Wanted: Dead or Tied. (M/M)

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Wanted: Dead or Tied. (M/M)

Post by Bonds&Cloth »

Chapter 1. Into the Snake Den

Jedidiah Twist
Height: 5'6" Age:22
Hair: Black, short, and shaggy.
Notable features: Scar running from right to left across his face.
Wanted for robbery of precious cargo.
Reward: $10.000
Conditions: Must be brought in dead or alive if made to not move or speak.
Extra 20.000 if cargo is returned

Buck could hardly believe it when he saw the poster.
Underneath the reward was a sketch of the outlaw with a cocky smirk on his face. The very face Buck was sure he saw riding towards Mr. McClarence's ranch just two days ago. He nudged his horse Blaze closer. He put a hand on the wall and leaned in. It was definitely him.
A smile broke out across the young cowboy's face.
He had been barely scraping by, going from town to town looking for a chance to become a hero, and it finally arrived. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and ripped the poster off the wall and stuffed it in his bag.
He hopped off of Blaze and tied him to a hitching post and strode toward the saloon. As he got inside he took off his brown cowboy hat and shook out the dust from his sandy blond hair.
He went over and sat at the bar.
"What'll it be?" The barkeep asked.
"Whiskey and some information." Buck said, Putting down some money on the counter.
The barkeep raised an eyebrow. "Information costs more than that around here." Buck put down a dollar on the bar. the barkeep swept the money into his hand with one fluid motion and set down a glass in its place. "What kind of information you lookin' for?"
Buck gestured outside. "Do you know anything about that wanted poster out front?"
"You mean Twist? Yeah well, it seems that about a week ago he broke into the mayor's house and ran off with something of his. No one knows what, but he's been in a awful temper ever since. He made a mighty stink about it to the sheriff."
"What kind of stink?"
The barkeep leaned back. "Well, nothin' I would know about. It's a nasty habit to eavesdrop."
Buck sighed and set down his last dollar.
"Come to think of it," The barkeep began as he reached for the dollar. "I did happen to be walking by while they were hollerin'. The mayor was going on and on about how the sheriff let this happen and that he's grown lazy ever since he got the job. He even said that he ought to replace him with whoever captures Twist."
Buck immediately perked up at that. "Do you think he was serious?"
"Oh I don't know. He probably was just tryin' to get a rise out of him, but he has been known to fly off the handle and doin' crazy things like that but- hey what's the rush?"
Buck was already halfway out the door. Buck ran up to Blaze and quickly untied him. "Come on buddy, this is our chance!"
He rode fast and hard to the ranch. The money was one thing, but if Buck could snag himself the job of sheriff he'd be set for life.
His heart quickened as the white barn came into view. He hopped off blaze before he even came to a stop and hurried to the house.
As he got to the door he took his teal bandana from around his neck and pulled it over his face.
He took his gun out of its holster and tried the knob. With a click it creaked open.
He slowly crept his way inside and began looking around. Mr. McClarence's house was nice and tidy with everything in its place. Buck remembered the layout from when he stayed here his first night in town.
Buck stifled the urge to call out to the rancher. His ragged breath quickened behind the teal cloth.
A sound from the kitchen made him nearly jump out of his skin. He stalked toward the noise. As he got closer he could hear it more clearer. It was like someone was pounding against a wall. As he got into the kitchen he realized the thumps were coming from the pantry. He gripped the handle and steadied his gun.
Taking a deep breath he yanked the door open.
And in the pantry was Mr. McClarence wriggling on the floor. His arms and legs were locked in a brutal hogtie and he was gagged with a checkered towel. a black bandana was also tied over his eyes. As the door opened he tried to yell through his gag but all that came out was a garbled moan.
