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Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 3:55 pm
by drawscore
A short novelette


Doug Atwood lay on his bed, his hands tied behind his back, and his ankles tied together. A long white bandage covered his mouth. He looked over at his best friend, Scott Bradford, similarly tied, but with an extra piece of rope around his arms, and a red bandana for a gag.

Also with them, were Scott's brother, Allen, and his cousin, Charlie. Charlie's hands and feet were tied, and his gag was a red and yellow scout neckerchief. Allen wore an identical neckerchief over his mouth, and was tied around his hands, feet, arms, and legs..

At the doorway to Doug's bedroom, two grinning boys stood. "We see you're a little tied up, so we're gonna go. See ya later, and thanks for the tip, Doug!"

With that, Mike Hayworth and Mike Houghton took off, leaving their four captives to escape if they could.

Allen, Scott, and Doug could, but it took about six or eight minutes. By that time, Mike and Mike had vanished into the neighborhood.

"What'd he mean, 'thanks for the tip?'" Charlie growled at Doug.

"How the hell should I know?" the young teenager replied. "You guys think I tipped 'em off that me and Scott were here? Do you think we weren't told to call you guys up, and get you over here?"

"I dunno, Doug. You like getting loose, but to get loose, you gotta be tied." Charlie said.

"Yeah, but you guys are pussycats, even you, Charlie. Why would I wanna get loose from you guys? None of you can tie anywhere near as good as Mike Hayworth and Mike Houghton. Doug countered.

There was logic in Doug' words, and it was hard to overcome. Still, Doug had the reputation of being the troop's biggest weasel, so it might have been true that he did actually tip off Mike and Mike. But the only proof was in Mike Hayworth's words, and who were Charlie, Scott, and Allen going to trust? A kid from their own scout troop, even if he was a weasel, or a couple of kids from another troop, which just happened to be their biggest rivals?

Not much of a choice, but Doug got the nod. "Damn, it's easy to fool these boneheads." he thought. "But if they ever find out, I'd better give my soul to God, 'cause they're sure as hell gonna have my ass. Probably on a silver platter."

Doug broke his train of thought, saying that they ought to go after Mike and Mike. Charlie urged a more subtle approach, and Scott was like Doug, and wanted to immediately run after them. Charlie chuckled, and said that Doug and Scott reminded him of a pair of bulls on a ridge, overlooking a herd of cows.

"They was there with this old bull, and the two younger ones were saying that they wanted to run down and do a couple of the cows. The older bull just smiled, and said "Let's just walk down there and do 'em all." Charlie told them.

"That means we take our time and have a little patience. Good things will come to those who wait." Charlie continued. "Why chase after them, when, sooner or later, they'll come to us?"

"You think Mike and Mike, and the other kids in their troop are good things?" Doug asked.

"Well, no." Charlie answered. "They're a bunch of turkeys, but what is a good thing, is catching them and tying them up."

"I think it would be a better thing to catch 'em and give 'em to Mark and his cub scout friends to practice their knots on." Allen said, which produced giggles and snickers from Scott and Doug.

But Charlie shook his head. "Those turkeys tied me up good, and when I get 'em, I ain't givin' 'em to anybody." he said. "I'm gonna introduce them to a good old fashioned hog tie."

"I like that idea." Doug said. "But I got a better one. After we catch 'em and tie 'em up, when they can't get out, we tie 'em up a few more times, and then we give 'em to Mark and his friends."

"And if they do get out?" Charlie asked.

"Then we're toast." Doug laughed.

Meanwhile, Mike Hayworth and Mike Houghton had reached the safety of Mike Hayworth's house. "You know they're gonna come after us." Mike Houghton told his friend.

"Yeah, I'm counting on it." Mike Hayworth replied. "Just 'cause they can get out does not automatically grant them the right to tie us. If they come, we have every right to ambush 'em and tie 'em up some more. We don't have to just sit there and let them tie us just 'cause they get loose from our knots."

"I like that way of thinking." Mike Houghton said. "I'll get my brother, and you get Bill and Little Chris. And Pete and Russell, too, if they're around. Then we'll barbecue them in A-1 sauce and Tabasco, and feed them to their cub scout friends on wheat bread rolls."

"I put Tabasco on a hamburger once." Mike Hayworth laughed. "It set my mouth on fire. It was nasty."

"My uncles on my mother's side grew up in Louisiana, below New Orleans." Mike Houghton answered. "They put Tabasco on everything. Even on cake."

"Tabasco on cake? That's nasty" Mike Hayworth laughed.

