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Morgan’s First Hogtie (FF/f, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:59 am
by BeautifulHeart
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon in the brisk autumn. Brunette Morgan was looking through a certain website on her phone. She was wearing a simple black T-shirt and blue jeans, bare feet swinging in the air as she scrolls through pictures.

“Hmm?” During her scrolling, she spots a picture of a girl with her hands tied behind her, and connected to her feet. Morgan couldn’t help but stare at her bare soles suspended in the air. “Looks interesting,” she turns her phone off and gets off her bed, listening for activity downstairs. “Nah, they’re not busy,” Morgan heads downstairs to the living room.

“Hey, Mum? Mama?” Lucy and Olympia are lounging on the couch. Lucy is a brunette with a pixie cut, with a sweater and blue jeans, while Olympia has long blonde hair, and is wearing a camisole and black jeans. Both are barefoot.

“What’s up?” Lucy sets her book down, taking her feet off the coffee table.

“Do you have time to tie me up again?” Morgan put her hands behind her back.

“Sure, no problem,” Olympia gets up. “You want to be tied in front of the mirror again?”

“Yeah,” Morgan shows her mothers the picture. “Could you tie me up like this?”

Lucy gets up to look at the picture. “A hogtie?” Lucy points out.

“That’s what it’s called?”

“You bet,” Lucy and Morgan head to where Olympia has set up the mirror.

“Hogtie already?” Olympia sets the mirror down in front of Morgan. “Hear that, Lucy? Our baby’s growing up fast!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Morgan lays down on the floor in front of the mirror, sticking her bare feet in the air.

“Try putting your hands behind you,” Olympia says, she and Lucy each unwinding a bundle of rope. Morgan crossed her wrists behind her, hands holding the opposite wrist. “Does that feel alright?”

“Yep, feels fine,” Morgan looks in the mirror at Lucy getting a rope ready to bind her feet.

“Good, then I’ll start,” Olympia takes the rope in hand and ties Morgan’s hands as they are. “Does that feel okay?”

“Yes, feels okay.”

“Good, now for your feet,” Lucy takes her rope, and ties Morgan’s feet together, feet side by side, pant legs inside the rope. “Feel good?”


“Alright, finishing touch,” Olympia takes one more rope and loops it around Morgan’s ankle tie, then connects it to her wrist tie, tying it off so that Morgan’s feet are near her hands. “Does that feel okay? Do I need to loosen it?”

“Nope, it’s good,” Morgan looks at her bound, wiggling feet in the mirror.

“Like what you see?” Lucy asks.

“It’s, not bad,” Morgan feels the hogtie rope with her fingers, still looking in the mirror at her feet.

“Well, do you know what’s so perfect about this little rig?” Lucy sits directly behind Morgan, putting a hand on each foot.

“Oh no…!” Morgan squeezes her eyes shut, bracing for impact.

“It’s only the best for tickles!” Lucy spiders up Morgan’s soles.

“Ehahahahaha…!” Morgan wiggles her feet and squirms in her bindings.

“Oh, you think that’s funny?” Olympia unravels the last of the rope, having pulled out some twine as well.

“Quite,” Lucy takes one last rake up Morgan’s soles before scooting beside her.

“Well, I’ve got plenty of rope here, and I feel like using it. Want to see what’s all the rage?”

“Sure,” Lucy lays down next to Morgan. “Go ahead, use it up.”

“Aww, this won’t end well for you,” Morgan looks in the mirror at the remaining cords of rope. “You’re too ticklish.”

“Please, no one’s more ticklish than you,” Lucy puts her hands palm to palm, and Olympia ties her wrists together. Morgan catches glances at Lucy’s raised feet. “Feels good.”

“Come now, there’s no need to debate who’s more ticklish,” Olympia takes more rope and ties below Lucy’s knees and her ankles, feet side by side. “You’re both going to sing for me in your soprano and alto, and that’s good enough for me,” Olympia connects Lucy’s hands and feet in a hogtie, slightly tighter than Morgan’s, who’s looking over with a giggly smile on her face. “Both feeling good?”

“Yeah,” Morgan catches glances at Lucy’s raised feet, which are slightly bigger than hers.

“Feeling great,” Lucy flexes her toes, catching Morgan glance at her feet.

“Good,” Olympia takes some of the twine, and ties Lucy’s big toes and thumbs together. “Gotta keep my instrument still. How does that feel?”

“Okay,” Lucy wiggles her bound toes.

“Could you tie my toes?” Morgan holds her two big toes together.

“Really adventurous today, aren’t we?” Olympia ties Morgan’s big toes together. “Like it?”

“Yeah, feels okay,” Morgan wiggles her bound toes, splaying her other toes.

“There, now we match,” Lucy wiggles her fingers and toes, catching Morgan’s and Olympia’s eyes.

“You two look so cute together,” Olympia sits down behind her wife’s and daughter’s feet. “Mum and daughter, feet held up just for me. Any last exchanges?”

“Oh Morgan,” Lucy looks at her daughter with a sly grin. “What have you gotten us into?”

“Oh, nothing neither of us can’t handle,” Morgan looks back with a smirk.

“Very well, let’s hit it,” Olympia gently spiders up Lucy’s feet first.

“Ehehehehehe…!” Lucy squints hard and clenches her teeth.

“Try all you want, Mum, it won’t go away.”

“Like it won’t for you?” Olympia scrapes at Morgan’s feet next.

“Ahahahahaha…!” Morgan’s eyes widen as she laughs harder.

“Quiet now, wouldn’t want any unwanted attention,” With that, Olympia starts scraping at both bound pairs of feet in front of her. Lucy and Morgan look at each other amidst their giggling, they both know they’ll be here for a while.

Re: Morgan’s First Hogtie (FF/f, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:13 am
by JulieG
Lovely story. I love tickling my captives' feet. At the start Lucy asks to be tied up"again". This is clearly not the first tie up game for the trio.

Re: Morgan’s First Hogtie (FF/f, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:05 pm
by brasileira2
Very cute story. Could we learn more about the prior bondage experiences of these three? Love the tied toes!

Re: Morgan’s First Hogtie (FF/f, F/Ff)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:14 pm
by TimChimp
I really liked the story, its short and to the point but it has a fun enough setting and characters and that's basically all I can ask from a story like this.
Much like your previous one I think that it has its "unique touch", but that could be said about every story. What I want to say is that I like the style you're developing your stories, keep it up!