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Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:51 am
by HogtiedSenpai
Hello there! I’m new to the site, so we’ll see how this story goes!

This story takes place in a sort of school setting, but all characters are of legal age.

Part 1

“Totally weird…”

I look down at the note in my hand as I walk down the hallway, the school’s bell tower signalling 5:00pm, though my last class ended hours ago…

‘Thanks for choosing the bondage club! Come meet me in my office at 5 for initiation! Knock five times fast. - Ms. Lumine’

I fold the note and put it back in my jeans pocket. The bondage club… I had found it yesterday evening through a hidden link on my school’s website, which I don’t think anyone seems to know about. Given my taste for bondage, I followed the link against my better judgement.

When I clicked it, it only said ‘Thank you for your interest!’ followed by a picture of a girl tied up and gagged, but looking like she’s enjoying herself.

I didn’t think much would come of it… until a girl brushes by my backpack today in one of my classes, knocking it over. When I go to pick it back up, I find a note, which is currently in my pocket.

So now here I am, walking down the hall of the empty building, looking at each closed and locked door, scanning for Ms. Lumine’s room… I readjust my gray jacket, not knowing what to expect.

I make a left turn, and on the left side of the hall, second room down, is Ms. Lumine’s office. I walk up to the door, and knock five times fast, as instructed.

“Come in!” I hear Ms. Lumine’s singsong voice through the door.

I walk through the door. “Ms. Lumine-?”

“Hello there!” Ms. Lumine gives a wave from her desk, her bare feet propped up for me to see. “Come in, will you?”

I stare speechless at her soles for a few seconds, then I clear my throat. “Sorry…” I walk in and close the door behind me, sitting down at the desk. “I’m here about the bondage club?”

Ms. Lumine giggles as my confused embarrassment. “So you are…” I watch her reach into her drawer to pull out a video camera. “If you’ll just slip off your shoes and socks, and prop your feet up on the desk for me, we can begin…”

To be continued…

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:54 am
by Feet20
Eager to see the next part. Intriguing start

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 4:26 pm
by HogtiedSenpai
Alright, next part.

Part 2

I stare confused at that instruction. “My feet?”

Ms. Lumine nods, wiggling her toes. “You see my feet here? It’s part of initiation!”

I sigh, a blush starting to form on my face. “Alright…” I scoot my chair back, then I slip off my shoes, placing my socked feet on the desk. “One second,” I reach up and pull off my socks, revealing my size 10.5 feet.

Ms. Lumine takes a deep breath, nodding. “Very good, Silas…”

My confusion at her knowing my name, despite never having her as a teacher, is drowned by shy embarrassment as I feel Ms. Lumine drinking in the sight of my bare feet. “Um…” I rub the back of my head. “About the bondage club…”

“Oh, of course!” Ms. Lumine blinks rapidly and clears her throat. “Let me get you started!”

“Hm?” I lean forward to see what Ms. Lumine is pulling out her desk… “…Handcuffs!?” I stare, my blush worsening.

“Oh yes!” Ms. Lumine puts her feet down, and she walks over to me from the desk, handcuffs in hand. “If you can’t handle these, then I doubt you’ll do well in the club.”

I nod, putting my hands on my knees as Ms. Lumine bends down to click the cuffs around each of my bare ankles. I look down at my feet, now handcuffed together…


“Hm?” I look up with a start to Ms. Lumine’s expecting look.

“Your hands behind you, please.”

“Right…” I put my hands behind my back and the chair, as instructed, then I look back to see Ms. Lumine cuffing my wrists together.

I watch as Ms. Lumine walks back over to the desk. “You’re doing great so far!” She then reaches back into her drawer. “Just a couple more things!”

“Like…” I start to speak, but then I see the ball gag in her hand. “A ball gag?…” The words come out rather soft.

Ms. Lumine giggles at my flustered look. “Want to try it?”

“I…” I clear my throat again. “Sure, yeah…”

“Good!” I look up to see Ms. Lumine approach me with the ball gag, as well as some rope and a cheeky grin. “Open wide…!”

I open my mouth, and in goes the ball gag. “Anngh…” I feel the ball in my mouth with my tongue as Ms. Lumine buckles the straps behind my head.

“I’m sure it’s a new experience…” I nod at Ms. Lumine’s comment. She is right, and my jaw is getting slightly sore… “…but I’m gonna let you know now…” I look over to see Ms. Lumine tying rope over the chain connecting my feet, and looping it around the desk. “…that this is pretty light compared to what you’ll be put through. Nod if you understand.”

“Uh-hugh…” I nod, still looking down at the rope leashing my feet to the desk.

“Good!” I hear Ms. Lumine’s chirp, then I watch her walk back behind her desk. “Now then!” She bends down behind her desk… then she gets back up, but… slightly taller? “I’m off to take care of something!”