Half an hour later, Mike and Mike had rounded up Jimmy Houghton and Bill and Chris Berville. "We can't find anyone else?" Mike Hayworth asked. Everybody shook their heads, and Mike grumbled "OK, I guess this is it. Let's put on a good show and show those clowns what this troop is made of!"

"Hey, look!" Little Chris chimed in, pointing out the window. The others did, and saw Doug approaching with a white flag. "Wha'da'ya think?" Mike Houghton asked.

"Talk to him." replied Mike Houghton. "He's a weasel, but he ain't never broken a truce."

Doug was allowed in, and told his rivals that, in addition to him, Scott, Allen, and Charlie, Kevin, Ronnie, Big Chris, and Red Jeff would be joining them. "That's eight against five. You guys might as well give up now." Doug told them.

"Seven against five if we tie and gag your skinny butt right here and now." laughed Little Chris.

But Mike Hayworth put up his hand. "We don't break truces." he said. "Not even with weasels like Doug."

Doug returned to his friends, and told them what Mike Hayworth had said. Then, he started getting creative, and suggested that he go back out as "bait," and try and lure one or more of them into an ambush.

"That ain't a bad idea, but let's use Kevin instead." Allen suggested. "He's little, and they don't expect much from him, and if we throw in Ronnie's little brother, Mark, it might be a target too tempting for them to pass up. What could possibly go wrong?"

"Me and Mark could get caught." Kevin said.

"Well, if you're stupid enough to get caught, then you deserve to get caught." Charlie laughed. "But I think we'd be better off going with Doug. Mark and Kevin might get a pass, but Doug has been a regular thorn in their sides. If they see him alone, I don't think they'll pass up a chance to try and get him.

"You could tie me up, and leave me where they could find me." Doug suggested.

"Wow, brilliant idea, Doug." sneered Ronnie. "If they found you tied up, they'd know something was fishy. Them guys may be a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Doug conceded. "Still, with us having eight - nine with Mark - it does seem a little unfair, and we ought'a give them a handicap."

"I better do this." Allen cut in. "You're just enough of a weasel to get caught on purpose, just so you can show off escaping, and to screw things up so that we get caught with you."

"Would I do a thing like that?" Doug asked in feigned innocence.

"I sure as hell wouldn't put it past you." Charlie said.

"Arright, enough of the BS!" Big Chris said, sounding older and smarter than his 12 years. "First off, like Allen's, Scott's, and Charlie's bedroom, Mike Hayworth's bedroom is on the second floor of his house, plus he's got a lot more yard than any of the rest of us, so he and his friends can see a good long way, and will see us coming."

"OK, so what, genius?" Ronnie asked.

"So we show up in strength - at least six or seven of us." Chris said. "Mark and Kevin can hang back."

"And what are they s'posed to do? Quake in their boots and surrender to us without a fight?" Ronnie asked.

"No." Chris answered. "But it may disrupt their game plan, and if we can get them to do what they don't wanna do, they'll get flustered and frustrated, and be easier to catch."

"Not a bad theory, Chris." Charlie told him. "We'll go ahead and do it, but if it don't work, your ass is gonna be grass, and the rest of us are gonna be lawnmowers."

Mark and Kevin did hang back, and the rest gave Mike and Mike, and the others a good look at them before melting back into the woods behind the row of houses.

"Shit!" said Mike Hayworth. "I thought they'd split up, but I counted eight of them."

"I counted seven." said Bill.

"Whatever." Mike shot back. "It's just that I expected Mark and Kevin with Scott, Charlie and Red Jeff with Allen, and Big Chris and Doug with Ronnie. You guys think we ought'a stay together, or split up, and try to pick 'em off one at a time?"

"I think no matter what we do, we're gonna get screwed." Jimmy Houghton observed.

"Now, there's a positive attitude for you." Mike Hayworth growled. "There's an old saying - 'If you think you're gonna lose, you're gonna find a way to do it.' Anybody else think we're screwed?" Nobody said a word.

While the five of them were having their discussion, Ronnie and Charlie had sprinted across the yard, and taken up positions on either side of the back door of Mike's house. It was a gamble. If they had been seen, their rivals would come out the front door, and nail them right to the wall. If not, they'd catch the first two out the door, and hopefully, those not caught would retreat inside Mike's house, and with two down, catching the last three would be cake, no matter who they were.

It went like clockwork. Mike Houghton and Bill Berville got nailed, leaving Jimmy Houghton, Chris Berville, and Mike Hayworth to watch from the window, as Mike and Bill were led away with their hands tied behind their backs.

