In Agriggia (m/m)

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In Agriggia (m/m)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 1

It was the XV century, in the gardens of the Barbolani Palace, the residence of the most powerful family in Agriggia, where a group of kids was playing a simple and fun game: getting tied up to see how long it would take them to escape, while the others playfully tickled them. The leader of this game was none other than Giulio, the only child, and heir of Raimondo Barbolani, head of the family and unofficial ruler of the town. He was, of course, the one in charge of tying the others and the only one who never got himself trussed up.

It was easy for the twelve-year-old to lead his fellows. He had been raised to take his father’s place one day, so his manners were commanding and self-assured despite his young age. Besides that, he was a pretty boy, with his dark brown hair framing his nice face and those hazel eyes with such a smart gaze.

All the children wanted to befriend him, especially Guido Ghezzo, a round face kid about his age, who was like a puppy, always trying to call his attention and to please him. He was next in the game, so he got in the center of the circle formed by kids and crossed his wrists behind his back, happily allowing Giulio to bind him. He kneeled and let his ankles get tied up as well. After that, he was helped by Barbolani to rest on his stomach, so the game could start.

Guido had been trying to escape for about ten minutes, when Donnino approached the circle of kids, summoned by the laughter. He was a year older than Giulio and was a member of the rival family, the Alboresi. His family had raised quickly in the social scale thanks to their commercial success, but they weren’t quite accepted yet as they were seen as upstarts.

-What are you playing? -he asked when he got near them.

One of the kids explained the game. Even though he wasn’t much into it, he thought it could be fun for a while, until he knew that Giulio was in charge. He didn’t like the boy, not because they had any previous feud, but because he thought he was way too arrogant. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make his way out before Barbolani saw him.

Giulio paused the game, giving Guido time to breathe, and directed everyone’s attention to the new kid. He approached Alboresi. He wanted to see him up close since they had never met in person before. When he was next to him, he spoke.

-Do you want to play? I don’t think Guido will escape and he could use a rest- he said, with a snicker, suggesting Donnino would be tied up.

The older boy didn’t want to be under a Barbolani’s power, not even in a game.

-This is too childish. I’ll leave you to toss around and giggle like babies. I have other things to do. – said Donnino and walked off, not before giving Giulio a little push, as if to make space for himself.

However, that wasn’t Donnino’s lucky day. Ormanno, his older brother, saw the whole scene with horror. He wanted to marry Pia, Giulio’s cousin. She was the most beautiful girl in town and her social position and wealth made her the most desirable bachelorette. He knew he would never get her if this kind of discourtesy spoiled the whole business.

Being five years older, taller and much more muscled, Ormanno could easily subdue his little brother. So, as soon as Donnino was about to get into the palace, he grabbed him from the neck, handgagged him and dragged him to a close bush, where he had left some rope he could use. Before the younger boy tried to shout for help, he pushed some cloth inside his mouth and used a handkerchief to keep it inside, tying it around the kid’s head. All the while, the boy didn’t stop fighting, but it wouldn’t last.

Once he was gagged, Donnino felt his arms being pulled behind his back, no matter how bad he tried to resist. He had been forced to sit, so he couldn’t kick his big brother. He felt his wrists being tied up tightly. He couldn’t believe Ormanno was doing this to him. They used to fight like all siblings do, but he had never trussed him up before. Then, he was made to stand up and was walked back to where the other kids were. Now he understood his brother’s scheme. He was planning to give him up to Giulio! He felt betrayed and angry. He was about to be humiliated in front of that brat and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to kick, but being constantly pushed, he couldn’t do it properly without risking falling.

-I won’t let you ruin my engagement to Pia -said Ormanno menacingly as he kept pushing his little brother. – Hey, Giulio! Look who changed his mind -he shouted when they got to the place.

All the kids started laughing and pointing at the grunting, struggling, tied up boy. Giulio, who had returned to torment Guido some more, turned to see his rival in ropes and greeted him with a pearly smile.

-What do we have here? but if it is the grown-up in person.

-Where do you want him? -asked Ormanno, trying to ingratiate himself with Barbolani.

-You can tie him to the tree if you’re so kind.

Ormanno, immediately pushed his little brother to the tree and untied the arms, just to bring them around the trunk and bind them again behind it. Then, he used some more rope to bind his legs, not wanting Donnino to be able to kick anyone as in the process, he almost got himself kicked.

When Donnino was well restrained, Ormanno left the kids to do as they pleased with his younger sibling, knowing his parents would approve his doings.

-I thought you were too old for this. At least, that is what you wanted to make us believe. Let’s see if that is the case -Giulio said, as he started to open Donnino’s shirt. The other kids were tickled all dressed up, but he wanted to make an exception with the unruly boy.

Alboresi struggled as much as he could, thinking that it was outrageous, but nothing could be done while his upper body was being left exposed.

-Hmm -started Giulio, faking confusion -, I thought grown-ups had chest hair, but his is completely smooth. Let’s check under his arms. -he opened the shirt some more to reveal a pair of almost hairless armpits. He even used his fingers to explore the areas.

The other kids were on the ground, kicking as they laughed. Donnino was as red as his olive tone allowed.

-Oh, I see. There are a couple of hairs here – said Giulio as he pulled them off. Donnino grunted when his hairs were plucked -I’m so sorry! Let me try to put them back on.

Some kids were now laughing so hard that it seemed as if they would soon run out of air. Donnino, on the other hand, kept struggling against the poking fingers, with no success.

-Well, I couldn’t -said Giulio with pretended disappointment-. I guess you were right. You are a grown-up… sort of. At least you’re now more receptive to tickling. I think you need to have some fun, Mr. Grown-up.

Having said that, he called the kids to torture his angry prisoner as he stepped back to watch the show, always in sight of Donnino, to make sure the bound boy could see his smirk.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Tiedtothelife »

Nice story, I hope you follow it so that Guido receives his deserved, hehe.
You know what's better than a shirtless boy tied and gagged? A shirtless boy tied and gagged being tickled.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for this well-told tale.
It is a good example of paragraphing dialogue, which is perfectly clear even in a non-English language style. We need more like this!

Please increase my happiness by gender tagging the tale.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by drawscore »

I like this. A little difficult to follow because of the foreign names, which I have to work to pronounce, but other than that, well written, and flows nicely. No grammatical or spelling errors that I spotted, which is a huge plus. But I did scan through it quickly. A solid A. (96-97)
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 2

Only once had Giulio ever known the ropes, when he was about eleven. He was walking around his favorite family state, in the outskirts of Agriggia, enjoying nature, at least this domesticated version of it. Horseback riding was one of his most beloved activities and he mastered it since he was seven. He could ride Nero for ages if he were allowed.

He went to the stables, to get Nero ready for a ride, and there he found Adamo. The boy was fifteen, not much older than Giulio himself, but hard work made him look older. He was tall for a boy his age and pretty muscled. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and even though it was only noon, he had been up and active for eight hours by that time. The young heir was fond of the stables guy, he was fun and always willing to teach him something about horses and other stuff. Giulio could tell that it was not just because he was the son of the boss, but because of the good nature of the boy. And yet, that didn’t stop him from pestering the boy, just for the fun of it.

Adamo was coiling some rope and the kid got curious about the uses of it.

-We use it for many things: to put the hay together, to hold the horses and lead them around, …to keep nosy kids under control.

Giulio got the joke and thought it would be amusing to give it a try. He was very competitive, and his huge ego was always up for a challenge.

-I bet I could escape from everything you can put me in.- he said in a presumptuous way.

Adamo wouldn’t have hesitated if the kid was like any other, but the heir was no commoner. Even though his eyes sparkled at the idea of such a game, he quickly looked away and patronized him by saying -I don’t want to ruin your clothing, young master.

Giulio had his eyes wide open at the sudden reminder of his responsibilities, paying no attention to the mocking tone of the words.

-Of course, my clothes! – the kid started to take off his short overrobe and his shirt, folding them and putting them neatly on top of a wooden box.

Adamo watched the scene, surprised and amused. Before he was now an expecting, bare-chested and rather thin kid.

-I didn’t think you, rich people, cared about spoiling some clothes.

-Hmm… we don’t- answered the kid, back to brat mode -, these just happen to be some of my favorites.

The stables boy felt now obliged to go on with the bravado. It would be somehow more humiliating for the kid to be there, half-naked for nothing, than to be tied up.

“If I’m going to do this, let's do it right”, thought Adamo.

He asked Giulio to lay on his stomach, on top of a clean piece of fabric he had just found and put on the floor, right under a pulley. The kid did so promptly, and put his hands together behind his back, as he was told. Adamo chose the softest rope he could find and proceeded to tie the wrists, followed by the legs.

Giulio was very excited about the whole thing. He had never been bound before and the sensation was quite unfamiliar. He felt some rope being coiled around his knees. Next, another one around his arms and chest and yet another around his wrists and hips. He started to worry, not because of his own safety, but for failing in his escape attempt. The ropes were now way too secure, and he felt so restricted that he doubted of his possibilities to even move around. For his horror, he felt his legs were bent and tied to the rope around his chest, rendering him completely helpless. He really considered telling him to stop and set him free immediately, but a Barbolani doesn’t back out of a challenge. At least he would give it a try when he was done. Nevertheless, considering his current state, he knew he had no chances at all.

