Aunt Chrissy Loses A Bet mmm/F

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Aunt Chrissy Loses A Bet mmm/F

Post by Ianc1980 »

I've posted several stories here in the past dealing with moms getting innocently bound. This is one about an attractive aunt (also a mom) who underestimates the guile of several 12 year old boys and ends up, well... You know what site you're in,a right?! Lol!

Please let me know your thoughts and if you'd like to read more.

Aunt Chrissy Loses a Bet

Chrissy Hayden's was once again abuzz with the sound of 12 year old boys playing in her house, which always seemed to be the case when her much- adored nephew James was visiting. She was out front gardening when Mrs Radcliff walked by. "Good morning, Chrissy. Sounds like James is over again!" Chrissy stood up from her kneeling position and brushed her gloved hands off. "Yup, you guessed it, Mrs Radcliff! He's in there with Eric, Timmy, and Doug playing trivial pursuit." The older woman scoffed, "Playing games, huh? They should be out here with you, helping with this gardening!" Just then Mr Radcliff approached. With Chrissy having her back turned to him he was given a great view of his 40 year old neighbor in her Daisy Dukes that went to about her mid- thigh.

The old man took in the view for several more precious seconds before coming over, "Audrey is right, Chrissy! Get those boys out here to help you!" Startled by Mr Radcliff's arrival, she immediately pulled down her short denim pants. She'd noticed him and some other neighbors in the past gawking at her whenever she donned her "gardening pants" as she called the pants that she only wore while working in her own yard. "Oh, hi Mr Radcliff! Yeah, maybe you're right! I think I'll go in and see when they're gonna help me out!" she said as she removed her gloves and headed into the house, Mr R, watched closely as her hips swayed back and forth until his wife elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for!? I was just making sure she got in the house ok!" With her balled up fist shaking in his face she replied, "You better move it, Ralph, or you won't be the one to make it home ok!" After a chuckle from Ralph the two were off on their morning walk once again.

Once inside she called out to her nephew James. "James! Where are you?" Several seconds later was his response, "I'm in the living room with Eric, Timmy, and Doug." They were being quite loud, so she felt the need to address their noise level and to see if she could convince them to help her. What she walked in on was chaos. The boys were shouting back and forth about this and that and how, "You always get the easy questions!" and, "How did you get that wrong?!" She immediately attempted to calm the situation. "Ok, ok boys... Settle down please." James then spoke up and said, "You heard my aunt, guys... calm down. Who's turn is it? Oh, right, it's yours Doug..." He then picked a card and read the question, "In which war was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought?" Doug didn't hesitate and answered, "The Civil War!" Chrissy rolled her eyes at the incorrect response. "Doug, aren't you learning US history in school?!" she asked with a bit of surprise. The boy, somewhat embarrassed, stammered, "Uhhhh, yeah, but I forgot this one." Chrissy then gave him and the rest of the boys the correct answer, "The Revolutionary War is the right answer, by the way."

Doug, a bit perturbed, said, "Well aren't you the smart one, Mrs H!" She said proudly, "Well, I didn't graduate top 3 of my class on my good looks alone!" James was the only one that chuckled at that. She then said that they ought to come and give her a hand with her gardening and to take a break from the game. That's when Timmy said, "Well since you're so smart, why don't you play the four of us combined? If we lose, we work with you all day in the garden." She immediately approved of the plan, even without hearing what they wanted if they were to win, stating, "Boys don't even waste your breath because there's no way I'm losing this game! Haha! I hope you all have your gloves!"

And so the game began. The four boys at at one side of the table while their beautiful opponent was at the other. Mrs Hayden did well as expected but she underestimated her opponents, for among them was Eric, who was extremely smart for his age. A member the chess club, dungeons and dragons club, and middle school debate club, among other clubs, he was keeping the score close. Then it was down to the last question. If Chrissy got it correct, she'd get her gardening done with ease with the help of the boys. If she answered incorrectly the boys would have a chance for the win if they answered correctly.

Doug read the question slowly to her, "In the show, the Dukes of Hazzard, what was the name given to the infamous car driven by the Dukes?" She never really watched the show but vaguely remembered the car itself. "Umm... I'm not positive but I think it's the.... General... Grant?" The boys jumped out of their seats and yelled, "Wrong!!!" simultaneously. Doug, knowing who on their group knew the correct name, since it was his favorite show, turned to Timmy, who smiled and said, "The car is the General Lee!"

That meant that the boys were in position to defeat Mrs Hayden and have her do something for them. Chrissy picked up a card and looked at it. When she saw the question she smiled and said, "Ah, there's no way you're getting this!" The boys, by this time, were fed up with her cockiness decided to up the ante when Timmy said, "What makes you so sure? Tell you what, if you're so confident, how about if we win, we get two things to have you do for us?" Chrissy chuckled and said, "Why not make it three?! And WHEN I win you guys will also mow my lawn for a month?" Timmy quickly agreed to the terms. Then the moment of truth arrived and she read the question...

"In the movie, "The Godfather", what actor played mob boss Don Corleone?" The boys all let out a deflated sigh upon hearing the question. All of them, that is, except Eric. You see, on top of being a highly intelligent young man, he was also a movie buff, and his catalog included many old classics, such as Francis Ford Coppola's 1972 classic. Eric knew the answer as soon as he heard it, but he first wanted the attractive woman to gloat and continue being cocky as she had been during the game. His game winning response will be that much sweeter. "Times almost up, boys! Do you have an answer?! Haaaahaaa! I told you that you wouldn't get this one!" She then began counting down, "3,2-" When she was about to say, "one!" She was interrupted by Eric, who smiled and said, "Mrs H, how good are you at keeping your word?" Somewhat confused, she said that she always pays off her lost bets and her word was as good as gold. She even turned to her nephew, who vouched for her. She then turned to Eric and said, "So, do you have an answer?"