The two captives were taken to Charlie's, Allen's, and Scott's house, where, under Charlie's watchful eye, Red Jeff and Big Chris would finish tying them up. But Chris had another idea. "Make 'em take off their shoes." he said.

"Why?" asked Jeff.

"Because if they get loose, they'll be in stocking feet, and it would be hard for them to run, or even walk back to Mike's place." Chris replied.

"I got a better idea, if Charlie has a couple of pairs of pajamas." Jeff said.

"I got 'em in my dresser drawer." Charlie said, but why? You goin' Kevin on us?"

"Nah." Jeff answered. "But answer me this: Do you run around the neighborhood in your pajamas?"

"Well, no." Charlie said. "Although I have gone out and got the paper a few times in pajamas."

"So, if you're tied up and get loose, would you try to get from here, over to Mike Hayworth's house, barefoot and in pajamas?"

"Probably not." Charlie said. "And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't, either. That's pretty good thinking, Jeff."

Charlie gave Mike a pair of light blue pajamas, and ordered him to change. Mike did so, and after he pulled on the coat, Charlie re-tied his hands, and Jeff tied his ankles, arms, and legs, and re-gagged him with a scout neckerchief.

Bill got a darker blue set of flannel pajamas with a button up coat, rather than a pullover. Like Mike, Bill's hands, feet, arms, and legs were tied, and a dark blue scout neckerchief was used to gag him.

"Chris, you stay here and watch 'em." Charlie said. "Me and Jeff'll catch up with Allen, Ronnie, and them, and see if they got any more captives for us." Chris nodded, and said that he'd keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't pull anything funny. He knew that as long as they were being watched, the two captives would not be able to try and escape by getting back to back, and Bill wouldn't try to pull his hands under his butt. Any attempt at escape would result in a hog tie, or being tied to a chair or the leg of a bed, and then, there would be no escape, period. The only way they'd get free was if someone rescued them.

Mike Hayworth had split off from Little Chris and Jimmy, and the two younger boys managed to get themselves caught. They also managed to lead Allen, Scott, Doug, and Ronnie on a merry chase for 20 or so minutes, during which time, Mike Hayworth circled around to Charlie's house, ambushed Chris, and freed his friends.

"Boy, you two sure look silly, all tied up in Charlie's pajamas." laughed Mike.

"Maybe you'd like to try on a pair!" Mike Houghton snapped. Then, he turned to Big Chris. "Where's our clothes and shoes?" he demanded.

"I dunno." Chris answered. "Charlie and Jeff took them with them when they left."

Mike Hayworth grinned, and said "If you two can wear Charlie's pajamas, you can probably wear his jeans. Check his dresser for something that'll fit."

While Mike Houghton and Bill Berville were looking for something to wear, Mike Hayworth got Big Chris tied and gagged. When he had finished, Mike Houghton was sporting a pair of Charlie's jeans, along with one of Allen's yellow sweat shirts. Bill, a little skinnier that Mike, also changed into jeans, but they were Allen's. The boys also took Allen's and Charlie's extra sneakers.

Mike Houghton looked out the window, and said that they needed to get out. "Doug and Scott are bringing Jimmy and Little Chris." he said. "C'mon, out the back door!"

Doug, Scott, Allen, and Ronnie were not exactly overjoyed to see their first two captives gone, and replaced by one of their own. "We ought'a leave you like that for lettin' 'em get away!" Allen snarled as he pulled away Chris's gag.

"They didn't get away; I was jumped!" Big Chris protested. "It was Mike Hayworth, and Mike Houghton and Bill Berville swiped some clothes from Charlie and you. But Mike Hayworth laughed at his friends for lettin' themselves get tied up in Charlie's pajamas."

"That's a comforting thought." Doug laughed. "C'mon, let's finish tyin' these two turkeys, and go get Mike, Mike, and Bill."

"Take your shoes off!" Big Chris ordered. Jimmy and Little Chris obeyed. Their shoes were collected, and taken out of the room. The two new captives then had their ankles and arms tied, and were silenced with a long white bandage for Little Chris, and a red bandana for Jimmy.

"Too bad there ain't no pajamas around that'd fit 'em." groused Ronnie, and took off out the bedroom door with the others right on his tail.

"Hey, wait!" Doug called. "Don't ya think we ought'a leave somebody here to watch this pair?"

"We did that the last time, and Chris got jumped." Ronnie said. "Let's just tie 'em to the bed legs, and be done with it."

