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Your Pain Won’t Be Their Gain! A Lawyers Peril (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:06 pm
by Outdoorpanda
Richard Schneider has a lot in his mind as of late. It’s not everyday that you end up a captive in your own home, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. Richard was a strapping man of the age of 36, deep brunette hair, tall muscular frame, and deep voice that commanded attention anywhere he went. As it should Richard is a high powered lawyer in the city. You’ve maybe seen his commercial with the catch phrase “Your pain won’t be their gain!”, you know the buff attorney who bursts out of his shirt like Superman. A very effective ad, it plays all throughout the state in local channels.

The night started as it usually did. He hung up the phone at this office with a slam. The local Pharmacy Tech Company Jemco was furious with him. His last case settled for an extraordinary amount of money and sent the company into quite a bit of turmoil. Richard had absolutely no sympathy for the company, that’s what you get when you release a product that breaks several regulations. You simply can’t dump your waste in the city creeks and not expect people to not get upset about it. After all, when people got hurt he liked to think of himself as the man to step in and fight for them… for a fee of course.

Jemco’s calls had become more and more cryptic in the weeks following the case. Richard just brushed it off as a bruised ego. But the last call was rather unsettling, a man screaming into the receiver “it’ll be the last case you ever take you god damn shark!”.

His drive home was uneventful, pulling into the garage of his place he pressed the door opener, and bent over in his seat to pull his briefcase from the floor and closer to him on the next seat. During this distraction, a shadow brushed by his window but he saw nothing. He pulled his car in.

His brown custom dress shoes made it clear who entered the home against the tile floors of his home. Passing a mirror he caught a glimpse of himself in his navy suit and baby blue polka dot tie. He should have looked closer at the figure making its way quickly through his living room in the background.

Richard stood in his kitchen, his head in the fridge looking for something to cook for dinner. The steel door of the fridge blocking the view of his left side. He closed it and saw a man dressed in all black. His frame was of a lean build, maybe some muscle there but probably not much. An old troll mask obscured their view of his face.

Richard stopped in his tracks and put his hands up at the sight of the pistol the man brandished.

“Look, take whatever you want man. I don’t want any trouble.” Richard said taking small steps back.

“Good then lead the way to your safe.” Said the masked figure.
He grabbed a chair from the kitchen and one armed it with that gun always drawn at Richard’s back.

“I’ll take you to it, but I’ll tell you now there’s not much in it.” Richard said asking his way into his bedroom. Moving some hanging suits out of the way he entered the code to his safe and opened it up. There were a few stacks of cash and a few designer watches he wore to events. The man shoved past and tossed the contents of the safe hand over fist.

“Okay take a seat.” Said the man pointing the gun to the chair he brought in.

Richard took a seat in the chair and awaited his fate. The man tucked the gun into the back of his pants and he quickly pulled Richard’s arms behind the chair. He could feel what felt like ropes being laced around his wrists. Small loops tightened around his wrists cuffing them tightly behind the chair. He adjusted his seating and pulled at the bow knotted up shackles and they were tight.

“Put your legs together.” Barked the man.

Richard complied and sat up straight in the chair with his legs pressed together. The intruder took another length of rope and started to wrap his ankles tightly.

“Should I kick the guy?” The thought had crossed his mind. But he was still armed and who knew if he was alone. By the time he would have reached a phone or his front door the guy could pump him full of lead. The best option was to stay put, and do whatever this guy says. Insurance would cover the losses.

The man continued trussing his limbs, now tightly binding his knees together. The ropes were so tight, he could feel his body being pressed together by the force of the cords. He could barely move them back and forth. The ropes on his ankles only allowed for the fainting cracklings of his leather shoes rubbing against one another. But the man wasn’t finished he flung a bag from around his back and tossed it near him on the floor. Inside was even more rope. He gathered a large bundle and started to undo it.

Taking position behind Richard he started by looping a large slip loop over his torso. Then with a foot in the back of the chair he tightened the loop forcing Richard to sit up straight in his seat. And within minutes he could see the long length of rope get shorter and shorter as it wrapped itself around his torso. He dug his foot in again to get a good amount of slack at the ends to tie it off. Richard was wrapped up in rope, the cords dug into his suit he couldn’t help but be reminded of the detectives in the old comics he read as a child. The hero was indeed fastest to a chair awaiting his fate.