Eric said, "I certainly do, Mrs H. Marlon Brando played the lead role in the Godfather, considered by some to be the greatest movie ever made!" Chrissy's face went flush as she dropped her face down in defeat. The boys all jumped up and patted him on the back. "You did it! We beat her! We beat her!" Chrissy then got up and grabbed her gloves and turned to continue her gardening, saying, "Ok, boys, well done! You beat me fair and square. I'm going to finish up my gardening- on my own. In the meantime, think of something for me to do for you boys." Eric simply said, "Three." Confused, Chrissy turned around and said, "Excuse me?" Eric then clarified. "Three, as in you owe us three things, Mrs H!" She rolled her eyes and said, "Right, right... Three things! Look, whatever, just think if what it is I have to do for you and by the time I come in to fix you lunch you can let me know!" She then walked out the back door to get back to her yard work.

Once Mrs H was gone and out of sight the four boys looked at each other until Timmy spoke up and said, "Well, now what?!" There was silence as the boys looked around with inquisitive looks before Eric said, "Come on, guys! We just won and it's time to get our reward, or should I say, rewards plural?!" James, sensing a bit of excitement from his aunt's next-door neighbor, tried to calm his enthusiasm with, "Oh, settle down, Eric! No need to take her up on her offer, she was just joking. Let's just have her play a simple damsel game like always..." he looked around with hopes that the others would agree before he continued, "... you know, lock the princess in the room so that one of us can rescue her!"

There was an awkward silence again and Eric, noticing the rest of the group wasn't responding the usual way and agreeing with the stronger and more athletic James decided to take his chance to sway them to his side. "Aw, we always play those games the same old boring way! And SHE'S the one that suggested we get three rewards, not us! It's only fair that we cash in!" Timmy and Doug seemed to agree with Eric, intelligent and quiet most of the time, but now that he was speaking out, he made sense to them. He was skinnier than the rest of them and only played one sport, baseball, up until T-ball level. He had friends other than these boys, but they were accumulated through the aforementioned after school clubs.

"Eric's right!" said Doug. "Yeah, we won fair and square and Mrs H did say we get three things." added Timmy. James was angry with the turn of events. He never really liked Eric all that much, maybe because he knew he had a bit of a crush on his beloved aunt. A harmless crush, but a crush just the same. He'd catch him eyeing her up and down as she approached- and as she walked away. He even occasionally saw him peeking at her from his bedroom window. Aunt Chrissy had an in ground pool so there was zero doubt in his mind that she was getting gawked at while sun bathing by this little twerp. But that wasn't the only reason he had a slight disdain for him. He also was a bit of a know-it- all. And in this moment James realized Eric was once again right, his Aunt Chrissy had bitten off more than she could chew, and her nephew in shining armor could do nothing to save her this time. She was sentenced to face the consequences, whatever they were, that these three nitwits came up with. All he could do was damage control and not allow them to get to crazy by crossing the line.

James looked at them all and conceded, "Alright, three things. What do you think we should do? Maybe have her make us lunch?" Doug, who could always eat, agreed immediately to James's diversionary tactic. "Yeah, that's a great idea! She could make grilled cheese sandwiches and-" Eric, feeling more and more confident, interrupted him by saying, "Stop! She's making us lunch today, she already said so. Plus she always makes us lunch, let's think of something more... adventurous..." James asked what he had in mind to which Eric responded, "How about we have her play another adventure game , with several twists." All eyes were on him, asking him to go on. "Well, we play simple kidnap the princess, cops and robbers games all the time so I thought maybe we'd all play something more exciting. What if we had her play the role of the snooping detective to gets captured, but instead of simply placing her in a storage closet..." The boys listened to his every word and couldn't wait to hear the rest. James, sensing where her was headed, said sarcastically, "Well, we're waiting for you to tell us your idea!"

Eric suddenly turned on the shyness and said, "Well I don't know, I just thought we'd do something different with her once we captured her..." he then paused before going for broke, "Like maybe tying her up." There was a pause and Eric quickly regretted saying what he said, until Timmy exclaimed, "I love it! That's a great idea, Eric!" Doug agree it was a good idea as well but added, "It's up to James here, it's his aunt and if I remember correctly, you used to always say no when that nerdy kid Kevin wanted to tie her up when we played." James got a serious look on his face and said sternly, "I said no then, and I'm saying no now! We won't be tying my aunt up and that's final!" Eric lost whatever confidence he had built in the last hour or so. He, and the rest of the boys cowered to James and in the end agreed that there would be no ropes on Mrs Hayden, unfortunately. Just then Mrs H walked in looking tired and wiping sweat from her brow. Sweat glistened on her arms and her thighs, it was a sight to behold even if the boys didn't totally understand why. "So, what's the verdict boys? What do I owe you?"

James took over the leadership role and informed her that the boys wanted to play an innocent game of cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians. He finished with, "I guess we can play after we eat." Chrissy sighed and said, "Well I'd love to be your prisoner but I'm worn out today. Maybe if you boys got off your behinds and helped me you'd have me as your damsel, but I'm afraid that today's not the day. Maybe some other time?" They discussed possible dates and between vacations, baseball games, and other family obligations, none worked out for all of them. All except the following Saturday.

The day was nearly set in stone when Chrissy remembered something, "Oh, wait, we can't do next Saturday. I'm having contractors over to fix my deck. Not that I have to watch over them, the contractor is my brother-in-law. It's just that the house will be a mess and I don't want us to be in their way." The whole plan nearly fizzled out when suddenly Eric proposed that they could use his house. James and the rest of the boys all looked at her for a response, James confident she'd never agree to go to the creepy kids house. "Well, I'm not really sure, but as I told you, I am a woman of my word and just want to get this over with ASAP... Sure, why not?!" The boys all cheered, except for James, who thought his geeky nemesis had bad intentions in mind for his aunt. "Ok, that's settled, let's get you boys fed." They all began heading towards the kitchen when Eric interjected with a raised eyebrow and finger pointed skyward, "Uhhh, just so you know, Mrs Hayden, we aren't completely settled. We still have two more things up get from you." Chrissy turned around and said, "Oh... Right... And what are your other two wishes?" Eric said, "We're still thinking. We have all week." He then walked past her along with the others, Mrs Hayden thinking to herself, 'What are these boys up to?'

It was the Wednesday before Chrissy was to pay her debt to the boys when there was a knock on her door. She peeked out the side window to see Eric standing there, looking jittery. She opened the door and greeted him. "Hi, Mrs H, may I come in? Yes, of course! What is on your mind?" He'd never been with Mrs Hayden by himself before, so he was extra nervous, keeping his eyes glued to the floor as he spoke. He glanced up several times as they talked, but he mostly saw he her bare feet with red polished nails and tan legs and khaki shorts. "Well, remember that we have two other rewards? Well were like to make a request." There was a pause. "It's, it's about your outfit.... what we want you to wear..." Seeing where things were going she smirked and said, "My outfit, huh?" to which Eric continued, "Y-yeah, see, since we won we were thinking we could pick out what you wear... for our game..." he looked up at her for a moment, revealing a slight grin that he was unable up hide. She sighed and said, "You're correct, you won and now I have to do what you say so out with it young man, what am I being forced to wear for this game of yours?!" She was getting a bit feisty at this point, mad mostly at herself for losing to this twerp.

Enjoying the fact that he was getting to her, he explained, "We'd like you to be wearing your Daisy Duke shorts, you know, the ones you had on the other day when we saw you? That and the red flannel. You will need to tie it off at the belly, just like Daisy does on the show." Chrissy couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Now hold on there mister..." He looked up at her and matter of factly stated, as if her protests were not even spoken, "Timmy said it would be vital to the game we're playing. He thinks you should wear the shorts you wore last weekend while gardening." "Hmmph, oh really?! Timmy said that, huh? Are you sure it wasn't you who came up with that idea?" Even though it was totally his own idea and he was acting alone by going over to her house, he still kept up the facade, "Yeah it was Timmy. He's the one that loves the show more than any of us. I don't even know who Daisy Duke is!"

She wanted to go off on him right there, telling him that she sees him peeking out his window from time to time while she's out in the pool or in the front yard in her "gardening shorts", but as feisty as she can get she still had a heart and she didn't want to embarrass kid as harmless as Eric. Here's just an adolescent boy doing things all adolescent boys do. "I really don't know about this, Eric. I really don't see the purpose of it..." Eric used reverse psychology on her, "Well, if you chicken then I'll have to tell the boys, including your nephew, that you don't want to do it. And that you're not going to keep your word like you said you would." The last part her looked her dead in the eyes, full of confidence.

She was raging inside, Eric had trapped her through manipulation when he made sure she repeated that her word was legit. 'This kid is going to be a good lawyer someday. That or a senator, she thought to herself. She was kind of worried about the prospect of going to this evil genius's house while scantily clad, but her worries faded when she saw her nephew walking up to the door. He'd be there during the silly game to make sure no funny stuff occurred.

James walked in and surprised Eric, who got nervous, as only he knew about the outfit request. James, puzzled at the fact that he was in his aunt's house, asked,"Hi Eric, what brings you here?" Aunt Chrissy spoke for him, knowing that he'd probably stammer for the right way to explain things, "He's here to tell me about Timmy's Daisy Duke outfit request for Saturday's game." James looked immediately at Eric and said, "Timmy's idea, huh?" Eric took a step back and said, "Yeah, uh, you know how he loves the Dukes of Hazzard. He has an idea for a game and that outfit works perfectly!" James was about to expose the truth when Chrissy stepped in and said, "Calm down, James, it's ok. I have to do it, after all, I did lose to you boys. It's no big deal, I'll wear they're outfit of choice, get locked in a room and go home, debt paid off." She then turned to Eric and said, "As I said, I’ll wear the DD outfit, but without the pantyhose and high heels, I'll have flip flops on!" Eric smiled, looked at her feet and said, "That's fine with us!"

Eric then reminded her that there was still one last part to the debt and she asked what else they wanted. "I'm not sure yet...I think Doug had a request for a pizza party afterwards." That was totally feasible to her, "Sure, I'll throw in a couple pies to call it even. Well that's it then, it's been decided!" There were a few other details discussed, including a time, and then Eric said his goodbyes. "I'll tell Timmy and Doug that we're all set! Thanks, Mrs H!" He then let himself out.

Chrissy looked at her nephew with a look that said, 'I don't know what to think!' as she raised her hands and shrugged her shoulders. "Ugh, Aunt Chrissy, I like Eric, but I've always seen him as, I don't know, different." Chrissy patted him on the back as said, "He is...I mean, there's no sugar coating it, he's just different. But he's harmless so we just let him be... him! Haha!" With that they both chuckled and went into the kitchen where she'd fix him lunch.

But was Eric as harmless as the attractive mature woman thought? Eric grinned from ear to ear as he walked to his house next door. He couldn't wait to text the other two boys that he had gotten her to accept his demands! Wait until they hear about the outfit she's going to be wearing. The only thing that he wasn't happy about was the fact that she wouldn't be bound, something he'd wanted to do for some time. James, the wrench in his plans, made sure that wasn't going to happen. If only there was a way to get him out of the picture. Little did he know that that very scenario was about to materialize!

The day before Mrs Hayden was to pay up on her bet three of the four boys, Timmy, Doug, and Eric were hanging out at Eric's house discussing what game they planned on playing with Mrs Hayden. Timmy and Eric were talking when Doug checked his phone. "Uhh, guys, we may have a problem." The two boys looked at him and asked what the problem was. "Check your phones." Silently Timmy and Eric did so and after a few seconds Timmy said, "Oh, no! James can't come because he's grounded and had to do yard work?" Suddenly Eric got a big, wide, evil grin on his face.
After a few minutes of the boys discussing James's predicament the subject turned to the game itself. "So, Eric, do you have a preference for which room to put her in once she's made our prisoner?" asked Timmy. Eric seemed distracted in thought and didn't answer him right away so Doug said his name, "Eric? ERIC! Timmy asked you a question." Eric snapped out of it and said, "Guys, don't you see?! Without James we now have an opportunity to actually tie her up!" Doug and Timmy have each other a "he's got a point" look then Timmy said, "How do you plan to get her tied up? No way she lets us, especially without James there!" Doug added, "Yeah, and he'll kill us if he finds out we actually tied her up!"

There were a few more moments of silence, for throughout the questions he was being asked, Eric continued to think to himself. Then he finally spoke, "You two need to trust me! I don't see James's absence as a problem at all, in fact, it's pretty much a blessing!" Still not convinced, Eric tried to calm their fears with as little detail as possible so as not to spoil the plans that were rolling around in his brilliant mind. When he finished explaining his draft of an idea he said, "So, do you trust me?" Doug said yes almost immediately while Timmy hesitated. Eric then put his arm around him and said, come with me, and they walked over to the window.

As they looked outside there was Mrs Hayden, trimming her bushes. "There she is, isn't she awesome?! Now, picture her dressed as your favorite character and playing a game where we get to tie her up!" Timmy kept his eyes on the woman dressed in short khakis and a tank top. "You're telling me you convinced her to wear Daisy Dukes?! No way!" Eric replied, "Yes way!" Doug soon came over and peered down and said, "That would be awesome! How'd you convince her?" Eric proudly told them, "We beat her fair and square, and now she owes us. And, Mrs Chrissy Hayden is a woman of her word! It'll be her down fall, but we'll be the ones to benefit!"

Meanwhile Chrissy could sense she was being watched. She looked up to see three smiling faces waving at her. She rolled her eyes and waved back. "We'll see you tomorrow, Mrs Hayden!" Eric said in weasel fashion. She gave a thumbs up and said, "I'll be there at one." Eric then said, "Don't forget to be properly dressed!" She then looked up and said, "I know, now if you don't leave me alone I'll have my nephew have a talk with you tomorrow!" Doug then shouted, "To bad he wo-!" Eric covered his mouth before he could inform her that her nephew wasn't going to be there. She yelled up, "What did you say?" to which Eric said, "Oh nothing, he was just being silly! See you tomorrow!" She shook her head then returned to her work. Doug asked him why he stopped him from telling her James want going to be there. Eric told him that, "You never know, she may back out if she knew. She feels safe with him around. Now without him, we have her all to ourselves!" The three then looked down towards their pretty target and smiled.

As they walked outside the boys all started giggling. "Dude, she really is wearing the Daisy Dukes?! That'll be amazing!" said Timmy. Eric quickly added, "Just think if she were tied up in them." Doug then asked, "Ok, who are these kids and why are we meeting them here in the park?" Eric informed them that Andy and Jeff we friends from chess club and they have a couple things that we'll need to capture Mrs H. Just then two boys approached, both carrying backpacks. Jeff was tall and lanky with frizzy and disheveled hair sporting a T shirt with Princess Leia laying in her infamous metal bikini. Andy was short and stocky and wearing a shirt with the NASA symbol on it.

After exchanging awkward introductions Eric and Jeff stepped away to discuss something. Andy began chatting with Doug and Timmy. "So, are you guys really going to tie up James's hot aunt?" Timmy and Doug looked at each other and Doug said, "That's the plan!" Just then Eric and Jeff returned. Eric said, "Ok, after discussing it over with Jeff it's been decided that he and Andy will be helping us to capture Mrs Hayden tomorrow. It seems that Jeff insists that we let them join us, otherwise we won't be allowed to borrow the important items in their backpacks. It's that cool with you guys?" Timmy and Doug didn't seem to mind at all so they say on a nearby picnic table and devised their strategy for the next day.

The next morning Mrs Chrissy Hayden was standing in front of the mirror checking herself out in her Daisy Duke shorts that went to the middle of her shapely thighs. She looked down to tie off her red checkered button up. When she was finished she made a little bow that helped to reveal her belly button. Around her neck was a red paterned bandana. She picked out a pair of flip flops and headed downstairs to prepare to make the short trip next door.

Meanwhile the five boys were all abuzz talking about what was about to transpire. "Good thing your parents are at the pool with your little brother, Eric. I'm not sure what they'd think if they knew what we were doing!" Eric smiled and said, "That's why I wanted to have her come here, we'll have the whole house to ourselves!" They went over their plan again and at around 12:55 looked outside to see Mrs Hayden step out her front door. "She looks just like Daisy!" said Timmy excitedly. Eric then told him and the others that they had to get into their positions. Eric left one of the walkie talkies that Jeff brought with Andy, Jeff and Doug, while he and Timmy raced downstairs.

