Beauty and the Best at the Stables (MF/Ffm)

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KP Presents
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Beauty and the Best at the Stables (MF/Ffm)

Post by KP Presents »

As Barbara came into the kitchen of their flat, she saw her partner Tom sitting at the wooden table, looking at some photos and papers.

“Hey,” she said as she took her denim jacket off and put it on the back of the chair, “what are you looking at?”

“Apart from the ridiculous increase in the gas bill?” Tom shook his head, and put his head through his brown hair, before he said “I had to another delivery out to Bosworth Stables today, and got a chance to double check what I had noticed before.”

Barbara sat at the table, and said “so you think we can get enough from there to get us over this latest set of bills.”

“Oh I think so – and I managed to overhear that the man of the house was going to be late back tomorrow. Do you still have the day off?”

“Yeah – you?”

Tom nodded before he said “I have – so if you make some coffee, I can let you hear what I am thinking about…”

Bosworth Stables stood at the outskirts of the small nearby town, and was run by Thomas Bosworth and his wife Romana. Romana had come from Italy, and on this particular morning was wearing a blue jacket with the zip open at the front, blue jodhpurs and burgundy red leather riding boots. She was walking across the courtyard, not noticing the small panel van that was parked just outside the driveway to the farmhouse.

“So she has an army of stable hands?”

Tom nodded as he said “so we’re going to have to play this a little differently – let her talk to them fi they come to ask a question or something, but in return the kids are going to have to be kept quiet and out of the way.”

Barbara nodded as she checked her reflection in the mirror, the black eye make-up round her eyes as she sat in her tight black sweater, leggings and knee length suede boots. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail, while Tom had a black woollen hat over his hair. He was also dressed in black, as he slipped the black eye mask on.

“So we take control, then leave when it gets dark?”

“Indeed – ready?”

Barbara nodded as she felt the knot in her stomach, Tom starting the van and turning into the driveway…

“I’m just going to get a drink of water, Mum.”

“All right,” Romana called back as her twelve-year-old daughter Hayley walked into the kitchen. The young blonde was wearing a gold padded gilet over a long-sleeved taupe top with a black collar, blue jodhpurs and black knee length riding boots.

She got a glass from the cupboard and went to the fridge to get some water – only to stop when a large, gloved hand was placed over her mouth, and she saw a young woman standing in front of her, wearing black and with a mask over her eyes.

“Hello Hayley,” she said in a quiet, calm voice, “let me take that for you and pour you some water.” She took the glass from the young girl’s hand and opened the fridge, pouring some water into the glass and then closing the fridge door before she said “I want you to have this water, but you first have to promise me that you are not going to scream when my friend takes his hand away. Are you going to do that?”

Hayley stared at the woman, and then nodded slowly as the gloved hand was taken away. She took the glass, and then took a long drink before she said “who are you?”

“Well, you can call me Beauty,” the woman said, “and my friend here is called Best.”

“Are you robbers?”

“Yes, we are,” Beauty said with a smile, “and to answer your next question, yes we are here to rob you and your family. Now, I know that sounds frightening, but I promise you, so long as you and your family do as we say, then everyone is going to be just fine.”

Hayley looked at Beauty, then turned to see the tall man standing behind her, before she said “so what are you going to do to us?”

“Well, we are going to make sure none of you can move or speak,” Best said quietly, “starting with you.”

“All of us? Even my cousins?”

“Your cousins?”

“Yeah – my younger cousins are out at the stables. Are you going to tie them up as well?”

“All of you,” Beauty said quietly, “so I want you to finish your drink, and then put your hands behind your back, so my friend can tie your wrists together.” She watched as Hayley slowly drank the rest of the water, and then handed her the glass before Best gently took her hands behind her.

“This feels funny,” she said as he pulled the rope between her arms and tied the ends off, and then passed a longer length of rope round her, forcing her arms against her sides as he made sure her upper body was secured.

“Now then,” Beauty said to her, “why don’t we go and see who is next?” Hayley nodded as they walked down the hallway, Best carrying the large holdall he had brought with him as she saw the gun in Beauty’s gloved hand.


“Yes Hayley, what is…” Romana stopped talking and slowly stood up as she saw her younger daughter walk in, her upper body bound and two masked intruders following her.