Then, something completely unexpected occurred: he was being lifted! Adamo had tied some rope to his hips and chest bindings and was now pulling him off the ground. The sensation of weightlessness overcame the one of the tightening grip of the rope. His little weight was distributed on some generous amount of rope that almost mummified his torso, so the feeling wasn’t painful.

When the bigger boy attached the rope to a hook, Giulio finally dared to breathe deeply.

-Are you done? – asked the kid, hoping that his voice hadn’t sounded so trembling.


“Oh, no! what else can he do to me?”, thought the nervous heir.

His answer came when he saw Adamo approaching him with a small cloth in his hands.

-We don’t want you to be crying out loud, right?

-I won’t cry! - he said, even though he was actually about to. He didn’t want to be gagged, it was already way too much for him, but it was the fastest way to get it over with. So, when Adamo asked him to open his mouth, he did, and he felt the cloth being tied tightly behind his head.

-Now, we’re done!

“Great!”, thought the kid. He had long ago realized that he was completely trapped. He could be reckless, but not stupid. He gave a small thrashing show, more out of pride. Then, he remained still, waiting for the boy to release him. His efforts had put him in a twirling motion, and it was starting to make him sick.

-What?! No big escape? – the smirk in the stable guy’s face was uttermost insulting.

Giulio just looked away. He had never felt so defeated in his short life. He was just hanging there, completely humiliated and eager to be set free, but too embarrassed to ask for it.

Adamo stopped the twirling, bound kid and said: - I know what will make you feel better.

Giulio just wanted one thing, but the snicker in Adamo’s face told him that it wasn’t yet to come.
“What now? You won! Just let me go, you, big jerk!” thought the kid.

Suddenly, he panicked when he felt his shoes being removed. Adamo was probably the only person who knew he was ticklish. He had found out as he helped the kid get on and off his horse and had used it as a weapon against him many times.

Now, Giulio was defenseless to whatever the big boy wanted to do to him. He felt fingers rubbing his soles and he went nuts. The sensation is much more intense when you can do nothing about it and you’re hanging five feet up in the air. All he could do was laugh and mumble some insults behind his gag. Adamo then, ran his fingers along the kid’s sides, as much as the rope allowed. Giulio was now thankful for his protecting rope coat until he felt some fingers dig into his armpits, that is. His arms closely bound to his torso didn’t let him do anything but to feel those drills.

A distant voice came to interrupt them, leaving them frozen. It was the kid’s uncle calling out for him.
“Damned, this is really bad! I’ve got my fingers in the armpits of the hanging, half-naked, trussed up heir! They’re going to lash me or hang me straight up!”. Adamo could only think but did nothing about it, it was like he was watching the whole thing from the outside.

-Ghht yohh fhnghhs hut aef mh unthehhmsh anh hunhie mh!

The kid’s desperate plead broke the spell and Adamo did as he was told. As his fingers got out of Giulio’s underarms, they elicited a squirm for they tickled. He removed the gag.

-Untie me! I don’t want my uncle to find me like this.

Adamo hurried to loosen the rope off the hook and put the kid back down, but he balanced him so that he fell in the space reserved for Nero, which was near. Then, he entered and released Giulio’s hands, just when the uncle was entering the stable. He came out to greet him.

-Have you seen Giulio? He was supposed to ride Nero, but I haven’t seen him around.

“This is it, the kid is going to give me away. I`m dead!”

-I’m over here, uncle.

The man approached Nero’s room and saw his bare-chested nephew, sitting next to Nero’s hay. Giulio was praying not to be asked to stand up since his legs were still bound. Luckily, either the shady room or the uncle’s short sight prevented the man to notice the rope marks on the kid’s torso.

-I was learning how to take care of Nero! – said Giulio with pretended joy.

-That’s nice, but we have people to take care of that. Now, you’ll have to clean yourself up before dinner. Come and join us when you’re ready, your father and I are having a wonderful time racing each other. – the uncle left with those last lines.

Adamo stood there waiting. Once the man was out, he went back to Nero’s room and found the kid just sitting there, with his head low. He could have sworn that he heard him sobbing. He approached and, taking a seat next to Giulio, he passed an arm around the kid’s shoulders.

-Are you all right, buddy? – he asked, forgetting the formalities.

Giulio didn’t answer for a second and then said in a low voice, a little more than a mere whisper: -I couldn’t even untie my legs with my free hands.

-Here, let me help you.

The kid sat a bit aside, to let Adamo release his legs. The sense of failure had been too much for a kid used to do as he pleased. Also, that degree of vulnerability had been quite unsettling for him.

-It’s not your fault. I went overboard – said the stable boy as an apology -. I really wanted to beat you this time, you’re always so good at everything. Trust me, no one could have gotten out of that.

-Not even you? – the kid asked, looking at him with a shy smile.

Then Adamo realized: the kid kind of looked up to him. It made some sense, after all, Giulio was an only child and the only people he interacted with were adults. He was someone he could relate to.

-No way!

-Would you teach me to do that?

-Sure! I’ll even let you practice with me. – he knew he would regret it, but the kid needed to cheer up. And it worked, Giulio’s eyes regained their joy and a bright smile crossed his face. – But now you have to go with your father. Let me help you with Nero.

Giulio dressed up as the boy set the horse ready. When it was all done, the kid got out of the stable riding his magnificent black horse. He was Giulio Barbolani again, heir of the most powerful family in Agriggia, almost a prince.

“That little prick is going to make me go through some hell”, thought Adamo smiling, as he watched the kid leave. He returned the gesture when Giulio turned to say goodbye.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 1644

Post by Deleted User 1644 »

Waiting for you post new chapters on all your stories
Deleted User 4764

Post by Deleted User 4764 »

Nice work.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 3

It was a beautiful day. Giulio was already fourteen and his features began to show the gallant man he would one day become. He was in a hunting party, together with some of the privileged youth of Agriggia.

Adamo was helping the heir with some of the technical issues, like handling the hounds. Barnolani, however, had a perfect aim with the bow and he just had to target a hare to hunt it down in a second, paying little attention to the deer, that was supposed to be the big prize.

Some of the other boys were trying to emulate Giulio’s feats, with shameful results. The rest of them were just fooling around. Guido, always next to Barbolani, watched him with awe every time he opened his mouth. In his defense, it should be pointed out that Giulio was not only dashing, but also fun and clever, so it was easy for anyone to enjoy his company.

Donnino Alboresi had also been invited, much to his own discontentment. The boy had been a regular target for Giulio since that evening in the gardens of Barbolani’s palace. His first attempts to show some self-determination were soon undermined by his brother. So, there he was, trying to go unnoticed, struggling with his pulsating leader instincts.

At some point, when Giulio was starting to get bored, he suggested that they should hunt a kid, in a wider, outdoors version of hide-and-seek. Donnino could already see himself trussed up, but Giulio decided to make it a fairer selection and sticks were picked out of his hand to choose the prey.

The “lucky” one was Niccolaio, a boy about the same age as Giulio. The tall, slim boy was pretty easy going and started thinking in good hiding places as soon as he knew he was being hunted down. Two teams were formed and the one that captured Niccolaio would lead the party for the rest of the day. Donnino was thrilled and immediately chose the opposing team to Barbolani. Guido, on the other hand, was a bit disappointed since he wanted to be the prey, but at least he would get the chance to spend more time with Giulio.

In the meantime, Niccolaio had time to find a good place to hide, at some distance from the boys. He was wearing a rather colorful shirt that day and considered it unwise to keep it during the game, leaving it to the other kids. They decided not to use the hounds for they could be aggressive. That left it all to the trained eye of the hunters themselves.

For more than an hour, the boys had spread over that part of the woods, seeking for their companion, but the game was about to end. Donnino was hiding behind a down tree, waiting for his prey. He had seen the boy some meters away, sneakily walking his direction, and decided to wait for him. He was starting to get impatient as he had calculated that the boy should have already arrived when he heard a commotion at a short distance. He was surprised to see a bunch of kids tying Niccolaio’s hands and feet.

-What is going on? -he asked, emerging from his hideout.

-We have just captured Nicco and won the game – responded Giulio with a satisfied smile.

-He was mine! I had already spotted him and was waiting for him.

-What are you talking about? We have been tracking him all the way from the pond.

-That’s a lie! You followed me and stole my prey.

-We won fairly – answered Giulio calmly, despite his rage for being called a liar and a cheater.

-I’m a better hunter than you and you know it. I should be the one leading the party.

-Well, that’s obvious! The great hunter was luring his prey with his snoring -Giulio’s voice was loud and his eyes were flaming. -Watch and learn, everybody!

-I wasn’t asleep!

Giulio took a deep breath and regained his cool posture.

-I’ll tell you what we can do. Do you see that duck, over there? The one who hunts it wins and the loser gets to join Nicco.

-Deal! -Donnino saw another chance to finally beat and humiliate his rival.

The boys had brought their bows and arrows. They prepared to shoot, but some startling noise scared the duck, who took off immediately. Donnino didn’t even consider trying and was expecting for Giulio to propose a new challenge, but when he turned to him, he saw the boy concentrated, still aiming at the fleeing bird. When Giulio released the arrow, it described an elegant arch, hitting its target neatly.