"Can't do that." Allen said. "We can leave 'em like they are, but if we tie 'em to something, then one of us has to stay and watch them, and make sure they're OK."

"I'll stay." Doug volunteered.

"My ass!" Ronnie shot back. "You'd probably untie 'em so they could tie you, so you could show off how good you can escape."

"Aww, c'mon, Ronnie!" came Doug's whine. "Yeah, I'm a weasel, but I ain't that much of a weasel!"

"Yes, you are." Scott laughed.

Doug looked around, and Allen, Big Chris, and Ronnie were all nodding and snickering under their breaths. Finally, they decided that Ronnie would guard the two captives. Doug, Scott, Allen, and Big Chris headed out the door.

A block or so away, Mark and Kevin were having a chance encounter with a new kid. He appeared to be a bit younger than Mark by at least a year. "Hey, can you guys help me?" the youngster said. "I'm tryin' to find my friend. He's 'sposed to be lookin' for some kid named Doug Atwood."

"Haven't seen anyone we don't know." Kevin said. "What's he look like?"

He's 14, got brown hair, and he's dumber than a doorknob."

Mark and Kevin laughed at the description. "What makes you say that?" he asked.

The young boy answered "He thinks he's a great detective, but every time he gets on to some 'case,' he winds up gettin' caught and tied up by the bad guys, and I have to save his butt."

"Wow!" thought Kevin. "This kid's got an ego even bigger than Doug's."

"If we see him, we'll tell him you're lookin' for him.” Mark said. “What's his name?"

"Keith." the youngster replied.

"And if we see him, who should we say is looking for him?"

"I'm Jeremy." the boy replied.

The boys went their separate ways, with Jeremy continuing the search for his friend, and Mark and Kevin looking for anyone from Mike Hayworth's troop. Unfortunately for Kevin and Mark, Mike Hayworth found them.

Even alone, Mike Hayworth could have taken Mark and Kevin. But with help from Bill Berville and Mike Houghton, overpowering the two smaller kids hardly caused any of their captors to break a sweat. They were quickly whisked away to Mike Hayworth's house, then taken to his big bedroom, where they were securely tied and tightly gagged.

"Ya think we oughta trade 'em for Chris and Jimmy?" Bill asked.

"The hell with Jimmy!" Mike Houghton growled. "That little turkey deserves to be caught by the guys in Allen's troop."

"And I'm sure he'd say the same for you." Mike Hayworth grinned, knowing the source of his friend's irritation, was Jimmy spraying him down with "Silly String" while he was in the middle of asking Allison Lockwood to go to the movies with him next Saturday.

"All I want is a one week open season on little brothers." Mike Houghton said.

Mike Hayworth laughed. "You're startin' to sound like Ronnie." he said. “Besides, don't you know that Big Kevin and Wayne have been hovering around Allison and Andrea like a moth around a light bulb?”

Mike Hayworth and Bill Berville opted to trade Mark and Kevin for Little Chris and Jimmy, despite Mike Houghton's desire for all manner of evil to befall his little brother. Bill consoled his friend with "OK, sure he deserves it, but wouldn't it be more fun to do it to him yourself, rather than letting the kids in Allen's troop have all the fun?" Reluctantly, Mike Houghton agreed.

The trade was made, and both sides were again whole. Mike Hayworth and his friends were still at a distinct disadvantage, outnumbered nine to five, but that didn't seem to bother them. "We're just gonna have to be smarter, and out think 'em." Mike Hayworth said.

"Why is it, that whenever you two start thinkin', me and Jimmy and Bill are the ones that get caught and tied up by those guys?" Little Chris asked.

"I dunno." Mike Houghton replied. "I guess you're just lucky."

"Ahh, in case you didn't notice,"Bill said, "the object is to catch them and tie them up, not get ourselves tied up. But if you want luck, I got a horseshoe at home, and if you bend over, I'll stick it right were the sun don't shine."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Mike Houghton said, ignoring the insult. "I think you might have hit on something!"

"Oh, hell!" exclaimed Jimmy. "He's thinkin' again, and we better find holes to hide in before his brain explodes!"

"Quiet, pest!" Mike ordered. Then he turned to the others, and said "We need to get someone on the inside. We gotta turn one of them to us, or we gotta put one of us with them."

"If we're gonna turn anybody, the obvious choices would be Doug, because he's the biggest weasel in their troop, and Mark, the youngest, 'cause he and his brother fight like dogs and cats." Bill observed.