“Huhh!?” My eyes widen, taken aback by those words. Is she leaving me here!?

“Don’t worry!” Ms. Lumine walks over to me, her heels clicking with each step, and she ruffles my hair. “I’ll be back! But!” Her eyes light up. “This’ll keep you entertained!”

“Huhh?” I watch as she turns her laptop around, and on the screen is a video of a girl with her feet up on a coffee table, reading a book.

Ms. Lumine hits play, then she walks past me and out of the room. “I’ll be back soon!”

I look back to see her leave the room and close the door. I hear a click of a lock, then clicking heels fading in the distance…

“Hmmph…” I sigh through my gag, as I turn back to the video playing in front of me. I hope she doesn’t leave me like this for long…

To be continued…

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:04 pm
by Feet20
And so it begins.
Wonder how heavily tied he will be

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:59 pm
by HogtiedSenpai
Here’s the next part, it may be a bit short

Part 3

I sigh through my nose as I look down at the computer, the girl now getting tied up by her two friends. I look up at the clock, about five minutes have passed since Ms. Lumine left me in this predicament. Drool’s starting to seep out of my mouth thanks to this gag…

I look down at my cuffed bare feet in thought. Is this supposed to be some sort of escape test? I pull at the handcuffs around my wrists, there’s no way I could escape these…

Suddenly, I hear the heels clicking. I freeze. That has to be her, right?

The door unlocks, and I tense. Then the door opens…

“Oh good!” I look back to see Ms. Lumine re-entering the room, her blonde hair now up in a tight bun. “You’re still here!”

“Uh-huhh…” I nod while leaning back in my chair, watching her walk toward my bound feet.

“So, tell me…” I look on at her untying the rope leashing my feet to the desk. “Are you liking it all so far?”

“Mm…” I look up at her with a start. She’s obviously gauging my interest… If I say no, what other opportunity like this will come? I nod my head, giving a confident look.

“Splendid! Always glad to have an ecstatic new recruit!” She walks back around me, and I feel her unlocking the cuffs around my wrists. “You may put your feet down as well.”

“Wmmt…” I look up confused as I keep my feet up on the table. “Wuhht mbuht mm fmmt?”

“We are leaving those on!”

“Huhh?” In my confused stare, she swiftly grabs my hands, and re-cuffs them in front of me.

“The two of us are going on a little trip!”

“Huhhh!?” I stare in shock. Won’t people see us!?

She bends down to pick up my shoes and socks, then she sets them in my hands. “Don’t worry, no one will see us…”

“Hmmgh!” The moment I grab my shoes, she lifts me out of the chair, and over her shoulder, with my head facing the opposite direction she’d be walking in.

“Alright, that’s everything!” In the same singsong tone, she carries me through the doorway, then swings around to close and lock it behind her. “Away we go!”

“Mmmrgh!…” I grip my shoes tight, my blush intensifying as Ms. Lumine carries me down the hall. I close my eyes, silently praying that not a soul spots us…

To be continued…

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:38 am
by HogtiedSenpai
Part 4

“How’re you holding up?”

“Hm?” I look upon hearing Ms. Lumine’s question. With the amount of identical hallways, combined with it being a rather cloudy afternoon, all I know about where I am is that we haven’t left the first floor.

“I asked, how’re you doing?” I then feel a set of nails lightly stroke my soles.

“Aaangh!!?” With how insanely ticklish I am, I can’t help but squirm in her grip. “Ahm gmmd, ahm gmmd!”

“Good!” Ms. Lumine chirps, from the way she said it, I can tell she’s happy about something… “And now I know you’re ticklish!”

“Grmmt…” I let out a quiet groan. Really, the last thing I want people knowing about me is how ticklish I am. Besides the fact I’m into feet and bondage, hence the reason I’m entering this secret club…

“It’s okay…” I then feel a soft hand caress my soles. I blush, as that feels quite nice… “I’m incredibly ticklish myself, actually.”

“Okmm…” As I nod in response, the thought of a tied up ticklish teacher invades my mind, making my toes curl…

“Here we are!”

“Hm!?” My head perks up at this. Are we finally at our destination? “Hmm!?” I look around in confusion, as the two of us enter one of the school’s two elevators.

“Alright, just a quick elevator ride down!” I brace myself as Ms. Lumine swings me around, so that I’m facing the back wall as the doors close and we descend…

One elevator ride later, the doors open, and I watch the elevator grow more distant as Ms. Lumine carries me down the basement hall.

“I bet you’re glad I didn’t make you hop…” I perk up to hear Ms. Lumine continue talking. “As much as I love it, these floors are way too filthy.”

“Mmhmm…” Feet are great, dirty feet, not so much…

“Here we are!” All of a sudden, we pass through a featureless doorway, and Ms. Lumine turns me around and sets me down to face a pitch black room. “Turning on the light!”