Donnino was amazed. Had it been someone else the shooter, he would have been the first one to hug him excitedly and praise his talent. But it was his archnemesis who had won the challenge and it meant bad news for him.

-All right! Let’s get it over with -he said, pushing aside some kids that had gathered around Giulio to congratulate him.

-I think you should wear the same attire -Barbolani told to the sour boy when he saw him sitting next to the trussed-up Nicco.

Donnino got angrier when he realized what it meant, but he wasn’t in the mood to argue. He disposed of his shirt and put his hands in front, ready to be tied up. The other boys proceeded to restrain him. Then, they passed long sticks between the fastened limbs of the captives and carried them hanging to where they had left the horses.

The sight was amusing: two half-naked youngsters dangling from sticks that were carried on the shoulders of merry boys. Niccolaio decidedly wanted to make the best out of the situation and started to play along, sometimes yelling for help, while in others making impressions of animals. This made an obvious contrast with his distress-mate, who was too busy feeling embarrassed and irrationally fearing an unexpected visitor from his social circle.

-We’re not supposed to stay like this the rest of the day, right? -asked Donnino, with a mixture of annoyance and concern, when they got next to the horses.

-Of course not. You can share a ride. -replied Giulio with a smirk.

Their legs were untied, same as Donnino’s wrists. Both boys got on a horse; being Niccolaio the taller one, he sat behind and was instructed to pass his bound arms over his mate, holding him. Donnino’s arms were pulled behind, around Nicco and tied there, leaving some slack between his wrists. Then, they secured Nicco’s arms to the horn of the saddle.

-This is outrageous! I refuse to be led through the forest like this. - Donnino snapped.

-You’re right. It wouldn’t be fair to Nicco having to put up with you. -mocked Giulio before ordering a gag for the darker boy.

The day continued to be fun for most of the boys. While Donnino had to remain silent and stuck to a likewise sweaty and bare-chested boy, Niccolaio enjoyed watching the deer-hunting and the occasional teasing the other kids did on his more restricted mate.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

I like who these characters develops, specially the mostly one-sided rivalry between Guilio and Donnino. Even though the bondage was a little short in this last chapter, the characters made up for it
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 4

As Giulio grew up, he developed a noticeable inclination towards all forms of art, but particularly for painting. He rejoiced to visit the magnificent cathedrals to watch the frescos made by the most prominent masters of the time. He also started sponsoring promising artists, becoming an important patron.

In one of his visits to the Church of the Nativity, he found a young apprentice working in a touching painting of Saint Bartholomew. Giulio was fascinated by how the artist depicted the moment just before the martyrdom started, with the bound man barely covered with a loincloth, limply waiting for his fate.

-I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I apologize. -said Giulio when the painter turned to face him. -I simply couldn’t help to admire your skills.

When Matteo Spizega, that was the name of the artist, recognized Giulio, he humbly greeted him and said that he was honored to get the attention of such a connoisseur. Every starving young artist in Agriggia knew him since he had helped some of them to get renowned works and instant fame. It should be said that Matteo wasn’t like any other young talent, he was the son of a once prosperous banker now in disgrace, so he was familiar with the protocols and was formed in the charms and manners of the high society. His good looks were another relevant feature of him; tall, handsome, with a well-shaped body and shoulder-long brown hair, he was used to calling everyone’s attention wherever he went.

-I would love to see more of your work.

-There isn’t much to display, sir, but I will gladly show you what I’ve done in the workshop of Malipiero.

-He’s a great master. I’m sure that you have learned a lot from him, I can’t wait to pay you a visit. Please, call me Giulio, by the way. -Barbolani liked to use his first name with those he felt comfortable with.

Guido watched a hogtied Donnino with envy. The slightly older boy was on the floor, bare-chested, bound and gagged, all because he had had the merry idea of challenging Giulio to a wrestling match. While the teen in distress was grunting and thrashing up, Guido tried to remember when the last time was he had been in a similar position. Giulio used to tie him up all the time when they were younger, but now that they were both sixteen, it was hard to find an excuse to get his friend to restrain him. Donnino was a different matter, he was always trying to prove himself superior to Giulio and the result was always the same. Guido, on the other hand, worshiped Barbolani.

He was aware that Giulio didn't hesitate to humiliate his rival and that was the main reason for him to continuously bind Donnino. So, out of desperation, Guido came up with a reckless idea.

-Ouch! What was that for? -asked Giulio, rubbing his shin, after Guido kicked him out of the blue.

-A fly was on your leg and I wanted to smash it. -Guido responded with a nervously trembling voice.

-By kicking it! - Barbolani was really fond of that guy, he couldn’t be mad at him. He just passed an arm over his shoulder and ruffled his hair with the other hand.

The ruddy-faced boy had panicked and aborted his plan almost as soon as he had set it in motion. He wasn’t one to challenge Giulio. At least Donnino was more muscled, a jock, almost like Barbolani; sometimes the only way to stop him for good was to truss him up. Guido wasn’t like that. And even if his plan succeeded, he didn’t want his relationship with Giulio to change. The boy was hopeless. He just stood there, half-listening to Giulio’s chat, half yearning for the embrace of the ropes, always staring at the thrashing boy who had something he desperately wanted. Fortunately for him, Giulio was not completely clueless about all this.

Giulio went the next day to the workshop, accompanied by Guido. Both teenagers were delighted with Matteo’s paintings. They were strong, balanced and very sensual, almost as if the character could come to life at any moment.

-I know of a sanctuary that wants a “Binding of Isaac”. I would love to recommend you for the job.

-You’re very kind. I promise not to disappoint you.

-I’m sure you won’t. I was wondering -Giulio added after a moment-, where do you get your models?

-Well, it depends on the subject of the painting. For the “Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew”, I asked my uncle to pose for me.

-I would like to suggest, if you think it’s appropriate, my friend Guido to be your Isaac.

Guido’s heartbeats were so strong that the young man thought the others would hear them. He was a perfect choice. His face was childish and innocent, and his body was fit but still delicate. In addition, it was the perfect opportunity for him to be trussed up. Once Giulio became aware of his interests, he decided to indulge him with some rope action whenever he could.

Although nudes were common in the art, all agreed it was better to go for a healthy loincloth wardrobe for the model. So, there was Guido, barely dressed and happily laying on a table, with his wrists tied behind his back, silently thanking that he was facing down.

Giulio was there too, not only to do the rope work but because he was really interested in the whole process and to accompany his friend. He saw the ever-blushing boy next to Matteo’s uncle, who would portray Abraham. He watched attentively as the painter made his sketches. The charcoal sliding over the paper was leaving behind it the shapes of a bound Guido-Isaac, with his sluggish and boyish body ready for sacrifice, and a suffering Abraham about to use a knife on his beloved son.

It didn’t take too long for Matteo to finish a couple of sketches, all the while, Guido had to try slightly different poses and diverse facial expressions. The uncle was used to this routine, but for Guido it was delightful. He got to be tied up by his friend, stay that way for more than an hour and topping it all, he would be immortalized like that. If he wanted to relive this moment, all he had to do was go and see the painting. Historians would later argue that it was propaganda for the Ghezzo and Barbolani families, but what do they know?
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Post by TightropesEU »

Interesting concept, keep going please
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 5

One day, a couple of years later, when Matteo had already started to make a name, he received Giulio in his workshop. The young man had decided that he wanted to learn how to paint like the masters. Barbolani had been practicing on his own and he showed him some sketches he had been working on.

Matteo scanned through the drawings. They depicted young men tied to trees or columns, all of them scantily clad and with arrows going deep into their flesh.

-So, you want to make a painting about Saint Sebastian.

-Indeed. He saved our nation during the plague and I’d like to put it in our family chapel.

-I think I can recognize our beloved Guido in some of these.

Giulio couldn’t help to rough out a crooked smile, although Matteo couldn’t tell for sure if it was because of the compliment on his technique. Truth is, he was positive that some other members of the Barbolani court had posed for Giulio, like Donnino Alboresi or Niccolaio de Fiorino. He even recognized that tall and muscled man that had become some sort of escort for his young patron, Adamo.

-I would be honored to have you as my pupil, sir. First of all, let me congratulate you on the wonderful job you’ve done. The proportions are taken care of, the muscles are detailed, the face features actually resemble the model…


-The figures look stiff, graceless. Some of them seem even tired or angry rather than suffering.

Those features appeared mostly on the sketches were Donnino had been the model, which was understandable considering it was regularly against his will.

-It’s important that the work as a whole is properly balanced, and for that, you need to watch the posture.
Matteo proceeded to pose for him, reclined on a column, showing an example of a perfect contrapposto he could use in his “Saint Sebastian”.

-Maybe I could use a model like you. -Giulio suggested with a smirk.

The idea was seductive for Matteo in many ways. For starter, he was good at noticing patterns and the sketches revealed a very clear one about Giulio’s closer circle. Barbolani had been a generous patron so far, but he knew he could gather more benefits was he the favorite. Besides, he had a narcissistic side that craved immortality, not only of his name but also of his blessed physiognomy.