“What the hell…” Those words came from a sixteen-year-old girl that was sitting with Romana. Like her and Hayley, she had blonde hair, but hers was cut short and her gold gilet was over a short sleeved blue polo shirt. She was also wearing blue jodhpurs and black riding boots.

“Hello – I strongly suggest you both sit down and keep your hands where we can see them,” Beauty said as she aimed her gun at them both. “Hayley here is unharmed, and she will remain that way so long as everyone stays calm and quiet.”

“Ashley,” Romana said as she looked at the older girl, “she has a gun. I think we should do what she says. Hayley, have they hurt you?”

“No, mum,” Hayley said quietly, “they surprised me in the kitchen. She’s called Beauty, and he’s called Best – and they are going to rob us.”

“I see,” Romana said quietly, “and for what reason?”

“You have money to spare, we do not – a simple bit of wealth redistribution,” Best said as he put the bag down. “We only take what we need to survive, no more, no less.”

“And we’re supposed to believe that” Ashley snorted.

“It is the truth,” Beauty said quietly, “just as it is the truth that we need to keep you and your sister secured in here. Best?”

“No,” Ashley said – and then she saw Beauty take her sister by the arm and hold the gun against her. For a moment, she stood still, and then allowed Best to take her hands behind her back and secure her wrists together.

“Now, Mrs Bosworth,” Beauty said as she looked at Romana, “here is what is going to happen today. We are not going to bind you at the moment – we are aware you may have to conduct business for the stables – but your daughters, and their cousins when they come to join them, are going to be in here, securely bound, gagged and under our watch. Later, you will also be bound and gagged like them.”

“And what exactly is it you want,” she said quietly as Ashley felt the ropes pressing her arms against her sides.

“Your money, your valuables,” Beauty said with a smile as she looked at Hayley. “When Best has finished binding your sister, I want you both to sit next to each other, and he will secure your ankles and legs.”

“Okay,” Hayley said quietly as she sat next to her sister, both of them watching as Best doubled over more rope and passed it round Ashley’s ankles, forcing them together as the rope went round and between her legs. He then used more rope to secure her legs together below her knees, before he moved over and secured Ashley’s legs in the same way.

“Well, we’re going nowhere,” Ashley said as she twisted her legs, both of them hearing the leather squeak as their legs rubbed together.

“Nope,” Hayley said, and then she pursed her lips before Best pressed a length of brown sticking plaster down over her mouth. He did the same to Ashley, as Beauty said to Romana “they will be fine – but remember, they are in here, so I don’t want you to raise the alarm or anything similar.”

Romana slowly nodded as she said “I think you’re both very brave.”


Romana looked at Hayley as she twisted her legs, and said “I don’t know…” The telephone then rang, and as Best went with her to answer the phone Beauty said “See – it’s not as bad as you though it was, is it?”

“Wow – what’s going on here?”

She turned to see an eleven-year-old boy standing there, wearing a black polo shirt, taupe pants with a tan leather belt, and black riding boots. Ashley looked at the new arrival, and said “Rhbhrrtrhnnn.”

He turned to leave, before he heard Beauty say “no – come in, and tell me your name.” He turned slowly round and said “my name is Robert – what’s going on?”

“Well, Robert, my friend and I are going to rob your aunt,” Beauty said quietly, “which means you are going to have to be just like your cousins here. Are you the only one here?”

“No – my brother and sister will be in in a minute…” He stopped talking as he felt Beauty’s hand over his mouth, the masked woman standing behind him as they both looked at the door.

“Where is everyone,” a young girl called out before she and a younger boy walked into the room. The boy was wearing a light blue polo shirt and tan corduroy pants with brown riding boots, while the girl had on a black zipped top with pink details, black jodhpurs with spots on the inside of the legs, and short black riding boots.

“What’s happening,” she said quietly before she started to cry.

“Don’t cry,” Beauty said quietly, “I know this is scary, but I promise you nobody is going to get hurt. I know this is Robert – but who are you?”

“I’m Tobias,” the younger boy said, “and this is Bobbi. Don’t cry Bobbi – I don’t think the masked lady wants to hurt us.”

“But I’m scared,” she said quietly as Beauty smiled at her.

