Girl's Night In: A Colloboration (F/F)

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Girl's Night In: A Colloboration (F/F)

Post by drgoremd »

(Author's Note: This story is for people who enjoy hearing other people talk about bondage)

Jane Monroe sat at the bar with her friend Lydia, a glass of wine in front of each of them. They had been discussing Jane's latest novel in ‘The Scarlett Adventures Series’.

The books chronicled the daring exploits of Guinevere, the 18 year old daughter of a wealthy plantation owner who fought for justice and freedom in the antebellum South under the name ‘Scarlett’ freeing slaves and helping those trying to escape, wearing a disguise that consisted of a red wig, eye mask and flowing red dress along with a short whip and an athame that she kept in her garter. The series was wildly popular among young adults, particularly girls.

Jane was feeling stuck on a particular scene, and she knew that Lydia's imaginative mind could help her come up with a solution. Although Lydia was an accountant, she was also an active reader, especially historical and romance novels and there was nothing she loved more than talking about books. The two girls had been college roommates and three years after graduation, they remained close friends.

"I've been struggling with this one scene," Jane admitted, taking a sip of her wine. "Scarlett infiltrates a bordello to free the captive women there, but ends up being caught herself. I just can't figure out how the villains manage to capture her."

Lydia leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ooh, I love brainstorming! Let's see, how about they lure her into some kind of a trap?
Jane raised an eyebrow. That could work. But how would they lure her into it?"

Lydia tapped her chin thoughtfully. "What if one of the women she's trying to free is actually working with the madam? She could pretend to be giving helpt to Scarlett and lure her into the trap.

“What kind of trap would it be?” asked Jane.

Lydia leaned forward, a thoughtful look on her face. "What if she gets caught in a net trap? Like, they set up some sort of net to drop on her or something. They could catch her off guard, and then she's stuck. It could be hanging from the ceiling or the walls, and then she’s tangled up in it and she can't get out of it. Like, they could set it up over the back alley entrance behind the bordello and when Scarlett tries to sneak in, she gets caught in it."

Jane nodded. "I like that. But then how do they subdue her?"

Lydia leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement. "What if they use ether? Like, they could have a rag soaked in ether and hold it over her mouth and nose until she passes out."

"Ether?" Jane repeated, her eyes widening. "That's a bit dark, don't you think?"

Lydia shrugged. "Hey, this is the antebellum South we're talking about. It's not exactly a place known for its moral fortitude."

Jane nodded thoughtfully. "I like that. It adds some realism to the story, since ether was a common anesthetic in that time period, it would make sense for them to have it on hand."

Lydia nodded eagerly. "Yes! And then Scarlett could wake up and overhear their plans for the women they're holding captive including her now that she’s their captive."

Jane nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "I like it. I really do.”


A few hours later, Jane and Lydia were sitting at Jane's kitchen table sharing an open bottle of wine,, surrounded by stacks of notes and books on the American South in the 1800s. They were deep in discussion about how Scarlett would be captured during her mission to rescue the women at the bordello.

"So, what kind of net should we use?" Jane asked, flipping through a book on traps and snares.

Lydia tapped her chin thoughtfully. "It should be something that's not too heavy, but strong enough to hold her down. Maybe a cargo net? They were used on ships back then, right?"

Jane nodded. "That could work. And Scarlett could struggle against it, trying to free herself.

"Or what if it's one of those weighted nets that fishermen use?" Lydia suggested. "It would be heavy enough to trap Scarlett and difficult for her to escape from."

Jane nodded. "And we can have her struggling against it, trying to cut herself free with the small knife she has hidden in her garter. But it's no use - the net is too strong. And the villains would be prepared for that. Maybe they have some kind of mechanism to tighten the net once she's caught."
Lydia's eyes widened. "Yes, and they could be waiting nearby, hidden in the shadows, to pounce on her once she's trapped. Then they could use the ether to knock her out while she's still tangled up in the net."

Jane grinned. "Exactly. That’s when the madam would step forward with the drug-soaked cloth. Scarlett tries to fight her off, but the ether takes effect too quickly and she's out like a light."

Lydia leaned back in her chair, her eyes distant as she imagined the scene playing out.

“What do you think the madam would say to Scarlett when she’s using the ether to knock her out?"

Jane thought for a moment. "Maybe she'll taunt her, saying something like 'You may have thought you were so clever, little Scarlett, but you've met your match now.'"