So, he set everything for the work, including a large mirror he would use to be able to supervise Giulio’s labor adequately. Barbolani, on his part, had produced some twine and started to his undress his master slowly. Matteo noticed the care Giulio employed to take his shirt off and his trousers. He wouldn’t have guessed that those strong hands could have such a delicate touch. He put on the loincloth he would use and assumed his position.

-Is it really necessary? -asked Matteo a little insecure when he saw the cord in Giulio’s hands. It wasn’t that he distrusted his young patron, he was just nervous about being restrained.

-I’m sorry to tell you that my hands are terribly slow and, otherwise, you might not be able to keep the posture long enough.

He felt the twine circling his wrists, gradually constricting his movements until it was clear he wasn’t going anywhere on his own. For a first time, it was a peculiar sensation. He tugged to fit better in his bindings and be more comfortable. Giulio was right about his restraints, he could keep the same position effortlessly for a long time. He was getting used to having his arms tied, when he felt more twine around his ankles, leaving him perfectly helpless.

When Giulio was done, he took a step back to admire his model. Matteo looked at his own reflection and was fascinated by it. He had never seen himself wearing so little, and this position highlighted his muscles in a very appealing way.

Giulio took his time to capture the shapes, angles, and expressions, paying attention to the advice of his bound master. For the apprentice, it was pleasant to deepen in the anatomy, discovering new aspects of it as he detailed his sketch. The human body was so alluring for a novice painter. There were just so many aspects to explore. Any change in the model’s pose brought a slightly different set of shades, new forms to feed his hungry eyes.

For the young painter, it was a similar experience, since it was his first portrait. He was used to seeing other people’s bodies, and even though it had never lost its magic, it was different to do the same analysis of his own figure. As he helped Giulio observe his physique, he discovered many surprising features in it. Asking someone to look closer to him, directing his attention on some spots, made him feel more naked than ever, which in addition to the fact of being bound, rendered a sometimes-unbearable sensation of vulnerability.

The emotional, intellectual and physical effort had left Matteo a little tired and more than willing to be released. The poor guy didn’t even notice the brush in Giulio’s hand until it was too late.

-I’ve heard that laughter can help you recover your energy after a long day -said Giulio as he caressingly brushed Matteo’s right underarm.

The young painter would have jumped if he weren’t fastened to the column. Instead, he squirmed as much as he could, laughing and pleading his patron to stop, especially when the second brush appeared. The apprentice, nonetheless, was absorbed by his current task, to which he dedicated as much passion and effort as he had done to his sketch. He used the brushes on every uncovered surface, almost as if he were trying to paint his model all over again.

When Giulio considered his mission accomplished, Matteo was sustained more by his bindings than by his own legs, to the point that the apprentice had to carry him to a close chair after untying him. Given that there was still a lot to do, the young painter decided to take a well-deserved bath and go to sleep, in order to be ready for the next session with his new pupil.
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Post by cj2125 »

Love your updates, it's fun seeing how Guilio manages to "convince" these guys to get tied up! Always looking forwards for your updates!
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 6

The funeral of Raimondo Barbolani was all that could be expected of a ceremony for a Head of the State, except that he wasn’t such, at least not officially. Princes, wealthy traders and mighty warlords had come to Agriggia to pay respects to a man that had managed to rule the most important city-state without holding a crown, like his father before him. Of course, they were also there to find out if the young son would follow the family tradition. Many of them were skeptical given that he was only nineteen, and though he had plenty of supporters, a strong opposition, both internal and external, was rising and threatening to take over the government.

-I’m sorry for your loss, Giulio -said a tall, blond and handsome man. You could tell by his manners that he was used to be flattered and obeyed, and yet, his awkwardness at that moment was noticeable.

-It’s an honor to see you here, your excellency -Giulio answered to the duke of Reni-. My father always showed the highest respect for the Lego family, particularly for your person. -That was a blatant lie, and both knew it since the rivalry between Agriggia and Reni was legendary. Nevertheless, formalities demanded such treatment.

Giulio spent all evening saluting and attending the many important figures that showed up, never crossing another word with Filippo Lego. He was way too tired after a couple of nights of no sleep, not to mention his grief, to notice the way the Duke looked at him. The twenty-two-year-old man had become the ruler of Reni just about a year before, when his own father died at war. He was a spoiled boy who wasn’t up for the charge; too selfish to care about his nation, too capricious to follow any strategical lead.

After the burial in the impressive family mausoleum, some of the guests remained. The Duke was staying in the Barbolani Palace, with his chamber quite close to Giulio’s. During dinner, Giulio excused himself saying that he wasn’t feeling well and went to his room. The poor boy needed some time alone and he couldn’t hold on any longer.

-Adamo, there’s a problem in the east gate! -said Guido when he ran into the tall man. He looked really scared and was breathing agitated- Give the alarm!

Adamo did as he was told and followed the boy. On their short way, many guards joined them, while Guido explained quickly that some armed men had broken in and had taken some guards as prisoners. When they got to the place, they discovered that the contingent had spread throughout the palace and found there the remaining men, that were finishing the binding of the guards.

The fight began immediately. Through the window, Guido saw more enemy soldiers approaching, and hurried to shut the doors, managing to dodge the armed men between him and his goal. Once he succeeded, a strong arm pulled him back, sending him off to the ground. The man all dressed in black tried to reopen the gate, but Guido jumped on his back, grabbing his neck and covering his eyes, effectively stopping him from doing so. He was about to be overpowered by the enemy when a punch knocked out the assailant.

-You know the passages, right? -asked Adamo.


-Go get your father!

-What about Giulio? He could be in trouble!

-Are you any good with the sword? -replied Adamo visibly anxious. He took the frustrated silence of the boy as a negative answer- You can save him by getting some help. Hurry up! -he turned around, not waiting for a response and rushed to the main chambers, followed by some men.

Guido hesitated for a moment. He wanted desperately to be with his friend when he needed him the most but was aware that Adamo was right, so he took the entrance that was hidden behind a cabinet and went to call the army.

In the meantime, Giulio heard his door being opened. He wasn’t used to locking it since he didn’t expect someone to just make his way in without being invited. It was the Duke, followed by his escort, Messire Sandro Giustiniani. The warlord was in his late twenties, but his fierce expression and heavy mustache made his otherwise handsome face look older.

Giulio was taken aback by the irruption. In solitude, he had let his mask fall and had embraced his sorrow to the point of crying. So, the first thing he did was to sweep his eyes quickly. The soldier wouldn’t admit it, but he felt touched when he saw the boy so vulnerable yet wanting to show himself strong and self-composed, so far as to consider backing out from the plan.

-I know this might not be the time, but we believe that Agriggia needs a new direction. -Filippo gave Sandro a little push, urging him to go into action.

The warlord took out his sword and charged against Giulio, who rolled over his bed, putting it momentarily between them. When Sandro attempted the same, Giulio pulled the sheets, making Giustiniani roll over the floor instead.

Sandro got up immediately and charged again. This time, Giulio managed to entangle his opponent’s arm with the sheet, avoiding the blade that was going for his chest, getting only a little scratch on his left side.

-I want him alive! -cried the Duke from the other side of the room.

-Don’t worry, your excellency. I don’t think he could kill me. -The fury in Giulio’s eyes contrasted with his cocky smile.

Giulio pulled the sheet, taking the sword from Sandro’s hand. The soldier punched the boy’s left cheek so hard that he stumbled his way back to the closest wall. Then, Sandro retrieved his sword rapidly and pointed it to Giulio’s neck before he could recover completely.

It all seemed to be over. The Duke was fascinated, staring at the scene. Giulio was breathing heavily, the anger and frustration in his face made it more exciting for Filippo. He had been obsessed with Barbolani ever since he met him, some years before. The boy always looked so confident and capable. Now, he was at the wrong end of a blade and was practically his prisoner. The Duke watched in slow motion how Sandro took a cord from a nearby curtain. He could already envision Giulio, bound at his feet, begging for mercy.

The thing was, years of combat training had made Messire Giustiniani a great fighter, but when he got closer than sword-distance to Giulio in order to tie him up, he was met by a swift move that once again left him unarmed. Then, Giulio wrestled him to the ground, where he had the advantage of his own years of training, fueled by his rage and pride stamina. Both muscled men rolled and kicked on the floor, nevertheless, Giulio managed to seize an arm and twisted it quickly behind the soldier’s back. He took the cord and wrapped it around the restrained wrist, then pulled it up and went around the neck, immobilizing the limb. He pulled the other arm, making pressure on the shoulder blade with a knee, getting the soldier to surrender it. In seconds, Sandro was Giulio’s captive, to the immense horror of Filippo.

Barbolani used the sheet to tie the legs of the soldier and after making sure there was no sharp object within reach, he got up and approached the Duke. There was such fire in his eyes, that Filippo didn’t dare to resist when he took another cord and started binding his wrists behind his back.

That was far from the way the Duke expected things to come up. He had never tasted the ropes before. The feeling of being at someone else’s mercy was completely new to him. He gave some tugs when Giulio finished tying him up just to know how defenseless he was.

-Are you making me your prisoner? -his voice was trembling. Giulio thought that it was because of fear, but Filippo was surprised to notice that it was due to excitement and hope. He never thought of himself that way. He had done all that to become the master of a young man he unadmittedly worshipped, yet, he realized that he was perfectly willing to submit to him. If he became his prisoner, he could be close to him for who knows how long, and the idea was arousing.