“Huh?-” The light clicks on. “Mmm!” I squint my eyes. The lights in this room are very bright…

“Mmmngh…” I freeze, then stare at the source of the voice. In the middle of the room is a girl, I assume a classmate, crimson hair, and hogtied with rope. “Must’ve fallen asleep again…” She turns on her side toward the door, then her eyes light up upon seeing me. “Hey, you must be the new guy!”

“Indeed he is!” Ms. Lumine stands beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Carmine, meet Silas! Silas, Carmine!”

“Hmm!” I smile behind my gag. To think, girls my age in this club… This really was a great opportunity.

To be concluded…

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:54 am
by HogtiedSenpai
Hey, everyone! Last part here!

If anyone has feedback, I’d be happy to hear it! :D

Part 5

“So!” Ms. Lumine speaks up, putting me out of my thoughts. “I’ve got to go to a meeting with a student, so I’ll leave him with you,” She walks forward, and unties Carmine completely from her hogtie. “Oh, and he’s ticklish.”

“Ooh…” I can feel at least one pair of eyes staring at my feet as Carmine stands up.

“Yeah…” Ms. Lumine hands a handcuff key off to Carmine, then she unbuckles the ball gag, walking out the door with it. “You two have fun!”

“Thanks!” I hear Carmine chirp behind me as I watch Ms. Lumine leave the room. “So, you’re Silas!”

I turn toward Carmine. “Yeah…” I nod, my blush returning already while she walks over to me.

“Good to meet you!” I nod again, all I can do really while Carmine uncuffs my wrists and ankles. With her standing next to me, I can see she’s a bit shorter than me, and she’s got… rather sexy feet…

“Yeah, you too,” I sheepishly grin as Carmine takes the handcuffs. “So, is this it?”

“Well…” Carmine shrugs. Seems like this may be my call. “Is this it? You can go home now if you want, you’re in the club.”

“Well…” I stand there thinking as I wipe drool from my chin. I could leave now, I have my shoes in my hand, and I’m uncuffed. On the other hand… “I’ll stay, if that’s okay…” I blush hard, throwing my shoes toward the corner of the room. This is my shot…

“Great!” Almost instantly, her face lights back up. “I got some rope, so, do you want to try your hand at tying someone up?”

I look down at the rope in her hand. On the one hand, it would be a good excuse to check out her feet… “Actually…” On the other hand, I’ve a better idea… “…You can tie me up.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s okay, I don’t mind,” I rub the back of my neck, feeling sweaty. Besides, it looks like Ms. Lumine left her here in the dark…

“Okay then!” Carmine gets behind me, taking my hands and tying them behind me. “We’ll do a simple hogtie, how’s that?”

“That works!” …is what I manage to squeak out. I hope she doesn’t notice how excited I am… I look down to see her tying my feet together… and then she looks up at my blushing face. “I can tell you’re liking this a lot!”

“Um… yeah!…” I sweat a little inside. She said it with a playful look in her eye, maybe she does know…

“Alright, time to get you on the ground!” With that, I close my eyes and let her let me down to the carpet below us. I then look back to watch her tie my hands and feet in a rather tight hogtie. “How’s that feel?” I look up to see Carmine walk around and sit down in front of me.

“Um… feels good!” I give her a shy look, while brushing my heels with my fingers. It is a bit tight, but I can handle it…

“Good!” Carmine chirps, then she gets down on her stomach, raising her feet up in ‘the pose’. “Y’know…” her resuming talking thankfully takes me out of my staring at her soles. “I can tell you’re really gonna like it here!”

“Yeah…” I nod, it finally setting in that this isn’t the end of my time tied up. Not today, it isn’t…

“So, let me just say it,” she swishes locks of crimson hair out of her face, which has the most proud look on it. “On behalf of everyone… welcome to the bondage club!”

Until next time,

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:37 am
by JulieG
An excellent introduction to the bond age club. Let's hope we hear more from this most unusual after school club.

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:35 am
by HogtiedSenpai
I’m glad you liked it! :D

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:01 pm
by JulieG
HogtiedSenpai wrote: 1 year ago I’m glad you liked it! :D
Are you going to attend your first full meeting following induction?

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:23 pm
by crow3467
Great story, it was light and fun. I sure hope you can continue the story and add more characters :D

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:17 pm
by HogtiedSenpai
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago
HogtiedSenpai wrote: 1 year ago I’m glad you liked it! :D
Are you going to attend your first full meeting following induction?
I sure am! :D
crow3467 wrote: 1 year ago Great story, it was light and fun. I sure hope you can continue the story and add more characters :D
Thank you! Glad to hear you’re excited for more!

Re: Bondage Club Initiation (F/M)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:08 pm
by Killua
That's a nice story. I like it. I wish my school had such a club back then... well, I would've been to shy anyway :lol: