Capture Of Dwayne LaFontant (Multiple animals/M)

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Capture Of Dwayne LaFontant (Multiple animals/M)

Post by Terry »

A mostly ChatGPT generated fiction with a little bit of my own input using characters from Over The Hedge. Similar to my last OTH fiction but think this one turned out much better.


Once upon a time in a quaint suburban neighbourhood, a large hedge divided the perfectly manicured lawns from a sprawling forest. It was in this hidden green oasis that a lively community of animals thrived, led by a clever raccoon named RJ. These creatures had adapted to living on the fringe of human civilization, but always remained cautious to avoid any unwanted attention.

One day, RJ discovered that a notorious exterminator, Dwayne LaFontant, had been hired by the neighbourhood homeowners' association to eliminate their animal "problem." Known for his ruthless methods, LaFontant posed a grave threat to the forest-dwelling creatures.

RJ called a meeting of the animal community to devise a plan. "Listen up, everyone! Dwayne LaFontant is coming for us, and we have to act before he does," he explained. The animals murmured among themselves, a mix of fear and determination in their eyes. "We need to capture him and keep him tied up deep in the woods, away from the other humans where he can't be discovered and rescued."

A spunky squirrel named Hammy spoke up, "I'm in, RJ! Let's show this human who's boss!" The other animals nodded in agreement, each determined to protect their home.

RJ gathered the animals around a makeshift planning table, a large flat rock in the heart of the forest. "Alright, everyone, we need to come up with a solid plan to capture LaFontant," he announced.

Verne, a turtle, spoke up, "I think we should create a false path that leads him further into the forest and straight into a pit. We'll camouflage the pit with leaves and branches, so he doesn't suspect a thing."

Hammy, the squirrel, chimed in excitedly, "Yeah! And once he falls in, we’ll tie him up and gag him! He'll never know what hit him!"
RJ nodded in agreement, "Great ideas, Verne and Hammy. Let's get to work."

The animals divided into teams to carry out their plan. "Ozzie, Heather, and Lou, you'll dig the pit. Stella, Verne, and Hammy, you'll help me camouflage it and create the false path," RJ instructed.

As they worked, the animals discussed their individual roles in the upcoming capture.

Stella, while helping to gather leaves and branches, said, "When LaFontant falls into the pit, I'll be ready with a spray of my musk to disorient him."
Ozzie, with his daughter Heather, practiced their vine-tying skills. "We'll have him tied up and immobilized in no time," he proudly declared.

Lou, the porcupine, flexed his quills. "I'll make sure his clothes are pinned to the ground with these bad boys, so he won't even think about trying to escape."

With their trap set and roles assigned, the animals felt prepared and confident. They eagerly awaited the arrival of Dwayne LaFontant, ready to protect their home and teach the exterminator a lesson he'd never forget.

The animals worked tirelessly to set a trap for LaFontant. They dug a deep pit, camouflaged it with leaves, and marked a false path leading straight to it. Their plan was simple: lure LaFontant into the pit, capture him then bind him and gag him.

The day came when LaFontant arrived, armed with his array of traps and pesticides. He followed the false path, boasting loudly to himself, "These animals won't know what hit 'em!"

As LaFontant approached the pit, the animals watched anxiously from their hiding spots. With a triumphant grin, he took a step forward and plummeted into the trap.

Immediately, the animals sprang into action. Lou quickly threw quills to pin LaFontant's clothes to the ground before he could get back up, while Ozzie, a possum, and his daughter, Heather, skilfully tied him up with vines. Hammy scurried up to gag LaFontant with a large leaf, silencing his protests.

"Nice work, everyone!" RJ congratulated them. "Now, let's have some fun with our captive."

RJ sauntered over to the bound and gagged LaFontant, who glared furiously at his captors. "You know, Dwayne, you really ought to be more careful in the woods," RJ teased.

The other animals chimed in, taunting the exterminator. "Yeah, Dwayne! Maybe you'll think twice before messing with us," Stella, a skunk, added with a smirk.

Hammy couldn't resist joining in, "You're not so tough now, are you, human?"

LaFontant's eyes widened with fear as he realized that the animals had no intention of letting him go. He struggled against his restraints, but the vines held tight.

The animals continued to taunt him for a while before leaving him alone to ponder his situation. The animals got him good and knew he would never be able to live this down.

With LaFontant now their prisoner, the animals hoped that the absence of the notorious exterminator would make the neighbourhood homeowners' association think twice before trying to eliminate their animal "problem" again. The animals would be prepared to capture anyone the exact same way who dared to mess with them and their home.

The animals celebrated LaFontant’s capture knowing they had not only saved their home, but also learned a valuable lesson about the importance of unity and teamwork. And although they couldn't predict the future, they stood proud, knowing that they had faced their fears and triumphed over adversity.