Tricked by Brother's Girlfriend (F/M)

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Tricked by Brother's Girlfriend (F/M)

Post by guardian741 »

My brother’s girlfriend, Karol, is a cute girl – about 5’9, early twenties, black hair, brown eyes, very tan and very in-shape. She is also a make-up fanatic & workout fanatic. Long-story short, she and I had a small falling-out one day; so imagine my surprise a few days later when she said we were “good” and offered to give me a makeover to show there were no hurt feelings.

Being a guy, I asked the obvious question: “what would I need a makeover for?”.

She answered “guys can get makeovers. They still can get nails filed, eyebrows tweezed, and everyone loves a good massage”. And that was true – I did enjoy a good massage. So I agreed. She told me to meet at her parent’s house tomorrow at 3pm.

I arrived the next day; my brother worked until midnight, and her parents weren’t home, either. It was just us. When I knocked on the door, Karol greeted me in spandex workout attire (she was looking good). She said she just had about 10 minutes of weights & stretching left to do, then she’d be ready. She told me she had relaxing music playing and scent-melts going in her room; she told me to lay on the bed and relax and she’d be right up.
I went to her room and laid on the bed. The whole thing felt kinda awkward, I almost felt like she was trying to make a move on me… and she was, just not the one I assumed.

10 minutes later I found myself ¾ asleep, thoroughly relaxed by the soft music, scents, and my overall fatigue. I heard Karol walk in and walk over to me and set a pile of stuff at the foot of the bed.

“Now just relax” she said as she kicked-off her shoes next to the bed. She then got on the bed, sat on my butt and began rubbing my back – which actually felt really good. She eventually worked her way up to my shoulders, then to my triceps. Suddenly, I felt her grip intensify and she grabbed both of my forearms and brought them behind my back. I began to pull back, but she already had them pinned to my lower back. When I felt rope being looped around my wrists I started yelling,

“Karol! What the hell?!”

Karol just snickered and ignored me while finishing off the knot around my wrists – keeping them securely together and immobile.

“untie me BITCH!” I shouted, struggling in vein against the rope

“I think it’s time to shut up” Karol said. I felt her move around on my back, then she held her balled-up neon yellow socks in front of my face.

“Open wiiiide” she said

“Let mepphh!” was all I got out before her sweaty socks found their way into my mouth. She poked them in a little more with her finger, making sure they were completely inside my mouth, then pressed my face into her pillow. I shouted obscenities into the pillow that were completely muffled. Meanwhile, I heard duct tape being pulled off the roll. Karol lifted my head by my hair – getting a muffled shout from me – and then there was duct tape being wrapped around my mouth and head 3 times. After 3 rounds, she ripped-off the tape and smoothed the end down. I tried disparately to push the socks against the tape while Karol squeezed my lower face and said:

“Mmmm, there ya go! Enjoy chewing on THOSE!” and laughed.

The socks were warm and salty. Safe to assume these had just come off of her feet and were the same ones she wore while she worked out. I don’t wonder if the whole reason she worked out when she did was because she knew she would be tying me up. Bitch.

After a few seconds of futilely trying to force the sweaty socks out of my mouth, I realized they were there to stay and just accepted the disgusting taste in my mouth. I let out a groan which prompted Karol to laugh and ask “mmmm, they’re SO tasty, huh?”

I laid in a subdued rage while Karol fastened rope around the rest of my body – my ankles and knees, she wrapped rope around my torso and waist, securing my arms down. After 10 minutes or so, I was effectively immobilized.
Karol laid on my bound self; her head on my rear, her legs draped over my shoulders. She played with my face with her toes while she teased me,

“I bet you wish you were nicer to me now, huh?”
“How does it feel to be tied up by a GIRL”
“I can’t believe you let me do this”

Her feet were still pretty ripe from her work out. I tried to shake my face away from her toes, but she kept following my face with her feet, her red toenails constantly in my peripheral vision. I let out a groan and she just laughed and said “deal with it”, which made me think she KNEW her feet stink, and just didn’t care.

After a few more minutes of that, she hopped off the bed (and me) and stood next to the bed and leaned her face close to mine, resting her face in her hands on the bed, watching me in mock sympathy.