“I love it” said Lydia, “It’s so creepy.”

As they continued brainstorming, Jane and Lydia delved deeper into the specifics of the scene.

"So, we've got the net trap. What kind of net are we thinking? A fishing net or something more heavy-duty?
"I think we should go with a cargo net," Jane said. "It's sturdy enough to hold someone, but also easy to hide and set up quickly."

"Can you imagine how scary that would be?" Lydia said, shuddering. "To suddenly have this heavy net come down on you out of nowhere?"

Jane nodded in agreement. "And we'll make sure to describe how Scarlett struggles against it, trying to free herself but only getting more entangled."

"So, we know Scarlett's going to be caught in a net trap," Jane said, pushing her glasses up her nose. "But how do we get her knocked out?"

Lydia leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement. "Well, then once she's caught, we could have the madam of the brothel use ether to knock her out. Like, she could have a rag soaked in ether and hold it over Scarlett’s mouth and nose until she passes out."

Jane nodded thoughtfully. "I like that. It adds some realism to the story, since ether was actually used in the 1800s as a sedative."

"So, how are they going to carry her when she's knocked out?" Lydia asked, taking another sip of her wine. "She'll be limp and heavy, so it will make it more difficult for them to move her quietly."

"I was thinking they could use a couple of men to carry her by her arms and legs," Jane replied. "They'll be careful not to hurt her, but they won't be gentle, either."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "That sounds good. And what about tying her up? How will they do it?"

"I was originally thinking they would use rope, but maybe we could make it more interesting," Jane said. "What if they use silk scarves instead? It's more fitting with the bordello theme."

Lydia nodded in agreement "I like that idea. Have you thought about what the villains will use to gag Scarlett?"

Jane paused, considering the question. "Well, they will want to make sure she can't make any noise. I was thinking they would use a handkerchief, maybe a silk one to match the scarves they use to tie her up."

Lydia nodded. "That could work. It would match the ambiance of the bordello and it would be effective in keeping her quiet. Should it be something they bring with them, or something they find at the bordello?"

Jane thought for a moment. "I think it would make sense for them to bring it with them. The madam and her henchmen would want to be prepared for any situation."

Lydia nodded. "That makes sense. So maybe the madam has a stash of gags and other supplies somewhere in the bordello."

Jane smiled. "Yes, exactly. And maybe we can have Scarlett see the stash when she's searching the place earlier in the scene, but not realize its significance until later when she's captured."

Lydia asked, "What do you think about the color of the gag, Jane? Should it be a bright color or something that blends in?"

Jane considered this for a moment. "I think it should be a bright color, like a green or blue. It will make it more noticeable and add to the dramatic effect of the scene."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think you're right. It will also be a good contrast to Scarlett's dress, which is mostly red and it will make it clear to the audience that she's been gagged."

Jane chuckled. "Well, it's a bordello, so I'm sure they have plenty of colorful scarves and handkerchiefs lying around. We'll just have to make sure to describe it in detail so the readers can imagine it too."

Lydia leaned forward, excited. "I love that idea. It adds another layer of tension and suspense to the scene. "Okay, so where will they put her after she's tied up and gagged?"

Jane paused, thinking. "I was thinking they could put her in a small storage room or something. Somewhere dark and cramped where she won't be able to move around too much. Somewhere out of the way, but still close enough to keep an eye on her.”

Jane said, scribbling notes in her notebook.

"So, she wakes up tied up and helpless, right?" Lydia asked.

Jane nodded.
That's good. And the ether will still be affecting her, right?"

"Yes. I think we should have her wake up slowly, with a pounding headache and a sense of disorientation," Jane said. "And as she starts to take in her surroundings, she realizes that she's tied up and can't move."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we could show how Scarlett struggles against the restraints, how she tries to free herself but can't. We can have her try to get the gag off, just to add some tension."

"Good call," Jane said, nodding. "And we can describe how her jaw aches from being gagged for so long."

And when she wakes up, she'll have to pretend to still be unconscious when they come in to check on her, but she'll be able to hear what the villains are saying about their plans for her and for the captive women."

They discussed how Scarlett would wake up and attempt to loosen her bonds and then when she hears her captors footsteps coming toward the room she was locked in, tries to pretend that she was still unconscious when the villains checked on her, having to keep her breathing shallow and her muscles tense, trying to stay perfectly still while the villains searched her.