"Hey, genius, if we have somebody in their camp, it's a pretty good bet that the somebody would be laying face down on one of their beds with his hands and feet tied, and probably gagged, too. Just how the bloody hell is that 'sposed to do us any good?" Little Chris asked.

"Because he'll have this!" Mike Hayworth proudly proclaimed, showing off what looked like a large marble. "It's a bug. I got it at the spy shop at the mall. It works off a watch battery, picks up voiced from between 10 and 15 feet, and transmits a signal about 300 feet. It's waterproof, too!"

All eyes turned to Little Chris. "Oh, no, I ain't doin' it!" he protested. "Get Jimmy or Mike Houghton to do it!"

"What's the matter, you little wuss?" his brother asked. "You chicken? You don't even know what we want yet?"

"Yeah, I do!" retorted Chris. "You want me to stick that thing in my pocket, then go out and let myself get caught, and hope that you hear some useful information."

"Your brother's pretty sharp." Mike Hayworth laughed. "He figured out the plan right down to the last detail."

"He gets straight A's in deductive reasoning." Bill bragged.

Chris just gave Bill a dirty look, and growled "Yeah, and you wouldn't have a clue if it walked up and bit you on the butt. You couldn't find a black cat sleeping in the middle of a white bed sheet."

"And you couldn't find your butt with both hands and a road map." Bill shot back.

"OK, knock it off, you two!" Mike Hayworth ordered. "You guys are beginning to sound like Ronnie and Mark."

"That was insulting." laughed Mike Houghton. He and Mike Hayworth turned back to Chris, and said "C'mon, Chris, you're the logical choice for this. You get to be James Bond."

"More like Maxwell Smart." snickered Bill, fortunately out of Chris's hearing range.

"We can't use either of us, 'cause when we catch them guys, somebody's gotta tie 'em up, and you guys all say that we're the best at it." Mike Houghton continued. "Can't use your brother, either, 'cause everybody knows there's only two others that can escape better than him, and that's Allen Bradford, and Wayne Sommers. If he goes over there, and doesn't escape in less than five minutes, they're gonna know somethin's fishy."

"That leaves you and Jimmy, and we need Jimmy to watch 'em after we get 'em tied up." added Mike Hayworth.

Another sour look crossed Chris's face. "OK, I'll do it." he said. "But I got conditions!"

"Like what?" Jimmy asked.

"Like this stupid plan damn well better work, but work or not, you guys are gonna owe me big time." Chris growled. "I get two free Cokes from each of you on the next camp out, and you guys gotta cook all my meals and clean all my dirty dishes."

"Is that it?" Mike Hayworth asked.

"No, there's one more thing." Chris said. "You gotta teach me to tie better. You and Mike Houghton show me on each other, and I'll apply what I learned on Jimmy and Bill."

The deal was set. Little Chris pocketed the bug, and headed out the door. He acted stealthy enough, even hiding when he saw Mark, Kevin, and Scott, but not quickly enough. They spotted him, but Chris knew he could not be too obvious about getting caught.

"I know he's around here somewhere!" Scott said. I'm just wondering if he's alone. Where Little Chris goes, Jimmy and Bill usually aren't too far away."

"Unless they're up to something." Kevin said.

"I don't think Little Chris is that smart." Scott countered.

"He don't have to be smart." Kevin answered. "All he's gotta do, is what Mike and Mike tell him."

"Wha'da'ya think he's up to?" Scott questioned.

"Charlie once told me to never underestimate your opponents." Kevin replied. "They might be dumber than a box of rocks, but even so, they can occasionally come up with a decent plan, and make it work."

"Them turkeys? Naaah!" Scott replied.

Mark pulled Kevin aside. "I don't care if he is three years older than me, he's gonna screw up, and we're gonna pay the price for it."

"You talk about him like he was Doug." laughed Kevin.

"He might as well be." Mark laughed. "He goes along with him every single time."

Little Chris broke cover a few feet behind Mark, but made noise doing it. The noise caused Mark to turn and see Chris, and holler "There he is!"

Chris ran, then glanced back to see how close his pursuers were, and ran right into Doug. "Gotcha!" the tall teenager laughed as he wrapped a skinny arm around Little Chris's waist, and stopped the diminutive teen in his tracks.

A second later, Scott, Mark, and Kevin caught up, and Chris had no other choice than to give up. But, at least he was doing it for his troop, and tried to behave as if he was unhappy about being caught.

"They got him!" Mike Hayworth proclaimed to Mike and Jimmy Houghton, and Bill Berville.

"Yeah, they got him all right, but there's just one thing we forgot." Bill said.