In her “baby voice” she asked me, “how’s it goin’? Are my socks still yummy? Did my feet get sweaty? Poor baby”
Then she laughed and announced, “well, I DID promise you a makeover, but I need to go get my stuff from downstairs. But I can’t just leave you here by yourself, you could fall off the bed! So I’m going to have to keep you in my closet!”

I complained into my sock gag, but it was too muffled to hear. Karol lifted me by the rope around my torso and waist (she’s actually pretty strong) and lowered me to the floor, then dragged me to her closet. Once there, she giggled and ran to the side of her bed. She came back with one of her sneakers and the roll of duct tape. I groaned, knowing what she was going to do, but realizing I couldn’t stop her.

With a cruel grin, she held the opening of her sneaker over my mouth/nose and started wrapping tape around. Despite my head-shaking, she eventually got it secured, forcing all my air to be tainted by her musty, stinky shoe. I groaned.

Karol stood up and shrugged, “well, I guess you’re my bitch now” she said sarcastically, then left for downstairs. I started struggling against my ropes, gripping for anything I could use as leverage, which happened to be a shelf. However, I shook the shelf enough to also shake-down a half-basket of apparently dirty clothes – shirts, yoga pants, socks, t-shirts, and watched helplessly as the pile distributed over me, leaving only my head and legs sticking out.

On the plus-side, I couldn’t smell any of the dirty laundry, on the down-side, that was because Karol’s reeking shoe was still fastened over my nose. I gave up on getting loose, and just lay there with my stomach turning while I sniffed the putrid shoe and sucked on Karol’s dirty socks.

After 10 minutes of laying in the closet trying to breathe through the shoe as little as possible, Karol came back into the room with a ton of make-up, hair product and nail polish. She asked me how her shoe smelled as she came in, then laughed when she saw me buried in her laundry.

“Awww, were you looking for more socks? Have those lost their flavor?”

My eyes got wide as I shook my head NO – the ones in my mouth WEREjust starting to lose their flavor, I did not want them replaced.

Karol laughed to herself and said “maybe later”. She pulled a white chair out from her makeup table, then came to get me out of the closet. She untied the shoe from my nose and I graciously took my first breath of unsullied air. Karol drug me over to the chair – it’s back against the bed – and untied the rope securing my arms to my back. She helped me stand and told me to raise my hands so that I could fit them (still bound) behind the chair. I fought her at first, but Karol just got right in my face and said,

“Look, if you’re not going to cooperate, then you’re going back into the closet with my other shoe and you’ll wait there until some of my friends come over to help, is that what you want?”

I did not want to deal with her putrid shoe or any more bratty girls, so I stopped struggling and put my hands behind the chair.

“Good, Bitch” Karol said.

Karol used rope to secure my hands to the rings on the back of the chair, and also to tie my chest to the back of the chair AND tie my thighs down to the seat of the chair. When she finished, I could move hardly at all – and the chair came with me.

Karol took a few steps back and admired her handiwork. I did my best to glare at her, but her smug smile indicated that she wasn’t that intimidated.

“Now, a new gag like I promised”

I groaned. Karol dug through her laundry picking up different socks, she picked a couple of the dirty looking ones and gave them a quick sniff.

“Man, these are all surprisingly clean. I don’t want to disappoint you…”

She looked like she was trying to think of something. I pointed my head towards the lightly-dirtied white socks in her hand. If they were barely worn, I would happily take those over whatever she was trying to think of.
After 10 seconds of ignoring my begging her to use the clean sock, Karol said “oh, wait!”
Karol left the room and came back a minute later holding 2 black ankle socks.

“Lucky for you,” she started, “I just remembered I worked out last week, but I changed in my car because I was meeting my girlfriends for a movie right after. Don’t look in my car, it’s a mess” She giggled.

I ignored her not-funny joke and started struggling against the ropes/chair – I definitely did not want a sweat sock that was sitting in her car for a week to go into my mouth.
Karol grabbed a scarf out of her dresser and walked over to me. She rubbed the socks in my face asking “will these work?”

My face twisted up immediately as the pungent smell made it to my nose. When Karol started unwrapping the tape from my mouth, I was instantly filled with dread. Karol finished taking the tape off and pulled the soaked socks out of my mouth and threw them into her laundry pile.