"You'll have to be very detailed to make sure it's believable."

"Agreed," Jane said. "But we can use that to our advantage. Scarlett will be able to listen in on their conversations without them realizing it, because they'll think she's still unconscious."

Lydia's eyes lit up. "Yes, and that could lead to some really interesting plot developments. Maybe Scarlett will hear something that will give her an advantage in her escape plan."

Jane smiled. "Exactly. And we can have the madam say other things to Scarlett, too, like, 'You shouldn't have gone poking that pretty little nose of yours around where it didn’t belong. Now you belong to me.”

As they were discussing the details of the scene in which Scarlett is taken to the storeroom, particularly the part where Scarlett would be searched by the villains while she pretended to be unconscious, Lydia was particularly fascinated with the idea of Scarlett having a hidden weapon that Jane referred to, that would be taken from her, rendering her helpless.

"So, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?" Lydia asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"It's an athame," Jane replied, taking a sip of wine. "A small dagger that Scarlett hides in her garter."

"Ooh, I like that," Lydia said, leaning forward in her chair. "So, what happens when they find it?"

"Well, Scarlett can't do anything without revealing that she's awake," Jane explained. "So, they take the athame from her and she's completely defenseless."

"That's so hot," Lydia said, grinning. "I love the idea of Scarlett being stripped of her power like that."

"I can just picture it," Jane said finally. "The villain is feeling around her body, finding the athame, and taking it from her. Scarlett would be helpless."

Lydia nodded, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "And she'd have to lay there, pretending to be unconscious, while they searched her. Can you imagine how vulnerable she'd feel?"

Jane shivered at the thought. "It's both terrifying and exciting."

Lydia chuckled. "I know what you mean. There's something arousing about being completely helpless like that."

Jane gave her a sideways glance. "Are you getting turned on again?"

Lydia laughed, taking another sip from her glass. "Maybe a little bit. But it's just the wine talking."

Jane grinned, feeling a warmth spread through her body. "I know what you mean."

Lydia shrugged. "Can you blame me? It's a great story."

Jane nodded in agreement. "It is. And I think this scene is going to be one of the best ones."

As Jane and Lydia continued to plan out the scene, they finally turned their attention to how Scarlett would manage to escape from her bonds.

"I think we need to make it believable," Jane said, "but also impressive. She needs to be a capable heroine who can handle herself in tough situations."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "Right, and we don't want her to have it too easy. It needs to be a real struggle for her."
They both fell silent for a moment, deep in thought.

"I was thinking," Lydia said slowly, "that we could have her use something in the room to her advantage. Maybe she could find a sharp object or a tool that she could use to cut herself free."

Jane's eyes lit up. "Yes, that's a good idea! And it could be something that the villains overlooked or didn't think would be a problem."
Lydia nodded. "Exactly. Maybe she finds a piece of broken glass or a knife hidden in the room somewhere."

"Wait, we have the villains searching Scarlett and finding her athame in her garter earlier, right" Jane said, taking a sip of her wine. "But what if they get distracted and forget to take it with them?"

Lydia's eyes widened in excitement. "Yes! That would be a great twist. That would come in very handy for Scarlett."

"Exactly," Jane said, nodding. "Maybe they're in a rush to leave or they get called away for some reason, but they don't realize they left the athame behind."

Lydia leaned forward, her eyes shining. "And then, when Scarlett wakes up, she sees it lying on the table or something and she knows she has a chance to fight back."

Jane grinned. "Yes! And we can build the tension by having her struggle to reach it."

"Exactly," Lydia said. "And then when she finally gets her chance to escape, she can use the athame to defend herself."
Jane took another sip of her wine. "This is getting better and better.

"But we have to be careful," Jane cautioned. "We don't want it to seem too convenient or contrived. We need to make it believable."
Lydia nodded in agreement. "Right, it has to make sense within the context of the scene. And we need to show Scarlett really struggling and working to get herself free."

The girls locked eyes as they sipped from their wine glasses, each picturing the scene in their own minds.

"So, let's recap," Jane said, taking out a notebook and pen. "Scarlett infiltrates the bordello and tries to free the captive women. But she gets caught in a net trap."

Lydia nodded. "Then the madam comes over and knocks her out with ether-soaked cloth. Scarlett struggles, but eventually goes limp."