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" demanded Mike Hayworth.

"When they caught me and Mike Houghton, they took our shoes and clothes, and made us wear pajamas so even if we got loose, we wouldn't go out of the house." Bill started.

"So?" Mike Hayworth asked.

"So, what if they do the same thing to Chris?"

"But Big Chris said they didn't have any pajamas that would fit him, or Mark or Kevin." Mike Houghton said.

"Ever think he might have lied? Ever think that Mark or Kevin might not get a pair from their homes?" Bill asked. "And ever think that if they do make him change clothes, or if your bug don't work, that my little brother is probably gonna be kinda PO'd?"

"Now that you mention it, maybe the plan could'a used some more thought." Mike Hayworth said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Bill growled. "Sometimes I think your schemes are more crackpot than the ones that Doug comes up with."

Bill's fears were well founded. Not only was Little Chris bound and gagged wearing a pair of Scott's pajama pants; when Charlie collected his clothes, he found the bug in the pocket of Chris's jeans. And if that wasn't enough, Charlie recognized it, and held his finger to his lips, then motioned the others outside the bedroom.

"Chris was bugged." he said. "I found it in his jeans pocket. I know, I saw them at the spy shop in the mall."

"Where is it?" Ronnie asked.

"Where do you think it is, dummy!" Charlie grumped. "It's in his jeans pocket, and his jeans are still in the bedroom. What? Did you think I was dumb enough to bring it out here with me?"

"I dunno, Charlie. You have done some dumb things in your time." laughed Allen.

Charlie ignored the insult from his cousin, then asked "How are you guys at acting? Can you do it off the cuff without making it sound scripted?"

"Sound what?" asked Mark.

"Scripted." Charlie said. "You know, like you're reading it of a piece of paper."

"Reading ain't one of the munchkin's strong points." Ronnie laughed. "He's still on the 'Dick and Jane' books."

An annoyed look crossed Mark's face, and he held up a baseball bat from Scott's closet. "How'd you like to go to your next costume party as a popsicle?" he asked.

"Enough!" said Allen. "We need to manipulate them into doing what we want, and putting them in position for us to nail their butts right to the wall, and that means sounding convincing." The rest nodded, and glared at Ronnie and Mark, with the clear meaning that this was not the time to engage in sibling rivalry and bickering.

Back at Mike Hayworth's house, the only thing they were getting through the bug, were soft "mmmppfff's" from Little Chris, still tied and gagged on Allen's bed. "Where the hell are they?" asked an exasperated Mike Hayworth, of no one in particular. But there was no answer.

Then, a voice. "That sounds like Allen!" Mike Hayworth said, listening to the transmission from a tinny speaker.

Allen had removed the bug from Little Chris's jeans, and held it up for him to see, letting him know that the plan was about to go bust.

"We're gonna fix you guys good!" Allen laughed.

All Chris could do, was struggle and make a few loud "mmmppffs" into his gag, and behind it all, silently seethe. "When this is all over, I'm gonna have Mike Hayworth's head on a stick!" the young captive thought.

More "mmmppfff's" from Little Chris indicated he wanted to talk. Allen recognized it, handed the bug to Charlie, and motioned for him to take it out of range. Charlie took it downstairs, and stuck it in the laundry room with Mike's and Bill's shoes and clothes.

Upstairs, Allen pulled Chris's gag down. "Wha'da'ya want, Chris?" Allen asked.

"Them bozos sent me in here bugged, hopin' it'd help 'em catch you." Chris said. "But they screwed up, otherwise you wouldn't'a found the bug. And now, I'm payin' the price."

"Life ain't fair." laughed Allen.

"I want their butts on a plate!" Chris said. "How can I help you do it?" All Allen could do, was grin.

"Just go along with what we say when we bring the bug back in." Allen said. "But if you give anything away, it's your butt that we're gonna have on a plate. Understood?"

Chris agreed, and Allen motioned for Charlie to bring the bug back in. "Well, if you guys are done feeding your faces, what're we gonna do about that bunch of turkeys in Mike Hayworth's troop?"

It came in loud and clear at Mike Hayworth's house. "Finally!" he said. This time, we got 'em!"

"Sooner or later, that bunch of weasels is gonna come looking for this little weasel." Allen said. "Gotta figure they're at Mike Hayworth's place, so the best thing to do, is set up an ambush between there and here."

"The best place would be between Mr. McLaughlin's house and Kevin's house." Doug said, trying very hard to suppress a laugh.

