The Lost Bet (m/m, m/mm)

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The Lost Bet (m/m, m/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Two kids walked down the deserted street, one visibly peachy, the other not so much. One gleefully strutted down the road while dribbling a basketball, the other walked behind with his hands in his pockets and his head hanging low. Tom had plenty of reasons to be happy, Luke, not so much.

Luke had a rough week, one of those really sucky weeks were everything that could go wrong went wrong. He really needed a victory and the game of basketball proved to be a good outlet (even though he never showed any inclination for the game or any other athletic activity). His friends, Tom and Max, noticed a changed in his demeanor since he seemed more competitive and aggressive than usual, or as Max pointed, taking the game far too seriously. Even though Max was far more adept in the game than Luke, he was quick to realize his best friend’s needs and graciously held back to let Luke take the lead. Tom, growing up constantly competing with his older brother, was less than inclined to cut Luke some slack, in fact, the boy’s aggressiveness only made him put more effort in a game he rarely did well. Soon both boys were trash talking each other and trying to one-up the other, until Luke proposed a bet: Whoever got to 10 points first would be the other’s “slave” for the rest of the day. Tom agreed while Max opted to stay out of it; although Max would love to loose, his own pride prevented him from throwing a game of basketball with actual stakes.

Being equally talentless and nonathletic, the game was particularly even between both boys. Luke did have some slight advantage being slightly taller and stronger than Tom so he was hoping that would help him gain an edge. At first it seemed like it, quickly going up 6-0; but in an amazing change of tides that surprised everyone involved, Tom managed to recover bringing the game 6-8 in his favor. Luke might have still been able to win but his own frustration and nervousness made him choke up, allowing Tom to score one more time driving the game to 6-10.
And so, Luke was forced to walk towards Tom’s house, having to endure being called “slave”. He was more than bummed out, having Tom as his prisoner might have been the perfect way out of his streak of disasters but the universe seemed willing to punish him even more. He was always up for tying others up of course, not so much at being tied up.

Tom on the other hand was ecstatic. Being the weakest of the group, he seldom had the chance of tying others up, usually having to rely on tricks or alliances with others (mainly Luke) to be the one tying. Even better, tying up Luke had been an elusive mission since he was usually reluctant to get tied up. Even today when he made the bet he really didn’t expected to win, yet here they were! “Almost there, slave!” he grinned. This was going to be so much fun!

“Please don’t call me that” Luke sighed. The only reason he was going through with this was because of the stupid code of honor between friends: Always honor your bets

“Awww… cheer up Luke! I promise I won’t take advantage and kiss you” Tom chuckled. Luke’s face turned pale as he grimaced “Sorry, too early?” Luke gave him a quick glare and nodded. Tom thought that being almost a week since the incident with Dylan, Luke might have gotten over it, apparently it wasn’t the case. No problem! More reason to be a good friend and torture it out of him! After all, their games were always quite fun!! They might get bruises and minor injuries from them but it was always a thrilling experience and he was truly looking forwards to trying it on Luke; he would love it!

The boys stopped in front of a two story home, the blond kid put his key in the keyhole and pushed the door open “After you good sir!” Luke gave him a nervous look and stepped inside. The two marched upstairs; one happily, the other one, reluctantly. Tom was even whistling a happy tune as he pulled the ropes from under his bed. Luke sat on the bed ruefully looking at his shoes, wondering how would Tom tie him up and what would he do to him? If he took on account his previous experiences: Nothing that he would enjoy.

“Okay” Tom grinned putting the last coil of white cotton rope besides Luke “Take off your clothes!”


“You heard me slave boy, you lost the bet and have to do whatever I say, so take off your clothes!”

Luke’s face lost any remaining color as the prospect of undressing in front of an audience (even if it was made up of one single person), he was quite self-conscious about his body and would go to great lengths to avoid having to undress in front of others. In fact, the only time he had ever been shirtless in public was this one time at Dylan’s pool, an even then he had hidden his body underwater as long as he could! “I’d rather not” he said timidly

Tom flicked his tongue and shook his head “You have to do what I say, that was the bet. Besides you’ve seen all of us shirtless! Just imagine you are wearing swimming trunks!” Luke didn’t care having seen others shirtless, he cared about being seen shirtless himself! What did concern him was that they had made a bet, failing to fulfil his end of the bet would not only go against everything he stood for, but would also set a bad precedent for the future; after all, he couldn’t expect others to fulfil their bargains if he wouldn’t do it and he had plenty of ideas that needed other’s cooperation

“Tom, please…” he pleaded hoping to appeal to his friend’s kinder side, if he had one. Tom shook his head again and warned him that if he kept complaining he might remove his underwear too; a threat he was unwilling to fulfil but that served to scare Luke into submission. Slowly, as if expecting Tom to change his mind, Luke stripped off his clothes one by one, first his shoes, then his socks, his grey shorts and finally, his green t-shirt, standing in the middle of the room in just his baby blue boxers; his arms crossed over his bare chest, his left foot nervously climbing over his right one.

