The Dancer and the Prince MF/M

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The Dancer and the Prince MF/M

Post by Chris12 »

The merchant outpost of Ryu was an uneventful place. Travelers and merchants never stayed long. All they did was restock their equipment, rest and then leave. Despite all the passing's and goings all days were roughly the same in the desert outpost. Until a young dancer by the name of Agnea Bristari arrived to brighten everyone's day. She helped out all the merchants and shopkeeper with their chores, combining effectiveness with endearing clumsiness. She sang and danced with all the children and lend a helpful ear to every traveler who complained about the discomforts of the road. But soon the happiness Agnea brought to the outpost came to an end when the Kingdom of Ku descended on Ryo.

''Make way for the king's men!'' A voice roared called out through the night as a brigade of soldiers marched into the outpost. All denizens of the outpost moved out of the way, hiding behind their caravans or shops. Agnea didn't understand why they did this, but considered it wisest to follow their example for now. Like so many others she ducked behind the counter of a nearby clothing shop.

From their attire Agnea could see these men belonged to the southern kingdom of Ku. Men from this far away region were always an exotic sight when passing through her village, but rather than their strange attire Agnea's eyes focused on the captive the soldiers had with them.

In the midst of the soldiers stood a handsome young man with a black ponytail. His hands were bound on his back, with a metal shackles clamped around his wrists. Further rope was wrapped around his torso and his mouth was gagged with a cloth. A rope was wrapped around the prisoner's neck from which a leash flowed into the hands of his captors. Shockingly the youth had been stripped bare, his lithe body on full display as he was marched through the desert sands in just his loincloth. Some of the rope around the youth's torso even flowed into the lioncloth. Why a man's...a man's friend was to be restrained too was a mystery to Agnea. ''Oh gosh....'' Agnea pitied the figure, seeing him wriggle in his restraints and grunt in discomfort whenever the leash was pulled ''H-hold on a minute...I know that man!'' Agnea thought ''That's the nice gentleman who found my wallet for me!''. To her shame Agnea had lost all the money she worked so hard to collect in pursuit of her dream. Rather than take all these leafs for himself a kind young man from Ku had found and returned it to her. This was that man ''Um...e-excuse me..' she tried standing up before her arm was grabbed and she was roughly yanked back behind the counter. ''Oi! You have a death wish, lass? These are King Mugen's men!'' The merchant holding Agnea's arm hissed.

''King mu-hrmmh!'' Agnea asked but the merchant clamped his hand over Agnea's mouth to hush her ''K-mmf mmfmh?'' she inquired muffled to the man.

'Yes, the tyrant of Ku. They say his men leave a trail of blood and butchery wherever they go. Just...sit still, and let them be on their way. Best to not get involved with these folks, lass''

''Ohm nmmf!'' Agnea winched. If this King Mugen was so bad then this bode ill for that nice gentleman. ''Get moving prisoner!'' Lifting her head over the counter Agnea saw how they pulled the prisoner to the nearby bar. She had to winch when seeing the clear signs of pain on his face as they harshly pulled the leash ''You! Give us your finest meat and drink, and be quick about it! And make up your finest beds! Peasant!''

''That will be a hundred leaf each'' The tavern master answered them stoically, gazing at the men without fear in his eyes.

''Have your eyes gone blind in old age, grandpa! We're soldiers of Ku! The elites of the continent!'' The ruffian bragged ''Its an HONOR to serve us! An honor so great that you'll do it for free!''

''S-stmmh! stmmh tmmhs!'' The young man in their possession growled through his gag, but for now the soldiers ignored their prisoner.

''I am a merchant. It goes against my professional honor to serve my wares for free'' The tavern master stated lowly ''Nor do I like your kind. I can't imagine why I would give you any discount''

''I'm going to repeat myself. You are going to serve us'' A sword was drawn ''Serve us or we'll take your customers and chop em into bits for a stew! And then its YOUR turn to face Mugen's justice!''