Giulio didn’t answer, for at that moment he heard Sandro choking with the cord around his neck. The boy rushed to cut the strangling rope without setting him free.

-Are you all right? -Giulio was genuinely concerned.

-Yes. -It was all Sandro could say, as he was still coughing. He couldn’t believe that this young man could give a damn for his life when just a minute before he could have been killed by his hand.

Back on the first floor, Niccolaio was about to run upstairs, when he was knocked down by a flying chair. The light piece of furniture had been thrown by Adamo with all his might and stopped the young foe from getting to Giulio just in time. Niccolaio stood up fast, but not before Adamo could reach him.

-The fight is not against you- said the boy, with a pearly smile-. Stay out of our way and we’ll give you a nice position in the new government.

Adamo took the younger man by the shoulder and hit him hard against the ground, leaving him breathless in the process.

-You’re not good at this, Niccolaio, and you chose the worst moment to switch sides.

His men had already controlled the situation inside the palace, and Adamo proceeded to truss Niccolaio up, using a filthy rag that was around to prevent him from doing any more empty promises.

Outside, the de Fiorini men, Niccolaio’s father and siblings that is, along with the mercenaries they could hire with Filippo’s money and their own, were still trying to break in. It was then that the sound of an army approaching was heard. It was Messire Ghezzo with all the army he could gather. The Alboresis were among them, reluctantly probably; they would be ecstatic to see Giulio fall, but were not ready to switch sides.

Before the imminent battle began, Giulio appeared in the balcony, showing a bound and gagged Filippo Lego, next to an equally restrained Niccolaio. The surrender negotiations didn’t last a minute. Without the support of the duke’s mercenaries, the rest of them were terribly outnumbered.

The weeks to come were all about punishing the traitors. The de Fiorino family’s possessions were confiscated and the members who took part in the failed putsch were paraded hogtied and naked around town, with a wooden apple-shaped muzzle, just for mockery. After that, they were exiled.

Filippo was returned to Reni after giving his word not to attack Agriggia. Retaining a prince would be an act of war and Giulio didn’t want that for his country. Barbolani just hoped that he could keep the peace for a long time thanks to his economic power. Adamo was named the official chamberlain and Guido was made Giulio’s personal secretary. And thus began the third generation of Barbolani government.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 7

A couple of years had passed, and a dark shadow had been cast upon Agriggia. The powerful Duke of Reni, Filippo Lego, along with some of his allies, had cornered Barbolani. War had been declared, and even though the nation had its armies prepared, Reni and Ravela’s forces combined were too much to handle. On top of that, the commercial ties of the city had been almost completely severed, since many of their partners and clients had been threatened and were no longer willing to trade with any citizen of Agriggia. Giulio had counterattacked by blocking access to important commercial routes and vital resources. Therefore, the parties involved were choking each other. In the most algid point of the conflict, an armistice was called and Barbolani was summoned to negotiate in Reni.

Adamo pinned Giulio flat on the floor for the second time that afternoon. Both used to be bare-chested whenever they wrestled. Although Adamo was better in that sport, Barbolani was usually a good opponent for him, but that day he seemed to be absent-minded.

-You’re concerned about tomorrow’s negotiations with the duke, aren’t you? - asked the muscled man while he was still pinning Giulio.

-Is that so evident? – the other replied, making meek efforts to free himself.

-Do you fear for your own safety? – the big man himself was concerned. He stood up and helped his boss to do the same. Then, they prepared for another match.

-Of course not. Sandro assured me that the meeting was friendly.

-You earned yourself quite an admirer- Adamo chuckled.

-It’s just the thought of being defeated by that fool and having to agree to his terms. It’s humiliating. He made the most reckless decisions ever, what was he thinking?! If I don’t accept his offer, he would lose much more than us.

-Are you thinking about refusing? – he already knew the answer, but he wanted Giulio to get to the point. They embraced as they continued wrestling.

-No. It would still mean huge damage to our finances, even a chance of going into another war with Reni or Ravela. I cannot run that risk. – he was suddenly thrown over Adamo’s shoulder for a third consecutive loss. His friend was on top of him, listening attentively. Giulio continued, inattentively – No, I have to do it. A private shame is better than a public one.

-What do you think he’ll ask from you?

-I don’t know…, well, at least of one thing I’m sure. – he looked away, suddenly uncomfortable.
A grin appeared in his friend’s face.

-What’s so funny about it?

-Nothing. – he helped him up once again.

-I don’t want to break down in front of him. I don’t want to give him that satisfaction.

-Why would you break down? – Adamo asked, entangling in yet another match, only this time, they started on their knees.

-I’ve been tied up only once in my life, and I didn’t take it very well. – he wanted to ask his friend to help him with that, but pride was still holding him back.

-You were only a child. You have grown to be a big, strong and courageous man, since. – with a swift move, he pulled Giulio’s right arm behind his back. Then, he pushed him to the floor, adding his own weight. This left his opponent completely breathless. Adamo took advantage of this, pulled the other arm behind his back, and started binding them with the wrists bandages they used to prevent injuries. – And yet, like in every other aspect of life, practice is the best solution.

-That wasn’t really necessary, you know? – he said while still coughing. He presented a mild resistance while his ankles were being restrained as well.

-I knew you wouldn’t find the guts to ask –Adamo said as he finished his procedure. Truth is, Giulio was about to ask him, but now, it wasn’t really a matter of choice. Then, he stood up and went to get more supplies– Feel free to attempt an escape.

Giulio tried to move his arms and legs, but the bindings didn’t allow much movement. He knew that he wasn’t going anywhere without Adamo’s help. Yet, he bent his legs to try and reach the knots on his ankles. He was about to find them, when he felt his friend’s weight on his bent legs, making him able to touch his heels.

-Oh, not again!

-Don’t worry, sir. I’m not tying you up the same way as last time. – he stood up and left lots of bandages to fall next to Giulio’s head, leaving his wide-opened-eyed friend wondering what he would do with it.
Adamo took a long bandage, lifted the tied legs and started wrapping them up in the fabric. Giulio felt his lower limbs being tightly restrained and thought that it was going to get worse than last time.

-The Duke’s curious eyes feast on your body whenever he’s close to you. What if he wants to do something else to you? – the chamberlain spoke as he continued the binding.

-There are limits to what I would accept in this negotiation, of course.

-You may not be in conditions to refuse, sir.

-Deep down, the Duke is a man of honor, he wouldn’t do such a thing.

When the larger man got to the waist, he stopped and tied what was left onto Giulio’s wrists.

-Now, sir, I need you to stand up to finish. – with that, he put an arm under his abs, the other one around his upper chest and pulled him up gently.

Giulio couldn’t even flex his legs, leaving all the work to his captor. When he was finally up, he could barely keep the balance, but his friend’s hug helped him to do so. Then, Adamo untied the bandage and continued his mummification process.

-And what if he plans on keeping you captive? Why don’t you let me go with you? – the concern in Adamo’s voice was palpable.

-In that case, I’m counting on you to rescue me. You cannot do it if he captures you too. – Giulio thought of Adamo as the only person, besides himself, that could keep things together in the government.

The bigger guy felt moved by that trusting proof. He finished the process, stopping right above the nipples, where he secured the fabric.

Adamo stood back a little, to admire his work. It was excellent. His boss was completely trussed up. It was still hard to conceive that the all-mighty Giulio Barbolani was before him, defenseless and dependent on his goodwill. Funny thing is, that didn’t make him feel more powerful, well, not that much. In the time he had spent at his service, they had become quite close. Now, he thought of him as his bratty, sometimes obnoxious little brother and that made him feel very protective about the young man.

He had broken many jaws of men who had dared to insult Barbolani’s honor in his presence. The fact that none of both had parents or siblings brought them even closer. No one knew him like he did. He knew that his prepotency and arrogance were more a façade. An invisible unofficial crown is harder to maintain, and Giulio had taken up the task at a very young age. Adamo was the only person who had seen that imponent man in his weakest moments. Somehow, as his friend was struggling more to stay standing than to free himself, he saw him like that child hanging in the barn, many years before.

Giulio finally lost his balance and was about to fall, but Adamo held him firmly. The young man felt incoherently safe at that moment, helplessly wrapped in fabric and in his best friend’s arms. It was nice to lose control for a moment and depend on someone else. He even allowed himself to rest his head for a second on Adamo’s shoulder.

-All right, sir. I shall put you back on the floor. – having said that, he moved behind Giulio, grabbed him from his shoulders and slowly put the stiff body down. The feeling wasn’t all that pleasant to the younger man.

When he was flat on the floor, Adamo sat astride on him but resting on his own knees, not on Giulio’s stomach.

-Do you remember that your uncle almost caught us in the stables?

-Of course, I do! You were just standing there, like a statue. He was about to come in and your fingers were in… - The bigger man dug his fingers in Giulio’s underarms, causing a giggle and a squirm, interrupting him. – No, don’t you dare! – Barbolani tried to sound as commanding as possible with that stupid nervous smile on his face and his wide-open eyes.

-Why not? What are you going to do about it? – asked Adamo as he wiggled his fingers a bit in the tight space, making his friend burst in laughter.