“Don’t know why you are so nervous, you look way better than me” if that comment was meant to make Luke feel better, it failed miserably since Luke turned even redder and pressed his arms closer against his chest “Fine, fine… turn around and put your hands behind your head” Tom ordered putting his own hands behind to demonstrate.

Luke took a deep breath, as if he had just been asked to stick a needle on his arm, and did what was told, leaving his chest and armpits exposed. He quickly caught on the purpose of his position and knew he wouldn’t like it.

Tom picked up the ropes and set to work, placing the bit against the neck and running each end around each individual arm; he wrapped the rope around his wrist and shoulder, cinching it between them, then pulled it up and wrapped it around his lower arm and upper forearm, cinching it just behind his elbow, then he pulled it back and connected it to his other hand, tying a couple fingers in the process and finishing the knot behind his neck. Luke awkwardly tried to move his arms, flapping them like wings “I’m not done yet!” Tom said giving the, still rather long, loose ends a sharp tug

“What else can you do?” Luke asked mournfully

“You are the genius here” Tom grinned patting Luke’s side “Any idea?”

He had plenty but wasn’t stupid enough to blurt them out, instead he remained quiet and watched Tom work. The blonde kid picked up the ends of the rope and crossed them over Luke’s chest, under his armpits and around his lower chest, finally tying them up once more behind his neck “There!” he playfully patted Luke’s butt “Not only you can’t move those hands but the ropes make you look quite good, like a model!” he held his hands like a camera “Pose for the photos!”

Luke didn’t move, he just glared at Tom “You are no fun” the boy sighed and picked a couple more ropes and kneeled down, lashing his ankles together

“This is really uncomfortable…” Luke pointed testing his bindings

“You know what’s also uncomfortable? Hang upside down for two hours” he reminded Luke of one of their previous games. Luke stopped struggling and looked aside reluctantly conceding his point

“Touché” Tom finished with his ankles, tied his legs above and below his knees and stood up to admire his work

“I’m serious though, ropes really suit you well” he smiled patting Luke’s cheek “I should tie you up more often”

“I’d rather not” Luke replied deadpan, looking away

“Come on Luke!” Tom rolled his eyes and walked towards the wooden desk in a corner of the room “You could at least pretend to be having fun!” Luke rolled his eyes and gave him the most sarcastic smile he could conjure “Fine! Have it that way!” the boy placed a wooden chair behind Luke and walked in front of him “If you can’t smile the easy way, we’ll have to try the hard way!” he pressed his palms on Luke’s chest, pushing him backwards. The boy lost his balance and tripped with the chair, landing on the seat. Before he could get up, Tom jumped after him taking a seat on his lap

“Tom? You are trespassing my personal space” Luke leaned backwards, pressing his body against the backrest which only invited Tom to lean closer, a big grin on his face “Seriously dude, this is really awkward”

“Luke” Tom hummed “are you ticklish?”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, nope! Nopity! No way! I’m not! Nope! Don’t even bother! Tom, don’t do- HAHAHAHAHA! TOM-YOU-HAHAHAHA! STOP-HAHAHA! PLEASE-NO-HAHAHAHA!” Tom ran his fingers across Luke’s armpits and ribs, legs tightening around Luke’s lap to keep him still which was a good call since Luke couldn’t seem to stand still; he trashed in his chair, swinging his legs and flapping his elbows while Tom’s fingers ran across his body

The attack went on for five minutes leaving Luke utterly defeated “See?” Tom teased “There’s the smile I wanted to see!” he pinched Luke’s cheek

“I…hate… you” he sobbed, heavily panting

“You are hilarious!” Tom laughed and got up from the seat “But even though I love talking with you, your screams might alert the neighbors, they might even think I’m killing you!”

“You are killing me!” Luke whined

“Haha! There’s the sense of humor!” Tom kicked his laundry basket open and pulled out a pair of dirty boxers “Now, if you could please open your mouth…” Luke’s eyes open wide and did exactly the opposite, pressing his lips shut and shaking his head and flapping his arms “Trying to act like a chicken?” Tom chuckled as he picked up the roll of duct tape from his desk.