Richard couldn’t understand what possessed this man to use so much rope to bind him. But it seemed like he was never satisfied, digging into the bag he pulled out more and began to wrap ropes around his waist and lap to secure him to the seat of the wooden dining room chair.

“I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere. You got me pretty well secure…” Richard said exhausted by his position.

“Damn right you won’t. I’ll see that it’ll be a long time before you’re freed, if ever.” Chuckled the man. Richard couldn’t help but notice his voice wasn’t rough and deep but kind of soft. Like he was trying really hard to put on a tough front.

“Look you got your money and I’m pretty helpless here. You can just go. I know Jemco probably sent you to rough me up. Trust me he’ll will freeze over before I let them shut me up!” Richard barked out.

The mask leaned its head like it was confused. “Jemco? The medicine company? Why would they be after you?” Asked the mask.

This took Richard a back, this wasn’t some crony from Jemco. He was really being robbed.

“It’s nothing. Just some ruffled feathers is all.” Richard said trying to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

“No, no. I think this simple robbery just gained whole lot more earning potential.” The intruder said standing up and taking a good look at his work.

Richard was sat tightly bound to the dining room chair, and enough rope encased his body to where he wouldn’t be bustling out any time soon.

“Look, you got what you wanted now please leave me alone….mmm.” Richards pleas were interrupted by a gloved hand gripping his mouth.

“Shush would you. Seems the buff lawyer has enemies. Them muscles sure helped ya here huh? Now I’m thinking of the amount a company like Jemco would pay for a guy like you out of the way. You know I always thought you ambulance chasers were all the same. But you’ve proven to be more than just a handsome guy on a bus bench. Very inspiring by the way. All it took was a few googles and I found out everything about you.” The masked man scoped the room for something.

He let go and walked over to the closet door that was still open casting light into the dark room. He rummaged through something that was out of Richard’s line of vision.

“Look you don’t wanna mess with Jemco, they are nuts. Trust me.” Richard tried to bargain.
The man walked in front of him holding a handful of cloths. He had one bundle of something that looked familiar.

“I’ll take my chances pretty boy, now open wide.” He said bringing the bundle closer.

“No please you don’t have to gag me, I’ll be quiet I swear.” Richard pleaded.

“Nice try now fuckin open up.” His tone turned sinister.
Richard opened his mouth wide and allowed him to shove inside the balled up grayed bundle of cloth.

The whif he caught under his nose was the familiar vinegary scent of his gym sneakers. Which meant the foul tasting was he was now chewing on were his ankle socks from leg day.

“Mmm!” Richard groaned as he bit down on the putrid bundle.

“Hush hush now buddy. It’ll be over sooner if you just comply.” The burglar said taking a tie and wrapping it tight around the mouth of his captive.

Richard could only watch as he saw the man twist up a white hanky from his tuxedos. He right it over his mouth and continued to do so. One after one his handkerchiefs were folded and tied around his mouth. Richard counted about seven layers. And topped off with one final one over his eyes.

“Mmm!” Richard could only muster out a faint whimper.

“That’s more like it. I saw a laptop in that office of yours. Let’s see what I can find in your contacts. Don’t go anywhere now.” The man said walking out of Richard’s bedroom. Leaving him to struggle in the dark.

Struggle Richard did. He tugged the best he could against his bonds but every limb on his body felt restrained. He could feel the knot tied on his wrists but it was just a few inches out of reach. If he could only reach it he might be able to get it untied.

“Mmm!” He grunted into his gag in frustration.

He couldn’t see a thing thanks to that damn hanky tied over his eyes. There had to be something he could do. Back and forth he rocked in the chair best he could. The ropes were so tight and it didn’t help his suit didn’t offer much in means of mobility.

“Melp! Melp!” Richard tirelessly screamed into his layered gag.

Hoping maybe a busy body neighbor would hear him.

“What’s all the ruckus in here about?”

The masked man looked over at his flushed captive. Walking over to hun he inspected the bindings around his wrists.

“Nope! No progress at all.” The masked man said with a grin.

Richard slumped back into his bindings, he didn’t know what could be in store for him, but the look on the man’s face was anything but comforting.

Re: Your Pain Won’t Be Their Gain! A Lawyers Peril (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:39 am
by YourCaptor75
Nice start. Good pace, good descriptions, interesting little twists and turns, and enough to get the imagination going. Hope to see more soon

Re: Your Pain Won’t Be Their Gain! A Lawyers Peril (M/M)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:00 am
by Smythdean
Great story.
Love the slight twist on the robbery.

And a great gag