I spit out pieces of sock lint and begged her to stop,
“Ugh, Karol PLEASE don’t use those socks – that’s nasty. Use the other ones, or better yet, just let me go!”

“Hmmm,” Karol said, “Well, maybe if you kiss my foot, I’ll let you off easy”

“Seriously?” I asked, disgusted. Though really, how much worse than her socks could it be?

“That’s the deal”

“Fine, I’ll kiss your foot”

“Ask to kiss my foot”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, ready for today to be over. “Can I kiss your foot”

“You have to say ‘please’” she corrected.
I refrained from saying anything to piss her off, and took a deep breath instead.

“May I PLEASE kiss your foot”

“Why, you certainly may”

Karol then, somewhat awkwardly lifted her foot up to my face, her hands supporting her thigh. She pressed her foot into my face, her arch over my mouth and my nose crushed into the ball of her foot. Still fresh from her workout, the stinky smell invaded my nostrils. I puckered my lips and made a quick “muwah” kiss sound.

“More than THAT” Karol said

“I alreammph kimppsed your fompht” I argued as she pressed her foot more firmly over my mouth. Finally, I gave in and kissed her foot 3 more times. Seemingly satisfied, she dropped her foot back to the ground, taking the foul smell with it, but leaving a salty taste on my lips”

“Was that so bad?” Karol asked as she walked over to me

“Uhh, yeah” I said.

In a quick flash of movement Karol had picked up the black ankle socks up off my lap and began stuffing them into my mouth – fully taking advantage of the fact my mouth dropped open in surprise when she did. She then grabbed the scarf off the bed and tied it tightly around my mouth, knotting it behind my head.

The taste of the socks immediately flooded my mouth and made my face involuntarily scrunch-up. I groaned and tried desperately to push the socks out, but the scarf was thick enough that I couldn’t push the socks around it. Worse, because of how tightly it was tied, the socks were shoved deep in my mouth, meaning my tongue couldn’t escape them, or try to push them to my cheeks.
I glared and mmphed at Karol as she mockingly blew me a kiss.

She shrugged her shoulders and said “I said ‘maybe’”

She then grabbed the tape, and started wrapping it around my mouth and head and the top bar of the chair. Since the top of the chair only came up slightly above my neck, my head was slightly forced back, yet secured against the chair. Between the sweaty socks and the tape, I was effectively silenced.

“mmph!” I shouted – quite silently – at my captor who was watching me struggle.

“Do those taste better than my socks from earlier today? I bet they do.”

“Can you even move your head?” Karol asked, legitimately curious.

I attempted to shake my head any-which-way, but never moved more than half an inch in any direction.

Karol laughed and said “Also, I think it’s kinda crappy that you BEGGED to kiss my foot, and then tell me that it was awful. Maybe you just need more time with it”

Karol gave me a bitchy look as she lifted her foot onto my face. The scent overwhelmed me again, but try as I might, I couldn’t shake my head loose.

Karol then slowly rubbed her foot all around my face, taunting me.
“Mmm, see? It’s not so bad”

“Mmmph, mmph!”

“I bet you love the smell” she curled her toes around my nose

“mmmmmmmmph” I groaned.

She rubbed some more, her toes lightly tapping on my taped lips
“I bet you want to kiss them and taste them don’t you? You need to focus on cleaning those socks right now, maybe later though”

After another 30 seconds of that, she removed her foot from my face, relieving my nose. My tongue, however, still in agony.

“Makeover Time!” Karol shouted with a big smile.

Karol grabbed my cheeks and squeezed, balling up the socks even more, then she grabbed my jaw and forced me into a chewing motion.

“And you better keep chewing those yummy socks the WHOLE time” she said with an evil smile. I groaned, mostly because chewing the socks brought their flavor back to strength.

Karol turned on some God-awful girl-type music (big fan of Taylor Swift, apparently), and began using lipstick on my taped lips while she sang along to the music. My mmmphing was significantly drowned-out

The next half-hour consisted of me chewing on her nasty socks while she applied eye liner, eye shadow, blush and God-knows what else to my face, stopping only to remind me to “keep chewing” and grabbing my jaw if I refused. She regularly asked “do my socks still taste good?” and kept mentioning “man, I wish I had taking video of you kissing my feet”.

After my face was all dolled-up, she began painting my toenails. After the first nail, though, she said “It’s only fair that if I have to smell your feet, you have to smell mine”

I protested into my sock gag – to no avail – as Karol grabbed her other tennis shoe and taped the opening over my face, the familiar scent of her feet once again assaulting my nose.

Since you “have” to do 3 coats for good-looking nails, I stayed like that for another 30 minutes. Karol sang along to her music, which completely drowned-out my groans from beneath her smelly shoe.

She said she was going to skip my fingernails, but wanted to give me something to remember today by. She grabbed 3 or 4 socks from her laundry pile and put them into my bound hands, then wrapped the tape every-which-way around my hands until they were just a big tape ball.

“We’re gonna let those sit for a bit so that way your hands smell like my feet for AWHILE!” Karol said, with her eyes getting big at the word ‘awhile’.

Then, she took pictures. She made sure to get a full-frontal picture of my tied to a chair with a shoe taped to my face. She took close-ups of my toe nails and my face make-up. I mmmmphed in protest but Karol told me to “put a sock in it”. She laughed, and asked me if I got the joke. I just rolled my eyes. Finally, she took some selfies – luckily for those, she took her shoe off my face – a couple closeups of both of us, one looking down at us with Karol on the bed and her feet draped over my shoulders, another one with her sitting on the bed behind me, with her feet crossed in front of her over my mouth.

After she finished she explained these were blackmail – in case I tried to make anything awkward.
She pulled me and the chair over to the foot of the bed, facing the tv on her dresser. Karol hopped on the bed, and pulled her pillows down so that she was laying slightly off the bed – enough so that her legs rested over my shoulders.

“Let’s watch a movie” Karol said.
I shouted into my gag and began to struggle again.

“Hey,” Karol shouted, now irritated with my protests, “be quiet! Unless you would rather me stuff the sweaty panties from my car in your mouth?”

The thought of that horrified me, so I shut-up and stopped moving.

“That’s what I thought, Bitch” Karol said as she turned on the tv. We didn’t end up watching a movie, but a couple of episodes of some show about the Kardashians. It was horribly boring. The whole time, Karol’s feet were just inches from my face at my shoulders – close enough to subject me to her foot odor. During the show she would gently stroke my face with the side of her foot or grab at my ears with her toes. Everytime I complained she told me to shut-up, and threatened the panties.
It was worse during the commercials; Karol would pass the time by rubbing her feet over ALL of my face saying “stinky feet, stinky feet!”. Sometimes she would pinch my nose shut for a few seconds, then let go and press her toes over my nose while I attempted to catch my breath – laughing at me when I groaned in disgust.

After the first episode, I had gotten pretty used to the smell of her feet. It was never pleasant – but it was tolerable. It was mostly just humiliating at that point. Karol of course mocked me during the commercials,

“You still alive down there?
“I can’t believe you let a girl tie you up and rub her feet on your face. Nothing to say? Oh that’s right, its because my dirty socks are in your mouth”
“You look so pretty, I kinda want my bestie to see you. I bet she’d even bring some of her socks over if you want!”

I did my best to ignore her, praying that she wasn’t serious about calling another friend with dirty socks over.

After the second episode, Karol announced,
“Well, good news is, I think I’m almost done humiliating you. Bad news is, I’m going to do one more thing to put you in your place, and you’re not going to like it”

I didn’t like her socks in my mouth or her feet in my face, so it sounds like not much was really going to change.
Karol untied me from the chair, still leaving me bound. She told me to lay on the bed. I flopped down as best as I could stomach-down, she pushed and pulled me the rest of the way. Karol brought my legs up and began tying them to my duct-tape-ball hands. I starting protesting and squirming again – sick of being in such tight bondage all day.

“OH, MY GOD!” Karol shouted, frustrated. She grabbed one of her tennis shoes and loosely tied it to my face with the shoestrings (kind of a messy way to do it, but it still effectively assaulted my nose). She stormed out of the room. I spent the next minute trying to dislodge the sneaker from my face when Karol came back… holding a pair of red panties.

My eyes widened and I started shouting into my gag as loudly as I could, Karol pushed me down to the foot of the bed and removed the sneaker. She balled up her panties and rubbed them briefly over my taped mouth

“mmmm, yummy” she taunted.

I shook my head frantically. Karol unraveled the tape and took the black socks out of my mouth.


“Are you going to behave?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Ok, then” Karol laid back on the bed and shoved all 5 of her red-painted toes into my mouth. My mouth exploded with a salty flavor.

“whooat the heollmph?”

“you just need to remember this sub-servant attitude you have right now. I’m hoping sucking on my toes for awhile will help you remember today”

I struggled against the hogtie, but did not succeed. Karol wiggled her toes in my mouth while she turned up the tv. She placed her other foot’s toes over my nose, earning a groan from me. She didn’t even look at me, she just responded by shoving her foot slightly further into my already widened mouth. She started grabbing at my tongue with her toes.

“staoo grahhain my gunge” I protested. Karol ignored me, and continue to play with my tongue.

Shortly after, there was a commercial break.

“How do my feet taste? Yummy?”

“naa thea fuckglm grool”

“They ARE yummy? Even though I worked out and they got all sweaty?”


“Yeah, you did like all my socks though, so I guess that makes sense”

“MMMAUGHH!” The shouting forced me to breathe deeply through Karol’s toes over my nose. I resigned myself to defeat.

“mmm, yummy toes…” Karol taunted as she started to look at her phone. She took a couple pictures of me – dolled up with her toes in my mouth, my face clearly relaying how I thought they tasted – and said “best blackmail pic yet!”
Karol removed her foot from my mouth and I tried to spit out the flavor. Her other foot moved down from my nose to my mouth. I shook my head and tried to protest, but she pressed her big toe against my lips, then starting wiggling it to open my lips.

“mm, mm, no, Karolammp, staaaaooo. Aaauuuggh!”

Once her big toe pressed into my mouth, she just wiggled her foot back and forth to fit the rest of it in. The salty flavor was back at full strength in my mouth.

“Yummy, right?”


“yeah, you just lay there and keep licking my sweaty feet”

Karol once again grabbed at my tongue with her toes, and I just let her. I gave up on trying to escape, and figured it just be faster to let her finish. It didn’t help the taste.

For 20 more minutes I just laid, defeated, with Karol’s foot in my mouth. She continued to taunt me about loving the taste, my mouth being the perfect size for her foot, doing this more often, etc. She rotated what toes she put in my mouth; sometimes it was both her big toes, sometimes It was one big toe that she wanted me to suck, sometimes just her middle-toes, sometimes it was her whole foot.

Finally, Karol removed her foot from my mouth and no toes replaced it! Karol unwrapped the tape around my hands and took the socks out. She rubbed them in my face (they did smell a little) and said
“Good luck getting rid of that smell” with a laugh.

“I think it’s time for you to be released!” I was overjoyed to hear that. Karol loosened the rope around my wrists, then gave me a pair of scissors.

However, as I was working on my ropes, Karol quickly grabs the red panties, and shoves them into my mouth and wraps tape around my head once.

They certainly did not taste good! I mmmphed loudly but Karol ignored me as she made her way to the closet. I struggled even more to work on the ropes around my hands. Karol came back with a black flat and held it to my face and wrapped tape around once. The horrible foot-stench of her flat made me gag involuntarily (the panties didn’t help either).

“Mmmmph, mmphm, MMMMMMMPHHH!”

“There,” Karol said with a smug look, “NOW we’re even. And if you ever talk about me behind my back again, you’ll be smelling ALL of my shoes. And believe me, that’ll take DAYS! Have fun getting out..”

Karol walked towards the door, blew me a kiss, and left me to untie/uncut myself with sniffing her horrible shoe. It was hell. About 10 minutes later, I was free, As soon as my hands were free I cut away the stinky flat, then got those panties out of my mouth. It was easy to untie the rest.

When I was leaving, I heard Karol in the shower. I was very tempted to get revenge, but quickly chased the idea away when I thought about all the humiliating photos she had. As I drove home, the stale scent of my hands was a reminder to be nice to my brother’s girlfriend from now on.
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Post by Gagfan »

Excellent story, thank you for sharing
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

As usual, great story!
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