Before Buck could come to his aid he heard the distinct sound of a gun clicking behind him.
"Well, well, what do we have here? A rabbit hopped into my den."
Buck's insides went cold.
"Close the door." The voice demanded. He slowly shut the pantry door, making the trussed rancher yell even more.
"Drop your weapon."
Buck didn't move.
"I said," The cold barrel of a gun was pressed against his head. "Drop. Your. Weapon."
Seeing no way out of this Buck dropped his gun in defeat.
"Good. Now, kick it to me." Buck kicked it hard, hoping to hit one of his ankles. "Woah, you've got some fire in you, boy! Now turn around slowly."
Buck turned around and came face to face with Jedidiah Twist. His face twisted in the same cocky smirk like the poster.
"Remove the mask." Twist said. Buck pulled down his bandana. Twist's smirk widened. "Now tell me, what's a pretty young rabbit like yourself doin' creeping around here?"
"I got lost." Buck replied.
Twist cocked his head. "Liar. I'll give you some advice boy. It's not a good idea to lie to someone aiming a gun at your head. Try again."
Buck gulped, his heart pounding.
"Let me guess." Twist said. "You came here hoping to snag the big bad outlaw and be a town hero, is that it?"
Buck looked away.
Twist snickered at the cowboy. "Right on the money. Are there any more of you?"
Buck thought quickly about his answer. If he said no he would surely be killed, but this crook would see through him if he said yes. "No, but people know where I am."
Twist sighed. "What did I tell you about lying? A hot shot like you would probably bolt out of town as soon as you saw the poster without another thought."
Heat rose in Buck's cheeks.
Twist looked pityingly at him. "Poor little rabbit. Here's what I'll do. I'll make it real quick so you're not too embarrassed."
Buck's heart leapt in his throat.
"Now, over to the carpet." Twist gestured with his gun over to the brown carpet in the living room.
Buck slowly made his way over.
"On your knees."
His breathing quickened as he knelt down. He shut his eyes, preparing for the shot. But no shot came.
Instead a handkerchief was tossed into his lap.
He slowly opened his eyes to find Twist looking greatly amused. "What do you take me for? I may be a bandit but I'm not a murderer!" Twist pointed to the handkerchief. "Stuff that in your mouth."
Buck's heart dropped form his throat back down to his chest. He was relieved he barely registered what he was doing as he balled up the cloth and shoved it into his mouth.
"Good rabbit. Now, take your little bandit mask and tie it over your mouth, tightly, or else."
Glaring at the bandit, Buck lifted the bandana over his lips and re-tied it over his mouth. The fabric pressed the cloth deeper into his throat. His cheeks grew even hotter.
Twist just smiled at his captive. "Hands behind your back."
Buck reluctantly complied.
The outlaw walked around to his back and seized his wrists, making Buck yelp into his gag.
He got out some rope from his pack and started methodically tying it around his hands. Every second Buck could feel the rope get tighter and tighter. When that was complete Twist began tying his ankles in the same way.
When that was complete got out a third rope and connected his tied hands and feet together so his back arched.
"Snug as a rabbit in a trap!" Twist declared as he tightened the gag even more, so that the fabric plastered onto his skin.
"Mmmmmpppphhhh lggmpphhh!" Was all buck could say.
"I'm enjoying this too!" Twist said, patting his gag.
"Let's see what you brought me." Twist reached for Buck's pack. He ignored Buck's muffled protests as he rooted around.
Finally he pulled out the crumpled up wanted poster. "Wow, I am one handsome devil!"
The outlaw read the poster and looked toward his captive and then back at the poster. An idea seemed to be forming in his mind. He held up the poster to Buck's gagged face.
An evil smile spread over Twist's face. "Look's like you'll be of more use to me than I thought, little rabbit!"