"Exactly," Jane continued. "The villains then tie her up with silk scarves and gag her with a handkerchief. They'll carry her to a storage room, where she'll be left unconscious."

Lydia smiled. "And then when Scarlett wakes up, she'll overhear their plans for the captive women."

"Right. And she'll have to pretend to still be knocked out so she can listen to everything they say without getting caught," Jane said.

As Jane and Lydia continued to discuss the details of Scarlett's capture, Lydia began to act out the events with her body language.

"So, Scarlett will struggle against the net," Jane said, gesturing with her hands to illustrate the scene. "She'll try to break free, but the villains will be too strong."

Lydia nodded, her face contorted in a fierce expression as she mimicked the struggle against the net. "Then the madam will come up behind her with the ether-soaked cloth and cover her nose and mouth," she said, her hand rising up and pressing against her own face.

"Yes, exactly," Jane said, watching Lydia's movements with interest. "Scarlett will try to fight it, but the ether will be too strong. She'll start to feel dizzy and disoriented."

Lydia's movements slowed, her body beginning to sway as she pretended to feel the effects of the ether. "And then she'll pass out," she said, her voice becoming quieter.

Jane nodded, impressed with Lydia's ability to bring the scene to life through her movements. "When she wakes up, she'll be tied up and gagged. She'll have to pretend to still be knocked out when the villains come to check on her."

Lydia's eyes widened, and she clapped her hands in excitement. "I can just imagine it," she said, her body language now portraying Scarlett's fear and helplessness. "She'll have to stay completely still, trying not to make any noise or movement."

As Jane and Lydia wrapped up their discussion of Scarlett's capture, Jane suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Um, Lydia," she began hesitantly. "I have to admit something to you."

Lydia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

Jane hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "I got turned on thinking about the scene we just talked about."

Lydia's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Really?"

Jane nodded, feeling her cheeks flush. "Yeah, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just the thrill of the danger and the helplessness. But it definitely got me a little excited."

Lydia grinned mischievously. "Well, I have to admit, I got a little hot under the collar too."

Jane's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I didn't expect that."

Lydia shrugged. "Hey, we all have our kinks. And there's nothing wrong with getting a little turned on by a fictional scene."

Jane smiled in relief, feeling grateful for her understanding friend. "Thanks, Lydia. I was a little worried you'd think I was weird."

Lydia shook her head. "Not at all. In fact, it makes me even more excited to write this scene together. Let's make it as steamy as possible."

Jane smiled, feeling excited about the scene they had created together. "It's going to be a thrilling chapter," she said.


Jane and Lydia had been chatting and drinking wine for a while now, and their conversation returned back to the scene they had written. Jane had just finished talking about how Scarlett, her protagonist, would be captured by the villainous madam at the bordello, and Lydia had been nodding along, fascinated.

"I have to admit," Jane said, swirling her wine around in her glass, "there's something about the idea of being overpowered like that, of struggling against a captor who's just too strong for's kind of hot."

Lydia looked at her with wide eyes, then giggled. "I was just thinking the same thing! Like, being drugged with ether and then waking up all tied up and's almost like a fantasy, you know?"

Jane felt a rush of warmth flood her face, embarrassed but also excited by Lydia's admission. "Yeah, exactly! And the smell of the ether, how it makes you feel so disoriented and's like you have no control at all."

Lydia shuddered, and Jane couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked, the way the candlelight played across her features. "And the idea of being at the mercy of an older woman, one who's just wicked enough to do something like's kind of a turn on, isn't it?"

Jane swallowed hard, feeling a flush spread across her chest. "Yeah, it is. And the way Scarlett has to pretend to still be out of it even after she wakes up, just so she can eavesdrop on the villains''s such a suspenseful moment."

Lydia leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling. "And the way the madam talks to her, taunting her and telling her how useless it is to's like she's enjoying it just as much as Scarlett is."

Jane felt a surge of desire shoot through her, and she leaned in closer too, until their faces were just inches apart. "Yeah, it is. And the way Scarlett is so helpless, so completely at the mercy of her's almost too much to bear."

Lydia's lips parted, and Jane could feel the heat emanating from her. "I know what you mean," she breathed. "It's like the ultimate submission, you know?"

Jane nodded, feeling dizzy with excitement. "Yeah, it is. And the way the madam and her henchmen carry Scarlett, all trussed up like a's such a vivid image."