''Grmmf! urmh! MMMH!'' The youth grunted, his protest quickly turned into yell's of anger. He positioned himself in front of the tavern master and glared at his tormentors.

''Oh look! Our little traitor prince is trying to play hero again!'' The soldiers laughed at which one of them punched the youth in the stomach ''How did that work out for you again, little prince!'' A harsh yank on the prisoner's ponytail followed at which he yelped out in pain ''Ha! Just take one little girl hostage and the mighty prince Hikari drops his sword like a chump! Now pipe down!'' a blade on the prisoner's neck rendered him helpless to oppose these rogues as they drew their blades and marched on the tavern master.

''Um! Excuse me! Mister'' A look of confusion appeared on their faces as Agnea suddenly approached them with a polite bow and a sheepish smile ''How about I pay for all your drinks and lodgings. That way no one need come to any harm!''

''Well....its your leafs. If you wanna spend them that badly'' The swords were sheathed ''You're lucky the little lady came to save your wretched old ass!'' he spat on the tavern master.

Standing so close bye Agnea had a better look on the prisoner ''Oh! So it IS you!'' she gasped at the young man ''You're....I'm sorry. I forgot your name. But um...this man said your name was Hikari! Nice meetin' you again, Hikari! Gosh, look at this terrible state you're in. Why, I have half a mind of chewin' out that captain!'' she pouted, putting her hands on her hips and shooting a glare towards the soldiers.

''Hrmmf! NMMMMH!'' Hikari shouted out in complete fright. Agnea could hear it from his desperate tone. Hikari was not frightened for himself, but for her. Even now he was trying to help people, just as he had tried standing up for the tavern master, or how he returned gold to a desperate girl.

''Mister, I think you're suffering from a misunderstanding. I...I don't know Hikari well, but I can tell he is no criminal!'' ignoring the boy's pleas she marched right up to the captain ''Can I ask you to please let him go. Please!'' Agnea bowed her head deeply.

''Make no mistake, little lady! Prince Hikari is the most vile of criminals!'' The captain growled ''The boy murdered his own father in cold blood, then set flame to the capitol! If not for lord Mugen's heroic resistance this man would be the death of Ku!''

An enraged scream emerged from behind Hikari's gag. The abducted prince wildly shook his head in protest. ''You're just a glutton for punishment!'' A new, even harsher yank was given to Hikari's ponytail ''Be a good boy for now, little prince. We'll tend to you later!'' with a smile on his face he raised his metal gauntlet and gave a spank on Hikari's exposed ass, prompting a blush and a pained yelp from his prisoner

''P-please don't do that!'' A blushing Agnea peeped in shock at the spanking ''Um...a lady shouldn't see a man's b-buttocks! And...and I still think you are mistaken! I must ask you let this man go!''

''I have to ask you to thread very carefully, little lady'' The captain approached her menacingly ''Aiding the enemies of Ku is a dire crime. You're an outsider so I'll show you mercy this once''

''B-but I don't think H-hikari could have done anything like you said he would. I...I gathered a small fortune and he returned it to me when I lost it. If he were a crook he would not have done so'' Agnea said ''I'm certain of it. Hikari is innocent. So...I will get you to release him!''

Hikari's eyes widened at this sudden determination of determination. The prince hesitated briefly before looking Agnea in the eyes and said ''H-hlmmh mh!'' to her ''HLMH MMH!' he then shouted desperately at her.

'Don't worry Hikari! I'll save you!'' The young dancer declared and drew her knife ''I don't want to use violence, but to save others I shall!''

''Well seems we'll be getting an exceptionally pretty slave! Get her men!'' The captain yelled at which his men descended on Agnea.

Imagine the shock of the elite Ku soldier when the dainty dancer easily dodged his spear and stabbed the rogue with her knife ''I'm comin' for you!'' she charged right at an armored soldier and with surprising strength kicked his breastplate straight off, allowing her to stab in his chest.