-I’ll call the guards! – Giulio managed to reply, still panting. Being a de facto head of state, his palace was full of them.

-Oh, really? I’m sure they’ll love to find you like this. – he had stopped his attack, but he hadn’t yet taken out his fingers.

-They’ll come anyway when they hear me screaming. – knowing that his bluff had failed miserably, he pointed out a real practical issue.

-So, I guess we’ll have to take care of that. – replied Adamo with a grin.

Giulio giggled again as he felt the fingers come out of his underarms. Then, he saw his friend rolling up a piece of bandage with a huge smile on his face.

-I’m glad to see that at least one of us is enjoying this. – he said with pretended bitterness.

-All right, sir. Please, open your mouth. -Adamo brought the ball of cloth to Giulio’s mouth, menacingly.

-You don’t have to tickle me! – one last resort: puppy eyes and pleading. He hadn’t used them since he was a kid. With his beautiful eyes, the combination used to be irresistible. He hoped it still worked. – You can keep me like this and torture me in any other way you want, for as long as you want. I can take it. I’ll be very quiet, so you don’t have to gag me either.

“This is something new! Giulio Barbolani pleading. Man, those eyes are heart-melting”, thought Adamo. He felt the sudden urge to hold him tight and tell him everything was going to be fine. Plus, the offering was very tempting. He was already thinking in some other ways to torture his young boss for he was right, he could take it. He may not have seemed like that at that moment, but Barbolani was a tough man. The idea of having him under his power for hours was almost irresistible… almost. He remembered that this was very important, so he introduced the ball in Giulio’s mouth, who, resigned, offered no resistance. He started to wrap the young man’s head with another long bandage, just leaving the nose uncovered.

As he felt the fabric being wrapped, as it continued beyond his mouth, Giulio knew he was going to be blindfolded. This made him squirm a little, but Adamo held his head a little tighter to finish the procedure. Barbolani felt absolutely trapped. He couldn’t move or speak or see, he had been even deafened a little. He started breathing faster. For a second, all he could hear was his own heartbeat.

-Are you ready sir? – asked Adamo, drumming briefly with his hands on his boss’ tight abs.

-Nphmm! – the other replied, shaking his head.

-Oh, are you nervous? Maybe I should be nice to you and release you right away.

The young man nodded vigorously.

-You know that I was being sarcastic, right?

Giulio laid his head on the floor. – Mphhhm.

-You’re sweating profusely, sir. You know I’m not going to hurt you. -Adamo spoke with a calming tone. – Because you do trust me, right?

The last words sounded really serious, making Giulio feel a little uneasy. Nonetheless, he did trust him, with his life. For some reason, he felt that he needed to tell him that, but he was aware that he wouldn’t be able to. So, he slowly nodded his head twice, hoping that the dramatism of it was enough to deliver the message.

-So, let’s begin!

For a couple of seconds, nothing happened. Then, Giulio felt some fingers run across his soles and he started thrashing around and laughing like a mad man.

-All right, he’s yours now. But don’t you even think of hurting him or I’ll break your neck. -Adamo whispered menacingly into Donnino’s ear when he stood up to leave his bound boss and friend in hands of his rival. He felt like a treacherous rat, but he knew it was the right thing to do. The whole conflict with Reni, Ravela and the commercial competitors of Agriggia wouldn’t have been possible without an inner accomplice. Adamo’s spy net had determined that it had had to be Donnino and when he confronted him, they got to this agreement.

-Hey! I’m not a bloodthirsty animal, I just want retribution. By the way, I want him to see me. take the blindfold off.

-The blindfold stays. He must never know it was you.

-What’s the point of revenge if your nemesis is not aware that the accounts are now even?

-This is the best you’re going to get. Take it or leave it.


Having his lifetime rival at his mercy was such a thrill for Donnino that he could almost forgive the fact that Giulio would never know what happened. As his fingers rolled over the bare soles of Barbolani, he could hear the muffled sounds of desperate laughter. He had to seize the legs with all his might to prevent the trussed-up man from squirming away.

Donnino had never been more aware of Giulio’s strength until now. Not only was he the most powerful man in Agriggia, politically, economically and socially in general, but his determination and courage had made it impossible for Donnino to be anything more than a puppet in his hands. Now, he realized that even physically, he was no match for Barbolani. Even without his privileged position, and except for the very first time, he could have easily overpowered him and played with his bound body as he had done so many times. Now he realized that his resistance had been futile all along.

He decided to make the most out of this unique opportunity and explored the whole helpless body before him. When pressing his thighs, Giulio tried to bend his legs, but the bandages made it impossible, allowing Donnino to linger there for a while. The ribs and sides were as ticklish as the legs and he had to straddle Barbolani in order to keep him in place. The nipples were another jackpot, which he probed intently after sliding the bandages down a bit. Finally, he got to the armpits, which were probably the most ticklish areas in his body. He even had to be a little merciful on the mummified man and give him a break since he was running out of breath due to the intense tickling. Giulio’s laughter was so free and childish that Donnino started to have fun, plain and simple, leaving aside his bitter vengeful intentions.

After a long time, when he felt satisfied, Donnino made a sign for the always vigilant Adamo. He was blindfolded again and was led through the same secret passage he had used to get in.

Adamo returned to the training chamber and found his still panting, sweaty boss enjoying his break from the excruciating torture he had been submitted to. He began to unwrap Giulio’s head, who needed some time to get used to the now dimmed light. When he took off the gag, he gave Giulio a much-needed glass of water.

Barbolani was too tired to make conversation and just let Adamo release him. When he was free, he went back to his room, where a hot bathtub was waiting for him. He even fell asleep right there, and Adamo had to wake him up to put him in his bed.

-Try to rest, sir. You have to get up early for the trip to Reni, -said the chamberlain to an already sleeping Giulio.
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Post by cj2125 »

Love this story! The bondage situations seem to mix perfectly with the plot without feeling forced and Gulio is a fascinating character. Keep going
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 8

After the negotiations in Reni, the conflict was officially over. Economy, however, would take longer to go back to normal. In the meantime, Giulio had a lot to do, dealing with the aftermath of the war. Adamo noticed him kind of distant since he came back from the Duke’s palace. He feared that something bad had happened to his friend while he was there, but Barbolani never gave him a chance to ask about it. He also suspected his master had found out about his little betrayal and that made him feel uneasy.

-Adamo, join me in the training chamber if you’re so kind. -said Giulio with cold courtesy.

Once Adamo got into the chamber, he changed his clothes, getting ready for what he thought would be another wrestling session, the first one after that memorable afternoon. He didn’t see Giulio, so he guessed that he would be there in no time.

-Well, let’s get this started with – said Giulio as soon as he came in.

-I was thinking that you wouldn't come -replied Adamo with an insecure smile.

-When I say I’m doing something, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. – Though Giulio’s face didn’t show it, the reproach in his voice made Adamo’s guilt and remorse upraise.

There was an awkward silence while Giulio changed his clothes and Adamo debated whether he should come clean or not. Even though Adamo was usually a straight forward kind of guy, this was a delicate issue. Giulio was very sensitive about dishonesty, something reasonable for a man in his position; he was used to having it in the political arena, but he demanded complete truthfulness from the ones in his inner circle. Adamo had taken his chances when he tricked Barbolani into being tortured by his rival, he knew he was jeopardizing his friendship, and yet, he still felt it had been for the best.

-I hope you don’t mind being my punching bag today -said Giulio, not really expecting an answer. He unwrapped the bandage of Adamo's left wrist, tied it up and led the bigger man by it.

Adamo didn’t resist as it wasn’t something new to him. He assumed his position when they got next to a pillar, with his hands up high and trying to hold it, and his legs together. Being Giulio a little shorter, he always had to stand on his toes to handcuff Adamo`s wrists with the bandages, inadvertently bringing a smirk to his friend’s face. After that, Barbolani fastened his chamberlain’s hips and legs to the pillar and stood in front of him.

-I just want to know -started Giulio with a darkened voice- if you got paid to hand me all trussed up and defenseless to my rival.

Even though not completely unexpected, the question punched Adamo right in the face.

-Of course not. -Adamo found the inquiry a little insulting since he had always been loyal to Giulio, but he understood why his friend could believe that.

-Well, could you explain yourself? – the disappointment was predominant in his voice rather than anger.

Adamo began with a deep sigh. -The thing is, we found out that Donnino was involved in this whole conflict with the Duke, at least in the commercial part. He had been using his family’s connections to sabotage our trade, cutting our resources short.

-So, instead of delivering the traitor to justice, you decided to deliver me to him.

-If we had put him into custody, it would have taken months to reach an agreement by ourselves. With his full cooperation, it took days. Besides, his father and brother, in spite of the families' rivalry, have always supported you.

-You should have consulted me!

-Would you have accepted?

Giulio wanted to say yes, but deep down, he knew he wouldn’t. He had always been too proud in front of that little weasel. He would have taken the longer way.

-It was no easy decision! And I was there the whole time. I would never put you in any danger, the boy just wanted some retribution.

-Retribution, uh? It seems to me that you sympathize with him.

-I don’t, but you may have taken things a little too far with him over the years.

-Great, so now you think I’m a tyrant- said Giulio after a while.