Chrissy went to the front door and rang the doorbell but got no answer. She then noticed that the garage door was open so she walked in. "Hello?… Anybody here?…" she called out as she walked about ten feet inside and stopped. Just then Eric reached up and hit the button to the door. Slowly the door began to close. Instinctively Chrissy tried to run to the door, most likely an attempt to escape, but she was too far away, the trap was set.

Eric and Timmy then revealed themselves from behind several moving boxes in the two car garage. They soon stood in front of her. "Oh, there you are... Where's the rest of your crew?" Chrissy said as she scanned the room. "We'll take you to them shortly." said Eric. "Nice outfit, Mrs Hayden, did Eric really talk you into wearing that?" said Timmy as he stared. Chrissy smirked, scanned herself and said, "Well, I did lose to you boys, and I am a woman of her word... so yeah, Eric came to my house and said that you were the one who said it would be a good idea if I wore this! I hope you approve!" Timmy, somewhat startled, said, "Oh, I really approve! Daisy Duke is one of my favorite characters... hey wait... You told her it was my idea...I never-" Eric did his best to change the subject, "Oh, it doesn't matter who's idea it was, it's time for you to pay your debt to us!" Chrissy watched as they both maneuvered behind her.

"As far as my debt goes, the outfit counts as one of three. Where are you going? Oh I see, you're escorting me to your leaders....Take me to your leaders, isn't that what captured spies say in the movies, haha!" Eric informed her that they were bringing her somewhere else, "Please place your hands behind your back." Chrissy was surprised, "Uhhhh, what, are you making me your prisoner? I was just kidding! I came here willingly it’s not like you captured me!" She looked at the two boys as they stood by silently. "Behind your back, please!" barked Timmy.

"Ugh, ok... I guess I need to sharpen my trivial pursuit skills, can't let this happen again!" Suddenly, she felt both her forearms grabbed tightly she looked back to see Timmy holding them. "Hey, Uhhh, what's going on?" The next sound see heard was, 'Click... Click' as her wrists were restrained with metal handcuffs. She tugged and struggled but Timmy held firm. Eric then came around to face her, enjoying the sight of his attractive crush struggling. "Ooooooh, these are so cold! Where'd you get these handcuffs?! Eric then said, Enough questions from you my dear, it's our turn to ask you a few questions!"

Eric then turned on the walkie talkie, pushed the button and said, "Headquarters, come in..." Moments later a voice came on, "Headquarters, go ahead..." Eric smiled as he looked in her eyes, "We've captured an intruder. Should we dispose of her?" Chrissy scoffed at this and chuckled, then a couple seconds later came the response that have her chills, "No! Bring her at once! She's more valuable to us alive!" Eric gave the "Copy that!" sign off, and turned the walkie talkie off. "You heard the man, let's get her ready. He then began untying her bandana from her neck. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?!" Timmy, by this time able to relax his tight grip, observed, "She still has a lot of questions!" Eric then came around behind her while holding the bandana with two hands. She watched it as he raised it above her head and as it came to a rest on her eyes. "Hey! What is this for?!" Eric informed her that she wasn't to know the location of their headquarters.

Once Eric secured the bandana they each stepped back to admire the view. Here was their friends pretty aunt handcuffed and blindfolded while wearing Daisy Duke shorts and her button down shirt tied up from the bottom to reveal her belly button. Her bare feet exposed since she was wearing flip flops. After about ten seconds she said, "Are you still there? Where are you taking me?" Eric and Timmy each spun around to gently hold her at the upper arm and wrist. Eric then said something he thought he'd never say to her in a million years, "We're taking you to my room!" "Your room?! Ugh, wait until I see James!" The two boys looked at each other as if they swallowed a canary. They then marched their prisoner out of the garage and into the house.

Mrs Hayden, handcuffed and blindfolded, was escorted by Eric and Timmy up the fight of stairs that led to Eric's bedroom, where three other boys awaited her arrival with excitement. She took each step slowly, so that she wouldn't stumble, and when they got close to the end Eric told her, "That's it, my dear, one more and we're there." Then then made their way down the hall to his enormous bedroom and knocked. A voice on the other side called out, "What's the password!" to which Timmy replied, "Daisy Dukes!" and the door was opened and Chrissy was led inside.

Doug closed the door behind them and locked it for effect. Once she took about five steps inside the door Eric said, "That's far enough I believe." and he and Timmy released her from their grips. Soon Jeff, Doug, and Andy joined them to form a circle around their beautiful prisoner. They sometimes giggled with their hands over their mouths while looking at her and then each other. Other times they mouthed words to reach other and gave the"thumbs up" signal. This went on for about 20 seconds until the captive spoke up. "Uh, ok boys... what's next? I suppose we're playing a game here, so why don't we wrap it up so I can order you boys pizza to complete paying my debt. So who's there? I suppose wherever you are you're guarding me so I can't escape. Is that you, James.... hello? Anyone there?"

Eric motioned to Doug, who removed her blindfold, and she shook the hair out of her face and looked around the room. "Oh, nice room you have here, Eric...I think it's bigger than mine!" she said as she scanned her surroundings. She saw several shelves that were full of books that covered all sorts of categories, from D&D strategies to the history of the Dark Ages. On his desk sat an enormous PC Monitor that he used for both his game console and custom made PC. On his dresser there was a mini globe and several super hero action figures. On his walls there were movie posters which ran the gamut from Star Wars and Harry Potter, to classic horror of the 1920's. Chrissy took it but noticed something was missing, her nephew.