“How old are you Bobbi?”

“I’m seven and a half.”

“Well, Bobbi, being robbed can be scary for anyone who is seven and a half,” Beauty said quietly, “or for someone as young as Tobias. How old are you Tobias, eight?”

“Np, I’m nine – and I’m not scared.”

“Good – because I have to tell all three of you, you are going to be just like your cousins here. Your aunt is going to be doing what we say, and that means you have to stay here. So, I’m going to take my hand away, and then I want you to hug each other before I make sure your hands stay behind your back.”

“Whllbhlhrht,” Robert said, both Ashley and Hayley nodding as Beauty took her hand away, and they hugged each other. The masked woman removed some lengths of rope from the large duffle bag, and then began to secure Tobias’ wrists behind his back.

“Oh lord – you came in?”

“It’s all right, Aunt Romana,” Tobias said to his aunt as she came into the room, the masked man following her, “the masked lady told us what is happening, and we’re all going to be brave as well.”

“Yeah – we don’t want you to worry,” Robert said as his hands were guided behind his back, and he felt the rope rubbing on his wrists as they were secured together. He then felt the ropes hugging his chest as his arms were bound to his sides, Bobbi watching both the boys as Beauty worked.

“Your turn now Bobbi – are you still scared?”

“Why do you have to tie us up?”

“Well, we need to make sure you cannot stop us from robbing you, and that you cannot tell anyone we are here. But it also means you are safe, and you are all the same. So, let me bind your wrists and arms, and then you can sit with the girls while the boys sit on the floor.”

“Okay,” the young girl said quietly as Beauty secured her wrists behind her back, and then wound rope round her upper body as well before she sat herself down next to Ashley. The middle girl nodded and said “Whlkhhpehshhfhrshf” as the boys sat on the floor, watching Beauty as he secure their ankles and legs, then did the same to their sister.

“It sounds funny,” Bobbi giggled as she tried to move her legs.

“Yes it does – but now it’s time to be quiet, so put your lips together for me.” Bobbi nodded as the sticking plaster was pressed down over her mouth, and then she watched as Robert and Tobias were silenced in the same way,

“Time to answer the phone again,” Beauty said as she heard the ringing, and took Romana out of the room, Best smiling as he said “so, who would like to watch a film?” All five nodded as he turned the television on, and said “grunt when we find one you want to see. When all five of you grunt, we start that film.”

The five children nodded as he went through a list of films, one or two grunting for each one until all five nodded and grunted. As he started the film, Beauty brought Romana back in, nodding as she said “Despicable Me 2 - might have guessed…”

“Thank you,” Romana said as she paid the delivery man, before closing the door and looking at Beauty.

“We take this to the dining table, and I tie you to the chair before the others come in,” she said, Romana nodding as they carried the boxes to the dining room, and then laid them out on the table before she sat down. Beauty then took some rope and passed it round her waist, securing it to the chair before she bound her ankles and legs. As she took the rope between Romana’s legs below her knees, she heard muffled laughter and squeaking.

A lot of squeaking, as Best led the children into the dining room, all of them jumping in a line as their boots rubbed against each other. They each took a seat on the chair, waiting as he untied the ropes round their arms and then used that rope to secure them to the chair, then untied the wrists of each of them.

“You can take the plasters from your mouths on three,” he said as he stood at the head of the table. “One… Two… THREE!” Each of them in turn reached up and peeled the brown plaster from their mouths, as Romana said “are you all all right?”

“We’re fine Mum,” Ashley said, “although that plaster does stick a bit. If we have to be gagged later, can you use something else?”

“Don’t worry,” Beauty said with a smile as the pizza boxes were handed round, “it will be different, but you will be even less able to talk.”

The girls and boys looked at each other as Romana said “well, we may as well eat, but I have a question – why us?”

“Because we know how wealthy you are,” Best said quietly, “and we know you can afford the losses – unlike us and many like us.”

“But why?”

“We have very little,” Beauty said quietly, “and we only want to survive. I am sorry you and others have to be treated like this, but genuinely, we do it to live.”

“That you are forced down this path…!

“A discussion for another time – right now eat.”

“What happens when we have eaten,” Robert asked.