“Mmmm mmm mm!” Luke pleaded, not daring to open his mouth, he might be an evil tormentor but he had never forced his victims to chew on their underwear! (Unless they really deserved it and he was sure he didn’t). Tom grabbed the pair of black boxers and gently pressed them against Luke’s lips. The boy frowned and angrily shook his head. If they tasted as bad as they smelled, he would hate them!

“Come on, here comes the plane!” Tom hummed trying to force the cloth pass Luke’s teeth yet the boy wasn’t giving up “Fine, the means more tickles!” he laughed and dug his fingers in Luke’s armpit once more. The boy’s eyes got wide and teary quickly, his cheeks turned red and desperate moans escaped his mouth as he tried his best to keep it closed but, alas, there was so much punishment he could take and finally opened it to laugh, letting the underwear inside his mouth. Before he could even think of spitting them, a few layers of tape made sure the boxers would stay inside his mouth “Haha, do they taste good?”

“NH THMN DHN'T!” Luke screamed, angrily stomping his feet on the ground but the boxers in his mouth weren’t going anywhere. He really wanted those things out! They tasted terrible!

“I hear you!” Tom smiled, Luke glanced expectantly, waiting for him to remove the tape “I said I hear you, I just don’t know what MMMMM means!” Luke glared at him and yelled more unintelligible things “What? You want me to tickle you?” Luke certainly didn’t ask for anything remotely close to tickles! He gulped nervously (which only made him taste even more of the boxers in his mouth) and shook his head but Tom was ahead of him, grasping his hair and forcing him to nod “You really want to? Man you sure love being tickled!” Tom said ruffling his hair “Well, if that makes you happy, glad to oblige!”

Luke let out a pitiful whimper and closed his eyes trying to brace himself. Just as Tom reached for his armpits, the door flung open. Both kids turned towards the doorway to find an older boy standing there.

“What is going on?” Rick asked dragging his words, looking by his disheveled hair, drowsy eyes and the fact that he was wearing a blank tank top and a pair of grey boxers it was clear he had been sleeping until now.

Tom looked awkwardly at Luke and quickly pulled away “You’ve been here all day?”

“Yeah” Rick yawned “Had a DOTA marathon last night and barely slept” he stopped and looked first at the bound boy on the chair, then at his discarded clothes and at the remaining ropes on the bed “So why is he tied up?

“Ummm…” Tom suddenly looked really embarrassed, nervously glancing at Luke and Rick, apparently unable to find a proper answer. Luke took that chance to try once more to escape his predicament, stomping his feet on the ground, bouncing on his seat and flapping his arms, flailing his elbows back and forth. Rick paid no attention to the bound boy and instead walked towards the bed “…Luke lost a bet” Tom finally said

“I see…” Rick absentmindedly picked up a coil of rope

“Yeah so... I was making him pay” Tom continued looking slightly alarmed at his brother’s actions

“That’s why he is naked and sweaty?” Rick asked, both kids blushed and Luke sank on his seat, once more becoming self-conscious of his lack of clothing

“It’s not like that!” Tom quickly exclaimed, realizing that perhaps he had gone a little too far “I was just tickling him! That’s all! And he is not naked! I let him keep his underwear!”

“Yeah, because that covers so much!” Rick chuckled and quickly raised his hands, the rope dangling from the right one “Hey! I don’t judge you! If Luke was a girl and around my age, I would have done the same! I get that you wanted to have a nice view!” both kids turned even redder, by this point Luke really wished he could at least be wearing a shirt but the most dramatic change happened to Tom. His face turned a bright hue of red that Luke had never seen before, large beads of sweat started falling down his forehead and for the first time he seemed out of words

“I… it’s not like that… I mean you need context and… I know this looks bad but… Luke and I…he… can you please leave?” Luke was surprised to see Tom go from the cocky brat to that small nervous wreck in front of his brother
“Sure bro, I’ll leave you and your boyfriend alone” Rick winked

Tom really wished a thunder would strike him right now… or his brother for that matter “For the last time! It’s not like thaaaaahhhh!” Rick dashed towards his little brother; he wrapped his arms around his torso and tackled him to the ground, his hand grabbed Tom’s skinny wrist and twisted it behind his back “Get off me jackass!” There was old Tom!

“Sorry… you have to… see this… Luke” Rick panted trying to hold Tom back, the little guy was putting up a hell of a fight, kicking and yelling a wide variety of profanities “Oh crap!... fuck!... fine Tommy… we’ll have to do it the hard way! Sorry Luke but I’ll have to borrow your boyfriend!”