She saw a couple boys that were not in attendance when she played trivial pursuit and lost. She tried to engage the newcomers, "Hello, uh do I know you? Are you friends of my nephew James?" Jeff said, "Nah, we're not really friends with James, more friends with Eric here." Andy then added, "Yeah, we're all in chess club together." After hearing this and looking at their graphic T shirts she thought to herself, "Chess club... that makes soooo much sense!'

"Oh, uh where is James? Shouldn't we wait for my nephew?" she said as she watched the two new members of the crew out of the corner of her eye. Eric looked at his pals, smiled and explained, "Oh, we're sorry, we forgot to tell you that he got in trouble and is grounded. He had to do yard work all day. Needless to say, he won't be joining us today." Chrissy then showed her first sign of being a little nervous. Up until this very point, even after the handcuffs were attached to her wrists, she maintained her composure and confidence. She believed she had nothing to worry about, and since she'd played these to adventure game where she played the role of a damsel before, and so far things were not out of the ordinary. But her nephew's absence coupled with the fact that there were two more strange boys in the mix made her a bit concerned. “O-oh... so it’s just me and you guys? Wait.. So James isn't coming at all?! Who came up with this... game? Does he know about this?” she said.

Suddenly all five boys revealed coils of rope from behind their backs, adding to Chrissy's worries. She tried to ignore then and asked, "So Eric, how about you take these cuffs off so I can order you boys pizza and settle my debt?" Eric announced, "I told the guys about your proposal for a pizza party and they liked it, but I think we changed our minds.... we're going to tie you up!" Chrissy began to step away from Eric and move toward the door. The boys slowly closed their circle, thus closing off her escape route. "Tie me up?! Why do you want to tie me up?!" Jeff shifted his eyes up and down and replied, "Why not?!" The still struggling Chrissy rolled her eyes and said, "C'mon, can't you just lock me in your room like we usually do?!" Doug answered, "Aww, c'mon Mrs H! You know us, we're not going to hurt you! Besides, locking you in the room is no fun, not as much fun as tying you up will be!"

Chrissy, knowing how much of an appetite he had, tried one last ditch effort, asking Doug, "But Doug, wouldn't you rather have a piping hot pizza, I mean tying me up sounds boring!" Doug and Andy each grabbed an arm and escorted her the short distance to Eric's four post bed and say her down at the end of it. Doug responded to her question as they walked, "Oh, I love pizza but I've had it before... I've never tied a lady up though!" Chrissy rolled her eyes as Eric took a seat to her right and Timmy to her left. "Alright fine, you can tie me up, just this once! But you better let me free soon!" She felt a sense of control after saying it, since it was as if she was the one giving them permission to tie her, even though deep down she knew that she was at their mercy.

She then watched as Jeff and Andy kneel down at the corners of the bed and tie their rope off to the post. "What are they doing?" she asked Eric. "They're getting things ready for you, you'll see. Jeff there is in the Boy Scouts, very handy with knots, as you'll soon find out!" Chrissy sighed and said, "So you brought them in to do the job you couldn't handle, huh?" Timmy laughed and said, "Well it was part of a deal actually. You see he loaned us his hand cuffs and Andy his walkie talkies. As payment we said we'd let them help to tie you up!" Chrissy shook her head and with fake enthusiasm said, "How nice!" Just then Jeff said, "Are you done over there?" to Andy and he responded, "Just...about... There! All set, let's get her ankles bound!"

Realizing they were going to bind her legs spread eagle Chrissy said, "Oh, you're, uh... Gonna tie me...uh?" Doug looked at her, puzzled, and said, "What was that, Mrs H.?" She simply said, "Oh, nothing." Eric and Timmy then grabbed her upper arm with one hand and her thigh with the other. Together they counted, 1,2,3 and lifted her up and set her down towards the middle of the bed. They each grabbed one of her ankles tightly and held it so that their hired experts could do the work of restraining her. "Were going to remove your flip flops, Mrs Hayden." She simply said, "Might as well, they are almost of anyway." With that both pieces of footwear were removed and tossed to the floor.

"Ok, can you take these cuffs off please?" Chrissy pleaded. Doug was making his way to get back with the keys to free her when Eric stopped him, "Nah I think we should wait to take them off, at least until her feet are secured. We don't want her to start resisting." Chrissy said, "While I prefer that you didn't tie me up, I'm not resisting. Just don't leave me tied for too long." She watched as Jeff tied her ankle using some intricate rope work. Once he was finished he checked on Andy's progress. He approved and stepped back then said, "How is that? It's not too tight is it?" Chrissy gave a couple pulls and tugs then said, "No, not too bad....unngh... Wow, if Eric didn't tell me you are a Boy Scout I'd say you must be a cowboy!" Doug the jiggled the keys and said, "Time to get those arms tied!" Eric and Timmy moved to the middle of the bed and grasped an arm, and when the cuffs were removed they held her arms at the wrist and upper arm. "Uhh, I'm not going anywhere! You can let go!" she said. "You're an intruder and don't know what you're capable of so we can't take any chances!" Andy explained as he tied more rope off at the opposite corner of the bed while he did the same thing on the other side.

Eric then suggested that it wouldn't be a bad idea if she did resist. "You know, we are playing a game so it would be best if you acted like a spy or something...uh, what does everybody think?" Timmy said it was a great idea, "That sounds awesome! It's like a Dukes of Hazzard episode!" Chrissy deadpanned, "I never knew Daisy Duke played a secret agent! Must have been extremely difficult on this outfit!" Jeff chuckled and said, "If I may say, Mrs H., I really like the outfit! It says 'Super Spy' for sure!"Chrissy rolled her eyes and said, "If you say so." Doug then asked for confirmation from her, "So, do you agree to play along with us? The better you do the quicker we can end the game!" Chrissy's eyes suddenly lit up, "If doing a little acting will get me out of this debt, I'll go for an Academy Award!"