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Great first chapter with a very nice cliffhanger of sorts!

I looks as if Twist will be taking Buck with him as a hostage! 8-)

Or perhaps Twist may figure out a way to put the blame on Buck for all his misdeeds!! :o
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Post by CowboyStud »

Keep going :-) great start
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Post by Gino »

great Story :-)
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Post by Smythdean »

Great start. Can’t wait to read the next part
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Post by Bonds&Cloth »

Thank you everyone for your positive feedback on my first story! Unfortunately I won't be able to post for a few days so please bear with me. But right now, enjoy chapter two!

Chapter 2. The Scapegoat

After the outlaw Twist had his epiphany he ran out of the house, leaving Buck to squirm about on the carpet.

He began testing his bonds, but it was no use. He was trussed as tightly as a pig for slaughter. He could still yell, albeit unintelligibly, through his teal gag, but the only person who could possibly hear him was Mr. McClarence; who was in a similar predicament to Buck.

He couldn't believe how stupid he was. He was so focused on the reward he didn't think about how he was going up against an experienced outlaw. Buck supposed he should be lucky he only tied him up instead of killing him outright. Although, that sinister look in his eyes didn't bode well for the helpless hero.

In a fit of rage Buck used all his strength to attempt to break free of his bonds. That only succeeded, however, in making the young cowboy tip over with a crash onto the carpet. Even with the carpet underneath he still manged to fall on his shoulder at just the right angle to send jolts of pain coursing through him. He groaned through the cloth and just sat there in a heap.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to almost an hour. Buck's throat was dry from the handkerchief and his limbs ached from the ropes. He started to wonder if Twist really had a plan, or if it was some sick joke to keep Buck on edge to see when he would come back.

Finally the front door swung open and Jedidiah Twist sauntered into the house holding a sack in the air. "

Whew! That was harder to find than I thought! The mayor really put out the high alert for me!" He noticed Buck lying on the floor and his devilish grin came across his face. "Aww. Did we have a little accident?"

Buck's face grew hot and he started cursing at him through his gag.

"What's that?" Twist said, putting a hand to his ear. "You missed me? Well I missed you, little rabbit."

Twist plopped the sack on the couch and pulled out his canteen. He shook it right next to Buck's ear. The sloshing water only made his throat even dryer. "Would ya like a drink, rabbit?" Twist asked.

Buck whimpered through his gag and looked pleadingly at the water. Twist pulled him back to his knees. "The rule is, if I take that gag out I don't want to hear a peep out of you. If I do I'll have McClarence have this while you watch, understand?"

Buck nodded vigorously. Twist reached forward and pulled down the bandana and plucked the handkerchief out of his mouth. Buck gasped for air but was careful to not say a word. Twist held the tip of the canteen to Buck's lips. He gulped down the fresh water furiously.

After he drank about half the canteen the outlaw yanked it away from him, leaving him desperately licking his lips for any stray droplets. Twist wagged a finger at him. "Uh uh. We have to save some for poor McClarence now don't we?" He leaned in close. "If you promise to keep quiet while I give him his share, I'll let you have the rest, sounds good?"

Fearing to speak Buck just nodded at the man.

Twist ruffled his hair. "Good Rabbit."

He went over to the pantry and dragged the poor rancher out. He leaned in and muttered the same deal he gave to Buck. Mr. McClarence nodded and the crook untied the towel around his mouth. Under the towel was a blue dishcloth tied tightly between his teeth, it barely contained a balled up towel from spilling out of his mouth. As Twist undid the dishcloth Buck noticed red marks where the dishcloth was. Poor Mr.McClarence, Buck thought. He wanted to call out to him, but he didn't want to get both of them in trouble with the outlaw. McClarence drank with as much vigor as Buck did.

After he finished Twist took another bandana from his pocket and shoved it into the rancher's mouth. After that he quickly retied the cleave gag and towel. He put him back in the pantry and made his way back to Buck.

He tilted the bottle up and Buck opened his mouth. A single drop of water splashed on his tongue.

"Hey, that's not-mmmppphhhh!" Twist slapped his hand over the cowboy's mouth before he could finish.

"Now now, I don't want to hear any of your back talk." Twist moved over so he could sit on the couch with his hand still over his mouth. Like a snake striking, Twist moved his hand away and with the other he shoved the handkerchief back into his mouth; putting his hand back over just as quickly. "I've got to get you ready for our little show, don't I?" He took out another white cloth and moved so that his upper arm was covering Buck's mouth. He deftly tied a knot in the cloth. "Open up, buckaroo." Buck tried to turn away but the bandit's grip was too strong. He shoved the knotted part into his mouth and tied it behind his head.

This was much more effective than the other gag. Twist started whistling 'Home on the Range' As he got more rope out of his sack and started wrapping around Buck's arms. He finished tying him with a hard tug, making the air squeeze out of him like an accordion. "

Feel good?" Twist asked.