“Fuck you Rick! He is not my boymmfff!” Rick claimed his hand over his brother’s mouth and got up, pulling Tom on his feet while still twisting his left arm behind his back

“Sorry Luke but I need some privacy with my brother!” Rick gave Luke a wink and lead Tom away. Luke watched nervously at the door, even though Tom had been an asshole to him this whole time, he really wished he would find a way to escape Rick’s clutches. The whole house seemed to be in complete silence for a few seconds until…

“NOOOOO!” even Luke was startled by that scream “LET ME GO RICK! DON’T BE AN…OUCH! HEY YOU CAN’T TAKE THAT OFF! OWWW THAT HURT! NO! DON’T TOUCH THAT! HELL NO! HEY DON’T MPHHH!” Luke knew that Tom had been silenced and from then on, the boy could only hear muffled grunts until those too quieted down so everything was silence again.

A few more minutes passed, 5 according to the clock, when the doorknob begun to jingle. The door flew open once more and Rick walked in proudly, Tom walking besides him.

The first thing Luke noticed was that Tom was wearing significant less clothes than before, mainly his green shorts and white t-shirt were missing, leaving him clad only on his black Star Wars boxer-briefs. Luke thought they looked cool even though he didn’t appreciate the events behind their reveal. His hands were pulled behind his back, most likely tied along with his elbows and a white cloth (probably his t-shirt) had been stuffed in his mouth.

Rick seemed proud of himself as he forced his little brother to prance in front of his friend. Tom had a look of pure anger and embarrassment, only punctuated by his scarlet cheeks “Don’t worry Tommy, I’ll let you some time alone with your boyfriend…”

“Hm Hmf nht mn bhnfrnmnd!”

“But first let me make you two more comfortable”

Luke had a small hope that that Rick meant loosening the ropes, Tom knew his brother better. By “more comfortable” Rick meant grasping Tom’s thin arm and shoving him closer to Luke, forcing him to sit on his lap, facing each other. Of course both kids loudly protested and tried to fight back but a mere comment about how neither of them really needed to keep their undies on for this to work, was enough to persuade them to become more docile. Tom at least managed to spit out his shirt, not that it had been properly secured for a start

“Please Rick, this is really uncomfortable” Tom complained, watching his brother tie his ankles to the rear legs of the chair

“You are right” Rick picked one final long rope “I guess you should have let Luke keep his clothes on!” Tom didn’t found a response to that. Rick wrapped the rope around the boys’ upper bodies, all the way from their waist up to their upper chests, pulling it tight enough so they were pressed against each other and knotting it at the height of their navels “You really looked like a cute couple!” Tom and Luke tried to look away, not even daring to move

“Well, I’ll give you some privacy now!”


“Wait!” Tom screamed starting to panic “You can’t leave us like this!”

“Watch me do it!” Rick waved at them “Toodles!” And with that he closed the door and went straight back to his bedroom, the boy’s cries fading as he closed his own door, put on his earphones and lay back on his bed

Both kids spent the next hour struggling against their bindings, jerking at the ropes, flexing their limbs and twisting their torsos. Tom only managed to get some slack between his elbows and Luke managed to lower his arms a little bit, making his position more bearable but nothing they could consider real progress. Unable to free themselves and quite embarrassed at the side effects on their bodies from squirming so close to each other, Luke leaned against the chair and Tom leaned against Luke’s chest. Sweat drops running down their bodies mixing with each other, ropes leaving small red marks on their skins, hearts beating faster.

“I think it’s obvious that this has been pointless” Tom finally spoke, Luke quickly turned his head away from Tom. It was his fault they were on this mess, wasn’t it?

“Yeah, completely pointless, everything today has been pointless” he wasn’t just talking about their last hour of struggles “Luke… I’m sorry. I’ve been a shitty friend; I shouldn’t have tie you up. I just wanted to have fun with you and well, I know you’ve been going through some though stuff so I wanted to have some mindless fun and since it’s always so fun when you tie me up I figured it would be the same if I tied you up” he leaned his forehead against Luke’s armpit since he was unable to reach his shoulder “I knew you really weren’t into getting tied up but I still thought you’d enjoy it, specially messing with you. I guess I was just being a selfish asshole, doing what I wanted instead of thinking of what you wanted to do”

“Thm!” Luke leaned forwards, gently nuzzling his head to catch Tom’s attention. Tom lifted his head and was able to distinguish a smile under the layers of tape

“So you aren’t mad at me?” Luke looked above, making it clear that he was thinking about it before looking down at his gag and tried to push it with his tongue once more. Tom got the message “Yeah, that was shitty too. Here, let me help you. This might get awkward uhhh… screw it! This can’t get any more awkward!”