''Hrmmmh! MMMH!'' Hikari cried out to warn Agnea of two archers drawing their bow on the girl. Coated in poison the arrows would bring down Agnea no matter where they hit her.

''Thanks Hikari!'' Agnea gave her new friend a cheerful wind before yelling out ''The power of wind!'' Agnea chanted which caused fierce winds to blow the arrows straight back into the archers who fired them.

Of the ten soldiers four where now down, defeated by an innocent little dancer ''You didn't imagine that, did ya!?'' Agnea winked at the now fuming captain ''Now leave this place and ever return! And you better leave Hikari too!''

''You little brat! Oh I'll make you pay! That arrogant little mouth will be used far more fittingly when I'm done with you!'' The captain yelled and drew his sword ''I'll show you your place, peasant!''

The dancer and the captain charged at each other but before their blades could met the captain halted and knelt down ''Take this!'' he grabbed a heap of sand and threw it straight into Agnea's eyes.

''W-what the heck! Eeeep! My eyes! I can't see!'' Agnea peeped out ''Oh! That's a rottin' trick! Y-ya scoundrel!'' Agnea's vision was blurred and her eyes were burning in pain from the sand. The dancer was no longer in any state to fight. Soon she felt the cold touch of steel on her neck. ''Kneel. Drop the knife, and put your hands on your back'' The captain ordered triumphantly. Blinded and with his sword on her neck Agnea had no choice. She knelt on the floor and put her hands behind her.

'HHMMMMMMH!' Hikari cried out in horror, but before he could rush to her aid two soldiers roughly grabbed him by the soldiers and shoved him on his knees. Then one of them held his face in position. Whatever they had planned with Agnea, they wanted Hikari to watch.

''Owwww! Y-you're hurting me!'' Agnea whimpered out as her hands were bound on her back extremely tightly. Almost instantly Agnea could feel her wrists burn ''Nhh...l-let me go! Let me gooo!''

''You had the chance to walk away unscathed, little lady'' The captain gloated, holding her chin and forcing his new prisoner to look into his eyes ''Now you're ours. Its a long way back to Ku....I think we'll enjoy ourselves in the nights by having our way with you''

''H-having your w-way with m-me?'' Agnea repeated frightened, a peep escaping her when the captain groped her breast.

''NMMMH!'' Hikari roared and struggled violently in his captor's grip.

''Oh don't fret, my prince! You won't be missing a thing. You'll get a front row seat to the whole show! And if you're a real good boy we might even allow you a little fun with your girlfriend!''

''GRMMMH! MMMH! MMMMMMH!'' An enraged Hikari screamed furiously but he was helpless to stop the captain's hand moving to Agnea's belt and unbuckling it.

''N-no! Please stop! Someone help! HEEEEEELP!'' Agnea screamed ''Help me! Hee-MMMF! NMMH MMMMH!'' her cries were silenced by a cloth getting pulled over her mouth and nose.

''Hehehe...I love it when they squirm and beg'' the captain smirked as he moved to unbuckle his belt. Then when Agnea started to despair a rock suddenly hit her captor straight in the face ''Argh! W-who dares!''

''Y-you leave miss Agnea ALONE!'' A little boy stood before the soldiers armed with a rock, trembling but very much ready to fight ''Don't worry miss Agnea! I'll save ya!''

''Tsk...gut that brat like a pig! And find whoever spawned the little blight and kill her too...argh! Stop THROWING THOSE!'' A second rock was thrown, this time by the merchant who had pulled Agnea away earlier.

''I've not fought for many years, but now's as good a time as any' The tavern master took out a spear ''Giving my life for young folk aint a bad way to die''

''Miss Agnea is a star! I won't let you take her!'' A young man declared and drew a sword of his own. Most residents of Ryu came out of hiding, taking whatever arms they could find to protect the young girl who had livened up their little outpost.