Chrissy wasted no time, jostling with her Captors in trying to break free. "Let me go, you fiends!" Timmy and Eric slowly lowered her backwards until she lay on her back, allowing Jeff and Andy to bind her wrists just as they had done with her ankles. She watched again as they tied her up, looking left, then right. "Uggghhhh let me go! You can't do this, what do you want?!" Eric, loving that she was acting and playing along, said, "We want the combination to the safe! Give it to us and we won't hurt you! If you don't cooperate we'll have to use different and evil methods!" Chrissy, hamming it up, said "Do your worst, I'll never talk!"

The boys all surrounded their beautiful prisoner and Andy said, "Oh, we will! I hope your ready for what we have in store!" He then moved to her midsection and said, "Well, looky here, your belly is conveniently exposed for us to tickle! Chrissy got out of character for a moment and said sternly, "Uh, Andy is it... Do NOT tickle my belly!" He then motioned to the rest of the boys and said, "You mean like this?" He then tickled her belly lightly, causing her to jolt and laugh. "Haha- hey!!" she bellowed. The rest of the boys moved in and had a go at her smooth belly, sending her into a laughing tizzy. "Ohhhhh hahahahaha! Aahhhhh hahaha!"

This attack went on for about 2 minutes, until Eric had them all stop. She breathed heavily and tried to blow her hair from her face. Timmy noticed this and gently shifted her hair away. "Oh, thank you!" she said. Eric then told her she wouldn't get any more nice treatment, "Not until you tell us what we need to know!" Feeling a sense of pride and defiance, maybe towards Eric alone, she responded, "That's all you've got! My lips are sealed!" She looked directly at him the whole time she spoke. Chrissy felt a sense of pride, telling off the kid who had the audacity to request the scant outfit she wore. She could feel the shorts riding up a bit to reveal a bit more thigh, a fact not missed by these boys.

Jeff then came forward along with Andy. "Eric, we have an idea- actually a couple ideas- that will help loosen her tongue." The three walked to another area of the room while Chrissy watched them with hidden concern. The trio returned with more rope and Eric told Doug and Timmy to untie her feet. Eric then said, "Wait, before you change her position...I need to get a picture of her like this!" Chrissy's eyes bugged out of her head. Eric Caldwell!I What are you doing?! What are you going to do with those pictures?!" Eric snapped a few pictures from different angles and said, "I don't know, maybe bring them to school!"

Andy went to the middle of the bed with the rope. He wrapped her shapely belly about three times and tossed the excess to the other side, where Jeff grabbed it and slid it underneath the bed. Chrissy looked on as Andy went under the bed to tie the rope off on the frame underneath, Jeff did an inspection of his work and said, "That'll hold her, nice job! You're getting good at this!" With her released legs free, she had her knees pointed skyward a she tried to move. She was unable to move from the waist down. "Uggghhhh! What's this all.... about?!" Andy explained his idea to everyone, as if Chrissy wasn't in the room. "Now she won't be able to wiggle around and it will be easier to torture her!" He then turned to his captive and said, "Pretty clever, huh?" She rolled her eyes and said to Eric, "Ugh, why'd you invite him again?!"

Jeff then stepped up and said, "Don't forget me, my dear! We're not through with you, I have another idea!" She sighed and said, "Oh, great!" as she watched as he grabbed her legs, straightened then out and started tying them at the ankles. When he was finished she lifted her head to see around 4 or 5 levels of rope neatly wrapped around her ankles. She rested her head back and closed her eyes but soon snapped back up when she felt rope being tied to her big toes. "Excuse me!? Wha, what do you think you're doing?!" Jeff snickered and said, "I'm making sure there's no way for you to squirm away from our tickling fingers! There, that's done, now this..." He stood in the bed and threw a long coil of rope across an overhead beam. With I've end he wrapped her ankles once more and when he was done he took the other end and pulled, causing her beautiful legs to raise at a 45 degree angle. He then noticed something. "Hmm, I think those shapely thighs need securing!" Doug, who has been mostly a spectator, volunteered and took some rope from Jeff and got to work. "Can't have you miss out on the fun, huh, Doug?" She said through the side of her mouth. "Nope, I get to tie your best part, too!"

Once Doug was done Jeff tied off his makeshift pulley and it was time to resume her torture. She tried to test her bonds and all she could move were her arms slightly and her head. She was strictly bound in rope. "Ok, do you wish to talk?" Asked Eric. Realizing she was in serious trouble, especially since her extremely you feet were at their mercy now, she told them, "I'll talk, I'll talk! I'll tell you everything, now just set me free!" All of the boys excerpt Eric sighed dissappointedly. She noticed how he remained stoic and kept staring at her as the other boys discussed what to do. Then he spoke, "You're not getting away that easily, Mrs Hayden." She asked him what he meant to which he replied, "We took the time to tie you up, now we're going to see this through- were going to tickle torture you all over your body." He then told Doug and Timmy to position themselves at her armpits, Andy at her belly and Jeff to stand at her feet. Eric then pulled out his phone. "You see, there's one way for us to stop. You put on a good show for the camera. Play the role of captured Daisy Duke, and we'll release you. Refuse and this goes on for as long as it takes.