"Yeah, I bet they'd come that way." Little Chris chimed in. "And when they get here, I'm gonna be rescued, and you guys are gonna be toast."

"Somebody get a gag in him." Charlie said, and Little Chris grinned as his gag was pulled back up.

Mike Hayworth, Mike and Jimmy Houghton, and Bill Berville were eating it all up. "They expect us to come at them between Kevin's house and the McLaughlin place, but we'll fool 'em, and come out of the woods right in back of Allen's and Scott's place." Mike Hayworth said.

"The only other way, is up the path behind our house." Charlie said. "If they think we're gonna be between Kevin's house and the McLaughlin house, they're sure as hell gonna come up that path, and we're gonna be there waitin' for 'em!"

Big Chris was given a second chance, and told to guard Little Chris, while the others set up their ambush along the path behind the house. And just as had been planned and expected, Mike Hayworth and his friends came blithely up the trail, unaware of anything being wrong until it was too late.

Four against eight are not good odds, and Mike Hayworth and his friends had no alternative other than surrender to Charlie, Allen, Scott, and the others. Reluctantly, they made the trek to the bedroom shared by Charlie, Allen, and Scott, where, once again, Bill Berville and Mike Houghton were "cordially invited" to try on Charlie's pajamas. Charlie got another set for Mike Hayworth, while Scott provided a set for Jimmy Houghton. The four of them were quickly tied and gagged, and, in pajamas, were the source of much amusement for their captors.

Charlie and Allen surveyed the five captured boys, and grinned Then Allen held up Mike Hayworth's bug. "You guys lose somethin'?" he asked.

Mike Hayworth's face flushed with embarrassment, and he knew that when they finally got home, he was going to pay a heavy price for his plan going to hell in a handbasket. And even though tied and gagged, if looks could kill, his friends would all have done him in right then and there, and probably in strange and exotic ways, such as feeding his brains to the zombies from the Friday night TV monster movie.

"You guys wanna call it for the day?" Charlie asked, and he got nods of assent from the five prisoners. They were untied, and their clothes and shoes returned. Bill grinned, and said that despite being captured and tied up in pajamas twice, that it had been an interesting day.

"Interesting enough to do it again?" Charlie asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Bill replied. "But we get to capture and tie you guys up."

"It's like hunting lions in Africa." Doug said. "Most days you get the lion, but some days, the lion gets you! But I tell you what. We can do this next Saturday, and we'll give you a handicap. Me and Allen will start as your captives." Mike Hayworth eagerly agreed.

Mike Hayworth and the others headed back for his house. He liked Doug's idea, but Mike Houghton laughed it it. "That was really dumb, agreeing to that." he chided. Allen and Doug are pretty good at getting loose, so we have to keep one person guarding them, and that still leaves five or six of them against four or five of us."

"So I guess I win the prize for being about two degrees smarter than an artichoke." Mike said

"I wouldn't give you that much credit." said Jimmy. "Half a degree smarter than a doorknob is more like it."

"Well, we'll see next weekend." Mike Hayworth countered "And if you think you can do any better, you can run the show."

"Well, I can't do any worse than you did this weekend." Jimmy snarled back. "So I'll do it."

"I got somethin' else on my mind." Little Chris piped up. "After today's screw up, I ought'a have some serious payback coming. You boneheds got me captured, tied up in Scott's pajamas, and they found your damn fool bug."

"Wha'da'ya mean, 'We?'" Bill said. "It was Mike Hayworth's idea."

"Yeah, but you all went along with it!" Little Chris argued. "And I'm the one that spent all that time over at Allen's place, all tied up and gagged. And in pajamas, to boot."

"He does have a point." Mike Houghton said.

"He'd have a better point if he blamed Charlie and them." Mike Hayworth said. "After all, they were the ones that tied him up and made him wear pajamas."

"Quit trying to weasel out!" snapped Little Chris. "You owe me, and you know it!"

Mike Houghton again agreed, and this time, was joined by Bill and Jimmy. Mike Hayworth, easily outvoted, grumbled a little, but conceded the point, and agreed to let Little Chris tie him up when they got back to his place. "If it'll make you feel any better, fine." he grumbled.

"And the rest of you, too, for going along with his silly scheme!" demanded Little Chris. Reluctantly, the others agreed that he was right, and agreed to let Little Chris tie and gag them when they got back to Mike Hayworth's house.