“Well, your aunt needs to phone your mother, and say you are going to be staying the night,” Beauty said, “without revealing what is going on. Do you have some pyjamas here you can put on?”

“Yeah – we all do,” Bobbi replied.

“Good – well, after you have eaten, you will go upstairs to change while the others remain secured in the front room. After that, we shall make sure you are all secured and quiet, and then you can watch a film again – but all together this time.”

“Okay - that sounds fair,” Ashley said, the others nodding as Romana shook her head…

“So – everyone comfy?”

All of them nodded as they wriggled in their seats. They all had their wrists secured again behind their backs, ropes holding their ankles together, and folded cloths put into their mouths – all except Romana, who said “now, you all behave yourselves for the lady while her friend and I are upstairs, understand?”

“Yhsmhfhhrr,” Asley said, the edges of the cloth sticking out from between their lips as Best said “Come – we’ll tour the rooms and you can tell me where any valuables are.”

“It seems wrong, that you have to rob to survive,” Romana said as they walked up the stairs, “but you seem genuine, and the kids are not afraid now they understand what is happening.”

“I do regret this is necessary,” Best said quietly as they entered an office, “but it is often the case. Now, please take a seat – and tell me the combination to the safe.”

“I might as well – if my husband asks, I’ll say you threatened the kids,” Romana said as she wriggled her fingers behind her back, and then gave Best a sequence of numbers, allowing him to open the safe and put rolls of bank notes into the bag he was carrying. He also put in two gold watches, before he said “Excellent – now we go to your bedroom.”

Romana nodded as she stood up and walked to the master bedroom, sitting on the bed again as she said “the drawers and in the wardrobe – how are you going to leave us?”

“Together downstairs,” Best said as he emptied the contents of several boxes into the bags, and then looked at Romana. “I am going to untie your wrists, and let you change into something suitable for bed.”

“And you’re not going to attack me.”

“I told you, Romana, we only want your money and valuables, nothing else,” Bets said as he walked behind her and untied her wrists. Romana stood there for a moment, rubbing them, and then she removed her jacket and sat on the bed, pulling her riding boots off and then her jodhpurs. Looking in a drawer, she pulled out a pair of blue pyjamas with white polka dots on them and put them on before she said “so do we get bound with rope this time.”

“No,” Best said as he looked in the bag, and took two things out, “but first things first. Time for you to be quiet of the rest of the night…”

“MHM! Whllwhhllbhlhkuh?”

“Hhnksh,” Romana said to Hayley as she walked into the front room, the white tape covering her chin from ear to ear. Her hands were behind her back, and bands of white tape framed her chest as they held her arms against her sides.

Best helped her to sit on an armchair as Beauty untied the ankles of Bobbi and Hayley. “Come with me girls – time for you to get ready,” she said as her partner knelt down and taped Romana’s ankles and legs together as the other three watched.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Beauty untied the wrists of the girls and gently eased the cloths from their mouths, before she said “go and get changed – and then we get you both ready as well.”

“Okay, miss Beauty,” Bobbi said as she and the older girl went into Hayley’s bedroom. “How do you feel,” Hayley said as she removed her gilet and sat on her bed to remove her boots.

“IS it wrong that I’m excited?”

“I don’t know – but it makes two of us,” Hayley said as she removed her clothing, and then took from a drawer a pair of pink shorts and a vest top. She also handed Bobbi a white top and blue pants, with a doughnut and milk pattern on them.

“I think we’re all going to be in the same room which is something,” Bobbi said as she slipped the pyjamas on, Hayley nodding as Beauty came in with a roll of white tape.

“Good,” she said with a smile, “now, stand in front of me and put your hands behind your back.

“Okay,” Hayley said as she and Bobbi stood still, feeling the tape on their wrists as Beauty made sure their wrists were secured together, and then took the tape down to cover their hands. She also wound tape round their stomachs and upper arms, so that all they could really do was wriggle their bodies round.

“Now I’m going to put the cloths back into your mouths – but all the way this time, and then cover your mouths with the tape. That way, you will be kept really quiet, all right?” Both girls nodded as she said “good – open your mouths nice and wide, then close them so your lips are together.”

Hayley felt the wet cloth on her tongue as it was pushed in, and then the tug on her chin as Beauty smoothed the long length of tape into place. She then watched as Bobbi was gagged in the same way, before the two girls were walked back down the stairs, Best nodding as he released the legs of the two boys and took them up the stairs.

“Sit on the floor,” Beauty said, “and I’ll tape your legs together…”

“Mister Best, can I ask you a question,” Robert aid as he felt the masked man tape his wrists and hands together behind his back. H had changed into a blue short sleeved top and striped shorts, while Tobias was wearing a black t-shirt with a print on the front, and leopard spotted shorts. His younger brother already had his wrists and hands taped, and bands of tape round his stomach and upper arms.

“Of course,” Best said as he tore the tape free and patted it down, before he wound the tape round the young boy’s stomach, “what do you want to know?”

“Do you do this to all the homes your visit, all the people there?”

“We do – why?”

“Well – do any others feel excited when you make sure they can’t move or speak?”

Best started to wrap the tape round Robert’s upper arms, before he said “in what way – because of how they are, or how others are?”

“He’s got a crush on Hayley,” Tobias giggled as he walked around. Robert blushed as Best said “well, it can happen p but best keep it to yourself, and talk to your father about it, all right?”

“All right,” Robert said as he saw the cloth in Best’s gloved hand. “Right – open wide, and you can join the others – including Hayley.”

“Husbhsshlrht,” Ramona mumbled as Robert and Tobias came in, their mouths covered with white tape and their arms secured to their sides. They both nodded as they sat down, Best starting to tape their ankles together as Beauty helped Ashley to stand up. They walked up the stairs and into her bedroom, Beauty untying her wrists as she pulled the cloth from her mouth.

“Let me guess – I change, you tape my arms, and then this goes back in with the tape over my lips.”

“Essentially, yes.”

“Fair enough – I guess I will be the same as the others,” the young woman said as she started to strip. “I should be mad at you for what you are doing today, but…”


Ashley looked at Beauty, before she said “I guess you really do have to do this to survive – I should count my blessings.”

“A very good thing to do anyway,” Beauty said as Ashley stripped, and then put on a pair of white flannelette pyjamas with a blue floral print on them. “But you do not seem to be afraid or upset.”

“None of us do – I guess because you have been nothing but honest with us,” Ashley said quietly. “So – my turn to be taped?”

“Your turn to be taped.”

When she walked into the front room, Ashley looked at the other children – Bobbi, Tobias, Robert and Hayley – sitting in a row their bodies held in bands of white tape, their mouths covered but their lips moving underneath as they tried to talk. She knew it was almost impossible – they all, like her, had the cloths in their mouths under the tape, as did their mother, but she was watching them from the armchair, twisting slightly, but somehow happy.

She sat herself in the other armchair, watching a Beauty taped her ankles together, the hems of the bottoms flaring out from under the band. More tape held her legs together below and above her knees, before Beauty stood up.

“Now, is everyone comfortable?”

They all nodded as Best turned the television on, then looked out of the window.

“It’s getting dark,” he said with a smile, “so we’ll be on our way soon. I am sure your husband will be home soon, and you can tell him all about what happened today.”

“Fhknuh, mhssbhthee.”

“Why thank you,” Beauty said as she saw Bobbi smile, while Best looked at Robert and then winked as he seemed to blush under the tape. Hayley looked at him, and then turned away as she wriggled round.

“Ah – This looks fun,” Best said as the film started to play, the two masked intruders watching the family for a while before he said “time we left – thank you for your hospitality.”


“Thank you,” Beauty said to Romana as they both left. The mother tried to move her hand again, but the tape held firm and the cloth in her own mouth prevented her from saying very much as they heard the van drive off.

“Hey – is everyone still up?”

As Thomas Bosworth came in, he saw his family and his niece and nephews sat in the chairs, taped and silenced as they watched television. Romana turned her head and said “Hllthmhs – whfbhnrhbbhd.”

“We’ve been robbed,” he said as he peeled the white tape from her mouth, and eased the cloth out.

“Yes, but we’re fine – get some scissors and cut us free, then we can call the police…”
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

[mention]KP Presents[/mention] thank you so much, I love your stories. This one is one of My favorite, cause the caracteres wear ridingboots.
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