"NNmmmggpphhh llgggmmmphhh!"

"I'm so glad!"

The outlaw bent over and untied the rope connecting his arms and legs, making him fall forward onto his face. Buck tried to roll away but Twist gripped his feet so he couldn't move.

"It's cute how you think you can get away." Twist said adoringly. He began working on untying his ankles while Buck slumped on the floor.

As soon as his feet were free he kicked back towards Twist's face. Twist grabbed his ankles away from his face and laughed.

"Good to know you're still kickin'!" He reached over and hauled the trussed cowpoke to his feet and put his gun to his back. "Unless you fancy to be lead lined I suggest you calm down."

When Buck didn't make another move he smiled. "That's a nice rabbit. Now, walk."

With no other choice, Buck was led out of the house and over towards a horse trough.

Buck noticed that Blaze wasn't around and he hoped he ran to town. Maybe someone will notice that something's wrong.

When they made it to the trough Twist kicked the back of his legs so that he fell to his knees. Buck realized that he was kneeling on a white sheet. Twist pulled a small bottle out of his pocket and set it to the side.

"Are ya ready for your beauty treatment? Well of course you aren't! I've got to prepare you first."

Twist took out a couple more large sheets and began ripping one into rags. He took the intact one and covered Buck's chest and arms with it; tying it securely in the back.

He then held up one of the rags to his face. "This is so I don't ruin that pretty face of yours." He placed it across Buck's lower half of his face from his nose down and tied it. The cloth made breathing slightly harder, but other than that it had little affect on him. Twist took the other rag and tied it over his eyes like a blindfold, so that his entire face was covered.

"Now," He heard Twist say. "This will go a lot easier if you don't squirm."

Before Buck had time to wonder what that meant his head was shoved down to the lip of the trough. Twist reached into the trough and started splashing his head with cold water.

Buck yelped and squirmed put the bandit kept a firm hand on his head. After his whole head was soaked he heard Twist uncork something. A thicker and slightly warmer liquid was poured liberally over his hair.

What in the world was Twist doing?

After the liquid he felt something like a paintbrush going through his hair. Buck wanted to get out of this strange situation, but all he could do was yell muffled protests, which Twist completely ignored.

"Brace yourself." He commanded.

Buck barely had time to react before the entirety of the top of his head was dunked in the freezing water.

Living up to his name, he bucked furiously to throw the bandit off, but to no avail. Mercifully Twist took his head out of the water and back onto the lip.

His relief was short-lived however, when he heard the sounds of a knife being unsheathed.

"Now would be a really good time to hold still." Twist whispered in his ear. With one hand Twist grabbed a chunk of his hair and with the other began cutting it in jagged angles. He repeated this process until he was, apparently, satisfied. He yanked Buck upright and patted his chest. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Mmmpphhhrrrffgggrrr!" Was Buck's angry reply.

Twist chuckled. "I think you've earned a rest."

He pulled down the white cloth covering his face and pressed another, slightly damp, cloth to his face. Before he realized what it was, Buck breathed in the sickly sweet smell of the rag. Twist held him still until he finally slumped against him.

When he awoke Buck realized he wasn't outside anymore. He seemed to be back in Mr.McClarence's kitchen. He was tied to a chair and, to his horror, his clothes were changed. He was wearing the same outfit that Twist was wearing.

"Good morning, sunshine." The outlaw said from the door. "Don't look so scared, I only changed your clothes. I may be a crook but I'm a decent one."

He plucked a mirror off the wall and presented it to Buck. Buck stared wide eyed at himself. His hair was now jet black and cut short at uneven angles. It suddenly dawned on him what Twist's plan was.

"Don't you look handsome!" Twist said. He unsheathed his large knife again and smiled like the devil himself at the tied cowboy. "Now, for the scar."

End of Chapter 2
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Post by Red86 »

Interesting story!

Not a murder but is willing to duplicate the scar on his scapegoat? Seems a little harsh but I'm curious if that is indeed his plan?
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Post by wataru14 »

This is exciting! Keep it going!!!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Omigod! :o

Will Buck swing for Twist's crimes? :twisted:
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