An hour and a half later, Little Chris had his "revenge" on Mike Hayworth and the others, and they had all managed to wiggle free. Chris was still partly annoyed over spending the better part of an hour, tied and gagged over at Charlie's house, but also felt good about getting his friends - as least temporarily. He just wished it could have been Big Chris and Scott. And that they were wearing pajamas, as he had been.

The fact he'd been tied for close to 45 minutes did not go unnoticed when he and his brother, Bill, got home. "Chris, you could'a been out in 20 minutes. You know that Allen and them have about the same rules as us, and that nobody stays tied for more than 20-30 minutes."

"I know." Chris answered, "But I shook them off when they wanted to untie me. What? Did you think I was gonna wuss out in front of our biggest rivals?"

"You're a neat kid and a neat brother." Bill said. "But what if any of us in our troop ties you up?"

"I damn well better be out in 20 minutes!" the feisty little 13 year old shot back. "Thirty minutes at best!"

Bill and Chris showered and changed, packed overnight bags, and headed back over to Mike Hayworth's house, where they were to spend the night. Mike and Jimmy Houghton were there, too, also freshly scrubbed, and their host, Mike Hayworth, invited them in, and took them up to his bedroom.

"Sodas in the fridge; lots of chips and pretzels, TV's in the den, and here, and my parents are gone to the social at the country club!" Mike announced. "Oh, and Doug made me a copy of his 'race to town' game, so we got something to do, instead of sit around on out butts, eating pretzels and chips, and watching the boob tube."

The phone rang, and Mike Hayworth answered it. "Hey, Doug, wat'cha doin'?"

"Me and Scott are at my place, Charlie's spending the night with Ronnie; Big Chris and Red Jeff are sleeping over at Jeff's house; and Mark's over at Kevin's place." Doug said. "Wayne Sommers is spending the night with Allen, at Scott's place. Some kinda secret plan for our troop that we ain't 'sposed to know about."

"So why'd you call?" Mike asked.

I just wanted to let you know that we talked 'em in to spending Friday and Saturday nights there. Not this weekend, but the next one - the 13th and 14th."

"They must all think you guys are nuts for wanting to spend the night of Friday the 13th in that spooky old place." Mike laughed.

"You can come with us, or you can come, knowing we're there, and try to catch us." Doug said. "You guys ain't a bunch of chickens, are you?" "You ain't afraid of spending the night of Friday the 13th in MacAlpine Manor, are you?"

Doug had said the "magic word," and he knew it. "You bet your ass we'll be there!" Mike roared into the telephone.

"Are they gonna show?" Charlie asked.

"Of course they're gonna show." Doug replied to the others, still gathered in Allen's, Scott's, and Charlie's bedroom.

"And I thought I was a weasel when I was your age!" came the voice of Wayne Sommers. "You got me easily beat."

"This is gonna be like shootin' fish in a barrel." laughed Charlie.

"Hey, Mike, one more thing." Doug called into the phone.

"Yeah? What's that?" Mike asked.

"Charlie and Allen say Mike Houghton and Bill Berville owe them for borrowing their clothes." Doug laughed.

"But they were ordered to wear pajamas!" Mike protested. "You can't claim anything for that."

“True, but when your guys got loose, they changed into Charlie's and Allen's clothes and shoes." Doug countered.

"Only 'cause you guys swiped their clothes and shoes." Mike protested.

"Don't worry." Doug said. They'll be back over here to return Charlie's and Allen's clothes, and to pick up their own, so we'll get 'em then."

The conversation ended, and Doug was grinning like a clown. "I got 'em right where we want 'em. Flustered, anxious to prove themselves against us, and in such an anticipatory state, they're gonna be on pins and needles for two weeks.

"Where'd you learn such big words?" Little Kevin asked.

"One of my uncles is a head shrinker." Doug replied. "He uses big words and phrases all the time."

"That don't matter." Allen said. "What does matter, is that we crawled inside their heads and set off a bunch of bells, and it's gonna be real fun watching them try and figure everything out for the next two weeks."

"It's gonna be more fun watching them try and get out of our knots." Mark added. "I can hardly wait."


Re: Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:50 pm
by Gino
great story :D

Re: Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:15 pm
by Xtc
It's good to read another of these adventures.
Reminds me, though: I'm about to re-edit one of my "Troop v Troop" stories. I had better make a dramatis personae list befoe I start.

Re: Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:28 pm
by sami200456boyfriend
Nice story. Your stories are always My favorites.

Re: Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:56 am
by BDBrit
A very fun and inventivestory. Thanks for sharing! :D

Re: Afternoon Adventures (multiple m/m)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:11 pm
by drawscore
Thanks for the feedback.
