “Wait, if you knew SHIELD was coming, why did you play his game?” Felicia asked.
“I like retro video games,” Peter explained. “Besides, it’s not often I can rescue a damsel in distress.”

Black Cat looked down at herself, still trapped in ropes and tape. “Speaking of which, can you untie me now?”
“Can’t. Arcade ties really good knots,” Peter teased. “I’d use one of Hawkeye’s arrows, but he tends to get antsy about other people touching his stuff.”

Peter’s fingers ‘accidentally’ slipped onto his web shooter, causing a web blob to stick Felicia’s lips together. “MMPH!” she yelled.
“Sorry,” Spider-Man joked. “I’m gonna go to the cockpit to see if we’re almost to the Helicarrier. Be right back!”

As Spider-Man left, Arcade shot the bound girl a snide look, causing her to mentally vow to sink her claws into both hero and villain when she was freed.
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Post by Qwerty123 »

She would totally get her revenge on villain and hero for leaving her like that.
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Post by ninterz »

Ever since I saw Black Cat tief up and gagged in the 90's show I was in love with the thought.
And that game was on of my favorites.
Very nice story.
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