-No, sir! I would never say that! -replied Adamo with humorously feigned fear and squirming in his bindings.

-I will give you reasons to be afraid! -said the tyrant with a wicked smile on his face.

Giulio attacked Adamo’s belly button, his most ticklish spot, driving him nuts in a matter of seconds. While the bigger man thrashed defenseless against Barbolani’s fingers, Giulio continued his torture all over the upper body.

After what it felt like hours to Adamo, Barbolani finally stopped, leaving a panting chamberlain to regain his strength.

-I hope you have learned your lesson- said Giulio as he finished changing his clothes and was about to exit.

-Are you going to leave me like this?!

-I’m a tyrant, remember?

Adamo hung his head in defeat, thinking of the long night he had ahead.

Not five minutes had passed when the door opened again. Giulio was holding an inviting cup of wine and gave it to a very thirsty and very grateful Adamo. After having finished the cup, the bigger man noticed his hands were being untied and smiled as he imagined again his short friend on his toes.

-I’m really sorry, you know? -said Adamo while he was walking through the passage, next to Giulio.

-I know. If it makes you feel any better, we’re doing this again for the whole week.

-It doesn’t.

-It’s all right, we’re still doing it.

Watching the barely repressed smile in Giulio’s smile, Adamo dared to ask: -Are you angry with me?

-I could never be angry with you.

-Do you still trust me? -asked Adamo, this time, more seriously.

-With my life. That’s how I could relax a little when I was at Donnino’s mercy. I knew you would be around -Giulio stopped suddenly in his tracks -. Wait. This is not a setup, is it? -he asked looking around him with pretended concern.

Adamo laughed and thought about holding his friend, but he felt ashamed enough to not attempt it.

-I know this was for the best, but I still want you to try reasoning with me before doing something like this again.

-I promise.

-Good. -Giulio smiled and passed his arm over Adamo’s shoulders, even though the position was a bit uncomfortable for him.

-Are we still friends?

-We are. -Giulio smiled wider and restarted walking, taking Adamo with him.

-I have one more question.

-Yes, I’m still going to tickle-torture you for the whole week.

-That was not the question -"damned!", thought Adamo-. How did you know it wasn’t me that night?

-Are you kidding me? The weasel is half your size! Besides, he has cold hands.

Adamo had a good laugh.

-It’s not funny! Try having those icicles in your armpits. Hey, that gives me an idea!

Both men continued walking and talking and laughing until they got to their respective rooms, which happened to be one next to the other.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 9

After the conflict with Reni and their allies had ended, hell seemed to have broken loose for the last months in the region. Drought and starvation beat a land already devastated by the war, threatening to cause a massive riot since food was scarce and much more expensive than before. Giulio had to make some hard decisions. He had to prosecute some public administrators he had relied on, for misappropriation of funds and other crimes. He also had to declare war against Brenice, a rival city that was blocking Agriggia’s sea trade for their own benefit. He insisted on supervising everything on his own, given his recent experiences. He managed to conquer them, bringing more resources to town, but those months dealing with internal and external pressure had taken their toll on him. Even though things were much better now, the young lord still seemed tense.

One late afternoon, he was training with Adamo in their spartan room made for that sole purpose. The anger barely contained showed itself in every move the prince made. Injuries were not so common in their practices, but if it wasn’t for Adamo’s technique, he would have gotten some major ones in that session. At some point, the chamberlain was defending himself more than attempting any counterattack, such was the rage Giulio was showing in his fighting.

It was then that Adamo thought of a solution. When Barbolani was on top of him, almost choking him with his elbow, he reached for his ribs and threw a massive tickle attack. Giulio lost his strength like it was magic and became a laughing mess. Adamo took this chance to switch positions, leaving him on top.

Giulio curled and tried to grab his friend’s hands. When he succeeded, he asked panting:

-What the hell are you doing? This isn’t wrestling!

-I did what I had to do, sir. You would have beaten me up like an old puppet if I hadn’t -answered Adamo, also panting -. Besides, I think you could use a good laugh. You have been way too stressed out lately. – A malevolent smile appeared in his face as he resumed his attack.

-Nooo! -expressed Giulio, who, still holding Adamo’s wrists, made his best to avoid those dangerous fingertips.

-Remember what the physician told you, sir. You need to relax. And since you refused to throw a party for the victory over Brenice, this is what you need.

-What! Ahh are you a ah ahhh physician too, now? hahahaha. -Giulio was still waving his arms to protect himself.

-I like to learn -Adamo responded blatantly -. Now, I believe those spasms are keeping you from receiving the much-needed remedy for your stress. I might have to restrain you. -He grabbed Giulio’s right arm and started to untangle the wrists bandage, as he managed to use his left leg to pin down the other arm.

-Don’t you dare! -Giulio’s eyes were open like plates, but a mild smile, like the one of a surprised kid, formed in his face.

-It’s for your own good, sir. You’ll thank me later.

-No, I won’t. As a matter of fact, I forbid you! -his struggle had proven to be useless against the larger man.

An ironic smirk came to Adamo’s lips. -Forbid me what? -he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Giulio didn’t want to say the words, but he felt obliged to. -I forbid you to tie me up and tickle me.

-Oh, look at the almighty lord of Agriggia begging not to be bound.

-I am not begging! -said Giulio indignant.

-Yes, you are.

-I am not. I am ordering you, it’s quite the opposite.

-Not in this case. You’re just saying that because you’re afraid and you would use whatever resource you have.

-I am not afraid!

-It’s obvious that you are. You’re afraid that you won’t be able to stop me from trussing you up and tickling you.

-I am not. -Giulio said, defiantly.

-So, you think you can stop me? -Adamo was throwing a challenge to his friend and master, perfectly aware that he would win.

-I’ll do my best -Barbolani kept his defiant tone, yet he gulped. He could be arrogant, but he knew his own limits. He had accepted a challenge from his friend and servant that he knew he would lose.

Giulio put up one hell of a fight. Even Adamo thought for a second that he would be the one being captured. But in the end, Barbolani was strung up by his wrists.

The lord of Agriggia was pondering his current state, as Adamo tied his right ankle, his single free limb left, to a column on one side of the room. He was really screwed now. His body formed an inverted Y and was restrained so tightly that even moving back and forth was difficult and barely noticeable. Being shirtless, his upper body was completely vulnerable, so he was up to for a long, torturous night. He felt defenseless, the only thing that made him easy was his absolute trust in Adamo. He was aware that his friend would take advantage of this, but also that he would never hurt him in any way.

-So, what? Are you going to try to break me, now? -he asked, breathing heavily and giving a tug to his bindings, still defiant despite his obvious defeat.

-Like I said before, I just want to hear you laugh. -The voice of Adamo was soft and tender. His eyes and smile were playful. -Nonetheless, I would love to hear you calling me sir, for once.

-Haha, you’re out of your mind!

Adamo proceeded to try every ticklish spot in Giulio’s body, taking his time. The younger man twisted and laughed like a mad man. Even though he knew he wouldn’t break free, his muscles still tried to tear his bindings.

-Why are you doing this to me? -was the panting question Giulio felt necessary to make, even though he was enjoying himself.

-It’s funny how your body doesn’t feel quite yours when you’re completely restrained, right? -commented Adamo, apparently oblivious to his friend’s question.

-What are you talking about? This is my body and no one else’s.

-Are you sure? -Adamo positioned his fingers like a pincer and started moving them directly towards Giulio’s nipples.

Barbolani, watching this and guessing his intentions, twisted as much as he could, given his state.

-You see? If this was only your body, you would be able to stop me from doing this -replied Adamo when he got to the chest and his fingers almost surrounded the two pink spots in Giulio’s chest.

The younger man was staring at his own chest like a helpless viewer.

-How does it feel? To know what is going to be done to your body and not to be able to do anything about it?

Giulio made eye contact, a silent recognition of what his friend had said earlier. He grunted a little as the pressure on his nipples increased, stopping just before it was too painful. Then, Adamo let go and moved his hands to the armpits of his strung-up friend, took his time to entwine his fingers with the hair. All the while, Giulio was looking at each underarm. He didn’t even bother to squirm this time. When Adamo was sure of his grip, he asked -Can you stop me from doing this?

-No -answered Giulio, making eye contact again. Then, he felt his hair being pulled and he made his torso follow it to lessen the pain until he was inches away from Adamo’s face. He grunted again, and their gazes became more intense.

-Sometimes you just have to let go -said Adamo as he did so but keeping eye contact.

>>>You own this nation. You own us. The destiny of a lot of people is a heavy load to carry on your shoulders alone. I am here for you -he said, and he pulled Giulio closer for a hug.

Giulio could feel his warm body and his firm arms around him. He could even feel Adamo’s heartbeat. He had the strange feeling of something shattering inside of him and he couldn’t help but start sobbing on his friend’s shoulder.

-Everything’s fine now- said Adamo as he tightened his embrace.

They stayed like that for a while. When Adamo separated, he looked at his friend who seemed a bit ashamed of allowing himself that moment of weakness, trying to avoid Adamo’s sight.

-Hey, all you have to do now is sit back and relax, all right? -he barely brushed Giulio’s left underarm, eliciting a small giggle.