Lydia bit her lip, and Jane couldn't help but notice the way her chest rose and fell, the way her fingers twitched on the table. "And the way she struggles against the ropes, trying to break's like she knows she's doomed but she can't help fighting anyway."

Jane could hardly contain herself, and she reached out to take Lydia's hand. "Yes, exactly. It's like she's fighting for her life, even though she knows she's already lost. And the way she has to be so careful, so sneaky, just to try and stay's such a thrill."

Lydia squeezed her hand back, and Jane felt her pulse racing. "I know," she whispered. "It's's like you're living on the edge, you know? Like anything could happen."

Jane felt herself leaning in even closer, and she could feel the heat of Lydia's breath on her face. "Yes," she whispered. "Anything could happen. And that's what makes it so exciting."

They stayed like that for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes, until finally Lydia pulled back with a rueful laugh.

"Wow," she said.


Jane and Lydia sat on the couch, giggling uncontrollably as they held their glasses of wine. The bottle sat empty on the coffee table in front of them.

"I can't believe we spent all night talking about Scarlett getting captured," Jane said, her words slurring together.

Lydia burst out laughing. "I know, right? And we're getting turned on by it!"

They both dissolved into giggles again, and Jane snorted. "I can't help it. The thought of Scarlett getting drugged with ether and tied up is just so... intense."

Lydia nodded, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "And the smell of it! It's so strong and sweet. It makes me feel woozy just thinking about it."
"I know," Jane said, nodding. "It makes you feel all woozy and disoriented."

Lydia pretended to sway back and forth, mimicking the feeling of being under the influence of ether. "It's like being on a rollercoaster, but without the fun part."

The two women continued to laugh, repeating the word "ether" over and over again in silly voices. Suddenly, Lydia stopped and looked at Jane with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"You know," she said, "I have to admit something. I kind of like the idea of being drugged with ether by a wicked older woman."
Jane's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's...interesting."

Lydia shrugged. "I don't know, there's just something thrilling about the idea of being helpless and at someone else's mercy. And the smell of ether just adds to the whole experience."

Jane took a sip of her wine, considering Lydia's words. "I guess I can see where you're coming from. There's definitely a certain appeal to being overpowered and taken captive."

Lydia leaned closer, her eyes sparkling. "Come on, Jane. Admit it. You've thought about it too. Being captured, tied up,'s like a forbidden fantasy."

Jane's heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She took a deep breath and looked back at Lydia. "Okay," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe I have thought about it."

Lydia let out a whoop of excitement, and the two of them fell back onto the couch, laughing hysterically. They continued to repeat the word "ether," and acted out being drugged and tied up, with exaggerated movements and expressions.
imagine feeling all woozy and dizzy."

As they continued to repeat the word, Jane grabbed a napkin and pretended to be holding an ether-soaked cloth over her own face.
Lydia giggled, "And then the wicked madam could come in and take advantage of me."

Jane playfully swatted her arm, "Stop it, you're making me blush."

But Lydia was still caught up in the moment, "No, seriously, imagine being tied up and helpless, unable to move or resist."

Jane felt her cheeks flush, "I don't know why, but the thought of being tied up and helpless is kind of turning me on."

Lydia's eyes widened, "Me too! Especially with a wicked older woman, like the madam in the story."

Jane nodded, feeling relieved that she wasn't the only one. "I know, right? And I can't help but imagine myself in Scarlett's position, being tied up and at the mercy of the villains."

Lydia leaned closer, a spark in her eyes. "Do you want to act it out?"

Jane's heart raced at the suggestion, but a part of her was eager to try it. "Maybe we could just try a little bit," she said, feeling her face flush even hotter.

Lydia grinned and reached out to stroke Jane's arm. "Whatever you're comfortable with, my dear."

As they began to act out the scene they had just discussed, Jane found herself getting more and more turned on. The feeling of being tied up and helpless was strangely exhilarating, and she couldn't help but moan softly as Lydia caressed her.

When they finished, both women were panting, their faces flushed with arousal. "That was amazing," Jane said, feeling a little dazed.
Lydia nodded, a satisfied smile on her face. "I think we're going to have to include more scenes like that in the book."

Jane grinned, feeling a sense of excitement building in her stomach. This was going to be one hell of an adventure.