He leaned forwards grazing Luke’s right cheek with his lips. His skin was really soft, not that it was important at the moment. Finally, he was able to bit the edge of the tape and pull his head back, ripping the tape from his lips. The ball of wet underwear quickly popped off Luke’s mouth, landing in the space between their chests

“That was disgusting” Luke pointed, licking his dried lips before addressing Tom

“It was” Tom sighed looking down at the former gag “So friends?”

“Friends” Luke gave Tom a smile that he returned

“You can even kiss me if you want, taking in account that I’m tied up” Tom couldn’t help but tease him about it once more

“I’ll pass, there has been enough trash in my mouth for today” Luke replied. The fact that he hadn’t turned pale as usual by his comment told Tom that he had done something right, what it was he couldn’t tell. At least he felt really close to Luke that moment, closer than he had ever been, figuratively speaking of course… also literally although he wasn’t that happy about that part

Once more both kids remained quiet, silently struggling against their bonds until Tom spoke again “Okay, I’m going to point the elephant in the room, we both are really enjoying this” Luke cocked his head confused

“What are you talking about? I mean this isn’t that bad but I wouldn’t choose to do it again if I could” Tom gave Luke a knowing glance accompanied by a pair of raised eyebrows “Oh… OOOOHHH!” it dawned on Luke that Tom wasn’t talking about happiness, but about a kind of enjoyment that both kids could feel. Naturally his face grew red, even turning slightly purple. What was unnatural was the he suddenly started giggling, soon Tom was giggling too and soon those giggles had turned into a loud hysterical laughter that took several minutes to wear down. After spending about five minutes in silence, Tom finally spoke:

“Wanna see a movie tomorrow? The new marvel film is out… assuming we aren’t still tied up of course”

“Yeah, sounds fun” Luke smiled “but seriously, we should try to get out of this… my hands are getting numb”

Tom gave their situation quick assessment. He didn’t have any idea how Rick had tied him up but he knew where Luke’s knots were “I think I can reach some of your knots with my teeth, but a lot of contact will be involved”

Luke closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for it before nodding “Bring it on!”

Mr. Sherman had a long day at work and the only thing he was looking forwards when coming back home was a nice cup of tea and hopefully that his kids wouldn’t try to murder each other as they often did. He locked the front door and turned on the lights as usual, climbed the stairs while undoing his tie and turned the light of the hallway on when he heard voices coming from his younger son’s room

“A little closer, yes! Yes! That’s the way Tom! We are almost there Don’t stop now! Just a little further!”

“I need a break dude! We’ve been doing this for hours!”

“We are almost done! I can feel it slipping away! OH YES! THERE! Pull harder!”

Greatly concerned, Mr. Sherman slammed the door open and rushed into the dark room turning on the light, only stopping on his tracks by what he found:

His son Tom and one of his friends were sharing a single chair, both kids were sweaty, disheveled, clad only in their underwear and tied face to face. More worryingly, Tom seemed to have his face buried into his friend’s neck. The moment they noticed his presence, the boys turned around to face him, eyes wide open and cheeks red; Tom was holding the end of a rope between his teeth that he immediately dropped when he saw his father.

“Ummm… this is not what it looks like!”
Last edited by cj2125 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chris12 »

Poor mister Sherman needs a break and a much stronger drink than tea.

Now that's surprising. I didn't expect Tome and Luke being into each other.
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Post by LK3869 »

Think there was a mention by another character that Tom was visibly enjoying it... Guess that was a discreet clue :)
You're into starting couples these days !
A fun tie and two turns of events in that one, you don't go cheap on us ;)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by cj2125 »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Guess that was a discreet clue :)
Guess you pick up on that! Clever boy :lol:

[mention]Chris12[/mention] they are sort of into each other but not really sure about it. No dennying that there is a physical attraction but they are teenagers so their hormones are probably going crazy, as if that attraction will turn emotional, only time will tell although I don't think in the near future. After all, things went downhill with the last guy Luke had feelings for :mrgreen:
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Post by harveygasson »

God I love these stories! You are the T.S Eliot or Mark Twain of tug stories my friend!
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Post by squirrel »

Man, this is unbelievable! I would love this story to continue soon, sooooo much!

The slave
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Post by The slave »

Great storie
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Post by anolyg »

Great story
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Post by Socksbound »

Wow great story. Really top read :D
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Post by BDBrit »

That was a really good story. I loved the focus on the characters and their reactions to the events. It helped to make it feel more real. Thanks for writing it. :D
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Post by Itsuki Hoga »

You know you should really make more stuff with these characters in a college setting
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Post by Gino »

a good Story :-)
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