Giulio sighed and looked at his friend in the eyes again.

-Well, I’m your captive, sir. What are you going to do with me? – a shy smile lightened his face.

Adamo smiled back and untied his left ankle, bent the leg and strung it up, leaving Giulio with only one foot on the floor. Barbolani got a little scared, but then relaxed and prepared himself for whatever his friend had in mind for him. It wasn’t long before his vulnerable sole and upper body were tickled fiercely. He let himself go and laughed like never before.

The chamberlain decided, after a while, that his friend had been hanging long enough and untied his left leg from the hook in the ceiling that had been holding it along with his hands. He tied it to the other leg and then released his friend from the hook completely. He untied his wrists but retied them behind his back. Giulio didn’t fight it at all. He was enjoying the experience of letting someone else in charge. When he was done, he took him over his shoulder.

-I’m going to take you to your room.

The palace had hidden passages that connected many rooms, in case someone invaded the place. One of those led from the training room to the master’s chamber. That way, the guards wouldn’t see Giulio tied up. Once in the bedroom, Adamo put his friend carefully in bed and covered his half-naked body with the blankets.

-You’re sleeping bound tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll be sleeping on the floor, next to you, in case you need something.

-Can’t you sleep in the bed, next to me? I won’t move too much. -asked Giulio with a smirk and hopeful eyes.

-Sure. -Adamo pulled the blankets and made himself comfortable next to his friend, before covering the two of them again. It was a cold night, so he hugged Giulio and fell asleep.

Giulio slept better than any other time he could remember. In the first hours of the morning, before the sun was up, he noticed that Adamo had untied him. Instinctively, he looked around for his friend, finding him just beside him. The chamberlain had let him have the covers, so he was curled up because of the cold. Giulio took the blankets to cover them both and snuggled next to him, letting his left arm to rest on his friend’s chest and his head on his shoulder.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

I really like this story, it's a little low key regarding the bondage but the characters make up for it. I specially lvoe whenever Guilio's though facade gets destroyed whenever he gets tickled
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Chapter 10

After the annexation of Brenice and the political reformation made by Barbolani, the economic and social prosperity returned. Unfortunately, so did the ancient rivalry with Reni. Envy triggered another war between both city-states. This time, however, a more experienced and better backed up Giulio got the indisputable upper hand.

-You didn’t let me win, did you? -asked a still panting and skeptical Giulio to his captive.

-No! trust me, I wouldn’t have let you put me into this position willingly- Adamo grunted from the ground. With his forearms folded behind his back, a rope connecting them to his neck and another one to his ankles till they almost touched, the chamberlain was more uncomfortable than ever before.

-I’ve tied you up like this before.

-Not this tight!

- And, more important, only because you had let me. I finally did it! I’m unstoppable these days!

Giulio was ecstatic. In a month, he had paraded the bound Duke of Reni and his right arm, Messer Sandro Giustiniani, through the crowded streets of Agriggia, yoking them to his car so the population could laugh at them while they were muzzled and almost naked; and he had now defeated his wrestling master, getting to truss him up against his will. He considered those to be milestones.

-Well, age is now on your side.

-What are you talking about? You’re twenty-eight. You’re the current champion- Barbolani sat next to his bound friend and started petting him with a dumb smile on his proud face-. I know it might sound stupid, but this is important for me. For years, I’ve seen you like this large, unbeatable guy. I really admire you, you know? Tomorrow it could be me again the one who’s in the ropes, but today I’m a conqueror!

Adamo couldn’t hide his satisfaction. Yes, he’d have rather not being trussed up like that, but Giulio, despite being smaller than him, had managed to subdue him completely. As his trainer, he was proud of him. Besides, those words had made him blush. It’s always nice to know that someone looks up to you, especially if that person is your best friend.

-I think I’ll have Matteo painting me like this- Giulio had stood up again and was resting a foot on his friend’s back, like a hunter on his prey.

-Fine, but could you, please, let me go now?

-Without teasing you for a while? I don’t think so.

-You can tie me up again, it’s just that this is choking me, and I can’t feel my fingers anymore.

-Oh, I’m sorry- Giulio hurried to release his friend.

A couple of days later, Matteo was in the palace to portray Giulio’s triumph on a fresco. Filippo Lego, who was still captive at the time, could be seen with his hands tied up behind his back, shackles around his ankles and the same muzzle that he had sported on that victory parade. Next to him was Maesse Sandro, bound in a similar fashion. All the models were clad in just a loincloth.

-Why are we supposed to be here? -asked an indignant Donino, whose hands and feet were chained to the wall, with his arms above his head, representing another prisoner of war- We are on his side!

-Matteo needed more models for the painting -Guido was next to him, also chained up.

-And considering your record, I’d say you fit in here -Adamo, who was hogtied like when Giulio submitted him, only a little looser, sharply answered.

While Adamo and Sandro were simply enduring the situation, and Donino still resented his humiliating condition a bit, Guido and Filippo were trying hard to hide their excitement. It was then that Giulio made his entrance, looking like an emperor. He assumed his position on top of Adamo and posed.

-All right, I have set the composition -said Matteo when he finished a general sketch-, but there’s something about their body language that’s still missing. It has to be more affected. Except for you, Giulio, you’re perfect like that.

-I think I can help you there, if I can move around, that is- a devious smirk from Barbolani made the captive models tremble.

-Feel free to work your magic.

-Giulio, Giulio, we’re friends now, remember? Giulio! -Donino pleaded as he saw spidering fingers approaching his vulnerable armpits.

The beseeches fell on deaf ears and in no time, Matteo had the contorting body and suffering expression he needed for his work. After some time working on his upper body, the tormentor started pinching the nipples.

-Noo! Stick to the tickles, please!

-What was that, again?

-Please, tickle me more, sir!

The guy needed to grow a…spine. Barbolani knew what buttons to push to keep him embarrassing himself.

-I was afraid that you’d have gotten used to this, my dear Donino. I’m glad to see that I can still make you smile- Giulio said when he was done.

The panting young man chuckled. Truth is that, lately, he had come to see Giulio’s torture as nothing more than a game and had started to enjoy it at some level. He still yearned for a top position over his rival, but he didn’t see him as a nemesis any longer. Being called to make part of Barbolani’s inner circle, with all the benefits that meant, certainly helped. That last part was due to Adamo’s influence and even Giulio got to like the arrangement.

-Ah, my boy Guido. Maybe I can help you a little with your posing.

The chained guy was already laughing and trying to escape the inevitable. Barbolani started slightly brushing his nips.

-Not there, pleeease!

-We all suffer for the art- light brushing was his best weapon to reduce Guido to a laughing mess and those inviting pink spots were yelling for attention.

After playing with the chained captives, he turned his attention to Adamo. He knew that the navel was his weakest spot, but the painting required his prey to be on his belly, so, he had to go for the second-best, which were totally available. Giulio sat behind his hogtied friend and grabbed the feet with one hand while he brushed the defenseless soles with the other one. It wasn’t Adamo’s first time being bound in public, but he had never been tickled like that. Therefore, Barbolani had to surpass some initial resistance before the bigger man burst into laughter.

As for his real prisoners, he had to go blindly, for he had never had them under his power. He decided to go for Sandro first. He approached the well-built warrior from behind and started poking him on his sides and ribs. The result was utterly disappointing. After that, he tried on the thighs and the back of the knees with the same outcome. Giulio, then, got closer, wrapped his arms around him and whispered to his ear.

-You’re a tough soldier, Sandro. I like it- when the black-haired man was unsettled enough, an unexpected attack on his latissimus dorsi made his laugh violently. He hadn’t noticed Barbolani repositioning.

Once the barrier had fallen, Giulio probed his fingers a little further, dug into the cramped space under his arms and struck gold. He had started his tickling from behind, so he moved his arms to the front where he had more entrance, almost hugging the soldier again, to mercilessly attack his armpits. That was the angle that Matteo needed. Sandro, after a little while, lost balance and fell backward, coming to rest on his tormentor, which made him feel all the more vulnerable. The soldier knew he was doomed and just let himself go with it.

Filippo was smiling behind the muzzle when it was his turn. He spread his chest forward and opened his arms as much as he could within his bondage like to show him his most sensitive spots. He didn’t even pretend he was resisting. The tall, dashing noble simply offered himself to his captor. With Giulio’s initial brush on his sides, the blonde man was already in tears. He must have been the most ticklish guy Barbolani had ever met, and the tormentor was decided to make the best out of it, just like the captive.

The mural is still decorating a wall inside the Barbolani Palace, as an eternal reminder of the greatness of the Maecenas. Matteo, of course, did an excellent job depicting all the dramatism, but only those who know the story behind it identify the true feelings it portrays.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice to see Gulio's triumph in mostly every aspect of his life XD. And it was fun how his allies ended roped up (quite literally) into the same spot at his enemies! It's always fun reading your stories my friend! Keep the good work!
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

I have really enjoyed reading this story. Great writing. Excellent story line.
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Post by harveygasson »

Still going strong
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

I share this great drawing from [mention]cj2125[/mention], in case you haven't seen it yet. It's an honor that he has gotten inspired from the last chapter of In Agriggia for his work. Thanks a lot, and thanks everyone for the nice feedback :) Image
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