''Evrmmhh....'' Agnea felt tears emerge from her eyes. She was sincerely touched by this, but then a feeling of horror came over her. How many of these kind people would die to rescue her?

The answer soon came when the leader of these ruffians called out ''Kill them all! Make goblets out of their skulls!''

Agnea and hikari could only watch in horror as the villains took up arms to butcher the people of Ryu. Bound, gagged and helpless the young travelers could only scream it out. But before a fight could break out a voice rang through the desert night.

''Howdy everyone! Phew! That dusty trial sure is a makes a body sore as heck! I bet I'll sleep as tight as a cattle o' sheep tonight!''

''P-prmmtmh!'' Agnea gasped. Wandering on the scene was that friendly merchant, Partitio!
''Prmmtmh!'' Hikari gasped along with Agnea. The two prisoners then gazed at each other in surprise. Apparently they had both met the cheerful merchant on the road.

''Now there are two fine folk in a state makin' my eyes all sore!'' Paritio gave the two prisoners a friendly wave before walking to the ruffians ''Hey pall, how about I throw you some Leafs and we can all be friends. No need to get all violent on this fine night. Why not make some money and we can all be as safe as cattle from a thunderstorm''

''Hah! Selling off the little lady alone is already gonna give us more money than some crooked merchant is ever able to offer, let alone the prize Lord Mugen has on the boy's head'' The captain scoffed ''But since you're offering to give us Leafs....why not hand over all you got before chop you into bumpkin stew!''

''Aw chucks. Now that WOULD cause my friends here plenty of grief'' Partitio snapped his fingers and a platoon of soldiers marched into the outpost ''Now I may be a two bit, rustic ol' merchant from the wazoo, but I make plenty of leafs to get myself some hired help. I think they'd get mighty grumpy if their employer gets skewered!''

''Prmmmhh! wmmmmmmh!'' Agnea let out a loud cheer for her good friend. He looked so dashing right now! Under the threat of Partitio's hired help the soldiers of Ku were forced to withdraw and leave their prizes where they lay in the sand.

''Oh Agnea. It sure breaks a man's heart to see a beaut like you all hogtied like a cow!'' Partitio lowered the cloth from Agnea's mouth.

''Partitio! That was amazing!'' Agnea yelled and as soon as her wrists were untied she flew into the merchant's arms ''Thanks a lot, Partitio! Now excuse me for just a moment!''

Now she was freed Agnea could turn her attention to Hikari. She knelt down before the prince and cut his bonds with her knife ''There we go. You're all safe'' she smiled while pulling the cloth out of Hikari's mouth.

The released prince gave Agnea a warm smile ''You have my thanks, my fair lady. A..Agnea, if I heard Partitio correctly''

''Yep! I'm Agnea Bristari! And you're...Hikari! Its nice to meet you, Hikari! I still owe you for your good deed back in Cropdale!''

''N-no my la...Agnea, I think we are more then even right now. You showed exceptional bravery today. I owe you my life'' Hikari stated and bowed his head deeply towards his hero.

''Oh n-no I just did what any ol' gall would have...and its Partitio who really saved the day'' a warm blush spread into Agnea's cheek at the sight of Hikari's smile.

''Ha! Well I was pretty heroic, but without you Agnea those crooks and Hikari would be long gone before I got here!'' Partitio laughed and patted Agnea on the head ''So nice job! You're a star Agnea!''

''Heehee! Thank you Partitio!'' Agnea giggled happily ''Oh and Hikari'' she blushed while gazing on Hikari ''Perhaps you um....want to put some clothes on''

''Nhh!'' Hikari proceeded to turn red as a tomato ''Regretfully those rogues took both my clothing and my purse. So....Agnea! About that gold I found for you. Can I please...b-borrow some! Please!''

''Heehee! Don't worry Hikari! Its on the house!'' Agnea smiled and held the prince by the arm ''Now lets go shopping and discuss traveling arrangements!''