"Fine! I'll play this out, but only for a few minutes, that's all I'll be able to withstand!" Eric said great and told the boys to get ready and to wait for his cue, her first needed to get a full view of her, "From her head to her toes, only in reverse." He started recording and zoomed in on her bound and raised feet. She inadvertently flexed her toes, revealing her red polish. The director panned out and moved slowly down her bound thighs to get belly where Andy stuck out his tongue and have a thumbs up. Eric continued moving upward, her bosom heaving up and down, showing her apprehension for what was about to take place. The video then reached her face and she instinctively turned away, focusing on her bound arms. Eric gave Timmy the signal and he said, "So, Mrs Duke, do you still refuse to talk?" She paused a moment, then said, "Ugh, let me go! I'll never talk, your wasting your time!"

Eric then backed up with the phone so that hey entire body was on view from a profile angle. He then propped up his phone and joined Jeff at her feet. "Very well, I guess we'll restart your torment. I think we'll start the focus on these..." Eric said as he gently brushed the semi- wrinkled soles of her feet. She twitched when she felt it, pulling at the taut rope that kept her feet up. "Ah...ah!.... Hey! What's, what are you doing?" Eric then told her, "Hmm, our prisoner send sensitive on her tootsies! What we're doing is finding out your weakness! Now we're running out of time, so we're going to have to take drastic measures. As much as I'd love to tease you we are short on time. At the count of three, commence..." Mrs Hayden tensed up and closed her eyes for the incoming onslaught. "1, 2... THREE!!"

At once the five boys had their fingers tickling her on different spots. Some gave light spider tickles, others poked and prodded, while some, Eric in particular, dug their fingers in! Jeff and Eric played a game of demented good cop/bad cop with her sized 7 1/2 feet, with Jeff giving light spider tickles while Eric grabbed her foot and dug three fingers into the sole. Andy used both pointer fingers to poke her belly on opposite sides. He'd alternate between poking and grabbing at her belly and flexing all of his fingers into her soft flesh. The rope around her waist did its job of holding her down, as it didn't allow her to buck like a wild stallion as before. Doug and Timmy targeted her smooth armpits, treating them lightly to spider tickles and occasionally forcing a finger in from time to time. The boys were having a ball, Mrs Hayden, not so much.

She was so tightly bound that she had no means of resistance. Hey screams of laughter were loud and at times high pitched. "Whhhhhaaaaiiiiiiiiyeeeeeeee! Ahaha! Hahahaha! Ahhhhh! Nugh, nugh, NOOOOOOOO!" She shook her head back and forth and thrust her head back, pointing her chin to the ceiling as she tried to get her breath. At one point she tried to get out the words, 'No more, stop, stop!' but it sounded like, "Nghuh mmmmrrr, St! Stahhhhhhp uhhhahahaha!" Her torment lasted about three minutes but it seemed much longer to the ticklee. Eric sent to retrieve his phone and returned, still recording as his minions continued their evil deed. Again he focused on each point of attack; her feet, belly, and armpits, until he reached her head. He zoomed in on her as she looked into the camera and appeared to be begging for mercy. Eric then said, "Ok, boys, that's enough, stop!"Once they did she relaxed for a moment, again breathing heavily, much heavier than before. Timmy fixed her hair, which at this point was a sweaty mess.

Eric continued recording as he asked, "So, Mrs Daisy Duke, will you tell us the combination to the safe?" She was still in the process of catching her breath, but wanted dearly to tell them they broke her so they'd release her. "Y-YEAH, Yesss! ... Yes I'll, I'll tell you..." Eric looked at her confidently and she gave some random set of numbers which the boys wrote down. She then asked to be released and the boys began the process of untying her, when Doug said, "Wait! All that tickling and fun... I've worked up an appetite!" Timmy then agreed and said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" Chrissy, coming to her senses, realized where this was headed and said, "No! No way! I paid my debt! I'm not buying you creeps pizza! Let me go now!"

Eric said Doug had a great idea and then turned to his still bound neighbor. "Well, I'm going to call the pizza shop right now. If you don't say your name and address and order two pepperoni pizzas, you're going to go another round!" He then wiggled his fingers at her. Jeff then said, "I'd do as he says, you're in no position to refuse... unless you liked what we did to you!" She immediately replied, "No! No, I didn't enjoy five boys tickling me mercilessly after being tied to this bed! Fine! You win I'll order the pizzas- but then you release me, understood?!" The boys agreed and Eric dialed the number to the local pizza place. He then placed the phone up to her head, clearing her hair away, revealing her ear. Doug said quickly, as the phone rang, "Could you add dinner french fries?!" To which Chrissy rejected him with, "You're pushing your luck!"

Suddenly the other line picked up and the boys listened intently as the their bound prisoner acquiesced to their demands. "That's right, two large pepperoni pizzas... Yes, yes that's the correct address... Ok thanks, goodbye." The boys fist pumped and thanked her. She then said, "Your welcome...ahem... aren't you forgetting something?..." Suddenly Timmy said, "Oh yeah! We have to untie you! Sorry!" At once the boys all began to release her from her bondage, and within five minutes she was free. She stood up, rubbed her wrists and said, "Well I'm glad that's over with....I guess I'll see you in a few minutes. The pizza will be here in 20 minutes." She turned towards the door and Timmy said, "Since we're coming to your house for lunch, mind if we swim in your pool?" She turned and said, "No way, Jose! I've had enough of you boys for one day! I'm putting on my bathing suit and soaking in the rays!" She then unlocked the door, opened it and left. The boys, disappointed, say down wondering what to do prior to heading over. Eric, reviewing the video he took on his phone, said, "We can take a look at this awesome video!" Just then all five boys crowded around his phone as the sounds of their friend's lovely aunt's laughter resonated.
Last edited by Ianc1980 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Always loved that story! Thanks for sharing it.
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Post by BoundJana »

Hey there, could you please add a mandatory gendertag to the title of your story? :)
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by charliesmith »

Very nice story! I enjoyed it :)
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